Reading, writing, and sex: the effect Of losing virginity on academic performance.
Sabia, Joseph J.
While much of the policy discussion surrounding efforts to induce teenagers to delay first intercourse tend to focus on the potential
health benefits of abstinence, increasing attention has been paid to
possible spillover effects. In particular, some proponents of abstinence
claim that delaying intercourse can enhance self-control, encourage
greater future orientedness, and facilitate human capital accumulation.
For example, the Family Research Council, a conservative domestic policy
advocacy organization, has argued that maintaining an abstinent
lifestyle can facilitate the development of character traits that
enhance human capital:
Abstinence-until-marriage builds character and self-control. Unlike
slapping on a condom, self control must be cultivated over time. It
is not a technique to master but a deeply rooted prize to nurture.
When properly developed, it will help teens become adults that are
effective long-range planners.... Just as self-control in the
sexual arena benefits other areas of life, likewise the practice of
immediate gratification of sexual urges encourages impulsiveness in
many areas of life. (Diggs 2002)
While several studies have carefully examined the effect of teenage
childbearing on schooling and labor market outcomes (see, e.g., Angrist
and Evans 1996; Bronars and Grogger 1994; Hoffman, Foster, and
Furstenberg 1993; Hotz, McElroy, and Sanders 2005; Hotz, Mullin, and
Sanders 1997; Klepinger, Lundberg, and Plotnick 1999; Rosenzweig and
Wolpin 1995), fewer have explored whether becoming sexually active
adversely affects early human capital accumulation. Those studies that
have examined whether there are negative educational spillovers of
engaging in sex at an early age have not adequately controlled for
unmeasured characteristics associated with both sex decisions and
academic performance (Billy et al. 1988; Brooke et al. 1994; Costa et
al. 1995; Dorius, Heaton, and Steffen 1993; Jessor et al. 1983; Meilman
1993; Mott and Marsiglio 1985; Rector and Johnson 2005; Schvaneveldt et
al. 2001; Upchurch and McCarthy 1990). The central contribution of this
study will be to provide more credible estimates of the causal effect of
becoming sexually active on adolescent academic performance by
exploiting information on the timing of intercourse decisions, which
will permit the estimation of individual fixed-effects models.
One might expect a negative relationship between losing virginity and academic performance for several reasons. Becoming sexually active
might cause a decline in academic performance because adolescent sex may
psychologically distress or emotionally distract teenagers, causing them
to pay less attention to coursework. However, the direction of causality may run in the opposite direction. Poor academic performance may cause
adolescents to become sexually active. Teenagers may become
disillusioned or depressed due to receiving low grades and may
psychologically compensate for their feelings of academic inadequacy by
seeking fulfillment in sex. Or, it may be that there is no causal link
between early teen sex and academic performance but rather an
association due to unmeasured heterogeneity. If the least academically
motivated or least able adolescents choose to engage in sexual
intercourse, and this motivation level is unmeasured, ordinary least
squares (OLS) estimates will be biased toward negative academic
consequences of becoming sexually active.
Using data from the National Longitudinal Study of Adolescent
Health (Add Health), this study carefully examines the relationship
between becoming sexually active and academic performance. Controlling
for a wide set of individual- and family-level observables, OLS
estimates consistently show that nonvirgins have grade point averages
(GPAs) that are approximately 0.2 points lower than virgins. For
adolescent females, the negative relationship disappears after including
individual fixed effects, suggesting little evidence of a causal link.
But for adolescent males, this relationship persists after controlling
for time-invariant unobservables. An instrumental variables (IV)
identification strategy produces results that are generally consistent
with fixed-effects findings, though the estimated effects are weaker,
likely due to weak instruments. Taken together, these findings suggest
that the negative relationship between early adolescent sex and academic
achievement is quite sensitive to controls for unmeasured heterogeneity,
and that previous studies' estimates of negative spillovers are
A. Theoretical Literature
The economy, psychology, and sociology literatures each offer
explanations for why we might expect a negative relationship between
teenagers' becoming sexually active and human capital accumulation.
One psychological theory suggests that losing one's virginity has
adverse emotional effects on teenagers (see a discussion of this issue
in Cutler et al. 2001; Jessor and Jessor 1975; Rector, Johnson, and
Noyes 2003; Sabia 2006; Stiffman et al. 1987), which may cause them to
be unable to devote sufficient mental energies to their studies. A
related physiological theory suggests that teenagers may go through
hormonal changes that make concentration on coursework more difficult.
If becoming sexually active has important psychological or physiological
effects on teenagers, then emotional instability, psychological
distraction, or physiological changes could lead to diminished capacity in preparing for academic classes, resulting in a decline in grades.
Engaging in first intercourse may also serve as an information
revelation mechanism for teenagers. The revelation of the true immediate
benefits of sex may cause teenagers to change their short-run investment
decisions. Thus, for example, if the realized benefits of sexual
intercourse are higher than the ex-ante anticipated benefits,
adolescents may substitute time and energy away from investments in
human capital and toward investments in future obtainment of sex. While
this theory does not provide an explanation for why teenagers become
sexually active in the first place, it may explain change in human
capital accumulation following exits from virginity.
Related to the information revelation hypothesis, problem behavior
syndrome theory, advanced by psychologists and sociologists, suggests
that immersion in problem behaviors, such as early sexual activity,
causes a change in the fundamental outlook of adolescents, causing them
to want to explore other antisocial behaviors (Allen, Leadbeater, and
Aber 1994; Capaldi, Crosby, and Stoolmiller 1996; Costa et al. 1995;
Donovan, Jessor, and Costa 1988; Elliott and Morse 1989; Farrel, Danish,
and Howard 1992; Harvey and Spigner 1995; McLean and Flanigan 1993;
Peterson, Moore, and Furstenberg 1991; Rosenbaum and Kandel 1990;
Schvaneveldt et al. 2001; Whitbeck et al. 1993). Problem syndrome theory
predicts that involvement in early sexual activity causes a change in an
adolescent's mindset such that he would want to devote more time to
antisocial behaviors and less time investing in human capital. As with
the information revelation hypothesis, an important limitation of this
framework is that it does not offer an explanation for why adolescents
begin engaging in "problem" behaviors.
Economic theory and social exchange theory provide an explanation
for the types of adolescents who will select into early sex: those with
lower opportunity costs of sex (see, e.g., Becker 1980; Nye 1979; Small,
Silverberg, and Kerns 1993). Students with the lower levels of academic
achievement may be those most likely to choose to engage in sexual
intercourse because these adolescents have the least to lose from the
potential consequences of sex given that they may have limited future
job and college opportunities. Psychological distress, excitable distraction, pregnancy, or sexually transmitted diseases would be less
costly to these adolescents, relative to students who anticipate greater
future economic gains. Moreover, students with higher discount rates or
who are less risk averse are more likely to select into sexual activity.
Given that discount rates, degrees of risk aversion, and anticipated
future prospects are difficult to measure, failing to adequately control
for unobserved heterogeneity will likely result in estimates biased
toward adverse academic effects.
B. Empirical Literature
Several studies in the psychology and sociology literature have
found a statistical link between early initiation into sexual
intercourse and academic achievement. Using cross-sectional estimation
techniques that do not account for the endogeneity of sex decisions,
many studies have found that initiating sexual intercourse early,
particularly earlier than age 15, is associated with significantly lower
academic goals and achievement (see, e.g., Billy et al. 1988; Brooke et
al. 1994; Costa et al. 1995; Jessor et al. 1983; Meilman 1993; Mort and
Marsiglio 1985; Schvaneveldt et al. 2001). A few studies have shown
that, relative to virgins, sexually active adolescents are more likely
to drop out of school and are less likely to attend college (Dorius,
Heaton, and Steffen 1993; Rector and Johnson 2005; Upchurch and McCarthy
1990). However, none of these studies has controlled for the endogeneity
of intercourse. Schvaneveldt et al. (2001) recognize this problem and
use longitudinal data to try to tease out the direction of causality.
However, the authors do not use individual fixed effects or IV
techniques. Rather, they measure sexual activity prior to GPA was
measured, and conclude that the direction of causality can be
established by this temporal ordering. But one might easily imagine that
fixed unmeasured characteristics associated with sexual activity at time
period t are also correlated with GPA at time period t + 1.
The health economics literature has seen substantial growth in the
number of studies that have examined the relationships among adolescent
delinquent behaviors, and have stressed the importance of controlling
for the endogeneity of delinquent behaviors. (2)
A forthcoming study by Sabia (2007b) finds that early teen sexual
activity is associated with diminished school attachment, but the
relationship is quite sensitive to unmeasured heterogeneity. However, no
studies in the literature have specifically examined the relationship
between teen sexual activity and academic achievement. The outcome
examined in this study, GPA, is of particular interest given that
several recent studies have found that high school grades are an
important determinant of future human capital accumulation and earnings
(Betts and Morrell, 1999; Rose and Betts, 2004; Grogger and Eide, 1995;
Cohn et al, 2004).
Similar studies in the labor economics literature have studied the
relationship between out-of-wedlock childbearing by young girls and
future earnings using family-fixed effects, IV, and twin births to
control for the endogeneity of pregnancy (see, e.g., Angrist and Evans
1996; Bronars and Grogger 1994; Hoffman, Foster, and Furstenberg 1993;
Klepinger, Lundberg, and Plotnick 1999; Rosenzweig and Wolpin 1995).
Most of these studies have found significant adverse effects of teenage
childbearing. However, more recent studies (Hotz, McElroy, and Sanders
2005; Hotz, Mullin, and Sanders 1997) that have used miscarriages to
provide exogenous variation in pregnancy to identify the causal effect
of nonmarital births have found no evidence of adverse effects. Hotz and
his colleagues conclude that the negative relationship between teenage
childbearing and adverse labor market outcomes can largely be explained
by selection.
The current study builds upon the previous literature by exploiting
information on the timing of adolescent intercourse decisions to better
isolate the causal effects of early teen sex on academic performance.
This is an important contribution to the literature because virgins and
nonvirgins may differ not only on observed characteristics that have
been controlled for in previous research but also on unobserved
characteristics that are correlated with academic achievement. By
controlling for fixed individual-level unmeasured heterogeneity, this
study will be better able to determine the appropriateness of
interpreting the association between virginity and academic performance
causally. Moreover, to examine the robustness of fixed-effects
estimates, an IV strategy is employed to explicitly control for the
potential endogeneity of sex decisions.
A rational adolescent is assumed to maximize utility, U(s, GPA,
L)--where s is sexual intercourse, GPA a measure of academic
performance, (3) and L leisure--subject to a budget constraint, a time
constraint, and an educational skill production function. From this
maximization problem, the adolescent's reduced form demand for
sexual intercourse (SEX) and human capital production function (GPA) can
be derived:
(1) GPA =f(m, pe, a,h,t,q,z)
(2) SEX = g(p,r,Y,m,a, pe, h,q,z)
where m is student motivation, pe is parental effort and
involvement, a is student ability, h is mental and physical health, t is
time spent studying, q is school quality, z are taste shifters, p is the
shadow price of sex, r are the prices of substitutes for sex, and Y is
Becoming sexually active is expected to affect GPA principally
through its effects on adolescent motivation (m), time spent studying
(t), and mental and psychological health (captured in h). However, GPA
may also affect the propensity to exit virginity through its effect on
psychological well-being (captured in h). And finally, it may be that
GPA and the propensity to lose one's virginity are related by
common observable or unobservable characteristics, such as motivation
(m) or ability (a).
Much of the existing virginity-human capital literature has treated
sex decisions as exogenous and presented OLS estimates of the production
function in Equation (1):
(3) [GPA.sub.ij] = [alpha] + [beta][SEX.sub.i] + [X.sub.i][delta] +
[X.sub.j][gamma] + [epsilon.sub.ij]
where [GPAsub.ij] is the GPA of adolescent i in family j, SEX a
dummy variable equal to 1 if the adolescent has ever had sexual
intercourse and equal to 0 if the adolescent has not, [X.sub.i] a vector
of adolescent-specific characteristics that capture inputs in Equation
(1), and [X.sub.j] a vector of family-level characteristics that measure
parental involvement and effort in education. However, the
identification assumption in Equation (3), E([epsilon]|SEX) = 0, is
likely to be violated given that teen sex decisions are potentially
A potentially more credible identification strategy not yet
explored in the virginity-human capital literature is an individual
fixed-effects model. With two periods of data, an individual
fixed-effects model of the following form may be estimated:
(4) [GPA.sub.ijt+1] - [GPA.sub.ijt] = ([[alpha].sub.t+l] -
[[alpha.sub.t]) + [phi] ([] - []) + ([]
-- []) [[lambda].sub.n] + ([] -
[X.sub.jmt])[[??].sub.m] + ([[epsilon.sub.ijt+1] - [[epsilon].sub.ijt])
The above model will control for individual-specific time-invariant
unmeasured determinants of GPA that are correlated with sexual behavior.
(4) However, the identification assumption underlying the fixed-effects
strategy, E([[epsilon].sub.t+l] - [[epsilon].sub.t] | [SEX.sub.t+1] -
[SEX.sub.t]) = 0, may be violated if time-varying unobservables are
correlated with both the decision to become sexually active and with
changes in academic performance. For example, adolescents may experience
changes in hormones that affect both attention to school work and the
probability of becoming sexually active. Moreover, changes in peer
relationships or in the home environment may affect both outcomes.
Time-varying unmeasured heterogeneity of this form could bias the
estimate of [phi] toward adverse academic effects of sexual activity.
An alternative identification strategy would be to explicitly model
endogenous sex decisions via IV. This requires estimating the schooling
production function as the second-stage of a two-stage least squares
model, where instruments (Z) provide exogenous variation in sexual
intercourse. An IV strategy could, in principle, expunge endogeneity
bias if the instruments are sufficiently powerful predictors of
intercourse and are uncorrelated with unmeasured determinants of
academic performance, E([epsilon]|Z) = 0. However, as discussed below,
finding high-quality instruments in the Add Health data is challenging.
The Add Health provides a rich data source to analyze the
relationship between adolescent sexual activity and educational
performance. The Add Health data set is a school-based nationally
representative longitudinal survey containing information from students,
their parents, and school administrators in the mid-1990s. In the first
wave of data collection (April 1995 to December 1995), students from 7th
to 12th grade were asked questions about their schooling, personality,
family, romantic relationships, health behavior, peer groups,
neighborhoods, and sexual activity. The Add Health survey was conducted
by the Carolina Population Center at the University of North Carolina at
Chapel Hill and contained detailed information on adolescent health
behaviors and academic outcomes. Bearman, Jones, and Richard (1997)
discussed sampling methods and interview strategies in detail.
Adolescents were then reinterviewed in the subsequent (1995-96) academic
Information on sensitive topics such as sex choices, contraceptive use, and attitudes about sex was collected so as to minimize reporting
error. Students were given private laptop computers, which allowed them
to anonymously respond to questions, and respondents were assured that
the interviewer would never see their responses, nor would anyone be
able to link their answers with their name. Parents and school
administrators were also interviewed. Parents, usually mothers, were
asked about their relationships with their children, their families, and
their backgrounds. School administrators were asked questions about how
their schools were organized and what types of courses were offered to
students. The Add Health data set also contains contextual variables,
which provide information on the legal, socioeconomic, and demographic
background of the region where the adolescent resides.
The key dependent variable used in the analysis is a constructed
measure of self-reported GPA. (5) Adolescents are asked separate
questions about the grades they received in their most recent
English/language arts, math, science, and social studies/history
classes. The responses adolescents could offer were A, B, C, and D or
lower. From these survey items, I assign a 4.0 for a reported grade of
"A," 3.0 for a reported grade of "B," 2.0 for a
reported grade of "C," and 0.5 for a reported grade of "D
or lower." A cumulative GPA is then constructed, giving equal
weight to each grade. (6)
One criticism of this measure of academic performance is that it is
a self-reported measure. Thus, one might be concerned with inflated
grade reports, which could be particularly problematic if such
misreporting is correlated with virginity status. However, the mean GPAs
measured in the Add Health data set do not appear to differ
substantially from the National Longitudinal Survey of Youth 1997
(NLSY97) or the High School and Beyond data sets, each of which provide
transcript data. Using data from the NLSY97, Rothstein (2007) reported
the mean GPA for high school students of 2.5 for males and 2.8 for
females. GPAs reported in the Add Health data set are slightly higher
perhaps due to inflated reporting of grades or due to the fact that Add
Health does not permit reports of plus or minus grades. (7)
The key independent variable of interest is a measure of whether
the adolescent has ever engaged in sexual intercourse. (8) As expected,
the percentage of teens who had ever engaged in sexual intercourse rises
with age and is higher for males than females. About 11.5 percent of 13-
to 14-year-old females and 15.4% of 13- to 14-year-old males report that
they have engaged in sexual intercourse at least once; by age 17-18, the
percentage of nonvirgins is 54.6% for females and 58.5% for males. (9)
These estimates are generally similar to those reported in the 1995
National Survey of Family Growth and the 1995 National Survey of
Adolescent Males. Given that GPA declines slightly with age, and rates
of sexual intercourse increases with age, it will be important to
estimate separate models by age, as well as to control for age effects
in regression models to ensure that unobserved age trends are not
driving the negative correlation between teen sex and academic
Table 1 presents weighted means of the dependent variable and key
control variables by age and virginity status. Across ages, the mean GPA
of nonvirgins is consistently lower than the mean GPA of virgins, and
this difference is significant. The remaining control variables listed
in Table 1 are used in the OLS models. The inclusion of these variables
is designed to capture the input measures described in the educational
skill production function (Equation [1]): student motivation, parental
effort, student effort, school quality, and health. (10) The measures
used in this study improve upon much of the previous literature because
the Add Health data include a wide set of observable characteristics
that capture parental schooling sentiments. (11) Given the longitudinal
nature of the Add Health data, individual fixed-effects models of the
form described in Equation (4) may be estimated, where GPA and sexual
activity are measured in successive academic years. (12) Control
variables in the individual fixed-effects model are those that change
over time in the data and are noted in footnote 1 of Table 1.
Identification of the IV model requires plausible exclusion
restrictions that are strongly correlated with teen sex decisions but
are uncorrelated with unmeasured characteristics that affect GPA. These
variables include the number of county-level family planning service
providers per 10,000 population, whether there is an abortion provider in the county, whether the adolescent's school provides or refers
students to family planning materials, whether school policy requires
the transfer of pregnant students to alternate schools, the
adolescent's randomly selected schoolmates' perceptions of
sex, and parental attitudes about sex. (13) Descriptions and means of
these variables are listed in Table 1.
Because there are multiple instruments, overidentification tests
can provide suggestive evidence on the credibility of the exogeneity
assumption of the IV model. However, there is some reason to be
concerned that some of these instruments may be correlated with
unmeasured determinants of schooling. For example, while the GPA
equation includes several measures of pro-schooling parental sentiment,
(14) parental attitudes toward their children having sex may be
correlated with unmeasured schooling expectations. Similarly,
school-specific policies on pregnancy policies may be correlated with
grading standards. Finally, measures of the sexual attitudes of an
adolescent's randomly selected schoolmates capture peer effects
that are likely to be associated with parents' choice of their
children's learning environment (see, e.g., Evans, Oates, and
Schwab 1992; Gaviria and Raphael 2001; Sacerdote 2001). Parents who
place their children among schoolmates who have more permissive attitudes toward sex may be less likely to care about their
children's academic performance. Thus, the per capita number of
county-level family planning service providers and the availability of
an abortion provider in the county may be more plausibly exogenous
instruments. (15)
In the absence of standard instruments that are both relevant and
exogenous, Lewbel (2006) offers an alternative identification strategy.
Here, heteroskedasticity in the first-stage intercourse equation was
used to consistently estimate the effect of becoming sexually active on
academic performance. Lewbel showed that [beta] can be consistently
estimated using (Z - [bar.Z])[??] as exclusion restrictions, where [??]
are estimated residuals from the first-stage intercourse equation and Z
is a vector of observed exogenous variables that can be a subset of X or
can equal X. Unlike the standard IV framework, the variables in Z can be
included in both the intercourse and academic performance equations.
Identification requires heteroskedasticity in the intercourse equation
and cov (Z, [epsilon]v) = 0. The variables included in Z for the
identification of this model can be those variables used in the standard
IV model.
Lewbel (2006) noted that the assumptions underlying his approach
had also been exploited to identify correlated random-coefficients
models (Heckman and Vytlacil 1998). Moreover, Rigobon (2002, 2003),
Klein and Vella (2003), King, Sentana, and Wadhwani (1994), and Sentena
and Fiorentini (2001) have exploited heteroskedasticity to identify
models in a manner similar to that proposed by Lewbel (2006). Learner
(1981) and Feenstra (1994) also exploited heteroskedasticity to aid in
identification. Several recent papers have used similar approaches,
using plausible restrictions on higher order moments rather than
traditional instruments to aid in identification (Cragg 1997; Dagenais
and Dagenais 1997; Sabia 2007a, b; Erickson and Whited 2002; Lewbel
1997; Rummery, Vella, and Verbeek 1999).
Here, an alternate identification strategy will include parental
sexual sentiment, schoolmate attitudes, and school-level policies in
both the intercourse and schooling equations. Identification will come
from variation in county-level per capital family planning service
providers and (Z- [bar.Z])[??] where Z includes parental sexual
sentiment, schoolmate attitudes, and school-level policies.
A. OLS Estimates
Estimation results are found in Tables 2-5. (16) In Table 2, OLS
estimates of the GPA production function are presented to replicate existing findings in the literature. Results are obtained using data
from Add Health's baseline wave for adolescents aged 15 16. The
findings in Table 2 suggest robust evidence of a negative relationship
between early adolescent sex and GPA across model specifications. Models
1 and 2 include clearly exogenous variables as controls. Model 1
includes race, sex, and age as covariates, while Model 2 adds controls
for household income, mother's education, household structure, and
regional effects. These results reflect that sexually active teenagers
have GPAs that are 0.34-0.39 points lower than those who are not
sexually active.
The remaining specifications add further controls for inputs in the
human capital production function that are arguably endogenous but
capture important inputs that are likely to be correlated with
adolescent sex decisions. Model 3 includes measures of parental
involvement in adolescent education as well as measures of the
harmoniousness of the parent-child relationship, while Models 4 and 5
control for physical health, mental health, and employment. While the
coefficient on the sex parameter falls to -0.26, it remains strongly
significant. Model 6 adds a control for romantic relationship status to
separate the effects of being in a relationship from being sexually
active; the results remain unchanged. (17) The specification in column 7
controls for adolescent's college aspirations and innate
intelligence, measured by the Add Health Picture and Vocabulary Test
Score. The coefficient on sexual activity becomes smaller (-0.20) but
remains significant. And finally, Model 8 includes a control for alcohol
consumption, which is expected to be positively correlated with sexual
activity and negatively associated with GPA. As expected, the
coefficient on intercourse falls slightly but remains highly
Taken together, the findings in Table 2 suggest robust evidence of
a significant negative relationship between sexual activity and GPA,
with a magnitude around -0.20. These results are consistent with much of
the previous psychological and sociological literature (Billy et al.
1988; Brooke et al. 1994; Costa et al. 1995; Jessor et al. 1983; Meilman
1993; Mort and Marsiglio 1985; Schvaneveldt et al. 2001). (18) Moreover,
the estimate in column 8 may be considered a lower bound because sexual
activity may also affect many of these arguably endogenous variables
that affect GPA. The remaining regressions include the full set of
controls listed in Model 8. (19)
B. Fixed-Effects Estimates
Table 3 compares OLS estimates to school-fixed effects and
individual-fixed effects estimates. These models allow heterogeneous effects of sexual activity by age and gender. Each estimate in Table 3
comes from a separate regression model estimated on a sample that is
restricted to those adolescents who have nonmissing information on
cumulative GPA and virginity status in consecutive academic periods.
OLS estimates on this sample, found in row 1, are generally
consistent with the estimates shown in Table 2. Estimated coefficients
are generally larger for males than females. For 17- to 18-year-olds,
there is no significant relationship for either males or females, but
this is driven by the smaller selected sample. Adolescents who have
grades in consecutive academic periods are those that graduate high
school at later ages. Hence, because of the selected sample as well as
the reduced power of the design, it is not surprising to find
insignificant relationships. The remaining discussion will, therefore,
focus on adolescents aged 13-16. (21)
One form of heterogeneity that could bias OLS estimates of the
relationship between virginity and academic performance toward adverse
academic effects is school-level heterogeneity. If, for example, schools
with the most permissive sexual attitudes are of the lowest unobserved
academic quality, then students in these schools may have low grades
because their schooling environment is not as committed to encouraging
academic success. This type of school-level heterogeneity would tend to
bias OLS estimates toward adverse academic effects of becoming sexually
active. Models including school fixed effects are estimated in row 2.
These results suggest that unobserved school quality is not an important
source of bias in OLS estimates.
However, individual-level unmeasured heterogeneity remains an
important concern. Students of the highest unobserved discipline or
academic ability may be those who are most likely to choose to delay
intercourse. Individual fixed-effects models are presented in row 3.
These models control for several time-varying observable
characteristics: whether the adolescent is in a romantic relationship,
alcohol consumption, employment, body mass index, self-perception of bad
health, aspirations to attend college, parental sentiments toward
college education, number of family dinners per week, attempted
suicides, quality of the parent-child relationship, and age. (22)
For females, there is strong evidence that fixed individual-level
unobserved heterogeneity biases OLS estimates toward adverse academic
effects of becoming sexually active. After controlling for individual
fixed effects, the relationship between virginity and academic
performance becomes statistically insignificant, with the magnitude of
the estimated parameter falling over tenfold. (23)
For males, however, the negative relationship between losing
virginity and academic performance is robust to the inclusion of
individual fixed effects, though the magnitude is smaller. Becoming
sexually active is associated with a 0.18- to 0.19-point decline in GPA.
For males aged 15-16, the magnitude of the relationship falls (from
-0.34 to -0.18), suggesting some evidence of selection into sexual
activity based on unobserved characteristics associated with lower
academic performance.
In row 4, the robustness of the individual fixed effects results to
propensity score matching is examined so as to assure common support on
observable characteristics. The propensity score matching exercise is
executed by estimating a probit model of the change in virginity status
between Waves 1 and 2 (=0 if no change, = 1 if exit virginity) on the
set of baseline individual- and family-level observables listed in Table
1. (24) Adolescents are matched within caliper of 0.10 and without
replacement. Then, a simple first-differences estimate is obtained using
the matched sample. The fixed-effects propensity score-matched estimate
of the relationship between losing virginity and academic performance is
generally consistent with the standard individual fixed-effects
estimate. For females, there continues to be no evidence of significant
relationship. For males aged 15-16, there is still a significant
negative relationship, with the magnitude slightly higher than the
individual fixed-effects estimate (-0.28 vs. -0.18). For males aged
13-14, the magnitude of the coefficient remains stable, but the standard
error is inflated due to the more stringent common support requirement.
Taken together, the findings in Table 3 suggest that, for females,
the negative relationship between becoming sexually active and academic
performance can be explained by individual-level unmeasured
heterogeneity. Thus, a causal interpretation of results presented in
previous studies in the literature is not appropriate. For adolescent
males, however, the negative relationship is robust to the inclusion of
individual fixed effects and deserves further exploration.
C. Robustness Tests
Table 4 examines the robustness of individual fixed-effects
estimates to changes in model specification, sample selected, and
definitions of the dependent variable. First, note that the estimated
relationship between virginity and academic performance is never
significant for females, across any specification. Thus, the evidence
that unmeasured heterogeneity can explain the negative association
between sexual activity and GPA remains fairly strong for females. The
remaining discussion of Table 4 focuses on males. (26)
The chief concern with the individual fixed-effects identification
strategy is that there may be unobserved time-varying individual-level
characteristics that are associated with both exiting virginity and
reduced grades. In Table 4, the robustness of the fixed-effects findings
to important observables is examined. Rows 1 and 2 reflect that the
fixed-effects results are not sensitive to the inclusion or exclusion of
measured time-varying characteristics.
One potentially important time-varying characteristic that is
difficult to measure is puberty, the omission of which may be especially
problematic for younger teens (aged 13-14). If the loss of virginity is
simply a proxy for the onset of puberty, then puberty-and not exiting
virginity--may create hormonal changes that diminish cognitive ability.
If this is the case, then policies designed to delay first intercourse
will not significantly improve academic performance. In row 3, some
observable measures of beginning puberty are included. Adolescent boys
are asked about the degree of facial hair and underarm hair that that
they have, and girls are asked about the curves on their body and the
onset of menstruation. When these measures are included, the estimated
relationship between becoming sexually active and academic performance
remains unchanged.
Another concern is that exiting virginity simply serves as a crude
proxy for teenage parenthood. That is, adolescents who have had sex
might be parents, and it may be the responsibilities of parenthood
rather than losing virginity that diminishes academic performance.
Moreover, perhaps it is not losing one's virginity that causes
adverse academic outcomes, but rather, becoming sexually active and
engaging in unsafe sex. This is a reasonable explanation if worries
about pregnancy or STDs cause less attention to one's studies. In
row 4, individuals who engaged in sexual intercourse without
contraception or have been/caused a pregnancy are excluded. Across
models, fixed-effects estimates do not change. (27)
The identification assumption of the individual fixed-effects model
requires common unobserved time trends between those whose virginity
status does not change and those that exit virginity, but this may not
be a reasonable assumption if the effects of virginity are cumulative.
Thus, in row 5, the sample is restricted to those adolescents who are
virgins at baseline. The findings continue to show a significant
negative relationship between becoming sexually active and academic
performance. (28)
Taken together, the results in Table 4 suggest that for males, the
significant negative relationship between losing virginity and academic
performance for males cannot be fully explained by fixed
individual-level unobserved heterogeneity, the onset of puberty, the
onset of pregnancy, or engaging in unsafe sex. This may suggest some
evidence of negative academic spillovers for males, which may not be
trivial in magnitude. If permanent, GPA declines of this magnitude could
have an impact on the quality of college to which an adolescent may gain
admittance (Manski and Wise 1983). The education literature suggests
that college quality could have important effects on future earnings,
particularly for private elite colleges (see Brewer, Eide, and Ehrenberg
However, an important caveat to the individuals' fixed-effects
results is that they may not provide unbiased estimates of the effects
of early teen sex on GPA if there are time-varying unobservables
correlated with the decision to become sexually active and with academic
performance. For example, unmeasured changes in peer groups or family
environment might influence both outcomes. Thus, to test the robustness
of fixed-effects results, an IV identification strategy is undertaken to
explicitly model the endogeneity of sex decisions.
D. IV Estimates
Two-stage least squares (2SLS) estimates of the relationship
between losing virginity and academic performance for adolescent males
are presented in Table 5, along with OLS estimates for comparison. (29)
To examine the credibility of the instrument exogeneity assumption, two
suggestive tests are conducted: (1) instruments are included in the OLS
GPA model and tests of their individual and joint significance are
presented, and (2) overidentification tests are presented for the IV
models. The instruments are never individually or jointly significant at
the 5% level in any of the OLS models and the overidentification tests
in the IV models suggest that the instruments are valid.
In Table 5, several IV models are presented to test the sensitivity
of findings to choice of exclusion restrictions. Both the standard IV
and heteroskedasticity-identified IV models continue to provide some
evidence of a negative relationship between engaging in sexual
intercourse and academic performance for males, though the effects are
imprecisely estimated and are often small in magnitude. Because of the
large estimated standard errors on 2SLS estimates, I cannot reject OLS
estimates. One important reason for the imprecisely estimated parameters
is the weakness of the instruments in predicting sexual intercourse. For
example, county-level family planning services are generally only
marginally significant predictors of intercourse for males. The
strongest predictors of intercourse--parental and peer attitudes--are
those measures that we are most concerned may be correlated with
unmeasured determinants of school achievement. Thus, while the 2SLS
estimates are generally consistent with fixedeffects estimates, caution
should be taken in their interpretation.
In summary, the evidence presented suggests that the relationship
between early teen sex and academic performance is sensitive to
unmeasured heterogeneity. For females, there is little evidence of a
causal relationship after controlling for individual unobserved
heterogeneity, while for males, the relationship is more robust,
suggesting some evidence of modest educational spillovers.
Using data from the National Longitudinal Study of Adolescent
Health, this study estimates the relationship between becoming sexually
active and adolescent academic performance. While OLS and school-fixed
effects estimates suggest that adolescents who remain virgins have GPAs
that are 0.2 points higher than those who become sexually active, I show
that relationship can be explained, in part, by unmeasured
characteristics associated with selection into sexual activity. For
adolescent females, the inclusion of individual fixed effects results in
estimated academic effects becoming small and insignificant. For males,
however, the result is robust to the inclusion individual fixed effects
but becomes weaker after controlling for the endogeneity of sex
decisions. These findings suggest that previous studies' estimates
of the negative effects of early adolescent sex are overstated.
One intriguing finding in this study is possible evidence of
heterogeneous academic effects of sexual intercourse by gender. One
explanation for this finding may be based in biological differences or
differences in the revelation of new information. After having sex for
the first time, boys may be more likely than girls to become single
minded in pursuing sexual conquests. The experience of first sexual
intercourse may reveal new information to males on the immediate
benefits of sex, and this information may induce boys to choose
immediate investments in sex over schooling. For example, teenage boys
may realize a social status gain from losing their virginity and view
additional sexual "conquests" as a means to achieve even
greater social status. Females may not experience such status gains from
pursuing sex over education. An important area for future research would
involve empirical tests of the information revelation hypotheses of teen
sex. To what extent do teens update their beliefs about the perceived
benefits and costs of sex after their first sexual experience, and do
these updates vary by sex, age, and race? Moreover, an empirical
investigation of the impact of delaying intercourse on future human
capital accumulation will be important in understanding whether there
are long-run non-sex-related benefits of abstinence.
While the strength of this study relies on its exploitation of the
timing of first intercourse to identify the effects of early adolescent
sex, one of its important limitations is the lack of powerful
instruments to explicitly address the endogeneity of virginity
decisions. Future work should pay careful attention to modeling the
endogeneity of sex decisions.
GPA: Grade Point Average
IV: Instrumental Variable
NLSY97: National Longitudinal Survey of Youth 1997
OLS: Ordinary Least Squares
2SLS: Two-stage Least Squares
Weighted Means and Standard Deviations of Variables, by Gender and Age
Age 13-14
1 2
Females Males
GPA (overall) 2.98 (0.806) 2.75 (0.869)
Math GPA 2.83 (1.11) 2.71 (1.16)
English GPA 3.05 (0.988) 2.71 (1.06)
History GPA 3.03 (1.02) 2.79 (1.14)
Science GPA 3.01 (1.05) 2.80 (1.13)
Adolescent sexually 0.115 (0.819) 0.154 (0.869)
Add Health 101.25 (14.09) 102.90 (14.08)
Picture and Vocabulary
Test score
Black 0.143 (0.350) 0.133 (0.339)
Hispanic 0.112 (0.315) 0.097 (0.296)
Log of household 3.48 (0.856) 3.47 (0.888)
income (thousands)
Student strongly 0.780 (0.414) 0.755 (0.480)
aspires to
attend college
Mother a college 0.205 (0.404) 0.214 (0.410)
Parent chose 0.507 (0.500) 0.513 (0.500)
due to school quality
Parent is member 0.382 (0.486) 0.362 (0.481)
of Parent-Teacher
Parent talked 0.123 (0.329) 0.125 (0.331)
recently with child
about school
Parent values 0.696 (0.460) 0.651 (0.477)
scholastic brilliance
Parent disappointed 0.658 (0.474) 0.656 (0.475)
if child does
not attend college
Strict weekend curfew 0.190 (0.392) 0.247 (0.482)
Number of times 5.46 (2.16) 5.64 (2.01)
per week family
dines together
Mother employed 0.719 (0.450) 0.723 (0.448)
outside home
Body mass index 21.34 (4.20) 21.49 (4.32)
Birthweight (kg) 4.73 (0.189) 4.77 (0.200)
Adolescent reports 0.079 (0.269) 0.056 (0.230)
being in poor health
Adolescent reports being 0.076 (0.267) 0.039 (0.193)
frequently depressed
Friend recently 0.257 (0.437) 0.111 (0.315)
attempted suicide
Family recently 0.045 (0.208) 0.039 (0.193)
attempted suicide
Parent reports not 0.011 (0.102) 0.010 (0.099)
getting along with child
Adolescent believes 0.029 (0.168) 0.012 (0.110)
parent does not care
about him
Parents fight a lot 0.196 (0.397) 0.233 (0.423)
Adolescent has 0.44 (0.497) 0.417 (0.493)
older sibling
Single-parent household 0.34 (0.474) 0.304 (0.460)
Household receives AFDC 0.146 (0.354) 0.131 (0.337)
Adolescent works 0.451 (0.498) 0.452 (0.498)
during school year
Religious attendance 0.458 (0.498) 0.425 (0.495)
[greater than or equal
to ] once/week
Religious attendance 0.200 (0.400) 0.200 (0.400)
Religious attendance 0.146 (0.353) 0.145 (0.352)
Adolescent in romantic 0.394 (0.489) 0.410 (0.492)
Adolescent has 0.324 (0.468) 0.295 (0.456)
consumed alcohol
Parent strongly 0.883 (0.321) 0.736 (0.441)
disapproves of
teen sex
Mean % of schoolmates
[greater than or equal
to] 15 years who say
sex enhances attractiveness
Mean % of schoolmates
[greater than or equal
to] 15 years who associate
sex with strong guilt
School requires 0.358 (0.480) 0.355 (0.479)
alternate school
for pregnant girls
School offers or refers 0.451 (0.498) 0.441 (0.497)
students to family
County-level family 0.611 (0.488) 0.625 (0.484)
planning service
providers per
10,000 population
Whether there is an 0.320 (0.426) 0.302 (0.380)
abortion provider
in county
N 1,832 1,559
Age 15-16
3 4
Females Males
GPA (overall) 2.82 (0.829) 2.62 (0.865)
Math GPA 2.61 (1.18) 2.52 (1.22)
English GPA 2.93 (1.04) 2.58 (1.10)
History GPA 2.92 (1.09) 2.72 (1.16)
Science GPA 2.82 (1.11) 2.65 (1.16)
Adolescent sexually 0.356 (0.479) 0.375 (0.484)
Add Health 101.44 (14.24) 102.93 (13.80)
Picture and Vocabulary
Test score
Black 0.174 (0.379) 0.174 (0.379)
Hispanic 0.096 (0.294) 0.095 (0.293)
Log of household 3.53 (0.895) 3.56 (0.881)
income (thousands)
Student strongly 0.740 (0.439) 0.689 (0.463)
aspires to
attend college
Mother a college 0.195 (0.396) 0.203 (0.402)
Parent chose 0.504 (0.500) 0.546 (0.498)
due to school quality
Parent is member 0.324 (0.468) 0.350 (0.477)
of Parent-Teacher
Parent talked 0.080 (0.272) 0.065 (0.247)
recently with child
about school
Parent values 0.676 (0.468) 0.663 (0.473)
scholastic brilliance
Parent disappointed 0.686 (0.464) 0.682 (0.466)
if child does
not attend college
Strict weekend curfew 0.249 (0.433) 0.384 (0.486)
Number of times 4.75 (2.46) 4.83 (2.35)
per week family
dines together
Mother employed 0.740 (0.434) 0.739 (0.439)
outside home
Body mass index 22.37 (4.34) 22.62 (4.37)
Birthweight (kg) 4.73 (0.196) 4.78 (0.200)
Adolescent reports 0.062 (0.240) 0.051 (0.220)
being in poor health
Adolescent reports being 0.118 (0.323) 0.047 (0.211)
frequently depressed
Friend recently 0.245 (0.430) 0.142 (0.350)
attempted suicide
Family recently 0.061 (0.239) 0.039 (0.194)
attempted suicide
Parent reports not 0.014 (0.118) 0.007 (0.084)
getting along with child
Adolescent believes 0.031 (0.172) 0.016 (0.125)
parent does not care
about him
Parents fight a lot 0.191 (0.393) 0.213 (0.409)
Adolescent has 0.411 (0.492) 0.397 (0.489)
older sibling
Single-parent household 0.363 (0.481) 0.347 (0.476)
Household receives AFDC 0.125 (0.331) 0.130 (0.337)
Adolescent works 0.495 (0.500) 0.524 (0.500)
during school year
Religious attendance 0.416 (0.493) 0.361 (0.480)
[greater than or equal
to ] once/week
Religious attendance 0.184 (0.433) 0.211 (0.408)
Religious attendance 0.185 (0.389) 0.179 (0.383)
Adolescent in romantic 0.605 (0.489) 0.540 (0.499)
Adolescent has 0.528 (0.499) 0.494 (0.500)
consumed alcohol
Parent strongly 0.730 (0.444) 0.499 (0.500)
disapproves of
teen sex
Mean % of schoolmates 0.081 (0.043) 0.079 (0.045)
[greater than or equal
to] 15 years who say
sex enhances attractiveness
Mean % of schoolmates 0.128 (0.068) 0.117 (0.072)
[greater than or equal
to] 15 years who associate
sex with strong guilt
School requires 0.231 (0.421) 0.232 (0.422)
alternate school
for pregnant girls
School offers or refers 0.628 (0.483) 0.597 (0.491)
students to family
County-level family 0.583 (0.493) 0.612 (0.487)
planning service
providers per
10,000 population
Whether there is an 0.292 (0.380) 0.296 (0.371)
abortion provider
in county
N 2,200 2,087
Age 17-18
5 6
Females Males
GPA (overall) 2.81 (0.812) 2.56 (0.842)
Math GPA 2.52 (1.17) 2.48 (1.20)
English GPA 2.98 (0.992) 2.56 (1.08)
History GPA 2.93 (1.10) 2.68 (1.16)
Science GPA 2.79 (1.12) 2.52 (1.18)
Adolescent sexually 0.546 (0.498) 0.585 (0.493)
Add Health 99.90 (14.39) 101.91 (16.46)
Picture and Vocabulary
Test score
Black 0.213 (0.409) 0.193 (0.395)
Hispanic 0.114 (0.318) 0.128 (0.334)
Log of household 3.50 (0.880) 3.51 (0.943)
income (thousands)
Student strongly 0.764 (0.425) 0.612 (0.488)
aspires to
attend college
Mother a college 0.180 (0.385) 0.223 (0.416)
Parent chose 0.536 (0.499) 0.484 (0.500)
due to school quality
Parent is member 0.337 (0.473) 0.311 (0.463)
of Parent-Teacher
Parent talked 0.069 (0.254) 0.064 (0.244)
recently with child
about school
Parent values 0.644 (0.479) 0.655 (0.475)
scholastic brilliance
Parent disappointed 0.700 (0.458) 0.675 (0.469)
if child does
not attend college
Strict weekend curfew 0.398 (0.490) 0.472 (0.499)
Number of times 3.97 (2.46) 3.90 (2.53)
per week family
dines together
Mother employed 0.709 (0.455) 0.761 (0.427)
outside home
Body mass index 22.97 (4.65) 23.47 (4.05)
Birthweight (kg) 4.73 (0.233) 4.77 (0.203)
Adolescent reports 0.08 (0.271) 0.060 (0.237)
being in poor health
Adolescent reports being 0.117 (0.321) 0.094 (0.292)
frequently depressed
Friend recently 0.197 (0.398) 0.154 (0.360)
attempted suicide
Family recently 0.045 (0.206) 0.051 (0.219)
attempted suicide
Parent reports not 0.007 (0.085) 0.018 (0.132)
getting along with child
Adolescent believes 0.025 (0.155) 0.015 (0.120)
parent does not care
about him
Parents fight a lot 0.183 (0.387) 0.230 (0.421)
Adolescent has 0.360 (0.480) 0.329 (0.470)
older sibling
Single-parent household 0.397 (0.490) 0.399 (0.490)
Household receives AFDC 0.113 (0.317) 0.115 (0.319)
Adolescent works 0.628 (0.484) 0.662 (0.473)
during school year
Religious attendance 0.386 (0.487) 0.307 (0.461)
[greater than or equal
to ] once/week
Religious attendance 0.205 (0.404) 0.218 (0.418)
Religious attendance 0.194 (0.396) 0.207 (0.405)
Adolescent in romantic 0.705 (0.456) 0.638 (0.481)
Adolescent has 0.582 (0.494) 0.638 (0.481)
consumed alcohol
Parent strongly 0.576 (0.494) 0.337 (0.473)
disapproves of
teen sex
Mean % of schoolmates 0.093 (0.040) 0.093 (0.041)
[greater than or equal
to] 15 years who say
sex enhances attractiveness
Mean % of schoolmates 0.133 (0.056) 0.130 (0.059)
[greater than or equal
to] 15 years who associate
sex with strong guilt
School requires 0.213 (0.409) 0.224 (0.417)
alternate school
for pregnant girls
School offers or refers 0.612 (0.488) 0.638 (0.481)
students to family
County-level family 0.616 (0.487) 0.590 (0.492)
planning service
providers per
10,000 population
Whether there is an 0.301 (0.401) 0.318 (0.410)
abortion provider
in county
N 1,052 1,173
AFDC, aid to families with dependent children.
Means and Between Wave Variation in GPA and Losing
Virginity used in Individual Fixed-Effects Models
Age 13-14
Wave 1 Wave 2
Intercourse 0.102 (0.303) 0.225 (0.418)
GPA 3.01 (0.788) 2.94 (0.817)
% with no GPA change 21.0
% with GPA [DELTA] [greater
than or equal to] 10.251 75.4
% with GPA [DELTA] [greater
than or equal to] 10.51 47.0
% with GPA [DELTA] [greater
than or equal to] 10.75 25.5
% with GPA [DELTA] [greater
than or equal to] 11.01 12.9
% with GPA [DELTA] [greater
than or equal to] 11.251 6.9
% with GPA [DELTA] [greater
than or equal to] 11.51 3.7
N 1,500 1,500
Age 13-14
Wave 1 Wave 2
Intercourse 0.116 (0.320) 0.225 (0.418)
GPA 2.80 (0.848) 2.74 (0.860)
% with no GPA change 17.6
% with GPA [DELTA] [greater
than or equal to] 10.251 78.4
% with GPA [DELTA] [greater
than or equal to] 10.51 49.3
% with GPA [DELTA] [greater
than or equal to] 10.75 30.4
% with GPA [DELTA] [greater
than or equal to] 11.01 18.6
% with GPA [DELTA] [greater
than or equal to] 11.251 10.9
% with GPA [DELTA] [greater
than or equal to] 11.51 5.7
N 1,255 1,255
Age 15-16
Wave 1 Wave 2
Intercourse 0.230 (0.458) 0.455 (0.498)
GPA 2.90 (0.816) 2.88 (0.781)
% with no GPA change 22.5
% with GPA [DELTA] [greater
than or equal to] 10.251 73.1
% with GPA [DELTA] [greater
than or equal to] 10.51 43.5
% with GPA [DELTA] [greater
than or equal to] 10.75 24.9
% with GPA [DELTA] [greater
than or equal to] 11.01 14.5
% with GPA [DELTA] [greater
than or equal to] 11.251 7.0
% with GPA [DELTA] [greater
than or equal to] 11.51 3.6
N 1,455 1,455
Age 15-16
Wave 1 Wave 2
Intercourse 0.286 (0.452) 0.437 (0.496)
GPA 2.74 (0.837) 2.71 (0.825)
% with no GPA change 18.4
% with GPA [DELTA] [greater
than or equal to] 10.251 77.0
% with GPA [DELTA] [greater
than or equal to] 10.51 45.3
% with GPA [DELTA] [greater
than or equal to] 10.75 26.1
% with GPA [DELTA] [greater
than or equal to] 11.01 14.4
% with GPA [DELTA] [greater
than or equal to] 11.251 8.2
% with GPA [DELTA] [greater
than or equal to] 11.51 3.9
N 1,324 1,324
OLS Estimates of Association between Losing
Virginity and GPA, by Gender and Age (a)
Age 13-14
1 2
Females Males
Intercourse -0.107 (0.066) -0.172 *** (0.066)
Add Health 0.012 *** (0.002) 0.011 *** (0.002)
Picture and Vocabulary Test
Black -0.114 (0.092) -0.040 (0.091)
Hispanic -0.058 (0.074) 0.026 (0.078)
Income 0.001 (0.030) 0.099 *** (0.031)
Aspire 0.359 *** (0.067) 0.332 *** (0.062)
PARCOLGRAD 0.203 *** (0.049) 0.196 *** (0.067)
NEIGHBORHD 0.030 (0.039) 0.067 (0.059)
PARTEACH 0.142 *** (0.036) 0.039 (0.056)
PARTALK 0.076 * (0.046) 0.047 (0.073)
Brilliant 0.002 (0.042) -0.006 (0.053)
PARDISCOL 0.031 (0.039) -0.085 (0.058)
WKTME 0.059 (0.049) 0.075 (0.051)
DINNERWK 0.025 ** (0.010) -0.008 (0.013)
MEMPLOY -0.070 (0.048) -0.052 (0.050)
BMI -0.002 (0.004) -0.004 (0.006)
BIRTHWGT 0.035 (0.127) 0.097 (0.164)
BADHEALTH -0.005 (0.078) -0.138 (0.108)
Depress -0.069 (0.083) -0.161 (0.131)
FRIENDSUI -0.127 *** (0.045) -0.171 ** (0.080)
FAMSUI -0.016 (0.069) -0.301 * (0.0182)
NOTGETAL -0.414 * (0.218) -0.429 *** (0.143)
NOTCARE -0.128 (0.126) 0.021 (0.181)
FIGHT 0.009 (0.048) -0.106 (0.075)
OLDERSIB -0.019 (0.041) -0.012 (0.048)
SINGLEPAR -0.089 (0.057) 0.0098 (0.078)
AFDC -0.110 (0.069) -0.063 (0.049)
Work 0.101 *** (0.036) 0.112 ** (0.052)
RELIGWK 0.103 (0.066) 0.307 *** (0.075)
RELIGMO 0.100 (0.078) 0.283 *** (0.061)
RELIGYR 0.003 (0.072) 0.245 *** (0.092)
Romantic -0.069 (0.047) 0.063 (0.049)
N 1,832 1,559
Age 15-16
3 4
Females Males
Intercourse -0.181 *** (0.046) -0.256 *** (0.053)
Add Health 0.012 *** (0.002) 0.010 *** (0.002)
Picture and Vocabulary Test
Black -0.131 ** (0.065) 0.027 (0.070)
Hispanic -0.178 ** (0.072) -0.035 (0.088)
Income 0.025 (0.029) 0.016 (0.035)
Aspire 0.426 *** (0.055) 0.349 *** (0.052)
PARCOLGRAD 0.226 *** (0.043) 0.059 (0.056)
NEIGHBORHD 0.070 * (0.043) 0.121 ** (0.047)
PARTEACH 0.098 ** (0.040) 0.059 (0.045)
PARTALK 0.091 (0.087) 0.130 * (0.068)
Brilliant 0.073 * (0.042) -0.013 (0.041)
PARDISCOL -0.054 (0.045) 0.059 (0.056)
WKTME 0.041 (0.040) 0.020 (0.045)
DINNERWK 0.009 (0.008) 0.009 (0.010)
MEMPLOY 0.036 (0.048) 0.003 (0.053)
BMI -0.012 ** (0.005) -0.015 *** (0.005)
BIRTHWGT -0.090 (0.104) 0.193 * (0.118)
BADHEALTH -0.223 ** (0.092) -0.076 (0.101)
Depress -0.126 * (0.067) -0.092 (0.108)
FRIENDSUI -0.024 (0.045) -0.151 ** (0.062)
FAMSUI -0.038 (0.116) 0.015 (0.118)
NOTGETAL -0.153 (0.169) -0.465 ** (0.226)
NOTCARE -0.163 (0.113) -0.165 (0.154)
FIGHT -0.042 (0.051) 0.108 ** (0.046)
OLDERSIB -0.037 (0.035) -0.047 (0.048)
SINGLEPAR 0.03 (0.064) -0.019 (0.068)
AFDC 0.027 (0.080) -0.105 (0.092)
Work 0.105 *** (0.036) 0.050 (0.048)
RELIGWK 0.197 *** (0.069) 0.178 ** (0.081)
RELIGMO 0.150 ** (0.075) 0.060 (0.077)
RELIGYR 0.027 (0.073) 0.019 (0.081)
Romantic -0.015 (0.057) 0.034 (0.044)
N 2,200 2,087
Age 17-18
5 6
Females Males
Intercourse -0.138 ** (0.063) -0.109 (0.073)
Add Health 0.010 *** (0.002) 0.010 *** (0.002)
Picture and Vocabulary Test
Black -0.195 ** (0.092) -0.031 (0.096)
Hispanic -0.142 (0.102) 0.125 (0.113)
Income -0.054 (0.037) 0.030 (0.034)
Aspire 0.471 *** (0.074) 0.380 *** (0.073)
PARCOLGRAD 0.057 (0.077) 0.129 * (0.071)
NEIGHBORHD 0.141 ** (0.066) 0.057 (0.051)
PARTEACH 0.102 (0.065) 0.061 (0.067)
PARTALK 0.062 (0.108) 0.099 (0.134)
Brilliant 0.086 (0.079) -0.055 (0.079)
PARDISCOL 0.028 (0.069) 0.086 (0.072)
WKTME -0.022 (0.056) 0.022 (0.068)
DINNERWK 0.021 (0.013) 0.019 * (0.010)
MEMPLOY 0.135 * (0.073) 0.007 (0.083)
BMI -0.019 *** (0.006) 0.003 (0.008)
BIRTHWGT 0.098 (0.152) -0.305 ** (0.148)
BADHEALTH -0.250 ** (0.098) -0.222 * (0.133)
Depress 0.016 (0.080) -0.159 (0.099)
FRIENDSUI -0.125 (0.087) -0.011 (0.085)
FAMSUI 0.199 (0.127) 0.165 (0.189)
NOTGETAL -0.105 (0.250) -0.334 (0.266)
NOTCARE -0.143 (0.134) 0.007 (0.203)
FIGHT 0.018 (0.077) -0.087 (0.069)
OLDERSIB -0.064 (0.056) -0.039 (0.056)
SINGLEPAR -0.034 (0.080) -0.092 (0.100)
AFDC -0.018 (0.092) 0.064 (0.107)
Work -0.056 (0.058) 0.086 (0.061)
RELIGWK 0.369 *** (0.116) 0.355 *** (0.102)
RELIGMO 0.271 ** (0.124) 0.212 * (0.114)
RELIGYR 0.166 (0.113) 0.162 (0.108)
Romantic -0.042 (0.072) -0.014 (0.065)
N 1,052 1,173
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of the country, urban/rural/suburban, absences from school,
religious affiliation, grade, and age.
* Significant at 10%, level; ** significant at 5%;
*** significant at 1%.
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(1.) Similar sentiments have been articulated by other socially
conservative organizations, including the Heritage Foundation (Rector
and Johnson 2005) and Concerned Women for America (Wallace and Warner
(2.) For example, Sen (2002) and Rees, Argys, and Averett (2001)
examined the relationship between alcohol consumption and teen sexual
activity. Facing a similar selection bias problem described above, Sen
and Rees et al. established the need for exogenous variation in drinking
to identify a causal relationship between drinking and sex. Sen (2002)
used beer taxes as an instrument variable since beer taxes are
theoretically believed to influence drinking behavior, but not sexual
intercourse, except through drinking. Rees, Argys, and Averen (2001)
used state requirements that schools offer alcohol and drug prevention
education, per capita local and state expenditures on police protection,
the number of arrests per violent crime in the county of residence, and
the number of total arrests per crime in the county of residence as
instruments. After controlling for the endogeneity of drinking, they are
better able to make informed statements about the appropriateness of
inferring a causal relationship between drinking and sex.
(3.) This can be thought of as a proxy for future consumption.
(4.) To assure that there is sufficient common support on
observable characteristics among those whose virginity status does
change between period t and t + 1, adolescents by nearest propensity
score. First, a probit model of the probability of changing virginity
status is estimated: [SEX.sub.t+1] - [SEX.sub.t] =
[PHI]([[delta].sub.n][] + [[gamma].sub.m][]) where [phi]
is the standard normal distribution. Then, those whose virginity status
did change are matched to those whose virginity status did not change by
nearest propensity score, where the difference between each treated and
untreated adolescent's predicted probability is no greater than
0.10 (a within caliper estimate). After adolescents are
"matched," a first-difference estimate is obtained. Thus,
while the fixed-effects propensity score matched estimator assures
common support on observables among adolescents, as well as controls for
fixed individual unobserved heterogeneity, this estimator may still be
biased if there are time-varying unobservables associated with entrance
into sexual intercourse and changes in academic performance.
(5.) The Add Health survey item corresponding to grades is,
"At (the most recent grading period/last grading period in the
spring), what was your grade in ?"
(6.) An alternative to creating a continuous numerical GPA variable
as a measure of academic achievement would be to leave the grade measure
as a categorical variable. This would imply multinomial probit or
multinomial logit estimation. Such models produce results similar to
what is presented here.
(7.) Moreover, when I examined transcript-reported grades on high
school seniors using data from the NLSY97, I find that the correlation
between GPA and virginity status is similar to that found in Add Health.
(8.) The survey item corresponding to this question is, "Have
you ever had sexual intercourse? When we say sexual intercourse, we mean
when a male inserts his penis into a female's vagina." Note
that this definition does not address the timing of most recent
intercourse. Nonvirgins can be currently sexually active or not
currently sexually active. Three different measures of "current
sexual activity" were constructed to try to better isolate this
timing issue: (1) sexually active in the past year, (2) sexually active
in the past schoolyear, and (3) sexually active in the previous 3
months. None of the results using these definitions of sex was
substantively different from the results presented in the paper.
(9.) See Appendix A for weighted means of GPA and independent
variables by age and gender.
(10.) A measure of innate student ability is also included, the Add
Health Picture Vocabulary Test score. This is an abridged version of the
Peabody Picture Vocabulary Test that measures an adolescent's
receptive vocabulary, verbal ability, and scholastic aptitude. This test
was administered at the in-home survey in Wave 1 of Add Health data
(11.) One of the strongest correlates of adolescent academic
achievement is parental schooling (Miller and Sneesby 1988; Schvaneveldt
et al. 2001; Teachman 1987; Thornton and Camburn 1989). Other measured
variables capture parental preferences about higher education, parental
involvement in adolescents' schooling, and parental relations with
the adolescent. Measures of the adolescent's physical and mental
health include body mass index, physical health and mental health body
mass index (see, e.g., Sabia 2007a).
(12.) Between-wave variations in these measures are presented in
Appendix B.
(13.) Each of these measures is theoretically expected to influence
teenage sex decisions but not academic performance. The availability of
county-level family planning services and the presence of an abortion
provider are each expected to reduce the costs of sex by providing
low-cost contraception information and services. School policies that
raise the costs of pregnancy by requiring pregnant teenage girls to
attend alternate schools are expected to reduce the likelihood of teen
sex. Students attending schools with schoolmates that have more
permissive attitudes toward sex are more likely to have lower search
costs for a sexual partner than a student attending a school with
schoolmates that have more conservative attitudes toward sex. And
students who have parents with more permissive attitudes toward sex are
more likely to engage in sexual activity because stigma costs are low.
(14.) These variables include (1) whether the parent moved to the
neighborhood for the quality of the schools, (2) whether the parent is a
member of the Parent-Teacher Association, (3) whether the parent
prioritizes scholastic brilliance by their children, (4) whether the
mother has graduated from college, (5) whether the parent talks with the
adolescent about school work, and (6) whether the parent strongly
disapproves if the child does not attend college.
(15.) In addition to the instruments described above, I also
attempt several others. First, following Eisenberg (2004) and Argys and
Rees (2006), I create a variable measuring the interaction of the young
adolescent's grade level with the school structure to capture
whether the adolescent attended a school with older peers or with
younger peers. One might expect that younger adolescents attending
schools with older peers might be more likely to engage in sexual
activity than younger adolescents attending schools with younger peers.
However, this instrument was never a significant predictor of
intercourse. Moreover, when I included state-level parental consent laws
and mandatory waiting periods as exclusion restrictions, these
instruments were never individually or jointly significant.
(16.) OLS, school-fixed effects, and individual-fixed effects
models are estimated using Add Health's design effect and are
weighted (Chantala 2003).
(17.) In specifications not presented here, I estimate models
separately for those who report being in a romantic relationship and
those who do not. The coefficient estimate is significant in each
specification but is larger in the sample for those not in a romantic or
romantic-like relationship. While this may reflect heterogeneous effects
of sex by relationship status, but it does not persist in later
fixed-effects estimates.
(18.) The OLS estimates in Tables 2 are robust to different
definitions of the dependent variable by academic subject, across age
categories, and across race groups. Alternative specifications are
available upon request. Appendix C presents coefficient estimates on
control variables for OLS models run by age and gender.
(19.) For example, the Add Health Picture and Vocabulary Test score
may also capture a measure of academic achievement, which may be
affected by becoming sexually active. Thus, the effect of teen sex on
academic performance could, in principle, be biased downward. Estimates
of the relationship between key inputs student effort, ability, health,
and parental involvement--and academic performance are consistent with
theoretical expectations and the previous literature. Students with
higher innate ability, measured by the Add Health Vocabulary Test Score,
have significantly higher grades, as do students who aspire to a college
education. Students in bad health or with higher body mass indexes have
significantly lower grades, consistent with Sabia (2007a). Moreover,
mental health shocks through a friend's attempted suicide are
associated with a significantly lower mean GPA. Greater parental
involvement and effort in their children's education and greater
parental tastes for education are associated with significantly higher
academic performance, consistent with much of the literature (Miller and
Sneesby 1988; Schvaneveldt et al. 2001; Teachman 1987; Thornton and
Camburn 1989). Greater absences from school are associated with
significantly lower grades.
(20.) A small percentage of observations (<4%) reported not
being virgins in Wave I, but in Wave II reported that they were virgins.
These observations are dropped from the analysis. Recoding these
individuals as nonvirgins in both waves does not change the results
presented. Estimation results include dummy variables for missing
information on control variables. However, restricting the data to only
observations on which there are nonmissing observations for each of the
control variables in both waves of data does not change the findings.
(21.) When I do not restrict the sample of 17- to 18-year-olds to
including nonmissing grade data in subsequent academic years (thus
allowing for individual fixed-effects estimates), I find that school
fixed-effects estimates of the relationship between exiting virginity
and academic performance are similar to those presented in Table 2.
(22.) Simple first-difference models that included no additional
covariates were also estimated. The results produced similar results as
those that included each of these variables. Estimates of coefficients
on time-varying covariates are available upon request.
(23.) This finding is robust when the sample includes only those
whose romantic relationship status has changed.
(24.) These probit models indicate that for 13- to 14-year-olds,
adolescents who aspire to attend college and have mothers who are
college graduates are less likely to exit virginity. Those that are in a
romantic relationship, are in a single-parent household, or have
experienced a recent suicide attempt by a friend or family member are
more likely to exit virginity. For 15- to 16-year-olds, recent suicides
are positively associated with exits from virginity, and greater
parental involvement is associated with a lower likelihood of exiting.
(25.) If I relax the caliper requirement to 0.25, the coefficient
is statistically significant at the 10% level.
(26.) Appendix B shows the means and variation in GPA and losing
virginity between waves of data. Note that gender-specific differences
in findings cannot be explained by greater within-person variation in
intercourse or grades for males relative to females.
(27.) However, for 13- to 14-year-old males, the coefficient is no
longer significant due to the larger standard error caused, in part, by
the sample size reduction. These restrictions reduce the sample size by
14% from 1,255 to 1,082.
(28.) Several other robustness checks, not presented here, included
controls for perceived popularity, unexcused absences from school, and
degree of attentiveness in class. The inclusion of any of these observed
measures did not change the individual fixed-effects estimates.
Moreover, one might be concerned that the timing of sexual intercourse
could be important. Those who are no longer virgins but are not
currently sexually active might not see much of an effect on grades.
Similarly, those who became sexually active between waves of the survey
may have become sexually active at the end of the academic year,
resulting in little effect on grades. Because the Add Health data do
contain some information on the month-specific timing of intercourse,
this issue was explored. The individual fixed-effects findings were
robust to controls for the timing of intercourse.
(29.) F tests of the joint significance of the instruments and the
added explanatory power (partial [R.sup.2]) of the instruments are
presented. Judged by traditional relevance standards suggested by
Staiger and Stock (1997), weak instruments do not appear to be an
especially important problem. Moreover, for the Lewbel models, p values
for the Breusch-Pagan test for heteroskedasticity in the first-stage
intercourse equation are presented. As noted above, first-stage
heteroskedasticity is required for identification using the Lewbel
Sabia: Assistant Professor, University of Georgia, Athens, GA
30602. Phone 1-706-542-4722, Fax 1-706-5830313, E-mail
[email protected]
JOSEPH J. SABIA, I wish to thank Dennis Jansen, Richard Frank, and
two anonymous referees for useful comments and suggestions. Thanks also
to Nikki Williams for excellent editorial assistance. This research uses
data from Add Health, a program project designed by J. Richard Udry,
Peter S. Bearman, and Kathleen Mullan Harris, and funded by a grant
P01-HD31921 from the National Institute of Child Health and Human
Development, with cooperative funding from 17 other agencies. Special
acknowledgment is due Ronald R. Rindfuss and Barbara Entwisle for
assistance in the original design. Persons interested in obtaining data
files from Add Health should contact Add Health, Carolina Population
Center, 123 West Franklin Street, Chapel Hill, NC 27516-2524
(http://www.cpc. This work was
supported by a grant from the University of Georgia Research Foundation.
Weighted Means and Standard Deviations
of Variables, by Virginity Status and Age
Age 13-14
1 2
Nonvirgin Virgin
GPA (a) 2.46 (0.865) 2.93 (0.824)
Add Health 96.9 (13.7) 102.9 (14.0)
Picture and Vocabulary
Test score
Black 0.359 (0.480) 0.104 (0.305)
Hispanic 0.133 (0.340) 0.100 (0.300)
Log of household 3.02 (0.914) 3.55 (0.844)
income (thousands)
Student strongly 0.666 (0.472) 0.784 (0.412)
aspires to attend
college (a)
Mother a college 0.082 (0.275) 0.650 (0.477)
Parent chose 0.416 (0.494) 0.524 (0.500)
neighborhood due
to school quality
Parent is member 0.241 (0.428) 0.393 (0.488)
of Parent-Teacher
Parent talked recently 0.113 (0.317) 0.126 (0.332)
with child
about school (a)
Parent values 0.648 (0.478) 0.662 (0.473)
scholastic brilliance
Parent disappointed 0.713 (0.452) 0.650 (0.477)
if child does not
attend college (a)
Strict weekend curfew 0.259 (0.439) 0.212 (0.408)
Number of times 4.79 (2.47) 5.66 (2.00)
per week family
dines together (a)
Mother employed 0.648 (0.478) 0.732 (0.443)
outside home
Body mass index 21.9 (3.95) 21.3 (4.30)
(kg/[m.sup.2]) (a)
Birthweight (kg) 4.74 (0.185) 4.75 (0.197)
Adolescent reports 0.113 (0.316) 0.061 (0.238)
being in poor
health (a)
Adolescent reports 0.135 (0.342) 0.046 (0.210)
being frequently
depressed (a)
Friend recently 0.252 (0.434) 0.176 (0.381)
attempted suicide (a)
Family recently 0.055 (0.228) 0.040 (0.196)
attempted suicide (a)
Parent reports not 0.019 (0.137) 0.010 (0.094)
getting along
with child
Adolescent believes 0.041 (0.198) 0.018 (0.133)
parent does not
care about him (a)
Parents fight a lot 0.186 (0.390) 0.218 (0.413)
Adolescent has 0.448 (0.498) 0.426 (0.495)
older sibling
Single parent 0.487 (0.500) 0.297 (0.457)
Household receives 0.303 (0.450) 0.113 (0.317)
Adolescent works 0.465 (0.499) 0.449 (0.498)
during school year (a)
Religious attendance 0.337 (0.473) 0.459 (0.498)
[greater than or equal
to] once/week (a)
Religious attendance 0.182 (0.386) 0.203 (0.402)
Religious attendance 0.209 (0.407) 0.135 (0.342)
Adolescent in romantic 0.681 (0.466) 0.359 (0.480)
relationship (a)
Adolescent has 0.575 (0.495) 0.269 (0.444)
consumed alcohol (a)
Parent strongly 0.504 (0.495) 0.859 (0.348)
disapproves of
teen sex
Mean % of schoolmates -- --
[greater than or equal
to] 15 years who say
sex enhances
Mean % of schoolmates -- --
[greater than or equal
to] 15 years who
associate sex with
strong guilt
School requires 0.341 (0.474) 0.359 (0.480)
alternate school
for pregnant girls
School offers or 0.490 (0.500) 0.440 (0.496)
refers students to
family planning
County-level family 0.667 (0.472) 0.610 (0.488)
planning service
providers per
10,000 population
Whether there is an 0.372 (0.448) 0.302 (0.396)
abortion provider
in county
N 486 2,905
Age 15-16
3 4
Nonvirgin Virgin
GPA (a) 2.45 (0.845) 2.88 (0.818)
Add Health 99.2 (13.1) 103.9 (14.3)
Picture and Vocabulary
Test score
Black 0.283 (0.450) 0.111 (0.315)
Hispanic 0.087 (0.282) 0.100 (0.300)
Log of household 3.38 (0.900) 3.63 (0.870)
income (thousands)
Student strongly 0.641 (0.480) 0.757 (0.429)
aspires to attend
college (a)
Mother a college 0.146 (0.353) 0.229 (0.421)
Parent chose 0.463 (0.499) 0.559 (0.497)
neighborhood due
to school quality
Parent is member 0.285 (0.452) 0.366 (0.482)
of Parent-Teacher
Parent talked recently 0.068 (0.252) 0.075 (0.264)
with child
about school (a)
Parent values 0.680 (0.467) 0.663 (0.473)
scholastic brilliance
Parent disappointed 0.691 (0.462) 0.681 (0.466)
if child does not
attend college (a)
Strict weekend curfew 0.313 (0.467) 0.317 (0.465)
Number of times 4.15 (2.52) 5.16 (2.26)
per week family
dines together (a)
Mother employed 0.716 (0.451) 0.753 (0.462)
outside home
Body mass index 22.7 (4.40) 22.4 (4.37)
(kg/[m.sup.2]) (a)
Birthweight (kg) 4.76 (0.204) 4.75 (0.196)
Adolescent reports 0.079 (0.269) 0.044 (0.204)
being in poor
health (a)
Adolescent reports 0.118 (0.323) 0.063 (0.242)
being frequently
depressed (a)
Friend recently 0.205 (0.404) 0.189 (0.392)
attempted suicide (a)
Family recently 0.076 (0.265) 0.035 (0.185)
attempted suicide (a)
Parent reports not 0.015 (0.121) 0.008 (0.091)
getting along
with child
Adolescent believes 0.033 (0.179) 0.018 (0.132)
parent does not
care about him (a)
Parents fight a lot 0.178 (0.383) 0.215 (0.411)
Adolescent has 0.368 (0.483) 0.424 (0.494)
older sibling
Single parent 0.445 (0.497) 0.303 (0.460)
Household receives 0.184 (0.388) 0.095 (0.294)
Adolescent works 0.554 (0.497) 0.484 (0.500)
during school year (a)
Religious attendance 0.306 (0.461) 0.437 (0.496)
[greater than or equal
to] once/week (a)
Religious attendance 0.199 (0.399) 0.197 (0.398)
Religious attendance 0.207 (0.405) 0.168 (0.374)
Adolescent in romantic 0.786 (0.410) 0.450 (0.498)
relationship (a)
Adolescent has 0.670 (0.470) 0.420 (0.494)
consumed alcohol (a)
Parent strongly 0.438 (0.496) 0.719 (0.450)
disapproves of
teen sex
Mean % of schoolmates 0.088 (0.045) 0.075 (0.042)
[greater than or equal
to] 15 years who say
sex enhances
Mean % of schoolmates 0.117 (0.063) 0.126 (0.074)
[greater than or equal
to] 15 years who
associate sex with
strong guilt
School requires 0.248 (0.432) 0.222 (0.415)
alternate school
for pregnant girls
School offers or 0.636 (0.481) 0.599 (0.490)
refers students to
family planning
County-level family 0.326 (0.399) 0.275 (0.359)
planning service
providers per
10,000 population
Whether there is an 0.589 (0.492) 0.602 (0.490)
abortion provider
in county
N 1,549 2,738
Age 17-18
5 6
Nonvirgin Virgin
GPA (a) 2.52 (0.840) 2.88 (0.787)
Add Health 100.0 (13.6) 102.2 (15.4)
Picture and Vocabulary
Test score
Black 0.265 (0.442) 0.120 (0.325)
Hispanic 0.115 (0.319) 0.130 (0.377)
Log of household 3.41 (0.920) 3.61 (0.898)
income (thousands)
Student strongly 0.632 (0.482) 0.745 (0.436)
aspires to attend
college (a)
Mother a college 0.146 (0.353) 0.279 (0.449)
Parent chose 0.465 (0.499) 0.561 (0.497)
neighborhood due
to school quality
Parent is member 0.287 (0.453) 0.368 (0.483)
of Parent-Teacher
Parent talked recently 0.068 (0.252) 0.064 (0.245)
with child
about school (a)
Parent values 0.655 (0.475) 0.644 (0.479)
scholastic brilliance
Parent disappointed 0.688 (0.464) 0.685 (0.465)
if child does not
attend college (a)
Strict weekend curfew 0.454 (0.498) 0.418 (0.493)
Number of times 3.53 (2.46) 4.76 (0.221)
per week family
dines together (a)
Mother employed 0.731 (0.444) 0.746 (0.436)
outside home
Body mass index 23.3 (4.13) 23.2 (4.60)
(kg/[m.sup.2]) (a)
Birthweight (kg) 4.75 (0.214) 4.76 (0.221)
Adolescent reports 0.085 (0.279) 0.047 (0.212)
being in poor
health (a)
Adolescent reports 0.122 (0.328) 0.081 (0.273)
being frequently
depressed (a)
Friend recently 0.191 (0.393) 0.150 (0.357)
attempted suicide (a)
Family recently 0.059 (0.236) 0.033 (0.178)
attempted suicide (a)
Parent reports not 0.017 (0.128) 0.010 (0.092)
getting along
with child
Adolescent believes 0.023 (0.151) 0.014 (0.116)
parent does not
care about him (a)
Parents fight a lot 0.199 (0.399) 0.222 (0.416)
Adolescent has 0.323 (0.468) 0.370 (0.483)
older sibling
Single parent 0.477 (0.500) 0.295 (0456)
Household receives 0.126 (0.331) 0.099 (0.299)
Adolescent works 0.647 (0.478) 0.645 (0.479)
during school year (a)
Religious attendance 0.265 (0.441) 0.445 (0.497)
[greater than or equal
to] once/week (a)
Religious attendance 0.212 (0.409) 0.212 (0.409)
Religious attendance 0.227 (0.419) 0.168 (0.374)
Adolescent in romantic 0.820 (0.384) 0.470 (0.499)
relationship (a)
Adolescent has 0.740 (0.439) 0.445 (0.497)
consumed alcohol (a)
Parent strongly 0.320 (0.467) 0.611 (0.488)
disapproves of
teen sex
Mean % of schoolmates 0.097 (0.042) 0.088 (0.039)
[greater than or equal
to] 15 years who say
sex enhances
Mean % of schoolmates 0.126 (0.048) 0.138 (0.067)
[greater than or equal
to] 15 years who
associate sex with
strong guilt
School requires 0.210 (0.407) 0.231 (0.422)
alternate school
for pregnant girls
School offers or 0.639 (0.481) 0.609 (0.488)
refers students to
family planning
County-level family 0.571 (0.495) 0.641 (0.480)
planning service
providers per
10,000 population
Whether there is an 0.348 (0.455) 0.261 (0.324)
abortion provider
in county
N 1,205 1,020
AFDC, aid to families with dependent children.
(a) These variables are available and used
in the fixed effects models along with age.
OLS Estimates of Association between Becoming Sexually
Active and GPA for Adolescents Aged 15-16 (a)
1 2
Sexually active -0.394 *** (0.042) -0.341 *** (0.038)
Black -0.247 *** (0.044) -0.124 ** (0.049)
Hispanic -0.327 *** (0.060) -0.263 *** (0.068)
Female 0.195 *** (0.046) 0.174 *** (0.042)
Age 15 -0.071 ** (0.023) 0.144 *** (0.069)
Log (household 0.075 *** (0.023)
Single-parent -0.071 * (0.042)
Mother college 0.300 *** (0.041)
Older sibling -0.074 ** (0.034)
Rural 0.082 (0.062)
Suburban 0.036 (0.057)
West 0.116 (0.076)
Midwest 0.059 (0.068)
South 0.147 ** (0.069)
Not get along
with parents
Parents fight
a lot
Parent-child talk
Scholastic brilliance
Parent disappointed
if child does
not attend college
Strict weekend curfew
No. of times
family dines/week
Parent not care
about child
Body mass index
Bad health
Family suicide
Friend suicide
Attend religious
services weekly
Attend religious
services monthly
Attend religious
services annually
Adolescent employed
during school year
Mother employed
Family receives
Romantic relationship
Add Health Picture
and Vocabulary
Test score
Strong college
Alcohol consumption
N 4,287 4,287
3 4
Sexually active -0.299 *** (0.037) -0.257 *** (0.038)
Black -0.113 ** (0.048) -0.117 ** (0.049)
Hispanic -0.246 *** (0.067) -0.219 *** (0.065)
Female 0.191 *** (0.041) 0.218 *** (0.040)
Age 15 0.141 *** (0.039) 0.128 *** (0.038)
Log (household 0.051 ** (0.022) 0.055 *** (0.022)
Single-parent -0.019 (0.050) 0.021 (0.048)
Mother college 0.263 *** (0.039) 0.238 *** (0.037)
Older sibling -0.069 ** (0.033) -0.087 *** (0.032)
Rural 0.083 (0.061) 0.112 * (0.060)
Suburban 0.032 (0.054) 0.063 (0.051)
West 0.124 * (0.072) 0.108 (0.070)
Midwest 0.044 (0.065) 0.034 (0.063)
South 0.113 * (0.067) 0.085 (0.067)
Not get along -0.239 * (0.140) -0.258 ** (0.125)
with parents
Parents fight 0.011 (0.036) 0.031 (0.036)
a lot
Neighborhood 0.115 *** (0.031) 0.112 *** (0.031)
Parent-Teacher 0.131 *** (0.032) 0.103 *** (0.031)
Parent-child talk 0.116 * (0.062) 0.108 * (0.064)
Scholastic brilliance 0.025 (0.033) 0.043 (0.032)
Parent disappointed 0.113 *** (0.034) 0.098 *** (0.035)
if child does
not attend college
Strict weekend curfew 0.025 (0.034) 0.040 (0.035)
No. of times 0.017 ** (0.007) 0.013 * (0.007)
family dines/week
Parent not care -0.203 * (0.105) -0.124 (0.096)
about child
Body mass index -0.014 *** (0.003)
Birthweight 0.047 (0.084)
Bad health -0.227 *** (0.067)
Depressed -0.172 *** (0.056)
Family suicide -0.071 (0.088)
Friend suicide -0.091 ** (0.041)
Attend religious 0.286 *** (0.054)
services weekly
Attend religious 0.179 *** (0.058)
services monthly
Attend religious 0.076 (0.058)
services annually
Adolescent employed
during school year
Mother employed
Family receives
Romantic relationship
Add Health Picture
and Vocabulary
Test score
Strong college
Alcohol consumption
N 4,287 4,287
5 6
Sexually active -0.265 *** (0.038) -0.270 *** (0.039)
Black -0.097 * (0.050) -0.095 * (0.051)
Hispanic -0.207 *** (0.065) -0.206 *** (0.066)
Female 0.222 *** (0.039) 0.221 *** (0.039)
Age 15 0.130 *** (0.038) 0.130 *** (0.038)
Log (household 0.038 * (0.022) 0.037 * (0.023)
Single-parent 0.031 (0.050) 0.030 (0.050)
Mother college 0.238 *** (0.036) 0.238 *** (0.036)
Older sibling -0.087 *** (0.032) -0.087 *** (0.032)
Rural 0.114 * (0.060) 0.114 * (0.060)
Suburban 0.054 (0.051) 0.054 (0.051)
West 0.102 (0.071) 0.102 (0.071)
Midwest 0.024 (0.062) 0.024 (0.061)
South 0.080 (0.066) 0.080 (0.064)
Not get along -0.257 ** (0.128) -0.257 ** (0.128)
with parents
Parents fight 0.036 (0.036) 0.036 (0.036)
a lot
Neighborhood 0.102 *** (0.031) 0.102 *** (0.030)
Parent-Teacher 0.103 *** (0.030) 0.102 *** (0.030)
Parent-child talk 0.095 (0.065) 0.095 (0.065)
Scholastic brilliance 0.048 (0.032) 0.048 (0.032)
Parent disappointed 0.103 *** (0.034) 0.103 *** (0.034)
if child does
not attend college
Strict weekend curfew 0.041 (0.034) 0.042 (0.034)
No. of times 0.014 ** (0.007) 0.014 ** (0.007)
family dines/week
Parent not care -0.131 (0.096) -0.130 (0.096)
about child
Body mass index -0.014 *** (0.003) -0.014 *** (0.003)
Birthweight 0.036 (0.084) 0.036 (0.084)
Bad health -0.220 *** (0.067) -0.219 *** (0.067)
Depressed -0.169 *** (0.057) -0.170 *** (0.057)
Family suicide -0.071 (0.092) -0.070 (0.091)
Friend suicide -0.095 ** (0.041) -0.096 *** (0.041)
Attend religious 0.275 *** (0.056) 0.274 *** (0.056)
services weekly
Attend religious 0.173 *** (0.059) 0.173 *** (0.059)
services monthly
Attend religious 0.074 (0.059) 0.073 (0.059)
services annually
Adolescent employed 0.099 *** (0.035) 0.097 *** (0.035)
during school year
Mother employed 0.032 (0.037) 0.031 (0.037)
Family receives -0.082 (0.063) -0.083 (0.063)
Romantic relationship 0.015 (0.037)
Add Health Picture
and Vocabulary
Test score
Strong college
Alcohol consumption
N 4,287 4,287
7 8
Sexually active -0.209 *** (0.041) -0.179 *** (0.041)
Black -0.058 (0.051) -0.075 (0.051)
Hispanic -0.114 * (0.060) -0.113 * (0.059)
Female 0.231 *** (0.036) 0.233 *** (0.037)
Age 15 0.078 ** (0.038) 0.083 ** (0.037)
Log (household 0.013 (0.021) 0.017 (0.022)
Single-parent 0.017 (0.048) 0.024 (0.048)
Mother college 0.176 *** (0.035) 0.170 *** (0.035)
Older sibling -0.052 (0.032) -0.047 (0.031)
Rural 0.124 ** (0.053) 0.135 *** (0.052)
Suburban 0.037 (0.045) 0.045 (0.045)
West 0.110 * (0.063) 0.103 (0.063)
Midwest 0.008 (0.054) 0.006 (0.053)
South 0.067 (0.067) 0.063 (0.060)
Not get along -0.248 ** (0.126) -0.228 * (0.123)
with parents
Parents fight 0.034 (0.034) 0.030 (0.034)
a lot
Neighborhood 0.092 *** (0.029) 0.093 *** (0.029)
Parent-Teacher 0.077 ** (0.027) 0.082 *** (0.028)
Parent-child talk 0.103 (0.065) 0.096 (0.064)
Scholastic brilliance 0.032 (0.029) 0.035 (0.030)
Parent disappointed 0.011 (0.037) 0.010 (0.036)
if child does
not attend college
Strict weekend curfew 0.037 (0.034) 0.033 (0.035)
No. of times 0.009 (0.006) 0.007 (0.006)
family dines/week
Parent not care -0.143 (0.091) -0.146 * (0.089)
about child
Body mass index -0.013 *** (0.003) -0.012 *** (0.003)
Birthweight 0.036 (0.084) 0.034 (0.083)
Bad health -0.165 ** (0.067) -0.154 ** (0.068)
Depressed -0.125 ** (0.055) -0.108 ** (0.055)
Family suicide -0.031 (0.090) -0.023 (0.087)
Friend suicide -0.081 ** (0.038) -0.065 * (0.038)
Attend religious 0.206 *** (0.056) 0.195 *** (0.055)
services weekly
Attend religious 0.119 ** (0.057) 0.116 ** (0.057)
services monthly
Attend religious 0.039 (0.057) 0.046 (0.058)
services annually
Adolescent employed 0.080 ** (0.032) 0.080 ** (0.031)
during school year
Mother employed 0.016 (0.035) 0.016 (0.035)
Family receives -0.045 (0.062) -0.052 (0.061)
Romantic relationship 0.006 (0.038) 0.022 (0.038)
Add Health Picture 0.011 *** (0.001) 0.011 *** (0.001
and Vocabulary
Test score
Strong college 0.395 *** (0.043) 0.388 *** (0.044)
Alcohol consumption -0.149 *** (0.035)
N 4,287 4,287
AFDC, aid to families with dependent children.
(a) All models also include controls for religious affiliation
and the grade in which the student is enrolled. Models 7 and 8
also control for absences from school.
* Significant at 10%, level; ** significant at 5%;
*** significant at 1%.
OLS, School-Fixed Effects (SFE), Individual-Fixed Effects (IFE),
and Fixed-Effects Propensity Score-Matched Estimates (FEPSM) of
Relationship between Losing Virginity and GPA (a)
Age 13-14
1 2
Females Males
1 OLS -0.114 (0.085) -0.160 * (0.085)
2 SFE -0.11 (0.086) -0.163 * (0.096)
3 IFE -0.014 (0.078) -0.207 ** (0.084)
4 FEPSM -0.009 (0.084) -0.190 (0.126)
N 1,477 1,237
Age 15-16
3 4
Females Males
1 OLS -0.231 *** (0.054) -0.338 *** (0.061)
2 SFE -0.253 *** (0.051) -0.362 *** (0.062)
3 IFE -0.020 (0.061) -0.178 *** (0.065)
4 FEPSM -0.019 (0.078) -0.277 *** (0.092)
N 1,442 1,324
Age 17-18
5 6
Females Males
1 OLS -0.064 (0.098) -0.006 (0.111)
2 SFE -0.003 (0.105) -0.117 (0.114)
3 IFE -0.013 (0.125) -0.193 * (0.112)
4 FEPSM 0.095 (0.170) -0.115 (0.149)
N 346 405
(a) All OLS and SFE models include observable characteristics
described in Table 1. IFE models include the following time-
varying covariates: whether in a romantic relationship, alcohol
consumption, employment, body mass index, religious attendance,
aspirations to attend college, number of family dinners per
week, parental sentiment toward adolescent college attendance,
self-perception of bad health, depression, belief that parents
do not care about child, family or friend suicide attempts, and
age. FEPSM estimates use the independent variables listed in
Table 1 as predictors of exiting virginity. Simple difference-
in-difference estimates are then estimated to obtain the FEPSM
* Significant at 10% level; ** significant at 5%;
*** significant at 1%.
Robustness of Individual Fixed-Effects Estimates of
Relationship between Losing Virginity and GPA (a)
Age 13-14
1 2
Females Males
1 No covariates -0.007 (0.076) -0.171 ** (0.082)
2 All covariates -0.006 (0.080) -0.188 ** (0.085)
3 Model 2 plus changes -0.001 (0.080) -0.196 ** (0.088)
in puberty measures
4 Excludes adolescents -0.068 (0.097) -0.187 (0.139)
who engaged in recent
unprotected sex and
have been/caused
5 Includes only those -0.003 (0.078) -0.214 ** (0.088)
adolescents who are
virgins at
baseline (wave 1)
N (b) 1,500 1,255
Age 15-16
3 4
Females Males
1 No covariates -0.032 (0.063) -0.171 *** (0.065)
2 All covariates -0.023 (0.060) -0.180 *** (0.064)
3 Model 2 plus changes -0.016 (0.062) -0.180 *** (0.065)
in puberty measures
4 Excludes adolescents -0.027 (0.057) -0.174 ** (0.085)
who engaged in recent
unprotected sex and
have been/caused
5 Includes only those 0.002 (0.064) -0.165 ** (0.068)
adolescents who are
virgins at
baseline (wave 1)
N (b) 1,455 1,324
(a) Models include the full set of time-varying covariates
described in the footnote of Table 3 unless otherwise indicated.
(b) Models 1, 2, and 3 are estimated on the same sample listed in
the row labeled "N." The sample sizes for the restrictive Models 4
and 5 are smaller.
* Significant at 10% level; ** significant at 5%; *** significant
at 1%.
2SLS Estimates of Relationship between
Losing Virginity and GPA for Males (a)
Age 13-14
1 2
Sexual intercourse -0.170 *** (0.060) -0.261 (0.258)
Chi-square test of joint p = 0.75 --
significance of instruments
in OLS model
F test on instruments F = 15.4 ***
Partial [R.sup.2] 0.052
First-stage [R.sup.2] [R.sup.2] = 0.29
Sargan Overid test (p value) p = 0.64
Breusch-Pagan --
heteroskedasticity test
Standard IV exclusion
County family planning 0.036 (0.056) 0.050 ** (0.025)
County abortion -0.042 (0.050) 0.015 (0.022)
services (b)
School family planning 0.018 (0.041) -0.033 * (0.018)
information (b)
New school for pregnant 0.042 (0.045) -0.036 * (0.020)
girls (b)
Parental disapproval of 0.019 (0.049) -0.176 *** (0.080)
sex (b)
% >15 years in school who -- --
associate sex with guilt
% > 15 years in school --
who associate sex with
enhanced popularity (b)
identified IV exclusion
([Abort.sub.i], - -- --
[bar.Abort]) [??]
([SchFPlan.sub.i] - -- --
[bar.SchFPlan]) [??]
([PregNew.sub.i] - -- --
[bar.PregNew]) [??]
([ParDisSex.sub.i] - -- --
[bar.ParDisSex]) [??]
([Guilt.sub.i] - -- --
[bar.Guilt]) [??]
([SexAtt.sub.i] - -- --
[bar.SexAtt]) [??]
N 1,487 1,487
Age 13-14
3 4
Sexual intercourse -0.048 (0.163) -0.282 *** (0.040)
Chi-square test of joint -- p = 0.17
significance of instruments
in OLS model
F test on instruments F = 44.6 ***
Partial [R.sup.2] 0.138
First-stage [R.sup.2] [R.sup.2] = 0.39
Sargan Overid test (p value) p = 0.53
Breusch-Pagan p = 0.00
heteroskedasticity test
Standard IV exclusion
County family planning 0.044 * (0.023) 0.109 * (0.055)
County abortion -- 0.001 (0.042)
services (b)
School family planning -- 0.059 (0.037)
information (b)
New school for pregnant -- -0.020 (0.043)
girls (b)
Parental disapproval of -- 0.026 (0.037)
sex (b)
% >15 years in school who -- 0.380 (0.283)
associate sex with guilt
% > 15 years in school -- -0.600 (0.436)
who associate sex with
enhanced popularity (b)
identified IV exclusion
([Abort.sub.i], - -0.052 (0.057) --
[bar.Abort]) [??]
([SchFPlan.sub.i] - 0.078 (0.052) --
[bar.SchFPlan]) [??]
([PregNew.sub.i] - 0.033 (0.056) --
[bar.PregNew]) [??]
([ParDisSex.sub.i] - 0.724 *** (0.050) --
[bar.ParDisSex]) [??]
([Guilt.sub.i] - -- --
[bar.Guilt]) [??]
([SexAtt.sub.i] - -- --
[bar.SexAtt]) [??]
N 1,487 2,000
Age 15-16
5 6
IV-1a IV-1b
Sexual intercourse -0.413 ** (0.198) -0.263
Chi-square test of joint -- --
significance of instruments
in OLS model
F test on instruments F = 11.2 *** F = 12.9 ***
Partial [R.sup.2] 0.040 0.032
First-stage [R.sup.2] [R.sup.2] = 0.30 Rz = 0.30
Sargan Overid test (p value) p = 0.13 p = 0.15
Breusch-Pagan -- --
heteroskedasticity test
Standard IV exclusion
County family planning 0.029 (0.029) 0.046* (0.028)
County abortion -0.022 (0.024) -0.003 (0.024)
services (b)
School family planning 0.022 (0.021) 0.038 * (0.021)
information (b)
New school for pregnant -0.021 (0.025) -0.036 (0.025)
girls (b)
Parental disapproval of -0.148 *** (0.021) -0.152 *** (0.021)
sex (b)
% >15 years in school who -0.257 (0.162) --
associate sex with guilt
% > 15 years in school 0.837 *** (0.248) --
who associate sex with
enhanced popularity (b)
identified IV exclusion
([Abort.sub.i], - -- --
[bar.Abort]) [??]
([SchFPlan.sub.i] - -- --
[bar.SchFPlan]) [??]
([PregNew.sub.i] - -- --
[bar.PregNew]) [??]
([ParDisSex.sub.i] - -- --
[bar.ParDisSex]) [??]
([Guilt.sub.i] - -- --
[bar.Guilt]) [??]
([SexAtt.sub.i] - -- --
[bar.SexAtt]) [??]
N 2,000 2,000
Age 15-16
Sexual intercourse -0.114
Chi-square test of joint --
significance of instruments
in OLS model
F test on instruments F = 9.3 ***
Partial [R.sup.2] 0.033
First-stage [R.sup.2] [R.sup.2] = 0.32
Sargan Overid test (p value) p = 0.11
Breusch-Pagan p = 0.00
heteroskedasticity test
Standard IV exclusion
County family planning 0.024 (0.028)
County abortion --
services (b)
School family planning --
information (b)
New school for pregnant --
girls (b)
Parental disapproval of --
sex (b)
% >15 years in school who --
associate sex with guilt
% > 15 years in school --
who associate sex with
enhanced popularity (b)
identified IV exclusion
([Abort.sub.i], - 0.05 (0.052)
[bar.Abort]) [??]
([SchFPlan.sub.i] - 0.014 (0.049)
[bar.SchFPlan]) [??]
([PregNew.sub.i] - -0.092 (0.058)
[bar.PregNew]) [??]
([ParDisSex.sub.i] - 0.263 *** (0.047)
[bar.ParDisSex]) [??]
([Guilt.sub.i] - 1.30 *** (0.366)
[bar.Guilt]) [??]
([SexAtt.sub.i] - -2.14 *** (0.530)
[bar.SexAtt]) [??]
N 2,000
(a) All models are unweighted and include controls for
individual-and family-level observables, as described
in Table 1.
(b) In the IV models that are identified using heteroskedasticity
in the first-stage of the two-stage least squares model (columns 3,
7, and 8), the exclusion restrictions include county family planning
where Z * is the mean of Z, and [[epsilon].sub.2] are estimated
residuals from the first-stage equation.
* Significant at 10%, level; ** significant at 5%; *** significant
at 1%.