Exit from the hospital industry.
Ciliberto, Federico ; Lindrooth, Richard C.
The hospital industry has experienced significant changes in both
reimbursement and technology over the past 20 years. Changes in both the
level and type (e.g., per diem versus prospective) of reimbursement have
occurred with all major payers. In addition, the demand for inpatient
care has declined due to utilization management by managed care
organizations and technological advances that have facilitated a shift
toward treatment in outpatient settings. At the same time the industry
has experienced significant exit and consolidation. Over the time period
of this study (1989-97) almost 350 short-term general hospitals exited
the inpatient hospital industry. In this article, we examine the
characteristics of closing hospitals and study whether the factors that
influence closure have changed over the decade of the 1990s.
We expect the factors behind closure to change over the time period
for several reasons. First, the relative generosity of payment from
different payers shifted over the time period. In the late 1980s and
early 1990s, reimbursement by Medicaid and Medicare was relatively less
generous compared to private payers. Furthermore, the hospital industry
was adapting to the shift from to prospective payment to cost-based
reimbursement, which began with Medicare and spread to other insurers
during this time period. However, by the mid- to late 1990s, after the
market adjusted to changes in the way hospitals were reimbursed, managed
care pushed reimbursement of privately insured patients to historically
low levels in many markets. Thus, the relative generosity of Medicaid
and Medicare payments increased in the latter half of the period.
Second, managed care also shifted a larger portion of risk to mainly
urban hospitals in the latter half of the 1990s through capitation.
Under prospective payment, hospitals are reimbursed at a fixed rate
based on a patient's diagnosis. In contrast, hospitals are
reimbursed based on the number of enrollees in the managed care plan
under capitation. Capitation shifts more risk onto hospitals, and those
that are most effective at managing the risk are more likely to be
successful. Finally, the technological substitutability between
inpatient and outpatient care increased throughout the period. Thus the
economic climate for hospitals that performed inpatient and outpatient
surgeries was more favorable at the end of the period.
Several previous empirical studies of exit have tested Ghemawat and
Nalebuff's (1985, 1990) prediction that in an oligopolistic market
for a homogenous good whose demand is declining, survival is inversely
related to size. (1) Deily (1991) found no evidence of a simple inverse
relationship between a plant's size and exit. Rather, proxies of a
plant's profitability were important in determining which plants
survived the contraction of the steel industry, thus supporting the
neoclassical theory that long-run expected profit determine whether a
plant will exit. Gibson and Harris (1996) also find that larger, lower
cost, and older plants are less likely to exit an industry. (2)
The focus of previous empirical studies of hospital exit, however,
has not been on testing competing theories of exit but describing the
characteristics of hospital that close. Most likely this is because
hospitals, with their many unique features, are ill-suited to testing
general theories of exit. For example, the hospital industry is
populated by government, nonprofit, and for-profit firms. We expect
for-profit hospitals to be more likely to exit because not only do they
compare uses of capital across several industries but they are also
unable to credibly commit to remaining in a market with excess capacity,
as shown in Wedig et al. (1989). In contrast, non-federal government and
many nonprofit hospitals have alternative sources of funding that can
sustain them through a marketwide shakeout.
In their study of small hospitals between 1985 and 1988, Williams
and colleagues (1992) found that financial variables (total margin,
costs, and revenues) are significant determinants of hospital closure
and that public hospitals are less likely to close than other hospitals.
Williams and colleagues also find that rural hospitals providing fewer
services and surgeries are more likely to close. Using a sample of all
hospitals between 1986 and 1991, Deily and colleagues (2000) study
whether the hospitals that exit the market are the least efficient and
find that the effect of their measure of inefficiency differed
systematically among different ownership types. Less efficient
for-profit and private not-for-profit hospitals were shown to be more
likely to exit than their efficient counterparts. Deily and colleagues
(2000) is the first study that relates a measure of the technical
efficiency to closure, though they measure efficiency using a stochastic frontier cost function. Finally, Lindrooth and colleagues (2003) measure
the effect of hospital closure on the costs of the remaining hospitals
in the local market and find that closing hospitals had higher costs and
that the reduction in capacity in the market led to a further reduction
in market cost. They tie this latter result to the cost of an empty bed.
Our analysis is different from previous studies on exit in several
ways. First, we use panel rather than cross-sectional data, so we are
able to control for unobserved heterogeneity and state dependence using
a random effect logit specification. Second, we use direct measures of
total costs, revenues, outputs, and capacity, so we are able to
separately identify the role of excess capacity from that of costs and
revenues on the decision to exit. Third, we identify the regression
equations through differences within the same industry across local
markets, rather than using differences across industries, as in Gibson
and Harris (1996).
Our analysis shows that efficiency and reimbursement are critical
determinants of exit--hospitals that are less efficient and provide
services with lower reimbursement are more likely to exit. This finding
supports the neoclassical theory that efficiency determines the order of
exit of plants in a declining industry. We also find that
differentiation into outpatient and high-tech services decreased the
likelihood of exit throughout the time period. Hospitals that adapt to
the changing demand for their services are more likely to survive.
Third, we find that not-for-profit hospitals are less likely to exit
than for-profit hospitals. This supports the notion that the exit
threshold of for-profit hospitals is higher than that of nonprofit
hospitals. This is likely because for-profit hospitals compare uses of
capital across industries, whereas nonprofit hospitals may be strongly
committed to inpatient care. Fourth, we find that the role of Medicare
and Medicaid share of patients as determinants of exit has changed over
the 1990s. Early in the 1990s, higher Medicare and Medicaid penetration
led to an increased probability of exit, but by the late 1990s this
relationship had disappeared.
Hospital h decides whether to exit or remain in the market for
inpatient services based on whether expected profits exceed some
threshold, T:
(1) E([[pi].sub.ht],) [greater than or equal to] T([M.sub.ht],
where [pi] denotes profit, the subscript t denotes time, and
[M.sub.ht] reflects the objective, or mission, of the hospital and is
proxied by ownership. For example, T([M.sub.ht], [E.sub.st]) for a
for-profit hospital would reflect the opportunity cost of capital across
a wide range of industries, whereas T([M.sub.ht], [E.sub.st]) at a
nonprofit hospital may reflect a mission to provide inpatient care.
[E.sub.st] is the "external" long-run benefit to the other
hospitals owned by system s from shutting down the inpatient operations
of hospital h. It only accrues to systems with multiple hospitals in the
same market, as in Whinston (1988).
Profit is modeled as a function of revenue, R, and total operating
costs, C:
(2) [[pi].sub.ht] =f([C.sub.ht], [R.sub.ht],),
where [C.sub.ht] is the long-run cost of providing care as measured
by the American Hospital Association. [R.sub.ht] is a function of the
reimbursement levels of the hospital, reflecting, for example, payer
mix. We parameterize Equation (1) as follows:
where [[tau].sub.h] is a hospital-specific error component that
reflects fixed hospital characteristics, such as age of plant and cost
of capital and [R.sub.ht], [M.sub.ht], [C.sub.ht] and [E.sub.ht] are as
already defined. Note [u.sub.ht] = [[tau].sub.h] + [[epsilon].sub.ht] is
a combination of a hospital-specific component and a temporally
independently identically distributed component, which are by
construction independent of each other. [[epsilon].sub.ht] is assumed to
have a Weibull distribution, F([[epsilon].sub.ht]) =
exp(exp(-[[epsilon].sub.ht])), while [[tau].sub.h] ~
N(0,[[sigma].sup.2t]) and [[sigma].sup.2.sub.U] =1 and furthermore we
assume that there is no structural state dependence once heterogeneity
across hospitals has been taken into account as shown in Heckman
(1981a). Under these conditions Equation 3 can be modeled as:
where X includes all explanatory variables in Equation (3). If we
distributional assumption of [tau] implies that we can integrate out the
individual hospital random effect, yielding:
The log likelihood function is then:
Here [Y.sup.start.sub.h] is the first year the hospital h appears
in the data set. [Y.sup.end.sub.h] is the last year the hospital appears
in the data set. Hospitals turn up in the data set at different times as
entry occurs, thus [Y.sup.start.sub.h] [not equal to] 0 differs across
hospitals. This introduces the problem of nonexogenous initial
conditions. If the process has been in operation prior to the time it is
sampled, and if the disturbances are serially dependent, the initial
conditions are not exogenous variables and the exit/stay decision and
the entry decision are stochastically dependent on [[tau].sub.h].
However, if no structural state dependence is present once heterogeneity
is properly accounted for, and if the stochastic process that drives the
discrete choice random variable is stationary, then maximizing the log
likelihood returns consistent estimates of the parameters [beta]. (3)
Note that the probability of exit at the mean value of the control
variables is extremely low in our sample (approximately 0.6%). Thus, the
marginal effect of a change in one of the independent variables on the
probability of closure is also very small. It is more interesting to
study the percentage change in the probability of closure conditional on
a marginal change in the independent variable, [([partial
derivative]P([d.sub.ht] = 0|[X.sub.ht], [[tau].sub.h]))/P([d.sub.ht] =
0|[X.sub.ht], [[tau].sub.h])]/[partial derivative][X.sup.k.sub.ht],
which in this context is approximately equal to the coefficient
estimates. To see this note that [[partial derivative]P(d = 0)/P(d =
0)]/ [partial derivative][X.sup.k] = [[beta].sub.k]/[1 + exp(X[beta])
and because the probability of exit is small, exp(X[beta]) is very close
to zero (i.e., the realizations of exit are far on the left-hand side of
the distribution). Thus [partial derivative]P(d = 0)/P(d = 0)
[approximately equal to] [[beta].sup.k][partial derivative][X.sup.k].
For independent variables in logged units the parameter estimates are
very close to elasticities. For other variables measured in percentages
we report the effect of an X percentage point change on the percentage
change in the probability of exit. We estimate Equation (6) using the
entire sample and separately for the 1989-93 and 1994-97 periods. We
also estimate Equation (6) using only urban hospitals, which are defined
based on a location within a metropolitan statistical area (MSA).
The standard errors of Equation (6) are estimated using a bootstrap with clustering at the hospital level. Thus in each draw the hospitals
are sampled accounting the fact that hospitals appear in multiple years.
This technique was suggested by Bertrand et al. (2004), who show it
yields more accurate standard errors in a time-series context. We report
standard errors based on I00 repetitions in the tables. We performed a
bootstrap with 500 repetitions on the urban subsample and found that
there were trivial differences in the standard errors if 100 versus 500
repetitions were used. Thus we perform 100 repetitions for all of the
The data set includes all nonfederal short-term urban and rural
general hospitals in the American Hospital Association's Annual
Survey of Hospitals operating between 1989 and 1997. We identified
closures using data from American Hospital Association (AHA). We
followed up on the closures reported by the AHA to confirm that the
hospital did in fact remain closed. There were several instances where
the AHA reported name changes as closures. In addition, we identified
one case where a hospital was reported as closed when in fact it was
only temporarily closed for remodeling. We treated these hospitals as
survivors in our analysis. Overall, we identified 347 closures of
general short-term hospitals. A closure is defined as a permanent
elimination of general inpatient bed capacity. Thus, for example, a
permanent conversion to a specialty hospital is treated as a closure.
Table 1 shows the total number of closures over the time period. The
number of closures in the whole nation has been declining over time, and
closures were more frequent prior to 1993. The closure rates were close
to 1% in 1989 and 1990 but decline to 0.5% 0.7% in the latter half of
the period.
We derive a measure, which we call the revenue premium, to
represent the revenue each hospital gets relative to it competitors
within the market. The revenue premium, denoted [[??].sup.dev.sub.h], is
a proxy for quality and case-mix in the analysis. We derive the revenue
premium as follows. First, we calculate net patient revenue per adjusted
admission using net patient revenue data from the Medicare Cost Report.
(4) Second, we regress this variable on a hospital fixed effect,
hospital patient mix, case mix, and hospital characteristics defined in
Table 2 (with the exception of system membership, number of sites,
ownership, and location variables) using our full data set. Prior to
running the regression, we transformed the variables into deviations
from the market mean for each year to control for market-level fixed
effects. The revenue premium is the hospital fixed effect estimated in
this regression. A large fixed effect implies that the hospital is being
reimbursed at a higher rate per admission, controlling for a variety of
hospital characteristics, including patient mix and case mix. The most
likely reasons for the relatively generous reimbursement are unobserved
case mix and quality (clinical or nonclinical). Capps et al. (2003) show
that a hospital with attributes that are attractive to patients will be
reimbursed by insurers at a higher rate than other hospitals because
patients demand the hospital to be included in the insurance network.
Among the attributes that are attractive to patients are clinical
quality (e.g., favorable outcomes) and nonclinical quality (e.g.,
nonclinical amenities, such as private rooms or waterfalls in the
lobby). Location of the hospital will also affect the attractiveness of
the hospital to a group of patients, as shown in Tay (2003). This
variable was previously used to control for unmeasured differences in
case mix/payment generosity in Lindrooth et al. (2003).
[C.sub.ht] includes a measure of efficiency, denoted
[[??].sup.dev.sub.h]. This measure of efficiency is the hospital fixed
effect from the same specification used to calculate the revenue
premium, except we replace net patient revenue with operating costs from
the Medicare Cost Report and include system membership and the number of
sites as independent variables. This approach to measuring efficiency
was suggested by Skinner (1994), and its attractiveness is due to less
restrictive assumptions than data envelopment analysis and stochastic
frontier functions. In particular, the validity of the stochastic
frontier model is based on zero skewness of the random component of the
cost residual because all of the skewness will be attributed to
inefficiency. However, the distribution of unmeasured case mix is likely
to be skewed to the right, leading to potentially misleading estimates
that are exacerbated by the stringent distribution assumptions.
We estimate the efficiency measure and the revenue premium
separately for the 1989-93 period and the 1994-97 period, and thus we
allow the measures to vary between the two periods. Overall, nonprofit
hospitals have the highest revenue premium but are also the least
efficient. The lower efficiency score may be due to unmeasured quality
or case mix that is not captured in our crude case mix measure. Thus,
alone the measure is an imperfect measure of case mix, but because we
also include the revenue premium, which includes variation in unmeasured
case mix and quality (insofar it is reimbursed by payers), the
coefficient estimate on efficiency will be unbiased. For-profit
hospitals have the highest efficiency score, and non-federal government
hospitals have the lowest revenue premium. The former result is not
surprising, and the latter result may be due in part to fewer amenities
and more charity care at public hospitals.
[M.sub.ht], contains a dummy variable indicating the hospital is
for-profit, and another dummy that indicates the hospital is a
non-federal government hospital. The excluded category is nonprofit. In
addition, we created a dummy variable, Teach, which indicates whether
the hospital was a member of the Council of Teaching Hospitals. All
these variables are from the AHA annual survey. Other hospital-level
variables that explain long-term costs and measure hospital
heterogeneity include percent skilled nursing care admissions (%SNC);
percent emergency room visits out of the total outpatient visits (%ER);
percent outpatient visits out of the sum of outpatient visits and
inpatient admissions (% Outpatient); total staffed beds (logged);
Medicaid discharges/ inpatient admissions; Medicare discharges/
inpatient admissions and capacity utilization (inpatient days/[beds x
365]), all of which are calculated from the AHA data set. In addition we
use the Medicare case mix index computed by the Health Care Financing
Administration (currently called Centers for Medicare and Medicaid
Services) and a measure of the availability and breadth of high-tech
services, which is a count of the following services: extracorporeal shock-wave lithotripter; computed tomography scans; magnetic resonance
imaging; positron emission tomography; diagnostic radioisotope; single
photon emission computerized tomography; radiation therapy; and
Recall that [E.sub.ht], is the benefit of closure that a system
derives from closing one of its hospitals measured by a categorical variable, System Membership, which is equal to one if the hospital is
part of multihospital health care system m a given market. [E.sub.ht],
also includes a count variable, Number of Sites, which measures the
number of hospitals in the local market that are part of the system to
which the hospital belongs. The variable Number of Sites is equal to
zero if the hospital is not part of a system.
Our market-level variables include HMO penetration rates, which
were calculated by allocating managed care enrollment to counties based
on the managed care service area, using an approach developed by Wholey
and colleagues (1997). (5) HMO market penetration rate is the number of
HMO enrollees divided by the resident population in the market. In
addition, we include market-level variables, such as population density
and per capita income, calculated annually at the MSA level for urban
hospitals and at the county level for rural hospitals from the Area
Resource File.
Finally, we construct a dummy variable Post that divides the period
1989-97 in two equal parts. The first part is 1989-93, and the second is
1994-97. The unit of observation in the regressions that follow is the
short-term general hospital. We used regression imputation of total
admissions (8.21% of the observations), births (9.15%), outpatient
visits (11.35%), Medicare discharges (16.68%), Medicaid discharges
(17.96%), long-term admissions (8.21%), and case mix (2.06%). We
performed the analysis on a reduced sample of hospitals with complete
data, and the results were very similar. Hence we only present the
results using the imputed values. After imputation, we have 43,185
hospital-year observations for which there are complete information on
all dependent variables.
Table 3 shows the selected characteristics of closed hospitals and
survivors. Most of the hospitals that closed were not-for-profit
(43.23%), but the percentage of not-for-profit hospitals that did not
close is higher (60.01%). In contrast, the percentage of for-profit
hospitals that closed (28.24%) is double the percentage of those that
did not close (14.84%). We do not find any substantial difference with
regard to the government- and church-owned hospitals. Furthermore,
closures mostly occurred at not-for-profit hospitals that were not
teaching hospitals. Only a few teaching hospitals closed, with the
percentage that closed (5.76%) being one-third of the percentage of
teaching hospitals that remained open (18.42%). About 65% of the
hospitals that closed were independent hospitals (denoted "1
Site" in Table 3), and 53.16% of the survivors were independent.
Hospitals that had multiple sites (i.e., system hospitals) generally
comprised a larger percentage of survivors than closures.
The summary statistics for all of the variables used in the
analysis are in Table 2. The first column presents the means and
standard deviations for all the hospital-year observations in the
sample. The second column presents the same statistics for the hospitals
that close and uses each hospital-year observation for the 347 closing
hospitals. The third column presents means and standard deviations for
the hospital that does not close. Ln(Costs), Ln(Revenues), and Ln(Beds)
are smaller for closing hospitals than for those that survive. In
addition hospitals that survive are more likely to provide skilled
nursing care, offer more high-tech services, and treat more complex
cases. Less than half of the hospital-year observations are for
hospitals that are not part of a system over the time period we study.
The average number of additional sites is close to one for exiting
(1.032) and surviving hospitals (0.809) if we consider all hospital-year
observations. If we restrict the attention to the hospitals that are
part of a system we find that Number of Sites is on average equal to
2.398 for exiting hospitals and 1.959 for surviving hospitals.
We find that closures are more likely to occur in urban areas with
high population density. We also observe that the generated regressors
of quality and efficiency are negative for the exiting hospitals,
suggesting that competitive pressure may push less efficient and lower
quality hospitals out of the market.
The first column in Table 4 contains the results of the random
effect logit regression using the entire sample. The second and third
columns show the results for all hospitals in the pre- and post-1994
periods, respectively. Columns 4 and 5 display the results in the pre-
and post-1994 periods for the urban hospital sample. We find that more
generously reimbursed hospitals, as measured by Revenue Premium, were
less likely to exit throughout the time period. More efficient hospitals
were also less likely to exit, though this result is only significant in
the entire sample and the post-1994 samples. There is a similar trend
for hospitals with large percentages of skilled nursing facility (SNF)
patients. Larger percentages of SNF patient had a large effect in the
post-1994 sample, but were insignificant in the pre-1994 sample. In
contrast, hospitals with high Medicare shares were more likely to exit
in the pre-1994 sample, but the coefficient is much smaller and
statistically insignificant in the post 1994 sample.
Hospitals in a large system, as measured by the Number of Hospitals
variable, were more likely to exit, and the effect is consistent across
time periods, though it is marginally insignificant in the pre-1994
sample of all hospitals. Large hospitals were less likely to exit
throughout the period, though the parameter estimate is only significant
in the post-1994 sample. Finally, hospitals that had higher shares of
outpatient visits and more high-tech services were less likely to exit
throughout the time period, although the outpatient coefficients are
marginally insignificant in the urban only sample.
If we consider a 10% change from the average value of efficiency
and the revenue premium we find that an increase in Efficiency of 10%
decreases the probability of exit of the hospital by approximately
19.25% and that a 10% increase in Revenue Premium decreases the
probability of exit (at the mean values) of the hospital by about
30.99%. (6) The magnitude of the effect of Efficiency increases from
11.24% to 24.21% in the latter half of the period for urban hospitals.
In comparison, the effect of the Revenue Premium is relative constant
over the time period.
Note that the actual percentage of observations of closed hospitals
is very small, thus the model is a much better at predicting hospitals
that do not exit than those that exit. A closer analysis of the
correlation between predicted and actual outcomes confirms this
conjecture. (7) To further analyze whether there is serial correlation
in the sample, we estimate [rho] =
[[sigma].sup.2.sub.[tau]]/([[sigma].sup.2.sub.[tau]] + 1), the
proportion of total variance contributed by the panel-level variance
component. We find that p is significantly different from zero, in all
specifications, which is evidence that there is serial correlation in
the sample and lends support to the random effects logit specification.
We also separately estimated an ordinary logit model and a
random-effects logit model where we created the Efficiency and Revenue
Premium so that they are constant over the entire time period, rather
than allowing them to vary between the pre- and post-1994 periods. The
results are remarkably consistent with column 1 of Table 4. In addition,
we ran the following regressions with logged costs and revenues as
deviations from the local market averages replacing the generated
regressors of revenue premium and efficiency: a random-effects logit; a
between-effect logit regression; and a conditional fixed-effects logit.
The between-effect logit regression studies the probability that a
hospital closes conditional on the long-term values of the regressors.
The conditional logit regression restricts the analysis to those
hospitals that eventually closed over the time period. The conditional
logit regression estimates the probability that a hospital will close at
time t + 1 conditional on the hospital being open at time t, conditional
on the fact that the hospital will close at some point in time, and
conditional on the particular values of the regressors. The conditional
logit specification uses within hospital variation for the closing
hospitals and thus helps determine which variables determine the time of
exit. We use the measures of revenues and costs rather than
[[??].sup.dev.sub.h] and [[??].sup.dev.sub.h] because they vary over
If the sample is truly random, then the three regressions should
give the same results. If the results differ across regressions, then we
should be concerned with the possibility that our baseline specification
is biased. Overall the results suggest that the main results in Table 4
are robust to these changes. In particular, the coefficients on Revenue,
Costs, System, Number of Hospitals, Total Beds, % Medicare; % SNF; %
Outpatient; For-profit; and Tech Services are of the same sign as Table
4, and generally significant. However, if the coefficient is not close
statistical significance in Table 4, the qualitative conclusions vary
across specifications. Thus in our discussion we focus on the effects
that are at or near statistical significance. In summary, the
qualitative conclusions drawn from the main previous results are not
affected by bias, though we are unable to determine to what extent the
magnitude of the coefficients may be affected by bias. The results of
these specifications are available from the authors on request.
In every specification we find that low-revenue premium hospitals
are more likely to exit. Although this result is unsurprising, it is
important to consider that variation in the revenue premium is from
attributes of the hospital that are difficult for managers to change in
the short run: location, amenities, and reputation. Managers are likely
to be better able to influence efficiency and the effect of efficiency
is largely concentrated in the latter half of the period. Private
insurers increased the incentives to hospitals to lower costs through
managed care, during the mid- to late 1990s. Our analysis suggests that
this shift rewarded efficient hospitals at the expense of inefficient
hospitals. This conclusion is strengthened by the fact that when we
include a variable in the post-1994 analysis that indicates whether a
hospital's efficiency increased between pre-and post-1994, the
coefficient was statistically significant and positive, indicating that
hospitals with improved efficiency were more likely to survive. Thus,
improving efficiency is correlated with better survival prospects
conditional on the level.
These results lend credence to the notion that exit from the
hospital industry is orderly in that the less efficient hospitals exit
first, and that payment incentives were consistent with this in the
latter half of the 1990s. Conditional on efficiency, we also
consistently find that for-profit hospitals are more likely to exit.
Whereas others have also identified this relationship, we are the first
to do so controlling for efficiency and the revenue premium. Although
this result is not surprising, it lends further evidence that for-profit
hospitals compare the uses of capital across industries and reallocate the capital as
economic conditions warrant.
The results also reveal the value of diversification into
outpatient and high-tech services. Hospitals with a relatively large
share of outpatient visits and more high-tech services were less likely
to exit. However, higher shares of SNF patients dramatically increased
the probability of exit in the latter half of the period, though for the
vast majority of hospitals the percentage of SNF patients was not large
enough to overwhelm the Have SNF coefficient. Thus the existence of a
SNF alone is not a predictor of exit. The Balanced Budget Act of 1997
included a provision to shift Medicare reimbursement of skilled nursing
care from cost-based to prospective reimbursement. This provision was
expected to hurt hospitals with large SNF populations, in particular. It
is beyond the scope of our analysis to test whether the anticipation of
SNF provision in the act led to the larger exit probabilities of
hospitals with large SNF population that we observe in the latter half
of the 1990s.
The percent of Medicare patients increases the probability of exit
in the pre-1994 period but is significantly lower and insignificant in
the post period. This result is likely due to two reasons. First, it
could be a residual effect of the shift from cost-based to prospective
payment. All of the hospitals that did not adapt to prospective payment
exited the market by 1993. By 1994, only the hospitals that could manage
prospective payment stayed in business. Second, the relative generosity
of Medicare payment increased during the time period. As already
mentioned, private payers were ratcheting down payment throughout the
1990s, whereas Medicare stayed relatively constant. In contrast,
Medicaid share is insignificant in all specification and switches sign
in the pre- and post-1994 urban specification.
In summary, our results suggest that exit from the hospital
industry is orderly. Hospitals that are in a position to attract more
generous reimbursement (whether it is due to location, amenities, or
quality) are more likely to survive. Smaller, undiversified, inefficient
hospitals are likely to be the first to leave the market when conditions
become unfavorable.
AHA: American Hospital Association
MSA: Metropolitan Statistical Area
doi: 10.1093/ei/cb1010
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(1.) Ghemawat and Nalebuff assume that capacities and production
costs are common knowledge, unit costs are constant, and fixed costs are
proportional to capacity. The basic insight for their result is that
firms play a game of attrition. As the demand continues to decline, the
larger plant cannot credibly commit to stay in the market for a longer
time than the smaller plant. By backward induction, the larger firm will
exit as soon as the demand cannot support more than one firm in the
(2.) Gibson and Harris find that firms owning many plants made
plant-closing decisions that did not seem to rely on relative production
costs. This last piece of evidence supports Whinston's (1988)
theory that multiplant firms are able to internalize the benefits of a
plant's exit. We will return on this point in our discussion of the
(3.) To avoid the assumption of stationarity, Heckman (1981b)
proposes to use a fixed-effect model. In this context, such a solution
would not work because the only hospitals in the restricted sample would
be the hospitals that exit the industry. Hospitals are present in the
industry only once--they do not re-enter the industry after exit.
(4.) Net patient revenue is total patient revenue net of discounts
and allowances for bad debt.
(5.) We thank Douglas Wholey for providing these data.
(6.) [[??].sup.dev.sub.h] measures the percentage deviation in
terms of efficiency of the hospital from the local market efficiency
mean. In particular, in our fixed-effects regression,
[[??].sup.dev.sub.h] is the percentage deviation of the hospital's
costs from the constant term that is not explained by the control
variables because the dependent variable is the natural logarithm of
(7.) The results of the correlation analysis are available from the
* We thank David Bradford, Atsushi Inoue, and Robert Porter for
helpful comments and suggestions. This research was supported by ROI HS10730-01 from AHRQ. All errors are ours.
Ciliberto: Assistant Professor, Department of Economics, University
of Virginia, P.O. Box 400182. Charlottesville, VA 22904-4182. Phone
1-434-924-6755, Fax 1-434-982-2904, E-mail
[email protected]
Lindrooth: Associate Professor, Department of Health Administration
and Policy, Medical University of South Carolina, 151 Rutledge Avenue,
Bldg B, P.O. Box 250961, Charleston, SC 29425-0961. Phone 1-843792-2192,
Fax 1-843-792-1358, E-mail lindrorc@ musc.edu
Closures over Time
Year Open Closed
1989 5052 63
1990 4988 54
1991 4918 48
1992 4879 44
1993 4818 25
1994 4684 34
1995 4649 27
1996 4463 31
1997 4387 21
Total 347
Summary Statistics
(n = 43,185)
Variable Mean SD
Revenue premium ([[??].sup.dev.sub.h]) 0.000 0.456
Efficiency ([[??].sup.dev.sub.h]) 0.000 0.461
Ln(Cost) 16.880 1.383
Ln(Revenues) 16.851 1.425
System Membership 0.414 0.492
Number of Additional Sites 0.816 1.545
Log Beds 4.732 0.943
Capacity Utilization 0.552 0.191
% Medicare 0.398 0.149
% Medicaid 0.131 0.099
% ER 0.342 0.192
Have SNF 0.267 0.442
% LTC 0.015 0.042
% Outpatient 0.892 0.082
HMO Penetration 0.119 0.135
Profit 0.131 0.338
Nonfederal government 0.276 0.447
Teach 0.169 0.375
Urban 0.545 0.498
Medicare case mix 1.236 0.225
# High-tech services 3.304 2.427
Ln(income) 9.829 0.252
Ln(Population Density) 4.806 1.770
Post 0.536 0.499
Existing Hospitals (a)
(n = 1,395)
Variable Mean SD
Revenue premium ([[??].sup.dev.sub.h]) -0.459 0.546
Efficiency ([[??].sup.dev.sub.h]) 0.415 0.500
Ln(Cost) 15.903 1.301
Ln(Revenues) 15.757 1.397
System Membership 0.430 0.495
Number of Additional Sites 1.032 1.884
Log Beds 4.231 0.877
Capacity Utilization 0.465 0.221
% Medicare 0.423 0.198
% Medicaid 0.125 0.130
% ER 0.365 0.243
Have SNF 0.184 0.388
% LTC 0.020 0.064
% Outpatient 0.854 0.149
HMO Penetration 0.121 0.121
Profit 0.293 0.455
Nonfederal government 0.267 0.443
Teach 0.068 0.252
Urban 0.628 0.484
Medicare case mix 1.125 0.189
# High-tech services 1.786 1.871
Ln(income) 9.797 0.253
Ln(Population Density) 5.069 1.894
Post 0.277 0.447
Surviving Hospitals (a)
(n = 41,790)
Variable Mean SD
Revenue premium ([[??].sup.dev.sub.h]) 0.015 0.444
Efficiency ([[??].sup.dev.sub.h]) -0.014 0.453
Ln(Cost) 16.913 1.374
Ln(Revenues) 16.888 1.412
System Membership 0.413 0.492
Number of Additional Sites 0.809 1.532
Log Beds 4.749 0.940
Capacity Utilization 0.555 0.189
% Medicare 0.398 0.147
% Medicaid 0.131 0.098
% ER 0.341 0.190
Have SNF 0.269 0.444
% LTC 0.015 0.041
% Outpatient 0.893 0.078
HMO Penetration 0.119 0.135
Profit 0.126 0.332
Nonfederal government 0.276 0.447
Teach 0.172 0.378
Urban 0.542 0.498
Medicare case mix 1.239 0.225
# High-tech services 3.355 2.427
Ln(income) 9.830 0.252
Ln(Population Density) 4.797 1.765
Post 0.544 0.498
(a) All observations for hospitals that will exit the industry
at some point in time.
(b) All observations for hospitals that remain in the industry
over the period of study.
Selected Characteristics of Closures and
% of Closures % of Survivors
Type (n = 347) (n = 5,081)
For Profit 28.24 14.84
Government 28.53 25.15
NFP 43.23 60.01
Teaching 5.76 18.42
1 Site 64.55 53.16
2 Sites 17.87 24.76
3 Sites 6.34 8.03
4 Sites 3.75 4.17
5 Sites 2.88 3.48
>5 Sites 3.46 6.4
Urban 59.65 55.95
Results of Analysis of Closure
All Hospitals
Variable 1988-97 1989-93 1994-97
Efficiency -1.925** -2.015 -2.233 ***
(0.831) (1.783) (0.727)
Revenue Premium -3.099 *** -3.407 ** -2.915 ***
(0.791) (1.614) (0.724)
System -0.292 -0.065 -0.585 *
(0.207) (0.258) (0.312)
Number of Hospitals 0.119 ** 0.144 0.093 *
(0.057) (0.097) (0.055)
Total Beds -0.369 ** -0.214 -0.494 **
(0.146) (0.259) (0.206)
Occupancy Rate -0.585 -0.883 0.122
(0.523) (0.705) (0.728)
Percent Medicare 1.124 *** 1.415 *** 0.467
(0.421) (0.521) (0.764)
Percent Medicaid 0.917 1.194 0.166
(0.744) (0.889) (1.017)
Percent ED 0.058 0.464 -0.673
(0.332) (0.408) (0.494)
Have SNF -0.238 -0.080 -0.406
(0.261) (0.345) (0.325)
Percent SNF 3.681 *** 0.020 4.930 ***
(1.098) (2.993) (1.020)
Percent Outpatient -1.461 *** -1.565 ** -1.274 **
(0.526) (0.695) (0.631)
HMO Penetration 0.403 -0.330 0.010
(0.815) (1.365) (1.007)
For-profit 0.707 *** 0.496 ** 1.038 ***
(0.218) (0.245) (0.305)
Public -0.184 -0.234 -0.114
(0.166) (0.229) (0.243)
Teach 0.563 * 0.141 0.566
(0.296) (2.116) (0.409)
Case Mix -0.569 -0.573 -0.877
(0.576) (0.998) (0.729)
Tech Services -0.349 *** -0.464 *** -0.241 ***
(0.049) (0.080) (0.064)
Per Capita Income 0.571 0.454 0.923
(0.419) (0.468) (0.638)
Population Density 0.265 *** 0.303 *** 0.186
(0.090) (0.115) (0.138)
Urban -0.258 -0.744 ** 0.634 *
(0.268) (0.299) (0.372)
Post -0.578 *** N/A N/A
Constant -7.640 * -6.723 -11.064 *
(4.113) (4.522) (6.439)
N 43,185 20,046 23,139
Urban Hospitals
Variable 1989-93 1994-97
Efficiency -1.124 -2.421 ***
(1.701) (0.778)
Revenue Premium -2.782 * -2.870 ***
(1.602) (0.699)
System 0.175 -0.600
(0.423) (0.364)
Number of Hospitals 0.102 0.073
(0.122) (0.072)
Total Beds -0.030 -0.561 **
(0.257) (0.258)
Occupancy Rate -1.477 -0.760
(1.029) (0.984)
Percent Medicare 0.916 0.147
(0.823) (0.995)
Percent Medicaid 1.602 -0.061
(1.003) (1.185)
Percent ED 0.856 -0.920
(0.668) (0.703)
Have SNF 0.308 -0.033
(0.453) (0.366)
Percent SNF -1.192 4.230 **
(5.853) (2.105)
Percent Outpatient -1.579 -1.426
(0.966) (0.913)
HMO Penetration -0.881 -0.381
(1.720) (0.981)
For-profit 0.381 0.882 **
(0.325) (0.363)
Public -0.505 -0.452
(0.378) (0.412)
Teach 0.172 0.570
(3.567) (0.449)
Case Mix -0.312 -0.729
(1.126) (0.740)
Tech Services -0.314 *** -0.232 ***
(0.104) (0.075)
Per Capita Income 0.714 0.800
(1.036) (0.838)
Population Density 0.216 0.313 *
(0.173) (0.183)
Urban N/A N/A
Post N/A N/A
Constant -10.221 -8.620
(9.420) (8.637)
N 12,524 10,995
Notes: Bootstrapped SEs in parentheses. * p < 0.10; ** p < 0.05;
*** p < 0.01 based on a two-sided test. All the regressions
include region dummies.