A graphical exposition of the economic theory of regulation.
Beard, T. Randolph ; Kaserman, David L. ; Mayo, John W. 等
Historically, many if not most economic theories have advanced in
three fairly distinct stages, progressing from descriptive to graphical
to mathematical formulations, generally in that sequence. The economic
theory of regulation, however, has been an exception to this normal
order of progression. The fundamental corpus of this theory was laid out
initially in the descriptive discussions provided by Stigler (1971),
Posner (1974), and others. From these early presentations, however, the
theory was subsequently formalized mathematically by Peltzman (1976) and
Becker (1983) without passing through the graphical stage of its
development. (1)
Regardless of the chronological order of the progression of this
theory, however, we believe that a fully developed graphical exposition
is likely to be of considerable value even now. At least two
considerations support this view. Specifically, by making this theory
more accessible to a wider audience and by better illustrating the basic
underlying mechanics behind it, the likelihood of significant future
advancement, we believe, is enhanced. Indeed, currently there remain a
number of observed regulatory phenomena that have yet to be
satisfactorily explained by the existing theory (e.g., the deregulation movement and the specific pattern of observed cross-subsidies). (2) An
improved understanding of the fundamental components of the theory
should facilitate its further advancement and lead to an expanded
ability to explain a broader range of regulatory practices. We
illustrate this point through a variety of applications to provide an
improved understanding of, inter alia, the markets likely to be chosen
for regulation, the propensity of regulatory benefits to be spread
across interest groups, the symbiotic nature of regulation and
cross-subsidization, and the economics of deregulation. We also are able
to depict graphically the relationship between the economic theory of
regulation and the traditional normative model of regulation, which
assumes that regulators maximize social welfare.
The article is organized as follows. In section II, we briefly
describe the regulator's general optimization problem--viz., what
precisely is being maximized and what constraints apply to that
maximization problem. The latter topic--the constraints--will be of
primary interest here. Section III presents the formal graphical
analysis of these constraints by deriving what we label the
regulator's "benefits budget constraint." As its name
suggests, the benefits budget constraint defines the locus of maximum
benefits the regulator is able to deliver to the affected interest
groups. Importantly, that constraint is determined by the prior,
unregulated market equilibrium price and output and by general market
parameters, such as demand elasticity, costs, and so on. Section IV
describes the resulting regulatory equilibrium. Section V, then, applies
the graphical tools developed in sections II-IV to explain a number of
commonly observed regulatory phenomena. Here, both the ability to
provide new insights and the pedagogical value of the graphical approach
are illustrated. Finally, section VI concludes.
The economic theory of regulation postulates that regulators will
attempt to maximize some objective function (most generally, the
regulator's utility) by implementing regulatory policies that
benefit (and, by necessity, harm) particular interest groups. (3) The
benefits provided to these groups are then used to "purchase"
from them the objects that are directly valued by the regulator--that
is, the direct arguments contained in the regulator's objective
function. The distribution of these benefits and harms across the
affected groups (which is determined by the regulator's choice of a
particular regulatory policy) is selected to maximize the value of the
regulator's objective function.
The ability of any specific interest group to curry regulatory
favor, then, will depend on the capacity of that group to deliver the
objects of value to the regulator in exchange for the benefits provided
by the regulatory process. That is, each interest group has a
"production function" that transforms benefits received by
that group into the objects directly valued by the regulator. The
literature in this area has identified at least three likely sources of
utility for regulators--votes, income, and ideological rewards--that may
be provided by regulated parties. The affected groups--for example,
consumers, producers, and/or subsets of each--reward (or punish)
regulators when the latter use their legal coercive powers to create
benefits (or losses) for the former. They reward them by
"producing" the objects that regulators value--that is, the
direct arguments of the regulator's utility function.
Although regulators may not care directly about the welfare of
either producers or consumers, the benefits and costs imposed on sellers
and buyers by regulation constitute the bases of regulator rewards.
Thus, although regulators may care only about their own incomes,
campaign contributions, or personal ideological goals, whenever these
direct sources of utility continuously depend on the benefits received
by producers and consumers, then we can write the regulator's
utility as a continuous function of the underlying benefits.
Assume two interest groups that receive regulatory benefits of
[B.sub.i], i = 1, 2. Generally, we expect either [B.sub.1] > 0 aud
[B.sub.2] < 0 or [B.sub.1] < 0 and [B.sub.2] > 0 will hold. (4)
That is, with only two interest groups, we expect that one group will
gain from regulation and the other group will lose. (5) This expectation
is particularly likely to hold where, as we will assume, the
regulator's only control instrument is the market price. As a
result, the graphical analysis that applies will tend to focus on the
second and fourth quadrants of the [B.sub.1], [B.sub.2] space.
Given these benefits from regulation, then, the two affected
interest groups will undertake actions that either reward or punish
regulators by influencing the values of the arguments that enter the
regulator's utility function. Following the prior literature, let
these arguments be votes, V, income, Y, and ideological values, I. The
regulator's utility function, then, is given by
(1) U = U[V([B.sub.1], [B.sub.2]), Y([B.sub.1], [B.sub.2]),
I([B.sub.1], [B.sub.2])] = U([B.sub.1], [B.sub.2]),
where V(*), Y(*), and I(*) represent the production functions
through which regulatory benefits (inputs) are converted into
utility-generating outputs. (6) Given this formulation, then, regulator
utility depends on (1) the values that regulators place on V, Y, and I;
(2) the ability of affected interest groups to "produce" these
utility-yielding outcomes; and, ultimately, (3) the benefits delivered
to the affected groups.
If we assume a declining marginal product in each interest
group's ability to deliver the outcomes valued by the regulator--V,
Y, and I--the indifference curves associated with (1) in [B.sub.1],
[B.sub.2] space will tend to exhibit the normal properties of such
curves. That is, they will be downward-sloping and convex toward the
origin. They are not, however, confined to the positive quadrant;
because, as noted, the operative benefit values will tend to fall in the
second and fourth quadrants where either [B.sub.1] or [B.sub.2] is
One of the principal postulates of the economic theory of
regulation is that given some level of discretion over the regulatory
decisions they render, regulatory commissions will choose to implement
policies that maximize their own utility (equation [1]) rather than some
index of overall social welfare. (7) Such maximization, however, is
subject to an extremely important constraint. Namely, the ability of the
regulator to supply benefits to various interest groups by using the
coercive powers of the state (granted to the regulatory commission by
the enabling legislation) to alter the otherwise unregulated industry
equilibrium is constrained by the particular circumstances exhibited by
the market that is to be regulated. That is, the underlying
characteristics of the market--the level of demand, the elasticity of
demand, the structure of costs, and, importantly, the natural
(unregulated) structure of the market (monopoly, competitive, or
oligopoly)--all constrain the ability of the regulator to deliver
benefits to particular interest groups. (8)
This constraining influence of the prior market structure has been
recognized in the literature (see Peltzman, 1976, pp. 223-24; Jordan,
1972). It stems from the fact that regulation produces benefits and
costs principally by altering the industry equilibrium away from its
unregulated state. As a result, the location of the unregulated
equilibrium and other prior market parameters provide the principal
constraint on the regulator's ability to deliver benefits to the
various interest groups through regulation. With only two interest
groups, moving the market price away from its unregulated state is
likely to benefit one group (say, consumers) and harm the other group
(say, producers). As a result, the frontier of maximum feasible benefits
will be downward-sloping in [B.sub.1], [B.sub.2] space. Thus, the
benefits budget constraint is given by
(2) [B.sub.1] = f([B.sub.2]),
with f' < 0. The regulator's general optimization
problem, then, is to maximize (1) subject to (2). In the following
section, we develop a graphical representation of the regulator's
benefits budget constraint and demonstrate how that constraint is
influenced by the prior (unregulated) market equilibrium and other
market parameters.
To facilitate our derivation of the regulator's benefits
budget constraint, we make use of four simplifying assumptions. First,
we assume a linear market demand and constant costs. Thus, we assume
(3) Q = [alpha] - [beta]P,
(4) C = cQ,
where Q is quantity demanded and produced; P is price; C is total
cost; and [alpha], [beta], and c are positive constants. (9) This set of
assumptions is reflected in Figure 1. Second, we assume that there are
only two relevant interest groups--producers and consumers. As a result,
benefits provided to one group will be associated with (though, in
general, not equal to) costs imposed on the other group. Third, we
assume that price is the regulator's only control variable but that
the regulator has complete control over this variable within certain
well-defined limits. Finally, we assume that regulation costs the
regulator nothing per se, that is, there are zero direct costs of
regulating the market. This is, of course, an obvious simplification.
However, our results do not depend on zero administrative costs, and we
maintain this hypothesis only for convenience.
Given these assumptions, the regulator can move price away from its
unregulated equilibrium to create benefits (and costs) for the two
affected interest groups. Importantly, we shall assume that these
benefits and costs of regulation are given by the changes in consumer
surplus, CS, and producer surplus, PS, brought about by these price
movements. The benefits budget constraint, then, is the frontier of
maximum benefits (surplus changes) that can be delivered to one interest
group for a given level of costs imposed on the other interest group by
altering price away from its unregulated equilibrium value. This focus
on surplus changes is a fairly stringent assumption that warrants some
To begin, consider the ordinary consumer utility function U(x)
([equivalent to] U[x.sub.1], [x.sub.2]], say) of conventional
microeconomics. Assuming preferences are well behaved, U(*) is
(semi-)-continuous and monotonic. Let [X.sup.o] = ([x.sup.o.sub.1],
[x.sup.o.sub.2]) be some bundle. Then, consider a new bundle ([x.sub.1],
[x.sub.2]) given by [x.sub.1] = [x.sup.o.sub.1] + [dx.sub.1], and
[x.sub.2] = [x.sup.o.sub.2] + [dx.sub.2]. We can write (trivially) U
[equivalent to] U([x.sup.o], dx), where dx = ([dx.sub.1], [dx.sub.2]).
To be able to express preferences in terms of dx alone, however, we
would have to impose a requirement that U([x.sup.o], dx) =
U([x.sup.o])V(dx), such that [x.sub.a] is preferred to [x.sub.b] if and
only if V([dx.sup.a]) > V([dx.sup.b]), where [dx.sup.a.sub.1] =
[x.sup.a.sub.1], and so on. Such a requirement is not generally
reasonable for consumers. As a consequence, a formulation of consumer
utility in terms of changes in goods only is not sensible.
Analysis of the regulator's problem wherein we assume that
regulators gain utility from changing the existing distribution of
surpluses, however, is rather different from the analysis of the
consumer's problem. Such a focus rules out regulatory
"extortion" of the form "unless you provide me with
benefits such-and-such, I will deprive you of the benefits you are
currently receiving." Thus, our assumption that regulator utility
arises from changes in market outcomes implies that the status quo (i.e., non-regulated equilibrium) allocation of surpluses has a special
status that is inherently different from all other potential allocations
(see McChesney, 1990, for a contrary view).
Although the idea that the unregulated status quo is different from
other allocations of surpluses seems apparent, the prior analyses by
Peltzman (1976) and Becker (1983) accord no special role to the
inherited market structure. As a consequence, these theories cannot
generally explain the decision to regulate or deregulate an industry.
Only the external form of preexisting regulation can be described.
Additionally, only the total levels of surpluses matter in such models;
consequently, no representation of preferences in surplus change terms
is necessary or useful.
An examination of both the probable sources of regulator benefits
and the incompleteness of regulation, however, suggests that changes in
surpluses are potentially significant elements in the regulator's
calculus. For example, suppose a regulator establishes a high price but
fails to fully restrict entry or impede nonprice competition among
regulated rivals. In that case, regulation yields only transitory
benefits to sellers who eventually compete away regulatory rents. We may
then observe "monopoly" pricing but no concomitant profits
among the regulated firms. As a result, these firms will have no
incentive to expend resources to maintain their (worthless) monopoly
status. When such rent dissipation is expected to obtain, then, the
status quo offers no opportunity for extortion by the regulatory
authority, and only "transitional gains" can be reliably
exploited by regulators. (10)
Here, however, we assume that regulators are able to restrict entry
so that the price changes they adopt will produce more or less permanent
profit changes. In that case, regulatory benefits are represented by the
surplus changes. Although regulatory extortion can then potentially
arise, we assume that it is not commonly practiced--regulators do not
collect benefits by threatening to change price away from the status quo
but rather by actually doing so. The status quo, then, becomes the
unique no-regulation state, with surplus changes to consumers and
producers representing the benefits delivered by regulation.
With the linear demand and constant costs assumed, consumer and
producer surpluses are given by
(5) CS(P) = ([[alpha].sup.2]/2[beta]) - [alpha]P +
(6) PS(P) = -[alpha]c + ([alpha] + [beta]c)P - [beta][P.sup.2],
respectively. These two quadratic functions are shown in Figures 2
and 3. Here, [P.sub.C] and [P.sub.M] are the competitive and monopoly
prices, respectively. Assuming that regulators are unable to set price
below the competitive level and unwilling to set price above the
monopoly level, [P.sub.C], [P.sub.M] provides the economically relevant
region of prices. (11) Within this region, both functions are monotonic.
CS is a negative function of price, and PS is a positive function of
Given these two surplus functions, the benefits that can be
delivered to the two interest groups by regulatory pricing decisions are
given by the changes in the relevant surpluses caused by altering the
market price away from some initial, unregulated level. These surplus
changes are
(7) [DELTA]CS(P) = CS(P) - [bar]CS,
(8) [DELTA]PS(P) = PS(P) - [bar]PS,
where [bar]CS and [bar]PS are consumer and producer surpluses
realized in the prior, unregulated industry equilibrium, respectively.
These unregulated equilibrium surpluses are exogenous constants. They
are given by equations (5) and (6) evaluated at the equilibrium price
and output determined by the prior market structure.
Substituting equations (5) and (6) into equations (7) and (8) and
solving for the associated price changes, we obtain
(9) [DELTA]P([DELTA]CS) = [([alpha] - [beta][bar]P) [+ or -]
[square root of ([([DELTA] - [beta][bar]P).sub.2] + 2[beta]([DELTA]CS))]
(10) [DELTA]P([DELTA]PS) = [[beta][DELTA][P.sup.*] [+ or -] [square
root of ([([DELTA] - [beta][bar]P).sub.2] + 2[beta]([DELTA]CS))]
where [bar]P is the unregulated equilibrium price and [DELTA]P* is
the change in price that will result in price being set at the monopoly
level (i.e., [DELTA][P.sup.*] = [P.sub.M] - [bar]P).
Interestingly, which sign is associated with the radical in each of
these equations is determined by the direction of the price change
brought about by regulation. Specifically, if [DELTA]P > 0, then
[DELTA]CS < 0 and [DELTA]PS > 0. Consequently, in this case, the
positive sign must apply in equation (9), and the negative sign must
apply in equation (10). (12) Analogously, if [DELTA]P < 0, then
[DELTA]CS > 0 and [DELTA]PS < 0. In this case, then, the negative
sign must be used in equation (9), and the positive sign must be used in
equation (10).
Because the prior market structure determines whether regulation
will lead to [DELTA]P greater than or less than zero, that structure in
turn determines which set of signs applies in each of these equations.
As a result, we get different expressions for equations (9) and (10) for
different prior market structures. That is, we will get different
benefits budget constraints for different starting points (where such
starting points are given by the unregulated market equilibria).
These benefits budget constraints are found by equating equations
(9) and (10) (using the appropriate radical signs for each starting
point) and solving for [DELTA]PS as a function of [DELTA]CS (or vice
versa). Although a general analytic solution to this problem is
unobtainable, we are able to draw the necessary inferences regarding
first and second derivatives to determine the general shape and location
of the resulting function for any given prior market structure. In the
following subsections, we present the results for three such structures:
competition, monopoly, and oligopoly.
Case 1: Regulating a Competitive Market
Assume that the prior market structure is competitive, with an
unregulated equilibrium at [P.sub.c], [Q.sub.c] in Figure 1. (13) At
this equilibrium, consumer surplus is
(11) [bar]C[S.sub.c] = (1/2)[([[alpha].sub.2]/[beta]) - 2[alpha]c +
and producer surplus is
(12) [bar]P[S.sub.c] = 0.
In this case, regulation can only increase the market price,
reducing CS and increasing PS relative to their initial, unregulated
values. The locus of resulting changes in CS and PS--which are, in fact,
the benefits of regulation delivered to these two groups--define the
regulator's benefits budget constraint. That constraint is depicted
graphically in Figure 4. It shows the maximum benefits (or minimum
losses) that can be delivered to one group while holding the benefits
(or losses) to the other group constant as price is increased from its
prior, unregulated (competitive) equilibrium level.
Several properties of this constraint are worth noting. First, the
function has a non-positive slope throughout the relevant range,
reaching a slope of zero at the monopoly price. As regulators increase
the benefits provided to producers, they must simultaneously decrease
the benefits (or increase the losses) provided to consumers. Second, the
function falls entirely within the second quadrant within the
permissible price range, [P.sub.C], [P.sub.M]. Starting from a
competitive equilibrium, it is not feasible to increase consumer surplus
or to decrease producer surplus. Third, the function is concave. (14) A
given increment in the benefits provided to producers as price is raised
requires that an increasing increment in losses be inflicted on
consumers. Fourth, the function begins at the origin. (15) This property
indicates that it is feasible to provide zero benefits to both interest
groups simply by not regulating. No regulation--leaving price at its
unregulated equilibrium--yields no benefits from regulation. (16) Fifth,
the slope of the benefits budget constraint (with [DELTA]PS on the
vertical axis) is greater than minus one (i.e., less than one in
absolute value) at all positive values of [DELTA]PS. This property
reflects the deadweight social welfare loss created by raising price
above the competitive level. (17) That is, the (negative) change in
consumer surplus will exceed the (positive) change in producer surplus.
Sixth, the slope of the benefits budget constraint for regulation of a
competitive market at [DELTA]PS = [DELTA]CS = 0 equals -1. That is, at
P= [P.sub.C], a marginal change in price yields an equal (though
opposite) change in producer and consumer surplus. Seventh, within the
general properties described, the specific shape and location of the
benefits budget constraint will depend entirely on the parameters of the
market demand and cost functions. As a result, shifts in demand and/or
changes in production technology or input prices will alter the ability
of regulators to produce benefits from regulation, thereby altering the
benefits budget constraint. In addition, any change in the prior,
unregulated market structure (e.g., a shift from monopoly to competition
or vice versa) will also alter this constraint.
Case 2: Regulating a Monopoly
Next, assume that the prior market structure is monopolistic, with
an unregulated equilibrium at [P.sub.M], [Q.sub.M] in Figure 1. (18) At
this equilibrium, consumer surplus is
(13) [bar]C[S.sub.M] = (-[alpha]c/4) + ([[alpha].sup.2]/8[beta]) +
and producer surplus is
(14) [bar]P[S.sub.M] = (-[alpha]c/2) + ([[alpha].sup.2]/4[beta]) +
([beta][c.sup.2] /4).
In this case, regulation can only decrease the market price,
increasing CS and reducing PS relative to their initial, unregulated
values. The resulting benefits budget constraint is shown in Figure 5.
Again, it shows the maximum benefits that can be delivered to one
interest group holding the benefits delivered to the other group
Clearly, many of the same properties that applied to the benefits
budget constraint for regulation of a competitive market hold here as
well. Specifically, this constraint is concave and downward-sloping. In
fact, for a given market demand and cost curve, the benefits budget
constraint for regulation of a monopoly market will be identical to that
for regulation of a competitive market except that it is shifted
downward and to the right so that P = [P.sub.M] is now located at the
origin. Otherwise, the two curves are the same. The entire constraint,
then, is located in the fourth quadrant in this ease. Moreover, the
slope of this constraint is equal to 0 at P = [P.sub.M] (the origin) and
-1 at P = [P.sub.C]. We note also that given the relative slopes of the
benefits budget constraints at the origin (-1 for competition, 0 for
monopoly), "no regulation" seems a more likely outcome in
competition than in monopoly. We touch on a related issue later.
Case 3; Regulating an Oligopoly
Finally, consider the case in which the prior market structure is
oligopolistic. For comparison purposes, we assume arbitrarily that the
unregulated oligopoly equilibrium output falls precisely halfway between
the competitive and monopoly equilibria. (19) At this equilibrium,
consumer surplus is
(15) [bar]C[S.sub.o] = (9[[alpha].sup.2]/32[beta]) - (9[alpha]c/16)
+ (9[beta][C.sup.2]/32),
and producer surplus is
(16) [bar]P[S.sub.o] - (3[[alpha].sup.2]/16[beta]) - (6
[alpha]c/16) + (3[beta][C.sup.2]/16),
in the absence of regulation.
In this case, regulation may either increase the market price
toward (or to) the monopoly level or decrease the market price toward
(or to) the competitive level, thereby benefiting either producers or
consumers, respectively (while, of course, harming the other group). The
resulting benefits budget constraint is shown in Figure 6.
Once again, this function exhibits many of the properties
associated with the two preceding benefits budget constraints. Indeed,
the curve itself is identical to the two preceding benefits budget
constraints except for its location. It is simply shifted so that its
midpoint now lies at the origin. There are, however, two substantive
differences revealed here. First, the oligopoly benefits budget
constraint extends into both the second and fourth quadrants. This
result stems from the regulator's ability to either raise or lower
price away from its initial, unregulated equilibrium value. (20) Second
and importantly, this function does not extend as far into either of
these quadrants as the two previous constraints. In fact, the two
segments of this constraint correspond precisely to the terminating
halves of the two prior benefits budget constraints, where these halves
have both been shifted to meet at the origin. This second property stems
from the more limited distance that price can be moved in either
direction beginning from a point that is midway between [P.sub.C] and
[P.sub.M]. As we will illustrate, these differences have important
economic implications for the economic theory of regulation.
Given the characteristics exhibited by a particular market--viz.,
the prior market structure and underlying market parameters--regulatory
equilibrium is attained at the tangency between one of the
regulator's convex-toward-the-origin indifference curves and the
benefits budget constraint presented by that market. As explained
earlier, the former will depend on the regulator's preferences and
the affected interest groups' ability to deliver the particular
outcomes valued by the regulator--votes, income, or ideological
rewards--while the latter is determined entirely by prior market
conditions. To both illustrate the relevant concepts and demonstrate
their applicability to explaining regulatory behavior, we present one
such regulatory equilibrium in Figure 7.
Here we are assuming that the prior market structure is
competitive, yielding the benefits budget constraint AB. Regulator
preferences (incorporating the two interest groups' ability to
"produce" rewards for the regulator) are reflected in the
indifference curves labeled [I.sub.R], with preference ordering
[I.sub.R] < [I.sup.'.sub.R] < [I.sup.''.sub.R].
Constrained utility maximization, then, occurs at the regulatory
equilibrium [E.sub.R], yielding positive benefits to producers of
[DELTA]P[S.sup.*.sub.c] and negative benefits to consumers of
[DELTA]C[S.sup.*.sub.c]. These benefits, of course, are created by
setting the regulated price above the unregulated (competitive)
equilibrium level. (21)
Clearly, the location of [E.sub.R] along the benefits budget
constraint will depend on the regulator's marginal rate of
substitution of changes in consumer surplus for changes in producer
surplus. The smaller this value (i.e., the more willing the regulator is
to substitute producers' interests for consumers' interests)
the closer the equilibrium will be to point B, which results when price
is set at the full monopoly level. As noted earlier, however, the slope
of AB at point B is zero. (22) Consequently and importantly, regulators
will select this extreme value only if their indifference curves are
horizontal--that is, only if they place no value on consumers'
interests at all. Therefore, this analysis suggests that regulators
generally will tend to set price below the full monopoly level when
regulating a competitive market.
Location at the opposite end of AB (i.e., at point A), however,
does not require such extreme preferences. Recall that the slope of the
benefits budget constraint at point A, which is the no-regulation
option, is -1. As a result, regulators may have a marginal rate of
substitution that is greater than zero (i.e., they may be willing to
trade some consumer benefits to obtain some producer benefits) but
nonetheless choose not to regulate a competitive market. Obviously, this
corner solution will occur whenever the regulator's marginal rate
of substitution of [DELTA]CS for [DELTA]PS is greater than or equal to
one at point A. (23) Thus, this analysis also suggests that competitive
markets may go unregulated even though producers stand ready to reward
regulators for imposing a regulatory-sanctioned price increase. They may
simply be unable to reward them enough.
The application of our simple graphical analysis of regulatory
equilibrium illustrates how this apparatus can be used to generate
insights into observed regulatory behavior. In the following section, we
expand our application of this analysis to provide graphical
explanations of several commonly observed patterns of such behavior.
If our graphical approach is to provide a useful supplement to the
existing theoretical literature, it should be able to explain
(hopefully, more clearly) the same set of phenomenon that have already
been explained by prior analyses. In addition, the value of this
alternative approach is further heightened if it can also provide
insight into previously unexplained (or inadequately explained) patterns
of behavior. In the subsections that follow, we illustrate how the
graphical tools we have developed here satisfy both of these standards.
Application 1: Regulation Tends to Occur in Extreme (Monopoly or
Competitive) Market Structures
Several prior studies of regulatory behavior have noted (and, to
varying degrees, explained) that regulation tends to occur in extreme
market structures--that is, in markets that are either naturally
monopolistic or naturally competitive (see Jordan, 1972; Peltzman, 1976;
1989). That is, regulation of oligopolies is comparatively rare. A
straightforward explanation of this observed behavior is provided by a
comparison of the three benefits budget constraints that apply to these
alternative market structures. Such a comparison is facilitated by
examination of Figure 8.
We have graphed all three constraint functions together in the two
curves labeled ABC and DBE. The benefits budget constraint applicable to
regulation of a monopoly market is represented by the segment BC on the
former curve. The benefits budget constraint applicable to regulation of
a competitive market is represented by segment AB on that curve.
Finally, the benefits budget constraint applicable to regulation of an
oligopoly market is represented by the curve DBE. Notably, although this
last curve extends into both quadrants two and four, it does not extend
as far into either as the benefits budget constraint associated with one
of the extreme prior market structures--competition or monopoly.
Starting from an oligopoly (intermediate) equilibrium, the distance to
either the monopoly price or the competitive price is not as great as it
would be if we were to begin from the opposite extreme equilibrium
(e.g., moving from competitive equilibrium to the monopoly price). In
addition, the benefits budget constraint for oligopoly lies everywhere
to the southwest of the corresponding benefits budget constraints of the
two extreme market structures. In fact, segment DB of the oligopoly
benefits budget constraint corresponds to segment AF of the competitive
benefits budget constraint, with this latter segment shifted to the
origin. Similarly, segment BE corresponds to segment GC of the monopoly
constraint, also shifted to the origin.
Given these benefits budget constraints, then, the question is:
Under which market structure or structures are we relatively more likely
to observe an equilibrium at a point away from point B? That is, under
which prior market structure are we more likely to observe regulation?
To answer this question, we note that the net gain to regulators from
regulating a market is given by the increase in utility caused by
locating at a point other than B--which, of course, is accomplished by
moving price away from its nonregulated equilibrium value. Without
drawing indifference curves, it is apparent from Figure 8 that such
gains are likely to be much more substantial if benefits budget
constraint AB or BC (rather than DE) applies. For oligopoly, the
no-regulation option is an interior solution, whereas for monopoly or
competition it is a corner solution. Therefore, the graphical analysis
immediately suggests a common finding reported in prior studies--that
regulation will tend to be more common in situations for which the prior
market structure is at one or the other extreme, either monopolistic or
competitive. Regulation of oligopolies will tend to be relatively less
common (but by no means ruled out). One might further argue that
"abstinence" from further regulation is more likely with a
competitive industry than a monopoly.
A review of the previous discussion establishes another, related
result. It is less probable that in an initially competitive market one
would observe a move to full monopoly than that an initially
monopolistic market would be regulated to produce fully competitive
prices. This conclusion arises simply from the fact that it would
require a regulator's marginal rate of substitution of [DELTA]CS
for [DELTA]PS to equal zero for a competitive market to be regulated at
the monopoly outcome.
Application 2: Regulation Tends to Spread the Benefits/Costs of
Exogenous Changes across the Affected Interest Groups
Since the early work of Peltzman (1976) and others, it has been
widely argued that when changes occur in underlying market conditions
(e.g., when technological change alters costs), the resulting benefits
or costs will tend to be spread across the various interest groups
affected by the regulatory process. (24) This fundamental prediction of
the economic theory of regulation is also readily explained by the
graphical approach we have developed.
Consider Figure 9. Here, we assume that a competitive market is
being regulated. The initial underlying market conditions generate a
benefits budget constraint of AB, yielding a regulatory equilibrium of
[E.sub.R]. Now suppose that a technological advance occurs that lowers
production costs. The impact of such a change is to shift the applicable
benefits budget constraint from AB to A[B.sup.']. That is, the new
constraint is steeper, allowing a greater amount of benefits to be
delivered to producers for a given reduction in benefits to consumers.
Given this new constraint, regulatory equilibrium shifts from
[E.sub.R] to [E.sup.'.sub.R]. The gain to producers from regulation
increases and the loss to consumers decreases, both by less than the
full change made possible by the technological advance. That is, the
benefits resulting from that advance are spread across both of the
affected interest groups.
Application 3: Cross-Subsidies are a Prevalent Feature of Regulated
Over the years, many authors have noted the prevalence (if not
ubiquitous presence) of cross-subsidies in regulated price structures
(see Posner, 1971). Under Faulhaber's (1975) definition of a
cross-subsidy, one group of consumers of the regulated firm's
output is charged a price that exceeds the unit stand-alone costs of
production, while another group of consumers is charged a price that
falls below the marginal costs. This phenomenon is readily seen within
the context of our model.
Specifically, assume two demand curves representing purchases by
consumer groups 1 and 2. Given these demands, the regulatory benefits
delivered to the favored (i.e., subsidized) group 1, [DELTA]C[S.sub.1],
are given by the change in that group's consumer surplus caused by
lowering the regulated price [P.sub.1] below its unregulated equilibrium
value. The regulatory benefits (or costs) imposed on the disfavored
(subsidizing) group 2 are similarly given by the change in that
group's consumer surplus, [DELTA]C[S.sub.2], where [DELTA]C[sub.1]
> 0 and [DELTA]C[S.sub.2] < O. Presumably, the underlying cause of
the regulator's preference for group 1 over group 2 consumers
emanates from the former's greater ability to reward regulators by
providing whatever objects form the arguments of the regulator's
utility function. Producer interests (which are not depicted
graphically) can be held constant under this analysis by holding profits
fixed as [P.sub.1] and [P.sub.2] are varied.
Clearly, the same causal forces discussed earlier will be at work
here as well. Namely, the prior market structure, the underlying market
parameters (in particular, the price elasticities of demand for groups 1
and 2), and the affected interest groups' relative ability to
reward regulators will determine both the benefits budget constraint and
the regulator's indifference curves. Together, of course, these
will determine the location of the resulting regulatory equilibrium and
the pattern of cross-subsidies. As a general proposition, however, given
differing demand elasticities and/or abilities to deliver rewards to
regulators, some degree of cross-subsidization appears virtually certain
to materialize. Thus, cross-subsidies are likely to be present in
regulated markets.
Application 4. Regulation to Maximize Social Welfare
Suppose, as has been assumed in much of the normative work on
regulation, that regulators have the objective of maximizing social
welfare. That is, instead of maximizing some broadly defined utility
function, regulators pursue pricing policies that solve
(17) MAX W = CS(P) + PS(P),
subject to the benefits budget constraint presented by the prior
market conditions. What sorts of policy actions, then, would be implied
by the economic theory of regulation if we replace equation (1) with
equation (17)?
The answer to this question is readily illustrated in Figure 10.
Given the above objective function, the regulator's indifference
curves will be straight lines, all with a slope of -1. (26) Thus, the
regulator's preferences are represented by the lines [I.sub.R],
[I.sup.'.sub.R] in the graph.
Given these indifference curves and the benefits budget constraints
implied by competition (segment AB of the curve labeled ABC) and
monopoly (segment BC of this curve), it is immediately apparent that
regulatory equilibrium will occur at [E.sub.R] (point B) in the former
case and [E.sup.'.sub.R] (point C) in the latter case, where the
slopes of the respective benefits budget constraints equal -1.
Therefore, a social welfare maximizing regulator will set price at the
competitive level (point C) in a monopoly market and will not regulate
(point B) a competitive market. Moreover, although we have not included
the benefits budget constraint for oligopoly in Figure 10, it should be
apparent that with the indifference curves shown, oligopolies will also
always be regulated with price set at the competitive level. Of course,
it is the widespread departure from this implied behavior that provides
empirical evidence that in general regulation is not social welfare
Application 5: Regulatory Equilibrium can Shift from Regulation to
Importantly, all three of the benefits budget constraints derived
in section IV contain the no-regulation option as part of the feasible
set of choices. Specifically, the origin at [DELTA]CS = [DELTA]PS = 0
represents the choice of leaving the naturally occurring market
equilibrium undisturbed. As noted earlier, this option is a corner
solution for the two extreme prior market structures--competition and
monopoly--and an interior solution for oligopolies. Consequently, any of
a number of changes in underlying market conditions (e.g., technological
changes, demand shifts, or market entry) can cause the regulatory
equilibrium to shift from regulation to no regulation. Deregulation,
then, can become the optimal (regulator utility-maximizing) policy
choice as a result of any of these exogenous changes. So, too, can the
decision to abstain from regulating a market be shown to represent an
optimal policy choice.
To illustrate this point, consider Figure 11. Initially, suppose
the market is a natural monopoly. Consequently, regulators face the
benefits budget constraint given by segment BC. Under this constraint
and with regulator preferences represented by indifference curves
[I.sub.R] and [I.sup.'.sub.R], regulatory equilibrium is achieved
at [E.sub.R]. The market price is set below the full monopoly level and
above the competitive level, producing negative benefits for producers
and positive benefits for consumers. (27)
Now suppose some change occurs in the underlying market conditions
that shifts the unregulated market equilibrium from monopoly to
competition (e.g., a technological change dramatically reduces scale
economies in this industry). As a consequence of this change, the new
benefits budget constraint becomes segment AB. Given this new constraint
(and with no change in the regulator's preferences), the new
regulatory equilibrium shifts to [E.sup.'.sub.R] at point B. (28)
Deregulation then becomes the optimal policy. (29)
It is important, at this point, to recall that the axes (and,
therefore regulators' utility functions) are measured in surplus
changes relative to the status quo, not in levels. The movement from
[E.sub.R] to [E.sup.'.sub.R] in Figure 11 represents a change from
regulated monopoly to deregulated competition. As a result, consumers
gain and producers lose, even though the movement on the graph is to the
northwest, suggesting the opposite (i.e., [DELTA]CS < 0 and [DELTA]PS
> 0). Although the latter inference is correct given the original
benefits budget constraint, BC, the levels of CS and PS from which the
changes are measured must be recalibrated given the new constraint, AB.
With this latter constraint, [DELTA]CS is at its maximum feasible value
and [DELTA]PS is at its minimum value with deregulation (point B).
The original insights provided by the early founders of the
economic theory of regulation have provided the wellhead from which a
substantial body of theoretical work has sprung. That work has greatly
expanded our understanding of the economics of regulated markets in
particular and interest group behavior generally. Numerous subsequent
articles--both theoretical and empirical--and several new journals
subsequently have appeared that have added to that understanding.
This body of literature, however, has never provided a complete and
consistent graphical representation of the important underlying concepts
and principal results of the economic theory of regulation. This article
attempts to fill that void by providing a more fully developed graphical
treatment of this theory. Hopefully, the conceptual tools developed
here--primarily the benefits budget constraint--will facilitate both
students learning the relevant theory and researchers developing further
extensions and applications.
In the text, we argue that the benefits budget constraints we
derive are concave. Importantly, that property is not contingent on the
assumption that demand is linear. Rather, concavity of the benefits
budget constraints holds for nonperverse downward-sloping demands.
For any such demand, consumer surplus change is
for P < [bar]P, where P denotes an initial price. (Note that we
are integrating over prices, and s is the variable of the integration.)
Similarly, producer surplus change is
(A2) [DELTA]PS = X(P)(P - c) X([bar]P)([bar]P - c).
Note that, if [DELTA]P < 0, then [DELTA]CS > 0 and [DELTA]PS
< 0 when [bar]P [less than or equal to] [P.sub.M].
Because both [DELTA]CS and [DELTA]PS depend on P, differentiation
yields the conclusion that [DELTA]PS is (implicitly) a concave function of [DELTA]CS (i.e., the benefits budget constraint is concave) whenever
we have
(A3) -X" * X * (p - c) - [X.sup'] * X +
([X.sup.'])2(p - c)>0
([A3] is obtained by simplification). This condition is quite
familiar and is satisfied (for prices not less than marginal cost) by
any demand curve X that exhibits greater price elasticity at higher
prices. This may be seen by differentiating the elasticity expression E=
([X.sup.']p/X) with respect to price.
Thus, the benefits budget constraint is concave under very
unrestrictive conditions. Therefore, the inequality indicated in (A3)
It is likewise straightforward to show that the general benefits
budget constraint is concave for [DELTA]P> 0. Thus, concavity of
these constraints is not dependent on the assumption of linear demand.
(1.) Peltzman's (1976) paper contains some graphs that help
explain his mathematical results. It does not, however, present a
complete graphical explanation of the basic theory of regulation or of
the dynamics of deregulation (of reregulation). The accelerated
maturation of the theory has not prevented its rapid advancement and
extension in a number of important directions. Indeed, the economic
theory of regulation has found widespread acceptance in the fields of
industrial organization and public choice and has provided a promising
methodology for understanding a significant portion of political
behavior in general. See, for example, Noll (1985; 1989) and Peltzman
(1989). The potential for this theory to yield insight into the economic
and political behavior of interest groups holds substantial promise that
a general theory of collective action will eventually emerge that is
analogous to the body of theory we now refer to as neoclassical
(2.) To our knowledge, the only formal theoretical treatment of the
decision to deregulate an industry is that provided by McCormick et al.
(1984). The explanation provided there, however, focuses on a built-in
bias against deregulation and consequently fails to provide a full
positive theory of the decision to deregulate. Our graphical approach,
however, provides such a theory.
(3.) For convenience, we will generally refer to
"benefits" only. Any harms imposed by regulation on interest
groups are simply negative benefits.
(4.) This interrelationship between the benefits afforded any one
group and the benefits to other groups is emphasized in the prior
literature. See, for example, Becker (1983).
(5.) Our specification of the trade-offs in benefits afforded to
one group versus another follows in the spirit of earlier work on the
economic theory of regulation. See, for example, Becker (1983, p. 376).
(6.) Our analysis here is not dependent on the inclusion of all
these arguments in the regulator's utility function. For instance,
an alternative specification, congruent with Peltzman's (1976)
analysis would include only V or "V and all others." The
debate on what arguments properly belong in the regulator's utility
function goes back to Peltzman's seminal paper and the comments on
it. See, for example, Hirshleifer (1976) and Becker (1976).
(7.) This assumption separates the positive economic theory of
regulation from the normative theories of optimal regulatory policies.
(8.) Beyond the market constraints that we explore here, political
and legal constraints arise from the particular institutions within
which regulators are made to operate. The role of these constraints,
which is beyond the present analysis, has been explored in a growing
literature beginning with Weingast and Moran (1983).
(9.) Although normative analysis of regulation has focused
attention on declining average cost (or natural monopoly) conditions,
our constant cost assumption here allows for the reality of regulation
of a number of industries (e.g., trucking and airlines) that have (at
least to an approximation) constant cost characteristics. The principal
aspects of our subsequent analysis are, however, unaffected if we were
to impose a declining cost structure.
(10.) On the subject of transitional gains from regulation, see
Tullock (1975) and McChesney (1987).
(11.) Price cannot be set below the competitive level because of
constitutional constraints that prohibit regulators from setting rates
at nonremunerative (or so-called confiscatory) levels. Prices will not
be set above the monopoly level, because at such levels both interest
groups are harmed and, as such. supramonopoly pricing would be
(12.) This result arises because there are generally two levels of
price (and. hence, two [DELTA]Ps) that yield the same change in producer
surplus. Only the "smaller" of these is relevant, because the
"larger" implies prices beyond the monopoly level.
(13.) Given our assumed market parameters, [P.sub.c] = c, and
[Q.sub.c] = [alpha] - [beta]c
(14.) Concavity of the benefits budget constraint is not dependent
on the specific (linear) functional form assumed here for the demand
curve. A proof of general concavity of this constraint is contained in
the appendix.
(15.) One can easily show from equations (7) and (8) that
[DELTA]C[S.sub.c] = [DELTA][S.sub.c] = 0 at C[S.sub.c], P[S.sub.c]. That
is, regulation yields no benefits unless it alters the market outcome
away from its unregulated state.
(16.) As we shall illustrate later, identification of the
no-regulation option along the benefits budget constraint becomes
significant when we consider the decision of whether to regulate or
deregulate an industry.
(17.) Note that we are assuming that first-degree price
discrimination is not feasible. Otherwise, the benefits budget
constraint would have a slope of -1 throughout.
(18.) Given our assumed market parameters, [P.sub.M]
(1/2)[([alpha]/[beta])+c], and [Q.sub.M]= (1/2)([alpha] - [beta]c).
(19.) Given our assumed market parameters, the unregulated
oligopoly equilibrium is [P.sub.o] = (1/4)[([alpha]/[beta]) + 3c], and
[Q.sub.o] = (3/4)([alpha] - [beta]c).
(20.) As with the other benefits budget constraints.
[DELTA]C[S.sub.o] = [DELTA]P[S.sub.o] = 0 at [bar]C[S.sub.o],
[bar]P[S.sub.o]. That is, the no-regulation point is again found at the
(21.) This result is consistent with prior empirical work. See, for
example, MacDonald (1987) and Wilson (1994). Overall, these studies find
that regulation of competitive markets tends to lead to higher prices.
(22.) Beyond point B, the benefits budget constraint curves back to
the southwestern direction. Increasing price beyond the monopoly level
reduces both consumers' and producers' surplus.
(23.) Whether, in fact, point A emerges as a regulatory equilibrium
will, of course, depend on the ability of a given [DELTA]CS and a given
[DELTA]PS to translate into an argument (e.g., votes) in the
regulator's utility function. This transformation will depend on a
variety of factors, such as the relative cost of organizing consumer
versus producer interests. For a discussion of the nature of these
production functions, see Becker (1983).
(24.) Indeed, many of the more recent incentive regulation schemes,
including price cap regulation, formalize such benefit/cost spreading
through the sharing requirements imposed.
(25.) It is important to note that the basis on which the new
benefits budget constraint is formulated is the initial
(pre-technological change) competitive equilibrium. Our thanks to Sam
Peltzman for pointing this out.
(26.) With the objective function given by equation (17), d[DELTA]W
= [(d[DELTA]CS/dP)dP] + [(d[DELTA]PS/dP)dP] = 0 along any indifference
curve. Thus, the slope of this indifference curve is
(d[DELTA]ACS/d[DELTA]PS) = -1.
(27.) At this point, there is ample empirical evidence that such
intermediate regulatory outcomes often occur. See, for example, Mayo and
Otsuka (1991) who find that regulated cable rates were held below
monopoly levels but above competitive levels. See also, Caudill et al.
(28.) Structural changes in underlying market conditions could also
alter the ability of the affected interest groups to provide rewards to
regulators. Consequently, regulator indifference curves could change as
well. Obviously, such a change could either reinforce or offset
(partially or completely) the result shown here.
(29.) Clearly, a dramatic shift from a prior market structure that
is a natural monopoly to one that is fully competitive is not required
to shift the regulatory equilibrium to the no-regulation corner
solution. In Figure 11, any change in market conditions that increases
the absolute value of the slope of the BC segment could have this
effect. Similarly, a shift to an oligopolistic market structure could
yield the same outcome. Thus, there is a large set of circumstances that
could plausibly cause a regulator to abandon price controls altogether.
Deregulation is not a mystery in this model.
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McCormick, R., W. Shughart, and R. Tollison, "The Disinterest in Deregulation." American Economic Review, 74, 1984, 1075-79.
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* We thank Willis Emmons, Jeff Macher, Sam Peltzman, Dennis Quinn,
Bennet Zelner, and seminar participants at Auburn University, the
University of Florida, and Georgetown University for helpful comments.
All errors are our own.
Beard Associate Professor, Department of Economics, College of
Business, Auburn University. Auburn, AL 36849. Phone 1-334-844-2918, Fax
1-334-844-4615, E-mail
[email protected]
Kaserman: Torchmark Professor, Department of Economics, College of
Business, Auburn University, Auburn, AL 36849. Phone 1-334-844-2905, Fax
1-334-844-4615. E-mail
[email protected]
Mayo: Dean and Professor of Economics. Business and Public Policy,
McDonough School of Business, Georgetown University. Washington, DC
20057. Phone 1-202-687-6972, Fax 1-202-687-2017, E-mail
[email protected]