A simple model of optimal hate crime legislation.
Gan, Li ; Williams, Roberton C., III ; Wiseman, Thomas 等
Reported "hate crimes" have increased dramatically in the
United States in recent years; the number of reported incidents rose
from 4,588 in 1991 to 7,160 in 2005. (1) This rise, along with the
attention paid by popular media to high profile cases, such as the
murders of James Byrd in Texas and Matthew Shepard in Wyoming, has
produced unprecedented public interest in the issue and potential
remedies. As of 1999, 41 states had passed "hate crime" or
"bias crime" laws: laws that create or enhance penalties for
crimes motivated at least in part by the victim's race, religion,
or other protected category (see Grattet and Jenness 2001). (2) In
essence, these laws mandate stronger punishment based on the motivation
behind the crime. Debate over these laws centers on the question of
whether this additional punishment is justified. (3)
In this paper, we present a formal model of law enforcement in the
presence of hate crimes, and use that model to investigate the
conditions under which it is optimal to impose harsher penalties for
hate crimes--or, more generally, to exert greater public effort to
prevent hate crimes--than for otherwise similar crimes not motivated by
hatred. We also examine the implications of these conditions for other
aspects of hate crime policy: for example, should government policy
encourage effort by members of targeted groups to make themselves less
likely to be victims of hate crime?
Our model is similar in nature to Becker's (1968) economic
model of crime. (4) In this model, potential criminals derive some
benefit from committing a crime, but weigh that against their expected
cost--both in terms of effort and expected punishment--when deciding
whether or not to commit a crime. Law enforcement and efforts by
potential targets to protect themselves from crime can increase the
expected cost to potential criminals, and thus reduce crime rates.
Hate crime has attracted substantial attention in the fields of
law, sociology, psychology, and other social sciences, but little within
the field of economics. Jefferson and Pryor (1999), Medoff (1999), and
Gale, Heath, and Ressler (2002) provide empirical analyses of hate crime
data. (5) The latter two papers also briefly present theories to explain
hate crimes. Glaeser (2005) provides a more extensive economic theory of
To our knowledge, though, the study of Dharmapala and Garoupa
(2004) is the only prior work that addresses the normative issue of
optimal hate crime policy. While the general structure of their model is
similar to ours, the rationale for hate crime laws is different. In
their model, effort by one potential victim to avoid crime causes
criminals to seek out other victims, thus increasing the probability
that others will be attacked. Without this "displacement"
effect, the optimal punishment for hate crimes in their model would be
the same as for other crimes. In contrast, our explanations do not rely
on displacement. (Indeed, our model assumes that no displacement
While there is widespread agreement on the defining characteristic
that distinguishes hate crime from other crime--the motivation for the
crime--there is much less agreement on the effects of hate crime and on
exactly why such crimes should be punished more harshly. To accommodate
this diversity of opinion, we consider five possible ways in which hate
crimes may differ from other crimes and thus warrant greater punishment.
First, society may put a lower weight on the utility of hate criminals
than on the utility of other criminals. For example, the utility that a
mugger gets from stolen money would count in calculating social welfare,
but the pleasure that the perpetrator of a hate crime gets from
inflicting suffering is invalid and should not be counted. (6) Second,
hate crime may harm other people in addition to the direct victim. In
particular, other members of the targeted group may suffer disutility from sympathy for the victim or fear that they themselves will be
Third, efforts by potential targets to avoid being victims of hate
crime may generate a negative externality. For example, they might try
to hide their identities, thus resulting in a loss of diversity to
society. Fourth, hate crime might be more difficult for victims to
avoid. A person can reduce his chance of being mugged by avoiding
visible displays of wealth, but cannot change his skin color to avoid
race-based hate crime. Fifth, there may be fewer potential targets of
hate crime than for other crimes, leading to a higher probability that
any particular potential target will in fact be a victim. While the
primary focus of this paper is on hate crimes, it is worth noting that
the first four of these differences also apply to acts of terrorism, and
thus many of our conclusions will also apply to anti-terrorism policy as
We show that each of these differences may justify greater public
effort to prevent hate crimes than to prevent other crimes, even if the
direct harm to the victim is the same. However, in most of these cases,
whether the optimal public effort is greater or smaller depends on the
complementarity or substitutability between public and private effort--a
point that prior hate crime research has not noted. (7)
We also show that these differences between hate crime and other
crimes affect the socially optimal level of private effort relative to
the individually optimal level. Thus, if the government can encourage or
discourage private effort through means other than just the overall
level of public effort--for example, if it is possible to subsidize private effort or to choose types of public effort that are more
complementary to private effort--then it will be optimal for hate crime
policy to differ from policy toward other crimes on those dimensions as
well as on the overall level of public effort. This finding suggests
that some hate crimes warrant more punishment effort than others. For
example, if there is a negative externality from segregation, it may be
optimal to have a harsher penalty for a hate crime committed against a
black family living in an otherwise all-white neighborhood than for an
otherwise-identical hate crime committed against a black family living
in a black neighborhood, in order to provide better incentives for
integrating neighborhoods.
In the next section, we present a simple model that incorporates
these differences and demonstrates their implications for the optimal
design of hate crime legislation. The final section contains conclusions
and a discussion of additional factors that fall outside the scope of
the model.
In this section, we first provide a baseline model of crime and law
enforcement that applies to any crime, and then extend that model to
capture the ways in which hate crime may differ from other crimes.
A. The Baseline Model
Three types of agents interact with each other: potential criminals
(who form a continuum of mass [N.sup.C]), potential victims (mass
[N.sup.V] > [N.sup.C]), and the government. All potential victims are
assumed to be identical. If a crime is committed against a particular
potential victim, that victim suffers a utility loss of [DELTA]U [member
of] (0, 1). The protection level for potential victim i, P([a.sub.i],
g), is a function both of individual effort to avoid crime ([a.sub.i]
[greater than or equal to] 0) and of the level of government effort to
catch and punish criminals (g [greater than or equal to] 0). The
function P is assumed to be bounded between 0 and 1, and to be
increasing and strictly concave in each of its arguments: [P.sub.1] >
0, [P.sub.2] > 0, [P.sub.11] < 0, and [P.sub.22] < 0. That is,
exerting more effort of either type raises the level of protection, but
the marginal effect falls as the level of effort rises. For now, we make
no assumptions on the degree of complementarity or substitutability
between individual and government effort (that is, on the sign and
magnitude of the cross-partial derivative [P.sub.12]). As shown later in
this paper, this parameter has important implications for hate crime
policy. For simplicity, we assume that all third- and higher order
derivatives of P are zero--that is, P is quadratic.
The cost of individual effort [C.sup.V] ([a.sub.i]) increases
quadratically. That is, [C.sup.V.sub.1] > 0, [C.sup.V.sub.11] > 0,
and all higher order derivatives are zero. The probability that
individual i is victimized depends on his protection level P([a.sub.i],
g) and on the ratio of the mass of potential criminals to the mass of
potential victims [N.sup.C]/[N.sup.V]. In particular, we assume that the
probability is given by [N.sup.C][1 - P([a.sub.i], g)]/[N.sup.V]. If
each potential victim has the same protection level P, then the total
number of crimes committed is given by [N.sup.C][1 - P]. (8)
Given government effort g, each potential victim maximizes expected
utility by solving the problem
We assume that [C.sup.V.sub.1](0) is sufficiently small to ensure
an interior solution to Equation (1). The necessary and sufficient
condition for this unique solution a* is given by
(2) [DELTA]U [N.sup.C]/[N.sup.V][P.sub.1](a*, g) --
[C.sup.V.sub.1](a*) = 0.
Each individual chooses the same level of effort a(g), which varies
with government effort g, so the average protection level is equal to
P(a(g), g). Implicit differentiation of Equation (2) yields the
(3) [a.sub.1](g) = [P.sub.12](a(g), g)[N.sup.C]/[N.sup.V][DELTA]U/
[C.sup.V.sub.11](a(g)) - [P.sub.11](a(g), g)[N.sup.C]/[N.sup.V][DELTA]U
Because the denominator of Equation (3) is positive, the sign of
[a.sub.1] (g) is the same as the sign of the cross-partial derivative
[P.sup.12]. If individual and government efforts are complementary
([P.sub.12] > 0), then the optimal level of individual effort
increases with the level of government effort. If, on the other hand,
government effort acts as a substitute for individual effort ([P.sub.12]
< 0), then individuals exert less effort as government effort rises.
Effort to avoid crime and effort to catch and punish criminals might be
strongly complementary if, for example, avoidance effort takes the form
of increased alertness and watchfulness for suspicious activity. In that
case, the higher probability of witnesses greatly increases the
effectiveness both of police effort to catch criminals and of
prosecutorial effort to convict them. On the other hand, if potential
victims seek to avoid crime by secluding themselves at home, increased
avoidance effort might hinder government effort to catch and punish
criminals, and so public and private efforts are substitutes (see
Ben-Shahar and Harel 1995).
The total effect of a marginal increase in government effort (g) on
the average protection level is [P.sub.2](a(g), g) +
[a.sub.1](g)[P.sub.1](a(g), g). We assume that this effect is
positive--individual and government efforts are not such strong
substitutes [[a.sub.1](g) is not so negative] that increasing g actually
results in more crime.
Potential criminals are the second type of agent. Each criminal i
chooses to commit one crime if the benefit [B.sub.i] from doing so
exceeds the expected cost [C.sub.C]. The benefit from crime for each
criminal is drawn independently from a uniform distribution on the
interval [0, 1]. The cost of committing a crime is given by the
protection level of potential victims, P, and thus is the same for all
potential criminals. (9) The mass of crimes committed, then, is
[N.sup.C][1 - P], as specified earlier.
The third and last type of agent is the government. The government
faces a cost of effort in catching and punishing criminals (which we
sometimes refer to just as punishment effort) given by the increasing
and convex function [C.sup.G](g). (We assume that the government's
cost depends neither on the mass of crimes committed nor on the size of
the group of potential victims. In Section III, we discuss the effects
of relaxing that restriction.) The government chooses its effort level
to maximize expected societal utility, which is the sum of potential
victims' and criminals' utility, less the cost of government
effort. (10) Thus, the government's problem is given by
In selecting its effort level g, the government must weigh the
benefits of increasing g against the costs. A higher government effort
level g affects the welfare of the potential victims in two ways. First,
there is the direct effect of a lower crime rate resulting from the
increased cost of committing a crime P(a(g), g). Second, increasing g
changes the equilibrium level of avoidance effort by the victims a(g),
and thus leads to a different cost of effort [C.sup.V] (a(g)). That
second effect may either increase the cost for victims (if a and g are
complements) or lower it (if they are substitutes). On the other hand,
the social cost of raising government effort g includes both the direct
cost to the government [C.sup.G](g) and the cost to potential criminals
due to the higher cost of committing crimes. The first-order condition
for an interior solution to the government's problem is given by
(5a) [N.sup.C] x [DELTA]AU[[P.sub.1](a(g), g)[a.sub.1](g) +
[P.sub.2](a(g), g)] -[N.sup.V][a.sub.1] (g)[C.sup.V.sub.1] (a(g)) + NC.
[[P.sub.1](a(g), g)[a.sub.1] (g) + [P.sub.2](a(g), g)] x [-1 + P(a(g),
g)] - [C.sup.G.sub.1](g) = 0.
Substituting in the first-order condition for potential victims
]Equation (2)] and suppressing the arguments for the sake of clarity
yields Equation (5b):
(5b) [N.sup.C][P.sub.2]{[DELTA]U - 1 + P}
+[N.sup.C][a.sub.1][P.sub.1]{- 1 + P} - [C.sup.G.sub.1] = 0.
We assume that the cost function [C.sup.G](g) is sufficiently
convex that the government's objective function [in Equation (4)]
is concave. In that case, Equation (5b) is both necessary and sufficient
for an interior solution to the government's optimization.
Finally, it is useful to consider the socially optimal level of
avoidance effort by potential victims, in order to help interpret later
results concerning the government's optimal policy. Furthermore,
while in this model the government can affect the level of avoidance
effort only by changing the level of punishment effort, in a richer
model, the government might have more influence. For example, the
government might be able to tax or subsidize some types of avoidance
activities, or might choose among different methods of law enforcement
that vary in their degree of complementarity or substitutability with
avoidance effort by potential victims. The socially optimal level of
private effort a** is the level that maximizes social utility [from
Equation (4)]. The first-order condition is given by
(6) [N.sup.C][P.sub.1](a**, g){[DELTA]U - 1 + P(a**, g)} -
[N.sup.V][C.sup.V.sub.1](a**) = 0.
The notation a** is used to distinguish the socially optimal level
from the level that is optimal from the perspective of a potential
victim, a*. Note that a**< a*: that is, the level of avoidance effort
chosen by potential victims exceeds the socially optimal level. This
occurs because potential victims do not take into account the utility of
potential criminals, who are made worse off by greater avoidance effort.
Absent any cost of effort by the government and potential victims,
the optimal level of crime would equate the marginal cost ([DELTA]U x
[N.sup.C]) to the victims of the additional crime resulting from
lowering the expected cost P to the benefit (1 x [N.sup.C][1- P]) that
the mass of criminals committing crimes get from the lower cost. That
is, the optimal expected cost P would satisfy [DELTA]U - 1 + P = 0.
Because the value of [DELTA]U lies between 0 and 1, that optimal P is
also between 0 and 1. When government and victim costs are included, we
make two assumptions on the optimal level of government effort g*.
First, we assume that g* is strictly positive, so that the unique
solution is characterized by Equation (5b). That is, there is scope for
government action after the private effort by the potential victims is
undertaken. Second, we assume that g* is such that [DELTA]U - l +
P(a(g*), g*) >0. That is, the equilibrium level of crime at the
optimal level of government effort is higher if effort is costly than if
effort is costless. By making those two assumptions, we restrict
attention to what we consider the interesting, realistic case.
B. Hate Crimes
We consider five possible ways in which hate crime might differ
from other crime in the context of our model, each of which could imply
a higher optimal level of government effort to prevent hate crime than
to prevent other crimes. In each case, we hold the rest of the model
The first is that the utility of those who commit hate crimes might
get a lower weight in the government's objective function than the
utility of those who commit other crimes. One argument that would
support this approach is that some sources of utility should not count
toward social welfare. As stated by a survey respondent cited in Iganski
(2001, p. 632), "it is somehow more odious to harm someone for no
other reason than because of who they are, not because they have
something that you want." Thus, while the utility that a mugger
gets from the money that he steals would count, the utility that the
perpetrator of a hate crime gets from inflicting suffering would not
Glaeser's (2005) theory of hatred provides an alternative
argument. He notes that one effective strategy for fighting hatred is to
publicize images of violent hate-motivated attacks on minorities, which
leads people to "hate the haters." In this case, those who
hate the haters would derive utility from making potential hate
criminals worse off, which would reduce the weight on the potential
criminals' utility (or even lead to a negative weight, for a
sufficiently large number of people with a sufficiently strong level of
hate against the haters). Under either argument, the relative weight on
criminals' utility would be lower. We model this by multiplying the
term for the criminals' utility ([N.sup.C][[florin].sup.1.sub.p] B
- p]) in the government's objective function in Equation (4) by the
variable [delta], where [delta] < 1 represents the relative weight on
criminals' utility.
Second, hate crime might generate a negative externality. This
could occur in several ways. Members of the targeted group other than
the direct victim may also suffer disutility from the crime, because
they feel threatened or feel sympathy for the victim. A report by the
U.S. Department of Justice says that, "A hate crime victimizes not
only the immediate target but every member of the group that the
immediate target represents" (U.S. Department of Justice, Bureau of
Justice Assistance 1997, p. x). Other members of society may feel
ashamed that such crimes took place. Hate crimes may incite retaliatory attacks by members of the targeted group, making the victims of those
attacks worse off. The Department of Justice report goes on to note
that, "Apart from their psychological impacts, violent hate crimes
can create tides of retaliation and counter-retaliation." Recall
that the number of crimes is ([N.sup.C][1 - P(a(g), g)]). We model the
negative externality by adding the term f([N.sup.C][1- P(a(g), g)]) to
the government's objective function in Equation (4), where f(x) is
a negative and decreasing function. (12)
Third, avoidance effort by potential victims may generate a
negative externality. One way to avoid being a victim of hate crime is
to hide one's identity: Jews may try to pass as non-Jews, or gays
may remain closeted, for example. If society values diversity, efforts
like this to hide one's identity will create a negative
externality. (13) There will be a similar negative externality if such
efforts interfere with victims' ability to form profitable social
networks, as in Dharmapala and Garoupa (2004). These efforts may also
increase hatred. In Glaeser's (2005) model, contact with members of
a minority group makes it more costly to hate that group, and thus
reduces the level of hatred. But that effect could be reduced or
eliminated if minority individuals hide their identities or avoid
contact with those who hate them. (14) And hate crimes often target
those who are fighting for minority rights (e.g., civil rights workers
and politically active blacks in the American South during the 1960s).
We model these cases by adding the term e(a(g)) to the government's
objective function in Equation (4), where e(x) is a negative and
decreasing function that represents this negative externality. (15)
Fourth, it may be more difficult to avoid being the victim of a
hate crime than to avoid being the victim of other crimes. McDevitt et
al. (2001, p. 706) say that unlike victims of other crimes, "...
bias crime victims expressed feelings of frustration when asked how to
prevent or reduce such crimes in the future. They generally did not
indicate that their actions had done anything to provoke or exacerbate a
situation." It is relatively easy to avoid visible displays of
wealth and thus reduce one's chances of being mugged, but it is
impossible to change one's skin color to avoid race-based hate
crime, for example. We model this as a uniform increase in the marginal
cost of avoidance effort by potential victims, [C.sup.V.sub.1], to
[C.sup.V.sub.1] + [epsilon]. The second derivative, [C.sup.V.sub.11], is
unchanged. (16)
Fifth, because hate crimes typically target minorities, the number
of potential victims may be smaller for a hate crime than for other
crimes, thus raising the probability that any particular individual in
that group will be a crime victim. We model this by having a smaller
mass of potential victims [N.sup.V].
Note that we do not explicitly consider the case in which the
direct harm to the victim ([DELTA]U) differs between hate crimes and
other crimes. The implications of that case are obvious: if hate crime
does more harm to the victim than other crime, then, all else the same,
this difference will imply a higher optimal punishment.
Nor do we explicitly consider the case in which the benefit to the
criminal ([B.sub.i]) differs between hate crimes and other crimes. A
higher benefit to the criminal would increase the level of crime, but
would also increase the optimal level of crime. The net result could be
either an increase or a decrease in the optimal level of punishment
Here we analyze the optimal government effort to catch and punish
criminals (g) for each of the five potential differences between hate
crime and other crimes, as described in the previous section. We show
that in either of the first two cases (discounting criminals'
utility, negative externality from crime), the optimal punishment effort
is higher for a hate crime than for other crime, all else equal. For the
other three cases, the effect depends on the degree of complementarity
or substitutability between victim and government effort. In the third
case (negative externality from avoidance effort), optimal government
effort is higher for a hate crime if individual and government efforts
are substitutes, but lower if they are complements. In the fifth case
(smaller mass of potential victims), the result is just the opposite:
optimal government effort is lower for a hate crime than for an
equivalent non-hate crime if individual and government efforts are
substitutes and higher if they are complements. In the fourth case
(higher marginal cost of avoidance effort), the result depends not just
on whether individual and government efforts are substitutes, but on how
substitutable they are: optimal government effort is higher for hate
crime only if they are sufficiently strong substitutes. If they are
complements or are sufficiently weak substitutes, the optimal government
effort will be lower for hate crime than for other crime.
Formally, let g* denote the optimal government effort in the
baseline model, and let [g.sup.H1], [g.sup.H2], [g.sup.H3], [g.sup.H4],
and [g.sup.H5], respectively, denote the optimal levels for the five
ways in which hate crime may differ from other crimes, taken one at a
time. Our first result pertains to the first case, in which there is a
lower weight in the government's objective function on the utility
of potential hate criminals. One of the social costs of higher
government effort is that it lowers the utility of potential criminals.
If their utility gets a lower weight, that effectively lowers the social
cost of government effort, and thus increases the optimal level of
government effort. (17)
RESULT 1. All else equal, if the utility of potential hate
criminals gets a lower weight in the government's objective
function than the utility of other potential criminals, the optimal
punishment effort is higher for hate crime than for other crimes.
Proof: In the baseline model, Equation (5b) is satisfied at g*.
Discounting the criminals' utility,
[N.sup.C][[florin].sup.1.sub.p(a(g),g)] B- P(a(g), g)], in the
government objective function in Equation (4) by multiplying it by
[delta] means that the term [N.sup.C][[P.sub.1][a.sub.1] + [P.sub.2]]{-1
+ P} will be multiplied by [delta] in the derivative in Equation (5a).
That term is strictly negative, as long as public and private efforts
are not such strong substitutes that higher public effort reduces
private effort by enough to increase the crime rate, a case that we have
ruled out as unrealistic. Thus, multiplying that term by [delta] (which
is less than 1) drives the value of the equation above zero. Because the
objective function is concave, then, [g.sup.H1] must exceed g* to
restore optimality.
For the case in which there is a negative externality from hate
crime, the benefit of reducing crime is greater, because less crime
implies both less harm to victims and less harm from the externality.
Thus, the optimal level of government effort is higher.
RESULT 2. All else equal, if there is a negative externality from
hate crime, the optimal level of punishment effort is higher for hate
crime than for other crimes.
Proof: Adding a negative externality f([N.sup.C] [1 - P(a (g), g)])
to the government's objective function in Equation (4) means adding
the term --[f.sub.1]([N.sup.C][1 - P])([P.sub.1][a.sub.1] + [P.sub.2])
to the derivative on the left-hand side of Equation (5b). That term is
positive (again, as long as an increase in g leads to a decrease in
crime). So, as in the previous proof, [g.sup.H2] must be greater than g*
for the government's first-order condition to be satisfied.
Note that in both of these first two cases, the effect is different
from that of simply increasing the harm to victims ([DELTA]U). In the
baseline model, potential victims choose a level of avoidance effort
(a*) that exceeds the socially optimal level (a**), because they do not
take into account the effect on potential criminals' utility. That
effect is still present if [DELTA]U increases. On the other hand,
lowering the weight on criminals' utility reduces that effect--if
the weight is zero, then a* and a** are equal. Similarly, introducing a
negative externality from crime creates a positive externality from
avoidance effort that offsets the negative external effect on criminals.
In either case, the socially optimal level of avoidance effort
For the first two definitions of hate crime, then, the increase in
the optimal level of punishment effort relative to a baseline crime is
different from what it would be for an equivalent rise in the harm to
victims. If public and private efforts are substitutes ([P.sub.12] <
0), then there is less incentive for the government to discourage
private effort by increasing public effort, and so the optimal increase
is smaller. Conversely, if public and private efforts are complements
([P.sub.12] > 0), then the optimal level of punishment effort will
increase by more in either of these first two cases than for a
corresponding increase in the harm to victims.
Next, consider the third possible difference between hate crime and
other crimes: a negative externality from avoidance effort. Now, the
effect on optimal punishment effort is more complicated. Recall that if
government and individual efforts are substitutes ([P.sub.l2] < 0),
then the equilibrium level of individual effort a(g) decreases with g.
In that case, the externality increases the marginal benefit of
government effort, because a higher g leads to lower victims'
effort. On the other hand, if [P.sub.12] > 0, then [a.sub.1](g) >
0, and the externality decreases the marginal benefit of government
effort. Thus, a hate crime in this case requires a higher level of
punishment effort in the case of substitutes, and a lower effort in the
case of complements. That result is formalized below.
RESULT 3. All else equal, if there is a negative externality from
hate crime avoidance effort, then the optimal punishment effort will be
higher for hate crime than for other crime if punishment effort and
avoidance efforts are substitutes, and will be lower if they are
Proof: Adding a negative externality e(a(g)) to the
government's objective function in Equation (4) means adding the
term el (a(g))[a.sub.1] (g) to the derivative on the left-hand side of
Equation (5a). According to Equation (3), if [P.sub.12] < 0, then so
is [a.sub.1](g), and the new term is positive. As before, then,
[g.sup.H2] must be greater than g* to restore equality. Analogously, if
[P.sup.12] > 0, then the new term is negative, and [g.sup.H2] is less
than g*.
Note that this assumption about hate crimes leads to the opposite
effect on the socially optimal level of avoidance effort a** from the
first two cases: it is even further below the level that potential
victims choose a* than it is in the baseline model. Thus, it is optimal
for the government to do more to discourage avoidance effort, either
through changing the level of punishment effort or through other means.
Now consider the fourth possible difference between hate crimes and
other crimes: hate crimes are associated with a higher marginal cost of
avoidance effort by potential victims. In that case, each government
effort level g is associated with a lower effort level and a higher
marginal cost of effort in equilibrium for a hate crime relative to a
regular crime. Suppose that [P.sup.12] > 0, so that victim and
government efforts are complementary, implying that a(g) increases with
g. Then a hate crime has three effects, all of which act to lower the
optimal government effort. First, the marginal cost of individual effort
(which is increasing in g) is higher. Second, the total marginal effect
of g on the protection level P, [P.sub.1][a.sub.1] + [P.sub.2] falls (as
is shown in the proof). Finally, a lower level of victim effort means a
greater mass of criminals committing crimes. (18) Thus, the societal
cost of increasing P (the expected cost of committing a crime)
increases, because there are more criminals incurring that cost. If
[P.sub.12] > 0, then, [g.sup.H4] < g*
When individual and government efforts are substitutes ([P.sub.12]
< 0), two of the three effects change sign. Individual effort a(g)
now is decreasing in g, so the higher marginal cost of individual effort
makes government effort more attractive. Similarly, the overall marginal
effect of g on P rises with the fall in a. On the other hand, there is
still a greater mass of active criminals, which reduces the welfare gain
from raising g. If the degree of substitutability is high enough, then
the first two effects outweigh the third, and [g.sup.H4] > g*. Those
two findings are shown in Result 4.
RESULT 4. All else equal, if avoidance effort is more expensive for
hate crimes than for other
crimes, the optimal level of punishment effort is lower .lot"
hate crimes than for other crimes unless punishment and avoidance
efforts are sufficiently strong substitutes.
Proof: See Appendix.
Finally, consider the fifth way in which hate crime may differ from
other crimes: the mass of potential victims [N.sup.V] is smaller. That
change does not directly affect the number of crimes committed, which
depends only on the mass of criminals [N.sup.C] and the average
protection level. But because those crimes are concentrated on a smaller
number of potential victims, each potential victim has a greater
incentive to exert private effort to avoid crime, and thus the
equilibrium level of such effort is higher. This has two effects. First,
if government and private efforts are substitutes, then this higher
level of private effort reduces the productivity of government effort.
Conversely, if they are complements, then government effort is more
productive. Second, the fewer victims who are incurring the cost of
individual effort, the less benefit there will be from decreasing the
equilibrium level of such effort: even though each individual's
effort level will be more sensitive to government effort, the smaller
number of victims dominates that effect, and thus the total cost of
private effort will be less sensitive to the level of government effort.
That is, reducing the number of potential victims makes increasing g
less attractive in the case of substitutes, and more attractive in the
case of complements. Thus, both effects--both the change in productivity
of government effort and the influence of government effort on the total
cost of private effort--imply a lower optimal level of government action
if it is a substitute for effort by the victims, and a higher optimal
level if it is a complement.
RESULT 5. All else equal, if there are fewer potential hate crime
victims than potential victims of other crimes, the optimal punishment
effort is lower for hate crimes than for other crimes when punishment
and avoidance efforts are substitutes, and higher when they are
Proof: See Appendix.
Note that we have assumed that the cost of government effort
depends neither on the volume of crimes committed [N.sup.C][I - P], nor
on the number of potential victims [N.sup.V]. The consequence of
relaxing that assumption and supposing instead that government costs
increase with the volume of crime is to raise the optimal level of
government effort g both in the baseline model and for each definition
of hate crime. There are no qualitative effects on any of our results,
however. If we allow the cost of government effort to rise with the mass
of the potential victims, there is a qualitative change only for this
last case, in which there is a smaller pool of potential hate crime
victims than of potential victims of other crimes. In this case, having
the cost of government effort depending on the number of victims implies
a lower cost of effort to prevent hate crimes, and thus a higher optimal
level of government effort.
We have presented a simple model of the effects of hate crime
legislation. It shows that even if the harm to the direct victim of hate
crime is the same as the harm from non-hate-motivated crime, other
differences may lead to a higher optimal punishment for hate crime.
However, the implications of these other differences are not always
straightforward. In several of the cases we consider, the optimal level
of public effort to prevent hate crime could be greater than or less
than the optimal effort for other crime, depending on the
complementarity or substitutability between public and private effort.
Even for the cases in which the optimal punishment for hate crimes is
unambiguously higher than for other crimes, we find important and
previously unrecognized implications for policy that encourages or
discourages private effort to prevent hate crime.
While this paper has focused on hate crime, the implications of
this model extend to any other crimes that have similar effects. One
notable example is terrorism, which shares many of the characteristics
of hate crime: society puts little weight (or even a negative weight) on
the welfare of terrorists, terrorism creates negative externalities (such as fear and the possibility of discrimination against Arab
Americans), and private effort to avoid terrorism (for example, by
avoiding air travel) is very difficult. Thus, our results should apply
equally well to laws that require higher penalties for terrorism or for
policies that encourage or discourage private effort to prevent
There are several important aspects of this problem that are beyond
the scope of our analysis, and thus represent potential directions for
future research. First, we have focused only on efficiency issues, and
have ignored equity issues. Protected groups are often economically
disadvantaged, which could also provide an equity argument for
additional protection--although this argument depends on the identity of
the victim, whereas hate crime laws are typically based on the
motivation for the crime, not the victim's identity.
Second, we have considered the normative issue of optimal hate
crime policy, but not the positive political economy issue of why hate
crime policy has developed in the way that it has, although the issues
are clearly linked. It would be interesting to research the factors that
explain states' decisions to enact hate crime laws.
Third, and perhaps most importantly, further empirical research on
the effects of hate crime would be very valuable. The psychology and
sociology literatures include substantial research on the harm to those
who are direct victims of hate crime relative to the harm to victims of
other crimes, although this literature is far from conclusive (see
McDevitt et al. 2002). And for the other effects modeled in this paper,
there exists only anecdotal evidence. That evidence suggests, though
(particularly the damage that hate crimes inflict on the broader
community rather than just the direct victim), that these effects exist
and are important. Empirically measuring these effects would be
difficult, but very valuable.
Proof of Result 4
Let the marginal cost of avoidance effort be [C.sup.V.sub.1] +
[epsilon], First, we rewrite Equation (2) to find the new level of
individual effort:
(A1) [DELTA]U [N.sup.C]/[N.sup.V] [P.sub.1]([a.sup.*],g) -
[C.sup.V.sub.I]:([a.sup.*]) - [epsilon] = 0.
Thus, the partial derivative of a(g, [epsilon]) with respect to
[epsilon] is given by
(A2) [N.sup.C][[P.sub.2] + [a.sub.1][P.sub.1]]{[DELTA]U - 1 + P} -
[N.sup.V][a.sub.1]([C.sup.V.sub.1] + [epsilon]) - [C.sup.G.sub.1] = 0.
where the arguments are suppressed for clarity. Note that
[a.sub.2](g, [epsilon]) is strictly negative. Similarly, we rewrite
Equation (5b) to get the first-order condition for the optimal
government effort level [g.sup.*] ([epsilon]):
(A3) [N.sup.C][[P.sub.2] + [a.sub.1][P.sub.1]]{[DELTA]U - 1 + P} -
[N.sup.V][a.sub.1]([C.sup.V.sub.1] + [epsilon]) - [C.sup.G.sub.1] = 0.
Note that [a.sub.1](g, [epsilon]) is still given by Equation (3),
and that it does not vary with a, g, or [epsilon]. The effect of a
marginal increase in [epsilon] on the left-hand side of Equation
(A.3) is given by [N.sup.C][{[DELTA]U - 1 + P}([P.sub.12] +
[a.sub.1][P.sub.11]) + ([P.sub.2] +
[a.sub.1][P.sub.1])[P.sub.1]][a.sub.2](g, [epsilon]) -
[N.sup.V][A.sub.1][[C.sup.V.sub.11][a.sub.2](g. [epsilon]) + 1].
Substituting using first Equation (A.2) and then Equation (3)
If [P.sub.12] > 0, then [a.sub.1] > 0, and each of the three
terms in the square brackets in Equation (A.4a) is greater than zero.
Because [a.sub.2](g, [epsilon]) is strictly negative, then, the value of
Equation (A.4a) is negative, so an increase in [epsilon] lowers the
value of Equation (A.3) below zero. To restore equality, g must fall.
(Remember that the government's objective function is concave in
If [P.sub.12] = 0, then so does [a.sub.1], and Equation (A.4a)
reduces to
(A.4b) [N.sup.C][[P.sub.1][P.sub.2]][a.sub.2](g, [epsilon]),
which again is strictly negative.
Because the square-bracketed term in Equation (A.4a) is increasing
without bound in [P.sub.12], for low enough values of [P.sub.12]
Equation (A.4a) is positive. In that case. an increase in [epsilon]
implies that g must rise.
Thus. if government punishment effort and victims' avoidance
effort are strong enough substitutes in raising the expected cost of
committing a crime, then an increase in the marginal cost of
victims' effort leads to an increase in the optimal level of
government effort. Otherwise, it leads to a decrease.
Proof of Result 5 Let [a.sub.1N](g, [N.sup.V]) denote the partial
derivative of [a.sub.1](g, [N.sup.V]) with respect to [N.sup.V].
Implicit differentiation of Equation (3) yields
Note that the sign of [a.sub.1N](g, [N.sup.V]) is the opposite of
the sign of [P.sub.12]. Note also that
which has the same sign as [P.sub.12].
The marginal effect of an increase in [N.sup.V] on the left-hand
side of Equation (5b) is given by
In Equation (A.7), both of the terms in square brackets are
positive. If [P.sub.12] > 0, then [a.sub.1N] < 0 and [N.sup.V]
[a.sub.1N] + [a.sub.1] > 0, so the value of Equation (A.7) is
negative. Thus, an increase in [N.sup.V] lowers the left-hand side of
Equation (5b) below zero, and government effort g must fall to restore
equality. Analogously, if [P.sub.12] < 0, then an increase in
[N.sup.V] implies a rise in g.
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(1.) See Federal Bureau of Investigation (1995, 2005). Of course,
the rise could be due to increased reporting rather than higher rates of
such crime, but in either case, it indicates increased attention to the
(2.) The set of protected categories varies across different
states' laws; as of 1999, nearly all included race, religion. and
national origin, while gender, sexual orientation, and disability were
protected in roughly half of the states with hate crime laws. A handful
of states also include such categories as political affiliation, age,
marital status, involvement in civil rights, or service in the armed
(3.) Jacobs and Potter (1998, p. 147) articulate the argument
against hate crime laws: "We do not believe that crimes motivated
by hate invariably are morally worse or lead to more severe consequences
for the victims than the same criminal act prompted by other
(4.) Freeman (1999) and Polinsky and Shavell (2000) provide surveys
of the extensive literature related to the Becker model.
(5.) Jefferson and Pryor (1999) find that sociological and economic
factors are not good predictors of the presence of hate groups across
locations. Medoff (1999) finds that market wages, the value of time,
mean age, and law-enforcement activity predict hateful activity, but
urbanization, occupational status, and social mobility do not. Gale,
Heath, and Ressler (2002) find that hate crime rates are positively
correlated with unemploynrent rates, abuse rates, and parity of income
between blacks and whites, and negatively correlated with
law-enforcement expenditures.
(6.) The phenomenon of "hating the haters" noted by
Glaeser (2005) would also lead to a lower (or even negative) weight on
the utility of hate criminals.
(7.) Many studies in law and economics have shown that the optimal
level of government effort to prevent crime depends strongly on the
degree of complementarity or substitutability between government and
private effort (see, e.g., Ben-Shahar and Harel 1995). Some of our
results are similar to the results of those studies in that they stem
from distortions in potential victims' decisions about how much
effort to exert to avoid being victimized. However, the sources of those
distortions in this paper are quite different from those in prior work.
(8.) Note that individual avoidance effort has no external effect
on the probability that others are victimized: such effort actually
prevents crime, rather than merely displacing it onto other potential
victims. As noted earlier, this is a key difference between our model
and Dharmapala and Garoupa (2004).
(9.) For simplicity, we assume that there is no uncertainty in the
cost of committing a crime. This assumption should not affect the
results, because this certain cost could represent the certainty
equivalent of an uncertain cost.
(10.) Glaeser and Sacerdote (2003) find that patterns of homicide
sentencing are inconsistent with the predictions of this type of optimal
law-enforcement model, and posit that this is caused by a taste for
vengeance. Our analysis is primarily normative, and thus we ignore such
issues, but they could be important in a positive analysis.
(11.) Note that this effect could be reversed if there is a
positive externality from avoidance effort--if, for example, avoidance
effort by one potential victim also benefits other potential victims.
Ayres and Levitt (1998) note that the Lojack system to prevent car theft
has just such a positive externality. This system sends a radio signal
to help police track a stolen car. Because the radio transmitter on the
car is difficult for prospective thieves to discover, the presence of
Lojack on some cars reduces car thefts even for cars without the system.
In contrast, a highly visible alarm system might encourage a potential
thief to steal a different car, thus creating a negative externality.
For simplicity, we rule out such externalities from avoidance effort in
this baseline model.
(12.) On the other hand, widespread hatred of the targeted group
would imply a positive externality from hate crime, because other people
who share the perpetrator's hatred will also derive utility from
the harm he inflicts on the victim, or a hate crime might generate a
smaller negative externality than other crimes, because people outside
the target group do not feel directly threatened. This could lead to a
lower optimal penalty or even a reward for crimes against a sufficiently
hated minority--a very troubling conclusion.
(13.) However, this could also create a positive externality if
visible minorities generate disutility--again, a troubling conclusion.
For example, those who are homophobic may prefer to have gays be forced
to stay in the closet. This, along with the argument in the previous
footnote, may explain why support is much weaker for hate crime laws
that include sexual orientation among the protected categories than for
those that do not (see Johnson and Byers 2003).
(14.) McDevitt et al. (2002) find that roughly 25% of hate crimes
reported in Boston targeted minority households that had recently moved
into a previously all-white block, with the apparent goal of convincing
the outsider to move to a different neighborhood.
(15.) Again, it is possible that this effect works in the opposite
direction. For example, to avoid the risk of mugging entirely might
require never leaving the house.
(16.) This change can also be interpreted as a fall in the marginal
productivity of avoidance effort for hate crime victims, which would
have an identical effect.
(17.) More generally, the government might maximize a social
welfare function other than the (weighted) sum of
individuals' utilities. Discounting utility achieved through
crime in any such social welfare function would have an effect similar
to the one described in Result 1.
(18.) This last effect has less impact when the utility of
criminals is discounted, as in Result 1.
* The authors thank Valerie Bencivenga, Jeff Ely, Don Fullerton,
Dan Hamermesh, Preston McAfee, Gerald Oettinger, Steve Trejo, Abraham
Wickelgren, seminar participants at the University of Texas, and Tim
grennan and two anonymous referees for their helpful suggestions.
Gan: Associate Professor. Department of Economics, Texas A&M
University, College Station, TX 77843. Phone 979-862-1667, Fax
979-847-8757, E-mail
[email protected]
Williams: Associate Professor, Department of Agricultural and
Resource Economics, University of Maryland, Symons Hall, College Park,
MD 20742. Phone 202-5079729, Fax 301-314-9091, E-mail
[email protected]
Wiseman: Associate Professor, Department of Economics, University
of Texas, 1 University Station C3100, Austin, TX 78712. Phone
512-475-8516, Fax 512-471-3510, E-mail
[email protected]
doi: 10.1111/j.1465-7295.2009.00281.x