Redistributing income and relative efficiency.
Allgood, Sam
The welfare costs associated with a demo-grant reform and with
spending on a publicly provided good have been extensively investigated,
as in Browning and Johnson (1984), Stuart (1984), and Ballard (1988).
The welfare cost of marginal spending on earnings or wage subsidies has
received less attention, even though, as Scholz (1996) reports, the
income subsidy rate of the Earned Income Tax Credit (EITC) has increased
from 10% to 40% in the past 20 years. (1) Triest (1994) and Browning
(1995) are two articles that analyze the welfare gains and losses
associated with reforms to the EITC. Triest concludes that the EITC is a
relatively efficient way to redistribute income, whereas Browning
suggests considering alternative methods of assisting the working poor.
This article calculates the welfare gains and losses for marginal
reforms to three different policies designed to redistribute income.
Increased spending on an earnings subsidy program, as defined by the
EITC, is compared with the effects of higher spending on means-tested
cash transfers to low-income households, a negative income tax (NIT). An
NIT is used to represent welfare policies because Hoffman and Siedman
(1990) suggest that programs such as Aid to Families with Dependent
Children (AFDC) have properties similar to an NIT. Reforms to the NIT
and EITC are compared to the effects of increasing the subsidy rate of a
wage subsidy, or a negative wage tax as defined by Browning (1973).
Understanding the normative effects of an earnings subsidy are
important because the EITC has grown, and it is now larger than the food
stamp program. Although the EITC is best known as an earnings subsidy,
it actually has three phases. For a household with one child (in 1997),
labor income up to $6,500 is subsidized at a rate of 34%. Households
receive the subsidy in the form of a refundable tax credit, and the
household receives a check from the government if their credit exceeds
their tax liability. For income between $6,500 and $11,930 households
receive the maximum tax credit, but for earnings above $11,930 the tax
credit diminishes 15.98 cents for every dollar earned. According to Rosen (1999), over 70% of those receiving a tax credit are in the last
two phases of the program. For these households, the credit takes the
form of a cash transfer, and for most it is a means-tested transfer.
Unlike traditional assistance to the poor, the EITC only provides
assistance to those employed. A priori, one might expect a subsidy on
labor earnings to be more efficient than an NIT at redistributing income
to the working poor. This view is consistent with the survey results of
Fuchs et al. (1998), who find that economists do not generally support
increased funding of programs such as AFDC. However, if the EITC is just
an NIT for most households it services, it is not obvious that the EITC
is more efficient at marginally redistributing income to the poor.
Steuerle (1990) envisioned that effort would be made to convert the
tax credit system to an hourly wage subsidy. More recently, Browning
(1995) suggested that a negative wage tax (NWT) be considered instead of
the EITC. An NWT, like that proposed by Browning (1973; 1995), involves
subsidizing the difference between a target wage rate and a
household's actual wage rate, and it does not have a cash transfer
or the high (positive) implicit marginal tax rates (MTRs) associated
with most redistributive programs. Browning (1973) demonstrates that a
wage subsidy is more efficient that an NIT, but less is known about the
relative efficiency of an NWT and the EITC.
Traditional welfare programs, such as AFDC and food stamps, provide
most of their benefits to those who receive no labor income, whereas
wage and income subsidies only aid those employed. How does one compare
redistributive programs that serve different populations? To address
this question, two different sets of reforms are considered. First, the
MTR on labor income for the nonpoor is increased by 0.10 percentage
point and the additional tax revenue is spent on one of the three
programs. These reforms compare the additional benefit generated by each
program for its target audience when each reform imposes the same burden
on the nonpoor. Triest (1994) argues that to meaningfully compare
reforms that redistribute income, the reforms must have the same
redistributional outcomes. For this context, the same redistributional
outcome is taken to mean that different reforms alter the utility of
low-income households by the same magnitude. Thus, the second set of
reforms compare the additional cost to the nonpoor of generating a
specific increase in the utility of the poor.
Much of the literature surrounding welfare reform, earnings
subsidies, and wage subsidies deals with job creation. An NIT does not
create jobs, and Bartik (2001) finds that the EITC has only modest
effects on labor force participation. On the other hand, Bartik argues
that targeted wage subsidy programs (such as the Targeted Jobs Tax
Credit) can create jobs for marginal workers. As wage and earnings
subsidies take larger shares of the government budget relative to
traditional welfare assistance, it seems likely that subsidy programs
will also play some role in future efforts to marginally redistribute
income. However, a program that is effective at increasing labor supply
may not be efficient at marginally redistributing income. Thus, the
question addressed here is which of these three programs, given that
they are already in place, is more efficient at marginally
redistributing income?
The legislative emphasis on employment suggests the possibility of
an imperfection in the market for unskilled labor (demand is too low)
and/or the possibility that household or social welfare is somehow
affected by the employment status of those receiving government
assistance. The analysis of marginal reforms builds on the works of
Triest (1990) and Allgood and Snow (1998), among others, and ignores
these concerns. In addition, the analysis here is on marginal reforms
that involve changes in tax rates of less than 1 percentage point, and
the income tax brackets defining the tax on labor income and
participation in government programs are assumed to remain fixed. As a
result, it is assumed that changes in household behavior are marginal.
Numerical calculations show that the nonpoor lose 60% more than the
poor gain for a marginal reform to the EITC, given that labor supply is
moderately responsive to price. For a reform that collects the same
amount of revenue from the nonpoor, the NWT only results in a 7% loss
for the nonpoor relative to the gain of the poor. Interestingly, the
loss to the nonpoor for the NIT is only 34%. The overall efficiency loss
is much smaller if labor supply is less responsive to wages and income.
In addition, the EITC and the NIT have similar efficiency properties,
whereas the NWT is only slightly more efficient.
For the second set of reforms, where the household utility of the
working poor is increased by the same amount, the NIT is found to be
highly inefficient relative to the other two programs regardless of the
response of labor supply to wages and income. In addition, the EITC is
much less efficient than the NWT for the case of responsive labor
supply, but the difference inefficiency costs is small for less
responsive labor supply. Thus, the relative efficiency of the EITC and
the NIT is reversed from the first set of reforms. Browning (1995)
points out that the efficiency costs of reforming a tax and/or spending
policy will depend on the type of reform considered. The results here
support this view.
The article proceeds as follows. Section II develops the
household's budget set given government tax and spending policy.
Section III derives a model for evaluating the positive and normative
effects of the fiscal reforms. Section IV discusses different statistics
for evaluating the reforms, and section V discusses the data and the
calculations. Finally, section VI contains concluding remarks.
The EITC and NIT
Assume that government generates revenue by a tax on labor income
and that the revenues are used to finance an earnings subsidy that takes
the form of the EITC. With the emphasis on redistributive reforms the
amount spent on a publicly provided good is assumed constant, so it is
omitted from the model. Figure 1 illustrates the three phases of the
EITC: phase-in, plateau, and phase-out. During the phase-in range labor
income is subsidized at a rate s, s [less than or equal to]0, and the
subsidy lasts until earnings reach [Y.sub.a]. The plateau range lasts
until an income of [Y.sub.b], and earnings are not subsidized or
implicitly taxed, but the household receives a lump-sum transfer equal
to --s [Y.sub.a]. During the phase-out range the tax credit is
diminished at a rate [m.sup.c] until the break-even income level
[Y.sub.c]. To phase-out households the EITC is an NIT. This structure
implies that [Y.sub.c] = [Y.sub.b] -- s[Y.sub.a]/[m.sup.c], or
(1) [m.sup.c] = -[alpha]s,
where [alpha] = [Y.sub.a]/( [Y.sub.c] - [Y.sub.b]).
Assume that a household's budget constraint without government
spending or taxes is the dashed line [Y.sub.T]T in Figure 2. For
simplicity, assume a three-bracket tax on labor income, where [Y.sub.t]
represents the personal exemption level, so that only payroll and Social
Security taxes apply. Households face a tax of [m.sup.[t.sub.1]] on
labor income earned up to [Y.sub.t], a tax rate of [m.sup.[t.sub.2]] on
additional labor income up to [Y.sub.c], and a tax rate of
[m.sup.[t.sub.3]] on all further labor income, where [m.sup.[t.sub.1]]
[less than or equal to][m.sup.[t.sub.2]] [less than or equal]
[m.sup.[t.sub.3]]. The result is budget line ABCT. If the EITC described
in Figure 1 is imposed on the budget line ABCT, the budget line becomes
ABDEFT, assuming that -s > [m.sup.[t.sub.1]] and assuming that the
personal exemption level lies above the plateau range of the EITC
([Y.sub.b] < [Y.sub.t]). The EITC does not affect the marginal cost of leisure in the plateau range because earning more does not alter the
size of the tax credit. This can be seen in Figure 2 by noting that
segment EF has the same slope as segment CT.
Now assume that the government also spends tax revenue on an NIT.
Households are guaranteed a minimum income level, but this transfer is
reduced by [m.sup.e] for every dollar of labor income earned. The
break-even income is [Y.sub.e]. To simplify the analysis, assume that
the break-even income equals the exemption level of the income tax
([Y.sub.e] = [Y.sub.t]). (2)
The income tax, the EITC, and the NIT imply five household types.
* (Type 1) 0 < Income [less than or equal to] [Y.sub.a]:
Households are in the phase-in range of the EITC and they participate in
the NIT. Their gross MTR is [m.sup.e] + s + [m.sup.[t.sub.1]].
* (Type 2) [Y.sub.a] < Income [less than or equal to] [Y.sub.b]:
Households are in the plateau of the EITC, and they receive a cash
transfer from the NIT. Because they do not have an implicit tax on their
tax credit, they face an MTR of [m.sup.e] + [m.sup.[t.sub.1]].
* (Type 3) [Y.sub.b] < Income [less than or equal to] [Y.sub.t]:
Households are in the phase-out range of the EITC but below the
exemption level [Y.sub.t]. They receive a tax credit and a cash transfer
from the NIT, Their gross MTR is [m.sup.e] + [m.sup.e] +
* (Type 4) [Y.sub.t] < Income [less than or equal to] [Y.sub.c]:
Households are above the exemption level, and they no longer receive a
cash transfer via the NIT, but they are still eligible for a tax credit.
Their gross MTR is [m.sup.c] + [m.sup.[t.sub.2]].
* (Type 5) Income > [Y.sub.c]: Households are not eligible for
the EITC or the NIT, their gross MTR is [m.sup.[t.sub.3]]
In general, if i indexes the five household types, a
household's gross MTR is
(2) [m.sup.g.sub.i] = [m.sup.e.sub.i] + [m.sup.c.sub.i] +
where [m.sup.e.sub.i] is i's implicit MTR for the NIT,
[m.sup.c.sub.i] is a household's implicit MTR from the EITC, and
[m.sup.t.sub.j] is the MTR from the explicit tax on labor income. (3)
Note that type 1 households are in the phase-in range of the EITC, but
they still face a positive gross marginal tax rate unless [m.sup.e] +
[m.sup.[t.sub.1]] < - s.
A common redistributive reform considered in the literature is to
increase the gross MTR ([m.sup.g.sub.i]) for all households by the same
amount and use the additional revenue to fund larger lump-sum transfers
to all households, as in Browning and Johnson (1984), Ballard (1988),
and Allgood and Snow (1998). The purpose of raising the tax rate is to
generate additional tax revenue, but requiring to be the same for all
households imposes restrictions on the spending part of the reform as
well. For example, suppose that the purpose of raising the gross MTR 1
percentage point is to redistribute more income to poor households
through the EITC. For a household in the phase-in range of the EITC,
this implies that d[m.sup.g] = ds + d[m.sup.t] = 0.01 given that
d[m.sup.e] = 0. Yet the only statutory tax rates faced by such
households are Social Security and payroll taxes, which are unlikely to
be altered for this purpose. This means that d[m.sup.t] = 0 and ds =
0.01, which lowers the (absolute value of the) subsidy ra te instead of
raising it.
To consider reforms that intend to redistribute, it is important to
specify which labor income taxes rates are being increased to generate
additional tax revenues. A separate, but interdependent, part of the
reform is how the implicit tax rates of the spending programs are
altered. The calculations of welfare cost assume that the government
raises more tax revenue by increasing the explicit MTR on labor income,
but only for households not participating in the NIT or EITC (type 5).
That is, d[m.sup.[t.sub.3]] > 0, but d[m.sup.[t.sub.1]] =
d[m.sup.[t.sub.2]] = 0. MTRs for low-income households will change, but
only because of changes in implicit tax rates that arise from changes in
the spending component of the reform.
A NWT provides an alternative method of redistributing income
because it does not involve a cash transfer or high (positive) implicit
MTRs. The two policy parameters of the NWT are a subsidy rate and a
break-even wage rate. If the subsidy rate is s' and the break-even
wage is [W.sub.b], a household with a wage rate of W receives a per-hour
subsidy of s'([W.sub.b] - W). The size of the subsidy is inversely
related to the household's wage rate. If, for example, s' =
0.4, [W.sub.b] = 10, and W= 4, the per-hour subsidy is 2.40. The subsidy
increases the wage rate from $4 to $6.40, which is equivalent to facing
an MTR of -60%. If the household's wage is $5 the implicit tax rate
is only -40%. For a given market wage rate, an NWT can be expressed as a
negative MTR on labor income. In this sense, the NWT is similar to the
phase-in range of the EITC.
Unlike the EITC and the NIT, the NWT cannot be expressed as a
series of piece-wise linear budget constraints because a
household's marginal wage rate does not change as their earnings
change. Furthermore, the NWT does not involve any form of lump-sum
payments. Also notice in Figure 2 that a household chooses its MTR by
its initial choice of leisure and income. With the NWT, however, the
subsidy rate is exogenous if the household's wage rate is
exogenous. (4) Segment FT of the budget constraint in Figure 2 shows the
phase-in range of the EITC given the labor income tax. For this market
wage rate, an NWT could be constructed that yields the same slope to the
budget constraint as the EITC. The difference, however, is that there is
no phasing out. The household's effective wage rate does not change
unless they enter the next labor income tax bracket. Thus, the budget
constraint for the household facing a NWT in the first bracket of the
labor income tax is GFT.
The Fiscal Environment for the EITC and NIT
First consider the fiscal environment that exists when there is an
explicit tax on labor earnings, an earnings subsidy, and an NIT. The
model developed is based on evaluating the change in household labor
supply when households are defined by the five types given in the last
section. Households supply effective labor [[delta].sub.i][h.sub.i]
where [[delta].sub.i] is labor effectiveness, [h.sub.i] is hours of
labor supplied, and [[delta].sub.i] < [[delta].sub.i+1] for all i.
Output for the economy is produced by a constant returns to scale
production function f(K, H), where K is the aggregate, per household
stock of (fixed)capital and H = [summation over (i=5/i=1)]
[n.sub.i][[delta].sub.i][h.sub.i] is aggregate, per household effective
labor supply, given that [n.sub.i], is the proportion of each household
type. Households are assumed to earn the marginal product of their
labor. The marginal product of an hour of type i's labor supply is
[partial]f(K,H)/[partial]hi = [n.sub.i] [[delta].sub.i] W, where
[partial ]f/[partial]H = H/is the marginal product of aggregate
effective labor supplied. Thus, the wage rate of a type I household is
[[delta].sub.i] W, and differences in wage rates across households
reflect differences in labor effectiveness. A household's after tax
wage rate given the fiscal environment is
(3) [w.sub.i] = (1 - [m.sup.g.sub.i])[[delta].sub.i]W,
where [m.sup.g.sub.i] is the gross MTR.
A household may receive up to four different lump-sum transfers.
Two of these transfers arise as explicit cash transfers from the
government. First, households of the first three types receive the same
guaranteed income of E from the NIT. That is, [E.sub.i] = E for i = 1,
2, 3, and [E.sub.i] is zero for i = 4, 5. Second, plateau and phase-out
households (types 2, 3, and 4) receive lump-sum tax credits from the
EITC [C.sub.i] = -s[Y.sub.a], where [C.sub.i] is zero for phase-in and
nonpoor households (types 1 and 5), and [Y.sub.a] defines the end of the
phase-in range of the EITC.
Equation (3) shows that households are treated as if they face a
single tax rate on all labor income. If MTRs increase with income, then
some households overpay their taxes. This is dealt with by providing
households an implicit transfer to compensate for the overpayment.
Implicit transfers arise for phase-out households because MTRs increase
with income for EITC participants. The implicit transfer is
[N.sup.c.sub.i] = [m.sup.c] [Y.sub.b] for phase-out households (i = 3,
4), and [N.sup.c.sub.i] is zero for phase-in, plateau, and nonpoor
households (types 1, 2, and 5), where [Y.sub.b] defines the end of the
plateau range. Last, the labor income tax also has a graduated rate
structure so that another implicit transfer ([N.sup.t.sub.i]) is needed
to compensate households that overpay. Households in the first income
bracket do not overpay income taxes because only one tax rate is applied
to their income, and they do not receive this implicit transfer
([N.sup.t.sub.1] = [N.sup.t.sub.2] = [N.sup.t.sub.3] = 0). The implicit
transfer for type 4 households is [N.sup.t.sub.4] = ([m.sup.[t.sub.2]] -
[m.sup.[t.sub.1]]) [Y.sub.t], and for type 5 households it is
[N.sup.t.sub.5] = ([m.sup.[t.sub.3]] - [m.sup.[t.sub.2]]) [Y.sub.c] +
[N.sup.t.sub.4]. Allgood and Snow (1998) define a single implicit
transfer in terms of the gross MTR. The specificity of the model used
here makes it possible to identify the source of the implicit transfer,
which makes it possible to explicitly define the tax and spending
A household's virtual income is
(4) [I.sub.i] = [w.sub.i]T + [N.sup.t.sub.i] + [N.sup.c.sub.i] +
[E.sub.i] + [C.sub.i] + r[K.sub.i],
where T is the time endowment, r is the gross rental rate of
capital, and [K.sub.i] is capital holdings. A household faces the time
constraint T = [l.sub.i] + [h.sub.i], where [l.sub.i] is the choice of
Explicit tax revenue is raised by a tax on labor income,
(5) [R'.sub.i] = [m.sup.t.sub.i][[delta].sub.i]W[h.sub.i] -
Per-household explicit tax revenue is R' = [summation over
(i=5/i=1)] [n.sub.i][R'.sub.i]. It is assumed that revenues equal
(6) R' = [summation over (i=5/i=1)] [n.sub.i]([E.sub.i] -
[m.sup.e.sub.i][[delta].sub.i]W[h.sub.i]) -
+ [summation over (i=4/i=2)][n.sub.i][[C.sub.i] -
([m.sup.c.sub.i][[delta].sub.i]W[h.sub.i] - [N.sup.c.sub.i])].
Tax revenue is typically defined in terms of gross MTRs. Equating Equations (5) and (6) and rearranging terms generates the more common
definition of government tax revenue,
(7) R = [summation over
(i=5/i=1)][n.sub.i]([m.sup.g.sub.i][[delta].sub.i]W[h.sub.i] -
[N.sup.t.sub.i] - [N.sup.c.sub.i]),
Which equals
(8) R = [summation over (i=5/i=1)][n.sub.i]([E.sub.i] + [C.sub.i]).
Although the lump-sum tax credit ([C.sub.i]) is technically part of
the tax system, it is treated here as expenditures because this
component of the EITC involves cash transfers to households similar to
the NIT. (5) In general, defining Equations (7) and (8) as revenues and
expenditures is misleading. For example, the revenue equation includes
explicit government expenditures to phase-in households from the subsidy
of the EITC (s[[delta].sub.1]W[h.sub.1]).
In contrast to Triest (1994), the fiscal reforms considered here
are evaluated given fixed income brackets because this allows the reform
to be defined almost solely in terms of changes in MTRs. (6) An
advantage to this approach is that it is easier to understand how the
household's budget set is altered by the reform. Allgood and Snow
(1998) demonstrate that several studies of marginal welfare costs
contain changes in implicit transfers that arise from unspecified changes in the progressivity of the tax structure. Assuming that tax
brackets are fixed eliminates these ambiguities and allows for the
fiscal reform to be more clearly defined. For example, it now follows
from equation (1) that changes in the benefit reduction rate of the EITC
are proportional to changes in the subsidy rate, d[m.sup.c] = -
Marginal tax revenue dR is found by taking the total differential of Equation (7)
(9) dR = [summation over (i-5/i=1)] [n.sub.i] [[[delta].sub.i]
W[h.sub.i](d[m.sup.e.sub.i] + d[m.sup.t.sub.i]) - d[N.sup.t.sub.i]
+ [m.sup.g.sub.i] [[delta].sub.i]d(W[h.sub.i])] +
- [alpha] [summation over (i=4/i=3)]
[n.sub.i]([[delta].sub.i]W[h.sub.i] - [Y.sub.b])]ds,
given that d[m.sup.g.sub.i] = d[m.sup.c.sub.i] + d[m.sup.e.sub.i] +
d[m.sup.t.sub.i], d[N.sup.c.sub.i] = [Y.sub.b]d[m.sup.c] for I = 3,4
(and 0 if I = 1,2, 5), and d[m.sup.c] = -[alpha]ds. Because income
brackets are assumed fixed, changes in the implicit tax rates of the
spending reforms (ds and d[m.sup.e]) can be expressed as functions of
the change in aggregate tax revenue. First, take the total differential
of aggregate expenditures (8) and solve for ds to obtain
(10) ds = -[(1 - [summation over (i=5/i=1)]
[n.sub.i][[beta].sub.i])/s] dR = [phi]dR,
where d[E.sub.i] = [[beta].sub.i][dR, d[C.sub.i],= -[Y.sub.a]ds for
i = 2, 3, 4 (and 0 for i = 1, 5), S = [Y.sub.a] [summation over
(i=4/i-2)] [n.sub.i], and [[beta].sub.i] is the proportion of additional
tax revenue spent on cash transfers to household i as part of the NIT.
If all additional revenue is spent on transfers ([phi]) = 0) then ds =
0, and if all the revenue is spent on the EITC, then ds = dRIS. Equation
(10) and S show that for a given amount of marginal tax revenue, ds is
negatively related to the number of plateau and phase-out households,
but it is independent of the number of households in the phase-in range.
Second, the implicit MTR for the NIT is [m.sup.e.sub.i]=
[E.sub.i]/[Y.sub.e], so
(11) d[m.sup.e.sub.i] = ([[beta].sub.i] = ([Y.sub.e])dR,
where [[beta].sub.4] = [[beta].sub.5] = 0. Substituting into
Equation (9) for d[m.sup.e.sub.i] and ds yields
(12) dR = (1/0) [[summation over (i=5/i=1)]
[n.sub.i]([[delta].sub.i]W[h.sub.i]d[m.sup.t.sub.i] - d[N.sub.i])
+ [summation over (i=5/i=1)]
[n.sub.i][m.sup.g.sub.i][[delta].sub.i]W(d[h.sub.i] -
[theta] = 1 - [[summation over (3/i=1)]
+ [phi][n.sub.1][[delta].sub.1]W[h.sub.1] - [alpha] [summation over
(i=4/i=3)] [n.sub.i]([[delta].sub.i]W[h.sub.i] - [Y.sub.b])],
dH = [summation over (i=5/i=1)] [n.sub.i][[delta].sub.i]d[h.sub.i]
and [gamma] = -(dW/dH)(HIW) is the elasticity of the wage rate with
respect to labor supply. Equation (12) gives an expression for the
change in tax revenue as a function of two policy reform variables,
d[m.sup.t.sub.i] and [[beta].sub.i], values for the economy's
initial position and measures of aggregate changes in labor supply.
A formula for the household change in labor supply is used to
evaluate the changes in aggregate labor supply and tax revenue. The
change in a household's labor supply, [h.sub.i]([w.sub.i],
[I.sub.i]), is expressed as a weighted sum of the uncompensated labor
supply elasticity and the income elasticity,
(13) (d[h.sub.i]/[h.sub.i]) = [eta](d[w.sub.i]/[w.sub.i]) - [member
of]([K.sub.i]dr + d[E.sub.i] + d[C.sub.i] + d[N.sup.t.sub.i] +
where [member of] = ([[eta].sup.c] - [eta])/[w.sub.i][h.sub.i], and
[eta] and [[eta].sup.c] are the uncompensated and compensated wage
elasticities, respectively. (7) Equation (13) shows how explicit changes
in government transfers from the NIT (dE) and EITC (dC), along with
changes in implicit transfers from the income tax (d[N.sup.t]) and EITC
(d[N.sup.c]), affect labor supply through the income effect.
From Equation (3), the change in a household's wage rate is
d[w.sub.i] = -[[delta].sub.i]W(d[m.sup.t.sub.i] + d[m.sup.e.sub.i]
+ d[m.sup.c.sub.i]) + (1 - [m.sup.g.sub.i])[[delta].sub.i]dW.
Substituting in for Equations (10) and (11), and given that
d[m.sup.c] = -[alpha]ds, the change in a household's wage rate is
(14) d[w.sub.i] = -[[delta].sub.i]Wd[m.sup.t.sub.i] -
[[delta].sub.i]W [[LAMBDA].sub.i]dR + (1 -
where [[LAMBDA].sub.1] = [[beta].sub.1]/[Y.sub.e] - [phi];
[[LAMBDA].sub.j] = [[beta].sub.j]/[Y.sub.e] + [alpha][phi], j = 3, 4;
[[LAMBDA].sub.2] = [[beta].sub.2]/[Y.sub.e]; and [[LAMBDA].sub.5] = 0.
The first term of [LAMBDA] ([[beta].sub.i]/[Y.sub.e]) reflects that a
larger guaranteed income for the NIT results in a higher tax rate and a
lower wage rate. The second term reflects how additional spending on the
EITC affects the wage rate. Phase-in households (i = 1) receive a higher
wage through the higher subsidy, and the wage of plateau households (i =
2) is unchanged. The wage of phase-out households (i = 3, 4) is lowered,
however, because of an increase in the reduction rate of the EITC.
Equations (13) and (14) help identify how marginal reforms to the
EITC and NIT alter labor supply. Ignoring general equilibrium changes in
factor prices (dW = dr = 0), a reform to the EITC reduces the labor
supply of plateau households via the single income effect generated by
dC. Phase-out households face a lower wage rate (d[m.sup.c] > 0) and
two income effects (d[N.sup.c] + dC) that reduce labor supply. Thus,
phase-out households will have a larger decline in labor supply than
will plateau households. The EITC reform does not generate income
effects for phase-in households (ignoring dr), but labor supply is
encouraged with a higher wage rate (ds < 0). However, Equation (10)
suggests that ds is small if there are a large number of plateau and
phase-out households, which is true of the current EITC. Last, a
marginal reform to the NIT affects household labor supply similarly to
the phase-out range of the EITC. Labor supply is discouraged by
increasing income (dE) and decreasing the wage rate (d[m.sup.e] > 0)
By substituting into Equation (13) for the changes in MTRs, factor
prices, transfers, and government revenue, it is possible to express the
individual change in labor supply as a function of the aggregate changes
in labor supply. It is then possible, once the economies initial
position and the reform is fully specified, to evaluate the positive
effects of a marginal reform. The details are in the Appendix.
Marginal changes to a NWT can be evaluated after making a few
simplifications to the model. The five household types considered to
this point are classified by labor earnings, but an NWT is defined in
terms of a household's wage rate. It is possible that some
households have low earnings because they have a high wages and work few
hours, and some households with the same earnings may have a low wage
and work many hours. To maintain our analysis of the five household
types, it is assumed that all households of the same type have the same
effective wage rate and that [[delta].sub.j] < [[delta].sub.j+1] for
j = 1...4.
The discussion in section II shows that given a market wage rate
the NWT can be defined as a system of negative MTRs ([s.sup.w.sub.i]).
For a reform to the NWT, the change in a household's gross MTR is
d[m.sup.g.sub.i] = d[m.sup.t.sub.i] + d[s.sup.w.sub.i], and the change
in the after-tax wage rate is d[w.sub.i] = [[delta].sub.i]
Wd[m.sup.g.sub.i]+ (1 - [m.sup.g.sub.i])[[delta].sub.i]dW. The change in
a household's labor supply becomes
(15) d[h.sub.i]/[h.sub.i] = -[eta](d[m.sup.t.sub.i] +
d[s.sup.w.sub.i])/(1 - [m.sup.g.sub.i]) - [member of]([K.sub.i]dr +
From Equation (9) and the fact that dR = 0 for this reform, it
follows that
(16) [summation over (i=5/i=1)] [n.sub.i]
[[[delta].sub.i]W[h.sub.i]d[m.sup.t.sub.i] - d[N.sup.t.sub.i] +
[m.sup.g.sub.i] [[delta].sub.i]d(W[h.sub.i])]
= - [summation over (i=5/i=1)]
A reform can be evaluated once values of d[m.sup.t.sub.i] and
d[s.sup.w.sub.i] are chosen that satisfy Equation (16).
Comparing Equations (13) and (14) with Equations (15) and (16)
illustrates how the NWT is similar to the phase-in range of the EITC. If
the household is in the first bracket of the income tax (d[N.sup.t] =
0), then the only income effect is the change in the interest rate dr,
and the NWT encourages labor supply by increasing the wage rate. One
difference is that d[s.sup.w] is a function of the number of households
receiving the NWT, whereas the size of the change in the subsidy of the
EITC is determined by the number of households in the plateau and
phase-out ranges.
The change in a household's utility following a policy reform
is measured by changes in the household's expenditure function
[e.sub.i]([w.sub.i], [V.sub.i]), where the indirect utility function is
[V.sub.i]([w.sub.i], [I.sub.i]). This is the approach taken by Allgood
and Snow (1998), who define a household's net benefit from a reform
as N[B.sub.i] = ([delta][e.sub.i]/([delta][V.sub.i])[d[V.sub.i].
Triest (1990) shows that [NB.sub.i] is a money metric equivalent
variation method for calculating changes in utility. Substituting in for
d[V.sup.i]/ = [V.sup.i.sub.w] d[w.sub.i] + [V.sup.i.sub.I]d[I.sub.i],
where [V.sup.i.sub.k] is the partial derivative of a type i's
indirect utility function with respect to k, substituting in for
d[I.sub.i], and using Roy's identity yields
(17) [NB.sub.i] = d[E.sub.i] + d[C.sub.i] + [[h.sub.i]d[w.sub.i] +
d[N.sup.c.sub.i] + [K.sub.i]dr],
where d[E.sub.i] is the change in the guaranteed income of the NIT,
d[C.sub.i] is the change in the maximum tax credit of the EITC, and
d[N.sup.t.sub.i] and d[N.sup.c.sub.i] are changes in the implicit
transfers arising from the labor income tax and the EITC, respectively.
The equation above can be rewritten by substituting in for
d[w.sub.i], dW, dr, and dR to obtain
(18) [NB.sub.i] = (d[E.sub.i] + d[C.sub.i]) - (d[R.sub.i] +
(19) [WC.sub.i] = -[m.sup.g.sub.i][[delta].sub.i]Wd[h.sub.i]
-[gamma]WH([K.sub.i]/K - [[delta].sub.i][h.sub.i]/H)(dH/H).
The classification of benefits and costs follows the definitions of
aggregate tax revenue and aggregate spending from Equations (7) and (8),
respectively. The first three terms of Equation (18) reflect the
monetary affect of the reform on the households. The welfare cost
measures the decrease (increase) in household utility because the
household is induced to consumer more (less) leisure. Equation (19)
shows that a household's welfare cost is the tax leakage arising
from the change in their labor supply and the effects of general
equilibrium changes arising from changes in factor prices. This measure
of the change in a household's utility creates a metric that treats
a dollar of income gained (lost) as a dollar increase (decrease) in
A simple utilitarian approach is taken to aggregating welfare
changes, such that NB = [summation over (i)][n.sub.i][NB.sub.i] = -
[summation over (i)] [n.sub.i][WC.sub.i]. This approach to aggregating
preferences ignores who pays for and who receives the redistribution. In
addition, individual and aggregate preferences ignore the possibility
that the market supplies too few jobs to low-skilled households or that
households have some preference for equality or altruism. Thus, this
approach makes the analysis directly comparable with the work of
Browning and Johnson (1984), Ballard (1988), Browning (1994), Triest
(1995), and Allgood and Snow (1998).
A popular statistic in the literature for expressing the trade-off
between efficiency and redistribution is the cost-benefit ratio (C/B).
If [NB.sup.L] is the aggregate change in utility for all households made
worse off by a reform and [NB.sup.G] is the aggregate change in utility
for all households made better off by a reform, then C/B is
[NB.sup.L]/[NB.sup.G]. Subtracting one from C/B gives, as a percentage,
how much worse off the losers are relative to the winners. Browning and
Johnson (1984) and Allgood and Snow (1998) report C/B, and Triest (1994)
reports C/B-1. Browning (1995) reports the benefit-cost ratio.
Data and Parameters
To evaluate reforms, the parameters of the model must be specified
and data collected on the average household of each type. First, the
five household types are defined using 1997 values for the EITC for a
household with one child: [Y.sub.a] = $6,500, [Y.sub.b] =$ll,930,
[Y.sub.c] = [Y.sub.b-s] [Y.sub.a]/[m.sup.c], s= -0.34 and [m.sup.c]=
0.1598 (Committee on Ways and Means, l998). (8) It is further assumed
that [Y.sub.t] = [Y.sub.e] = $15,300. Data on labor income are taken
from the 1991 wave of the Panel Study of Income Dynamics (PSID), and
households are categorized into one of the five types by the combined
labor income of the head and spouse, when applicable. Table 1 shows the
average income of the five household types (in 1997 constant dollars),
where mean values are calculated using the family weights provided by
the PSID. Table 1 also shows the average number of persons per
Households with zero labor earnings makeup most of the participants
of government programs that have the characteristics of an NIT.
Therefore, Table 1 includes a sixth household type: those that report no
labor income. It is assumed for all calculations that these households
supply zero hours of labor and that the change in their labor supply is
zero. It is further assumed that no household changes their income
bracket or type due to marginal fiscal reforms. The percent of each type
of household for the PSID data is given under the column Percent of
Households Total in Table 1.
Not all households with income less than $6,500 and greater than
zero participate in the ELTC. Participation in the EITC by households
with income above $10,000 is determined by using data on the number of
tax filers and the number of households receiving tax credits with
income in this range. The participation rate for phase-in and plateau
households are set to ensure (1) that 15% of the sample participates,
and (2) that 30% of those receiving the EITC are in the phase-in range,
as reported in Rosen (1999). (9) For example, of the 6.9% of type 1
households, 4.4% are assumed to participate in the EITC. Data on
participation in the food stamp program is used to determine
participation in the NIT. (10) Participation rates for type 1, 2, and 3
households are assigned so that the population participation rate is
about 9.5%, and using the assumption that participation rates drop
dramatically with income. (11)
A wage subsidy would likely target the same households as the EITC,
therefore, the NWT reforms are assumed to affect the same percentage of
households as the EITC with one exception. Type 4 households do not
receive a higher subsidy as part of the NWT with the understanding that
the purpose of the high breakeven income level of the EITC is to keep
the benefit reduction rate low in the phase-out range, not because of a
desire to redistribute income to households with incomes over $20,000.
Table 1 also shows two sets of elasticities and tax rates for each
household type. The labor supply elasticities for parameter set 1 are
taken from Browning (1995), and the MTRs are also adapted from Browning
(1995, Table 2). Triest argues that labor supply is much less responsive
to changes in wages and income than what is suggested by these
elasticities. The parameter set 2 labor supply elasticities and MTRs are
adapted from Triest (1994, Tables 3 and 4). All households with income
in a given range are assumed to have the same average income, household
size, elasticities, and MTRs.
Reforms with Similar Tax Burdens
Table 2 shows the aggregate positive and normative effects of
increasing mt3 by 0.00 1 and using the additional tax revenue to finance
either a higher subsidy rate for the EITC, larger cash transfers for the
NIT, or larger subsidy rates for the NWT. For the NIT reform, larger
lump-sum transfers are given to the first three household types, and the
distribution is done on a per person basis. The NWT reform increases the
subsidy rate the same for each of the first three household types. (13)
Aggregate Efficiency. Using parameter set 1, the reform to the EITC
increases the (absolute value of the) subsidy by 0.019, and it increases
the benefit reduction rate by 0.009. For the NIT, the implicit tax on
transfers increases by an average of 0.01. The NWT reform increases the
subsidy rate 2.4 percentage points. Expectedly, the decline in labor
supply is smallest for the NWT and largest for the EITC. Given that each
reform has the same effect on the labor supply of type 5 households, the
difference in aggregate labor supply across programs reflects the
responses of other households. d[R.sub.5] is the increase in annual tax
burden of the nonpoor and multiplying by [n.sub.5] indicates the
contribution of the nonpoor to the aggregate change in tax revenue dR.
By this measure, each reform is redistributing a similar amount of
income from the nonpoor to the poor. Parameter set 2 generates
comparable positive effects. The primary difference is that more income
is redistributed because there is a smaller decrea se in labor supply.
Turning to the normative effects with parameter set 1, the annual
per household welfare cost (WC = [summation over (i=5/i=1)]
[n.sub.i][WC.sub.i]) is about $2.30 higher for the EITC than the NIT.
Welfare cost for the NWT is one-fourth that of the NIT and one-sixth
that of the EITC. If welfare cost is divided by [n.sub.5]d[R.sub.5], the
result is a measure of the welfare Cost per dollar of income
redistributed from nonpoor to poor households. The EITC (parameter set
1) generates 48.9 cents in welfare cost for every dollar redistributed,
which is higher than the 31.3 cents of the NIT. The NWT only generates a
per dollar cost of 8.9 cents. Turning to the C/B, the nonpoor lose 60%
more than the poor gain for the EITC reform. The nonpoor fair much
better with the NIT, but the NWT imposes a burden on the nonpoor that is
only 7% larger than the gain to the poor. (14)
When using parameter set 2, aggregate welfare cost is $1.63 for
both the EITC and NIT reforms. For these two programs, the efficiency
costs are much smaller with the smaller elasticities and MTRs. Aggregate
welfare cost and C/B are larger for the NWT with parameter set 2 than
with set 1. The wage subsidy is less efficient with smaller elasticities
and MTRs because the advantage of this spending program is that it
encourages labor supply for all recipients. The lower elasticities lead
to much smaller increases in labor supply of poor households, and
because the initial MTR is smaller the initial distortion to the choice
of leisure is smaller.
Also of note is that C/B-1 is slightly smaller for the EITC than
for the NIT with parameter set 2. Because the EITC leads to higher tax
rates for type 3 and type 4 households, it generates a substantial tax
leakage with the larger elasticities. Parameter set 2 generates a
smaller tax leakage, which means that more income is redistributed, and
there is a larger change in the earnings subsidy component of the
reform. Thus, more income is redistributed at a lower cost. As the wage
and income elasticities decline, the efficiency of the three reforms
become almost identical.
For all calculations reported [gamma] is set to 0.3 125. (15)
Positive values of this parameter mean that the market wage rate (W)
increases as labor supply decreases (dW = -[gamma]dH/H). The values of
dH/H in Table 2 suggest that the change in factor prices is largest for
the EITC and smallest for the NWT. The model employed assumes that all
households participate in the same labor market, which means that W and
dW are the same for all households. If recipients of a wage or earnings
subsidy participated in a separate labor market, their market wage might
decrease in response to increased labor supply. Bartik (2001) argues
that these wage effects would be very small. To see if increases in the
market wage are affecting the relative efficiency of the reforms, the
calculations in Table 2 are repeated (but not reported in a table)
assuming that [gamma] = dW = 0. Because parameter set 2 yields very
small changes in labor supply, assuming dW = 0 only increases C/B-1 by
0.005 for each reform. For parameter set 1, C /B-1 increases to 0.75 for
the EITC, 0.42 for the NIT, and 0.10 for the NWT. The ranking of the
reforms is unchanged, but the gap between the reforms is larger.
Household-Specific Effects. Table 3 provides household-specific
changes for the reforms for the two parameter sets, and the information
suggests at least three major points. (16) First, the positive effects
of the reforms are dependent on the choice of wage and income
elasticities. Compared with parameter set 1, phase-in households receive
a 30% larger subsidy for the EITC reform with set 2. Similarly, plateau
and phase-out households receive a 30% larger EITC transfer (dC) with
parameter set 2. The change in the NIT transfer (dE) is also larger with
set 2, but most of this is lost due to the household's larger tax
burden. Interestingly, the NWT subsidy to type 1 households, as measured
by d[R.sub.1], is smaller with set 2 because the increase in labor
supply is only one-third what it is with parameter set 1.
Second, the distribution of welfare cost across households is very
different for the NWT when compared to the EITC and the NIT. For the
EITC, type 1 households have a small negative welfare cost with both
parameter sets, whereas welfare cost for types 2, 3, and 4 households is
larger. No households respond to the NIT reform by increasing labor
supply, but the decrease in labor supply for type 2 and 3 households is
not as large as it is for the EITC. For the NWT, the first three
household types increase labor supply, and the magnitudes are large
relative to the other two reforms. Parameter set 2 preassumes a very low
or zero welfare cost, but the NWT still causes a nontrivial decrease in
welfare cost for the first three household types.
Third, the EITC is politically popular because of the labor supply
effects that arise from subsidizing income, but this does not
necessarily lead to a similar increase in household utility. Although,
the EITC increases the subsidy rate of type 1 households, they receive a
small net benefit from the subsidy. The NIT serves a smaller percent of
type 1 households, but it provides at least twice the net benefit. The
NIT greatly improves the welfare of the unemployed and the poorest
working households, but the benefit to the remaining households is
small. Conversely, the EITC has a larger effect on the welfare of type 2
and 3 households. Except for the NWT, net benefit is higher with
parameter set 2 than with set 1. Not surprisingly, a program that
generates much of its benefit by increasing labor supply is less
effective if labor supply is unresponsive to wages and income.
Reforms with the Same Redistribution
Triest (1994) argues that it is difficult to rank reforms to
different programs because looking at aggregate welfare costs ignores
the redistributional effects of the reform. He suggests comparing the
efficiency of reforms that yield the same redistribution of income.
Reforms to the three expenditure policies are said to have the same
redistribution if they yield the same net benefit for the average
household of a given type participating in that program. This means that
redistribution must focus only on households with positive labor
earnings because tax credits and wage subsidies only go to the employed.
The EITC is the least flexible of the three programs, so a reform to the
EITC is first specified and the net gains of the first three household
types are identified. Policy parameters for the NIT and NWT are chosen
to generate the same change in net benefit. (17) The process is then
duplicated for parameter set 2.
Is the NIT still more efficient than the EITC? Table 4 shows that
the answer is no. The NIT generates a very high cost relative to the
benefit generated for this reform. (18) This EITC reform is similar to
the one presented in Tables 2 and 3, and C/B-1 reflects this. Comparing
the results of Tables 2 and 4, the NIT is more efficient at
redistributing to its target audience than the EITC is at servicing its
audience, but the NIT does not efficiently redistribute to the working
poor serviced by the EITC. Even with the smaller elasticities, the NIT
has a substantially higher cost because a large increase in the
guaranteed income is needed to generate the redistribution because of
the higher tax burden accompanying the reform.
The NWT accomplishes the redistribution at a lower cost than the
other two programs. For parameter set 1, ds = -0.024 for both the EITC
and NWT, but d[m.sup.[t.sub.3]] is twice as large for the EITC. Although
d[m.sup.[t.sub.3]] is lowest for the NIT, the redistribution is going to
only 2% of households relative to 9% for the EITC and the NWT. As with
the first reform, however, the NWT is only slightly more efficient than
the EITC with parameter set 2.
Comparisons with Two Earlier Studies
Triest (1994) and Browning (1995) reach different conclusions about
the efficiency of the EITC. The results from Table 2 suggest that much
of this difference is due to how the two authors parameterize their
models. Aside from using different elasticities and MTRs, the studies
consider different reforms. Triest reforms the EITC by extending the
phase-in range, under the assumptions that ds = d[m.sup.c] =0. Because
MTRs are not altered, the reform has only income effects, and because
income elasticities are zero (or almost zero) the change in labor supply
is small. The major response to the reform comes in the form of
increased labor force participation. Parameter set 1 in Triest's
study most closely matches parameter set 2 of this study. Triest reports
a C/B-1 of 0.16 versus the 0.12 reported here in Table 2. The results
obtained by Triest rely on the fact that new households join the labor
force in response to the reform. For his base case set of parameters he
extends the phase-in range by $7,000. Changes in labor force
participation may be a relevant consideration for nonmarginal reforms
such as the one he considers, but they are unlikely to occur with the
marginal reforms considered here.
Browning (1995) argues that labor force participation is unlikely
to be seriously affected by marginal reforms to the EITC. He evaluates
reforms by calculating the ratio of a household's net benefit to
the 'marginal budgetary cost" of providing the benefit, where
the marginal budgetary cost is d[E.sub.i] + d[C.sub.i] - d[R.sub.i].
Browning reports 0.46 cents as the average benefit-cost ratio for
households in the phaseout range. For the reforms considered in Table 3,
benefit--cost ratios for types 3 and 4 households are 0.768 and 0.679,
respectively. For households in the phase-in range Browning reports a
benefit--cost ratio of 1.03 and a value of 1.00 for plateau households.
Benefit--cost ratio for type 1 (phase-in) households is 1.00, and for
type 2 (plateau) it is 0.873. The differences reflect in part that
Browning's definition of welfare cost considers only the
distortionary component of the reform and not the full value of the tax
leakage, which is the definition of welfare cost used here. In addition,
Browning's model does not allow for general equilibrium changes in
the wage rate.
The efficiency costs associated with marginal reforms are dependent
on the nature of the reform and the responsiveness of labor supply to
wages and income. For moderately responsive labor supply, the NIT
generates larger net benefits for its target population than does the
EITC for its participants. The difference is substantial. For less
responsive labor supply, however, the EITC may by slightly more
efficient. The NIT has much higher efficiency costs than the EITC when
the two programs redistribute to a similar population of the working
poor. The NWT has lower efficiency costs than the other two programs
regardless of the nature of the reform or choice of elasticities. As
labor supply elasticities decrease, however, the difference in the
efficiency costs of the EITC and the NWT become small. Certainly if one
is most concerned with maximizing labor supply, increasing the size of
welfare programs is the wrong approach. On the other hand, the EITC may
not be an efficient means of redistributing income to the p oorest
working households. An NWT or other type of wage subsidy may be best at
increasing labor supply and targeting redistribution to the poorest
working households.
The NWT is not a panacea. Bartik (2001) and Hoffman and Siedman
(1990) detail many of the difficulties that are likely to accompany wage
subsidy programs. (19) Yet Bartik (2001) argues that wage subsidies are
preferable to the EITC as a means of creating jobs. The analysis here
suggests that an NWT is also more efficient than the EITC at marginally
redistributing income. Subsidies only assist the employed; therefore, it
is not reasonable to think that either a subsidy on income or wages can
completely replace the current welfare system. Further work must be done
to determine if a wage subsidy can be combined with assistance for
unemployed households without eliminating the positive work incentives
of the subsidy.
To finish the derivation of the change in labor supply, consider
that [[LAMBDA].sub.i] from Equation (14) can be written as a single
equation for all households by using the notation [[alpha].sub.1] - 1,
[[alpha].sub.2] = [[alpha].sub.5] = 0, and [[alpha].sub.3] =
[[alpha].sub.4] = [alpha]. Now, the expression is
[[LAMBDA].sub.i] = [[beta].sub.i]/[Y.sub.e] + [[alpha].sub.i][phi].
Similar notation is used to indicate changes in d[C.sub.i] and
d[E.sub.i] so that d[h.sub.i] can be written as a single equation for
all household types. The change in the explicit transfer from the EITC
is d[C.sub.i] = -[Y.sup.a.sub.i] ds, where [Y.sup.a.sub.i] = [Y.sub.a]
for i = 2, 3, 4; and [Y.sup.a.sub.i] = 0 for i = 1, 5; and [Y.sub.a]
defines the end of the phase-in range of the EITC. Thechange in the
implicit transfer arises for phase-out households from the EITC is
d[N.sup.c.sub.i] - [Y.sup.b.sub.i] d[m.sup.c], where [Y.sup.b.sub.1] =
[Y.sup.b.sub.2] = [Y.sup.b.sub.5] = 0, [Y.sup.b.sub.3] = [Y.sup.b.sub.4]
= [Y.sub.b], and [Y.sub.b] defines the end of the plateau range. Given
that [[beta].sub.4] = [[beta].sub.5] = 0, one equation for the change in
labor can he written for alt household types.
Substituting Equation (14), d[E.sub.i], d[C.sub.i], and dr =
-(H/K)dW into Equation (13) yields
d[h.sub.i]/[h.sub.i] = -
[eta](d[m.sup.t.sub.i]/[1-[m.sup.g.sub.i]]) - [member
of]d[N.sup.t.sub.i] - [gamma][[eta] + [member of] ([K.sub.i]/K) WH]
(dH/H) - [[eta][[LAMBDA].sub.i]/(1-[m.sup.g.sub.i]) + [member
[[OMEGA].sub.i] = [[beta].sub.i] + ([[alpha].sub.i][Y.sub.b] +
[Y.sup.a.sub.i] (1 - [summation over (i=5/i=1)]
and K = [summation over (i=5/i=1)] [n.sub.i][K.sub.i]. Note that
one condition of the economies general equilibrium is that WH + rK =
F(H,K), where F(H, K) is the constant returns to scale production
function. If capital is fixed, then HdW + WdH + Kdr = [F.sub.H]dH, from
which it follows that dr = - (H/K)dW = [gamma]WdH/K.
The change in individual labor supply is written as a linear
function of the aggregate changes in effective labor supply and
aggregate tax revenue,
d[h.sub.i]/[h.sub.i] = [D.sup.1.sub.i] +
[gamma][D.sup.2.sub.i](dH/H) + [D.sup.3.sub.i]dR.
A final expression for the individual household change in labor
supply is found by substituting in for dR from Equation (12),
d[h.sub.i]/[h.sub.i] = [D.sup.1.sub.i] + )[D.sup.3.sub.i]/[theta])
[summation over (5/i=4)] [n.sub.i]
([[delta].sub.i]W[h.sub.i]d[m.sup.t.sub.i] - d[N.sup.t.sub.i])
+ ([D.sup.3.sub.i]/[theta]) [summation over (i=5/l=1)]
+ [gamma][[D.sup.2.sub.i] - ([D.sup.3.sub.i]/[theta]) [summation
over (i=5/i=1)] [n.sub.i][m.sup.g.sub.i][[delta].sub.i]W[h.sub.i]]
The equation can be rewritten as d[h.sub.i]/[h.sub.i] =
[D.sup.1.sub.i] + [D.sup.2.sub.i] [summation over (i=5/i=1)]
[n.sub.i][m.sup.g.sub.i][[delta].sub.i]Wd[h.sub.i] + [gamma]
[D.sup.3.sub.i](dH/H). An expression for dH/H is found by multiplying
the individual household change in labor supply by
[n.sub.i][[delta].sub.i][h.sub.i], summing, and dividing by H. Next,
multiply d[h.sub.i]/[h.sub.i] by [n.sub.i][m.sup.g.sub.i][[delta].sub.i]
W[h.sub.i], and sum to obtain an equation for [summation over (i=5/i=1)]
[n.sub.i][m.sup.g.sub.i][[delta].sub.i] Wd[h.sub.i]. Once these two
equations are solved for the two unknowns, household changes in labor
supply can be calculated.
The change in labor supply with the wage subsidy reform is found by
expanding Equation (15) to obtain
d[h.sub.i]/[h.sub.i] = -[eta](d[m.sup.t.sub.i] +
d[s.sup.w.sub.i])/(1 - [m.sup.g.sub.i]) - [member of]d[N.sup.t.sub.i]
- [gamma][eta] + [member of]([K.sub.i]/K) WH](dH/H).
This expression can be evaluated using the procedures outlined.
Data and Parameters by Household Type
Percent of Households
Type Income Total EITC NIT NWT
0 23.4 0.0 7.6 0.0
1 2,891 6.9 4.4 1.5 4.4
2 8,736 5.1 2.2 0.3 2.2
3 13,001 5.3 2.4 0.2 2.4
4 20,042 12.5 6.1 0.0 0.0
5 58,539 46.8 0.0 0.0 0.0
Parameter Set 1
Type PPH [[eta].sup.c] [eta] [m.sup.g.sub.i]
1 2.18 0.3 0.2 10.1
2 2.15 0.3 0.2 44.1
3 2.10 0.3 0.2 60.1
4 2.24 0.3 0.2 51.1
5 2.83 0.3 0.2 40.0
Parameter Set 2
Type [[eta].sup.c] [eta] [m.sup.g.sub.i]
1 0.05 0.05 29
2 0.04 0.04 26
3 0.04 0.04 24
4 0.06 0.06 27
5 0.10 0.10 38
Notes: Data on income, percent of total population, and persons per
household is from the 1991 PSID. Parameter set 1 is from Browning
(1995). Parameter set 2 is from Triest (1994). Participation rates for
the EITC and NIT are estimated from figures in the Green Book (Committee
on Ways and Means, 1998). Each column gives the percent of households of
each type that are affected by the spending component of that reform.
PPH is the average number of persons per household.
Aggregate Effects of Reforms--Same Tax Burden ([gamma] = 0.3125;
d[m.sup.[t.sub.3]] = 0.001; d[N.sup.t] = 12.05)
Parameter Set 1
ds -0.019 -- -0.024
d[m.sup.c] 0.009 -- --
d[m.sup.e] -- 0.010 --
dH/H x 100 -0.046 -0.033 -0.014
[n.sub.5]d[R.sub.5] 13.120 13.000 12.270
dR 12.959 13.971 0.000
d[N.sup.c] 6.664 -- --
WC 6.412 4.063 1.087
C/B-1 0.603 0.341 0.070
Parameter Set 2
ds -0.024 -- -0.024
d[m.sup.c] 0.011 -- --
d[m.sup.e] -- 0.011 --
dH/H x 100 -0.014 -0.014 -0.011
[n.sub.5]d[R.sub.5] 14.000 14.800 14.800
dR 17.084 15.724 0.000
d[N.sup.c] 8.786 -- --
WC 1.629 1.629 1.420
C/B-1 0.115 0.138 0.095
Notes; Values for d[N.sup.t], d[m.sup.e], dR, d[N.sup.c], and WC are
per-household values. d[N.sup.t], [n.sub.5]d[R.sub.5], dR, d[N.sup.c],
and WC are annual amount in dollars.
Household-Specific Effects of Reforms
No Income 1 2 3 4
Parameter set 1
d[C.sub.i] -- 0.000 120.327 120.327 120.327
d[h.sub.i] -- 0.138 -39.599 -55.273 -44.608
d[R.sub.i] -- -53.454 -16.888 -22.722 49.323
[WC.sub.i] -- -0.014 17.463 33.208 22.786
[NB.sub.i] -- 53.468 119.751 109.840 48.219
d[E.sub.i] 140.109 175.254 172.861 168.692 --
d[h.sub.i] 0.000 -19.401 -30.576 -41.636 --
d[R.sub.i] 0.000 31.183 85.621 119.159 --
[WC.sub.i] 0.000 1.960 13.484 25.015 --
[NB.sub.i] 140.109 142.112 73.756 24.518 --
d[h.sub.i] -- 15.673 76.127 158.606 --
d[R.sub.i] -- -68.676 -178.621 -220.422 --
[WC.sub.i] -- -1.583 -33.572 -95.290 --
[NB.sub.i] -- 70.259 212.193 315.712 --
Parameter set 2
d[C.sub.i] -- 0.000 158.626 158.626 158.626
d[h.sub.i] -- 0.008 0.015 0.224 0.052
d[R.sub.i] -- -70.505 0.104 12.430 93.297
[WC.sub.i] -- -0.002 -0.004 -0.005 -0.014
[NB.sub.i] -- 70.507 158.525 146.202 65.342
d[E.sub.i] 157.687 197.240 194.548 189.855 --
d[h.sub.i] 0.000 0.005 0.015 0.023 --
d[R.sub.i] 0.000 37.304 111.183 161.473 --
[WC.sub.i] 0.000 -0.002 -0.004 -0.006 --
[NB.sub.i] 157.687 159.938 83.369 28.388 --
d[h.sub.i] -- 4.801 11.137 16.140 --
d[R.sub.i] -- -66.682 -202.836 -302.323 --
[WC.sub.i] -- -1.392 -2.896 -3.874 --
[NB.sub.i] -- 68.074 205.731 306.196 --
Parameter set 1
d[C.sub.i] 0.000
d[h.sub.i] -20.601
d[R.sub.i] 28.036
[WC.sub.i] 8.240
[NB.sub.i] -36.276
d[E.sub.i] 0.000
d[h.sub.i] -21.289
d[R.sub.i] 28.195
[WC.sub.i] 8.516
[NB.sub.i] -36.711
d[h.sub.i] -22.613
d[R.sub.i] 26.221
[WC.sub.i] 9.045
[NB.sub.i] -35.267
Parameter set 2
d[C.sub.i] 0.000
d[h.sub.i] -9.183
d[R.sub.i] 30.273
[WC.sub.i] 3.490
[NB.sub.i] -33.763
d[E.sub.i] 0.000
d[h.sub.i] -9.183
d[R.sub.i] 31.722
[WC.sub.i] 3.490
[NB.sub.i] -35.211
d[h.sub.i] -9.233
d[R.sub.i] 31.514
[WC.sub.i] 3.508
[NB.sub.i] -35.022
Notes: Values are for individual households. d[h.sub.i] is in
hours/year, and all other values are annual values in dollars.
Aggregate Effects of Reforms--Same Redistribution ([gamma] = 0.3125)
Parameter Set 1 Parameter Set
d[m.sup.t3] 0.0013 0.0003 0.0007 0.0012
ds -0.024 -- -0.024 -0.028
d[m.sup.c] 0.011 -- -- 0.013
d[m.sup.e] -- 0.002 -- --
dHIH x 100 -0.060 -0.012 -0.011 -0.016
[n.sub.5]d[R.sub.5] 17.057 3.926 8.291 16.293
C/B-1 0.603 1.976 0.113 0.115
Parameter Set 2
d[m.sup.t3] 0.0003 0.0008
ds -- -0.028
d[m.sup.c] -- --
d[m.sup.e] 0.002 --
dHIH x 100 -0.004 -0.009
[n.sub.5]d[R.sub.5] 4.035 11.504
C/B-1 1.268 0.090
Notes: The value of ds for the NWT is the value for type 1 households.
Using parameter set 1, ds for type 2 is -0.018, and for type 3 it is
-0.011. Using parameter set 2, the values are -0.013. The given value of
d[m.sup.e] is the weighted average of d[m.sup.e.sub.i], where the weight
is the proportion of each type of household.
(1.) This is not to imply that the expansion of the EITC has gone
unnoticed, but most of the literature focuses on evaluating the labor
market effects. See, for example, Hoffman and Siedman (1990), Keane
(1995), Eissa and Liebman (1996), and Bartik (2001).
(2.) The assumptions that households with income above [Y.sub.e] do
not receive cash assistance and that [Y.sub.E] = [Y.sub.t ]are not
critical to the model. These assumptions are designed to (1)
differentiate household's that are on welfare from those that are
not, and (2) to reduce the number of different household types that must
be considered.
(3.) This is a simplification, of course. Households may receive
welfare but not participate in the EITC, or vice versa. The assumption
of only five household types is relaxed when computing the effects of
reforms (see section V).
(4.) A fuller model of a wage subsidy would allow for endogenous changes in the wage rate through human capital investment or promotion.
Similarly, a NIT and the EITC distort the decision of how many children
to have. The analysis here focuses on the more commonly considered
decision of labor supply.
(5.) If [C.sub.i] is treated as tax revenue then dR = 0 for all
reforms to the EITC.
(6.) Triest (1994) reforms the EITC by extending the phase-in
range. Browning (1995) argues that reforming the EITC by changing the
MTRs instead of the income brackets is preferable for two reasons.
First, past changes in the program have revolved around changes in the
implicit MTRs. Second, adjusting MTRs has superior redistributional
(7.) The change in household labor supply is found by taking the
total differential of the uncompensated demand for leisure d[h.sub.i] =
-d[l.sub.i] = -([l.sup.i.sub.w]d[w.sub.i] + [l.sup.i.sub.I]d[I.sub.i]),
where [l.sup.i.sub.j] is the partial derivative of [l.sub.i] with
respect to j. Equation (13) follows after substituting in for the
Slutsky equation for leisure, d[I.sub.i], and converting partial
derivatives to elasticities.
(8.) This is a simplification of the EITC because the subsidy and
benefit reduction rates, as well as the income ranges over which they
apply, vary with the number of children in a household. A one-child
household is chosen because the average number of children per household
is about one for the data set used.
(9.) Of the 133 million tax returns filed in 1997, about 15%
received a tax credit, so it is assumed that 15% of households in the
sample receive a tax credit. These figures are consistent with those
reported by Hoffman and Siedman (1990). They also use the PSID and find
that about 11% of families received a tax credit in 1988.
(10.) In 1996 only 4.8% of the U.S. population participated in the
AFDC program. According to Browning (1995), only 10% of participants
work. Using participation rates for the food stamp program increases the
number of working households affected by the NIT reform. Almost 80% of
those receiving food stamps have no earnings and there is a 9.6%
participation rate for the U.S. population. If we assume that the 9.6%
participation rate applies to households, then 7.6% (0.8 x 0.096) of
households have no market earnings and receive the full transfer from
the NIT.
(11.) This is not to imply that only 1.5% of working households
with income less than $6,500 receive government assistance. Reforms to
the NIT are designed to represent a reform to a type of welfare, such as
AFDC or food stamps, and not to all welfare programs. The percent of the
working population taking part in any given welfare program is very
(12.) The relative efficiency of the reforms is not affected by
this assumption.
(13.) All calculations are done with the assumption that a
household's capital share equals its share of the effective labor
(14.) The results for parameter set 1 are not driven by the fact
that type 1 households have such a low gross MTR. if the effects of each
reform are recalculated by assuming that [m.sup.g.sub.1] = 0.24, there
is no change in the relative efficiency of reforms.
(15.) For a constant elasticity of substitution production function
[gamma] = (1 - [theta])/[sigma], where [theta] is labor's share and
[sigma] is the elasticity of substitution. Given that [theta] = 0.75 and
using [sigma] = 0.8 in Ballard (1988), [gamma] = 0.3125.
(16.) The results are only for households directly affected by the
reforms, and they do not include households only affected by general
equilibrium changes in input prices because changes to these households
are small. A dash (-) indicates the reform does not directly affect any
households with income in that range.
(17.) The net benefit of type 1 households is $69, $156 for type 2
households, and $143 for type 3 households.
(18.) To ensure that the ranking for the NIT is not affected by
differences in the affected population, the numbers in Table 4 were
calculated assuming that the NIT services the same population as the
EITC and NWT. The NIT remained the least efficient reform.
(19.) Alstott (1994) suggests that the integration of the tax and
transfer systems that occurs with the EITC--and would undoubtedly occur
with a wage subsidy--yields a number of neglected problems. Besides
problems discussed here, she identifies the problems of accurately
measuring the family unit and responsiveness to the transfer
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AFDC: Aid to Families with Dependent Children
C/B: Cost-Benefit Ratio
EITC: Earned Income Tax Credits
MTR: Marginal Tax Rate
NIT: Negative Income Tax
NWT: Negative Wage Tax
PSID: Panel Study of Income Dynamics
* I am grateful for the helpful comments of Arthur Snow and three
anonymous referees.
Allgood: Associate Professor, Department of Economics, University
of Nebraska, Lincoln, NE 68588-0489. Phone 1-402-472-3367, Fax
1-402-472-9700, E-mail
[email protected]