Piece-rate contracts for other-regarding workers.
Neilson, William S. ; Stowe, Jill
A wide array of experimental evidence suggests that individuals
care not only about their own outcomes but the outcomes of their
opponents as well; that is, individuals do not necessarily have
"selfish" preferences and rather exhibit
"other-regarding" or "social" preferences (see
Camerer 2003, for a summary). Given the pervasive nature of
other-regarding preferences, accounting for them in real-world
decision-making problems is important because other-regarding behaviors
such as fairness, trust, and inequality aversion may significantly
affect policy and contracting decisions. This paper concentrates on one
prevalent type of other-regarding preferences, behavior toward
inequality, and applies it to a principal-agent contracting model. Using
piece-rate contracts, (1) we focus on two important questions. (2)
First, how do attitudes toward inequality affect how workers respond to
incentives? Second, how do attitudes toward inequality affect the
incentives offered by the firm?
Analyzing the impact of attitudes toward inequality on contracting
issues is reasonable because when workers are paid according to their
performance, pay inequality arises naturally. Frank (1985) argues that
humans are hardwired with a preference for higher status and therefore
like any change that moves them up relative to their coworkers. On the
other hand, experimental evidence on ultimatum games, dictator games,
and the like has led researchers to assume that subjects dislike
inequality (e.g., Bolton and Ockenfels 2000; Fehr and Schmidt 1999) and
therefore dislike any change that makes payoffs less equal. Either way,
pay inequality matters to workers, and it is important to derive the
correct incentive system in the presence of these preferences.
Our paper has two major results that can best be summarized when
workers have identical preferences and effort costs. First,
other-regarding workers exert more effort than self-oriented ones when
they are either competitive (i.e., have a preference for status) or
behindness averse. This result establishes that piece rates can motivate
other-regarding workers more than they motivate purely self-interested
ones, and so firms can get a bigger bang for their buck when they use
incentive pay with the right types of other-regarding workers. Second,
if workers are identical and either inequality averse or behindness
averse, the firm's profit-maximizing piece rate is lower than it
would be if workers were purely self-interested. In other words,
inequality and behindness aversion both lead to wage compression.
To capture the different inequality attitudes, we employ the Fehr
and Schmidt (1999) model of other-regarding preferences. There are
several reasons for using their model: it can fit data from a variety of
experimental settings (as shown in their original paper), it has an
axiomatic foundation (Neilson 2006), and it has been used successfully
in other applications of other-regarding preferences (e.g., Itoh 2004).
In the FehrSchmidt model, an individual receives (self-oriented) utility
from his own payoff but (social) disutility from any difference between
his partner/opponent's payoff and his own. In a principal-agent
setting, the agents' payoffs are determined by both the pay they
receive from the principal and the effort costs they bear. We modify the
original Fehr-Schmidt model in two ways: first to allow for other
behavioral patterns besides inequality aversion and second to make
social disutility depend on pay differences, while self-oriented utility
depends on pay minus effort costs.
Although there are several good reasons for assuming that workers
compare pay but not effort costs, the current literature suggests that
what workers compare is likely context dependent. In his book addressing
wage rigidity as support for internal pay equity, Bewley (1999) states
that employees care about their pay relative to that of their coworkers;
he also finds that even when pay secrecy is a company policy, workers
often reveal how much they make to others. Accordingly, we choose to
focus our analysis on comparisons of gross wages, but in Section VII, we
also explore the implications of our model when workers compare net
wages. (3)
Other researchers have also examined the effects of other-regarding
preferences in performance-pay settings. Battling and von Siemens (2005)
derive optimal incentive contracts for risk, inequality, and behindness
averse agents in a moral hazard setting. They find that behindness
aversion increases the agency costs of providing incentives because
agents suffer from both inequality and risk. However, their model is
restricted to a setting in which agents have a binary effort choice. Our
model is more general than this, as we allow for a continuum of effort
choices. Rey Biel (2004) examines a two-worker joint production game
with binary effort choices and finds that inequality aversion allows the
firm to induce the desired effort for less pay by designing a
compensation scheme that imposes inequality off of the equilibrium path.
Demougin and Fluet (2006) also demonstrate how firms can use the threat
of inequality to induce workers to exert effort for less pay. Englmaier
and Wambach (2005), Dur and Glazer (2008), and Itoh (2004) all examine
incentive contracts when agents care about inequality relative to the
principal (instead of their coworkers). However, Itoh (2004) also
compares agents with other-regarding preferences and finds that as
agents become more inequity averse, wages become smaller and the
principal's expected utility increases. Furthermore, when there are
multiple symmetric other-regarding agents, as agents become more
inequity averse, wages become smaller and the principal's expected
utility increases. Grund and Sliwka (2005) show that inequality aversion
can lead competitors to increase their effort in an appropriately
designed tournament.
The paper proceeds as follows. Section II provides a brief
description of the model. Other-regarding preferences are discussed in a
general context in Section III, and Section IV compares the effort
choices of other-regarding workers and self-oriented workers. Section V
introduces the inequality premium and determines how it responds to
changes in the piece rate and the parameters of the preference
representation. Section VI examines the impact of other-regarding
preferences on the optimal piece rate. Section VII checks the robustness
of the results when workers compare net rather than gross wages, and
Section VIII offers a conclusion. All proofs are collected in an
In this principal-agent model, the principal is risk neutral and
the workers are risk neutral but other-regarding. (4) The timing is as
follows. The principal offers all workers a single pay schedule (s, b)
consisting of a salary component, s, and a piece-rate component, b. (5)
Workers observe the contract and decide whether they want to participate
or not, and if they choose to participate, they exert the level of
effort that maximizes their expected utility. The principal observes the
output from each worker and pays the agent according to the specified
Workers generate output by exerting effort. When worker i exerts
effort [e.sub.i], his output is given by [e.sub.i] + [[epsilon].sub.i],
where [[epsilon].sub.i] is a random variable caused by measurement error
by the employer. Each [[epsilon].sub.i] is drawn independently from the
distribution F. Worker pay is determined by s and b: if worker i is
observed to generate output [e.sub.i] + [[epsilon].sub.i], his pay is
[w.sub.i] = s + b([e.sub.i] + [[epsilon].sub.i]). Exerting effort is
costly, and worker i's effort-cost function is given by
[c.sub.i]([e.sub.i]), which is assumed to be zero at zero and strictly
increasing and strictly convex. Worker i's net income from the
employment relationship is defined as s + b([e.sub.i] +
[[epsilon].sub.i]) - [c.sub.i]([e.sub.i], or [w.sub.i] - [c..sub.i]
It is assumed that a worker's utility depends on his own
payoff and a comparison of his own income with that of his coworker. Let
Worker 1 be the worker whose decision we are modeling, and let Worker 2
be his coworker. The utility function of Worker 1 is given by:
(1) U([w.sub.1], [c.sub.1], ([e.sub.1]), [w.sub.2]) = E[u([w.sub.1]
- [c.sub.1]([e.sub.1]))] - aE[V([w.sub.2] - [w.sub.1])].
The function u represents Worker l's own utility from his net
wage and is referred to as the self-oriented utility function, the
function V represents his disutility from inequality in gross wages and
is referred to as the social disutility function, and a [greater than or
equal to] 0 is a shift parameter that reflects the strength of the
decision maker's other-regarding preferences. (6)
We assume that u is linear and strictly increasing with u(x) = x
and that V takes the following form:
where v is nonnegative, strictly increasing, and strictly convex
with v(0) = 0. The function V captures different types of equity
attitudes according to the value of [lambda]. (7) First, note that [eta]
[greater than or equal to] 0 when [w.sub.1] [less than or equal to]
[w.sub.2] which means that Worker 1 is behind in the payoff comparison,
while when [eta] [less than or equal to] 0, Worker 1 is ahead in the
comparison. (8) Since V is subtracted from u in the specification of U,
the assumptions v(0) = 0 and v' > 0 mean that the worker
dislikes being behind. Also, the property v' > 0 means that the
worker prefers to catch up when he is behind. If [lambda] > 0, Worker
1 also dislikes being ahead. Since, when [lambda] > 0, the worker
dislikes any situation in which wages are unequal, [lambda] > 0
implies inequality aversion. In contrast, when [lambda] < 0, Worker 1
likes being ahead and prefers to move farther ahead or, equivalently,
prefers that Worker 2 move farther behind. This behavioral pattern is
commonly referred to as competitiveness, where the decision maker
chooses to increase the difference between his payoff and his
opponent's payoff (MacCrimmon and Messick 1976). This can also be
thought of as status seeking, as in Frank (1985).
An increase in [lambda] represents a movement toward inequality
aversion and away from competitiveness, and so [lambda] is referred to
as the inequality aversion parameter since increases make the worker
more inequality averse. The magnitude of [lambda] is also meaningful.
When [absolute value of [lambda]] < 1, being behind by a certain
amount generates more disutility than the utility gained or lost by
being ahead an equal amount. Accordingly, when [absolute value of
[lambda]] < 1, the individual is behindness averse. When [absolute
value of [lambda]] > 1, being ahead has a larger effect than being
behind. Fehr and Schmidt (1999) support a behindness averse
specification, and behindness aversion is also consistent with the logic
of loss aversion. Figure 1 shows the V function for different values of
Finally, if a worker chooses not to enter the employment
relationship, he exerts no effort and receives no pay, so his income is
non-stochastic and zero. Moreover, if he is not in the employment
relationship, he has no "coworker" in the true sense of the
word and therefore has no obvious candidate for comparison. Accordingly,
we assume that if the worker is not in the employment relationship, the
second component of the preference function is irrelevant, and his
utility is u(0) = 0.
According to the preferences specified in Equation (1), the
self-oriented utility function u depends on net income, but the social
disutility function V depends on the difference between gross incomes.
For Worker 1, then, since Worker i's gross income is s +
b([e.sub.i] + [[epsilon.sub.i]), the social disutility function V is a
function of b([e.sub.2] - [e.sub.1] + [[epsilon].sub.2] -
[[epsilon].sub.1]). Suppose that Worker 2's effort level is given
at [e.sub.2]. Worker 1 chooses [e.sub.1] to maximize: (9)
(3) U([e.sub.1], [e.sub.2]) = E[s + b([e.sub.1] +
[[epsilon].sub.1]-[c.sub.1]([e.sub.1])] - aE[V(b([e.sub.2] - [e.sub.1] +
[[epsilon].sub.2] - [[epsilon].sub.1]))],
which is assumed throughout to be strictly concave in [e.sub.1] so
that a unique maximum exists. (10)
Let z = [[epsilon].sub.2] - [[epsilon].sub.1], and let G be the
distribution function for the random variable z, with density function
g. Since [[epsilon].sub.1] and [[epsilon].sub.2] are drawn independently
from the same distribution, z is symmetric about zero, which implies
that g(z) = g(-z). From the definition of V in Equation (2), if
[e.sub.2] - [e.sub.l] = k < 0, we have V(k) = [lambda]v(-k), which
combined with the symmetry of g(z), yields:
as illustrated in Figure 2. We can then rewrite:
The first integral on the right-hand side of Equation (5) is the
contribution to expected social utility from being behind, and the
second integral is the contribution from being ahead.
Since each worker's income is random, it is useful to define
notions of ahead and behind in expectation. If [e.sub.1] [less than or
equal to] [e.sub.2], Worker 1 is said to be behind in expectation, and
when [e.sub.1] [greater than or equal to] [e.sub.2], he is said to be
ahead in expectation. A worker could be behind in expectation, for
example, if his marginal effort costs are higher than his
opponent's, and so he exerts less effort than his opponent. Since
the noise terms are drawn identically and independently, if he exerts
less effort his expected output is less than his coworker's. Note
that by the conventions established here, when [e.sub.1] = [e.sub.2],
Worker 1 is both ahead in expectation and behind in expectation.
The optimal effort level, [e.sup.*.sub.1], satisfies the
first-order condition:
(6) b-[c.sub.1]'([e.sub.1])-a[partial derivative]/[partial
derivative][e.sub.1]E[V(b([e.sub.2] - [e.sub.1] + z))] = 0.
From Equation (5), we get:
The two terms in the middle line of the equation are zero because
v(0) = 0.
Let [e.sup.0.sub.1] satisfy [c.sub.1]' ([e.sup.0.sub.1]) = b.
Then from Equation (6), [e.sup.0.sub.1] is the optimal effort level when
the worker is not concerned with his coworker's payoff, that is,
when a = 0. (11) The first proposition compares the optimal effort level
when inequality matters, [e.sup.*.sub.1], to the optimal effort level
when it does not, [e.sup.0.sub.1].
PROPOSITION 1. An other-regarding worker exerts more effort than a
self-oriented one (i. e., [e.sup.*.sub.1] > [e.sup.0.sub.1] ) when
one of the following conditions holds:
(i) The worker is competitive (i.e., [lambda] < 0).
(ii) The worker is inequality averse, behindness averse, and behind
in expectation at [e.sup.0.sub.1] (i.e., [lambda] [member of] [0,1) and
[e.sup.0.sub.1] [less than or equal to] [e.sub.2]).
Proof in Appendix.
The proposition states that competitive workers exert more effort
for a given piece rate than self-oriented ones do and that
inequality-averse workers who are also behindness averse exert more
effort than self-oriented ones do when they would expect to be behind at
the self-oriented level of effort.
In the absence of other-regarding preferences, the worker chooses
the effort level that equates the piece rate and the marginal cost of
effort. In contrast, the presence of inequality affects the marginal
condition, for the simple reason that by raising or lowering his effort
level, the worker can change the amount of inequality. The proposition
identifies inequality attitudes that lead the worker to choose more
The results of Proposition 1 are straightforward to see when one
assumes no measurement error, so that [[epsilon].sub.1] =
[[epsilon].sub.2] = 0. Then:
(8) U([e.sub.1],[e.sub.2]) = s+[be.sub.1] - [c.sub.1]([e.sub.1]) -
aV(b([e.sub.2] - [e.sub.1])).
Suppose that choosing [e.sup.0.sub.1] leaves Worker 1 behind, that
is, [e.sup.0.sub.1] < [e.sub.2]. Differentiating U with respect to
[e.sub.1] and evaluating at [e.sup.0.sub.1] yields
abv'(b([e.sub.2]- [e.sup.0.sub.1]))>0, so the worker prefers to
exert more effort than [e.sup.0.sub.1]. Now suppose that choosing
[e.sup.0.sub.1] moves Worker 1 ahead of Worker 2. This time
differentiation at [e.sup.0.sub.1] yields
-ab[lambda]v'(b([e.sub.2]- [e.sup.0.sub.1])), which is positive if
[lambda] < 0, that is, if the worker is competitive. The conditions
in the proposition are stronger than these because of the measurement
error. The same intuition holds, though. If the worker is competitive,
increases in his effort make the expected income difference b([e.sub.2]
- [e.sub.1]) smaller, which increases his utility through the function
V. Accordingly, the piece rate motivates him to exert extra effort in
order to move farther ahead of (or catch up to) the other worker. In
much the same way, if the worker is inequality averse, he wants to
narrow any income gap. He can do this by exerting more effort when he is
behind or by exerting less effort when he is ahead. However, with
measurement error, both events occur with positive probability. In order
for the worker to exert more effort when he is behind in expectation at
[e.sup.0.sub.1], the impact of being behind must outweigh the impact of
being ahead, which holds if [lambda] [member of] [0,1).
A look at Equation (6) shows that [[partial
derivative].sup.2]U([e.sup.0.sub.1], [e.sub.2])/[partial
derivative][e.sub.1][partial derivative]a = [[partial
derivative]U([e.sup.0.sub.1], [e.sub.2])/[partial
derivative][e.sub.1]]/a, and so an increase in a magnifies the effect of
inequality on effort. Also,
As the worker becomes less competitive, or more inequality averse,
the effect on effort diminishes. This makes sense because a competitive
worker always provides more effort than [e.sup.0.sub.1], but an
inequality-averse worker may exert less than [e.sup.0.sub.1]. The move
from competitiveness to inequality aversion reduces the amount of effort
Finally, a look at Equation (7) allows a discussion of when the
presence of other-regarding preferences might lead to less effort.
According to the proposition, one looks at the case in which the worker
is inequality averse and [e.sup.0.sub.1] > [e.sub.2], so that
choosing [e.sup.0.sub.1] places the worker ahead of his coworker in
expectation. Because [e.sup.0.sub.1] > [e.sub.2], the first integral
in Equation (7) is over a smaller probability mass than the second term.
Consequently, when [lambda] [greater than or equal to] 1, the second
term dominates the first, and the worker exerts less effort than
[e.sup.0.sub.1] when he is ahead of his coworker. This can also occur
when [lambda] is less than but close to 1, which has the interpretation
that the decision maker is inequality averse but not very behindness
When workers have identical preferences and costs, for each value
of b, there is a symmetric equilibrium in which both workers exert the
same effort level, [e.sub.*]. Take the first derivative of Equation (3)
with respect to [e.sub.1] and substitute [e.sub.1] = [e.sub.2] = e, and
that effort level, [e.sub.*], solves:
(10) b - c'([e.sub.*]) + a [partial derivative]/ [partial
derivative][e.sub.1]E[V(bz)] = 0.
The derivative d[e.sub.*]/da tells how the symmetric equilibrium
effort level changes when the workers become more sensitive to
inequality. From standard comparative statics techniques, the sign of
d[e.sub.*]/da is the same as the sign of [partial
derivative]E[V(bz)]/[partial derivative][e.sub.1], (12) which from
Equation (5) is:
which is positive when [lambda] < 1. This establishes the next
proposition, whose proof is omitted.
PROPOSITION 2. If workers are identical and are either competitive,
behindness averse, or both (i.e., [lambda] < 1), then in symmetric
equilibrium, when they become more other regarding (i. e., a increases),
the), both exert more effort.
According to Proposition 2, if the workers have identical costs and
preferences that exhibit either competitiveness or inequality aversion
combined with behindness aversion, their other-regarding preferences
provide an intrinsic incentive that works alongside the piece rate in
motivating effort. Competitive workers exert additional effort because
they like their incomes moving ahead of their coworkers', and they
dislike it when their incomes fall behind. Inequality-averse workers
dislike moving ahead and moving behind, but behindness aversion states
that moving behind has the larger effect. So, the inequality-averse
workers exert additional effort in order to avoid falling behind their
This result is reminiscent of the results from promotion
tournaments (e.g., Lazear and Rosen 1981). In tournaments, workers exert
effort in an attempt to win a prize, and the larger the prize, the
harder they work. When workers are identical, as they are in Proposition
2, they have equal chances of winning the tournament in equilibrium;
yet, they still work harder when the prize increases. Essentially, if
they do not work harder when the prize increases, their opponents have
an incentive to exert even more effort, and the nonresponding
worker's probability of winning falls. So, workers respond to
higher prizes by exerting more effort to avoid falling behind. Similarly
in this setting, an increase in a intensifies the "rewards"
from being ahead and the "losses" from being behind, and the
workers respond to this by exerting more effort in an attempt to not
fall behind.
When workers are not other regarding, measurement error causes
their participation constraints, or individual rationality constraints,
to change. Measurement error introduces income risk, and when workers
are risk averse, the firm must pay a risk premium to induce them to
participate in the employment relationship. In this setting with
risk-neutral but other-regarding workers, different considerations occur
because of inequality, which arises for two reasons. First, measurement
error introduces inequality even when both workers exert the same amount
of effort. Second, inequality occurs when one worker chooses more effort
than the other, which may come about because of such factors as cost
differences or heterogeneous preferences. When workers are other
regarding, the firm must pay an inequality premium in order to satisfy
the workers' participation constraints. In this section, we explore
properties of the inequality premium.
With noise, but no coworker, Worker l's utility is given by
E[s + b([e.sub.1] + [[epsilon].sub.1]) - [c.sub.1]([e.sub.1])] = s +
[be.sub.1] - [c.sub.1]([e.sub.1]). With a coworker, utility is given by
U([e.sub.1], [e.sub.2]) = s + [be.sub.1] - [c.sub.1]([e.sub.1]) -
aE[V(b([e.sub.2] - [e.sub.1] + [[epsilon].sub.2] - [[epsilon].sub.1]))].
We define the inequality premium by the value [[theta].sub.I] that
solves s + [be.sub.1] - [c.sub.1]([e.sub.1] - [[theta].sub.I] =
U([e.sub.1], [e.sub.2]), or:
(12) [[theta].sub.I] = aE[V(b([e.sub.2] - [e.sub.1] +
[[epsilon].sub.2] - [[epsilon].sub.1]))].
PROPOSITION 3. The inequality premium is increasing in an
individual's degree of inequality aversion ([partial
derivative][[theta].sub.I]/[partial derivative][lambda] > 0).
Proof in Appendix.
Proposition 3 says that for any type of other-regarding
preferences, the inequality premium rises when the worker becomes more
inequality averse (less competitive). To understand why, first note that
the parameter [lambda] only comes into play when the worker is ahead.
When [lambda] < 0, he likes being ahead, but when [lambda] > 0, he
dislikes it. Increasing X moves the worker either closer to the range
where he dislikes being ahead or farther into that range. Either way,
the inequality premium rises.
PROPOSITION 4. The inequality premium is increasing in the piece
rate ([partial derivative][[theta].sub.I]/[partial derivative]b > 0)
when one of the following two conditions holds:
(i) The worker is inequality averse ([lambda] [greater than or
equal to] 0).
(ii) The worker is competitive, behindness averse, and behind in
expectation ([lambda] [member of] (-1,0) and [e.sub.1] [less than or
equal to] [e.sub.2]).
Proof in Appendix.
Proposition 4 states that the inequality premium rises as the piece
rate rises when either the worker is inequality averse or when he is
competitive, behindness averse, and behind in expectation. An
inequality-averse worker dislikes being either ahead or behind and,
since v is increasing, he dislikes it more the further ahead or behind
he is. Increasing the piece rate scales up the inequality, making the
worker worse off and raising the inequality premium. A competitive
worker dislikes being behind but likes being ahead. Behindness aversion
means that the effect when behind outweighs the effect when ahead, and
the assumption that he is behind in expectation places greater
probability mass on the event that he is behind. An increase in the
piece rate scales up the inequality, and since the effect of being
behind outweighs the effect of being ahead, the inequality premium
The purpose of this section is to address two issues concerning the
optimal piece rate set by the firm. First, is the choice of piece rate
impacted by the inequality attitudes of the workers? Second, are there
circumstances under which the workers' other-regarding preferences
lead to wage compression?
If p is the price of output, the optimal piece rate chosen by the
firm maximizes expected profit, [pi], given by:
(13) [pi] = p[e.sub.*] - (s + b[e.sub.*]),
subject to the agent's incentive compatibility constraint (given by Equation (6), which defines [e.sub.*]) and the individual
rationality constraint, which says that accepting employment earns him
at least a certain equivalent income of zero: (13)
(14) s + b[e.sub.*] -c([e.sub.*]) - [[theta].sub.I](b,s,a,[lambda])
[greater than or equal to] 0.
Suppose that the workers are identical, in terms of both
preferences and costs, so that they both choose the same effort level.
(14) The expression for per capita expected profit, after substituting
in the constraint, is given by:
(15) [pi] = p[e.sub.*]-c([e.sub.*]) - [[theta].sub.I]
Differentiating Equation (15) with respect to b yields the
first-order condition given by:
(16) [partial derivative][pi]/[partial derivative]b = (p -
c'([e.sub.*]))d[e.sub.*]/db - [partial
derivative][[theta].sub.I]/[partial derivative]b = 0.
This determines the optimal piece rate [b.sub.*]. (15)
If workers are not other regarding, the first-order condition
reduces to (p - c'(e)) [partial derivative][e.sub.*]/[partial
derivative]b = 0, and the optimal piece rate is the one that induces the
amount of effort that equates the price and marginal effort cost. When
workers are other regarding, the optimal piece rate could be either
higher or lower than the one that is optimal when workers are inequality
neutral. Equation (16) suggests two counteracting forces that govern the
choice of the optimal piece rate when workers become more other
regarding. One is an inequality premium effect, which puts downward
pressure on piece rates, and it is captured by the change in the term
[partial derivative][[theta].sub.I]/[partial derivative]b as a
increases. As the workers become more other regarding, the firm has an
incentive to reduce the piece rate, thereby reducing the inequality
premium and hence the total compensation it must provide the worker. The
second is an incentive effect, which may put upward pressure on piece
rates, and it is captured by the change in the term (p
c'(e))[partial derivative] [e.sub.*]/[partial derivative]b as a
increases. As workers become more other regarding, they may become more
responsive to incentives, prompting the firm to increase the piece rate
to take advantage of this increased responsiveness. Neither of these
effects exists when workers are only risk averse and not other
The impact on the optimal piece rate depends on which of these two
effects dominates. The next proposition establishes that the inequality
premium effect dominates in an interesting class of problems. Suppose
that both workers are identical, and let [b.sup.0] be the piece rate for
which c'([e.sup.0]([b.sup.0])) = p, so that [b.sup.0] is the
optimal piece rate when workers are not other regarding. Letting
[b.sup.*] denote the optimal piece rate when workers are other regarding
(as defined by Equation (16)), we get the following result.
PROPOSITION 5. Suppose that workers are identical, inequality
averse, and/or behindness averse ([lambda] > -1), and not too other
regarding (0 < a < A for some A >0). Then [b.sup.*] <
Proof in Appendix.
To understand Proposition 5, first assume that de*/db > 0, so
that workers respond to incentives. Proposition 4 states that if the
workers are inequality averse, behindness averse, or both, [partial
derivative][[theta].sub.I]/[partial derivative]b > 0. Equation (16),
the first-order condition governing the optimal piece rate, can then
only hold if p > c' ([e.sup.*]). Recalling that c'
([e.sup.0]) = p and that marginal costs are increasing, it follows that
[e.sup.*] < [e.sup.0], and de*/db > 0 then implies that [b.sup.*]
< [b.sup.0]. Proposition 5 establishes that other-regarding
preferences can contribute to wage compression, and this may help
explain why, as Frank (1984) discusses, the degree of wage compression
observed in firms is more than that predicted by risk aversion alone.
The condition that workers are not too other regarding guarantees
that d[e.sup.*]/db > 0. When a = 0, the workers are not other
regarding and their effort choices are governed by the condition c'
([e.sup.0]) = b. Consequently, de*/db > 0 when a = 0. By continuity,
there exists some A > 0 such that d[e.sup.*]/db > 0 whenever a
[member of] (0,A).
In this section, we explore the robustness of the results to a
change in the specification of preferences. In particular, we change the
worker's preferences so that he cares not just about pay
differences but also about effort cost differences.
Assume in Equation (1) that the worker compares his own pay minus
effort costs to his coworker's pay less effort costs. Worker 1
chooses [e.sub.1] to maximize:
(17) U([e.sub.1],[e.sub.2]) =E[s + b([e.sub.1] +
[[epsilon].sub.1])-[c.sub.1]([e.sub.1])] - aE[V(b([e.sub.2] -[e.sub.1] +
[[epsilon].sub.2] - [epsilon].sub.1]) - ([c.sub.2] ([e.sub.2]) -
The key difference between this case and the benchmark case of
earlier sections is that the worker's first-order condition for
maximization is changed. Differentiate Equation (17) with respect to
[e.sub.1] to get:
(18) [partial derivative]U/[partial derivative][e.sub.1] = (b -
[c.sub.1]'([e.sub.1]))(1 + aE[V']),
and let [e.sup.**.sub.1] solve the first-order condition in
Equation (18). Note that Equation (18) is equal to zero when
[c'.sub.1] ([e.sub.1]) = b, which is exactly the definition of
[e.sup.0.sub.1], the optimal effort for a self-oriented worker. This
proves the following proposition.
PROPOSITION 6. Assume that workers compare net income as in
Equation (17). Then, other-regarding workers exert the same level of
effort as self-oriented ones (i.e., [e.sup.**.sub.1] = [e.sup.0.sub.1]).
When workers compare effort costs as well as pay levels, piece
rates do not provide any extra incentives over the self-oriented case.
Thus, Proposition 1 is not robust to this change in the preference
specification. It is informative to explore why not. In the benchmark
case, at [e.sup.0.sub.1], a marginal increase in effort leads to no
additional self-oriented utility, but it does lead to a marginal
increase in expected income, and so it leads to a marginal change in
inequality. The worker likes this marginal change in inequality when he
is competitive because the increased effort makes the income comparison
more favorable in expectation. He also likes the marginal change when he
is inequality averse, behindness averse, and behind in expectation
because the additional income reduces the amount of inequality and
places more probability mass on the event where he is ahead. When effort
costs enter the social comparison, though, the marginal increase in
effort does not change the social comparison because it changes income
and effort costs in exactly the same way, and this is regardless of
whether the worker is competitive or inequality averse.
Even though the counterpart of Proposition 1 does not hold in this
setting, the inequality premium exhibits properties similar to those in
the benchmark setting and leads to the same wage compression result. To
that end, let [b.sup.**] denote the optimal piece rate for the firm when
workers compare net income.
PROPOSITION 7. Assume that workers are identical, compare net
income as in Equation (17), and are inequality averse, and/or behindhess
averse ([lambda] > -1). Then, the inequality premium is increasing in
the piece rate and in the degree of inequality aversion ([partial
derivative][[theta].sub.I]/[partial derivative]b > 0 and [partial
derivative][[theta].sub.I]/[partial derivative][lambda] > 0), and the
optimal piece rate is lower than it would be for self-oriented workers
(b** < [b.sup.0]).
Proof in Appendix..
The result of Proposition 7, that [partial
derivative][[theta].sub.I]/[partial derivative]b > O, means that the
inequality premium increases when the piece rate increases, and is
consistent with Proposition 3. The second result states that the
inequality premium increases when the workers become more inequality
averse, as measured by [lambda], and is consistent with Proposition 4.
The final result states that the firm's profit-maximizing piece
rate is less than the one it would set if workers were inequality
neutral, that is, when a = 0. This last result is consistent with
Proposition 5, and so the primary finding that other-regarding attitudes
can lead to reduced incentives when workers are inequality averse,
behindness averse, or both extends to the case in which workers compare
net incomes rather than gross pay.
This paper demonstrates two major results. First, if workers are
identical, care about wage differences, and are behindness averse, they
work harder than they would if they were self-oriented. Second, the
effect of other-regarding behavior on the optimal piece rate is governed
by two effects: other-regarding workers exerting more effort puts upward
pressure on the piece rate as workers become more other regarding (the
incentive effect), but other-regarding workers must also be compensated
for facing inequality and this puts downward pressure on the optimal
piece rate (the inequality premium effect). When workers are behindness
averse, the inequality premium effect dominates, and so the existence of
workers with other-regarding attitudes leads the firm to reduce the
incentive pay in its compensation scheme, which is wage compression.
When workers compare net rather than gross wages, the results
change somewhat. In contrast to the results in Section IV, we find that
piece rates do not provide any extra incentives over the self-oriented
case. On the other hand, in this setting, the inequality premium
exhibits similar properties to those in the setting where workers
compare gross wages, and hence, the wage compression result still holds.
Behindness aversion provides a link between the two main results.
Workers provide extra effort if they are competitive, or if they are
both inequality averse and behindness averse. The inequality premium
rises with the piece rate and wage compression results if workers are
inequality averse, or if they are both competitive and behindness
averse. So, when workers are behindness averse, both results hold, and
it does not matter if they are also competitive or inequality averse. In
this sense, and in this setting, behindness aversion is more important
than the other behavioral patterns. In spite of this, behindness
aversion has received little attention in the literature, and it
deserves more investigation.
doi: 10.1111/j.1465-7295.2008.00129.x
Proof of Proposition l
By Equation (7) and the definition of [e.sup.0.sub.1],
Since v' > 0, the first term is positive. If (i) holds, so
that [lambda] < 0, the second term is positive, and [partial
derivative]U([e.sup.0.sub.1],[e.sub.2])/[partial derivative][e.sub.1]
>0. If (ii) holds, so that [lambda] [member of] [0,1) and
[e.sup.0.sub.1] [less than or equal to] [e.sub.2],
The first inequality holds because by replacing el [e.sub.2] with
0, the first integral is taken over a smaller probability mass, while
the second integral is taken over a larger probability mass. For the
second inequality, [lambda] is replaced by 1, which is larger than any
value that it can take. Under both Conditions (i) and (ii) then,
[partial derivative]U([e.sup.0.sub.1] [e.sub.2])/[partial
derivative][e.sub.1] > 0, and, since [partial
derivative]U([e.sup.*.sub.1], [e.sub.2])/[partial derivative][e.sub.1] =
0, it follows that [e.sup.*.sub.1] > [e.sup.0.sub.1].
Proof of Proposition 3
From Equations (12) and (5), we have:
Proof of Proposition 4
From Equations (12) and (5), we have:
(A4) [partial derivative][[theta].sub.I]/[partial derivative]b :
a([partial derivative]E[V(b([e.sub.2] [e.sub.1] + [[epsilon].sub.2] -
[[epsilon].sub.1]))]/[partial derivative]b).
From Equation (5),
Differentiating again yields:
First suppose (i) holds. Inequality aversion implies that [lambda]
> 0, and therefore, the last line in Equation (A5) and the last line
in Equation (A6) are the sums of two integrals of positive-valued
functions, implying that [partial derivative][[theta].sub.I]/[partial
derivative]b > 0 and [[partial
derivative].sup.2][[theta].sub.I]/[partial derivative][b.sup.2] > 0.
Now suppose (ii) holds. Because [lambda] [member of] (- 1,0) and
[e.sub.1] < [e.sub.2],
Consequently, [partial derivative][[theta].sub.I],/[partial
derivative]b > 0. A similar argument establishes that [partial
derivative]O:/[partial derivative]b- > O.
Proof of Proposition 5
From Equation (16), the optimal piece rate b* is determined by
(A8) (p-c'(e*))de*/db = [partial
derivative][[theta].sub.I]/partial derivative]b.
When [lambda] > 1, by Proposition 4, [partial
derivative][[theta].sub.I]/[partial derivative]b > 0. When a = 0, e*
solves c'(e*) - b, so de*/db = 1/c" > 0. By continuity,
there exists an A > 0 such that when a [member of] (0,A), de*/db >
0. From Equation (A8), p - c'(e*) = ([partial
derivative][[theta].sub.I]/[partial derivative]b)/(de*/db) > O, and
so p c'(e*) > 0. Letting [e.sup.0] denote the effort level that
makes c'([e.sup.0]) = p, strict convexity of the effort-cost
function implies that c'(e*) < c'([e.sup.0]) and therefore
e* < [e.sup.0]. The result follows from de*/db > 0.
Proof of Proposition 7
Since workers are identical, [e.sub.1] = [e.sub.2], implying that:
(A9) V(b([e.sub.2] - [e.sub.1] + z) ([c.sub.2]([e.sub.2])
-[c.sub.1]([e.sub.1]))) = V(bz).
From Equations (A9) and (A4),
Then, [partial derivative][[theta],sub.I]/[partial derivative] b
> 0 follows from [delta] > -1. Also,
Finally, from Equation (16), we have p - c'([e.sup.**]) =
([partial derivative][[theta].sub.I]/[partial
derivative]b)/(d[e.sup.**]/db), and by Proposition 6, de**/db =
d[e.sup.0]/db = 1/c" > 0. Consequently, [e.sup.**] <
[e.sup.0], and since d[e.sup.**]/db > 0, it follows that [b.sup.**]
< [b.sup.0].
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* W.S.N. thanks the Private Enterprise Research Center for
financial support.
Neilson: Professor, Department of Economics, University of
Tennessee, Knoxville, TN 37996-0550. Phone 1-865-974-1691, Fax
1-865-974-4601, E-mail
[email protected]
Stowe: Assistant Professor, Fuqua School of Business, Duke
University, Durham, NC 27708-0120. Phone 1-919-660-7746, Fax
1-919-681-6246, E-mail
[email protected]
(1.) We look specifically at linear wage contracts, primarily
because linear wage contracts, although generally suboptimal, have
proven to be an extremely useful vehicle for exploring the effects of
risk attitudes on incentive pay (e.g., Gibbons 1997). However, Holmstrom
and Milgrom (1987) show that in a natural class of dynamic moral hazard
problems, linear contracts are actually optimal.
(2.) In the Frank Hahn Lecture, Fehr and Fischbacher (2002) state
that "neither the effects nor the determinants of material
incentives can be adequately understood if one neglects social
preferences and that the interaction between material incentives and
social preferences is likely to have important effects on the optimality
of different types of contracts and property rights" (p. C2).
(3.) In contrast to Bewley's findings, researchers in the
social psychology literature suggest that individuals use comparisons
that are biased in a self-serving manner. For example, when an
individual works harder than his coworker, he compares net pay, whereas
when the coworker works harder, he compares gross pay (Walster, Walster,
Berscheid 1978). Messick and Sentis (1979, 1983) and Cook and Yamagishi
(1983) suggest that individuals who exert less effort view equal wages
as being fair, whereas those who exert more effort are likely to view
wages proportional to effort as being fair.
(4.) All the results of this paper still hold if the workers are
allowed to be risk averse. Risk neutrality is assumed for reasons of
(5.) If workers have different effort-cost functions, the optimal
piece-rate scheme would entail different piece rates and different
salaries for the two workers. Many real-world firms, however, offer a
single piece-rate scheme to all their workers, and the situation
described here fits those firms. Of course, if the salary is
insufficient to meet one worker's participation constraint, that
worker exerts no effort.
(6.) The functional form in Equation (1) corresponds to the Fehr
and Schmidt (1999) model of inequality aversion if all components of
income (and not just gross wages) matter for comparison, if both
[w.sub.1] - [c.sub.1]([e.sub.1]) and [w.sub.2]-- [c.sub.2]([e.sub.2])
are nonstochastic, and if V is piecewise linear.
(7.) The function V is reminiscent of the value function used in
cumulative prospect theory (Tversky and Kahneman 1992). In that setting,
individual choice under risk, the value function is specified to capture
the reflection effect (choice patterns over gains are the opposite of
choice patterns over losses) and loss aversion (losses have a larger
effect than gains), and [lambda] would be interpreted as a loss aversion
parameter. The function also captures one of the features of the
Fehr-Schmidt model: the function used to govern positive payoff
differences is a multiple of the function used to govern negative payoff
(8.) Ahead and behind are both weak comparisons here, implying that
when q = 0, Worker 1 is both ahead and behind.
(9.) We have simplified notation, writing U([e.sub.1], [e.sub.2])
instead of the more cumbersome U(s + b([e.sub.1] + [[epsilon].sub.1]),
[c.sub.1]([e.sub.1]), s + b([e.sub.2] + [[epsilon].sub.2])).
(10.) Compute [[partial derivative].sup.2]U/[[partial
derivative].[e.sup.2.sub.1] = - [c".sub.1] - a[b.sup.2]EV". By
assumption, [c".sub.1] [greater than or equal to] 0. U is strictly
concave in [e.sub.1] if V" is not too negative, that is, if V is
not too concave.
(11.) [e.sup.0.sub.1] is also the effort exerted by a risk-averse
but non-other-regarding worker.
(12.) The first-order condition has [U.sub.1]([e.sub.1], [e.sub.2])
= O. Implicitly differentiating with respect to a, holding [e.sub.2]
constant, yields [U.sub.11][de.sub.1]/da + [partial
derivative][U.sub.1]/ [partial derivative]a. Since [U.sub.11] < 0 by
assumption, [de.sub.1]/da and [partial derivative][U.sub.1]/ [partial
derivative]a have the same sign. Furthermore, as already argued,
[[partial derivative].sub.[]/[partial derivative] has the same sign as
(13.) In most of the incentive pay literature, analyses look at
maximizing total surplus rather than expected profit. In this setup,
maximizing expected profit generates the same result as maximizing total
surplus. The total surplus (or total certainty equivalent) has two
components: the firm's certainty equivalent (or certain equivalent
income), which is expected revenue minus expected worker compensation,
and the worker's certainty equivalent (or certain equivalent
wealth), which is his expected wage minus the cost of both exerting
effort and bearing risk and inequality.
(14.) This assumption is made because if workers had different
costs, for example, the firm would want to set different piece rates for
the two workers. Since we are interested in the inequality generated
when all workers receive the same piece rate, the assumption of
identical workers is natural. If workers had different piece rates, this
would provide another potential dimension for comparison for the social
disutility function.
(15.) Second-order conditions require that (p - c'(e*))
([[partial derivative].sup.2]e*/[partial derivative][b.sup.2]) -
c'(e*)[([partial derivative]e*/[partial derivative]).sup.2] -
[[partial derivative].sup.2][[theta].sub.I]/[partial
derivative][b.sup.2] < 0, which always holds if we assume [[partial
derivative].sup.2][[theta].sub.I]/[partial derivative][b.sup.2] > 0
and sgn(p - c'(e*)) = - sgn([[partial derivative].sup.2]e*/[partial
(16.) Wage compression has been addressed in a variety of other
contexts, including centralized and decentralized bargaining and
tournaments (see Moene and Wallerstein 1997; Main, O'Reilly, and
Wade 1993; Lazear 1989; Kandel and Lazear 1992; among others). The
practice of wage compression is often supported for the reason that it
should reduce disharmony among coworkers; however, it is not clear that
wage compression is always beneficial because better workers may feel
slighted (Lazear 1989). In addition, it is commonly posited that wage
compression is a result of risk aversion. Importantly, however, the
degree of wage compression observed in firms cannot be explained by risk
aversion alone (Frank 1984).