When are women more generous than men?
Cox, James C. ; Deck, Cary A.
Gender's impact on behavior and decision making continues to
be a topic of much debate and scrutiny. As evidence one need look no
further than the firestorm stemming from comments by Lawrence Summers,
the president of Harvard University, about the potential role that
gender differences play in academia. (1) There is considerable
experimental evidence that behavior varies with gender. For example,
Gneezy and Rustichini (2004) find that by the time they are 9 years old,
boys are already more competitive than girls. Harbaugh et al. (2005)
find that by fourth grade boys are more confident about their own
abilities. Neiderle and Vesterlund (2005) report a similar difference
for college students. (2) The real impacts of gender differences are
wide-ranging. Rask and Tiefenthaler (2004) examine the gender gap in
undergraduate economics majors. They find that female students are more
responsive to their grades in principles classes when deciding whether
to enroll in advanced economics courses than their male counterparts
are, which could explain why average GPAs are typically higher for
female economics majors.
Understanding gender differences not only affects how one
approaches social issues such as why relatively fewer women pursue
careers in the hard sciences (Summers's controversial question),
but it can have strategic effects as well. Should a firm send a male or
a female representative to handle a bargaining negotiation with a
supplier? What about negotiating a dispute within the finn? Based on a
field experiment, Landry et al. (2005) find that contributions to a
public good are higher when the solicitor is an attractive female. This
could suggest that women should lead high-profile charity fundraising.
In a National Public Radio interview, Helen Fischer argued that more
businesses are trying to understand the "natural talents" of
women and maintained that those businesses that do know how to use this
"resource" are "winning." (3)
Several laboratory studies have found significant gender
differences even in simple games; however, apparently contradictory
evidence exists as to the magnitude and direction of these gender
differences. (4) This article compares behavior across genders for two
basic allocation decisions that have been widely studied in the
laboratory: a dictator game and a trust game. (5) In a dictator game,
the allocation decision stands alone, whereas the allocation decision is
preceded by another person's action in the trust game. In the trust
game a player could be faced with the same allocation decision as a
dictator but only as the result of another person's decision.
Observed behavioral differences between these two decision contexts can
be used to identify reciprocal behavior (see Cox 2004; Cox and Deck
2005). The difference between being a dictator and responding to the
action of another may alter behavior as the opportunity to act
reciprocally could increase the subjective payoff of a jointly
beneficial money payoff outcome.
Other factors that have been found to influence behavior include
social distance and the payoff level. Hoffman et al. (1994) and Cox and
Deck (2005) show that varying the social distance involved in the
experimental protocol can cause economic agents to choose differently
over the same
set of monetary outcomes. A low social distance, in which
agents' identities are more closely associated with their actions,
increases the social cost of selfish behavior. Behavioral effects from
situational features, such as the ability to reciprocate, and the social
distance are consistent with an economic model that views decisions as
not being based solely on monetary outcomes. Of course, the monetary
stakes involved in the allocation decision are also a cost of being
Previous research examined the effects of gender in allocation
games but led to mixed findings. In ultimatum games, Eckel and Grossman
(2001) and Solnick (2001) find that males and females make identical
offers, but Eckel and Grossman find that women are more willing to
accept unfair offers and Solnick finds no second mover gender
difference. In dictator games Bolton and Katoc (1995) find no gender
differences, whereas Eckel and Grossman (1998) report that women are
more generous than men in a high social distance environment. Also,
under a high social distance protocol, Cox (2002) reports that men act
reciprocally and women do not in the investment game. However, Croson
and Buchan (1999) and Chaudhuri and Gangadharan (2003) find that women
are more likely to behave generously in an investment game. In another
study, Andreoni and Vesterlund (2001) demonstrate that the relative
price of generosity interacts with gender. In their study of dictator
games, male proposers are more sensitive to the price of allocating
money to their counterparts than are women.
This study seeks to identify gender differences in behavior in
trust and dictator games by systematically comparing actions taken in
allocation decisions across several contexts with varied costs of
generosity. The next section describes the experiments used to compare
the behavior of men and women. The results of the experiments are then
presented, followed by a further investigation of the treatment effects.
A separate section contains a discussion of the implications of the
results, including a reconciliation of previously reported disparate
We find that women are more responsive to the total economic and
social costs of generosity than are men, and thus behavioral gender
differences are dependent on the decision context. Thus there is no
simple answer to the question: "Are women more generous than
men?" The answer is neither "yes" nor "no"; it
is, instead, much more subtle and interesting.
Groups of between 12 and 20 subjects were recruited for a one-hour
experiment. Each subject was paid a $5 show-up fee and seated at a
computer terminal with privacy screens on three sides. The subjects read
computerized directions describing how decisions would be made in the
extensive form game and how the dollar payoffs would be determined. (6)
After completing the directions, the subjects answered a quiz that was
checked by an experimenter. (7) A subject was randomly assigned one role
and played one game, one time.
We eschew the task of providing a general definition of generous
behavior that could be applied in all contexts in favor of providing an
un-nuanced definition that can easily be applied to interpret data from
the experiments we discuss. Within this context, the
"generosity" or "generous behavior" of some subjects
can be clearly identified as follows. Consider those decision tasks
where the decision maker makes either the only choice or the last choice
that determines the division of a given amount of money between himself
and another subject in the experiment. A subject making such a decision
is "generous" if she rejects the alternative that maximizes
her money payoff (and thereby minimizes the other's payoff) in
favor of an alternative feasible choice that gives the other subject
more than the minimum possible amount of money. In our binary choice
experiment, a subject either does or does not make the generous choice.
Other experiments that we discuss give the subjects more than two
alternatives. For such experiments, if subject A gives to subject B more
of a given total amount of money than subject C gives to subject D, then
we say that subject A is more generous than subject C (in that
experiment). When providing an answer to a question about whether women
or men are more generous in our binary-choice context, we will compare
the percentages of generous choices made by subjects of the two sexes.
Conclusions about the relative generosity of males and females in
multiple-choice contexts require use of measures such as mean amounts of
money given to paired subjects.
Economic and Social Costs and Benefits of Generous Behavior
In many experiments involving generosity, there are various types
of costs of generous or ungenerous behavior. Generous behavior has a
monetary cost. For example, in a dictator game the amount of money that
the dictator allocates to the paired subject is the monetary cost of
generosity. In our binary dictator games, the monetary cost of the
generous action, giving the other subject 37.5% of the total payoff, is
varied by changing the dollar amount of the total payoff. A similar
monetary cost treatment is also introduced in the trust game.
Monetary costs are not the only possible source of utility or
disutility from choosing among more and less generous alternatives; if
they were then all subjects would behave as the self-regarding or
"economic man" model predicts by choosing the least generous
alternative available. Generous behavior can increase utility if the
decision maker has altruistic preferences. Ungenerous behavior can
decrease utility if the decision maker experiences guilt or shame. For
example, a person responding to a kind action of another person may feel
guilt from acting ungenerously when he or she had the opportunity to
repay the kind action with a generous response. We vary some possible
effects of altruism and anticipated guilt on behavior in the experiment
by including or excluding the possibility that the decision maker is
responding to a kind action by another person. Another possible source
of disutility from ungenerous behavior is shame that may be experienced
if others can observe one's behavior. We vary some possible effects
of anticipated shame on behavior by changing the level of social
distance between the decision makers and others, including the
experimenters as observers.
Game Structure: Dictator and Trust Games
In some settings, a person may wish to be generous because of
reciprocal motives. Specifically, a previous action by another party
that is kind or helpful may trigger a social norm making the decision
maker feel obliged to respond in a generous manner. If such a norm is
activated in the experimental environment, then ungenerous behavior
becomes more costly and hence should be observed less frequently.
Generous behavior could still be observed in the absence of such
reciprocal motivations if the decision maker has altruistic
other-regarding preferences. To explore the increased level of
generosity from reciprocity, two different extensive form games are
included in this study. The games are shown in Figure 1. The number at a
node indicates which player (or "mover") makes a decision at
that point in the game. The top number at an outcome is mover 1's
dollar payoff, and the bottom number is mover 2's dollar payoff. In
the dictator games shown in the top part of Figure 1, mover 1 chooses
between keeping all the money and keeping only 62.5% of the money while
allocating the remaining 37.5% to the other player. (8) In the dictator
game, generous behavior cannot be attributed to reciprocal motives
because the other player has not taken (and cannot take) an action that
benefits the decision-maker. In the trust game, shown in the bottom part
of Figure 1, a decision-maker at node 2 faces the same
allocation decisions as in the dictator game at node 1 if and only if
the other player has not previously opted for an equal split of a
smaller pie. (9) Because the only difference between the trust and
dictator games for subjects choosing between the generous action ((7.5,
12.5) or (15, 25) depending on payoff level) and the ungenerous action
((0, 20) or (0, 40) depending on payoff level) is the presence or
absence of the prior move by the paired subject, the difference between
response rates in the two games provides a test for the significance of
positive reciprocity as a motive for behavior in the trust game (Cox and
Deck 2005).
Payoff Level: Low or High
The monetary component of the cost of generosity is the amount of
money that an agent has to forgo by choosing a generous action. As shown
in Figure 1, the high-payoff level has a direct cost of $15 for
generosity, whereas the cost in the low-payoff level is $7.50. Because a
higher payoff level generates a greater cost, one should expect (weakly)
less generous behavior in such an environment.
Social Distance: Low or High
In our terminology, social distance refers to the degree of social
separation between the decision maker and other parties, including the
other player, the other subjects in the experiment, and the
experimenters. Potential costs of not being generous include the
decision maker's belief about the perception that others have of
him or her, how the decision maker's interactions with people who
have observed the decision are affected, and any emotional response such
as shame or embarrassment felt by the decision maker. The less social
distance between the decision maker and others, the greater the possible
social cost associated with ungenerous behavior.
In all of our laboratory sessions, subjects were anonymously
matched with someone else in the lab and never learned the identity of
their counterparts. Subjects in treatments with low social distance
entered their names in their computers prior to making decisions. Hence,
these subjects knew that their names were associated with their
decisions. At the end of the experiment, these subjects were
individually called by name and privately handed their earnings by the
experimenter. In contrast, all personal identification of the decision
makers was eliminated in the high social distance treatments. Under the
high social distance protocol, subjects drew unmarked sealed envelopes
containing keys labeled with alphanumeric identification codes. These
identification codes were the subjects' private information.
Instead of entering their names in the computers, subjects entered these
codes. At the conclusion of a high social distance session, subjects
were escorted to a separate room where they could use their keys to open
locked mailboxes that contained sealed envelopes with their earnings.
The experimenters were not present when the subjects opened their key
envelopes, entered their codes, or retrieved their payoffs. This process
was explained to the subjects in a handout that was read aloud to assure
all subjects that no one would ever know the personal decision of any
subject. The low social distance sessions always involved exactly 12
subjects. In contrast, high social distance sessions had between 14 and
20 subjects, and thus a lower probability that any 2 specific subjects
would be anonymously paired, thus further increasing the social distance
above that in the low social distance protocol.
Experimental Treatments
The experimental design includes five treatments that vary the
economic and social costs of generosity. To identify a treatment we use
R, for reciprocity, or D, for dictator, depending on the type of
decision the second mover (in the trust game) or only mover (in the
dictator game) is making. Also, we use a $ superscript for high-stakes
payoffs or a $ subscript for low-stakes payoffs, and an S superscript
for high social distance procedures or an S subscript for low social
distance procedures. Table 1 lists all the treatments and the numbers of
subject pairs that participated in each treatment. (10)
Collecting Gender Data
To determine if gender influences the decision to be generous, one
must be able to identify the sex of the decision maker. In the low
social distance protocol, gender data collection is trivial because
payoffs are made face to face. However, under the high social distance
protocol the experimenter only knows the alphanumeric code associated
with a decision. Collection of gender data in this environment required
supplementary procedures. After collecting their payoffs from mailboxes,
subjects exited the mailbox room and deposited their keys in one of two
appropriately labeled containers positioned on opposite sides of the
hallway. One container was labeled "Men's Keys" and the
other was labeled "Women's Keys." The experimenters
watched from a distance to ensure that subjects dropped their coded keys
in the appropriate containers. This viewing distance was sufficiently
great so that the experimenters could not observe the key codes but
could make sure the subjects approached the right containers. Subjects
in both social distance environments were not informed prior to making
their decisions that gender data would be recorded.
The data on generosity consist of 128 choices between keeping all
the money and allocating 37.5% of it to the other player. (11) The raw
data are reported in Table 2.
Data reported by Brown-Kruse and Hummels (1993) and Cox (2002)
suggest that men are more generous than women. However, data reported by
Nowell and Tinker (1994), Eckel and Grossman (1998), Croson and Buchan
(1999), and Chaudhuri and Gagadharan (2003) suggest the opposite. Based
on the data reported in Table 2, there is no clear pattern of relative
generosity by men and women. To explore these seemingly contradictory
patterns, our analysis first focuses on the within-gender impact of
varying the cost of generosity. Table 3 reports the results of pairwise
tests of the null hypothesis that varying the cost of generosity has no
impact on behavior versus the two-sided alternative that the costs do
affect behavior. The figures above the diagonal are p-values for male
test results, and the figures below the diagonal are female test
The first striking feature in Table 3 is that for men the decision
about whether to be generous does not depend on reciprocal
considerations, the level of payoffs, or the social distance. As
explained in Cox (2004) and Cox and Deck (2005), if reciprocity
influences behavior, then there should be a significant difference in
behavior between a trust game and the corresponding dictator game in the
high social distance, low money payoff comparison ([R.sup.S.sub.$]
versus [D.sup.S.sub.$]) or the low social distance, high money payoff
comparison ([R.sup.$.sub.S] versus [D.sup.$.sub.S]) or both. For men,
this is clearly not the case because the p-values are 0.457 and 0.999,
respectively. Similarly, based on comparison of high payoff, high social
distance ([R.sup.$S]) data with low payoff, high social distance
([R.sup.S.sub.$]) data, changes in the level of monetary payoff do not
significantly change the behavior of men (p-value = 0.35). Based on a
comparison of high payoff, high social distance ([R.sup.$S]) data with
high payoff, low social distance ([R.sup.$.sub.S]) data, the level of
social distance is also found not to influence the behavior of men
(p-value = 0.682). In fact no combination of these factors strongly
influences male behavior, as evidenced by the absence of significant
p-values above the diagonal in Table 3.
Unlike men, women do base the decision of whether to be generous on
the costs associated with the decision. Women are more likely to be
generous when the stakes are lower, as evidenced in Table 3 by a p-value
of 0.068 for a comparison of high payoff, high social distance
([R.sup.$S]) data with low payoff, high social distance
([R.sup.S.sub.$]) data. Also, the frequency with which women are
generous is inversely related to the social distance. This conclusion is
supported by a p-value of 0.016 for a comparison of high payoff, low
social distance ([R.sup.$.sub.S]) data with high payoff, high social
distance ([R.sup.$S]) data. With respect to reciprocity, the evidence is
mixed. In the environment with low social distance and high payoffs,
women do reciprocate: The p-value is 0.03 for a comparison of data from
the trust game [R.sup.$.sub.S] with data from the dictator game
[R.sup.$.sub.S]. However, when the levels of social distance and payoffs
are reversed, women no longer reciprocate: the p-value is 0.87 for a
comparison of data from [R.sup.S.sub.$] and with data from
[D.sup.S.sub.$]. (12)
Additional econometric analysis also supports the conclusion that
women are more responsive to the costs of generosity, whereas the
behavior of men can be described as cost-inelastic. A probit model,
given by equation (1), is estimated treating the choice between generous
and selfish options as a function of the level of the monetary payoffs,
the opportunity to reciprocate, and the social distance in the
experimental protocol. The estimating equation is
(1) Probability of Generous Behavior = [PHI]([alpha] +
[[beta].sub.1]HP + [[beta].sub.2]NR + [[beta].sub.3]HSD +
[[beta].sub.4]F + [[beta].sub.5]HPF + [[beta].sub.6]NRF +
where [PHI] denotes the cumulative distribution function for the
standard normal distribution.
In this specification, HP and HSD are dummy variables that take on
the value 1 for high payoff and high social distance treatments,
respectively, and 0 otherwise. NR is a dummy variable equal to 1 for the
nonreciprocal environment of the dictator game. F is a dummy variable
for gender that equals 1 for a female decision maker and 0 for a male
decision maker. The terms HPF, NRF, and HSDF are interaction dummies
that are the product of the female dummy variable F with the treatment
dummy variables HP, NR, and HSD, respectively. Table 4 reports the
results of estimating equation (1) with the available data.
The estimation results imply that men do not alter their behavior
in response to any of the experimental treatments, but women clearly do.
Formally, the hypothesis that [[beta].sub.1] = [[beta].sub.2] =
[[beta].sub.3] = 0 is not rejected at any standard confidence level
based on a likelihood ratio test (LR test statistic = 2.37). Taking this
finding into account, equation (2) is estimated. (13)
(2) Probability of Generous Behavior = [PHI]([alpha] +
[[beta].sub.4]F + [[beta].sub.5]HPF + [[beta].sub.6]NRF +
The results of this estimation, also reported in Table 4, indicate
that the behavior of female subjects conforms to the predictions of an
economic model where the cost of generosity influences behavior. When
the monetary cost associated with generosity increases, women become
less generous: [[beta].sub.5] < 0. When the social cost of not
reciprocating a kind action is eliminated, the rate of generous
responses is reduced: [[beta].sub.6] < 0. When the level of social
distance in the protocol is increased, the social cost of not being
generous decreases, and generous responses are observed less frequently:
[[beta].sub.7] < 0.
Because male subjects do not react to the cost of generosity, their
behavior is consistent with a model of behavior based solely on money
payoffs, whereas women do tend to incorporate the cost of generosity
into their decisions. Based on these findings, it is not appropriate to
talk about which gender is more generous without also specifying the
cost of generosity. The positive and significant value of [[beta].sub.4]
should not be interpreted as indicating that women are generally more
generous than men. Instead, the value of [[beta].sub.4] should be
interpreted as stating that when generosity is less costly (HP = NR =
HSD = 0) women tend to choose the generous response more frequently than
In the high social distance treatment, subjects were from the same
school, perhaps coming from the same classes. Those subjects entered the
lab at the same time and waited together for the experiment to begin.
Thus the subjects might have perceived some social connection with their
counterparts, possibly lessening the degree of social distance. To
address this concern, additional subjects played the low-stakes versions
of the trust game and the dictator game following the high social
distance protocol detailed previously but where counterparts were
located at different universities (the University of Arkansas and
Indiana University) and had no contact with each other. (14)
The protocol for the geographically separated sessions was modified
as follows. Subjects were informed by an experimenter that their
counterparts were located in a lab at the other university; they were
also informed of this feature in the directions and in the informed
consent documentation. (15) The experiment was hand-run; subjects were
asked to complete a response form and return it in a sealed envelope. To
implement the double-blind payoff procedure, a monitor was randomly
selected from among the subjects at each location. The role of the
monitor is similar to that in Cox (2002, 2004). The monitor walked
through the lab with a box full of identical large manila envelopes
containing response forms and mailbox keys; subjects were allowed to
take any one manila envelope from the box. After completing their
response forms, subjects returned the forms to the manila envelopes and
deposited the envelopes in the box at the front of the lab. After all
envelopes had been returned, the monitor brought the box to another room
for processing by the experimenters. The monitor also verified the email
communications between the two researchers reporting decisions in the
two geographically separated laboratories. The subjects had been
informed at the beginning of the experiment that they were free to ask
the monitor any questions at any time about the procedures followed by
the experimenter.
The results of these sessions are reported in Table 5. Though
nominally there is less generosity in the treatment with geographically
separated subjects, the difference is not significant for men or women
in either game. Furthermore, the increased physical distance does not
change the previous conclusion that neither men nor women reciprocate
with a high social distance protocol (p-values of 0.581 and 0.858,
respectively). The geographical separation also does not change the
relative generosity of men and women as reported in Table 2. These
results suggest that standard double-blind payoff procedures are
sufficient to create substantial social distance between subjects.
This study finds that women are more responsive to the total
economic and social costs of generous behavior than are men. Similar
conclusions about the greater responsiveness of women to the decision
context have been drawn by Cadsby and Maynes (1998) in the context of
public goods games and Eckel and Grossman (1996) in the context of
punishment games. Such responsiveness by women to the total economic and
social costs of generosity may explain why previous studies have drawn
different conclusions about whether men or women are more generous. For
example, if the subset of data reported in this study in which low
social distance and high payoff levels is considered, women would be
found to reciprocate while men would be found not to reciprocate. If
instead, attention were restricted to the subset of data drawn from the
low payoff and high social distance environment, then neither sex would
be found to reciprocate. To ascertain if this finding does reconcile the
seemingly inconsistent conclusions in previous studies, we examine the
relationship between the experimental designs and results of those
studies most similar to our own.
Eckel and Grossman (1998) find that women are more generous than
men in a dictator game with high social distance and low payoffs, which
is the same nominal pattern that we observed in our [D.sup.S.sub.$]
treatment (see Table 2). However, using the results from our probit estimation, the null hypothesis that all of the direct and crossed
female dummy variables are equal to 0 ([[beta].sub.4] + [[beta].sub.6] +
[[beta].sub.7]=0) cannot be rejected at standard significance levels in
a two-tailed LR test. The dictator games of Bolton and Katoc (1995)
involved $10 and employed single-blind payoff procedures. Hence, using
our labeling of treatments, their design would be considered to be a
(nonreciprocal) dictator game with low payoffs and low social distance
([D.sub.$S]). Though we do not address this treatment directly, we would
expect to see a higher rate of female generosity in their treatment than
in either our high payoff, low social distance ([D.sup.S.sub.S]) or low
payoff, high social distance ([D.sup.S.sub.$]) treatment because lower
stakes reduce the cost of generosity and lower social distance increases
the social cost of ungenerous choices. It would not be surprising to
observe the absence of a gender effect in [D.sub.$S], as reported by
Eckel and Grossman, because there is none in our [D.sup.S.sub.$] or
[D.sup.S.sub.$] treatments. However the LR test statistic for testing
the null hypothesis that the sum of the dummy variables for
"female" and "female and nonreciprocal game" equals
0 ([[beta].sub.4] + 1[[beta].sub.6] = 0) is 3.33 which, has a p-value of
0.068. Chaudhuri and Gangadharan (2003) studied the investment game
using low payoffs and a single blind payoff (low social distance)
protocol, (16) an [R.sub.$S] treatment. Based on our results, each of
these features should increase the relative generosity of female
subjects. Given that we found women to be more generous than men in the
high payoff, low social distance ([R.sup.$.sub.S]) treatment (see Table
2), our results can explain their finding that women are more generous
than men. This is also supported by the fact that the female dummy
variable ([[beta].sub.4]) is significantly greater than 0 (see Table 4).
Our results seem to be at odds with data reported by Cox (2002),
but a close look proves interesting. Using data from an experimental
design involving the investment and dictator games, Cox (2002) reports
that men reciprocate and women do not in a high social distance
environment. In the investment game, the first mover could send any
amount from his or her $10 endowment, in whole dollar units, (weakly)
between $0 and $10. Any amount sent was multiplied by 3 by the
experimenter. The second mover also was given a $10 endowment and could
return any of the tripled amount received to the first mover. Hence,
only if the first mover sent all $10 in the investment game did the
second mover have $40 to divide between the paired subjects. Also, only
in case the first mover chose to send his or her entire $10 endowment to
the paired second mover was there the possibility that the first mover
could end up with zero payoff as a result of the second mover's
decision. In contrast, in the trust game with high payoffs shown in
Figure 1, the second mover either has to choose exit (which corresponds
to sending $0 in the investment game) or engage, which exposes him or
her to the risk of ending up with $0 while the second mover gets $40
(which corresponds to sending all $10 in the investment game).
Interestingly, if one considers only the observations in Cox (2002) in
which the first mover sent all $10 to the second mover, then a pattern
of behavior similar to our results for the high payoff, high social
distance ([R.sup.$S]) treatment emerges. (17) Based on this subset of
data, a Wilcoxon rank test rejects the hypotheses that either gender
reciprocates at the 5% significance level. We also find that neither
gender reciprocated in a high social distance context (see Table 3).
This may suggest that complete trust elicits different responses due to
emotions or social norms than does partial trust. However, a test of
that is beyond the scope of this paper.
We cannot explain why Croson and Buchan (1999) find that women are
more generous than men in an investment game experiment that can be
characterized as high payoff, high social distance (corresponding to our
[R.sup.$S] treatment). It is possible that some aspect of their
experimental protocol or perhaps the density of the message space
affects males and females differently. Their study did not vary the
level of payoffs, the opportunity to reciprocate, nor the level of
social distance, so we cannot determine if the relative patterns of
behavior in our experiment would hold in their environment.
The experiments reported in this article examine some potential
reasons for generous behavior, such as shame (which may vary with the
social distance in the protocol) and guilt (which may differ between
trust and dictator games). However, this study does not address other
motivations for generous behavior, such as envy and compassion, which
could affect males and females differently. Similarly, the behavior may
differ in repeated interactions where social norms and strategic
concerns can differ. Thus additional research is needed to fully
understand the conditions in which there are significant gender
differences in generous behavior.
For example, in public goods experiments, the results might not
show the same absolute or relative levels of generosity by gender.
However, one would expect the same pattern of comparative statics across
treatments within a gender. Although few gender studies have examined
social distance, payoff levels, or reciprocity, there is at least one
that did. Brown-Kruse and Hummels (1993) compare contributions to a
public good across two levels of social distance. In one treatment, the
groups are anonymously matched (corresponding to our low social distance
treatment), and in a second treatment social distance is decreased as
the group members interact prior to the decision task. This interaction
is a deliberate attempt by the researchers to form a community relation
among the decision makers. In the first period, male behavior did not
vary across treatments, but females were more generous in the lower
social distance community treatment, which is consistent with our
findings. (18)
Andreoni and Vesterlund (2001) consider a variant of the dictator
game in which a subject allocated tokens which could be redeemed for
cash at a role-specific rate. By varying these exchange rates and the
number of tokens, Andreoni and Vesterlund (2001) observed decisions
across eight budget constraints. They concluded that men are more
sensitive to variations in the price of altruism, which is implemented
by varying the conversion rates between a dictator's tokens and a
recipient's tokens. Our experimental design does not address the
type of price elasticity of altruism question that is addressed in the
Andreoni and Vesterlund experiment because the own-payoff cost of
transferring $X (= $7.50 or $15) to the other subject is always $X in
all of our treatments. In contrast, a different feature of the Andreoni
and Vesterland experimental design is comparable to our design. This is
the feature in which they vary the payoff level while holding constant
the social distance and the (absence of) reciprocal motivation.
Specifically, their budget #5 is similar to our low payoff, high social
distance dictator game ([D.sup.$.sub.S]) treatment and corresponds to
the standard dictator game of dividing $10. In this case they find no
gender difference. Their budget #4 corresponds to a standard dictator
game involving only $6. In this case, they report that women are more
generous than men. The gender difference between the budget #4 and #5
treatment effect is in the direction that is consistent with our
results: Their female subjects were more responsive than their male
subjects to a change in payoff levels.
As noted, the Andreoni and Vesterlund (2001) data indicate that
men's responses in distribution experiments are more price elastic
and women's responses are more income elastic. Our data also
indicate that women's responses are more income-elastic: Women are
more responsive to variations in the total cost of the generous response
than are men. These results provide further support for the general
conclusion that the relative responsiveness of males and females varies
across treatments. That is, women are more responsive to some changes in
the environment and men are more responsive to others.
This study reports the results of a series of experiments designed
to explore gender differences in generosity. The results indicate that
women tend to be more generous than men when (1) the social distance is
low, (2) the total monetary cost of generosity is low, and/or (3) there
is an absence of reciprocal motivation. Thus, depending on the decision
context, women may appear to be more or less generous than men because
men are relatively less responsive to changes in the total economic and
social costs of generous behavior. This finding helps explain why
previous studies have drawn seemingly contradictory conclusions.
Of course, the motivations explored in this article represent only
a partial list of factors that could influence generosity. As this work
helps demonstrate, one should be cautious about drawing general
conclusions about gender differences that are independent of decision
context. For example, it is not the case that women are more generous in
dictator games, irrespective of other aspects of the decision task. In
this same vein, results that hold in controlled environments such as
experimental laboratories may not hold in some nonlaboratory
environments. However, Laury and Taylor (2004) do report that laboratory
behavior in a public good experiment predicts who will contribute to a
naturally occurring public good.
Andreoni, J., and L. Vesterlund. "Which Is the Fair Sex?
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Chaudhuri, A., and L. Gagadharan. "Gender Differences in Trust
and Reciprocity." Working Paper, University of Auckland, 2003.
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Fisher, H. The First Sex. New York: Random House, 1999.
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Harbaugh, W., M. Niederle, and L. Vesterlund. "Competitive
Behavior among Boys and Girls." Working Paper, University of
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Hoffman, E., K. A. McCabe, K. Shachat, and V. L. Smith.
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Games." Games and Economic Behavior, 7(3), 1994, 346-80.
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Laury, S., and L.Taylor. "Altruism Spillovers: Are Behaviors
in Context-Free Experiments Predictive of Altruism toward a Naturally
Occurring Public Good?"
Working Paper, Georgia State University, 2005.
McCabe, K. A., and V. L. Smith. "A Comparison of Naive and
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Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 97(7), 2000, 377-81.
Niederle, M., and L. Vesterlund. "Do Women Shy Away from Competition? Do Men Compete too Much?" NBER Working Paper, 2005.
Nowell, C., and S. Tinker. "The Influence of Gender on the
Provision of a Public Good." Journal of Economic Behavior and
Organization, 25(1), 1994, 25 36.
Rask, K., and J. Tiefenthaler. "Too Few Women?--Or Too Many
Men? The Gender Imbalance in Undergraduate Economics." Working
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Solnick, S. "Gender Differences in the Ultimatum Game."
Economic Inquiry, 39(2), 2001, 189-200.
(1.) A transcript of the January 2005 speech is available online at
www.president.harvard.edu/speeches/2005/nber. html.
(2.) In both studies, males are reported to be somewhat
(3.) The interview aired on December 15, 2004, as part of All
Things Considered. The audio segment is available online at
www.npr.org/templates/story/story.php? storyId=4229951. A more detailed
discussion can be found in Fisher (1999).
(4.) For example, in an experiment on voluntary contributions to a
public good, Brown-Kruse and Hummels (1993) find that men are more
generous, whereas Nowell and Tinker (1994) conclude the opposite. Cadsby
and Maynes (1998) draw a third conclusion from a series of public good
experiments: Men and women are equally generous.
(5.) See McCabe and Smith (2000) and Cox and Deck (2005) for
studies that explore issues of reciprocity and cooperation using the
trust game. The trust game itself is a binary version of the investment
game of Berg et al. (1995), which has also been widely used to explore
trust and reciprocity.
(6.) Potentially charged terms such as game, play, and generosity
were not used with the subjects. For example, the game was referred to
as a decision tree and players were referred to as decision makers.
Also, decisions were made by mouse clicks on unnamed branches.
(7.) The directions and the quiz are available from the authors and
online at comp.uark.edu/-cdeck/expinfo. htm.
(8.) Mover 2 has no decision to make in a dictator game.
(9.) Because only one person makes a decision in the dictator game,
the payoff order is the reverse of the order in the trust game where the
same decision is faced by the second mover.
(10.) Conducting experiments under all eight possible treatment
combinations (a complete 2 x 2 x 2 design) is not necessary to identify
primary treatment effects. In fact only four treatments are necessary,
and the five treatments in Cox and Deck (2005) that were used to explore
reciprocity and identify why behavior in [R.sup.S.sub.$] and
[R.sup.$.sub.S] differed are sufficient to identify treatment effects in
the present article. Data for the other three treatments could, however,
enrich the story as follows. For females: (1) would testing data for
[R.sup.$S] versus [D.sub.$S] look like [R.sup.$S] versus [D.sup.S.sub.$]
or [R.sup.$S] versus [D.sup.$.sub.S]; (2) would testing data for
[R.sup.$S] versus [R.sub.$S] add further support to the consistent
conclusions from testing [R.sup.$S] versus [R.sup.S.sub.$] and
[R.sup.$S] versus [R.sup.$.sub.S]; and (3) would testing data for
[D.sup.$S] versus [D.sub.$S] show a significant effect? For males, would
testing data for [R.sub.$S], [D.sub.$S], and [D.sup.$S] versus data for
the five treatments now reported yield any significant results?
(11.) Some of these data, aggregated across gender, were previously
reported in Cox and Deck (2005). Approximately half of the first movers
in the trust game treatments chose to end the game by opting for an
equal split of a smaller amount of money rather than giving the second
movers the opportunity to act generously. Hence, the number of
observations on generous behavior in the trust game treatments is
approximately half the number of subject pairs in the treatment. The
proportions of women who chose to engage the second mover in each
treatment were as follows: [R.sup.$S] (7/22); [R.sup.$.sub.S] (14/22);
[R.sup.S.sub.$] (9/20). The proportions of men who chose to engage the
second mover in each treatment were as follows: [R.sup.$S] (13/26);
[R.sup.$.sub.S] (7/20); [R.sup.S.sub.$] (17/31).
(12.) A similar pattern is found in the first mover data mentioned
in note 11. There is no treatment effect on male first movers in the
trust game. Female first movers are more likely to engage the second
mover in the low social distance treatment than in the high social
distance treatment (p-value = 0.0346). Although females were nominally
more likely to engage the second mover in the low payoff environment,
this difference was not significant (p-value = 0.3796).
(13.) In the remainder of the article, references to the probit
model and its parameters are to specification (2), in which
[[beta].sub.1] = [[beta].sub.2] = [[beta].sub.3] = 0 is imposed.
(14.) These two treatments were selected because they are directly
comparable to two of the treatments presented in Table 1.
(15.) No subject questioned the existence of the subjects at the
other location.
(16.) The investment game (Berg et al. 1995) is an extension of the
trust game with a denser message space. In the investment game, a first
and second mover are each endowed with $10. The first mover can keep all
of her $10 or send any whole dollar amount to the paired second mover.
Any amount sent is tripled by the experimenter. Finally, the second
mover can keep all of any tripled amount received or return any whole
dollar part of it to the paired first mover.
(17.) These results are based on a relatively small sample size
because only 13 observations in each of the games m Cox (2002) involved
decisions where keeping $40 was feasible.
(18.) Subjects in Brown-Kruse and Hummels (1993) were in same-sex
groups, and the decision task was repeated over several rounds.
JAMES C. COX and CARY A. DECK, We are grateful for research support
from the National Science Foundation (grant numbers SES-9818561 and
DUE-0226344) and from the Walton College of Business. Helpful comments
and suggestions were provided by William Nelson and anonymous referees.
Cox: Noah Langdale Jr. Eminent Scholar Chair, Department of
Economics and Director, Experimental Economics Center, Andrew Young School of Policy Studies, Georgia State University, P.O. Box 3992,
Atlanta, GA 30302-3992. Phone 1-404-651-888, Fax 1-404-651-2827, E-mail
[email protected]
Deck: Assistant Professor, Department of Economics, Sam M. Walton
College of Business, University of Arkansas, Fayetteville, AR
72701-1201. Phone 1-479-575-6226, Fax 1-478-575-3241, E-mail
[email protected]
Experimental Treatments
Decision Monetary Social of Subject
Treatment Type Payoff Distance Pairs
[R.sup.S.sub.$] Reciprocity Low High 51
[D.sup.S.sub.$] Dictator Low High 37
[R.sup.$.sub.S] Reciprocity High Low 42
[D.sup.$.sub.S] Dictator High Low 24
[R.sup.$S] Reciprocity High High 48
Notes: As detailed in Cox and Deck (2005), the existence
of reciprocity can be explored by comparing [R.sup.S.sub.$] with
[D.sup.S.sub.$] or [R.sup.$.sub.S] with [D.sup.$.sub.S]. The effects
of changing the monetary cost and social distance are directly
measured by comparing [R.sup.$S] with [R.sup.S.sub.$] and
[R.sup.$.sub.S], respectively.
Across-Gender Comparisons of
Generous Behavior
Frequency Frequency Nominally
of Female of Male More Generous
Treatment Generosity Generosity Gender
[R.sup.S.sub.$] 5/10 4/16 Female
[D.sup.S.sub.$] 7/15 8/22 Female
[R.sup.$.sub.S] 6/9 6/12 Female
[D.sup.$.sub.S] 3/14 5/10 Male
[R.sup.$S] 1/8 5/12 Male
Notes: The numerator is the number of people who
acted generously, and the denominator is the total number
of people who had the opportunity to behave generously.
Within-Gender Treatment Effects
Females [R.sup.S.sub.$] [D.sup.S.sub.$]
[R.sup.S.sub.$] -- 0.457
[D.sup.S.sub.$] 0.870 --
[R.sup.$.sub.S] 0.462 0.341
[D.sup.$.sub.S] 0.143 0.153
[R.sup.$S] 0.068 * 0.074 *
Females [R.sup.$.sub.S] [D.sup.$.sub.S]
[R.sup.S.sub.$] 0.172 0.192
[D.sup.S.sub.$] 0.440 0.467
[R.sup.$.sub.S] -- 0.999
[D.sup.$.sub.S] 0.030 ** --
[R.sup.$S] 0.016 ** 0.524
Females [R.sup.$S]
[R.sup.S.sub.$] 0.350
[D.sup.S.sub.$] 0.761
[R.sup.$.sub.S] 0.682
[D.sup.$.sub.S] 0.696
[R.sup.$S] --
Notes: The table entries are p-values associated with
testing the null hypothesis that the proportion of subjects
acting generously is identical in the two treatments being
compared versus the two-sided alternative. Given the binary
nature of the data, the analysis uses a z-statistic.
* indicates significance at the 10% level and ** indicates
significance at the 5% level. Comparisons above the main
diagonal are of male subjects, and comparisons of female
subjects are presented below the diagonal. The two treatments
being compared are given by the row and column
Probit Estimation
Equation (1)
Parameter Estimate SE p-Value
Intercept ([alpha]) -0.4752 0.6136 0.4387
High Payoff ([[beta].sub.1]) 0.3859 0.4683 0.2049
Nonreciprocal ([[beta].sub.2]) 0.1965 0.3376 0.2803
High Distance ([[beta].sub.3]) -0.1211 0.4775 0.3999
Female ([[beta].sub.4]) 2.0102 ** 1.0165 0.0480
High Payoff & Female ([[beta].sub.5]) -1.8463 ** 0.8101 0.0113
Nonreciprocal & Female ([[beta].sub.6]) -0.7979 * 0.5056 0.0573
High Distance & Female ([[beta].sub.7]) -1.1038 * 0.8199 0.0891
Equation (2)
Parameter Estimate SE p-Value
Intercept ([alpha]) -0.2822 * 0.1499 0.0597
High Payoff ([[beta].sub.1]) -- -- --
Nonreciprocal ([[beta].sub.2]) -- -- --
High Distance ([[beta].sub.3]) -- -- --
Female ([[beta].sub.4]) 1.8172 ** 0.8240 0.0274
High Payoff & Female ([[beta].sub.5]) -1.4604 ** 0.6611 0.0136
Nonreciprocal & Female ([[beta].sub.6]) -0.6014 * 0.3763 0.0550
High Distance & Female ([[beta].sub.7]) -1.2250 ** 0.6665 0.0330
Notes: The p-values reported for [alpha] and [[beta].sub.4] are for
a null hypothesis that the coefficient is equal to 0 versus the
two-sided alternative. For the remaining parameters, the alternative
hypothesis is that the value of the parameter is less than 0 as the
dummy has a value of 1 when the economic or social costs of ungenerous
behavior are lower. * indicates significance at the 10% level and
** indicates significance at the 5% level.
Effect of Geographical Separation on Frequency of Generosity
Same Different
Treatment Location Locations p-Value
[R.sup.S.sub.$] 5/10 3/9 0.463
[D.sup.S.sub.$] 7/15 6/20 0.313
Same Different
Treatment Location Locations p-Value
[R.sup.S.sub.$] 4/16 2/12 0.595
[D.sup.S.sub.$] 8/22 5/20 0.426
Notes: The p-values associated with testing the null hypothesis that
the proportion of subjects of a particular gender acting generously
is identical in the two geographical conditions being compared
versus the two-sided alternative. Given the binary nature of the
data, the analysis uses a z-statistic.