Mixed oligopoly, sequential entry, and spatial price discrimination.
Heywood, John S. ; Ye, Guangliang
The idea that a public firm can regulate oligopolistic behavior
dates at least to Merrill and Schneider (1966), and researchers since
then have spent considerable effort isolating whether or not the
presence of the public firm actually improves welfare. Despite the fact
that the public firm maximizes social welfare, the result of its
interaction with private profit maximizing firms does not routinely
increase welfare. Thus, DeFraja and Delbono (1989) show that the
presence of a public firm increases welfare when there are only a few
Cournot rivals, but decreases welfare when there are a larger number of
rivals. While recent models consider foreign firms (Fjell and Pal 1996),
subsidies and taxes (Pal and White 1998; Poyago-Theotoky 2001;Sepahvand
2004), and the role of leadership (Fjell and Heywood 2004), all of these
extensions remain outside the spatial context and, in total, present
mixed results on whether or not the presence of the public firm improves
Within the spatial context, Cremer, Marchand, and Thisse (1991)
examine Hotel ling (1929) pricing and location on a line segment. They
show that the presence of a public firm actually harms welfare when the
total number of firms is more than two and less than six, the type of
tight oligopolies governments might be most interested in controlling.
While a variety of other studies expand on these results, they retain
the assumption of no spatial price discrimination, and they do not
consider the welfare consequences of the public firm. Nilssen and
Sorgard (2002) examine location choices in a duopoly with fixed prices
and asymmetric transport costs. Matsushima and Matsumura (2003a) show
that agglomeration of private firms occurs on the opposite side of a
circular market from the public firm's location. Matsumura and
Matsushima (2003) examine a sequential move duopoly with quadratic transport costs in which either the public or private firm may move
first. Lu (2006) characterizes the equilibrium of a mixed duopoly with
linear transport costs in a location-then-price model.
This paper is the first to investigate the consequences of a
welfare maximizing public firm in a model of spatial price
discrimination (delivered pricing). We show that the presence of a
public firm generally improves welfare, and never reduces welfare, as it
often does outside the spatial context or in spatial models without
price discrimination.
This showing stands as important because spatial price
discrimination remains an important economic phenomenon for markets with
large transport costs or with differentiated products. Indeed, Greenhut
(1981) presents survey evidence showing that among firms for which
transport is at least 5% of costs, such discrimination is "nearly
ubiquitous" in the United States, Europe, and Japan. In addition to
the actual delivery of bulky physical products, such location models may
apply to many industries with horizontal differentiation. To the extent
that firms can identify the location of consumers, the possibility for
discrimination exists. Certainly, newspapers locate along a political
spectrum from left to right, cereals vary in sweetness, and airlines
choose times of day for flights. (1) Thisse and Vives (1988) show that
spatial price discrimination emerges as a natural consequence of profit
maximization and that such pricing will be adopted instead of uniform
mill pricing whenever conditions allow. In turn, this has resulted in
the application of such models to a variety of policy questions. For
example, Rothschild, Heywood, and Monaco (2000) examine the consequences
of horizontal merger and Gupta, Kats, and Pal (1994) examine pricing
within a vertical chain, and both examinations are set in a model of
spatial price discrimination. However, no one has examined the
consequences of a mixed oligopoly in the context of the spatial price
discrimination. This failure does not flow from a lack of relevance as
mixed oligopolies in industries from steel and automobiles to airlines
produce products with either substantial transport costs or extensive
elements of horizontal differentiation. (2)
In what follows, we examine three circumstances. In the first, and
as a benchmark, n firms locate simultaneously along a unit line segment.
In the second, a private leader locates first in anticipation of the
remaining n - 1 firms locating in a second stage (see Gupta 1992 for an
early model of such leadership in spatial price discrimination). In the
third, three firms locate in a full sequence. In each case, we compare
the equilibria both with and without a public firm assumed to maximize
social welfare. In the first case, the presence of the public firm has
no influence on locations or welfare. This should be anticipated as
simultaneous location choices by private spatial price discriminators
are well known to generate first-best welfare. The heart of the analysis
consists of the next two cases. In the second case, the presence of the
public firm always increases welfare. In the third case, the presence of
the public firm increases welfare as long as it does not locate last. We
provide intuition for these results and discuss implications. We
conclude that when a public firm makes a location decision, this acts as
a powerful tool to improve welfare. Indeed, the role of the public firm
in improving welfare appears far more robust in models of spatial
discrimination than in other contexts, a point we return to in the
In what follows, the next section sets up the model. The third
section briefly presents the simultaneous location equilibria and the
fourth section presents equilibria with leadership. Section V
investigates equilibria with fully sequential location of three firms.
In each case, we focus attention on the locations and the welfare
implications of having a public firm. Section VI provides concluding
Consumers are uniformly distributed over a unit line segment. Each
consumer has inelastic demand for one unit of the good, with reservation
price r. We assume r is sufficiently large that it is profitable to
serve all customers. All n firms have identical production technologies
with the marginal cost of production assumed to be constant and
normalized to be zero without loss of generality. The number of firms is
fixed in order to focus on issues of market power. Transport cost is t
per unit of distance. We adopt the linear market both because it is
common and also because it provides a distinct advantage for leadership
(compared to a circular market). The ability to move first and locate in
the corner allows the leader to earn greater profit than those firms
locating in the interior (not the corner) of the market.
Let [L.sub.i], i = 1, 2, 3 ... n, denote the location of firm i on
the unit line segment, where [L.sub.i] < [L.sub.i+1] (see Figure 1).
Thus, the cost for firm i to supply all consumers in the line segment
t[absolute value of x - [L.sub.i]]. The equilibrium delivered price
schedule for any consumer located at x is as follows:
As shown in Figure 1, the price schedule is the lower envelope of
rival's cost curves as shown by EGF. We follow convention by
assuming that customers who are indifferent (they face the same
delivered price from more than one firm) purchase from the closest firm.
Consequently, the profit of an interior firm i is
The profits of corner firms 1 and n are
The total cost for the industry is
The welfare function becomes
(5) W([L.sub.1],[L.sub.2], ..., [L.sub.n]) = r - TC.
Thus, with constant willingness to pay, r, total industry cost
becomes the measure of social welfare.
In each of the next two sections, we compare sequential location
models for a mixed oligopoly with those for a private oligopoly that has
no public firm. Before moving to those comparisons, we remind readers of
the solution to the simultaneous location model with only private firms
and use this solution to present the analogous solution for a mixed
oligopoly model with simultaneous location.
LEMMA. A private oligopoly engaging in spatial price discrimination
and locating simultaneously generates symmetric locations.
Given [L.sub.i-1] and [L.sub.i+ ] from (2), the optimal location
for any interior firm i is [L.sub.i] = [L.sub.i-1] + [L.sub.i-1]/2
yielding [L.sub.i] - [L.sub.i-1] = [L.sub.i+1] = [L.sub.i]. Similarly,
from (3) the optimal locations of the corner firm will be [L.sub.1] =
(1/3)[L.sub.2] and [L.sub.n] = 2/3 + (1/3) [L.sub.n-1]. Simultaneous
solution yields that all firms locate symmetrically. This is the
well-known result that spatial price discrimination results in symmetric
locations and lowest total cost, highest welfare. See Lederer and Hurter
(1986) for the original two-firm proof.
The simultaneous location equilibrium with a public firm remains
identical to that without the public firm. This demonstration serves to
emphasize the importance of location timing in generating the
inefficiency that the presence of a public firm would hope to reduce.
The firms in the industry play a two-stage game. In stage 1, firms enter
and choose a location in the market. In the second stage, firms
simultaneously announce the delivered price schedule. (3) We assume that
the public firm locates at [L.sub.1].
PROPOSITION 1. In spatial price discrimination, the presence of a
public' firm does not change equilibrium locations and social
Proof: From the Lemma, Li - (2n-2i+1) [L.sub.1] + 2i-2/2n-1, and so
[L.sub.2] = ((2n-3)[L.sub.1] + 2)/2n-1. The public firm minimizes cost
(maximizes welfare) along the best response function [L.sub.1] =
[L.sub.2]/3 implying locations [L.sup.*.sub.2] = 1/2n and
[L.sup.*.sub.i] = 2i-1/2n, identical to those without a public firm.
In a simultaneous location game, all firms are identical and locate
symmetrically, thus generating optimal social welfare. There is no room
for a public firm to improve welfare.
The idea of sequential entry has a long history in location models
as firms are rarely seen to enter simultaneously (Prescott and Visscher
1977; Hay 1976). We emphasize that if the public firm is the entry
Appendix 1 shows that it locates efficiently, and all followers
will locate symmetrically recovering the equilibrium outlined in the
previous section. Thus, we now compare equilibrium locations for a mixed
oligopoly with a private Stackelberg leader to a fully private oligopoly
with a Stackelberg leader. In doing so, we again investigate the welfare
A. Private Oligopoly
The firms play a three-stage game. In stage 1, the leader chooses a
location in the market with perfect foresight. In stage 2, n - 1 firms
make simultaneous location choices. In stage 3, all firms simultaneously
announce the delivered price schedule.
Given a line segment, a corner firm has no rival on one side and so
can move toward the middle earning profit not available to interior
firms. Thus, the leader locates at the corner, and we assign it
[L.sub.1] (obviously an otherwise identical equilibrium could be derived
by assigning the leader [L.sub.n]). All other firms locating right of
[L.sub.1] do so symmetrically:
(6) (2n- 2i + 1)[L.sub.1] + 2i - 2/2n-1
Consequently, an interior firm i's profit becomes
(7) [[pi].sub.i] 2t [([L.sub.1] - 1).sup.2]/[(2n- 1).sup.2]
In order to maintain its profitable corner location, the leader
must locate such that no firm earns greater profit locating on its left.
When there is only one follower (n = 2) , the leader need not worry
about jumping as its unconstrained optimal location leaves the second
firm better off on the right side (Gupta 1992). For n > 2, if firm j
does jump to the left side of the [L.sub.1], it maximizes profit at
[L.sub.j]' = [L.sub.1]/3 with [[pi].sub.j]' =
t[L.sup.2.sub.1]/3. Thus, the leader must locate such that firm j is no
better off jumping. (4) Solving [[pi].sub.j] = [[pi].sub.j]' yields
the location for [L.sub.1] and (6) gives the location for all other
The total transport cost of the industry becomes
As an illustration, if n = 4, [L.sup.*.sub.1] = 0.26,
[L.sup.*.sub.2] = 0.47, [L.sup.*.sub.3] = 0.68, [L.sup.*.sub.4] = 0.89,
[TC.sup.prv*] = 0.073t. These locations are far from symmetric and have
far greater costs. The symmetric locations would be (0.125, 0.375,
0.625, 0.875) with a cost of TC = 0.0625t. Thus, allowing for a private
leader results in a 17% increase in transport costs. The fact that the
private firm equilibrium is no longer welfare maximizing gives rise to
the possibility that the presence of a public firm may improve welfare.
B. Public Follower
Introducing the public firm, even as a follower, fundamentally
changes the equilibrium locations. The public firm requires a lower
market share and profit to jump to the left of the leader's corner
position than does a private firm. In essence, it values the symmetry
and its lower cost. Thus, having even a single firm with a welfare
objective dramatically reduces the strategic advantage of leadership.
As before, the leader locates at [L.sub.1], and all other firms
locate symmetrically on the right of [L.sub.1]. (5) The location of firm
i becomes
(10) (2n - 2i + 1)[L.sub.1] + 2i - 2/2n - 1.
Consequently, an interior firm i's profit becomes
(11) [[pi].sub.i] 2t[([L.sub.1] - 1).sup.2]/[(2n- 1).sup.2].
The total cost of the industry becomes
(12) [TC.sup.pub]= (2n[L.sup.2.sub.1] - 2[L.sub.1] + 1)t/4n - 2.
For the leader to keep the profitable corner location, neither a
representative private firm nor the public firm can be better off
jumping to the left of [L.sub.1]. If the public firm does jump, it
locates at [L.sub.j] = [L.sub.1]/3, generating the following total
industry cost:
(13) [TC.sup.pub.sub.j] = (2n[L.sup.2.sub.1] - 6[L.sub.1] +
3)t/6(2n - 3).
The public no-jump condition requires [TC.sup.pub] =
[T.sup.pub.sub.j], yielding equilibrium locations:
The fact that [L.sup.pub*.sub.1] from (14) is less than
[L.sup.prv*.sub.1] from (8) for all n > 2 (shown in Appendix 2)
reflects that the public firm requires a smaller market to jump than
does a private firm. The total cost associated with (14) becomes
The total cost without a public firm, [TC.sup.prv], is given by (9)
and is larger than (15).
PROPOSITION 2. In spatial price discrimination with a Stackelberg
leader, the presence of a public firm follower always improves social
welfare. Therefore, privatizing a public firm always decreases social
Proof: [TC.sup.prv*] > [TC.sup.pub*] for all 17 > 2 and
substituting into Equation (5) yields [W.sup.prv*] <
[W.sup.pub*]--shown formally in Appendix 2.
Again, for our illustration of n = 4, the locations and total cost
become [L.sup.*.sub.1] = 0.23, [L.sup.*.sub.2] = 0.45, [L.sup.*.sub.3] =
0.67, [L.sup.*.sub.4] = 0,89, [TC.sup.pub*] = 0.68t. These locations are
more nearly symmetric, and the total costs fall almost halfway between
those without a public firm, 0.0073 and the first best symmetric
locations, 0.0625.
We recognize that if barriers to relocation are too great,
privatization will obviously not result in short-run relocation. Even in
such a case, we still contrast two situations, one with a public firm
and one without a public firm. Proposition 2 remains important as it
contrasts with past results on mixed oligopoly outside the spatial
context. Those results emphasize that whether or not welfare increases
with the presence of a public firm depends on the number of firms in the
market and the presence of government tax and subsidy tools. (6) Our
result shows that the presence of a public firm in a model of spatial
price discrimination with a private leader always improves efficiency.
Fully sequential location models with spatial price discrimination
have been difficult to generalize to large numbers of firms. Gupta
(1992) presents the case of a private firm oligopoly of three firms in a
model of spatial price discrimination. Using the critical "no
jump" constraints, she presents the equilibrium: [L.sup.1*] =
0.275, [L.sup.2*] = 0.725, [L.sup.3*] = 0.5, TC = 0.1010t, where the
superscript denotes the order of location. In this section, we consider
the introduction of a public firm into this three-firm market. We alter
the order in which the public firm locates considering it to initially
locate first, then second, and finally third. This allows us both to
identify a "best" stage at which the public firm can enter
theoretically and to comment on the natural variations observed in
actual markets. In the typical view of "regulation by
participation," the public firm enters in a later stage hoping to
regulate markets that initially lack sufficient competition (Merrill and
Schneider 1966). Yet, frequently a monopolistic public firm has been
given first entry by a government that later allows competitive private
entry (examples include the privatization and deregulation of
transportation and utilities in many countries).
A. The Public Firm Locates First
Equilibrium locations are solved by backward induction. With three
firms, the public firm locates exactly in the middle forcing the other
two firms to either side so as to maximize their profit in the remaining
markets. This returns first-best locations: [L.sup.1*] = 0.5, [L.sup.2*]
= 0.167, [L.sup.3*] = 0.833, TC = 0.0834t. Because each of the followers
is best off moving to their respective sides of the market, there is no
scope for strategic behavior to develop because of the sequential entry.
If we continue to assume that the first mover locates on the left
of the market (admittedly because of some exogenous constraint), we
would first identify the location of the third entrant conditional on
the first two. As the second entrant will want the third to locate in
the middle, we identify locations that ensure this. We do so by equating
the profits that the third mover would earn locating in the middle and
on the right corner. From this equality comes the best response function
of the second entrant in terms of first. With this, the total cost can
be written as a function of only the first entrant's location, and
the public firm can locate so as to minimize this cost.
The public firm locates in the first move so as to minimize this
cost. This optimal location and the reaction functions above yield the
final equilibrium (as detailed in Appendix 3):
(16) [L.sub.1] = 0.1938, [L.sub.2] = 0.6938, [L.sup.3] = 0.4438,
[TC.sup.publ] = 0.0969t.
It may be surprising that the public leader moves away from the
cost-minimizing symmetrical location of 1/6 toward the middle. Moving
toward the middle limits the extent to which the second mover can use
its timing advantage over the third private firm. Yet, the total cost
exceeds that of the public firm locating in the middle demonstrating
that (16) is not a subgame-perfect equilibrium absent an exogenous
constraint requiring the leader to locate on the left.
B. The Public Firm Locates Second
Using backward induction, we first identify the locations of the
third and second entrants conditional on the first. This begins by
recognizing that the private leader locates such that neither the public
nor the private firm will be better off jumping to its left side. We
identify this first entrant's location by equating the total costs
that the second (public) mover would generate locating on the left to
that generated by it locating on the right corner given that the final
entrant locates in the middle. Thus, assuming [L.sup.3] = [L.sup.1] +
[L.sup.2]/2 the public firm chooses its optimal location at the right
corner yielding the following best response for the second entrant and
total cost in terms of [L.sup.1]:
(17) [L.sub.2] = 4/5 + 1/5 [L.sup.1], TC = 1/10 t -1/5 t[L.sup.1] +
3/5 + [(L.sup.1).sup.2]
If the public firm jumps to the left side of the leader, the
locations and total cost would be
(18) [L.sup.2,j] = 1/3[L.sup.1], [L.sup.3,j] = 2/3 + 1/3 [L.sup.1],
[TC.sup.j] = 1/6 t - 1/3t [L.sup.1] + 1/3t[([L.sup.1]).sup.2]
The no-jump condition requires TC = [TC.sup.j], implying an
equilibrium location of the first entrant [L.sup.1] = 0.3090. The
remaining locations and costs follow:
(19) [L.sup.1] = 0.3090, [L.sub.2] = 0.8618, [L.sup.3] = 0.5854,
[TC.sup.pub2] = 0.0955t.
It can be easily checked that the third entrant earns less in
either corner than it does in the middle. This fits the general point
that a profit maximizing firm requires at least as large a market
segment to jump as would the public cost minimizing firm. Note that the
public firm moving second generates higher social welfare than does the
public firm moving first but constrained to enter on the left.
C. The Public Firm Locates Third
We now consider the public firm locating third. As in Gupta (1992)
and the earlier cases in this section, the first two movers locate
symmetrically so as to force the public firm into the middle. They do
this by making it impossible for the public firm to improve welfare by
jumping to either corner. The total costs when the public firm locates
in the middle and right side of the second firm are
(20) TC = 9/8t - 5/2t[L.sup.2] + 2/3t[(L.sup.2).sup.2], [TC.sup.j]
= 11/12t - 7/3[L.sup.2] + 5/3t[([L.sup.2]).sup.2].
The no-jump condition requires TC = [TC.sup.J]. The resulting
equilibrium location of the second firm is [L.sub.2] = 0.7247 giving the
(21) [L.sub.1] = 0.2753, [L.sub.2] = 0.7247, [L.sup.3] = 0.50,
[TC.sup.pub3] = 0.1010t.
The equilibrium locations are exactly that of Gupta (1992). In the
earlier two cases, the public firm could locate knowing how a subsequent
entrant would locate. This information could be used to generate a more
symmetric equilibrium. As the final entrant, the best the public firm
can do is locate symmetrically in the largest available market segment.
This is precisely what a private firm would do if it were the third
We summarize the results of this section in a proposition and a
PROPOSITION 3. In spatial price discrimination with three firms
locating sequentially, the presence of a public firm never decreases
welfare and increases welfare when the public firm locates either first
or second. Thus, privatizing a public firm will never increase welfare.
Whenever the public firm has a timing advantage (moves before at
least one private firm), privatization decreases social welfare. Put
somewhat differently, the public firm can use its timing advantage to
force the private firms into more symmetric, lower cost locations.
COROLLARY. In spatial price discrimination with three firms
locating sequentially. a public' firm locating first generates
first-best social welfare.
Finally, it is worth contrasting this case with that of the private
leader discussed in the previous section. In that earlier case, all
followers locate symmetrically, and welfare is driven solely by the
location of the leader. With fully sequential location, the position of
the first firm does not determine welfare. Thus, the leader moves more
toward the middle in second case than that in the third case, but the
social welfare is higher in the second case than that in the third one.
This follows because every firm in the fully sequential location game
has a relative strategic advantage over any remaining followers.
The idea of using a public firm to improve performance in an
oligopoly has traditionally been based on the assumption that a welfare
maximizing public firm will increase its output beyond that of profit
maximizing oligopolists. Yet, the literature presents malay
circumstances in which the interaction of the firms in the market
results in welfare reductions being generated by the presence of the
public firm. At issue in this paper has been whether or not a public
firm will locate in model of spatial price discrimination in such a way
as to improve welfare.
The context of price discrimination is an important one because
deviations from first-best cost minimization happen as a result of the
timing of location decisions. With simultaneous location, cost is
minimized. With an order of location, as might be anticipated in the
real world, early entrants locate in such a way as to put followers at a
disadvantage, increasing total costs and so decreasing welfare.
We've shown that the presence of a public firm can reduce this
misallocation. A welfare maximizing (cost minimizing) public firm will
usually accept a smaller market share and reduced profit in order to
achieve more symmetric overall locations. This willingness forces
earlier private entrants to locate in a more nearly welfare maximizing
The contrast between the location choice of our public firm and
quantity choice of the public firm in the nonspatial model deserves
emphasis. The contrast is not in the behavioral assumption of welfare
maximization, but rather in the structures of the models. With
sequential entry, our public firm can limit the extent to which earlier
movers can use their first locator advantage relative to later movers.
The public firm in the nonspatial model typically increases output to
improve welfare, but does so by increasing the asymmetry of output with
the private firms, and so increasing the total cost of supplying the
market. The typical convex production costs that generate this cost
increase are absent from our model. Similarly, the fact that an increase
in price lowers consumer surplus is also absent in our model.
When compared to other spatial models with a public firm, our
assumption of spatial price discrimination eliminates the agglomeration
issues that stand at the center of those models. Thus, our model retains
relevance in those cases in which demand is largely inelastic and in
which transportation costs represent a large share of total costs. As
shown, with these conditions and the resulting assumption of spatial
price discrimination, the location of the public firm can preempt otherwise welfare diminishing location choices by private firms.
We recognize that the welfare effects associated with privatization
should be taken as illustrative. If relocation costs are sufficiently
high, privatization may change nothing as the locations of the firm will
not change. Nonetheless, the results can be taken as comparing cases
with and without public firms or giving guidance when relocation costs
are small. While the line segment is the most common type of spatial
market, it would be interesting to explore how robust the conclusions
are to alternatives.
A. The mixed oligopoly with a public Stackelherg leader
The public firm locates first with perfect foresight at [L.sub.1].
The private firms locate second and symmetrically on the right side of
[L.sub.1] with a distance between them of d = 2[L.sup.2.sub.1] - 2/2n
-1. The total cost of the industry becomes
(A.1) C = (2n[L.sup.2.sub.1] - 2[L.sub.1] + 1)t/4n -2,
and the cost minimizing first-order condition for the public firm
yields: [L.sup.*.sub.1] = 1/2n. Since [L.sub.i] = [L.sub.1] + (i - 1)d,
the general solution for firm i becomes [L.sup.*.sub.i] = 2i - 1/2n, the
symmetric, cost-minimizing solution.
A. Proof of [L.sup.prv*.sub.1] > [L.sup.pub*.sub.1] for n >
Substituting from (14) and (8) it must be shown that [2n[square
root of 6] - [square root of 6] - 6/4[n.sup.2] - 4n - 5] > [-3 +
[square root of 12[n.sup.2] - 24n+9]/ 4n(n - 2)]. For all n, the middle
expression is larger than that on the right: [MATHEMATICAL EXPRESSION
Thus, the original inequality must hold if the expression on the
left is larger than that in the middle. Collecting common positive
denominators, the first inequality holds if f(n) = 4n(n - 2)(2n [square
root of 6] - [square root of 6] - 6) - (-3 + (n - 1) [square root of
12])(4[n.sup.2] - 4n - 5) > 0. As f'(n) > 0 and f(3) =
60[square root of 6] - 76[square root of 6] - 15 > 0, f (n) > 0
for all n > 2 and [L.sup.prv*.sub.1] > [L.sup.pub*.sub.1]
B. Proof of [TC.sup.prv*] > [TC.sup.pub*] for n > 2.
Total cost with or without a public firm remains a function of the
leader's location:
TC (2n[L.sup.2.sub.1] - 2[L.sub.1] + l)t/4n - 2] with [partial
derivative]TC/[partial derivative][L.sub.1] = (4n[L.sub.1] - 2)t/4n - 2.
As the leader locates right of the simultaneous location equilibrium,
[L.sub.1] > 1/2n [??][partial derivative]TC/[partial
derivative][L.sub.1] > 0 Thus, [L.sup.prv*.sub.1] >
[L.sup.pub*.sub.1] [??] [TC.sup.prv*] > [TC.sup.pub*].
A. Sequential Entry with the Public Firm Locating First and on the
The optimal location and the associated profits for the third
entrant in the middle are
(A.2) [L.sup.3] = [L.sup.1] + [L.sup.2]/2, [[pi].sup.3] =
([L.sup.1] - [L.sup.2]).sup.2]/8,
while those for the third entrant jumping to the right corner are
(A.3) [L.sup.3,j] = 2/3 + 1/3 [L.sup.2], [[pi].sup.3,j] = 1/3t -
2/3t[L.sup.2] + 1/3t([L.sup.2]).sup.2].
Setting [[pi].sup.3] = [[pi].sup.3,j] implies the best response
function for firm two under the constraint of the no jump condition,
[BR.sup.2] = 0.62 + 0.38[L.sup.1]. Substitute [L.sup.2] = [BR.sup.2]
into [L.sup.3] yields best response function for firm three, [BR.sup.3]
= 0.31 + 0.69[L.sup.1]. Substituting [L.sup.2] = [BR.sup.2] and
[L.sup.3] = [BR.sup.3] into total social cost function yields TC =
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(1.) See Brueckner and Flores-Filio (2006) for a recent review of
attempts to model departure times in a location context.
(2.) Thus, Doganis (2001) identifies 85 passenger airlines with
controlling public ownership as of 2000 and several European and Asian
steel and automakers that have critical public ownership. As one example
of the latter, Volkswagen's largest shareholder is the German state
of Lower Saxony. Even in North America, the provincial governments of
Quebec and Nova Scotia own steel mills (Tupper 2006).
(3.) Note that if the public firm prices at its cost rather than at
the envelope of its neighbor's costs, it will merely increase
consumer surplus an amount identical to the lost profit. Such a change
in pricing by the public firm does not alter the objective functions or
location choices of any of the firms.
(4.) The authors have proven that the jump constraint is always
binding for n > 2 and the proof is available upon request.
(5.) We have confirmed that in the subgame-perfect Nash equilibrium the private leader always locates at the comer to gain the first mover
advantage. While this might be expected, a proof by contradiction is
available from the authors.
(6.) DeFraja and Delbono (1989) examine a simultaneous move mixed
oligopoly and Heywood and Ye (2005) examine a mixed oligopoly with a
private leader. In both cases, when n is large the presence of the
public firm reduces welfare. Pal and White (1998) examine a model with
foreign firms and a subsidy showing that, even with small n, the
presence of the public firm decreases welfare. Cremer, Marchand, and
Thisse (1991) examine a Hotelling model showing that for markets with
either 3.4, or 5 firms privatization reduces welfare.
* The authors express thanks to R. Rothschild and seminar
participants at the University of Lancaster. Heywood. Professor,
Department of Economics, University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee, Milwaukee,
WI 53201. Phone 414-229-4310, Fax 414-229-5915, E-mail
[email protected]
Ye: Associate Professor, Research Institute of Economics and
Management, Southwestern University of Finance and Economics, Chengdu,
Sichuan 610074 China. Fax 86-28-87099300, E-mail
[email protected]