Who is afraid of the Friedman rule?
Bhattacharya, Joydeep ; Haslag, Joseph ; Martin, Antoine 等
In almost every standard monetary economy populated by
representative infinitely lived agents, the optimal long run monetary
policy is one in which the nominal interest rate is zero, also known as
the Friedman rule (Friedman 1969). Researchers have demonstrated that
this result is robust to a wide variety of modifications. (1) Starting
with the seminal work of Levine (1991), a new burgeoning literature has
emerged that studies environments with heterogeneity in which the
Friedman rule is not optimal (see, e.g., Albanesi 2003, Edmond 2002,
Green and Zhou 2002, Ireland 2004, Paal and Smith 2000, among others).
This paper adds to this literature by characterizing the set of optimal
monetary policies that is favored by heterogeneous agent types in a
standard monetary economy. The novel punch line is that it is possible
for every agent type to dislike the Friedman rule.
A major part of our analysis is conducted in a fairly standard pure
exchange money-in-the-utility function (MIUF) economy modified to
include the presence of two types of agents, distinguished by their
different marginal utilities from real money balances. The introduction
of this heterogeneity produces a nondegenerate stationary distribution
of money holdings. Put simply, in a steady-state equilibrium, one type
holds more money balances than the other. In this setting, faster money
growth affects the welfare of each type through two channels. First,
there is the rate-of-return effect: both types reduce their money
holdings in the face of a higher opportunity cost of holding money.
Second, if the central bank is restricted to making (imposing) the same
lump-sum transfer (tax) on both types, a (general equilibrium) transfer
effect emerges that alters agents' budget sets, affects their
demand for money, and creates a divergence in their consumptions. (2)
Indeed, for positive money growth rates, the type that holds more money
contributes more to seigniorage than the other type but receives the
same transfer, in effect causing a redistribution of income from the
former to the latter. For negative money growth rates, the direction of
the redistribution is reversed: now, the type that holds more money pays
a smaller tax, in effect engineering an income transfer from the type
that holds less money to the type that holds more money.
It is possible for the redistributive effect of an increase in the
money growth rate to dominate the rate-of-return effect for some types
of agents. In that case, an increase in the money growth rate may even
be welfare enhancing. We are able to show that at least one of the types
always dislikes the Friedman rule (locally), that is, they are better
off in a lifetime welfare sense if the money growth rate increases
locally around the Friedman rule money growth rate. At the Friedman
rule, all agents are satiated with real balances. If the money growth
rate (opportunity cost of holding money) increases infinitesimally, the
envelope theorem implies that the resulting change in money demand can
have at most a second-order impact on utility. However, since the two
agent types hold different levels of real balances, this change in the
rate of money growth has first-order distributional effects. These
distributional effects are necessarily zero-sum: one type of agent
benefits at the expense of the other. If social welfare is a
population-weighted sum of individual types' utilities, then it
follows that social welfare may be maximized at a rate of money growth
away from that prescribed by the Friedman rule. This result lies at the
heart of our analysis and serves to underscore the deeper connection
between many other papers in the literature that question the optimality
of the Friedman rule in environments with heterogeneous agents.
We go on to show that in most settings, the type that holds less
money dislikes the Friedman rule (locally) but in special circumstances,
which we discuss below, even the type that holds more money balances may
join the other type in their shared distaste of the Friedman rule.
Furthermore, if the type that holds more money dislikes the Friedman
rule locally, their welfare is never maximized globally at a nonnegative money growth rate. Interestingly, a parallel result for the type that
holds less money is that even if they like the Friedman rule locally,
they may be globally better off at (possibly) a positive money growth
rate. Perhaps most surprisingly, welfare of each type may be maximized
away from the Friedman rule. In other words, it is possible for everyone
to prefer positive nominal interest rates over Friedman's
zero-nominal-interest-rate prescription.
An intuitive explanation for these results is in order. Recall that
the type that holds more money contributes more to seigniorage than the
other type but receives the same transfer. As a result, she receives net
transfers when the money growth rate (i.e., inflation tax rate) is
negative. The net transfer is simply the product of the inflation tax
rate and the difference in money holdings of the two types. As the money
growth increases starting from the Friedman rule money growth rate, the
inflation tax rate rises; this rate-of-return effect lowers the net
transfer and, therefore, always hurts the type that holds more money.
The effect coming from the changes in agents' money holdings is
more complicated. Much depends on the rate at which each type adjusts
their money balances in response to an increase in the money growth
rate, that is, on the elasticity of money demand. If both types reduce
their money balances at similar rates in response to an increase in the
inflation tax rate, then the aforementioned rate-of-return effect
dominates; in this case, the type that holds more money likes the
Friedman rule. Precisely for the same reason, the type that holds less
money will not like the Friedman rule.
On the other hand, if the type that holds less money changes her
money holdings at a faster rate than the other type, then the difference
in money holdings grows as the money growth rate is raised. In such a
setting, the type that holds more money would increase its net transfers
and therefore dislike the Friedman rule; indeed, their welfare may be
maximized at a much higher money growth rate. Under certain parameter
sets, we find that the difference in money holdings responds
nonmonotonically to the money growth rate; near the Friedman rule, it
rises for a while and then starts to fall again. This makes the size of
the redistribution respond nonmonotonically to the money growth rate.
This explains why money growth rates higher than that implied by the
Friedman rule, including positive money growth rates, may be welfare
maximizing for one or both types. What is novel here is that while all
agents may prefer some deviation from the Friedman rule, different types
may want deviations of different sizes.
Thus far, we have deliberated on the effects of an increase in the
money growth rate on type-specific welfare. What about societal welfare,
a population-weighted aggregate welfare of both types? We are able to
show that a sufficient (but not necessary) condition for societal
welfare to not be maximized at the Friedman rule is that the type that
holds less money locally dislikes the Friedman rule. This is because at
the Friedman rule money growth rate, the rate-of-return distortion is
absent and all agents are optimally satiated with real balances;
however, the type that holds more money has the higher consumption but
values it marginally less. As such, it may become efficient to
redistribute some income away from these people, and this benefits the
type that holds less money (hence, their "local dislike" of
the Friedman rule). Somewhat interestingly, we can prove that the
societal welfare--maximizing money growth rate is nonpositive. The
intuition here is straightforward. Both types increase their money
holdings as the money growth rate falls. Additionally, a zero money
growth rate is preferred to a positive money growth rate because at the
former, the transfer effect is absent and consumption is efficiently
equalized across the types. At the other extreme of the Friedman rule
money growth rate, as discussed above, it may become efficient to
redistribute some income away from those who hold more money. This
redistribution is achieved by choosing a money growth rate at which the
transfer effect reallocates consumption such that the combined gain in
utility from consumption dominates the combined loss of utility from the
holding of smaller money balances. The novelty here is that the Friedman
rule, contrary to received wisdom from many representative infinitely
lived agent models, is not necessarily welfare maximizing. However, our
analysis with heterogeneous agents does not go so far as to justify the
use of an expansionary monetary policy.
A version of our result that the Friedman rule may not appeal to
all types appears in Bhattacharya, Haslag, and Martin (2005). There,
they show that it is quite possible (in a wide range of monetary
environments) that one type may not like the Friedman rule. Unlike
Bhattacharya, Haslag, and Martin (2005), we conduct our analysis in a
standard representative infinitely lived agent model and go much further
and characterize the set of monetary policies that each type likes. We
show that it is possible that both types dislike the Friedman rule
(something that is not possible in Levine 1991) and that the rule may
not even maximize ex ante social welfare. Indeed, our analysis
highlights several crucial components of the underlying political
economy dimension of the larger question of the optimal monetary policy.
It bears emphasis here that while the MIUF environment permits
"closed-form" characterization of these results, many of the
insights themselves are not specific to the chosen environment; indeed,
they are applicable in standard cash-in-advance, turnpike, and
shopping-time models of money.
The rest of the paper proceeds as follows. Section II presents the
model economy, while Section III studies whether the Friedman rule is
optimal for both types of agents. In Section IV, we study the optimal
money growth rule that would be chosen by a social planner, while
Section V studies the money growth rates that maximize type-specific
welfare. Section VI concludes. Proofs of many of the results are
relegated to the appendixes.
In this section, we modify the standard representative-agent MIUF
economy to include two types of agents distinguished by their preference
for real money balances. The economy is populated by a continuum of unit
mass of infinitely lived agents. Time is discrete and denoted by t = 0,
1, 2, ... , [infinity]. Let [micro] be the fraction of agents that place
a relatively high value on the services from real money holdings, a
notion that will be made precise below.
A. The Environment
There is a single consumption good which is perishable. Every
period both types of households are endowed with constant [bar.y] > 0
units of this good. (3) Money is the only asset in the economy. All
agents maximize the discounted sum of momentary utilities over an
infinite horizon. Agents who place a relatively high (low) value on the
services of real money balances are referred to as type H (L). The
preferences of the type i where i = H, L agents are represented by:
(1) [W.sup.i] [equivalent to][[infinity].summation over
(t=0)][[beta].sup.t][U.sup.i] ([c.sup.i.sub.t],[m.sup.i.sub.t]), i =
where 0 < [beta] < 1 is the agent's subjective rate of
time preference; for a type-i agent, [c.sup.i] is the quantity of the
consumption good, and [m.sup.i.sub.t] = [M.sup.i.sub.t]/[p.sub.t]
denotes the quantity of real money balances carried over from period t
to t + 1. We assume that [U.sup.i.sub.j] > 0 and [U.sup.i.sub.jj]
< 0, i = L, H, j = m, c, where [U.sup.i.sub.j] = [partial
derivative][U.sup.i]/[partial derivative]j and [U.sup.i.sub.jj] =
[[partial derivative].sup.2][U.sup.i]/[partial derivative][j.sup.2].
Also, as is standard we posit that there exists a satiation level of
real money balances such that [U.sup.L.sub.m]([c.sub.L], [m.sup.*L]) =
[U.sup.H.sub.m]([c.sup.H],[m.sup.*H]) = 0 with [m.sup.*H] not less than
[m.sup.*L]. Finally, we assume [U.sup.H.sub.m]([??],[??]) >
[U.sup.L.sub.m]([??],[??]), [for all][??] [less than or equal
to][m.sup.*H], for i = L, H. In words, for the same values of
consumption and real balances, the type H derives greater marginal
utility from the services associated with money than does a type-L
Every period, an agent allocates its real balances from last
period, current endowment, and transfers received from the government
between current consumption and money balances to be carried over to the
next period. Formally, the budget set of an agent i is defined by
(2) [bar.y] + [m.sup.i.sub.t-1]/(1 + [z.sub.t])+ [[tau].sub.t]
[greater than or equal to] [c.sup.i.sub.t] + [m.sup.i.sub.t],
where 1 + [z.sub.t] = [P.sub.t] - l/[P.sub.t], [P.sub.t] is the
price level in period t, and [tau] denotes transfers from the
government. There are two maximization problems, one for each type of
agent. The optimal choice for the type-i agents, i = L, H, is
ASCII] that maximizes [W.sup.i] as given by Equation (1) subject to its
sequence of budget constraints (Equation 2). It is easy to check that
the relevant first-order condition is given by:
(3) [U.sup.i.sub.c]([c.sup.i.sub.t], [m.sup.i.sub.t]) =
[U.sup.i.sub.m]([c.sup.i.sub.t],[m.sup.i.sub.t]) +
Equation (3) has a standard interpretation. At the margin, an agent
is indifferent between consuming a unit this period versus carrying it
over and consuming next period. The factor 1 + [z.sub.t] in the
denominator of the second term captures the notion that carrying over a
unit of nominal balance this period is worth 1/ (1 + [z.sub.t]) in the
The government runs a balanced budget period by period. At each
date t [greater than or equal to] 0, the government finances a lump-sum
tax or transfer, denoted [tau], by altering the money supply. Formally,
the date-t government budget constraint is: [[tau].sub.t] = ([M.sub.t] -
[M.sub.t-1])/Pt, where [M.sub.t] denotes the per capita quantity of
nominal money at date t. We assume that the government follows a
constant-money growth rule given by [M.sub.t] = (1 + z)[M.sub.t-1],
where z > -1. The money supply expands if z > 0, so that
[[tau].sub.t] > 0 is a transfer. Conversely, the money supply
contracts if -1 < z < 0, so that [[tau].sub.t] < 0 is a tax.
B. Stationary Equilibrium
In a stationary environment, the price level increases at the same
rate as the money supply. Hence, [p.sub.t] = (1 + z)[p.sub.t-1] is
obtained. Thus, the money market-clearing condition can be represented
as follows:
(4) [m.sub.t] = [mu][m.sup.H.sub.t] + (1 - [mu])[m.sup.L.sub.t],
where [m.sub.t] [equivalent to] [M.sub.t]/[p.sub.t] is the
economywide stock of real balances. Further, in steady state,
consumption and real money balances are constant over time so that
[c.sup.i.sub.t] = [[bar.c].sup.i], [m.sup.i.sub.t] = [[bar.m].sup.i],
and [m.sub.t] = [bar.m] for all t. Notice that [[tau].sub.t] =
z[M.sub.t-1]/ [p.sub.t] = (z/(1 + z))[M.sub.t]/[p.sub.t] which in steady
states reduces to [tau] = (z/(1 +z))[bar.m]. We assume that the amount
of tax or transfer [tau] must be the same for both types of agents. This
is the precise sense in which type-specific tax/transfer schemes are
disallowed in our model. We justify this assumption by appealing to the
implausibility of a tax/transfer scheme that attempts to identify people
on the basis of their marginal preference for money, an object that is
almost impossible for the government to observe.
Imposing steady state on Equation (3) yields
(5) [U.sup.i.sub.m]([[bar.c].sup.i],[[bar.m].sup.i])/
[U.sup.i.sub.c]([[bar.c].sup.i], [[bar.m].sup.i]) = 1 - [beta]/(1 +z)
[equivalent to] [pi](z),
where [pi](z), by definition, is the opportunity cost of holding
real balances. (4) For future reference, note that as 1 + z [right
arrow] [beta], or [tau](z) [right arrow] 0, that is, when the money
growth rate approaches the Friedman rule, the money holdings of each
type reach their satiation levels. Finally, note that Equation (5)
implies that, given z, a higher level of consumption is associated with
a higher level of real money balances.
Using the agents' budget constraints (Equation 2), the
government's budget constraint [tau] = (z/(l+z))[bar.m], and noting
that Equation (4) in steady state implies [bar.m] = [mu][[bar.m].sup.H]
+ (1 - [mu])[[bar.m].sup.L], the agents' steady-state consumption
is given by:
(6a) [[bar.c].sup.L] = [bar.y] + [mu](z/(1 + z))([[bar.m].sup.H] -
(6b) [[bar.c].sup.H] = [bar.y] - (1 - [mu])(z/(1 + z))
([[bar.m].sup.H] - [[bar.m].sup.L]).
Thus, [[bar.m].sup.L], [[bar.m].sup.H], [[bar.c].sup.L], and
[[bar.c].sup.H] solve Equations (5)-(6b) simultaneously. Furthermore, it
is easy to see that all the allocations can be implicitly represented as
functions of z.
Notice from Equations (6a) and (6b) that heterogeneity in money
balances affects consumption of each type. This is because an agent pays
a type-specific seigniorage, (z/(1 +z))[[bar.m].sup.i], whereas the
transfer, rebated by the government, (z/(1 +z))[bar.m], is type
independent. Thus, (z/(1 +z))([bar.m] - [[bar.m].sup.i]), which is the
second term in both equations, is the net transfer to an agent i. In the
absence of any heterogeneity, this net transfer would be zero.
Henceforth, we identify the second terms in Equations (6a) and (6b) as
capturing the transfer effect. (5) Evidently, the transfer effect
depends on the money growth rate and the difference between the real
balances held by the two types.
Below, we will establish sufficient conditions under which the H
types hold more money than the L types, that is, [[bar.m].sup.H]
[greater than or equal to] [[bar.m].sup.L] will be obtained. We will
further specify conditions under which both [[bar.m].sup.H] and
[[bar.m].sup.L] monotonically decrease with z. The reason why we are
unable to obtain condition-free results is the following. On the one
hand, depending on whether the inflation tax rate is positive or
negative, one or the other type is getting a net income transfer; the
type that gets the transfer can afford to hold more money. However, the
different marginal utilities from holding money also dictate whether
they actually hold more money or not.
C. Money Growth Rate and Allocations
For analytical convenience, we assume a separable utility form
given by:
[U.sup.i](c,m) = u(c) + [v.sup.i](m); i =- L,H,
where [v.sup.i](m) [equivalent to] [[lambda].sup.i][w(m) - mw'
([m.sup.*i])], and both u and w have constant elasticity of substitution (CES) forms, [c.sup.1-1/[sigma]]/(1 - 1/[sigma]. To conform to our
assumptions made in the section "The Environment," we assume
that [[lambda].sup.H] > [[lambda].sup.L] and [m.sup.*H] [greater than
or equal to] [m.sup.*L] hold. Then, for any [??],
We are then able to show the following.
LEMMA 1. Suppose
[[lambda].sup.H] > [sup.[chi]][[lambda].sup.L], (A. 1)
where [chi] [equivalent to] [u.sub.c] ([bar.y] - (1 - [mu])(1 -
[beta])[m.sup.*L])/([u.sub.c]([bar.y] + [mu](1 - [beta])[m.sup.*L]))
> 1. Then, [[bar.m].sup.H] > [[bar].m].sup.L] for all [m.sup.*]H
> [m.sup.*]L, that is, the H types hold more money than the L types.
If [m.sup.*H] = [m.sup.*L], [[bar.m].sup.H] > [[bar.m].sup.L] [for
all] > [beta] - 1 and [[bar.m].sup.H] = [[bar.m].sup.L] at z = [beta]
- 1.
Note that the assumption [[lambda].sup.H] > [[lambda].sup.L] is
sufficient for H types to hold more money than the L types for all z
[greater than or equal to] 0; Equation (A. 1) is only required when z
[less than or equal to] 0. Intuitively, if with z [greater than or equal
to] 0, L types held higher real balances than H types, there would be a
net income transfer away from the L types. A lower income in addition to
a lower marginal utility from money would imply that they are holding
lower real balances than the H types, thus contradicting our initial
supposition. For z < 0, suppose contrary to Lemma 1 that L types hold
more money and thus receive net income transfers. Now, the income effect
and the relatively lower preference for real balances work in opposite
directions. Nevertheless, H types will hold larger real balances than L
types if Equation (A. 1) is satisfied, that is, the preference for real
balances of the H types is sufficiently larger than that of L types.
An immediate implication of Lemma 1 is the following.
The type that holds more money gets the higher consumption if and
only if there is deflation.
Further, differentiating Equations (6a) and (6b) yields
(9) (d[[bar.c].sup.L]/dz)/[mu] = -(d[[bar.c].sup.H]/dz)/(1 - [mu])
Notice first that a change in z affects income transfers between
the two types, and thus, changes in consumption have opposite signs (see
Equation 9). Lemma 1 ensures that the second term in Equation (10) is
positive. Thus, a higher z brings more (less) income transfers for the L
(H) types. The first term, on the other hand, depends on the
differential rate of change of real balances of the two types. In
general, away from the Friedman rule, it turns out that the second term
in Equation (10) dominates the first, and thus consumption of L (H)
types increases (decreases) with z. However, near the Friedman rule, as
both types adjust their real balances relatively sharply toward
satiation, the direction of consumption changes may depend on their
rates of real balance adjustment relative to each other. If these
adjustment rates are similar, the second term in Equation (10) still
dominates and consumption of L (H) types increases (decreases) with z.
However, with a specific set of parameters, we find that the difference
in money holdings responds nonmonotonically with the money growth rate;
near the Friedman rule, it rises for a while and then starts to fall
again. Then, the direction of the changes in consumption is reversed.
Thus, in order to further study changes in allocations with respect
to z, we need to first understand how real balances of both types change
with z.
LEMMA 2. At the Friedman rule, real money balances of both types
are decreasing in the money growth rate. Furthermore, suppose
(A.2) [bar.y] > [[bar.y].sup.**],
where [[bar.y].sup.**] [equivalent to] ([phi] - (1 -
[beta])/[[lambda].sup.H])[m.sup.*H], and
real money balances for both types are decreasing in the money
growth rate for all z [greater than or equal to] 0.
From Equation (5), it follows that if consumption remained the
same, real balances would simply decrease with z, a pure price effect.
However, as is clear from Equations (6a) and (6b), consumption of both
types changes with z. Moreover, Equations (6a) and (6b) imply that (1)
if the difference [bar.m].sup.H] - [[bar.m].sup.L] remained same, a
higher z will bring more (less) income for the L (H) types and (2)
[[bar.m].sup.H] - [[bar.m].sup.L] changes with z, which also impacts
their income. The two income effects of z may combine or oppose each
other but, in general, the first component dominates. As a result, as z
increases, the total income of H (L) types decreases (increases). Thus,
for H types, a higher z not only increases the opportunity cost of money
but also decreases their income. As a result, [[bar.m].sup.H] is
decreasing in z. On the other hand, the income of L types is increasing
in z. Assumption (A.2) ensures that the income effect is dominated by
the price effect of a higher z. (6) Thus, [[bar.m].sup.L] is also
decreasing in z. (7)
We reiterate that Assumptions (A.1) and (A.2) are sufficient but
not necessary.
In this section, we first show that for a general class of MIUF
models, it is never the case that the Friedman rule is optimal for both
types of agents. To verify whether this result holds under model
specifications in which monetary policy has an output effect, we then
study a cash-in-advance economy with production.
A. One Type Always Dislikes the Friedman Rule
We start by proving that for all the utility functions that
incorporate satiation, the Friedman rule is disliked by one type. The
marginal rate of substitution between consumption and real balances is
given by Equation (5), which is repeated below for convenience:
(5) [U.sup.i.sub.m]([[bar.c].sup.i],
[[bar.m].sup.i])/[U.sup.i.sub.c]([[bar.c].sup.i], [[bar.m].sup.i]) = 1 -
[beta]/(1 + z) [equivalent to] [pi](z). (5)
Note that by assumption, [U.sup.L.sub.m]([[bar.c].sup.L],
[m.sup.*L]) = [U.sup.H.sub.m]([[bar.c].sup.H], [m.sup.*H]) = 0.
Therefore, at the Friedman rule, [[bar.m].sup.i] = [m.sup.*i].
The analysis in Section II implies that the equilibrium
steady-state utilities of agents can be expressed as function of the
money growth rate z. Further, using Equation (5), it follows that
Notice that the first term within brackets represents the transfer
effect of changes in z, while the second term denotes its rate-of-return
effect. Since real balances are decreasing in z, the rate-of-return
effect hurts both types when z is increased. Note from Equation (5) that
at the Friedman rule, the second term in Equation (11) vanishes. Thus,
at the Friedman rule, a change in utility takes place solely through a
change in consumption. From Equation (9), we know that the change in
consumption for the two types has opposite signs. Thus, using Equation
(9), it follows that
(12) d[W.sup.L]/dz = - ([U.sup.L.sub.c]/[U.sup.H.sub.c]) x ([mu]/(1
- [mu]))d[W.sup.H]/dz.
Hence, increasing z at the Friedman rule is always a local
improvement for one type of agents. With homogeneous agents, at the
Friedman rule all agents are satiated with real balances; the envelope
theorem implies that a small increase in money growth will have at most
a second-order impact on utility through the familiar inflation tax
channel. When the two agent types hold different levels of real
balances, this change in the rate of money growth has first-order
distributional effects. But these distributional effects are necessarily
zero-sum: one type of agent benefits at the expense of the other. We
summarize the above discussion in the following proposition.
PROPOSITION 1. Given our assumptions, the Friedman rule is always
(locally) disliked by one type.
Notice that at the Friedman rule, both types are optimally satiated
with real balances. Hence, a small change in z (engineered via changes
in real balances) has no rate-of-return effect on their welfare.
However, changes in real balances do affect net transfers between
agents; indeed, Equation (11) makes clear that the direct rate-of-return
effect of an increase in z is washed out, leaving only the indirect
transfer effect. As Equation (12) highlights, the transfer effect hurts
one and benefits the other; as such, it can never be that, locally near
the Friedman rule, both types will want money growth rates unchanged.
Recall from Equations (6a) and (6b) that the transfer effect depends on
the gap between real balances held by the two types. If this gap shrinks
as z increases, net transfer to (from) H (L) types decreases. In that
case, L (H) types will be made better (worse) off by a local deviation
in z. On the other hand, if the aforementioned gap widens, net transfers
will depend on changes in the product (z/(1 + z))([[bar.m].sup.H] -
[[bar.m].sup.L]), which in turn will depend on the preference
specification. Nevertheless, the change will hurt one type at the cost
of the other. (8)
The following Lemma 3 establishes necessary and sufficient
conditions to identify the agent type that would benefit from a marginal
increase in z at the Friedman rule.
LEMMA 3. Given agents' preferences, L (H) types will prefer an
increase in z at the Friedman rule, if and only if
where [c.sup.*L] and [c.sup.*H] denote consumptions of L type and H
type, respectively, at the Friedman rule.
We can explain the condition (13) as follows. Suppose z is
increased infinitesimally at the Friedman rule. Then, there will be a
change in the net transfer between the two types attributable to two
effects: (a) a change in inflation tax rate z/(1 + z) and (b) a change
in the difference between the real balances of the two types
[[bar.m].sup.H] - [[bar.m].sup.L]. Increasing z reduces z/(1 + z) in
absolute value and thus reduces (increases) transfers to the H (L)
types. However, if the difference between real balances widens, that is,
d[m.sup.H]/dz - d[m.sup.L]/dz > 0, then H (L) types are better
(worse) off by a larger transfer. The right-hand side (RHS) of condition
(13) in Lemma 3 represents the tax rate effect, while the left-hand side (LHS) represents the effect of changes in real balances. If the widening
of real balances dominates the tax rate change, the H (L) types will
(will not) prefer a deviation from the Friedman rule. The situation is
reversed if the widening of real balances is smaller or if it shrinks
instead, that is, d[m.sup.H] / dz - d[m.sup.L] / dz < 0.
It is instructive to work through a special case. To that end,
start by assuming that [m.sup.*H] = [m.sup.*L] holds; then it is obvious
that [c.sup.*L] = [c.sup.*H] holds. In this case, notice that condition
(13) in Lemma 3 reduces to
(14) 1/([[lambda].sup.H][w.sub.mm]([m.sup.*H)) -
1/([[lambda].sup.L][w.sub.mm]([m.sup.*L])) < ( > )0.
Since [[lambda].sup.H] > [[lambda].sup.L] and [w.sub.mm] < 0
holds, Equation (14) implies that the L types like the Friedman rule,
but the H types would prefer a higher money growth rate. (9) Thus, in
this case, even the H types (who always hold higher real balances
relative to L types and, with z < 0, are the net receivers of income)
dislike the Friedman rule. This can happen because of the following
reason. Notice that while the Friedman rule obtains the agents a
satiation level of real balances, it does not maximize their income from
net transfers. Now as z rises, faced with a positive opportunity cost,
both types reduce their real balances. However, the decrease in L
types' real balances is sharper relative to that of the H types.
Thus, with a marginal increase in z, the H types can obtain bigger
transfers (which to them have a positive worth in terms of marginal
utility of consumption), whereas losing real balances at the margin is
costless to them since they are already satiated with real balances.
The same logic implies that L types will not prefer a local
deviation from the Friedman rule. Note, however, that it is not clear
from the above condition if the Friedman rule is globally preferred by L
types. Finally, suppose that the condition stated in Lemma 3 holds in a
way such that L types prefer a higher money growth rate than the
Friedman rule. Again, even though now the H types do not prefer a local
increase in z, it is not clear if the Friedman rule maximizes their
The above discussion raises two key policy questions. First, what
are the most preferred type-specific money growth rules? And, more
importantly, what is the socially optimal money growth rate? While the
answer to the first question is postponed until Section V, the socially
optimal level of z is studied next in Section IV.
B. Models in Which Superneutrality Fails
Is Proposition 1 simply an artifact of the assumptions in the model
that yields superneutrality? If changes in the money growth rate distort
output, do our results disappear? Below, we first present a simple
extension of our model that adds a labor-leisure choice and which
reaffirms the results stated in Proposition 1. Next, we contrast our
results with a cash-in-advance set-up where monetary growth additionally
creates an intertemporal price distortion that depresses output. Both
extensions prove that the presence of superneutrality is not needed for
the flavor of Proposition 1 to survive.
MIUF with labor-leisure choice. Here, each agent has a unit of time
that it can divide between labor and leisure. Let agents' momentary
utility be given by [U.sup.i](c, l, m), and let each type have access to
an identical production technology described by f(l), where f has the
standard properties of a production function. It is straightforward to
show that the marginal rate of substitution between consumption and
labor is given by
(15) -[U.sup.i.sub.l]/[U.sup.i.sub.c] = [f.sub.i]([l.sup.i]).
Now that each agent's output is given by f([l.sup.i]), using
Equations (6a) and (6b), their consumption is given by:
[[bar.c].sup.L] = f([[bar.l].sup.L]) + (z/(1 + z)) [mu](
[[bar.m].sup.H] - [[bar.m].sup.L]), [[bar.c].sup.H] = f([[bar.l].sup.H])
- (z/l + z)) [mu] ([[bar.m].sup.H] - [[bar.m].sup.L]).
As before, each agent's allocations and utility can be
implicitly expressed as a function of z. Differentiating the L
types' utility with respect to z yields
which using Equation (15) reduces to:
d[U.sub.L]/dz = [U.sup.L.sub.c](d[[mu](z/(1 + z))([m.sup.H] -
[[bar.m].sup.L])]/dz) + [U.sup.L.sub.m](d[[bar.m].sup.L]/dz).
Again, the second term in the above equation vanishes at the
Friedman rule. Combining the above with a similar equation for the H
types replicates Equation (12).
As discussed above, the envelope theorem applies when considering
small departures from the Friedman rule. Whether this means that the
marginal utility of real money balances equals zero or that the marginal
rate of substitution (MRS) between consumption and leisure equals the
marginal product of labor at the Friedman rule is not crucial; either
way, the fact that these efficiency conditions hold implies that the
allocative effects of a small departure from the Friedman rule will have
at most a second-order impact on welfare.
A cash-in-advance economy. The agents' heterogeneity now stems
from their differential abilities to produce and therefore accumulate
unequal real balances from the sale of their produce. Here, both types
of agents have identical preferences in consumption (c) and leisure (1 -
l), represented by a standard utility function u(c, 1 - l). Agents
produce consumption goods by using the following technology
(16) [y.sup.i] = [[alpha].sup.i] f ([l.sup.i]), [[alpha].sup.H]
> [[alpha].sup.L], f' > 0.
As is standard in these models, we assume that a household consists
of a shopper-seller pair, who separate at the beginning of each period
and then reunite in the end. While the seller works at the mill and
sells the output, the shopper goes to the mills (other than her own)
with cash to purchase goods. Note that the money accumulated through
sales can only be used for purchases during the next period. Thus, once
the inflation is taken into account, a unit of labor that earns
[[alpha].sup.i]f'([l.sup.i]) units of goods today is worth only
[[alpha].sup.i]f'([l.sup.i])/(1 + z) units tomorrow. At the
optimum, an agent is indifferent between enjoying a unit of leisure
today or working in the market and consuming [[alpha].sup.i]f'
([l.sup.i])/(1 + z) units of goods tomorrow. Thus, a household's
optimal labor-leisure choice is given by:
(17) -[u.sup.i.sub.l] =
[beta][u.sup.i.sub.c][[alpha].sup.i]f'([l.sup.i])/(1 + z),
where [u.sup.i.sub.j] [equivalent for] [u.sup.j]([[bar.c].sup.i],
[[bar.l].sup.i]) Alternatively, Equation (17) equates the marginal rate
of substitution between consumption and leisure
[u.sup.i.sub.l]/[u.sup.i.sub.c] to its marginal rate of transformation
[[alpha].sub.i]f' ([l.sup.i]) discounted by the gross nominal
interest rate (1 + z)[[beta].sup.-1]. Were the labor earnings consumed
during the same period, the relative price of earnings to consumption
would identically equal 1. Thus, the cash-in-advance constraint lowers
the price of earnings relative to consumption by 1 - [beta]/(1 + z),
which discourages work relative to the case in which earnings are
consumed contemporaneously.
Further, in the steady state, agents' consumption is given by
(see Equations 42a and 42b in Appendix E)
(18a) [[bar.c].sup.L] = [[alpha].sup.L]f([[bar.l].sup.L]) + (z/(1 +
z))[mu]([[bar.m].sup.H] - [[bar.m].sup.L]),
(18b) [[bar.c].sup.H] = [[alpha].sup.H]f([[bar.l].sup.H]) -(z/(1 +
z))(1 - [mu])([[bar.m].sup.H] - [[sub.m]L).
Observe that the terms in the above expressions are identical to
those in Equations (6a) and (6b), except that agents' output now
depends on their optimal choice of labor which in turn depends on the
money growth rate z.
Once again, agents' steady-state utilities can be expressed as
functions of z. Then,
d[u.sup.i] / dz = [u.sup.i.sub.c] (d[[bar.c].sup.i] / dz) +
[u.sup.i.sub.l] (d[[bar.l].sup.i] / dz),
which, using Equations (17)-(18b), yields
Notice that the first term on the RHS of Equation (19) captures the
rate-of-return effect, while the second term represents the transfer
effect. As discussed above, the rate-of-return effect now stems from the
intertemporal price wedge introduced by the cash-in-advance constraint.
Under some mild restrictions on preferences, it can be shown that a
higher rate of inflation z discourages work. (10) Then, as in our MIUF
version, the rate-of-return effect implies that both types are hurt by
an increase in z, while the net transfer effect benefits one type at the
cost of the other.
Notice also that the intertemporal price wedge 1 - [beta]/(1 + z),
and thus the rate-of-return effect, vanishes at the Friedman rule. The
change in welfare can be attributed solely to the transfers, and once
again, the result is identical to Equation (12) obtained for the MIUF
version, that is,
d[W.sup.L]/dz = -([u.sup.L.sub.c]/[u.sup.H.sub.c])([mu]/(1 -
Thus, as before, one type dislikes the Friedman rule.
The preceding analysis showed that precisely one type of agents
will prefer a local deviation from the Friedman rule. That is, the
type-specific welfare of one of the types is not maximized at the
Friedman rule money growth rate. Is the Friedman rule "socially
optimal" in this case? In order to answer this question, we first
define social welfare W as a population-weighted sum of type-specific
utilities. Formally:
W [equivalent to] (1 - [mu])[W.sup.L] + [mu][W.sup.H],
where [W.sup.H] and [W.sup.L] are as given by Equation (1). A
benevolent central bank chooses z to maximize W (where [??] [equivalent
to] arg [max.sup.z] W), that is, pick the z that solves d W/dz [greater
than or equal to] 0. (11)
When is the Friedman Rule Socially Optimal?
Differentiating W with respect to z and using Equation (12) it can
be shown that at the Friedman rule, that is, at [z.sup.FR] [equivalent
to] [beta] - 1,
dW/dz|[sub.z]FR = [mu](d[u.sup.H]/dz) + (1 - [mu])(d[u.sup.L]/dz) =
(1 - [mu])(1 - [u.sup.H.sub.c]/[u.sup.L.sub.c])(d[u.sup.L]/dz)
holds. Notice that
If [m.sup.*H] = [m.sup.*L] holds, then [[bar.c].sup.H] =
[[bar.c].sup.L] and [u.sup.L.sub.c] = [u.sup.H.sub.c] holds; here, the
Friedman rule is also globally optimal as it allocates consumption
efficiently while simultaneously allowing both types to hold their
satiation level of real balances. On the other hand, if [m.sup.*H] >
[m.sup.*L], at the Friedman rule, [[bar.c].sup.H] > [[bar.c].sup.L]
and thus [u.sup.L.sub.c] > [u.sup.H.sub.c]. The following proposition
is then immediate from an examination of Equation (20).
PROPOSITION 2. If [m.sup.*H] > [m.sup.*L], the Friedman rule is
socially optimal only if the L types do not prefer a higher money growth
Proposition 2 states that for the Friedman rule to be socially
optimal, it is necessary that the L types locally like it. Conversely,
it is implied that the Friedman rule cannot be socially optimal if
increasing z yields a higher utility for the L types. At the Friedman
rule, all agents are optimally satiated with real balances. Therefore, a
marginal increase in z which cause real balance holdings to decline
marginally is costless in terms of lost marginal utility. However, since
[m.sup.*H] > [m.sup.*L], at the Friedman rule, [[bar.c].sup.H] >
[[bar.c].sup.L] (see Equation 8), and therefore, the L types value a
unit of consumption more than the H types do. So it is efficient to
redistribute some income from the H to the L types in order to allocate
consumption more efficiently. This would make the L types better off and
render the Friedman rule socially suboptimal.
On the other hand, if L types prefer the Friedman rule to any
marginal increase, then dW / dz|[sup.z]FR < 0. But, it does not
ensure that the Friedman rule is also globally optimal. In Section V, we
show that even when the L types prefer the Friedman rule locally, their
type-specific optimal choice may turn out to be z > 0. Arguably,
under such a scenario, a social planner may choose a [??] > [beta] -
A. Can a Positive Money Growth Rate Ever Be Socially Optimal?
Clearly, if the L types do not like the Friedman rule, the
planner's choice is [??] > [beta] - 1. Even otherwise, the
planner may choose [??] > [beta] - 1. But can [??] ever be positive?
The following proposition asserts that [??] must be negative.
PROPOSITION 3. The socially optimal money growth rate is negative,
that is, [beta] - 1 [less than or equal to] [??] < 0.
The intuition behind Proposition 3 is quite straightforward. By
choosing z > 0, the planner imposes a needless opportunity cost on
all agents' stock of real balances; additionally, as argued above,
by making [[bar.c].sup.H] < [[bar.c].sup.L], the planner engineers an
inefficient income redistribution. If the money supply is constant, that
is, z = 0, there is no income redistribution and [[bar.c].sup.H] =
[[bar.c].sup.L]. The marginal social cost of reallocating consumption at
z = 0 is essentially zero. Thus, both types can gain by holding
marginally higher real balances; this can be achieved by marginally
cutting z from z = 0.
Thus far, we have argued that the Friedman rule ceases to remain
unambiguously optimal once the standard representative-agent paradigm is
replaced with an environment with heterogeneous agents. Proposition 3,
however, makes clear that the latter environment does not go so far as
to justify an expansionary monetary policy.
We go on to study the question: which money growth rate is globally
liked by each type? In particular, is it possible that both types would
like money growth rates that are higher than that implied by the
Friedman rule? Can they each prefer positive money growth rates? Our
analysis below shows that the type-specific welfare-maximizing values of
z for both types, denoted as [[??].sup.L] and [[??].sup.H] crucially
depend on their relative preference for real balances, particularly the
money demand elasticities.
First, we specialize to a special functional form first popularized
by Greenwood, Hercowitz, and Huffman (1988). Let utility be defined as
(21) [U.sup.i]([c.sup.i], [m.sup.i]) = u[[c.sup.i] +
[[lambda].sup.i](ln [m.sup.i] - [m.sup.i]/[m.sup.*i])]; i [equivalent
to] H, L, [[lambda].sup.H] > [[lambda].sup.L]. (21)
We choose this form for two reasons. First, it enables us to make
analytical progress and compute a closed-form solution for the optimal z
that is liked by each type. Second, it differentiates between the
rate-of-return and transfer effects with changes in z more sharply. Note
that the basic dispute between the two types over the choice of z arises
from the fact that their unequal real balances lead to unequal net
transfers from the government, which in turn generates income effects
for both the types. With a more general utility form, the income effect
will affect agents' real balances as well as consumption. With
Equation (21), real balances are insulated from the income effect and
the changes in income are completely absorbed by the changes in
consumption. As a result, the choice of real balances solely depends on
the rate of money growth z.
Using Equation (5), the optimal demand for real balances is given
(22) [[bar.m].sup.i] = 1/([pi](z)/[[lambda].sup.i] + 1/[m.sup.*i])
= [m.sup.*i]/(1 + [pi](z)[m.sup.*i]/[[lambda].sup.i]),
where [pi](z) [equivalent] 1 - [beta]/(1 + z). It is clear from
Equation (22) that both types are satiated with real balances at the
Friedman rule. Further, real balances of both types decrease as the
money growth rate is raised implying that the flavor of Lemma 1
continues to hold.
We maintain our assumption that [m.sup.*H] [greater than or equal
to] [m.sup.*L] and [[lambda].sup.H] > [[lambda].sup.L] hold. In
addition, if we further assume that
(A.3) [[lambda].sup.H]/[[lambda].sup.L] [greater than or equal to]
holds, then as evident from Equation (22), a stronger version of
the result in Lemma 2 also holds; indeed, under Equation (A.3), the H
type's preference for real balances is uniformly stronger than the
L type at all z. Both '=' and '>' in the above
assumption are studied below.
B. Equal Elasticities of Money Demand
We further assume that the money demand elasticities of the two
types with respect to z, denoted as [MATHEMATICAL EXPRESSION NOT
REPRODUCIBLE IN ASCII], are equal. (12) First, note that
where [k.sup.i] [equivalent to] [m.sup.*i]/[[lambda].sup.i]. Then,
for the money demand elasticities of the two types to be equal, it is
required that
(24)[m.sup.*i] /[[lambda].sup.i] = [[kappa].sup.i] = [kappa], [for
holds. Further, notice that since [[lambda].sup.H] >
[[lambda].sup.L] holds, it is implied that [m.sup.*H] > [m.sup.*L].
It directly follows from Equation (22) that
(25) [[bar.m].sup.H] - [[bar.m].sup.L] = ([m.sup.*H] -
[m.sup.*L])/(1 + [kappa][pi](z)).
From Equation (25), it is obvious that [[bar.m].sup.H] -
[[bar.m].sup.L] increases as money growth rate is lowered. In
particular, this difference peaks at the Friedman rule.
Note from Equation (6b) that the net transfer to H types, which
equals -(1 - [mu])(z/ (1 + z))([m.sup.*H] - [m.sup.*L])/(1 +
[kappa][pi](z)), is positive when z < 0. A simple differentiation
verifies that these transfers decrease as z increases. Clearly, at the
Friedman rule, the H types enjoy the maximum consumption feasible at any
z [greater than or equal to] [beta] - 1, in addition to satiating
themselves with real balances. Thus, the Friedman rule is the best rule
for the H types, that is, [[??].sup.H] = [beta] - 1.
The net transfer to the L types, on the other hand, is negative as
long as z is negative. However, they do enjoy the benefits of a lower
inflation by holding a higher stock of real balances. The optimal z for
them, thus, depends on the trade-off between these two effects. At the
Friedman rule, the rate-of-return effect vanishes as discussed in
Section III. However, both the seigniorage tax rate z/(1 + z) and the
difference between the real balances of the two types [[bar.m].sup.H] -
[[bar.m].sup.L] decrease in absolute value at the Friedman rule, as z is
increased. Thus, L types would benefit from an increase in the money
growth rate as the absolute value of net transfers from them decreases.
Then, the question is what is the optimal money growth rate for the L
types? In particular, is a positive z ever optimal for them? To compute
[[??].sup.L], we first obtain the consumption of L types by substituting
Equation (25) in Equation (6a):
(26) [[bar.c].sup.L] = [bar.y] + [mu](z/(1 + z))([m.sup.*H] -
[m.sup.*L])/ (1 + [kappa][pi](z)). (26)
Thus, [[??].sup.L] is obtained by maximizing L types' utility,
that is, as a solution to
d[u.sup.L]/dz = ([u.sup.L])'[d{[[bar.c].sup.L] +
[[lambda].sup.L](ln [[bar.m].sup.L] - [[bar.m].sup.L] / [m.sup.*L])} /
dz] = 0.
Substituting Equations (22) and (26) into the above equation
implies that [[??].sup.L] solves
where [pi]'(z) = [beta][(1/(1 + z)).sup.2]. The above equation
simply states that at the optimum, the marginal cost of raising z in
terms of its rate-of-return effect equals the marginal benefit of a
higher z in terms of its transfer effect. Some algebra yields
(27) [[??].sup.L] = [[beta].sup.2][m.sup.*L/([beta][m.sup.*L] -
[mu]([m.sup.*H] - [m.sup.*L]) x ((1 - [beta]) + 1/[kappa])) - 1.
The following lemma establishes the necessary and sufficient
conditions which determine when [[??].sup.L] is positive.
LEMMA 4. The L types prefer a positive money growth rate if and
only if
[m.sup.*H]/[m.sup.*L] > 1 + [beta](1 + 1/((1 -
The higher the ratio [m.sup.*H]/[m.sup.*L] and higher the fraction
of H types in the population, [mu], the higher is the transfer to the L
types under a positive money growth rate. Then, it may be optimal for
the L types to sacrifice utility from real balances in favor of higher
income transfers. As an example, for [beta] = 0.96, [mu] = 0.5,
[[lambda].sup.h] = 1, [[lambda] = 0.1, [m.sup.*H] = 100, and [m.sup.*L]
= 10, the above condition is satisfied. Substituting these values in
Equation (27) yields an optimal value [[??].sup.L] = 0.2539.
It is not possible to make any analytical progress toward the issue
of globally optimal z, even using a logarithmic functional form. Below,
we will present the results of a numerical exercise that will shed light
on the questions that motivated this section. For the example below, we
set [bar.y] = 2.28, [beta] = 0.96, and [mu] = 0.5.
EXAMPLE 1 (Logarithmic utility). Suppose [u.sup.i]([[bar.c].sup.i],
[[bar.m].sup.i]) = ln [[bar.c].sup.i] + [[lambda].sup.i](ln
[[bar.m].sup.i] - [[bar.m].sup.i]/[m.sup.*i]) where [[lambda].sup.H] = 1
> [[lambda].sup.L] = 0.1. Assume [m.sup.*H] = 100 and [m.sup.*L] =
10. Then, as illustrated below in Figure 1, the L types like a positive
value of z, while the H types like the Friedman rule.
The exact story as told by this example is fairly robust to
numerous changes in the parametric specifications.
C. Unequal Elasticities
In this section, we show that it is possible that neither type
likes the Friedman rule. For this purpose, we drop the Assumption (24)
and allow the elasticities of money demand to be unequal across the two
types. In particular, we assume that
(28) [m.sup.*H]/[[lambda].sup.H] = [[kappa].sup.H] <
[m.sup.*L]/[[lambda].sup.L] = [[lambda].sup.L].
For simplicity, we assume that the satiation level of real balances
is same for both the types, that is, [m.sup.*H] = [m.sup.*L] =
[m.sup.*]. However, we maintain our earlier assumption that
[[lambda].sup.H] > [[lambda].sup.L].(13) Thus, Equation (22) can be
rewritten as:
(29) [[bar.m].sup.i] = [m.sup.*]/(1 + [[kappa].sup.i][pi](z)).
Thus, [[bar.m].sup.H] > [[bar.m].sup.L] for all z > [beta] -
1. Assumption (28) implies that close to the Friedman rule, the
elasticity of money demand for the L types exceeds that of the H types.
Indeed, note that
Thus, our assumptions on preferences essentially imply that
although the H types always hold a higher stock of real balances
relative to the L types, the closer is the z to the Friedman rule, the
faster is the rate of adjustment of real balances (to changes in z) of
the L types relative to the H types.
Next, using Equations (6a) and (6b) with Equation (29), the
steady-state consumptions can be rewritten as:
(30) [[bar.c]sup.L] = [bar.y] + [mu][m.sup.*](z/(1 + z))[1/(1 +
[[kappa].sup.H][pi](z)) - 1/(l + [[kappa].sup.L][pi](z))], (30)
(31) [[bar.c].sup.H] = [bar.y] - (1 - [mu])[m.sup.I](z/(1 + z)) x
[1/(1 + [[kappa].sup.H][pi](z)) - 1/(1 + [[kappa].sup.L][pi](z))].
We know from Equation (12) that one of the types would benefit if
the central bank deviates from the Friedman rule. The following lemma
clarifies that it is now the H types that dislike the Friedman rule.
Indeed, as we show below, it is even possible for both types to disfavor
the Friedman rule.
LEMMA 5. The Friedman rule is disliked by the H types; they would
prefer a positive nominal interest rate. However, [[??].sup.H] [member
of] ([beta] - 1, 0).
The result that [[??].sup.H] > [beta] - 1 has the following
intuition. Recall from Equation (6b) that the net transfer to the H
types depends on the gap between real balances of the two types.
Although this gap is always positive, it may shrink or widen as z is
decreased depending on the relative elasticities of the two types at any
given z. Since the L types have a relatively higher elasticity of money
demand close to the Friedman rule, the gap shrinks as z gets closer to
the Friedman rule. Thus, it turns out that the net transfer to the H
types becomes smaller as z gets closer to the Friedman rule. As the
rate-of-return effect vanishes at the Friedman rule, [[??].sup.H] >
[beta] - 1. On the other hand, it is clear that [[??].sup.H] < 0. At
such a money growth rate, the H types gain on both dimensions: they
receive positive net transfers from the L types and also benefit from
the rate-of-return effect.
Also from Equation (12), it is clear that the L types would dislike
a small deviation from the Friedman rule; hence, the L types like the
Friedman rule locally. It remains to be checked whether the Friedman
rule is also their global optimum. Below, we show that under certain
parameter restrictions, the L types will be better off at some z >
[beta] - 1.
The following lemma asserts that [[??].sup.L] either equals
[z.sup.FR] or is positive. In addition, it establishes sufficient
conditions when [[??].sup.L] > 0.
LEMMA 6. z [member of] ([beta] - 1,0) can never be optimal for the
L types. Furthermore, if [[lambda].sup.H] >> [[lambda].sup.L],
that is, if the preference of H types for real balances is sufficiently
stronger than for the L types, [[??].sup.L] > 0 holds.
The intuition behind this result is straightforward. At the
Friedman rule, not only the L types consume their total endowment but
also they satiate themselves with real balances. The only way they can
be induced to like any other z is if there is a net income and
consumption gain that compensates for them for their resultant loss of
real balances. When [[lambda].sup.H] is sufficiently large, the H type
will hold a sufficiently large amount of money even when z > 0. As a
result, at some z > 0, L types receive a level of net transfers that
gives them a higher welfare than that available at [z.sup.FR]. We
collect the punch line of the above discussion in the next proposition.
PROPOSITION 4. If [[lambda].sup.H] >> [[lambda].sup.L], both
types dislike the Friedman rule.
Following the derivation in Appendix G, assume [m.sup.*] = e,
[[lambda].sup.L] = 0.1. Then, for any [[lambda].sup.H] > 0.7699 even
though the L types dislike a local increase in z at the Friedman rule,
their global optimum now is [[??].sup.L] = 0.25.
By construction, monetary policy cannot have redistributive effects
in representative-agent models. Yet, these effects are known to be
quantitatively significant and important (see, e.g., Erosa and Ventura
2002). The purpose of this paper is to examine whether optimal monetary
policy is sensitive to heterogeneity. The punch line is that the
Friedman rule ceases to remain unambiguously optimal once the standard
representative-agent paradigm is replaced with an environment with
heterogeneous agents.
We develop a model economy in which the equilibrium distribution of
money holdings is nondegenerate. The analysis essentially plays off the
two effects of an increase in the money growth rate. There is the
rate-of-return effect which causes both types to reduce their money
holdings in the face of a higher opportunity cost. In the absence of
type-specific taxes and transfers, a transfer/redistributive effect
emerges. For example, in the case of positive money growth rates, the
type that holds more money contributes more to seigniorage than the
other type but receives the same transfer, in effect causing a
redistribution of income from the former to the latter.
The possible benefits of a net transfer of income may easily
overwhelm the negative rate-of-return effect for some types of agents.
In that case, an increase in the money growth rate may even be welfare
enhancing for some. Much depends on the rate at which each type adjusts
their money balances in response to an increase in the money growth
rate. We show that at least one of the types always dislikes the
Friedman rule (locally). We go on to show that if the type that holds
more money dislikes the Friedman rule locally, their welfare is never
maximized globally at a nonnegative money growth rate. Interestingly, it
is possible for everyone to prefer positive nominal interest rates over
Friedman's zero-nominal-interest-rate prescription. In terms of the
question posed by the title of this paper, the answer may be that
everyone is "afraid" of the Friedman rule.
We also show that societal welfare, defined as the
population-weighted aggregate welfare of both types in our model, is
almost never maximized at the Friedman rule. However, our environment
with heterogeneous agents does not go so far as to justify an
expansionary monetary policy. The upshot is that unlike in models with
representative agents, here the prescription for "optimal"
monetary policy depends on whether welfare of the individual or that of
society is being maximized. In this context, our analysis highlights
some crucial components of the inevitable political economy dimensions
of the larger question of the optimal monetary policy.
CES: Constant Elasticity of Substitution
LHS: Left-Hand Side
MIUF: Money-in-the-Utility Function
MRS: Marginal Rate of Substitution
RHS: Right-Hand Side
A. Proof of Lemma 1: [[bar.m].sup.H] > [[bar.m].sup.L]
First, for z > 0, we prove that [[bar.m].sup.H] >
[[bar.m].sup.L] by contradiction. Choose any z > 0. Suppose
[[bar.m].sup.L] [greater than or equal to] [[bar.m].sup.H]. Then, it
follows from Equation (7) that ([[lambda].sup.H]/[[lambda].sup.L])
(w'([[bar.m].sup.H]) - w'
([m.sup.*H]))/(w'([[bar.m].sup.L]) - w'([m.sup.*L])) > 1.
Then, from Equation (5), [u.sub.c]( [[bar.c].sup.H])/[u.sub.c](
[[bar.c].sup.L])>l which in turn implies [[bar.c].sup.L] >
[[bar.c].sup.H]. But, given Equations (6a) and (6b), this violates our
assumption. Hence, [[bar.m].sup.H] > [[bar.m].sup.L] for all z >
Now, choose any z < 0. A sufficient condition for
[[bar.m].sup.L] < [[bar.m].sup.H] is that (w'([[bar.m].sup.L]) -
w'([m.sup.*L]))/(w'([[bar.m].sup.H]) - w'
([m.sup.*H]))> 1. Since from Equation (5) ([[lambda].sup.L]/
[[lambda].sup.H])(w' ([[bar.m].sup.L]) - w'
([m.sup.*L]))/(w' ([[bar.m].sup.H]) - w' ([m.sup.*H])) =
[u.sub.c] ([[bar.c].sup.L])/[u.sub.c]( [[bar.c].sup.H]), we need to show
that ([[lambda].sup.H]/[[lambda].sup.L])[u.sub.c]([[bar.c].sup.L])/
[u.sub.c]([[bar.c].sup.H]) > 1 holds. Notice that for all z >
[beta] - 1, an upper bound for the consumption of L types is [bar.y] +
[mu](1 - [beta])[m.sup.*L]. Similarly, a lower bound for the consumption
of the H types is [bar.y] - (1 - [mu])(1 - [beta])[m.sup.*L]. Then, a
lower bound for ([[lambda].sup.H]/[[lambda].sup.L])[u.sub.c]
([[bar.c].sup.L])/[u.sub.c]([[bar.c].sup.H]) equals
([[lambda].sup.H]/[[lambda].sup.L])[u.sub.c]([bar.y] + [mu](1 - [beta])
[m.sup.*L])/[u.sub.c]([bar.y] - (1 - [mu])(1 - [beta])[m.sup.*L]). Thus,
a sufficient condition for [[bar.m].sup.L] < [[bar.m].sup.H] is
[[lambda].sup.H] > [sup.[chi][[lambda].sup.L],
where [chi] [equivalent to] [u.sub.c] ([bar.y] - (1 - [mu])(1 -
[beta]) [m.sup.*L])/[u.sub.c]([bar.y] + [mu](1 - [beta])[m.sup.*L]) >
1. Finally, note that when [m.sup.*H] = [m.sup.*L], [[bar.m].sup.H] =
[[bar.m].sup.L] holds at the Friedman rule trivially.
B. Proof of Lemma 2: d[[bar.m].sup.L]/dz, d[[bar.m].sup.H]/dz [less
than or equal to]
As we have assumed that the consumption utility has a CES form, let
u(c) = ([c.sup.1-1/[sigma] - 1/(1 - 1)/[sigma]),where [sigma] is the
intertemporal elasticity of substitution and [sigma] = 1 represents the
logarithmic case. Note that Equations (5)-(6b) simultaneously determine
consumption and real money balances in steady state for type-i agents.
Totally differentiating them together yields
where Z [equivalent to] 1/(1 + z). Note that [u.sup.i.sub.c]
[equivalent to] [u.sub.c]([[bar.c].sup.i]) and [u.sup.i.sub.cc]
[equivalent to] [u.sub.c]([[bar.c].sup.i]). (14) Using Kramer's
rule and after some algebra, we obtain
where [DELTA] [equivalent to] ([v.sup.H.sub.mm]/[u.sup.H.sub.c])
([v.sup.L.sub.mm]/[u.sup.L.sub.c]) -
[sigma][[mu]([v.sup.H.sub.mm]/[u.sup.H.sub.c])/[[bar.c].sup.L] + (1 -
[mu]) ([v.sup.L.sub.mm]/[u.sup.L.sub.c])/[[bar.c].sup.H]]Z[pi](z).
Below, we evaluate the above derivatives for z [greater than or equal
to] 0, z = [beta] - 1 and z [member of] ([beta] - 1.0) in three steps:
step i: z [greater than or equal to] 0. Note first that
d[m.sup.H]/dz < 0, since all terms on the numerators are negative,
while all in the denominator are positive. However, a sufficient
condition for d[m.sup.L]/dz < 0 is
1 - [mu]([sigma]/[beta])(([[bar.m].sup.H] -
[[bar.m].sup.L])/[[bar.c].sup.L])[pi](z) > 0.
The above inequality holds if
[c.sup.L = [bar.y] + [mu]Z([[bar.m].sup.H] - [[bar.m].sup.L]) >
[mu]([sigma]/[beta])([[bar.m].sup.H] - [[bar.m].sup.L])[pi](z), i.e.,
[bar.y] > [mu]([[bar.m].sup.H] - [[bar.m].sup.L]) (([sigma]/
[beta])[pi](z) - Z).
As d[m.sup.H]/dz < 0, an upper bound for the RHS equals
[max.sub.z[greater than or equal to]0] {(([sigma]/[beta])[pi](z) - Z)}
[mu][[bar.m].sup.H]|sub.z=0]. Thus, a sufficient condition for
d[m.sup.L]/dz<0 is that [bar.y]>[phi][[bar.m].sup.H]|[sub.z=0],
where [phi] = [mu]([sigma]/[beta])(1 - [beta]) if [sigma] < 1, [phi]
= [mu] (([[sigma]/[beta]) - 1) if [sigma] > 1. Note that
[[bar.m].sup.H]|[sub.z=0] = [[lambda].sup.H][bar.y] [m.sup.*H]/((1 -
[beta])[m.sup.*H] + [[lambda].sup.H][bar.y]). Hence,
[bar.y] > [[bar.y].sup.**] [m.sup.*H] ([phi] - (1 - [beta]])/
[[lambda.sup.H]) [??] d[[bar.m].sup.L]/dz < 0,
which we have assumed in the main text.
Step II: z = [beta] - 1. Finally, at the Friedman rule z = [beta] -
1, [pi](z) = 0, and then
d[[bar.m].sup.L]/dz =
[[beta].sup.-1][u.sup.L.sub.c]/[u.sup.L.sub.mm] < 0 and
d[[bar.m].sup.H]/dz =
[[beta].sup.-1][u.sup.H.sub.c]/[u.sup.H.sub.mm] < 0.
Step III: z < 0. Then, as Z < 0. the second term in the
denominators of both Equations (32b) and (32a) is negative. However.
min{[v.sup.H.sub.mm]/[u.sup.H.sub.c], [v.sup.L.sub.mm]/
[v.sup.L.sub.mm]/[u.sup.L.sub.c]} -
[sigma][bar.y][pi](z)/([c.sup.L][c.sup.H])] > 0.
Thus. to ensure that the denominator is positive, one needs to
restricts parameters such that
max{[v.sup.H.sub.mm]/[u.sup.H.sub.c], [v.sup.L.sub.mm]/
[u.sup.L.sub.c]} < - [sigma][bar.y][pi](z)/([c.sup.L][c.sup.H])] >
With [U.sup.i](c, m) = ln c + [[lambda].sup.i](ln m - m ln
[m.sup.*i]), for example. the above reduces to
max{[[lambda].sup.H][c.sup.H]/[([[bar.m].sup.H]).sup.2]} >
[bar.y]/ [c.sup.L][c.sup.H]))[absolute value of min(Z[pi](z))].
Note that min(Z[pi](z)) = [-(1 - [beta]).sup.2]/4[beta]. For [beta]
= 0.96. thus [absolute value of min(Z[pi](z))] [??] 0.0004, which
implies that the RHS is relatively small in magnitude, and this
condition can be easily made to hold. However, this is an implicit
restriction on parameters, and the condition can at best be verified
numerically after assuming plausible parameter values. If it is made to
hold, the denominator is positive.
Similarly, as Z[pi](z) is sufficiently small, the term
[sigma][bar.y]Z[pi](z)/([c.sup.L][c.sup.H]) can be ignored in comparison
with other terms in the numerator of Equation (32b); the rest of the
terms are negative. The sum of the first and the last term in the
numerator of Equation (32a) is negative if 1 -
[mu]([sigma]/[beta])(([[bar.m].sup.H] -
[[bar.m].sup.L])/[[bar.c].sup.L]) [pi](z) > 0; a sufficient condition
is then [bar.y] > [max.sub.z[member or]([beta]-1,0])]
{(([sigma]/[beta])[pi] (z) - Z)}[mu][[bar.m].sup.*H], that is, [bar.y]
> ([mu]/[beta])(1 - [beta])[m.sup.*H] if: [sigma] < 1 and [bar.y]
> ([mu][sigma]/[beta])(1 - [beta])[m.sup.*H] if [sigma] < 1. Then,
by making [bar.y] sufficiently large, the term
[sigma][bar.y]Z[pi](z)/([c.sup.L][c.sup.H]) in the numerator of Equation
(32a) can be ignored.
C. Proof of Lemma 3
At the Friedman rule, [pi](z) = 0. Then, using Equations (32a) and
(32b), we obtain
d[[bar.m].sup.H]/dz - d[[bar.m].sup.L]/dz|[sub.[pi](z)= 0] =
[[beta].sup.-1]([u.sup.H.sub.c]/[v.sup.H.sub.mm] -
Thus, following Equations (11) and (9), a type-L (H) agent's
utility will increase (decrease) with z at the Friedman rule if and only
where, from Equations (6a) and (6b), [c.sup.*L] = [bar.y] + [mu]((1
- [beta])/[beta])([m.sup.*H] - [m.sup.*L]) and [c.sup.*H] = [bar.y] - (1
- [mu])((1 - [beta])/[beta]) ([m.sup.*H] - [m.sup.*.sub.L]).
D. Proof of Proposition 3
Differentiating the social welfare function yields
(33) dW/dz = [mu](d[W.sup.H]/dz) + (1 - [mu])(d[W.sup.L]/dz).
Using Equations (6a), (6b), and (9) in Equation (11) and
simplifying yield
From Corollary 1, we know that for any z [greater than or equal to]
0, [[bar.c].sup.L] [greater than or equal to] [[bar.c].sup.H],
[u.sup.L.sub.c] = [u.sup.H.sub.c]. Further, from Lemma 2,
d[[bar.m].sup.H]/dz < 0 and d[[bar.m].sup.L]/dz < 0, and
([[bar.m].sup.H] - [[bar.m].sup.L]) > 0 by Lemma 1. Hence, all the
terms on the RHS of Equation (34) are nonpositive. Thus, for all z
[greater than or equal to] 0, dW/dz< 0 holds. Hence, z [greater than
or equal to] 0 cannot be socially optimal.
E. A Cash-in-Advance Economy in Which Money Growth Affects Output
Let the agents be endowed with a unit of labor. Their period
utility functions are identical
(35) [u.sup.i](c, l) [equivalent to] u(c, 1 - l), i [equivalent to]
L, H,
where 1 - l is the amount of leisure they enjoy, and the function
u(*,*) has the standard properties. The agents are differentially
endowed with technologies
(36) [y.sup.i] = [[alpha].sup.i]f([l.sup.i]), [[alpha].sup.H] >
and the f(*) has the standard properties of a production function.
Each household consists of a shopper-seller pair. While the shopper goes
to the market with cash to buy consumption good, seller works and sells
output to the buyers who arrive at the factory outlet. Thus, at the end
of period t, the seller accumulates the following money balances:
(37) [M.sup.i.sub.t] = [p.sub.t][y.sup.i.sub.t] = [p.sub.t]
In steady state, (Equation 37) can be rewritten as:
(38) [m.sup.i.sub.t] = [[y.sup.i.sub.t] = [[alpha].sup.i]f
([l.sup.i.sub.t]). (38)
The shopper, on the other hand, inherits nominal balances from the
previous period, receives transfers from the government, and then goes
out to shop. Thus,
(39) [p.sub.t][c.sup.i.sub.t] [less than or equal to]
[M.sup.i.sub.t-1] + [T.sub.t].
Note that
[T.sub.t] = [M.sub.t] - [M.sub.t-1], or
[[tau].sub.t] = ([M.sub.t] - [M.sub.t-1])/[p.sub.t] = z[M.sub.t-1]/
[p.sub.t] = (z/(1 + z))[m.sub.t-1].
The cash-in-advance constraint (Equation 39) can be rewritten as:
(40) [c.sup.i.sub.t] = [m.sup.i.sub.t-1] + [t.sup.t].
Clearly, Equation (40) binds with equality in the steady state.
Otherwise, exchanging excess real balances with consumption will be a
strict improvement. The optimization problem maximizes
subject to constraints Equation (37) and Equation (40). The optimum
is characterized by the following first-order condition:
(41) -[u.sub.l]([c.sup.i.sub.t], [l.sup.i.sub.t]) =
[[alpha].sup.i]f' ([l.sup.i.sub.t])([beta]/(1 +
z))[u.sub.c]([c.sup.i.sub.t+1],[l.sup.i.sub.t+1]); for i = L, H.
Steady State. In steady state, Equation (41) yields
-[u.sup.i.sub.l] =
[[alpha].sup.i]f'([[bar.l].sup.i])([beta]/(1 + z)) [u.sup.i.sub.c],
which is Equation (17) in the main text. Further, Equation (40) can
be rewritten as:
where the last step makes use of Equation (38). Since [bar.m] =
[mu][[bar.m].sup.H] + (1 - [mu])[[bar.m].sup.L], the steady-state
consumption is given by:
(42a) [[bar.c].sup.L] = [[alpha].sup.L]f([l.sup.L]) + (z/(1 + z))
[mu]([[bar.m].sup.H] - [[bar.m].sup.L]),
(42b) [[bar.c].sup.H] = [[alpha].sup.H]f([l.sup.H]) - (z/(1 + z))
(1 - [mu])([[bar.m].sup.H] - [[bar.m].sup.L]),
which are presented as Equations (18a) and (18b) in the main text.
F. Proof of Lemma 5
To check if the H types would like to deviate, we differentiate H
type's utility aggregate with respect to z and use Equation (29)
with Equation (31) to obtain
Clearly, at the Friedman rule, [pi](z) = 0, the first and the last
term vanish, while the second term is positive. Now, unlike the previous
case, the H types would prefer z > [beta] - 1. But can it be that
[[??].sup.H] > 0? The answer is negative, as seen from the derivative
above. At z = 0, that is, [pi](z) = 1 - [beta], the second term vanishes
and the first and the third term are negative. Thus, there lies a
maximum for [[??].sup.H] [member of] ([beta] - 1,0). It is easy to see
that this must be the H types' global maximum, as for any z > 0,
they incur both a loss of consumption as well as a loss of real
G. Proof of Lemma 6
Using Equation (30) in Equation (21), we obtain
Using Equation (29), the above condition can be rewritten as:
Note that the RHS is always positive. But for any z [less than or
equal to] 0, the LHS is nonpositive. Hence [U.sup.L] [[absolute value of
[sub.z]FR > [U.sup.L]].sub.z] for all z [less than or equal to] 0.
For the second part, suppose [[kappa].sup.H] = 0. Then,
(43) ([[kappa].sup.L][pi](z)/(1 + [[kappa].sup.L][pi](z)))(1 +
[mu]Z[[kappa].sup.L]) > ln(1 + [[kappa].sup.L.][pi](z)).
Fix any z = [??] > 0. It is easily shown that the above
condition holds for all [[kappa].sup.L] [[??].sup.L] where [[??].sup.L]
is obtained as an implicit solution of
By continuity, Equation (43) should hold for [[kappa].sup.H] >
0, provided [[kappa].sup.L] is then sufficiently larger than
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Gahvari, F. "Lump-Sum Taxation and the Superneutrality and the
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* We thank an anonymous referee, Lutz Hendricks, Narayana
Kocherlakota, Andy Levin, Randy Wright, Chris Waller, as well as seminar
participants at University of California at Santa Barbara, the
University of Alberta, the University of Kentucky, and the 2004 Missouri
Economic Conference for useful comments. The views expressed here are
those of the authors and not necessarily those of the Federal Reserve
Bank of New York or the Federal Reserve System.
Bhattacharya: Associate Professor, Department of Economics, Iowa
State University, 260 Heady Hall, Ames, IA 50011-1070. Phone
515-294-5886; Fax 515-2940221; Email
[email protected]
Haslag: Professor, Department of Economics, University of
Missouri--Columbia, 118 Professional Building, Columbia, MO 65211. Phone
573-882-3483; Fax 573-882-2697; Email
[email protected]
Martin: Senior Economist, Payments Studies Function, Federal
Reserve Bank of New York, 33 Liberty Street, New York, NY 10045. Phone
212-720-6943; Fax 212720-8363; Email
[email protected]
Singh: Assistant Professor, Department of Economics, Iowa State
University, 260 Heady Hall, Ames, IA 50011-1070. Phone 515-294-5213; Fax
515- 294-0221; Email
[email protected]
(1.) See, for instance, Ljungqvist and Sargent (2000). Chari,
Christiano, and Kehoe (1996) and Correia and Teles (1996) extended this
to the case in which other distortionary taxes are present. More
recently, da Costa and Werning (2003) examined a model with hidden
actions, finding that the optimal policy is one with zero nominal
interest rates.
(2.) Following Pigou and Patinkin, Ireland (2004) calls it the
"real balance effect." If the government is allowed to make
type-specific transfers, then the Friedman rule will again be optimal,
as shown by Gahvari (1988).
(3.) The assumption of an endowment economy is harmless. It will be
easy to see, in what follows, that introducing capital and endowing
households with a production technology will yield a steady-state
capital stock that is independent of monetary policy.
(4.) Note that the gross nominal interest rate 1 + i =
[[beta].sup.-1](1 + z). Thus, [pi] = i/(1 + i).
(5.) An alternative explanation of the transfer effect is the
following. Suppose there is no heterogeneity, and all agents were
identically L types. As all seigniorage is rebated back to the agents,
the net transfer will trivially be zero. Suppose instead that a fraction
B of agents hold "excess real balances," [[bar.m].sup.H] -
[[bar.m].sup.L] [greater than or equal to] 0. As the excess seigniorage
(z/ ( 1 + z) )([[bar.m].sup.H] - [bar.m].sup.L]) raised from them is
equally redistributed to all, it transpires that each agents (of both
types) receive [mu](z/(1 + z))([[bar.m].sup.H] - [[bar.m].sup.L]) as
"excess rebate," which equals the net transfer to an L type as
in Equation (6a). On the other hand, each H type pays (z/(1 +z))
([[bar.m].sup.H] - [[bar.m].sup.L]) but receives only [micro](z/(1 +z))
([[bar.m].sup.H] - [[bar.m].sup.L]). As a result, each H type's
loss of income equals (1 - [mu])(z/(1 +z))([[bar.m].sup.H] -
[[bar.m].sup.L]). The above interpretation assumed z > 0. It is easy
to argue that z < 0 simply reverses the direction of income
(6.) Alternatively, (A.2) can be reformulated in terms of
restrictions on the preference parameter [[lambda].sup.H]. We prefer to
state it in terms of endowment because of its simple intuitive
(7.) Lemma 2 asserts that real money balances for both types are
decreasing in the money growth rate both locally near the Friedman rule
and globally for all nonnegative money growth rates. While Lemma 2 does
not claim a similar behavior for the allowable range of negative money
growth rates, such behavior is in fact true. Numerical examples confirm
it. We provide a sketch of the sufficient conditions in Appendix B. It
bears emphasis that all our main results (see Propositions 1-3 below)
only require that money balances be decreasing for all positive money
growth rates and also at the Friedman rule, as predicated by Lemma 2.
(8.) Notice that the assumption of separability is not required for
the result stated in Proposition 1.
(9.) By continuity, the same holds true even for cases where
[m.sup.*H] > [m.sup.*L] , but [[lambda].sup.H] is sufficiently larger
than [[lambda].sup.L].
(10.) For example, preferences of the form u(c, l) = u[c -
[l.sup.v]/v], v > 1 will readily generate this result.
(11.) The inequality accounts for the case in which the Friedman
rule money growth rate happens to be a corner solution.
(12.) The optimal value of z for the H type is critically affected
by this assumption. In the next subsection, we allow the types to have
different elasticities of money demand.
(13.) The equality of satiation levels is not necessary, and our
results hold even if we allow [m.sup.*H] > [m.sup.*L]. If so, a
[[lambda].sup.H.] sufficiently larger than [[lambda].sup.L] will
generate the results that follow. See the discussion that follows Lemma
(14.) Recall from our assumption in the section "Money Growth
Rate and Allocations" that the functional form of the consumption
utility is identical for both types.