High stakes in high technology: high-tech market values as options.
Darby, Michael R. ; Liu, Qiao ; Zucker, Lynne G. 等
High-technology industries are frequently formed or transformed as
a result of scientific breakthroughs that open new technological
opportunities. Major technological innovations are extremely important
for the success of a high-tech firm, particularly innovations that other
firms cannot easily emulate, either because of broad patent protection
or because the underlying technology requires important tacit knowledge unavailable to potential emulators. Firms exploiting such legal or
natural excludability enjoy a higher rate of return until other firms
are able to catch up or overtake the firm's growing technology
portfolio with similar or more advanced technologies.
In this article we argue that the firms with access to the very
best scientific minds and cutting-edge technologies will be more likely
to pursue a high-stakes "bet the firm" research and
development (R&D) strategy which will be characterized by both a
higher expected value and a greater probability of discrete stock-price
jumps (up or down) as it is revealed whether the bets win or lose. It is
not surprising that firms with more knowledge capital are typically more
successful, but it is a novel result that these firms have inherently
more idiosyncratic risk. These considerations lead us to an option
pricing approach to valuing knowledge capital, which we will show fits
very well the data for publicly traded biotech firms.
Related Firm Value to Knowledge Capital
There is a substantial body of literature that attempts to improve
on accounting-type measures of the value of the firm's intangible
knowledge capital. (1) Austin (1993) and Chan et al. (1997) apply a
conventional event study approach to estimate the values of intangible
assets, such as patents and joint ventures with other firms. Another
line of research assumes there is a linear or log-linear relationship
between the firm's market value and its knowledge capital measures.
By regressing Tobin's q against the knowledge asset variables, this
method measures the effects of knowledge assets on the firm s market
value. (2) A common problem with this line of research is that it has to
fall back on fairly ad hoc functional forms between the firm's
market value and the measures for knowledge assets and fail to capture
an important component of high-tech firms' market values: Firms
with more knowledge capital tend to choose relatively riskier R&D
projects, and therefore may face a higher probability of large successes
or failures than firms pursuing incremental research strategies.
We build on this work by adding an important omitted consideration:
Firms with a strong science base and great scientists make repeated
breakthrough discoveries and--whether we call it, like Merton, an
"attractive arrogance" or simply rational calculus--are much
more likely to engage in high-risk and high-return research (Merton
1968). (3) Firms with the most knowledge capital are most likely to
pursue and succeed in a high-stakes R&D strategy and then use what
they have learned to launch further major projects. These firms,
accordingly, are more likely to undertake significantly costlier and
riskier R&D projects given the fact that the expected rewards rise
with knowledge capital. Therefore, a market valuation model should take
account of this endogeneity in the firm's project selection.
Jump-Diffusion and the Option-Pricing Framework
Because we know that achievement of technological breakthroughs--or
failure to achieve them in a major R&D project--affects the
firm's market valuation, we expect that a certain type of
discontinuity in the firm's market value will occur whenever the
firm makes frontier discoveries or announces failure. In this article,
we take a traditional view of treating the firm's equity value as a
call option written on the firm's valued assets with exercise price
equal to the firm's outstanding debt level. In addition, there is a
technological breakthrough or impasse component embedded in this call
option, which affects the firm's market value. In our model, we
assume that the firm's valued assets follow a jump-diffusion
process with jump intensity endogenously related to the firm's
knowledge-asset measures. We do not specify when or how the firm would
achieve a technological breakthrough or reach an impasse, we simply
assume that the firms with a strong science base are more likely to do
that and the firms' market value, therefore, should include this
part of the option premium.
Cox and Ross (1976) and Merton (1976) were among the first to apply
a jump process to option pricing models. Bates (1996), Bakshi et al.
(1997), and Heston (1993) use the inverse characteristic function method
to obtain the closed-form solution for the price of a call option. This
article follows the same structure except that the jump intensity in our
model is related to the firm's knowledge assets. By applying the
inverse characteristic function technique, we are able to overcome the
complexity brought along with this endogenized jump intensity assumption
and obtain a closed-form solution. Unlike the one in Merton (1976), the
jumps in our model are not diversifiable. Earlier studies have found
similar evidence. For example, Kim et al. (1994) study the jumps in
stock market index and its component stocks and find that the jumps in
stock returns are not diversifiable. As to biotech firms, even though
the firms can diversify across research projects, whether to make a
success or reach impasse to certain degree depends on the firm's
linkage to tacit knowledge. The number of great minds is always limited.
Therefore, the jump effect in biotech firms could not be diversified and
the risk premium adjustment should be positive.
The key to our empirical tests is to find appropriate measures or
proxies for the high-tech firm's knowledge capital. We estimate the
model using four alternative measures drawn from the literature on
R&D: counts by application date of patents eventually granted,
patent counts weighted by the number of times each patent is cited
subsequently by other patents, patent counts weighted by the number of
claims in the granted patent (indicative of patent scope), and the
number of genetic-sequence discovery articles authored by a star
scientist as or with a firm employee as proof of bench-science
involvement in the firm. All of these measures are scaled by a
depreciated (at 20%/year) sum of past R&D expenditures.
The first three measures attempt to identify the firm's
knowledge-capital intensity by looking at patent output relative to
R&D expenditures, lf a simple patent count worked (we will see that
it does not), it would be an excellent measure because it is nearly
knowable as shares are being valued. We say "nearly knowable"
because the firms typically tout to the financial markets the progress
of their R&D programs and particularly which patents they have
applied for; however, the market still must assess whether patent
applications still pending will ultimately be granted.
Citation-weighted and claim-weighted patent counts, as discussed,
have been pretty well established in previous studies--whether used
separately or together--as better indicators than simple counts of the
output of R&D process and particularly of more important
breakthroughs. Thus, we hypothesize that citation-weighted patent counts
and/or claim-weighted patent counts are also better indicators than
simple patent counts of the firm's success in creating valuable
inventions and hence its likelihood of actually pursuing a high-stakes
strategy. However, future patent citations to presently granted and
pending patents appear over many years, and Lanjouw and Schankerman
(1999) show that it takes about five years after the patent grant date
(typically seven to nine years after the application date) before
cumulative citations are a reliable measure of patent quality.
Therefore, citation-weighted patents are useful for testing the theory
but cannot provide much real-time guidance to investors.
In a series of studies, Zucker and Darby (1996; 1998) and Zucker et
al. (1998a; 1998b; 2002a) have demonstrated the key role of "star
scientists" who act as scientist-entrepreneurs in determining the
time and place of entry and the success of firms exploiting the
biotechnology revolution. In particular, their measure of "tied
articles" (the cumulative number of
genetic-sequence-discovery-reporting research articles written by these
stars either as or with firm employees) seems to be a direct measure of
knowledge capital located on the scientific frontier. One problem of
using the Zucker-Darby data set on star scientist articles is that the
stars are identified by counting the articles published up to 1990, with
articles fully tabulated only through 1992. This definition of star
scientists imparts a downward bias for the firms that were founded late
(most of them are very small in size).
Using data for the publicly traded biotech companies, we estimate
our model by application of the generalized method of moments (GMM). We
find several interesting results: (1) In estimates using only one
measure of the firm-specific knowledge capital, the claims measure alone
works well, although the star ties measure also is acceptable if the
observations for very small firms (less than $2 million total assets)
are dropped from the sample. (2) In our preferred estimates using
simultaneously two measures of firm-specific knowledge capital, either
claims and ties or claims and citations provide a good explanation of
firm valuation and clearly indicate the empirical importance of the jump
process. (3) A simple count of patents is an unsuccessful measure of the
firm's knowledge capital; so is a zero-one dummy variable that
indicates the existence or absence of nonzero values for either
"tied article" or "patent" variable.
The results from the robustness analyses demonstrate that our
jump-diffusion option-pricing model correctly specifies the actual
process of the firm's market value. The option model based values
fit the true market values well, and, on average, the jump premia
account for about 5% of the firm's total market value.
The rest of the article proceeds as follows. In section II, we lay
out the model and then derive the solution to the model. We provide a
detailed description of the data we used in this paper in section III.
Econometric methods and the empirical results are provided in section
IV. Section V further analyzes the robustness of our model and also
contains the results of sensitivity analyses. Section VI concludes. An
appendix contains the details of the proof.
A typical model of market value hypothesizes that the market value
of a firm is a function of the set of assets that it comprises
(1) C = G([a.sub.1], [a.sub.2], [a.sub.3],...),
where C is the firm's market value, [a.sub.1], [a.sub.2],...
are various assets the firm invests in, and G is unknown function that
describes how the assets combine to create value. Most empirical study
on this line of research has to fall back on fairly ad hoc functions,
such as linear or Cobb-Douglas (linear in logs). In this section, we aim
to find a near-structural model, which is able to capture the
technological innovation nature of high-tech firms. We think this
endeavor is able to overcome the naivete of making ad hoc assumptions
about the functional form, G; it is also important to help people
precisely measure the returns of innovative activities.
The Model
Considering the R&D-intensive nature and the importance of
intangibles per se in high-tech industries, we define a high-tech
firm's valued asset as follows:
(2) V(t) = [alpha]A(t) + [beta]S(t),
where A(t) is the value of the firm's tangibles at time t and
S(t) is the value of the firm's intangibles at time t. (4) V(t) in
Equation (2) is the value of the firm's valued assets. It captures
the total value of the firm's assets that are valued by the
shareholders. Note that in Equation (2), [alpha] and [beta] can be
thought of as the shadow prices of the firm's tangibles and
intangibles, respectively. They capture the weights the investors put on
the firm's assets when they value the firm.
We follow the standard practice and specify from the outset a
stochastic structure under a risk-neutral probability measure. The
existence of this measure is equivalent to the absence of free lunches,
and it allows us to value future risky payoff as if the economy were
risk-neutral. We prespecify that the firm's valued asset, V(t),
evolves according to the following process:
(3) dV(t)/V(T) = (R[t] - [lambda][[micro].sub.J])dt + [square root
of (sigma)]dz(t) + J(t)dq(t),
(4) ln[1 + J(t)]~N[ln(1 + [[micro].sub.J]) -
([[sigma].sup.2.sub.J]/2), [[sigma].sup.2.sub.J]],
R(t) is the time-t instantaneous spot interest rate;
[lambda] is the frequency of jumps per year (jump intensity);
[sigma] is the diffusion component of the firm's return
variance (conditional on no jump occurring);
z(t) is standard Brownian motion;
J(t) is the percentage jump size (conditional on jump occurring)
that is log-normally, identically, and independently distributed over
time, with unconditional mean [mu.sub.j]. The standard deviation of ln[1
+ J(t)] is [[sigma].sub.j];
q(t) is a Poisson jump counter with intensity [lambda], that is,
Prob[dq(t)= 1] = [lambda]dt and Prob[dq(t) = 0] = 1 - [lambda]dt. We
also assume the probability of more than one jump is Prob[dq(t) [greater
than or equal to] 2] = o(dt), where a function f(h) is o(h) if
[lim.sub.h][right arrow]0]f(h)/h = 0.
Note that [[sigma].sub.j] also captures the dispersion of jump
We further assume
(5) [lambda] = [[lambda].sub.0] + [[lambda].sub.1]X,
where X is the firm-specific knowledge asset measure.
An intuitive interpretation of this process is the following. Most
of the time, the firm's total valued assets evolve continuously,
but jumps occur occasionally. The frequency of jump occurring is
endogenously determined by the firm's intellectual capital state,
the X in our model. Thus, the model is able to capture the
technologically innovative nature of high-tech firms. Because we specify
our model under risk-neutral probability measure, [lambda] is not the
actual jump intensity. It is the jump intensity under the risk-neutral
probability adjustment; similarly, taj does not capture the actual jump
size either. What it captures is the risk-adjusted jump size. It is
important to realize that the exogenous valuation framework can be
derived from a general equilibrium in which all risks are rewarded.
Bates (1991; 1996) demonstrates how risk premiums for each factor could
be derived from a general equilibrium model. (5) In our model, the jump
risks related to the firm's intellectual human capital have both
systematic and unsystematic components. So the risk premium for each
risk factor is not zero. As Merton (1976) and many other researchers
have pointed out, a firm's equity market value could be regarded as
a European call option written on the firm's valued assets with
strike price equal to the firm's outstanding debt level and
maturity equal to the maturity of the firm's debt. Therefore, we
can value the firm's equity market value in a option-pricing
We have
(6) C(t,[tau]) = [e.sup.-R[tau]]E[max(V[t + [tau]] - D[+ [tau]],
where V(t + [tau]) is the value of the firm's valued assets at
time t + [tau], D(t + [tau]) is the firm's debt level at time t +
[tau], [tau] is the maturity of firm's debt, and C(t, [tau]) is the
price of the European option, and it measures the firm's equity
market value in our model. Note that in Equation (6), E is the
expectations operator with respect to the risk-neutral probability
Equations (2), (3), (4), (5), and (6) summarize the model.
Valuation is related to the firm's intellectual human capital state
through the jump component that appears in the dynamics of the
firm's valued assets. This captures the fact that frontier
discoveries in science and technology and subsequent commercialization
made possible by the firm-specific intellectual capital (great
scientists, great ideas, etc.) have dramatically changed the high-tech
The Solution to the Model
Applying the generalized Ito's lemma, we know a European call
option written on the firm's valued asset with strike price D and
term to expiration x could be solved through the following partial
differential equation:
subject to C(t, [tau]) = max{V(t + [tau]) - D(t + [tau]), 0}.
Note that in Equation (7), we assume that the risk-free spot
interest rate, R(t), and the volatility of the return of the firm's
valued assets, [sigma], are deterministic. This will reduce the
complexity of our model dramatically and will not change the results
In appendix, it is shown that the formula for the price of the
European call option is
(8) C(t, [tau]) = V(t)[[PI].sub.1](t, [tau], V, X) -
D(t)[e-.sup.R[tau]][[PI].sub.2](t, [tau], V, X),
where the risk-neutral probabilities, [[PI].sub.1] and
[[PI].sub.2], are recovered from inverting the respective characteristic
functions: (6)
From the appendix, we also know:
Equations (8)-(12) provide the solution to the European call
option. As discussed, the price of this European call option is the same
as the firm's market valuation if we take the firm's equity as
a call option written on its valued assets with exercise price equal to
its debt level. Therefore, if we can estimate the implicit parameters
([alpha], [beta], [[micro].sub.J], [sigma], [[sigma].sup.2.sub.J],
[[lambda].sub.0], [[lambda].sub.1]) in the equations, then we are able
to use this formula to estimate the firm's market value. But first,
we use the actual data to estimate the model and to test whether it is
correctly specified.
This article focuses on the biotechnology industry to estimate our
model. The period of analysis for each firm is from the year of founding
through 1992. The year 1992 was chosen because it was the last date for
which we have full information on the star ties variable and because we
needed to allow five years forward to accumulate patent grants and
citation data. Although we apply our model here only to the biotech
industry, we believe that its applicability is more general. In
science-driven high-tech industries undergoing entry-generating
metamorphic progress (those with similar technological opportunities
incongruent with the science base of any industry incumbents), the
essential features will also be present: (7) (1) The firms in such
industries have substantial intangibles that have not been valued
appropriately by traditional accounting procedures. (2) The firms are
competing with others in an R&D-intensive and technologically
innovative environment, in which frequent breakthrough innovations based
on the firms' intellectual capital generate discrete jumps in the
firms' asset values.
The Biotechnology Firms
The starting point for our firm data set is the list of 752 firms
used in the Zucker et al. (1998b) and Brewer (1998b) analysis of the
adoption of biotechnology. Some of these firms are incumbents in
biotech-using industries, such as pharmaceuticals, food processing,
beverages, and agriculture. For these incumbents, biotech operations are
often a small part of the total value of the firm. To focus on the
influence on the firms' stock market performance of innovations in
biotechnology, we limit our sample to the 511 entrant firms founded
after 1975, the "new biotechnology firms." Combining reports
in the industry directory Bioscan (1988-97) with those drawn from the
IPO Reporter (1976-92) and from the Securities Data Company's
Global New Issues database, we find reports that 156 of the 511 firms
went public during the 1979-92 period. However, we can only find
subsequent trading records and complete firm data for 129 firms in the
COMPUSTAT database. (8) For those 129 firms, we retrieve such data as
number of outstanding shares, closing stock price, total assets, debts
with different maturities, and R&D expenditures.
Measures of the Firm-Specific Knowledge Capital
Given the purpose of our study, knowledge capital is the key
explanatory variable. We try four different indicators of knowledge
capital: counts by application date of patents eventually granted, the
patent counts weighted by the number of times each patent is cited in
subsequent patents, the same counts weighted by the number of claims,
and the number of the firm's ties to star scientists. All of these
measures are scaled by division by a depreciated sum of past R&D
Ties to Star Scientists. The most novel of these measures of
knowledge capital, we believe, is a count of the number of times a star
scientist appears on a research article reporting a
genetic-sequence-discovery listing his or her affiliation as at the firm
or writing with another scientist who lists his or her affiliation as at
the firm. Each article represents substantial bench-science-level
collaboration (and tacit knowledge transfer) between a star scientist
and one or more firm employees. We cumulate these ties to year t to
obtain an input-based measure of the firm's knowledge capital in
that year. (9) A firm's star ties (as just defined) have been shown
to be a principle determinant of firm success in biotechnology in both
the United States and Japan (Zucker et al. 1998a, 2002a; Darby and
Zucker 2001; Zucker and Darby 2001). Star scientists were defined in
Zucker et al. (1998b) on the basis of the number of
genetic-sequence-discoveries up to April 1990 (see the appendix for
detailed discussion). To control for the firm's size and R&D
investment, we use the cumulative number of ties up to year t scaled by
corresponding depreciated cumulative R&D expenditures in our
estimations and denote that variable ties/R&D. (10)
Patent Variables. We obtained our patent variables by connecting to
the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office's Internet homepage and
searching the database for each of the firms in our sample. For each
firm, we obtained a list of all the patents granted up through 1997. We
are interested in measuring the firm's knowledge stock as of a
certain date and accordingly date the patents by the year in which the
application was filed because the underlying R&D would have to be
done before application. For each patent granted, we count the number of
claims covered by the patent. Simple patents have only one claim,
whereas broader patents may cover a number of separable inventions, each
spelled out in a separate claim. Patent claims have been increasingly
used in the R&D literature as an important indicator of the
patent's quality. (11) We also recorded for each patent the number
of times it was cited in subsequent patents granted through 1997. Patent
applicants are legally required to disclose relevant prior art, and
patent examiners also search for other prior patents to clearly
delineate the new rights. As a result, the number of patent citations is
a standard indicator of a patent's significance. Let Cit(t, s) be
the number of citations received in year s to the patents applied for in
year t. We define
where T = 1997. Thus, Cit(t) is the total number of future
citations (up to 1997) to patents applied for by the firm in year t. We
also define Clm(t) as the total number of claims to patents applied for
by the firm in year t.
Because the knowledge value represented by patents declines over
time, it is customary in the literature to assume a depreciation rate of
g (we assume a conventional value of 0.2; see Griliches 1990). (12)
Thus, the patent, citation count, and claim count measures of the
firm's knowledge capital are based on
(14) Patent [Stock.sub.t] = (1 - g)Patent [Stock.sub.t-1] +
(15) Citation-weighted Patent [Stock.sub.t] =(1 -
g)Citation-weighted Patent [Stock.sub.t-1] +Cit(t)
(16) Claim-weighted Patent [Stock.sub.t] = (1 - g) Claim-weighted
Patent [Stock.sub.t-1] + Clm(t).
Because we are attempting to get a measure of relative intensity of
knowledge capital to the size of the R&D expenditures, in
estimations we use the patent stock, claim-weighted patent stock, and
citation-weighted patent stock divided by the firm's (similarly
depreciated) R&D stock. We denote these variables by patent/
R&D, claim/R&D, and citation/R&D, corresponding to the
star-based measure ties/R&D.
Other Variables
Some of the variables used in this study are also taken from the
data sets Zucker and Darby have constructed for their ongoing project
"Intellectual Capital, Technology Transfer, and the Organization of
Leading-Edge Industries: Biotechnology." To summarize: A dummy
variable (Recombinant Technology) captures whether or not a firm uses
recombinant DNA technology, which is a straightforward indicator of
whether the firm is using advanced technologies. Also, to control for
the effects of technology spillover, we count the number of universities
with top-quality bioscience programs in the same region as the firm
(Top-quality Universities).
Other variables used in our study include the observed market value
of the firm (C), the debt level (D), the maturity of the firm's
debt ([tau]), (13) the book value of the assets (A), discounted
cumulative R&D expenditures, (14) and, from Bioscan, the age of the
firm. In this article, we also use the reputation rank of the lead
underwriter that brought the firm public (rank). It follows a 1 to 9
scale with 9 representing the most reputable underwriter. The variable
is from Carter et al. (1998).
Econometric Method
In applying options pricing models to estimate the effects of
intellectual human capital on firm's market value, one always
encounters the difficulties that the structural parameters are
unobservable. In our model, the spot volatility of firm's valued
assets (conditional on no jump), [sigma]; the jump-related parameters
[[lambda].sub.0], [[lambda].sub.1], [[micro].sub.J],
[[sigma].sup.2.sub.J] (also) [[lambda].sub.2] when we use two
science-based variables to explain the jump probability), the shadow
prices of the firm's tangible assets and intangible assets, [alpha]
and [beta], need to be estimated. In this article, we employ GMM to
obtain the structural parameter estimates by implementing the following
Step 1. We treat the firm's market valuation as a European
call option written on its valued assets with strike price equal to the
debt level. Because the firm normally issues debts with different
maturities, we compute the firm's total debt level by calculating
the present value of the different types of debts. We discount the debts
that will mature in the future by using a short-run risk-free interest
rate. The firm's maturity is calculated as the McCauley duration of
the firm's debts, as detailed in section III. This measure can be
interpreted as a weighted average of the maturities of the firm's
different types of debts.
We stack the observations. Note that with an average of only 5.64
annual observations per firm, we do not attempt to estimate time-series
effects and treat each observation as if an individual firm. However, we
do employ industry age as an instrument to control the year-related
effects on the biotech firm's market value. For each of the 727
observations for 129 biotech companies, we calculate the debt level, D,
and corresponding maturity, [tau], and observe one of the alternative
measures of knowledge capital intensity (Ties/R&D, Patent/R&D,
Citation/ R&D, Claim/R&D). Based on this, we calculate the
theoretical market value for the firm's equity by using Equations
(8)-(12). In other words, we calculate [C.sub.i] (t, [[tau].sub.i],
[X.sub.i], [D.sub.i], [V.sub.i]). Let [C.sup.*.sub.i] be the observed
market value for observation i, calculated by multiplying the closing
stock price by the number of outstanding shares. The difference between
[C.sup.*.sub.i] and [C.sub.i] (t, [[tau].sub.i], [X.sub.i], [D.sub.i],
[V.sub.i]) is a function of the values taken by [X.sub.i], [A.sub.i],
[S.sub.i], [D.sub.i], [[tau].sub.i], R(t), and by [PSI] = ([alpha],
[beta], [[lambda].sub.0], [[lambda].sub.1], [[micro].sub.J],
[[sigma].sup.2.sub.J], [sigma]). For each i, define
(17) [[epsilon].sub.i][[PSI]] = [C.sup.*.sub.i] + [C.sub.i](t,
[[tau].sub.i]; [X.sub.i], [D.sub.i], [V.sub.i]),
where [[epsilon].sub.i] denotes the absolute estimation error of
our model.
Step 2. If our model is correctly specified, we expect
(18) E[[epsilon]] = 0.
We assume that
(19) E[[epsilon][epsilon]'] = [OMEGA],
where [OMEGA] is unrestricted. Suppose now for each observation, i,
we observe a vector of J variables, [z.sub.i], such that [z.sub.i] is
uncorrelated with [[epsilon].sub.i]. The assumptions imply a set of
orthogonality conditions:
(20) E[[z.sub.i] [[epsilon].sub.i]] = 0,
which constitutes the moment conditions in our study. It is
straightforward that the sample moments will be
(21) m(1/n) [summation over i][z.sub.i][[epsilon].sub.i].
For our model, we assume that the weighted matrix has the following
(22) [W.sub.GMM] = (1/[n.sup.2)[summation over i] [summation over
j] [z.sub.i][z'.sub.j] x Cov[([C.sup.*.sub.i] - [C.sub.i)])
([C.sup.*.sub.j] - [C.sub.j)]].
The minimum distance estimator will be the [[PSI].sup.*] that
(23) q = m([[PSI].sup.*])'[W.sup.-1]m([[PSI].sup.*]).
Estimation and Results
When implementing the procedures, we assume that the set of
instruments, z, consists of the following 14 variables: the firm's
total physical assets, A; the firm's discounted cumulative R&D
expenditures, S; the dummy variable Recombinant Technology, indicating
whether the firm uses this technology; the number of local universities
with top biotech-related doctoral programs; the number of local
top-quality universities; the number of years that the firm has been
practicing biotechnology; the age of the firm; the firm's debt
level, D; the maturity of the firm's debt, "c; the reputation
rank of the lead underwriter; Rank; the age of biotech industry; a
constant; and four current-year-flow versions of the knowledge related
variables: patent(t)/R&D, clm(t)/R&D, cit(t)/R&D, and
If our model is well specified, we expect to be orthogonal to these
variables. Table 1 presents the sample statistics for the variables used
in our estimation. The full sample has 727 firm-year observations for
129 biotech firms. Each firm has one observation for each year from the
year it goes public through 1992. The year 1992 was chosen because it
was the last date for which we have full information on the ties
variable and because we needed to allow another five years beyond patent
grant date to accumulate patent citation data. In Table 1, we also
report the means of the variables for a truncated sample where 117
observations are deleted because they represent firm years with total
assets less than $2 million.
We use the Davidson-Fletcher-Powell (DFP) algorithm to estimate the
implicit parameter vector [PSI]. There are two reasons that the DFP
algorithm is attractive in our study. (1) The DFP algorithm has very
strong convergence ability, which is important for our parameter
estimation. (2) When we do the iteration, we have to update the Hessian
matrix, H. In most algorithms, this means that we need to calculate the
second-order derivatives of our objective function with respect to the
implicit parameters. It is a very demanding task given the complexity of
the objective function in our model. Using DFP avoids this problem.
We adopt the sequential optimization technique in our estimation.
We start from certain starting values and then use GMM to estimate the
parameters. After the parameters converge, we use those estimated values
as the starting values and repeat the same procedure. We repeat this
process until we can no longer improve the estimates. All programs are
written in MATLAB. Normally, it takes 7-18 hours to finish one
convergence on a devoted Sun workstation.
Are There Discrete Jumps in the Firm's Market ValueL We first
use the four knowledge-capital variables separately to explain the jumps
in the biotech firm's market value. Table 2 reports the results for
the six models we estimate.
Let us look at models II-V first. For these models, we use the full
sample to estimate the implicit parameters. The estimation minimizes the
criterion or goodness-of-fit statistics. These statistics are
distributed [chi square](7) if the data are consistent with the model
specification. Thus a significant value of this statistic rejects the
model, whereas an insignificant value supports the model. Simple patent
counts (model III) are rejected even at the relatively forgiving 1%
significance level. On the other hand, when we use claims-weighted
patents as our knowledge-capital variable (model V), the model is
accepted at both the 1% and the 5% levels of significance, and all the
parameter values are significant at the 1%. Using the ties/R&D or
citation/R&D indicators gives an intermediate result: The models are
rejected at the 5% but not at the 1% level of significance. Because we
know that our ties/R&D variable may be biased against new, small
firms, we tried dropping the 117 observations corresponding to firm
assets less than $2 million. The resulting estimates, reported as model
I, are consistent with the bias hypothesis because the [chi square](7)
statistic is no longer significant at either the 1% or 5% level and we
can accept the model for ties/ R&D using the restricted sample. (15)
It is also interesting to know whether knowledge capital only plays a
signaling role. In other words, the presence or absence of knowledge
capital, rather than the degree of knowledge capital, drives the
results. In model VI, we use a dummy variable that equals to one if
"ties" or "patent" is positive. The hypothesis is
rejected at 1% level. Obviously, the degree of knowledge capital
matters. This also reflects the fact that the distribution of knowledge
capital on any measure is so skewed and only knowledge capital in the
upper tail pays off.
In Table 3, we report the results of combining the claims measure
with one or the other of the ties/R&D and citation/R&D measures.
(16) While claim/R&D is clearly a useful indicator of knowledge
capital, citation/R&D or ties/ R&D may also have some marginal
explanatory power. Accordingly, we use two science variables to capture
the firm's knowledge capital.
Table 3 reports the results. For model VII, we use ties/R&D and
claim/R&D to estimate the option-pricing model. The [chi square] (6)
statistic from model VII is 12.26, which passes at both the 1% and 5%
significance level. For model VIII, we use claim/R&D and citation/
R&D as the science variables to estimate the model. Now, the [chi
square] value drops further to 10.48, which also passes at both the 1%
and 5% significance level. (17)
In the first two columns of Table 4, we use the Newey and West
(1987) method to test whether ties/R&D and cit/R&D provide
additional explanatory power over and above that provided by
claim/R&D. Both tests confirm that the additional variable provides
some additional power over the fit for model V. Although the criterion
value is lower for model VIII than VII, model VII uses variables that
can be reasonably estimated contemporaneously, whereas VIII requires a
wait of seven years or more. For this reason we consider both models
reasonable ways to approximate the firm's unobservable knowledge
capital, with model VII more attractive to the practitioner and model
VIII to the econometrician or cliometrician. Both models clearly
indicate that there are discrete jumps in the firm's market value.
Are the Jumps Technology-Related? Let us focus on the jump-related
parameters in our models. Note that the estimated value of
[[micro].sub.J] is negative in all models. This sign may seem
counterintuitive. But consider the fact that we start our model from a
risk-neutral probability framework, so [[micro].sub.J] here does not
capture the real jump size, it only captures the adjusted jump size,
which already incorporates the positive risk premium of jump risk.
Examining models VII and VIII, we find in each case that both
[[lambda].sub.1] and [[lambda].sub.2] are significantly positive, which
implies that the probability of jump occurring is positively related to
the firm's intellectual capital measures. Again, we use the method
proposed by Newey and West (1987) to test the hypothesis:
(24) [H.sub.0]: [[lambda].sub.1] = [[lambda].sub.2] = 0.
By applying the same weighted matrix, W, to both unrestricted model
and restricted model, we obtain the minimum distances defined in
Equation (23) for both models. The difference between these two should
follow a [chi square] distribution with degrees of freedom equal to the
number of restrictions imposed if [H.sub.0] holds. In this case there
are two restrictions imposed on the model.
Columns 3 and 4 of Table 4 present the results of this test.
Obviously, the null hypothesis should be rejected for both models VII
and VIII. Therefore, we conclude that discrete jumps in the firm's
market value are positively related to the firm's knowledge-capital
In concrete terms, we have shown not only that firms with greater
knowledge-capital intensity are more highly valued by investors, but
also that those values are more subject to discrete jumps. We believe
that before this article, it was far from obvious that the Genentechs
and Chirons should have greater risk than lesser firms. Furthermore,
these greater risks are inherent in the very same frontier-moving
R&D, which makes these firms so valuable.
Robustness Analysis' of the Model
Our model captures the innovative nature of high-tech companies; it
also captures the subtle role played by the firm's stock of
intellectual capital. The empirical results in section IV also reject
the hypotheses that there are no jumps and no intellectual capital
related jumps in the firm's market valuation. Despite this success,
we must address one remaining question about our model. Table 1 shows
that biotech firms' average debt level is far smaller than the
firm's underlying assets. Therefore, the call options in our study
are deep in the money. Given that, people may suspect that the option
characteristics of equity are minimal and the "moneyness" of
the options may bias our model estimation. In option pricing framework,
"moneyness" is a variable used to measure how deep in or out
of the money the option is. In this article, strike price is the debt
level, D. The underlying asset price is defined as the firm's
valued assets, V = [alpha]A + [beta]S. We define D/V as the moneyness in
our model. If our model is correctly specified, the remaining pricing
errors of our model should be uncorrelated with the main explanatory
variables in our model estimation. This subsection addresses these
We use the implicit parameters estimated from models VII and VIII
and calculate the models' proportionate pricing error, Price-error,
as follows:
(25) Price-error = (model value - observed value) /observed value
In Table 5, we report the following regression, which tests for
each model whether or not the remaining pricing errors of the model,
"Price-error," are uncorrelated with the main explanatory
variables in the model estimation:
(26) Price-[error.sub.j] = [[beta].sub.0] + [[beta].sub.1]
[Moneyness.sub.j] + [[beta].sub.2-12] Year [Dummies.sub.j] +
[[beta].sub.13-20] Other [Variables.sub.j + [epsilon]].
Of the 42 coefficients estimated in the two regressions only 3 (7%
of 42) are significant at the 5% level and of these 1 (2% of 42) is
significant at the 1% level. These results are pretty much in line with
probability theory if the errors are in fact unrelated to these
right-hand variables. We are particularly pleased to note that moneyness
is not a source of error for our model. Note that Price-error is also
generally uncorrelated with the variables measuring firm's
knowledge assets, such as citation/ R&D, ties/R&D,
claim/R&D, Patent/R&D, Top-quality Universities, and Recombinant
Technology, which implies that our model has correctly captured the
roles played by firm-specific intellectual capital in the firm's
valuation. If there is any indication of further work to be done on the
model, it is to further incorporate the information implicit in the
ranking of the underwriter which brought the firm public.
Finally, note that the adjusted [R.sup.2] of the regression is less
than 2% for model VII errors and less than 1% for model VIII errors. A
natural interpretation is that our models already capture the
explanatory power of those variables, so nothing has been left in the
remaining pricing errors.
How Economically Significant Is the Technological Jump Component?
In this subsection, we explore how economically significant the
technological jump component is. We estimate the firm's theoretical
model value based on model VII (using the claim/R&D and ties/R&D
measures to capture the firm's knowledge capital) and on model VIII
(using claim/R&D and citation/R&D). Here the economic value due
to knowledge capital based jump is calculated as the difference between
the model value and the value from the same model with the parameters
[[lambda].sub.1] and [[lambda].sub.2] set equal to zero. Table 6 and 7
report our analysis for models VII and VIII, respectively.
The Descriptive statistics portions of the tables provide the
statistics of the model values, premia for the selected sample (with the
1989-92 Amgen outliers dropped). (18) The mean value of the knowledge
capital based jump is $1.34 million for model VII and $5.25 million for
model VIII, which is 1.2% and 5.0% of the firm's total market
value, respectively. Although the two models do about equally well at
predicting market values of the biotech firms, the model relying on ex
post (future citation) information about the value of patents attributes
substantially more of market value to the technological jumps.
To look at how knowledge capital affects the variability of the
firm's market value, we look at a hypothesized firm with mean
values of all the explanatory variables in our pricing model VII or
VIII, respectively. We find that this firm's market value derived
from our model is given as $112.30 million in Table 6 and $119.98
million in Table 7. The estimated value would be $1.89 million or $10.97
million lower, respectively, if this mean firm has no measurable
knowledge capital. (19)
Consider the effect on the firms (bottom part of tables) of
increasing each of their knowledge capital measures to levels 1 standard
deviation above the mean: The firm's estimated market value goes up
by $5.72 million to $118.02 million using model VII and by $28.56
million to $148.54 million using model VIII. If each of their knowledge
capital measures is increased by 2 standard deviations, these
firms' market values will increase by a total of $13.25 million or
$79.78 million, respectively, relative to the case with zero-values for
each of the knowledge capital measures.
As we increase the number of patent claims, star ties, or patent
citations, the firm's market value keeps on increasing. The
approach used in our empirical study provides a possible way of pricing
a firm's technology stock. We can value the importance of a star
scientist or patent by considering the contribution they may make to the
firm's market value. Traditional accounting procedures fail to
capture the tangible value of the firm's intangibles, especially
knowledge assets. The methodology employed in our study, however, values
a firm's intangible assets by taking into account their
contribution to the firm's market value.
In this article, we identified empirical evidence of
Poisson-distributed jumps in biotech firms' market valuation. We
demonstrate that these discrete jumps are related to the firm's
knowledge-capital intensity, as measured by ties to star scientists and
by patent variables.
Firms with 2 standard deviations more knowledge capital are valued
10-50% more than firms with mean values of all variables (refer again to
Tables 6 and 7). The approach we used herein can also be generalized to
value other types of intangible assets, especially when they have the
same sort of innovative frontier nature with associated higher risks.
Further, our approach provides a method to value a firm's
intangible assets, an issue on which traditional accounting theory
provides little guidance.
We take firm-specific knowledge capital measures as exogenously
given. This is consistent with the view that they largely measure the
quality of the scientist-entrepreneurs who start the firm (or, less
frequently, join it later) and determine its technological identity.
This approach was suggested by our data, because the first articles tied
to stars usually appear very soon after the firm is founded, usually
with the star as a founder receiving a substantial share of the value
they generate. (20) These stars may later recruit other stars, but the
technological identity of these firms is shaped by their founders.
Occasional cases of initial ties to stars substantially after founding
does suggest an alternative model, however. This model would analyze
knowledge capital as endogenously chosen by firms trying to maximize the
associated benefits. In other words, the firms will also take into
account the effects of knowledge capital on their stock prices when they
decide whether to increase their investment in obtaining more advanced
technology. We will address this issue in future research. Meanwhile, we
are not sure whether our results can be generalized to different time
periods in biotechnology other than the period that includes the very
hot market period of the late 1980s and early 1990s. We intend to attack
this issue in future research, too. Last, besides the four knowledge
measures used in our study, we wonder whether there are some other
measures that can better capture the degree of knowledge capital of a
high-tech firm. As research in this line evolves, we believe better
measures will emerge and can be used to test our model. Of course, this
is also a challenging task we plan to pursue in the future.
DFP: Davidson-Fletcher-Powell
GMM: Generalized Method of Moments
R&D: Research and Development
The valuation partial differential equation can be rewritten as
(A-1) 0=[R - [lambda][[mu].sub.J] -
(1/2)[sigma]]([delta]V/[delta]L) +
(1/2)[sigma]([[delta].sup.2]/[delta][L.sup.2]) - ([delta]C/[delta][tau])
- RC+ [lambda]E[C(t,[tau],L+ln(1+J),X) - C(t,[tau],L,X)],
where we have applied the transformation L(t)=lnV(t). Inserting the
following conjectured solution
(A-2) C(t,[tau]) = V(t)[[PI].sub.1](t,[tau],V,X)-[De.sup.-R[tau]]
into (A-1) produces the partial differential equations for the
risk-neutralized probabilities, [[PI].sub.j], for j = 1, 2:
(A-3) 0=[R - [lambda][[mu].sub.J] - (1/2)[sigma]]([delta]
[[PI].sub.1]/[delta]L) + (1/2)[sigma]([[delta].sup.2][[PI].sub.1]/
[delta][L.sup.2]) - ([delta][[PI].sub.1]/[delta][tau]) -
[lambda][[mu].sub.J][[PI].sub.1] + [lambda]E[(1 + ln[l +
J])[[PI].sub.1](t, [tau], L + ln(1 + J), X) -[[PI].sub.1](t,[tau],L,X)]
(A-4) 0 = [R - [lambda][[mu].sub.J] - (1/2)[sigma]]([delta]
[[PI].sub.2]/[delta]L) + (1/2)[sigma]([[delta].sup.2]
[[PI].sub.2]/[delta][L.sup.2]) - ([delta][[PI].sub.2]/[delta][tau]) +
[lambda]E[[[PI].sub.2](t,[tau],L+ln[1+J],X) - [[PI].sub.2]
Equations (A-3) and (A-4) are the Fokker-Planck forward equations
for probability functions. This implies that [[PI].sub.1] and
[[PI].sub.2] must indeed be valid probability functions with values
bounded between 0 and 1. These equations are separately solved subject
to the terminal conditions
(A-5) [[PI].sub.j] (t + [tau], 0, L, X) = [1.sub.L(t+[tau])
[greater than or equal to] ln[D]],
where j = 1, 2. The corresponding characteristic functions for
[[pi].sub.1] and [[pi].sub.2] will also satisfy similar partial
differential equations:
(A-6) 0 = [R - [lambda][[mu].sub.J] - (1/2)[sigma]]([delta]
[f.sub.1]/[delta]L) +
(1/2)[sigma]([[delta].sup.2][f.sub.1]/[delta][L.sup.2]) -
([delta][f.sub.1]/[delta][tau]) - [lambda][[mu].sub.J][f.sub.1] +
[lambda]E[(1 + ln[1 + J])[f.sub.1](t, L + ln[1 + J], X, [tau]) -
(A-7) 0 = [R - [lambda][[mu].sub.J] - (1/2)[sigma]]([delta]
[f.sub.2]/[delta]L) + (1/2)[sigma]([[delta].sup.2][f.sub.2]/
[delta][L.sup.2]) - ([delta][f.sub.2]/[delta][tau]) +
[lambda]IE|[f.sub.2](t, L + ln[1 + J], X, [tau]) - [f.sub.2](t, L, X,
subject to the terminal conditions
(A-8) [f.sub.j](t + [tau], 0, X; [phi]) = [e.sup.i[phi]L(t+[tau])
for j = 1 and 2. Conjecture that the solutions to the (A-6) and
(A-7) are respectively given by
(A-9) [f.sub.1](t,[tau]) = exp{u([tau]) + [y.sup.*]([tau])X(t) +
(A-10) [f.sub.2](t,[tau]) = exp{z([tau]) + [y.sub.x]([tau])X(t) +
i[phi]ln[V(t)] - R[tau]
with u(0) = [y.sup.*] (0) = 0 and z(0) = [y.sub.x] (0) = 0. By the
separation of variable technique, we can solve the equations as follows:
Variables List with Descriptive Statistics
Variable Mean SD Minimum
Equity market value, C 135.19 468.26 0.15
Total assets, A 41.63 97.19 0.18
R&D stock, S 17.02 45.17 0.00
Underwriter reputation 5.63 3.42 1.00
Debt level, D 5.64 17.49 0.03
Maturity, [tau] 1.26 0.42 1.00
Age of firm 6.69 3.09 1.00
Age of biotech industry 12.06 2.93 1.00
Top-quality universities 1.44 1.11 0.00
Interest rate, R 0.07 0.02 0.04
Recombinant technology 0.56 0.50 0.00
Ties/R&D stock 0.09 0.54 0.00
Patent/R&D stock 0.38 1.02 0.00
Citation/R&D stock 2.17 9.01 0.00
Patent claim/R&D stock 6.65 20.40 0.00
Dties/R&D 0.04 0.46 0.00
Patent (t)/R&D 0.18 0.61 0.00
Cit (t)/R&D 0.74 2.98 0.00
Clot (t)/R&D 3.10 13.84 0.00
Variable Maximum (truncated sample, N=610)
Equity market value, C 7334.00 198.76
Total assets, A 979.57 71.56
R&D stock, S 623.11 27.34
Underwriter reputation 9.00 5.92
Debt level, D 292.19 8.71
Maturity, [tau] 4.32 1.29
Age of firm 16.00 7.33
Age of biotech industry 16.00 12.34
Top-quality universities 3.00 1.79
Interest rate, R 0.14 0.07
Recombinant technology 1.00 0.61
Ties/R&D stock 9.00 0.11
Patent/R&D stock 16.57 0.41
Citation/R&D stock 178.53 2.19
Patent claim/R&D stock 301.85 6.79
Dties/R&D 8.95 0.05
Patent (t)/R&D 7.38 0.19
Cit (t)/R&D 35.05 0.78
Clot (t)/R&D 205.10 3.15
Notes, The table defines all the variables used in this study. The
first four columns of descriptive statistics are for the full sample
with 727 firm-year observations. The last column of the table reports
the variables means for a subsample with 610 observations, where the
117 observations with total assets less than $2 million are dropped.
All dollar values are given in millions of 1984 U.S. dollars (current
dollar values divided by the Consumer Price Index CPI-U). C is defined
as observed market value: C=closing price x number of shares
outstanding. Total assets, A, is the book value of the firm's total
assets (Compustat item 6). The R&D stock is the discounted cumulative
value of the firm's R&D expenditures with 20%, annual discount rate.
It is based only on R&D expenditures reported in Compustat (normally
begins two years before firm goes public). Underwriter reputation is
the rank (9 top to 1 bottom) of the lead underwriter in Carter et al.
(1998). The firm's total debt level includes debt-like liabilities. D
is calculated as the discounted cumulative value of the firm's debt
where the interest rate on six-month Treasury bill is used as the
discount rate. Maturity, [tau], is calculated as the McCauley duration
of the firm's debts. Age years that the firm has been practicing
biotechnology. Age of biotech industry is year-1975. Top-quality
universities is a count of universities in the same functional economic
area as the firm that have any biotech-related programs rated 4.0
higher in the National Research Council 1982 survey of doctoral
programs. R is defined as short-run instantaneous interest rate: we
use the interest rate on six-month Treasury bill. Recombinant
technology equals 1 if the firm applies recombinant-DNA technology
and 0 otherwise. Ties/R&D stock is the cumulative count of articles
by star scientists as or with firm employees/S. Patent/R&D stock is
the discounted (at 20% per year) stock of patents assigned to the
firm dated at application/S. Citation/ R&D stock is Patent/ R&D stock
with patents counted by number of citations by other patents up to
1997. Patent Claim/R&D is Patent/R&D stock with patents counted by
number of claims granted in the patents. Lines, Patent (t), Cit (t),
and Clm (t) are the inputs to the numerators of the four cumulated
variables, respectively. They are scaled here for comparability by
dividing by S.
GMM Estimates of Implicit Parameters ([lambda]=[[lambda].sub.0]+
Model I Model II Model III
(N=610) (N=727) (N=727)
[X.sub.1]= [X.sub.1]= [X.sub.1]=
Parameters ties/R&D ties/R&D patent/R&D
[alpha] 1.8576 ** 2.4931 ** 2.4803 **
(0.0000) (0.0000) (0.0000)
[beta] 0.8643 ** 0.6134 ** 1.0048 **
(0.0000) (0.0000) (0.0000)
[sigma] 0.0880 ** 0.0905 ** 0.1008 **
(0.0000) (0.0002) (0.0003)
[[lambda].sub.0] 0.5013 ** 0.1952 ** 0.1565
(0.0000) (0.0002) (0.1763)
0.2626 ** 0.3471 ** 0.1988 **
(0.0000) (0.0004) (0.0283)
[[lambda].sub.1] -0.6012 ** -0.3504 ** -0.0652 **
(0.0000) (0.0003) (0.0056)
[[micro].sub.J] 0.0800 ** 0.0884 ** 0.1288 *
(0.0001) (0.0005) (0.0508)
[chi square](7) goodness- 13.9600 18.0133 * 23.7667 **
of-fit statistic
Model VI
Model IV Model V [X.sub.1]=1
(N=727) (N=727) if ties or
[X.sub.1]= [X.sub.1]= patent > 0;0
Parameters citation/R&D claim/R&D otherwise
[alpha] 2.5028 ** 2.2456 ** 2.0136 **
(0.0000) (0.0000) (0.0000)
[beta] 0.6400 ** 1.1382 ** 0.8134 **
(0.0000) (0.0000) 0.0000
[sigma] 0.1074 ** 0.1101 ** 0.1165 **
(0.0000) (0.0000) (0.0003)
[[lambda].sub.0] 0.3078 ** 0.0837 ** 0.3014 *
(0.0010) (0.0000) (0.1510)
0.1056 ** 0.2851 ** 0.2842 **
(0.0004) (0.0001) (0.0475)
[[lambda].sub.1] -0.2319 ** -0.1492 ** -0.3705 **
(0.0008) (0.0000) (0.0037)
[[micro].sub.J] 0.1290 ** 0.1283 ** 0.0938 **
(0.0006) (0.0000) (0.0321)
[chi square](7) goodness- 17.0754 * 12.7405 19.2907 **
of-fit statistic
* Significant at the 5% level.
** Significant at the 1% level.
Notes: We use GMM to estimate the seven unknown parameters implicit in
the option-pricing model. For all five models, 14 instruments are used
to construct the moment conditions: constant; total asset, A; R&D
stock, S; dummy whether the firm applies rDNA technologies,
recombinant technology; Number of patents firm applied for in year t
scaled by R&D stock; citation-weighted patent counts applied for in
year t/R&D stock; claim-weighted patent counts in year t/R&D stock;
the age of firm; the age of the biotech industry; number of tied
articles in year t scaled by R&D stock; top-quality universities;
underwriter reputation; debt level; debt maturity. For each model; the
degrees of freedom for the [chi square] is 7. Model I is estimated for
the truncated sample with 610 observations (the firm-year observations
with total asset less than $2 million are dropped). The rest are
estimated for the full sample, which includes 129 firms and 727
observations. Standard errors are in parentheses.
TABLE 3 Estimation of Implicit Parameters ([lambda]=[[lambda].sub.0]+
[alpha] [beta] [sigma]
Model VII ([lambda]=[[lambda].sub.0]+[[lambda].sub.1], ties/R&D +
[[lambda].sub.2] claim/R&D)
Estimate 2.5361 ** 0.6465 ** 0.0915 **
Standard error 0.0000 0.0000 0.0004
[chi square](6) statistic=12.2606
Model VIII ([lambda]=[[lambda].sub.0]+[[lambda].sub.1] citation/R&D +
[[lambda].sub.2] claim/R&D)
Estimate 2.2744 ** 1.1318 ** 0.1102 **
Standard error 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000
[chi square](6) statistic =10.4784
[[lambda]. [[lambda]. [[lambda].
sub.0] sub.1] sub.2]
Model VII ([lambda]=[[lambda].sub.0]+[[lambda].sub.1], ties/R&D +
[[lambda].sub.2] claim/R&D)
Estimate -0.1109 ** 0.8969 ** 0.0626 **
Standard error 0.0005 0.0041 0.0000
[chi square](6) statistic=12.2606
Model VIII ([lambda]=[[lambda].sub.0]+[[lambda].sub.1] citation/R&D +
[[lambda].sub.2] claim/R&D)
Estimate 0.0784 ** 0.1688 ** 0.2377 **
Standard error 0.000 0.0001 0.0001
[chi square](6) statistic =10.4784
[[micro]. sup.2.
sub.J] sub.J]
Model VII ([lambda]=[[lambda].sub.0]+[[lambda].sub.1], ties/R&D +
[[lambda].sub.2] claim/R&D)
Estimate -0.0758 ** 0.1262 **
Standard error 0.000 0.0000
[chi square](6) statistic=12.2606
Model VIII ([lambda]=[[lambda].sub.0]+[[lambda].sub.1] citation/R&D +
[[lambda].sub.2] claim/R&D)
Estimate -0.1084 ** 0.1283 **
Standard error 0.000 0.0002
[chi square](6) statistic =10.4784
* Significant at the 5% level.
** Significant at the 1% level.
Notes. We use GMM to estimate the eight unknown parameters implicit in
the option-pricing model with two science variables explaining the
jump probability. Fourteen instruments are used to construct the
moment conditions: constant; total assets, A; R&D stock, S; dummy
whether the firm applies rDNA technologies, recombinant technology;
number of patents applied for in year t scaled by R&D stock; future
citation-weighted patent counts applied for in year t/R&D stock;
claim-weighted patent counts in year t/R&D stock; the age of firm; the
age of the biotech industry; number of star articles scaled by R&D
stock; top-quality universities; Underwriter reputation; debt level;
maturity of debt. For each model, the degrees of freedom is 6. Both
models are estimated for the full sample with 727 firm-year
Newey and West Tests of Several Hypotheses
(1) (2)
Benchmark model Model VII Model VIII
Null hypothesis [H.sub.0]: [H.sub.0]:
[[lambda].sub.1] = 0 [[lambda].sub.1] = 0
(ties/R&D does not (citation/R&D does
explain the jump not explain the jump
probability) probability)
[chi square] statistics [chi square](1)=12.45 [chi square](1)=19.41
Accept or reject? Reject Reject
(3) (4)
Benchmark model Model VII Model VIII
Null hypothesis [H.sub.0]: [H.sub.0]:
[[lambda].sub.1] = 0, [[lambda].sub.1] =
x2=0 (no science 0, 22-0 (no science
variable-related jump) variable-related
[chi square] statistics [chi square](2)=22.13 [chi square](2)=
Accept or reject? Reject Reject
Notes: This table computes the [chi square] statistics proposed in
Newey and West (1987). The first column tests the null hypothesis that
ties/R&D does not provide additional explanatory power in determining
the jump probability; the second column test the null hypothesis that
citation/R&D does not provide additional explanatory power; column (3)
tests against the hypothesis that there is no science variable-related
jump based on model VII; column (4) tests the hypothesis that there is
no science variable-related jump based on model VIII. All three
hypotheses are rejected.
Ordinary Least Squares Analysis of the Estimation Price-error
for the Option Pricing Model
Explanatory Coefficient (SE) for
Variable Model VII errors
Constant -0.2553 (0.4024)
Moneyness (D/([alpha]A+[beta]S) 2.2889 (1.4284)
Year dummies Omitted, none is significant
Other variables
Citation/R&D stock -0.0473 (0.0595)
Ties/R&D stock 0.0695 (0.2287)
Clam/R&D stock -0.0168 (0.0183)
Patent/R&D stock 0.4793 (0.4854)
Industry age 0.0113 (0.0435)
Total assets, A -0.0027 (0.0036)
R&D stock, S 0.0009 (0.0058)
Recombinant technology -0.2576 (0.2176)
Top-quality universities -0.2212 * (0.1046)
Age of the firm 0.0829 (0.0436)
Debt level 0.0036 (0.0119)
Underwriter ranking 0.1041 ** (0.0342)
Debt maturity 0.1023 (0.3421)
[R.sup.2] 0.03388
Adjusted [R.sup.2] 0.01626
Explanatory Coefficient (SE) for
Variable Model VIII errors
Constant -0.3118 (0.7997)
Moneyness (D/([alpha]A+[beta]S) 2.7822 (2.0230)
Year dummies Omitted, none is significant
Other variables
Citation/R&D stock -0.0392 (0.0298)
Ties/R&D stock 0.2525 (0.2866)
Clam/R&D stock -0.0111 (0.0179)
Patent/R&D stock 0.5903 (0.4293)
Industry age 0.0001 (0.0695)
Total assets, A -0.0053 (0.0047)
R&D stock, S 0.0050 (0.0075)
Recombinant technology -0.2643 (0.2848)
Top-quality universities -0.2462 (0.1370)
Age of the firm 0.0978 (0.0566)
Debt level 0.0058 (0.0155)
Underwriter ranking 0.1042 * (0.0443)
Debt maturity 0.1112 (0.3301)
[R.sup.2] 0.03362
Adjusted [R.sup.2] 0.00765
N = 727.
* Significant at the 5% level
** Significant at the 1% level
Notes: This presents the results of the OLS analysis to see which
variables contribute to the pricing errors of the option-pricing model.
The option model values are calculated from model VII and Model VIII,
respectively. The estimation errors, Price-error, are defined as:
Price-error-(option model value observed market value)/observed market
value. The regression in this table is specified as:
Price-[error.sub.j] = [[beta].sub.0] + [[beta].sub.1] [Moneyness.sub.j]
+ [[beta].sub.2-12] Year [Dumnues.sub.j] + [[beta].sub.13-20] Other
[Variables.sub.j + [epsilon]]. Moneyness in the regression is defined
as the ratio between the debt level and [alpha]A + [beta]S (the
underlying asset in the option model: the weighted sum of the firm's
tangible and intangible assets). Standard errors are in parentheses
to the right of the parameter estimates.
The Effect of Intellectual Capital on the Firm's Market
Valuation--Estimated from Model VII Based on claim/R&D
and ties/R&D
Mean SD Minimum Maximum
Descriptive Statistics (N = 723)
Firm's market value 105.21 238.03 0.15 3007.00
Option model value 104.91 237.38 0.30 2683.00
The value of technological jumps 1.34 5.21 0.00 77.20
Number of Option Marginal
Number of ties/R&D claim/R&D Modal Value Increase
The Effect of Knowledge Capital on the Variability of Biotech Firm's
Market Value
0 0 110.41 0.00
Mean 0.09 Mean 6.65 112.30 1.89
Mean + 1*SD 0.63 Mean + 1*SD 27.05 118.02 5.72
Mean + 2*SD 1.17 Mean + 2*SD 47.45 123.66 5.64
Notes: In this table, we study the effect of knowledge capital on the
biotech firms' market value based on model VI. In the top, we report
the statistics of the estimated values for the select sample (four
outliers are dropped). Here, the option-pricing model values are
calculated based on the estimates of model VII in Table 3. We define
the option premium of knowledge capital as the difference between
model values estimated from model VII and the model values estimated
from model VII but with the constraints [[lambda].sub.1] =
[[lambda].sub.2] = 0 imposed. The lower part reports how the changes
in the firm-specific knowledge capital measures (ties/R&D, claim/R&D)
affect the variability of the biotech firm's market values. The
calculation is also based on the model VII in Table 3. Here, we study
a hypothesized firm, which has the mean values for the variables. We
calculate how the increase in the firm's intellectual measures changes
the market value of this hypothesized firm. All nominal variables are
in terms of million U.S. dollars.
The Effect of Intellectual Capital on the Firm's Market
Valuation--Estimated from Model VIII Based on claim/R&D
and citation/R&D
Mean SD Minimum Maximum
Descriptive Statistics (N 723)
Firm's market value 105.21 238.03 0.15 3007.00
Option model value 105.28 234.14 0.30 2783.00
The value of technological jumps 5.25 12.34 0.00 174.00
Number of Number of Option Marginal
citation/R&D claim/R&D Model Value Increase
The Effect of Knowledge Capital on the Variability of Biotech
Firm's Market Value
0 0 109.01 0.00
Mean 2.17 Mean 6.65 119.98 10.97
Mean + 1*SD 11.18 Mean + 1*SD 27.05 148.54 28.56
Mean + 2*SD 20.19 Mean + 2*SD 47.45 179.79 31.25
Notes: In this table, we study the effect of knowledge capital on the
biotech firms' market value based on model VIII. In the top, we report
the statistics of the estimated values for the select sample (four
outliers are dropped). Here, the option-pricing model values are
calculated based on the estimates of model VIII in Table 3. We define
the option premium of knowledge capital as the difference between
model values estimated from model VIII and the model values estimated
from model VIII but with the constraints [[lambda].sub.2] =
[[lambda].sub.2] = 0 imposed. The lower part reports how the changes
in the firm-specific knowledge capital measures (citation/R&D,
claim/R&D) affect the variability of the biotech firm's market
values. The calculation is also based on the model VIII in Table 3.
Here, we study a hypothesized firm, which has the mean values for the
variables. We calculate how the increase in the firm's intellectual
measures changes the market value of this hypothesized firm. All
nominal variables are in terms of million U.S. dollars.
(1.) For example, Lev and Sougiannis (1999) show that the omission of R&D capital is the key factor explaining the falling relevance of
accounting earnings and book values to stock prices.
(2.) Griliches (1981), Jaffe (1986), Megna and Klock (1993), Hall
(1993), and Hall et al. (2000) all follow this basic approach.
(3.) Merton (1968, 61) on risk-taking by Nobel laureates:
"They display a high degree of venturesome fortitude. They are
prepared to tackle important though difficult problems rather than
settle for easy and secure ones." An example may help. Early on,
Genentech elected to attempt to make the fundamental breakthroughs
required to produce human insulin from bacteria because the firm's
cofounder and scientific leader, Herbert Boyer, saw it as the
highest-payoff research program. Though many scientists thought it was
impossible, the coinventor of genetic engineering was able to put
together a team to make it happen.
(4.) Lev and Sougiannis (1999), for example, suggest that S(t)
could be proxied by the firm's discounted cumulative R&D
(5.) Bates (1991) shows the relationship between the actual jump
components and the risk-adjusted jump components. He convincingly
demonstrates that the actual jump probability normally has the same sign
as the risk-adjusted jump probability, but the risk-adjusted jump size
is always downwardly biased compared to actual jump size.
(6.) Bates (1996), Heston (1993), and Bakshi et al. (1997) use the
same approach.
(7.) See Darby and Zucker (2002) for a full discussion of
metamorphic technological progress and the predominance of its
entry-generating (as opposed to incumbent-enhancing) form.
(8.) Some of the public firms were traded in local exchanges or
through OTC. This explains why we can only find trading information for
129 out of 156 firms from CRSP and Compustat.
(9.) As an input measure, it is uncertain whether a depreciation
rate or appreciation rate applies in cumulating tied articles.
Sensitivity experiments discussed in the appendix led us to accept prior
practice and cumulate without adjustment.
(10.) We also tried total assets and the number of employees to
control for firm size. The empirical results are qualitatively the same
whichever variable is used to scale the knowledge capital measures.
(11.) See, for example, Hall et al. (2000).
(12.) We try g = 0.3 or even g = 0.5 and find the estimated results
are not sensitive to the values of g.
(13.) Debt maturity is calculated as the McCauley duration of the
firm's debts with different maturities. Let [C.sub.t] stand for the
level of debt that matures in t year. We have
(14.) When we calculate the firm's cumulative R&D
expenditures, we assume that the firm's R&D investment
depreciates, like knowledge represented by patents, by 20% annually.
(15.) It is difficult to distinguish between this simple
statistical bias explanation and one based on fraudulent initial public
offerings because the 117 excluded observations in model I are primarily
for firms brought public by less reputable underwriters.
(16.) All four of the knowledge capital measures are correlated,
and two of them at one time appears to be the limit of our ability to
estimate the model given current soft- and hardware.
(17.) In regressions not reported here, we experimented with
different combinations of the four knowledge-capital indicators examined
in Table 2, but only the two combinations reported in Table 3 passed the
[chi square] test.
(18.) Amgen's market value in 1989 was $73.34 billion, which
represents a sudden increase from $16.23 billion in 1988. However,
Amgen's knowledge capital, measured by citation/R&D or
ties/R&D, did not change so dramatically. The major change was the
Food and Drug Administration's June 1989 licensing under the U.S.
orphan drug program of Epogen for treatment of anemia associated with
end-stage renal disease. Medicare's program for this disease
ensured a large growing market for this vital drug. Obviously, it is not
due to any technology reason. Therefore, we delete Amgen from our
(19.) Because the distribution of knowledge capital on any measure
is so skewed, there is a relatively small difference between the firm
values estimated for the mean and zero-value of knowledge capital. It is
only in the upper tail that knowledge capital really pays off.
(20.) We believe the ties measure works well because it measures
the extent to which star scientists are participating in bench-level
science with firm employees and thus transferring their crucial tacit
knowledge protected by natural excludability. Stephan and Everhart
(1998; see also related work surveyed in Stephan 1996) have attempted to
link academic scientists to firms using such devices as participation in
scientific advisory boards; but these relationships are typically
shallow and frequently overlapping. (For example, the same scientist is
frequently a member of more than one scientific advisory board at the
same time.) In contrast, tied articles indicate deep relationships
(shown through fieldwork often to include equity stakes) and are almost
always monogamous or at least serially monogamous (Zucker et al. 2002b).
These scientists strongly tend to stay involved with the firms they
found or collaborate with, getting greatly increased research support
and wealth as a result (Zucker and Darby 1996).
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* This research has been supported by grants from the University of
California Systemwide Biotechnology Research and Education Program, the
University of California's Industry-University Cooperative Research
Program, and the Alfred P. Sloan Foundation through the NBER Research
Program on Industrial Technology and Productivity. We are grateful to
Hongbin Cai, Harold Demsetz, Josh Lerner, Philip Leslie, David Levine,
Shijun Liu, Ren6 M. Stulz, and an anonymous referee for useful
suggestions. We also thank participants in various UCLA seminars,
especially Marc Junkunc and Yuan Gao, for helpful comments. Andrew Jing
and Marc Junkunc assisted in developing new elements of the Zucker-Darby
database for use in this article. Any errors and omissions are our own
responsibilities. This study is a part of the NBER's research
program in productivity. Any opinions expressed are those of the authors
and not those of their universities, McKinsey & Company, or the
National Bureau of Economic Research.
Darby: Warren C. Cordner Professor of Money and Financial Markets,
Anderson Graduate School of Management, UCLA Box 951481, Los Angeles, CA
90095. Phone 1-310-825-4180, Fax 1-310-454-2748, E-mail
[email protected]
Liu: Assistant Professor of Finance and Economics, School of
Economics and Finance, University of Hong Kong, Pokfulam Road, Hong Kong and McKinsey & Company, Inc., Asian Corporate Finance and Strategy
Practice, 25/F Cheung Kong Centre, 2 Queen's Road, Central, Hong
Kong. Phone 852-2859-1059, Fax 852-2548-1152, E-mail
[email protected]
Zucker: Professor of Sociology and Policy Studies, UCLA Box 951551,
Los Angeles, CA 90095. Phone 1-310-825-9155 Fax 1-310-454-2748, E-mail
zucker@ ucla.edu