On the nature of fair behavior.
Falk, Armin ; Fehr, Ernst ; Fischbagher, Urs 等
There is by now considerable evidence that fairness considerations
affect economic behavior in many important areas. In bilateral
bargaining situations, anonymously interacting agents frequently agree
on rather egalitarian outcomes although the standard model with purely
selfish preferences predicts rather unequal outcomes. (1) In competitive
experimental labor markets with incomplete contracts, fairness
considerations give rise to efficiency wage effects that generate stable
deviations from the perfectly competitive outcome as shown in Fehr and
Falk (1999). In several questionnaire studies, for example, in studies
by Bewley (1999) and Campbell and Kamlani (1997), personnel managers
indicate that despite an excess supply of labor, firms are unwilling to
cut wages because they fear that pay cuts are perceived as unfair and
hostile by the workers and will hence destroy work morale. Fehr et al.
(1997) show that in principal-agent relationships reciprocally fair
behavior causes a considerable increase in the set of enforceable
contracts and hence large efficiency gains. To examine the forces that
affect the perceptions of fairness and the determinants of fair behavior
is thus not just of philosophical or academic interest.
A common feature of fair behavior in the cited situations is that
in response to an act of party A that is favorable for party B, B is
willing to take costly actions to return at least part of the favor
(positive reciprocity), and in response to an act that is perceived as
harmful by B, B is willing to take costly actions to reduce A's
material payoff (negative reciprocity). This suggests that reciprocal
behavior is an important component of fairness-driven behavior.
Reciprocally fair behavior has been shown to prevail in one-shot
situations and under rather high-stake levels. (2)
In this article we show that identical offers in an ultimatum game trigger vastly different rejection rates depending on the other offers
available to the proposer. In particular, a given offer with an unequal
distribution of material payoffs is much more likely to be rejected if
the proposer could have proposed a more equitable offer than if the
proposer could have proposed only more unequal offers. Thus it is not
just the material payoff consequence of an offer that determines the
acceptance but the set of available, yet not chosen offers is also
decisive. This result casts serious doubt on the consequentialist
practice in standard economic theory that defines the utility of an
action solely in terms of the consequences of this action. It also shows
that the recently developed models of fairness by Bolton and Ockenfels
(2000) and Fehr and Schmidt (1999) are incomplete to the extent that
they neglect "nonconsequentialist" reasons for reciprocally
fair actions. These models assume that--in addition to their m aterial
self-interest--people also value the distributive consequences of
outcomes. The impressive feature of these models is that they are
capable of correctly predicting a wide variety of seemingly contradictory facts. They predict, for example, why competitive
experimental markets with complete contracts typically converge to the
predictions of the selfish model, whereas in bilateral bargaining
situations or in markets with incomplete contracts stable deviations in
the direction of more equitable outcomes are the rule. However, despite
their predictive success in important areas, our results indicate that
legitimate doubts remain as to whether these models capture the
phenomenon of reciprocal fairness in a fully satisfactory way.
A parsimonious interpretation of our results, which is also
suggested by psychological research, can be given in terms of
intentions. (3) Identical actions by the proposer are--depending on the
available alternatives--likely to signal different information about the
intentions of the proposer. Hence, if responders take into account not
only the distributive consequences of the proposers' actions but
also the fairness of the proposers' intentions, their responses to
identical offers may differ. Viewed from this perspective, our results
suggest that fairness models should take into account not only that many
people have preferences over the distribution of payoffs but also that
many people value the fairness intentions behind actions. Models like
this have been suggested by Rabin (1993) and Dufwenberg and Kirchsteiger
(1998). However, as we will see, the recognition that intentions are
important is not sufficient to account for our evidence because
distributive concerns are important as well. Ultimately, it nee ds a
model that combines both preferences for distributive consequences and
the role of intentions. An attempt in this direction is made by Falk and
Fischbacher (1999).
Before we present our experimental examination in detail, we
emphasize that the attribution of intentions for the evaluation of
actions is not restricted to laboratory studies. We believe that it is
also important in many real-life situations. Take, for instance, the
case that your neighbor caused small damage to your car either
intentionally or because of insufficient care. Most people would
consider the intentionally caused damage the more serious offense.
Another important real-life example that illustrates the importance of
the attribution of intentions is the criminal law. It distinguishes
carefully between criminal activities committed negligently and those
committed with criminal intent. Similar distinctions are also made in
commercial law and labor law. The punishment associated with a failure
to meet obligations is generally dependent on judgments about the
intention that caused the violation.
In the next section we describe our experimental design. Section
III presents the results. The final section relates our findings to the
literature and draws implications for theoretical modeling.
To examine whether identical offers trigger different rejection
rates depending on the alternatives available to the proposer, we
conducted four so-called mini-ultimatum games. Each one of our 90
experimental subjects participated in all four games. The mini-ultimatum
games were extremely simple and share the same structure (see Figures
1a-d). In all games the proposer P is asked to divide 10 points between
himself and the responder R, who can either accept or reject the offer.
Accepting the offer leads to a payoff distribution according to the
proposer's offer. A rejection implies zero payoffs for both
As Figures 1a-d indicate, P can choose between two allocations, x
and y. In all four games the allocation x is the same and allocation y
(the "alternative" to x) differs from game to game. If P
chooses x and R accepts this offer, P gets 8 points and R receives 2
points. In game (a) the alternative offer y is (5/5). This game is
therefore called the (5/5)-game. Game (b) is called the (2/8)-game
because the alternative offer y is to keep 2 points and to give 8 points
to R. Note that in the (2/8)-game P has only the choice between an offer
that gives P much more than R (i.e., 8/2) and an offer that gives P much
less than R (i.e., 2/8). (4) In game (c) P has in fact no alternative at
all, that is, he is forced to propose the offer (8/2). We call it the
(8/2)-game. Finally, in game (d) the alternative offer is (10/0), hence
it is termed the (10/0)-game. To get sufficient data we employed the
strategy method, that is, responders had to specify complete strategies
in the game-theoretic sense. Thus, every responder h ad to indicate his
action at both decision nodes, that is, for the case of an x- and for
the case of a y-offer, without knowing what P had proposed. (5)
At the beginning subjects were randomly assigned the P or the R
role, and they kept this role in all four games. Subjects faced the
games in a varying order, and in each game they played against a
different anonymous opponent. They were informed about the outcome of
all four games, that is, about the choice of their opponents, only after
they had made their decision in all games. This procedure not only
avoids income effects but also rules out that subjects' behavior is
influenced by previous decisions of their opponents.
After the end of the fourth game subjects received a show-up fee of
CHF 10 plus their earnings from the experiment. For each point earned
they received CHF 0.80, so that in all four games together CHF 32 (about
US$23 at the time) were at stake. The experiment took approximately 40
minutes. It was programmed and conducted with the software z-Tree
described in Fischbacher (1999).
Because we are mainly interested in the variations of
responders' behavior across the four games, we shortly present the
responder-predictions of the various fairness models. The standard model
with selfish preferences predicts that in all games the allocation (8/2)
is never rejected. The Bolton-Ockenfels and the Fehr-Schmidt models
predict that the rejection rate of the (8/2)-offer is the same across
all games. Because these models capture people's dislike for
inequality, they are consistent with positive rejection rates. However,
because they disregard that identical outcomes may be perceived as more
or less fair, depending on the alternatives available to the first
mover, they are not consistent with different rejection rates of the
(8/2)-offer across the four games.
The purely intention-based models by Rabin (1993) and Dufwenberg
and Kirchsteiger (1998) are in principle compatible with different
rejection rates for identical offers across games. The major reason for
this is, however, that both models exhibit multiple equilibria. To be
more precise, for each game Rabin's model is compatible with the
rejection and with the acceptance of the (8/2)-offer. Similarly, the
Dufwenberg and Kirchsteiger model is compatible with the rejection and
the acceptance of the (8/2)-offer in each of the first three games. (6)
We would like to stress, however, that a pure intention model, which
formalizes the perceived unfairness of the intention as the only reason
for rejecting an offer, should predict that no rejections occur if
proposers cannot signal any intention. This is in our view the case in
the (8/2)-game. In this game the proposer has no real choice and can
therefore signal no intention. Thus, if only intentions matter, we
should observe no rejections in the (8/2)-game.
Intuitively, one would expect that in the (5/5)-game a proposal of
(8/2) is clearly perceived as unfair because P could have proposed the
egalitarian offer (5/5). In the (2/8)-game, offering (8/2) may still be
perceived as unfair but probably less so than in the (5/5)-game because
the only alternative available to (8/2) gives P much less than R. In a
certain sense, therefore, P has an excuse for not choosing (2/8) because
one cannot unambiguously infer from his unwillingness to propose an
unfair offer to himself that he wanted to be unfair to the responder.
Thus we would expect that the rejection rate of the (8/2)-offer in the
(5/5)-game is higher than in the (2/8)-game. In the (8/2)-game P has no
choice at all so that P's behavior cannot be judged in terms of
fairness. Responders can only judge the fairness of the outcome (8/2),
and if they exhibit sufficient aversion against inequality they will
reject this distribution of money. The rejection rate in the (8/2)-game
measures subjects' pure aversion against disadvantageous inequality. Because any attribution of unfairness to P's behavior
is ruled out here we expect an even lower rejection rate compared to the
(2/8)-game. Finally, offering (8/2) in the (10/0)-game may even be
perceived as a fair (or less unfair) action so that the rejection rate
of (8/2) is likely to be the lowest in this game. The model by Falk and
Fischbacher captures the essence of these intuitions. It predicts a
positive rejection rate for the (8/2)-offers in all games and a higher
rejection rate of the (8/2)-offer in the (5/5)-game, compared to the
other games.
Figure 2 presents our main results. The bars represent the
percentage of responders that reject the (8/2)-offer in the different
games. The rejection rate in the (5/5)-game is highest. Twenty of the 45
responders (44.4%) rejected the (8/2)-offer. Twelve subjects (26.7%)
rejected the (8/2)-offer in the (2/8)-game, 18% in the (8/2)-game, and
8.9% (4 subjects) in the (10/0)-game. (7) The non-parametric Cochran
Q-test confirms that the differences in rejection rates across the four
games are significant (p < .0001). It also confirms that the
difference between the (5/5)-game and the other three games is
statistically significant (p < .0001). Pair-wise comparisons confirm
that the rejection rate in the (5/5)-game is significantly higher than
in the (2/8)-game (p = .017, two-sided) and that the difference between
the (2/8)- and the (10/0)-game is also highly significant (p = .017,
two-sided). The difference between the (2/8)- and the (8/2)-game is,
however, only (weakly) significant if one is willing to apply a one
-sided test (p = .068, one-sided). The difference between the (8/2)- and
the (10/0)-game is clearly not significant (p = .369, two-sided). To
examine the robustness of these statistical results we also conducted
the non-parametric McNemar test. This test confirms all results of the
previous tests except one: the rejection rates in the (2/8)- and the
(8/2)-game are now significant at the 5% level in a one-sided test (p =
.048, one-sided).
These results indicate that pure aversion against inequitable
outcomes plays a role, because 18% of responders reject the (8/2)-offer
when P has no choice. This evidence questions the pure intentions
models. However, the results also clearly reject the implication of the
Bolton-Ockenfels and the FehrSchmidt model that there are no differences
in rejection rates across games. The rise in the rejection rate from 18%
to roughly 45% in the (5/5)-game suggests that intentions-driven
punishment behavior is a major factor. Thus, it seems that reciprocity
is actually driven by both outcomes and intentions.
Finally, we take a look at the proposers' behavior. Given the
varying acceptance rate of the (8/2)-offer the expected return from this
offer also varied across games. Table 1 shows that it was least
profitable to propose (8/2) in the (5/5)-game and most profitable in the
(10/0)-game. The expected payoff of the alternative offers exhibits the
reverse order. (8) This indicates that given the rejection behavior of
the responders, the payoff-maximizing choice is (5/5) in the (5/5)-game,
(8/2) in the (2/8)-game, and also (8/2) in the (10/0)-game. The last
column in Table 1 shows that the vast majority of the proposers made
indeed the payoff-maximizing choice in each game. (9) Although this
proposer behavior is consistent with the assumption that the majority of
the proposers maximized their expected monetary payoff, it is also
consistent with the assumption that a majority of the proposers care for
fairness. This is so for two reasons. First, all reasonable fairness
models assume that people are not only concerned with fairness, that is,
they also value their pecuniary returns. Thus, if the (8/2) offer
becomes more profitable on average, the cost of choosing the alternative
offer increases, which will induce some fair-minded subjects to prefer
the (8/2)-offer. Second, even if people were only concerned with
fairness, it is reasonable to assume that they would choose the
(5/5)-offer in the (5/5)-game and the (8/2)-offer in the (10/0)-game.
The results of our experiment clearly show that the same action by
the proposer in a mini-ultimatum game triggers very different responses
depending on the alternative action available to the proposer. This
suggests that responders take into account not only the distributive
consequences of the proposer's action but also the intention
signaled by the action. Supporting evidence for this interpretation is
also provided by the experiments of Blount (l995), (10) Brandts and Sola
(2001), and Guth et al. (2001). The work by Offerman (2002) shows not
only that the attribution of fairness intentions is an important
determinant of punishment behavior in Ultimatum games but also that
these attributions affect punishment behavior in other games as well.
At a more general level our results also imply that the utility of
an action does not solely depend on the material consequences of the
action but is also directly affected by the other available actions.
This dependence has far-reaching consequences because it means that a
decision maker can more easily enforce his or her preferred actions
against opposition by secretly constraining the set of available actions
or by pretending that certain actions are not available. At the
theoretical level our results indicate that fairness models that are
exclusively based on either distributional concerns or on the
attribution of fairness intentions are incomplete. Therefore, the equity
models of Bolton and Ockenfels as well as Fehr and Schmidt are not fully
satisfactory because they have no explicit role for intentions, whereas
the pure intentions models of Rabin and Dufwenberg and Kirchsteiger are
incomplete because they do not capture distributional concerns in a
satisfactory way. Models that combine both driving forc es, as those by
Falk and Fischbacher (1999) or by Charness and Rabin (2002), are
therefore most promising.
Expected Payoffs for the Proposers from Different Offers
Expected Expected payoff Percentage
payoff of of the alternative of (8/2)-
Game the 8/2-offer offer proposals
(5/5)-game 4.44 5.00 31
(2/8)-game 5.87 1.96 73
(10/0)-game 7.29 1.11 100
(1.) See, for example, Guth et al. (1982), Roth (1995), or Camerer
and Thaler (1995).
(2.) See Berg et al. (1995), Roth et al. (1991), or Cameron (1999).
(3.) For a review of the psychological literature see Krebs (1970).
(4.) The payoff structure of this game is similar to the so-called
best-shot game, which was first studied by Harrison and Hirshleifer
(1989) and subsequently by Prasnikar and Roth (1992).
(5.) In principle, it is possible that the strategy method induces
different responder behavior relative to a situation where responders
have to decide whether to accept a given, known, offer. However, Brandts
and Charness (2000) and Cason and Mui (1998) report evidence indicating
that the strategy method does not induce different behaviors.
(6.) In the Dufwenberg and Kirchsteiger model there exists an
interval for the (unobservable) reciprocity parameter such that if the
reciprocity parameter lies in this interval, in each of the three games
the rejection as well as the acceptance of the (8/2)-offer can be part
of an equilibrium. If one assumes a distribution of reciprocity
parameters, the model predicts that the (8/2)-offer is more frequently
rejected in the (2/8)-game than in the (5/5)-game. This follows from the
fact that in this model the offer (8/2) is perceived as less fair by the
responders when (2/8) is the alternative than when (5/5) is the
alternative. Therefore, responders reject the (8/2)-offer in the
(2/8)-game already at smaller reciprocity parameters. For the
(10/0)-game the model makes a precise equilibrium prediction: the
(8/2)-offer is always accepted.
(7.) The rejection rates of the alternative offers (5/5), (2/8),
and (10/0) are as follows. Nobody rejected the (5/5)-offer, and only one
subject rejected the (2/8)-offer. Almost 90% rejected the offer (10/0).
(8.) Because in the (8/2)-game proposers had no choice but to
choose (8/2), such a comparison is meaningless for the (8/2)-game.
(9.) The Cochran Q-test indicates that the differences in the
frequencies of the (8/2)-proposal across the three games are highly
significant (p < .0001).
(10.) The results of Blount (1995) may be affected by the fact that
subjects (in two of three treatments) had to make decisions as a
proposer and as a responder before they knew their actual roles. After
subjects had made their decisions in both roles, the role for which they
received payments was determined randomly. In one of Blount's
treatments deception was involved. Subjects believed that there were
proposers although in fact the experimenters made the proposals. All
subjects in this condition were randomly assigned to the responder role.
In this treatment subjects also were not paid according to their
decisions but received a flat fee instead.
(11.) Offerman (2002) finds evidence that punishment behavior is
significantly driven by the attribution of intentions, whereas helping
behavior is not. This suggests an asymmetry between negatively
reciprocal behavior (i.e., punishment of unfair actions) and positively
reciprocal behavior (i.e., rewarding of fair actions). Though negatively
reciprocal behavior is strongly affected by perceived intentions,
positively reciprocal behavior seems less affected. Support for this
asymmetry also comes from Charness (1996), Bolton et al. (1998), and Cox
(2000). All these studies find no or weak support for Intentions-driven
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* Financial support by the Swiss National Science Foundation (Project 1214-05100.97) and by the MacArthur Foundation (Network on
Economic Environments and the Evolution of Individual Preferences and
Social Norms) is gratefully acknowledged. This paper is part of the
EU-TMR Research Network ENDEAR (FMRX-CTP98-0238).
Falk: Assistant Professor, University of Zurich, Institute for
Empirical Research in Economics, Bluemlisalpstreasse 10, CH-5006 Zurich,
Switzerland. Phone 41-1-63-43709, Fax 41-1-634-4907, E-mail
[email protected]
Fehr: Professor, University of Zurich, Institute for Empirical
Research in Economics, Bluemlisalpstreasse 10, CH-8006 Zurich,
Switzerland. Phone 41-1-63-43704, Fax 41-1-634-4907, E-mail
[email protected]
Fischbacher: University of Zurich, Institute for Empirical Research
in Economics, Bluemlisalpstreasse 10, CH-8006 Zurich, Switzerland. Phone
41-1-63-43799, Fax 41-1-634-4907, E-mail
[email protected]