Entry coordination and auction design with private costs of information acquisition.
Lu, Jingfeng
In most auction literature, bidders are passively endowed with
private information about their valuations. The analysis then focuses on
optimal elicitation of private information. On many occasions, bidders
may instead have to incur costs to collect this information. (1) Auction
design in these cases has to balance between information acquisition and
information elicitation, which are interdependent. The performance of an
auction depends not only on the bidding equilibrium but also crucially
on the information acquisition equilibrium. (2) As a salient feature,
auction design with information acquisition costs has been complicated
by entry coordination among bidders due to multiple entry equilibria
issue. In a symmetric independent private value (IPV) setting of McAfee and McMillan (1987) with fixed information acquisition cost, Levin and
Smith (1994) note that the ex ante efficient and revenue-maximizing
auction (a second-price auction with no entry fee and no reserve)
induces many asymmetric entry equilibria other than the targeted
symmetric one. The existence of asymmetric entry equilibria in this
setup fundamentally lies in bidders' constant marginal cost of
entry. (3)
Information acquisition costs could be private information of
bidders just as with their private information about values. For
example, in the cases of construction procurements or U.S. timber
auctions, many aspects of prebid information acquisition and analyzation are private knowledge of bidders. (4) Clearly, when information
acquisition costs are private information of bidders, auction design has
to additionally take into account information elicitation at the
information acquisition stage. This aspect of analysis has yet to be
reflected in the literature, while the case with fixed information
acquisition costs has been thoroughly studied by Milgrom (1981), McAfee
and McMillan (1987), Engelbrecht-Wiggans (1987, 1993), Harstad (1990),
Levin and Smith (1994), McAfee, Quan, and Vincent (2002), Ye (2004,
2007), and Cremer, Spiegel, and Zheng (2009) among others. A widely
recognized insight of these studies is that ex ante efficiency can be
achieved through a second-price auction while setting the reserve at the
seller's valuation. If ex ante entry fees can be used to extract
all the expected surplus of bidders then there is a congruence between
the revenue and total surplus. (5) This article advances this line of
research by studying the implications of private acquisition costs on
auction design with an emphasis on bidders' coordination at the
information acquisition stage. Specifically, we consider the IPV setting
of McAfee and McMillan (1987) and Levin and Smith (1994) while allowing
the information acquisition costs to be bidders' private
information, which follow a continuous distribution. In light of our
previous discussion, this article attempts to answer the following
questions: (1) How are ex ante efficient and revenue-maximizing auctions
affected by this additional dimension of private information? In other
words, how does information rent extraction at the entry stage affect
the auction designs? (2) Can this private information alleviate (rather
than aggravate) the problem of entry coordination? With the dispersion in private information acquisition costs, the multiplicity of entry
equilibria arising from the constant marginal cost in Levin and Smith
(1994) might be avoidable. The types with higher information acquisition
costs must have less incentive to enter, which could reduce the number
of entry equilibria. The questions are: Will sufficient dispersion
coordinate bidders and induce a unique entry? If yes, how much
dispersion is enough?
Due to the potential multiplicity of entry equilibria for any given
mechanism, it is rather difficult to compare performances across
varieties of mechanisms. To overcome this difficulty, we come up with an
alternative approach. Our analysis begins with characterizing efficient
and revenue-maximizing auctions for any given feasible entry pattern,
which can be described through a vector of bidders' entry
thresholds of acquisition costs. (6) For a given feasible entry pattern,
we cannot do better than ex post efficient allocation to maximize the
expected total surplus of the seller and bidders. While achieving ex
post efficient allocation through a second-price auction with a reserve
price equal to the seller's valuation, appropriate ex ante entry
fees (or subsidies) are sufficient to make sure that the given entry
pattern is indeed induced. (7) Thus, a second-price auction with a
reserve price equal to the seller's valuation and appropriately set
entry fees (subsidies) is ex ante efficient for the given entry pattern.
(8) The same auction is also revenue maximizing as participating types
enjoy the smallest possible information rents, which equal the
differences between the entry thresholds and the information acquisition
costs of participants. The optimality of a revenue-maximizing reserve
that equals the seller's value thus extends to a setting with
private acquisition costs. This result clearly relies on the
availability of ex ante entry fees that can be used to extract the
expected surplus of the entrants. (9) The availability of ex ante entry
fees guarantees the optimality of ex post efficiency, which in turn
calls for an optimal reserve equal to seller's valuation.
These observations facilitate our search for ex ante efficient and
revenue-maximizing auctions. What is essential is to characterize the
entry patterns that maximize the expected total surplus and
seller's expected revenue and then pin down the entry fees that
implement these entry patterns. Convenient expressions of the optimal
expected total surplus and seller's expected revenue as functions
of bidders' entry thresholds are discovered. These expressions
allow us to establish useful connections between the first-order conditions characterizing the optimal (efficient or revenue maximizing)
entry thresholds and the expected payoff of these threshold types in a
second-price auction with appropriate entry fees and a reserve price
equal to the seller's valuation. Based on these connections, we
find that (1) a second-price auction with no entry fee and a reserve
price equal to the seller's valuation is ex ante efficient and (2)
a second-price auction with the same reserve price and appropriate ex
ante entry fees is revenue maximizing. Specifically, these entry fees
equal, respectively, the hazard rates of the information acquisition
cost distribution, which are evaluated at the bidders' entry
The intuition is clear why the simple second-price auction is ex
ante efficient. When ex ante entry fees are zero, a type of bidder
enters this auction if and only if his marginal contribution to the
total expected surplus is nonnegative. Our result extends the findings
of Engelbrecht-Wiggans (1993), Levin and Smith (1994), and Ye (2004) to
a more general setting. Revenue maximization, on the other hand,
requires optimal balance between ex ante efficiency and rent extraction
at the entry stage. We find that the contribution of the threshold type
to the revenue equals its contribution to the total efficiency minus the
corresponding hazard rate of the cost distribution. The hazard rate
measures the impact of the threshold on rent extraction at the entry
stage. Given the hazard rate is nonnegative, an entry threshold is
revenue maximizing only if its contribution to the total surplus is
nonnegative. In this case, the threshold type enjoys a positive payoff
(which equals his marginal contribution to the total surplus) in a
second-price auction with a reserve price equal to the seller's
valuation. A nonnegative entry fee that equals the threshold type's
contribution to the total efficiency thus in demand to extract the
threshold type's surplus for the purpose of revenue maximization.
The entry coordination problem does not dissappear naturally even
with dispersion in acquisition costs. First, like the case of fixed
information acquisition costs (Levin and Smith 1994), the issue of
multiple entry equilibria still prevails with the identified efficient
and revenue-maximizing auctions. (11) An important issue is whether
conditions on dispersion of acquisition costs can be identified to
ensure a unique implementation of ex ante efficient entry as well as
revenue-maximizing entry. Second, we find that it could be an asymmetric
entry rather than a symmetric one that maximizes the expected total
surplus or the seller's expected revenue. As one may argue that
symmetric entry can be a focal point of the entry game, an interesting
issue is whether conditions can be identified to ensure the desirable
entry to be symmetric across bidders. To address these two issues, we
show that when the distribution of acquisition costs is more disperse than a particular uniform distribution according to the Biekel-Lehman
dispersive order (Bickel and Lehman 1976), the efficient entry must be
symmetric across bidders and it is the unique entry equilibrium of the
proposed efficient auction. (12) If further the hazard rate of the
information acquisition cost distribution is increasing, that is, a
higher entry threshold must associate with a higher entry fee in the
revenue-maximizing auction, then the revenue-maximizing entry must also
be symmetric and it is the unique entry equilibrium. The intuition
behind this is as follows. When the distribution of acquisition costs is
highly disperse, a type with high acquisition cost has no incentive to
enter even when it is incentive compatible for his rivals to adopt low
entry thresholds because the increase in his winning chance cannot
justify his high information acquisition cost plus the higher entry fee
that is additionally required by the revenue-maximizing auction.
Our article is closely related to a parallel line of auction
literature on information acquisition, which includes Dasgupta (1990),
Tan (1992), Bag (1997), Persico (2000), and Bergemann and Valimaki
(2002) among others. They consider the case where the value distribution
depends on the bidders' endogenous investment. The efficiency of
the simple second-price auction in our new environment is consistent
with the finding of Bergemann and Valimaki (2002), while our
revenue-maximizing auction with ex ante entry fees echoes the insight of
Bag (1997). (13) The entry coordination problem in this alternative
setting has been noted by Tan (1992) (Proposition 3), who finds that
multiple investment equilibria exist for a second-price auction when
bidders are equipped with constant return to scale technology. Tan
(1992) (Proposition 4) further provides sufficient conditions for a
unique entry equilibrium. The key conditions include decreasing return
to scale investment technology and increasing marginal investment cost.
Our finding that sufficient dispersion in acquisition cost resolves the
entry coordination problem in our setting shares the same spirit of Tan
This article is organized as follows. In Section II, we introduce a
symmetric IPV setting where potential bidders share the same
distributions on valuations and information acquisition costs. In
Section III, the ex ante efficient entry and revenue-maximizing entry
are characterized, and the ex ante efficient auction and
revenue-maximizing auction are established. Section IV studies entry
coordination among bidders. In this section, we provide sufficient
conditions for the symmetry of the desirable entry (efficient or revenue
maximizing) and the unique implementation of them. Section V provides a
concluding remark.
There are N potential bidders who are interested in a single item,
where N is public information. Denote this group of potential bidders by
N = {1,2,..., N}. The seller's valuation is [v.sub.0], which is
public information. Bidder i has to incur an information acquisition
cost [c.sub.i] to discover his private value [v.sub.i]. These [c.sub.i]
are sunk costs, which differ from entry fees that the seller can collect
from bidders as revenue. We assume that a bidder does not enter without
discovering his value. (14) Both [c.sub.i] and [v.sub.i] are assumed to
be private information of bidder i. The cumulative distribution function
of [c.sub.i] is G(x) with density function g(x), while the cumulative
distribution function of vs is F(x) with density function f(x). The
support of G(x) is [[c.bar], [bar.c]] and the support of F(x) is
[[v.bar], [bar.v]]. We assume g(x) > 0 on its support. The
distributions of [c.sub.i] and [v.sub.i], i [member of] N are assumed to
be public information. The information acquisition costs can be
interpreted as the bidders' efficiencies in discovering their
valuations. In this article, we study a setting where the bidders'
valuations do not depend on their efficiencies in discovering their
valuations. Specifically, we assume [c.sub.i] and [v.sub.j], [for all]i,
j [member of] N are mutually independent. The seller and bidders are
assumed to be risk neutral. The timing of the auction is as follows:
Time 0: The group of potential bidders Af, the seller's
valuation [v.sub.0], and the distributions F(x) and G(x) are revealed by
nature as public information. Every bidder i observes his private cost
[c.sub.i], i [member of] N.
Time 1: The seller announces the rule of the auction.
Time 2: The bidders simultaneously and confidentially make their
entry decisions. If they do not enter, they take the outside option,
which gives them zero payoff. If they enter, they incur their private
information acquisition costs and observe their private values. (15)
Time 3: Every participant bids. (16)
Time 4: The payoffs of the seller and all the participating bidders
are determined according to the announced rule at Time 1.
We study the ex ante efficient auction rule and the
revenue-maximizing auction rule announced at Time 1. Here, the ex ante
efficient auction refers to the auction that maximizes the expected
total surplus of the seller and bidders and the revenue-maximizing
auction refers to the auction that maximizes the expected revenue of the
seller. The induced entry equilibria corresponding to the maximal expected total surplus are called ex ante efficient entry, while the
induced entry equilibria corresponding to the maximal expected revenue
are called revenue-maximizing entry.
The setting of Section II involves private information on
information acquisition costs and valuations. However, bidders are
endowed with private information about their values if and only if they
incur the private information acquisition costs. Clearly, auction design
in this setting differs from a typical one-or two-dimensional screening
problem where we can apply the revelation principle and thus focus on
truthful revelation mechanisms. A particular way must be developed to
approach auction design in our setting. Our strategy is as follows. We
first characterize all feasible entry patterns in terms of every
bidder's entry threshold of information acquisition costs. We then
show that the highest feasible expected total surplus and seller's
expected revenue associated with a given feasible entry pattern are
attainable through a particular auction. For further analysis, we
develop convenient expressions for the optimal expected total surplus
and seller's expected revenue as functions of entry thresholds of
bidders. These expressions enable us to characterize efficient entry and
revenue-maximizing entry. Finally, these characterizations of the
desirable entry enable us to describe the efficient and
revenue-maximizing auctions. (17)
The focus of this article was to study the impact of private
information acquisition costs on auction design with simultaneous entry.
(18) Following the above strategy, we first characterize all feasible
simultaneous entry equilibrium patterns. Here, entry equilibrium refers
to information acquisition equilibrium at Time 2. At Time 2, bidders are
informed about their information acquisition costs. Clearly, if a type
enters with a positive probability, the types with lower information
acquisition costs must strictly prefer to enter. This observation leads
to the following characterization of a feasible entry equilibrium.
LEMMA 1. Any simultaneous entry equilibrium can be described
through a vector of entry thresholds [C.sup.e] = ([c.sup.e.sub.1],...,
[c.sup.e.sub.N]) that satisfy the following properties: (i)
[c.sup.e.sub.i] [member of] [[c.bar], [bar.c]], [[for all].sub.i]
[member of] N; (ii) if [c.sub.i] < [c.sup.e.sub.i], bidder i
participates with probability 1 and if [c.sub.i] > [c.sup.e.sub.i],
bidder i participates with probability 0.
Proof. See Appendix.
Given thresholds [C.sup.e], where [c.sup.e.sub.i] [member of]
[[c.bar], [bar.c]], [for all]i [member of] N, without loss of
generality, we assume (i) if [c.sup.e.sub.i] > [c.bar], bidder i
participates if and only if [c.sub.i] [less than or equal to]
[c.sup.e.sub.i] and (ii) if [c.sup.e.sub.i] = [bar.c] no type of bidder
i participates. (19)
As pointed out before, since the revelation principle does not
apply here, one cannot look at auction design through simply considering
a particular class of truthful direct revelation mechanisms. The
performance of an auction is determined by both entry equilibrium
induced at Time 2 and equilibrium bidding strategy at Time 3. There are
innumerous auctions that induce different entry and bidding equilibria.
How should we compare across all auctions to identify the efficient and
revenue-maximizing ones? A plausible approach is as follows. We first
identify the restricted optimal efficient and revenue-maximizing ones
among all auctions that induce any given entry thresholds. The
corresponding total expected surplus and revenue can then be written as
functions of entry thresholds. We then use the first-order conditions
for the desirable entry to identify the efficient and revenue-maximizing
We first establish the following results regarding the restricted
efficient auction and revenue-maximizing auction, which implement given
entry thresholds [C.sup.e] = ([c.sup.e.sub.1], ..., [c.sup.e.sub.N],),
where [c.sup.e.sub.i] [member of] [[c.bar], [bar.c]], [for all] i
[member of] N. For convenience, we use [A.sub.0] to denote the
second-price auction with no entry fee and a reserve price equal to the
seller's valuation [v.sub.0].
PROPOSITION 1. (i) Among all auctions implementing given entry
threshold [C.sub.e] where [c.sup.e.sub.i] [member of] [[bar.c], [for
All] i [member of] N, a second-price auction with a reserve price equal
to the seller's valuation and appropriately set ex ante entry fee
(or subsidy) for each bidder provides the highest expected total surplus
and the highest seller's expected revenue; (ii) the entry fees (or
subsidies) are charged upon entry at Time 2 before the valuations are
learned by the entrants and are set at levels such that the
threshold-type entrants get zero-expected payoff; (iii) the expected
surplus of participating bidder i with information acquisition cost
[c.sub.i] [less than or equal to] [c.sup.e.sub.i] is [c.sup.e.sub.i] -
Proof See Appendix.
The results of Proposition 1 are rather intuitive. For a given
entry pattern, we cannot do better than ex post efficient allocation to
maximize the expected total surplus of the seller and bidders even if we
temporarily ignore the entry incentive of bidders. While ex post
efficient allocation can be achieved through a second-price auction with
a reserve price equal to the seller's valuation regardless of the
value distribution, appropriate ex ante (at Time 2) entry fees (or
subsidies) are sufficient to make sure that the given entry pattern is
indeed an entry equilibrium for the proposed auction. We only need to
set the entry fees (subsidies) properly to make the entry threshold
types indifferent between participating and not participating. Since the
entry fees (subsidies) are transfers between the seller and the bidders,
they do not affect the expected total surplus. Thus, the proposed
auction provides the highest expected total surplus for the given entry
pattern. The same auction also provides the highest revenue as
participating types enjoy the smallest possible information rent for the
given entry. For any auction, the expected payoff of bidder i with
information acquisition cost [c.sub.i] [less than or equal to]
[c.sup.e.sub.i] cannot be smaller than [c.sup.e.sub.i] - [c.sub.i] since
a type [c.sub.i] of bidder i can always adopt the bidding strategy of
the entry threshold type [c.sup.e.sub.i] and get at least a payoff of
[c.sup.e.sub.i] - [c.sub.i]. For the proposed auction, bidder i's
expected surplus is exactly [c.sup.e.sub.i] - [c.sub.i] if his
information acquisition cost is [c.sub.i], which reaches the minimum.
Thus, the Proposition 1 auction is revenue maximizing among all auctions
that induce the given entry.
In Proposition 1, the seller is allowed to charge ex ante entry
fees before buyers check the object. This has been pointed out by McAfee
and McMillan (1987): "... the seller must extract these payment ...
before any bidders learns his valuation: this could be done, for
example, by demanding a fee before potential bidders inspect the item
for sale." In addition, Engelbrecht-Wiggans (1993) and Levin and
Smith (1994) also include ex ante entry fees in their analysis. We will
show later that ex ante entry fee turns out to be redundant for the ex
ante efficient auction we will establish. For revenue maximization, the
unrestricted mechanism would instead require ex ante entry fee.
Nevertheless, in Section IVB, we will further discuss revenue
maximization when ex ante entry fee is not allowed.
Proposition 1 reveals the optimality of a reserve that equals the
seller's value for both the efficient and the revenue-maximizing
auctions regardless of the entry to be implemented. This result clearly
relies on the availability of ex ante entry fees that can be used to
extract the expected surplus of the entrants. The availability of ex
ante entry fees guarantees the optimality of ex post efficiency, which
in turn calls for an optimal reserve equal to seller's valuation.
(20) When ex ante entry fees are not allowed, then a more sophisticated
reserve is in demand. This issue is further discussed in Section IVB.
It is the insight of Proposition 1 that makes it feasible to begin
our analysis on efficient and revenue-maximizing auctions. For given
entry thresholds [C.sup.e] where [c.sup.e.sub.i] [member of] [[c.bar],
[bar.c]], [for all]i [member of] N, we denote the highest expected total
surplus and the highest seller's revenue attainable through the
auction identified in Proposition 1 by S([C.sup.e]) and R([C.sup.e]),
respectively. We next introduce a convenient way of writing S([C.sup.e])
and R([C.sup.e]). The advantage of these expressions is that they allow
us to characterize the desirable entry. These characterizations through
the first-order conditions deliver insightful economic interpretations.
We first introduce some notations. We define set K = {([k.sub.1],
[k.sub.2], ..., [k.sub.N])|[k.sub.i] [member of] {0, 1}, i [member of]
N}, where [k.sub.i] denotes bidder i's ex post entry status.
Specifically, [k.sub.i] = 1 stands for participation of bidder i, while
[k.sub.i] = 0 represents nonparticipation of bidder i. In addition, let
[k.sub.0] = 1 symbolize participation of the seller for convenience. For
each ex post entry status vector k = ([k.sub.1], [k.sub.2], ...,
[k.sub.N]) [member of] K, we use [v.sub.k] = [MATHEMATICAL EXPRESSION
NOT REPRODUCIBLE IN ASCII] to denote the highest valuation of all
participants including the seller. The c.d.f, and p.d.f. of [v.sub.k]
are denoted by [F.sub.k]([v.sub.k]) and [f.sub.k]([v.sub.k]),
respectively. Furthermore, [V.sub.k] denotes the expectation of
[v.sub.k]. Using the above notations, S([C.sup.e]) and R([C.sup.e]) can
then be written as the following:
probability that the entry status denoted by k happens. (21) The first
term [[summation].sub.{k [member of] K} Pr(k) [V.sub.k] in Equation (1)
is the contributidn of the valuations of ali participants (including the
seller) to the expected total surplus if potential bidders participate
according to thresholds [C.sup.e]. The second term [MATHEMATICAL
EXPRESSION NOT REPRODUCIBLE IN ASCII] in Equation (1) is the (negative)
contribution of the information acquisition costs of participants to the
expected total surplus if the potential bidders participate according to
thresholds [C.sup.e]. Following Proposition l(iii), we know that the
expected information rent of bidder i is [MATHEMATICAL EXPRESSION NOT
REPRODUCIBLE IN ASCII]. This leads to the seller's expected revenue
in Equation (2), which is the difference between the expected total
surplus and all bidders' expected information rent.
A. Ex Ante Efficient Auction
The ex ante efficient auction can be shown through two steps.
First, we derive the firstorder conditions for the optimal threshold
maximizes the expected total surplus S(*). These conditions will be
shown to be closely related to the payoff of threshold types in auction
[A.sub.0]. Second, we apply Proposition 1 to show that auction [A.sub.0]
achieving the highest attainable efficiency.
Let us consider bidder i's optimal threshold [MATHEMATICAL
EXPRESSION NOT REPRODUCIBLE IN ASCII]. Define [K.sub.-i] = {([k.sub.1],
..., [k.sub.i-1], [k.sub.i+1], ..., [k.sub.N])|[k.sub.j] [member of] {0,
1}, j [not equal to] i}, [for all] i [member of] N. [K.sub.-i] is the
set of entry status of bidders other than i. For any [k.sub.-i] =
([k.sub.1], ..., [k.sub.i-1], [k.sub.i+1], ..., [k.sub.N]) [member of]
[K.sub.-i], we use [k.sub.1]([k.sub.-i]) to denote the N-element vector
in K where the ith element is 1 and other elements are same with
[k.sub.-i], while we use [k.sub.0]([k.sub.-i]) to denote the N-element
vector in K where the ith element is 0 and other elements are same with
[k.sub.-i]. We then have:
probability that the entry status denoted by [k.sub.-i] happens. Define
definitions of [V.sub.k1]([k.sub.-i]) and [V.sub.k0]([k.sub.-i]),
[S.sub.i]([C.sup.e]) is the marginal contribution of bidder i with
information acquisition cost [c.sup.e.sub.i] to the expected total
surplus, given that other bidders participate in auction [A.sub.0]
according to [C.sup.e].
S(x) is a differentiable function that is defined on a compact
ASCII] that maximizes S(x) must satisfy the following first-order
conditions. For all i [member of] N,
For convenience, the following result of Levin and Smith (1994) is
put into the following Lemma. (22)
LEMMA 2. [V.sub.k1]([k.sub.-i]) - [V.sub.k0]([k.sub.-i]) is the
expected payoff of bidder i with zero information acquisition cost from
participating in auction [A.sub.0] if all other entrants are those with
[k.sub.j] = 1 in vector [k.sub.-i] (Levin and Smith 1994).
It follows from Lemma 2 that [S.sub.i]([C.sup.e]) is the expected
payoff of bidder i with cost [c.sup.e.sub.i] when he participates in
auction [A.sub.0] if all other potential bidders participate according
to [C.sup.e]. This insight together with Equation (4) leads to the
following proposition, which addresses the ex ante efficient auction.
PROPOSITION 2. The second-price auction [A.sub.0] with a reserve
price equal to the seller's valuation and no entry fee is ex ante
Proof. The design of [A.sub.0] follows the spirit of Proposition 1.
Since g(*) > 0, it is clearly a Nash equilibrium that every bidder
participates in auction [A.sub.0] according to [MATHEMATICAL EXPRESSION
NOT REPRODUCIBLE IN ASCII] , as Equation (4) is satisfied for
dominant strategy for bidders to bid their true values when
participating, thus ex post efficiency is achieved by [A.sub.0].
Therefore, [A.sub.0] achieves the highest possible expected total
The intuition for the efficiency of [A.sub.0] is pretty clear. When
ex ante entry fees are zero, a type of bidder enters a second-price
auction with a reserve price equal to the seller's valuation if and
only if his marginal contribution to the total expected surplus is
nonnegative. The efficiency of auction [A.sub.0] when information
acquisition costs are private information of bidders is consistent with
the literature (e.g., Bergemann and Valimaki 2002; Engelbrecht-Wiggans
1993; Levin and Smith 1994; Ye 2004). This result holds since
bidders' information rents arising from their private information
acquisition costs have no impact on expected total surplus of the seller
and bidders.
The result in Proposition 2 accommodates the flexibility of an
optimal entry at the corner solution, as indicated by Equation (4). An
example of a corner solution is provided in the following symmetric
setting, where [v.sub.0] = 0, N = 2, F([v.sub.i]) = [v.sub.i], [for all]
[v.sub.i] [member of] [0, 1], and G([c.sub.i]) = 10([c.sub.i] - 0.4),
[for all] [c.sub.i] [member of] [0.4, 0.5]. In this setting,
S([C.sup.e]) takes the maximum of 0.05 when [c.sup.e.sub.1] = 0.5 and
[c.sup.e.sub.2] = 0.4. This example also illustrates that the efficient
entry can be asymmetric even the bidders are symmetric. The source of
asymmetry in the desirable entry will be discussed in Section IIIC.
Note that in the setting of the above example, there exists another
symmetric entry equilibrium where [c.sup.e.sub.1] = [c.sup.e.sub.2] =
0.4231 for [A.sub.0]. Thus, an issue of multiple entry equilibria for
the efficient auction [A.sub.0] arises. In Section IV, we will address
this issue of multiple entry equilibria.
B. Revenue-Maximizing Auction
We now turn to the revenue-maximizing auction, which will be
derived in a similar procedure to that of Section IIIA. First, we derive
the first-order conditions for the revenue-maximizing entry. Second, we
use these conditions and Proposition l to pin down the
revenue-maximizing auction.
From Equation (2), we have:
The term G([c.sup.e.sub.i])/g([c.sub.e.sub.i]) captures the
marginal impact of entry threshold [c.sup.e.sub.i] on bidder i's
Expected revenue is the difference between the expected total surplus
and the information rent of bidders. The marginal impact of entry
threshold [c.sup.e.sub.i] on expected revenue is thus the difference
between its marginal impact on total surplus (i.e.,
[S.sub.i]([C.sup.e])) and that on information rent of bidders (i.e.,
Define [R.sub.i]([C.sup.e]) = [S.sub.i]([C.sup.e]) -
G([c.sup.e.sub.i])/g([c.sub.e.sub.i]). Suppose that [C.sup.e[dagger]] =
([c.sup.e[dagger].sub.1], ..., [c.sup.e[dagger].sub.N]) maximizes
R([C.sup.e]), then we have the following characterization for
[C.sup.e[dagger]]. For all i [member of] N,
Suppose that all other potential bidders participate according to
[C.sup.e[dagger]]. Based on Lemma 2, we have that
[R.sub.i]([C.sup.e[dagger]]) is the expected payoff of bidder i with
cost [c.sup.e[dagger].sub.i] if he participates in a second-price
auction with a reserve price equal to [v.sub.0] and a Time 2 ex ante
entry fee of G([c.sup.e.sub.i])/g([c.sub.e.sub.i]) for bidder i. This
insight together with Equations (5) and (6) and Proposition 1 lead to
the following proposition that addresses the revenue-maximizing auction.
PROPOSITION 3. Suppose that [C.sup.e[dagger]] maximizes R(x), then
a second-price auction with reserve price equal to the seller's
valuation and Time 2 ex ante entry fees [E.sub.i] for bidder i defined
below leads to the highest expected revenue for the seller. [E.sub.i], i
[member of] N are defined as:
Proof The result follows Proposition 1 immediately. Since g(*) >
0, it is clearly a Nash equilibrium that every bidder participates in
the above defined auction according to [C.sup.e[dagger]] while Equation
(6) is satisfied. The entry fees are set according to Proposition 1.
When [c.sup.e[dagger].sub.i] [member of] ([bar.c], [bar.sub.] [E.sub.i]
is set as [S.sub.i]([C.sup.e[dagger]]) to extract the total expected
surplus of the entry threshold type of bidder i. Note that when
[c.sup.e[dagger].sub.i] [member of] ([c.bar], [bar.c]), we have
[S.sub.i]([C.sup.e[dagger]]) = G([c.sup.e.sub.i])/g([c.sub.e.sub.i])
from Equation (6). When [c.sup.e[dagger].sub.i] = [bar.c], we have
[S.sub.i]([C.sup.e[dagger]]) [greater than or equal to]
G([bar.c])/g([bar.c]) = 1/g([bar.c]).
From Proposition 3, if information acquisition costs are private
information of bidders then essentially, the revenue-maximizing auction
involves personalized ex ante entry fees. (23) The entry fees that equal
the hazard rates of the cost distribution optimally balance between
social efficiency and rent extraction at the entry stage. These entry
fees implement the revenue-maximizing entry while extracting the
expected surplus of the entry threshold types. Similar to the case of
the efficient auction, there might exist multiple entry equilibria for
the revenue-maximizing auction of Proposition 3, and the
revenue-maximizing entry can be asymmetric across bidders. In Section
IV, we will address this issue.
When information acquisition costs are private information of
bidders, the optimal entry patterns that maximize the expected total
surplus and the seller's expected revenue generally differ from
each other. The intuition behind this difference is as follows. When the
information acquisition costs are private information of the bidders,
the seller has no way of extracting all the surplus of the participants
according to Proposition 1(iii). Thus, revenue-maximizing entry must
optimally balance between the expected total surplus and the information
rent associated with entry, while ex ante efficient entry focuses only
on total expected surplus. It would be interesting if we can show
revenue-maximizing auction induces less entry or less expected
information acquisition costs than efficient auction. (24) The
comparison is not an easy task if the desirable entry is allowed to be
asymmetric across bidders. The complication lies in that adding a
personalized positive ex ante entry fee for every bidder to efficient
auction [A.sub.0] does not necessarily lead to an entry equilibrium with
lower entry threshold for every buyer. (25) We will come back to this
issue in Section IIID where entry is restricted to be symmetric. (26)
C. Source of Asymmetry in Desirable Entry
As we have mentioned in Sections IIIA and IIIB, the efficient and
revenue-maximizing entry patterns are generally asymmetric across
bidders. Recall the example of Section IIIA, where [v.sub.0] = 0, N = 2,
F(v) = v, [for] v [member of] [0, 1], and G(c) = 10(c - 0.4), [for all]
c [member of] [0.4, 0.5]. Direct calculations using Equations (1) and
(2) give the following results. S([C.sup.e]) takes the maximum of 0.05
when [c.sup.e.sub.1] = 0.5 and [e.sup.e.sub.2] = 0.4, and R([C.sup.e])
takes the maximum of 0.025 when [c.sup.e.sub.1] = 0.45 and
[c.sup.e.sub.2] = 0.4. If we restrict [c.sup.e.sub.1] = [c.sup.e.sub.2]
then we have S([C.sup.e]) takes the maximum of 0.023 when
[c.sup.e.sub.1] = [c.sup.e.sub.2] = 0.4231, and R([C.sup.e]) takes the
maximum of 0.01875 when [c.sup.e.sub.1] = [c.sup.e.sub.2] 0.4187. Thus,
the optimal entry patterns maximizing the expected total surplus and the
seller's expected revenue are asymmetric. What is the source of the
Define [W.sub.n], n [greater than or equal to] 0 as the expectation
of the highest valuation of the seller and n([greater than or equal to]
0) bidders. The following lemma provides some useful properties of
series [W.sub.n], n [greater than or equal to] 0.
LEMMA 3. Both [W.sub.n + 1] - [W.sub.n] and ([W.sub.n + 1] -
[W.sub.n]) - ([W.sub.n + 2] - [W.sub.n + 1]) decrease with n ([greater
than or equal to] 0).
Proof. See Appendix.
The results of Lemma 3 are rather intuitive. From Lemma 2,
[W.sub.n] - [W.sub.n - 1] is the expected payoff of a representative
bidder with zero information acquisition cost when there are altogether
n bidders in auction [A.sub.0]. Lemma 3 says that this expected payoff
decreases with the number of bidders n, and the rate of decrease also
decreases with n.
The reason why the desirable entry (efficient and/or revenue
maximizing) can be asymmetric lies in that there might not be sufficient
dispersion in information acquisition costs. We next provide the
intuitions on why sufficient dispersion in the information acquisition
costs is essential for the optimality of symmetric entry.
For simplicity, let us consider the case with two potential bidders
(N = 2). From Equations (1) and (2), which express the total expected
surplus and expected revenue as functions of entry thresholds, the
common component [[summation].sub.{k[member of]K}] Pr(k) [V.sub.k] of
S([c.sup.esub.1], [c.sup.e.sub.2]) and R([c.sup.e.sub.1],
[c.sup.e.sub.2]) can be written as:
From Lemma 3, [W.sub.2] - [W.sub.1] < [W.sub.1] - [W.sub.0] as
[W.sub.n + 1] - [W.sub.n] decreases with n. Thus, for a given summation
[2.summation over (i=1)] G([c.sup.e.sub.i]), we want to maximize
G([c.sup.e.sub.1]) - G([c.sup.e.sub.2]) to maximize Equation (8). Thus,
any symmetric entry where the entry threshold belongs to
([c.bar],[bar.c]) can be asymmetrized to increase Equation (8) while
keeping the sum of entry probabilities unchanged.
Suppose the restricted symmetric entry threshold that maximizes
Equations (1) or (2) belongs to ([c.bar],[bar.c]) as in the example at
the beginning of this Section IIIC. This entry can thus be asymmetrized
to increase component (8) while keeping the sum of entry probabilities
unchanged. If there is not much dispersion in information acquisition
costs (i.e., [c.bar] - [bar.c] is rather small), doing so does not
change much the other terms in Equations (1) and (2). Thus, creating
asymmetry in entry thresholds leads to higher expected total surplus and
seller's expected revenue. The above arguments can be generalized to the case where N > 2 by focusing on the entry probabilities of any
two bidders while assuming that the entry probabilities of all other
bidders are fixed.
The remaining questions are: Will enough dispersion is sufficient
to coordinate bidders and induce a unique entry? If yes, how much
dispersion is enough? Section IV will further address these issues.
D. Auction Design within Symmetric-Entry Class
"Symmetric" entry across bidders means that entry
thresholds [c.sup.e.sub.i] are the same across all potential bidders.
Though symmetric entry is generally restrictive for auction design as
illustrated in Section IIIC, in many cases, the seller may not be
allowed to discriminate against some bidders. Moreover, one may argue
that symmetric entry can be a focal point of the entry game. For this
reason, symmetric entry makes coordination easier among bidders and thus
is a quite realistic assumption. Here, we thus focus on auctions within
the symmetric-entry class. In Section IV, we further provide sufficient
conditions to ensure that this restriction of symmetric entry leads to
no loss of generality for auction design.
Suppose [c.sup.e.sub.i] = [c.sup.e] [member of] [[c.bar], [bar.c]],
[for all] i [member of] N. We define [S.sub.s]([c.sup.e]) = S([C.sup.e])
and [R.sub.s]([c.sup.e]) = R([C.sup.e]), where [c.sup.e.sub.i] =
[c.sub.e] in vector [C.sup.e], [for all]i [member of] N. Under this
restriction, we have:
maximizes [S.sub.s]([c.sup.e]) and [c.sup.e[dagger]] maximizes
IN ASCII] and [C.sup.e[dagger].sub.s] = ([c.sup.e[dagger]], ...,
[c.sup.e[dagger]]). Then, we have the following characterizations for
[c.sup.e[dagger]] from Equations (9) and (10). For all i [member of] N,
payoff of bidder i with cost when he participates in auction [A.sub.0]
if all other potential bidders participate according to threshold
[R.sub.i]([C.sup.e[dagger].sub.s]) is the expected payoff of bidder i
with cost [c.sup.e[dagger]] when he participates in a second-price
auction with a Time 2 ex ante entry fee of
G([c.sup.e[dagger]])/g([c.sup.e[dagger]]) and a reserve price equal to
[v.sub.0], if all other potential bidders participate according to
threshold [c.sup.e[dagger]]. Thus, Equations (11) and (12) lead to the
following proposition.
PROPOSITION 4. (i) The second-price auction [A.sub.0] with a
reserve price equal to the seller's valuation and no entry fee is
ex ante efficient among the symmetric-entry class; (ii) suppose
[c.sup.e[dagger]] maximizes [R.sub.s]([c.sup.e]), then a second-price
auction with a reserve price equal to the seller's valuation and a
Time 2 ex ante entry fee, [E.sub.0], defined below, maximizes the
seller's expected revenue among the symmetric-entry class.
[E.sub.0] is defined as:
Proof. The results follow from Proposition 1. First, since g(x)
> 0, clearly it is a Nash equilibrium that every bidder participates
in auction [A.sub.0] according to threshold [MATHEMATICAL EXPRESSION NOT
REPRODUCIBLE IN ASCII], as Equation (11) is satisfied for [MATHEMATICAL
EXPRESSION NOT REPRODUCIBLE IN ASCII]. Second, clearly, it is a Nash
equilibrium that every bidder participates in the Proposition 4(ii)
auction according to threshold [c.sup.e[dagger]], while Equation (12) is
satisfied for [c.sup.e[dagger]]. The entry fee [E.sub.0] is set at the
level to extract all the expected surplus of entry-threshold type in
light of Proposition 1.
There are two remarks on optimal entry. First, clearly
[c.sup.e[dagger]] is lower than [MATHEMATICAL EXPRESSION NOT
REPRODUCIBLE IN ASCII] according to Proposition 4, as a positive entry
fee [E.sub.0] must lead to less entry compared to a zero entry fee. In
this sense, the revenue-maximizing auction induces less entry than the
ex ante efficient auction. Second, from Equations (11) and (12), we have
ASCII] and [C.sup.e[dagger].sub.s] may be locally efficient and revenue
maximizing, respectively. In Section lV, we will provide sufficient
conditions for them to be globally efficient and revenue maximizing,
The performance of an auction crucially depends on the entry
equilibrium induced. We have shown in Sections IIIA to IIIC that the
desirable entry may be asymmetric and the efficient and
revenue-maximizing auctions may induce multiple entry equilibria. Some
of them are not efficient or revenue maximizing. In this section, we
provide sufficient conditions that resolve this entry coordination
problem. We will first establish sufficient conditions for the
optimality of symmetric entry. This is the first step to cope with the
entry coordination problem since symmetric entry makes coordination
easier among bidders and thus can be a focal point of the entry game.
Furthermore, as pointed out in Sections IIIA to IIIC, the efficient
auction [A.sub.0] and revenue-maximizing auction may induce multiple
entry equilibria. We will provide conditions for the proposed auctions
in Section IIID to uniquely implement the desirable symmetric entry.
These results justify the convention of looking at only the symmetric
entry for the efficient or revenue-maximizing auction.
A. Unique Implementation of Optimal Entry
In Section IIIC, we have pointed out that symmetric entry is
generally restrictive for auction design. We now provide sufficient
conditions to guarantee that this restriction leads to no loss of
generality. Recall that [W.sub.n], n [greater than or equal to] 0
denotes the expectation of the highest valuation of the seller and
n([greater than or equal to] 0) bidders.
LEMMA 4. If G(c) - G(c')/c-c' [less than or equal to]
1/([W.sub.1] - [W.sub.0])-([W.sub.2]-[W.sub.1]), [for all] c, c'
then there exists a unique entry equilibrium for a second-price auction
with reserve equal to the seller's valuation and any uniform ex
ante entry fees E. The unique entry equilibrium is symmetric.
Proof. See Appendix.
The condition G(c) - G(c')/c-c' [less than or equal to]
1/([W.sub.1]-[W.sub.0]) - ([W.sub.2]-[W.sub.1]), [for all]c, c'
will be repeatedly used. It can be interpreted as that the information
acquisition cost is more Bickel-Lehman disperse than a uniform
distribution on [0, ([W.sub.1] - [W.sub.0]) ([W.sub.2] - [W.sub.1])].
(27) Let X and Y be two real-valued random variables with distributions
H(*) and Z(x), respectively. X is said to be more Bickel-Lehman disperse
than Y, if [for all] p, p' [member of] [0, 1], p > p',
[H.sup.-1](p) - [H.sup.-1](p') [greater than or equal to]
[Z.sup.-1](p) - [Z.sup.-1](p'), that is, the difference between any
two quantiles of Z is smaller than the difference between the
corresponding quantiles of H (Bickel and Lehman 1976). Let [xi](x)
denote the cumulative distribution function of the uniform distribution
on [0, ([W.sub.1] - [W.sub.0]) - ([W.sub.2] - [W.sub.1])]. Let p = G(c)
and p' = G(c'). Condition [MATHEMATICAL EXPRESSION NOT
REPRODUCIBLE IN ASCII] can be equivalently written as [G.sup.-1](p) -
[G.sup.-1](p') [greater than or equal to] [[xi].sup.-1](p) -
[[xi].sup.-1](p'), [for all] 0 [less than or equal to] p'
[less than or equal to] p [less than or equal to] 1.
Lemma 4 provides a sufficient condition to guarantee that a
second-price auction with reserve equal to the seller's valuation
and uniform ex ante entry fees must induce a unique entry, which is
symmetric. The intuition behind this is as follows. Suppose bidders
[i.sub.1] and [i.sub.2] have different entry thresholds with
IN ASCII] are rather close then the difference between the expected
payoffs of these two threshold types is mainly determined by the
difference in their information acquisition costs since when they enter
their winning probabilities are rather close. Therefore, when
difference between the expected payoffs of threshold types [MATHEMATICAL
EXPRESSION NOT REPRODUCIBLE IN ASCII] must be negative, as it has to
ASCII]. However, this conflicts with the fact that the expected payoffs
of these two threshold types must be zero. (28)
The globally efficient entry is always implemented through
[A.sub.0] according to Proposition 2. Lemma 4 implies that [A.sub.0] has
a unique entry equilibrium, which is symmetric. We thus have the
following result summarized in Proposition 5.
PROPOSITION 5. If G(c) - G(c')/c-c' [less than or equal
to] 1/([W.sub.1] - [W.sub.0])-([W.sub.2]-[W.sub.1]), [for all] c,
c' then (i) the efficient entry must be symmetric; (ii) the
efficient entry is uniquely implemented by auction [A.sub.0].
Since G(x) belongs to [0, 1], the condition G(c) -
G(c')/c-c' [less than or equal to] 1/([W.sub.1] -
[W.sub.0])-([W.sub.2]-[W.sub.1]), [for all] c, c' can easily be
satisfied. A sufficient condition for G(c) - G(c')/c-c' [less
than or equal to] 1/([W.sub.1] - [W.sub.0])-([W.sub.2]-[W.sub.1]) is
g(x) < 1/([W.sub.1] - [W.sub.0])-([W.sub.2]-[W.sub.1]). If the
information acquisition costs follow a uniform distribution then as long
as the range of the information acquisition costs is sufficiently big,
there exists no asymmetric efficient entry equilibrium. In this sense,
sufficient dispersion in information acquisition costs resolves the
issue of asymmetric efficient entry equilibria. In the Section IIIC
example where asymmetric entry emerges for auction [A.sub.0], the range
of the information acquisition costs is rather small. As a result, the
condition in Proposition 5 is violated.
The condition in Proposition 5 is not sufficient for a symmetric
revenue-maximizing entry and its unique implementation. However, it can
be strengthened by a monotone hazard rate property to guarantee the
optimality of symmetric entry in terms of revenue maximization. (29) The
following proposition presents this result.
ASCII] and the hazard rate G(x)/g(x) weakly increases then (i) the
revenue-maximizing entry must be symmetric; (ii) the revenue-maximizing
entry is uniquely implemented through the Proposition 4(ii) auction.
Proof See Appendix.
The intuition behind Proposition 6 is the following. Suppose the
revenue-maximizing entry [C.sup.e[dagger]] is asymmetric across bidders
IN ASCII]. The corresponding revenue-maximizing auction is specified by
Proposition 3. Without loss of generality, we assume [MATHEMATICAL
EXPRESSION NOT REPRODUCIBLE IN ASCII] are not on the boundaries. Then,
the revenue-maximizing entry fees for these two bidders are
G(x)/g(x) weakly increases, threshold type of bidder [i.sub.1] faces a
higher entry fee on top of the higher information acquisition costs.
Based on similar arguments that follow Lemma 4, we have when
difference between the expected payoffs of threshold types [MATHEMATICAL
EXPRESSION NOT REPRODUCIBLE IN ASCII] must be negative. However, this
conflicts with the fact that the expected payoffs of these two threshold
types must be zero. (30)
The conditions of Propositions 5 and 6 completely resolve the entry
coordination problem. When these conditions hold, the desirable entries
are symmetric and they are uniquely implemented by the proposed
auctions. Both Propositions 5 and 6 require sufficient dispersion in
information acquisition costs. Note that this is also necessary as
illustrated by the analysis of Section IIIC.
B. Second-Price Auctions with a General Reserve Price and No Entry
In previous sections, we have allowed ex ante entry fees for
auction design and identified sufficient conditions for unique
implementation of the desirable entry. Although the ex ante efficient
auction does not really require ex ante entry fee, generally, the
revenue-maximizing auction needs to employ it to extract the expected
surplus of entrants. It remains an issue whether similar sufficient
condition can be identified for the unique implementation of
revenue-maximizing entry when ex ante entry fee is not allowed.
It is well expected that when no ex ante entry fee is allowed, the
seller can employ reserve price to enhance revenue. However, for any
second-price auction with a reserve price, generally, there exist
multiple entry equilibria. For example, for second-price auction
[A.sub.0] with a reserve price equal to the seller's valuation, the
Section IIIC example has shown this point. This multiple entry
equilibria issue clearly complicates the search for the
revenue-maximizing reserve price, as different entry equilibria deliver
different expected revenues. What makes it worse is that for a given
reserve price, it is technically difficult to pin down all entry
equilibria associated. In this section, we will show that the
"sufficient dispersion" condition identified in Section IVA
still applies to any second-price auction with a reserve price but no ex
ante entry fee. Thus, this condition significantly simplifies the search
for the revenue-maximizing reserve price.
Define [Y.sub.n](r), n [greater than or equal to] 0 as the
expectation of the highest value among reserve price r and the
valuations of n([greater than or equal to] 0) bidders. Note that we have
[Y.sub.n]([v.sub.0]) = [W.sub.n]. Similar to Lemma 3, the following
lemma provides useful properties of series [Y.sub.n](r), n [greater than
or equal to] 0. The proof is omitted.
LEMMA 5. Both [Y.sub.n + 1](r) - [Y.sub.n](r) and ([Y.sub.n + 1]
(r) - [Y.sub.n](r)) - ([Y.sub.n + 2](r) - [Y.sub.n + 1](r)) decrease
with n([greater than or equal to] 0) and r [member of] [v.sub.0],
The results of Lemma 5 are rather intuitive. From Lemma 2,
[Y.sub.n](r) - [Y.sub.n - 1](r) is the expected payoff of a
representative bidder with zero information acquisition cost when there
are altogether n bidders in a second-price auction with reserve price r
and no ex ante entry fee. (31) Lemma 5 says that this expected payoff
decreases with the number of bidders n and reserve price r and the rate
of decrease also decreases with n and reserve price r. Lemma 5 leads to
the following results.
PROPOSITION 7. If G(c) - G(c')/c-c' [less than or equal
to] 1/([W.sub.1] - [W.sub.0])-([W.sub.2]-[W.sub.1]), [for all] c,
c' then there exists a unique entry equilibrium for a second-price
auction with any reserve price r [member of] [[v.sub.0], [bar.v]] and no
ex ante entry fee. The unique entry equilibrium is symmetric.
Proof. See Appendix.
Proposition 7 implies that when the condition G(c) -
G(c')/c-c' [less than or equal to] 1/([W.sub.1] -
[W.sub.0])-([W.sub.2]-[W.sub.1]), [for all] c, c' holds, the search
for the revenue-maximizing reserve price is greatly simplified. Under
this condition, the unique entry is characterized by a uniform entry
threshold [c.sup.e] given by:
where [C.sup.n.sub.N] = n!(N - n)!/N!. (32) The expected revenue
generated from this entry is: (33)
The search for the revenue-maximizing reserve price is reduced to a
program of maximizing Equation (15) subject to constraint (14). For this
argument, we see that the sufficient condition identified in Proposition
7 greatly facilitates revenue-maximizing auction design without ex ante
entry fee.
Auction design with endogenous entry is complicated by an issue of
entry coordination due to multiple entry equilibria problem. This
article studies auction design with an emphasis on entry coordination in
a setting where bidders' information-acquisition costs are their
private information. We find that sufficient dispersion in the
information acquisition cost resolves the entry coordination issue.
Unlike the case of fixed costs, bidders enjoy information rents,
when information acquisition costs are their private information. Due to
these information rent, revenue-maximizing entry diverges from the ex
ante efficient one. The ex ante efficient entry is always implemented
through a second-price auction with no entry fee and a reserve price
equal to the seller's valuation, while the revenue-maximizing
auction involves personalized ex ante entry fees for bidders. We find
that the optimal ex ante entry fees for bidders are given by the hazard
rates of the information acquisition cost distribution, evaluated at the
optimal entry thresholds of the bidders. Our analysis is carried out in
a private value framework. These results are not extendable to a common
value setting due to the implied divergence between the social benefit
and investor's individual benefit from his investment in
information acquisition.
While both the ex ante efficient entry and revenue-maximizing entry
can be asymmetric rather than symmetric, we find that sufficient
dispersion in the information acquisition costs guarantees the
optimality of symmetric entry. Specifically, we show that when the
information acquisition cost is more disperse than a particular uniform
distribution by the Bickel-Lehman dispersive order, the efficient entry
must be symmetric across bidders. If further the hazard rate of the
information acquisition cost distribution is increasing then the
revenue-maximizing entry must also be symmetric. These conditions also
guarantee that these optimal entries are uniquely implemented by the
proposed auctions. These results mean that sufficient dispersion in
information acquisition costs can coordinate bidders and implement
uniquely the desirable entry.
Given that the sufficient dispersion condition holds, we further
find that any second-price auction with a general reserve price and no
entry fee must induce a unique entry equilibrium, which is symmetric.
This result facilitates the search for the revenue-maximizing reserve
price in a second-price auction framework when ex ante entry fee is not
This article focuses on simultaneous entry while it is well
recognized in the literature that allowing sequential entry improves
auction design when information acquisition costs exist. Ye (2007) and
Cremer, Spiegel, and Zheng (2009) among others have explored this
direction while assuming information acquisition costs are fixed. It is
in our future research agenda to investigate the impact of private
information acquisition costs on auction design while allowing
sequential entry.
IPV: Independent Private Value
doi: 10.1111/j.1465-7295.2009.00216.x
Proof of Lemma 1
Let us consider any simultaneous entry equilibrium [epsilon]
implemented by an auction rule. If all bidders other than i adopt the
equilibrium entry strategy in e, the bidder i's equilibrium entry
strategy in e must be his best entry strategy. Given all bidders other
than i adopt the equilibrium entry strategy in e, there must exist an
entry threshold [c.sup.e.sub.i] [member of] [[c.bar], [bar.c]] such that
bidder i's best entry strategy is described by property (ii) in
Lemma 1. This is true because the expected payoff of bidder i from
participating in any given auction decreases strictly with his
information acquisition cost, given all bidders other than i adopt the
equilibrium entry strategy in [epsilon].
Proof of Proposition 1
Let us first consider auction [A.sub.0]. Suppose all bidders other
than i participate in auction [A.sub.0] according to thresholds
[C.sup.e.sub.-i], = ([c.sup.e.sub.1], ..., [c.sup.e.sub.-i],
[c.sup.e.sub.i+1], ..., [c.sup.e.sub.N]). Denote bidder i's
expected payoff by [[pi].sub.i]([c.sup.e.sub.i]; [C.sup.e.sub.-i]) if he
participates in [A.sub.0] while his information acquisition cost is
[c.sup.e.sub.i]. Set a Time 2 ex ante entry fee (or subsidy) for bidder
i as [E.sub.i] = [[pi].sub.i]([c.sup.e.sub.i]; [C.sup.e.sub.-i]), [for
all]i [member of] N. Clearly, for a second-price auction with ex ante
entry fee (or subsidy) [E.sub.i] for bidder i and a reserve price equal
to the seller's valuation, bidder i's expected payoff is
[c.sup.e.sub.i] - [c.sub.i] if he participates and his information
acquisition cost is [c.sub.i]. Hence, the above auction with ex ante
entry fee [E.sub.i] for bidder i implements entry thresholds [C.sup.e].
Note that for any auction implementing participation thresholds
[C.sup.e], the total expected information acquisition costs are the
same. Thus, the auction designed above achieves the highest attainable
expected total surplus among the class of auctions implementing
[C.sup.e], as the auction always awards the item to the participant
(including the seller) with the highest valuation.
Moreover, for any auction implementing entry thresholds [C.sup.e],
the expected payoff of bidder i with information acquisition cost
[c.sub.i] [less than or equal to] [c.sup.e.sub.i] cannot be smaller than
[c.sup.e.sub.i] - [c.sub.i]. This is due to the fact that a type
[c.sub.i] of bidder i can always adopt the same bidding strategy of a
type [c.sup.e.sub.i], and by doing so he gets at least a payoff of
[c.sup.e.sub.i] - [c.sub.i]. Recall that in a second-price auction with
ex ante entry fee [E.sub.i] for bidder i and a reserve price equal to
the seller's valuation, bidder i's expected surplus is exactly
[c.sup.e.sub.i] - [c.sub.i] if his information acquisition cost is
[c.sub.i]. As a result, this auction achieves the highest attainable
seller's expected revenue among all auctions implementing any given
entry threshold vector [C.sup.e].
Proof of Lemma 3
We use [H.sub.n](x) to denote the cumulative distribution function
of the highest valuation of the seller and n([greater than or equal to]
0) symmetric bidders. Then, [H.sub.n](x) = [F.sup.n](x) on its support
[[v.sub.0], [bar.v]], [for all]n [greater than or equal to] 1.
[H.sub.n](x) may have a mass point at [v.sub.0]. It follows
both [W.sub.n + t] - [W.sub.n] and ([W.sub.n + 1] - [W.sub.n]) -
([W.sub.n + 2] [W.sub.n + 1]) decrease with n([greater than or equal to]
Proof of Lemma 4
We prove the proposition using contradiction. Note that a symmetric
entry equilibrium always exists for this auction. Suppose that there is
another asymmetric entry equilibrium [C.sup.e]. Then, we can find
[i.sub.1], [i.sub.2] [member of] N such that [MATHEMATICAL EXPRESSION
NOT REPRODUCIBLE IN ASCII] in [C.sup.e]. We use Pr(n), n = 0, 1, ..., N
- 2 to denote the probabilities of which there are n bidders from the
other N - 2 bidders participating in the auction. According to Lemma 2,
[W.sub.n + 1] - [W.sub.n] is the expected payoff of a bidder from
participating in auction [A.sub.0], if his information acquisition cost
is zero and there are n other participants.
corner solutions, we must have that:
where E is the ex ante entry fee. These two conditions lead to:
From Lemma 3, we have
[[summation].sup.N-2.sub.n-0] Pr(n)[([W.sub.n+1] - [W.sub.n]) -
([W.sub.n+2] - [W.sub.n+1])] < ([W.sub.1] - [W.sub.0]) -([W.sub.2] -
[W.sub.1]). As G(c) - G(c')/c-c [less than or equal to]
1/([W.sub.1] - [W.sub.0]) - ([W.sub.2] - [W.sub.1], [for all] c,
c', we thus have the left-hand side of Equation (A3) must be
contradicts Equation (A3). Therefore, no asymmetric entry equilibrium
Proof of Proposition 6
We prove the proposition using contradiction. Suppose that the
revenue-maximizing entry [C.sup.e] is asymmetric. Then, we can find
[i.sub.1], [i.sub.2] [member of] N such that [MATHEMATICAL EXPRESSION
NOT REPRODUCIBLE IN ASCII] in [C.sub.e]. We use Pr(n), n = 0, 1, ..., N
- 2 to denote the probabilities of which there are n bidders from the
other N - 2 bidders participating in the auction. According to Lemma 2,
[W.sub.n + 1] - [W.sub.n] is the expected payoff of a bidder from
participating in auction [A.sub.0], if his information acquisition cost
is zero and there are n other participants.
corner solutions, Proposition 3 gives:
These two conditions lead to:
From Lemma 3, we have
[[summation].sup.N-2.sub.n=0]Pr(n)[([W.sub.n+1] - [W.sub.n]) -
([W.sub.n+2] - [W.sub.n+1])] < ([W.sub.1] - [W.sub.0]) - ([W.sub.2] -
[W.sub.1]). As G(c) - G(c')/c - c' [less than or equal to]
1/([W.sub.1] - [W.sub.0]) - ([W.sub.2] - [W.sub.1]), [for all]c, c'
we thus have the left-hand side of Equation (A6) must be smaller than
Equation (A6). Therefore, the revenue-maximizing entry must be
According to Proposition 4(ii), this symmetric revenue-maximizing
entry is implemented through the Proposition 4(ii) auction. From Lemma
4, the Proposition 4(ii) auction has a unique entry equilibrium. We thus
have the result in Proposition 6(ii).
Proof of Proposition 7
The proof is similar to that of Lemma 4 while setting entry fee E =
0 and replacing [W.sub.n], by [Y.sub.n](r). Applying Lemma 2 while
treating r as the seller's valuation, we have [Y.sub.n + 1] (r) -
[Y.sub.n](r) is the expected payoff of a bidder from participating in
the second-price auction with reserve price r and no entry fee, if his
information acquisition cost is zero and there are n other participants.
The properties in Lemma 5 are applied.
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(1.) In the case of the U.S. timber auctions, bidders engage in
prebid activities such as acquiring and analyzing information. Other
examples include construction procurements, and so forth.
(2.) Here, the performance of an auction may refer to efficiency or
revenue maximization.
(3.) When the marginal entry cost is sufficiently high and does not
depend on entry probability, it is always incentive compatible in the
second-price auction of Levin and Smith (1994) that a subset of bidders
enter with a high probability (e.g., 1) and the others enter with a
lower probability (e.g., 0). The constant marginal cost plays an
essential role. On one hand, it prevents the less active bidders from
increasing their participation since their marginal cost is not low: on
the other hand, it does not provide enough incentive for the more active
bidder to enter less since their marginal entry cost is not high.
(4.) Private information acquisition cost also features the Outer
Continental Shelf wildcat auctions as pointed out by Piccione and Tan
(5.) Please refer to Bergemann and Valimaki (2005) for a thorough
review of the literature. Information acquisition costs refer to the
costs for bidders to discover their valuations. Many other studies focus
on entry costs that are incurred by bidders who know their valuations.
These studies include Samuelson (1985), Stegeman (1996), and Lu (2009)
among others. In this later setting, the optimal reserve generally is
not equal to the seller's value. This leads to a divergence between
the revenue and the total surplus.
(6.) Following the majority of literature on auctions with entry,
we focus on simultaneous entry in this article.
(7.) The entry fees (subsidies) make the entry threshold types
indifferent between participating and not participating. Note that these
entry fees (subsidies) do not affect the expected total surplus as they
are transfers between the seller and the bidders.
(8.) This auction may not uniquely induce the given entry pattern.
At this stage, the entry coordination problem is temporarily ignored.
(9.) When ex ante entry fees are not allowed then a more
sophisticated reserve is in demand.
(10.) It is clear that the threshold type's contribution to
the total efficiency must equal the corresponding hazard rate for an
inner revenue-maximizing threshold.
(11.) Note that the Levin and Smith (1994) setting is a degenerate
case of our setup where the range of the distribution is zero.
Intuitively, if the range the private information cost is sufficiently
small then quite likely multiple entry equilibria exist in our setup as
in Levin and Smith (1994).
(12.) The setting with fixed acquisition cost is a degenerate case
with zero dispersion. It cannot satisfy the sufficient dispersion
condition we identified.
(13.) Dasgupta (1990) finds that if the principal is unable to
precommit to a mechanism then an underinvestment outcome results.
(14.) This assumption is widely adopted in the literature, such as
McAfee and McMillan (1987), Engelbrecht-Wiggans (1987, 1993), Levin and
Smith (1994), and McAfee, Quan, and Vincent (2002). However, this
assumption precludes the possibility that a bidder may simply submit a
bid equal to the unconditional expected value. When [Ev.sub.i] <
[v.sub.0], the assumption is innocent as the buyers who do not know
their values prefer not to bid in the auctions that will be presented.
(15.) If the seller sets a Time 2 entry fee then a bidder must pay
the entry fee to the seller to enter. Hereafter, an entry fee refers to
a Time 2 entry fee.
(16.) Every participant may or may not observe the other
participants. The auctions designed later work in both cases.
(17.) The proposed auctions may not induce only the desirable
entry. Section IV addresses this issue.
(18.) It is well recognized in the literature that allowing
sequential entry improves auction design when information acquisition
costs exist. Ye (2007) and Cremer, Spiegel, and Zheng (2009) among
others have explored this direction while assuming information
acquisition costs are fixed. It is in our future research agenda to
investigate toe impact of private information acquisition costs on
auction design while allowing sequential entry.
(19.) This simplification is reasonable because if [c.sup.e.sub.i]
> [c.bar] then bidder i with cost [c.sup.e.sub.i] at least weakly
prefers participation and if [c.sup.e.sub.i] = [c.bar] then bidder i
with cost [c.sup.e.sub.i] at least weakly prefers nonparticipation.
Moreover, this simplification only further specifies the participation
of the threshold type [c.sup.e.sub.i] of bidder i. The expected total
surplus and seller's expected revenue are not affected.
(20.) Note that in the setting of Myerson (1981) that does not
involve endogenous entry, ex ante entry fees are impossible as buyers
are endowed with private information.
(21.) These two expressions can be easily extended to the case with
asymmetric bidders. Similar analysis then follows.
(22.) Please refer to their arguments on page 593.
(23.) The case where ex ante entry fee is not allowed will be
discussed in Section IVB within a framework of second-price auctions
with a general reserve price.
(24.) I thank Jeff Ely and an anonymous referee for pointing out
this issue.
(25.) Consider a case with two buyers. Given one adopts a lower
entry threshold, the equilibrium entry threshold of the other has to be
higher if the entry fee for him is sufficiently close lo zero.
(26.) Section IV will provide conditions for optimality of
symmetric entry.
(27.) I am grateful to an anonymous referee for his insight on this
(28.) Both threshold types enjoy zero-expected payoff when
[c.sup.e.sub.i1] and [c.sup.e.sub.i2] are in ([c.bar], [bar.c]). Similar
arguments apply when entry thresholds are allowed to be at the
(29.) Monotone hazard rate property is well adopted in the
literature. It is satisfied by a wide class of distributions. For
example, the uniform distributions mentioned above satisfy this
(30.) If entry thresholds [c.sup.e[dagger].sub.i1] and
[c.sup.e[dagger].sub.i2] are allowed to be at the boundaries, similar
arguments can be made.
(31.) We can simply treat r as the seller's valuation and
apply Lemma 2.
(32.) Without loss of generality, we assumed that the entry
threshold is an inner solution.
(33.) The proof is available from the author upon request. Readers
can also refer to Proposition 1 of Engelbrecht-Wiggans (1993).
* I am very grateful to Preston McAfee and two anonymous referees
for insightful comments and suggestions, which greatly improved the
quality of this article. I thank Murali Agastya, Parimal Bag, Indranil
Chakraborty, Jeff Ely, Daniel Friedman, Atsushi Kajii, Chenghu Ma,
Steven Morris, and Ruqu Wang for helpful discussions, comments, and
suggestions. Previous versions have been presented at the 17th
International Game Theory Conference at Stony Brook, the 2006 Hong Kong Economic Association Meeting and the 2007 NUS economic theory
conference. Ali errors are mine. Financial support from National
University of Singapore (R-122-000-106-112) is gratefully acknowledged.
Lu: Assistant Professor, Department of Economics, National
University of Singapore, Singapore 117570. Tel (65) 6516-6026, Fax (65)
6775-2646, E-mail
[email protected]