Labor-market consequences of poor attitude and low self-esteem in youth.
Waddell, Glen R.
In a recent national survey that asked employers to rank the
importance of particular applicant traits for nonsupervisory and
production positions, "applicant's attitude" was the only
trait that was reported to be "very important." In fact,
"academic performance, years of schooling completed, teachers'
recommendations, and industry-based credentials (certifying applicant
skills)" all ranked lower (Bowles et al. 2000). A second,
independent survey of employers in Holzer and Wissoker (2000) also
suggests that more weight is placed on a good attitude than on basic
skills among new hires of low-skilled workers. In this article, I assess
the role of pre-labor market attitude and self-esteem in explaining
disparities observed in the labor market experiences of a sample of high
school graduates. The apparent importance employers ascribe to attitude
and self-esteem gives clear reason to expect that such a relationship
I demonstrate that such survey responses are corroborated by real
economic consequences for those with poor attitude and self-esteem.
Using longitudinal data on a 1972 cohort of high school graduates, I
show that high school students who reveal negative attitudes and
self-esteem subsequently attain fewer years of postsecondary education
relative to their high school cohort, are less likely to be employed 14
years following high school, and where working for pay, earn less.
Accounting directly for the labor force participation decision, I also
document a higher incidence of unemployment among these individuals.
Furthermore, I find evidence that negative attitudes and self-esteem are
associated with jobs later in life that require the individual to spend
time working with things, as opposed to people, for example, and that
those who exhibit poor pre-labor market attitude and self-esteem are
subsequently more closely supervised at work and given less discretion
in their daily activities. All told, attitude and self-esteem in youth
are shown to have important and long-lasting economic implications.
In the following section I briefly discuss related literatures.
Specifically, two areas of the literature are considered: the effect of
joblessness on self-esteem and the relationship between other
noncognitive skills or worker attributes and labor market outcomes.
Section II then introduces the data and methods used in investigating
the relationships in question. Empirical results are reported in section
III and are followed by some discussion and concluding remarks.
This article is closely related to two areas of existing
literature. First, there exists a small body of literature that
documents a relationship between labor market activity and self-esteem.
However, this literature has heretofore focused more on the damage of
joblessness to an individual's perception of self-worth than on the
direction of causality considered here. For example, Goldsmith et al.
(1995, 1996a) find relationships between contemporaneous joblessness and
self-esteem and historic joblessness and subsequent self-esteem,
respectively. Arguably, the causality between attitudes and jobless spells is not clearly in one direction or the other. In this article, I
contribute clear evidence of the reverse causation--causation running
from attitude and self-esteem to future labor market outcomes.
Second, there is a growing body of literature on the importance of
noncognitive skills in wage determination. This literature suggests that
measures of aggression and withdrawal (Osborne 1999), individual
motivation (Goldsmith et al. 2000), behavioral problems in high school
(Cawley et al. 2001), one's "locus of control" or outlook
on life (Goldsmith et al. 1997b; Osborne 1999; Bertrand and Mullainathan
2001; Coleman and DeLeire 2003), and mental health (Bartel and Taubman 1979, 1986; Frank and Gertler 1991; Mullahy and Sindelar 1993) each have
predictive power with respect to wages. That employer surveys suggest
that attitude is highly valued alone leads one to anticipate that
attitude be related to earnings. The current analysis goes beyond
previous literature in its focus on attitude and self-esteem because it
relates to a broader array of labor-related outcomes, suggesting the
existence of deeper, more structural shortcomings associated with
attitude deficiencies than previous studies of wages have disclosed.
Of course, one cannot rule out that poor attitude and self-esteem
in youth simply reflect an accurate perception by some that they are
themselves of low ability. By extension, any observed differences in
outcomes that correlate with measured attitudes and self-esteem may be
due to ability indirectly revealed through survey responses. Likewise,
however, one cannot rule out that attitude and self-esteem are
themselves a dimension of ability--an additional "psychological
ability"--and therefore correlate directly with subsequent
outcomes. Adopting a full set of controls for ability, the analysis
below strongly suggests that aspects of attitude and self-esteem are, in
fact, direct inputs into one's productivity. Empirical regularities
in the data are also consistent with employers having learned to
associate perceptions of poor attitude and self-esteem with lower
productivity--bidding down employment and wage offers. Although there is
no direct evidence of a difference in marginal return to education for
those with poor attitude and self-esteem, the data do reveal that
respondents may anticipate such treatment insofar as they invest less in
postsecondary education. The data also suggest that such individuals may
self-select into positions where the returns to better attitude may be
lower--spending more on-the-job time working with things, for example,
and much less time working with people. In short, associations revealed
in the data are often strong and point to the potential for far-reaching
implications of fostering positive attitudes and self-esteem in youth.
To analyze whether one's youthful attitude and self-esteem
contribute to future labor market outcomes, I consider the National
Longitudinal Study of the High School Class of 1972 (NLS-72), a
representative survey of graduating high school seniors that records
both pre-labor market measures of attitude and subsequent outcomes such
as educational attainment, labor force participation, and wages, making
it well suited to parse out the effect of attitude relative to other
variables. The basic methodology adopted in this article is to regress such outcomes on measures of attitude and self-esteem taken prior to
entry into the labor market, controlling for other factors that may also
explain variation in outcomes. In this section I discuss the measures of
attitude used in the analysis and their suitability. Before reporting
estimation results, I also briefly discuss endogeneity, omitted
variables, subjective response data, and sample construction.
Attitude and Self-Esteem Measured
Among the high school experiences recorded in NLS-72, three series
of questions from the attitudes and opinions portion are of particular
interest. In one series, respondents were asked how they felt about
self-image statements including some from the now established Rosenberg (1965) Self-Esteem Scale, such as "I take a positive attitude
toward myself," and "I feel I am a person of worth, on an
equal plane with others," and "On the whole, I'm
satisfied with myself." In a second series of questions, focusing
more on the respondent's attitude and outlook on life, subjects
were asked how important were, for example, "Being successful in
[their] line of work," and "Being able to find steady
work." A third series in the attitude and opinions portion of the
1972 survey asks, in particular, how not feeling "part of the
school" had interfered with their high school education. Although
extreme responses to all other questions in this series cannot be
categorized as revealing respondent attitude or self-esteem, not feeling
part of the school is an indication often thought of as indicating poor
self-esteem and is therefore included in the index. These survey
questions, reproduced in Table 1, form the basis of this analysis of
whether attitude and self-esteem relate to observed disparities in
outcomes of interest. A breakdown of responses is also provided in Table
With a four- or five-option format of responses accompanying each
question (e.g., agree strongly, agree, no opinion, disagree, or disagree
strongly), responses are quantified only as agreement or disagreement,
resulting in a two-point (0, 1) response for each question. This binary method of accounting for subjective responses is common in the creation
of such scales and is in direct response to the potential for anchoring:
Two people with identical reactions to a statement may evaluate the
strength of their reactions differently, one claiming to agree while the
other claming to strongly agree, for example. Thus it is argued and
assumed that where a person anchors their scale is more likely to
influence the intensity of agreement than whether they agree in
principle, which leaves the two-point scale unaffected by anchoring. The
sum across all such two-point responses then forms an index of attitude
and self-esteem (ASE), the variation in which one might expect to
contribute to explaining the variation in observed outcomes. Adopting
the convention of assigning a point value of one to negative responses,
the resulting index is higher where attitude is poor and where
self-esteem is low. Although respondent outcomes could be regressed on
responses to single questions, doing so strongly suggests that revealing
poor attitude or self-esteem through a single response is insignificant
in predicting outcomes. As such a methodology measures the effect of
variation in a single response while holding responses to all other
questions constant, this is not surprising. In fact, one would
anticipate that it is rather through observing systematically negative
responses that one is able to separate those with poor attitude and
self-esteem from the larger sample of respondents and thereby contribute
to explaining more of the variation in observed outcomes.
Of course, from a purely econometric position one recognizes the
analysis as one querying whether being distinguished from the rest of
the sample through this ASE index correlates with subsequent
outcomes--earnings, joblessness, job characteristics, and so son--in any
systematic way. As such, it is reasonable for one to interpret the index
in relation to the sample of respondents, as opposed to absolute and
externally comparable to other such indices. In fact, in considering the
data, the extent to which the distribution of survey responses is
skewed, estimation results may be more a reflection of the extent to
which an individual holds positions in conflict with a social norm in a
way that would be considered poor attitude or self-esteem. For example,
only 1% of NLS-72 respondents claim that being successful in their line
of work is not important, and less than 4% believe that they are not
able to do things as well as most other people. By singling out those
who systematically reveal such positions, the index allows one to query whether such atypical statements correlate with real outcomes, having
controlled for a variety of other factors. Of course, to the extent such
responses are independent of any variation in outcomes attenuation would
yield no such relationship.
Suitability of the Index
Psychologists generally assess the validity of scales on three
principles; namely, convergent validity (that a similar index would
yield a like assessment of the individual), stability (that the index
would deliver a similar assessment if administered again a short time
later), and reliability (that responses to each question comprising the
index be highly correlated). Cronbach's alpha, a measure of
reliability, is reported for all indices in a subsequent table. However,
although measures of convergence and stability are unavailable for the
index created here, neither omission should be overly troublesome. If
the survey questions had been repeated within two weeks of the initial
survey, one would then be able to comment directly on the stability of
the index. Because the initial wave of the survey design did not allow
for repeating questions, one can surmise that in the worst-case scenario of the index not being stable it must then be a noisier measure of
attitude and self-esteem and in that sense less likely to reveal
systematic relationship with outcomes. In general, any failure to
capture the underlying latent process that leads to attitude and
self-esteem deficiencies should work against finding significant
negative relationships between the constructed index and outcomes. With
that said, in an attempt to demonstrate the robustness of the findings I
appeal to sensitivity analyses in two particular dimensions, with
estimation results being reported across four alternative indices. In
particular, I proceed systematically along two lines.
First, I report results across the content of the index, producing
a broad and a narrow index of attitude and self-esteem. From the
complete set of relevant survey questions, the broad index discards only
those survey questions for which there is no obvious negative
connotation to any response. For example, when respondents weigh the
importance of "Having lots of money," it seems unreasonable to
code either end of the scale--"very important" or "not
important"--as poor attitude. (1) Likewise, the importance of
"living close to parents and relatives" or "getting away
from this part of the country" is similarly ambiguous and difficult
to codify. Discarding such questions, the broad definition of attitude
and self-esteem includes 16 survey questions, reproduced in Table 1.
From among this broad set of responses, however, it would be
reasonable to still question how indicative certain responses are of
poor attitude and self-esteem. For example, even though only 7% of
respondents claim that "being able to give my children better
opportunities than I've had" is not important, such responses
might be more due to a respondent having been given generous
opportunities him- or herself than to having a poor attitude. Likewise,
responses to "being a leader in my community" and to
"working to correct social and economic inequalities" might be
only weakly related to our intended focus. (A full 43% of respondents,
for example, believe that being a leader in their community is not
important.) Furthermore, that strong friendships are "not
important" may not systematically represent the negative attitude
one might initially contend. In fact, in certain types of work, one
could imagine that such a response may be indicative of a positive
productivity differential. As such, though the most generally measured
indicators of attitude and self-esteem are included in the broadly
defined index, empirical results are also provided for a narrow
definition according to the range of responses included in the index.
Under such a rule, a narrowly defined index includes eight survey
The second dimension to the sensitivity analyses is to adjust the
intensity threshold required for a response to contribute to the index.
For example, following each question in the BQ21 series, respondents are
given the opportunity to take a position of "agree strongly,"
"agree," "no opinion," "disagree," or
"disagree strongly." By comparing attitude indices derived from "strong" positions--disagree strongly or agree
strongly--to those derived from "at-least-weak"
positions--disagree strongly, disagree, agree, or agree strongly--the
analysis reveals the robustness of the findings if not how the intensity
of reported feelings may matter. Though not strictly consistent with the
motivation for a two-point method of quantifying responses, exploiting
the richness of the survey design can yield a fuller characterization of
any potential relationship. Furthermore, providing sensitivity analysis
with respect to the threshold speaks not only to the robustness of
relationships but also provides context for evaluating the sensitivity
of the reported regularities in the data. With that said, in subsequent
discussion, I rely primarily on estimates derived from
"at-least-weak" indices because they are robust to potential
anchoring. All four indices employed in the analysis are defined in
Table 2, along with Cronbach's alpha, a measure of reliability.
Although I do not explicitly model the process that leads to poor
attitude or low self-esteem, note that the indices defined above tend to
be higher (i.e., poorer attitude and lower self-esteem) for less able
students and for students with low aptitude and, at least marginally,
higher where parents are more educated. Attitude and self-esteem are
significantly improved for those who participated in high school
athletics. Black students seem to reveal lower broadly defined indices,
but higher "narrow definition--strong position" indices, as do
other nonwhite students. There is generally little explanatory power in
such regressors, however, with all characteristics (i.e., gender, race,
ability, aptitude, parent education controls, family income, etc.)
collectively explaining less than 1% of the variation in the indices.
Nonetheless, these explanatory variables are included in subsequent
analysis. Where appropriate, controlling for attitude and self-esteem in
an intermediate year also ensures that the effect of the early,
pre--labor market attitude of interest is captured holding constant that
which exists closer to the time the outcome is observed.
With respect to contemporaneous high school performance and
attitude, potential endogeneity makes assigning causality difficult.
Estimating percentile rank and attitude simultaneously (not reported)
suggests that if a significant causal relationship exists at all, it may
run from rank to attitude. However, finding valid instruments from among
the available data--variables correlated with attitude but not the
error--is quite difficult, and confidence in the estimated coefficients
of such a model would be suspect. Because the focus of all other
outcomes is on the predictive power of pre--labor market attitude and
self-esteem on future outcomes, subsequent empirical tests will not
suffer from the endogeneity of attitude as would be the case, for
example, if one were to focus on contemporaneous relationships, and
individuals who did relatively well in the labor market, in turn,
revealed better contemporaneous attitudes relative to their cohort. (2)
As previously discussed, however, variation in unobserved but marketable
ability may be picked up with variation in the indices. Thus, it remains
key that one includes controls for ability. In all subsequent
specifications, this is accomplished with the inclusion of the
respondent's performance on a cognitive ability test, an aptitude
measure provided in the NLS-72, rank in high school class, and parent
education. The inclusion of parent education should also alleviate any
concern that having a more educated parent correlates with a student
having added motivation which may otherwise be attributed to better
attitude and self-esteem.
Subjective Response Data
Because the use of subjective data has been met with some
skepticism in the past (e.g., Freeman 1978), the four alternative
indices also provide additional transparency, giving a valuable
indication of the robustness of the reported relationships. However,
note that it is in particular with respect to the discussion of
anchoring that subjective response data is often criticized. For
example, one may reasonably assume that the reported attitude is
attributable to the true underlying attitude plus some error term. Were
the error term simply white noise, attenuation bias would result, making
any relationship between attitude and future labor market outcomes
appear less significant. One may alternatively hold, however, that this
error term not be white noise and instead be correlated with some
characteristic of the individual. One should therefore recognize the
care needed in interpreting any results based on subjective survey
In short, theestimated coefficients capture the effect of attitude
plus the effect of other variables that influence how attitude is
reported. Note, however, that one may even presume that the effects of
these "other variables" are also related to the
individual's productivity in which case one may even desire that
they be included. (3) Regardless, Bertrand and Mullainathan (2001)
demonstrate that although there is little justification for the use of
subjective response data as dependent variables, if measurement error is
small subjective measures may reasonably be used to predict outcomes.
Sample Construction
The sample used is less than the initial size of the survey for a
variety of reasons. Because I am considering the longest time period the
data will allow, attrition accounts for the largest decrease in sample
size. However, a substantial number of participants did not provide
demographic information on such factors as age, race, parent's
education, marital status, or school size and type, each of which are
used as controls in the following estimation procedures. A combined
score from comprehensive tests over mathematics, verbal skills, and
reading is used to obtain a measure of cognitive ability that is also
unavailable for some respondents, as are high school ranks in some
cases. For a small number of remaining individuals (65) the attitude and
self-esteem index described is unavailable. (4) Although the NLS-72 is
seemingly ideally suited to investigate the issue at hand, note that the
data set does exclude high school dropouts. Of course, such an omission
may in general suggest that any relationships found in the remaining
sample also hint at more economically significant relationships if poor
attitude and self-esteem are positively associated with pregraduation
In this section I investigate whether early signs of negative
attitude and self-esteem can warn of elevated propensities for
relatively poor performance in subsequent labor-market outcomes.
Subsequent Educational Attainment
To consider the predictive power of high school attitude and
self-esteem in future outcomes, I begin by analyzing the years of
education attained beyond high school, recorded in the 1986 follow-up survey of the NLS-72. In so doing, I consider the following equation:
(1) ln(1 + [E.sub.i]) = [[alpha].sub.0] + [[alpha].sub.1]ln(1 +
AS[E.sup.jk.sub.i]) + [beta]'[X.sub.i] + [e.sub.i],
where i indexes student respondents, [E.sub.i] is the
respondent's log-number of years of education beyond high school as
of 1986, and AS[E.sup.jk.sub.i] is the respondent's index of
attitude and self-esteem, where j captures the scope of questions
included in the index, j = {broad, narrow}, k captures the strength of
positions expressed through the attitude and self-esteem index, k =
{strong, at-least-weak}. [X.sub.i] is a vector of controls and [e.sub.i]
is an additive error term. (5) Included as controls are gender, race,
the highest education level of parents, birth order, performance in high
school, cognitive ability (as measured by a combined score from
comprehensive tests over mathematics, verbal skills, and reading),
aptitude, and participation in high school athletic programs (as
suggested by Barron et al. 2000; Kuhn and Weinberger 2005).
Across all indices, results suggest that respondents who reveal
deficiencies in attitude and self-esteem attain significantly fewer
years of postsecondary schooling, measured roughly 14 years following
graduation. Controlling for many factors that one would expect to
correlate with educational attainment, the results in Table 3 suggest
that across three of the four indices (accounting for both breadth of
definition and strength of position), greater investments in
postsecondary education are made by those who reveal more positive
attitudes and better self-esteem. (6) With respect to the sample of
respondents, pooled sample estimates suggest that one who is at the
median of the upper quartile of ASE attains up to 15.7% fewer years of
postsecondary schooling within 14 years of high school graduation
compared to one at the median of the lower quartile. (7) Furthermore,
these results are robust to controlling for unobserved heterogeneity at
the school level (in columns 2, 5, 8, and 11), where the coefficients on
the ASE variables should be interpreted as the effect on educational
attainment of a respondent's attitude and self-esteem relative to
students within the same high school. This should be encouraging to
parents and teachers if it is less costly to discern attitudes and
self-esteem relative to a small cohort than to discern attitudes in a
larger population.
Though I focus specifically on the effect of pre-labor market
attitude and self-esteem, there are at least two reasons one might
consider the effect of a similar measure taken somewhere between high
school graduation and the 1986 follow-up survey. First, it is not
unlikely that attitudes change in the first few years following high
school, and this change may nullify any negative outcomes associated
with the earlier revealed psychological attributes. Second, to the
extent poor attitude and self-esteem are persistent, omitted variable
bias may assign to a pre labor market index a relationship that is
actually driven only by its correlation with an intermediate,
postgraduation attitude and self-esteem. A like measure is therefore
constructed using the 1979 follow-up survey responses. (8) In short,
although the inclusion of the additional measure of attitude and
self-esteem does lower the significance of the pre-labor market ASE, the
initial results are qualitatively robust to the inclusion of this
intermediate measure. Controlling for attitude and self-esteem in 1979,
a respondent's attitude in 1972 remains a significant predictor of
educational attainment in all but the most conservative "narrow
definition--strong position" case reported in column (12), where it
was also insignificant without the 1979 measure. Although there are
significant differences across race and gender in educational attainment
on average, separate estimation procedures reveal no evidence that the
marginal effect of attitude differs by race or gender. (9) Furthermore,
though controls for birth order have significant level effects, there is
no evidence that the marginal effect of attitude differs by birth order.
Although not immediately apparent in the comparison of coefficient estimates, the results of column (1) suggest that within the sample, one
who has relatively low ability but good attitude invests an economically
significant 8.5% more in postsecondary education than one who has
relatively high ability but poor attitude. This is at least suggestive that in terms of outcomes, one is better off having low ability and good
attitude than high ability and poor attitude. For all subsequent
results, indications of the relative importance of attitude are
summarized later.
Subsequent Labor Market Status
To identify any relationship between attitude and self-esteem upon
exiting high school and subsequent labor-market status, I look at both
the likelihood that an individual is working for pay and, separately, at
the likelihood that an individual is unemployed conditional on labor
force participation. Both measures are available in the 1986 follow-up
survey, when survey participants are directly questioned regarding their
activities during the first week of February. Respondents who answered
that they were not working for pay were then given a series of follow-up
questions that reveal their true unemployment status. Considering the
likelihood of working for pay, I estimate the following logit model:
(2) Prob([W.sub.i] = 1) = [PHI]([[alpha].sub.0] +
[[alpha].sub.1]ln(1 + AS[E.sub.i]) + [beta]'[X.sub.i] + [e.sub.i]),
where [W.sub.i] indicates if the respondent was working for pay 14
years following high school (1986), [X.sub.i] is a vector of controls,
and [PHI] is a logistic cumulative distribution function.
Across the menu of indices reported in Table 4, the estimation of
equation (2) clearly suggests that the likelihood of working for pay 14
years following high school graduation is significantly lower for those
revealing poor attitude and self-esteem in high school, controlling for
gender, race, ability, marital status, and educational attainment, among
other characteristics. Comparing the predictions at the medians of the
lower and upper quartiles of ASE suggests that those with poor attitude
and self-esteem are between 11% and 28% more likely to be not working
for pay. (10) With one exception, these results are again robust to both
high school fixed effects and to the inclusion of the control for ASE in
intermediate years taken from the 1979 follow-up survey. Further,
consider from the results of column (1) that the effects of attitude are
sufficiently strong that having relatively low ability is more than
completely made up for with relatively good attitude and self-esteem.
Of the 6,533 respondents, 5,290 were working for pay in February
1986. However, not all in the 1,243 difference were active labor market
participants. In follow-up survey questions, 230 respondents clearly
revealed themselves to be in the labor market, either actively seeking
work or awaiting recall. Although there is a negative relationship
between poor attitude and self-esteem and labor force participation,
estimating a sample selection mechanism to account for this in the
unemployment equation does not lead to significantly different
results--the selection mechanism is rejected by the data. Thus, I
estimate a logit model of a form equivalent to that in equation (2), but
for the likelihood of being unemployed for the sample of 5,520 for which
this information is certain.
According to the results reported in Table 5, the degree to which
respondents reveal a negative pre-labor market attitude and self-esteem
is strongly correlated with their likelihood of being unemployed later
in life. Across all indices, where one has a poor attitude and
self-esteem, one is more likely to be unemployed 14 years out. In fact,
movement from the median of the lower quartile to the median of the
upper quartile increases the likelihood of being unemployed by between
31% to 68%--equivalent to roughly half of the relative increases
predicted for race differentials which range from 76-86% between black
and white respondents. (11) Although there are significant differences
across race and gender in employment status on average, separate
estimation procedures again reveal no evidence that the marginal effect
of attitude differs by race or gender.
Subsequent Wages
Of the 5,290 respondents working for pay at the time of the 1986
survey, 84% also report their weekly wages through follow-up questions.
Though the results are robust to using the sample of these 4,454
respondents, in an attempt to limit the influence of potential
measurement error, I report the results only for a subsample of 4,382
weekly wages falling strictly between the 1 st and 99th percentile,
excluding unreasonably small and large reported wages. (12) No loss of
significance or switching of sign occurs in any estimated coefficient
where the full sample is considered. To the contrary, significance is
gained by using the full sample.
Before turning to results, recall that poor attitude and
self-esteem have previously been associated with a higher likelihood of
joblessness and, as such, controlling for the selection bias in the wage
equation may yield qualitatively different results. In short, this does
not appear to be the case. Although there is a negative relationship
between working for pay and poor attitude and self-esteem, estimating a
selection mechanism to account for this in the estimation of weekly
wages is rejected by the data when narrow definitions of poor attitude
are adopted. Though the selection mechanism is not rejected for broad
definitions, a Heckman procedure accounting for selection yields only
slightly stronger and more negative coefficient estimates on the
variable of interest, and I therefore report the more conservative
Regressing log-weekly wages on attitude indices suggests that
respondents who reveal psychological deficiencies in high school do earn
significantly less 14 years later, conditional on employment. In terms
of how poor attitude and self-esteem might influence future wages,
consider that the influence of attitude is largest when not controlling
for ability, aptitude, or performance in high school. With each
additional control, the effect of ASE diminishes, suggesting that the
raw difference in wages across youthful ASE can be in part explained by
ability and/or effort in high school. However, the influence of attitude
and self-esteem also drops with the addition of post-high school
educational attainment, consistent with those having poor attitudes and
self-esteem as youth subsequently investing less effort in this
dimension. Together, this suggests that the mechanism through which
wages are influenced is some combination of both effort in high school
and subsequent investment behavior, which would be picked up with
heterogeneity in attitudes were such investments not controlled for
directly. (13) The predictive power of ASE after controlling for other
ability attributes again points to the potential for a direct
psychological ability captured in the created indices. As reported in
column (1) of Table 6, controlling for, among other characteristics,
gender, race, ability, educational attainment, tenure, age, and marital
status, and participation in high school athletics, a person at the
median of the upper quartile of the "broad
definition--at-least-weak position" index receives weekly wages
4.5% lower than those received by a person at the median of the lower
quartile. Adopting a narrow definition of ASE, as in column (7), the
same predicted difference is 7.9%. (14)
As noted earlier, controls for height are not available among the
data. However, the finding of Persico et al. (2004) that the wage
premium associated with height is insignificant when one controls for
self-esteem is encouraging in this regard. In terms of robustness, it is
also noted that the estimation results are again robust to controlling
for unobserved heterogeneity that is specific to the respondent's
high school. To allow for the possibility that the effect of ASE differs
by race or gender, I reestimate the model with additional interactions
and find no systematic differences. Although there are significant
differences across gender in weekly wages on average, separate
estimation procedures reveal no evidence that the marginal effect of
attitude differs by gender, race, or birth order. Furthermore, there are
no significant level effects associated with birth order.
Although these results suggest that attitude in one's youth
matters with respect to eventual earnings potential, note that there are
two important caveats that should keep one from interpreting these
results too broadly. First, attitude 7 years following high school is,
in general, a strong predictor of earnings 14 years following high
school. Second, though point estimates remain negative, estimates based
on the "broad definition--strong position" attitude composite,
reported in columns (4) through (6), are insignificant. (15)
Subsequent Job Characteristics
Beyond those considered, there are other measurable outcomes that
one might also expect to depend on attitude and self-esteem.
Specifically, contingent on employment, it is interesting to consider
one's type of work and whether there are any discernible relationships between earlier attitude and self-esteem and these
activities suggestive of deeper, more structural repercussions. Of the
5,290 respondents working for pay in February 1986, 4,992 provide
responses to survey questions regarding the time they spend on four
different categories of activities in an average work day. (16) Further,
5,076 respondents provide responses to a question regarding the
supervision they are under and the discretion they are given in their
Considering these responses in turn, note that in both cases,
responses are ordinal. For example, when asked about the time spent on
different activities in an average work day, possible responses are
ordered as "none," "very little," "some,"
or "a great deal." When respondents were asked to think about
their supervisor or the person who had most control over what they did
on the job, the ordinal response is according to how closely they were
supervised: "There was no such person," "I was more or
less my own boss within the general policies of the organization,"
"My supervisor gave me some freedom in deciding what I did and how
I did it," "My supervisor decided what I did, but I decided
how I did it," and "My supervisor decided both what I did and
how I did it." Given the nature of these responses, it is
appropriate for one to estimate a series of ordered logit models. (17)
These estimation results are reported in Tables 7 and 8, and
together indicate that the attitude and self-esteem measure constructed
in this analysis is picking up individual attributes that, later in
life, correlate with more than just lower employment rates, higher
unemployment rates, and lower earnings. However, caution is always
warranted when interpreting coefficients from models of ordered
dependent variables. (18) Relying, then, on the latent propensities, the
results reported in Table 7 reveal a significant tendency for those with
poor attitude and self-esteem in high school to spend more time
"working with things" than in any other category of activity,
even when the intermediate attitude measures are included among the
controls, which also include such characteristics as gender, race,
ability, and job tenure. Using the estimated coefficients from column
(1) of Table 7, moving from the median of the lower quartile to the
median of the upper quartile of ASE increases the probability of
responding that one "works with things a great deal" by 9.7%.
On the other hand, this same movement decreases the probability of
responding that one "works with people a great deal" by 5%
(column 7). Over the same range, the probability of responding that one
spends "no time working with things" decreases by 13% and the
probability of responding that one spends no time working with people
increases by 26.1%. These individuals clearly exhibit a latent
propensity to spend less time doing administrative, clerical, or
computational paperwork and less time working "with ideas" and
"thinking." Having demonstrated a negative relationship
between ASE and wages, it is interesting to further note here that
separate specifications reveal no evidence that those with poor
attitudes and self-esteem suffer incrementally lower wages where they
are mismatched into positions where they spend most of their time
working with people, paper, or ideas.
Adopting the same set of controls, there is also a significant
tendency for these individuals to be more closely supervised on the job
and to have less discretion in their activities. For example, from the
estimated coefficients from column (2) of Table 8 that also control for
an intermediate measure of attitude and self-esteem, movement from the
median of the lower quartile to the median of the upper quartile of the
pre labor market ASE index increases the probability of responding that
one's supervisor decided "both what [one] did and how [one]
did it" by 14.6%. Over the same range, the probability of
responding that there was "no such person" supervising the
individual decreases by 12.5%. In short, where attitude and self-esteem
are deficient in high school, individuals are later given less
discretion and are under closer supervision in their places of
employment. As in the wage equations, separate estimations reveal no
significant difference across race or gender in the effect of attitude
and self-esteem on the degree of supervision under which the individual
So How Important Is Attitude and Self-Esteem?
The pre-labor market measures of attitude and self-esteem
constructed are largely significant in explaining observed heterogeneity
in future education and labor-market outcomes. Furthermore, as suggested
throughout, estimated magnitudes are economically meaningful and suggest
that important benefits are likely to be associated with assisting those
individuals who reveal such psychological traits. Table 9 reports how
predicted outcomes from the analysis above respond to changes in key
variables and overall suggests that the effects of attitude are indeed
meaningful. Adopting the respective specifications with the "narrow
definition--at-least-weak position" index of attitude and
self-esteem, regressors are adjusted from the median of the lowest
quartile to the median of the upper quartile. Largely, the impression
from such comparisons is that attitude and self-esteem, as measured,
have economically significant effects on employment and wage outcomes on
the same order of magnitude as other common characteristics.
Separate Attitude and Self-Esteem Indices
Over all specifications, additional analysis was undertaken that
separated the survey questions pertaining to individual attitudes from
those pertaining to self-esteem, constructing two separate indices
instead of one. In the end, although there are no generally consistent
patterns revealed by such additional analysis, there are certain
specifications where attitude and self-esteem do seem to matter
differently. (19) For example, including separate attitude and
self-esteem indices in the model of wage determination suggests that
self-esteem in youth may be the more significant determinant of
subsequent wages. However, such depends on the particular content of the
indices, as noted in the narrow-definition results of columns (7) and
(8) of Table 10, where point estimates suggest that attitude is the
stronger predictor of wages. Furthermore, as shown in Table 10, allowing
interactive effects between the two separate indices reveals no
significant influence of one on the marginal effect of the other and,
moreover, yields insignificant estimates of the broad definitions of
both attitude and self-esteem indices in columns (1) through (6).
Summarizing the potential for differential effects more generally,
the only outcome for which there is a consistent pattern of asymmetry between the correlation of attitude and self-esteem measures with
subsequent outcomes is that revealed in the relationship between poor
self-esteem and higher likelihoods of subsequent unemployment.
Furthermore, subsequent analysis reveals that in no specification are
the estimated effects of poor attitude and low self-esteem of opposite
sign, suggesting that reported results are more consistent with outcomes
being driven similarly by both attitude and self-esteem. (20) Overall,
drawing broad conclusions regarding differential effects may be
Omitted Variables
An area of related literature not explicitly addressed above
regards the labor-market effects of noncognitive
"skills"--which may or may not constitute aspects of general
human capital. For example, Hamermesh and Biddle (1994) introduce
physical appearance and beauty to the literature as potential factors in
wage determination, estimating a 5-10% wage penalty to perceived
"plainness." As one may reasonably expect, a priori, that
attitude and self-esteem are correlated with physical appearance (e.g.,
people of better-than-average appearance tend to have a better attitude
and/or self-esteem), estimates of the effect of beauty or the effect of
attitude may each proxy for general human capital that is of some value
to the average employer. (21)
Measures of physical appearance are not commonly available,
however, which often precludes researchers from separating their
potential influence from other correlates. Unfortunately, this remains
the case in the data analyzed here. (22) Likewise, the data do not
include a measure of height, which has also been shown to contribute to
earnings. However, where evidence of a wage premium for height does
exist, controlling for self-esteem has been shown to render height
insignificant (Persico et al. 2004), which suggests that conditional on
self-esteem, the omission of height from the current analysis may be of
In this article, I assess the role of attitude and self-esteem in
explaining observed heterogeneity in a sample of high school graduates
and demonstrate important economic implications of poor attitude and
self-esteem in youth. Using data from the NLS-72, I find that pre-labor
market attitude and self-esteem are significantly correlated with future
educational attainment, employment status, and wages. To the extent that
graduating high school students exhibit poor attitude and self-esteem,
they attain fewer years of postsecondary education relative to their
high school cohorts, are less likely to be employed for pay 14 years
following graduation, are more likely to be unemployed conditional on
labor force participation, and where working for pay, realize lower
earnings on average. Furthermore, they tend to be given less discretion
and be under closer supervision at work. Across all outcomes, the
analysis reveals no interdependence between attitude and self-esteem and
race or gender.
In each case analyzed, a pre-labor market measure of attitude and
self-esteem is significant in explaining observed heterogeneity in
future education and labor market outcomes, and, consistent with
attitude in high school having long-lasting effects, the significance of
this early measure largely remains when one controls for later measures
of attitude and self-esteem. It is apparent, then, that the consequences
of early attitude and self-esteem deficiencies are long lived. (24)
However, because the later attitude measure is itself often significant,
one cannot rule out that corrective action may positively influence
labor market outcomes later in life. In some sense, though long-lived,
the damaging effects of poor attitude and self-esteem in high school are
Although results are reported across four alternative indices,
varying both the question content of the index and the intensity of
survey responses necessary for the index to register the response as
indicative of attitude or self-esteem deficiencies, the inherent
difficulty in quantifying such noncognitive attributes must be
acknowledged. To the extent that these composite indices are noisy measures of true attitude and self-esteem, however, the relationships
reported here are all the more noteworthy. At the very least, evidence
is provided that strongly suggests that those who systematically
separate themselves from others by their responses to these questions
suffer with respect to education and labor market outcomes later in
life, while controlling for the usual collection of other contributing
To the extent that attitude and self-esteem is simply picking up in
the way of omitted variable bias a degree of unobserved nonpsychological
ability, rather than a true psychological attribute with specific
returns in the labor market, it must do so holding constant cognitive
ability, aptitude, class rank, and parent education levels. Whether
responses are accurate perceptions of some underlying ability or are
directly, in and of themselves, additional facets of ability, their
inclusion reveals important relationships that extend our capacity to
explain variation in outcomes in important ways. Furthermore, as the
analysis includes a full set of controls for ability, demonstrating that
students who reveal poor attitude and self-esteem prior to entering the
labor market are systematically different in outcome over multiple
dimensions is strong evidence that there are aspects of attitude and
self-esteem that are direct inputs into one's productivity with
direct implications. Nonetheless, as the value of targeting resources
toward those who exhibit attitude and self-esteem deficiencies is likely
determined in large part by the extent to which deficiencies are
directly valued, this suggests the need for further analysis that
separates whether attitude and self-esteem are direct inputs in
production or merely indirect indications of unobserved ability. By
considering the relationship between attitude and self-esteem and future
labor market outcomes, this article suggests that real economic
consequence may exist in the targeting of resources toward individuals
who reveal these traits. In fact, the potential warning signs included
in Dwyer et al. (1998) are not unlike those analyzed here. Because most
students advance through school without experiencing violence, the
benefits of such policy proposals may lie largely in individuals'
subsequent labor market experiences.
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(1.) Bertrand and Mullainathan (2001) report that 1980 seniors
exhibit a positive association between the importance of money and
future wages.
(2.) In short, being predetermined, attitude and self-esteem can be
treated, at least asymptotically, as if it were exogenous in the sense
that consistent estimates can be obtained when it appears as a regressor
(Greene 2003). For further discussion of endogeneity issues with respect
to psychological capital and wages see Goldsmith et al. (1997a).
(3.) Given the particular focus on attitude and self-esteem, to the
extent that psychological deficiencies captured by ASE indices are
themselves dimensions of ability (and not merely proxies for otherwise
unobserved ability) one could reasonably hold that policy may be
properly motivated as much by what influences how attitude is reported
as by what influences attitude itself. Moreover, it is not immediately
clear that policy would change if the two were separable.
(4.) The NLS-72 consists of 22,652 observations. Restricting the
sample to those who had attended and completed high school by 1973
reduces the sample to 22,638. Of these, 10,727 did not respond to the
final follow-up survey (1986) used to determine subsequent educational
attainment, labor force participation, and earnings. Of those remaining,
4,108 did not provide demographic information on such factors as age,
race, parent's education, or marital status, and another 152 did
not provide information on school size and type. Finally, for 1,053,
there is no information on class rank and/or ability. This leaves a
sample size of 6,598. In 65 cases, however, 1972 ASE measures are not
able to be constructed due to missing data. This explains the initial
sample size of 6,533. Note that after observations with missing values are dropped, the sampling is such that one is not able to generate a
nationally representative sample using the weights included with the
dataset. However, qualitative results are generally robust to using
sampling weights. The most notable difference between those retained and
discarded are in gender make-up (e.g., discarded sample is 51% male
while the sample of 6,533 is 46% male) and race (16% black versus 7%
black). Other measurable differences between the two samples suggest
that the retained sample is higher in cognitive ability, aptitude, rank
in high-school graduating class and parent income. Sample statistics are
reported in Table 2.
(5.) Results are robust, throughout the analysis, to a linear
treatment of attitude and self-esteem.
(6.) Consistent with the earlier discussion of rank, not
controlling for attitude and self-esteem overestimates the effect of
percentile rank. There is also some evidence that the marginal effect of
education on wages is lower for those with high ASE. However, the
evidence is not robust across all measures adopted in this paper and is
therefore not reported.
(7.) From columns 1, 4, 7, and 10 of Table 3, the broad-weak
estimated difference is 15.7%; broad-strong, 13.2%; narrow-weak, 7.9%;
and, narrow-strong, 4.1%.
(8.) The correlation coefficients between the 1972 and 1979
attitude measures range from 0.08 to 0.25.
(9.) See Ajzen and Fishbein (1980) for some discussion of attitudes
and behavioral intention as they relate to behavior.
(10.) From columns 1, 3, 5, and 7 of Table 4, the broad-weak
attitude measure reveals a difference of 16.2%; broad-strong, 16.2%;
narrow-weak, 28.1%; and, narrow-strong, 11.4%.
(11.) From columns 1, 3, 5, and 7 of Table 5, movement in the
broad-weak attitude measure reveals a difference of 47.0%; wide-strong,
31.6%; narrow-weak, 63.8%; and, narrow-strong, 35.3%. These results are
also robust to controlling for unobserved heterogeneity at the school
level. However, as the sample size drops considerably due to lack of
variation within groups, results are not reported.
(12.) Forty-seven observations fall below the 1 st percentile, with
reported minimum weekly earnings of $0.50, mean weekly earnings of
$45.97, and maximum weekly earnings of $100.10. Forty-six observations
fall above the 99th percentile, with reported minimum weekly earnings of
$1,442.31, mean weekly earnings of $207,638, and maximum weekly earnings
of $2,016,000. As these extreme values seem implausible, it is likely
that this conservative approach will yield more reasonable estimates.
(13.) To the extent those with early displays of poor attitude and
self-esteem subsequently find themselves less satisfied with their
employment situations, one could also imagine a productivity
differential that could explain, in part, the wage gap observed in the
data. Though there are well-documented shortcomings in using subjective
response variables as dependant variables in regression analysis (e.g.,
see Bertrand and Mullainathan 2001; Hamermesh 2004) there remain large
literatures--including that on job satisfaction--that continue to rely
on such data for analysis. Of the 5,290 respondents working for pay
1986, 5,103 provide responses to questions regarding their level of job
satisfaction. Results of ordered logit models of job satisfaction as
determined by attitude and self-esteem as youth are available on
request. In short, in 10 of the 12 attributes of job satisfaction
recorded in the NLS-72, those who reveal negative attitudes or low
self-esteem in high school are more likely to be dissatisfied with
respect to their employment situation 14 years later.
(14.) Using broadly defined ASE, the corresponding predicted weekly
wages are $420.12 at the median of the lower quartile and $401.36 at the
median of the upper quartile. Narrowly defined A SE yields corresponding
predicted weekly wages of $427.53 at the median of the lower quartile
and $393.85 at the median of the upper quartile.
(15.) Directly controlling for change in ASE between 1972 and 1979
suggests that under the narrow definitions of attitude, the extent to
which attitude "improves" over the seven years is associated
with higher weekly wages in 1986.
(16.) These categories are as follows: "Working with things
(machinery, apparatus, art materials, etc.)," "Doing paperwork
(administration, clerical, computational, etc.)," "Working
with ideas and thinking," and "Dealing with people (as part of
the job)."
(17.) Multinomial logit would not be an efficient method of
estimation as the information provided by the ordinal ranking of the
dependent variable would be not be taken into account. Furthermore,
ordinary least squares would impose too much structure on the dependent
variable. That is, one would not want to impose a priori that the
difference between a 1 and 2 be equivalent to the difference between a 4
and 5.
(18.) Recall that it is only for the categories corresponding to
the lowest and highest values of the dependent variable for which an
estimated coefficient unambiguously determines the direction of change
from a change in an independent variable. As such, for all interior
categories, the sign of the effect of any independent variable on the
probability of a particular outcome is ambiguous and must be determined
by numerical methods.
(19.) All unreported results available on request.
(20.) Allowing for interactions by gender and by race reveals no
significant differences in the effect of separate attitude and
self-esteem indices. However, caution would be advantageous across these
various specifications as subdividing the sample in this way can quickly
yield very small cell sizes. For example, only 13 black men register
positive values for a narrowly-strong attitude-only index in the sample
of 6,533.
(21.) Of course, feedback effects may also exist (e.g., less
attractive people invest less in human capital as they expect a lower
(22.) This does suggest, however, that to the extent that
one's perception of an individual's beauty is inseparable from
one's perception of an individual's self-esteem, studies of
appearance that rely on the evaluation of a picture (Hatfield and
Spretcher 1986; Frieze et al. 1991; Hamermesh and Parker 2003) may more
directly measure true physical appearance than those that rely on data
generated out of personal interviews (Straus et al. 2001).
(23.) Persico et al. (2002) focus in part on the predictive power
of youth versus adult height, so, from among the literature that has
documented a height premium, their work is of particular interest here.
They conclude that "esteem and participation in social activities
affect wages through largely independent channels," but I control
for such participation in estimating education, wages, and other
outcomes. See Mobius and Rosenblat (2005) for discussion of specific
transmission mechanisms through which beauty premiums may evolve. Among
other summary statistics, they report that 20% of the beauty premium is
due to the subject's confidence.
(24.) This may also be viewed in the spirit of what Persico et al.
(2002) refer to as "early social discrimination rather than
contemporaneous market discrimination" being at the root of the
disparities in these outcomes.*****
GLEN R. WADDELL, I thank William Darity, William Harbaugh, Daniel Hamermesh, Larry Singell, and three anonymous referees for helpful
comments and accept full responsibility for any remaining errors or
Waddell: Assistant Professor, Department of Economics, University
of Oregon, Eugene, OR 97403-1285. Phone 1-541-346-1259, Fax 1-
541-346-1243, E-mail waddell@
Proportional Breakdown of NLS-72 1972 Attitude and Opinion Responses
Proportional Breakdown of
Very Somewhat Not
Survey Question Important Important Important
BQ20. How important is each of
the following to you in your
A: Being successful in my line .850 .141 .010
of work. B, N
B: Finding the right person to .832 .128 .040
marry and having a happy
family life. B, N
C: Having lots of money. .157 .612 .236
D: Having strong friendships. B .815 .171 .014
E: Being able to find steady .766 .209 .025
work. B, N
F: Being a leader in my .119 .448 .434
community. B
G: Being able to give my .642 .288 .070
children better opportunities
than I've had. B
H: Living close to parents and .501 .427 .071
I: Getting away form this part .606 .268 .125
of the country.
J: Working to correct social and .276 .528 .196
economic inequalities. B
Agree Agree Dis- Disagree
Strongly (b) agree Strongly
BQ21. How do you feel about
each of the following
A: I take a positive attitude .254 .538 .017 .085
toward myself. (a) B, N
B: Good luck is more .012 .055 .418 .040
important than hard work
for success. B
C: I feel I am a person of .314 .570 .010 .058
worth, on an equal plane
with others. (a) B, N
D: I am able to do things as .265 .624 .006 .038
well as most other people.
(a) B, N
E: Every time I try to get .033 .124 .168 .069
ahead, something or
somebody stops me. B
F: Planning only makes a .039 .114 .306 .052
person unhappy since it
hardly ever works out
anyway. B
G: People who accept their .087 .195 .234 .076
condition in life are
happier than those who try
to change things. B
H: On the whole, I'm .174 .537 .033 .064
satisfied with myself. (a)
B, N
Not A Great
At All Somewhat Deal
BQ17. How much has each of the
following interfered with your
education at this school?
A: Courses are too hard. .621 .363 .016
B: Teachers don't help me enough. .538 .394 .068
C: School doesn't offer the courses I .506 .362 .132
want to take.
D: My job takes too much time. .819 .143 .038
E: Transportation to school is .908 .072 .020
F: Parents aren't interested in my .823 .082 .095
G: Don't feel part of the school. B, N .662 .257 .081
H: Find it hard to adjust to school .795 .158 .047
I: Poor teaching. .489 .417 .093
J: Worry over money problems. .731 .198 .071
K: My own ill health. .901 .083 .016
L: Poor study habits. .454 .433 .113
M: Family obligations (other than .774 .181 .045
money problems).
N: Lack of a good place to study at .782 .170 .048
Notes: In reproducing survey questions BQ20, BQ21 and BQ17, B indicates
that the response contributes to broad indices of attitude and
self-esteem and N indicates that the response contributes to narrow
indices of attitude and self-esteem.
(a) Question contained in the Rosenberg Self-Esteem Scale.
(b) "No Opinion" is the excluded from the table and constitutes the
Attitude and Self-Esteem Index Definitions and Descriptive Statistics
Mean Proportion Maximum
Attitude and Self-Esteem Index (ASE) (SD) Nonzero Observed
Broad definition--at-least-weak
position. 4.143 .987 13
Sum of: (2.08)
"Not important" and "Somewhat
important" positions on the
following questions: BQ20a, BQ20b,
BQ20d, BQ20e, BQ20f, BQ20g and
"Disagree strongly" and "Disagree"
positions on the following
questions: BQ21a, BQ21b, BQ21c,
BQ21d and BQ21h.
"Agree strongly" and "Agree"
positions on the following
questions: BQ21e, BQ21f and BQ21g.
"Somewhat" and "A great deal"
positions on the following question:
Broad definition--strong position. 1.102 .633 11
Sum of: (1.19)
"Not important" position on the
following questions: BQ20a, BQ20b,
BQ20d, BQ20e, BQ20f, BQ20g and
"Disagree strongly" position on the
following questions: BQ21a, BQ21b,
BQ21c, BQ21d and BQ20h.
"Agree strongly" position on the
following questions: BQ21e, BQ21f
and BQ21g.
"A great deal" position on the
following question: BQ17g.
Narrow definition--at-least-weak
position. 1.369 .696 7
Sum of: (1.19)
"Not important" and "Somewhat
important" positions on BQ20a, BQ20b
and BQ20e.
"Disagree strongly" and "Disagree"
positions on BQ21a, BQ21c, BQ21d and
"Somewhat" and "A great deal"
positions on BQ17g.
Narrow definition--strong position. 0.224 .176 6
Sum of: (0.56)
"Not important" position on BQ20a,
BQ20b and BQ20e.
"Disagree strongly" position on
BQ21a, BQ21c, BQ21d and BQ21h.
"A great deal" position on BQ17g.
Maximum Cronbach's
Attitude and Self-Esteem Index (ASE) Possible Alpha
Broad definition--at-least-weak
position. 16 50.44
Sum of:
"Not important" and "Somewhat
important" positions on the
following questions: BQ20a, BQ20b,
BQ20d, BQ20e, BQ20f, BQ20g and
"Disagree strongly" and "Disagree"
positions on the following
questions: BQ21a, BQ21b, BQ21c,
BQ21d and BQ21h.
"Agree strongly" and "Agree"
positions on the following
questions: BQ21e, BQ21f and BQ21g.
"Somewhat" and "A great deal"
positions on the following question:
Broad definition--strong position. 16 42.19
Sum of:
"Not important" position on the
following questions: BQ20a, BQ20b,
BQ20d, BQ20e, BQ20f, BQ20g and
"Disagree strongly" position on the
following questions: BQ21a, BQ21b,
BQ21c, BQ21d and BQ20h.
"Agree strongly" position on the
following questions: BQ21e, BQ21f
and BQ21g.
"A great deal" position on the
following question: BQ17g.
Narrow definition--at-least-weak
position. 8 43.52
Sum of:
"Not important" and "Somewhat
important" positions on BQ20a, BQ20b
and BQ20e.
"Disagree strongly" and "Disagree"
positions on BQ21a, BQ21c, BQ21d and
"Somewhat" and "A great deal"
positions on BQ17g.
Narrow definition--strong position. 8 36.39
Sum of:
"Not important" position on BQ20a,
BQ20b and BQ20e.
"Disagree strongly" position on
BQ21a, BQ21c, BQ21d and BQ21h.
"A great deal" position on BQ17g.
Mean Mean
(n = (Discarded
Independent Variables 6,533) SD Observations) SD
Male .460 .498 .511 .499
Black .071 .256 .165 .371
Other .077 .267 .098 .297
Ln[cognitive ability test] 3.93 .184 3.86 .231
Aptitude: high .367 .482 .177 .382
Aptitude: low .170 .375 .396 .489
Ln[percentile rank in class] 4.03 .673 3.83 .844
Parent education: high school .361 .480 .398 .489
Parent education: some college .217 .412 .202 .401
Parent education: college .141 .348 .101 .302
Parent education: graduate
degree .126 .332 .092 .290
Participated in athletics .562 .496 .437 .496
Only child in family .037 .190 .031 .174
Youngest child in family .189 .392 .157 .363
Oldest child in family .210 .407 .158 .365
Note: Descriptive statistics are for the sample of 6,533 observations
in Table 3.
The Effect of Poor Attitude in High School (1972) on Years of
Formal Education (1986)
Broad Attitude and Self-Esteem Index
At-Least-Weak Positions
Control for Control for
School-Specific Intermediate
Unobserved Measure of
OLS (a) Heterogeneity ASE
Independent Variable (1) (2) (3)
Ln[1 + ASE Index] -0.113 -0.102 -0.092
1972 (6.58) *** (5.63) *** (5.19) ***
Ln[l + ASE Index] -0.106
1979 (5.26) ***
Male 0.118 0.125 0.111
(8.18) *** (7.70) *** (7.74) ***
Race: Black 0.326 0.290 0.325
(9.17) *** (6.99) *** (9.16) ***
Race: Other 0.068 0.023 0.066
(2.36) ** (0.68) (2.32) **
Ln[Cognitive 0.085 0.149 0.080
ability test] (2.00) ** (2.81) *** (1.90) *
Aptitude: High 0.338 0.283 0.344
(19.03) *** (15.05) *** (19.33) ***
Aptitude: Low -0.303 -0.259 -0.299
(12.93) *** (10.62) *** (12.75) ***
Ln[Percentile rank 0.169 0.210 0.168
in class] (12.73) *** (15.56) *** (12.64) ***
Parent education: 0.120 0.117 0.118
High school (4.67) *** (4.79) *** (4.60) ***
Parent education: 0.335 0.313 0.331
Some college (12.49) *** (11.44) *** (12.31) ***
Parent education: 0.449 0.397 0.447
College (15.10) *** (12.64) *** (15.06) ***
Parent education: 0.517 0.434 0.515
Graduate degree (17.27) *** (13.57) *** (17.18) ***
Participant in 0.126 0.133 0.126
athletics (8.24) *** (8.16) *** (8.24) ***
Missing athletic 0.010 0.047 0.005
participation (b) (0.08) (0.36) (0.04)
Only child in family 0.177 0.172 0.174
(4.94) *** (4.21) *** (4.84) ***
Youngest child in 0.098 0.095 0.096
family (4.93) *** (4.65) *** (4.83) ***
Oldest child in 0.033 0.039 0.034
family (1.76) * (1.99) ** (1.85) *
Missing 1979 -0.049
Attitude Index (b) (1.47)
Constant -0.274 -0.679 -0.125
(1.55) (3.13) *** (0.71) ***
[R.sup.2] 0.33 0.30 0.33
Observations/groups 6533 6533/904 6533
Broad Attitude and Self-Esteem Index
Strong Positions
Control for Control for
School-Specific Intermediate
Unobserved Measure of
OLS (a) Heterogeneity ASE
Independent Variable (4) (5) (6)
Ln[1 + ASE Index] -0.085 -0.076 -0.057
1972 (5.65) *** (5.00) *** (3.77) ***
Ln[l + ASE Index] -0.122
1979 (7.87) ***
Male 0.119 0.126 0.113
(8.24) *** (7.77) *** (7.86) ***
Race: Black 0.330 0.294 0.321
(9.25) *** (7.11) *** (8.97) ***
Race: Other 0.068 0.021 0.062
(2.40) ** (0.63) (2.18) **
Ln[Cognitive 0.087 0.152 0.083
ability test] (2.04) *** (2.85) *** (1.95) *
Aptitude: High 0.337 0.283 0.343
(19.00) *** (15.03) *** (19.39) ***
Aptitude: Low -0.307 -0.263 -0.304
(13.10) *** (10.75) *** (13.07) ***
Ln[Percentile rank 0.170 0.210 0.168
in class] (12.78) *** (15.58) *** (12.65) ***
Parent education: 0.123 0.120 0.123
High school (4.79) *** (4.92) *** (4.77) ***
Parent education: 0.336 0.314 0.331
Some college (12.49) *** (11.47) *** (12.31) ***
Parent education: 0.450 0.397 0.447
College (15.15) *** (12.63) *** (15.06) ***
Parent education: 0.520 0.437 0.516
Graduate degree (17.27) *** (13.63) *** (17.16) ***
Participant in 0.127 0.134 0.122
athletics (8.25) *** (8.18) *** (7.92) ***
Missing athletic -0.002 0.039 -0.019
participation (b) (0.02) (0.29) (0.15)
Only child in family 0.177 0.169 0.176
(4.96) *** (4.14) *** (4.93) ***
Youngest child in 0.098 0.095 0.098
family (4.96) *** (4.65) *** (4.95) ***
Oldest child in 0.033 0.039 0.035
family (1.77) * (1.99) ** (1.90) *
Missing 1979 -0.048
Attitude Index (b) (1.44)
Constant -0.414 -0.804 -0.313
(2.37) ** (3.76) *** (1.80) *
[R.sup.2] 0.32 0.29 0.33
Observations/groups 6533 6533/904 6533
Narrow Attitude and Self-Esteem Index
At-Least-Weak Positions
Control for Control for
School-Specific Intermediate
Unobserved Measure of
OLS (a) Heterogeneity ASE
Independent Variable (7) (8) (9)
Ln[1 + ASE Index] -0.039 -0.035 -0.027
1972 (2.84) *** (2.49) ** (1.95) *
Ln[l + ASE Index] -0.071
1979 (4.62) ***
Male 0.116 0.124 0.107
(7.98) *** (7.57) *** (7.36) ***
Race: Black 0.335 0.297 0.333
(9.30) *** (7.16*** (9.28) ***
Race: Other 0.067 0.021 0.065
(2.31) ** (0.61) (2.25) **
Ln[Cognitive 0.084 0.151 0.079
ability test] (1.99) ** (2.83) *** (1.85) *
Aptitude: High 0.340 0.285 0.344
(19.09) *** (15.08) *** (19.26) ***
Aptitude: Low -0.310 -0.265 -0.311
(13.15) *** (10.86) *** (13.20) ***
Ln[Percentile rank 0.173 0.214 0.172
in class] (12.96) *** (15.79) *** (12.82) ***
Parent education: 0.119 0.117 0.117
High school (4.61) *** (4.77) *** (4.53) ***
Parent education: 0.333 0.313 0.329
Some college (12.44) *** (11.41) *** (12.24) ***
Parent education: 0.445 0.396 0.442
College (14.95) *** (12.57) *** (14.81) ***
Parent education: 0.518 0.437 0.515
Graduate degree (17.26) *** (13.62) *** (17.11) ***
Participant in 0.134 0.140 0.132
athletics (8.73) *** (8.57) *** (8.65) ***
Missing athletic 0.007 0.047 -0.003
participation (b) (0.06) (0.35) (0.02)
Only child in family 0.179 0.171 0.177
(5.00) *** (4.20) *** (4.97) ***
Youngest child in 0.100 0.096 0.097
family (5.01) *** (4.69) *** (4.86) ***
Oldest child in 0.033 0.040 0.035
family (1.79) * (2.03) ** (1.89) *
Missing 1979 -0.047
Attitude Index (b) (1.41)
Constant -0.442 -0.835 -0.378
(2.52) ** (3.88) *** (2.15) **
[R.sup.2] 0.32 0.29 0.33
Observations/groups 6533 6533/904 6533
Narrow Attitude and Self-Esteem Index
Strong Positions
Control for Control for
School-Specific Intermediate
Unobserved Measure of
OLS (a) Heterogeneity ASE
Independent Variable (10) (11) (12)
Ln[1 + ASE Index] -0.040 -0.030 -0.033
1972 (1.65) (1.20) (1.35)
Ln[l + ASE Index] -0.119
1979 (3.64) ***
Male 0.118 0.127 0.113
(8.18) *** (7.76) *** (7.84) ***
Race: Black 0.337 0.299 0.338
(9.33) *** (7.19) *** (9.40) ***
Race: Other 0.068 0.020 0.070
(2.35) ** (0.59) (2.42) **
Ln[Cognitive 0.088 0.155 0.086
ability test] (2.07) ** (2.91) *** (2.02) **
Aptitude: High 0.338 0.283 0.338
(18.98) *** (15.01) *** (19.01) ***
Aptitude: Low -0.309 -0.265 -0.306
(13.11) *** (10.82) *** (13.01) ***
Ln[Percentile rank 0.175 0.215 0.173
in class] (13.10) *** (15.92) *** (12.89) ***
Parent education: 0.119 0.118 0.118
High school (4.63) *** (4.82) *** (4.56) ***
Parent education: 0.332 0.313 0.331
Some college (12.37) *** (11.40) *** (12.30) ***
Parent education: 0.444 0.396 0.443
College (14.90) *** (12.58) *** (14.86) ***
Parent education: 0.517 0.437 0.516
Graduate degree (17.14) *** (13.62) *** (17.11) ***
Participant in 0.137 0.142 0.136
athletics (8.91) *** (8.75) *** (8.86) ***
Missing athletic -0.003 0.036 -0.005
participation (b) (0.02) (0.28) (0.04)
Only child in family 0.178 0.171 0.178
(4.99) *** (4.18) *** (4.97) ***
Youngest child in 0.100 0.097 0.098
family (5.02) *** (4.71) *** (4.94) ***
Oldest child in 0.034 0.041 0.034
family (1.82) * (2.07) ** (1.87) *
Missing 1979 -0.047
Attitude Index (b) (1.4)
Constant -0.487 -0.883 -0.457
(2.80) *** (4.12) *** (2.62) ***
[R.sup.2] 0.32 0.29 0.32
Observations/groups 6533 6533/904 6533
Notes: The dependent variable is Log[l + respondents years of
education beyond high school]. The within-sample mean number of
years beyond high school is 2.9 years. Absolute values of
t-statistics are in parentheses. * significant at 10%; **
significant at 5%; *** significant at 1%. Results are
qualitatively robust to the inclusion of controls for high
school quality/resources such as faculty-to-student ratios and
the number of library books per student and to using educational
attainment as of 1979 as an alternative dependent variable.
Results also robust to ASE entered linearly and to permutations
of ASE in terms of content.
(a) Errors are assumed to be independent across observations
from different high schools but not necessarily across
observations within each high school.
(b) Missing observations are controlled for with an indicator
variable whenever the intermediate measure is missing. However,
results are robust to the sample of observations for
which this information is available.
The Effect of Poor Attitude and Self-Esteem in High School
(1972) on Subsequent Work Status (1986)
Working for Pay
Broad Attitude and
Self-Esteem Ondex
At-Least-Weak Positions
Control for
Logit Measure of ASE
Independent Variable (1) (2)
Ln[1 + ASE Index], 1972 -0.203 -0.15
(2.42) ** (1.74) *
Ln[l + ASE Index], 1979 -0.272
(2.65) ***
Male 1.436 1.423
(18.07) *** (17.96) ***
Race: Black 0.316 0.315
(2.27) ** (2.24) **
Race: Other -0.037 -0.038
(0.29) (0.30)
Ln[Cognitive ability test] 0.339 0.328
(1.81) * (1.75) *
Aptitude: High -0.043 -0.025
(0.55) (0.31)
Aptitude: Low -0.163 -0.154
(1.65) * (1.54)
Ln[Percentile rank in class] 0.082 0.084
(1.54) (1.56)
Ln[l + Yrs of educ beyond 0.258 0.247
high school, 1986] (5.00) *** (4.75) ***
Married, 1986 0.444 0.445
(2.02) ** (2.03) **
Male x Married -0.540 -0.557
(1.10) (1.13)
Resided in central city, 1986 0.023 0.020
(0.29) (0.25)
Missing 1979 Attitude -0.118
Index (a) (0.76)
Constant -0.655 -0.268
(0.85) (0.35)
chi2(12) = 398.7 chi2(14) = 400.7
Observations 6533 6533
Working for Pay
Broad Attitude and
Self-Esteem Ondex
Strong Positions
Control for
Logit Measure of ASE
Independent Variable (3) (4)
Ln[1 + ASE Index], 1972 -0.181 -0.152
(2.68) *** (2.20) **
Ln[l + ASE Index], 1979 -0.140
(1.87) *
Male 1.439 1.435
(18.10) *** (18.03) ***
Race: Black 0.318 0.315
(2.28) ** (2.25) **
Race: Other -0.037 -0.041
(0.30) (0.33)
Ln[Cognitive ability test] 0.336 0.333
(1.79) * (1.78) *
Aptitude: High -0.045 -0.035
(0.57) (0.45)
Aptitude: Low -0.170 -0.169
(1.72) * (1.70) *
Ln[Percentile rank in class] 0.083 0.081
(1.56) (1.51)
Ln[l + Yrs of educ beyond 0.258 0.247
high school, 1986] (5.01) *** (4.74) ***
Married, 1986 0.455 0.459
(2.08) ** (2.10) **
Male x Married -0.540 -0.548
(1.09) (1.11)
Resided in central city, 1986 0.029 0.032
(0.36) (0.39)
Missing 1979 Attitude -0.116
Index (a) (0.75)
Constant -0.852 -0.738
(1.13) (0.97)
chi2(12) = 401.2 chi2(14) = 400.8
Observations 6533 6533
Working for Pay
Narrow Attitude and
Self-Steem Ondex
At-Least-Weak Positions
Control for
Logit Measure of ASE
Independent Variable (5) (6)
Ln[1 + ASE Index], 1972 -0.236 -0.180
(3.81) *** (2.85) ***
Ln[l + ASE Index], 1979 -0.366
(5.46) ***
Male 1.424 1.383
(17.96) *** (17.42) ***
Race: Black 0.326 0.304
(2.34) ** (2.17) **
Race: Other -0.039 -0.046
(0.31) (0.37)
Ln[Cognitive ability test] 0.316 0.286
(1.69) * (1.52)
Aptitude: High -0.033 -0.005
(0.42) (0.07)
Aptitude: Low -0.178 -0.187
(1.81) * (1.88) *
Ln[Percentile rank in class] 0.075 0.072
(1.41) (1.34)
Ln[l + Yrs of educ beyond 0.264 0.242
high school, 1986] (5.13) *** (4.63) ***
Married, 1986 0.455 0.465
(2.08) ** (2.13) **
Male x Married -0.561 -0.579
(1.14) (1.17)
Resided in central city, 1986 0.027 0.024
(0.33) (0.30)
Missing 1979 Attitude -0.13
Index (a) (0.84)
Constant -0.685 -0.357
(0.91) (0.47)
chi2(12) = 404.4 chi2(14) = 435.9
Observations 6533 6533
Working for Pay
Narrow Attitude and
Self-Steem Ondex
Strong Positions
Control for
Logit Measure of ASE
Independent Variable (7) (8)
Ln[1 + ASE Index], 1972 -0.209 -0.171
(1.96) ** (1.60)
Ln[l + ASE Index], 1979 -0.717
(5.80) ***
Male 1.440 1.411
(18.12) *** (17.67) ***
Race: Black 0.340 0.332
(2.44) ** (2.37) **
Race: Other -0.033 -0.016
(0.26) (0.13)
Ln[Cognitive ability test] 0.333 0.318
(1.78) * (1.70) *
Aptitude: High -0.046 -0.032
(0.59) (0.41)
Aptitude: Low -0.171 -0.157
(1.73) * (1.58)
Ln[Percentile rank in class] 0.087 0.078
(1.63) (1.44)
Ln[l + Yrs of educ beyond 0.268 0.250
high school, 1986] (5.21) *** (4.83) ***
Married, 1986 0.454 0.455
(2.07) ** (2.09) **
Male x Married -0.536 -0.566
(1.09) (1.15)
Resided in central city, 1986 0.027 0.026
(0.33) (0.32)
Missing 1979 Attitude -0.125
Index (a) (0.81)
Constant -0.949 -0.763
(1.26) (1.01)
chi2(12) = 398.8 chi2(14) = 439.1
Observations 6533 6533
Notes: The binary dependent variable equals 1 if the respondent
reports working for pay at the time of the 1986 follow-up survey,
and is otherwise equal to 0. The within-sample mean of the dependent
variable is 0.810. Absolute values of z-statistics are in parentheses.
* significant at 10%; ** significant at 5%; *** significant at 1%.
Results are robust to the inclusion of controls for high-school
quality/resources such as faculty-to-student ratios and the number
of library books per student, and to the inclusion of controls for
high-school athletic participation. Results also robust to ASE
entered linearly and to permutations of ASE in terms of content.
Controlling for unobserved heterogeneity at the high-school level
yields qualitatively similar results. However, the fixed-effect
results are not reported, as the sample size drops considerably
(to 4,907) due to lack of variation within groups.
(a) Missing observations are controlled for with an indicator
variable whenever the intermediate measure is missing. However,
results are robust to the sample of observations for which this
information is available.
The Effect of Poor Attitude and Self-Esteem in High School
(1972) on Subsequent Unemployment Status (1986)
Broad Attitude and
Self-Esteem Ondex
At-Least-Weak Positions
Control for
Logit Measure of ASE
Independent Variable (1) (2)
Ln[1 + ASE Index], 1972 -0.482 0.436
(2.59) *** (2.21) **
Ln[l + ASE Index], 1979 0.226
Male -0.142 -0.129
(1.01) (1.91)
Race: Black 0.670 0.678
(3.14) *** (3.14) ***
Race: Other 0.312 0.314
(1.29) (1.30)
Ln[Cognitive ability test] -0.687 -0.682
(2.00) ** (1.99) **
Aptitude: High 0.230 0.217
(1.24) (1.18)
Aptitude: Low 0.238 0.235
(1.32) (1.31)
Ln[Percentile rank in class] -0.080 -0.084
(0.94) (0.96)
Ln[l + Yrs of educ beyond -0.551 -0.544
high school, 1986] (5.03) *** (4.96) ***
Married, 1986 0.690 0.700
(2.17) ** (2.20) **
Male x Married -1.532 -1.528
(1.40) (1.40)
Resided in central city, 1986 -0.321 0.320
(2.01) ** (2.00)
Missing 1979 Attitude -0.048
Index (a) (0.16)
Constant -0.488 -0.772
(0.34) (0.55)
chi2(12) = 96.6 chi2(14) = 97.1
Observations 5520 5520
Broad Attitude and
Self-Esteem Ondex
Strong Positions
Control for
Logit Measure of ASE
Independent Variable (3) (4)
Ln[1 + ASE Index], 1972 0.266 0.210
(1.91) * (1.47)
Ln[l + ASE Index], 1979 0.275
(1.68) *
Male -0.144 -0.133
(1.02) (0.95)
Race: Black 0.657 0.685
(3.08) *** (3.17) **
Race: Other -0.312 0.325
(1.29) (1.34)
Ln[Cognitive ability test] -0.702 -0.694
(2.05) ** (2.02) **
Aptitude: High -0.232 0.211
(1.26) (1.14)
Aptitude: Low 0.257 0.259
(1.44) (1.44)
Ln[Percentile rank in class] -0.089 -0.086
(1.04) (1.44)
Ln[l + Yrs of educ beyond 0.5619 -0.543
high school, 1986] (5.18) *** (5.00) ***
Married, 1986 0.669 0.665
(2.11) ** (2.09) **
Male x Married -1.546 -1.546
(1.42) (1.42)
Resided in central city, 1986 -3.330 -0.334
(2.07) ** (2.09) **
Missing 1979 Attitude -0.040
Index (a) (0.13)
Constant 0.215 -0.005
(0.16) (0.00)
chi2(12) = 92.9 chi2(14) = 92.9
Observations 5520 5520
Narrow Attitude and
Self-Steem Ondex
At-Least-Weak Positions
Control for
Logit Measure of ASE
Independent Variable (5) (6)
Ln[1 + ASE Index], 1972 0.378 0.326
(3.08) *** (2.56) **
Ln[l + ASE Index], 1979 -0.319
(2.30) **
Male -0.128 -0.091
(0.91) (0.64)
Race: Black 0.641 0.655
(3.01) *** (3.05) ***
Race: Other 0.317 0.325
(0.31) (1.34)
Ln[Cognitive ability test] -0.666 -0.663
(1.91) * (1.88) *
Aptitude: High 0.209 0.188
(1.13) (1.02)
Aptitude: Low 0.269 0.289
(1.51) (1.62)
Ln[Percentile rank in class] -0.076 -0.081
(0.90) (0.93)
Ln[l + Yrs of educ beyond -0.566 -0.553
high school, 1986] (5.24) *** (5.10) ***
Married, 1986 0.674 0.674
(2.15) ** (2.14) **
Male x Married -1.512 -1.517
(1.39) (1.39)
Resided in central city, 1986 -0.328 -0.327
(2.05) ** (2.05) **
Missing 1979 Attitude -0.065
Index (a) (0.22)
Constant -0.092 -0.242
(0.07) (0.17)
chi2(12) = 99.9 chi2(14) = 104.1
Observations 5520 5520
Narrow Attitude and
Self-Steem Ondex
Strong Positions
Control for
Logit Measure of ASE
Independent Variable (7) (8)
Ln[1 + ASE Index], 1972 0.466 0.436
(2.51) ** (2.36) **
Ln[l + ASE Index], 1979 0.511
(2.01) **
Male -0.152 -0.130
(1.08) (0.92)
Race: Black 0.610 0.612
(2.85) *** (2.84) ***
Race: Other 0.304 0.2809
(1.25) (1.19)
Ln[Cognitive ability test] -0.684 -0.685
(2.01) ** (2.00) **
Aptitude: High 0.231 0.220
(1.26) (1.20)
Aptitude: Low 0.256 0.245
(1.43) * (1.37)
Ln[Percentile rank in class] -0.089 -0.086
(1.02) (0.97)
Ln[l + Yrs of educ beyond -0.569 -0.565
high school, 1986] (5.29) *** (5.24) ***
Married, 1986 0.677 0.677
(2.14) ** (2.13) **
Male x Married -1.570 -1.572
(1.44) (1.43)
Resided in central city, 1986 0.325 0.322
(2.04) ** (2.02) **
Missing 1979 Attitude -0.058
Index (a) (0.20)
Constant 0.248 -0.199
(0.18) (1.15)
chi2(12) = 95.9 chi2(14) = 101.1
Observations 5520 5520
Notes: The binary dependent variable equals 1 if the respondent
reports working for pay at the time of the 1986 follow-up survey,
and is otherwise equal to 0. The within-sample mean of the dependent
variable is 0.042. Absolute values of z-statistics are in parentheses.
* significant at 10%; ** significant at 5%; *** significant at 1%.
Results are robust to the inclusion of controls for high-school
quality/resources such as faculty-to-student ratios and the number
of library books per student, and to the inclusion of controls for
high-school athletic participation. Results also robust to ASE
entered linearly and to permutations of ASE in terms of content.
Controlling for unobserved heterogeneity at the high-school level
yields qualitatively similar results. However, the fixed-effect
results are not reported, as the sample size drops considerably
(to 1,353) due to lack of variation within groups.
(a) Missing observations are controlled for with an indicator
variable whenever the intermediate measure is missing. However,
results are robust to the sample of observations for which this
information is available.
The Effect of Poor Attitude and Self-Esteem in High School (1972) on
Subsequent Weekly Wages (1986)
Broad Attitude and Self-Esteem Index
At-Least-Weak Positions
for School Control
-Specific for Inter-
Unobserved mediate
Hetero- Measure of
OLS (a) geneity ASE
Independent Variable (1) (2) (3)
Ln[1 + ASE Index] -0.054 -0.044 -0.038
1972 (3.02) *** (2.25) ** (2.04) **
Ln[1 + ASE Index] -0.083
1979 (3.81) ***
Male 0.475 0.473 0.472
(28.49) *** (26.18) *** (28.22) ***
Race: Black 0.010 -0.031 0.014
(0.32) (0.71) (0.49)
Race: Other 0.070 0.043 0.068
(2.41) ** -1.09 (2.36) **
Ln[Cognitive 0.172 0.285 0.169
ability test] (3.64) *** (4.81) *** (3.61) ***
Aptitude: High 0.071 0.052 0.077
(3.90) *** (2.61) *** (4.18) ***
Aptitude: Low -0.062 -0.031 -0.06
(2.66) *** -1.12 (2.59) ***
Ln[Percentile 0.007 0.020 0.006
rank in class] (0.59) (1.33) (0.54)
Ln[1 + Yrs of education 0.184 0.152 0.181
post high school, '85] (14.61) *** (10.89) *** (14.21) ***
Tenure at job 0.078 0.070 0.079
(5.13) *** (4.51) *** (5.18) ***
Tenure (2) -0.004 -0.003 -0.005
(2.74) *** (1.91) * (2.80) ***
Age -0.001 1.197 0.025
(0.00) (1.18) (0.03)
Age (2) -0.001 -0.019 -0.001
(0.05) (1.22) (0.07)
Married 0.023 -0.014 0.023
(0.41) (0.23) (0.41)
Male x Married -0.049 0.049 -0.054
(0.53) (0.50) (0.60)
Resided in central city, 0.029 -0.011 0.029
1986 (1.56) (0.41) (1.57)
Participant in athletics -0.000 0.012 -0.000
(0.02) (0.69) (0.00)
Missing athletic -0.021 0.042 -0.038
participation (b) (0.20) (0.30) (0.34)
Missing 1979 Attitude -0.083
Index (b) (2.62) ***
Constant 5.354 -14.581 5.023
(0.38) (0.88) (0.36)
R (2) 0.29 0.28 0.30
Observations/groups 4361 4361/889 4361
Broad Attitude and Self-Esteem Index
Strong Positions
for School Control
-Specific for Inter-
Unobserved mediate
Hetero- Measure of
OLS (a) geneity ASE
Independent Variable (4) (5) (6)
Ln[1 + ASE Index] -0.023 -0.025 -0.02
1972 -1.59 -1.51 -1.32
Ln[1 + ASE Index] -0.018
1979 -1.06
Male 0.475 0.474 0.475
(28.53) *** (26.19) *** (28.48) ***
Race: Black 0.012 -0.029 0.018
(0.42) (0.65) (0.61)
Race: Other 0.071 0.043 0.070
(2.42) ** -1.09 (2.41) **
Ln[Cognitive 0.174 0.286 0.174
ability test] (3.67) *** (4.83) *** (3.69) ***
Aptitude: High 0.070 0.052 0.072
(3.84) *** (2.60) *** (3.92) ***
Aptitude: Low -0.064 -0.033 -0.064
(2.75) *** -1.17 (2.73) ***
Ln[Percentile 0.008 0.021 0.006
rank in class] (0.68) (1.34) (0.51)
Ln[1 + Yrs of education 0.186 0.153 0.184
post high school, '85] (14.75) *** (10.98) *** (14.49) ***
Tenure at job 0.079 0.070 0.078
(5.16) *** (4.54) *** (5.16) ***
Tenure (2) -0.004 -0.003 -0.005
(2.75) *** (1.94) * (2.75) ***
Age 0.000 1.178 -0.009
(0.00) (1.16) (0.01)
Age (2) -0.001 -0.019 -0.000
(0.05) (1.20) (0.04)
Married 0.026 -0.01 0.027
(0.46) (0.16) (0.49)
Male x Married -0.048 0.046 -0.052
(0.53) (0.47) (0.57)
Resided in central city, 0.030 -0.01 0.030
1986 (1.63) (0.37) (1.66) *
Participant in athletics 0.003 0.014 0.002
(0.18) (0.78) (0.10)
Missing athletic -0.033 0.037 -0.042
participation (b) (0.30) (0.26) (0.38)
Missing 1979 Attitude -0.082
Index (b) (2.59) ***
Constant 5.248 -14.325 5.410
(0.37) (0.87) (0.39)
R (2) 0.29 0.28 0.29
Observations/groups 4361 4361/889 4361
Narrow Attitude and Self-Esteem Index
At-Least-Weak Positions
for School Control
-Specific for Inter-
Unobserved mediate
Hetero- Measure of
OLS (a) geneity ASE
Independent Variable (7) (8) (9)
Ln[1 + ASE Index] -0.059 -0.051 -0.041
1972 (4.36) *** (3.33) *** (2.97) ***
Ln[1 + ASE Index] -0.117
1979 (7.28) ***
Male 0.472 0.470 0.462
(28.48) *** (26.03) *** (28.10) ***
Race: Black 0.014 -0.029 0.017
(0.47) (0.66) (0.59)
Race: Other 0.070 0.044 0.067
(2.40) ** (1.11) (2.32) **
Ln[Cognitive 0.165 0.279 0.156
ability test] (3.50) *** (4.70) *** (3.36) ***
Aptitude: High 0.075 0.055 0.082
(4.09) *** (2.73) *** (4.49) ***
Aptitude: Low -0.066 -0.035 -0.071
(2.82) *** (1.24) (3.05) ***
Ln[Percentile 0.006 0.020 0.006
rank in class] (0.49) (1.29) (0.55)
Ln[1 + Yrs of education 0.185 0.152 0.179
post high school, '85] (14.78) *** (10.93) *** (14.22) ***
Tenure at job 0.078 0.070 0.080
(5.15) *** (4.55) *** (5.32) ***
Tenure (2) -0.005 -0.003 -0.005
(2.79) *** (1.97) ** (3.02) ***
Age -0.043 1.169 -0.044
(0.05) (1.15) (0.05)
Age (2) 0.000 -0.019 0.000
(0.00) (1.19) (0.01)
Married 0.024 -0.013 0.026
(0.43) (0.22) (0.48)
Male x Married -0.053 0.047 -0.051
(0.58) (0.48) (0.58)
Resided in central city, 0.029 -0.013 0.030
1986 (1.59) (0.46) (1.66) *
Participant in athletics -0.002 0.011 -0.003
(0.13) (0.62) (0.17)
Missing athletic -0.015 0.051 -0.031
participation (b) (O.14) (0.35) (0.28)
Missing 1979 Attitude -0.08
Index (b) (2.52) **
Constant 6.013 -14.124 6.074
(0.43) (0.86) (0.43)
R (2) 0.29 0.28 0.30
Observations/groups 4361 4361/889 4361
Narrow Attitude and Self-Esteem Index
Strong Positions
for School Control
-Specific for Inter-
Unobserved mediate
Hetero- Measure of
OLS (a) geneity ASE
Independent Variable (10) (11) (12)
Ln[1 + ASE Index] -0.064 -0.05 -0.051
1972 (2.63) *** (1.86) * (2.10) **
Ln[1 + ASE Index] -0.238
1979 (6.19) ***
Male 0.475 0.474 0.470
(28.57) *** (26.21) *** (28.05) ***
Race: Black 0.018 -0.025 0.024
(0.61) (0.57) (0.80)
Race: Other 0.072 0.044 0.078
(2.47) ** (1.13) (2.68) ***
Ln[Cognitive 0.173 0.286 0.172
ability test] (3.67) *** (4.83) *** (3.66) ***
Aptitude: High 0.070 0.052 0.073
(3.83) *** (2.59) *** (3.99) ***
Aptitude: Low -0.063 -0.032 -0.06
(2.70) *** -1.16 (2.59) ***
Ln[Percentile 0.008 0.021 0.005
rank in class] (0.64) (1.36) (0.42)
Ln[1 + Yrs of education 0.186 0.153 0.183
post high school, '85] (14.82) *** (11.04) *** (14.60) ***
Tenure at job 0.078 0.070 0.077
(5.17) *** (4.54) *** (5.12) ***
Tenure (2) -0.005 -0.003 -0.005
(2.76) *** (1.94) * (2.77) ***
Age -0.015 1.161 -0.103
(0.02) (1.14) (0.12)
Age (2) -0.000 -0.018 0.001
(0.03) (1.18) (0.08)
Married 0.026 -0.01 0.025
(0.46) (0.17) (0.45)
Male x Married -0.046 0.048 -0.05
(0.50) (0.49) (0.55)
Resided in central city, 0.029 -0.01 0.031
1986 (1.60) (0.38) (1.70) *
Participant in athletics 0.003 0.015 0.001
(0.19) (0.86) (0.08)
Missing athletic -0.037 0.030 -0.037
participation (b) (0.34) (0.21) (0.36)
Missing 1979 Attitude -0.079
Index (b) (2.48) **
Constant 5.477 -14.065 6.932
(0.39) (0.85) (0.50)
R (2) 0.29 0.28 0.30
Observations/groups 4361 4361/889 4361
Notes: The dependent variable is Log[respondent's reported weekly
earnings]. The within-sample mean of the dependent variable is $410.98.
Absolute values of t-statistics are in parentheses. * significant at
10%; ** significant at 5%; *** significant at 1%. Results are robust to
the inclusion of controls for high school quality/resources such as
faculty-to-student ratios and the number of library books per student.
(a) Errors are assumed to be independent across observations from
different high schools but not necessarily across observations within
each high school.
(b) Missing observations are controlled for with an indicator variable
whenever the intermediate measure is missing. However, results are
robust to the sample of observations for which this information is
The Effect of Poor Attitude and Self-Esteem in High School (1972)
on Subsequent Job-Type (1986)
Degree to which Respondent
Works with Things
Broad/ Narrow/
At-Least-Weak At-Least-Weak
Independent Variable (1) (2)
Ln[1 + ASE 0.195 0.136
Index], 1972 (3.23) *** (2.90) ***
Ln[1 + ASE 0.067 0.020
Index], 1979 (0.93) (0.38)
Male 0.103 0.111
(1.80) * (1.94) *
Race: Black 0.224 0.206
(2.03) ** (1.88) *
Race: Other 0.120 0.120
(1.12) (1.12)
Ln[Cognitive 0.166 0.177
ability test] (1.01) (1.08)
Aptitude: High -0.148 -0.147
(2.52) ** (2.51) **
Aptitude: Low 0.048 0.062
(0.51) (0.66)
Ln[Percentile -0.112 -0.112
rank in class] (2.22) ** (2.23) **
Ln[1 + Yrs of -0.583 -0.593
education post (12.21) *** (12.42) ***
high school, 1979]
Tenure -0.069 -0.069
(1.52) (1.51)
Tenure (2) 0.011 0.010
(2.08) ** (2.08) **
Age 4.259 4.280
(1.10) (1.11)
Age (2) -0.066 -0.066
(1.11) (1.11)
Missing 1979 -0.063 -0.066
Attitude Index (a) (0.51) (0.54)
chi2(15) = 340.1 chi2(15) = 336.2
Observations 4992 4992
Degree to which Respondent
Does Paperwork
Broad/ Narrow/
At-Least-Weak At-Least-Weak
Independent Variable (3) (4)
Ln[1 + ASE -0.131 -0.129
Index], 1972 (2.04) ** (2.66) ***
Ln[1 + ASE -0.435 -0.257
Index], 1979 (5.34) *** (4.55) ***
Male -0.663 -0.676
(10.70) *** (10.91) ***
Race: Black 0.401 0.416
(3.10) *** (3.23) ***
Race: Other 0.375 0.379
(3.26) *** (3.30) ***
Ln[Cognitive 0.537 0.510
ability test] (3.10) *** (2.93) ***
Aptitude: High -0.178 -0.183
(2.67) *** (2.74) ***
Aptitude: Low -0.269 -0.294
(2.85) *** (3.10) ***
Ln[Percentile 0.170 0.167
rank in class] (3.48) *** (3.42) ***
Ln[1 + Yrs of 0.364 0.372
education post (7.59) *** (7.74) ***
high school, 1979]
Tenure 0.110 0.111
(2.23) ** (2.25) **
Tenure (2) -0.009 -0.009
(1.64) (1.69) *
Age 7.419 7.502
(2.01) ** (2.07) **
Age (2) -0.114 -0.115
(2.01) ** (2.07) **
Missing 1979 -0.237 -0.228
Attitude Index (a) (1.76) * (1.70) *
chi2(15) = 351.9 chi2(15) = 339.8
Observations 4992 4992
Degree to which Respondent
Works with Ideas or Thinks
Broad/ Narrow/
At-Least-Weak At-Least-Weak
Independent Variable (5) (6)
Ln[1 + ASE -0.232 -0.143
Index], 1972 (3.21) *** (2.67) ***
Ln[1 + ASE -0.578 -0.382
Index], 1979 (6.56) *** (6.20) ***
Male 0.120 0.095
(2.02) ** -1.60
Race: Black 0.049 0.074
-0.36 -0.55
Race: Other 0.122 0.115
(1.10) (1.02)
Ln[Cognitive 0.709 0.677
ability test] (3.82) *** (3.68) ***
Aptitude: High -0.098 -0.106
(1.49) (1.62)
Aptitude: Low 0.137 0.098
(1.42) (1.01)
Ln[Percentile -0.03 -0.029
rank in class] -0.59 -0.57
Ln[1 + Yrs of 0.640 0.654
education post (13.97) *** (14.35) ***
high school, 1979]
Tenure 0.066 0.065
(1.28) (1.27)
Tenure (2) -0.005 -0.005
(0.82) (0.86)
Age 2.692 2.850
(0.77) (0.83)
Age (2) -0.043 -0.045
(0.80) (0.86)
Missing 1979 -0.335 -0.32
Attitude Index (a) (2.56) ** (2.45) **
chi2(15) - 357.0 chi2(15) = 354.6
Observations 4992 4992
Degree to which Respondent
Deals with People
Broad/ Narrow/
At-Least-Weak At-Least-Weak
Independent Variable (7) (8)
Ln[1 + ASE -0.27 -0.156
Index], 1972 (3.30) *** (2.53) **
Ln[1 + ASE -0.673 -0.351
Index], 1979 (6.96) *** (5.23) ***
Male -0.518 -0.536
(7.15) *** (7.45) ***
Race: Black 0.244 0.277
(1.59) (1.81) *
Race: Other 0.037 0.031
(0.28) (0.23)
Ln[Cognitive 0.244 0.228
ability test] (1.15) (1.08)
Aptitude: High -0.219 -0.228
(2.65) *** (2.75) ***
Aptitude: Low 0.030 -0.013
(0.27) (0.12)
Ln[Percentile -0.073 -0.073
rank in class] -1.32 -1.32
Ln[1 + Yrs of 0.513 0.529
education post (9.76) *** (10.11) ***
high school, 1979]
Tenure 0.048 0.046
(0.79) (0.75)
Tenure (2) -0.001 -0.001
(0.16) (0.15)
Age 1.270 1.556
(0.35) (0.43)
Age (2) -0.019 -0.024
(0.34) (0.43)
Missing 1979 0.167 0.189
Attitude Index (a) (1.03) (1.16)
chi2(15) = 245.3 chi2(15) = 214.6
Observations 4992 4992
Notes: Coefficients are from the estimation of ordered-logit models
with errors assumed to be independent across observations from
different high schools but not necessarily across observations within
each high school. Respondents were asked the following question: "The
following are some general things that people do on their jobs. About
how much time did you spend on each in the average work day at your
present or most recent job? Working with things (machinery, apparatus,
art materials, etc.). Doing paperwork (administration, clerical,
computational, etc.). Working with ideas, thinking. Dealing with people
(as part of the job)." Responses are ordered according to the following
key: "None" (= 1), "Very little," "Some," "A great deal" (= 4).
Absolute values of z-statistics are in parentheses. * significant at
10%; ** significant at 5%; *** significant at 1%. Results are robust to
the inclusion of controls for high school athletic participation.
Results also robust to ASE entered linearly and to permutations of ASE
in terms of content.
(a) Missing observations are controlled for with an indicator variable
whenever the intermediate measure is missing. However, results are
robust to the sample of observations for which this information is
available. For all attitude measures, the 1972 measure is insignificant
in predicting a missing 1979 measure.
The Effect of Poor Attitude and Self-Esteem in High School (1972) on
the Degree of On-the-job Supervision or Lack of Own Discretion (1986)
Broad Attitude and Self-Esteem Index
At-Least-Weak Positions
Control for
Ordered Intermediate
Logit Measure of ASE
Independent Variable (1) (2)
Ln[l + ASE Index], 1972 0.236 0.166
(3.81) *** (2.55) **
Ln[l + ASE Index], 1979 0.333
(4.31) ***
Male -0.254 -0.241
(4.69) *** (4.45) ***
Race: Black 0.556 0.563
(5.61) *** (5.65) ***
Race: Other 0.215 0.225
(1.98) ** (2.08) **
Ln[Cognitive ability test] -0.545 -0.538
(3.49) *** (3.42) ***
Aptitude: High 0.046 0.025
(0.73) (0.40)
Aptitude: Low 0.049 0.042
(0.59) (0.50)
Ln[Percentile rank in class] -0.019 -0.025
(0.39) (0.51)
Ln[1 + Yrs of education -0.272 -0.26
post high school, 1985] (6.12) *** (5.82) ***
Tenure -0.110 -0.113
(2.35) ** (2.42) **
Tenure (2) 0.007 0.007
(1.37) (1.45)
Age -1.015 -0.993
(0.36) (0.35)
Age2 0.016 0.016
(0.37) (0.37)
Missing 1979 0.088
Attitude Index (a) (0.75)
chi2(13) = 228.2 chi2(15) = 246.4
Observations 5076 5076
Broad Attitude and Self-Esteem Index
Strong Positions
Control for
Ordered Intermediate
Logit Measure of ASE
Independent Variable (3) (4)
Ln[l + ASE Index], 1972 0.184 0.157
(3.57) *** (2.91) ***
Ln[l + ASE Index], 1979 0.119
(2.12) **
Male -0.254 -0.25
(4.71) *** (4.63) ***
Race: Black 0.550 0.555
(5.50) *** (5.50) ***
Race: Other 0.210 0.219
(1.93) * (2.01) **
Ln[Cognitive ability test] -0.551 -0.546
(3.50) *** (3.46) ***
Aptitude: High 0.050 0.039
(0.79) (0.62)
Aptitude: Low 0.058 0.058
(0.69) (0.69)
Ln[Percentile rank in class] -0.019 -0.018
(0.39) (0.38)
Ln[1 + Yrs of education -0.274 -0.264
post high school, 1985] (6.16) *** (5.87) ***
Tenure -0.109 -0.112
(2.36) ** (2.40) **
Tenure (2) 0.007 0.007
(1.34) (1.39)
Age -0.845 -0.777
(0.30) (0.27)
Age2 0.014 0.013
(0.31) (0.29)
Missing 1979 0.089
Attitude Index (a) (0.76)
chi2(13) = 232.3 chi2(15) = 240.3
Observations 5076 5076
Narrow Attitude and Self-Esteem Index
At-Least-Weak Positions
Control for
Ordered Intermediate
Logit Measure of ASE
Independent Variable (5) (6)
Ln[l + ASE Index], 1972 0.165 0.128
(3.40) *** (2.56) **
Ln[l + ASE Index], 1979 0.222
(3.97) ***
Male -0.245 -0.227
(4.54) *** (4.21) ***
Race: Black 0.542 0.545
(5.45) *** (5.47) ***
Race: Other 0.219 0.228
(2.02) ** (2.11) **
Ln[Cognitive ability test] -0.524 -0.509
(3.36) *** (3.26) ***
Aptitude: High 0.041 0.029
(0.65) (0.46)
Aptitude: Low 0.066 0.076
(0.78) (0.91)
Ln[Percentile rank in class] -0.02 -0.023
(0.42) (0.48)
Ln[1 + Yrs of education -0.281 -0.269
post high school, 1985] (6.36) *** (6.10) ***
Tenure -0.109 -0.111
(2.36) ** (2.40) **
Tenure (2) 0.007 0.008
(1.37) (1.47)
Age -0.989 -1.024
(0.35) (0.36)
Age2 0.016 0.016
(0.36) (0.37)
Missing 1979 0.081
Attitude Index (a) (0.69)
chi2(13) = 222.3 chi2(15) = 238.1
Observations 5076 5076
Narrow Attitude and Self-Esteem Index
Strong Positions
Control for
Ordered Intermediate
Logit Measure of ASE
Independent Variable (7) (8)
Ln[l + ASE Index], 1972 0.158 0.152
(1.65) * -1.57
Ln[l + ASE Index], 1979 0.128
Male -0.253 -0.25
(4.70) *** (4.62) ***
Race: Black 0.532 0.525
(5.32) *** (5.20) ***
Race: Other 0.218 0.217
(2.01) ** (2.00) **
Ln[Cognitive ability test] -0.544 -0.543
(3.49) *** (3.48) ***
Aptitude: High 0.052 0.051
(0.83) (0.80)
Aptitude: Low 0.057 0.054
(0.68) (0.64)
Ln[Percentile rank in class] -0.027 -0.024
(0.55) (0.49)
Ln[1 + Yrs of education -0.285 -0.283
post high school, 1985] (6.45) *** (6.40) ***
Tenure -0.106 -0.105
(2.29) ** (2.28) **
Tenure (2) 0.006 0.006
(1.27) (1.26)
Age -1.075 -1.078
(0.38) (0.38)
Age2 0.017 0.017
(0.39) (0.40)
Missing 1979 0.082
Attitude Index (a) (0.70)
chi2(13) = 216.6 chi2(15) = 220.3
Observations 5076 5076
Notes: Coefficients are from the estimation of ordered logit models
with errors assumed to be independent across observations from
different high schools but not necessarily across observations within
each high school. Respondents were asked the following question:
"Please think about your supervisor or the person who had most control
over what you actually did on the job. Which of the following best
describes how closely this person supervised you?" Responses are
ordered according to the following key: "There was no such person"
(=1), "I was more or less my own boss within the general policies of
the organization," "My supervisor gave me some freedom in deciding what
I did and how I did it," "My supervisor decided what I did, but I
decided how I did it," and, "My supervisor decided both what I did and
how I did it" (= 5). Absolute values of z-statistics are in
parentheses. * significant at 10%; ** significant at 5%;
*** significant at 1%. Results are robust to the inclusion of controls
for high school athletic participation. Results also robust to ASE
entered linearly and to permutations of ASE in terms of content.
(a) Missing observations are controlled for with an indicator variable
whenever the intermediate measure is missing. However, results are
robust to the sample of observations for which this information is
The Economic Significance of Poor Attitude and Self-Esteem in
High School (1972) on Outcomes
Predicted Outcome
Worst At Best At
Median Median
of 1st of 4th Movement
Quartile Quartile
Effects on subsequent
work status:
Table 4(5)
Ability (a) .802 [right arrow] .818 = 1.97%
Education (b) .769 [right arrow] .844 = 9.65%
Rank in class (c) .802 [right arrow] .816 = 1.74%
Attitude and (e)
self-esteem (d) .787 [right arrow] .834 = 5.59%
Effects on subsequent
unemployment status:
Table 5(5)
Ability (a) .045 [right arrow] .036 = -19.73%
Education (b) .068 [right arrow] .024 = -64.84%
Rank in class (c) .044 [right arrow] .040 = -8.81%
Attitude and (e)
self-esteem (d) .052 [right arrow] .032 = -38.97%
Effects on subsequent
weekly wages:
Table 6(7)
Ability (a) $398.27 [right arrow] $421.91 = 5.94%
Education (b) $332.96 [right arrow] $478.04 = 43.57%
Rank in class (c) $408.57 [right arrow] $411.53 = 0.72%
Attitude and (e)
self-esteem (d) $393.85 [right arrow] $427.53 = 8.55%
Effects on likelihood
of being "most
closely" supervised
on the job:
Table 8(5)
Ability (a) .056 [right arrow] .048 = -14.29%
Education (b) .068 [right arrow] .041 = -39.71%
Rank in class (c) .053 [right arrow] .051 = -3.77%
Attitude and (e)
self-esteem (d) .058 [right arrow] .046 = -20.69%
Notes: Knowing the signs of all characteristics from prior results, in
all cases here, the predicted outcomes are compared by adjusting a
single regressor, assuming that all other variables are equal to their
respective within-sample mean values. In particular, the results
adopting the "Narrow definition-at-least-weak position" index of
attitude are compared. To give some idea of the degree of variation in
outcomes predicted by each characteristic, regressors are adjusted from
a "less favorable" level to a "more favorable" level, where "less
favorable" is captured by the median of the lowest quartile and "more
favorable" is captured by the median of the upper quartile.
(a) Ability measured by performance on a cognitive ability test.
(b) Education measured by years of education beyond high school.
(c) Rank in class measured by percentile rank in graduating high school
(d) Attitude and self-esteem in high-school measured by the "Narrow
definition-at-least-weak position" index (details in Table 2).
(e) Marginal change in outcome due to change in rank in class is not
statistically significant.
The Differential Effect of Poor Attitude and Self-Esteem in High School
(1972) on Subsequent Weekly Wages (1986)
Broad Index
At-Least-Weak Positions
Control for
School-Specific Control for
Unobserved Intermediate
Hetero- Measure of
Independent OLS (a) geneity ASE
Variable (1) (2) (3)
A: Attitude and self-esteem together
Attitude and -0.054 -0.044 -0.038
self-Esteem (3.02) *** (2.25) ** (2.04) **
(i.e. Table 6
B: Attitude and self-esteem separate
Attitude -0.016 -0.012 0.002
(0.86) (0.57) (0.09)
Self-esteem -0.049 -0.041 -0.044
(3.64) *** (2.78) *** (3.24) ***
C: Attitude and self-esteem with interaction
Attitude -0.010 -0.005 0.009
(0.32) (0.17) (0.29)
Self-esteem -0.038 -0.030 -0.030
(0.91) (0.67) (0.73)
Attitude x -0.009 -0.009 -0.011
(0.27) (0.27) (0.33)
Broad Index
Strong Positions
Control for
School-Specific Control for
Unobserved Intermediate
Hetero- Measure of
Independent OLS (a) geneity ASE
Variable (4) (5) (6)
A: Attitude and self-esteem together
Attitude and -0.023 -0.025 -0.020
self-Esteem (1.59) (1.51) (1.32)
(i.e. Table 6
B: Attitude and self-esteem separate
Attitude -0.014 -0.022 -0.008
(0.81) (1.19) (0.49)
Self-esteem -0.043 -0.035 -0.043
(2.03) ** (1.50) (1.99) **
C: Attitude and self-esteem with interaction
Attitude -0.005 -0.007 0.001
(0.24) (0.36) (0.05)
Self-esteem -0.019 0.006 -0.017
(0.67) (0.17) (0.61)
Attitude x -0.047 -0.077 -0.049
(1.20) (1.70) * (1.24)
Narrow Index
At-Least-Weak Positions
Control for
School-Specific Control for
Unobserved Intermediate
Hetero- Measure of
Independent OLS (a) geneity ASE
Variable (7) (8) (9)
A: Attitude and self-esteem together
Attitude and -0.059 -0.051 -0.041
self-Esteem (4.36) *** (3.33) *** (2.97) ***
(i.e. Table 6
B: Attitude and self-esteem separate
Attitude -0.049 -0.045 -0.025
(2.77) *** (2.36) ** (1.41)
Self-esteem -0.045 -0.034 -0.036
(2.97) *** (2.01) ** (2.40) **
C: Attitude and self-esteem with interaction
Attitude -0.062 -0.066 -0.034
(2.45) ** (2.50) ** (1.33)
Self-esteem -0.054 -0.049 -0.042
(3.02) *** (2.29) ** (2.37) **
Attitude x 0.026 0.042 0.018
(0.72) (1.14) (0.49)
Narrow Index
Strong Positions
Control for
School-Specific Control for
Unobserved Intermediate
Hetero- Measure of
Independent OLS (a) geneity ASE
Variable (10) (11) (12)
A: Attitude and self-esteem together
Attitude and -0.064 -0.050 -0.051
self-Esteem (2.63) *** (1.86) * (2.10) **
(i.e. Table 6
B: Attitude and self-esteem separate
Attitude -0.05 -0.042 -0.027
(1.24) (0.96) (0.66)
Self-esteem -0.074 -0.06 -0.068
(2.49) ** (1.83) * (2.32) **
C: Attitude and self-esteem with interaction
Attitude -0.029 -0.010 -0.004
(0.66) (0.21) (0.08)
Self-esteem -0.062 -0.042 -0.055
(1.98) ** (1.23) (1.78) *
Attitude x -0.134 -0.197 -0.148
(1.19) (1.62) (1.29)
Notes: The dependent variable is Log[respondent's reported weekly
earnings]. The within-sample mean of the dependent variable is $410.98.
Indices are defined as Ln[1 + Attitude + Self-Esteem], Ln[1 + Attitude]
and Ln[1 + Self-Esteem]. In all cases, the estimating equation includes
all controls in Table 6, which includes Male; Race: Black; Race: Other;
Ln[Cognitive ability test]; Aptitude: High; Aptitude: Low;
Ln[Percentile rank in class]; Ln[1 + Yrs of education post high school,
'85]; Tenure at job; [Tenure.sup.2]; Age; [Age.sup.2]; Married; Male x
Married; Resided in central city, 1986; Participant in athletics. Full
results are available on request.Absolute values of t-statistics are in
parentheses. * significant at 10%; ** significant at 5%;
*** significant at 1%. Results are robust to the inclusion of controls
for high school quality/resources such as faculty-to-student ratios and
the number of library books per student.
(a) Errors are assumed to be independent across observations from
different high schools but not necessarily across observations within
each high school.
(b) Missing observations are controlled for with an indicator variable
whenever the intermediate measure is missing. However, results are
robust to the sample of observations for which this information is