Nontariff barriers and trade liberalization.
Anderson, Simon P. ; Schmitt, Nicolas
It is common to recognize that tariffs have gradually been replaced
by nontariff barriers (NTBs). Some authors go even further and argue
there is a "Law of Constant Protection" (an expression used by
Bhagwati [1988] mainly to dismiss the idea). Baldwin (1984, 600), for
instance, writes: "Not only have these measures become more visible
as tariffs have declined significantly through successive multilateral
trade negotiations but they have been used more extensively by
governments to attain the protectionist goals formerly achieved with
The purpose of this article is to set up a model in which the
effect of trade liberalization on the use of quotas and antidumping laws
can be investigated directly. We analyze two types of bilateral trade
liberalization: tariff reductions and quota elimination. We show that
our model is consistent with a progression from the use of tariffs only
to the use of quotas (following tariff liberalization) to the use of
antidumping laws (when quotas have been jointly tarrified). Second, it
is also consistent with a narrowing of the range of industries in which
each of these instruments is used. Third, the extent of bilateral tariff
liberalization and the ensuing degree of replacement of tariffs by NTBs
depend on the combination of two industry-specific characteristics: the
government's preferences for domestic firm profits and the
importance of international transport cost in the industry. Overall, our
results suggest that treaties that remove or reduce one type of
distortion may lead to the use of other policies tha t are even worse,
but despite the use of NTBs overall trade is more liberal.
To show these results, we use a standard two-country model with
two-way trade where the policy maker's objective function is
quasi-concave. This last characteristic is important to explain some of
the results as it leads to strategic complementarity in the tariff game
and to the possibility of interior solutions in the quota game.
Our results appear to track three separate sets of empirical facts
well. First, evidence shows that there is a clear emergence of
quantitative restrictions in the 1960s in manufacturing sectors and in
developed economies followed by an explosion in the use of antidumping
constraints since the 1980s. (1) The emergence of these two NTBs can be
linked to preceding multilateral trade rounds and in particular to the
completion of the Kennedy Round. Today, the General Agreement on Tariffs
and Trade (GATT, 1990, 10) notes that "despite a recent decline in
the number of anti-dumping investigations initiated in the United States and the European Communities, anti-dumping remains (after tariffs) the
most frequently invoked trade policies in these countries."
Antidumping measures are also spreading to developing countries (Nogues,
1993). Quantitative restrictions are meanwhile on the decline as
signatories of the Uruguay Round agreement are now required to
"tariffy" existing quotas and constrain their future use. GATT
( 1990) documents specific import quotas, import licensing restrictions,
and items subject to import prohibition that have been eliminated in
recent years.
Second, the gradual replacement of trade tools has also been
accompanied by a reduction of the number of sectors affected by NTBs.
Whereas very few products were traded without levy before the various
GAIT rounds, Renner (1971) finds that 7% of the (four-digit) product
classes were affected by quantitative restrictions in the United States
and in the European Communities in 1970. The number of antidumping cases
in the European Communities (initiated and/or ending up with a positive
decision) represents a fraction of this number (see GAIT, 1993b) mainly
concentrated on a very small number of sectors (see Messerlin and Reed,
1995). Of course, it is not because a smaller number of sectors are
affected by NTBs that overall protection necessarily decreases. However,
given the high rates of growth in world trade, it seems likely that
despite this substitution the overall level of protection has decreased
over time.
Third, the links between tariff liberalization and the emergence of
NTBs have been investigated empirically with interesting results with
respect to industry characteristics. Marvel and Ray (1983), in
particular, show that tariff liberalization is stronger (on average) in
industries that are more competitive and that enjoy higher growth rates.
Moreover, Ray (1981) and Marvel and Ray (1983) argue that NTBs are
found predominantly in more competitive industries because NTBs are
better than tariffs at shielding rents among existing firms when
barriers to entry are low. There is much less use of NTBs in less
competitive industries as tariff liberalization has been more modest.
Marvel and Ray (1983) also argue that there are some sectors (in both
types of industry) in which overall protection has increased as a result
of the emergence of NTBs.
There is an abundant theoretical literature on barriers to trade.
Tariff games go back to Johnson (1953) and quota games have been
investigated by Rodriguez (1974) and Tower (1975). Papers investigating
why, for instance, a government might prefer quantitative restrictions
to tariffs include Gassing and Hillman (1985), Deardorff (1987), Falvey
and Lloyd (1991), and Kaempfer et al. (1988). As pointed out by
McCulloch (1987), these articles do not explain the changes from tariffs
to quotas, let alone the changes to other forms of NTBs, such as
antidumping restrictions. Recently, Anderson (1993) and Rosendorff
(1996) have argued that antidumping constraints and quantitative
restrictions might go hand in hand. Copeland (1990) proposes a model in
which two countries bargain over the level of a "negotiable"
trade instrument, anticipating the subsequent use of a nonnegotiable instrument. He shows that there is some substitution into the less
efficient nonnegotiable instrument as a result of this negotiation.
Howeve r, net protection decreases. It is this link we wish to
investigate, particularly the combination of industry-specific
characteristics associated with it.
In the next sections, we investigate the case of quotas and
antidumping as devices to maintain protection when tariffs are
negotiated away or when international transport costs get lower. We are
interested in developing a model (1) that is consistent with the
sequential introduction of quantitative restrictions and antidumping
measures; (2) in which the range of sectors affected by these tools gets
smaller; and (3) in which the degree of tariff liberalization and the
use of NTBs depend on industry characteristics.
The article is organized as follows. In section II, we present the
theoretical model that indicates both a progression of trade instruments
and a narrowing of the affected sectors. In section III, we derive the
non-cooperative tariff equilibrium and show that a symmetric quota
equilibrium exists possibly with an interior solution. In section IV, we
simulate the model. We show the extent of tariff liberalization and then
analyze the quota equilibrium. Depending on industry characteristics,
the use of quotas may result in a net increase or decrease in
protection. Finally, we suppose that quotas are negotiated away and
investigate the subsequent scope for antidumping restrictions. Section V
summarizes the main points of the analysis.
Our starting point is the simple reciprocal dumping model of
Brander and Krugman (1983) with two firms, one in each country, selling
the same good. Competition between firms within each country is
described by the Cournot model. The reasons for this modeling strategy
are as follows. In a perfectly competitive world, firms would never
dump, so there would be no role for antidumping measures (see Ethier,
1982, for an exception under uncertainty). Furthermore, there would be
no incentive to use quotas if the foreigners get the rents from them.
Hence some market imperfection is needed to explain the use of quotas
and antidumping restrictions in a simple static framework. The most
natural one is market power, which is also the relevant market structure
for many manufacturing industries. The basic choices to model
oligopolistic interaction are the Cournot and Bertrand descriptions. The
Bertrand model requires differentiated products, otherwise there would
be neither imports nor exports. Under quotas, the price equi libria are,
as in Krishna (1989), typically in mixed strategies that are both
cumbersome analytically and unappealing to some critics. Therefore we
use the Cournot model, which is generally manageable, as well as
tracking to a fair degree the stylized facts of the introduction. For
simplicity we do not allow for entry and consider only two countries
with one firm each.
Firm 1 is domiciled in country A, in which it sells [x.sub.1] units
of output, and it sells [y.sub.1] in country B. Firm 2, in country B,
sells [x.sub.2] in A and [y.sub.2] in B. There are no marginal
production costs, but the cost of shipping one unit of output abroad is
t per unit.
The inverse demands in market A and B are, respectively, [p.sub.A]
= 1 - ([x.sub.1] + [x.sub.2]) and [p.sub.B] = 1 - ([y.sub.1] +
[y.sub.2]). If a tariff [[tau].sub.A] is imposed by government A, the
foreign firm's marginal cost for its exports is [T.sub.A] = t +
[[tau].sub.A]; [T.sub.B] and [[tau].sub.B] are analogously defined. The
standard linear-demand Cournot model then yields equilibrium outputs as
(1) [x.sub.1] = (1 + [T.sub.A])/3; [x.sub.2] = (1 - 2[T.sub.A])/3;
[y.sub.1] = (1 - 2[T.sub.B])/3; [y.sub.2] = (1 + [T.sub.B])/3.
These solutions are valid for [T.sub.i] [member of] [-1, 1/2], (i =
A, B). If [T.sub.i] [greater than or qual to] 1/2, there is a domestic
monopoly in country i with the rival firm excluded by too high export
cost (and thus the solution is that of [T.sub.i] = 1/2). If [T.sub.i]
[less than or equal to] -1, the foreign firm is a monopolist in the
domestic firm's market.
The equilibrium profits are simply [[pi].sub.j] = [x.sup.2.sub.j] +
[y.sup.2.sub.j], (j = 1,2), or for firm 1,
(2) [[pi].sub.1] = [(1 + [T.sub.A]).sup.2]/9 + [(1 -
This model produces reciprocal dumping because [p.sub.A] -
[T.sub.A] [less than or equal to] [p.sub.B] and [p.sub.B] - [T.sub.B]
[less than or equal to] [p.sub.A]. Each firm dumps its product in the
foreign market, not by using predatory pricing but by using
(third-degree) price discrimination between the two countries. In
effect, each firm sells the same product at a lower (net) price abroad
than at home.
Consumer surplus in A is simply 1/2[([x.sub.1] + [x.sub.2]).sup.2].
We assume that tariff revenues are redistributed to consumers. Consumer
benefits, [[beta].sub.A] are then the sum of consumer surplus and tariff
(3) [[beta].sub.A] = [(2 - [T.sub.A]).sup.2]/18 + [[tau].sub.A](1 -
A similar expression applies to market B. Notice we make the
standard assumption of constant marginal cost of production. Hence, as
long as a firm does not face a constraint linking the two markets, its
profit-maximizing decisions are separate for each market.
The two NTBs we consider are quotas and antidumping restrictions.
Suppose that government A imposes a quota, [x.sub.2] [greater than or
equal to] 0, on the foreign firm. We assume there is no government
revenue from quotas (see later discussion). A quota is binding if it is
less than the Cournot output (see equation [1]) of the foreign firm in
the domestic market, that is, = (1 - if [x.sub.2] < (1 -
2[T.sub.A])/3, where [T.sub.A] is the sum of transport cost and whatever
tariff is currently in effect. The domestic firm then chooses its
Cournot best reply to [x.sub.2], [x.sub.1] = (1 - [x.sub.2]/2. A quota
at home has no effect in the foreign market. Hwang and Mai (1988) show
that tariffs and quotas are equivalent in a Cournot game. This implies
that quotas would be as efficient as tariffs if quota rights were
auctioned off by the government.
The third tool available to each government is an antidumping
constraint. Following Anderson et al. (1995), we model antidumping
measures as a binding constraint on the affected firm's outputs to
eliminate the dumping margin, which is the difference between the price
received on each domestic unit sold and the net price received on each
unit exported. Hence, we assume that evidence of dumping is determined
by a price-based method. (2) If government A imposes an antidumping
restriction on the foreign firm, then firm 2's outputs must ensure
(4) [p.sub.A] [greater than or equal to] [p.sub.B] + [T.sub.A]
if firm 2 is to sell in market A (it may prefer giving up market A
and selling only in market B). The concavity of the profit functions
ensures that (4) will hold with equality whenever firm 2 opts to still
serve market A. (3)
An equilibrium under antidumping constraints is a nonnegative quadruple of outputs ([x.sub.1], [x.sub.2], [y.sub.1] [y.sub.2]) such
that each firm's profit is maximal under any constraint faced,
given the rival's outputs. For example, an equilibrium at which
firm 2 is restricted while firm 1 is not entails firm 2 facing the
constraint (1 - [y.sub.1] - [y.sub.2]) [less than or equal to] (1 -
[x.sub.1] - [x.sub.2] - [T.sub.B]) and the standard nonnegativity
constraints, whereas firm l's problem is the standard Cournot one.
Under an antidumping constraint, the restricted firm may either withdraw
from its export market or else serve it without dumping. As shown in the
Appendix, the equilibrium involves the restricted firm selling in both
markets when T is low enough. When T is large, the equilibrium involves
the restricted firm selling only in its domestic market competing there
with the other firm (the other firm being a monopolist at home). (4) We
show in the Appendix that an antidumping restriction on firm 2 reduces
its equilibrium output in market A and increases it in B (firm l's
outputs go the other way). As expected, the equilibrium price rises in A
and falls in B.
We have deliberately sketched a simplistic portrayal of antidumping
restraints (for example, we ignore antidumping duties) to provide a
tractable broad picture of the overall progression. Nevertheless, our
treatment is still consistent with most antidumping cases. First
antidumping is viewed here as an antidiscrimination device decreasing
interfirm rivalry to the benefit of domestic firms. This is consistent
with most antidumping cases, because 90% of them are implemented
according to very loose injury criteria (including price differences)
rather than strict predatory pricing according to Messerlin and Reed
(1995). Second, it is well known that a significant share of antidumping
investigations end up with price or quantity undertakings and no duties.
(5) As far as the foreign firm is concerned, (4) can be interpreted as
the quantity undertaking (because it plays Cournot) satisfying this
antidumping constraint. Third, antidumping duties are mainly aimed at
checking firm's behavior. As a result, many firms re spect
antidumping constraints due to the threat of an investigation and being
hit by a duty. In addition, those cases ending up with duties are
reviewed periodically, and duties are often reduced once foreign firms
have been found to adjust their prices. DeVault (1996) finds that 77% of
the U.S. antidumping duties first levied during 1980s had been reviewed
by 1994 and that a first review decreases average duties from 29.5% to
15.9%. Our model is consistent with this because an alternative
interpretation of the antidumping constraint is that a firm that
violates (4) is hit with an antidumping duty equal to the dumping
margin. It is then easy to show that this is equivalent to facing the
antidumping constraint, as firms drive the duty to zero. (6)
The final ingredient of the model is the description of how trade
policies are determined. We posit a policy maker's objective
function, U([beta], [pi]), over consumer benefits and profit which is
strictly increasing in each argument and quasi-concave so the
indifference curves have the standard shape (downward sloping with
diminishing marginal rate of substitution). We also assume that this
objective function is applied to each industry separately. This
assumption is a simple way to allow for different trade-offs between
consumer benefits and profits in different industries. As we show later,
our approach can explain the observed fact of binding but nonprohibitive
quotas, whereas this observation rejects the simple surplus maximization
approach. For the most part, we shall think of a strictly quasi-concave
objective function (and strictly diminishing marginal rate of
substitution), and later we shall use a Cobb-Douglas form for the policy
maker's objective function, U =
[[beta].sup.1-[alpha]][[pi].sup.[alpha ]]. Here [alpha] denotes the
relative weight on profit or the importance of the domestic firm to the
policy maker.
There are several justifications for such a form. For example,
following Stigler (1971) and Peltzman (1976), governments care about
consumer welfare (with tariff revenues spent, say, on public goods)
because consumers vote, and they care about profit because legislators
get perks from lobbyists (and there are diminishing returns to each
argument). Similarly, government policy is determined by costly lobbying
from interested parties, as in Becker (1983). Insofar as greater
concessions are only achieved at the cost of larger lobbying
expenditures, a balance will be struck between the lobbying parties,
just as the Cobb-Douglas function tends to select outcomes that are in
the middle (whereas a linear utility function tends to select more
extreme outcomes, especially under convex constraints). We can think of
the outcome of the lobbying game as the solution to the simpler
maximization problem. In adopting U([beta], [pi]) to investigate the
choice and the level of the three trade tools available to policy
makers, we assume they have as much freedom in choosing antidumping
constraints on an industry-by-industry basis as they have over tariffs
and quotas. (7)
We first establish that quotas are preferred to antidumping
restrictions and that tariffs are universally preferred to the other
PROPOSITION 1. Given an arbitrary tariff rate [[tau].sup.0], if
governments can use both quotas and antidumping restrictions, they will
only use quotas or else no NTBs at all.
Proof. Consider a combination of tariff [[tau].sup.0] and an
antidumping constraint on firm 2. Imposing the antidumping constraint
changes the profit of firm 1 in both markets. As we just noted (and is
shown in the Appendix), the output of firm 2 rises in market B. Because
a firm's profit is decreasing in its rival's output in any
market, the profit of firm 1 must fall in market B. In market A, an
antidumping constraint can be replaced by a quota equal to firm 2's
output. This leads to the same outcome in market A and hence to the same
profit and consumer surplus there. Because an antidumping constraint
lowers firm 1's profit abroad, firm 1's overall profit must
rise when an antidumping constraint is replaced by a quota at the same
level of imports. Hence no tariff-cum-antidumping constraint can be
preferred to a tariff-cum-quota.
Basically, an antidumping restriction has the same effect as a
specific quota on the domestic market but also reduces the home
firm's profit in the foreign market. This result is consistent with
the fact that quotas were the trade restriction of choice prior to the
completion of the Kennedy Round. However, quotas have been used less
frequently over the recent years. In large part this is due to
constraints placed by GATT.
PROPOSITION 2. There is no incentive for a government to use quotas
or antidumping constraints if there is no restriction on tariff use.
Proof. An antidumping constraint or a prohibitive quota may cause
the foreign firm to stop selling in the home market. A government
imposing a prohibitive quota or an antidumping constraint that
eliminates trade cannot prefer this outcome to the optimal tariff
because the tariff could have originally been chosen to be prohibitive.
So consider the case where NTBs do not eliminate trade. In particular,
consider a combination of tariff [[tau].sup.0] and a nonprohibitive
binding quota, [x.sub.2]. Then any quota can be tariffied to yield a
revenue gain: any quota output can be attained via a tariff
[[tau].sup.1]([x.sub.2]) with [[tau].sup.1] > [[tau].sup.0] (see
[1]). Imposing [[tau].sup.1] leaves both profit and consumer surplus
unchanged from their values at the pair ([[tau].sup.0], [x.sub.2]), but
tariff revenue must rise because [[tau].sup.1] > [[tau].sup.0].
Because [[tau].sup.*] maximizes U(.), then no other tariff can be
better, and therefore no tariff-cum-quota or, with Proposition 1, no
tariff-cum-antidum ping can be preferred.
This last proposition showcases an important property of the model:
Tariffs are more efficient trade policy tools than quotas, and quotas
are more efficient than antidumping restrictions. These results are
important because they are consistent with a progression in the use of
barriers to trade from tariffs to quotas and from quotas to antidumping
restrictions. To see this, suppose both countries have negotiated lower
tariff rates than the unrestricted Nash equilibrium tariff rates. In
addition, suppose it is understood they can no longer deviate from this
negotiated tariff rate. They are likely to look for alternative ways to
influence the pattern of trade to their own advantage. Restricting the
set of possible instruments to quotas and antidumping restrictions, we
have shown that they will prefer quotas and they will use antidumping
measures only if the use of quotas is itself restricted. Accompanying
this progression is the result (that we now establish) that the range of
industries affected by trade restri ctions narrows. We assume (for
reasons elaborated upon below) that tariffs are constrained to be
PROPOSITION 3. If the equilibrium to the tariff game involves zero
tariffs, then the equilibrium to the quota game involves no quotas.
Proof. We prove the result for a quota game with a zero tariff in
place. Because any tariff has an equivalent quota in terms of the
equilibrium outputs, then the only difference between a positive tariff
and a corresponding quota is that the quota involves lower consumer
benefits because the tariff revenues are lost. The government utility is
therefore lower under quotas than tariffs at any positive tariff rate.
Suppose, then, that the best reply to a zero tariff is a zero tariff so
the equilibrium to the tariff game involves zero tariffs. Then the best
reply to no quota is no quota because payoffs are the same as if a zero
tariff were imposed and any binding quota would yield a lower payoff
than the corresponding tariff payoff, which is in turn lower than the
payoff to a zero tariff.
As we will argue in section III, a zero-tariff equilibrium also
entails a zero-cooperative tariff. This means that even if tariffs are
negotiated down from the noncooperative equilibrium levels before the
quota game is played (as we assume in the simulations), then we still
associate zero-tariff equilibria with no quota equilibria. Conversely,
if quotas are observed then they must have been preceded by positive
tariffs. The next proposition establishes a similar narrowing from the
range of industries where quotas are imposed to those impacted by
antidumping restraints.
PROPOSITION 4. If the equilibrium to the quota game involves no
quotas, then no antidumping restraints will be used.
Proof. Observe first that if the quota equilibrium involves no
quotas, then the best reply to no quota is no quota. This means that no
quota is preferred to any binding quota, and we showed in Proposition 1
that an antidumping constraint is equivalent to a quota plus a loss to
domestic firms in the foreign market. Thus antidumping will never be
used in response to no antidumping and antidumping will not be used if
quotas were not optimal when they could be used. Hence, if the quota
equilibrium involves no quotas, then no antidumping constraint will be
The last two propositions show that the set of industries (each
characterized by a pair [[alpha], t] below) over which a particular
trade policy is used shrinks with the progression to less efficient
trade tools. In section IV we return to this point when we simulate the
progression using the Cobb-Douglas objective function. The simulations
show that the narrowing of the range of industries affected by trade
restrictions can be quite drastic. In the next section we analyze two
key aspects of the model: the noncooperative tariff equilibrium and the
noncooperative quota equilibrium.
In this section we analyze the tariff game and the quota game for
the model. This analysis is useful to explain the later simulation
results. It is also of independent interest because our formulation of
the policy maker's objective function yields more appealing results
than does standard social surplus maximization. For example, we find
that tariffs are strategic complements, and the standard approach yields
an equilibrium tariff that is independent of the other nation's
tariff level (i.e., a dominant strategy). Our quota game can generate
interior solutions while the standard approach gives either completely
prohibitive quotas or no quota at all.
We start with the tariff game. The government in A has to choose a
tariff, [[tau].sub.A], to maximize U([[beta].sub.A], [[pi].sub.1]).
Here, [[beta].sub.A] is the sum of domestic consumer surplus and tariff
revenue given by (3), and [[pi].sub.1] is the total profit earned by the
domestic firm in both countries given by (2). The solution is described
by a tangency condition between an indifference curve in ([[pi].sub.1],
[[beta].sub.A]) space and the constraint defined by the set of
([[pi].sub.1], [[beta].sub.A]) pairs attainable via different levels of
the tariff. There is also a possible corner solution corresponding to
[T.sub.A] = 1/2, where profit attains its maximum value because the
foreign presence is eliminated. The constraint slope is described by
(5) d[[pi].sub.1]/d[[beta].sub.A] =
= 2(1+[T.sub.A])/(1-5[T.sub.A]-6[[tau].sub.A])
= 2(1+t+[[tau].sub.A])/[1-5t-11[[tau].sub.A]),
where a prime denotes a partial derivative with respect to
[[tau].sub.A]. From (5), the constraint locus slopes up for
[[tau].sub.A] < (1 - 5t)/11, so there can never be a maximum of U on
this portion. This is because higher tariffs here increase
[[beta].sub.A], and they increase [[pi].sub.1] throughout. Hence the
relevant part of the locus involves [[tau].sub.A] > (1 - 5t)/11 or,
equivalently (recalling [T.sub.A] = [[tau].sub.A] + t),
(6) [T.sub.A] > (1+6t)/11,
in which case there is a trade-off between higher profit and higher
consumer benefits: a higher [[tau].sub.A] increases profit by squeezing
out the rival firm while decreasing consumer benefits because consumers
pay through higher prices. Note that (6) implies that the effective
trade barrier [T.sub.A] > 1/11, whereas [T.sub.A] can be effectively
bounded above by 1/2 (then the foreign firm is excluded from the
domestic market). The solution to the government's problem is
illustrated in Figure 1, where [[tau].sub.A] is monotonically increasing
as we move counterclockwise around the constraint locus. It is readily
shown that the constraint locus is necessarily concave in the relevant
range, so a tangency solution is a maximum.
The tangency condition is described by the first-order condition,
[U.sub.[beta]][[beta]'.sub.A] + [U.sub.[pi]][[pi]'.sub.1] = 0,
(7) f([[tau].sub.A], [[tau].sub.B], t) [equivalent to]
(1-11[[tau].sub.A] - 5t) [U.sub.[beta]]
+ 2(1+t+[[tau].sub.A]) [U.sub.[pi]] = 0.
Let [[tau].sup.*.sub.A] denote the tariff rate solving (7); the
slope of government A's reaction function is
d[[tau].sup.*.sub.A]/d[[tau].sub.B] =
A]), where [partial]f/[partial][[tau].sub.A] = [[beta]".sub.A]
[U.sub.[beta]] + [[pi]".sub.1] [U.sub.[pi]] +
[([[beta]'.sub.A]).sup.2] [U.sub.[beta][beta]] +
2[[beta]'.sub.A] [[pi]'.sub.1] [U.sub.[beta][pi]] +
[([[pi]'.sub.1]).sup.2] [U.sub.[pi][pi]] is negative by the
second-order condition, and [partial]f/[partial][[tau].sub.B] =
-4(1-2[T.sub.B]) ([[beta]'.sub.A] [U.sub.[beta][pi]] +
[[pi]'.sub.1] [U.sub.[pi][pi]])/9 is positive. Hence the reaction
functions slope up: tariffs are strategic complements in the
noncooperative game between governments. The reaction functions are also
continuous because the constraint locus is strictly concave in the
relevant region and varies continuously with the other government's
tariff rate, and the indifference curves are convex. A noncooperative
tariff equilibrium then exists by Brouwer's fixed point theorem because tariffs must be effectively chosen from the compact set [1/11 -
t, 1/2 - t] (which stems from the fact that T [member of] [1/11, 1/2]).
We have shown that tariff reaction functions are continuous, slope
upward, and must cross. The symmetry of the governments' problems
then implies that any equilibrium must be symmetric. Stability and
uniqueness of the equilibrium are discussed in Anderson and Schmitt
(2000). The reaction functions are sketched in Figure 2, in which we
also represent some government indifference curves.
The quasi-concave government objective function U is instrumental
to the strategic complementarity result. If instead governments
maximized the sum of consumer surplus, tariff revenues and firm profits,
there is a dominant strategy with [[tau].sup.*.sub.A] = (1 - t)/3.
Although the level of social welfare depends on the rival's tariff
(through the domestic firm's profit abroad), the equilibrium tariff
does not. When the government trades off consumer benefits with profit
in a nonlinear fashion, as we assume, the higher the rival
government's tariff, the lower will be the domestic firm's
profit, ceteris paribus. At the margin, the government now wishes to
redress the balance in favor of the firm and at the expense of
consumers, resulting in a higher tariff best reply. To our knowledge,
this feature of quasi-concave government objective function has not been
noted previously.
From Figure 1, a relatively higher weight on firms in the
government objective function (an increase in [alpha] in the
Cobb-Douglas formulation) corresponds to an indifference curve that
tilts more toward the [pi]-axis, and a greater best reply value of [pi]
(and lower [beta]). This is achieved by a higher tariff so tariff
reaction functions shift up, resulting in a higher equilibrium tariff.
Similarly, the effect of lower transport costs is to shift the reaction
functions up and so to raise equilibrium tariffs. (8) A lower transport
cost implies a greater foreign presence, ceteris paribus, and thus
higher consumer benefits. Given the trade-off between consumer benefits
and profits, each government wants to increase protection and exploit
the monopoly power of the home market. It is apparent that the features
of the model and in particular of the quasi-concave policy maker's
objective function create an interdependence between [alpha], t, and the
noncooperative tariff rate. This interdependence is a central feature of
the simulations of section IV.
In the sequel, we shall also analyze (symmetric) cooperative
tariffs. This means a tangency between iso-utility curves for the
governments. Figure 2 indicates that cooperative tariffs (denoted
[[tau].sup.**]) are no higher than equilibrium ones. The result follows
because utility levels fall with rival tariffs along the reaction
functions. Note that nonnegativity constraints on tariffs merely convert
an unrestricted negative tariff equilibrium to a zero tariff. Then zero
equilibrium levels imply zero cooperative levels.
Consider now the quota game between the two governments. By
Proposition 2, quotas are used only under restrictions on tariff use, so
assume both governments have negotiated some arbitrary (and identical)
tariff rate. Countries can no longer deviate from this tariff.
The locus of ([pi], [beta]) combinations attainable through quotas
is convex. To see this, consider the Cournot equilibrium in the presence
of a quota. If the quota on firm 2 is binding, [x.sub.2] [member of] [0,
(1 - 2T)/3] (where T = t + [tau] depends on the common tariff) and firm
1's best reply is [x.sub.1] = (1 - [x.sub.2])/2 (which is also the
domestic market price, from firm l's first-order condition). Hence
total output in market A is X = (1 + [x.sub.2])/2 and firm 1's
equilibrium profit, if it faces a binding quota [y.sub.1] in market B,
is [[pi].sub.1] = [(1 - [x.sub.2]).sup.2]/4 + [y.sub.1] [1 -
[y.sub.1])/2 - T], and consumer benefit in A is [X.sup.2]/2 plus tariff
revenue, that is, [[beta].sub.A] = [(1 + [x.sub.2]).sup.2]/8 +
[tau][x.sub.2]. These equations describe a parameterized curve (the
parameter being [x.sub.2]) in ([pi], [beta]) space. To describe the
curve, first note that [partial][[pi].sub.1]/[partial][x.sub.2] = -(1 -
[x.sub.2])/2<0 and [partial][[beta].sub.A]/[partial][x.sub.2] = (1 +
[x. sub.2])/4+ [tau], which is positive for [tau] > -1/4. Because we
concentrate on nonnegative tariffs, the feasible locus slopes down in
([pi], [beta]) space. It is also strictly convex because
[[partial].sup.2][[pi].sub.1]/[partial][[beta].sup.2.sub.A] =
[([partial][[beta].sub.A]/[partial][x.sub.2]).sup.-1] [partial][
([partial][[beta].sub.A]/[partial][x.sub.2])]/[partial][x.sub.2] > 0.
Under the standard social surplus maximization, the convex locus implies
either completely prohibitive quotas or none at all. This is true
irrespective of the weight chosen by the government between consumer
benefits and firm profits.
By producing convex indifference curves, a quasi-concave policy
makers' objective function can also generate nonprohibitive quotas
if the difference curves are more convex than the feasible locus.
Section IV provides examples. We now show that there exists an
equilibrium to the quota game and that any equilibrium is symmetric.
The strategy space for each government is [0, x ([tau])]. It
suffices to show that the quotareaction functions slope up (strategic
complementarity) and that any jump is a jump up (the game is
supermodular). This means that the reaction function for a government
must cross the 45 [degrees] line. By symmetry of the reaction functions
around the 45 [degrees] line, the only possible equilibria are
symmetric. Strategic complementarity follows if
[[partial].sup.2]U/[partial][x.sub.2][partial][y.sub.1] [greater than or
equal to] 0. Given the Cobb-Douglas government's payoff function,
[partial]U/[partial][y.sub.1] =
[proportional to] [[pi].sub.1]
[[pi].sub.1]/[partial][x.sub.2])] x [(1-2[y.sub.1])/2-T].
The first expression on the right-hand side is positive because
[partial][[beta].sub.A]/[partial][x.sub.2]>0 and
[partial][[pi].sub.1]/[partial][x.sub.2] < 0 (for [tau] > - 1/4).
The second is positive because it is smallest at [y.sub.1] = [x.sub.2] =
(1-2T)/3, where it equals (1-2T)/6, which is positive because T<1/2
(or else there is no trade in the first place).
A candidate symmetic interior binding quota equilibrium is found by
solving ([partial]U/[partial][[beta].sub.A])([partial][[beta].sub.A]/
[partial][x.sub.2]) +
[partial][x.sub.2]) = 0 when this derivative is evaluated at [x.sub.2] =
[y.sub.1] = q. For the Cobb-Douglas government payoff function, the
resulting equation is
(8) (1-[alpha])(1+q+4[tau])(1-[q.sup.2]-4q[t+[tau]])-[alpha][[(1+q).sup.2 ]+8[tau]q](1-q)=0, which is a cubic with at most three real
roots. Any root outside [0, [x.sub.2] ([tau])] is irrelevant. The
candidate symmetric equilibrium is any relevant root or else one of the
endpoints. It is not easy to tell from (8) when a solution is interior
and when it is not. To do so we use simulations. We also use the results
to simulate the progression form tariffs to quotas and from quotas to
antidumping measures.
Propositions 1 and 2 are consistent with a natural progression in
the type of barriers to trade that countries wish to use over the
process of trade liberalization as well as the issues that countries
negotiate over, starting with tariffs, then quotas, and finally with
antidumping measures. We now simulate the progression with
noncooperative phases interspersed with trade negotiations that lead to
cooperative policies. In doing so, we assume a certain degree of myopia in the cooperative phases. In particular, trade negotiators do not
consider how governments do not consider how governments may later
resort to other policies that are within the letter of the trade
agreement but contrary to its spirit. For example, when setting
cooperative tariffs, negotiators do not anticipate that countries may
afterward resort to antidumping measures to unilaterally improve their
positions. Though this approach is not subgame perfect, it does capture
the realistic aspect that laws and agreements typically do not foresee
all contingencies. Loopholes in practice are typically only closed in
later negotiations and once there have been significant violations. (9)
Using the Cobb-Douglas policy maker's objective function, we
show that the progression of trade policy not only leads to a more
narrow range of industries over which less efficient trade policies are
used but also that the use of these NTBs depends very much on industry
We start by deriving the common tariff rate that maximizes joint
welfare (and can equivalently be attained through a Nash bargaining
solution). It is obvious from Figure 2 that the Nash equilibrium tariffs
leave room for negotiation. Both countries can be better off with lower
tariffs that increase the volume of trade and reduce local market power.
The key difference from the noncooperative problem is that the
cooperative tariff explicitly accounts for profits earned abroad. The
common tariff [[tau].sup.**] is given by maximizing the policy
maker's utility function where the tariff determines [beta] and
[pi] (we can drop the subscripts because the problem is the same for
both governments). The first-order condition is
(9) [U.sub.[beta]][beta]' + [U.sub.[pi]][pi]' = 0.
The trade-off between [beta] and [pi] is determined from the
relations (3) and (2) where T = [T.sub.A] = [T.sub.B] and [tau] =
[[tau].sub.A] = [[tau].sub.B]. The corresponding derivative expressions
(10) [beta]' = (1 - 5T - 6[tau])/9 and
[pi]' = 2(5T - 1)/9,
whereas [beta]" < 0 and [pi]" > 0. The locus of
([beta], [phi]) combinations attained by varying [tau] is described more
fully in Anderson and Schmitt (2000). The cooperative tariff rate for
the Cobb-Douglas example is found by solving (9), or
(11) (1 - [alpha])[pi]/[alpha][beta] = [pi]'/[beta]'
(marginal rate of substitution equals marginal rate of
transformation along the feasible locus).
Figure 3 illustrates the cooperative, [[tau].sup.**], and the
noncooperative tariff rate, [[tau].sup.*]. (10) It shows that
[[tau].sup.**] = 0 for t = 1/5 (up to [alpha] = .55) and along the locus
between the origin of the graph and the point (.5, .5). This locus is
given by
(12) [alpha] = (2 - 2t + 5[t.sup.2])/6(1 - t + [t.sup.2]).
The sign of [[tau].sup.**] for any parameter combination is then
determined by considering on which side of the loci t = 1/5 and (12) we
are. Below the locus (12), [[tau].sup.**] > 0 when t < 1/5, and
above the locus (12), [[tau].sup.**] > 0 when t > 1/5. The
theoretical result of [[tau].sup.**] < 0 for some parameter values
seems unrealistic. In practice, such negative tariffs might be undone by
arbitrage: individuals could cross and recross the frontier and keep
collecting subsidies. (11)
In the sequel, we therefore restrict tariffs to be nonnegative.
The rightmost curve in the figure corresponds to a cooperative
tariff that eliminates trade and hence to monopoly in each country. From
(11), and using [[tau].sup.**] 1/2 - t [greater than or equal to] 0,
this locus for t > 1/5 is given by t = Min
{(3-4[alpha])/4(1-[alpha]); 1/2}.
Comparing the cooperative and the noncooperative tariff rates
enables us to define three types of region consistent with two-way
trade. In the first type, [[tau].sup.*] is positive but [[tau].sup.**]
is zero, so that tariff liberalization is 100%; in the second type, both
[[tau].sup.*] and [[tau].sup.**] are positive, so that tariff
liberalization is less than 100%; and in the third type of region, both
[[tau].sup.*] and [[tau].sup.**] are zero so that there is no tariff
liberalization. Figure 3 also includes a few points where [[tau].sup.*]
and [[tau].sup.**] are computed.
The intuition for the tariff patterns shown in Figure 3 is as
follows. The model has two distortions: imperfect competition and
relative inefficiency of trade due to the presence of international
transport costs. The first distortion induces countries to jointly
subsidize trade, and the second one induces them to tax trade. At t =
1/5 the two forces just balance, resulting in [[tau].sup.**] = 0.
Consider now a marginal increase in t from 1/5. Consumer benefits
decrease because the equilibrium price increases with less trade.
Governments that care about consumers (low [alpha]) then want to
decrease [[tau].sup.**], and thus to subsidize trade (or retain a zero
tariff under a nonnegativity constraint). If governments like firms
(high [alpha]) they are induced to tax trade because less trade implies
higher firm profits. When t < 1/5, governments jointly want to
subsidize trade, and this helps firms (because [pi] is convex in [tau]).
It is only when governments care about consumers (low [alpha]) that they
tax trade.
Inspection of Figure 3 and the underlying rates reveal a number of
features, summarized in Result 1.
RESULT 1. (i) Tariff negotiation does not change the range of
trading industries.
(ii) A high degree of tariff liberalization occurs when transport
cost is low even when governments weigh profits highly (high [alpha] and
low t).
(iii) A low degree of tariff liberalization despite high
noncooperative tariffs occurs when governments weigh profits highly and
transport cost is high (high [alpha] and t).
(iv) A low degree of tariff liberalization from low noncooperative
tariffs occurs when governments weigh consumers highly and transport
cost is high (low [alpha] and high t).
The first feature comes from the fact that the boundary condition at which trade is eliminated under the cooperative tariff is the same as
that for the noncooperative tariff and that each point inside the
boundary involves trade with both the cooperative and noncooperative
tariff rates. Naturally, this implies that the degree of trade
liberalization decreases to zero as one approaches the boundary. The
parameter a is a policy maker's taste parameter that can be related
to several broader indices. For example, one might expect higher a in
sectors where economic activity is geographically concentrated, so the
industry is important to politicians. Ceteris paribus, trade
liberalization tends to be low when a is high. The parameter t is the
international transport cost (as a fraction of the demand intercept); so
high t corresponds to industries for which the domestic market is much
more important than foreign markets. Hence, t is inversely related to
the degree of import penetration in an industry and thus, in thi s
model, with effective competition. Under this interpretation, the
results on tariffs are in line with the empirical results noted in the
introduction. In particular, the more competition between firms (low t),
the higher the degree of tariff liberalization.
Given [[tau].sup.**], suppose now each government feels free to use
an NTB. Proposition 1 tells us that quota is the preferred policy. Using
(8), we only found one interior solution, if any, and we then checked to
see whether it is an equilibrium (see Anderson and Schmitt [2000] for
details). Figure 4 illustrates the findings. There are three types of
symmetric equilibria: no quantitative restrictions (q = x), binding
quotas (0 < q < 4 and prohibitive quotas (q = 0). Comparing
Figures 3 and 4, interesting patterns emerge.
RESULT 2. (i) Quotas are associated with both high and low degrees
of tariff liberalization.
(ii) Quotas applied on top of the cooperative tariff,
[[tau].sup.**], can lead to a net trade expansion or to a net decline in
trade as compared to the noncooperative tariff equilibrium.
(iii) The set of industries in which a quota is used is a strict
subset of the industries in which the noncooperative tariff was
The first result comes from the fact that binding quotas are mainly
associated with industries for which governments care about firm profit
(high [alpha]) and the degree of tariff liberalization depends more on t
than on [alpha]. The only difference that t brings is whether or not the
quota is prohibitive. In particular, high values of t are associated
with lower degrees of tariff liberalization, which decreases the need
for quotas even if [alpha] is high.
Result 2(ii) establishes that there exist industries (i.e.,
[[alpha], t] combinations) where no quotas are used even though
[[tau].sup.**] < [[tau].sup.*]. In such sectors, trade liberalization
leads to trade expansion. For this to happen, low [alpha] is a
sufficient but not a necessary condition: high feasible values of
[alpha] and t may also entail no quotas. In other industries (high
[alpha] and low t), quotas are prohibitive, increasing protection with
respect to [[tau].sup.*]. (l3) When quotas are binding, it can be shown
that for most ([alpha], t) pairs, the combined effect of q and
[[tau].sup.**] yields more trade than [[tau].sup.*]. Only near the
border separating the prohibitive from the binding quotas does
protection increase with quotas.
Although positive noncooperative tariffs are used over much of the
parameter space, once they are reduced through cooperative agreements,
quotas will be applied to a substantially smaller set of industries
(Result 2[iii]). Hence, tariff liberalization, even though it may bring
quotas for some industries, will be effective over most of the parameter
space. This result depends on our assumption that quota rents are lost
to foreign firms. If instead quotas were licensed off, using the logic
of Hwang and Mai (1988), then quotas would be set so as to return to the
effective tariff rate [[tau].sup.*], and the set of industries affected
would be unchanged.
Clearly trade negotiations following imposition of quotas would
eliminate the quotas and leave intact the cooperative tariff
[[tau].sup.**]. The incentive to distort the terms of trade is still
present though, and we now investigate where antidumping measures may be
applied. We show in the Appendix that an antidumping constraint either
causes the foreign firm to abandon its export market (if [T.sup.**] >
[T.sub.1] [approximately equal to] 0.175), or to still serve both
markets (for [T.sup.**] < [T.sub.u] [approximately equal to] 0.168).
In the latter case there are still imports in the protected market but
at a much lower level because = [p.sup.*] = p [T.sup.**].
The regions of the parameter space for which either country prefers
to invoke an antidumping constraint (given the other does not) are shown
by the regions I and II in Figure 4. In region II, the constraint still
involves bilateral trade, but the foreign firm is effectively debarred
in region I. (14) These two regions depend on [T.sup.**] and thus on
[[tau].sup.**]. In region II, [[tau].sup.**] = 0, whereas [[tau].sup.**]
is either zero or small in region I. The use of antidumping measures is
associated with intermediate values of [T.sup.**]. The intuition is the
following. When [T.sup.**] is low, the dumping margin is too low to
compensate for the distortionary effect of an antidumping constraint.
When [T.sup.**] is high (and thus when t is high), the foreign firm
responds by discontinuing exports. This creates a monopoly at home and a
significant loss in consumer benefits that cannot be offset by the
resulting increase in domestic firm profit, at least for intermediate
values of [alpha]. There is clearly an equilibrium without antidumping
measures outside these two regions. Inside the regions, equilibrium
involves one or both countries using the constraint or else a mixed
strategy equilibrium in constraints, (15) and trade is significantly
curtailed. Inspection of Figure 4 yields the following results.
RESULT 3. (i) Antidumping measures may be not used even when quotas
would be prohibitive.
(ii) Antidumping measures that eliminate trade may be used when the
quota equilibrium involves binding or prohibitive quotas.
Obviously, antidumping constraints are used over a small subset of
the parameter space compared to quotas. This is because antidumping
restrictions have a strong negative effect on the domestic firm's
profit from export, whereas quotas imposed unilaterally do not change
export profits.
In this article we have taken a simple view of how the pattern and
the degree of protectionism have evolved. The analysis is based on a
model of governments that resolve trade-offs between surpluses of
various interest groups. Our broad view clearly neglects many of the
details of particular industries. The model still affords a
characterization of how different industries are affected by the various
waves of protectionism, and it tracks the stylized facts quite well.
Governments have no incentive to use quotas or antidumping
restrictions when they unilaterally choose from a menu of trade policies
that includes tariffs. However, once tariffs are set cooperatively,
governments may then wish to introduce NTBs. If they have the choice,
policy makers prefer quotas to antidumping restrictions. Antidumping
constraints may be used only when the use of quotas is sufficiently
restricted. The set of parameter values over which noncooperative
tariffs are positive is wider than that where quotas are used, which in
turn is wider than for antidumping restrictions. Hence, the model
exhibits both a progression from noncooperative tariffs to quotas and
antidumping restrictions and a convergence to freer trade as each trade
tool is associated with a smaller set of parameter values where it will
be used. Fourth, as shown in the empirical literature, net protection
may increase in some sectors and decrease in others.
Clearly, without knowledge of the empirical distribution of
industries over the parameter space the model cannot predict whether
tariff liberalization will ultimately lead to a net expansion or a net
contraction in aggregate trade. However, the model suggests that tariff
liberalization will be associated with an overall trade expansion
despite the endogenous emergence of NTBs for a relatively even
distribution of industries over the parameter space ([alpha], t). There
is thus no law of constant protection in this model.
The highest degrees of tariff liberalization are associated with
low transport cost, t, and high policy maker sensitivity to firms,
[alpha]. It is also in this region that the endogenous replacement by
NTBs is the strongest, particularly with quotas. If one interprets low t
as reflecting high competition, the model predicts a strong degree of
replacement (and even overshooting) between NTBs and tariffs for more
competitive industries (about which governments are sensitive). By
contrast, when competition within an industry is lower (t is higher),
tariff liberalization is lower, and the endogenous response of NTBs is
in general more modest and even nonexistent with antidumping: NTBs serve
to partially offset tariff liberalization and, in some cases, to
increase net protection. These predictions are in line with the
empirical evidence, especially that of Marvel and Ray (1983). These
authors also find that NTBs are predominantly found in more competitive
industries. Our explanation for this result is that trade i s efficient
in such industries, which induces governments to jointly set a low
cooperative rate. This creates a strong incentive for individual
countries to use NTBs, especially if governments weigh firm profits
quite heavily.
The model is deliberately simple, and some of its features are
instrumental to the results and others are less so. The international
duopoly framework simplifies the analysis. Although there are many
highly concentrated industries where NTBs have been used, our main
results do not seem to depend on a duopoly market structure. In
particular, both the progression of trade instruments and the narrowing
of affected industries should hold with an arbitrary number of domestic
and foreign firms because for a Cournot game among firms, these results
depend only on the nature of the trade instruments. However, the results
may be sensitive to the model of strategic interaction among firms.
Cournot rivalry implies that quotas are equivalent to tariffs, and this
is helpful to get the progression of trade tools. Had we assumed
Bertrand rivalry, the equivalence of tariffs and quotas would no longer
hold, and it is possible that quotas would be used in addition to
tariffs at a noncooperative equilibrium; however, antidumping would
still be less efficient than quotas. A possible extension of the present
model would be to work with a more elaborate model of government
preferences and in particular with one involving trade-offs in consumer
surplus across industries. Still, the present model with its
quasi-concave policy maker's objective function provides a useful
benchmark allowing for strategic complementarity in the tariff game,
interior solutions with NTBs, and capturing well-stylized facts. Our
analysis also suggests that even if future rounds of negotiations
succeed in curbing the use of antidumping measures, other tools,
possibly even less efficient than antidumping restrictions, are likely
to emerge.
An antidumping measure by A forces firm 2 either to satisfy the
constraint in order to sell in A or to stop exporting to A. We derive
the parameter values under which each of these two cases arises.
Antidumping with Trade
Firm 2's problem is
(A1) [max.sub.[x.sub.2],[y.sub.2]] [[pi].sub.2] =
+ (1-[x.sub.1]-[x.sub.2]-T)[x.sub.2]
s.t. 1-[y.sub.1]-[y.sub.2][less than or equal
Firm 1 solves its unconstrained Cournot problem. The solution to
this game is [x.sub.2]=(1-5T)/3, [y.sub.2] = (1+4T)/3, [x.sub.1] =
(2+5T)/6, [y.sub.1] = (2-2T)/6, with [[pi].sub.2] =
2[(1-[y.sub.1]-[y.sub.2]).sup.2] = 2[(2-4T-3[y.sub.1]).sup.2]/9. This is
an equilibrium if firm 2 does not prefer to deviate and sell in F only,
given firm 1's outputs [x.sub.1] and [x.sub.2]. Firm 2's
profit if it sells only in F is [(1-[y.sub.2]).sup.2]/4. Given [y.sub.1]
= (2-7T)/6, firm 2 finds it more profitable to trade (i.e.,
2[[2-4T-3[y.sub.1]].sup.2]/9 > [[1-[y.sub.1]].sup.2]/4) if T [less
than or equal to] [T.sub.u] = 4(-11+[square root of (162))]/41
[approximately equal to] .1685.
Using (1), note that [x.sub.1] + [x.sub.2] < [x.sub.1] +
[x.sub.2] < [y.sub.1] + [y.sub.2], so that an antidumping measure in
A decreases total output in A and increases total output in B. Moreover,
[y.sub.2] > [y.sub.2] (=[x.sub.1]) and [x.sub.2] < [x.sub.2]: an
antidumping restriction on firm 2 reduces its sales to A and increases
them in B (its domestic market).
Antidumping without Trade
Firm 2's problem is to maximize [[pi].sub.2] =
(1-[y.sub.2]-[y.sub.2])[y.sub.2] with respect to [y.sub.2]. (Firm
1's problem is the same as stated previously.) Hence, [y.sub.2] =
(1 - [y.sub.1])/2 and [[pi].sub.2] = [(1-[y.sub.1]).sup.2]/4 =
[(1+T).sup.2]/9 because firm 1 sells its unconstrained Cournot quantity
[y.sub.1] = (1-[y.sub.2]-T)/2 = (1-2T)/3 in B and is a monopolist
([x.sub.1] = 1/2) in A. This is an equilibrium if firm 2 has no
incentive to deviate and satisfy the antidumping constraint given the
outputs sold by firm 1 when firm 2 does not trade. Solving problem (A-1)
given [y.sub.1] = (1-2T)/3 and [x.sub.1] = 1/2, [[pi].sub.2] =
[(7-2T).sup.2]/288. This is less than [(1+T).sup.2]/9 if T >
[T.sub.1] where [T.sub.1] = (9[square root of (8)]-23)/14 [approximately
equal to] 0.175.
(1.) See Renner (1971) for evidence on quotas and Dale (1980) and
Finger and Olechowski (1987) for evidence on antidumping measures.
(2.) This is the method of choice in the United States; it is
generally based on a foreign firm's own home market sale price or
on sale prices in a third country. The cost-based method is used as a
method of last recourse. See Gallaway et al. (1999).
(3.) In our equilibrium, the constraint is binding with equality so
that the domestic firm could, if it wished, increase its home output
slightly, reducing the domestic price and leading to a violation. The
domestic firm would wish to do this if it could thereby gain as in
Fischer (1992). Conversely, if there is no direct benefit to the
domestic firm (for example, the foreign violator is fined), then there
is no incentive to deviate from the equilibrium strategies described in
the text.
(4.) There is a small range of T over which there is no pure
strategy equilibrium for firms; see Anderson and Schmitt (2000) for
details. We ignore this range in the sequel.
(5.) Thirty-eight percent of all the cases in the United States
during the 1980-85 period, according to Prusa (1992).
(6.) Hence, our model is consistent with Boltuck et al. (1991) when
they write, "In essence, an exporter who continued to dump would be
deciding to share revenue with the US Treasury that it could have
captured by itself by raising the export price to the US price."
This suggests that explaining observed antidumping duties would either
require noise or imperfect information, or alternatively that the duty
covers less than 100% of the dumping margin.
(7.) For instance, the application of antidumping laws is subject
to political influence. Moore (1992) finds empirical evidence that
decisions on antidumping cases in the United States are partly
determined by political variables. Baldwin and Steagall (1994) reach
less strong conclusions but note that commissioners do not have a very
strict interpretation of the law.
(8.) We show in Anderson and Schmitt (2000) that lower real
barriers to trade lead to lower effective barriers (and hence more trade
in equilibrium) despite the offsetting effects of the tariff increase.
The effect of a change in t has very different effects on the
cooperative tariff rate.
(9.) There is some evidence that negotiators may be myopic in the
above sense. First, Marvel and Ray (1983, 196) note that their empirical
findings "support the view that the NTBs actually augmented
protection in favored industries." If a higher level of protection
were unilaterally desirable, it could have been attained through tariffs
in the initial noncooperative equilibrium. Therefore, tariff
negotiations would not ultimately lead to higher protection unless
negotiators did not foresee the subsequent use of NTBs. Second, if
negotiators are aware that countries would want to change quotas
following tariff negotiations, then these quotas should themselves be
part of the negotiations. Historically, tariffs were negotiated first,
without explicit consideration of NTBs as if countries prefer agreements
which limit their options as little as possible while producing apparent
gains. Only in later rounds of negotiation, once quotas had actually
proliferated, did attention turn to them. The Economist (1999) underl
ines this point well: "Countries agreed to lower their blatant
barriers to trade ... while intervening at will ... in their domestic
economies. By the 1970s, problems began to emerge. As border barriers
fell, it became clear that domestic regulations were also a big
impediment to trade ... . Moreover, governments began to abuse these
loopholes for protectionist ends: antidumping cases and import
restricting regulations proliferated. So the focus of trade policy
turned to limiting such abuses."
(10.) The noncooperative tariff for the Cobb-Douglas example is
given by solving (7) to give (1-
[alpha])[[pi].sub.1]/[alpha][[beta].sub.A] =
d[[pi].sub.1]/d[[beta].sub.A], where the right-hand side is given by (5)
and [[beta].sub.A] and [[pi].sub.1] are given by (3) and (2). Using
symmetry yields an implicit formula [tau]* = (1 - [alpha])(1 - 5T)(2 -
2T + 5[T.sup.2]) + [alpha](1+T)(2-T) 2/6[(1 - [alpha])(2 - 2T +
5[T.sup.2]) - [alpha](1 + T)(1-2T)]. In Figure 3, we have constrained
[tau]* [greater than or equal to]0.
(11.) Similar stories are told about trucks crossing borders
between EC countries, driving around the roundabout, collecting
agricultural subsidies under the Common Agricultural Policy, and
recrossing the border. Between Northern Ireland and Ireland, this is
known as the turnaround pig.
(12.) This is actually more complex than simply replacing
[[tau].sup.**] < 0 by a zero tariff because given the shape of the
locus of feasible ([phi], [beta]) combinations, the local maximum
positive value of [[tau].sup.**] might be preferred to free trade. This
happens only when the two sides of the constraint locus are very close.
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unconstrained [[tau].sup.**] is negative except for a small range of
parameters ([alpha] > .55 and .12 < t < .2; see Figure 3) where
[[tau].sup.**] is strictly positive.
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* We wish to thank two referees for their constructive comments and
Constantin Colonescu for excellent research assistance. Anderson
acknowledges the financial support of the Bankard Fund at the University
of Virginia; Schmitt acknowledges the financial support of the Social
Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada.
Anderson: Professor, Department of Economics, 218 Wilson,
University of Virginia, Charlottesville, VA 22904. Phone 1-434-924-3861,
Fax 1-434-982-2904, E-mail
[email protected]
Schmitt: Professor, Department of Economics, 8888 University Drive,
Simon Fraser University, Burnaby BC V5A 1S6, Canada. Phone
1-604-291-4582, Fax 1-604-291-5944, E-mail
[email protected]