Dynamics of retail advertising: evidence from a field experiment.
Simester, Duncan ; Hu, Yu "Jeffrey" ; Brynjolfsson, Erik 等
A firm's current advertising is generally associated with an
increase in its sales, but this effect is generally short-lived.
--Bagwell (2005, p. 30).
It is accepted that advertising can have a short-run effect on
sales. However, our understanding of the dynamic effects of advertising
is incomplete. For example, a current advertisement for the retailer
Land's End can increase immediate sales, but how will the
advertisement affect subsequent consumer demand? If there are long-run
effects, how will they vary among consumers? In this article, we
empirically investigate the dynamic effects of advertising by analyzing
a controlled field experiment for a national, durable goods retailer.
Previous empirical studies have been plagued by both endogeneity and measurement issues, as Bagwell (2005) suggests in his review of the
literature. Advertising decisions are endogenous, and so effects
attributed to variations in advertising expenditure may actually reflect
factors that led to the variation in expenditure. The measurement
problems reflect the dynamic nature of advertising outcomes. If all the
outcomes were immediate, then measurement would be straightforward.
However, measuring long-run outcomes requires a control for the
potential confound introduced by intervening events.
In the past, empirical studies have addressed these issues by
introducing more sophisticated econometric models (Ackerberg 2001,2003).
In this article, we overcome endogeneity and measurement problems using
an alternative approach. We conduct a field experiment in which we
experimentally vary advertising levels for two randomly selected samples
of customers. (1) The field setting ensures that consumers engage in
actual market transactions and interact with the retailer in a natural
manner. The experimental manipulation introduces exogenous variation in
advertising, which overcomes endogeneity concerns. Moreover, because
customers in each experimental condition are exposed to the same
intervening events, we can overcome this confound by comparing demand
across the two experimental conditions. This allows us to draw clear
causal inferences about the effects of advertising.
There have been many empirical studies of advertising in the
consumer packaged goods industry (e.g., Ackerberg 2001,2003; Deighton,
Henderson, and Neslin 1994; Tellis 1988) but few studies in durable
goods markets. Our study confirms that advertising works differently in
a durable goods market. In particular, we provide evidence of two
competing effects. First, we show that advertising can affect purchase
timing. It is well known that price reductions can cause intertemporal
substitution and we show that advertising by a durable good firm may
lead to similar effects. An implication of this finding is that
advertising may have an initial positive effect on demand followed by a
later negative impact. Second, we show that advertising can cause a
significant increase in future demand. This second effect is consistent
with a long-run goodwill effect and can lead to increases in both
short-run and long-run demands.
We show that the magnitude of these effects varies systematically
across consumers. Intertemporal substitution is the dominant effect
among the firm's "Best" customers who had historically
placed a large number of orders with the firm. For these customers, the
short-run increase in demand is almost entirely offset by a reduction in
future demand. This is a robust result that survives a series of
validity checks. We interpret the result as evidence of intertemporal
substitution--an effect that has not been previously recognized in the
advertising literature.
We also show that advertising causes cross-channel substitution.
Customers in this study place their orders through two types of
channels: the catalog channel (mail and telephone sales) and the
Internet channel. We find that catalog advertising leads to a short-run
increase in catalog orders for all customers. However, the impact on
Internet orders varies. Among the firm's Best customers, there is
an increase in catalog demand and a reduction in Internet demand, while
for other customers, catalog advertising leads to increased demand in
both channels.
Overall the results indicate that advertising can do little to make
a firm's Best customers any better. For these customers, any
short-run increases in demand reflect substitution either from different
channels or from future demand. In contrast, for other customers,
advertising can lead to a long-run shift in the demand function. For
these customers, the increase in short-run demand is complemented by
higher demand in other channels and higher demand in future periods.
The field experiment was conducted in a retail advertising setting
by varying the number of direct mail catalogs sent to customers of a
women's clothing retailer. Retail catalogs clearly contain elements
that are generally accepted as advertising. One might also conjecture that retail catalogs have other effects that are not typically
considered advertising. Is a Land's End catalog the same type of
advertising as a Coca-Cola television commercial? We point to two
distinctive features of our study. First, there are clear differences
between retail and manufacturer advertising. Second, advertising effects
may differ by media type. We discuss each of these next.
While other articles have analyzed retail advertising (Milyo and
Waldfogel 1999), the distinction between manufacturer and retail
advertising has received little attention in the economics literature.
In contrast, these differences are well documented in the advertising
literature. For example, Wells, Moriarity, and Burnett (2006) observe
that retail advertising focuses on influencing where customers purchase
rather than simply what they purchase. The content of retail advertising
typically provides information about multiple items and includes
specific details about how to make a purchase. This includes information
about shopping hours, acceptable payment methods, and ordering options
together with directions to the retailer's Internet or physical
stores. On the other hand, manufacturer advertising rarely contains
information about multiple products or details about shopping hours or
payment methods (though it is not unusual to identify alternative
The retail catalogs involved in this study describe the
retailer's ordering procedures, hours of operation, warranties, and
payment methods. The majority of products in the catalog are private
label and carry the retailer's brand name, and so the images, copy,
and catalog design emphasize the retailer's brand rather than the
manufacturers of the various products. The situation is similar to
Tiffany & Co.'s powder blue catalogs, which reinforce
Tiffany's brand image and provide detailed information about its
products. This contrasts with a manufacturer advertisement (e.g., for
Sony or Coca-Cola), which emphasizes product characteristics and the
manufacturer's brand image.
There are also clear differences across advertising media. Catalog
advertising is a form of print media, and a characteristic of this media
is that exposure is controlled in part by customers. Print media may
also be easily stored, so that customers need not rely on memory to
retrieve the advertising content. For example, a customer may be exposed
to a magazine advertisement, store the magazine, and later retrieve the
advertisement to find a phone number, Web address, or product
information. This contrasts with broadcast media, such as radio and
television, where advertising is consumed in real time.
Print media is recognized by the advertising industry as the
dominant form of advertising. In 2003, a total of $245 billion was spent
on advertising in the United States with direct mail ($48 billion) and
newspapers ($45 billion) representing the two largest categories.
Despite the level of expenditure, direct mail and other forms of print
media have gone largely unnoticed in the economics literature. (2) The
lack of research is surprising not just because of the economic
importance. As we will discuss, direct mail advertising offers important
measurement advantages over both manufacturer advertising and other
advertising media. In this study, we are able to track the historical
and future purchasing behavior of individual customers and form a causal
link between the experimental manipulations and the subsequent change in
customer behavior.
A. Prior Theoretical Work
Much of the theoretical advertising literature has focused on
distinguishing whether advertising serves a persuasive or informative
role. Under the persuasive view, advertising enters customers'
utilities for different products (Becker and Murphy 1993; Comanor and
Wilson 1967, 1974; Kaldor 1950). This leads to an outward shift in the
demand function, which has led to claims that advertising may serve an
important anticompetitive role. Under the informative view, advertising
increases the information that customers have about the available
alternatives (Kihlstrom and Riordan 1984; Milgrom and Roberts 1986;
Stigler 1961).3 The persuasive and informative views of the role of
advertising are both consistent with advertising positively impacting
demand in future periods. Yet, it is also possible that the long-run
impact of advertising is negative. When making purchasing decisions,
customers generally have the alternatives of purchasing competing
brands, purchasing from different retailers, or even delaying in the
hope of future discounts or product improvements. If advertising makes
an immediate purchase of the focal brand more attractive, it implicitly
reduces the share of customers who will choose one of these
alternatives. The outcome is potentially less demand for competing
brands, less demand for competing retailers, and/or less demand in
future periods. Of these alternative outcomes, the impact on competing
brands (sometimes termed the "combative" role of advertising)
has received the most interest. Borden (1942) distinguished between the
"primary" and the "selective" effects of
advertising: the primary effect describes category-level demand
expansion, while the selective effect describes substitution between
competing brands. More recently, the distinction between
advertising's primary and selective effects has served as a central
focus of debate in the tobacco industry (e.g., Roberts and Samuelson
1988; Seldon and Doroodian 1989). The industry has sought to ward off
proposed regulation limiting tobacco advertising by arguing that
advertising serves primarily a selective role, allowing companies to
attract share from their competitors without expanding total industry
demand. In contrast, antismoking advocates have argued that tobacco
advertising also has an impact on primary demand, contributing to an
expansion in total tobacco consumption.
Substitution between brands is analogous to substitution across
time. In many product categories, purchasing a competing brand and
purchasing in future periods both represent alternatives to making an
immediate purchase of the focal brand. Although the possibility of
intertemporal substitution has received relatively little attention in
the advertising literature, it has received considerable attention in
the pricing literature. There is well-documented evidence that price
discounts can lead to both brand substitution and intertemporal
substitution. As a result, following a price promotion, there is often
evidence of a "postpromotion dip" in sales, as customers
consume products purchased during the discount period (Blattberg and
Neslin 1990, p. 358; Hendel and Nevo 2003). (4) Interestingly, there is
also evidence that this intertemporal effect varies across customers
(Anderson and Simester 2004). The negative long-run effect of a price
promotion appears to be most pronounced for customers who have the most
experience with the brand.
We conclude that there is theoretical support for advertising
having both a positive impact and a negative impact on future demand. If
advertising increases customers' expected utility through
persuasion or information and this increase is enduring, the impact on
future demand will tend to be positive. On the other hand, if
advertising accelerates demand, intertemporal substitution may lead to a
negative impact on future demand.
B. Prior Empirical Evidence
There is some evidence of a positive long-run relationship between
advertising and sales. Yet, many studies report either that no long-run
impact or the impact is short lived (Bagwell 2005). There are no studies
reporting a negative relationship between advertising and future demand.
However, as we recognized, this empirical work has been confronted by
important challenges. Early research on advertising was often limited to
aggregate brand or category-level data in which researchers investigated
the relationship between current advertising and lagged effects on
sales. Because the sign of the effect could theoretically vary for
different subsets of consumers, aggregate data may not detect an effect
even when it is present. These studies also suffered from important
limitations due to both the possibility of intervening events and the
potential endogeneity of advertising decisions (Lambin 1976; Schmalensee
1972). More recently, the development of household-level panel data sets
has made it possible to estimate demand at the individual or household
level. Together with methodological developments, these new data sets
offer the opportunity to address endogeneity through advanced
econometric controls (e.g., Ackerberg 2001, 2003; Erdem and Keane 1996).
In contrast to exploiting more sophisticated econometric methods,
our approach is to improve the measurement of the relationship between
advertising and sales. Random assignment of customers to high
advertising and low advertising groups introduces an external control to
the data collection process, which helps prevent the introduction of
confounds. This contrasts with previous studies in which researchers
have had to accept the presence of confounds in their data and instead
sought to provide internal controls for these confounds in their
analyses. The experimental approach also offers another advantage: the
results are easily analyzed and interpreted. The experimental design
yields a simple comparison between groups of customers who experience
one advertising treatment and equivalent control groups who experience a
different level of advertising. We directly measure (and interpret) the
difference in customers' long-run demand.
This is not the first field experiment designed to investigate the
impact of advertising. Managerial studies using proprietary split-sample
cable television experiments have previously been used in the consumer
packaged goods industry. Unfortunately, academic descriptions of these
findings are necessarily limited by the proprietary nature of the data,
models, and parameter estimates (e.g., Aaker and Carman 1982; Lodish et
al. 1995a, 1995b). Moreover, the results of these studies are mixed,
which may reflect a lack of statistical power. (5) There have been at
least two academic studies that use experiments to investigate how
advertising influences prices and price elasticities. Krishnamurthi and
Raj (1985) report the findings from a split-sample cable television
experiment and conclude that advertising is capable of reducing consumer
price elasticities. More recently, Milyo and Waldfogel (1999) use a
natural experiment to study the effect of retail advertising on prices.
They find that advertising does tend to lower the retail prices of
advertised products but has little effect on the prices of unadvertised products. (6) There have also been a small number of studies
investigating how varying the advertising message can influence the
response rate. In a recent example, Bertrand et al. (2006) use a
randomized direct mail experiment to measure how changing features of an
advertisement for consumer credit affected the response rate.
C. Structure of the Article
The article proceeds in Section III with a simple model
illustrating the intuition that current advertising may lead to a
positive impact or a negative impact on future demand. We then provide
an overview of the study design in Section IV before presenting the
results in Section V. The results section begins with a review of the
short-run impact followed by the long-run and cross-channel outcomes. We
then investigate alternative explanations for the findings by comparing
the heterogeneity in the results across different customer segments. The
article concludes in Section VI with a review of the findings and
To help understand why current advertising may lead to a positive
impact or negative impact on future demand, we highlight two opposing
retail advertising effects: brand switching and intertemporal
We consider a focal firm that produces a different product in two
periods. Competing firms offer imperfect substitutes, which we
collectively describe as a single outside option. Customers purchase
[q.sub.t] units of the focal firm's products in each period t and
purchase [bar.q] units of the outside option. Consumers have utility
U([q.sub.1], [q.sub.2], [bar.q]] | [v.sub.1], [v.sub.2], [bar.v]), where
[v.sub.t] and [bar.v] are product preference parameters, and the
marginal utility of each product is increasing in its preference
parameter: [d.sup.2] U/ d[q.sub.t] d[v.sub.t] > 0.
Customers face a budget constraint: Y = [p.sub.1][q.sub.1] +
[p.sub.2] [q.sub.2] + [bar.p] [bar.q], where [p.sub.t] and [bar.p] are
product prices. As our focus is on advertising effects, prices do not
play an important part in the model. Therefore, we scale all prices to
one, which allows us to interpret the budget constraint as a consumption
constraint. For example, in the apparel setting described by our
empirical findings, consumers may have a limit on the number of items
that they can purchase in a season. This constraint may result from
physical storage constraints (available wardrobe space) or limited
consumption opportunities (customers with too many clothes cannot wear
them all). (7)
The [v.sub.t] terms in the utility function are preference
parameters that are influenced by advertising. We make the natural
assumptions that v, is increasing in both current and prior period
advertising and that carryover to future periods decays over time:
d[v.sub.t]/d[a.sub.t]>d[v.sub.t/ d[a.sub.t-]j > 0 for all j >
0, while d[v.sub.t]/d[a.sub.t+k] = 0 for all k > 0. Intuitively, we
could interpret advertising as having firm-specific and time-specific
effects: while the firm effects endure, the time-specific effects decay.
We also assume that advertising by the focal firm does not directly
affect preferences for the competing product: d[bar.v]/d[a.sub.t] = 0.
While the relationship between advertising and preferences for the focal
brand is positive, we do not seek to distinguish between the information
and the persuasion interpretations proposed in the literature.
Customers have a discount factor equal to 1 and select the quantity
of goods ([q.sup.*.sub.1], [q.sup.*.sub.2], [[bar.q].sup.*]) that
maximizes utility for both periods subject to their budget constraint.
We will assume that customers are forward looking and that they
anticipate the effects of advertising may decay over time. While it is
convenient to assume that customer forecasts are accurate, our arguments
do not critically depend on their accuracy. We merely require that
customers do not (erroneously) anticipate the opposite outcome: that the
effects of advertising will grow over time.
Since current advertising increases current utility, current
advertising causes an increase in current demand:
d[q.sup.*.sub.1]/d[a.sub.1] > 0. However, the impact of current
advertising on future demand (d[q.sup.*.sub.1]/d[a.sub.1]) is ambiguous
and reflects a trade-off between brand switching and intertemporal
substitution. Because the effects of advertising persist, advertising in
Period 1 makes the firm more attractive in Period 2 compared to the
alternative of purchasing from one of the competitors. This leads to
brand switching in which customers shift demand from the outside option
to the focal firm. On the other hand, because the effects of advertising
decay over time, purchasing in the first period is relatively more
attractive to purchasing in the second period. This leads to
intertemporal substitution in which second period demand is shifted to
the first period.
The extent of brand switching and intertemporal substitution
depends upon customers' preferences for the firm. This is best
illustrated by considering customers who have such strong preferences
for the firm that they only buy the focal firm's products. Because
these customers do not buy from the competitor, advertising cannot lead
to brand switching. This limits the outcome to intertemporal
substitution, and so current advertising causes a reduction in future
demand among the firm's Best customers. Intuitively, advertising to
the firm's Best customers cannot make them any better. If they are
already buying all their products from the firm, advertising can only
shift demand between periods. For customers with weaker preferences,
brand switching is relevant and so demand for the focal firm may also
increase in the second period. Thus, when customers' preferences
for the firm are weaker, we may observe a favorable long-run advertising
response. In the Appendix, we provide a derivation of these predictions
for a specific utility function.
We conclude that we expect the long-run effect of advertising to
vary systematically across customers. The study described in the next
section provides an opportunity to test these predictions. Specifically,
we will evaluate whether the long-run response to advertising is
moderated by the strength of customers' prior preferences for the
firm. We measure these prior preferences using customers'
historical purchasing behavior.
The study was conducted with a medium-sized company that sells
women's clothing in the moderate price range. (8) All the products
carry the company's private label brand and are sold exclusively
through the company's own catalogs, Internet Web site, and retail
stores. The study involved a total of 20,000 customers who had
previously made a purchase from the company through the catalog channel
(mail or telephone) or Internet channel. To explore the effects of
heterogeneity in the sample, the company initially identified two
distinct samples of customers. The first sample of 10,000 customers,
which we denote the Best customers, were all customers who had made
relatively frequent and recent purchases from the company. In
particular, these were the customers whom the company's own
statistical models suggested would be most likely to purchase if mailed
a catalog. (9) The "Other" sample of 10,000 customers comprise
customers who the company's statistical model predicted had an
average probability of responding if mailed a catalog.
Within the Best and Other customer groups, customers were randomly
assigned into equal-sized high advertising and low advertising
conditions. This yielded a total of four different customer samples
(Table 1). In each case, the final sample sizes were slightly smaller
than 5,000. The reason for this is rather technical but does not affect
the interpretation of the study. (10)
The experimental manipulation occurred over an 8-mo period. During
this period, all the customers in the high advertising sample received a
total of 17 catalogs, while customers in the low advertising sample
received just 12 catalogs.
We use the "high advertising" and "low
advertising" labels merely for expositional convenience. In the
absence of the study, the actual number of catalogs mailed would have
varied across the customers. For example, a comparison of the mailing
strategies for the same customers across the same period in the previous
year reveals that the Other customers received an average of 12.2
catalogs, while the Best customers received an average of 14.9. For both
samples, the maximum and minimum mailing frequencies were 19 and 1,
respectively. We caution that because neither of our experimental
conditions represents what the firm would have done in the absence of
the test, we cannot directly evaluate the optimality of this firm's
existing policy. However, we will later use the findings to describe how
a myopic approach to making mailing decisions would lead to a suboptimal outcome.
The additional catalogs sent to the high advertising sample were
simply additional copies of catalogs that all customers received. This
ensured that the experimental manipulation only affected the frequency
of advertising and not which products were available or features
specific to the design of the catalogs. Sending multiple copies of the
same catalog to the same customer is a common practice in the catalog
industry. Designing new catalogs is expensive and so to reduce their
design costs firms often resend the same catalog 2-4 wk after the first
In Table 2, we summarize the mailing schedule in each condition for
the eight different catalogs used in the test. The specific timing of
each mailing was determined by the company's circulation managers
who were instructed to optimize the overall (short run) response given
the exogenous decision to mail 12 times in the low condition and 17
times in the high condition. It is possible that varying the timings
would lead to differences in the long-run results. It is also difficult
to speculate how the findings would be affected if we had chosen
different mailing frequencies. Following the experimental manipulations,
the company returned to using its standard mailing policies and made no
distinction between customers in the two conditions.
All eight catalogs were regularly priced catalogs and contained a
similar number of items. Because the mailing dates coincide with
different fashion seasons, the main difference between the eight
catalogs is the product selection. In Table 3, we summarize the seasons
for which each catalog was targeted together with the average price paid
for items purchased from each catalog. We see that the average price was
almost identical, except for the last two catalogs, where the focus on
fall clothing led to an increase in the average price (fall clothing
tends to be more expensive).
Because the first catalog was mailed to both samples on the same
day, the date of the first manipulation was actually January 25, 2002
(when only customers in the high advertising group were sent Catalog 2).
The last date on which the mailing policies were different for the two
samples was September 20, 2002. We received data describing the number
of items purchased by customers before, during, and after the
experimental manipulations. In particular, we received a record of all
transactions made from January 1, 1988, until almost 19 mo after the
start of the first manipulation (August 13, 2003). To simplify the
analysis and discussion of the results, it is helpful to define three
(1) The "pretest" period: from January 1, 1988, through
January 24, 2002.
(2) The "test" period: from January 25, 2002, through
December 31, 2002.
(3) The "posttest" period: from January 1, 2003, through
August 13, 2003.
Notice that the test period extends for 103 d beyond the date of
the last manipulation: September 20, 2002, through December 31, 2002.
This was designed to capture orders from catalogs mailed toward the end
of the test period. The company estimated that more than 99% of the
immediate demand from catalogs mailed in September would have occurred
by December 31. This is also consistent with the industry-wide response
curve reported by the Direct Marketing Association (2003). We later vary
the length of the posttest period to investigate how it affects the
We caution that the transaction data only involves customers'
purchases through the company's Internet Web site or its catalog
channel (mail and telephone orders). This represents approximately 65%
of the company's total sales, with the remaining transactions
occurring at its retail stores. We do not have a record of purchases
made by these customers in the company's retail stores because at
the time of the study, the company was unable to adequately identify
customers purchasing in its stores. We will later investigate how this
omission may have affected the results by restricting attention to
customers who live a long way from the company's stores.
The historical purchasing results provide a means of checking
whether the assignment of customers to the high advertising and low
advertising conditions was truly random. In particular, in Table 4, we
compare the average recency, frequency, and monetary value (RFM) of
customers' purchases during the pretest period. (11) We also
include a measure of the time required to drive (in hundreds of minutes)
between the customer's mailing address and the nearest store
operated by the firm. We obtained this measure by querying a driving
time database using the street address for each customer and each store
location. We then identified the nearest store using the minimum driving
time. As noted above, we will later use this measure to control for the
possibility of cannibalization from store demand.
If the random assignment was truly random, we should not observe
any systematic differences in these historical measures between the high
advertising and low advertising samples. The findings reveal no
significant differences in the historical demand in either the Best or
the Other customer samples.
A. Does Current Advertising Impact Short-Run Demand?
In Table 5, we summarize demand in the high advertising and low
advertising conditions during the test period and report both univariate and multivariate comparisons. The univariate analysis is simply the
average number of items purchased by customers in each sample. The
multivariate analysis uses customers' historical (pretest)
purchases to control for individual customer characteristics. The unit
of observation is a customer (denoted by subscript i), and the dependent
measure is the number of items purchased during the test period
([Q.sub.i]). Because [Q.sub.i] is a "count" measure, the
multivariate analysis uses Poisson regression. We model the purchase
rate as ln [lamb] = [beta][X.sub.it] and use the following specification
for the independent variables:
ln([[lambda].sub.i]) = [[beta].sub.0] + [[beta].sub.1] high
advertising + [[beta].sub.2] log ([recency.sub.i]) + [[beta].sub.3] log
([frequency.sub.i]) + [[beta].sub.4] ([monetary value.sub.i])
[[beta].sub.5] log([driving time.sub.i]). (1)
The variable of interest is high advertising, which is a dummy
variable identifying whether customer i was in the high advertising
condition. Under this specification, [[beta].sub.1] measures the
percentage change in short-run demand between customers in the high
advertising condition compared to those in the low advertising
condition. The specification also preserves the benefits of the
randomized experimental design, providing an explicit control for
intervening factors such as competitors' actions and
The control variables include the RFM of customers' prior
purchases. Recall that we earlier used these variables to check the
validity of the randomization procedures (Table 4). They are
well-established metrics for segmenting customers in this industry and
provide natural candidates to control for differences in customers'
historical purchasing patterns. For completeness, we also include the
driving time variable, measuring the time required to drive between the
customers' mailing address and the nearest store operated by the
firm. We estimate separate models for the Best and Other customers and
report the results for both samples in Table 5. The small difference in
the univariate and multivariate sample sizes reflects the absence of
driving time data for a handful of customers. The omission of these
customers has essentially no impact on the results.
The findings reveal that the additional advertising received by the
high advertising sample led to a significant short-run increase in
demand for both the Best and the Other customers. The demand increase
was approximately 5.3% for the Best customers and 13.8% for the Other
customers. In percentage terms, the demand increase was significantly
larger among the Other customers, but this was calculated over a smaller
base. In absolute terms, the effect was not significantly different
across the two populations. We conclude that current advertising can
cause a significant increase in short-run demand. While these results
provide a reassuring manipulation check, they are not the main focus of
this article. Instead, we are interested in learning how increasing
current advertising affects demand in future periods.
B. Does Current Advertising Impact Future Demand?
The long-run impact of the experimental manipulation on posttest
demand is summarized in Table 6. For the sake of brevity, we restrict
attention to the multivariate analysis and only report the coefficients
for the high advertising variable (complete results are provided in
Appendix Table A1). As a basis of comparison, we repeat the
corresponding coefficients for the test period (Table 5) and also report
the coefficients when combining the data from both the test and posttest
The findings reveal a strikingly different picture for the Best and
Other customers. Among the Other customers, the increased demand in the
high advertising condition persists throughout the posttest period. The
effect size decreases from 13.8% in the test period to 10.0% in the
posttest period, but this difference is not significant. Among the Best
customers, we also see a significant long-run effect. However, the sign
of the effect is reversed, with the increase in demand during the test
period offset by a significant loss of demand in the posttest period.
This pattern is consistent with temporal substitution in which customers
shift purchases from the posttest period to the test period.
To our knowledge, this is the first evidence of a significant
negative long-run effect attributed to advertising. Similar results have
been reported for price promotions, but price variation cannot explain
the findings in this study. While we manipulated the frequency of
mailings, the prices and other catalog content were held constant.
C. Persistence of the Effect
Recall that the posttest period extended from January 1, 2003,
through August 13, 2003. It is possible that the adverse outcome
persists beyond this period. To investigate this possibility, we divided
the posttest period into two equal-sized (112 d) subperiods and repeated
the analysis. This allows us to compare the impact of the additional
catalog advertising on demand at the start and end of the posttest
period. The findings for both subperiods are summarized in Table 7
(complete findings are available in the Appendix).
The negative posttest outcome for the Best customers is
concentrated at the start of the period. By the end of the period, the
effect is no longer apparent. This is consistent with our interpretation
that the adverse long-run outcome for these customers reflects
intertemporal substitution. In studies of intertemporal substitution in
the pricing literature, we see a similar pattern, with the postpromotion
dip concentrated immediately after the promotion period and no effect
observed on demand in later periods. For the Other customers, the
increase in catalog frequency in the high advertising condition leads to
a significant increase in demand throughout the posttest period.
Although the estimated effect size drops from 11.4% to 8.7% by the end
of the period, the difference between the two coefficients is not
statistically significant. These findings suggest that the favorable
lift in demand for the Other customers may also have extended beyond the
posttest period, so that the coefficient reported in Table 6 may
underestimate the true long-run effect.
The findings in Tables 6 and 7 also reveal how the findings change
as we vary the length of the test and posttest periods. When the
demarcation date distinguishing the test and posttest periods is
extended beyond December 31, 2002, to also include the start of 2003, we
see a drop in the test period effect among the Best customers. The
effect is most negative for these customers in the first months of 2003,
and so extending the demarcation date into 2003 leads to the inclusion
of this negative long-run effect into the test period results. For the
Other customers, varying the demarcation date has little impact on the
D. Persistence of the Manipulation
An alternative explanation for the positive long-run effect among
the Other customers is that the change in demand during the test period
may have affected the mailing policy during the posttest period. Recall
that the firm used the same mailing policy for all customers once the
experimental manipulation was over. Because this policy tends to mail
more frequently to customers with recent purchases, it is possible that
customers in the high advertising condition continued to receive more
frequent mailings after the experimental manipulation.
Although we do not have data describing the mailing decisions after
the experimental treatment, this does not appear to be a complete
explanation for the findings. First, an increase in posttest mailings to
the Best customers obviously cannot explain the drop in posttest demand
among these customers. Among the Other customers, the increase in
posttest demand is consistent with more frequent posttest mailings.
However, if we restrict attention to customers who made the same number
of test period purchases, we can rule out any systematic differences in
the posttest mailing policies. Discussions with the firm confirm that
its mailing policy only depends on past purchasing and does not consider
how many catalogs a customer was previously mailed. Therefore, by
focusing on customers who made the same number of test period purchases,
we can be confident that there are no differences in the posttest
mailing decisions between the two conditions.
The most common outcomes in the test period were that customers
purchased zero items or they purchased a single item. When we replicate the posttest analysis using Other customers who made zero test period
purchases, the estimated lift in posttest demand is approximately 7%,
while for customers with exactly one purchase during the test period, it
increases to 19%. Neither of these effects is significantly different
from the 9.7% effect reported in Table 6.
Notice that focusing on customers who made the same number of test
period purchases introduces a possible selection effect: customers in
the high advertising condition are likely to be different than those in
the low advertising condition. A natural interpretation is that
customers in the high advertising condition are lower probability
purchasers (they made the same number of purchases despite receiving
more advertising). This works against the observed result, suggesting
that replication of the posttest findings in these subsamples occurs
despite this selection effect. However, it is possible to construct
scenarios that reverse the selection effect. For this reason, we
interpret this robustness check as indicative but not conclusive.
E. Channel Substitution
Recall that we received demand data for purchases made through both
the catalog channel (mail and telephone) and the company's Internet
Web site. In the findings reported above, we aggregated test period
demand across the catalog and Internet channels. However, by analyzing
demand separately for these two channels, we can investigate whether the
incremental catalog in the high advertising condition led to
substitution from the Internet channel to the catalog channel.
To distinguish the impact of the advertising manipulation on the
two ordering channels, we separately calculated the number of items
purchased during the test period through the Internet and catalog
channels (our data does not distinguish between catalog orders received
via mail vs. telephone). We then re-estimated Equation (10) separately
using both of these dependent measures. The findings are reported in
Table 8. Again, for ease of presentation, we only report the high
advertising coefficients (the complete model is reported in Appendix
Table A3). The pattern of findings in the cross-channel analysis is
analogous to the long-run analysis. The favorable outcome for Other
customers extends across both channels. In contrast, among Best
customers, the favorable outcome in the catalog channel is offset by a
significant reduction in demand over the Internet channel.
We caution that we do not have data describing demand in the
company's retail stores. The evidence of channel switching among
the Best customers suggests that the increase in catalog advertising may
also have switched demand from the retail stores to the catalog channel,
at least for customers living close to these stores. In this respect,
our measures of the total impact of the test may overlook the change in
retail store demand. In our next analysis, we investigate this
possibility by restricting attention to customers who live a long
distance from any of the firm's stores.
F. Customers Who Live Far Away from the Firm's Stores
Industry wisdom argues that customers who live more than an
hour's driving time from a store are unlikely to purchase from that
store. Therefore, to control for any possible impact of the test on
store demand, we omitted any customers who live within an hour's
driving time of one of the company's stores and then repeated our
earlier analysis. The results are summarized in Table 9 (complete
results are in Appendix Table A4). For the Best customers, the findings
replicate the earlier results: we see an increase in demand during the
test period, following by a decrease in demand in the posttest period.
For the Other customers, increasing the advertising frequency also led
to a significant increase in demand during the test period. However, the
change in posttest demand is now smaller and no longer significant.
The smaller posttest effect for Other customers suggests that the
posttest outcome for customers living close to the store may in part
reflect channel substitution. Because we only measure Internet and
catalog demands, if customers who live close to a store switch their
posttest demand from the store to the catalog channel, we will observe
an increase in posttest demand. Customers who live a long way from a
store are unlikely to make a store purchase and so have little
opportunity for such channel substitution. As a result, focusing on
these customers may yield a more accurate measure of the change in
overall demand.
An alternative explanation is that customers living close and far
from the stores are systematically different and these differences
interacted with the outcome of the test. To investigate this
possibility, we compared the historical RFM measures for both the Best
and the Other customers. These measures are not significantly different
for customers who live within an hour of a store and those who live more
than an hour from a store. While this is reassuring, it does not rule
out the possibility that there are other sources of heterogeneity among
the customers, which remain unobserved. This limitation highlights the
importance of the randomized experimental design. Unlike, the assignment
of customers to the high and low advertising conditions, the assignment
of customers to the two driving time conditions is endogenous and not
G. The Price of the Items Ordered
Changes in customers' purchasing behavior may be reflected
both in the number of items that they order and the price of those
items. Our theory does not make any predictions about how the variation
in advertising frequencies will affect the price of the items that
customers order. However, for completeness, we examined whether there
was any difference in the average prices of the items ordered by
customers in the high and low advertising conditions. We did not observe
any significant differences in the average prices of the items orders,
either during the test period or in the subsequent posttest period. (12)
The firm's focus is not limited to the number of items ordered
or the price of those items. The firm primarily cares about profits. Our
final results compare how the increase in advertising frequency affected
the profits earned during the test and posttest periods.
H. Sending Catalogs to Their Best Customers
As we discussed, most companies adopt a myopic approach to their
catalog mailing policies: they vary their mailing policies for a
specific catalog and compare the response to that catalog. This myopic
focus on short-run catalog demand ignores the externalities in other
channels and in future periods. For example, the findings in Table 6
indicate that among Best customers, the short-run response to
advertising overstates the long-run response to advertising by a factor
of three (5.3% vs. 1.8%). Firms that base their decisions on the
short-run response are likely to overinvest in advertising.
To illustrate the implications of this result on firm profit, we
summarize the profits earned in each condition in Table 10. The profits
are calculated as the sum of the items ordered by each customer,
multiplied by the profit margin on each item, minus catalog printing and
mailing costs incurred during the test period. We compare three
different profit measures: (1) profit earned from the catalog channel in
the test period, (2) profit earned from all channels in the test period
(including Internet orders), and (3) profit earned from all channels in
both the test and the posttest periods.
Focusing first on the Best customers, we see that if the company
focused solely on profits earned during the test period from the catalog
channel, it would erroneously conclude that it is profitable to send
catalogs more frequently to its Best customers. After allowing for the
adverse intertemporal and cross-channel outcomes, we see that the profit
result is reversed. The company actually earned a higher average profit
in the low advertising condition. Among the Other customers, the
positive externalities in the Internet channel and posttest period
almost lead to the opposite outcome. Mailing more frequently to the
Other customers is clearly more profitable when these externalities are
taken into account. However, this conclusion is much weaker if attention
is restricted to test period profits from the catalog channel.
This interpretation of the findings raises the question as to why
companies typically ignore these long-run and cross-channel effects. We
offer two responses. First, not all catalog firms have ignored these
effects. For example, Rhenania, a German book catalog company, revised
its mailing policies to shift its objective function from maximizing
short-run profits to also consider profits in future periods (Elsner,
Krafft, and Huchzermeier 2003). The company attributed the reversal of
its history of declining sales, market share, and profits to the
adoption of its new mailing policy.
Our second response is that measuring and responding to long-run
and cross-channel effects are difficult. Consider first the measurement
problem. When customers call to place an order over the telephone, they
are asked for a code printed on the catalog that identifies which
catalog customers are ordering from. Similarly, when a customer orders
via mail using the form bound into a catalog, companies can again
identify the catalog from a code preprinted on the order form. As a
result, companies can construct a rich database identifying which of the
customers who received a catalog placed an order through the catalog
channel. In contrast, when a customer places an order through a
company's Internet Web site, it is generally not possible to
identify whether the order was prompted by a catalog and (if so) which
catalog the customer is ordering from. Linking purchases from future
catalogs to past mailing decisions is even more difficult.
Furthermore, when future purchases are linked to past mailings as
part of a controlled experiment, it is important to recognize the role
of customer heterogeneity. If the Best and Other customers had been
pooled in this study, then the net effect of additional advertising on
future sales is statistically indistinguishable from zero. This is not
because the effect on individual consumers is zero. Instead, it reflects
the negative effects on the Best customers canceling out the continuing
positive contributions for the Other customers. This is even more likely
to be overlooked when analyzing historical data in the absence of a
controlled experiment.
Even when companies can effectively measure cross-channel and
long-run customer response functions, optimizing the company's
mailing strategy remains difficult. Optimizing the short-run policy is
relatively straightforward as there are only two possible actions: mail
or don't mail. In contrast, the long-run mailing policy has an
infinite range of possible mailing sequences. Moreover, evaluating the
profitability of these sequences is no longer a straightforward
statistical problem. Some catalog companies have tested sequences of
mailing policies using split-sample field tests. Yet, such approaches
cannot reveal the optimal policy without an infinite series of such
We have reported the findings from a large-scale field study in
which we exogenously manipulated the frequency of catalog advertising
sent to randomly selected customer samples. We then tracked both the
immediate response and the impact on future purchases by these
customers. The findings confirm that retail advertising can impact
future demand, but surprisingly, the sign of the impact varies across
customers. Among the company's most valuable customers, who had
purchased recently and frequently from the company, the long-run impact
was negative. The short-run lift in demand for these customers was
apparently largely due to cross-channel and temporal substitutions.
Among the less valuable customers, who had purchased less
frequently and/or less recently, there is evidence that advertising had
a positive impact on future demand. However, this outcome was limited to
customers living close to one of the firm's retail stores,
suggesting that the result may provide further evidence of channel
The findings offer an explanation for a question that has often
left customers perplexed: why do companies send so many catalogs to
their best customers? It seems that the intensive mailing frequency to a
company's best customers can be explained in part by a (mistaken)
focus on short-run outcomes when designing catalog mailing policies. If
a company overlooks the negative externalities on future demand and
demand in other channels, it will tend to overmail to its best
customers. The same myopic focus may lead to the opposite outcome for
other "less valuable" customers. For these customers, the
externalities are positive, so that it may be profitable to mail to
customers who are unlikely to purchase immediately, as by doing so,
companies can increase the probability of a future purchase.
We conclude that advertising can cause both increases and decreases
in future demand, and the outcome depends on the characteristics of the
customers. Our results also demonstrate the power of field experiments
not only for advancing research on the economics of advertising but also
in identifying potential gaps in management practice.
RFM: Recency, Frequency, and Monetary Value
We consider the following example to illustrate the long-run
effects of advertising. Assume that utility is a separable quadratic
(2) U([q.sub.1], [q.sub.1], [bar.q])= [q.sub.1] ([v.sub.1] -
[q.sub.1]) [q.sub.2] ([v.sub.2] - [q.sub.2]) + [[bar.q]([bar.v] -
To simplify exposition, we normalize all prices to one, which is
analogous to assuming a physical constraint. For example, if customers
have a limit on the size of their wardrobe, there may be a physical
constraint on how many new clothes they can purchase during the course
of a season. We assume that customers will always prefer to choose
[q.sub.t], less than [v.sub.t] and we make analogous assumptions for the
competitive product.
Solving the resulting system of first-order conditions reveals
customers' optimal consumption decisions:
(3) [q.sup.*.sub.1] = (2[v.sub.1] - [v.sub.2] + 2Y - [bar.v])/6
(4) [q.sup.*.sub.1] = (2[v.sub.2] - [v.sub.2] + 2Y - [bar.v])/6
(5) [bar.q] = (2[bar.v] - [v.sub.1] - [v.sub.2] + 2Y)/6.
The key insights concern the relationship between advertising in
Period 1 and customers' purchasing decisions of the focal
company's products.
(6) d[q.sup.*.sub.1]/d[a.sub.1] = (2d[v.sub.1]/d[a.sub.1] -
d[v.sub.2]/d[a.sub.1])/6 > 0
(7) d[q.sup.*.sub.2]/d[a.sub.1] = (2d[v.sub.2]/d[a.sub.1] -
d[v.sub.1]/d[a.sub.1])/6 >
As we would expect, the impact of Period 1 advertising on Period 1
demand is positive: d[q.sup.*.sub.1]/d[a.sub.1] > 0. The impact on
future demand ([q.sup.*.sub.2]) is ambiguous.
Now, consider a segment of customers whose preferences for the
focal firm are so strong that they do not purchase any units from the
competing firm. After setting [[bar.q].sup.*] = 0 and maximizing utility
subject to Y = [q.sub.1] + [q.sub.2], the first-order condition for q2
yields the following second period demand:
(8) [q.sup.*.sub.2] = ([v.sub.2] - [v.sub.1] + 2Y)/4.
Among consumers who never purchase the outside goods, the long-run
impact of advertising is no longer ambiguous:
d[q.sup.*.sub.2]/d[a.sub.1] [less than or equal to] 0. Sending
additional advertising to these customers cannot lead to any further
interfirm substitution, and so the only remaining effect is
intertemporal substitution. In contrast, among customers with weaker
exante preferences for the firm, if the carryover effect of advertising
is large (2d[v.dub.2]/d[a.sub.1] > d[v.sub.1/d[a.sub.1]), then the
long-run effect of advertising is positive.
Comparison of Test Period, Posttest Period, and Overall Results
Posttest Period
Other Customers Best Customers
High advertising 0.100 ** (0.026) -0.036 ** (0.013)
Recency -0.288 ** (0.008) -0.146 ** (0.005)
Frequency 0.465 ** (0.014) 0.723 ** (0.010)
Monetary value 0.187 ** (0.037) 0.515 ** (0.032)
Driving time -0.011 (0.012) 0.002 (0.006)
Intercept -0.746 ** (0.166) -3.195 ** (0.146)
Sample size 9,458 9,761
Overall Period
Other Customers Best Customers
High advertising 0.125 ** (0.016) 0.018 * (0.008)
Recency -0.281 ** (0.005) -0.138 ** (0.003)
Frequency 0.478 ** (0.008) 0.737 ** (0.006)
Monetary value 0.335 ** (0.023) 0.713 ** (0.020)
Driving time -0.013 (0.007) 0.004 (0.004)
Intercept -0.367 (0.105) -3.195 ** (0.092)
Sample size 9,458 9,761
Notes: The posttest findings report the coefficients from Equation
(1) estimated using data from the posttest period. The overall
period findings report the coefficients from Equation (1) estimated
using data from the entire period (test and posttest). Standard
errors are given in parentheses.
* Significantly different from zero, p < .05;
** significantly different from zero, p < .01.
Comparison of Posttest Results, Start and End of the Posttest Period
Start of Posttest Period
Other Customers Best Customers
High advertising 0.114 ** (0.038) -0.096 ** (0.019)
Recency -0.273 ** (0.012) -0.162 ** (0.008)
Frequency 0.447 ** (0.020) 0.755 ** (0.014)
Monetary value 0.298 ** (0.055) 0.691 ** (0.047)
Driving time 0.013 (0.017) 0.015 (0.008)
Intercept -1.955 ** (0.252) -4.656 ** (0.209)
Sample size 9,458 9,834
End of Posttest Period
Other Customers Best Customers
High advertising 0.087 * (0.037) 0.021 (0.018)
Recency -0.302 ** (0.011) -0.131 ** (0.007)
Frequency 0.485 ** (0.019) 0.692 ** (0.013)
Monetary value 0.091 (0.048) 0.341 ** (0.045)
Driving time -0.034 * (0.017) -0.011 (0.008)
Intercept -1.000 ** (0.217) -3.124 ** (0.202)
Sample size 9,458 9,834
Notes: The findings report the coefficients from Equation
(1) estimated using purchases made at the start and end of the
posttest period. Standard errors are given in parentheses.
* Significantly different from zero, p < .05;
** significantly different from zero, p < .01.
Comparison of Test Period Results by Channel
Internet Channel
Other Customers Best Customers
High advertising 0.281 ** (0.055) -0.092 * (0.038)
Recency -0.454 ** (0.016) -0.066 ** (0.016)
Frequency 0.567 ** (0.028) 0.829 ** (0.028)
Monetary value 0.270 ** (0.073) 1.354 ** (0.094)
Driving time -0.076 ** (0.025) -0.088 ** (0.017)
Intercept -2.113 ** (0.330) -9.527 ** (0.425)
Sample size 9,458 9,761
Catalog Channel
Other Customers Best Customers
High advertising 0.118 ** (0.020) 0.065 ** (0.011)
Recency -0.247 ** (0.007) -0.138 ** (0.004)
Frequency 0.474 ** (0.011) 0.741 ** (0.008)
Monetary value 0.444 ** (0.031) 0.801 ** (0.027)
Driving time -0.006 (0.009) 0.014 ** (0.005)
Intercept -1.526 ** (0.145) -4.173 ** (0.122)
Sample size 9,458 9,761
Notes: The findings report the coefficients from Equation
(1) estimated using test period purchases through each channel.
Standard errors are given in parentheses.
* Significantly different from zero, p < .05;
** significantly different from zero, p < .01.
Comparison of Test Period, Posttest Period, and Overall
Results: Customers Living More Than an Hour from a Store
Test Period
Other Best
Customers Customers
High advertising 0.163 ** (0.023) 0.082 ** (0.013)
Recency -0.286 ** (0.007) -0.133 ** (0.005)
Frequency 0.457 ** (0.012) 0.738 ** (0.009)
Monetary value 0.456 ** (0.035) 0.915 ** (0.031)
Driving time 0.002 (0.019) 0.033 ** (0.010)
Intercept -1.249 ** (0.161) -4.601 ** (0.139)
Sample size 6,555 6,628
Posttest Period
Other Best
Customers Customers
High advertising 0.020 (0.032) -0.048 ** (0.016)
Recency -0.273 ** (0.010) -0.151 ** (0.006)
Frequency 0.489 ** (0.016) 0.708 ** (0.011)
Monetary value 0.210 ** (0.045) 0.535 ** (0.039)
Driving time 0.061 * (0.026) -0.060 ** (0.013)
Intercept -0.981 ** (0.208) -3.141 ** (0.173)
Sample size 6.555 6,628
Overall Period
Other Best
Customers Customers
High advertising 0.113 ** (0.019) 0.030 ** (0.010)
Recency -0.282 ** (0.006) -0.140 ** (0.004)
Frequency 0.468 ** (0.010) 0.726 ** (0.007)
Monetary value 0.369 ** (0.028) 0.766 ** (0.024)
Driving time 0.022 (0.016) -0.004 (0.008)
Intercept -0.500 ** (0.128) -3.355 ** (0.108)
Sample size 6,555 6,628
Notes: The posttest findings report the coefficients from Equation
(1) estimated using data from the posttest period. The overall
period findings report the coefficients from Equation
(1) estimated using data from the entire period (test and posttest).
Standard errors are given in parentheses.
* Significantly different from zero, p < .05;
** significantly different from zero, p < .01.
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(1.) The study is a "natural field experiment" under
Harrison and List's (2004) nomenclature.
(2.) This contrasts with Internet advertising, which despite its
recency and relatively small size has attracted considerable attention
from economists.
(3.) See also Telser (1964), Nelson (1970, 1974), Schmalensee
(1978), and Grossman and Shapiro (1984).
(4.) See also Hendel and Nevo (2002, 2005).
(5.) These three articles do not report sample sizes or the
estimation models for individual studies.
(6.) For other examples of natural experiments, see Benham (1972)
and Ippolito and Mathios (1990).
(7.) We thank Steven Tadelis for this observation.
(8.) The company asked to remain anonymous.
(9.) Although the details of the company's statistical models
are proprietary and were not made available to the research team, we
found that the recency and frequency of prior purchases accurately
distinguish these customers.
(10.) Because customers rarely have their unique customer
identification numbers available when they call to place an order,
individual customers sometimes end up with more than one account number.
Each month, the company uses various methods to identify these duplicate account numbers and consolidate them back to a single account number.
The reduction in the sample sizes reflects the deletion of duplicate
account numbers. Fortunately, this process is identical for the
treatment and control samples and so cannot explain systematic
differences between them.
(11.) "Recency" is measured as the number of days (in
hundreds) since a customer's last purchase. "Frequency"
measures the number of items that customers previously purchased.
"Monetary value" measures the average price (in dollars) of
the items ordered by each customer.
(12.) Because the dependent measure is only defined for customers
who made a purchase, we necessarily restricted this analysis to these
customers. We caution that this introduces the potential for selection
* We thank seminar participants at Georgia Institute of Technology,
MIT, Northwestern University, Purdue University, University of
Connecticut, University of Maryland, University of Pennsylvania,
University of Southern California, 2004 Workshop on Information System
and Economics, 2005 Symposium on Electronic Commerce Research, 2005
Fifth Annual INFORMS Revenue Management and Pricing Conference, 2006
Economic Science Association North American Meeting, and 2006 National
Bureau of Economic Research Industrial Organization Winter Meeting.
Generous funding was provided by MIT Center for Digital Business.
Simester: NTU Professor of Management Science, Sloan School of
Management, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, MA 02142.
Phone 1-617258-0679, Fax 617-258-7597, E-mail
[email protected]
Hu: Assistant Professor, Krannert School of Management, Purdue
University, West Lafayette, IN 47907. Phone 1-765-494-7907, Fax
765-494-9658, E-mail
[email protected]
Brynjolfsson: Schussel Family Professor and Director of MIT Center
for Digital Business, Sloan School of Management, Massachusetts
Institute of Technology, Cambridge, MA 02142. Phone 1-617-253-4319, Fax
617-258-7579, E-mail
[email protected]
Anderson: Hartmarx Research Associate Professor of Marketing,
Kellogg School of Management, Northwestern University, Evanston, IL
60208. Phone 1-847-467-6482, Fax 847-491-2498, E-mail
eric-anderson@kellogg. northwestern.edu
TABLE 1 Sample Sizes
Low High
Advertising Advertising
Sample Sample
"Best" customers 4.921 4,904
"Other" customers 4,790 4,758
Mailing Dates in 2002 by Experimental
Condition Low Advertising High Advertising
Catalog 1
Mailing Date l January 11 January 11
Mailing Date 2 February 22 February 8
Catalog 2
Mailing Date 1 February l January 25
Mailing Date 2 February 22
Catalog 3
Mailing Date 1 March 15 March 8
Mailing Date 2 April 26 April 5
Catalog 4
Mailing Date 1 April 5 March 22
Mailing Date 2 May 3
Catalog 5
Mailing Date 1 May 17 April 19
Mailing Date 2 May l7
Catalog 6
Mailing Date 1 June 7 June 7
Mailing Date 2 June 28 June 28
Catalog 7
Mailing Date 1 July 26 Jury 26
Mailing Date 2 September 6 August 23
Mailing Date 3 September 20
Catalog 8
Mailing Date 1 August 9 August 9
Mailing Date 2 September 6
Catalog Content
Season Average Price Paid
Catalog 1 Spring $67.76
Catalog 2 Spring $67.13
Catalog 3 Summer $68.34
Catalog 4 Summer $68.08
Catalog 5 Midsummer $65.08
Catalog 6 Early fall $65.03
Catalog 7 Fall $85.42
Catalog 8 Fall $78.79
Check on Randomization Process Historical
Purchases during the Pretest Period
Low High
Advertising Advertising
Condition Condition p Value
Best customers
Recency 1.43 (0.02) 1.43 (0.01) .72
Frequency 40.38 (0.45) 40.75 (0.51) .59
Monetary value 61.11 (0.19) 61.22 (0.19) .69
Driving time 1.66 (0.02) 1.68 (0.02) .46
Other customers
Recency 4.67 (0.06) 4.76 (0.06) .30
Frequency 10.56 (0.20) 10.62 (0.21) .85
Monetary value 63.85 (0.29) 64.18 (0.33) .50
Driving time 1.74 (0.02) 1.76 (0.02) .81
Notes: The table reports the average values of each
variable for each subsimple. Standard errors are given
in parentheses. The p values denote the probability that
the difference between the high and low advertising averages
will be larger than the observed difference (under the
null hypothesis that the true averages are identical).
Units Ordered during the Test Period
Other Best
Customers Customers
Univariate analysis
Low advertising 1.08 (0.04) 3.63 (0.08)
High advertising 1.24 (0.05) 3.86 (0.09)
Difference 0.16 * (0.07) 0.23 * (0.12)
Sample size 9,548 9,825
Multivariate analysis
High advertising 0.138 ** (0.019) 0.053 ** (0.011)
Recency -0.276 ** (0.006) -0.132 ** (0.004)
Frequency 0.485 ** (0.010) 0.747 ** (0.008)
Monetary value 0.420 ** (0.029) 0.843 ** (0.026)
Driving time -0.014 (0.009) 0.006 (0.005)
Intercept -1.188 ** (0.134) -4.309 ** (0.118)
Log likelihood -19,160 -33,919
Sample size 9,458 9,761
Notes. The univariate analysis reports the average number
of units purchased during the test period. The multivariate
analysis reports the coefficients from Equation
(1). Standard errors are given in parentheses.
* Significantly different from zero, p < .05;
** significantly different from zero, p < .01.
Comparison of Test Period, Posttest Period, and Overall Results
Other Customers Best Customers
Test period 0.138 ** (0.019) 0.053 ** (0.011)
Posttest period 0.100 ** (0.026) -0.036 ** (0.013)
Overall: test 0.125 ** (0.016) 0.018 * (0.008)
and posttest periods
Sample sizes 9,458 9,761
Notes: The table reports the high advertising variable
coefficients when estimating Equation (1) separately on
the test period, posttest period, and overall period data
sets. Complete findings (including the omitted coefficients)
are reported in Table 5 and Appendix Table A 1. Standard
errors are given in parentheses.
* Significantly different from zero, p < .05;
** significantly different from zero, p < .01.
Comparison of Posttest Results Start and End
of the Posttest Period
Other Customers Best Customers
Start of posttest 0.114 ** (0.038) -0.096 ** (0.019)
End of posttest 0.087 * (0.037) 0.021 (0.018)
Complete 0.100 ** (0.026) -0.036 ** (0.013)
posttest period
Sample sizes 9,458 9,761
Notes: The table reports the high advertising variable
coefficients when estimating Equation (1) using data
from the start and end of the posttest period. Complete
findings (including the omitted coefficients) are reported
in Appendix Table A2. Standard errors are given in
* Significantly different from zero, p < .05;
** significantly different from zero, p < .01.
Comparison of Test Period Results By Channel
Other Customers Best Customers
Catalog channel 0.118 ** (0.020) 0.065 ** (0.011)
Internet channel 0.281 ** (0.055) -0.092 * (0.038)
Sample sizes 9,458 9,761
Notes: The table reports the high advertising variable
coefficients when estimating Equation (1) separately on
demand from the catalog channel, demand from the Internet
channel, and total demand across both channels. Complete
findings (including the omitted coefficients) are
reported in Appendix Table A3. Standard errors are given
in parentheses.
* Significantly different from zero, p < .05;
** significantly different from zero, p < .01.
Comparison of Test Period, Posttest Period,
and Overall Results: Customers Living More
Than an Hour from a Store
Other Customers Best Customers
Test period 0.163 ** (0.023) 0.082 ** (0.013)
Posttest period 0.020 (0.032) -0.048 ** (0.016)
Overall: test 0.113 ** (0.019) 0.030 ** (0.010)
and posttest periods
Sample sizes 6,555 6,628
Notes: The table reports the high advertising variable
coefficients when estimating Equation (1) separately on
the test period, posttest period, and overall period data
sets. Complete findings (including the omitted coefficients)
are reported in Appendix Table A4. Standard errors are
given in parentheses.
* Significantly different from zero, p < .05;
** significantly different from zero, p < .01.
Average Profit Earned Per Customer High Advertising
vs. Low Advertising
Low High
Advertising Advertising Difference
Average profit earned from
the Best customers
Test period, catalog profit $89.98 $91.56 $1.58
Test period, catalog and
Internet profits $98.74 $100.27 $1.53
Test and posttest periods,
catalog and Internet
profits $164.57 $163.84 -$0.73
Sample size 4,921 4,904
Average profit earned from
the Other customers
Test period, catalog profit $15.50 $15.86 $0.36
Test period, catalog and
Internet profits $19.46 $20.54 $1.08
Test and posttest periods,
catalog and Internet
profits $35.06 $37.49 $2.43
Sample size 4,790 4,758
Notes: Profits earned from each customer are calculated as the sum
of the items ordered by each customer, multiplied by the profit
margin on each item, minus the cost of printing and mailing
catalogs during the test period.