On the preferences of principals and agents.
Castillo, Marco ; Petrie, Ragan ; Torero, Maximo 等
A basic intuition in economics is that trade is not possible
without heterogeneity of preferences or assets and that markets are best
equipped to allocate resources and abilities to tasks. This paper takes
this intuition to task by looking at risk. We investigate if risk
preferences are heterogeneous in the field and if markets allocate
people to tasks based on their risk preferences. We do this by
implementing experiments with a random sample of managers in a
fast-growing economic cluster.
The idea that markets need agents that are willing to take risks in
order to develop dates back, at least, to Cantillon (1734). Later
authors like Hayek (1969) and Knight (1921) note that entrepreneurs are
needed to bear any extra gains and losses from the efficient allocation
of resources. However, there is no universal agreement that
entrepreneurs must be willing to bear more risks. Schumpeter (1932), for
instance, argues that, as markets develop, it is financial systems that
should bear risks and not particular agents. However, in the presence of
information asymmetries, there is no guarantee that financial markets
will be able to absorb all risk. Perhaps the area of economics where the
role of risk preferences is most explicit is that of contract theory.
Standard treatments of the principal-agent model (Kreps, 1990) show that
principais are able to offer incentive-compatible contracts that exploit
the relative risk aversion of principals and agents. In this paper, we
empirically investigate this asymmetry of risk.
There is little empirical evidence corroborating the basic
assumption that principals are less risk averse than agents. Previous
work in the entrepreneurship literature has used hypothetical risky
investment questions or situational questions to measure risk, and
comparisons have been across the general population and across various
sectors, (1) The evidence is mixed. In early work, using mailed surveys
to assess risk propensity, Brockhaus (1980) and Masters and Meier (1988)
find no difference between owners and managers. Cramer et al. (2002)
find a link between an ex post hypothetical lottery risk measure and
entrepreneurial choice at some previous point in a person's life;
however, they caution that their results are not causal. Ekelund et al.
(2005) use a psychological measure of "fear of uncertainty" to
measure risk. They find a direct link between their risk measure and
being self-employed. More generally, Bonin et al. (2006) use a
hypothetical risky investment question to measure risk and find a
correlation between risk and variance in earnings across occupations.
They do not study entrepreneurs per se.
A challenge in testing the hypothesis of heterogeneity of
preferences is that we rarely observe people in these conditions. To
wit, it is not clear that simple comparisons between people in
managerial and nonmanagerial positions will provide the appropriate
contrast. Indeed, those in managerial positions are likely to be more
educated but otherwise similar to others. Also, relating variance in
income and risk aversion across various sectors may pick up unexplained variation in wages across sectors that may be correlated with risk.
To avoid these problems, we collect experimental data on risk
preferences in a sample of managers of micro-enterprises in a
fast-growing economic cluster. All firms in this cluster are involved in
small manufacturing and are geographically close. We exploit the fact
that many firms in this sector are managed by owners (entrepreneurs),
but many others are managed by agents. Owner-managers and agent-managers
face similar risks and market conditions when making decisions for the
firm. Moreover, in this context, business activity takes place with
limited financial intermediation, so one expects risk preferences to be
important. All this makes our sample ideal to compare the preferences of
entrepreneurs with that of agents. If people select into activities
according to their preferences, we should expect that those managing
their own enterprises will be less risk averse than agents.
Indeed, we find strong evidence that agents are more risk averse
than owners as theory suggests. In our experiments, agent-managers are
more conservative in paid lotteries over gains as well as in lotteries
over gains and losses. We test if our results are robust to the
inclusion of covariate data, and we find that our basic result changes
little. People sort into activities according to risk preferences.
Moreover, we find evidence that the experimental data correlates with
important financial decisions. This provides evidence of the usefulness
of experimental methods in understanding basic economic hypotheses and
also of the importance of carefully selecting samples to make these
hypotheses testable.
The paper is organized as follows. Section II discusses the sample
and experimental methods. Section III presents basic experimental
results and its relationship with economic decisions. Section IV
The study was conducted in Gamarra, a fast-growing economic cluster
in Lima, Peru.
Gamarra is akin to the Garment District in New York; it is a sector
full of firms involved in small-scale manufacturing and trade. Most of
Gamarra's entrepreneurs are migrants who started their business
outside the formal financial system. Until the early nineties, this
sector has faced little regulation or support, making it a unique
laboratory of how market forces work. (2)
Gamarra is a 12-square block area in Lima, Peru. It emerged in the
1960s as an area where migrants started small textile businesses to
supply the growing garment industry. Since its inception, the area has
attracted migrants and entrepreneurs for its agglomeration economies.
Now, the area hosts thousands of small firms engaged in small
manufacturing (i.e., retail, consumption, and wholesale goods) and
trade. Because of their small size, firms are capable of quickly
adapting production to the needs of the market. This make the area
dynamic and attractive to those willing to take risks.
In order to secure a random sample of the population of businesses,
first, a pre-census of all establishments was conducted. Then, a random
sample of establishments was selected. The manager of the establishment
was surveyed on the characteristics of the firm. This survey collected
information on the assets, age, size, and financial matters of the firm
as well as informal business networks. A separate, extensive survey was
conducted to gather information on the manager's household. In a
separate visit, the manager was asked a few lotteries questions. These
lotteries were only asked of managers, many of whom were owners of the
firm as well. (3) The experimental procedures are explained further
Table 1 presents a summary of the population of managers and firms.
The data are restricted to firms managed by men because, of the 360
firms interviewed, only 47 were managed by women. More notably, of the
firms managed by women, 91% are also owners. So, there is little
variation in agents and owners among women. This also suggests that the
type of women who become entrepreneurs may be different than men who
become entrepreneurs. (4) Therefore, to limit possible noise from
unobservables, we focus our analysis on the male-managed firms. All the
results in the paper hold, however, if women are included.
Looking at Table 1, 60% of firms are managed by their owners.
Eighty-eight percent of managers are married, 85% finished high school,
and 23% have a college degree. The average age is 43 yr. The table shows
that the households of managers are not rich by Peruvian standards. In
Peru, average annual per-capita income at the time of the study was
18,000 soles. The average per-capita income of managers in our sample is
8,890 soles. The households are not poor either. The income of managers
is three and one half times higher than the poverty line of 6.94 soles a
day. (5) Owners have a higher annual income than nonowners. They make
over 2,000 soles more per year. The amount of money saved in the
manager's household in all financial accounts (personal savings) is
about 10% of average annual income, and the implicit monthly interest
rate is less than 1%.
The average size of the firm is 3.3 members, with a maximum size of
26 members in our sample. Most firms are relatively young, 5.1 yr old on
average, with the youngest being less than a year and the oldest being
32 yr old. The firms have an average annual income slightly above
US$31,000 per year and the value of assets is around US$14,000. In a
typical month, the average profit per firm is 62 cents per dollar. The
amount of money taken out in loans by the firm over the past year is
slightly above 1% of average annual income, and the implicit monthly
interest rate is 3.5%. Roughly 88% of firms are formally registered and
pay taxes.
To elicit risk preferences, all managers were asked to respond to a
series of simple lotteries. The lotteries are a simplified version of
the lotteries first used by Binswanger (1980). Managers were asked to
choose one of five risky prospects that gave a high and low payoff with
equal probability. The lotteries are listed in Table 2. They were
constructed by either adding 30 x k or subtracting 10 x k, k = 1,..., 4,
to an initial high and low payoff of (50, 50) or (0, 0). The first set
of lotteries, therefore, were over gains and the second over gains and
losses. The units of the lottery were cents of the local currency. (6)
The lottery payments were set large enough to be salient, but small
enough to afford a large number of observations.
The experimental procedures were as follows. After the firm and
household surveys were administered, in a separate visit from the visits
for the surveys, the lottery questions were asked. Managers were asked
to make their lottery decision over gains, then over gains and losses.
Once decisions were made, lotteries were resolved by flipping a coin.
Managers were then paid in cash the sum of their earnings from the gain
and gain-loss lotteries. Managers knew of these procedures before making
their decisions.
A. Basic Results
This section discusses the results of our experiment. Table 2
presents the frequency with which each lottery was chosen and the
average decisions made according to several socioeconomic variables.
Forty-nine managers (15.6%) did not answer the lottery question. There
does not appear to be selection on observables. While richer households
are more likely to answer the lottery question, owners are no more
likely than nonowners to answer. There are no other differences (i.e.,
by age, education, etc.).
The top panel of Table 2 shows that choices are distributed evenly
in the lottery over gains. The lottery over gains and losses, however,
generates a significantly larger proportion of safe choices. (7) The
significant increase in risk aversion in the lotteries over gains and
losses is as pronounced as the shift toward safe bets reported by
Binswanger (1980, 1981) and Holt and Laury (2002) in lotteries with
large stakes versus lotteries with small stakes.
That behavior across lotteries varies in an intuitive way gives us
confidence that subjects took them seriously despite the small stakes.
This would seem to be at odds with the assumption that the utility
function for money is arbitrarily close to linear over small amounts of
money. However, Holt and Laury (2002) show significant evidence of risk
aversion even when lotteries use small stakes, and that risk aversion
increases as payoffs are scaled up. They also show that it is possible
to find evidence of risk aversion over small stakes without implying
impossibly high levels of risk aversion over large stakes.
Also, our lotteries provide a direct test of the hypothesis of
constant absolute risk aversion. By design, the payoffs of both
lotteries differ only by a constant (50). The definition of constant
absolute risk aversion implies, therefore, that we should not expect any
change in behavior across lotteries. We conclude then that managers
possess either decreasing absolute risk aversion or suffer from loss
aversion. (8)
The second panel of Table 2 compares risk preferences across
different segments of the population of managers. The first 3 columns of
numbers in the bottom panel present comparisons for the lotteries over
gains and the last 3 columns present comparisons for the lotteries over
gains and losses. The lottery measure is the number of the lottery
choice. So, a 1 means the person chose the first lottery, and a 5 means
he chose the fifth lottery. We find that owners are significantly less
risk averse than agents. This is true in both lotteries. (9) On average,
the decision of an owner-manager is 19% higher than that of an
agent-manager. While we find differences across other populations,
evidence on other personal or household characteristics is less robust.
Table 3 presents regression analysis of individual decisions. We
take this approach because the availability of survey data on managers
and their households allows us to control for different socioeconomic
backgrounds and see if the difference between owners and agents still
holds. We do not take the results as evidence of causation. Rather, we
view the analysis as a check on our main result that risk aversion of
owners and agents is significantly different. Since choices are ordered
by risk, with 1 being the safest choice and 5 being the riskiest choice,
we use an ordered logit regression. The regressions control for
education, age, income, family size, and a polychoric index (Angeles and
Kolenikov, 2004) of household assets and durable goods. Note that the
education variables are nonexclusive. The coefficient on high school
measures the effect of high school versus no high school, and the
coefficient on college is the differential effect of college from high
school. The results in the table are unchanged if additional controls
are added or if we control by type of business (i.e., retail,
consumption, or wholesale). (10)
Table 3 confirms that the effect of ownership remains even when
controlling for additional covariates. Those with high school education
make riskier choices, and completing college reduces the risky choice by
half. Our results suggest that entrepreneurs are different from other
managers. Even controlling for income and wealth, owners that manage
their own firms are significantly less risk averse than managers who do
the same job but for others. Our sampling procedure gives us confidence
that confounding factors have been minimized because occupation and
market conditions are held constant. The results are important because
they confirm economists' fundamental views of markets and social
interactions. Entrepreneurs are more tolerant to risk and agents are
more risk averse than principals.
Evidence that simple lotteries capture differences in preferences
across the population is mixed. (11) Eckel and Grossman (2008) use an
instrument similar to ours, and their results suggest that some
instruments might be better suited to capture differences in preferences
in the population. Clearly, if instruments only weakly capture
subjects' preferences, it would be difficult to find effects unless
they are really strong or the instrument is well calibrated.
We would also like to know if risk preferences elicited with the
lotteries and actual economic outcomes are correlated. The evidence from
the literature is mixed. Some have found a correlation. For example,
Binswanger (1980, 1981) finds agricultural investment decisions related
to risk measures. Eckel et al. (2007) find a correlation between risk
measures and experimentally provided educational subsidies. Jacobson and
Petrie (2009) find no correlation between financial decisions and risk
measures. We speculate that these inconclusive results may be due to the
types of decisions (i.e., household vs. business) to which these risk
preferences are being related. In the next section, we look at the
correlation between our risk measures and household and business
B. Risk Preferences and Economic Decisions
A potential concern is that experimental data, while strongly
correlated with personal characteristics, is uncorrelated with important
economic decisions. (12) Table 4 presents Tobit regressions on the
amount of money saved in the manager's household in all financial
accounts and on the amount money taken out in loans by the firm over the
past year. The latter is the monetary amount of loans approved, not the
amount applied for. (13) The first decision is a household financial
decision, and the second is a firm financial decision. (14) All
regressions control for household and firm characteristics and for
whether the manager is the owner or not. Finally, we include the
decisions made by the manager either in the lottery over gains or in the
lottery over gains and losses.
We find that while decisions in the experiments are insignificantly correlated with household savings, lotteries over gains and losses are
positively and significantly correlated with the amount of credit held
by the firm. This result is to be expected as household decisions are
not solely a function of the manager's preferences but,
potentially, also of other household members' preferences. Credit
decisions, on the other hand, are under the control of managers. This
result reassures us that our measures actually explain decisions and of
the external validity of experimental methods. Because we have already
established that risk preference is partially captured by being an
owner, the effect measured in this regression is likely to underestimate
the total effect of risk preferences on economic decisions.
The estimates indicate that the marginal effect of one higher
choice in the lottery over gains and losses would increase the amount of
credit held by the firm by 1,863 soles. This is true even controlling
for personal and firm characteristics. (15) This is important because
our experiments not only detect important differences in the preferences
of the population, but also identify statistically and economically
significant consequences of risk preferences on decisions. This suggests
that previous results showing that risk experiments are either
insensitive to preferences or uninformative about decision making might
partially be due to the experimental instrument and sample choice.
Indeed, the issue of heterogeneity of beliefs is less of a problem in
our sample due to the fact that subjects in our experiment face similar
market conditions.
We investigate whether risk preferences of economic agents are
important in market economies and explain sorting into jobs. Using a
simple experimental procedure, we measure risk preferences in a random
sample of business managers. Ali the managers work in a dynamic
small-manufacturing cluster, share similar socioeconomic backgrounds,
face similar market conditions, but differ in their ownership of a
business. By restricting our sample to managers, we reduce any
confounding effects from different market conditions and increase the
external validity of our results.
We find two key results. First, managers who own the firm where
they work are significantly less risk averse than managers who do not
own the firm. This result is robust to the inclusion of socioeconomic
characteristics of managers and type of manufacturing. This supports the
theoretical assumption that agents are more risk averse than principals.
It is also consistent with the view that entrepreneurs are overly
optimistic. (16) Second, our study gives strong support to the basic
economic intuition that entrepreneurs are different and markets
encourage them to sort into activities that require dealing with
significant risks. Our measures of risk aversion are correlated with
business financial decisions made by the manager.
Our study gives support to the importance of field experiments, as
articulated by Harrison and List (2004). Taking experimental methods to
the population of interest and sampling from a population where
confounding effects are less likely to be an issue seem to be important.
Experimental methods cannot only be a powerful tool to detect
differences in preferences, but they can also detect evidence of
sorting. The distribution of preferences across principals and agents in
a business sector seems to be consistent with economic theory.
doi: 10.1111/j.1465-7295.2009.00189.x
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(1). Incentivized risk payments have been correlated with outside
of the lab economic outcomes in previous research. Our focus is on risk
aversion in situations with principals and agents.
(2.) In 1995. a new simplified tax system was implemented to make
it possible for small business to pay taxes. Further modifications were
introduced in 2003.
(3.) In the United States, entrepreneurs of growing firms may give
up some or all ownership through initial public stock offerings, venture
capital funding, etc. In Gamarra, this type of movement between roles of
owner to manager does not occur. Some agent-managers may become owners
of a firm, but not the one they are currently managing.
(4.) One notable difference between men and women is their risk
aversion. Women are not more risk averse than men. This issue, however,
is reserved for another paper.
(5.) Two dollars a day (6.94 soles) is one poverty-line measure.
This income equates to around 2,533 soles a year at the time of the
survey (US$1 = 3.47 soles).
(6.) One hundred cents, or 1 sole, could buy a person lunch in
(7.) Because each manager made a decision for the gain lottery and
the gain/loss lottery, the two distributions are not independent. The
appropriate test for the null hypothesis of identical distributions is a
Friedman test for matched groups. The test statistic is 384.39 and is
distributed [chi square](1) with a p-value < .000. A Wilcoxon signed
rank test also rejects equality (p-value < .000), and a sign test
that tests the null hypothesis that the median of the difference between
the two lottery choices is zero is also rejected (p-value < .000).
(8.) Given the small stakes of our lotteries, the hypothesis of
loss aversion seems more plausible.
(9.) In a smaller sample (n = 55) of male owners and agents with
monetary stakes 20 times larger, owners are significantly less risk
averse than agents over gains and gains/losses.
(10.) For instance, the results are similar if we add controls for
experience and household age composition, among others.
(11.) For instance, Holt and Laury (2002) find that risk aversion
is weakly related or not at all with gender, major, or race. Dave et al.
(2007) find a correlation between several risk measures and gender.
Dohmen et al. (2005) find correlations between risk lotteries and
gender, age, and height. For an excellent review of the literature on
risk and gender, see Croson and Gneezy (2008).
(12.) Of course, preferences may not be correlated with economic
decisions because of heterogeneous expectations. We do not explore that
(13.) Summary statistics for these variables are shown in Table 1.
(14.) While entrepreneurs make a variety of decisions, we focus on
this financial decision because it is a good example of an economic
decision by the firm.
(15.) Choices in the lotteries are correlated with other financial
decisions like having participated in credit groups or holding credit
(16.) de Meza and Southey (1996) argue the overly optimistic will
become entrepreneurs. Busenitz and Barney (1997) find that entrepreneurs
may have certain cognitive biases, such as excessive optimism and
* This work was completed while Castillo and Petrie were on leave
at the University of Pittsburgh. We are grateful to Lise Vesterlund and
the Economics Department for their hospitality and to Lise Vesterlund
for her helpful comments. We also thank the editor and two anonymous
referees for comments that helped to improve the paper.
Castillo: Associate Professor, Interdisciplinary Center for
Economic Science, George Mason University, 4400 University Drive, MSN 1B2, Fairfax. VA 22030. Phone (703) 993-4850, Fax (703) 993-4238, E-mail
[email protected]
Petrie: Associate Professor, Interdisciplinary Center for Economic
Science, George Mason University, 4400 University Drive, MSN lB2,
Fairfax, VA 22030. Phone (703) 993-4850, Fax (703) 993-4842, E-mail
[email protected]
Torero: Division Director, International Food Policy Research
Institute, 2033 K St NW, Washington, DC 20006. Phone (202) 862-5662,
[email protected]
Descriptive Statistics--Gamarra--Means
Owner (percent) 60.38 (3.0)
Married (percent) 88.45 (5.0)
High school (percent) 84.98 (2.0)
College (percent) 23.32 (2.0)
Age (years) 43.40 (0.68)
Annual per cap. income (,000)--soles 8.89 (0.62)
Annual per cap. inc.--Owner 9.76 (0.97)
Annual per cap. inc.-Nonowner 7.57 (0.54)
Household size 3.89 (0.10)
Personal savings (.000)--soles 0.81 (0.20)
Implicit interest rate for savings 0.80 (0.01)
Number of workers 3.31 (0.14)
Age of firm (years) 5.07 (0.30)
Annual income (,000)--soles 107.62 (8.53)
Profit (percent) 61.74 (6.74)
Total capital (,000)--soles 49.32 (9.70)
Loan size (,000)--soles 1.41 (0.23)
Implicit interest rate for loans 3.54 (0.38)
Firms formally registered (percent) 87.86 (1.85)
Observations 313
Notes: Standard errors in parentheses. Exchange rate,
3.47 soles = US$1.
TABLE 2 Experimental Data
Distribution of Choices
Lottery High and Low Payoff Frequency
1 (50.50) 18.56
2 (80.40) 23.86
3 (110.30) 20.45
4 (140.20) 18.18
5 (170.10) 18.94
Observations 264
Gains & Losses
Lottery High and Low Payoff Frequency
1 (0.0) 31.44
2 (30,-10) 29.19
3 (60,-20) 20.45
4 (90,-30) 13.26
5 (120,-40) 5.68
Observations 264
Average Responses
Variable No Yes t-test (p-value) *
Owner 2.70 3.12 -2.45 (0.02)
40 Yr or Older 2.96 2.94 0.11 (0.91)
Above Median Income 2.86 3.05 -1.11 (0.27)
High School 2.48 3.04 -2.37 (0.02)
Average Responses
Gains & Losses
Variable No Yes t-test (p-value) *
Owner 2.15 2.44 -1.93 (0.05)
40 Yr or Older 2.45 2.21 1.60 (0.11)
Above Median Income 2.23 2.42 -1.22 (0.22)
High School 2.03 2.38 -1.72 (0.09)
* The same comparison of means results hold with a Wilcoxon rank
sum test.
Ordered Logit Regressions on Lottery Choices
Gains G&L
Owner 0.602 ** 0.463 *
(0.011) (0.052)
High school 1.082 *** 0.782 **
(0.002) (0.027)
College -0.582 ** -0.311
(0.037) (0.257)
Age (years) 0.004 0.005
(0.958) (0.943)
Age squared 0.000 0.000
(0.821) (0.857)
Log of household income 0.259 * 0.183
(0.079) (0.207)
Family size -0.112 -0.031
(0.115) (0.664)
Index of household characteristics
Index of household assets
Constant 2.228 1.742
(0.266 (0.381)
Log-likelihood -411.38
N 264
Gains G&L
Owner 0.602 ** 0.452 *
(0.011) (0.059)
High school 1.113 *** 0.664 *
(0.002) (0.066)
College -0.576 ** -0.371
(0.041) (0.181)
Age (years) 0.002 -0.006
(0.976) (0.928)
Age squared 0.000 0.000
(0.802) (0.908)
Log of household income 0.275 * 0.063
(0.095) (0.700)
Family size -0.120 * -0.026
(0.093) (0.717)
Index of household characteristics 0.089 0.059
(0.503) (0.644)
Index of household assets -0.068 0.170
(0.556) (0.137)
Constant 2.347 0.054
(0.290) (0.981)
Log-likelihood -384.04 -382.61
N 264 264
Notes: p-values in parentheses; * p-value < .10, ** p-value < .05,
*** p-value < .01.
Tobit Regressions on Financial Decisions
Savings (,000)
Choice in gain lottery 1.093
Choice in gain and loss lottery 0.293
Owner 1.583 2.157
(0.449) (0.312)
High school -0.566 -0.232
(0.864) (0.945)
College 2.460 1.938
(0.247) (0.369)
Age (years) 0.423 0.529
(0.564) (0.485)
Age square -0.007 -0.008
(0.393) (0.346)
Log of household income 1.534 1.809
(0.265) (0.205)
Family size -0.646 -0.807 *
(0.332) (0.225)
Index of household characteristics -1.734 -1.672
(0.132) (0.158)
Index of household assets 3.472 *** 3.489 ***
(0.000) (0.000)
Firm age (months) -0.009 -0.007
(0.565) (0.639)
Number of workers 0.545 * 0.593 *
(0.074) (0.061)
Firm is registered 4.236 4.495
(0.364) (0.355)
Implicit interest rate (00) 0.662 0.800
(0.753) (0.712)
Constant -38.731 * -42.225 *
(0.067) (0.053)
Log-likelihood -158.68 -159.86
Observations 264 264
Loans (,000)
Choice in gain lottery 1.069
Choice in gain and loss lottery 1.863 *
Owner 10.904 *** 10.702 ***
(0.001) (0.001)
High school -4.149 -3.709
(0.257) (0.298)
College 4.087 3.847
(0.181) (0.199)
Age (years) 2.112 ** 2.148 **
(0.041) (0.036)
Age square -0.024 ** -0.025 **
(0.036) (0.033)
Log of household income 4.556 ** 4.765 **
(0.020) (0.014)
Family size -0.230 -0.152
(0.782) (0.854)
Index of household characteristics -0.003 -0.054
(0.998) (0.972)
Index of household assets -1.807 -2.105
(0.187) (0.130)
Firm age (months) -0.017 -0.014
(0.444) (0.502)
Number of workers 0.247 0.197
(0.566) (0.644)
Firm is registered -3.479 -3.287
(0.415) (0.441)
Implicit interest rate (00) 0.222 * 0.218 *
0.077 (0.078)
Constant -105.684 *** -110.779 ***
(0.001) (0.001)
Log-likelihood -266.96 -265.86
Observations 264 264
Notes: p-values in parentheses; * p-value < .10, ** p-value < .05,
*** p-value < .01.