Cultural diversity, discrimination, and economic outcomes: an experimental analysis.
Ferraro, Paul J. ; Cummings, Ronald G.
Economic disparities have long existed across nations and between
racial and ethnic groups within nations. Recently, economists have taken
a closer look at the role of "culture" in explaining global
variability in economic behavior and outcomes. One path of inquiry
focuses on cross-cultural differences in behavior, as in Brandts, Saijo,
and Schram (2004), Henrich (2000), Croson and Buchan (1999), Ockenfels
and Weimann (1999), Burlando and Hey (1997), and Roth et al. (1991). In
particular, an initiative to explore the effect of culture in 15
small-scale societies across the globe found striking variability in the
outcomes of economic experiments as in Henrich et al. (2001, 2004).
Others have taken the "cultural effects" inquiry in a
different direction: If cultural differences affect economic behavior
and outcomes (or indeed even if they do not), do intercultural
relationships affect behavior and outcomes? A controversial empirical
literature has developed over the role that cultural diversity may play
in explaining cross-national or cross-regional differences in economic
outcomes. Some authors, for example, Easterly and Levine (1997) and
Alesina et al. (2003) find that there is an inverse relationship between
economic growth and cultural diversity, while others like Collier (2001)
and Fearon (2003) contest this conclusion. In the United States,
Alesina, Baqir, and Easterly (1997) find that cultural diversity is an
important determinant of local public finances. In particular, they find
an inverse relationship between diversity and spending on education,
roads, and sewers, which they attribute to majority of white citizens
reacting to the size of minority groups. Miguel (1999) finds similar
results in Kenyan primary schools: high levels of ethnic diversity are
linked to lower school funding, lower student to teacher ratio, and
lower parental involvement in school functions.
One possible mechanism through which cultural diversity can affect
economic behavior and outcomes is discrimination. Economists have
performed many empirical analyses to identify discrimination in the
marketplace and to determine the nature of the discrimination, as noted
by Yinger (1998), Altonji and Blank (1999), and Riach and Rich (2002).
To test for discrimination, economists depend on regression-based
methods and field experiments. The former technique tests for a
statistical relationship between an outcome measure, such as wage or
price, and a group membership indicator, as noted by Goldberg (1996).
The latter includes audit studies, for example, Neumark, Bank, and van
Nort (1996) and correspondence tests, for example, Bertrand and
Mullainathan (2004).
Our paper provides an experimental framework that can tie together
these disparate literatures and help economists move toward a synthesis
of the effects that "culture" has on economic behavior and
outcomes. In particular, our analysis complements existing research in
three important ways.
First, empirical analyses of the economic effects of cultural
diversity at the level of communities and nations suffer from the
inability to control many of the factors that affect the observed
outcomes and the classic problem of having only one observation of the
world at time t. By virtue of the experimenter's ability to control
and manipulate the cultural diversity within laboratory sessions, our
experimental framework provides a path of inquiry that can yield insight
into the recent debate about the role of cultural diversity and economic
outcomes in societies. In the laboratory, one can reproduce existing
cultural diversity patterns or create counterfactual societies.
Observations of these laboratory societies offer insight about behavior
and outcomes in the naturally occurring societies outside the
laboratory. We know of no other experiment that is designed to determine
whether the cultural diversity of the experimental session affects the
manner in which subjects make decisions.
Second, economists have been successful in developing techniques to
detect discrimination, but less successful at explaining observed
discrimination, for example, List (2004). If rational agents have no
information about the behavior of the person with whom they are
interacting but have information about the average behavior of the group
to which the person belongs (e.g., an ethnic group), they may condition
their decision on this average behavior. Such discrimination is called
"statistical discrimination" or "rational
stereotyping," given in Arrow (1973) and Phelps (1972). If, in
contrast, rational agents simply prefer to behave differently when
interacting with an individual from a given group, such behavior is
called "preference-based discrimination" or "a taste for
discrimination" as given in Becker (1971). From a theoretical and
policy perspective, the difference between these two types of
discrimination is important, but their relative empirical importance is
controversial as in Ladd (1998).
Like the recent paper by List, we demonstrate how our experimental
framework can provide insight into the economics of discrimination. The
paper complements List by demonstrating an alternative method for
distinguishing between statistical discrimination and preference-based
discrimination in situ, without requiring inferences to be drawn from
behavior in other experiments.
Third, cross-cultural experiments often emphasize cross-national
differences in behavior. We wish to determine if cross-cultural
behavioral differences can be detected within two cultures that coexist in the same industrialized society (we are not the first to do so).
Furthermore, through the control afforded by the laboratory, we ensure
that we do not attribute to "culture" any differences in
behavior that stem from variability in the socio-demographic attributes
of our subjects.
To address these issues, we organized experimental sessions of a
simple bargaining game with members of two cultural groups from New
Mexico: Navajo Indians and Hispanic Americans. We varied the cultural
mix of our experimental sessions in order to infer the effect of
intercultural interactions on economic behavior. In the next section, We
define what we mean by "culture" and describe how our study
builds on previous research. In Section III, we describe the design of
our experiments. Results are reported in Sections IV and V. Conclusions
are offered in Section VI.
Our experiments were conducted in Albuquerque, New Mexico. New
Mexico is arguably the most unique state in the United States, in terms
of ethnic diversity, with three major ethnic groups, each accounting for
a sizable proportion of the population. In 2001, New Mexico's
population was 42.1% Hispanic, 45% Anglo, and 10% Native American, with
blacks and Asians accounting for the remaining 2.9% (1) New Mexico has a
higher Hispanic population, in terms of percentage of total population,
than any other state in the United States. Other states have a higher
proportion of Native Americans, but no other state has a mix of cultures
comparable to New Mexico. Native American and Hispanic cultures are
distinct and dominant in the state and in Albuquerque.
Economists who work with concepts like culture, ethnicity, and race
often avoid defining such words. Their definitions, however, are subject
to much debate in other disciplines as given in McElreath, Boyd, and
Richerson (2003). (2) We use the word "culture" to refer to
the statistical distribution of beliefs, values, and modes of thinking
that shape behavior among a group of people (e.g., notions of fairness).
"Ethnicity" is related to symbolically marked groups (e.g.,
marked by language, dialect, or clothing). Cultural differences may be
present in a population when ethnicity is not marked (e.g.,
southern-born and northern-born whites in the United States, as in
Nisbett and Cohen (1996). Similarly, ethnic differences may exist when
no cultural differences exist (except for the ethnic marking).
"Race" is like ethnicity, except the "markers" are
genetically transmitted, for example, physical characteristics, as in
Gil-White (2001).
Navajo and Hispanic individuals in our experiments are distinct
culturally, ethnically, and racially. We test whether such distinctions
make any difference in the bargaining behavior of our subjects. In our
experiment, we cannot empirically differentiate the separate effects of
culture, ethnicity, and race. Thus, we use the term "cultural
differences" to describe any differences that result from
differences in culture, ethnicity, or race. As in previous papers that
find relationships between an individual's culture, ethnicity, or
race and his or her behavior or economic status, we cannot be certain
that what we describe as cultural determinants are not actually
noncultural determinants (for which we have no data) that are correlated with culture. In this sense, what economists call "culture" in
analyses of economic behavior is best viewed as a residual category. By
controlling for differences in behavior that stem from variability in
the socioeconomic attributes of our subjects, we attribute to
"cultural differences" any remaining variability in behavior
across cultural groups.
Although experimental economists have explored cross-cultural
differences in behavior, they have generally ignored the question,
"Do individuals interacting with others sharing the same culture
behave differently than when interacting with others from a different
culture?" We find only two published studies that address this
question: Fershtman and Gneezy (hereafter FG, 2001) and List (2004). (3)
In experiments with two major Israeli ethnic groups, the Ashkenazic
and Eastern Jews, FG address the effects of ethnic stereotyping on trust
and bargaining. In their Ultimatum Game experiment, larger offers are
proposed to Eastern players. (4) However, there is no significant
difference between the percentage of Eastern and Ashkenazic players that
reject a (low) split of 25% of the pie. FG writes, (2001, 370) that the
observed discrimination "is probably an outcome of a common ethnic
stereotype in Israeli society, according to which men of Eastern origin
are believed to react more harshly if treated unfairly." Although
FG do not explicitly refer to their Dictator Game experimental results
to interpret their Ultimatum Game results, one could interpret the
absence of any discrimination in their Dictator Game as indirect
evidence that behavior in their Ultimatum Game stems from erroneous statistical discrimination. However, in the absence of information about
players' expectations of partner responses, one has only indirect
evidence for this conclusion. (5)
List studies discrimination among participants in a sportscard
field experiment. He observes starting and final offers for a card and
collects information on subject attributes (age, experience, gender,
education, income, height, and weight) and the length of the bargaining
session. Subjects are put in four categories: white males aged 20-30,
white females aged 20-30, white males aged 60+, and "nonwhite"
males aged 20-30. Given that race is not asked on the questionnaire, it
is unclear as to how the author determines race and what race, or races,
the term "nonwhite" includes.
List finds that average initial and final offers from dealers to
"minority" buyers, (females, older males, and nonwhite males)
are higher than those received by young white males. After controlling
for experience, the differences among final offers are small for
experienced buyers (but minority buyers do spend more time to obtain
their final offers), and are only significantly different among
inexperienced older male and young female buyers. (6) Like FG, List uses
complementary experiments (Dictator Game, Decentralized Chamberlain
Market, and a Vickery second-price auction) to elucidate the underlying
reasons for the observed discrimination. Behavior in the complementary
experiments suggests that discrimination by dealers in the field
experiment stems from statistical discrimination rather than
preference-based discrimination.
We develop an alternative method to distinguish between statistical
discrimination and preference-based discrimination that does not require
inferences to be drawn from other experiments: we elicit beliefs in the
experiment itself. Note also that the ways in which intercultural
effects are induced in FG and List are different from our experimental
framework. FG's inquiry is based on a design, wherein players
attempt to infer the ethnicity of their partners, who are in a different
location, from the partners' surnames. In List, subjects can
observe the race, gender, or approximate age of their partner or are
told these attributes by the experimenter. While these are important
contexts, we wish to explore behavioral variability in response to
changes in the proportional representation of two cultural groups in an
experimental session. In other words, we wish to determine if subjects
behave differently in the following three contexts: (1) All players
share the subject's culture, (2) the player's culture makes up
a large majority of the players, and (3) the player's culture is a
small minority of the players.
Finally as mentioned in the Introduction, we wish to reduce the
chance that we mistakenly attribute to "culture" differences
in behavior that stem from variability in subjects'
socio-demographic attributes. Thus, we control for socio-demographic
attributes that may affect bargaining behavior (which is also done in
List, but not in FG).
Throughout the world, ethnic, racial, and religious conflicts
persist in the face of potential settlements that plainly serve the
interests of all sides. We thus conduct our analysis in the simplest of
bargaining environments: the Ultimatum Bargaining Game. Two players, a
Proposer and a Responder, bargain over $10. The Proposer offers $x to
the Responder, leaving himself $10-x. The Responder can either take the
offer, in which case each obtains the proposed split of the $10 pie or
reject it and both get nothing. The Ultimatum . Game is too simple to be
a good model of the complicated processes of most real-world bargaining.
Yet, as noted by Camerer (2003, 8), its simplicity offers a useful
environment for testing hypotheses about the factors that influence how
people feel about the allocations of money between themselves and
Sixty Hispanic subjects were recruited by distributing flyers in
Hispanic neighborhoods. All Hispanic subjects were raised in the United
States. Sixty Navajo subjects were recruited primarily by distributing
flyers at three Navajo organizations: the Southwest Indian Polytechnic
Institute, the Public Health Service Indian Hospital, and the
Albuquerque Indian Center. "Navajo neighborhoods" do not exist
and these organizations serve as the closest equivalent. Overall, 45% of
the subject pool is male, 59% report an annual income of less than
$15,000, 47% of the sample consists of full- or part-time students, 15%
is married, and the mean age is 29 years.
Session 1, followed immediately by Session 2, took place on one
night. Session 3, followed immediately by Session 4, took place the next
night. The experimental sessions were held in a large room rented at the
Menaul School, centrally located in Albuquerque. Prior to each session,
subjects were placed in a room in which food and refreshments were
offered. We grouped subjects prior to entering the experimental room for
two reasons: (1) to allow subjects to observe the ethnic makeup of their
session (Navajo and Hispanic subjects are visually very different) and
(2) to allow us to conduct back-to-back sessions without risking
cross-session observation or communication. This simple and efficient
approach permits one to highlight the cultural composition of the
session without emphasizing it in a way that would allow subjects to
infer the purpose of the experiment.
A portable experimental laboratory was used that consisted of 32
networked notebook computers with wireless connection to a laptop
computer that acted as a server. The subjects' computers were
situated in folding partitions to ensure private decisions. Standard
rules of the Ultimatum Game were explained to subjects, and subjects
were required to complete practice questions to ensure that they
understood as to how their earnings would be calculated. The
instructions for the experiments were conveyed orally and in writing
(available upon request). A portable projector demonstrated the subject
Subjects played the role of both Responder and Proposer, as was
done in the original application of the Ultimatum Game by Guth,
Schmittberger, and Schwarz (1982) and in later studies like Andreoni,
Castillo, and Petrie (2003), Carter and Irons (1991), and Kahneman,
Knetsch, and Thaler (1986). Subjects were told that they would make
decisions as Responders and as Proposers. At the end of the experiment,
the computer randomly assigned each subject to the role of Responder or
Proposer and randomly paired the subject with another subject in the
room (not known to him or her) who played the opposite role. Subjects
were cautioned to take each role seriously, given the equal chance of
being assigned the roles of Responder or Proposer. With the exception of
the All-Navajo and All-Hispanic sessions the ethnicity of a
subject's partner was uncertain, but the ethnic composition of the
session was obvious: The subject's ethnic group constituted either
a large majority or a small minority of the subjects. (9)
Note that our design differs from FG's in that subjects from
one culture interact directly with subjects from the other culture. The
only contact that an Ashkenazic subject in FG's experiment had with
an Eastern subject was a visual inspection of the Eastern subject's
name on a form (from which the subject had to infer the ethnicity of his
or her partner).
The amount of money given to the Proposer, known by all subjects,
was $10.00. Subjects first saw a screen that asked them to make the
decisions of a Responder. They were asked to indicate, for each dollar
amount between $0 and $10, if they were assigned the role of Responder
and if that dollar amount were sent to them, whether they would accept
it or reject it. Eliciting the behavior of Responders through the
strategy method allowed us to collect data on all information sets of
the game, not just those that were actually reached in the course of the
game. Subjects were cautioned that, if assigned the role of Responder,
they would be bound by the decisions that they recorded on the screen.
Subjects were then asked to play the role of a Proposer. To allow
us to make inferences about discriminatory behavior that may be observed
in the laboratory, subjects were first asked to predict how they
believed Responders would respond to each possible amount that they
might send to a Responder, from $0 to $10. Subjects predicted the
percentage of Responders in the session that would accept each amount.
To create incentives for subjects to think about their estimates,
subjects were informed that the individual whose estimates were the
closest to the actual percentage of Responders accepting each amount
would win $10.00. (10)
Subjects were then asked to decide how much they would send to a
Responder if they were assigned the role of a Proposer. They were
notified that if assigned the role of Proposer, the amount they chose on
this screen would be sent to the Responder.
Finally, subjects responded to a questionnaire about the
motivations for their decisions as Responders and as Proposers (Figure
1). At the end of the session, the computer randomly assigned each
subject to the role of Responder or Proposer and randomly paired the
subject with another subject in the room. Demographic information was
then obtained from each subject. The same person conducted all the
Table 1 summarizes the results from the four experimental sessions.
This summary shows rough trends in the data. In the next section, we
analyze the data controlling for subject characteristics.
A. Responders
We first examine the behavior of Responders (i.e., compare Hispanic
Responders in All-Hispanic session to Navajo Responders in the
All-Navajo session, etc.). Hispanic Responders have higher minimum
acceptable offers, on average, than Navajo Responders in all sessions
(significant at 2-11% level, depending on the comparison and whether one
uses a Mann-Whitney or t-test). In the All-Navajo and All-Hispanic
sessions, 60% were willing to accept an offer of 10% of the pie ($1).
These acceptance rates are substantially higher than those observed in
previous Ultimatum Game experiments in industrialized, nations. Guth,
Schmidt, and Sutter (2003) report that ping over 33% is much higher than
the rates typically observed in Ultimatum Game experiments that use the
strategy method (including experiments in which subjects played both
roles). (11)
Furthermore, both Hispanics and Navajos appear to discriminate against the other group--the minimum offer that they would accept
increases as the relative proportion of their ethnic group in the
session decreases.
This increase is particularly notable for the Hispanics. (12) The
same pattern appears in the percentage of subjects willing to accept an
offer of $1. Both Hispanics and Navajo are more willing to accept $1 as
the proportion of their ethnic group in the session increases. Again,
the behavior on the part of Hispanics is more striking. Navajo are
willing to accept low offers at much higher rates than most other
subjects in previous Ultimatum Game experiments, whereas Hispanic
acceptance rates are only unusually high when playing in an All-Hispanic
B. Proposers
Offers by both Hispanic and Navajo Proposers are in the range
observed in earlier studies regardless of their proportion of the
session: between 38% and about 50% of the $10.00 to be divided. When
playing with members of one's own ethnic group, however, Navajos
make significantly lower offers than Hispanics (significant at 1% level
under both a Mann--Whitney and t-test). In addition, Hispanics appear to
persistently discriminate against the Navajo-Hispanic offers appear to
decline as their majority status diminishes--while Navajos appear to
make higher offers when Hispanics are in the session. (13)
C. Statistical versus Preference-Based Discrimination
Any observed changes in Responder behavior as a result of changes
in the ethnic mix of the session must necessarily reflect
preference-based discrimination. There is no role for statistical
discrimination on the part of Responders--they simply must accept or
reject a given offer.
As Proposers, however, subjects may make offers that are rational
responses to the average behavior of subjects from the two ethnic groups
(i.e., statistical discrimination). Navajo Responders are, on average,
more likely to accept low offers and thus a rational agent without
complete information may choose an offer based on the likely ethnicity
of the Responder. To examine this conjecture, data on subject beliefs
are presented in Table 2. The table, broken down by the ethnic mix,
presents subjects' mean predictions of the percentage of
individuals in the session that would accept low offers ($0-3). For
example, Hispanic subjects in the All-Hispanic session believed, on
average, that 35% of the subjects in the session would accept $1; when
Hispanic subjects were a minority, however, they believed that only 5%
of the subjects in the session would accept $1.
An examination of Hispanic beliefs does not support the statistical
discrimination conjecture: As the proportion of Navajos in the session
increases, Hispanic subjects believe the likelihood of a low offer being
accepted decreases, yet they send lower offers. (14) Navajo beliefs are
roughly consistent with the data in Table 1: There appears to be a
decrease in expected acceptance rates when Hispanics are present, which
would lead to higher offers, but this decrease in average expectations
is only weakly statistically significant (p < 0.10). (15) In summary,
there is no evidence that statistical discrimination plays a role in the
behavior of Hispanic Proposers, and there is weak evidence that such
discrimination plays a role in the behavior of Navajo Prosposers.
The summary statistics in the previous section do not control for
demographic variability among subjects or the differences in ethnic
proportions across sessions. There is a high degree of variability in
our subject pool with, for example, ages ranging from 16 to 50 years old
and annual incomes ranging from less than $5,000 to more than $50,000.
Such variability affects the demographic composition across sessions.
For example, among Hispanic subjects in the All-Hispanic session, the
mean age is 32.3 years, 40% of the subjects were male and 40% report
incomes less than $5,000 per year. For Hispanic subjects in the
Majority-Navajo session, the mean age is 22.1 years, 25% of the subjects
are male and 12.5% report incomes less than $5,000 per year. Similar
variability exists among Navajos across sessions. Some studies have
found that socio-demographic attributes are important determinants of
behavior in the Ultimatum Game, for example, Harbaugh, Krause, and Liday
(2000), Botelho et al. (2005), Eckel and Grossman (2001), Solnick
(2001), Stanley and Tran (1998), Carter and Irons (1991), and Kahneman,
Knetsch, and Thaler (1986). (16) To control for their effects, and to
allow us to focus on cross-cultural and intercultural aspects of
behavior, we conduct regression analyses of Proposers' offers and
Responders' minimum acceptable offers (reservation prices) against
the variables listed in Table 3.
Hispanic ethnicity is the omitted ethnicity variable in the models.
Inter-ethnic effects are measured by the variables (2) and (3). The
squared interaction term (3.a) between Navajo and percentage of subjects
in a session from a different ethnic group is included as a result of
our finding a nonlinear relationship between Navajo Proposer behavior
and the ethnic composition of the session. (17) As we will note,
however, this nonlinearity is largely a result of the behavior of two
subjects. Such non-linearity was not observed among Hispanics.
We estimate two models for each role in the Ultimatum Game: Model
1, which includes demographic variables, and Model 2, which includes
demographic and behavioral variables (i.e., responses from questions in
Figure 1 and demographic questionnaire). (18) Our impression is that
some experimental economists question the usefulness of asking subjects
what they believe and why they made a particular decision. By presenting
two specifications, we demonstrate that our conclusions are not affected
by the inclusion of self-reported behavioral variables.
Variable 16 (Prob$0-3) captures a Proposer's beliefs about the
likelihood that low offers would be accepted: this variable sums a
subject's estimates of acceptance rates (0-100%) for each dollar
amount from $0 through $3. Finally, about 10% of the sample had what we
term "nonmonotonic" Responder preferences: After choosing to
accept an offer, the subject chose to reject one or more offers that
were higher. This pattern has been found in other studies, for example,
Andreoni, Castillo, and Petrie (2003), and may derive from error, an
aversion to unequal outcomes (regardless of who benefits), or some other
unknown reason. We include a dummy variable (17) for these subjects but
note that our results do not change by dropping these subjects or
pooling them without the dummy variable.
Given evidence of heteroskedasticity, we use the
Huber/White/sandwich estimator of variance, which produces robust
estimates of the standard errors. (19) In order to address the potential
correlation between subject beliefs and the error term, we perform an
instrumental variables regression. We instrument for Prob$0-3 using the
sum of absolute values of the differences between a player's
estimated percentage of subjects that would accept each potential offer
and the actual percentage of subjects that accept each offer (i.e., a
measure of overall accuracy of a subject's beliefs). This sum is
highly correlated with Prob$0-3, but unrelated to OFFER. (20)
Results from the regressions of Responder behavior (RESERV) and
Proposer behavior (OFFER) are presented in Tables 4 and 5. These results
will serve as a basis for responses to three questions: "Are
findings of substantial cross-cultural differences in bargaining
behavior limited to cultures in small, non-industrialized
societies," "Can changes in the proportional representation of
an ethnic group substantially affect behavior in the Ultimatum
Game," and "If discrimination is observed, what are the likely
causes?" We answer these questions by first examining the behavior
of Responders and then focusing on the behavior of Proposers.
A. Responders
With respect to cross-cultural effects, Navajos have significantly
lower reservation prices, on average, than Hispanics in both models
(Table 4). For example, the ethnicity coefficients in Model 2 suggest
that, depending on income, a Navajo subject will accept, on average,
between $0.50 and $3.00 less than a Hispanic subject ($0.35-2.80 less in
Model 1).
With respect to our second question concerning intercultural
effects, the behaviors of both Hispanic and Navajo Proposers are
significantly affected by the ethnic composition of the session in both
models. Both Hispanics and Navajo discriminate against the other ethnic
group in the sense that their mean reservation prices increase with an
increase in the proportion of subjects from the other ethnic group. This
effect is most pronounced with Hispanic subjects. If, for example, the
subject pool was 25% Hispanic and 75% Navajo, Model 2 predicts that the
average minimum acceptable offer of Hispanics would be about $1.34 more
than if the pool were 100% Hispanic ($1.44 more in Model 1).
With regard to the demographic variables, married subjects have
significantly lower reservation prices than single subjects by almost $1
on average. Hispanic, but not Navajo, reservation prices are positively
related to income (if anything, poorer Navajos demand a little more of
the pie). Evidence of gender effects on a Responder's reservation
price is weak with males requiring about $0.45 less than females on
average. A weakly negative effect also derives from exposure to
economics courses. (21)
B. Proposers
In terms of cross-cultural effects among Proposers, we find a
significant difference in the behavior of our two cultural groups in
both specifications (Table 5). On average, Navajos offer less than
Hispanics. For example, the ethnicity coefficients in Model 2 suggest
that, depending on income levels, a Navajo subject offers, on average,
between $1.35 and $2.67 less than a Hispanic subject ($1.27-2.50 less in
Model 1). Thus, our observations of Proposer and Responder behavior
imply that, even among cultures that coexist in a Western industrialized
society, there is cross-cultural behavioral variability.
In terms of our intercultural question--does the ethnic mix of the
session "matter"--we find the ethnic composition of the
session has significant effects on offers. Hispanics make the highest
offers to a Responder when all subjects are Hispanic and persistently
lower offers as the percentage of Hispanics in the group decreases. For
example, a Hispanic subject offers, on average, $1.27 less if Hispanics
make up only 25% of the session rather than 100% ($1 less in Model 1).
Turning to Navajo Proposers, the nonlinear response to ethnic
composition that was evident in Table 1 is also reflected in our
regression results: Mean Navajo offers rise and then fall as their
proportional representation of the session decreases (reflected in the
positive sum of PercentOther and NavPercentOther and the negative sign
on NavPercentOther (2)). However, much of this nonlinearity is driven by
two influential observations.
Using Cook's (1977) distance to identify influential
observations, we identified two Navajo subjects who offered $0 as the
two most influential observations in Model 2 (#29 in the All-Navajo
session; #33 in the Majority-Hispanic session). Deleting these subjects
removes the observed nonlinearity in the data: The coefficient on
NavPercentOther (2) is statistically no different from zero (p = 0.220).
Removing the two influential observations and the squared variable from
the regression yields the following coefficients: PercentOther = -0.019
(p < 0.001) and NavPercentOther = 0.036 (p = 0.001). This result
implies that Hispanic offers decrease linearly in the proportion of
Navajo subjects in the session (almost two cents for every 1% increase
in the proportion of Navajos), while Navajo offers increase linearly in
the proportion of Hispanic subjects in the session (almost two cents for
every 1% increase in the proportion of Hispanics).
C. Predicted Proposer and Responder Behavior
In an effort to make clear these cross-cultural and intercultural
effects, an example is given in Table 6. We consider two hypothetical
subjects: a Navajo and a Hispanic subject, both 25-year-old single
females with incomes in the $15,000$45,000 range (Fair {reserve} = 0,
Fair {offer} = 0, Reject = 0, Known = 0, Payoff {reserve} = 1, Payoff
{offer} = 1). Both subjects have monotonic Responder preferences and
have average expectations of low offers being accepted. For various
ethnic mixes, Table 6 gives the Responder reservation prices and
Proposer offers that are predicted by the regressions reported in Tables
3 and 4 (Model 2). Because the nonlinearity observed in Model 2 for
Proposer Offers was driven by two influential observations, we drop
these two observations and use a re-estimated Offer model without the
squared term "NavPercentOther (2)."
In ethnically homogeneous sessions, reservation prices and offers
differ substantially between the Navajo and Hispanic
"subjects." Moreover, as the percentage of Navajo subjects in
a session increases, the Hispanic subject's reservation price
increases and her offer decreases. For the Navajo subject, increase in
the percentage of Hispanics in the session also results in increasing
reservation prices. Her offer also increases as the percentage of
Hispanics increases.
D. Statistical versus Preference-Based Discrimination
Navajos are more likely to accept low offers in mixed sessions.
Thus statistical discrimination could explain Hispanic and Navajo
Proposer behavior. The negative and significant coefficient Prob$0-3
(beliefs that low offers will be accepted) is, in fact, consistent with
statistical discrimination. For example, a Proposer who believes low
offers are unlikely to be accepted--only 5% of Responders will accept
$0, 10% will accept $1,20% will accept $2, and 30% will accept $3--will
offer $0.39 less than a person who believes the acceptance rate is
double that.
If preference-based discrimination were absent among Hispanics,
however, controlling for beliefs in Model 2 should render the
coefficient on PercentOther statistically indistinguishable from zero
(i.e., once beliefs are accounted for, varying the ethnic mix of the
session should not affect the offer level). The coefficient on
PercentOther, however, does not move toward zero when we control for
beliefs and other behavioral variables in Model 2; in fact, it becomes
more negative. This change implies that the observed discrimination
against Navajos by Hispanics becomes stronger when beliefs are
incorporated into the model (because, as we saw in Table 2, Hispanics
believe Navajos are less likely to accept low offers, yet Hispanics are
more likely to send low offers when surrounded by Navajos). This result
is consistent with a Hispanic taste for discrimination against Navajos.
(22) Note that although the term "taste for discrimination"
has negative connotations, it does not necessarily denote "dislike." (23)
Turning to the behavior of Navajo Proposers, the combined sum of
PercentOther and NavPercentOther (which reflects the mean response of
Navajo Proposers to changes in the proportion of Hispanics) does move
closer to zero but is still positive and substantial. This result
provides evidence against the hypothesis that Navajo discrimination
against Navajos is entirely a result of statistical discrimination.
Removing the two influential Navajo observations (see above) and the
squared interaction term does not change this conclusion (PercentOther =
-0.019 (p<0.001) and NavPercentOther = 0.036 (p = 0.001)). (24)
A reader may find strange the conclusion drawn from the regressions
that Navajos discriminate against Hispanics when they are Responders,
but against Navajos when they are Proposers. Previous Ultimatum Game
analyses, however, suggest that the framing of the Responder's
decision is different from the framing of the Proposer's decision,
and thus the operative decision variables are different. In the former
decision, concerns of justice, fairness, and equity are operative, but
in the latter decision, strategic concerns and other regarding
preferences are operative. We do not pretend to understand why these
observed patterns of preference-based discrimination take place, but we
note that the results are consistent across alternative model
E. Demographic and Behavioral Variables in Proposer Models
Subjects reporting concern about potential rejection of their offer
sent, on average, $0.63 more to the Responder (holding constant their
beliefs). Subjects reporting a desire to keep as much money as possible
sent, on average, $0.79 less to the Responder. There is no strong
evidence that a subject's age, marital status, gender, income,
experience with economics, non-monotonic preferences as a Responder,
concern about potentially knowing the Responder with whom he or she
would be paired, or concern about a fair division of the pie has an
effect on the average offer.
Although subjects responded strategically to their beliefs, their
beliefs were, on average, inaccurate; subjects were overly pessimistic about the likelihood of Responders rejecting low offers. To explore the
determinants of the accuracy of subject beliefs, we select as the
dependent variable the sum of absolute values of the differences between
a subject's estimated percentage of subjects that would accept each
potential offer and the actual percentage of subjects that accepted each
offer. We regress this measure of accuracy on demographic variables
(1-11 and 17). We find some evidence that Hispanic beliefs, on average,
become less accurate as the percentage of Navajo subjects increases in
the session and that Navajo beliefs, on average, become more accurate as
the percentage of Hispanic subjects increases (PercentOther = 1.46, p =
0.069; NavPercentOther = -2.39, p = 0.029). Thus Hispanics are most
accurate when surrounded by other Hispanics, and Navajos are least
accurate when surrounded by other Navajos. We also observe that subjects
who are older or had nonmonotonic preferences as Responders were, on
average, less accurate in their beliefs (p < 0.05).
In this study, we depart from traditional empirical investigations
to provide a framework to advance our understanding of the way in which
culture may affect economic outcomes. Our results demonstrate that
culture can matter in explaining variability in economic outcomes and in
more ways than previous research has suggested. Hispanic and Navajo
subjects not only behave differently in the Ultimatum Game, but they
also respond differently to the ethnic composition of the session.
Twenty-six years ago, Thomas Schelling (1978, 108) observed that
"undoubtedly for some behaviors ... it is proportions that
influence people, not absolute numbers." Our results provide
empirical support for Professor Schelling's observation.
If individual behavior can be affected by cultural diversity, as
well as by the subject's own culture, economists may need to
reconsider the way in which they control for cultural differences in
empirical analyses. Economists testing for cultural differences in
behavior may find different results depending on variability of the
cultural settings in which they are observing behavior. For example,
were we to remove the variables that control for the ethnic composition
of the sessions in our models of Proposer behavior (Table 4), the
coefficient on the dummy variable for Navajo subjects would be small and
not significantly different from zero, suggesting no cross-cultural
differences. (25)
In addition to demonstrating how one can use experiments to explore
the effects of cultural diversity on economic outcomes, we demonstrate
how one can use data on behavior, beliefs, and motivations to provide
insights into the cause of the observed behavioral variability that is
conditional on the cultural mix of the experimental session.
We do not claim, however, that our study is a definitive study of
cultural diversity or of relationships between Navajos and Hispanics.
Like previous economic studies of culture, we cannot prove that we have
eliminated all bias from unobservable factors that could be correlated
with the ethnic mix of our sessions. However, we believe that
improvements in experimental methods hold the best promise for
minimizing such bias in the future.
For example, in hindsight, we should have tested Navajo
subjects' ability to speak Navajo, in order to control for
unobserved heterogeneity in subjects' identification with their
ethnic group (similar efforts should be made with the Hispanic
subjects). One must also be careful about making inferences about entire
cultural groups based on experiments conducted in cities or around
universities, when the majority of the cultural group does not live in
such environments. We might have obtained quite different results had we
conducted these experiments on or near Navajo reservations. Furthermore,
with better recruiting techniques, analysts can make sessions more
homogenous along a variety of non-ethnic characteristics and thus avoid
depending on regression models to control for such heterogeneity.
One weakness of our design (and of most other discrimination
studies) is our inability to assign motives to the observed statistical
and preference-based discrimination. Future research should design ways
to elucidate such motives (e.g., experimental treatments, focus groups).
Finally, experimentalists must consider that subjects' perceptions
of the experimentalists' cultural characteristics may influence
behavior in experiments. In our experiment, the moderator was of
European descent and may have been perceived as wealthy or of high
status. Could such seemingly payoff-irrelevant characteristics influence
subject behavior?
Our novel experimental approach to studying cross-cultural and
intercultural effects on economic outcomes should be of general interest
to economists. Throughout the world, policies are formulated in
societies characterized by mixed ethnicity, race, and religion, in which
there are clear majority and minority groups. Allocating the costs and
benefits of public decisions across citizens (e.g., setting tax policy,
providing public goods) is a crucial policy issue. The way in which
citizens value the potential policy outcomes, however, may not only be
affected by the cultural group to which they belong, but also by the
group's relative size in the society.
Our experimental approach complements ongoing empirical and
theoretical work on this subject, by offering control over confounding effects and clearer insights into causal relationships. With further
experimentation on different subject pools and with different
treatments, economists can begin to elucidate the facets of ethnic
discrimination and the role that cultural diversity may play in economic
outcomes. Our hope is that our experimental design and results will
stimulate research designed to address these questions.
doi: 10.1111/j.1465-7295.2006.00013.x
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(1.) Department of Commerce website: Statistical Abstract of the
United States, 2001, Washington. DC. tables 23 and 24.
(2.) We thank anthropologist Joseph Henrich (Emory University) for
directing us to the relevant literature and definitions.
(3.) We note, however, Gil-White's (2004) interesting study of
the Ultimatum Game. Similar to FG, it paired members from two cultural
groups (two Mongolian tribes). We do not explore this study at length
because it used deception.
(4.) FG do not make clear if this discrimination was observed among
both Ashkenazic (n = 24) and Eastern (n = 33) Proposers.
(5.) Using the Dictator Game to infer the source of discrimination
in another game may be problematic if the framing of the two games
generates different norms or behavioral strategies among subjects. As
noted by Goeree and Holt (2001. 1418), an alternative approach would be
to elicit beliefs directly as the game is played.
(6.) There are differences in offers made by dealers to minority
sellers, but they are not statistically as meaningful.
(7.) Given our concern with offending subjects or the organizations
from which we recruited them, we allowed subjects to complete the
experiment even if they were unable to successfully complete practice
questions or were demonstrably unable to comprehend questions. As a
result, we exclude data from three subjects: one Navajo subject from the
All-Navajo. session who could not respond to the practice question (even
after repeated explanations by the experimenter), had trouble using the
mouse, and rejected every possible offer and one Navajo subject from the
All-Navajo session and one Hispanic subject from the Majority-Hispanic
session, both of whom had obvious difficulty completing the practice
question and who then clicked reject and accept in alternating fashion
for every potential offer that could be sent to them. For these
subjects, the idea of a minimum acceptable offer makes no sense, and it
is unlikely that these subjects understood the main components of the
experiment. We note, however, that including these subjects in the
analysis by treating their first accepted offers as their Responder
reservation prices does not affect our results. When estimating the
percentage of Navajo and Hispanic in a session, we include these
subjects because they were observable to every subject in the room
(removing them from the percentage calculation does not affect our
(8.) Native American ethnicity is a requirement for entry into the
Navajo organizations. Thus, presumably all subjects in the All-Navajo
session were Navajo. However, one subject selected "Hispanic"
on the post-experiment questionnaire. We are unsure if the subject was
indeed Hispanic, was of mixed heritage and did not see the option for
mixed ethnicity or made a mistake filling out the questionnaire, which
was completed on a computer. We treat the subject as Hispanic, but note
that deleting this subject or re-coding her as -Navajo" does not
affect our results.
(9.) Some readers might wonder why we did not have a 50% Navajo and
50% Hispanic session. Our analysis is based on the assumption that
subjects could clearly ascertain the ethnic mix of the session, if the
mix were 50:50, some subjects may perceive they are in the minority,
others may perceive they are in the majority, while others would
correctly infer that no group is in the majority. We believe that we
give up control in a 50:50 session and would not generate insights
unattainable from the other four sessions (no-shows may have also made
50:50 difficult to achieve).
(10.) Subjects were told that the absolute values of the
differences between their predicted percentages and the actual
percentages for each potential offer would be summed. The subject with
the lowest sum wins $10.00. Although this rule is not incentive
compatible, it is highly transparent and can include truth telling as
one best response. A best response that deviates from true beliefs under
this rule requires sophisticated strategizing about the beliefs of
others in the session and mathematical acumen to solve for a best
response conditional on those beliefs. Moreover, a recent study by
Sonnemans and Offerman (2001) found no significant difference between
the beliefs elicited from a sophisticated quadratic scoring rule and
beliefs elicited from a method that pays subjects a fixed
(unconditional) payment: the offer of some compensation for effort was
enough to induce subjects to think carefully about their beliefs.
(11.) Our anomalous results are not likely to derive from having
players who play both roles. Conducting the same experiment at Georgia
State University, we find only one-third willing to accept $1 or $2
(mean reservation price was $2.77). The mean offer in this session was
$4.17. This session of 30 subjects had no culture in a majority or
substantial minority: 14 foreign subjects from 10 different nations,
five Hispanic. three African-American, and eight White. Although we
limit our comparisons to other Ultimatum Game experiments that use the
strategy method, Oxoby and McLeish (2004) find no difference in behavior
between Proposer and Responder behavior when strategies are elicited
through the strategy method or simply observed sequentially in the game.
(12.) Results from a Jonckheere-Terpstra test (with exact p-values)
indicate a significant difference in Hispanic Responder behavior across
sessions (p = 0.0015). No such significant difference is found among
Navajo Responders (p = 0.2837). This test is a nonparametric test for
ordered differences (trend) among classes and is preferable in this
context to tests of more general class differences, for example,
Kruskal--Wallis H test and Hollander and Wolfe (1999).
(13.) Results from a Jonckheer--Terpstra test (with exact p-values)
indicate significant differences in Proposer behavior across sessions
for both the Navajos (p = 0.0237) and Hispanics (p = 0.0590).
(14.) Results from a Jonckheere--Terpstra test indicate a
significant difference in Hispanic beliefs across sessions at the 1%
level for offers of $0-3, as well as for the sum of predicted acceptance
rates from $0 to $3.
(15.) Results from a Jonckheere--Terpstra test indicate weakly
significant differences in Navajo beliefs across sessions ($0: p =
0.1383: $1: p = 0.2242: $2: p = 0.0480: $3: p = 0.0311; sum of
predictions $0-3: p = 0.0917). behavior of Hispanic Proposers, and there
is weak evidence that such discrimination plays a role in the behavior
of Navajo Proposers.
(16.) Previous Ultimatum Game studies have not studied marital
status (subjects are typically college students), but 15% of our subject
pool was married. We hypothesize that these subjects may behave
differently in a bargaining situation.
(17.) We detected this nonlinearity using Mallows (1986) augmented
component-plus-residuals plot.
(18.) We recognize that responses to some of the behavioral
questions may be ambiguous (e.g., a subject may consider a 50:50 split
"fair" as a Responder, but a 70:30 split "fair" as a
Proposer), but we believe they are reasonable proxies for the behavioral
variables that previous studies suggest are important in the Ultimatum
Game as in Thaler (1988), Guth and Tietz (1990), Guth, Huck, and
Ockenfels (1996), and Guth and van Damme (1998). We attempt to control
for beliefs directly in the regression and thus assume that the variable
Reject captures a subject's concern about rejection (e.g., two
subjects may both believe a $1 offer has a 50:50 chance of being
rejected, one subject may not be concerned about rejection, while the
other may).
(19.) We also use Davidson and MacKinnon's more conservative
heteroskedasticity-consistent (HC3) estimator without a substantial
change in the standard errors. All regressions were run in Stata v.7.
(20.) Pearson correlation coefficient is -0.45 (p < 0. 0001).
Using the ordinary least squares estimator does not change our
inferences about the ethnicity variables, but does change the estimate
and standard error of the coefficient on Prob$0-$3.
(21.) Removing the subject who reported taking 26 courses decreases
the coefficient (0.02) and t-statistic (p = 0.79).
(22.) An alternative, but less plausible, explanation is that
Hispanic subjects in the sessions with Navajos were less risk averse than Hispanic subjects in the All-Hispanic session and that our
demographic and behavioral variables (e.g., Reject) do not fully control
for these differences in risk aversion.
(23.) If Hispanics were to behave in the same manner toward an
anonymous partner of unknown ethnicity, one might say that Hispanics do
not discriminate against Navajos, but rather in favor of Hispanics as
given in Fershtman, Gneezy. and Verboven, (2005). Exploring this
distinction is beyond the scope of this paper.
(24.) See footnote 22 for an alternative explanation.
(25.) In mixed-race Ultimatum Game sessions, Carpenter, Burks, and
Verhoogen (2005) infer that black students and black workers behave
differently. Inspection of the racial composition of the sessions,
however, shows dramatic differences. In the worker session, blacks are
25% of the session, while whites are 25%, Hispanics are 9%, and the rest
are "nonwhite." In the student session, blacks are only 12% of
the session, while whites are 51%, Hispanics are 9%, and the rest are
* We thank Daniel Houser, Uri Gneezy, Joseph Henrich, Michael
McKee, Ragan Petrie, and several anonymous referees for helpful
comments. We also thank Dr. C. Arundale for helping to coordinate the
recruiting and experiments, and Krawee Ackaramongkolrotn for software
Ferraro: Assistant Professor, Department of Economics, Andrew Young School of Policy Studies, Georgia State University, P. O. Box 3992,
Atlanta. GA 30302-3992. Phone 1-404-651-1372, Fax 1-404-651-0425, E-mail
[email protected]
Cummings: Professor Emeritus, Department of Economics, Andrew Young
School of Policy Studies, Georgia State University, P. O. Box 3992,
Atlanta, GA 30302-3992. Phone 1-404-651-3963, Fax 1-404-651-0425, E-mail
[email protected]
We scheduled four sessions. The ethnic
composition of each session was as follows: (7)
Session 1 (All-Hispanic) 30 Hispanic subjects
Session 2 (Majority-Hispanic) 21 Hispanic and 6
Navajo subjects
Session 3 (All-Navajo) 29 Navajo and
I Hispanic subject (8)
Session 4 (Majority-Navajo) 23 Navajo and 7
Hispanic subjects.
Summary of Experiment Results
Average reservation price
Session Navajo ($) Hispanic ($)
All subjects 1.31 1.83
same ethnicity
Subject's ethnicity 1.78 2.73
is a majority
Subject's ethnicity 2.00 3.38
is a minority
Responder accepting $1.00 (%)
Session Navajo Hispanic
All subjects 62 60
same ethnicity
Subject's ethnicity 61 33
is a majority
Subject's ethnicity 50 13
is a minority
Average offer
Session Navajo ($) Hispanic ($)
All subjects 3.83 4.90
same ethnicity
Subject's ethnicity 5.13 4.77
is a majority
Subject's ethnicity 4.17 (a) 4.50
is a minority
(a) The average offer increases from 54.17 to $5 if one influential
subject (#33) were removed. We discuss this influential observation
in the next section.
Mean Estimated Percentage of Subjects Who Would Accept an Offer of $x
Hispanic (%) Navajo (%)
Session $0 $1 $2 $3 $0 $1 $2 $3
All subjects 20 35 40 53 13 32 43 52
same ethnicity
Subject's ethnicity 7 27 33 41 19 25 30 37
is a majority
Subject's ethnicity 1 5 9 20 12 27 29 37
is a minority
Variables Used in Regression Analyses
Variable Description
Dependent variables
RESERV Responder's reservation price
OFFER Proposer's offer
Independent variables
1. Navajo Dummy variable = 1 if subject is Navajo
2. PercentOther Percentage of subjects in session from an
ethnic group different than that of the
subject's [0, 96.9]
3. NavPercentOther Interaction between (1) and (2)
3.a (NavPercentOther) 2 (3) squared, used only in Offer equation
4. Age Subject's age
5. Male Dummy variable = 1 if subject is male
6. Econ Number of economics courses taken by subject
7. Less$15000 Dummy variable = 1 if subject's income is
less than $15,000
8. $15-$45000 Dummy variable = 1 if subject's income is
between $15,000 and $45,000
9. NavLess$15000 Interaction term between (1) and (7)
10. Nav$15-$45 Interaction term between (1) and (8)
11. Married Dummy variable = 1 if subject is married
12. Fair (*) Dummy variable = I if subject ranks concern
for fairness (Figure 1) at 4 or 5 as a {*} =
{Responder} or {Proposer}
13. Payoff (*) Dummy variable = 1 if subject ranks concern
for earning money at 4 or 5 as a {*} =
{Responder} or {Proposer}
14. Reject Dummy variable = 1 if Proposer ranks concern
about Responder's rejection at 4 or 5
15. Known Dummy variable = 1 if Proposer ranks concern
about knowing the Responder at 4 or 5
16. Prob$0-3 The sum of subject's estimates of the
percentage of subjects who would accept $0,
$1, $2, and $3
17. Nonmonotonic Dummy variable = 1 if Responder had
nonmonotonic behavior (see text)
Responder's Reservation Price as Dependent Variable
Model 1
Independent variable Coefficient t-statistic
(standard error) (p-value)
Constant 4.165 (0.801) 5.20 (<0.001)
Navajo -2.793 (0.642) -4.35 (<0.001)
PercentOther 0.019 (0.007) 2.88 (0.005)
NavPercentOther -0.010 (0.013) -0.77 (0.443)
Age 0.011 (0.017) 0.64 (0.527)
Male -0.446 (0.292) -1.53 (0.130)
Econ 0.079 (0.032) -2.31 (0.023)
Married -0.969 (0.385) -2.52 (0.013)
Less$15000 -2.355 (0.509) -4.63 (0.000)
$15-$45000 -1.793 (0.456) -3.94 (<0.001)
NavLess$15000 2.445 (1.027) 3.20 (0.002)
Nav$15-$45000 1.970 (0.838) 2.35 (0.021)
Fair (reserv)
Payoff (reserv)
Model 2
Independent variable Coefficient t-statistic
(standard error) (p-value)
Constant 3.39 (0.875) 3.87 (<0.001)
Navajo -3.04 (0.730) -4.17 (<0.001)
PercentOther 0.018 (0.007) 2.61 (0.010)
NavPercentOther -0.009 (0.014) -0.66 (0.510)
Age 0.014 (0.017) 0.82 (0.415)
Male -0.421 (0.283) -1.48 (0.141)
Econ -0.060 (0.031) -1.94 (0.056)
Married -0.970 (0.394) -2.46 (0.016)
Less$15000 -2.057 (0.607) -3.39 (0.001)
$15-$45000 -1.568 (0.548) -2.86 (0.005)
NavLess$15000 2.564 (0.831) 3.08 (0.003)
Nav$15-$45000 2.092 (0.942) 2.22 (0.029)
Nonmonotonic -0.525 (0.403) -1.30 (0.196)
Fair (reserv) 0.928 (0.403) 3.25 (0.002)
Payoff (reserv) -0.021 (0.316) -0.06 (0.948)
Model 1: F(11.105) = 10.27 (p<0.001): [R.sup.2] = 0.24; Root
MSE = 1.50
Model 2: F(14,102) = 7.48 (p<0.001); [R.sup.2] = 0.32; Root
MSE = 1.44
Proposer's Offer as Dependent Variable
Model 1
Independent variable Coefficient t-statistic
(standard error) (p-value)
Constant 6.642 (0.914) 7.27 (<0.001)
Navajo -2.502 (1.151) -2.17 (0.032)
PercentOther -0.013 (0.007) -1.98 (0.050)
NavPercentOther 0.107 (0.034) 3.18 (0.002)
NavPercentOther (2) -0.001 (0.000) -2.75 (0.007)
Age -0.029 (0.019) -1.54 (0.126)
Male 0.092 (0.314) 0.29 (0.771)
Econ 0.052 (0.032) 1.62 (0.109)
Married -0.245 (0.442) -0.55 (0.580)
Less$15,000 -1.060 (0.470) -2.26 (0.026)
$15-$45,000 -0.689 (0.472) -1.46 (0.147)
NavLess$15,000 1.232 (1.027) 1.20 (0.233)
Nav$15-$45,000 1.050 (1.170) 0.90 (0.372)
Fair (offer)
Payoff (offer)
Model 2
Independent variable Coefficient t-statistic
(standard error) (p-value)
Constant 6.596 (1.163) 5.67 (0.001)
Navajo -2.671 (1.005) -2.66 (0.009)
PercentOther -0.017 (0.005) -3.28 (0.001)
NavPercentOther 0.087 (0.031) 2.74 (0.007)
NavPercentOther (2) -0.0008 (0.0004) -1.99 (0.049)
Age -0.019 (0.018) -1.06 (0.292)
Male 0.548 (0.380) 1.44 (0.153)
Econ 0.039 (0.027) 1.40 (0.164)
Married 0.104 (0.435) 0.24 (0.812)
Less$15,000 -0.472 (0.675) -0.70 (0.486)
$15-$45,000 -0.427 (0.675) -0.68 (0.495)
NavLess$15,000 1.318 (0.904) 1.46 (0.148)
Nav$15-$45,000 1.440 (1.068) 1.35 (0.181)
Nonmonotonic -0.34 (0.446) -0.76 (0.448)
Fair (offer) -0.35 (0.334) -1.05 (0.297)
Payoff (offer) -0.791 (0.371) 2.00 (0.048)
Reject 0.631 (0.371) 1.70 (0.092)
Known -0.302 (0.576) -0.52 (0.602)
Prob$0-3 -0.006 (0.003) -2.24 (0.027)
Notes: Model 1: F(12,104) = 1.97 (P = 0.034); [R.sup.2] = 0.15;
Root MSE = 1.56.
Model 2: F(18,98) = 2.53 (p = 0.002); [R.sup.2] = 0.20; Root
MSE = 1.57.
Comparison of Hypothetical Navajo and Hispanic Subjects with
Identical Attributes
Navajo Hispanic
Minimum Minimum
Percentage of "other" acceptable acceptable
ethnic group in session offer ($) Offer ($) offer ($) Offer ($)
0 1.19 3.13 2.14 4.33
20 1.37 3.46 2.50 3.95
50 1.63 3.96 3.03 3.38
80 1.89 4.45 3.57 2.81