Impacts of long-range increases in the fuel economy (CAFE) standard.
Kleit, Andrew N.
In 1975 the U.S. government enacted legislation regulating the fuel
efficiency of new motor vehicles. The apparent objective of this law is
to reduce American dependence on foreign oil. After large increases in
the price of petroleum in the late 1990s, and with continued conflict in
the Middle East, corporate average fuel economy (CAFE) standards once
again became a topic of interest. A number of proposals for changing the
CAFE standards were discussed in Congress in early 2002, culminating in
a defeat in the Senate of an amendment that would have required a 50%
increase in the relevant CAFE standards. In place of that increase, the
Senate voted to require the executive branch to examine the impact of
further increases in the CAFE standard.
This work evaluates the long-term economic implications of raising
the standard by 3.0 miles per gallon (MPG) above current levels. In
industry parlance, this approach is sometimes referred to as
"technology forcing." I choose 3.0 MPG because it reflects the
focus of a May 2001 report by the vice president's task force on
energy policy and because it reflects several legislative proposals in
Congress. (1) The long term refers to a length of time such that
manufacturers can adjust vehicle technologies and powertrain designs to
reduce the amount of fuel required to move a given amount of mass or to
achieve a given amount of performance or acceleration per gallon of fuel
consumed. Previous work on CAFE standards, such as Kleit (1990) and
Thorpe (1997), focused on short-term responses to higher CAFE standards,
where technology forcing was not an option for manufacturers.
The analysis is conducted under two different scenarios. The first
scenario is that CAFE standards are not binding in the current
marketplace. The second scenario takes account of the current impact of
CAFE standards and then analyzes the costs and benefits of increasing
the standards. The costs of CAFE standards are broken down into two
areas: the changes in consumer and producer surplus, and the increase in
externalities caused by the increased driving that higher CAFE standards
The plan of this article is as follows. Section II reviews the
history of CAFE standards and briefly discusses the rationale for the
regulation. Section III develops a model in which the current CAFE
standard is assumed to be nonbinding. Section IV provides estimates of
the impacts for a long-term 3.0 MPG CAFE increase under the assumption
that the current standard is not binding. Section V then revises the
model to take into account the arguably more realistic assumption that
the existing CAFE standard was in fact binding. It then reports
estimates for a long-term 3.0 MPG increase. Section VI provides a brief
cost-benefit analysis of CAFE increases, and section VII provides a
summary and conclusion.
A Brief History of the CAFE Program
The CAFE program, as enacted in 1975, called for all manufacturers
selling more than 10,000 autos per year in the United States to reach
the mandated CAFE levels. CAFE levels rose from 19.0 MPG in 1978 to 27.5
MPG in 1985 and later years. A manufacturer's domestic and foreign
cars are placed in separate CAFE categories, based on the domestic
context of the vehicle. If a car has over 75% American context, it is
considered domestic and placed in the domestic pool. Otherwise, it is
placed in the foreign car pool (see Kleit 1990 for a discussion).
Light trucks (pickup trucks, sport-utility vehicles [SUVs], and
minivans) were placed in a different CAFE pool than cars. When CAFE
standards were originally passed, these vehicles represented a small
fraction of the relevant market. By 2001, however, such vehicles made up
approximately one-half of the sales of personal vehicles. In 2001, light
trucks were required to reach 20.7 MPG. (There is no domestic and
foreign division in the CAFE regulation for light trucks.)
If a review process finds that a manufacturer has not met the CAFE
standard, that manufacturer is subject to a civil fine. The level of
that fine is now set equal to $55 per car-MPG for each manufacturer. For
example, if a manufacturer producers 1 million cars with an average MPG
of 26.5, when the CAFE standard equals 27.5 MPG, that firm could be
subject to a fine of $55 * 1,000,000 * (27.5 - 26.5) = $55 million. CAFE
standards are calculated using harmonic averaging, as described below.
One important aspect of the impact of CAFE standards is that
foreign firms appear to view the CAFE fine as a mere tax. Thus, several
foreign firms, such as BMW and Mercedes-Benz, have routinely paid CAFE
fines. In contrast, American firms have stated that they view CAFE
standards as binding. Were they to violate the standards, American firms
claim that they would therefore be liable for civil damages in
stockholder suits. Even Chrysler, now owned by Daimler-Benz, has made it
clear it is unwilling to pay CAFE fines. CAFE standards thus impose a
shadow tax equal to the value of the relevant Lagrange multiplier on
constrained domestic producers. Because the shadow tax of the CAFE
constraint can be far higher than $55 per car-MPG, this implies that
CAFE standards are not terribly binding on foreign firms and far more
binding on U.S. firms.
As stated, higher CAFE standards were defeated in the U.S. Senate
in early 2002. In addition, in the summer of 2002 the state of
California passed legislation limiting the average output (by firm) from
new automobiles of carbon dioxide per mile. Because the current method
of reducing carbon dioxide emissions from vehicles is to raise fuel
economy, California's law is effectively another form of CAFE
In 2003, the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA)
issued rules-raising CAFE standards for trucks by 1.5 MPG by model year
2007. Congressional proposals to raise CAFE standards continue to be
discussed in both houses of Congress.
If CAFE Is the Answer, Exactly What Is the Question?
At the margin, consumers equate the price of gasoline (the
"internal" cost) with the marginal value of its consumption.
In the absence of any externality, the marginal value of the use of a
gallon of gas equals its price, and there is no public benefit from
reducing the consumption of gasoline. Where externalities exist,
economic theory is clear that the optimal policy is to set a level of
stringency at which the marginal benefit of consumption of a gallon of
gasoline equals the marginal cost plus the level of the relevant
Thus the question becomes one of determining what the relevant
externality is. A recent report of the National Research Council (NRC)
attempted to quantify this externality. (2) The NRC concluded that the
high level externality associated with the consumption of a gallon of
gasoline amounts to $0.26 per gallon. (For the purposes of this work, I
will assume this amount is both an average and a marginal benefit.)
The NRC divides the estimate into three components: $0.12 per
gallon for adverse global climate effects, $0.12 per gallon for oil
import effects, and $0.02 for changes in other pollution emissions at
the refining level. Each estimate is subject to criticism. For example,
there is a wide range of uncertainty about measuring the relevant
externality for climate change. Several previous estimates imply that
the climate change externality is between 1 and 4 cents a gallon,
implying that the NRC may have overestimated this externality by a
factor of at least three (see Toman and Shogren 2000).
The $0.12 per gallon estimate for oil import is also subject to
criticism. The basis of this estimate is that the United States has
market power in the purchasing of petroleum. Thus, if the United States
were to reduce its demand for petroleum, the price of oil would decline.
This estimate assumes, however, that CAFE changes can have a material
influence on worldwide energy supply and demand. Because the United
States only has about 26% of world oil consumption, (3) however, and
there seems to be significant elasticity to the supply of oil, the
United States does not appear to have any significant monopsony power in
this market. Finally, it is unclear how reducing domestic consumption
increases "oil security." Oil is traded in a world market,
implying that it is difficult to insulate the United States from price
shocks originating anywhere in the world. Reviewing such factors, Bohi
and Toman (1996) conclude that there is no discernible oil import or
energy security premium, though this question is subject to serious
The NRC also allocates an externality of $0.02 per gallon for
emissions of criteria pollutants from refiners. To the extent refiners
are already under emission caps, it is unclear what effect higher CAFE
standards would have on refinery emissions. CAFE standards, however, are
not likely to reduce the emissions of traditional pollutants, volatile
organic compounds (VOCs), oxides of nitrogen (NOx), and carbon monoxide (CO) from automobiles at the street level. These traditional pollutants
are regulated by the Environmental Protection Agency on a per-mile
basis. Thus CAFE does nothing to change the grams/mile emissions.
However, if CAFE standards increase miles driven, via what is termed the
rebound effect, they can be expected to increase emissions of
traditional pollutants (see Espey 1997). Indeed, the results indicate
that higher CAFE standards serve to increase the emissions of
traditional pollutants. (4)
In addition, the gains to society from reducing the consumption of
gasoline may be reduced or eliminated because gasoline is already a
highly taxed good. (5) The question becomes one of how much of those
funds are recycled back into funds to build and support roadways and
therefore might better be viewed as user fees rather than attempts to
combat externalities.
Greene (1997) asserts that a further rationale for CAFE standards
is that purchasers of automobiles cannot truly estimate the fuel costs
of their vehicles, and this is the "market failure" NHTSA
alluded to in its 2003 truck proceedings. Nivola and Crandall (1995, 27)
counter that fuel costs are prominently displayed for the consumer to
read. Indeed, it is difficult to think of an automobile attribute that
is better communicated to consumers. Even if consumers do have trouble
obtaining and processing this information, however, it is unclear why
the level of fuel economy offered in the market should be biased either
above or below the efficient level.
Many of the theoretical details of this model are similar to what I
used in my previous work on the impact of CAFE standards in the short
run, (6) and I will not repeat that discussion here. The model begins
with a set of supply and demand elasticities and initial conditions in
prices and quantities. It assumes that demand and supply curves are
linear. It then imposes a set of implicit CAFE taxes on each constrained
firm such that in equilibrium each constrained firm reaches the relevant
CAFE standard. I begin the analysis under the assumption that CAFE is
not currently binding.
Base Year and Categories
Given the availability of data, model year (MY) 1999 was chosen as
the base year (all dollar figures are therefore in 1999 dollars). Light
vehicles were broken down into 11 categories. Cars are broken into five
categories (1) small; (2) midsize; (3) large; (4) sports; and (5)
luxury. Trucks are broken down into (6) small pickups; (7) large
pickups; (8) small SUVs; (9) large SUVs; (10) minivans; and (11) vans.
For convenience, the data are broken down into four firms, General
Motors (GM), Ford, Daimler-Chrysler (domestic production), and Other.
The other firms consist of several foreign concerns, such as BMW, Honda,
Mercedes-Benz, and Toyota. The relevant numbers and the MPGs for each
firm/category, are presented in Table 1. (7)
Transaction prices are generated by taking the average price for
each category in the GM model supplied by GM economists. Data on MPGs
was also supplied by GM.
Demand Side
Elasticities and cross-elasticities between categories are
calculated using the internal GM demand model. The GM model starts by
using conjoint analysis (similar to, for example, Roe et al. 1996) of
different vehicle attributes, based on the responses of about 4,000
"clinic" participants. These results are combined with
estimates from market data and other clinics of the interactions between
new and used vehicles in different segments to estimate the own-price
elasticity for each nameplate. Thus one of the outputs of the model is
an estimate of the change in sales for each vehicle nameplate (e.g.,
Chevrolet Cavalier) as its price changes.
This information is, in turn, combined with survey data on the
second choices of about 90,000 new vehicle buyers from all manufacturers
to estimate the cross-elasticities among nameplates in a method similar
to Bordley (1993). These results are then aggregated into own- and
cross-price elasticities for all vehicles in a given market segment. The
estimates are updated every year.
The model given to me starts with base quantities and prices for MY
1999. In response to a new vector of auto prices, it will calculate a
new vector of quantities sold. I therefore calculate elasticities and
cross-elasticities by raising the price of all vehicles in a particular
category by 1% and determining the resulting percentage change in
demand, not only in that category but for all other categories as well.
Because 10.0% of cars are placed in a category designated as Other in
the GM model, all elasticities are multiplied by 0.90. (The calculated
elasticities are presented in Table 14.)
Supply Side
Consistent with my previous work, I assume that the supply side is
competitive with an elasticity of supply in the short run of 2. (8) In
the longer run, supply is generally more elastic, as firms have a longer
time to adjust to new conditions. Therefore, for the long-run model, I
assume an elasticity of supply of 4. Because CAFE standards divide cars
into domestic and foreign fleets, this essentially implies for the
purpose of this model that (Daimler) Chrysler is two firms, one domestic
and one foreign.
A competitive model is used for two reasons. First, the market is
becoming more competitive over time. For example, in 1999 the Big 3
American firms had less than 50%, of the small car market. Although the
truck market in 1999 was apparently less competitive, all indications
are that Asian firms will be entering these segments aggressively.
Second, in the context of the 1999 market, where firms own both domestic
and foreign production under the CAFE law, creating an Cournot-Nash
equilibrium is more difficult. A Cournot equilibrium in this case is
usually calculated by assuming that each firm has a fixed marginal cost
and solving backward. In this case, however, that is unrealistic. Ford,
for example, produces both Lincoln Continentals (domestic) and Jaguars
(foreign). With the typical Cournot assumption and CAFE shadow taxes on
Lincolns, Ford would simply shift all production out of Lincolns into
The differences between the results assuming a competitive model
and using an oligopolistic model depend on the relative demand
elasticities between larger and smaller cars (see Kleit 1990, 166-70).
CAFE shadow taxes result in an increase in small car production and a
decrease in large car production. When the demand for large cars is more
elastic than the demand for small cars, this can reduce or even
eliminate the deadweight loss associated with CAFE standards. The reason
for this is that in such a market, relative to the production of large
cars, there are too few small cars produced. In the demand structure
employed here, however, the demand for large vehicles is generally less
elastic than the demand for small vehicles. (9)
Treatment of Foreign Firms
As discussed in section II, CAFE standards call for a fine of $55
per car-MPG to be assessed to firms that do not meet the standard.
Domestic firms have always asserted that for corporate policy and legal
reasons, paying a fine is not an option. Therefore, the standard is
modeled as binding on them. Foreign firms, however, appear to view the
fine as equivalent to a tax. Several foreign firms with relatively small
volumes over the years have paid this tax to the federal government. The
larger foreign firms, however, have traditionally sold a mix of smaller,
more fuel-efficient vehicle mixes and have not been bound by CAFE
standards. This model therefore treats the foreign sector as unbound by
The Technology Forcing Model
In my previous work (Kleit 1990), I assumed that manufacturers
could not change the technology of their vehicles. This was done because
the time period in question was short run, where technology innovation
could not reach the market in time. In such circumstances, manufacturers
must "mix shift" (sell fewer large cars and more small cars)
to meet CAFE standards.
The circumstances evaluated here, however, relate to the long run.
In this case, firms can meet higher CAFE standards by either mix
shifting or improving their fuel-efficiency technology. Therefore, in
this section I present a model of technology forcing, in which firms
increase the fuel efficiency of particular vehicles in response to CAFE
standards. (10)
According to the method by which the statute defines a firm's
average MPG, a firm that does not meet the CAFE standard has total CAFE
fine equal to
(1) F = [lambda] ([T.summation over i=1] [Q.sub.i] (S - MPG), S
> MPG,
where [lambda] is the shadow cost of compliance, S is the CAFE
standard, and [Q.sub.i] is the quantity of each model type i sold by the
firm. Under the CAFE standard, a firm's MPG is defined as a
harmonic average,
(2) MPG = [T.summation over i=1] [Q.sub.i]/[T.summation over i=1]
where MP[G.sub.i] is the mileage for each type of car sold by the
relevant firm.
In this model, the firm faces total cost
(3) TC = [SIGMA] [C.sub.i]([Q.sub.i], MP[G.sub.i]) + F,
where [C.sub.i] represents the costs of one model and i is an index
of models. Here the cost for MP[G.sub.i] is net of consumer demand for
MPG. Thus I assume that a firm will invest in fuel efficiency in a world
without CAFE standards as long as the firm finds it profitable to do so,
that is, consumers are willing to pay for fuel economy increases. Under
this assumption, the free market net marginal cost of fuel economy is 0,
(11) as the marginal cost of fuel economy will equal the marginal return
of fuel economy to the consumer.
I define the cost function for any vehicle type i as
(4) T[C.sub.i] = [C.sub.i]([Q.sub.i]) +
where [D.sub.i] represents the cost of fuel economy. Note that here
and in following references [D.sub.i] refers to the net cost of fuel
economy. I will discuss how the marginal cost of fuel economy relates to
the CAFE standard. Inserting the impact of fuel economy standards, total
cost becomes
(5) TC = [T.summation over i=1] (C[[Q.sub.i]] +
[Q.sub.i][D.sub.i][MP[G.sub.i]]) + ([lambda] [T.summation over i=1]
[Q.sub.i]) x (S - [[T.summation over i=1]
Minimizing total (net) costs with respect to MP[G.sub.i] yields
(6) dTC/dMP[G.sub.i] = [Q.sub.i](d[D.sub.i]/dMP[G.sub.i]) -
[lambda]MP[G.sup.2][Q.sub.i]/MP[G.sup.2.sub.i] = O.
If the constraint is binding, MPG = S and
(7) d[D.sub.i]/dMP[G.sub.i] = [lambda][S.sup.2]/MP[G.sup.2.sub.i].
This defines the level of technology forcing undergone by the firm.
Given this and MP[G.sub.i], a firm has marginal cost of production
in type i of
(8) dTC/d[Q.sub.i] = dC/d[Q.sub.i] + [D.sub.i](MP[G.sub.i]) +
[lambda][(S - MPG) - [SIGMA] [Q.sub.i](1/[SIGMA] (MP[G.sub.i]) -
([SIGMA] [Q.sub.i]/[([SIGMA][[Q.sub.i]/MP[G.sub.i]]).sup.2]) x
(1/MP[G.sub.i]))] = dC/d[Q.sub.i] + [D.sub.i](MP[G.sub.i]) + [lambda][S
- 2MPG + (MP[G.sup.2]/MP[G.sub.i])].
In equilibrium, S = MPG, which implies
(9) dTC/d[Q.sub.i] = dC/d[Q.sub.i] + [D.sub.i](MP[G.sub.i]) +
[lambda]S([S/MP[G.sub.i]] - 1),
This equation defines the CAFE-induced marginal cost of production,
which is set equal to price in the next model. It also implies that an
important element of the model is an estimate of [lambda], the shadow
CAFE tax.
The model requires for both cars and trucks an estimated function
(10) d[D.sub.i]/dMPG = a[DELTA]MPG + b[([DELTA]MPG).sup.2],
where [DELTA]MPG equals the change in MPG above the unconstrained
market level. I expected both coefficients a and b to be positive.
Consistent with the discussion, in this model, D = 0 at the MY 1999
equilibrium level ([DELTA]MPG = 0), making the assumption that at this
point CAFE standards were just nonbinding. Without binding CAFE
standards, firms should invest in fuel economy up to the point where
consumers are willing to pay for it.
For estimates of the cost of fuel economy (the coefficient b above)
I take up the results in from Table 1 of Greene and Hopson (2003), here
presented as Table 2. Greene and Hopson assume a formula Total Gross
Costs = a([DELTA]MPG/MP[G.sub.0]) + b[([DELTA]MPG/MP[G.sub.0]).sup.2],
where MP[G.sub.0] is the initial MPG. Of relevance are two curves Greene
and Hopson estimated for the gross cost of fuel improvements. The curves
are estimated from data from the Sierra Research Report and from 2002
data supplied by K. G. Duleep. (12) In addition, I take three curves
estimated from NRC results, as presented in Greene and Hopson, although
these have been subject to significant criticisms in the 2003 NHTSA
truck proceedings.
To break these results down into net (of fuel economy) costs I
assume MP[G.sub.0] is 27.5 for cars and 20.7 for tracks, and I assume
gasoline costs $1.25 per gallon, Assuming a discount rate for fuel
economy is more difficult. As Orazio et al. (2000) show, many automobile
purchasers are liquidity constrained and therefore face implicit
discount rates much higher than the market level. Following along this,
Sutherland (2000) suggests that discount rates for these types of
purchases should be raised far above market levels. The basic rationale
for this is that auto purchases represent irrevocable commitments. Real
options analysis, along the lines of Dixit and Pindyck (1994), implies
that such commitments should attain higher interest rates. Given this
line in the literature, I will take the medium point in Train's
(1985) analysis and use a discount rate of 20% for consumer purchases.
Given a discount rate of 20%, I derive that drivers drive about
55,000 net present miles (this is taken from NHTSA's estimate of
survival rates and miles driven for trucks) and gasoline costs $1.25 per
gallon. (13) Therefore, the cost of gasoline to truck purchasers is 1.25
* 55,000/MPG. The initial cost of gasoline is therefore 1.25 *
55,000MP[G.sub.0], and the change in gasoline costs is (1.25 *
55,000/MP[G.sub.i]) - (1.25 * 55,000MP[G.sub.0]). (Of course, a similar
formula applies for cars.)
Consistent with the discussion, I then eliminate all the data where
the net marginal cost (changes in the cost of innovation plus changes in
the fuel cost of driving) of fuel improvement is negative. I then
estimate the net cost of fuel economy as a function of
[([DELTA]MPG).sup.2]. The coefficients I derived are in Table 3. (14)
For my base analysis, I take the median result from Table 3. However, 1
will also estimate the costs using the low and high cost scenarios from
that table.
It should be noted that the long-term model implicitly assumes that
the vehicle manufacturers have perfect foresight with respect to the
demand for fuel economy several years into the future. With this perfect
foresight, firms can reach all of the CAFE-mandated increases in fuel
economy through technology forcing without the need to resort to far
more expensive short-run mix shifting. Given the uncertainties inherent
in the market for energy, which is crucial to the demand for fuel
economy, the perfect foresight assumption would appear to result in a
conservative estimate of the long-run cost of CAFE standards (see Kleit
The Gasoline Consumption Model
Once the relevant market equilibrium has been calculated, the
impact of that market equilibrium on gasoline consumption must be
estimated. Two important factors must be considered here. First, CAFE
standards put some or most new car buyers in more fuel-efficient
vehicles. This lowers their marginal cost of driving and causes them to
drive more, a phenomenon referred to as the rebound effect. A recent
study Greene et al. (1999), accepted by NHTSA in its 2003 proceedings
and whose results I employ, finds that for every 10% that fuel economy
is increased, driving increases 2%.
In addition, several studies imply that changing conditions in the
new car market changes the actions of market participants in the used
car market. Higher prices in new car markets makes used cars more
attractive, reducing the scrappage rates of such cars. Here I adopt the
empirical estimates I used in my 1990 article. (Because these estimates
are in percentage terms, they are not obviously affected by the
improvements in automobile durability.) As in my previous work, a (real)
discount rate of 4% is used to analyze the net effect of gasoline
savings in later years.
Pollution Impacts
To model pollution emissions, one must know the emissions per mile
by model year and vintage. The difficulty here is that although
regulators set the standards at one level, emissions over time are
generally larger because on-board emission systems deteriorate and
automobile users fail to maintain and repair them. Data on emission
rates by model year and vintage were obtained from Air Improvement
Resources. (15)
Unlike the rest of the model, I use 2004 pollution characteristics
for the base year and years 1990-2003 for the stockage years. This is
because these levels are set by government regulation, and we can have
some confidence at this point in time that this will be the actual
emissions from MY 2004 and later vehicles.
Tables 4 and 5 present the results of raising the CAFE standard by
3.0 MPG for a one-year period far enough in the future so that it can be
considered long run. U.S. manufacturers between them would lose about
$463 million, and U.S. consumers would lose approximately $953 million.
(Consumer welfare losses are calculated along the lines of Braeutigam
and Noll 1984.) Total losses to producers and consumers therefore amount
to $1.415 billion.
It is also necessary to calculate the increase in externalities
caused by higher CAFE standards, along the lines of Table 6 CAFE
standards lead to more miles driven, which leads to increased accidents
and congestion. Edlin (1999, 4) estimates that accidents cost about 8
cents per additional mile driven. Lutter finds that the average
congestion cost per mile of vehicle use is about 2.4 cents per mile.
This is likely a conservative estimate of the congestion cost of extra
driving, because the marginal cost of congestion is expected to be
higher than the average cost. (16) On the other hand, NHTSA used a
figure of 6.15 cents per mile. Here I will an average of the more
conservative figures in the literature with an externality per mile of
10.4 cents (the Edlin estimate for accidents plus the Lutter estimate
for congestion) with the NHTSA estimate (6.15 cents), yielding an
externality cost of 8.27 cents per mile. (17)
In contrast, the economic value of the increases in pollution are
relatively small. The federal Office of Management and Budget (OMB)
values VOCs at approximately $0.51 to $2.36 per kg, and NOx at the same
level. CO, at least according to the OMB, appears to have no marginal
cost impact on the economy. (18) For purposes of this work, I choose an
externality cost of $1.43 per kg for both VOCs and NOx.
As Table 6 indicates, miles driven increase 26.3 billion, or 1.62%
of MY 1999 fleet levels. Pollution impacts are also presented in Table
6. Emissions of all three traditional pollutants rise between 1.73%, and
1.88%. This increase is due in large part to the rebound effect, which
causes more driving and more pollution.
The net externality cost of higher CAFE standards, using the
estimates presented in the preceding paragraphs, is $2.24 billion. As
Table 6 indicates, almost 99% of the increased externality costs come
from accidents and congestion.
In this model, gasoline consumption declines by 5.392 billion
gallons, or 7.21% of total fleet consumption. As Table 7 indicates, the
average cost of gasoline saved is $0.264 when using only consumer and
producer welfare effects and $0.700 per gallon when externality effects
are included.
The model does not explicitly generate a marginal cost per gallon
saved. To generate such a figure, I ran the model 50 times, for MPG
increases of 0.10 MPG at a time, for MPG increases ranging from 0.1 MPG
to 5.0 MPG. I then ran a regression of total cost on gallons saved,
gallons saved squared, and gallons saved cubed (costs in billion
dollars, gallons saved in billions). Taking the relevant derivatives and
solving for the amount of gasoline saved with a CAFE increase of 3.0 MPG
yields a marginal cost per gallon saved of $0.582 when only producer and
consumer effects are considered. The total marginal cost, including
externalities, is $0.934.
Table 8 presents the simulations with both the low cost and the
high cost of fuel improvement are used. Under the low-cost assumption,
the marginal cost of a gallon of gasoline save is $0.761, and with the
high-cost scenario it is $1.119. One of the factors these scenarios
reveal is that the higher the welfare cost of imposing CAFE standards,
the lower the externality effects. This is because as CAFE standards
become more expensive for consumers, fewer cars are bought, and fewer
automobile miles are driven.
All of the results of sections III and IV assume that the current
CAFE standard is not binding at today's standard but would be
binding for any increases. The NRC study, however, concludes that the
existing standards are in fact binding, and this is consistent with my
discussions with industry engineers and economists. I next turn to the
case of binding current constraints.
It is conceptually possible to calculate the impact of increasing
CAFE standards given that they are already binding. This is an important
consideration. It is a well-known result of public finance economics
that the losses due to taxation are a function of the taxes squared,
rather than simply a linear function of the taxes. If CAFE standards
were already binding in MY 1999, it implies that the approach used
underestimates the true loss to the economy of raising CAFE standards.
The first part of this section outlines the several-step process for
estimating this loss. The second part applies the methodology of the
first part to this market.
Modeling the Existing CAFE Shadow Tax
To make the estimation of the losses to increasing an
already-binding CAFE standard, I take the following steps. First, I
assume that U.S. firms in MY 1999 engaged in mix shifting but not
technology forcing as a result of CAFE standards. Second, I obtained
input ratios by car type for General Motors (GM) cars (with a Chevrolet
Malibu having an input ratio of 1.0). I assume that the marginal costs
of production for cars are a linear function of these input ratios.
Third, I assume that marketing and other costs (including goodwill)
constitute a constant fraction R of marginal costs. (Recall that because
a competitive model is being used here, price equals [total] marginal
cost.) In this context, assume that the shadow CAFE tax per MPG on
vehicles is L. Also assume that the PT equals the pass-through rate, the
rate at which changes in taxes are passed through to the final consumer.
This implies the equation
(11) (1 + R)M[C.sub.i ] + PT * L(S[(S/MP[G.sub.i]) - 1]) =
where [P.sub.i] equals price of car i, M[C.sub.i] equals marginal
cost of car i, S is the implicit CAFE standard (here it would be the
fleet MPG that actually occurred in MY 1999), MP[G.sub.i] is the miles
per gallon achieved by car i, and L(S[S/ MP[G.sub.i]] - 1) is the
formula for per-car MPG, derived from CAFE harmonic averaging. Because I
only have data on GM models (and only sufficient data on GM car models)
I estimate the value of L using least squares across GM car models.
Fourth, the implicit tax L calculated here applies directly only to
GM cars. I assumed that Ford and Chrysler have similar CAFE taxes on
their cars. Because they currently have CAFE levels roughly equivalent
to GM's, their implicit taxes may be similar to GM's. (In
fact, Ford and Chrysler had slightly lower fleet MPGs than GM in MY
1999.) I also assume that the CAFE tax on trucks is equal to the tax on
cars. Because there is substantial evidence that U.S. manufacturers have
had more difficulty reaching their CAFE standards for trucks rather than
cars, this assumption serves to underestimate the relevant loss to
Fifth, given an estimated CAFE shadow tax L, I ran the 1999 model
(the one presented already) backward, setting the CAFE tax at -L,
generating a new equilibrium in prices and quantities.
Sixth, the supply curves calculated for the initial model will have
the relevant values subtracted from its intercept terms to recalibrate
the model for the unconstrained scenario.
At this point I have a new initial no-CAFE or free market
equilibrium with demand and supply curves. The model can then be run for
firms to reach a particular CAFE standard. Changes in welfare from this
equilibrium to the higher CAFE standard equilibrium can then be
An additional problem comes from the multiproduct nature of the
market. This implies that taxes on one type of vehicle will impact
prices of other types of vehicle. Given this, it takes some work through
manipulation of supply and demand matrices to determine the pass-through
rates for each type of vehicles. This work is available on request.
For this model, the results of the impact of a CAFE tax by vehicle
type for GM cars are presented in Table 9. For every dollar of CAFE
shadow tax, dP/dt represents the pass-through rate for GM. For example,
every dollar of CAFE tax reduces the price of small cars by about $0.84,
and increases the price of luxury cars by about $0.88.
Table 10 presents the estimation results for the level of the CAFE
tax in MY 1999. The dependent variable is the price in thousand dollars
of GM cars. The two independent variables are the input ratios and the
coefficient on the CAFE tax, as implied by Table 9. The model is run
with and without a constant term. However, the estimated constant term
in model 1 has a very low t-statistic. Model 2, which is run without a
constant, has large t-statistics and a high [R.sup.2] (0.950). The
estimated shadow tax from this estimation is $1,652/MPG, and this is the
level used in the simulations to follow. (19)
Welfare Implications of Raising CAFE Standards Given that Standards
Are Already Binding
Tables 11 and 12 present the welfare changes as a result of raising
the long-run CAFE standard 3.0 MPG above the 1999 level, assuming a
short-run tax of $1,652 was binding in MY 1999 and using the median cost
of fuel technology scenario. As expected, the harm to the economy is
greater than that in the previous long-term model.
Total producer and consumer welfare losses to society from the MY
1999 equilibrium of raising the long-run CAFE standard 3.0 MPG are
$1.901 billion. Miles driven rise 26.151 billion from the MY 1999
equilibrium. Emissions of VOCs, NOx, and, CO rise between 1.74% to 1.91%
from the MY 1999 equilibrium. Total externality costs are $4.089
billion. Consumption of gasoline is reduced 5.240 billion gallons. The
average cost of reducing a gasoline externality is $0.363 from the MY
1999 equilibrium including only producer and consumer welfare terms.
Including externalities, the average cost of reducing a gasoline
externality is $0.780.
Total U.S. producer and consumer losses from the no-CAFE
equilibrium of raising the long-run CAFE standard 3.0 MPG are $1.946
billion. Miles driven rise 32.792 billion miles from the no-CAFE
equilibrium. Emissions of VOCs, NOx, and, CO rise from 2.12% to 2.26%
from the no-CAFE equilibrium. The total cost of CAFE related
externalities is $2.743 billion. Gasoline consumption falls 6.6 billion
gallons from the no-CAFE equilibrium. The average cost of reducing a
gasoline externality from the no-CAFE equilibrium is $0.295, including
only producer and consumer welfare losses, and $0.710 when including all
Similar to before, I use the results of Table 11 to estimate the
marginal cost of saving a gallon of gasoline. I generate 50 data points,
increasing the required fuel economy 0.1 MPG each time. I then regress gallons saved, linear, quadratic, and cubic terms on total cost. I then
can estimate the derivative of total cost with respect to gallon saved.
Given this, the marginal cost of reducing a gasoline consumption
externality is $0.695 in producer and consumer welfare terms, and $1.050
when including externalities.
Figure 1 graphs out the marginal cost per gallon saved as a
function of the increase in MPG. When the CAFE increase is 0.0 MPG (form
current levels), the marginal welfare cost per gallon saved is estimated
to be $0.10, with the externality cost estimated to be $0.440, for a
total welfare cost per gallon saved of $0.54. As the CAFE standard
increase, total marginal cost increases. However, the marginal external
cost decreases. As discussed, this results because as the cost to
consumers of CAFE standards increases, fewer automobiles are purchased,
and therefore fewer miles are driven.
Results for low and high cost scenarios are laid out in Table 13.
In the low-cost scenario the marginal cost of fuel economy is estimated
to be $0.827 per gallon, whereas that marginal cost is estimated to be
$1.283 in the high-cost scenario.
This section asks two questions. First, do the benefits of CAFE
standards exceed the costs? For benefits, I use the NRC figure of $0.26
per gallon of externality, although one could use NHTSA's far lower
figure of 8.3 cents. (20) Second, are CAFE standards cost-effective? In
this context, this means comparing the cost of CAFE standards to the
cost of a gasoline tax that would generate equivalent gasoline savings.
The discussion so far indicates the impact of a CAFE increase of
3.0 MPG. For cost-effectiveness measures, I need to know the level of
the tax that would generate equivalent gasoline savings. Pindyck (1979)
indicates that the elasticity of demand for gasoline over a five-year
period is approximately 0.49, a number that is roughly halfway between
short-run and long-run estimates by Dahl and Sterner (1991). I will also
assume a base gasoline consumption in the United States of 120 billion
gallons at an initial price of $1.25 per gallon and that the demand
curve for gasoline is linear in shape. Using these assumptions, it is
straightforward to determine the gasoline tax needed to reach the
desired level of gasoline savings.
Economic theory indicates under these assumptions that the total
loss to society from such a tax equals one-half the tax times the
reduction in the number of gallons of gasoline consumption, and the
marginal loss equals the level of the relevant tax. (21) Thus the
comparison here is between the gasoline savings of a one-year CAFE
standard increase of 3.0 MPG (announced credibly several years in
advance so that new technologies could be introduced) and an increase in
the gasoline tax years in advance that has long-run impacts in the same
year as the hypothetical CAFE standard increase.
Assuming that CAFE standards were not binding in 1999, the median
cost scenario implies that an increase in the CAFE standard of 3.0 MPG
decreased gasoline consumption by 5.392 billion gallons, for an average
cost per gallon in the base scenario of $0.70. This is about 2.7 times
the $0.26 per gallon benefit estimated by the NRC.
Using estimates for the long-run elasticity of gasoline demand, a
tax of $0.115 per gallon would be required to induce savings of 5.392
billion gallons of gasoline. Thus a tax would impose an average cost on
society of half of that amount, or $0.05775 per gallon. In other words,
the 3.0 MPG increase in the CAFE mandate would cost society 12 times
more than a gasoline tax increase saving the same amount of fuel. At the
margin, saving a gallon of gasoline costs the economy $0.93 in this
scenario, far higher than the $0.26 benefit estimated by the NRC.
Perhaps the more appropriate scenario is the one that compares a
mandated CAFE increase to a binding CAFE constraint in 1999. In that
scenario, gasoline consumption falls by 5.240 billion gallons per year,
for an average cost in the base scenario of $0.78 per gallon.
This is three times the NRC estimated benefits. This same reduction
in gasoline consumption could be achieved by a gasoline tax increase of
$0.111 cents per gallon, implying social costs of 0.05505 per gallon.
Thus, the $0.78 cost per gallon of CAFE standards would be approximately
14 times more costly to society than the tax that would save the same
amount of gasoline. At the margin, a gallon of gasoline saved by CAFE
standards costs $1.05, four times the NRC estimated benefits.
Increases in CAFE standards above current levels are neither
cost-effective nor cost-beneficial. Assuming that current CAFE standards
are already binding, in the long-run median cost scenario, increasing
the CAFE standard by more than 3.0 MPG would impose additional costs of
over $4 billion per year and reduce gasoline consumption by about 5.2
billion gallons per year. This amounts to about 12 times the cost of a
gas tax increase that would save the same amount of fuel. The long-term
marginal costs of the 3.0 MPG mandate would exceed the additional
benefits of avoided gasoline consumption externalities by a factor of
four to one.
CAFE standards suffer from a wealth of difficulties. They
discriminate against American production, they encourage people to drive
more, and retain their used vehicles longer, increase automobile
accidents and congestion, the emissions of several pollutants, and they
have the potential for serious consumer injury. If policy makers desire
to reduce energy consumption, it would seem they should focus their
attention on raising energy taxes.
CAFE: Corporate Average Fuel Economy
GM: General Motors
MPG: Miles Per Gallon
MY: Model Year
NHTSA: National Highway Traffic Safety Administration
NRC: National Research Council
OMB: Office of Management and Budget
SUV: Sport Utility Vehicle
VOC: Volatile Organic Compound
Initial Conditions--Prices and Quantities (Model Year 1999)
Initial Totals by Class Initial Quantities by Firms
(millions of units)
Prices Quantity
Class ($000) (million) MPG GM Ford Chrys. Forgn.
1 14.336 2.057 33.53 0.589 0.313 0.096 1.059
2 18.508 2.921 27.26 1.255 0.640 0.395 0.631
3 21.710 1.840 26.86 0.267 0.363 0.243 0.968
4 21.607 0.506 26.03 0.104 0.214 0.004 0.184
5 30.365 1.102 24.44 0.240 0.117 0.000 0.746
6 17.345 1.718 22.68 0.328 0.783 0.257 0.350
7 23.424 1.596 18.83 0.845 0.435 0.316 0.000
8 26.284 1.463 20.24 0.352 0.429 0.254 0.428
9 31.296 1.474 18.30 0.331 0.340 0.300 0.503
10 25.157 1.074 23.49 0.245 0.258 0.328 0.242
11 20.611 0.969 18.90 0.320 0.202 0.437 0.000
Initial MPG by Firms
(miles per gallon)
GM Ford Chrys. Forgn.
1 32.52 33.61 31.92 34.26
2 27.15 26.15 27.29 28.71
3 26.05 24.65 25.46 28.46
4 24.84 26.10 22.62 26.75
5 23.80 22.78 -- 24.94
6 24.56 22.61 19.25 23.59
7 19.34 18.43 17.60 --
8 21.36 19.78 20.85 23.17
9 16.91 16.36 18.53 20.20
10 23.72 22.44 23.70 24.46
11 19.78 17.77 18.04 --
Gross Cost of Fuel Economy
Improvement from Greene and Hopson
Data Source Cars Trucks
Sierra gross a = 1097, b = 7480 a = 2102, b = 6183
Greene-Hopson- a = 16, b = 9025 a = 219, b = 8772
NRC high cost a = 4211, b = 1430 a = 3917, b = 1020
NRC average a = 2461, b = 2359 a = 2529, b = 1588
NRC low a = 1337, b = 2404 a = 1559, b = 1689
Cost of Innovation Results
Cars Trucks
Sierra adjusted net 12.2 19.5
Greene-Hopson- 14.2 21.93
Duleep adjusted net
NRC high cost 12.9 11.9
NRC average 5.81 15.35
NRC low 5.25 7.52
Median 10.07 15.24
Low 5.28 7.52
High 14.2 21.93
Price and Output Effects of CAFE Increase of 3.0 MPG for Both Cars
and Trucks
Output by Firms
Totals by Change from (millions of
Class Initial units)
Prices Quantity Prices Quantity GM Ford
Class ($000) (million) ($000) (million)
1 14.290 2.079 -0.046 0.022 0.606 0.329
2 18.555 2.898 0.047 -0.023 1.237 0.631
3 21.766 1.829 0.056 -0.011 0.261 0.353
4 21.680 0.503 0.073 -0.003 0.101 0.213
5 30.463 1.101 0.098 -0.001 0.233 0.113
6 17.330 1.705 -0.015 0.013 0.340 0.794
7 23.592 1.701 0.168 -0.017 0.840 0.429
8 26.335 1.596 0.051 0.000 0.353 0.424
9 31.478 1.452 0.182 -0.011 0.320 0.329
10 25.105 1.082 -0.052 0.008 0.248 0.260
11 20.755 0.953 0.144 -0.016 0.319 0.196
Output by Firms
(millions of Change of Output by Firms
units) (millions of units)
Chrys. Forgn. GM Ford Chrys. Forgn.
1 0.099 1.046 0.017 0.016 0.003 -0.014
2 0.393 0.638 -0.018 -0.009 -0.003 0.006
3 0.237 0.978 -0.006 -0.010 -0.006 0.010
4 0.003 0.187 -0.003 -0.002 0.000 0.002
5 0.000 0.755 -0.007 -0.003 0.000 0.010
6 0.248 0.349 0.012 0.011 -0.009 -0.001
7 0.310 0.000 -0.005 -0.006 -0.006 0.000
8 0.256 0.431 0.001 -0.005 0.002 0.003
9 0.299 0.515 -0.011 -0.011 -0.001 0.012
10 0.335 0.240 0.003 0.001 0.007 -0.002
11 0.429 0.000 -0.001 -0.006 -0.008 0.000
Producer and Consumer Welfare Impacts of CAFE Increase of 3.0 MPG for
Cars and Trucks
GM Ford Chrysler Foreign Total
Change in -0.163 -0.199 -0.101 0.220 -0.463
($ billion)
Change in -0.953 Total U.S. -1.415
Consumer Change in.
Surplus Surplus
($ billion) ($ billion)
The Impact of Standards on Externalities
Pollution Impacts
(million kgs)
Miles Driven (millions) VOCs
Original MY level 1,652,362 578,722
CAFE-induced change in 26,304 9383
MY level
Change in stockage levels 468 628
Total change 26,772 10,011
Percent change 1.62 1.73
External cost per unit $0.104/mile $1.43/kg
Total external cost $2.214 billion $0.014 billion
Pollution Impacts (million kgs)
Original MY level 453,814 4,855,112
CAFE-induced change in 7684 81,621
MY level
Change in stockage levels 717 9748
Total change 8401 91,369
Percent change 1.85 1.88
External cost per unit $1.43/kg --
Total external cost $0.012 billion Total externality
cost: $2.240 billion
Total cost:
$3.665 billion
Impact of Higher Standards on Gasoline Consumption
MY pre-CAFE gas. cons. 75.045 Average cost of $0.264/$0.700
(billion gall.) gasoline externality
saved without and
with externalities
Change in MY gas. cons. -5.425
(billion gall.)
Change in stockage 0.033
consumption (billion
Net change in consump- -5.392 Marginal cost of $0.582/$0.934
tion (billion gall.) gasoline externality
saved (inferred)
without and with
Percentage change in -7.19
Welfare Effects--3.0 MPG Increase, Low- and High-Cost Scenarios
CAFE Nonbinding Binding; Model
Low-Cost High-Cost
Scenario Scenario
Changes in Producer and Consumer
Surplus ($ billion)
Foreign firms 0.118 0.335
U.S. firms total -0.253 -0.693
Change in consumer surplus ($ billion) -0.513 -1.454
Change in U.S. total surplus ($
billion) -0.766 -2.147
Change in gasoline consumption (billion -5.345 -5.449
Externalities costs
Change in miles driven 28.100 24.982
Total externality costs ($ billion) $2.372 $2.092
Total costs ($ billion) $3.138 $4.239
Average cost of reducing gasoline $0.143/$0.587 $0.394/$0.778
externality without and with
Marginal cost of reducing gasoline
externality (inferred) without and with $0.329/$0.761 $0.854/$1.119
Pass-Through Rates by Car Type
Type Description MPG dP/dt
1 small car 32.52 -0.839
2 midsize car 27.15 0.040
3 large car 26.05 0.228
4 sports car 24.84 0.783
5 luxury car 23.80 0.876
6 small truck 24.56 -1.168
7 large truck 19.34 0.246
8 small suv 21.36 -0.300
9 large suv 16.91 1.171
10 minivan 23.71 -1.253
11 van 19.78 0.007
Estimating the 1999 CAFE Tax
(t-Statistics in Parentheses)
Model 1 Model 2
Constant 0.725 (0.39) --
Input ratio 15.271 (1.48) 15.835
CAFE tax 1.986 (1.12) 1.652
[R.sup.2] 0.951 0.950
Number of observations 25 25
Welfare Effects--3.0 MPG Increase
CAFE Already-Binding Model
Change from Change from
Changes in Producer MY 1999 No-CAFE
Surplus ($ billion) Equilibrium Equilibrium
General Motors -0.309 -0.337
Ford -0.346 -0.385
Chrysler -0.148 -0.154
Foreign firms 0.192 0.16
U.S. Firms total -0.8038 -0.876
Change in consumer -1.097 -1.07
surplus ($ billion)
Change in U.S. total -1.901 -1.946
surplus ($ billion)
Externality and Gasoline Consumption Effects--3.0 MPG Increase
CAFE Already-Binding Model
Change from Change from
MY 1999 No-CAFE
Equilibrium Equilibrium
%Change in VOC emissions 1.74 2.12
%Change in NOx emissions 1.87 2.23
% Change in CO emissions 1.91 2.26
Change in gasoline consump- 5.240 6.600
tion (billion gallons)
Change in miles driven 26.151 32.792
Total externality costs 2.188 2.743
($ billion)
Total costs ($ billion) 4.089 4.689
Average cost of reducing $0.363/$0.780 $0.295/$0.710
gasoline externality without
and with externalities
Marginal cost of reducing $0.695/$1.050
gasoline externality
(inferred) without and with
Low- and High-Cost Scenarios, CAFE Binding Model, Chnages from No-CAFE
Changes in Producer and Consumer Sur- Low-Cost High-Cost
plus ($ billion) Scenario Scenario
Foreign firms 0.084 0.2478
U.S. firms total -0.480 -1.3096
Change in comsumer surplus ($ -0.574 -1.6360
Change in U.S. total surplus ($ -1.053 -2.946
Change in gasoline comsumption 6.568 6.638
(billion gallons)
Externalities costs
Change in miles driven 34.098 31.290
Total externality ($ billion) 2.820 2.618
Total cost ($ billion) 3.873 5.564
Average cost of reducing gasoline $0.160/$0.429 $0.444/$0.838
externality without and with
Marginal cost of reducing gasoline $0.388/$0.827 $1.018/$1.283
externality (inferred) without and
with externalities
Initial Conditions--Demand Elasticities
Parameters Used in CAFE Simulation
Demand Elasticity Table
Class 1 2 3 4 5 6
1 small car -2.808 0.423 0.063 0.018 0.000 0.036
2 medium car 0.684 -3.528 1.107 0.027 0.018 0.018
3 large cars 0.270 1.926 -4.500 0.027 0.216 0.009
4 sport car 0.549 0.423 0.324 -2.250 0.009 0.090
5 luxury car 0.045 0.405 1.062 0.009 -1.737 0.000
6 small truck 0.162 0.099 0.000 0.009 0.000 -2.988
7 large truck 0.063 0.072 0.018 0.009 0.000 0.234
8 small SUV 0.216 0.279 0.099 0.027 0.009 0.090
9 large SUV 0.117 0.243 0.171 0.018 0.018 0.054
10 minivan 0.081 0.171 0.063 0.000 0.009 0.009
11 van 0.027 0.036 0.009 0.009 0.000 0.009
Parameters Used in CAFE Simulation
Demand Elasticity Table
Class 7 8 9 10 11
1 small car 0.027 0.009 0.009 0.009 0.000
2 medium car 0.018 0.036 0.045 0.054 0.009
3 large cars 0.054 0.018 0.063 0.054 0.009
4 sport car 0.198 0.045 0.108 0.018 0.000
5 luxury car 0.027 0.045 0.189 0.072 0.009
6 small truck 0.702 0.045 0.054 0.009 0.009
7 large truck -1.548 0.027 0.090 0.018 0.036
8 small SUV 0.351 -3.645 0.747 0.108 0.072
9 large SUV 0.387 0.414 -2.043 0.234 0.108
10 minivan 0.045 0.027 0.135 -2.286 0.180
11 van 0.054 0.036 0.072 0.387 -2.385
(1.) See "National Energy Policy," Report of the National
Energy Policy Development Group (May 2001), available online at, at pp. 4-10.
(2.) See NRC, "Effectiveness and Impact of Corporate Average
Fuel Economy (CAFE) Standards," July 2001, online at
(3.) See Energy Information Administration, online at
(4.) In its 2003 rule-making procedure on CAFE standards, NHTSA
calculated the relevant externality at a level for below that of the NRC
value. NHTSA (2003, 44) estimated a total externality of 8.3 cents per
gallon, with 4.8 cents attributed to monopsony power and 3.5 cents to
supply disruption. Of course, this is subject to the same critiques
(5.) For the extent of such taxes, see
(6.) See Kleit (1990). For a similar model, see Thorpe (1997).
(7.) Categories are taken largely from internal GM documents, but
most vehicle types fit easily into particular categories based on size,
price, and whether the vehicle is a truck or a car.
(8.) Later I will attempt to account for the likelihood that CAFE
standards were already binding. I do this by first running the model
"backward," employing the estimated tax as a subsidy and using
short-run elasticities of supply. I then take the results as the
free-market equilibrium and then run the model "forward" using
the long-run elasticity of supply.
(9.) There are some caveats to this, as a review of Table 14 will
make apparent. The own demand for medium and large cars is relatively
elastic, but this is due to the high cross-elasticity of demand between
the two segments. In addition, the own elasticity of demand for vans is
very similar to the own demand elasticity for minivans.
(10.) I note that my use of the phrase technology forcing may be
slightly different than that generally used in the environmental
literature. Here, by technology forcing I refer to manufacturers using
technologies that they would otherwise not find profitable, rather than
the standards actually inducing the creation of new technologies.
(11.) All of the costs of fuel efficiency used in this section and
applied to subsequent sections refer to net costs, that is, the costs of
fuel efficiency minus the benefits. The benefits are, of course, the
reduced per mile cost of driving. Thus these represent economic rather
than engineering costs.
(12.) See
5Ftechnology%5Fold/study2/Final_report/Final_Report. htm.
(13.) Of course, many consumers will eventually sell their cars in
the used car market. But the same reasons why the market for new cars
should value fuel economy apply to the market for used cars.
(14.) The cost of fuel economy in Table 3 is not greatly dependent
on the choice of interest rate used.
(15.) The emissions measured here are solely from tailpipes. As
discussed, there are some questions about whether reduced gasoline
consumption would imply reduced refinery pollution.
(16.) This is the average cost calculated as the cost of
congestion-related delays and fuel costs, $ 78 billion, divided by
aggregate vehicle miles traveled by light duty vehicles. See Lutter
(17.) The externality costs are a linear function of the costs per
mile, so interested readers can choose their own externality cost level
for analysis.
(18.) See
(19.) The resulting changes in MPG because of this negative tax of
$1,652 per MPG are -1.05, -1.42, and -0.55 MPG for GM, Ford, and
Chrysler cars, and -0.59, -.50, and -0.40 MPG for GM, Ford, and Chrysler
(20.) Note that in performing a cost-benefit analysis of CAFE
standards, the price of gasoline will equal the marginal benefit of
consumption. Thus the value of the externality associated with the
consumption of gasoline will constitute the net benefit to society from
reductions in gasoline consumption.
(21.) I do not subtract from the cost of a gasoline tax the
economic impact on accidents and congestion resulting from the decrease
in miles driven.
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* This report was funded by the General Motors Corporation. The
views expressed herein are solely those of the author and not those of
General Motors or of Pennsylvania State University. I thank General
Motors economists Marc Robinson, Tom Walton, and Mike Whinihan and two
anonymous referees for helpful comments and data, and graduate students
Supawat Rangsuriyawiboon and Tina Zhang for excellent research
Kleit: Professor of Energy and Environmental Economics, The
Pennsylvania State University, 507 Walker Building, The Pennsylvania
State University, University Park, PA 16802-5010. Phone 1-814-865-0711,
Fax 1-814-865-3663, E-mail
[email protected]