Playing for keeps: pay and performance in the NBA.
Stiroh, Kevin J.
A basic insight of agency theory is that properly designed
incentive contracts can align the interests of agents with those of the
principal, and recent empirical work shows that workers do indeed
respond to financial incentives. (1) Contractual incentives, however,
are not the only force motivating workers. Workers also have incentives
to vary effort at different points of their contract cycle--to increase
effort just before a new contract is signed to lock in a more lucrative
deal and then reduce it after a multi-year contract is secured. These
types of contract-related incentives create clear moral hazard problems
but have received little empirical attention.
The motivating hypothesis in this paper is that imperfect information and multi-year contracts create an implicit incentive for
workers to strategically alter effort over the contract cycle. In the
year prior to signing the contract (their "contract year"),
workers may exert above-average effort to convince employers that they
are high quality and thus raise long-term compensation. Once the
contract is signed, however, workers may exert less effort because wages
are effectively independent of contemporaneous performance. An empirical
difficulty is that this moral hazard may be obscured by two factors--a
selection effect may lead only high-quality workers to receive contracts
and career concerns may provide additional incentives and dampen the
post-contract decline. (2)
This paper employs a unique dataset for professional basketball
players in the National Basketball Association (NBA) from 1988 to 2002
to examine the contract-related incentive effects. The data include
contract information (year signed, length of contract, and value of
contract) for every active player in 2000 and performance measures
(points scored, rebounds, assists, etc.) throughout each player's
career. Contract-related incentive effects are estimated from changes in
individual performance over the contract cycle: if performance
systematically improves just before signing a new contract and falls
afterward, some of the fluctuation is likely due to contract-related
incentives. I also examine the traditional link between pay and past
performance, which is necessary for these types of incentives to be
The critical advantage of this data is the detailed information on
individual performance, individual contract status, and individual pay.
(3) In contrast, previous work on individual incentives, for example,
Lazear (2000), Paarsch and Shearer (2000), and Shearer (2004), studied
changes infirmwide compensation plans, while the empirical literature on
executive pay and performance, for example, Murphy (1985, 1986), Jensen and Murphy (1990), Gibbons and Murphy (1992), Kaplan (1994), and Hall
and Liebman (1998), typically examined the link between individual pay
and firm performance. The individual-level data constructed here have
the critical variation across individuals, which is needed to identify
the impact of these contract-related incentive effects.
The empirical work begins with a test of the link between pay and
performance, which is necessary for contract-related incentives to be
operational. Not surprisingly, better performers in the NBA are rewarded
with higher salaries and longer contracts. More relevant to the
incentive issue, players are strongly rewarded for improvements in
performance in their contract year. A one-point increase in a
player's scoring average, for example, is associated with an annual
salary increase of over $300,000. This link provides the crucial
motivation for the hypothesis that players will exert additional effort
in their contract year to lock in the better contracts that they expect
to follow.
The data then provide strong evidence of contract-related incentive
effects as overall performance does in fact improve relative to a
player's long-run average in the contract year and then declines
after a long-run contract is signed. Given the visibility and
competitiveness of professional sports, it is unlikely that players
actually shirk during games, so these contract-related changes could
reflect unobserved factors that determine performance like off-season
conditioning or in-season practice habits. Performance declines tend to
be smallest for those who signed the very longest contracts, suggesting
that the moral hazard of a multi-year contract may be offset by the
selection effect of who receives contracts.
A final set of results looks at the impact of these individual
incentives on team performance. If players perform better in their
contract year and if this effort is valuable to the team, team outcomes
(measured as wins) should improve. In contrast, if players fade when
multi-year contracts are in place, team performance should suffer. The
data suggest that individual contract-related incentives do matter: team
wins increase with the share of high-effort players in their contract
year but fall with the number of low-effort players that just signed
multi-year contracts. A shift of one player from the high incentives of
a contract year to the low incentives after just signing a multi-year
contract, for example, is associated with a decrease in the number of
wins by about 4.5 games per season. Given that the average team wins 41
games, these incentive effects seem quite large.
These results show the importance of contract-related incentive
effects and the corresponding moral hazard. Even in the world of
professional sports, where performance is readily observable and
detailed incentive contracts are possible, workers appear to
strategically alter effort over the contract cycle in order to maximize
personal gains. In other situations with similar contract cycles, for
example, the professor working for tenure or the politician seeking
election, these effects could be much larger due to larger informational
asymmetries and reduced monitoring ability. In fact, these effects are
likely to be present wherever there are multi-year contracts and some
contracting friction. This highlights the double-edged nature of
multi-year contracts--a valuable incentive and signal mechanism when
workers are fighting for contracts, but an opportunity to shirk when
workers have them.
A large theoretical literature on optimal contract theory addresses
agency costs and moral hazard in the basic framework where a worker
(agent) must be compensated to provide costly effort, while the success
of the employer (principal) depends on that effort. Holmstrom (1979) is
a classic reference, while Hart and Holmstrom (1987) provide a broad
overview; Sappington (1991) reviews additional issues in the standard
principal-agent setting, and Prendergast (1999) presents a more recent
This paper examines the contract-related incentive effects of
multi-year, fixed wage contracts when employers cannot perfectly
distinguish between effort and ability. That is, the employer cannot
perfectly observe either a worker's true ability or his effort but
rather observes some indicator of worker performance that reflects both
factors; long-term compensation depends on these perceptions. An obvious
problem is that multi-year contracts sever the link between pay and
contemporaneous effort once the contract is signed. As a result, an
employee may have an incentive to strategically alter effort to impact
these perceptions and garner a more attractive contract.
The main hypothesis is that incentive effects, and therefore
effort, vary across a player's contract cycle and career. Rational
workers observe the existing long-run contract environment, which is
exogenous from the player's point of view, and choose effort
optimally in all years. (4) In particular, effort may vary in the year
prior to signing a long-run contract, the "contract year," and
the year immediately after a contract is signed as players trade off the
costs and benefits of exerting effort. In the contract year, optimal
effort will equate the marginal gains from higher wages in the upcoming
contract, better firm performance, and possibly long-run gains if higher
wages are incorporated into subsequent contracts with the disutility of
increased effort. In contrast, after the contract is signed, current
compensation is essentially fixed so workers have less incentive to
exert costly effort as marginal gains reflect only better firm
performance and the possible impact on subsequent contracts.
The key implication is that effort should vary systematically
around the contract cycle. The first testable hypothesis is that effort
(and performance) is relatively strong in the contract year. The second
hypothesis is that effort should fall immediately after the contract
year because there is less financial reward for effort. The driving
force behind this strategic variation in effort is the severing of the
link between effort and immediate compensation once a long-run contract
is signed.
The ability of workers to strategically alter effort to maximize
payouts has been documented in various settings. Asch (1990) shows that
Navy recruiters systematically varied effort, measured by the number of
new recruits, in response to the introduction of a specific
incentive-based compensation plan. Oyer (1998) highlights the
nonlinearity of many incentive-based compensation schemes and exploits
variation of fiscal years to show how manufacturing firms' sales
and prices vary in response to these incentives. In particular, sales
are higher and prices lower at the end of a fiscal year as agents try to
close deals to maximize compensation. In terms of professional sports,
Maxcy, Fort, and Krautmann (2002) reject the notion of strategic
performance around the contract cycle for professional baseball players,
while Woolway (1997) and Fernie and Metcalfe (1999) find strong evidence
of contract-related incentive effects.
Rational employers, of course, anticipate this strategic variation
in effort but have difficulty isolating changes in effort from intrinsic ability. That is, performance outcomes may vary due to changes in
effort, due to exogenous changes in ability like age or due to random
shocks like injuries or bad luck. Employers want to identify the
high-ability workers and not those who temporarily increase effort, so a
selection effect confounds the hypothesis that performance will decline
after a contract is signed. That is, if employers can effectively screen
workers and at least partially distinguish ability from effort, measured
performance may steadily improve for those players actually signed to
contracts. This selection effect works against the hypothesized
contract-related incentives, so it is ultimately an empirical question
about which dominates post-contract performance.
Post-contract declines may also be mitigated by career concerns,
that is, the recognition that current effort will impact not only the
current contract, but also subsequent contracts as given in Fama (1980),
Holmstrom (1982), and Gibbons and Murphy (1992). If workers have large
concerns about their future (e.g., a high probability of a second
contract, short contract length, or small discount rate), there is
additional incentive to exert effort in order to maintain a reputation
as a high-quality worker. This also works against the contract-related
incentive to reduce effort once a multi-year contract is signed. As
discussed by Gibbons and Murphy (1992), however, career concerns are
weakest for workers close to retirement, so the post-contract decline in
effort should be largest for older workers.
This suggests two additional testable hypotheses. One, the decline
in effort should be linked to the length of the contract. If workers
sign very long contracts, there is less need to be concerned about the
future and the employer's perception of ability and therefore less
incentive to exert costly effort after the contract is signed. Two, the
decline in effort should be linked with age. Older workers near
retirement have fewer career concerns and have less incentive to
convince employers that they are high quality. The selection effect,
however, again works against these predictions.
Given some of the agency problems linked with multi-year, fixed
wage contracts, it is worth discussing why employers do not simply offer
pure incentive contracts or a series of short-term contracts. Beginning
with the extreme alternative of pure incentive contracts, Prendergast
(1999) emphasizes the additional risk they impose on workers, who must
be compensated through higher average wages. In high-risk activities
like professional sports, pure incentive contracts may be not be
practical. In fact, the majority of pay for professional basketball
players is through guaranteed contracts, although explicit incentive
contract provisions do exist. Second, the multidimensional nature of
performance makes explicit incentive contracts difficult to design
optimally. Holmstrom and Milgrom (1991), for example, argue that
incentive pay may have perverse reallocation effects as workers shift
their effort towards those duties that are measured and rewarded. (5) As
a result, subjective performance evaluations are often used to overcome
this multi-tasking problem [Prendergast (1999)]. Third, the collective
bargaining agreement in the NBA, discussed below, limits the value of
pure incentive pay, likely in response to some of these difficulties.
The second alternative, a series of short-run contacts, also
creates difficulties. Williamson (1979) and Joskow (1987), for example,
point to the importance of relationship-specific investments that might
make repeated bargaining impractical due to ex post hold-up problems
after the investments have been made. In the case of professional
athletes, these relationship-specific factors could relate to the
complementarity of different players on a team or the creation of fan
loyalty via brand and player association. A long-run contract could
mitigate the ability of one side from exploiting these sunk investments.
More generally, Joskow (1987) points to information lags, income
effects, risk aversion, and improved monitoring as reasons for the
existence of long-run contracts, where risk aversion seems the most
relevant for professional athletes.
To examine these contract-related incentive effects empirically, I
constructed a unique database on performance and contract status for
professional basketball players in the NBA. This section first discusses
the salary structure as governed by the current collective bargaining
agreement (CBA) between the NBA and the player's union, the
National Basketball Players' Association (NBPA), and then describes
the data in detail.
A. NBA Contract Background
Labor issues in the NBA are governed by a CBA that has been in
effect since January 1999 and runs through 2004. The CBA determines
virtually every labor practice such as league minimum and maximum
salaries, trade rules, draft issues, benefits, and team salary caps
(maximum team payroll), and prevents the NBA from violating antitrust
laws. (6)
The key factors for this study relate to the contracting framework.
The CBA imposes minimum and maximum salary restrictions based primarily
on player experience and the team's salary cap. (7) Minimum
salaries currently range from $301,875 for a first-year player to
$1,000,000 for a player with more than nine years' NBA experience
[CBA, Article II(6)(a)]. Salary maximums depend more directly on the
team salary cap and also vary with player experience. For example, a
player with less than seven years' experience may earn the greater
of 25% of the team salary cap, 105% of the player's last annual
salary, or $9 million, while a player with more than ten years'
experience may earn the greater of 35% of the salary cap, 105% of the
player's last annual salary, or $14 million [CBA, Article
II(7)(ac)]. These restrictions apply to the first year of a
player's contract and are then adjusted upward for the life of the
The maximum salary applies to the player's salary and
individual incentive clauses [Article II(7)(a-c)]. The CBA distinguishes
between "likely bonuses" and "unlikely bonuses,"
where likely bonuses are included in a player's salary and unlikely
bonuses are not [CBA, Article VII(3)(d)(2)]. These incentives can be
based on pre-agreed benchmarks for individual or team performance, or on
pre-agreed benchmarks for physical condition or academic achievement
[CBA, Article II(3)(c)]. The distinction between likely and unlikely is
based on historical comparisons via negotiation or, if necessary, an
independent arbitrator. It is interesting that the CBA explicitly
mandates that these incentive clauses "must be structured so as to
provide an incentive for positive achievement by the player and/or team
[CBA, Article II(3)(c)(iv)]." Finally, unlikely bonuses cannot
exceed 25% of a player's regular salary [Article VII(5)(d)] and
thus limit the prevalence of these incentive clauses.
Contract lengths are also restricted under the current CBA. The
standard limitation is six years in length for most players, but up to
seven years for certain veteran players. All players drafted in the
1998-2004 college draft, however, are restricted to three-year
contracts, with a fourth option year for the team [CBA, Article IX(1)].
Under the previous CBA, signed in 1995, contract length was not as
restricted for veterans, but certain rookies faced a three-year limit.
Finally, there are significant restrictions on contract extension and
negotiations. For example, extensions cannot occur before the fourth
year of a six- or seven-year contract, a contract may be renegotiated no
sooner than the third year, renegotiations are limited by the team
salary cap, and contracts can only be renegotiated or extended upward
[CBA, Article VII(7)].
Finally, NBA contracts are typically guaranteed. The specific type
of guarantee (against disability due to basketball injury, against
disability unrelated to a basketball injury, or loss of skill), however,
is negotiated between the player and the team. Within this highly
restricted framework, players and teams negotiate contracts.
B. Data
The data used in this paper include all historical performance
statistics collected by the NBA for all players from 1988 to 2002. (8)
Data are from, a proprietary provider of sporting
statistics. (9) Data on the performance of each team, for example, wins
and losses, in each year are also available. The individual data include
6195 player/year observations, an average of 413 observations per year,
for an unbalanced panel of 1343 different players. Fourteen players were
active in all 15 years, 320 were active for only one year, and the
median number of years per player was three. Information on each
player's team and position, for example, center, forward, or guard,
are also available.
There are many performance statistics in basketball, for example,
points scored, field goal percentage, rebounds, assists, and blocked
shots, but most vary in relevance across position. The empirical work
examines many statistics but concentrates on a "composite
rating" that summarizes a wide range of performance statistics and
provides a comprehensive measure of overall performance. (10)
Contract information was collected by the USA Today. (11) These
data include all NBA players with active contracts for the 2000 season
and contain information about when the contract was signed (signing
date), contract length, last year of the contract (end year), and the
total value of the contract. An annual salary is calculated as the value
of the contract divided by the length. All values were put into 1996
dollars using the CPI deflator, This contract information was compiled
by a third party from a variety of sources, because the NBA does not
publish comprehensive contract details. The data were checked against
other private compilations where possible and 419 observations,
approximated 95% of the 441 active players in 2000, contained reasonable
and non-missing data that were suitable for analysis.
As discussed above, NBA contracts may have explicit incentive
clauses that stipulate increased pay if certain performance criteria are
met, but these details were not available on a comprehensive basis. The
unlikely bonuses, which are most likely to provide incentives, are
capped at 25% of a player's regular salary. Moreover, contract
incentives would tend to improve performance after a contract is signed,
thus making it more difficult to find a decline in performance. A second
data issue is that players may have signed earlier contracts in earlier
years, but this should not introduce bias and simply adds variation to
the early data as effort and performance may vary around those earlier
C. Summary Statistics
The remainder of the paper examines 349 players that were signed to
long-term contracts during the 2000 season. Players with one-year
contracts are excluded because there would be competing incentive
effects and because these players are typically marginal players signed
to short-term deals (as short as ten-day contracts). In addition,
players that were signed to contracts but did not play in 2000 due to
injury or retirement were excluded. This left a sample of 2646
player/year observations for 349 players from 1988 to 2002.
The first panel of Table 1 reports summary statistics for primary
performance variables--points, rebounds, assists, blocks, and the
composite rating--and the bottom panel shows summary contract
information for the 349 players with complete long-term contract data in
2000. The average length of contract was 4.4 years, which included
contracts ranging from two to 12 years in length, and was signed in
1998. The average value of the contract was $21 million, with a range of
$0.7 million to $193 million, but the median was $10 million due to
relatively few "superstar" contracts.
At this point, it is useful to be very clear about the structure of
the data. For each player signed to a multi-year contract in 2000,
performance statistics are observed in every year from 1988 to 2002 that
the player is active, while contract data are observed only once in
2000. The contract itself, however, may have been signed in any earlier
year. Figure 1 shows this schematically. Player A was active from 1988
to 1993 but was not active in 2000 and so has no contract information.
Player B was active from 1991 to 2002 and a new contract began in 1996;
1995 is his contract year. Player C was active from 1995 to 2001 and a
new contract began in 2000; 1999 is his contract year. Player D entered
in 2001 and has no contract information. The differences in signing date
and the corresponding changes in relative performance provide the
critical variation to identify the incentive effects of contract status.
Table 1 shows that some contracts were signed as early as 1993 and the
typical contract was signed in 1998.
This section begins with an analysis of the factors that determine
the features of a player's contract like salary and length. Because
contract-related incentive effects are the underlying motivation for the
main hypotheses, one must first establish a link between pay and
performance to identify those performance measures that are most
rewarded. If improved performance, in fact, was not rewarded with better
contracts, then contract-related incentive effects would be irrelevant.
The second subsection tests several hypotheses related to contract
status and performance--effort increases in the contract year, effort
falls after a multi-year contract is signed, and the decline increases
with contract length and with age. The final subsection examines the
ultimate impact of contract-related incentives on the performance of the
team. If players really do expend different amounts of effort depending
on their contract status, then this could affect the team's overall
A key feature of this study is the detailed data on individual
compensation and individual performance. In contrast, the empirical
literature on executive pay and performance, in Murphy (1985, 1986),
Jensen and Murphy (1990), Gibbons and Murphy (1992), Kaplan (1994), and
Hall and Liebman (1998), typically examined the link between individual
pay and firm performance. Obviously corporate executives have
considerable impact on firm outcomes, but individual data allow a
cleaner and more straightforward test for contract-related incentive
A. Individual Performance and Wages
The maintained hypothesis is that salary depends on the
employer's perception of worker ability. Ability and effort are not
easily distinguished, but actual performance is observed; so there
should be a link between individual wages and observable performance
statistics. In particular, I am interested in whether changes in
performance in the contract year are associated with more lucrative
subsequent contracts, which would provide the incentive to increase
effort in the contract year.
I have few priors on the process that employers use to form
perceptions of worker ability or how they value specific types of
performance; so I use the following regression:
(1) [Z.sub.i,t] = [[beta].sujb.1][[bar.P].sub.i,t-N,t-2] +
[[beta].sub.2][DELTA][P.sub.i,t-1] + [[beta].sub.3][NAGE].sub.i,t] +
[[alpha].sub.p] + [[alpha].sub.j] + [[alpha].sub.t] +
where [Z.sub.i,t] are contract features like total pay, length of
the contract, and average annual pay that are determined in year t,
[[bar.P].sub.i,t-N,t-2] is "historical performance" before the
contract year (averaged for years t - N to t - 2), [DELTA][P.sub.i,t-1]
is the "contract year change" in performance
([DELTA][P.sub.i,t-1] = [P.sub.i,t] 1 - [[bar.P].sub.i,t-N,t-2]), and
[NAGEi.sub.i,t] is the player's age (normalized by subtracting out
the average age) to control for predictable age-related variation in
contracts due to seniority or tenure effects. (12) Dummy variables for
position ([[alpha].sub.p]), team ([alpha].sub.j])), and year
([alpha].sub.t])) control for other factors that affect contract
features such as different salaries across positions, the ability of
certain teams to maintain higher payrolls than others, or the general
trend toward higher valued contracts.
Equation (1) is estimated for each contract attribute using a
cross-section of 264 players with contract information and a historical
performance record. (13) Estimation is via weighted least squares (WLS),
with weights equal to the average number of games played before the
contract is signed. (14) All standard errors are corrected for
heteroskedasticity. Three different dependent variables and two sets of
independent variables are used. The dependent variables, [Z.sub.i,t] are
contract features--the total value of the contract signed in year t
(measured in the log of millions of 1996 dollars), the length of the
contract (measured in years), and the annual value of the contract
(measured in the log of millions of 1996 dollars). The independent
variables are the lagged performance measures, which is either the
composite rating (a linear combination of many statistics) or a vector
of the most important specific statistics (points scored, rebounds,
assists, and blocked shots).
Table 2 shows a strong correlation between historical performance
and contract features as players with better performance receive more
lucrative and longer contracts. Moreover, the effect is economically
large. A one-point increase in a player's historical composite
rating is associated with a 13% increase in average annual pay; with a
mean salary at about $4 million per year, this amounts to over $500,000
in annual salary. (15)
With the vector of individual statistics as independent variables,
all are positive and are jointly significant. In the last column with
annual salary as the dependent variables, for example, three are
individually significant at the 99% level and are jointly significant at
the 99% level. Recall that this controls for the effects of team
differences, signing year, and position due to the dummy variables, so
the explanatory power is notable. Again, the magnitudes seem large: a
one-point increase in historical scoring is associated with an increase
in annual salary of the next contract of almost 5%, which is $184,000 at
the mean contract.
Age is clearly an important factor: the negative and highly
significant coefficient in all regressions shows that older players
receive worse contracts, conditional on performance. This goes against
the literature on deferred compensation, in Lazear and Moore (1984) and
Kotlikoff and Gokhale (1992), where employers use back-loaded contracts
as a selection and incentive mechanisms, and likely reflects the
relatively ease of mobility of players between teams and the predictable
deterioration of skills as players age. (16) Also, older players signed
their contracts earlier in less favorable markets.
The important conclusion is that contract year changes in
performance, conditional on historical performances, are associated with
more lucrative and longer-term contracts. This implies improvements in
performance lead to better contracts. The change in composite rating is
significant at the 99% level in all three regressions. For the
individual statistics, they are jointly significant at the 99% level in
all three regressions, almost all are positive, and changes in points
are clearly the most important factor. Here, a one-point increase in
average points scored in the contract year raises the annual salary of
the next contract by about 7%, or about $280,000.
These results show a strong and economically important link between
player performance and subsequent pay. This is not particularly
surprising, of course, but the fact that both historical performance and
recent changes predict contract features suggests a complex process
determining employer's perceptions of worker ability where all past
information is incorporated and potential moral hazard issues are
recognized. A naive employer, on the other hand, might not understand
the players' incentives to increase effort in the contract year and
might just look at the most recent performance. This does not seem to be
the case, although these results do not say whether these estimated
prices are right in the sense that future compensation corresponds to
expected returns for the employer. (17) In either case, the strong link
between contract features and contract year performance provides an
operational channel for contract-related incentive effects.
B. Individual Performance and Contract Status
The previous results show that players with improved performance in
their contract year are rewarded with more lucrative and longer-term
contracts, which provides a clear financial incentive for players to
increase effort in their contract year and motivates the
contract-related incentive hypothesis. A selection and signaling story,
however, offers an alternative interpretation. If recent improvement
provides a strong signal to employers about a player's long-term
prospects, then this type of correlation might exist without any
contract-related incentive effects as players with large upside
potential are rewarded with better contracts.
One can distinguish the contract-related incentive effects by
examining the changes in performance across the full contract cycle.
Under the contract-related incentive interpretation, performance should
rise before the contract is signed and then decline once the multi-year
contract is signed. Under the selection interpretation, performance
should continue to improve after the contract is signed. This section
presents empirical evidence on the performance profile around the
contract year in order to distinguish these explanations and test
additional predictions.
The basic idea is that performance, [P.sub.i.t], depends on
indicators of contract status, for example, a dummy variable for the
contract year and another one for the year immediately following the
contract year, so I estimate the following regression:
(2) [P.sub.i,t] = [[beta].sub.PRE] [PRE.sub.i,t] +
[[beta].sub.POST] [POST.sub.i,t] + [[beta].sub.AGE] [NAGE.sub.i,t] +
[[alpha].sub.i] + [[alpha].sub.p] + [[alpha].sub.t] + [[alpha].sub.j] +
where [PRE.sub.i,t] is a dummy variable set equal to 1 in the
contract year and 0 otherwise, [POST.sub.i,t] is a dummy variable set
equal to 1 in the year after the contract year and 0 otherwise, and
[[alpha].sub.i] is an individual fixed effect to control for unobserved
individual ability. All other variables are defined above and are
included to account for predictable variation in performance over a
player's career.
[[beta].sub.PRE] and [[beta].sub.POST] are the coefficients of
interest and measure the conditional impact of contract status on a
player's performance. The main predictions of the
contract-incentive hypotheses are [[beta].sub.PRE] > 0 and
[[beta].sub.POST] < 0 as effort rises in the contract year and falls
once the contract is signed. As discussed above, however, a selection
effect works in the opposite direction for [[beta].sub.POST]; if only
improving players receive contracts, performance might improve as
changes in ability swamp changes in effort.
Table 3 presents results using eight measures of performance as
dependent variables--composite rating, points scored, total rebounds,
assists, blocked shots, shots attempted, free throws attempted, and
minutes played. The composite rating is the preferred measure because it
encompasses a wide range of performance attributes into a single,
meaningful index. Points, rebounds, assists, and blocks are important
individual measures of performance and the evidence in Table 2 points to
financial gains, and therefore incentive effects, from improvement in
these areas. Shots and free throws attempted are included because they
may be a better proxy for player effort, that is, a player has more
control over how many shots he takes than how many he makes. Finally,
minutes played are included because they are determined by the coach who
will presumably reward overall performance with more playing time, so
this variable includes the impact of intangible contributions that might
be missed by standard statistics.
Each regression is estimated via WLS with games played as the
weights. The regressions include up to 2646 observations from 1988 to
2002 for the 349 players with multi-year contracts in 2000. Note that
[PRE.sub.i,t] and [POST.sub.i,t] can equal one in any year prior to 2001
depending on when the contract was signed, but each equals one in only a
single year for each player. All regressions include player, year, team,
and position dummy variables and standard errors are corrected for
The first column in Table 3 uses the summary composite rating as
the dependent variable and shows a significant increase in performance
in the contract year ([[beta].sub.PRE] > 0) and a significant decline
in the following year ([[beta].sub.POST] < 0). Recall that these
regressions control for separate team, year, player age, and position
effects, and remove individual effects, so the fact that
[[beta].sub.PRE] and [[beta].sub.POST] are jointly and individually
significant is strong evidence of contract-related incentive effects as
effort varies over the player's contract cycle. This variation is
similar to the results in Oyer (1998), who showed improved performance
(measured by sales) in the fourth quarter of the fiscal year as agents
try to meet their incentive goals and declines in the following quarter.
The next four columns use the individual performance measures as
the dependent variable. Here, the evidence strongly shows improvement in
the contract year, but there is no evidence of a post-contract decline.
Because these regressions include individual fixed effects and age, this
implies that post-contract year performance is the same as the
player's conditional mean. Both shots and free throws attempted
increase, showing similar patterns. Finally, minutes played increases in
the contract year, suggesting that overall performance does indeed rise
as players are rewarded with additional playing time.
Age is negatively related to performance (significant in more than
half of the regressions) as performance declines steadily with age due
to eroding skills and deteriorating ability. This is similar to
Kotlikoff and Gokhale (1992), who report that productivity declines with
age for a single Fortune 1000 firm.
These results are consistent with contract-related incentive
effects. All measures show an improvement in performance in the con
tract year, but the results are mixed regarding the post-contract
decline. With the preferred measure of overall performance, there is a
significant decline after the long-term contract is signed, while the
individual performance measures are essentially flat. This pattern is
more consistent with the hypotheses about contract-related incentive
effects than with the alternative selection story. If it were only the
case that improving players were receiving contracts, one would expect
performance to steadily improve after the contract is signed. In fact,
performance after the contract is signed returns to a player's
long-run conditional average, which suggests a change in effort over the
contract cycle.
Table 4 provides robustness tests of these results using the
preferred composite rating as the measure of individual performance.
Column 1 repeats the base regression from Table 3. The next column drops
the age variable and all dummy variables, while column 3 just drops the
dummy variables. Here, the negative post-contract effect becomes larger
and more significant, while the precontract effect disappears. This is
not surprising: overall performance measures like the composite rating
and points scored have been trending steadily downward over this sample
period, and so it is difficult for the data to show an increase until
the leaguewide trend is removed via the year dummy variables. When the
dummy variables are include but estimation is via ordinary least squares
(column 40), [[beta].sub.POST] remains large and significant, while
[[beta].sub.PRE] becomes much larger, but not quite statistically
significant (p-value is equal to 0.14). When age is included as a
quadratic (column 5) or an indicator of whether the player is on a new
team is included (column 6), the results are similar.
In all regression in Table 4, the data clearly show that
information about an individual's contract status is useful in
predicting overall performance. The estimates coefficient on the
contract status variables are almost always the correct sign and
typically statistically significant. Moreover, [[beta].sub.PRE] and
[[beta].sub.POST] are jointly significant in all cases and the data
always reject the null hypothesis that they are equal. This provides
substantial and robust evidence of predictable changes in performance
over the contract cycle.
One caveat about this interpretation is the possibility of
endogenous renegotiation. If a random shock improves performance and a
player is rewarded with a new, more lucrative contract, for example,
this would confound the specific contract cycle interpretation. Two
observations, however, suggest that this is not the whole story. First,
the empirical finding that composite performance tends to fall
significantly after the contract is signed supports the interpretation
that players have meaningful discretion about effort around the contract
cycle. If endogenous renegotiation were the dominant force, performance
might fall to expected levels after the contract is signed, but it would
not necessarily fall significantly below expected levels in the year
after the contract is signed, as is found. Second, this type of
endogenous contract renegotiation appears to be relatively infrequent in
the NBA, although there is not comprehensive evidence on this.
The third hypothesis is that the decline in performance after a
contract is signed depends on the length of the contract. Ceteris
paribus, longer contracts mean that any career concerns occur farther in the future and are thus discounted more strongly, which reduces the
incentive to exert effort after the contract is signed. The final
hypothesis is that the post-contract year decline increases with a
player's age because older players have relatively small future
career concerns. A selection effect, however, again works against these
predictions, as better players are likely to be signed to longer-term
contracts or at later ages.
To examine these issues, equation (2) is extended with an
interaction between the post-contract year dummy variable and the length
of the contract or with interactions between the post-contract year
dummy variable and player age. I allow the interactions to enter as both
a linear and squared interaction as
where [L.sub.i] is the relative length of the contract (contract
length less average contract length). (18,19)
Table 5 reports estimates of the regressions in equations (3) and
(4) for the composite rating. [[beta].sub.PRE] remains positive and
significant in all cases, while [[beta].sub.POST] is negative in all
cases and significant in two cases. The data strongly reject the
hypothesis that performance in the contract year and the following year
are the same, which supports the earlier results.
Column 1 includes only the linear interaction with contract length
and shows longer contracts are associated with a smaller post-contract
decline. This goes against the moral hazard prediction and likely
reflects a selection bias with better, improving players receiving
longer contracts. When the quadratic term is included in column 2,
however, the post-contract decline increases, which shows the problems
from very long-term contracts. There is no evidence that the
post-contract decline varies with age. In both the regression with the
linear interaction (column 3) and quadratic interaction (column 4), the
effect is positive.
These results provide support for the main hypotheses about
contract-related incentive effects: performance improves in a
player's contract year and falls afterward. This specific
up-and-down pattern around the year the contract is signed is consistent
with powerful contract-related incentives, and inconsistent with the
alternative selection hypothesis. The secondary hypotheses that the
incentive effects should fluctuate with contract length and player age
are only weakly supported. This could reflect either an offsetting
selection effect or the lack of power in the data to identify these
secondary effects.
C. Individual Performance and Team Performance
The final set of results examines whether these contract-related
changes in individual performance affect team outcomes. If these
performance measures are valuable to the team, one would expect team
outcomes to follow the player's performance, rising when many
players are in their contract year and falling when many sign long-run
contracts. Leonard (1990) and Abowd (1990), for example, found that
firms where executives' pay was linked to long-run performance
showed above-average firm performance.
Several factors complicate this issue, however, and may drive a
wedge between individual and firm performance. Holmstrom and Milgrom
(1991) argue that if only some valuable tasks are measurable, incentive
effects can lead workers to misallocate resources toward the measurable
tasks and away from other, equally valuable ones. Alternatively, quality
could suffer under some contract structures, for example, if workers are
paid a piece rate as given in Lazear (1986), Holmstrom and Milgrom
(1991), and Baker (1992). Finally, Holmstrom (1982) discusses the
free-rider problem associated with joint output production by a team
when agents who cheat cannot be identified. All of these are potential
concerns as players might misallocate their effort toward activities
with high individual returns and away from those that might be more
beneficial to the team. Whether these perverse incentives are strong
enough to actually affect team performance is the empirical question
addressed next.
To examine whether changes in contract status and the induced change in individual performance actually affects the team performance,
I estimated variants of the following cross-sectional regression:
(5) [WIN.sub.j] = [alpha] + [[beta].sub.C][SHC.sub.j] +
[[beta].sub.M][SHM.sub.j] + [[epsilon].sub.j].
where [WIN.sub.j] is the number of wins in 2000, [SHC.sub.j] is the
share of players in their contract year in 2000 and [SHM.sub.j] is the
share of players that signed multi-year contracts in 2000, all for team
j in year 2000. (20)
If individual performance improves in the contract year and if this
positively affects team performance, [[beta].sub.C] > 0. Conversely,
if individual performance falls immediately after a long-run contract is
signed and this negatively affects team performance, [[beta].sub.M] <
0. Because [SHC.sub.j] and [SHM.sub.j] are shares, the coefficients can
be interpreted as follows: [alpha] is predicted number of wins for a
team with no players in their contract year and no players that just
signed multi-year contracts, [alpha] + [[beta].sub.C] is the predicted
number of wins if all players are in their contract year, and [alpha] +
[[beta].sub.M] is the predicted number of wins if all players just
signed multiyear contracts.
The important limitation is that contract data are only available
for 2000 and I can only estimate equation (5) for a single cross-section
of 29 teams, so omitted variables clearly cloud the interpretation.
Certain teams, for example, may have better management skills that
determine the player roster, the number of wins, and their contracting
strategies. (21) To try to control for this problem, I include other
characteristics of the players and of the team. Player characteristics
include average length of the remaining contracts of the team and the
average age of the team (linear and quadratic) because earlier results
show they help predict individual performance, while team
characteristics include total team payroll in 2000 and average wins in
the previous five years. This will help, but one would prefer to have
information about exogenous changes in these shares and changes in team
performance. In addition, this is a test of the joint hypothesis that
player performance depends on contract status and that these performance
variables help predict team wins.
Table 6 presents results of several versions of equation (5). The
first column shows the simplest regression with only the two
contract-related shares as independent variables. As predicted, the data
show a positive (though not statistically significant, p-value is equal
to 0.14) link between team wins and the percentage of players in their
contract year and a significant, negative link with the share of players
that just signed multi-year contracts. The two variables are jointly
significant (p-value is equal to 0.013) and suggest that the
contract-related incentive effects documented above have an impact on
firm performance. Just these two variables explain about one-quarter of
the variation in team wins.
When the player characteristics are included in column 2, the
estimated impact of the share of players in their contract year
increases substantially, while the share of players that just signed
multi-year contracts declines only slightly. Both are individually
significant and jointly significant. Neither average remaining contract
length nor average age is significant. Column 3 includes the total team
payroll, while column 4 also adds lagged wins; in both cases, the
magnitude and significance of the share in contract year variable falls,
although the two contract variables remain jointly significant. As a
reference column 5 only includes the team characteristics. (22)
To provide some perspective on the magnitude of these coefficients,
consider the following hypothetical experiment. The average team had 15
players on its roster during the 2000 season, 28% of them were in the
contract year, 3l% just signed multi-year contracts, and the remaining
41% were in other stages of their contract cycle. The estimates in
column 1 suggest that moving one player to contract year status from
having just signed a multi-year contract would lead to 4.5 additional
wins [4.5=0.067 * 26.7 - 0.67 * ( - 42.0)]. Given that the average team
wins 41 games per season, this is a substantial improvement.
These results open the possibility that employers are naive in some
sense because post-contract moral hazard appears to be hurting the team.
That conclusion, however, rests on the assumption that owners are
maximizing the number of wins. In reality, owners are surely concerned
with team profitability as well and the rational owner may anticipate
these changes in effort and price them accordingly. Without data on team
revenue and costs, it is hard to draw conclusions about employer
strategies, but one can get some idea by using wins per dollar of total
payroll as the dependent variable. The final two columns report
estimates. Here, team outcomes also decline with the share of players
that just signed multi-year contracts, but there is no impact from the
share of players in their contract year.
These results on team performance are tentative due to their
cross-sectional nature and lack of information on team profits, but they
do suggest that contract-related incentive effects are large enough to
affect the outcome of the entire firm. This suggests an important impact
on the firm's bottom line. Moreover, there are implications on how
a team's performance may vary over time. A team with coordination
of contracts, for example, all contracts expiring at the same time,
would likely be more variable than a team with staggered contracts where
changes in incentives may offset each other. Evaluation of these
factors, however, would require a time series of contract data.
This paper uses a unique database with individual-level measures of
performance, contract status, and compensation to examine the importance
of contract-related incentive effects. The results show that performance
improves in the year before a new contract is signed as workers increase
effort to convince employers of their high ability and earn more
lucrative long-run contracts. Once the contract is signed, however,
overall performance declines, which provides evidence that these changes
are indeed contract-related incentive effects. Finally, these individual
incentive effects affect the performance of the team as the number of
wins is positively correlated with the share of players in their
contract year, but negatively correlated with the share that just signed
multi-year contracts.
Contract-related incentive effects and the ultimate impact on firm
success are issues that have received considerable theoretical
attention, but data limitations have made empirical tests difficult. The
finding of considerable contract-related incentive effects in an
industry where performance is easy to measure and contract for attests
to the practical importance of this issue. These types of moral hazard
problems are likely to be even worse where individual performance is
harder to measure, where employers have less ability to monitor employee
effort and where individual contracts are more difficult to write. This
suggests considerable scope for employees to optimally vary effort to
maximize personal gains, even at the expense of firm gains, and the
evidence presented here suggest that this is exactly what employees do.
doi: 10.1111/j.1465-7295.2006.00004.x
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(1.) Prendergast (1999) surveys this literature, but emphasizes
that evidence of incentive effects is not a test of agency theory, but
rather one necessary input for agency theory.
(2.) See Fama (1980), Holmstrom (1982), and Gibbons and Murphy
(1992) for formal discussions of career concerns.
(3.) Ehrenberg and Bognanno (1990) cite advantages of professional
sports data as a motivation for their study of tournament incentives,
while Asch (1990) uses individual data for Navy recruiters. Maxcy. Fort.
and Krautmann (2002) utilize similar data for professional baseball
(4.) The contracting environment, and how it is determined through
a collective bargaining agreement, is discussed in the following
(5.) Prendergast (1999) summarizes strong empirical evidence for
this type of "dysfunctional behavior."
(6.) This information is based on the CBA available from the NBPA
at and "NBA Salary Cap/Collective Bargaining
Agreement FAQ," http:// Note:
a new CBA was signed in June 2005, but is not relevant for this
(7.) The salary cap limits a team's maximum expenditure on
player salaries and depends, with some exceptions, on a team's
basketball-related income (gate receipts, broadcast rights, team
sponsorships, seat licenses, parking, concessions, etc.).
(12.) To be clear about the timing, the contract is determined in
year t. Year C = t - 1 is the contract year. and years t - N to t - 2
are all years prior to the contract year.
(13.) This is less than the 349 players with contract information
in 2000 because some of these players are new to the league and do not
have previous performance records.
(14.) Weights are used because some players with limited
opportunities can have very noisy statistics. Results are qualitatively
similar without weights.
(15.) It is likely that this understates the true effect on income
because outside compensation like endorsement contracts and appearance
fees are likely to depend on performance.
(16.) In other regressions (not shown), including age as a
quadratic function did not change the results substantially, and there
were no significant interaction effects between performance and age as a
determinant of contract parameters.
(17.) A similar difficulty is discussed by Prendergast (1999) in
the context of the pay and performance literature.
(18.) Defining contract length relative to the average helps with
the interpretation of the results, that is. [[beta].sub.POST] is the
effect at mean contract length.
(19.) Note that equation (4) includes [NAGE.sub.i,t] directly.
while equation (3) does not include contract length directly. This is
because contract length is only observed for those players with a new
contract and thus cannot be identified independently of the interaction.
(20.) These two shares do not sum to I because some players signed
multi-year contracts in earlier years that extend beyond 2000.
(21.) As a concrete example, Brooks, May, and Mishra (2001) find
that firm performance improves after incentive contracts are adopted,
which they attribute this primarily to a signal of private information
rather than the gains from better aligned incentives for managers.
(22.) If one includes only average salary and average wins as
explanatory variables, the data show a modest positive relationship
between team performance and total payroll. This link, however, is not
very robust and vanishes when average age of the players is included.
Note also that including lagged wins rather than average wins eliminates
the significance of the contracting variables. If one wants to control
for omitted management characteristics, average performance is probably
a better measure than lagged performance.
* The author thanks Adam Ashcraft, Dave Gulley. Don Morgan, Jeremy Stein. Lauren Stiroh, Phil Strahan, Joe Tracy, anonymous referees, and
seminar participants at the Federal Reserve Bank of New York and the
2003 National Bureau of Economic Research Summer Institute for helpful
comments and suggestions. The views expressed in this paper are those of
the author only and do not necessarily reflect those of the Federal
Reserve Bank of New York or the Federal Reserve System.
Stiroh: Vice President, Federal Reserve Bank of New York, New York,
NY 10045. Phone (212) 720-6633, Fax (212) 720-8363, E-mail
[email protected]
Summary Statistics
No. Standard
Observations Mean Deviation
Performance Variables
Points 2646 10.3 6.2
Rebounds 2646 4.5 2.8
Assists 2646 2.4 2.1
Blocks 2646 0.6 0.7
Composite Rating 2646 18.8 5.1
Season 2646 1997.4 3.6
Contract Information
Signing Date 349 1998.6 1.5
Length 349 4.4 1.8
End Year 349 2003.0 1.6
Contract Value 349 21.2 25.4
Annual Salary 349 4.0 3.7
Minimum Maximum
Performance Variables
Points 0.0 32.1
Rebounds 0.0 16.3
Assists 0.0 14.5
Blocks 0.0 4.6
Composite Rating -2.3 43.5
Season 1988.0 2002.0
Contract Information
Signing Date 1993.0 2001.0
Length 2.0 12.0
End Year 2001.0 2007.0
Contract Value 0.7 193.4
Annual Salary 0.2 20.3
Notes: Summary statistics for performance variables include all
player/year observations for 15 seasons from 1988 to 2002 for 349
players that have signed multi-year contracts. Points, Rebounds,
Assists, and Blocks are average per game values for a season.
Composite Rating is for the season. Season is the observation year.
Summary statistics for contract information include one observation
per individual and is reported for all individuals that signed a
multi-year contract. Data include the year the contract was signed
(Signing Date), the length of the contract (Length), the last year
under contract (End Year), total value of contract (Contract Value),
and value per year (Annual Salary). Contract Value and Annual Salary
are in millions of 1996 dollars.
Contract Features and Individual Performance
Contract Value
Historical Performance
Composite Rating 0.169 ***
Points 0.047 **
Rebounds 0.158 ***
Assists 0.210 ***
Blocks 0.186
Contract Year Change
Composite Rating 0.120 ***
Points 0.107 ***
Rebounds 0.035
Assists 0.084
Blocks 0.359
Age -0.095 *** -0.104 ***
(0.018) (0.017)
Jt. Sig. Historical Performance 0.000
Jt. Sig. Contract Year Jump 0.000
Adjusted [R.sup.2] 0.52 0.62
No. Observations 264 264
Contract Length
Historical Performance 0.117 ***
Composite Rating (0.026)
Points (0.032)
0.158 *
Rebounds (0.089)
Assists (0.093)
Blocks (0.276)
Contract Year Change 0.106 ***
Composite Rating (0.035)
0.123 ***
Points (0.044)
Rebounds (0.107)
Assists (0.115)
Blocks -0.368
-0.214*** -0.213 ***
Age (0.027) (0.028)
Jt. Sig. Historical Performance 0.001
Jt. Sig. Contract Year Jump 0.56 0.58
Adjusted [R.sup.2] 264 264
No. Observations
Annual Salary
Historical Performance 0.132 ***
Composite Rating (0.012)
0.046 ***
Points (0.012)
0.107 ***
Rebounds (0.033)
0.167 ***
Assists (0.034)
Blocks (0.101)
Contract Year Change 0.081 ***
Composite Rating (0.016)
0.073 ***
Points (0.016)
Rebounds (0.039)
Assists (0.042)
0.249 *
Blocks (0.135)
-0.040 *** -0.049 ***
Age (0.012) (0.010)
Jt. Sig. Historical Performance 0.000
Jt. Sig. Contract Year Jump 0.48 0.65
Adjusted [R.sup.2] 264 264
No. Observations
Notes: Dependent variables are Contract Value (in logs), Contract
Length (in years), and Annual Salary (in logs). Results are from
weighted least squares regressions with year, team, and position
dummy variables. Weights are equal to the average number of games
played prior to contract year. Robust standard errors in parentheses.
Contract Value and Annual Salary are in logs. Historical Performance
variables are averages for all years prior to the contract year.
Contract Year Change variables are differences between contract year
performance and historical performance. Jt. Sig. Historical Performance
reports the p-value associated with an F-test of the joint significance
of the Historical Performance variables. Jt. Sig. Contract Year Change
reports the p-value associated with an F-test of the joint significance
of the Contract Year Change variables. ***, **, * indicate statistical
significance at the 1%, 5%, and 10% level, respectively.
Relative Performance and Contract Status
Major Indicators of Performance
Composite Points Total
Ranking Scored Rebounds
Pre 0.381 ** 0.847 *** 0.295 ***
(0.172) (0.244) (0.095)
Post -0.325 ** 0.164 0.165 *
(0.146) (0.215) (0.091)
Age -0.374 *** -0.168 *** -0.019
(0.038) (0.064) (0.024)
Jt. Sig. of Pre 0.001 0.002 0.005
and Post
Test of 0.013 0.013 0.248
Pre = Post
Adjusted [R.sup.2] 0.776 0.699 0.761
No. Observations 2646 2646 2646
Assists Blocked Shots
Shots Attempted
Pre 0.161 ** 0.054 *** 0.587 ***
(0.075) (0.020) (0.184)
Post 0.042 0.026 0.170
(0.059) (0.018) (0.169)
Age -0.017 -0.014 *** -0.093 *
(0.023) (0.005) (0.048)
Jt. Sig. of Pre 0.097 0.019 0.006
and Post
Test of 0.150 0.195 0.050
Pre = Post
Adjusted [R.sup.2] 0.818 0.851 0.698
No. Observations 2646 2646 2646
Free Throws Minutes
Attempted Played
Pre 0.273 *** 102.924 **
(0.078) (41.468)
Post 0.083 59.341
(0.067) (36.636)
Age -0.081 *** -6.612
(0.019) (9.552)
Jt. Sig. of Pre 0.002 0.029
and Post
Test of 0.029 0.352
Pre = Post
Adjusted [R.sup.2] 0.731 0.537
No. Observations 2646 2646
Notes. All results are from weighted fixed effects (player) regressions
with year, team, and position dummy variables. Weights are equal to the
number of games played by each player in the year. Robust standard
errors are in parentheses. Pre is a dummy variable set equal to 1 in
the contract year; equal to 0 otherwise. Post is a dummy variable set
equal to 1 in the year the contract is signed; equal to 0 otherwise.
Jt. Sig. of Pre and Post reports thep-value associated with an F-test
of the null hypothesis that [[beta].sub.PRE] = [[beta].sub.POST] = 0.
Test of Pre = Post reports the p-value associated with a test of the
null hypothesis that [[beta].sub.PRE] = [[beta].sub.POST]. ***, **, *
indicate statistical significance at the 1%, 5%, and 10% level,
Robustness Tests of Link between Composite Rating and Contract Status
Dependent Variable: Composite Rating
Pre 0.381 ** -0.012 0.065
(0.172) (0.178) (0.161)
Post -0.325 ** -0.800 *** -0.596 ***
(0.146) (0.139) (0.131)
Age -0.374 *** 0.411 ***
(0.038) (0.019)
Year Dummy Variables Y N N
Team Dummy Variables Y N N
Position Dummy Variables Y N N
Weights Y Y Y
Jr. Sig. of Pre and Post 0.001 0.000 0.000
Test of Pre = Post 0.000 0.000 0.001
Adjusted [R.sup.2] 0.776 0.698 0.768
No. Observations 2646 2646 2646
Pre 0.303 0.359 ** 0.406 **
(0.204) (0.163) 0.171
Post -0.370 ** -0.179 -0.262 *
(0.176) (0.135) 0.149
Age 0.385 *** -0.267 *** -0.360 ***
(0.041) (0.036) 0.038
[Age.sup.2] -0.048 ***
Traded -0.437 ***
Year Dummy Variables Y Y Y
Team Dummy Variables Y Y Y
Position Dummy Variables Y Y Y
Weights N Y Y
Jr. Sig. of Pre and Post 0.016 0.014 0.001
Test of Pre = Post 0.005 0.003 0.000
Adjusted [R.sup.2] 0.702 0.805 0.777
No. Observations 2646 2646 2646
Notes: All results are from weighted fixed effects (player)
regressions. Weights are equal to the number of games played by each
player in the year. Robust standard errors are in parentheses. Pre is
a dummy variable set equal to 1 in the contract year: equal to 0
otherwise. Post is a dummy variable set equal to 1 in the year the
contract is signed, equal to 0 otherwise. Jt. Sig. of Contract
Variables reports p-value associated with an F-test of the joint
significance of Pre and Post. Test of Pre = Post reports the p-value
associated with a test of the null hypothesis that [[beta].sub.PRE] =
[[beta].sub.POST]. ***, **, *, indicate statistical significance at
the 1%, 5%, and 10% level, respectively.
Tests for Interaction Effects between Contract Status, Contract Length,
and Age Dependent Variable: Composite Rating
Contract Interaction
Length Effects
Pre 0.370 ** 0.381 **
(0.173) (0.173)
Post -0.356 ** -0.214
(0.144) (0.165)
Age -0.373 *** -0.372 ***
(0.038) (0.038)
Post*Length 0.142 * 0.195 ***
(0.073) (0.074)
Post*[Length.sup.2] -0.04
Jt. Sig. of 0.000 0.000
Contract Variables
Test of Pre = Post 0.000 0.00
Adjusted [R.sup.2] 0.776 0.776
No. Observations 2646 2646
Age Effects
Pre 0.381 ** 0.357 **
(0.173) (0.163)
Post -0.312 ** -0.279
(0.145) (0.173)
Age -0.381 *** -0.271 ***
(0.038) (0.036)
[Age.sup.2] -0.049 ***
Post*Age 0.071 ** 0.043
(0.029) (0.030)
Post*[Age.sup.2] 0.006
Jt. Sig. of 0.000 0.009
Contract Variables
Test of Pre = Post 0.000 0.003
Adjusted [R.sup.2] 0.776 0.805
No. Observations 2646 2646
Notes: All results are from weighted fixed effects (player) regressions
with year, team, and position dummy variables. Weights are equal to the
number of games played by each player in the year. Robust standard
errors are in parentheses. Pre is a dummy variable set equal to 1 in
the contract year: equal to 0 otherwise. Post is a dummy variable set
equal to 1 in the year the contract is signed: equal to 0 otherwise.
Length is the number of years in the contract, measured in years and
normalized by the average contract length. Age is player's age,
measured in years and normalized by the average age. Jt. Sig. of
Contract Variables reports p-value associated with an F-test of the
joint significance of Pre. Post, and the Post interactions. Test of
Pre=Post reports the p-value associated with a test of the null
hypothesis that [[beta].sub.PRE] = [[beta].sub.POST].
***, **, * indicate statistical significance at the 1%, 5%, and 10%
level, respectively.
Team Performance and Player Contract Status
Dependent Variable
Team Wins
Share in 26.701 60.254 ** 14.843
Contract Year
(17.647) (29.137) (16.212)
Share with -42.037 *** -31.542 * -39.676 **
Multi-Year Contract (17.755) (17.452) (18.715)
Average Remaining -8.805
Contract Length (35.882)
Average Remaining 4.232
Contract (6.127)
Average Age -14.089
Average [Age.sup.2] 0.308
Log Total Payroll 15.558 **
Average Wins,
Jt. Sig. of 0.013 0.046 0.049
Contract Shares
Adjusted [R.sup.2] 0.221 0.365 0.275
No. Observations 29 29 29
Dependent Variable
Wins per Dollar
Team Wins of Payroll
Share in 9.784 -0.026 0.213
Contract Year
(16.962) (0.388) (0.352)
Share with -42.752 ** -0.760 * -0.867 **
Multi-Year Contract (17.676) (0.443) (0.387)
Average Remaining
Contract Length
Average Remaining
Average Age
Average [Age.sup.2]
Log Total Payroll 12.026 * 17.863 * -0.461 ***
(7.014) (10.470) (0.166)
Average Wins, 0.346 * 0.318 0.005
1995-1999 (0.202) (0.222) (0.005)
Jt. Sig. of 0.049 0.207 0.064
Contract Shares
Adjusted [R.sup.2] 0.327 0.168 0.076 0.200
No. Observations 29 29 29 29
Notes: Results from ordinary least squares regressions. Robust
standard errors in parentheses. Constant not shown.
Share in Contract Year is the percent of individuals on a team with
a contract that expires in 2000. Share with Multi-Year Contracts is
the percentage of players on a team with a multi-year contract that
began in 2000. Average Remaining Contract Length is the average
number of years on remaining on the contract of all players on the
team in 2000. Average Age is the average age of players on the team
in 2000. Log Total Payroll is the mean annual salary of individuals
on a team in 2000. Average Wins is the average number of team wins
from 1995 to 1999. Jt. Sig. of Contract Shares reports p-value
associated with an F-test of joint significance of Share in Contract
Year and Share with Multi-Year Contracts. indicate statistical
significance at the 1%, 5%, and 10% level, respectively.