Uniform two-part tariffs and below marginal cost prices: Disneyland revisited.
Cassou, Steven P. ; Hause, John C.
Since Cournot's [1838] classic analysis of a hard-nosed sole
proprietor of a spring pricing water to maximize his profit, the simple
theory of monopoly has concluded that a monopolist will produce the
level of output at which marginal revenue is equal to marginal cost, and
sell this output at the market clearing price, (Hicks [1935]). With a
negatively sloped demand curve, this results in the monopoly equilibrium
price exceeding marginal cost, and in less output than would be demanded
if price is equal to marginal cost. In a seminal contribution to the
analysis of twopart tariffs, Oi [1971] elicited some surprise when he
pointed out that a profit maximizing monopolist might, under some
conditions, choose a (marginal) price that is less than the marginal
cost.(1) Later work by Schmalensee [1981] described a specific set of
conditions in which pricing below marginal cost would be observed.
Despite these demonstrations, the subsequent literature on uniform
two-part tariffs for the most part considers below marginal cost pricing
a thoroughly atypical outcome.(2)
However, as an empirical matter, pricing below marginal cost is
easily found. Disneyland-like recreation, ski resorts, buffet service of
food, and the ubiquitous presence of open bowls of peanuts in bars are
but a few examples. Srinagesh [1991] has argued convincingly that
"the practice of setting marginal prices below marginal cost is so
common in telecommunications offerings that it can justifiably be
labeled a stylized fact." This paper fills the theoretical void by
answering the following questions about pricing below marginal cost,
using two-part tariffs in Oi's model with demand heterogeneity. Is
the set of demand and cost parameters that induce such pricing small or
large? When it occurs, will the price typically be slightly or
substantially less than marginal cost? How large of an effect can such
pricing have on profits, and does it typically have a small or large
We consider the class of all linear demand models with two types of
consumers and a monopolist with constant marginal costs who charges a
profit-maximizing uniform two-part tariff. We first show that two
conditions are necessary for below marginal cost pricing to occur: 1)
The consumer demand curves intersect at a strictly positive price and
quantity; 2) The marginal cost is less than the demand curve
intersection price. It is shown that pricing below marginal cost arises
when consumers have sufficiently different demand elasticities so that
the revenue losses arising from the high usage of the elastic consumer
are more than offset by revenue gains obtained from the large entrance
fee charged to the inelastic consumer.3 Next, we determine how the
monopolist sets prices to maximize profits, given parameter values of
the model. We then describe the behavior of p*/c the ratio of the
optimal (marginal) price to marginal cost, over the parameter space.
This provides the basis for determining regions in the parameter space
in which p* [less than] c, i.e., where p*/c [less than] 1. To indicate
quantitatively the potential significance of pricing below marginal
cost, we find that sampling uniformly over the parameter space
satisfying the two necessary conditions induces below marginal cost
pricing 40% of the time. Furthermore, conditional on price being less
than marginal cost, the mean ratio of p*/c with uniform sampling is .55.
What relevance do these calculations with such a simple and austere model have for understanding nonlinear pricing in the real world? In an
important recent paper, Sibley and Srinagesh [1997] study nonlinear
pricing in multiproduct markets. They show that a critical assumption
for below marginal cost pricing to occur is a "uniform ordering of
demand curves" condition which is the generic equivalent of the
non-crossing of demands condition in the analysis of nonlinear pricing
of a single product. They demonstrate that violation of the uniform
ordering condition is necessary for below marginal cost pricing to occur
(when demand cross-elasticities are zero), that such pricing easily
arises when the condition is violated, and indicate how extremely
restrictive the condition is. Our analysis takes the first steps down
the path to understanding the more empirically realistic structures
where the uniform ordering condition is relaxed by thoroughly exploring
the simplest case of one product and two types of consumers.
The paper is organized as follows. In section II we describe the
model. Section III derives pricing formulas for an optimizing
monopolist. In section IV we show that pricing below marginal cost
occurs often and the incentives for doing so can be large. Section V
Our model is a parameterized version of Oi's [1971]
two-consumer example. It consists of a market in which there are three
agents, a single firm and two consumers of the firm's output. The
firm is interpreted as a monopolist for the market's output and is
able to charge a two-part tariff to those who want to consume its goods.
The first part is an entrance fee, which we denote by a, and the second
part is a marginal price, which we denote by p. The monopolist has a
constant marginal cost, c. In our analysis, we assume that consumers
have linear demand curves for the monopolized commodity with no income
Our analysis is carried out in a parameter space which consists of
parameter combinations that characterize the consumers' preferences
and the firm's marginal cost. We wish to determine regions in this
parameter space where the optimal price [p.sup.*] is less than the
marginal cost c. Some of the parameter space can be immediately excluded
from the analysis since in this excluded region, pricing below marginal
cost will never occur. Two necessary conditions for pricing below
marginal cost are: 1) The consumer demand curves intersect at a strictly
positive price and quantity; 2) if [p.sub.1] is the price coordinate at
which such a pair of demand curves intersect, the marginal cost c lies
in the interval (0, [p.sub.1]).(5) Condition (2) actually has two parts:
(i) When c [element of] (0, [p.sub.1]), it is possible for p* [less
than] c; and (ii) when c [not an element of] (0, [p.sub.1]), it is not
possible for p* [less than] c. We now show why (2) (i) is true. The
demonstrations of (1) and (2) (ii) are similar.
To establish (2) (i) we use Figure 1 which depicts a pair of
consumer demands that cross at a price level above the marginal cost.
Consider two prices, [Mathematical Expression Omitted] and [Mathematical
Expression Omitted] where [Mathematical Expression Omitted] is depicted
by the horizontal line beginning at point A and [Mathematical Expression
Omitted] is depicted by the horizontal line beginning at point G. If the
monopolist is to serve both consumers, then the entrance fee a will
equal the smaller of the two consumer surpluses, evaluated at the
marginal price. As Figure 1 indicates, the lower marginal price results
in an increase in the entrance price equal to the area of the trapezoid
ACEG and an increase in costs equal to [Mathematical Expression Omitted]
times ([q.sub.1] + [q.sub.2]).(6) It follows that the net revenue
received by the firm is lower from the elastic consumer but higher from
the inelastic consumer.(7) Under some circumstances, illustrated by
Figure 1, it is possible for the net loss from the elastic consumer
(area of triangle CDE) to be more than offset by the net gain from the
other consumer (area of trapezoid BCEF), increasing the firm's
total return.
Figure 1 suggests that there are three dimensionless parameters
that essentially describe when the necessary conditions for pricing
below marginal cost are present. These are the demand elasticities of
the two consumers where their demands intersect, and the relative
distance of the marginal cost below the intersection price. We achieve
the desired parameterization in the following way. It is convenient to
normalize the demand functions so that they intersect at the price and
quantity ([p.sub.I], [q.sub.I]) = (1,1). There is no loss of generality from this normalization since both the unit of measure for the quantity
of the monopolized product and the numeraire of the price system are
With this specification, the inverse demand of consumer i, for i =
1,2, is given by
(1) [p.sub.i] = (1 + [k.sub.1]) - [k.sub.i] [q.sub.i], for 0 [less
than] [k.sub.i],
where [p.sub.i] is consumer i's marginal valuation of the
commodity when he is consuming [q.sub.i], units, and [k.sub.i] is the
value of the consumer's demand parameter. (Since all consumers
purchasing the commodity face the same marginal price, p, chosen by the
monopolist, all purchasing consumers in equilibrium have their [p.sub.i]
= p.) The most useful interpretation of [k.sub.i] is that -1/[k.sub.i]
is the demand elasticity of i at the common demand curve intersection
point ([p.sub.I], [q.sub.I]) = (1,1). Hence, at this point, consumer
i's demand is relatively elastic (exceeds 1) if [k.sub.i] [less
than] 1 and is relatively inelastic (is less than 1) if [k.sub.i]
[greater than] 1. Because the price coordinate of the demand curve
intersection point is [p.sub.I] = 1, the marginal cost c (0 [less than]
c [less than] 1) can be interpreted as the relative distance of marginal
cost below the intersection price.
With this specification of the consumer demands, our objective is
to describe the location in the parameter space {[k.sub.1], [k.sub.2], c
[where] 0 [less than] [k.sub.1], 0 [less than] [k.sub.2], 0 [less than]
c [less than] 1} where a profit maximizing monopolist chooses a two-part
tariff [a.sup.*] and [p.sup.*] so that [p.sup.*]/c [less than] 1.(8) We
describe the monopolist's optimization problem as the optimum of
four separate optimization subproblems.
SUBPROBLEM 1: Serve both consumers and charge fixed fee equal to
consumer 1's surplus.
[Mathematical Expression Omitted],
subject to (1),
(2) a = .5[q.sub.1](1 + [k.sub.1] - p),
(3) a [less than or equal to] .5[q.sub.2] (1 + [k.sub.2] - p),
(4) 0 [less than or equal to] p.
SUBPROBLEM 2: Serve both consumers and charge fixed fee equal to
consumer 2's surplus. This constrained optimization problem is
identical to subproblem 1, with subscripts 1 and 2 interchanged.
SUBPROBLEM 3: Serve only consumer 1.
[Mathematical Expression Omitted]
subject to (1), (2) and (4).
SUBPROBLEM 4: Serve only consumer 2. This constrained optimization
problem is identical to subproblem 3 with subscripts 3 and 1 replaced by
subscripts 4 and 2.
General Profit maximization problem:
[Mathematical Expression Omitted]
A substantial simplification of the subsequent analysis of these
subproblems and their relationships is achieved by recognizing the
symmetry between the pair of subproblems 1 and 3 and the pair of
subproblems 2 and 4. This implies that regions relevant for any of the
subproblems are also realized by the corresponding symmetric subproblem
in the symmetric regions that have been reflected about the 45 [degrees]
line in the [k.sub.1] - [k.sub.2] plane.
The optimization problem described above also indicates the
solution algorithm. For given values of c, [k.sub.1], and [k.sub.2],
each of the subproblems is solved and the largest profit selected. The
three dimensional parameter space in c, [k.sub.1], and [k.sub.2], can be
partitioned into regions such that within each region a single
subproblem is always used. Such a partitioning allows one to focus on a
specific type of monopolist behavior within a given region. In this
section we describe the monopolist pricing behavior within these
In all of the following analysis, c is restricted to the interval
(0,1) except where explicitly noted. We begin by investigating
subproblem 1. Because of the inequality constraints, subproblem 1
partitions its own region of the parameter space further. In particular,
Kuhn-Tucker optimization implies that
(5) [Mathematical Expression Omitted],
[a.sup.*] = .5[(1 + [k.sub.1] - [p.sup.*])2/[k.sub.1]]
(6) p[prime] = (-[k.sub.2]/2) (1/[k.sub.1] - 1/[k.sub.2] -
c/[k.sub.1] - c/[k.sub.2])
p[double prime] = 1 - [-square root of [k.sub.2][k.sub.1]]
and the regions in which each case holds are defined by various
Kuhn-Tucker inequalities.(9) The pricing formula p[prime] occurs when
there is slack in both the inequality constraints (3) and (4). p[double
prime] occurs when the inequality constraint (3) holds with equality and
there is slack in the inequality constraint (4). And p = 0 occurs when
the inequality constraint (4) holds with equality. The optimal [a.sup.*]
is the consumer surplus of consumer 1 facing a linear price of
[p.sup.*]. As Oi [1971] and Schmalensee [1981] pointed out, pricing
below marginal cost does occur. For instance, when [k.sub.2] [greater
than] [k.sub.1] [greater than] 1 (so that both demands are relatively
inelastic) and case 1 of subproblem 1 is used, equation (6) implies c
[greater than] [p.sup.*]. In the following section we show that such
pricing can occur often.
Proceeding with the other subproblems shows that the subproblem 2
results in pricing formulas that are symmetric analogues to those for
subproblem 1. Subproblem 3 calculations result in [p.sup.*] = c
(marginal cost pricing) and [a.sup.*] = .5[[(1 + [k.sub.1] -
[p.sup.*]).sup.2]/[k.sub.1]], where [a.sup.*] is the consumer's
surplus of consumer 1. And, subproblem 4 is symmetric to subproblem 3.
In this section, two quantitative measures are used to summarize
the monopolist's optimal solution over the parameter space. We
first examine the ratio of the optimal marginal price to the marginal
cost, [p.sup.*]/c, and how it is distributed over the parameter space.
Next the interesting and extreme case when [p.sup.*]/c = 0 is
investigated with particular attention devoted to showing how changes in
c alter the size and location of the set of demand parameters for which
this is the optimal condition. We then turn to the second quantitative
measure, the ratio of unconstrained monopoly profit to monopoly profit
when the monopolist is constrained to p [greater than or equal to] c.
The ratio suggests how strong the incentives are to price below marginal
cost over various regions of the parameter space.
Distribution of the [p.sup.*]/c ratio over the parameter space
The ratio [p.sup.*]/c quantifies the pricing decision in a way that
facilitates the comparison of optimal prices under different cost
conditions. In this section a brief geometric tour of the parameter
space is provided, to show the regions in which [p.sup.*]/c [less than]
1, i.e., price is less than marginal cost. A plot of [p.sup.*]/c in
[k.sub.1] - [k.sub.2] space with c = .5 is provided in Figures 2a and
2b. This relationship is shown from two viewpoints, to obtain good
resolution over a large domain of the parameter space.(10) Consider
first the various cases of subproblem 1. Figures 2a and 2b show a side
view of the 3-dimensional relationship of [p.sup.*]/c as a function of
[k.sub.1] and [k.sub.2]. If [k.sub.1] = [k.sub.2], the two consumers
have identical demands. Here the monopolist sets [a.sup.*] to the common
value of the consumer surpluses and [p.sup.*] = c. This corresponds to
the ridge [p.sup.*]/c = 1 on the vertical axis beginning at the origin
in the right corner and extending to the left corner of the figures. The
curved, negatively sloped surface with the ridge as its back border
shows the behavior of the ratio in part of the case 1 region of
subproblem 1. In this part of the case 1 region, [p.sup.*]/c [less than]
1. The figures show clearly that a large set of parameters lead to this
outcome. The small surface facing the viewer in the right corner, around
the [k.sub.1] - [k.sub.2] origin, corresponds to the other part of the
case 1 region of subproblem 1. In this part of the case 1 region
[p.sup.*]/c [greater than] 1. The case 2 region of subproblem 1 can be
found near both of the axes. This is the region along the [k.sub.1] axis
where the surface falls as [k.sub.2] increases. Similarly, this region
can also be found along the [k.sub.2] axis and is the portion of the
surface which falls as [k.sub.1] increases.(11) The figure also shows
that in much of the case 2 region, [p.sup.*]/c [less than] 1. The case 3
region for subproblem 1 is the low flat region where [p.sup.*]/c = 0
that includes the point ([k.sub.1], [k.sub.2]) = (.6,3) and is better
viewed in Figure 2b.
The corresponding cases for subproblem 2 can readily be observed in
these figures by the symmetric locations of the subproblem 1 surface
about the ridge line [k.sub.1] = [k.sub.2]. The high flat region with
[p.sup.*]/c = 1 is a combination of subproblems 3 and 4, where only one
customer is being served.
Figures 2a and 2b clearly demonstrate that for c = .5, a large set
of demand parameter pairs induce the monopolist to price below marginal
cost. We also explored other values of c [greater than] 0. Our main
findings about the location of the parameter space that results in the
optimal [p.sup.*] [less than] c are as follows. 1) The marginal cost
must be strictly less than 1, i.e., strictly less than the price
coordinate of the intersection of the consumer demand curves. 2)
Although it cannot happen if the demand curves are identical, it always
occurs if the demands differ by a small amount and the demands are
sufficiently inelastic.(12) 3) It cannot occur if both demands are too
elastic, i.e., [k.sub.1] and [k.sub.2] are both small. 4) It cannot
occur if the demands are so different that the monopolist finds it most
profitable to serve only one of the customers.
One way to quantify the extent to which typical parameter values
induce pricing below marginal cost is to impose a distribution on the
parameter space and sample, to determine the frequency of the parameter
values that induce [p.sup.*]/c [less than] 1. We focus on models that
satisfy the necessary conditions described earlier, thus the following
probabilities are conditional on these assumptions. To this end,
[x.sub.i] is sampled independently and uniformly over the unit interval,
and transformed by letting [k.sub.i] = [x.sub.i]/(1 - [x.sub.i]). In
Table I, the first three lines of column 3 report the estimated
probability that independent pairs of [k.sub.i] lead to [p.sup.*]/c
[less than] 1 for three constant levels of c (.25, .5, and .75). The
fourth line of column 3 reports the estimated probability when c is
uniformly distributed over the unit interval along with the demand
parameters. The estimated probabilities are the percentage of 100,000
random draws [TABULAR DATA FOR TABLE I OMITTED] which resulted in below
marginal cost pricing. Column 3 line 4 shows that the fraction of below
marginal cost outcomes was .39 when marginal cost is uniformly sampled
from c [element of] (0,1). Furthermore, holding c constant at widely
different values led to relatively little change in the fraction,
although there is some suggestion that the fraction increases modestly
with c (at least from .25 to .5).(13) The last three lines of Table I
partition the results of line 4 to reveal how the demand pair
elasticities affect the outcome. These lines show the sampling results
when both demands are relatively inelastic (both [k.sub.i]'s
[greater than] 1), one demand is relatively elastic and the other is
relatively inelastic, and both demands are relatively elastic (both
[k.sub.i]'s [less than] 1), respectively. Column 3 shows that the
fraction of cases with [p.sup.*]/c [less than] 1 decreases from .52 to
.29 across these categories. Thus, when the necessary conditions are
satisfied, below marginal cost pricing occurs more than half the time
when both demands are inelastic. But even when both demands are elastic,
it still occurs nearly a third of the time.
Another important quantitative question is the extent to which
[p.sup.*]/c [less than] 1 for typical parameter values. We address this
issue by estimating the conditional mean of this ratio (conditional on
[p.sup.*]/c [less than] 1), using the same sampling procedure described
in the preceding paragraph.(14) Column 4 presents estimates for the
conditional means (and standard deviations). Column 4, line 4 shows the
conditional mean is almost .55 when marginal cost is uniformly sampled
from c [element of] (0,1). The conditional mean is a strongly increasing
function of c over the unit interval, changing from .26 to .83 as c
changes from .25 to .75. As indicated in the next section, this result
is primarily a consequence of the fact that smaller c values imply a
large increase in the demand parameter space where [p.sup.*]/c = 0. What
role do the demand elasticities play in determining the conditional
means of [p.sup.*]/c? The fourth column of the last three rows of the
table show that the greatest relative deviation of [p.sup.*] below c
among the conditional means occurs when one demand is inelastic and the
other elastic and the highest conditional mean of[p.sup.*]/c (.91)
occurs when both demands are inelastic. These differences in conditional
means are strongly associated with the relative frequency of the optimal
[p.sup.*] = 0 for the three different demand elasticity categories. It
follows that for typical values in the parameter space, if [p.sup.*]/c
[less than] 1, it should not be difficult to detect this outcome
The parameter space where the price of rides is 0
This section discusses further the interesting and extreme case in
which [p.sup.*] = 0 for c [greater than] 0. As Figure 2b demonstrates,
the set of demand parameter pairs that generate the case 3 region where
[p.sup.*] = 0 is sizable even for a marginal cost, c, as large as .5.
This implies that the case 3 region is of interest not only because it
represents the most extreme form of below marginal cost pricing, but
also because the size of the case 3 region indicates that [p.sup.*] = 0
should be the most frequently observed below marginal cost price.
Indeed, most ski resorts and amusement parks, and even Disneyland,
currently price some activities at [p.sup.*] = 0.(15)
Further analysis of the case 3 region reveals that the marginal
price [p.sup.*] is always greater than 0 when c [greater than] .685. At
this critical value of c, the case 3 region consists of the two points
([k.sub.1], [k.sub.2]) = (.432, 2.315) and ([k.sub.1], [k.sub.2]) =
(2.315, .432).(16) With these demand parameter values, the
consumer's surplus at [p.sup.*] = 0 for the two consumers are
equal. If the monopolist is restricted to p [greater than] c, the
monopolist would only serve the consumer who has the less elastic
As c decreases, the size of the case 3 region expands around these
points and becomes very large for values of c near 0. The expansion
about the point ([k.sub.1], [k.sub.2]) = (.432, 2.315) occurs in the
region where [k.sub.2] [greater than or equal to] 1/[k.sub.1] and
[k.sub.2] [greater than or equal to] (1 + c) [k.sub.1]/(1 - c). The
expansion about the point ([k.sub.1], [k.sub.2]) = (2.315, .432) is
Distribution of the ratio of unconstrained to constrained profits
over the parameter space
This section studies a second quantitative summary of the
monopolist's optimal choice: The ratio V/[V.sub.c], where V is the
unconstrained monopoly profit and [V.sub.c] is monopoly profit if the
monopolist is constrained to choose a marginal price at least as great
as marginal cost. Because the profit function is concave, the optimal
(constrained) price is [Mathematical Expression Omitted] if the
constraint is binding. The ratio V/[V.sub.c] and its distribution over
the parameter space is of some interest for several reasons. First,
V/[V.sub.c] = 1 if [p.sup.*] [greater than or equal to] c, and
V/[V.sub.c] [greater than] 1 if [p.sup.*] [less than] c. Hence a graph
of this ratio makes it easy to see the parameter region for which
[p.sup.*] [less than] c, and this gives an alternative to the Figure 2
graphs of [p.sup.*]/c for visualizing parameter regions where [p.sup.*]
[less than] c. Second, the ratio V/[V.sub.c] suggests the relative
strength of a monopolist's incentive to price below marginal cost
if the exogenous parameter values make [p.sup.*] [less than] c optimal.
This is relevant for assessing whether the possibility of pricing below
marginal cost may provide a monopolist with significant incentives to
engage in such pricing.
Figure 3 graphs the V/[V.sub.c] ratio as a function of [k.sub.1]
and [k.sub.2], holding c = .5. As it must, this figure confirms the
qualitative conclusion of Figures 2a and 2b that a large region in the
parameter space generates below marginal cost pricing. The figure shows
that there are some parameter values for which the ratio is almost 1.3,
indicating that the monopolist can gain almost 30% in profits by being
able to sell at less than the marginal cost. It can be shown
analytically that the highest values of the ratio approach [-square root
of 2] and that this occurs for parameters depicted in Figure 3.(17)
Figure 3 does not indicate these values since this occurs under very
special circumstances which the relatively crude grid used to plot
Figure 3 is unable to capture. The highest values in the graph, as well
as overall, occur where the demand curves of the consumers have very
different elasticities, and have the property that the surplus of the
consumers are equal at the optimal price [p.sup.*]. As Figure 3
indicates, the parameter regions where the big profit incentives are
available are not very large. The vast majority of parameter values that
lead to [p.sup.*] [less than] c yield only a small increase in profit
beyond what could be attained with marginal cost pricing.
The last column of Table I quantitatively confirms this result. It
shows the conditional mean of V/[V.sub.c] (conditional on [p.sup.*]/c
[less than] 1) is 1.066 when c = .5, and that this conditional mean is
insensitive to c. We conclude that for typical parameter values that
make below marginal cost pricing profitable, profits are increased by an
average factor of only .05. This result needs to be interpreted with
care, since the analysis assumed the monopolist had constant marginal
costs and no fixed costs. In important areas of the economy where
nonlinear pricing is used, such as telecommunications and electric
power, fixed costs are large. Everything else the same, the introduction
of positive fixed costs will increase the size of the ratio if the
constraint is binding.(18) Thus the existence of large fixed costs could
significantly increase the V/[V.sub.c] ratio for given parameters that
induce [p.sup.*] [less than] c.
The introduction noted the ubiquity of below marginal cost pricing
in multiproduct pricing in the telecommunications industry. Sibley and
Srinagesh [1997] show that this outcome requires violation of the
uniform ordering of demands condition (when product demands are
independent). Thus, a key to a better understanding of such pricing
requires a more detailed quantitative picture of what happens when this
condition is violated. Since the non-crossing of demands condition in
the analysis of a single product is the generic equivalent of this
condition, our paper provides an initial attack on this issue. We
thoroughly explore a very simple single product model with two types of
consumers, limiting attention to a parameter space where the necessary
conditions for below marginal cost pricing hold (where the demands
intersect, and marginal cost is less than the intersection price). These
results should provide a useful benchmark for quantitative studies of
the more complex multiproduct model. We think further work on the
multiproduct extension is an important direction for future work.
Sampling experiments with our model reveal that pricing below
marginal cost occurs much of the time; over 50% when both demands are
relatively inelastic at the intersection price. Conditional on parameter
values that lead to below marginal cost pricing, the mean ratio of
[p.sup.*]/c is considerably less than 1, .56 when both demands are
relatively inelastic, and .40 when one is relatively inelastic and the
other is not. Although it is possible that the unconstrained to
constrained profit ratio V/[V.sub.c] from pricing below marginal cost
can approach 1.41, the sampled mean of the ratio is much smaller at
Kuhn-Tucker Conditions
The subproblem 1 optimization problem can be written as
[Mathematical Expression Omitted],
subject to
[(1 + [k.sub.1] - p).sup.2]/[k.sub.1] + [less than or equal to] [(1
+ [k.sub.2] - p).sup.2]/[k.sub.2] and 0 [less than or equal to] p.
The Lagrangian for this problem is
L([center dot]) = [(1 + [k.sub.1] - p).sup.2]/[k.sub.1] + (p - c)
[(1 + [k.sub.1])/[k.sub.1]
+ (1 + [k.sub.2])/[k.sub.2] - p (1/[k.sub.1] + 1/[k.sub.2])]
+ [Lambda][[(1 + [k.sub.2] - p).sup.2]/[k.sub.2] - [(1 + [k.sub.1]
- p).sup.2]/[k.sub.1]].
Kuhn-Tucker conditions are:
[Delta]L([center dot])/[Delta]p = -2(1 + [k.sub.1] - p)/[k.sub.1] +
(1 + [k.sub.1])/[k.sub.1]
+ (1 + [k.sub.2])/[k.sub.2] - (2p - c) (1/[k.sub.1] + 1/[k.sub.2])
+ [Lambda][-2(1 + [k.sub.2] - p)/[k.sub.2] + 2(1 + [k.sub.1] -
p)/[k.sub.1]] [less than or equal to] 0,
0 [less than or equal to] p, and [Delta] L([center dot])/[Delta]p
[multiplied by] p = 0.
[Delta]L([center dot])/[Delta][Lambda] = [[(1 + [k.sub.2] -
- [(1 + [k.sub.1] - p).sup.2]/[k.sub.1]] [greater than or equal to]
0 [less than or equal to] [Lambda] and [Delta]L([center
dot])/[Delta][Lambda] [multiplied by] [Lambda] = 0.
These conditions imply three possible cases:
Case 1: [(1 + [k.sub.2] - p).sup.2]/[k.sub.2] - [(1 + [k.sub.1] -
p).sup.2]/[k.sub.1] [greater than] 0 and p[greater than]0.
This implies [Lambda] = 0 and p =
(-[k.sub.2]/2)(1/[k.sub.1]-1/[k.sub.2] -c/[k.sub.1] - c/[k.sub.2]). The
case 1 region of subproblem 1 consists of parameter values for c,
[k.sub.1], and [k.sub.2] such that, with the value of p given by this
expression, p [greater than] 0 and [(1 + [k.sub.2] - p).sup.2]/[k.sub.2]
- [(1 + [k.sub.1] + p).sup.2]/[k.sub.1] [greater than] 0.
Case 2: [(1 + [k.sub.2] - p).sup.2]/[k.sub.2] - [(1 + [k.sub.1] -
p).sup.2]/[k.sub.1] = 0 and p[greater than]0.
The implies [Lambda] = {-2(1 + [k.sub.1] - p)/[k.sub.1] + [(1 +
[k.sub.1])/[k.sub.1] + (1 + [k.sub.2])/[k.sub.2] - (2p - c)(1/[k.sub.1]
+ 1/[k.sub.2])]}/{[2(1 + [k.sub.2] - p)/[k.sub.2]] - [2(1 + [k.sub.1] -
p)/[k.sub.1]]} [greater than or equal to] 0 and p = 1 - [-square root of
The case 2 region of subproblem 1 consists of parameter values for
c, [k.sub.1] and [k.sub.2] such that, with the values for [Lambda] and p
given by these expressions, p[greater than]0 and [Lambda] [greater than
or equal to] 0.
Case 3: p = 0.
For this case, [Lambda] is not uniquely determined. The case 3
region of subproblem 1 consists of parameter values for c, [k.sub.1] and
[k.sub.2] such that two conditions hold. First [(1+
[k.sub.2]).sup.2]/[k.sub.2] - [(1+ [k.sub.1]).sup.2]/[k.sub.1] [greater
than or equal to] 0. Second, either -2(1 + [k.sub.1])/[k.sub.1] + (1 +
[k.sub.1])/[k.sub.1] + (1 + [k.sub.2])/[k.sub.2] + c (1/[k.sub.1] +
1/[k.sub.2]) [less than or equal to] 0 or -2(1 + [k.sub.2])/[k.sub.2] +
2(1 + [k.sub.1])/[k.sub.1] [less than or equal to] 0.
The authors thank Min Liu, Bridger Mitchell, Walter Oi, Marius
Schwartz, David Sibley, Padmanabhan Srinagesh, Lester Taylor, and the
anonymous referees of this journal for comments that have materially
improved the final version of this paper. Neither they nor Cournot can
be blamed for any errors in the following.
1. A uniform two-part tariff is a pricing schedule of the form a +
pq which requires each consumer to pay a fixed fee, a, for the right to
purchase any amount of the good and to pay a constant amount, p, for
each of the q units of the good purchased. In his paper, Oi interpreted
a as the entrance fee to an amusement park and p as the price of a ride.
A two-part tariff is uniform if all consumers face the same price
structure coefficients, a and p, when purchasing the good.
2. See, e.g., Ng and Weisser [1974], Tirole [1988], Varian [1989],
and Carlton and Perloff [1993]. Furthermore, the magisterial study of
nonlinear pricing by Wilson [1993] contains 244 references with only the
prepublication title of Srinagesh [1991] suggesting a focus on below
marginal cost pricing.
3. Our analysis maintains the standard assumption of two-part
tariff models, that consumers are price takers who can buy as much as
they want at the marginal price p, but are unable to resell the good. If
one assumed the monopolist could impose quantity constraints onto the
tariff, one might relax the assumption that p [greater than or equal to]
4. The assumption of no income effect enables one to use the
consumer's surplus as an exact measure of the excess amount a
consumer would be willing to pay over the variable payment, pq, which he
makes under the twopart tariff.
5. Intersection of the demand curves is incompatible with the
assumption of "strong monotonicity" which is often imposed in
theoretical discussions of nonlinear pricing, (Brown and Sibley [1986]).
It is also incompatible with the "quasi-supermodularity"
assumption recently developed by Milgrom and Shannon [1994] as a broad
regularity condition for monotone comparative statics.
6. The possibility of collecting the indicated increase in the
entrance price from the inelastic consumer requires the latter's
consumer surplus to be at least as large as the surplus of the elastic
consumer at p.
7. For two linear demand curves with different intercepts on the
price axis, we refer to the demand curve with the larger intercept as
the "inelastic" demand and the curve with the smaller
intercept as the "elastic" demand. This terminology is natural
since for any price at which both consumers purchase positive
quantities, the demand curve with the larger intercept is less elastic.
8. In the theoretical literature on two-part tariffs and more
general forms of nonuniform pricing, it is common to consider a
one-parameter family of demand functions q(p,t). Most of this literature
assumes that the consumer preferences are "weakly monotonic"
in the parameter t, which means that for all p, as t increases, a
consumer gets a greater surplus from consumption of the commodity (Brown
and Sibley [1986]). Our one-parameter family of linear demand functions
is not weakly monotonic. If two linear demands intersect, the steeper
one necessarily has greater surplus for prices above the intersection
price [p.sub.I]. But the less steep demand may have greater surplus for
sufficiently low prices that are substantially less than [p.sub.I]. The
lack of weak monotonicity for the demand system substantially
complicates the geometry of the parameter space for the
monopolist's optimization problem. The text shows that four
subproblems must be considered with the linear system. There would only
be two subproblems with a weakly monotonic system: Whether to serve both
consumers or just the high surplus consumer.
9. The Kuhn-Tucker inequalities and how they define the different
regions are formally described in the appendix.
10. The three dimensional graphs in Figures 2a, 2b and 3 are based
on a gridding procedure. Some of the abrupt discontinuities in the
graphs are a consequence of this procedure. The actual behavior of the
ratios as a function of [k.sub.1] and [k.sub.2] is much smoother.
11. It is useful to note that the case 2 regions for subproblem 1
and subproblem 2 are identical. This follows because these are the
regions where the inequality constraint (3) and its symmetric pair for
subproblem 2 hold with equality.
12. To be sufficiently inelastic, [k.sub.1] and [k.sub.2] must be
sufficiently large. The minimum value for [k.sub.1] and [k.sub.2]
depends on c. However, a sufficient condition which holds for all cis,
[k.sub.1] [greater than] 1 and [k.sub.2] [greater than] 1.
13. Note that the uniform sampling of [x.sub.i] from the unit
interval implies that [k.sub.i] and 1/[k.sub.i] have the same
distribution. Since 1/[k.sub.i] is the demand elasticity (at the demand
intersection point), it follows that the median elasticity magnitude of
the sample is 1. Furthermore, the probability that a random pair of
elasticities are relatively elastic ([greater than] 1) is .25, that a
random pair of elasticities are relatively inelastic ([less than] 1) is
.25, and that a random pair of elasticities has one relatively elastic
and the other relatively inelastic is .5. While we recognize the
arbitrariness of any sampling distribution (including ours), these
sampling properties seem reasonable to us. We do not think that other
reasonable sampling of the parameter space will alter the important
qualitative conclusion that a large measure of the sample space leads to
[p.sup.*]/c [less than] 1, given that the necessary conditions are
14. The conditional ratio obviously lies between 0 and 1.
15. The abundance of marginal pricing at 0 could also be due to
high costs of collecting the variable tariff relative to the marginal
costs of production.
16. The first point is the solution to three equations: [k.sub.2] =
(1 + c)[k.sub.1]/(1 - c), [k.sub.2] = 1/[k.sub.1], and the implicit
function giving the boundary between subproblems 1 and 4. The
intersection of these three lines corresponds to the situation in which
the case 2 region of subproblem 1 consists of the single point
([k.sub.1], [k.sub.2]) = (.4320, 2.3146) and thus accounts for why it is
the maximum marginal cost at which a zero price is observed. The second
point is determined by the symmetric versions of these equations.
17. The least upper bound for the ratio V/[V.sub.c] of [-square
root of 2] = 1.41 ... occurs when the unconstrained problem results in
prices such that the two consumers have equal surplus while the
constrained problem is at the threshold between serving both customers
and serving only one customer. To verify this, one can set formulas for
the constrained problem where both customers are served equal to the
constrained problem where only one customer is served and solve for c to
get c = 1 + ([k.sub.1] [-square root of 2 [k.sub.2]] - [k.sub.2]
[[-square root of [k.sub.1]]) / ([-square root of 2[k.sub.2]] - [-square
root of [k.sub.1]])]. This value of c can then be substituted back into
the formula for V/[V.sub.c], and after some algebra get V/[V.sub.c] =
{[-square root of 2] + (2 [-square root of 2] - 3)[[-square root of
[k.sub.1][k.sub.2]] / ([k.sub.2] + [k.sub.1] - 2 [-square root
of[k.sub.1][k.sub.2]])]}. Next, noting that the equal surplus price
p[double prime] requires [[-square root of [k.sub.1][k.sub.2]] [element
of] (0, 1), we see that the least upper bound is [-square root of 2]. It
is also interesting to note that this maximal ratio is approached for
any c [element of] (1 - 1/[-square root of 2], 1). To see this, note
that a smaller c implies a smaller [p.sup.*]. Since [p.sup.*] [greater
than or equal to] 0, p[double prime] implies that the smallest price
where surpluses are equal occurs when [k.sub.1] = 1/[k.sub.2]. Plugging
this into the expression for c and using L'Hopital's rule
gives the lower limit for c.
18. Denote fixed costs by F. If the constraint is binding,
[V.sub.c] (F)[less than or equal to] V(F), where V(F) = max {[S.sub.1] -
F, [S.sub.2] - F, [S.sub.3] - F, [S.sub.4] - F, 0} and [V.sub.c](F) is
analogously defined. Assuming F [less than] [V.sub.c](0), then
V/[V.sub.c] [equivalent to] V(F)/[V.sub.c](F) = (V(0) - F)/([V.sub.c]
(0) - F) is an increasing function of F, where V(0) and [V.sub.c] (0)
are profits in the zero fixed cost economy.
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Steven P. Cassou: Associate Professor, Department of Economics,
Kansas State University, Manhattan Phone 1-785-532-6342, Fax
1-785-532-6919 E-mail
[email protected]
John C. Hause: Professor, Department of Economics, SUNY-Stony
Brook, New York, Phone 1-516-632-7547 Fax 1-516-632-7516 E-mail
[email protected]