The economic reward for studying economics.
Black, Dan A. ; Sanders, Seth ; Taylor, Lowell 等
Each year, college students must select a major from a bewildering array of choices. Academic advisors extol the aesthetic beauty, social
value, intellectual rigor, and inherent interest of the various
disciplines, and they emphasize the value of their own department's
major as preparation for students' future career paths. Economists
in particular point to the economics major as providing solid grounding
for a variety of real-world careers--from public policy analyst to
executive--and as a good background for further graduate work in
economics, business, and law.
The information we pass on to our students is based largely on a
collection of anecdotes, and this advice is often met with well-founded skepticism. Students and parents understand that academic advice often
comes from individuals who have an incentive to steer students toward
majoring in their own departments. Little concrete information is
provided about the actual economic success of graduates based on their
choice of college major.
In this article, we use a unique data set of over 85,000
college-educated respondents to calculate the wages of college graduates
by their major. We focus on two broad issues. First, we consider college
graduates who do not pursue post bachelor's education. We ask how
the-wages of the economics majors compare to demographically similar
individuals who choose other college majors. We also provide evidence
about the occupations held by economics majors. Second, we consider
evidence about graduate-level education for economics majors. We find
that over 40% of economics majors have earned graduate degrees, most
commonly in business or law. We examine the wages of workers who have
obtained a master's degree in business or a law degree and ask how
wages of the economics undergraduate majors differ from those of other
Our results can be summarized as follows: Among college graduates
with no advanced degrees, economics majors generally fare well, earning
significantly more than graduates with the most popular major, business
administration, and more than other social science majors, humanities
majors, and arts majors. Only engineering majors earn significantly more
than economics majors. Among individuals who pursue a master's
degree in business or a professional degree in law, those who have an
undergraduate economics major generally earn more than individuals with
other majors (the only exception being the chemical engineering major as
a background for the MBA).
We use the 1993 National Survey of College Graduates (NSCG) to
examine the college majors of full-time workers. The NSCG stems from an
initiative of the National Science Foundation (NSF) that compiled
information on scientists and engineers in the United States. The NSF
and the Bureau of the Census conducted a survey based on the 1990
Decennial Census Long Form sampling frame, with the sample limited to
those with at least a baccalaureate degree and who were age 72 or
younger as of 1 April 1990. The Census Bureau drew a stratified sample of 214,643 respondents, first contacting individuals with a mail survey
and then, if necessary, with a telephone or in-person interview. In the
collection of these data, a great deal of attention was paid to the
accuracy of the education responses, and detailed information was
gathered about the majors of the respondents for up to three degrees.
From the original 1990 sample, a few members had emigrated from the
United States (2,132), died (2,407), were institutionalized (157), or
were over 75 years old (211) and were hence out of the survey's
scope. Surprisingly, 14,319 respondents were also excluded from the
sample because they had no four-year college degree despite reporting a
four-year degree on the 1990 Census. (1) Another 46,487 declined to
participate. (2) This results in a (weighted) response rate of 80%, or a
sample of 148,928 respondents. We are interested in individuals who were
age 25 to 55 in the 1990 Census (which reduces the number of
observations by 28,656); who had nonimputed gender, race, age, and
ethnicity (which reduces the number of observations by 2,417); who
worked at least 1,365 hours in 1989 and had positive, nonimputed income,
weeks worked, and hours per week (which reduces the number of
observations by another 29,583). In addition, another 2,167 respondents
reported no bachelor's degree or major, and we dropped these respo
ndents from the sample, resulting in a working sample of 86,105
respondents. The NSCG provides over 140 different majors, which we
aggregate to roughly 85 majors to avoid small cell sizes. (3) In an
appendix table we provide a count of the undergraduate majors of the
86,105 respondents. There are over 1,700 economics majors, but other
majors are also well represented. The smallest major is ethnic studies,
and the largest is business administration.
Because the sampling frame of the NSCG is the 1990 Census, anyone
not having a degree by 1990 would not be included in the sample. As a
result, we restrict the sample to those at least 25 years of age (in
1990) to ensure that most individuals would have had the opportunity to
complete their undergraduate education. Similarly, to avoid any
complications with differential retirement ages, we restrict the sample
to workers age 55 and under.
In our discussion of wage differences by college major, we report
estimates from the regression model
(1) 1n([y.sub.i]) = g([X.sub.i]) + [M.sup.T][beta] + [u.sub.i],
where 1n([y.sub.i]) is a the natural log of the ith worker's
wage; [X.sub.i] is a vector of demographic covariates that includes age,
race, and ethnicity (Asian, black, nonblack Hispanic, Native American,
and non-Hispanic white) and gender; M is a vector of education
covariates (e.g., college majors), [beta] indicates the parameters of
interest; and [u.sub.i] is an error term. (4) As is standard practice
when using census data, we calculate the wage as the earnings last year
divided by the product of weeks worked last year and hours worked per
week. Importantly, compared to Public Use Microdata Sample, our measure
of earnings is top coded at $999,999 rather than $150,000. The NSCG data
also contain a measure of 1993 earnings, but this measure is top coded
at $150,000. We prefer the census measure because it allows us to better
estimate the returns to lucrative majors and occupations. (5)
We do not specify the function g([X.sub.i]) parametrically. Rather,
we demean the data for each point, or cell, in X. We then estimate the
impact of each major by regressing the demeaned wage data on the vector
of college majors. (6) Thus, identification of the wage differential associated with college majors comes from comparing workers with
identical demographic characteristics (say, non-black Hispanic females
aged 32) but with differing majors. We estimate the model with Stata statistical software and report robust standard errors allowing the
variances to differ at each cell using Stata's cluster command.
This accounts for the heteroscedasticity associated with difference in
cell sizes. Finally, all estimations weights to account for the
NSCG's sample stratification.
To implement the model, we must of course exclude one of the 85
majors. We use economics majors as the excluded group, because this
facilitates easy comparison with other majors.
Our first set of analyses is of full-time workers who have earned a
bachelor's degree but no further graduate degrees. As one would
expect, among the college educated, the undergraduate major is a
significant determinant of an individual's occupation. Table 1
provides a list of the most common occupations for economics majors and
five additional majors in 1990: two other popular social science majors,
history and political science; two professional business majors,
accounting and business administration; and for contrast, electrical
engineering. The table lists all occupations that employ at least 3% of
one of the six listed majors.
We notice that the electrical engineering majors are, not
surprisingly, highly concentrated in engineering occupations (with more
than 53% working in computer science or engineering). Similarly, 49% of
accounting majors work as accountants. By way of comparison, the social
science and business administration majors are distributed broadly over
a variety of occupations. The occupation distribution of economics and
business administration majors are similar, with concentrations of
employment in top- and midlevel management positions, accounting and
financial specialties, and sales. The political science and history
majors are more likely to be elementary or secondary school teachers.
In Table 2 we present estimates from our wage regression. This
specification is restricted to college graduates who have no advanced
degree, a sample of 55,422 workers, or about 64% of the sample. We
include all majors in our estimation but report only the estimated
coefficients for majors for which we have 350 or more observations.
Economics majors fare quite well in the labor market. Majors in
other social sciences earn at least 13% less than demographically
comparable economics majors. Similarly, education, humanities, and arts
majors earn substantially less than economics majors. Business
administration majors earn 11% less than economics majors, as do majors
in a variety of other "professional degree" programs. Wages of
economics majors are comparable to those of "hard science"
majors, such as chemistry, math, and physics, and are similar also to
accounting and finance majors. (7) Among the majors listed, only
engineering majors earn substantially more than economics majors. (8)
In Table 3, we stratify our sample of bachelor's only
respondents by gender in the first two columns and by broad age
categories (25 to 34, 35 to 44, and 45 to 55 years) in the last three
columns. To avoid the imprecision associated with small cells, we report
only selected majors that have at least 100 observations. Economics is
seen to be a lucrative major for both men and women. (9) Some
interesting patterns emerge in the examination of age cohorts. The
"penalty" (relative to the economics major) for majoring in
elementary education, history, English, and foreign languages appears to
have increased for the younger cohort. We notice that the
"premium" earned by computer science majors is driven
primarily by the relatively high wages of young workers. (10) The major
finding is that the economics was a lucrative field for each cohort.
Finally, we provide some evidence about the distributions of
returns across majors. For the six majors listed in Table 1, we
estimated the returns using quantile regressions for each decile. (11)
This allows us to examine how, say, majoring in electrical engineering
relative to economics affects earnings at the 20th percentile of the
wage distribution. We depict the results in Figure 1.
For business administration, political science, and history, the
wage gap is relatively constant across the wage distribution, roughly
ranging from -20% to -10%. In contrast, there are substantial
differences across wage distributions for electrical engineering and
accounting. Accounting majors at the 10th percentile earn 10.7% more
than economists, but at the 90th percentile accounting majors earn 11.4%
less than economics majors. At the median, there is virtually no
difference between the earnings of the two majors (with accounting
majors earning only 0.7% less than economics majors). The results for
electrical engineering majors are more striking. At the 10th percentile
of earnings, electrical engineering majors earn 40.7% more than
economics majors, but at the 90th percentile of earnings, the electrical
engineering majors actually earn 11.4% less than the economics majors.
Interestingly, the median estimate (a 17.0% gap) is quite close to the
ordinary least squares (OLS) gap (a 15.9% gap). (12) For both a
ccounting and electrical engineering, the gap declines quite smoothly,
but clearly this figure also presents a stunning rejection of the
constant impact of college major across the wage distribution. Our
exercise also illustrates the value of avoiding overly restrictive
assumptions about the functional form of the regression equation.
Within each major, a substantial fraction of college graduates
pursue advanced degrees. In Table 4 we confirm that the rate at which
students attend graduate education differs substantially by
undergraduate major. (13) (We restrict attention to workers who are old
enough that they have likely completed their graduate
education--respondents aged 35 to 55.) For example, about two-thirds of
physics majors earn an advanced degree, including 32% who earn a Ph.D.
As an extreme contrast, fewer than 20% of business administration majors
pursue any graduate degree. Economics majors are somewhere in the middle
of the pack; about 45% of economics majors pursue graduate degrees.
These differences are not the result of demographic differences across
majors; when we estimate a logit model controlling for age,
race-ethnicity, and gender, these general patterns persist.
Table 5 provides a more detailed breakdown of the highest degree
earned by undergraduate economics majors and by students in three
comparison majors: electrical engineering, history, and political
science. Among electrical engineering majors, those who pursue graduate
study are most likely to stay in their own discipline, with a modest
number also entering MBA programs. The social science majors, in
contrast, are quite likely to enter graduate programs in disciplines
that differ from their undergraduate major, especially education (for
history majors), business, and law. The fraction of political science
majors who enter law is particularly striking.
How does the undergraduate major affect earnings after graduate
school? Tables 6 and 7 allow an evaluation of a claim often heard in
economic advisors' offices--that economics is good preparation for
a subsequent MBA or J.D. degree. The NSCG data contain 4,012 respondents
who have a master's degree in a business discipline. In Table 6, we
report the results from estimating our wage regression using a sample of
workers who have a master's degree in a business discipline but
conditioning on undergraduate majors. We estimate coefficients for 84
different undergraduate majors (no audio-speech therapy major in the
sample received an MBA), but report results only for majors in which
there are at least 30 individuals. The relative success of economics
majors among this group is clear. Among undergraduates who pursue MBAs,
economics majors rank second in terms of wages out of the 23 most common
prebusiness majors. Economics majors trail only chemical engineering
majors. Other majors earn less, though the differences in many cases are
not statistically significant.
Table 7 provides results for an analogous exercise among
individuals who attend law school. Although we consider all 78 majors
for which someone attends law school, we report only those majors that
have at least 30 people in our sample receiving law degrees. We find
that among the law school graduates previously receiving one of the 12
most common prelaw majors, economics majors have the highest wages.
Readers who look at our tables will no doubt form a variety of
hypotheses of their own for explaining the observed wage differentials.
There are likely at least three elements at work.
The first factor concerns the value added of the degree programs
themselves. In a good undergraduate economics program, students develop
an ability to think critically: They gain broadly applicable analytic and quantitative skills that improve decision making in a wide range of
tasks. In short, it may be that economics majors are better trained than
many other majors in skills that have high returns in the marketplace.
A second factor is compensating differentials. Many artists and
musicians cannot imagine spending their life doing anything other than
pursuing their art, and the relevant marginal student (say, a student
choosing between studying economics or music performance with the
bassoon) may be willing to "pay" for the privilege of
following her passion in the form of lower lifetime earnings. Because
college major and occupation are correlated, these compensating
differentials will appear in the form of varying returns to college
Finally, there is certainly a considerable amount of self-selection
across majors in terms of innate ability--intelligence, talent,
ambition, and drive. The large difference in wages between, say,
undergraduate physics majors and most undergraduate social science
majors might stem in large measure from the fact that students who
tackle the traditionally challenging physics major are generally among
the smartest and most intellectually ambitious students. To the extent
that such sorting does occur, college major may serve as a useful signal
to employers, even in cases in which the skills acquired in the
undergraduate program are largely irrelevant to the job for which an
individual is being considered. Such signaling would only serve to
reinforce the tendency of talented students to select challenging
There are patterns that seem explicable only by such selection. The
low rate of return of business majors who pursue MBAs (relative to
economics majors who also earn MBAs) is difficult to explain unless
there is substantial selection into undergraduate business majors.
Similarly, the low rates of return to an undergraduate science major are
difficult to understand unless one looks at the rate at which these
students pursue advanced degrees.
Selection is probably not the whole story, however. For example, on
average, physics and math majors are probably at least as smart and hard
working as engineering students. Indeed, among high school seniors in
2001, Scholastic Aptitude Test scores (math/verbal) are higher among
those intending to major in mathematics (625/549) and physical sciences
(588/568) than among those planning to major in engineering (572/523).
(14) The relatively high wages of engineering majors likely stem from
the highly valued skills that these students acquire in their degree
programs. This brings us back to the first of our explanations about the
value of majors--that the measured differentials reflect in part real
differences in the market returns to the field of study. If so, our
article provides evidence that there is indeed a substantial economic
reward to studying economics.
Counts of Undergraduate College Majors, Full-time Workers Aged 25 to 55,
1993 National Survey of
National Survey of College Graduates
Major Count
Physics 1,157
Chemistry 2,236
Geology 703
Earth sciences 358
Biochemistry & biophysics 340
General biology 2,999
Botany & plant science 318
Micro- & molecular biology 428
Nutrition 248
Zoology 476
Other biology 469
Applied math 400
Math 1,935
Statistics & other math 308
Aerospace engineering 577
Architecture 243
Civil engineering 2,414
Chemical engineering 1,455
Electrical engineering 4,174
Science engineering 263
General engineering 211
Industrial engineering 569
Mechanical engineering 3,112
Mineral & materials engineering 328
Other engineering 580
Electrical technology 642
Industrial technology 381
Mechanical technology 434
Other technology 268
Computer science 2,840
Other computer science 348
Education--administration 208
Education--science 559
Education--elementary 3,709
Education--physical 1,193
Education--secondary 1,399
Education--special 525
Education--social science 275
Education--other 1,889
Audio-speech therapy 249
Premedicine 547
Premedicine 547
Medicine 220
Nursing 1,496
Pharmacy 413
Physical therapy 249
Other health 505
Agricultural business 324
Animal science 272
Other agricultural science 167
Agricultural architecture & environmental 787
Accounting 3,357
Business administration 6,181
Marketing 1,674
Finance 912
Other business 861
Criminology 759
Journalism 630
Communication 1,084
Public administration 256
Social work 1,032
Home economics 685
Leisure 419
Conservation 640
Anthropology 290
Economics 1,789
English 2,474
Ethnic studies 137
Foreign languages 1,073
Geography 266
History 2,036
Liberal arts 794
Philosophy 948
Political science 1,930
Prelaw 195
Clinical psychology 421
General psychology 2,212
Other psychology 794
Sociology 1,942
Other social sciences 556
Drama 266
Fine arts 1,066
Music 688
Other arts 331
Other 515
Source: Authors' calculation, 1993 NSCG.
Note: Sample weights are not used for these calculations.
1990 Occupational Distribution for Six Undergraduate Majors, Individuals
Aged 25 to 55, 1993 NSCG
Occupation Economics Accounting
Administrators and officials, 1.32 1.15
public administration
Financial managers 3.63 9.53
Managers, marketing, advertising, 4.40 0.84
& public relations
Managers and administrators, n.e.c. 14.23 7.87
Accountants and auditors 5.02 48.83
Other financial officers 4.88 3.94
Aerospace engineers 0.12 0.02
Electrical and electronic engineers 0.35 0.11
Engineers, n.e.c. 0.32 0.07
Computer systems analysts and 2.04 0.62
Teachers, elementary school 0.83 0.37
Teachers, secondary school 0.50 0.10
Electrical and electronic 0.11 0.04
Supervisors and proprietors, sales 7.51 2.27
Real estate sales occupations 3.34 0.81
Sales rep., mining, manufacturing, 5.51 0.81
& wholesale
Total 52.79 77.38
Business Electrical
Occupation Administration Engineering
Administrators and officials, 1.55 0.12
public administration
Financial managers 2.70 0.11
Managers, marketing, advertising, 2.46 1.45
& public relations
Managers and administrators, n.e.c. 15.70 14.22
Accountants and auditors 4.48 0.00
Other financial officers 3.24 0.58
Aerospace engineers 0.11 3.28
Electrical and electronic engineers 0.40 34.41
Engineers, n.e.c. 0.24 7.31
Computer systems analysts and 1.45 3.96
Teachers, elementary school 0.71 0.06
Teachers, secondary school 0.23 0.02
Electrical and electronic 0.22 4.01
Supervisors and proprietors, sales 8.19 1.60
Real estate sales occupations 1.74 0.44
Sales rep., mining, manufacturing, 4.97 1.94
& wholesale
Total 48.39 73.39
Occupation History Science
Administrators and officials, 1.97 3.12
public administration
Financial managers 0.70 2.01
Managers, marketing, advertising, 1.70 2.03
& public relations
Managers and administrators, n.e.c. 7.34 10.46
Accountants and auditors 3.23 2.18
Other financial officers 1.07 3.31
Aerospace engineers 0.03 0.10
Electrical and electronic engineers 0.18 0.12
Engineers, n.e.c. 0.30 0.03
Computer systems analysts and 0.86 1.16
Teachers, elementary school 9.68 3.58
Teachers, secondary school 4.32 0.77
Electrical and electronic 0.13 0.06
Supervisors and proprietors, sales 4.59 3.81
Real estate sales occupations 0.92 1.31
Sales rep., mining, manufacturing, 1.26 3.88
& wholesale
Total 36.31 34.81
Source: Authors' calculation, NSCG.
Notes: All occupations that employ at least 3% of one of the six majors
is listed. Respondents are full-time workers n.e.c. is not elsewhere
1990 Wage Gaps Relative to Economics by College Major of Full-Time
Workers Aged 25 to 55 with a Bachelors Degree, 1993 NSCG
Wages Relative to
Major Economics Major (%)
Biology -16.23 ***
Chemistry -4.15
Geology -14.99 ***
Math 2.45
Physics -2.20
Engineering and CS
Aerospace engineering 8.88 **
Chemical engineering 21.49 ***
Civil engineering 4.13
Computer science 8.49 ***
Electrical engineering 15.87 ***
Industrial engineering 2.07
Mechanical engineering 10.54 ***
Electric technology 2.62
Mechanical technology 1.71
Elementary -l7.69 ***
Physical -l9.68 ***
Secondary -23.85 ***
Accounting -0.79
Business administration -l0.74 ***
Finance -1.17
Marketing -6.89 ***
Other business -14.04 ***
Other professional degrees
Agricultural & environmental design -17.37 ***
Communication -15.66 ***
Conservation -28.27 ***
Criminology -17.69 ***
Home economics -25.43 ***
Journalism -15.71 ***
Social work -27.81 ***
Medical technology -4.56 *
Nursing 5.24 **
Social science
Economics 0.00
History -18.21 ***
Political science -13.41 ***
Psychology -17.98 ***
Sociology -18.67 ***
English -l5.56 ***
Foreign languages -l5.95 ***
Philosophy & theology -47.56 ***
Fine arts -27.72 ***
Music -37.31 ***
Source: Authors' calculation, NSCG.
Notes: Dependent variable is the natural log of wage in 1990. The
regression nonparametrically controls for race-ethnicity (white, black,
Hispanic, Asian, and Native American), age, and gender. There are 85
different major controls, but only selected ones are reported.
Huber-white standard errors are used to calculate significance levels
with clustering for each cell. There are 55,422 observations used in the
regression. Each reported major has at least 350 observations. Sample
weights are used for these calculations.
* Indicates significance at 0.10 level.
** Indicates significance at 0.05 level.
*** Indicates significance at 0.01 level.
1990 Wage Gaps Relative to Economics by College Major and Gender or Age
of Full-Time Workers Aged 25 to 55 with a Bachelor's Degree, 1993 NSCG
Gender Age Category
Women Men Under 35
Biology -12.64 *** -18.69 *** -16.99 ***
Math 8.72 ** -1.06 1.90
Computer science 15.99 *** 5.57 * 12.34 ***
Elementary -16.62 *** -26.96 *** -21.23 ***
Physical -14.41 *** -23.27 *** -23.36 ***
Secondary -20.74 *** -27.85 *** -20.76 ***
Accounting 0.35 -1.40 -0.60
Business administration -9.71 *** -11.09 *** -11.33 ***
Marketing -10.69 *** -5.22 * -9.58 ***
Other business -15.95 *** -13.22 *** -14.42 ***
Social science & humanities
Economics 0 0 0
History -16.74 *** -18.90 *** -23.40 ***
Political science -7.44 * -15.76 *** -16.64 ***
Psychology -19.51 *** -16.58 *** -19.81 ***
Sociology -17.62 *** -20.30 *** -18.40 ***
English -13.21 *** -19.44 *** -16.98 ***
Foreign languages -11.20 *** -28.31 *** -20.71 ***
Age Category
35 to 44 45 to 55
Biology -14.56 *** -19.62 ***
Math 5.14 -1.83
Computer science 4.32 --
Elementary -18.85 *** -13.16 **
Physical -18.02 *** -17.95 ***
Secondary -25.68 *** -23.96 ***
Accounting -0.48 -2.02
Business administration -11.59 *** -8.57 *
Marketing -3.81 0.74
Other business -12.38 *** -15.50
Social science & humanities
Economics 0 0
History -17.46 *** -14.57 **
Political science -8.86 * -15.14
Psychology -16.64 *** -18.65 ***
Sociology -18.03 *** -21.58 ***
English -20.13 *** -6.14
Foreign languages -14.77 *** -10.56
Source: Author's calculation, NSCG.
Notes: Dependent variable is the natural logarithm of wage in 1990. The
regression nonparametrically controls for race-ethnicity (white, black,
Hispanic, Asian, and Native American), age, and gender. There are 85
different major controls, but only selected ones are reported.
Huber-White standard errors are used to calculate significance levels
with clustering for each cell. There are 55,422 observations used in the
regression. Each reported major cell has at least 100 observations.
Sample weights are used for these calculations.
* Indicates significance at 0.10 level.
** Indicates significance at 0.05 level.
*** Indicates significance at 0.01 level.
Propensity for Pursuing Advanced Degrees by Undergraduate College Major,
Full-Time Workers Aged 35 to 55, 1993 NSCG
Bachelor's Professional
Only Master's Degree
Biology 41.32 25.91 20.69
Chemistry 37.67 22.14 13.04
Maths 50.07 37.70 2.61
Physics 33.53 32.43 2.34
Engineering and computer science
Chemical engineering 51.89 33.64 3.22
Civil engineering 62.83 32.23 0.74
Computer science 78.69 19.67 0.06
Electrical engineering 59.37 32.47 1.55
Mechanical engineering 63.25 29.68 1.92
Elementary 57.22 40.65 0.70
Physical 54.81 41.79 1.41
Secondary 51.15 43.88 2.62
Nursing 71.72 24.46 1.61
Accounting 80.06 16.27 2.52
Business administration 81.74 15.05 2.24
Marketing 80.65 17.63 1.15
Other professional degrees
Social work 60.59 36.60 1.79
Social science
Economics 55.41 29.84 8.95
History 48.85 34.59 11.52
Political science 46.10 24.40 24.68
Psychology 48.43 33.67 7.21
Sociology 59.47 32.12 4.10
English 47.37 38.35 7.00
Foreign languages 48.34 37.20 6.07
Philosophy & theology 39.10 40.25 9.81
Fine arts 68.65 27.24 2.48
Biology 12.08
Chemistry 27.15
Maths 9.62
Physics 31.70
Engineering and computer science
Chemical engineering 11.26
Civil engineering 4.20
Computer science 1.57
Electrical engineering 6.61
Mechanical engineering 5.16
Elementary 1.43
Physical 1.99
Secondary 2.36
Nursing 2.21
Accounting 1.16
Business administration 0.96
Marketing 0.57
Other professional degrees
Social work 1.02
Social science
Economics 5.80
History 5.04
Political science 4.82
Psychology 10.70
Sociology 4.32
English 7.28
Foreign languages 8.39
Philosophy & theology 10.83
Fine arts 1.64
Source: Authors' calculation, NSCG.
Notes: There is a minimum of 700 observations for each major. Sample
weights are used for these calculations.
Highest Degree Obtained for Four Undergraduate Majors (%), Individuals
Aged 25 to 55, 1993 NSCG
Electrical Political
Highest Degree Economics Engineering History Science
Bachelor's 62.40 66.34 52.79 51.38
Master's 24.67 27.61 30.67 20.35
Distribution of students
obtaining the degree
Own discipline 22.79 53.69 18.57 17.68
Education 6.22 0.48 49.79 19.62
Business 53.04 22.33 12.69 23.81
Public administration 3.78 0.50 3.67 16.01
Professional degree 8.77 1.41 12.42 24.69
Distribution of students
obtaining the degree
Medicine 6.32 29.18 6.93 1.14
Law 88.29 49.34 84.57 96.02
Ph.D. 4.17 4.64 4.12 3.57
Distribution of students
obtaining the degree
Own discipline 61.06 63.71 47.26 62.84
Education 4.67 1.03 21.05 13.94
Business 11.07 1.31 2.13 2.76
Public administration 0.34 0.00 0.93 3.46
Source: Authors' calculation, NSCG.
Notes: Respondents are aged 25 to 55, inclusive. Percentages in bold
give the overall percentage of the given major. The indented percentages
give the percentage of students study in selected field for that
1990 Wages Gaps Relative to Economics by Undergraduate College Major of
Full-Time Workers Aged 25 to 55 with a Master's Degree in Business, 1993
Wages Relative
to Undergraduate
Undergraduate Major Economics Major (%)
Biology -22.35 ***
Chemistry -16.84 **
Maths -5.37
Physics -20.67 ***
Engineering and CS
Aerospace engineering -3.42
Chemical engineering 8.23
Civil engineering -10.52
Computer science -11.83
Electrical engineering -1.03
Industrial engineering -10.06 *
Mechanical engineering -17.31 ***
Accounting -18.91 ***
Business administration -19.76 ***
Finance -14.52 **
Marketing -17.97 ***
Other business -19.76 *
Social sciences
Economics 0.00
History -29.71 ***
Political science -7.91
Psychology -22.61 **
Sociology -27.59 **
English -8.81
Foreign languages -31.20 *
Source: Authors' calculation, NSCG.
Notes: Dependent variable is the natural log of wage in 1990. The
regression nonparametrically controls for race-ethnicity (white, black,
Hispanic, Asian, and Native American), age, and gender. There are 84
different major controls, but only selected ones are reported.
Huber-White standard errors are used to calculate significance levels
with clustering for each cell. There are 4,012 observations used in the
regression. Each reported major has at least 30 observations. Sample
weights are used for these calculations.
* Indicates significance at 0.10 level.
** Indicates significance at 0.05 level.
*** Indicates significance at 0.01 level.
1990 Wages Gaps Relative to Economics by Undergraduate College Major of
Full-Time Workers Aged 25 to 55 with a Law Degree, 1993 NSCG
Wages Relative to Undergraduate
Undergraduate Major Economics Major (%)
Other professional degrees
Criminology -20.33 *
Accounting -9.40
Business administration -23.89 **
Finance -8.76
Social sciences
Economics 0.00
History -l6.23 **
Political science -14.77 **
Psychology -17.05
Sociology -35.53 ***
English -l6.89 **
Foreign language -2.26
Philosophy & theology -30.l3 **
Source: Authors' calculation, NSCG.
Notes: Dependent variable is the natural log of wage in 1990. The
regression nonparametrically controls for race-ethnicity (white, black,
Hispanic, Asian, and Native American), age, and gender. There are 78
different major controls, but only those with 30 or more observations
are reported. Huber-White standards errors are used to calculate
significance levels with clustering for ecah cell. There are 2,152
observations used in the regression. Sample weights are used for these
* Indicates significance at 0.10 level.
** Indicates significance at 0.05 level.
*** Indicates significance at 0.01 level.
(1.) A small number of individuals who were "too old"
apparently gave incorrect responses to the age question in the 1990
Census. The very high level of measurement error in education in the
1990 Census (and, by extension, for any other similar surveys, such as
the Current Population Survey) poses a more interesting problem. See
Black, Sanders, et al. (2002) for detailed analysis.
(2.) Respondents were considered refusals unless they provided
information about their last degree and field of study.
(3.) This required combining several small major groups. Details
are available from the authors.
(4.) Because the data have extensive demographic information, they
are well suited for studying race/ethnic wage differentials among the
well educated. See Black, Haviland, et al.(2002).
(5.) Only 0.03% of the earnings in our sample are top coded.
(6.) This would be equivalent to a fixed effect estimator if the
covariates were independent of college major.
(7.) One could try similar empirical exercises, focusing on wage
variation within specific occupations. We notice, for example, from
Table 1 that a substantial fraction of individuals in each major are
"managers and administrators." To satisfy curiosity we
estimated the regression that forms the basis of Table 2 (using college
graduates with no advanced degrees) but for the 3,055 individuals in
this occupational category. We estimate coefficients as follows: -14.60
for history (not significant), -14.15 for business administration
(significant at 0.05). -21.62 for political science (not significant),
-3.84 for accounting (not significant), and -0.19 for electrical
engineering (not significant). Point estimates are reasonably similar to
those reported for the entire sample in Table 2 because the unweighted
correlation between the two sets of coefficients is 0.50.
(8.) Because we do not "clean" our wage variable (see
Bollinger and Chandra [2001] for strong arguments for not
"cleaning" data) and our earnings data is top coded at
$999,999, we were concerned that our results might be sensitive to
outliers. We reestimated our equation using median regression, however,
and our results were essentially unchanged. The unweighted correlation
coefficient between the ordinary least squares and median regression
coefficients was 0.96.
(9.) The sets of coefficients for men and women are quite similar,
with an unweighted correlation coefficient of 0.70.
(10.) Again, the sets of coefficients are reasonably stable across
cohorts. The unweighted correlation coefficient between the coefficients
for the under-35 and 35-to-44 cohorts is 0.80. The unweighted
correlation coefficient between the 35-to-44 and the 45-to-55 cohorts is
0.54 and for the under-35 and the 45-to-55 cohorts is 0.60.
(11.) Our approach is similar to the approach of Heckman et al.
(1997) and Black, Smith, et al. (2002) using experimental data.
(12.) The same holds true for the other majors. For political
science the median coefficient is 15.1%, compared to the OLS coefficient
of 13.4; for history the median coefficient is 17.5%, compared to the
OLS coefficient of 18.2; and for business administration the median
coefficient is 10.5% compared to the OLS coefficient of 10.7.
(13.) When respondents have both a professional degree (e.g., a
J.D. or M.D.) and a Ph.D., we assume that the Ph.D. is the more advanced
(14.) See the College Board,, accessed on 30
December 2001. The College Board provides only very rough major grouping
(e.g., it aggregates all social sciences). It is interesting to note
that the total SAT score (M + V) among seniors planning to enter the
most poorly compensated major, philosophy/religion/theology (539/561),
is slightly higher than for those planning to enter the best compensated
major, Engineering (572/523).
Black, D., S. Sanders, and L. Taylor. "Measurement of Higher
Education in the Census and CPS." Unpublished paper, Carnegie
Mellon University, 2002.
Black, D., A. Haviland, S. Sanders, and L. Taylor. "Why Do
Minority Men Earn Less? A Study of Wage Differentials among the Highly
Educated." Unpublished paper, Carnegie Mellon University, 2002.
Black, D., J. Smith, M. Berger, and B. Noel. "Is the Threat of
Reemployment Services More Effective than the Services Themselves?
Experimental Evidence from UI Claimant Profiling." National Bureau
of Economic Research Working Paper No. 8825, 2002.
Bollinger, C., and A. Chandra. "Jatrogenic Specification
Error: Cleaning Data Can Exacerbate Measurement Error Bias."
Unpublished paper, Dartmouth College, 2001.
College Board. "2001 College Seniors: A Profile of SAT Program
Test Takers." Unpublished paper, College Entrance Board, Princeton,
NJ, 2001.
Heckman, J. J., J. A. Smith, and N. Clements. "Making the Most
out of Programme Evaluations and Social Experiments: Accounting for
Heterogeneity in Programme Impacts." Review of Economic Studies,
64(4), 1997, 487-535.
NSCG: National Survey of College Graduates
NSF: National Science Foundation
OLS: Ordinary Least Squares
* We thank Alan Krueger for comments on an earlier version of the
Black: Professor, Center for Policy Research, Syracuse University,
Syracuse, NY 13244. Phone 1-315-443-9040, Fax 1-315-443-1081, E-mail
[email protected]
Sanders. Professor, Department of Economies, University of
Maryland, College Park, MD 20742-7211. Phone 1-301-405-3497, Fax
1-301-405-3542, E-mail
[email protected]
Taylor: Professor, Department of Economics and Public Policy,
Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh, PA 15213-3890. Phone
1-412-268-3278, E-mail
[email protected]