Optimality of investment under imperfectly enforceable financial contracts.
Chu, Hsiao-Lei ; Chen, Nan-Kuang
A well-known implication of asymmetric information in credit
markets, as studied by Stiglitz and Weiss (1981), is that when the
quality of projects is private information, low-quality projects will
drive highquality projects out of the market, resulting in credit
rationing. This means there is underinvestment compared with the optimal
level of investment given full information. In contrast, De Meza and
Webb (1987) reach an entirely different result using a framework in
which the environment and information structure are very similar to
Stiglitz and Weiss. They show that asymmetric information causes good
projects to draw in bad and leads to too much investment than is
socially efficient. (1) As pointed out in their article, it is their
specification of the structure of stochastic project returns that leads
to this strikingly different result. (2) Thus, it raises a question
regarding the optimality of investment in an environment in which the
structure of stochastic project returns plays no role.
Apart from this difference, a common feature of the two articles,
together with a large body of literature, is that the financial
contracts are perfectly enforceable. However, borrowers may default
either because their investment returns are below what were promised to
the lenders or because they can profit more by running away without
repaying their debts. Absconding without repaying debt is feasible only
when the lenders have limited control of the investment returns or the
savings of the borrowers. Akerlof and Romer (1993) distinguish this
aspect of moral hazard, dubbed as "looting," from the pursuit
of highly risky investments to "gamble for resurrection." In
this case lenders and the courts are not able to enforce repayments from
the borrowers. (3)
In this article we study the optimality of aggregate investment in
a nonstochastic environment with private information and limited
enforcement. We show that an over- (under-) investment occurs if a
borrower's capital--debt ratio is smaller (larger) than the ratio
of cross-period cash flows. In other words, too much investment occurs
when the cash flows of investment returns are accrued relatively quickly
or when the stake in a borrower's project is too low. This implies
that when entrepreneurs prefer projects that yield a faster stream of
returns, it is more likely to result in over-investment because it is
either easier for entrepreneurs to be solvent or because this attracts
borrowers who want to pocket a higher profit and run away without
repaying. Moreover, over-investment is more likely to arise where
entrepreneurs have a low level of net worth relative to their debt,
which may be due to a lenient collateral requirement or lax lending
The results herein have policy implications for economies in which
enforcement is costly due to either primitive screening and monitoring
technology or inefficiency in the court system. We show that a subsidy
(tax) on risk-free interest income can close the over(under-) investment
gap, but in contrast to De Meza and Webb (1987), this policy tends to
reduce social welfare.
The rest of the article is organized as follows. Section II
outlines the environment of the model. Section III states the decision
rules under limited enforceability and then derives the condition for
over- or underinvestment. Section IV analyzes the policy implications of
this model, and section V concludes.
Consider a three-period economy, indexed by t = 0, 1, and 2. There
are a continuum of risk-neutral agents with a population normalized to
be unity and many competitive intermediaries. The gross risk-free
interest rate r, yielded from a safe asset, is assumed to be fixed. In
each period there is only a single consumption good. At date 0 each
agent is endowed with w units of goods, w > 0. Agents differ in their
entrepreneurial ability indexed by e, e [member of] [0, 1].
Entrepreneurial abilities are independent across agents, and for each
agent, e is distributed according to the probability density function g(*) and probability distribution function G(*). A higher e means better
entrepreneurship or productivity, which is perfectly correlated with the
agent's investment return.
At date 0 each agent has access to an investment technology that
takes I units of goods and yields a certain [q.sub.1]e units of output
at date 1 and [q.sub.2]e at date 2 for an agent with entrepreneurial
ability e. The amount of investment I is strictly greater than the
agent's endowment, thus external financing is necessary. Each
potential entrepreneur takes an amount of loan B = I -- w from her bank.
If a project is terminated at date 1, then the liquidation value of the
project is [delta], [delta] < I.
Information Structure and Contracting Problem
There are two frictions in this model. First, we assume that
borrowers can choose to run away with investment returns without
repaying their loan obligations. Absconding borrowers, however, cannot
take the project with them, and creditors alone do not have the required
skill to operate these projects. Hart and Moore (1998) study the
foreclosure right of debt contracts under the same assumptions. In a
model where reputation effect does not work, the only way banks can
secure their loan repayment is to threaten to liquidate projects.
Because borrowers have no incentive to pay anything at date 2, they are
required to repay at date 1. If a borrower default, then the bank seizes
the asset (the funded project) and liquidates it.
Second, an individual's entrepreneurial ability is
nonverifiable to outsiders. If the entrepreneurial ability is publicly
observable, then lenders would be able to figure out which borrowers
will run away, and thus the nonenforceability problem can be resolved.
When the entrepreneurial ability is private information, the direct
financing is not viable even if it is feasible. The function of banks is
to pool funds and to maintain zero expected profit by smoothing away
those who will default through diversification. Banks are able to seize
and liquidate the projects that borrowers leave behind to compensate
their losses.
According to our specification, the information structure outlined
above corresponds to a nonstochastic case in Hart and Moore (1998). (4)
They show that all debt contracts that satisfy lenders' break-even
constraint with equality are optimal.
The Optimal Investment under Full Information and Perfect
As a benchmark, we first consider the optimal level of investment
when entrepreneurial ability is publicly observable and contracts are
enforceable. In this case, all projects with nonnegative net present
value, Qe [greater than or equal to] [r.sup.2] I, will be financed,
where Q [equivalent to] r [q.sub.1] + [q.sub.2] is the future value of a
project's total returns. Let [e.sup.F] [equivalent to] [r.sup.2]
I/Q be the minimum level of entrepreneurial productivity at which the
project yields a zero net present value. We assume that [q.sub.1]e +
[delta] - r I < 0 for any e < [e.sup.F], which means it is never
optimal for the economy to undertake a project and then liquidate it at
date 1. This is equivalent to requiring that the project's
liquidation value must be low enough,
(1) [delta] < r [q.sub.2] I/Q.
Those agents with ability exceeding [e.sup.F] become entrepreneurs,
whereas the rest are depositors. Thus the optimal level of investment is
(1 - G([e.sup.F]))I. Because there will be no default or early
liquidation, the gross loan interest rate should be equal to the
opportunity cost of funds, which is r = r.
A notable aspect of this benchmark result differing from those
cases below is that since debts are enforceable, a project may be
financed even when the borrower's date 1 output is less than his or
her debt obligation, [q.sub.1]e < Br. The borrower is allowed to
postpone the rest of unpaid debt at date 2. This occurs when [e.sup.F]
< Br/[q.sub.1]. Thus, for those entrepreneurs with ability e [member
of] [[e.sup.F], Br/[q.sub.1]], they will repay [q.sub.1]e at date 1 and
the rest (Br - [q.sub.1]e) at date 2, leaving (Qe - Br) to him- or
herself. Recall that we have assumed Qe [greater than or equal to]
[r.sup.2] I. Thus, Qe - Br > [r.sup.2]w, such that borrowers'
participation is assured.
Given private information of entrepreneurial ability and limited
enforcement of repayment, we analyze the occupational choice and default
decision for an agent with characteristics (w, e). If some borrowers
default, then a loan's rate of return is required to be greater
than r. Let [pi] be the fraction of default to a bank, [pi] [member of]
[0, 1). Given the loan contract (B, r), a representative bank earns an
expected profit E([[PI].sup.B]) = Br(1 - [pi]) + [delta][pi] - Br. Given
that the banking sector is competitive, equilibrium requires that the
expected profit of each bank is zero. After rearranging, the zero profit
condition is
(2) (1 - [pi]) r + [pi][delta]/B = r.
Because the equilibrium rate of interest must be greater than r
when the fraction of default is positive, (2) implies [delta] < Br,
meaning that liquidating a project is unprofitable for the bank.
Equations (1) and (2) result in a restriction for [delta]:
(3) [delta] < min{Br, r [q.sub.2] I/Q}.
An agent will choose one of the following strategies at date 0:
(S1) invest at date 0 and not default at date 1; (S2) invest at date 0
and default at date 1; or (S3) not invest at date 0 and be a depositor.
The appendix outlines the conditions under which a certain strategy is
selected by an agent with ability e.
According to the decision rules, this may lead to a different
equilibrium with a different relative magnitude of cash flows [q.sub.1]
and [q.sub.2]. In what follows, we consider the simple case in which the
cash flows across periods are equal, specifically, [q.sub.1] = [q.sub.2]
= q. The other cases, [q.sub.1] < [q.sub.2] and [q.sub.1] >
[q.sub.2], can be characterized in the same manner.
The Equilibrium under Equal Cash Flows
Given that date 1 and date 2 cash flows are equal, the decision
rules can be presented graphically as in Figure 1. The area, {(e, r)\e
[greater than or equal to] Brr/q and e [greater than or equal to] r(Br +
wr)/Q, [for all]r}, represents the combination of entrepreneurial
ability and interest rate such that an agent will decide to invest and
not default, where Q = (1+ r)q. Some borrowers may default, because they
are either insolvent, that is, {(e, r)\e [greater than or equal to] wr/q
and e [less than or equal to] Br/q, [for all] r > wr/B}, or because
they are better off taking the money and running away even though they
are solvent, that is, {(e, r)\e < Brr/q, e [greater than or equal to]
wr/q, and e [greater than or equal to] Br/q, [for all] r > w/B}. The
agents located in the rest of the area become depositors. The
intersection of the three lines, Brr/q, wr/q, and r(Br + wr)/Q, is at
point r = w/B, which is the inside capital--debt ratio. This ratio will
turn Out to be important in determining whether t here is
over-investment or underinvestment.
From Figure 1 if the interest rate is such that r [less than or
equal to] w/B, then there will be no default, and thus the equilibrium
interest rate must be r = r. In this case, the aggregate investment is
(1 - G([e.sup.F]))I, which is equivalent to the optimal level of
Suppose instead that the equilibrium interest rate is such that
when r > w/B, then the agents' ability within the region {e wr/q < e [less than or equal to] Brr/q for r [greater than or equal
to] w/B} will default. The fraction of default is therefore
(4) [pi] = [G(Brr/q) - G(Br/q)]/[1 - G(Br/q)].
/[1 - G(Br/q)].
In the following we assume that the probability density function
g(e) is uniformly distributed on the support [0, 1]. The equilibrium
interest rate can then be solved according to (4) and the bank's
zero profit condition (2):
(5) [r.sup.*] = [(r[delta] + q)]/(2Br) [+ or -] 1/2 [square root of
where [DELTA] = [[(r[delta] + q).sup.2] - 4[r.sup.2]B(q - wr +
[delta]w/B)]/[B.sup.2][r.sup.2] > 0 is assumed to hold. (5) We thus
denote [r.sub.h] to be the larger solution and [r.sub.l] to be the
smaller one in (5). Because a borrower can shop around to select the
best offer by the banks, it is straightforward to show that the lowest
zero-profit loan interest rate is an equilibrium.
Note that the amount of aggregate investment is insensitive to a
change in the loan interest rate for the given range r > w/B. This is
because the amount of aggregate investment [1 - G(wr/q)]I is governed by
the participation decision of those marginal defaulters and depositors,
weighing date 1 output against the borrower's opportunity cost. A
change in the loan interest rate only affects the fraction of default
but does not affect the amount of aggregate investment. This property
has an important implication for policies that are intended to affect
the aggregate investment.
Optimality of Investment
Because the two solutions to (5) are the possible equilibrium rates
of interest when the fraction of default is positive, any solution lower
than the risk-free rate r cannot be an equilibrium. We check the
relative magnitude between the smaller root [r.sub.l] and r:
(6) [r.sub.l] - r [varies] ([delta] - Br)(w - Br).
According to constraint (3), we know - [delta] - Br < 0, and
thus the smaller root [r.sub.l] is lower than r if w/B > r; that is,
if the inside capital-debt ratio of the borrower is greater than r. When
this occurs, the equilibrium rate of interest is indeed the larger root
[r.sub.h]. On the other hand, when w/B < r, the equilibrium interest
rate is [r.sub.l].
Because the aggregate investment is (1 - G(wr/q))I and the optimal
level is (1 - G([e.sup.F]))I, it is straightforward to check that there
is overinvestment if
(7) w/B < r
and vice versa. This says that overinvestment occurs, at which the
equilibrium interest rate is [r.sub.l], if the inside capital-debt ratio
of the borrower is less than F, and underinvestment occurs, at which the
equilibrium interest rate is [r.sub.h], if otherwise.
In the case of overinvestment where the equilibrium interest rate
is [r.sup.*] = [r.sub.l], a fraction [G(Br/q) - G(wr/q)] of borrowers is
drawn into business so as to exploit the benefit from absconding with
date 1 output. In the case of underinvestment where the equilibrium rate
is [r.sup.*] = [r.sub.h], the fraction of default is even larger,
because G([Br.sub.h]/q) > G([Br.sub.l]/q).
As discussed, policies that directly affect the loan rate of
interest will have no effect on the level of aggregate investment and
thus will not affect the participation decision of those marginal
depositors and defaulters. According to (7), over-investment arises when
the inside capital-debt ratio of a borrower is lower than the risk-free
rate. To close the gap, the government may subsidize on the risk-free
interest income. To see this, let s be the subsidy rate, and note that
the investment gap from optimality is
(8) D = (1 - G(wr(1 + s)/q))I
- (1 - G([e.sup.F]))I
- rBI[1/(1 + r) + s][w/B - [r.sub.s]]/q,
which is positive when there is overinvestment, where [r.sub.s] =
r[[1 + s(1 + r)].sup.-1]. It can be checked that D is decreasing in the
subsidy rate, dD/ds < 0, and thus the gap becomes smaller when the
subsidy rate increases. The investment gap drops to zero when the
subsidy rate is set at s = (Br - w)/w(1 + r), which is strictly positive
by (7).
We then check the fraction of default under this interest rate
policy. Note that the bank's zero-profit condition now becomes
(9) (1 - [[pi].sub.s])[r.sub.s] + [[pi].sub.s][delta]/B = (1 + s)r,
where [[pi].sub.s] and [r.sub.s] are the fraction of default and
loan rate under subsidy, respectively. According to (4), we have
(10) [[pi].sub.s] = [G(Br[1 + s][r.sub.s]/q)
- G(wr[1 + s]/q)]
/[1 - G(wr[1 + s]/q)].
Using (9) and (11) and imposing [[pi].sub.s] = 0, we can solve for
the corresponding subsidy rate s = (w - Br)/Br, which is negative by
(7). This implies that a tax (rather than a subsidy) on risk-free
interest income is needed to eliminate the default problem.
The intuition for why a subsidy on risk-free interest income can
close the over-investment gap is that the subsidy raises the opportunity
cost of those marginal entrepreneurs, inducing them to switch to become
depositors and thus reducing investment. However, the subsidy raises the
banks' cost of funds and thus the loan rate, leading to a higher
fraction of default. This contrasts with De Meza and Webb's
clear-cut result that an interest rate policy can unambiguously restore
optimality. The welfare implication of this interest rate policy is thus
To further investigate the welfare implication of this interest
rate policy, we consider a social loss function given by
(11) L = [[integral].sup.[e.sup.F].sub.wr/q] I [r.sup.2] dG(e) +
[[integral].sup.Brr/q.sub.wr/q] qedG(e),
where the first term measures the efficiency loss due to
over-investment and the second term measures date 2's forgone
output, which is lost due to default. Replacing r with (1 + s)r and
taking the derivative with respect to s, we are able to derive a
sufficient condition for dL/ds > 0 is that dr/ds > I/rB, meaning
the subsidy on risk-free interest income to reduce over-investment is
not welfare improving if it causes the loan interest rate to increase
too much. This is more likely to happen when the loan interest rate is
already at a high level or when the inside capital-debt ratio is
relatively low (that is, I/B is low). The latter condition is exactly
what leads to over-investment, which means this interest rate policy
tends to lower social welfare, because the subsidy that raises the loan
interest rate and fraction of default will cause more forgone output
than is saved from the efficiency gain due to a decrease in the
over-investment gap.
In contrast, when there is underinvestment, a tax on the risk-free
interest income will close the gap. Denoting the tax rate as [tau], the
investment gap from optimality is
D = -rBI[1 + r - [tau]][w/B - [r.sub.[tau]]]/q < 0,
where [r.sub.[tau]] = r[[1 - [tau](1 + r)].sup.-1]. We find that D
is increasing in the tax rate, dD/d[tau] > 0, and therefore the gap
can be closed by raising the tax rate, because a tax on risk-free
interest income encourages more depositors to take out loans and to
invest. Following the above argument, however, this tax policy raises
the fraction of default, because these marginal depositors switching to
become entrepreneurs will default for sure, thus lowering welfare.
PROPOSITION 1. Given that the cash flow of date 1 from the project
is equal to that of date 2, [q.sub.1] = [q.sub.2], (a) Over-investment
will occur when the inside capital-debt ratio of the borrower is less
than the risk-free rate of interest; otherwise, underinvestment will
result. (b) The government can subsidize on the risk-free interest
income to close the investment gap in the case of over-investment and
tax in the case of underinvestment. These policies, however, raise the
fraction of default and are likely to lower social welfare.
In this article we essentially provide a counterexample to De Meza
and Webb (1987) by investigating the optimality of investment and policy
implications in a class of models with private information and limited
enforcement. Much of the analysis is done for the case of equal cash
flows in which returns from investment projects are the same in both
periods. In general, when investment returns are different across
periods, a generalization of (7) is that over-investment occurs if the
ratio of inside capital to debt is smaller than the ratio of date 1 to
date 2 project returns, which is w/B < r[q.sub.1]/[q.sub.2]. (6) When
[q.sub.1] is larger (smaller) than [q.sub.2], over- (under-) investment
is more likely to occur than the case when [q.sub.1] and [q.sub.2] are
equal. In practice, the benchmark case (equal cash flows) and the case
with increasing cash flows are more plausible. Particularly, when cash
flows are rising over time, there will be less looting and a subsidy on
interest-rate income is likely to raise welfare.
The model so far concentrates on the feature that banks lack the
capability to monitor and enforce borrowers' repayments and thus
potential borrowers of differential productivity are all able to finance
their projects as long as they decide to borrow. One might wonder how
things will be different if we assume that entrepreneurial ability is
partially observable. This is in fact equivalent to the assumption that
banks have access to a screening technology with low costs. It would be
an interesting extension to allow the banks to imperfectly identify the
true productivity of a potential borrower with a cost.
An agent will choose to be an entrepreneur and repay debt at date 1
(A-1) [q.sub.1]e > Br and Qe/r-Br [greater than or equal to]
max{[q.sub.1]e, wr},
where the first inequality means that the agent is solvent at date
1, and the second means that total cash flows net of debt obligation is
greater than or equal to the maximum between date 1 cash flow and his or
her initial capital. If [q.sub.1]e > wr, the second inequality says
that paying back debt and staying in business until the end of date 2 is
better than running away with [q.sub.1]e at date 1, whereas if
[q.sub.1]e < wr, the second inequality guarantees the agent's
participation. These conditions can be combined into
(A-2) e > Br/[q.sub.1], e > Brr/[q.sub.2], and
e > r(wr+Br)/Q.
An agent will borrow and invest but default at date 1 if
(A-3) [q.sub.1]e > Br and [q.sub.1]e [greater than or equal to]
max{Qe/r-Br, wr},
or if
(A-4) [q.sub.1]e < Br and [q.sub.1]e > wr.
The situation (A-3) occurs for an agent who defaults even though he
or she is solvent ([q.sub.1]e > Br). The reason he or she defaults is
because total outputs net of debt repayment is lower than the amount he
or she can steal ([q.sub.1]e > Qe/r-Br). This strategy is also better
than being a depositor ([q.sub.1]e > wr). We name these entrepreneurs
looters in the spirit of Akerlof and Romer (1993). The situation (A-4)
occurs for an agent who is endowed with an even lower ability, such that
he or she cannot afford date 1 debt repayment ([q.sub.1]e < Br),
however, he or she is better off being an entrepreneur than being a
depositor, because his or her date 1 cash flow is greater than the
opportunity cost ([q.sub.1]e > wr). Therefore, these agents are drawn
into the business to crop date I cash flow and run away. We call these
entrepreneurs outright crooks. The conditions in (A-3) imply
(A-5) e > Br/[q.sub.1] and e > wr/[q.sub.1] and e <
On the other hand, the conditions in (A4) imply
(A-6) e < Br/[q.sub.1] and e > wr/[q.sub.1].
An agent prefers being a depositor if
(A-7) [q.sub.1]e < Br and [q.sub.1]e < wr,
or if
(A-8) [q.sub.1]e > Br and wr [greater than or equal to]
max{Qe/r-Br, [q.sub.1]e}.
The conditions in (A-7) state that the agent does not want to
invest because he or she will be insolvent at date 1 and also because
the amount he or she can run away with is smaller than initial capital.
This is equivalent to
(A-9) e < Br/[q.sub.1] and e < wr/[q.sub.1].
The conditions in (A-8) state that even though the agent is solvent
at date 1 he or she will not participate anyway, and they imply that
(A-10) e > Br/[q.sub.1] and e < wr/[q.sub.1] and
e < r(wr+Br)/Q.
(1.) See Proposition 2 in De Meza and Webb (1987) for details.
(2.) In De Meza and Webb (1987), the set of project return contains
only two realizations--high and low--which is the same across
entrepreneurs. Entrepreneurs differ in their probabilities of success.
Therefore, "good" entrepreneurs have higher expected returns
than the "bad." In Stiglitz and Weiss (1981). the expected
return is constant across entrepreneurs. "Bad" entrepreneurs
can have a very high realization of return with a low probability of
success, whereas the "good" have rather smoother returns
across states.
(3.) Page 2 of Akerlof and Romer (1993) says, "Poor
accounting, lax regulation, or low penalties for abuse give owners an
incentive to pay themselves more than their firms are worth and then
default on their debt obligations." In particular, looting is more
likely when looters can count on the government to bear the losses.
(4.) Note that the only difference is that in our article,
borrowers are heterogeneous in entrepreneurial ability. However, this
does not alter the basic information structure, because the project
returns are perfectly correlated with entrepreneurial ability, which is
also nonverifiable as in Hart and Moore.
(5.) We may in fact have imaginary roots. We do not dwell on this
detail and simply assume that the parameter structure is such that both
roots are real.
(6.) The analysis of unequal cash flows can be obtained on request
from the authors.
Akerlof, G., and P. M. Romer. "Looting: The Economic
Underworld of Bankruptcy for Profit." Brooking Papers on Economic
Activity, 2, 1993, 1-60.
De Meza, D., and D. C. Webb. "Too Much Investment: A Problem
of Asymmetric Information." Quarterly Journal of Economics, 102(2),
1987, 281-92.
Hart, O., and J. Moore. "A Theory of Debt Based on the
Inalienability of Human Capital." Quarterly Journal of Economics,
109(4), 1994, 841-79.
-----. "Default and Renegotiation: A Dynamic Model of
Debt." Quarterly Journal of Economics, 113(1), 1998, 1-41.
Stiglitz, J., and A. Weiss. "Credit Rationing in Markets with
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* We wish to thank an anonymous referee and the editor for helpful
comments on an earlier draft of this article. The usual disclaimer
Chu: Assistant Professor, Department of Economics, National Chi-Nan
University, 1 University Road, Puli, Nantou, Taiwan. Phone
886-4-9291-0960 ext. 4918, E-mail
[email protected]
Chen: Associate Professor, Department of Economics, National Taiwan
University, 21 Shuchow Road, Taipei 10021, Taiwan. Phone 886-2-2351-9641
ext. 471, Fax 886-2-2321-5704, E-mail nankuang@ccms. ntu.edu.tw