Shirking on the court: testing for the incentive effects of guaranteed pay.
Berri, David J. ; Krautmann, Anthony C.
Opportunistic behavior can arise in the employment relationship
between a principal (the employer) and agent (the employee) when the
labor contract is incomplete or when the principal is unable to
distinguish shirking behavior from below-average realizations of a
stochastic process. In such cases, economists expect the evolution of
self-enforcing labor contracts that contain incentive-compatible
stipulations to induce workers to put forth their maximum efforts. In
general, such mechanisms impose losses on cheaters greater than any
gains to be received from shirking (e.g., threat of termination,
efficiency wages). This agency problem has a long history in the
literature (Alchian and Demsetz 1972; Holmstrom 1979), and has been
applied to a number of different labor outcomes, including union
seniority rights, the academic institution of tenure, and long-term
contracts of professional athletes.
With respect to the contracts of professional athletes, the
principal-agents problem has been extensively investigated. Such
interest is not surprising given the publicity surrounding the large
long-term contracts given to superstars like Kevin Garnett and Alex
Rodriguez. The common perception is that players become lazy and expend
less effort once they have signed a long-term contract. This sentiment
was expressed by Dan O'Brian, former vice president of negotiations
for the Cleveland Indians Baseball: "The experience of individual
clubs, and the industry as a whole, is that for whatever reason, the
player's performance is not the same following the signing of a new
multiyear contract" (Sporting News 1986). If true, then why do
owners continue to offer long-term contracts?
Labor theory suggests that the employment contract should evolve to
contain an array of mechanisms aimed at deterring opportunistic behavior
(Maxcy et al. 2002). Such an evolution is made possible by a number of
important characteristics of this labor market. For one, a player's
performance is easily observed and scrutinized, hence his behavior is
constantly being monitored by coaches, managers, owners, and fans (Fort
2003). Second, many contracts now include incentive clauses that tie
individual and team performances to compensation. Finally, there is the
possibility that a shirker will develop a bad reputation, reducing his
likelihood of securing a lucrative long-term contract allocated to only
the very elite athletes. (1)
As noted in the literature, even if a player wished to reduce
effort, shirking within the course of a game may be difficult. For a
player to act opportunistically, it is necessary that he have
substantial control of his effort. That is, although it is certainly
possible that a player can consciously decide whether to run out a
pop-up or dive for a sinking ball in the outfield, one must ask whether
the player has the same degree of control over his effort when it comes
to how hard he tries to hit a curveball, throw a slider, or make a
fade-away jump shot.
One possibility, though, is that on-field performance is a function
of a player's effort both inside and outside the game. That is,
effort must be exerted in practice, in the weight room, in the
off-season, and with respect to diet. A player may completely exert
himself in the game, but if his effort to keep in shape is lacking, then
his performance during the season can be impaired. Consider the case of
Vin Baker, a player who appeared in four NBA All-Star games from 1995 to
1998, was named to the All-NBA second team in 1998, and won an Olympic
gold medal in 2000. After signing an $87 million contract in 1999,
Baker's per game scoring went from 16.6 points in for the 1999-2000
campaign to 12.2 in 2000-2001. For the 2002-2003 campaign he averaged
only 5.2 points per contest. What explains this rapid decline in
performance? According to Paul Westphal (Baker's head coach from
1999 to 2001), Baker's decline was caused by a "lack of
professionalism off the court" (quoted in O'Neil 2003).
The empirical evidence regarding strategic behavior of professional
athletes is mixed, with perhaps the strongest evidence suggesting that
the willingness to play with injuries is adversely affected by job
security. Lehn (1982) was one of the first to look at the effect of
long-term labor contracts on player durability. Using a sample of the
earliest cohort of Major League Baseball (MLB) free agents, Lehn found
evidence of opportunistic behavior in that players with long-term
contracts were more likely to end up on the disabled list the following
season. Using a more recent sample of free agents, however, Maxcy et al.
(2002) found no evidence of shirking on a player's subsequent
durability. The empirical evidence on whether on-field performance is
affected by proximity to signing a long-term contract is also mixed.
Although some studies have found evidence of shirking after signing a
long-term contract (Marburger 2003; Scroggins 1993), others have not
(Krautmann 1990; Maxcy 1997; Maxcy et al. 2002).
Much of the research on opportunistic behavior has focused on MLB,
even though long-term contracts are found throughout the sports
industry. For example, according to USA Today, 70% of the players in the
National Basketball Association (NBA) during the 2002-2003 season played
under a contract that was three years or longer in length; over 14% had
a contract that was at least seven years long. (2) Consequently, if
long-term contracts do have an adverse effect on effort, one might
expect to find convincing evidence in the labor market in the NBA.
We find that the evidence of shirking to be mixed. Depending on how
one measures an NBA player's productivity, we find evidence both
for and against the shirking hypothesis. When using a measure of
productivity employed by both the industry and the media, we find weak
evidence of a falloff in performance after signing a long-term contract.
But when a more sophisticated measure of productivity is used, one more
closely aligned with an economic definition of marginal productivity, we
find no support for the shirking hypothesis.
In this section, we begin by constructing a model of a
player's productivity in the labor market of professional
basketball. Our primary objective is to test whether job security causes
players to "slack off" immediately after signing long-term
player contracts. In Maxcy, et al. (2002), the authors attempted to
isolate shirking behavior in MLB by looking at whether a player's
deviation from expected performance was affected by proximity to a free
agent contract. In a similar fashion, we directly model the changes in a
player's productivity ([DELTA]PROD) from year (t - 1) to year t as
a function of player characteristics (PLAYER), team factors (TEAM), and
measures of contractual influence (SHIRKING):
The first player characteristic we consider is the aging effect on
a player's productivity. From prior work on the subject, we have
found that a player's productivity tends to be surprisingly stable
across his career, with a noticeable spike upward in his first two years
and a steady decline occurring after a player's 12th year of
experience. For this reason, we included a dummy variable for players
with 2 years of experience (D2) and another for those who have played
more than 12 seasons (D12).
Beyond the aging effect on productivity, one would expect that
injuries would adversely affect performance. Without data on
players' injuries, however, we are forced to use an alternative
proxy. Given that injured players are typically held out of games, the
number of games played should suffice as a crude measure of injuries. As
such, an increase in injuries implies a decrease the number of games
played ([DELTA]GP < 0), hence reducing productivity.
Beyond the player variables, three team characteristics can also
potentially impact a player's level of output: managerial quality,
teammate productivity, and roster turnover. The first factor listed has
been the subject of a substantial amount of literature. (3) The work
presented here follows from Kahn (1993), where individual performance in
MLB was connected to a measure of managerial quality. Kahn measured
managerial quality via the construction of a variable that linked
managerial salary to both the manager's years of experience and
lifetime winning percentage. Because limitations of the data prevented
us from constructing a similar variable, we instead used the
coach's experience (CEXP) and lifetime winning percentage (CWPCT)
to control for managerial quality. Ceteris paribus we expect that a
player's productivity rises with the quality of the coaching input.
Player productivity is also impacted by the actions of his fellow
teammates. A common argument offered by the media is that better players
increase the productivity of their teammates, even though such a view
runs counter to the basic economic notion of diminishing returns. Given
that shot attempts in a game are finite, if one player takes more shots,
his teammates must take fewer. A similar argument extends to other
facets of productivity, including rebounding and steals. To settle this
debate between common perception and standard economic theory, we
examine how the productivity of his teammates impacts the productivity
of the player in question. This is accomplished by the change in team
wins across seasons ([DELTA]TMWINS); with diminishing returns, we would
expect that a player's productivity falls as he plays on a better
team because his teammates are contributing a greater amount to the
overall team effort. (4)
The final team characteristic to be considered is team chemistry.
In general, team chemistry is an elusive concept, frequently cited but
rarely defined. In this article, it will be assumed that team chemistry
refers to the ability of team members to work together in a fashion that
enhances each player's and hence the team's productivity. To
some extent, this issue is addressed by the previously discussed issue
of team productivity. Beyond this variable, the ability of teammates to
work together in a positive fashion is likely to be impacted by the
number of new players each team acquires in the off-season. Following
the work of Berri and Jewell (2004), we examine the difference in the
number of returning player minutes on a player's team
([DELTA]ROSTER). (5) A priori, more stable rosters (i.e., a decline in
this factor) should lead to an increase in a player's performance.
The final factor we consider deals with shirking, the primary
subject of this inquiry. One means of detecting shirking is a simple
dummy variable (SIGNED) for players in their first year after signing a
long-term contract (defined as greater than two years in length). (6) If
shirking behavior is common, then we would find a negative effect of
SIGNED on productivity. Beyond a simple dummy variable, we also wonder
if the length of a contract impacts player productivity. Hence, an
alternative means of detecting shirking behavior is to interact SIGNED
with the length of the contract (SIGNED x LENGTH). Again, if opportunism is prevalent, then we would find this interaction term to be negatively
related with productivity. Finally, with annual salaries of professional
basketball players averaging in the millions, it is possible that what
appears to be shirking behavior is the result of some type of
labor/leisure trade-off. When the income effect outweighs the
substitution effect, a worker chooses to consume more leisure and supply
less labor. Although impossible in this labor situation, standard
economic analysis focuses on the hour-for-hour tradeoff between work and
leisure. In the case of professional athletes, leisure may be consumed
in the form of reduced effort, especially as it pertains to things such
as off-season conditioning, diet, and personal development. To control
for the possibility of the income effect, we consider the impact of
salary on those who just signed long-term contracts. This is
accomplished by an interaction term between SIGNED and the annual salary
of the player (SIGNED x SALARY). If effort is adversely affected by the
income effect, then we would expect to find that productivity falls with
the player's salary. (7)
Each of these independent variables is connected to changes in a
player's performance. We consider two measures of a player's
productivity in this analysis. The first measure is that which is
commonly used by the NBA and media to evaluate players. Denoted
[PROD.sub.NBA], this expression of productivity is given in equation
(A1) of the appendix. The second measure, developed by Berri (2004),
addresses a number of shortcomings of the NBA measure. Specifically, the
second measure we employ is designed as a simple estimation of an NBA
player's marginal productivity. Designated [PROD.sub.MP] in this
study, it is described in detail in equations (A2)-(A5) of the appendix.
Given our choice of dependent and independent variables, the model
estimated was:
(2) [DELTA]PROD = [[beta].sub.0] + [[beta].sub.1]D2 +
[[beta].sub.2]D12 + [[beta].sub.3] [DELTA]GP + [[beta].sub.4]CEXP +
[[beta].sub.5] CWPCT + [[beta].sub.6] [BETA]TMWINS + [[beta].sub.7]
[DELTA]ROSTER + [[theta].sub.1] SHIRKING + [epsilon].
Because the relationship we want to investigate is the impact of
signing a long-term contract on player productivity, the test for
shirking behavior is the one-tailed test that [[theta].sub.1] < 0.
The sample used in this study includes those NBA players for whom
accurate contract data was available (9) and who received enough playing
time for us to establish a legitimate measure of productivity. (10)
Altogether, our sample includes 515 observations from the 2000-2001
through the 2002-2003 seasons. Table 1 gives the means and standard
deviations for the variable used in this model.
Table 2 contains three sets of ordinary least squares estimates for
the coefficients in (2), with the NBA's measure of performance
([PROD.sub.NBA]) employed to measure productivity. The first set
considers SIGNED as the shirking variable; the second uses the
interaction with contract length (SIGNED x LENGTH); and the final set
looks at the interaction with salary (SIGNED x SALARY). One interesting
result derived from Table 2 is that the productivity of teammates
([DELTA]TMWINS) is negatively related to a player's productivity.
Such a result is consistent with the notion that any one player's
performance is subject to a type of diminishing returns in the sense
that increases in the overall quality of one's teammates decreases
the individual's impact on the team. Furthermore, the dummy
variables for experience (D2 and D12) are consistent with our
expectations, suggesting that a player's productivity increases
over his first two years and declines after he reaches his 12th season.
Finally, we see find that injuries are negatively related to
productivity in that as games played (GP) falls, productivity falls as
In regard to the shirking hypothesis, Table 2 gives weak evidence
of a falloff in performance (measured by the NBA method) subsequent to
signing a new long-term contract. Although the coefficients on SIGNED
and (SIGNED x LENGTH) are significant, the implied impact on
productivity is quite small. Evaluated at the point of means, the effect
of signing a new long-term contract would reduce productivity by about
2-4%. Finally, in regard to the labor/leisure trade-off, the coefficient
on (SIGNED x SALARY) is insignificant, suggesting that increased wealth
has no impact on player productivity.
Table 3 contains three sets of estimates for equation (2) when
[PROD.sub.MP] is used as the metric for productivity. The important
conclusion derived from Table 3 is that long-term contracts do not have
any significant impact on this (more sophisticated) measure of
productivity. That is, although the estimated coefficients on the
shirking variables are negative, they are not significant at any
reasonable level. Given the large body of literature concerning the
evolution of optimal labor contracts, we do not find this evidence
One important lesson learned here is that the choice of performance
measure has an important effect on the conclusions reached. As noted in
the appendix, although the NBA measure is quite popular in the press, it
is not highly correlated with team wins. The alternative metric, based
on marginal productivity, is exactly the opposite: highly correlated
with team wins yet not widely understood. Perhaps our analysis gives us
some insight into the debate surrounding the supposed adverse effect of
long-term labor contracts on performance. From the economist's
perspective, such conduct seems inconsistent with rational and efficient
behavior. Yet industry insiders and members of the media insist such
activities occur. The evidence presented here suggests that those
insisting that players shirk are led to this conclusion by their use of
an overly simple method of evaluating players. Our results suggest that
shirking does not hold up under a more sophisticated metric of player
Prior work on shirking has focused almost exclusively on MLB,
typically using slugging average as the measure of player productivity.
The current inquiry is the first to examine shirking in the NBA,
employing two different measures of player productivity. When the
NBA's measure is used, we find evidence consistent with the
shirking hypothesis. But when productivity is measured in a fashion more
consistent with economists' definition of marginal product, the
evidence of shirking evaporates.
At the outset, we noted that the views of economists and industry
observers diverged with respect to the subject of shirking. Whereas
economists often argued that economic realities of professional sports would make shirking an unlikely outcome, industry insiders and members
of the media steadfastly argue that players seem to alter their
performance in response to long-term job security. Our analysis suggests
that this debate arises primarily out of the metric used to evaluate
player productivity. Those insisting on using the NBA's measure of
performance can point to the fact that over half (58%) of the players in
our sample had a productivity falloff after signing long-term contracts.
Yet this simple measure omits a number of important contributions of the
player, meaning that some of those accused of shirking may in fact be
contributing in other ways. We argue that productivity based on marginal
product does a better job of accounting for these missed contributions.
In fact, when measured using this metric, less than half (49%) of these
players actually underperformed after signing a long-term contract. (11)
MLB: Major League Baseball
NBA: National Basketball Association
The aforementioned studies of shirking in professional sports have
primarily focused on the sport of baseball. Although this choice may be
motivated by the preferences of the individual workers, one should also
note that baseball has a number of indices designed to capture the
productivity of an individual in a single number. Research employing
data from the NBA is generally hampered by the lack of any such index
measuring the productivity of a professional basketball player.
Research into the level of racial discrimination in professional
basketball reveals that only one measure of productivity, points scored,
is consistently correlated with a player's wage. (12)
Other factors of production are not consistently correlated with a
player's compensation. Hence one could employ points scored as the
sole measure of player productivity. To focus solely on points, though,
ignores the many facets of production a player can offer.
The NBA tracks a plethora of measures designed to capture the
productivity of an individual player. (13) The NBA uses much of this
data in the construction of an efficiency measure, detailed in equation
(A1). (14)
(A1) [PROD.sub.NBA] = (PTS + TREB + STL + BLK + AST) - (TO + FGMS +
where PTS = points scored, TREB = total rebounds, STL = steals, BLK
= blocked shots, AST = assists, TO = turnovers, FGMS = field goals
missed, and FTMS = free throws missed.
The NBA's index is quite similar to Dave Heeran's (1992)
TENDEX system, (15) Robert Bellotti's Points Created model (see
Belloti 1993), (16) and the method IBM employs in ascertaining its
player of the year. (17) An apparent problem with these models is that
no attempt is made to ascertain the relative value of each statistic.
For example, the NBA's model argues that a missed field goal is
equal in value to a missed free throw. Consequently, although these
indices are easy to construct, the ability of these measures to truly
assess worker productivity is not clear.
The seminal work of Gerald Scully (1974) offers an alternative
approach. Scully argued that the marginal product of an athlete in a
professional team sport could be ascertained by connecting wins to
player statistics. (18) Berri (2004) recently adopted the Scully
approach in developing a simple measure of marginal product in
professional basketball. Berri begins with the following model of team
winning percentage (WPCT):
(A2) WPCT = [[alpha].sub.0] + [[alpha].sub.1] *PTS/PE +
[[alpha].sub.2] *DPTS/PA + [e.sub.2i]
where PTS/PE = points per possession employed, and DPTS/PA = points
surrendered per possession acquired.
In essence, wins in the NBA are determined by how efficiently a
team converts its possessions into points, relative to the ability of
the team's opponent to elicit points from its possessions. The key
to understanding equation (A2) is the concept of team possessions. (19)
As defined by Oliver (2003) and Hollinger (2003), the number of
possessions a team employs is modeled as:
(A3) PE = FGA - RBO + TO + 0.44*FTA
where FGA = field goals attempted, RBO = offensive rebounds, and
FTA = free throw attempts.
As noted by Oliver, a team's possession can end with one of
three events: a field goal attempt, (20) a turnover, or some free
throws. Equation (A3) recognizes that only a fraction of free throws
result in a change of possession. The precise fraction, however, is open
to debate. Based on a detailed review of a sample of games, Oliver
estimates that ~ 40% of free throws attempted result in a change of
possession. Hollinger argues that a more precise measure is 44%, which
he claims is the constant that balances best the number of possessions a
team employs with those possessions employed by a team's opponent.
Hollinger's measure is consistent with the work of Berri, who
arrived at the constant of 0.44 by balancing possessions employed and
possessions acquired.
The concept of possessions acquired was also introduced by Berri
(2004). The purpose of this work was to create a measure of player
productivity that assigned a value, in terms of team wins, to each
action a player took on the court. Though each element of a team's
possessions employed can be traced back to an individual player, several
elements of the opponent's possessions employed cannot be connected
to any individual player. To overcome this limitation, Berri considered
the concept of possessions acquired. As noted by Berri, a team acquires
possession (PA) of the ball via the following process:
(A4) PA = DTO + RBD + RBTM + DFGM + 0.44*DFTM,
where DTO = opponent's turnover, RBD = defensive rebound, RBTM
= team rebounds, DFGM = opponent's field goal made, and DFTM =
opponent's free throw made.
Specifically, equation (A4) implies that a team can acquire the
ball after an opponent turnover, the opponent missing a shot that the
team rebounds, (21) or the opponent making a shot. As discussed earlier,
only a fraction of free throws result in a change of possession.
Table A1 reports the estimation of equation (A2). With this
estimation we can now impute the marginal value of much of what each
team and player does on the court. By taking the derivative of winning
percentage with respect to PTS and PE, one can ascertain the impact of
an additional point and possession on team wins, and are reported in
Table A2. From this table, we see that each additional point adds 0.033
wins whereas each possession employed subtracts 0.034 victories. A
similar calculation produces the marginal impact of DPTS and PA. (22)
Consequently the average marginal value of PTS and each of the elements
of PE are virtually equal.
Given these values, Table A3 gives the implied value of the
statistics tabulated for the players and the team. The team factors
include variables that cannot be assigned to individual players. (23)
However, the list of player factors (points, field goal attempts, free
throw attempts, offensive rebounds, turnovers, steals, (24) and
defensive rebounds) can be employed in our evaluation of a player's
productivity. (25)
A perusal of the marginal impact of these factors reveals a most
pleasant surprise. With the exception of free throw attempts, virtually
each of these statistics has an equal impact on wins. Therefore we now
have a relatively simple model of player productivity. Given that each
factor has virtually the same impact on wins, we can measure player
productivity as: (26)
(A5) [PROD.sub.MP] = PTS - FGA - 0.44*FTA + ORB - TO + STL + DRB.
An astute reader might note that (A5) is similar to the measure of
productivity employed by the NBA. The crucial difference lies in how
shot attempts are valued. The NBA model values equally missed field
goals and missed free throws. More important, though, is the impact of
made shot attempts. As noted, a made shot results in a change of
possession. Therefore, making a shot both moves a team closer to winning
the game but also imposes a cost. According to the NBA model, though, a
player does not bear the cost of a shot attempt if the attempt is
successful. Consequently, according to the NBA's calculations, a
player only needs to successfully make 40% of his two-point field goal
attempts and 25% of his three-pointers for the benefits of the
player's shooting to equal the costs. Most players in the NBA
exceed these percentages. Consequently if a player is able to take a
large number of his team's shot attempts, the player's value
according to the NBA's method can be quite high. In contrast, the
method proposed here imposes the cost of each shot attempt, regardless
of whether or not the shot is made. As a result, a player must connect
on at least 50% of two-point shots and 33% of three pointers. A failure
to reach these levels will lead to declines in player value as shot
attempts increase.
One should note that the industry and media's evaluation of
player performance have been shown to be correlated with rubrics such as
the NBA efficiency measure and Bellotti's points created model.
Bellotti notes in his work that the media's selection of the most
valuable player is virtually always either first or second in the league
in points created. Berri and Schmidt (2002) examined the relationship
between voting for the All Rookie team, one of the only awards chosen by
the coaches, and two measures of player productivity. The first was
Points Created, which was shown to explain much of the voting pattern. A
second measure, based on the measure of marginal product developed in
Berri (1999), was unable to explain the pattern of votes received.
Finally, a more recent work by Berri and colleagues (2004) examined
player salary via the NBA efficiency measure and the model employed
herein to estimate marginal product. The evidence presented suggested
that the productivity measure that explained salary the best was the NBA
efficiency measure. Explanatory power declined dramatically when the
measure of marginal productivity was employed as the primary gauge of
player performance.
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Zimbalist, Andrew. "Salaries and Performance: Beyond the
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edited by P. Sommers. Washington, DC: Brookings Institution, 1992a, pp.
--. Baseball and Billions. New York: Basic Books, 1992b.
(1.) Maxcy (1996), for example, found that long-term contracts tend
to be awarded to those players with the most consistent and superior
performances across their careers.
(2.) Unlike the National Football League, these contracts are fully
(3.) Notable papers examining the role of baseball managers include
Ruggiero et. al. (1997), Horowitz (1994a, 1994b, 1997), Kahn (1993),
Scully (1994), and Porter and Seully (1982). Coaching in the National
Football League was examined by Hadley et al. (2000). College basketball coaching has been examined by Fizel and D'Itri (1997) and Clement
and McCormick (1989). Finally, coaching in the NBA has been previously
analyzed by Pfeffer and Davis-Blake (1986).
(4.) This measure follows the work of Idson and Kahane (2000), one
of the first studies to consider the impact of team productivity on
individual player performance.
(5.) To calculate this factor, one must first note the players who
played for the team in both the current and prior season. The minutes of
these players were then summed for each season, and this total was then
divided by the total number of player minutes in each season. The
average of these two numbers was taken to determine the extent of roster
turnover on each player's team.
(6.) It is possible that a player attempts to mask his shirking
behavior or tries to prove to the public that his lucrative contract was
worthwhile by waiting a year before slacking off. If so, then we would
expect performance to fall off two years (rather then one) after signing
a new long-term contract. We checked for such a two-year lag in shirking
behavior and found no evidence using either measure of productivity. We
thank an anonymous referee for suggesting this possibility to us.
(7.) We thank Stefan Szymanski for making us aware of this
possibility. One must be careful, however, with assigning the increased
consumption of leisure to the standard notion of shirking behavior. That
is, the traditional notion of shirking as opportunistic behavior arises
from the inability to perfectly monitor effort. The issue here is
whether the income effect has a measurable effect on the player's
consumption of leisure. To the extent that labor contracts internalize this effect, we need to control for greater wealth on the optimal
consumption of leisure. Thus, we include the interaction term (SIGNED x
SALARY) to control for the income effect on productivity.
(8.) One should note that this measure of productivity is defined
on a per minute basis. In other words, like the employment of slugging
percentage in the study of shirking in baseball, we are focused on the
efficiency of the player.
(9.) The source of these data was
(10.) Players had to play at least 12 minutes per game and at least
40 games in successive seasons.
(11.) Consistent with Tables 2 and 3, a 58% falloff is weakly
significant (but only at the 10% level), and a 49% falloff is not. We
thank a referee for pointing out to us this correspondence between the
regression results in these tables, and the statistical significance of
these two sample proportions.
(12.) Much of the work examining racial discrimination involves
regressing a player's wage on measures of productivity and a dummy
variable for race. The observation regarding the statistical
significance of points scored was made in Berri (2006).
(13.) The productivity data tracked by the NBA that we employ can
be found in the 2003-2004 Sporting News: NBA Guide.
(14.) Equation (A1) can be found at the following Web site:
(15.) TENDEX was first formulated by Heeran in 1959. Heeran begins
with a model identical to the one currently employed by the NBA but then
weights each player's production by both minutes played and the
average game pace his team played throughout the season being examined.
(16.) Robert Bellotti's Points Created model, published in
1988, is also quite similar. Bellotti begins with the basic TENDEX model
and then simply subtracts 50% of each player's personal fouls.
Jenkins (1996) employed the Points Created model in a study of racial
(17.) The IBM award differs from the other models by subtracting
field goal attempts, rather than missed field goals. The IBM award also
ignores the impact of missed free throws, and weights player
productivity by both team wins and team statistical productivity.
(18.) Scully's approach was also employed by Medoff (1976),
Raimondo (1983), Scott et al. (1985), Zimbalist (1992a, 1992b), Blass
(1992), and Berri (1999), among others.
(19.) According to Oliver (2003), the concept of points per
possession was noted in Frank McGuire's book Defensive Basketball,
published in 1959. Oliver reports that an assistant of McGuire, Dean
Smith, utilized the concept of points per possession during his tenure
of head coach at the University of North Carolina.
(20.) A field goal attempt will result in a change of possession if
it is made or the miss is captured by the opponent. An offensive rebound
does not result in a change of possession, hence these must be
subtracted from field goal attempts in ascertaining how many times a
team has the ball.
(21.) Berri notes that the rebounding of the opponent's missed
shots can be separated into two categories, defensive rebounds and team
rebounds. The former are rebounds credited to a specific individual.
Team rebounds are basically an accounting device. The number of missed
shots and rebounds should equal at the end of a game. If a missed shot
goes out of bounds, though, a rebound cannot be credited to an
individual. Likewise, if a player misses the first of two free throws,
no rebound can be recorded for an individual player. Hence, these events
are also listed as team rebounds. One should note that only team
rebounds that result in a change of possession are included in the
estimation of team rebounds that follows. Team rebounds associated with
misses on the first of two free throws are not included. For specific
details of how team rebounds are calculated one is referred to Berri
(22.) As one can see from the following the similarity in these
values is not a coincidence.
Marginal Value of PTS = [[alpha].sub.1]*[PE.sup.-1]]
Marginal Value of PE = [[alpha].sub.1]*PTS*[PE.sup.-2*] - 1
= [[[alpha].sub.1]*[PE.sup.-1]]*[PTS*[PE.sup.-1]* - 1
The difference between these equations is [PTS/PE]* - 1. The
average value of this ratio is 1.02. The calculation of these values
used the average number of points and possessions per game. One could
also estimate the marginal value of points and possessions for each
individual team.
(23.) Following Scott et al. (1985) and Berri (1999), team factors
can be used in the evaluation of individual players. Each of these
authors allocated variables tracked for the team to individual players
according to the number of minutes the player played.
(24.) If the opponent commits a turnover and one can identify the
player on the team who is responsible, the identified player is given
credit for a steal. So the opponent's turnovers include all of the
steals each individual player on the team garners. In Table A3 the value
of a steals are listed among statistics tabulated for players while the
opponent's turnovers that are not steals (DTO--STL) are listed
among team variables. One should also note that a small number of
turnovers are not recorded for individual players. One could therefore
add team turnovers to the list of team factors in Table A3.
(25.) As noted in Berri (2004), one can employ these marginal
values to measure the wins each player creates. In constructing
DIFTMWINS, the number of wins each player created was determined. To
ascertain the productivity of a player's teammates, the
player's estimated win's production and minutes played were
subtracted from the corresponding team total. These team values were
then employed to measure the per minute productivity of a player's
teammates. DIFTMWINS represents the difference between a player's
teammates productivity in season t and season t - 1.
(26.) All the player's in the NBA for the 2002-2003 season
were evaluated with the simple model listed in equation (A5), which
ignores the estimated weights, and via an equation that includes the
values listed in Table A3. The correlation coefficient between these two
rankings was 0.99. In other words, little is lost when the specific
marginal values are ignored.
* We thank Stefan Symanski for his helpful comments, and the
participants at the 2004 Western Economics Association meetings.
Berri: Associate Professor, Department of Economics, California
State University-Bakersfield, 9001 Stockdale Highway, Bakersfield, CA
93311. Phone 1-661-654-2027, Fax 1-661-654-2438, E-mail
[email protected]
Krautmann: Professor, Department of Economics, DePaul University, 1
East Jackson, Chicago, IL 60604. Phone 1-312-362-6176, Fax
1-312-362-5452, E-mail
[email protected]
Summary Statistics
Variable Label Mean SD
Player productivity, [PROD.sub.NBA] 0.448 0.100
NBA model
Player productivity, [PROD.sub.MP] 0.168 0.080
marginal product
Difference in [DELTA][PROD.sub.NBA] -0.004 0.055
Difference in [DELTA][PROD.sub.MP] -0.001 0.039
Annual salary SALARY 5,460,000 4,407,000
Difference in games [DELTA]GP -1.50 13.8
Coaches' winning CWPCT 208.648 265.68462
Coaches' experience CEXP 0.518 5.67912
Difference in team [DELTA]TMWINS 0.025 0.40877
Difference in roster [DELTA]ROSTER 284.733 361.35716
Dummy, two years of D2 0.097 0.29636
Dummy, twelve years or D12 0.117 0.32114
more of experience
Dummy, signed a SIGNED 0.165 0.37159
contract > 3 years
SIGNED crossed with SIGNED x LENGTH 0.810 1.91419
SIGNED crossed with SIGNED x SALARY 1,099,000 2,971,000
Number of observations = 515
Regression Estimates (Dependent Variable: [PROD.sub.NBA];
t-Statistics in Parentheses)
Variable Coefficients Coefficients Coefficients
Constant -0.002 -0.002 -0.003
(-0.4) (-0.5) (-0.7)
D2 0.031 ** 0.031 ** 0.031 **
(3.9) (3.9) (3.9)
D12 -0.023 ** -0.024 ** -0.023 **
(-3.2) (-3.2) (-3.1)
[DELTA]GP 6.2E-04 ** 6.2E-04 ** 6.3E-04 **
(3.6) (3.6) (3.7)
CEXP 1.6E-04 1.6E-04 1.5E-04
(0.5) (0.4) (0.4)
CWPCT -3.5E-05 -3.6E-05 -3.6E-05
(-1.1) (-1.1) (-1.1)
[DELTA]ROSTER 2.1E-05 2.1E-05 2.2E-05
(0.9) (0.9) (1.0)
[DELTA]TMWINS -0.01 * -0.01 * -0.01 *
(-1.8) (-1.8) (-1.8)
SIGNED -0.011 ## -- --
SIGNED x LENGTH -- -0.002 # --
SIGNED x SALARY -- -- -7.8E-10
[R.sup.2] 0.10 0.10 0.10
F-statistic 7.41 ** 7.3 ** 7.11 **
* Significant at 10% level.
** Significant at 5% level.
# Significant at 10% level (one-tailed).
## Significant at 5% level (one-tailed).
Regression Estimates (Dependent Variable: [PROD.sub.MP];
t-Statistics in Parentheses)
Variable Coefficients Coefficients Coefficients
Constant -4.1E-04 -3.5E-04 -6.3E-04
(-0.1) (-0.1) (-0.2)
D2 0.014 ** 0.014 ** 0.014 **
(2.4) (2.4) (2.4)
D12 -0.012 ** -0.013 ** -0.012 **
(-2.3) (-2.4) (-2.1)
[DELTA]GP 3.9E-04 ** 3.9E-04 ** 3.9E-04 **
(3.1) (3.1) (3.2)
CEXP 1.4E-04 1.5E-04 1.5E-04
(0.6) (0.6) (0.6)
CWPCT 1.1E-06 5.6E-07 1.4E-07
(0.1) (0.0) (0.0)
[DELTA]ROSTER 2.8E-07 4.9E-07 1.1E-06
(0.0) (0.0) (0.1)
[DELTA]TMWINS -0.007 * -0.007 -0.007
(-1.7) (1.6) (-1.6)
SIGNED -0.005 -- --
SIGNED x LENGTH -- -0.001 --
SIGNED x SALARY -- -- -5.8E-10
[R.sup.2] 0.06 0.05 0.06
F-statistic 3.94 ** 3.97 ** 3.92 **
* Significant at 10% level.
** Significant at 5% level.
Regression Estimated for Equation (A2) (Dependent
Variable: Winning Percentage; t-Statistics in Parentheses)
Variables Coefficients
Constant 0.495 **
PTS/PE 3.122 *
DPTS/PA -3.118 **
Adjusted [R.sup.2] 0.947
Observations 286
** Denotes significance at the 1% level.
Marginal Value of Player and Team Factors
Variable Marginal Value
Points 0.033
Possessions employed (0.034)
Points surrendered (0.033)
Possessions acquired 0.034
Marginal Value of Player and Team Factors
Factors Marginal Value
Player factors
PTS 0.033
FGA (0.034)
FTA (0.015)
RBO 0.034
TO (0.034)
RBD 0.034
STL 0.034
Team factors
DPTS (0.033)
DFGM 0.034
DFTM 0.015
DTO-STL 0.034
RBTM 0.034