Contest design and optimal endogenous entry.
Fu, Qiang ; Lu, Jingfeng
A contest is a situation in which economic agents expend costly and
nonrefundable resources in order to win a limited number of prizes.
Numerous academic surveys and anecdotal accounts have shown that a wide
variety of competitive activities can be viewed as winner-take-all
contests. (1) It has been widely recognized in the literature that
contestants' incentive to exert effort and the resultant rent
dissipation depend largely on the competitive environment as defined by
the rules of the contest. Therefore, a forward-looking organizer must
set the rules of a contest strategically such that the contest structure
best serves his/her interests.
While a contest organizer may have diverse objectives, enormous
academic resources have been devoted to the design of contests that
maximize the effort that has to be exerted by contestants (Baye,
Kovenock, and de Vries 1993; Gradstein and Konrad 1999; Rosen 1986) This
paper follows in the same vein and investigates the design of the
effort-maximizing contest. The model that is proposed in this paper
pertains to the induction of maximal total effort from a fixed pool of
potential contestants, with the contest organizer being financially
bound by a fixed budget. However, this paper departs from the existing
contest literature in two main aspects.
First, it is assumed in this paper that to participate in the
contest, a contestant must bear a fixed entry cost in addition to the
cost of autonomous (productive) efforts that determine the probability
of them winning the prize. The traditional modeling approach assumes
that all invested resources contribute to contestants' productive
efforts and help increase their likelihood of success. In reality,
however, contestants often bear additional costs merely to participate,
which do not relate directly to winning. To provide an analogy of this
point, while an air ticket paves the way for American tennis star Venus
Williams to arrive at the courts of the Australian Open, it does not
contribute to her winning the championship. Similarly, a research
company may have established the necessary laboratory equipment and
developed the project-specific knowledge required to participate in an
innovation tournament, but its success depends largely on its subsequent
efforts and the value of its creative input.
The above examples indicate that a potential contestant would join
a contest if and only if the expected payoffs from participation are
higher than the entry costs. Thus, unlike the typical setting where
there is generally a given pool of active contestants, in the context of
this paper, the number of participating contestants is endogenously determined by the contest structure. (2,3)
Second, we allow the effort-maximizing contest organizer to design
the competition with two strategic instruments: the value of the
(unique) winner's purse and a direct monetary transfer to each
participating contestant. The monetary transfer may be an entry subsidy
aimed at mitigating contestants' entry costs. (4) By way of
contrast, when the transfer moves into the opposite direction, it turns
into an entry fee. This phenomenon is widely observed in many real-life
tournament settings. (5) The contest organizer has to allocate his/her
limited resources between the prize purse and the monetary transfer.
This key feature makes our model differ from the typical setting in
existing literature that assumes a given prize purse.
Conventional wisdom suggests that in an imperfectly discriminatory contest (a) a larger number of contestants lead to greater total effort
and (b) a more generous winner's purse causes each contestant to
exert more effort. These insights, however, lead to a paradoxical
situation where no clear implications can be provided to the contest
organizer with a limited budget. An entry subsidy encourages more
participation on the one hand while absorbing funds that would otherwise
be used to award the winner on the other. It is then called into
question whether an entry subsidy is a desirable way to promote the
effort outlay. Despite the fact that entry fees discourage
participation, the revenue earned nevertheless enriches the
winner's purse and promotes competition among participating
contestants. Hence, the direction and amount of the optimal monetary
transfer have yet to be identified, and the desirable number of
participants in the contest remains foggy.
We construct a three-stage model to explore the properties of the
optimally designed contest. Consider a fixed pool of identical potential
contestants who may choose to compete for a unique prize. In the first
stage of the contest, the organizer, who is subject to a fixed budget
[[GAMMA].sub.0], announces the value of the winner's purse V, as
well as the amount of money to be transferred S, to each participating
contestant. In the second stage, the potential contestants are informed
about the rules of the contest as indicated by the contest
organizer's strategy pair (V, S). (6) They then make their entry
decisions and incur a fixed participation cost C > 0 if they enter
the contest. In the third stage, all participants choose their effort
outlays simultaneously, and a unique winner is found through a
stochastic selection procedure.
The main findings of this analysis are summarized as follows:
1. "It takes (exactly) two to tango": the optimally
designed contest induces exactly two contestants to participate
regardless of the direction or the amount of the monetary transfer in
2. "Full 'net rent' dissipation": the optimally
designed contest, regardless of the direction or the amount of monetary
transfer, fully dissipates the "net rent" available in the
This paper is connected to a few strands of economic literature on
contests and tournaments. First, it is inspired by and linked closely to
the seminal works of Baye, Kovenock, and de Vries (1993), Fullerton and
McAfee (1999), and Che and Gale (2003). These papers establish the
optimality of two participants in a wide variety of settings when the
contest organizer attempts to narrow down the set of participants. Our
analysis departs from these papers in two main aspects. First, unlike
Baye, Kovenock, and de Vries (1993) and Fullerton and McAfee (1999) who
assume a given prize, we allow the contest organizer to flexibly
allocate his/her resources between the prize purse and a strategic
monetary transfer (entry fee/ subsidy). Second, instead of directly
controlling the number of participants (such as Che and Gale 2003), we
allow the contest organizer to induce desired voluntary entry by
offering the optimal bundle of prize purse and the monetary transfer.
Thus, our paper is also related to the literature on optimal prize
allocation. Both Moldovanu and Sela (2001) and Siegel (2007) consider
how the contest organizer maximizes overall effort by splitting a fixed
budget into a number of prizes. In addition, our paper is linked to
Taylor (1995), who shows that an entry fee could benefit the contest
This section of the paper has introduced the topic of contest
design. Section II sets up the model, while in Section III, the formal
analysis is presented and the results are briefly discussed. Concluding
remarks are presented in Section IV.
This section considers the design of a winner-take-all contest
within a three-stage framework with endogenous entry.
The contest organizer begins with a fixed budget of [[GAMMA].sub.0]
with which to fund a contest. A fixed pool of M ([greater than or equal
to]3) identical risk-neutral potential contestants demonstrate interest
in the contest. In the first stage, the organizer announces the rules
and commits to a prize purse V ([greater than or equal to]0) and a
direct monetary transfer S [member of] R to each participating
contestant. For the ease of notation, a contest will be denoted by (V,
S), which also represents the contest organizer's strategy. (7,8)
In the second stage, contestants decide whether or not to participate.
It is assumed that they enter the contest sequentially and that they are
fully aware of the number of current participants. (9) Each contestant
incurs a fixed participation cost of C > 0 upon entry but is either
rewarded with an entry subsidy S when S > 0 or is charged an entry
fee [absolute value of S] when S < 0. In the third stage, all
contestants simultaneously submit their effort entries.
In the event that there are no participants, the organizer simply
keeps the prize. The set of contestants is denoted by [[OMEGA].sub.N]
when N ([greater than or equal to]1) of the M ([greater than or equal
to]3) potential contestants participate in the contest (V, S). In the
event that there is only one contestant, this contestant automatically
receives the prize V regardless of the amount of effort exerted.
When there are at least two participants in a contest, the
probability that a contestant i [member of] [[OMEGA].sub.N] wins the
unique prize is
where [e.sub.i] is i's effort and [e.sub.-i] denotes the
effort vector of the other participating contestants. (11) The impact
function f(x) represents the technology of the contestants. To guarantee
the existence of a unique symmetric pure-strategy equilibrium, f(x) is
assumed to be strictly increasing and weakly concave, with f(0) = 0 and
f'(0) > 0. We define H(x) [equivalent to] f(x)/f'(x). The
inverse function of H(x) is denoted by [H.sup.-1](x). Due to the
concavity off(x), [H.sup.-1](x) must be strictly increasing. In
addition, d[H.sup.-1](x)/dx [member of] (0, 1). If all the participating
contestants exert zero effort, it is assumed that the prize will be
given away at random.
Assume that the cost of effort equals the effort itself. (12) A
potential contestant expects to receive a payoff of
(2) [[pi].sub.i]([e.sub.i], [e.sub.-i]; [[OMEGA].sub.N], V, S) =
[p.sub.i]([e.sub.i], [e.sub.-i]; [[OMEGA].sub.N])V - [e.sub.i] + S - C,
if he participates and exerts effort et, provided that the efforts
of the other participating contestants are [e.sub.-i]. Every
participating contestant will choose the level of effort to maximize his
expected payoff.
Since all N ([greater than or equal to] 1) participating
contestants are identical, every individual contestant in symmetric
equilibrium has the equilibrium probability 1/N of receiving the prize
and receives an equilibrium payoff of [pi](N, V, S) = 1/N V - e(N,V,S) +
S - C, where e(N, V, S) denotes the equilibrium effort as a function of
N, V, and S. The results below indicate the participants'
equilibrium individual effort and equilibrium payoff, which can be
established through standard techniques. (13)
LEMMA 1. In the unique symmetric Nash equilibrium of a contest ( V,
S) with N participating contestants, where N [greater than or equal to]
1, each contestant exerts an effort of
and each contestant receives an expected payoff of
Based on Lemma 1, the equilibrium number of entrants in contest (V,
S) is characterized in the following lemma.
LEMMA 2. A contest ( V, S) attracts a unique number of N
participate if [pi](1, V, S) [greater than or equal to] 0, since [pi](N,
V, S) strictly decreases with N ([greater than or equal to] 1). If [pi]
(1, V, S) < 0, the contest attracts a unique number of N( V, S) = 0
Proof. Clearly, [pi](1, V, S) > [pi](2, V, S). To show that
[pi](N, V, S) strictly decreases with N for any N [greater than or equal
to] 2, it is sufficient to show that function g(x) = Vx - [H.sup.-1](x(1
- x)V) is increasing over the interval (0, 1/2]. Note that [MATHEMATICAL
EXPRESSION NOT REPRODUCIBLE IN ASCII]. Since N contestants enter the
contest (V, S) if and only if [pi](N, V, S) [greater than or equal to]
0, N(V, S) is the unique equilibrium number of entrants in contest (V,
S) if [pi](1, V, S) [greater than or equal to] 0. It is then obvious
that no one participates in the contest if [pi](1, V, S) < 0. Q.E.D.
The contest organizer has a total budget of [[GAMMA].sub.0]
available from his own pocket. He has the freedom either to split the
budget between the prize purse and the payment of entry subsidies up to
the budget limit or to fund the prize purse using the revenue from the
entry fees. Such flexibility in resource allocation represents one of
the main features of the analysis in this paper.
DEFINITION 1. A contest design (V, S) is feasible if and only if
(5) 0 [less than or equal to] V [less than or equal to]
[[GAMMA].sub.0] - N(V,S)S.
The feasibility condition (5) states that the prize purse cannot
exceed the total resources available to the contest organizer. The total
effort induced by contest (V, S) is E [equivalent to] N(V, S) x e(N( V,
S), V, S), where N(V, S) is the equilibrium number of participants who
enter the contest (V, S). In this paper, we assume that the contest
organizer searches for the optimal feasible contest ([V.sup.*],
[S.sup.*]) that maximizes the total effort E exerted by the endogenously
determined number of participating contestants.
The following is assumed to make the analysis more interesting.
ASSUMPTION 1. C [less than or equal to] [[GAMMA].sub.0]/2.
The prize is assumed to be automatically awarded if there is only
one contestant. This is why a contestant would exert zero effort if he
turns out to be the unique participant. Therefore, a contest rule cannot
create an optimal situation if less than two contestants participate.
Assumption 1 guarantees that the contest organizer can induce the entry
of at least two participants by providing an entry subsidy, as shown by
the following lemma.
LEMMA 3. A feasible contest that induces at least two contestants
to participate exists if and only If Assumption 1 holds.
Proof. Sufficiency: Let So denote the solution of
(6) [pi](2, [[GAMMA].sub.0] - 2S, S) = [[GAMMA].sub.0]/2 -
[H.sup.-1] ([[GAMMA].sub.0] - 2S / 4) - C = 0.
First, note that [[GAMMA].sub.0]/2 - [H.sup.-1] ([[GAMMA].sub.0] -
2S / 4) - C increases with S. Second, when S = [[GAMMA].sub.0]/2,
[[GAMMA].sub.0] 2S, S) = [[GAMMA].sub.0]/2 - C [greater than or equal
to] 0 based on Assumption 1. Third, when S = [[GAMMA].sub.0]/2 -
2H([[GAMMA].sub.0]/2), [pi](2, [[GAMMA].sub.0] - 2S, S) = -C < 0.
Thus, there exists a unique solution So [member of] ([[GAMMA].sub.0]/2 -
2H([[GAMMA].sub.0]/2),[[GAMMA].sub.0]/2] for Equation (6).
Set S = [S.sub.0] and V = [[GAMMA].sub.0] - 2 [S.sub.0] [greater
than or equal to] 0. Since [pi](2, [[GAMMA].sub.0] - 2[S.sub.0],
[S.sub.0]) = 0, we have N([[GAMMA].sub.0] - 2[S.sub.0], [S.sub.0]) = 2
by Lemma 2, which indicates that two contestants will participate in the
contest ([[GAMMA].sub.0] - 2[S.sub.0], [S.sub.0]). In addition, contest
([[GAMMA].sub.0] - 2[S.sub.0], [S.sub.0]) is feasible according to Definition 1. It has thus been shown that Assumption 1 represents a
sufficient condition for the existence of a feasible contest that
induces at least two contestants to participate.
Necessity: We prove it by contradiction. Suppose that there exists
a feasible contest (V, S) that induces N ([greater than or equal to] 2)
contestants when C > [[GAMMA].sub.0]/2]. By Lemma 1, a contestant
would receive an expected payoff
which implies [pi](N,V,S) [less than or equal to]
[[GAMMA].sub.0]/2] - C - [H.sup.-1] x (V/N(1 - 1/N)) by the fact V + SN
[less than or equal to] [[GAMMA].sub.0]. Thus, no participant could ex
ante break even if [[GAMMA].sub.0]/2 - C < 0. Thus, a feasible
contest with at least two contestants could occur only if Assumption 1
holds. Q.E.D.
Clearly, when C is small, more than two potential contestants can
be induced to participate. The contest organizer therefore has more
freedom in terms of the (desirable) number of participants he can
attract. Lemmas 4 and 5 characterize two intuitive necessary conditions
for the optimal feasible contest. The formal proofs are laid out in the
LEMMA 4. In the optimal feasible contest ([V.sup.*], [S.sup.*]),
every participating contestant breaks even, that is, [pi](N([V.sup.*],
[S.sup.*]), [V.sup.*], [S.sup.*]) = 0.
LEMMA 5. In the optimal feasible contest ([V.sup.*], [S.sup.*]),
the contest organizer must put all the resources available in the prize
purse, that is, [V.sup.*] = [[GAMMA].sub.0] - N([V.sup.*],
From Lemma 4, it follows that the optimal contest causes all
participating contestants to break even. By Lemma 5, it is optimal for
the contest organizer, who anticipates contestants' entry activity
in response to the announced contest rule, to exhaust all the resources
available to the organizer. As a result, the effort-maximizing contest
([V.sup.*], [S.sup.*]) must satisfy [V.sup.*] = [[GAMMA].sub.0] -
N([V.sup.*], [S.sup.*])[S.sup.*] and [pi](N([V.sup.*], [S.sup.*]),
[V.sup.*], [S.sup.*]) = O.
A. Main Results
Next, the optimal number of entrants N[V.sup.*], [S.sup.*]) needs
to be revealed. In the optimal contest ([V.sup.*], [S.sup.*]), each
contestant receives an equilibrium payoff of
which leads to
Combining it with Lemma 4, we can establish the following important
(7) E = [[GAMMA].sub.0] - N([V.sup.*], [S.sup.*])C.
Note the importance of Equation (7). It states that in the
optimally designed contest, the equilibrium total effort is given by the
difference between the total budget of the contest organizer and the
total entry costs incurred by participating contestants. In addition,
the right-hand side of Equation (7) strictly decreases with N([V.sup.*],
[S.sup.*]), the equilibrium number of participating contestants, for any
N([V.sup.*], [S.sup.*]) [greater than or equal to] 2. Hence, it can be
deduced that the equilibrium efforts are bound from above by [bar.E] =
[[GAMMA].sub.0] - 2C. The following result is now ready to be
THEOREM 1. The unique optimal contest induces exactly two potential
contestants to participate and induces the total effort of [bar.E] =
[[GAMMA].sub.0] - 2C.
Proof. Equation (7) shows that only a contest that attracts two
contestants to participate may induce the total effort of [bar.E].
Thus, it is only necessary to show that a feasible contest
([V.sup.*], [S.sup.*]) exists that induces exactly two participants and
satisfies the conditions given by Lemmas 4 and 5. To this end, it is
necessary only to show that there exists an [S.sup.*] that satisfies the
following condition:
The existence and uniqueness of such an [S.sup.*] have been
established in the proof of Lemma 3. Q.E.D.
Theorem 1 shows that a unique optimal contest exists that maximizes
the amount of total effort exerted in the contest. The optimal contest
attracts exactly two contestants and induces the maximal total effort,
which fully dissipates the net rent available in the contest, that is,
[[GAMMA].sub.0] - 2C. The following theorem further characterizes the
properties of ([V.sup.*], [S.sup.*]).
THEOREM 2. The optimally designed contest awards a unique
equilibrium prize purse of [V.sup.*] = 4H ([[GAMMA].sub.0]/2] - C)( >
0). When C [less than or equal to] [[GAMMA].sub.0]/2] [H.sup.-1]
([[GAMMA].sub.0]/4]), the contest organizer charges an entry fee of
[S.sup.*] = to each contestant. When [[GAMMA].sub.0]/2] - [H.sup.-1]
([[GAMMA].sub.0]/2]) < C [less than or equal to] [[GAMMA].sub.0]/2]
-, the contest organizer awards an entry subsidy of [S.sup.*] =
[[[GAMMA].sub.0]/2] - 2H([[GAMMA].sub.0]/2] - C)] ([greater than or
equal to] 0) to each contestant.
Proof. Equation (8) implies [S.sup.*] = [[GAMMA].sub.0]/2] -2H
([[GAMMA].sub.0]/2] - C). This leads to [V.sup.*] = [[GAMMA].sub.0] -
2[S.sup.*] = 4H ([[GAMMA].sub.0]/2] - C). Thus, [S.sup.*] [greater than
or equal to] 0 if and only if [[GAMMA].sub.0]/2] - 2H([[GAMMA].sub.0]/2]
- C) > 0. Q.E.D.
Theorems 1 and 2 characterize the unique subgame perfect
equilibrium. It is worth pointing out that the critical value
[[GAMMA].sub.0]/2 - [H.sup.-1] ([[GAMMA].sub.0]/4]) represents an
individual contestant's equilibrium surplus [pi](2,
[[GAMMA].sub.0], 0) in a feasible contest (V, S) = ([[GAMMA].sub.0], 0)
with two participating contestants.
At least two contestants are willing to participate in the contest
([[GAMMA].sub.0], 0) when C < [pi](2, [[GAMMA].sub.0], 0). An entry
fee can then be imposed to enhance the prize purse while maintaining
sufficient participation (two contestants). On the other hand, when C
> [pi](2, [[GAMMA].sub.0], 0), only one contestant is willing to
participate in ([[GAMMA].sub.0], 0). Thus, an entry subsidy is required
in this situation in order to maintain sufficient participation.
It has been assumed so far that the contest organizer attempts
solely to maximize the amount of total effort exerted. However, a
contest organizer may seek other objectives as well, such as maximizing
the effort exerted by each individual (symmetric) contestant. For
example, the organizer of a design competition would be more concerned
about the quality of the potential supplier who secures the contract
rather than the overall amount of effort exerted by the entire pool of
It turns out that the optimal contest that has been derived above
serves this objective as well. Equation (7) implies that the individual
effort of a participating contestant is bound above by [bar.e] =
[[GAMMA].sub.0]/2] - C, which can be achieved if and only if the contest
is organized as defined by Theorem 2.
B. Discussion
As revealed in Theorem 2, one key feature of the optimally designed
contest in our analysis lies in the transfer between the contest
organizer and participating contestants as a strategic instrument. This
transfer plays a key role in extracting the surplus of the participating
contestants. When a fixed entry cost exists for the contestants, the
optimal transfer [S.sup.*] leads to a unique optimally designed contest
and further pins down the optimal number of participating contestants at
The fixed entry cost C in our previous analysis is essential for
determining the optimal contest structure. As Equation (7) implies, the
main results discussed in the earlier sections of this paper stem from
the existence of a positive entry cost, while the optimal contest rule
depends largely on the size of the fixed cost. Theorem 2 states that an
entry subsidy is desirable in order to invite participation and to
maintain a sufficient level of competition if and only if the entry cost
is prohibitively high. Thus, the result applies directly to the design
competition for military procurement: R&D projects with a military
purpose would arguably require substantial initial setup investment,
which could play a large part in deterring the entry of independent
contractors notwithstanding the generous potential rewards. Thus, a
subsidy would be an effective way to maintain the optimal amount of
An entry subsidy would not be justifiable (from the viewpoint of
the contest organizer) if the level of the fixed entry cost falls below
the threshold value [[GAMMA].sub.0]/2] - [H.sup.-1]
([[GAMMA].sub.0]/4]). The contest organizer would instead charge an
optimal entry fee to restrict the level of participation to the unique
optimum of two participants and attach the inflow of cash to the
winner's purse. For example, although a civilian R&D project
may involve a fixed setup cost, the investment may not be completely
sunk because it could most likely be used for alternative purposes.
Consequently, an entry fee that restricts entry may successfully enhance
the quality of competition for the design of a civilian product through
enhanced prize value. (14)
C. Extension with No Entry Cost
Although it has explicitly been assumed that C > 0, the analysis
up to Equation (7) applies to the limiting case where C = 0, in which
participation involves no sunk costs. As Equation (7) implies, when C =
0 the entry of additional participants does not reduce the maximum
amount of effort that can be possibly induced in an optimally designed
contest. Hence, the optimal contest structure would not be unique, and
the optimal number of participating contestants would not necessarily be
2. The contest organizer can allow any number of contestants (but no
less than 2) to participate and simply charge each of them an
appropriate entry fee to extract all the expected surplus they would
enjoy from the contest. Thus, the optimal monetary transfer (entry fee)
[S.sup.*] satisfies
(9) 1/N [V.sup.*] - [H.sup.-1] ([V.sup.*]/N(1 - 1/N)) + [S.sup.*] =
0, [for all]N [member of] {2, ..., M}.
Since the contest organizer at the optimum directs all revenue
toward the prize purse, Equation (9) is equivalent to
(10) [[GAMMA].sub.0]/N] = [H.sup.-1] (([[GAMMA].sub.0] -
N[S.sup.*]/N) (1 - 1/N)), N [member of {2, ..., M}.
THEOREM 3. When a pool of M [greater than or equal to] 2 potential
contestants are up for a contest and each of them bears zero entry
costs, the optimal contest can take a variety of forms ([V.sup.*](N),
[S.sup.*](N)), [for all] N [member of] {2, ..., M}. In an optimal
contest ([V.sup.*](N), [S.sup.*](N)), the contest organizer charges an
entry fee of
(11) [S.sup.*](N) = [[GAMMA].sub.0]/N] - N/N - 1
H([[GAMMA].sub.0]/N]) < 0 and awards a prize of
(12) [V.sup.*](N) = [N.sup.2]/N - 1 H ([[GAMMA].sub.0]/N]) > 0.
In the contest ([V.sup.*](N), [S.sup.*](N)), exactly N contestants
participate and each o f them enjoys zero surplus. All these contests
induce the same total amount of effort, [[GAMMA].sub.0], which fully
dissipates the total rent.
Theorem 3 defines a wide variety of optimal contest structures that
differ in terms of their entry fees, prize purse, and the equilibrium
level of participation. When contestants bear negligible entry costs,
the contest organizer has complete flexibility to design the contest.
Optimally designed contests may attract any feasible level of
participation, and yet they all yield an equivalent outcome where the
entire budget, [[GAMMA].sub.0], is fully dissipated. Thus, our analysis
does not lose its bite in those settings where a
"more-than-two" participation rate could be considered optimal
as well.
D. Nonlinear Cost Function
An additional line of complication would arise if the cost function
of each contestant is strictly convex in his/her effort e. Denote by
[zeta](e) the cost a contestant has to bear when she/he exerts an effort
e. In a contest that exhausts the budget and extracts all surplus from N
participants, we must have
(13) N[zeta]([e.sub.N]) = [[GAMMA].sub.0] - NC. (15)
The overall effort is then given by
(14) [E.sub.N] = [Ne.sub.N] = N[[zeta].sup.-1] ([[GAMMA].sub.0]/N]
- C).
It remains obscure how the total effort varies when the number of
participants increases. As [[zeta].sup.-1](*) is strictly concave in its
argument, N[[zeta].sup.1] ([[GAMMA].sub.0]/N] - C) may not decrease when
N increases. The equilibrium could depend on the functional form of
[[zeta].sup.-1](*), the amount of the entry cost C and the size of
budget [[GAMMA].sub.0]. An extension on convex cost function would be
interesting, but exploring the resulted equilibria is beyond the scope
of this paper.
Nevertheless, our analysis with linear cost function clearly has no
loss of generality when the effort of contestants is measured by their
expenditure, which is a common situation in contests. To maximize the
total expenditure exerted by these contestants, it is optimal to
restrict the entry to exactly two contestants.
This paper has investigated the design of au effort-maximizing
contest where contestants bear a fixed entry cost and have the freedom
to decide whether or not to participate. The findings indicate that an
entry fee (subsidy) is essential for optimal contest design. Contest
organizers subsidize entry when contestants bear substantial entry costs
while charging an entry fee to fund the prize purse when the entry cost
is sufficiently low. Interestingly, when effort cost function is linear,
the optimally designed contest invites exactly two participants as long
as the entry cost is positive. Thus, this paper provides a clear
rationale for the contest structure involving only two contestants that
is widely assumed in contest literature. This optimal participation is
attributed to the presence of a fixed entry cost for the potential
contestants. In the absence of a fixed entry cost, the contest organizer
does not have to restrict the number of participating contestants to
exactly 2. There exist a variety of forms that an optimal contest can
take, which differ in entry fees, prize purse, and the number of
participants. However, they all fully dissipate the budget of the
contest organizer through charging an entry fee and thus induce the same
amount of total effort.
This framework leaves tremendous room for the extension of
research. One possible avenue for further research is to allow for
different types of contestants. In this paper, the contest organizer
does not directly invite contestants but strategically induces desired
voluntary entry by setting the (unique) optimal combination of prize
purse and entry subsidy/fee. It should be noted that the implementation
of the optimal entry through sequential moves is guaranteed only when
contestants are homogeneous. When contestants are heterogeneous,
voluntary and sequential entry alone may not guarantee the optimum. A
more sophisticated selection mechanism (such as Fullerton and McAfee
1999) would be in demand. Indeed, this is a future research concern for
the authors of this paper.
Proof of Lemma 4
The lemma is proven by contradiction. Suppose the contrary that
[pi](N([V.sup.*], [S.sup.*]), [V.sup.*], [S.sup.*]) > 0. Two possible
cases are considered.
Case I: N([V.sup.*], [S.sup.*]) = M.
In this case, there exists a transfer S < [S.sup.*] such that
[pi](M, [V.sup.*], S) > 0 holds since [pi](M, [V.sup.*], S) is
continuous with respect to S. This leads to [pi](M, [V.sup.*] +
M([S.sup.*] - S), S) > [pi](M, [V.sup.*], S) > 0. Thus,
N([V.sup.*] + M([S.sup.*] - S), S) = M. It is clear that ([V.sup.*] +
M([S.sup.*] - S), S) is feasible since ([V.sup.*], [S.sup.*]) is
feasible. However, contest ([V.sup.*] + M([S.sup.*] - S), S) induces a
larger amount of total effort since the prize is higher and the number
of potential participants who enter the contest does not change.
Case II: 2 [less than or equal to] N([V.sup.*], [S.sup.*]) < M.
By Lemma 2, we must have [pi](N([V.sup.*], [S.sup.*]), [V.sup.*],
[S.sup.*]) > 0 and [pi](N([V.sup.*], [S.sup.*]) + 1, [V.sup.*],
[S.sup.*]) < 0. There must exist a [epsilon] > 0 which is small
enough such that [pi](N([V.sup.*], [S.sup.*]), [V.sup.*] + N([V.sup.*],
[S.sup.*])[epsilon], [S.sup.*] [epsilon]) > 0 and [pi](N([V.sup.*],
[S.sup.*]) + 1, [V.sup.*] + N([V.sup.*], [S.sup.*])[epsilon], [S.sup.*]
- [epsilon]) < 0 because the function [pi](N, V, S) is continuous
with respect to all its arguments. We thus have N([V.sup.*] +
N([V.sup.*], [S.sup.*])[epsilon], [S.sup.*] - [epsilon]) = N([V.sup.*],
[S.sup.*]). It is clear that ([V.sup.*] + N([V.sup.*],
[S.sup.*])[epsilon], [S.sup.*] [epsilon]) is feasible since ([V.sup.*],
[S.sup.*]) is feasible. However, ([V.sup.*] + N([V.sup.*],
[S.sup.*])[epsilon], [S.sup.*] - [epsilon]) induces a larger amount of
tatal effort since the prize is higher and the number of potential
participants who enter the contest does not change.
Based on the above arguments, [pi](N([V.sup.*], [S.sup.*]),
[V.sup.*], [S.sup.*]) = 0 for the optimal feasible contest ([V.sup.*],
[S.sup.*]). Q.E.D.
Proof of Lemma 5
The lemma is proven by contradiction. Suppose [V.sup.*] <
[[GAMMA].sub.0] - N([V.sup.*], [S.sup.*])[S.sup.*]. We consider two
possible cases.
Case I: N([V.sup.*], [S.sup.*]) = M.
The contest organizer has the option to allocate the balance
of([[GAMMA].sub.0] - N([V.sup.*], [S.sup.*])[S.sup.*]) - [V.sup.*] to
the prize without inducing the entry of additional participants while
increasing the amount of total effort induced.
Case II. 2 [less than or equal to] N([V.sup.*], [S.sup.*]) < M.
In this case, we have [pi](N([V.sup.*], [S.sup.*]), [V.sup.*],
[S.sup.*]) = 0 by Lemma 4 and [pi](N([V.sup.*], [S.sup.*]) + 1,
[V.sup.*], [S.sup.*]) < 0 by the definition of N([V.sup.*],
[S.sup.*]). By the continuity of [pi](N, V, S), there exists a small
[epsilon] > 0 such that [V.sup.*] + [epsilon] [less than or equal to]
[[GAMMA].sub.0] - N([V.sup.*], [S.sup.*])[S.sup.*], [pi](N([V.sup.*],
[S.sup.*]), [V.sup.*] + [epsilon], [S.sup.*]) > 0, and
[pi](N([V.sup.*], [S.sup.*]) + 1, [V.sup.*] + [epsilon], [S.sup.*]) <
0. Thus, the contest ([V.sup.*] + [epsilon], [S.sup.*]) is feasible and
N([V.sup.*] + [epsilon], [S.sup.*]) = N([V.sup.*], [S.sup.*]) holds.
However, the contest ([V.sup.*] + [epsilon], [S.sup.*]) induces a larger
amount of total effort since the prize is higher and the number of
participants does not change. Based on the above arguments, [V.sup.*] =
[[GAMMA].sub.0] - N([V.sup.*], [S.sup.*])[S.sup.*] for the optimal
feasible contest ([V.sup.*], [S.sup.*]). Q.E.D.
doi: 10.1111/j.1465-7295.2008.00135.x
DoD: U.S. Department of Defense
R&D: Research and Development
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(1.) Explanatory examples include research tournaments, political
lobbying, sports races, and promotion tournaments in a firm's
internal labor market.
(2.) An imperfectly discriminatory contest with concave contest
technology does not involve endogenous entry if no fixed cost is
incurred upon entry. The interior equilibrium would guarantee that all
participating contestants would receive positive expected payoffs.
(3.) Exceptions are explored in the seminal works of Baye,
Kovenock, and de Vries (1993) and Fullerton and McAfee (1999).
(4.) For instance, the U.S. Department of Defense (DoD)
substantially subsidizes military research and development (R&D)
activities conducted by contractors competing for procurement contracts.
The DoD's subsidies for independent military R&D projects have
been empirically documented by Lichtenberg (1988).
(5.) One such example is the National Scholastic Surfing
Association National Tournament, where an entry fee applies to
participating teams and individuals.
(6.) A participating contestant receives an entry subsidy if S >
0 but pays an entry fee if S < 0. The contest ( V, S) needs to be
feasible in the sense that the prize V cannot be greater than the total
resources available to the contest organizer (including the revenue
collected from the entry fees).
(7.) The contest rule (V, S) can also be as follows. The organizer
commits to a transfer S to every entrant, and the prize will be V =
[[GAMMA].sub.0] + NS, where N is the actual number of entrants. The
entry and effort equilibrium remain the same as contest ([[GAMMA].sub.0]
+ NS, S). According to Lemma 5, this setup leads to the same optimal
contest. We thank an anonymous referee for pointing this out.
(8.) We assume that the contest organizer's resource has no
alternative use other than inducing higher effort from contestants.
(9.) Sequential entry and complete information ensure that
potential contestants play pure strategies (0 or 1 probability of entry)
in the entry stage of the game.
(10.) This model, together with a ratio form success function, can
be applied to a wide variety of contest settings. For instance, Baye and
Hoppe (2003) establish strategic equivalence between Tullock
rent-seeking contests and research tournaments, as well as patent races.
(11.) We assume that a nonparticipant will not be awarded the
(12.) This is always the case when effort is measured by the
expenditure of the contestants.
(13.) Note that concavity of impact function f(x) ensures the
existence of a unique symmetric interior equilibrium effort. Since
[H.sup.1](0) = 0 and d[h.sup.-1](x)/dx [member] (0,1), we have
[H.sup.-1] (x) [less than or equal to] x when x [greater than or equal
to] 0. This leads to that 1/NV - [H.sup.-1] (V/N(1 - 1/N)) > 1/N V -
(V/N(1 - 1/N)) = V/[N.sup.2] > 0. This means that given that N
contestants have participated, it is optimal for them to make the effort
[H.sup.-1]([V/N(1 - 1/N)).
(14.) Nalebuff and Stiglitz (1983) allow losing contestants to
receive negative prizes, and they show that negative prizes could help
further extract contestants' surplus. The equilibrium entry fee
plays a similar role. However, losers' tribute does not accrue to
the prize purse in the setting of Nalebuff and Stiglitz (1983), while
the revenue from entry fee in our model is fully dedicated to
winner's purse in the unique subgame perfect equilibrium.
(15.) The proof is similar to that of Equation (7).
QIANG FU and JINGFENG LU, Special thanks are due to Michael Baye,
Dan Kovenock, and Preston McAfee for their encouragement and helpful
suggestions. We are grateful to the editor and three anonymous referees
for constructive comments. The paper has greatly benefited from them.
All errors remain ours. The authors gratefully acknowledge the financial
support from National University of Singapore (R-313-000-068-112 [Q.F.]
and R-122-000-088-112 [J.L.]).
Fu. Assistant Professor, Department of Business Policy, National
University of Singapore, 1 Business Link, Singapore 117592. Phone
(65)6516-3775, Fax (65)6779-5059, E-mail:
[email protected]
Lu. Assistant Professor, Department of Economics, National
University of Singapore, l Arts Link, Singapore 117570. Phone (65)
6516-6026, Fax (65) 6775-2646, E-mail:
[email protected]