Delivered pricing and merger with demand constraints.
Monaco, Kristen ; Heywood, John S. ; Rothschild, R. 等
Studies of merger activity in models of spatial price
discrimination conventionally assume that pricing by firms is not
constrained by demand. Instead, the only constraints on the
discriminatory prices charged are the cost structures of the adjacent
rivals. The issue of demand constraints has received attention by Wang
and Yang (1999) in related literature but not in examining the
consequences of a spatial merger.
We demonstrate that when discriminatory prices are constrained by
willingness to pay (demand), the conclusions of existing models must be
substantially modified. First, although introducing a demand constraint does not alter firm locations in the absence of merger, it does alter
firm locations in the presence of merger. Second, the demand constraint
results in equilibrium locations that depend on transport cost, which is
not the case in previous models. Transport cost plays an important role
in spatial models, and its absence to date from models of spatial merger
is unrealistic. Moreover, the dependence of location on transport costs
invites the possibility that a tax on transport costs can change
locations in an efficient fashion. Third, introducing a demand
constraint reverses previous results relating to the merger paradox. In
particular, in the absence of a demand constraint, models of spatial
price discrimination provide instances in which the parties to a merger
gain profit and the excluded firms lose profits. There are no such
instances in the presence of demand constraints.
In what follows, the second section places our work within the
literature and highlights the issue of demand constraints. The third
section presents the model, contrasting it with earlier models. The
fourth section identifies the equilibrium locations that arise when
there is the prospect of merger and contrasts these locations with those
that arise in the absence of demand constraints. The section also
demonstrates that when demand is constrained the model of spatial price
discrimination yields no cases that resolve the merger paradox, a result
contrasting with that offered by the model in which demand constraints
are absent. The fifth section demonstrates that a tax on transport can
increase welfare. Indeed, the optimal tax often completely eliminates
spatial price competition by creating local monopolies. The sixth
section considers the full range of cases in which some (but not all)
firms may face constrained demand and also proves that in the fully
constrained case considered earlier, the entire market will be served. A
seventh section considers a partially constrained case, and the eighth
section concludes.
Spatial models have proven especially useful in capturing aspects
of competition in horizontally differentiated markets as emphasized by
Tirole (1988). In particular, they provide a general method for
examining markets in which an ordered product characteristic
differentiates output. (1) Among the more popular models is that of
discriminatory pricing in which the price a firm is able to charge
depends upon how "close" it is to its rivals. Thisse and Vives
(1988) show that such pricing is the preferred alternative when firms
are able to adopt it. Lederer and Hurter (1986) demonstrate that under
such pricing rivals locate symmetrically along a linear market, thus
minimizing total transport costs.
Early studies of merger in a model of spatial discrimination
assumed that location choices do not anticipate the merger. Reitzes and
Levy (1995) show that such a merger increases the prices and profits of
the participants but leaves those of all other firms unchanged. Gupta et
al. (1997) show that an anticipated horizontal merger alters the
locations of spatially discriminating duopolists and increases transport
cost, thereby reducing efficiency. Rothschild et al. (2000) confirm this
finding in the case of two firms merging in a three firm market and also
examine the effects of merger on the excluded rival. They identify a
range of outcomes in which the merging firms benefit and the excluded
firm is harmed by the merger. These outcomes help resolve the
"merger paradox," the name given to the surprising result
obtained from nonspatial models by Salant et al. (1983) that rivals
excluded from a merger usually benefit and often benefit more than the
merging firms. This is a paradox because it points to the free-rider
aspect of merger. As Pepall et al. (1999, 406) put it for a three-firm
model, "the real beneficiary of the merger will be the third firm
that did not participate in the merger." Heywood et al. (2001)
examine a two-firm merger in an N-firm spatial market and demonstrate
that for a critical class of mergers, the range in which the merging
firms benefit and the excluded rival is harmed increases with the number
of rivals. Thus it would seem that models of spatial price
discrimination are fruitful as an avenue of further inquiry into the
effects of merger.
The particular contribution of this article is to consider merger
in markets in which demand is constrained. This is the situation in
which the reservation price is low relative to the combined production
and transport costs. Considered a realistic case for heavy, low-value
commodities, this possibility has proven important in other contexts.
Economides (1984) first considered the implications of a low reservation
price in a Hotelling model, and Wang and Yang (1999) show that in that
model, a low reservation price will be associated with firm locations
that are closer together than they would be otherwise. Thus, as a
baseline, the first issue herein is to identify equilibrium locations in
a model of spatial price discrimination that is demand constrained. The
second issue is to examine the effects of anticipated merger to see
whether the locations differ from those already derived for the
unconstrained case. The third issue is to isolate the role that
constrained demand plays on the ability of the model to help resolve the
merger paradox.
The market is a line of unit length with consumers uniformly
distributed with density one. Each consumer has inelastic demand for one
unit of the good, with reservation price r. If two firms offer the same
delivered price, the consumer will purchase the good from the nearer
firm. The cost of transportation is t per unit of distance, and, without
loss of generality, production cost is normalized to zero.
We model a three-stage game as in Rothschild et al. (2000). In
stage one, three firms enter the market simultaneously and choose
locations. In stage two, the two firms on the left consider merger to
capture the profits that would otherwise be lost through price
discrimination at a later stage. In stage three, both the merging firms
and the excluded firm engage in spatial discriminatory pricing and
announce delivered price schedules.
Unlike all previous work in this area, we do not assume that for
all locations r is greater than the limit price set by the delivered
cost of adjacent rivals. Figure 1 portrays the case from the previous
literature. Figure 2 portrays the case in which all firms are
constrained by the reservation price. Thus in the previous literature
the bound on the delivered price is given entirely by the adjacent
rival's cost structure, but in the constrained case the upper bound
on the delivered price is given in part by the rival's delivered
cost structure but in part by the reservation price. These respective
upper bounds define the profit for each firm, identified as [[PI].sub.i]
in the figures. The extent to which the bound is given by r depends on
the relative size of t compared to r, and we follow the literature
normalizing r to a value of 1 so that all values of t will be expressed
implicitly in terms of r. Also following the literature, we assume firms
1 and 2 split the merger profit, with [alpha] representing the share of
firm 1 and (1-[alpha]) representing the share of firm 2. The profit from
merger is identified as [[PI].sub.M] in the Figures 1 and 2.
The profits of the three firms in the constrained case illustrated
in Figure 2 are as follows (recognizing the normalization of r to 1):
where b=(1/2)([L.sub.1]+[L.sub.2]), c=(1/2)([L.sub.1]+[L.sub.3])
and d=(1/2)([L.sub.2]+[L.sub.3]). Maximizing each firm's profit
with respect to its own location generates location reaction functions.
The functions are solved simultaneously to yield equilibrium locations.
Unlike the case without constrained demand, the locations are a function
of transportation cost as well as firm 1's share of the profit from
Absent the possibility of merger firms adopt the cost minimizing
locations: 1/6, 1/2, 5/6. Thus in contrast to the Hotelling model
explored by Wang and Yang (1999), the imposition of a demand constraint
does not alter equilibrium locations in the model of spatial price
discrimination in which no merger can occur.
Comparative statics of the locations in (2) yields the following:
PROPOSITION 1. When mergers are allowed and demand is constrained:
a. [delta][L.sub.i]/[delta][alpha] > 0, [for all]i. Thus all
firms move to the right as [alpha] increases.
b. [delta][L.sub.1]/[[delta]t >0 or [less than or equal to] 0 as
[alpha] < 0.375 or [greater than or equal to] 0.375 and
[delta][L.sub.i]/[delta]t > 0 or [less then or equal to] 0 as [alpha]
< 0.750 or [greater than or equal to] 0.750 for i=2 or 3. Thus
locations move in response to changes in transportation cost, but the
direction depends on [alpha].
c. ([delta][L.sub.3]/[delta][alpha]-[delta][L.sub.1]/[delta][alpha]) < 0, [for all][alpha], t and ([delta][Lsub.3]/
[delta]t-[delta][L.sub.1]/[delta]t) > 0, [for all][alpha], t. Firms
locate closer together as [alpha] increases and locate further apart as
t increases.
Table 1 presents equilibrium locations assuming merger for two
illustrative constrained cases (t = 4 and t = 5) and for the range of
[alpha] as derived from (2) as well as locations for the unconstrained
case. (2) The table illustrates the general propositions. In particular,
note that as firm 1's share of the merger profit increases, all
firms move to the right, with firm 3 moving against a fixed point,
causing firm 3's market share and profits to decrease. Also note
that as t increases, the market becomes more constrained by willingness
to pay (analogous to decreasing r) and the distance between firms 1 and
3 increases. The constraint on the market is a function of r/t (see
Figure 2). As t increases, the firms spread out and locate nearer the
"monopoly" positions achieved when the market is split into
thirds. This result contrasts directly with that derived for the
Hotelling model by Wang and Yang (1999).
Following the tradition of using total transportation cost as a
measure of social welfare, the model implies:
PROPOSITION 2. Merger reduces social welfare (that is, increases
transportation cost) for all [alpha].
Proof. The transport costs in the constrained market, the lower
envelope of the delivered cost curves in Figure 2, are calculated using
firm locations and are simplified as a function of [alpha] and t:
Taking the derivative of this with respect to [alpha] yields a
cost-minimizing value of [alpha]= 0.643. Substituting [alpha] = 0.643 in
(3) results in a function of t only:
(4) [C.sub.c](t) = 0.027(11.02-3.67t+3.367[tsup.2])/t.
For all t this minimum cost associated with constrained demand
exceeds that which arises when there exists no possibility of merger.
For example, when t = 4, the cost under merger is 0.342 and that
with no merger is 0.333. When t = 5, the merger and no merger costs are
0.418 and 0.4165, respectively. As t continues to grow, separate local
monopolies eventually arise (more detail on this is given in section VI)
and obviously the possibility of merger becomes irrelevant.
PROPOSITION 3. Merger with constrained demand reduces social
welfare relatively less than does merger with unconstrained demand.
Proof. Define relative efficiency as the ratio of costs under
merger to those without merger (0.08330t). (3) For the constrained case
this comes from (3) and is [C.sub.c]/0.0833t. For the constrained case
it is [C.sub.uc]/0.0833t, where [C.sub.uc]=(t[30-36[alpha] +
20[apha.2]-8[[alpha].sup.3] +
3[[alpha].sup.4]/2[[12-6[alpha]+[[alpha.sup.2].sup.2). The unconstrained
ratio depends only on [alpha] and is always less than the constrained
ratio for relevant values of t and [alpha].
This result follows intuitively from the recognition that one
consequence of merger, in both the constrained and unconstrained cases,
is generally to bunch the firms together. Yet the imposition of the
demand constraint causes firms to behave more like monopolies and spread
out. Thus in the face of a demand constraint merger is relatively less
inefficient than it is when the constraint is absent.
PROPOSITION 4. Both merging firms individually benefit from merger
when 0.48 < [alpha]< 0.62, [for all]t.
Proof. Setting firms profit with merger equal to that without
yields critical values of [alpha]. (4) Firm 1's profits increase
under merger when [alpha] > 0.48, and firm 2's profits increase
under merger when [alpha] < 0.62.
PROPOSITION 5. Firm 3 is harmed by merger when [alpha] > 0.75.
Proof. Set firm 3's profit functions with and without merger
equal to each other and solve for [alpha].
COROLLARY 1. There exists no range of [alpha] where merger results
in increased individual profit for the merging firms and decreases the
profit for the excluded firm.
Following Propositions 4 and 5, the range of [alpha] where merger
is rational for firms 1 and 2 lies outside the range of [alpha] where
the excluded firm is harmed by the merger. The 'merger
paradox' exists for all [alpha] in the case where demand is
constrained. Thus, for those products characterized by high transport
cost relative to willingness to pay, the resolution of the merger
paradox presented by Rothschild et al. (2000) vanishes.
Intuitively, when firms operate subject to a demand constraint, the
cost (in terms of forgone revenue) to the leftmost firm as it moves
rightward with merger is greater than it would be in the absence of the
constraint. This means that, for any given [alpha], this firm's
location will lie to the left of the location it would otherwise occupy.
Firm 2 will consequently also be located further to the left than it
would be in the absence of the demand constraint. This reduces the
degree to which firm 3's profits are squeezed by the merger. The
result is that the participants' relative profits are lower and the
excluded firm's profits higher than would be the case if there were
no constraint.
The results of the last section are now used to examine the tax
policy implications for a government that is, for whatever reason,
unable to simply prevent mergers from taking place. As was made clear by
Proposition 2, such a prohibition eliminates the inefficient location
choices, but an outright ban on mergers constitutes a considerably more
severe policy intervention than does the imposition of taxes. Here we
demonstrate that the two approaches can achieve similar objectives.
We modify the model of the last section to allow a regulatory
authority a first-stage move that consists of setting a transport tax,
k, which is proportional to t, the existing transport cost. (5) Thus the
firms face a gross per unit transport cost of gt, where g=(1 + k). The
authority is presumed to maximize welfare (minimize inefficiency) and
the use of the tax instrument is presumed to come at an efficiency cost
that we designate as a proportion, [lambda], of the total tax. This
could represent the cost of raising the tax or be a measure of the
allocative inefficiency associated with the tax (and eventual spending).
The remainder of the game proceeds as before. We suppose, for the
purposes of this exercise, that [alpha] is common knowledge. Then, given
[alpha], the resulting objective function for the authority is to
minimize with respect to g (from which k can be solved) the following:
(5) L = [C.sub.c]([alpha],gt) - (1 - [lambda])
The first term is the gross transport cost, including the portion
that is tax. The second term is the value of the tax revenue diminished
by the inefficiency cost associated with using the tax scheme. The
constrained cost function, [C.sub.c], is obtained from (3).
The authority imposes the tax on transport, an action that causes
the firms to move toward the symmetric and cost minimizing locations.
This is accomplished, however, at the inefficiency cost of using the tax
PROPOSITION 6. For all values of t that constrain demand, there
exists a [lambda] > 0 such that inefficiency is reduced by setting k
so as to create local monopolies.
Proof. Local monopolies are created when gt = T-6. Thus, it is
sufficient to show that for [lambda]>0, [C.sub.c]([alpha],
gt)-(1-[lambda])(g-1)[Csub.c]([alpha],gt)< [Csub.c]([alpha], t) when
gt = T. When [lambda] = 0, this becomes (t/T)[Csub.c]([alpha], T) <
[C.sub.c]([alpha], t). This is always true as the left-hand-side is the
resource cost associated with transport from the local monopoly locations, which are efficient, and the right-hand-side is the transport
cost associated with constrained demand locations which are inefficient
(by Proposition 2). Thus, there exists a small enough [lambda] > 0
for which the inequality holds.
This surprising result indicates that a policy of setting taxes so
as to create local monopolies and eliminate price competition can lead
to a pareto improvement. By substituting (3) into (5), the range of
values for which this is true can be derived and these are illustrated
in Table 2. (6) These values show that even when the extent of tax
inefficiency is very great, it often remains preferable to create local
monopolies. For example, when [alpha]=0.5 and t =4.0, as long as the
inefficiency cost is less than 37.5% of the tax revenue, it remains
preferable to create local monopolies.
In general, the creation of local monopolies not only is pareto
superior to a policy of not taxing but also maximizes welfare. The
exception arises for very low values of [alpha] and t. Recall that this
is the situation in which the firms are most bunched to the left and
small increases in the tax generate large gains in efficiency from
relocation. In this case an intermediate tax rate can be optimal.
PROPOSITION 7. For small [alpha] and t, there exists a range of
[lambda] such that 0 < k* < (T/t - 1). For all other [alpha] and
t, k* = 0 or k* = ( T/t - 1 ).
Proof. Substitute (3) into (5), choose values of [alpha] and t from
Table 2, and take the derivative with respect to g and set equal to
zero. Solving the resulting equation yields three roots, two of which
are generally either imaginary or fall outside the range 0 < k* <
(T/t-1), but one that falls inside the range for low values of [alpha]
and t is a local minimum.
These results follow from the simulation presented in Table 2,
which reveals the existence of only five cases with interior maxima. (7)
Table 3 shows the ranges of tax inefficiency for which an interior
maximum would be adopted for these five cases. In all other cases the
optimal policy involves either no taxation or the creation of local
The cases generating an interior solution merit a little more
attention. As an extreme example consider the case when [alpha]=0 and
t=4. Now imagine that [lambda] = 1. Thus any tax revenue raised has such
a high inefficiency cost that it adds nothing to welfare. Minimizing (5)
is now just minimizing [C.sub.c]([alpha] = 0, g[t = 4] ) with respect to
g. The optimal value is k*=0.082. Thus, even though every dollar of tax
is completely wasted, an 8.2% tax on transport costs actually lowers
total transport cost. Such a result is completely dependent on the
demand constraint and cannot be generated in its absence.
The preceding two sections have examined the case of constrained
demand as illustrated in Figure 2, but whether the appropriate Figure is
1 or 2 depends on the relationship between the exogenous variables r,
[alpha], and t. This section isolates that relationship and identifies
cases of partial constraint in which some but not all firms face a
demand constraint or in which the profit from merger is constrained even
if the individual firm profits are not. To isolate these cases in two
dimensions, the reservation price, r, is again normalized to 1. The
relationships between [alpha] and t that identify the different cases
are depicted in Figure 3. First, assuming [alpha] approaching zero, as
transport cost increases, the market initially appears as shown in
Figure 1. As t reaches approximately 1.4, the merger profit becomes
constrained by r. As t increases further, firm 3's profit is demand
constrained, with both firms 2 and 3 demand constrained when t [member
of] (3, 4) and [alpha] = 0. Finally, for t [member of] (4, 6) and
[alpha] = 0, all firms are demand constrained, as shown in Figure 2.
Given that firm locations shift to the right when [alpha]
increases, a similar pattern of change in the appearance of the market
can be identified for values of [alpha] close to one. Again, as t
initially increases only the profit from merger is constrained by r. As
t increases further, firm 1 becomes demand constrained with both firms 1
and 3 constrained when t increases beyond two. Finally, when t > 3.5,
all firms are demand constrained.
Regardless of the value of [alpha], t [greater than or equal to] 6
results in "monopolies" with each firm serving one-third of
the market. In this case, firms each locate in the center of their
market segment, resulting in firm locations of 1/6, 1/2, 5/6, the
cost-minimizing locations.
The earlier sections contrast the results when all firms are
constrained (upper portion of Figure 3) with those from the
unconstrained model. Although other possible pictures of demand
constrained markets exist (e.g., only two constrained firms), the broad
conclusions drawn for the case where all three firms are constrained
hold when only one or two firms are constrained. (8)
A related concern is whether equilibrium when all firms are
constrained includes allowing part of the market not to be served. (9)
There are four possibilities: The left hand of the market is not served,
market between firm 1 and firm 2 is not served, market between firm 2
and firm 3 is not served, and finally, the right-hand-side of the market
is not served. All four can be ruled out. We consider here the
right-hand-side of the market not served and market not served between
firms 2 and 3. The other two cases follow analogously. (10) Take first
the case of the constrained market as illustrated in Figure 2. We
recognize that it can be easily drawn so that part of the market on the
right is not served as shown in Figure 4. Yet,
PROPOSITION 8. When the market is fully constrained and t [less
than or equal to] 6, the equilibrium will serve the entire market on the
Proof. Assume there exists market not served of amount [epsilon] on
the right of the location of firm 3. Given the location of firm 3, firm
1 and 2 adopt Cournot-Nash locations resulting in the intersection of
the cost structures for firm 2 and firm 3. This intersection is
sufficient to show that firm 3 can earn greater profit moving to the
right and reducing [epsilon]. In the limit [epsilon] = 0 and in
equilibrium there is no market not served on the right. Details are in
the appendix.
The fact that firms 1 and 2 earn greater profit locating so that
the cost structures of firms 2 and 3 intersect is sufficient to prove
COROLLARY 2. When the market is fully constrained and t [less than
or equal to] 6, the equilibrium will serve the entire market between
firms 2 and 3.
The fact that the market is fully served when demand is constrained
is sensible because a segment of market not served invites a change in
location by one or more firms in an effort to increase profit. When the
ratio of t to r (r normalized to one) is as shown in the upper portion
of Figure 3, no firm can be a monopoly in equilibrium, emphasizing the
incentive to serve the entire market. (11)
In this section we examine the partially constrained case in which
individual firms are not constrained by consumers' reservation
price, r, however, the area of merger profit is constrained by this
upper bound. This situation is depicted in Figure 5, and the relevant
values of [alpha] and t for which it holds are shown in Figure 3.
The profits of the three firms and the merger profit are as
Maximizing these profits in the case of merger again yields firm
locations solely as a function of [alpha].
These locations are identical to those in an unconstrained market,
presented in Table 1. Comparative statics on the locations are thus
identical to those presented for firms in unconstrained markets
(Rothschild et al. [2000]). Profit, however, is a function of t as well
as [alpha].
PROPOSITION 9. Merger reduces social welfare.
Proof. Total transport cost for the three firms under merger can be
expressed as a function of [alpha] and t thus:
For all [alpha] and t this is greater than the total cost when
there is no possibility of merger, 0.0833t. Given merger, the value of a
that minimizes firm cost is 0.895.
PROPOSITION 10. There exists a range of [alpha] such that merger is
individually rational for the merging firms. This range decreases as t
Proof. The profits of firms 1 and 2 when there is no possibility of
merger are 0.0833t and 0.0555t, respectively. Set these profits equal to
firm profit under merger in (6) and solve for [alpha]. The critical
level of [alpha] is a function of t. For both firms 1 and 2, as t
decreases the range of [alpha] that yields profit at least equal to the
no merger level increases. When t= 1.5, firm 1 benefits from merger when
[alpha] > 0.347 and firm 2 benefits from merger when [alpha] <
0.886. When t = 1.3, firm 1 benefits from merger when [alpha] > 0.336
and firm 2 benefits from merger when [alpha] < 0.895.
PROPOSITION 11. Firm 3 is harmed by merger when [alpha]>0.873,
[for all] t.
Proof. Set profit of firm 3 with merger equal to its profit without
merger, 0.0833t. Firm 3's profit decreases due to merger when
[alpha] > 0.873, regardless of the value of t.
COROLLARY 3. For t < 1.67 there exists a range of [alpha] such
that the merging firms individually benefit from merger, the excluded
firm is harmed by merger, and merger decreases social welfare.
In the partially constrained case, this range of [alpha] is a
function of transportation cost and decreases as t increases. When t =
1.3 this range is [0.873, 0.895] and decreases to [0.873, 0.886] when
t-1.5. When t= 1.67, firm 2 benefits from merger when [alpha] <0.873
and firm 3 is hurt by merger when [alpha] > 0.873, a fact that
generates the merger paradox. Thus the merger paradox is only resolved
for relatively high levels of r/t--where individual firm's profits
are unconstrained--represented by areas 1 and 2 of Figure 3. Even here
the range of [alpha] that resolves the paradox appears trivially small.
In this way the partially constrained case yields results that lie
between the unconstrained and the constrained cases.
Although the imposition of a demand constraint in a Hotelling
framework can result in relocation, it does not do so in a model of
spatial price discrimination. The introduction of the possibility of
merger does, however, result in locations that are influenced by such a
constraint. Specifically, the efficiency distortion generated by the
possibility of merger is reduced by the introduction of constrained
demand as firms spread out in response to lower willingness to pay.
Nonetheless, merger always reduces efficiency even in the case of
constrained demand.
In the face of constrained demand, the resolution of the merger
paradox obtained for the unconstrained case vanishes. There is no
sharing rule for which the parties to the merger gain and the excluded
firm is harmed. In the partially constrained case, mergers remain
inefficient and there exists a very small range of [alpha] in which the
merging firms gain and the excluded firm is harmed.
The introduction of the constraint results in locations that depend
on transport cost. This gives rise to the possibility that transport
taxes might increase welfare. Moreover, the optimal tax is often that
which eliminates spatial price competition and creates local monopolies.
Whether this is true depends on the extent of the tax inefficiency. Yet
even when the entire tax revenue is wasted, there remain cases in which
it is optimal to levy transport taxes because they reduce total
transport cost by moving firms toward more symmetrical locations.
We note, in regard to the analysis of the tax question, that in our
earlier formulation, [alpha] was taken to be common knowledge. The
implication of this assumption is that the participants in the merger
are not in a position to select [alpha] in anticipation of the tax.
Although the idea of selecting [alpha] lies outside of the central focus
of the present article, we have already observed there exist critical
values of [lambda] above which, depending on [alpha] and t, the
government may not be able to effectively implement the tax. One
consequence of this is that, given t, in choosing to merge, firms might
avoid those particular values of [alpha] for which the imposition of the
tax might be practicable. This will obviate the prospect that the merger
will be taxed out of existence. Thus, for example, if t = 5.8, then if
[lambda] is greater than 3.6%, of tax revenue, no merger will be
discouraged; but if [lambda] is greater than 4.0% then only mergers
involving [alpha] in the range [0, 0.3.] will be viable.
Firm Profits in the Constrained Market
Without merger:
With merger:
Details of Proof for Proposition 8
Remembering that r=1, set [L.sub.3] = 1-(1/t)-[epsilon]. Consider
two cases: the cost structure of firms 2 and 3 intersect, and they do
not intersect. In the first case substituting the new definition of
[L.sub.3] into the profit expressions of firms 1 and 2 in (2),
maximizing each firm's profit with respect to its own location, and
solving the resulting equations generates:
In the second case assume that the leftmost point of firm 3"s
cost structure is separated by [gamma] [greater than or equal to] 0 from
the rightmost point of firm 2's cost structure. Thus,
[L.sub.3]=1-(1/t)-[epsilon] and [L.sub.2]=1-[epsilon]-[gamma]-(3/t).
Firm 1 maximizes, given these locations, which yields
(A-2) [L.sub.1]=([alpha]-1)[t([epsilon]+[gamma])]+
Returning the locations from both cases into the relevant profit
functions yields two potential equilibrium profit functions for firms 1
and 2 associated with allowing an intersection between the cost
functions of firm 2 and 3, identified by I, and not allowing the
intersection, identified by NI: [MATHEMATICAL EXPRESSION NOT
Comparing these profit functions shows that [MATHEMATICAL
REPRODUCIBLE IN ASCII]. Thus firms 1 and 2 locate so as to allow an
intersection in the cost structures. Recognizing this, firm 3 can earn
greater profit by moving to the right, away from the intersection and
into the market not being served. This proves that the location of firm
3 associated with the original [epsilon] is not an optimal response to
the location choices of firms 1 and 2. This is true for any [epsilon]
> 0, so that in equilibrium it must be the case that [epsilon] = 0.
Taking the derivative of [[pi].sup.NI.sub.1] and
[[pi].sup.NI.sub.2] with respect to [gamma] yields the expressions
Both of these are less than zero for the relevant ranges of t,
[alpha], [epsilon], [gamma]. Thus, firms 1 and 2 earn greater profit by
eliminating any market not served between firms 2 and 3.
CA: Conventional Arbitration
FOA: Final-Offer Arbitration
NHL: National Hockey League
DOI: 10.1093/ei/cbh044
Equilibrium Locations
Alpha 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6
L1 0.083 0.104 0.125 0.147 0.168 0.189 0.210
L2 0.250 0.264 0.280 0.300 0.324 0.351 0.384
L3 0.750 0.754 0.760 0.766 0.775 0.783 0.795
t=4 L1 0.083 0.109 0.132 0.153 0.171 0.188 0.202
L2 0.025 0.297 0.338 0.375 0.408 0.438 0.464
L3 0.075 0.766 0.779 0.792 0.802 0.813 0.821
t=5 L1 0.133 0.144 0.153 0.161 0.168 0.175 0.181
L2 0.400 0.419 0.435 0.450 0.463 0.475 0.486
L3 0.800 0.806 0.812 0.817 0.821 0.825 0.829
Alpha 0.7 0.8 0.9 1
L1 0.230 0.250 0.269 0.285
L2 0.421 0.464 0.514 0.571
L3 0.807 0.821 0.838 0.857
t=4 L1 0.216 0.228 0.240 0.250
L2 0.489 0.511 0.531 0.550
L3 0.829 0.837 0.844 0.850
t=5 L1 0.186 0.191 0.196 0.200
L2 0.495 0.504 0.513 0.520
L3 0.832 0.835 0.838 0.840
Critical Values of Tax Inefficiency
4.0 5.0 5.8
[alpha] 0.0 0.505 0.333 0.066
0.1 0.495 0.277 0.055
0.2 0.466 0.239 0.049
0.3 0.425 0.213 0.042
0.4 0.393 0.197 0.039
0.5 0.375 0.187 0.037
0.6 0.367 0.184 0.036
0.7 0.367 0.184 0.036
0.8 0.374 0.187 0.037
0.9 0.386 0.193 0.038
1.0 0.400 0.800 0.040
Note: Values of [lambda] * such that when [lambda] < [lambda] * local
monopolies are welfare superior to delivered price competition.
Ranges of Tax Inefficiency
4.0 5.0 5.8
[alpha] 0.0 0 to 0.500 0.285 to 0.461 0.065 to 0971
0.1 0.491 to 0.850 0.273 to 0.310
Note.: The range of [lambda] such that 0 < k * < (T/t) - 1 is
(1.) Thus airline flights between city pairs differ by departure
time from early morning to late evening, the editorial policies of
newspapers differ from liberal left to conservative right, and breakfast
cereals differ in their sugar content.
(2.) The unconstrained case follows from Figure 1 and is taken from
Rothschild et al, (2000).
(3.) The value of 0.0833t is identical for both the constrained and
unconstrained case as the locations are identical from equations (2).
(4.) The merger profits for the two firms are obtained by
substituting the equilibrium locations in (2) into the original profit
expressions in (1).
(5.) In a very different application Heywood and Pal (1996)
consider the efficiency consequences of transport taxes for firms in
spatial markets.
(6.) The critical values of [lambda] are calculated by taking
specific values of [alpha] and t and calculating the associated
transport cost from (3). This cost is set equal to L from (5), after
substituting the same values of [alpha] and t and also substituting 6/t
for g. As is evident from (5), the result is a linear expression in
[lambda] that allows a unique solution.
(7.) The simulation is done in MapleV and is available from the
(8.) Proofs are available from the authors.
(9.) Thanks are expressed to a reviewer who suggested this line of
(10.) These are available from the authors.
(11.) With arbitrary locations it is obviously possible to generate
market segments not served as in Figure 4, but there are infinitely many
arbitrary locations and we focus only on the equilibrium locations.
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* Affiliations of the authors are respectively Department of
Economics, Long Beach State University, Department of Economics,
University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee and Department of Commerce, University
of Birmingham and Department of Economics, Lancaster University.
Monaco: Associate Professor, Department of Economics, California
State University-Long Beach, Long Beach, CA 90840. Phone 1-562-985-5076,
Fax 1-562-985-5804, E-mail
[email protected]
Heywood: Professor, Department of Economics, University of
Wisconsin-Milwakee, P.O. Box 413, Milwakee, WI 53201. Phone
1-414-229-4310, Fax 1-414-229-5915, E-mail
[email protected]
Rothschild: Professor, Department of Economics, Lancaster
University, Lancaster LAI 4YX, UK. Phone +44 1524 594217, Fax +44 1524
594244, E-mail
[email protected]