The political economy of intergenerational income mobility.
Ichino, Andrea ; Karabarbounis, Loukas ; Moretti, Enrico 等
The intergenerational elasticity of income is generally considered
one of the best summary measures of the degree to which a society gives
equal opportunities of success to all its members, irrespective of their
family background. Starting with pioneering work by Solon (1992) and
Zimmerman (1992), the economic literature has made important advances on
the question of how to measure this parameter using the
GaltonBecker-Solon (GBS) regression:
(1) [y.sub.s] = a + [beta][y.sub.f] + [u.sub.s]
where [y.sub.s] is son's log income and [y.sub.f] is
father's log income. A lower [beta] denotes a smaller association
between father's and son's income and therefore a higher
degree of social mobility. As such, a lower [beta] is often interpreted
as being a desirable feature of a society.
While we have learned a lot about how to estimate this reduced-form
parameter, less progress has been made on understanding its underlying
structural determinants. What does [beta] actually measure? Is a lower
[beta] necessarily more desirable? Important progress on these questions
has been made by Becker and Tomes (1979), who have shown how the
intergenerational persistence of income reflects both "nature and
nurture." In their model individuals are assigned talent by nature,
and parents can add to that talent by privately investing in their
children. The intergenerational transmission of income is therefore a
combination of exogenous biological factors and endogenous optimizing
behavior of parents. However, the Becker and Tomes model generally
ignores the role of redistributive policies and their deeper
determinants. Redistributive policies have the potential to play an
important role in determining how income is transmitted from one
generation to the next. For example, public education can significantly
affect economic opportunities of individuals who come from disadvantaged
socioeconomic backgrounds. At the same time, it can also affect
parents' incentives to privately invest in their children human
capital, both directly and through the disincentive effect of taxes.
More in general, most redistributive policies--including taxation,
affirmative action, welfare programs, subsidies that target poor
individuals--potentially affect the intergenerational elasticity of
income. While some studies have highlighted the role of public policies
as a determinant of social mobility, most existing studies take these
policies as exogenous.
In this paper we use a model with exogenous talent endowments,
endogenous parental investment in children and endogenous redistributive
institutions, to identify the structural parameters that govern the
intergenerational mobility. Our framework extends the Becker and Tomes
framework and clarifies how the interaction between private and
collective decisions determines the equilibrium level of social
mobility. The model allows for a structural interpretation of the widely
studied parameter [beta]. This is important because it allows a better
understanding of the deeper politico-economic determinants of
intergenerational mobility and the role of public policy. The model also
shows how we should interpret and rank differences over time and across
countries in [beta]. Since redistributive policies generate a trade-off
between insurance and incentives, the optimal [beta] is not necessarily
zero for all societies. In addition, international comparisons of
intergenerational elasticity of income are shown to be not particularly
informative about fairness without taking into account differences in
politico-economic institutions. The predictions of the model seem
generally consistent with the empirical evidence.
Our framework focuses on how parents transfer economic endowments
to their children through private and collective investment in their
human capital. Before having children, parents know their own genetic
ability but are uncertain about their children's genetic ability.
Consistent with Becker and Tomes (1979) and Loury (1981), parents can
decide to invest privately in the human capital of their children, given
an exogenous degree of transmission of genetic ability. This private
investment offsets some of the risk of having low genetic ability, thus
reducing the probability that an individual might turn out to have low
productivity and therefore low income. Since private investment can
offset some but not all of the genetic risk, parents "under the
veil of ignorance" have an incentive to collectively create public
institutions that provide further insurance against the risk of low
genetic ability. A natural example of this type of policy is public
We model public education as an insurance system that increases the
income of the low talented children, at the expense of lowering the
income of the more talented children. We show how and why a more
progressive educational policy increases social mobility in equilibrium.
The equilibrium level of social mobility depends on the costs and
benefits of public education. This trade-off is resolved by two forces:
(a) the balance between costly insurance and incentives to privately
invest in children's human capital and (b) the political process
that aggregates conflicting interests regarding the desired degree of
social mobility.
A novel insight of our analysis is to show how political economy
forces shape the equilibrium level of social mobility. Even if public
education is relatively costless to provide for the average family, it
may hurt the interests of the rich dynasties who, in a world of
increased social mobility, are more likely to move down the income
ladder. As a result, the maximum amount of mobility ([beta] = 0) is not
necessarily the equilibrium one, even when public insurance is
relatively cheap to provide.
More generally, the model shows that existing differences in [beta]
across countries are (at least in part) governed by all those political
institutions that affect public education. Therefore, two societies with
similar fundamentals (such as the degree of parental altruism,
variability in market earnings, degree of biological and cultural
transmission of family characteristics, labor market discrimination,
asset market incompleteness etc.) may display very different degrees of
intergenerational mobility depending on the identity of the politically
decisive family.
In the last part of the paper, we use data on a cross section of
countries for which reliable estimates of [beta] are available to test
the predictions of the model. In general, we find that they are
consistent with the empirical evidence. For example, our model predicts
that in countries where rich dynasties are more politically active than
poor dynasties, social spending for public education should be lower and
therefore income mobility should be lower. We find that this appears to
be the case in our sample. The difference in the probability of party
affiliation between rich and poor appears to be strongly correlated with
[beta]. Such difference has five times larger predictive power than the
rate of return to education, which is often considered as one of the
most prominent determinants of mobility (Solon 1999, 2004; Corak 2006).
While causality is obviously unclear, these empirical correlations are
at least consistent with our model.
The rest of the paper is organized as follows. Section II discusses
the related literature. In Section III we describe the model and examine
its positive properties. In Section IV we derive the politico-economic
determinants of social mobility and show their relation to the GBS
regression. In Section V we present our empirical evidence. Section VI
concludes. All omitted derivations are in Appendix A. Appendix B
describes the data.
The objective of our model is to derive the structural
politico-economic parameters underlying the intergenerational elasticity
of income. This coefficient--[beta] in Equation (1)--has been the main
focus of the existing empirical literature: see among others Solon
(1992); Zimmerman (1992); Bjorklund and Jantti (1997); Mulligan (1997)
and Solon (1999). Our model is also related to a more recent empirical
strand of research that examines within-country trends in mobility and
compares [beta] over time; see for instance Mazumder (2005, 2007); Lee
and Solon (2006); and Aaronson and Mazumder (2008).
Most theoretical work in this area has focused on the role of the
genetic transmission of ability, the incentives for parental investment,
and the role of the asset market in explaining the intergenerational
transmission of income. Our framework builds on the theoretical work of
Becker and Tomes (1979), and on extensions of this work by Goldberger
(1989); Mulligan (1997); and Solon (2004).
While some studies have highlighted the role of public policies as
a determinant of social mobility, most existing studies take these
policies as exogenous. Examples of papers that have argued that
institutions may be important determinants of mobility, but take these
institutions as exogenous include, among others, the original
contribution of Becker and Tomes (1979); Glomm and Ravikumar (1992);
Checchi, Ichino, and Rustichini (1999); Solon (1999, 2004); Davies,
Zhang and Zeng (2005); Mayer and Lopoo (2005); and Hassler, Rodriguez
Mora, and Zeira (2007).
In our setting, social mobility depends on public redistributive
policies that we model as the outcome of a politico-economic
equilibrium. In this sense, our model relates to the equilibrium models
of Saint-Paul and Verdier (1993); Alesina and Rodrik (1994); and Persson
and Tabellini (1994). These papers show how cross-sectional inequality
causes growth, through endogenous public policies. Benabou (1996)
further develops this strand of literature and endogenizes the
relationship between inequality, social mobility, redistribution and
growth as a function of the incompleteness of the financial market.
While our model abstracts from (physical) capital accumulation, it
emphasizes the endogenous production of human capital (talent) as an
intermediate input for the production of final income. Fernandez and
Rogerson (1998) analyze a reform from a locally financed to a
centralized educational system in a multicommunity model with endogenous
choice of location. Relative to their paper, we instead focus on
explaining cross country outcomes. In this case, migration becomes a
less important determinant of social mobility and differences in
political institutions become stronger determinants of social mobility.
As in our paper, Bernasconi and Profeta (2007) endogenize institutions
in a model with mobility and argue that the politically determined level
of public education may reveal the true talent of the children and relax
the mismatch of talents to occupations. Relative to this paper, our
model includes both economic and political choices.
In a seminal paper, Piketty (1995) explains the emergence of
permanent differences in attitudes toward redistribution. Benabou and Ok
(2001) show how rational beliefs about one's relative position in
the income ladder affect the equilibrium level of redistribution. These
papers derive the implications of social mobility for redistributive
policies, while we focus on the reverse channel. Specifically, we
analyze how endogenously chosen public policies affect the
intergenerational mobility.
It is important to note that because the direction of causation in
our model differs from the one emphasized in the study of Benabou and Ok
(2001), we obtain a different prediction for the relationship between
mobility and redistribution in the United States and Europe. In their
paper, more mobility is associated with less redistribution because
voters who are below the mean oppose redistribution in the rational
expectation of income gains in the future. This explanation is
intuitive, but cross Atlantic evidence suggests that the United States
is less mobile and less redistributive than continental Europe. (1) In
our paper, political economy forces that constrain the development of
public education also lead to a lower degree of social mobility. Thus,
our model predicts a positive correlation between social mobility and
redistribution of income across countries.
We first set up the model and derive the intergenerational
transmission equation for income and talent. Then, we derive the first
and second moments of income and talent distributions and discuss how
these moments evolve in response to more progressive public policies.
A. Setup of the Model
We consider an infinite horizon overlapping generations economy
populated by a measure one of dynasties, i [member of] [0, 1]. In each
period t = 0, 1, 2, ... two generations are alive, fathers and sons. In
each generation, earnings (which we also call "output" or
"income" interchangeably) are produced according to the
production function [Y.sub.i,t] = f([[micro].sub.t], [[THETA].sub.i.t],
[U.sub.i.t). The parameter [[mu].sub.t] represents the public policy;
[[THETA].sub.i,t] is father's human capital or basic skill (e.g.,
IQ) which we call "talent"; and [U.sub.i,t] denotes a random
and inelastic factor of production which represents "market
luck." Specifically, we assume that the production function is
given by:
where [[micro].sub.t] [member of] (0, 1] and [alpha] [greater than
or equal to] 0.
Figure 1 shows the production function graphically. Public policy
and its effects are characterized by two parameters, [[mu].sub.t] and
[alpha]. The parameter [[mu].sub.t] characterizes the amount of
redistribution in the economy. A lower [[mu].sub.t] implies a more
progressive public policy, but also more distortions. This is shown
visually in the left panel of Figure 1, where for a given amount of
talent and market luck, a lower [[mu].sub.t] is associated with less
output for the talented or lucky families, but with more output for the
less talented or unlucky families. The most natural example of the
public policy represented by [[mu].sub.t] is public education. In
Section V we offer evidence in line with this interpretation of
[[mu].sub.t]. (2) Henceforth, a lower [[mu].sub.t] is called a more
progressive public policy or a more progressive educational system.
The parameter [alpha] characterizes the efficiency of public
education. For a given [[mu].sub.t], a higher [alpha] implies that a
smaller fraction of talents [[THETA].sub.i,t] gains from progressivity because the system creates disincentives for high talented agents. In
the fight panel of Figure 1, the area to the left of the intersection of
the production function with the 45[degrees] line measures the gains
from progressivity. As [alpha] increases, this area becomes smaller
relative to the area to the fight of the intersection of the production
function with the diagonal, which measures the efficiency costs of
progressivity. (3) Henceforth, a higher [alpha] denotes more
In each period t the following events take place:
1. Fathers produce output [Y.sub.i,t] according to Equation (2),
given the predetermined talent [[THETA].sub.i,t], market luck
[U.sub.i,t] and public policy [[mu].sub.t].
2. Fathers choose the policy for their sons, [[mu].sub.t+1],
according to the institution or political process P.
3. Sons are born with a random family endowment [V.sub.i, t+1]. The
random factor of production [U.sub.i,t+1] is realized.
4. Fathers observe [V.sub.i,t+1] and [U.sub.i,t+1] and choose
investment [I.sub.i,t] to maximize the dynastic utility, given resources
[Y.sub.i,t]. Investment produces son's talent according to the
production function [[THETA].sub.i,t+1] = g([I.sub.t], [h.sub.i]
5. Fathers die, sons become fathers and the process repeats ad
For this section we treat Ix as an exogenous parameter. In Section
IV we endogenize it. Son i is born with random family endowment
[V.sub.i,t+1], which, following Becker and Tomes (1979), is assumed to
follow a "Galtonian" AR(1) process:
(3) [v.sub.i,t+1] = (1 - [[rho].sub.1])[[rho].sub.0] +
[[rho].sub.1] + [v.sub.i,t] + [[epsilon].sub.i,t+1]
where v = In V (small caps denote logs of corresponding variables
throughout the paper). For every dynasty i, [[epsilon].sub.i,t+1] is a
white noise process with expected value E([[epsilon].sub.i,t]) = 0,
variance Var([[epsilon].sub.i,t]) = [[sigma].sup.2.sub.v] and zero
autocorrelations. We have 0 [less than or equal to] [[rho].sub.1] < 1
and therefore the logarithm of family endowment regresses toward the
mean, has stationary expectation E([v.sub.i,t]) = [[rho].sub.0], and has
stationary variance Var([v.sub.i,t]) = [[sigma].sup.2.sub.v]/(1 -
[[rho].sup.2.sub.1]). The parameter [[rho].sub.1] characterizes the
cultural or genetic inheritance of traits related to talent and income,
and is assumed identical across families i.
A second random component is represented by market luck,
[U.sub.i,t+1], whose logarithm is a white noise process, has variance
[[sigma].sup.2.sub.u], and is independent to [[epsilon].sub.i,t]. The
difference between [U.sub.i,t] and [[THETA].sub.i,t] is that the latter
is an elastic factor of production. As a result, talent is affected by
the inefficiencies associated with the policy [mu].
Fathers care about the quality of their children. They observe
[V.sub.i,t+1] and [U.sub.i,t+1] and decide how to allocate their
predetermined income [Y.sub.i,t] into consumption [C.sub.i,t] and
investment [I.sub.i,t] in order to maximize the dynastic utility:
(4) In [C.sub.i,t] + 1/[gamma] ln [Y.sub.i,t+1]
subject to the budget constraint:
(5) [C.sub.i,t] + [I.sub.i,t] = [Y.sub.i,t]
where [Y.sub.i,t+1] is children's income. (4) The parameter
[gamma] > 0 captures the degree of parental altruism, with higher
values denoting smaller altruism. Parental investment [I.sub.i,t] can be
thought as an private educational input (e.g., tuition fees) that
increases a child's talent.
Sons' talent is produced with the following production
(6) [[THETA].sub.i,t+1] = ([h.sub.i][V.sub.i,t+1])[I.sub.i,t]
where [h.sub.i] is a family-specific time-invariant ability effect
which allows dynasties to be ex ante heterogeneous. This heterogeneity captures long-run differences in market incomes, for instance due to
labor market discrimination against certain racial, ethnic, or religious
groups. We assume that [h.sub.i] is distributed according to the density
function [[PHI].sub.h] with bounded support H [subset] [R.sub.++], and
is orthogonal to the disturbances [[epsilon].sub.i,t+1 ]and
B. The Transmission of Income Across Generations
In this Section we restrict attention to steady-state public
policies, that is we set [[mu].sub.t+1] = [[mu].sub.t] = [mu] for all t.
Under this assumption, income and talent are stochastic processes with
well defined and easy to analyze unconditional stationary moments. We
generalize our analysis in Section IV, where we endogenize the choice of
[mu]. Solving the problem in Equations (4)-(5), using the production
functions (2) and (6), and taking logs, we obtain the equation that
describes the intergenerational transmission of income in family i:
(7) [y.sub.i,t+1] = [[delta].sub.0,i] + [delta].sub.1][y.sub.i,t] +
[[delta].sub.2][v.sub.i,t] + [[delta].sub.3] [u.sub.i,t+1]
(8) [[delta].sub.0,i] = [[delta].sub.0] + [[delta].sub.i]
(9) [[delta].sub.0] = [mu] ln ([mu]/[mu] + y) + [alpha] ln[mu]
(10) [[delta].sub.i] = [mu] ln [h.sub.i]
(11) [[delta].sub.1] = [mu]
(12) [[delta].sub.2] = [mu]
(13) [[delta].sub.3] = [mu]
The intercept [[delta].sub.0,i] can be decomposed into two parts.
[[delta].sub.0] is a common effect across all dynasties i, and
[[delta].sub.i] is the dynasty-specific time-invariant effect due to
[h.sub.i]. Our autoregressive coefficient, [[delta].sub.i], is different
from the one described by Becker and Tomes (1979) because we assume
multiplicative (in levels) production functions for output and talent.
(5) While the previous literature has focused on the role of private
incentives for the intergenerational mechanism, our [[delta].sub.1]
coefficient emphasizes instead the role of public policies.
Specifically, the novel element of our model is that the slope
[[delta].sub.i] is collectively decided by the fathers of each dynasty.
Therefore, our mechanism maps collective action outcomes to equilibrium
levels of intergenerational transmission of income. In the Appendix we
present the intergenerational transmission of talent.
C. The Trade-Off Between Equity and Efficiency
Expectations. From Equation (7) we take the unconditional,
stationary expectation of income ("long-run income") for
family i:
for all t. In Equation (14), the expectation is conditioned only on
[h.sub.i] to denote the dependency of long-run income on long-run family
ability [h.sub.i]. There are four ways through which the public policy
[mu] affects long-run income.
1. Distortions in Private Investment: This is captured by the ln
([mu]/[mu]+[gamma]) term. When public policy becomes more progressive
(lower [mu]), the marginal propensity to invest in human capital,
[mu]/([mu] + [gamma]), is lower and as a result the long-run level of
income tends to decline. This effect is identical for every dynasty i.
2. Direct Distortions in Output: This effect is shown in the
[alpha]ln [mu] term, and is associated with the shifter
[[mu].sup.[alpha]] in the production function for income in Equation
(2). The effect of [mu] on output is more adverse when the parameter
[alpha] increases.
3. Social Insurance or Benefits of Public Education: The [mu] term
that multiplies the bracket in the numerator of Equation (14) captures
the exponent of the term [[THETA].sup.u], in Equation (2). For low
ability dynasties (low [h.sub.i]), a more progressive public educational
system increases long-run income. The opposite happens for sufficiently
high ability families. The intuition is shown in Figure 1.
4. Intertemporal Insurance or Social Mobility: This effect is given
by the denominator 1 - [mu] and is associated with the slope
[[delta].sub.1] of the intergenerational transmission of income in
Equation (7). For sufficiently low ability dynasties (low [h.sub.i]),
the numerator is negative and the prospect of upward mobility (lower
[mu]) increases long-run income. For high ability dynasties, the
numerator is positive and increased mobility decreases their long-run
We can write father i's conditional (on the state of the
system) expectation for son's income as the sum of the long-run
level of income in Equation (14) and the transitory deviation of current
income and current family endowment from their long-run levels:
(15) [E.sub.t]([y.sub.i,t+1] |[h.sub.i] ) = E([y.sub.i,t+1] |
[h.sub.i]) + [mu] ([y.sub.i,t] - E([y.sub.i,t+1] | [h.sub.i])) +
[mu][[rho].sub.1] ([v.sub.i,t] - [[rho].sub.0] )
where the time subscript in the left hand side denotes conditioning
on the information set as of period t (which is summarized by
father's income, [y.sub.i,t], and family endowment, [v.sub.i,t]).
As we show in Section IV.A, fathers take into account how progressivity
affects this conditional expectation when voting for [mu].
This analysis highlights two important points. First, there is a
trade-off between equity and efficiency. Second, there is political
conflict over the equilibrium level of social mobility. In particular,
as we discuss more formally in Section IV.B, fathers with higher ability
[h.sub.i] or with favorable shocks in their market activity,
[u.sub.i,t], or in their family endowment, [v.sub.i,t], prefer less
progressive policies. It is this heterogeneous effect of [mu] on
dynastic welfare that makes the political economy aspect of the model
interesting and supports our argument that politico-economic
determinants may be significantly associated with mobility outcomes.
Variances. To understand the implication of our model for
inequality, we first consider the stationary, unconditional variability
that a given dynasty [h.sub.i] faces in its income process. From
Equation (7) this is:
(16) Var([y.sub.i,t+1] | [h.sub.i]) = [[mu].sup.2]/1 - [[mu].sup.2]
1 + [[rho].sub.1][mu]/1 - [[rho].sub.1][mu] [[sigma].sup.2.sub.v] /1 -
+ [[mu].sup.2]/1 - [[mu].sup.2] [[sigma].sup.2.sub.u]
Inequality across generations occurs because the disturbances
[[epsilon].sub.i,t+1] and [u.sub.i,t+1] have different realizations
across time for a given family i. From inspection of Equation (16), we
see that a more progressive system (lower [mu]) reduces the variability
of income. In addition, it lowers the fraction of variability attributed
to family luck [v.sub.i,t+1]. Intuitively, market luck [u.sub.i,t+1]
matters only for the final production of income, while family luck
[v.sub.i,t+1] affects both the production of talent directly, and the
production of final output indirectly (through talent). As a result,
more progressive public policies reduce the relative importance of the
latter in the intergenerational variance of income.
If all families were identical, then the variance that families
face across generations in Equation (16) coincides with the stationary
inequality in the cross section of families. More in general, with
heterogeneous families, the ex post or cross-sectional variance of
income can be decomposed in two parts: (6)
(17) Var([y.sub.i,t+1]) = Var([y.sub.i,t+1] | [h.sub.i]) +
Var(E([y.sub.i,t+1] | [h.sub.i]))
The second term in Equation (17) represents the variance
"under the veil of ignorance," which from Equation (14)
(18) Var(E([y.sub.i,t+1] |[h.sub.i])) = [[mu].sup.2]Var(ln
[h.sub.i])/[(1 - [mu]).sup.2]
To summarize, in Equation (17) the stationary total inequality in
the cross section of families is decomposed into the dynastic
variability in the process for income--common to all families i--and the
inequality that arises because heterogeneous families have different
levels of long-run income. It is immediate to see that a more
progressive educational system reduces all inequalities. In the Appendix
we also discuss the variance of talent.
Covariances. Consider now the intergenerational correlation of
income. This summary statistic is what the literature calls social
mobility, inequality across generations or "equality of
opportunity." Conditioning on [h.sub.i], we distinguish the
intergenerational correlation of income within family,
Corr([y.sub.i,t+1], [y.sub.i,t] |[h.sub.i]), from the correlation we may
observe in the data when families are heterogeneous, Corr([y.sub.i,t+1],
[y.sub.i,t]). The latter is discussed in Section IV.C in relation to the
GBS regression. Consider the time series of output and talent for some
family i with time-invariant ability level [h.sub.i]. Given that we are
in a stationary state with Var([y.sub.i,t+1] |[h.sub.i] ) =
Var([y.sub.i,t] | [h.sub.i]), we can derive the dynastic
intergenerational correlation of income:
For talent, the correlation Corr([[theta].sub.i,t+1],
[[theta].sub.i,t] |[h.sub.i]) is given in Appendix A.
D. Summary
In Proposition 1 we summarize how a more progressive public policy
(lower [mu]) affects the moments of income and talent.
PROPOSITION 1. Effects of Progressivity on Income and Talent: In
any stationary state, with a time-invariant public policy 0 <
[[mu].sub.t+1] = [[mu].sub.t] = [mu] [less than or equal to]< 1 we
1. A more progressive system (lower [mu]) decreases/increases
long-run income and talent for sufficiently high/low [h.sub.i] families.
A more progressive system favors families with temporarily, low output,
[y.sub.i,t] < E([y.sub.i,t+1] |[h.sub.i]), and it favors families
with temporarily low family endowment, [v.sub.i,t] < [[rho].sub.0].
2. The dynastic variance of income, Var ([y.sub.i,t+1] |[h.sub.i]),
and the dynastic variance of talent, Var([[theta].sub.i,t+1]
|[h.sub.i]), are increasing in [mu]. Var( [y.sub.i,t +1] |[h.sub.i]) /
Var([[theta].sub.i,t+1] |[h.sub.i]), that is, the intra-family ratio of
intergenerational inequalities, is bounded above by 1, and is increasing
in [mu].
3. The cross-sectional inequality of income Var([y.sub.i,t+1]) and
the cross-sectional inequality of talent Var([[theta].sub.i,t+1])
increase in [mu]. Their ratio is bounded above by 1 and also increases
in [mu].
4. The dynastic intergenerational correlation of income
Corr([y.sub.i,t+1], [y.sub.i,t] |[h.sub.i]) is increasing in [mu]. The
ratio Corr([y.sub.i,t+1], [y.sub.i,t]
|[h.sub.i])/Corr([[theta].sub.i,t+1], [[theta].sub.i,t] |[h.sub.i]) is
smaller than 1, and increases in [mu].
Proposition 1 shows how a more progressive public policy decreases
the dynastic and cross-sectional inequalities of income and talent, and
also decreases the within-dynasty intergenerational correlation of
income. These two predictions are consistent with the general
equilibrium effects of educational subsidies as derived recently by
Hassler, Rodriguez Mora, and Zeira (2007). They also tend to imply a
positive comovement of the cross-sectional and the intergenerational
inequality, as discussed by Solon (2004). Finally, our model predicts
that in a society with no public policy ([mu] = 1), the ratio of
variances and intergenerational correlations of income over talent take
their maximum value (unity). As public policy becomes more progressive
these ratios decrease. Intuitively, when the progressivity of public
education increases, a given amount of variation in the production of
talent across time or across families matters less for final earnings in
the market. (7) In Section V we offer some evidence in line with this
First, we define the politico-economic equilibrium. Then, we derive
the equilibrium choice of the public policy [mu] in terms of deeper
political, economic, cultural, and genetic parameters. Finally, we show
the relationship between the equilibrium level of [mu] and the slope of
the GBS regression, [beta].
A. Politico-Economic Equilibrium
In period t, father i observes and takes as given the realization
of last period's output, [y.sub.i,t], and endowment, [v.sub.i,t].
However, fathers do not know the realization of children's
endowment [v.sub.i,t+1] and market luck [u.sub.i,t+1] before they vote
for [[mu].sub.t+1] and they need to form rational expectations. Father
i's preferences over public policies [[mu].sub.t+1] are ordered
according to the conditional expectation of Equation (4):
(20) W([[mu].sub.t+1]; [h.sub.i], [y.sub.i,t], [v.sub.i,t], s) = ln
[C.sub.i,t] + 1/[gamma] [E.sub.t]([y.sub.i,t+1] |[h.sub.i])
where s is the vector of structural parameters, and the conditional
expectation, [E.sub.t] ([y.sub.i,t+1] |[h.sub.i]), is given by Equation
(15). [C.sub.i,t] is the optimal level of consumption:
(21) [C.sub.i,t] = [gamma]/[[mu].sub.t+1] + [gamma] [Y.sub.i,t]
which is a function of the public policy. Note that we reinstate the time subscript in [mu].
An important simplification for deriving the equilibrium in our
model is that sons are born after fathers have chosen the public policy
[[mu].sub.t+1]. As a result, sons do not affect the choice of [mu].
Under this assumption, preferences of fathers over current policies are
independent of future policies, and there is no need to explicitly
consider dynasties' expectations about future policy outcomes. (8)
This assumption is intuitive in the context of intergenerational
mobility. As we discuss in Section V in a cross section of OECD countries, it is public spending on education--rather than other forms
of government activity--that strongly correlates with social mobility.
Since public education is regarded as highly redistributive at the
primary level, that is, before sons' political rights are extended,
our assumption captures this realistic feature of the intergenerational
The policy that maximizes Equation (20) is called the "most
preferred policy for dynasty i":
The most preferred policy for every father reflects various
trade-offs. First, it reflects the four channels that affect the
long-run value of income in Section III.C. In addition, transitory
deviations from long-run income and transitory deviations from long-run
family endowment also affect the most preferred policy, as shown in
Equation (15). Finally, public policy allocates resources
intertemporally and creates a trade-off across generations. The
consumption-investment ratio for every father is [gamma]/[[mu].sub.t+1].
A less progressive system (higher [[mu].sub.t+1]) distorts less the
incentive of parents to privately invest in their children talent and
therefore when [[mu].sub.t+1] decreases parents transfer more resources
to the next generation.
To solve the model we define a relevant family-specific summary of
the system which we call "income potential," [Q.sub.i,t].
Income potential therefore summarizes the history of all relevant market
and family shocks. Our functional form assumptions--log preferences and
multiplicative production functions--imply that income potential for
family i at time t is the log-sum of three terms: life-long ability
level In [h.sub.i], current log income, [y.sub.i,t], plus a term
proportional to log family endowment, [v.sub.i,t].
(23) [Q.sub.i,t] = ln [h.sub.i] + [y.sub.i,t] + [[rho].sub.1]
PROPOSITION 2. Preferences over Public Policy:
1. Induced preferences over [[mu].sub.i,t+1] as described by W(*)
in Equation (20) are single-peaked if (but not only if) [alpha] > 1
for any [Q.sub.i,t].
2. The most preferred policy [[mu].sub.i,t+1] is strictly
increasing in [Q.sub.i,t].
The first part of the Proposition establishes a sufficient
condition for the indirect utility W to be single-peaked. The second
part shows that families with higher income potential prefer less
progressive public policies. Families with high income potential may be
families from advantaged groups (high [h.sub.i]) or families that face
favorable economic ([y.sub.i,t] > E([y.sub.i,t+1] | [h.sub.i])) or
cultural ([v.sub.i,t] > [[rho].sub.0]) shocks. Therefore, in our
model families from disadvantaged social groups (low [h.sub.i]) may
still prefer less progressive public policies, if their last generations
experienced good luck in the market or in the production of talent.
Because transitory shocks affect preferences for public policies,
in general the equilibrium policy will not be time invariant, as assumed
for simplicity in Section III. The easiest but most restrictive way to
proceed is to assume a precommitment institution in which the initial
generation of fathers observe {[y.sub.i,0], [v.sub.i,0], [h.sub.i]} and
choose once and for all a time-invariant system [mu], which by
assumption remains active in all future periods. A second possibility is
to consider the stochastic steady state of the model, in which the
distribution of income potentials in the population is stationary. In
this case, the optimal [mu] remains constant in time, but the identity
of the decisive family is allowed to vary, since in the steady-state
families are hit by different market and family shocks. Under both these
cases, the analysis for the long-run moments in Section III applies, and
the time-invariant coefficients for the stochastic processes are given
by the optimal stationary [mu]. Finally, we can apply our comparative
statics to the most general case, when the dynastic variance and the
public policy depend on calendar time along the transitional dynamics in
a period-by-period decision making process. Under this setting, the
equilibrium public policy (yet to be defined) will in general depend on
the current state [Q.sub.i,t] of the decisive father. (9)
Let the distribution of income potential in the cross section of
ASCII]. We define the political institution in terms of the equilibrium
outcome that it implies.
DEFINITION 1. Institution P: An institution P results in the public
policy [[mu].sup.e.sub.t+1] mostly preferred by the dynasty in the
100pth percentile of the income potential distribution [[PHI].sub.t],
that is, the family with an income potential such that P =
[[PHI].sub.t]([Q.sub.i,t]). We denote the decisive dynasty as
Our definition encompasses some commonly used institutions, both in
the optimal policy and in the political economy literature. Let the
ASCII]. Then if p = [[PHI].sub.t]([[bar.Q].sub.t]), one obtains the
utilitarian social rule that maximizes the welfare of the average father
or the welfare "behind the veil of ignorance" for [Q.sub.i]:
In reality, however, public policies are determined by the
aggregation of known, conflicting political interests. The leading
choice in the political economy literature is the one person, one vote
democratic institution. If [alpha] > 1, then by Proposition 2 induced
preferences over policies are single-peaked. As a result, the father
with the median most preferred policy is the decisive voter. By the
second part of the same Proposition, this is the father with the median
income potential, [Q.sub.50,t]. Note that this formulation allows both
the identity and the income or the family endowment of the decisive
father to vary over time. Since the median father's vote is
decisive, it follows that p = 1/2 is the unique equilibrium outcome of
the pure majority rule game (i.e., the Condorcet winner).
More in general, we can allow for p > 1/2, capturing campaign
contributions or more active political participation of the rich
fathers. Alternatively, a higher p may parameterize the ideologically
diverse preferences for parties of the poor fathers, as in the
probabilistic voting model. If p < 1/2, then social preferences are
averse to inequality and can be thought to internalize the ex ante
variance given in Equation (18). From a political economy point of view,
a lower p may capture the bargaining power of socialist parties or labor
organizations in unionized economies. In the limit, p = 0 leads to the
"Rawlsian institution" that maximizes the welfare of the least
well-off dynasty. Henceforth, we parameterize political preferences with
p. In Section V we show how to measure this key parameter in the data.
B. Politico-Economic Determinants of Social Mobility
Given this definition, the properties of the equilibrium level of
the public policy, [[mu].sup.e.sub.t+1], are given in the following
PROPOSITION 3. Equilibrium Public Policy: The equilibrium policy
[[mu].sup.e.sub.t+1] is increasing both in [alpha] and in p. It
increases in [h.sub.p], [y.sub.p,t], [v.sub.p,t] and in [[rho].sub.0],
it decreases in [gamma], and it does not depend on [[sigma].sup.2.sub.v]
and [[sigma].sup.2.sub.u]. It increases in [[rho].sub.1] if and only if
[v.sub.i,p] - [[rho].sub.0] > 0.
This Proposition shows how public education becomes less
progressive (higher [[mu].sub.t+1]) when output costs [alpha] increase,
but more progressive as the position of the decisive dynasty in the
income potential distribution p decreases. Our result shows that, as
long as optimally chosen public policies have the potential to affect
intergenerational mobility (which in our model is shown in Section
IV.C), there is no reason to expect that a collective action of fathers
transmits a perfectly mobile society to their sons ([[mu].sup.e] =
[beta] = 0). It is important to note that for the refusal of this
proposition, one would need to show both that the costs of progressive
public policies are negligible and that institutions favor the low
ability families. This is an interesting point, because empirically it
may be difficult to find evidence for the magnitude of [alpha] or in
reality some public reforms may entail small efficiency costs (Lindert
2004). On the other hand, a recent strand of research in political
economy points out that various politico-economic outcomes can be simply
explained by the fact that rich families have a larger "say"
in the political equilibrium, that is, that the political system is
wealth-biased (Benabou 1996; Campante 2007; Alesina and Giuliano 2009;
Karabarbounis 2010).
What is the novelty of our results? Most of the existing literature
following the initial Becket and Tomes (1979) contribution has
attributed to the reduced-form coefficient in Equation (1) a specific
meaning for social mobility, namely that equality of opportunity is
desirable. (10) If equality of opportunity is however costly for private
incentives, more of it is not necessarily desirable. (11) Relative to
these views, our model emphasizes--in addition to standard incentive
costs--political economy constraints that may further limit or enhance
the extent of social mobility. For instance, in our model perfect social
mobility may be optimal under a utilitarian institution (if [alpha] is
very small), but not politically sustainable if rich families and
business interests restrict the development of the welfare state and the
provision of public education (i.e., if p is sufficiently high). To put
it differently, two societies with similar dynastic fundamentals may
display very different degrees of intergenerational mobility depending
on which is the decisive dynasty selected by the existing political
The politico-economic trade-off behind our model can be
conceptualized by a decline in the position of the decisive voter p.
Societies in which families with lower income potential have a larger
"say" for the equilibrium outcome, choose more progressive
systems, expect higher mobility and lower inequality. However,
progressivity results in a lower long-run level of income for
sufficiently high ability families, and may even lower average income.
(12) In our model, if the distribution of income potential [[PHI].sub.t]
is fight skewed ([Q.sub.50] < [bar.Q])--perhaps because the ability
distribution [[PHI].sub.h] is skewed--then a majority voting of fathers
chooses a more progressive public policy relative to the utilitarian
optimum. Holding average income potential [bar.Q] constant, an increase
in the (right) skewness of the distribution of income potentials, leads
the majority of fathers to demand more progressive policies and higher
social mobility.
Interestingly, the effects of a higher ex ante inequality in
abilities, Var(ln h), due for instance to market discrimination against
ethnically or racially diverse groups, depend on the political process
p. If p is low, then higher Var(ln h) could be associated with more
skewness and hence a poorer decisive voter which results in more
progressive policies. On the other hand, if de facto political power is
ultimately related to income potential and hence p is relatively high, a
higher ex ante variability could be associated with more powerful
elites, less progressivity and lower social mobility. In Section V we
offer some suggestive evidence in favor of the second effect. In the
Appendix we discuss in more detail the intuition behind the other
comparative statics of our model.
C. Structural Politico-Economic Interpretation of the
Galton-Becker-Solon (GBS) Regression
Our theoretical framework offers a structural interpretation for
the log-linear intergenerational earnings model which is estimated in
the empirical literature cited in Section II. The literature typically
focuses on the GBS regression:
(25) [y.sub.i,t+1] = a + [beta][y.sub.i,t] + [[epsilon].sub.i]
where [y.sub.t+1] and [y.sub.t] denote son's and father's
lifelong log earnings in the population. Previous models have recognized
that [beta] is a function of genetic and cultural inheritance, altruism,
technological parameters and the structure of the asset market. However,
we show that this coefficient also depends on political economy
variables which determine the institutions that a generation puts in
place to insure its offspring from adverse shocks.
PROPOSITION 4. Population Slope of the GBS Regression: The slope in
the population regression of son's on father's income, [beta],
also known as the intergenerational elasticity of income is given as
follows. (13)
1. If the economy is in a stationary state with
[[mu].sup.e.sub.t+1] = [[mu].sup.e.sub.t] = [[mu].sup.e], then the
intergenerational elasticity equals the intergenerational correlation of
incomes and is given by:
where the variance in the denominator refers to the cross sectional variance in Equation (17) and [[mu].sup.e] is the equilibrium public
policy defined in Proposition 3. The intergenerational elasticity [beta]
increases in [[mu].sup.e] and in p.
2. If the economy is for a long time in the steady-state
[[mu].sup.e.sub.t] = [[mu].sup.e.sub.t-1] = ..., but in t + 1 an
unexpected structural break in the political institution p happens, then
the intergenerational elasticity is given by:
In this case [[beta].sub.t+1]/[[beta].sub.t] =
[[mu].sup.3.sub.t+1]/[[mu].sup.e.sub.t] and the ratio is increasing in
The first part of the proposition refers to the special case in
which the economy is in a steady state with constant intergenerational
mobility (the coefficient [beta]) and cross-sectional variances. The
second part considers instead the case in which a political shock at
time t determines a change of the decisive dynasty such that
intergenerational mobility changes with respect to previous periods
([[beta].sub.t+1][not equal to][[beta].sub.t-1] for i [greater than or
equal to] 0) and cross-sectional income variances may differ across
generations. In principle, analogous formulas can be obtained for other
shocks affecting the intergenerational elasticity of incomes and
cross-sectional variances, but given the focus of this paper here we
study the case of a political shock.
Under the assumption that the advanced economies for which an
estimate of [beta] is available are essentially characterized by a
fairly similar set of economic and biological fundamentals, differences
in the estimated [beta] for these countries should correlate with
differences in the dynasty that has decisive power in the political
process. To put it differently, if economic and biological fundamentals
are more similar than political equilibria across these advanced
economies, we should observe more mobility in countries in which the
position of the decisive dynasty is lower in the hierarchy of dynastic
income potentials. The empirical exercise in the next section should be
interpreted as a suggestive assessment of the extent to which political
economy variables that proxy for the decisive dynasty capture the
cross-country variation in [beta].
However, Equations (26) and (27) emphasize also other more
traditional determinants that might explain the cross-country
variability in [beta]. For example, in steady state and for given
decisive dynasty, social mobility increases ([beta] decreases) with
market luck variability (higher [[sigma].sup.2.sub.u]), and decreases
with ex ante heterogeneity (higher Var(ln [h.sub.i])). It decreases with
output costs (higher [alpha]), with the ability of the decisive family
(higher [Q.sub.p]), with the long-run family endowment (higher
[[rho].sub.0]) and with the degree of altruism (higher [gamma]). Greater
market variability increases cross-sectional inequality and makes the
position of children highly uncertain, thereby increasing social
mobility. For the same reason, the comparative static with respect to
[[sigma].sup.2.sub.v] and [[rho].sub.1] is theoretically ambiguous,
[alpha], p, [h.sub.p], [[rho].sub.0], and [gamma] affect social mobility
indirectly, through the equilibrium level of [mu] (see Appendix for
these comparative statics). Finally, note that our model predicts that
ex ante heterogeneity Var(ln[h.sub.i]) affects positively [beta] only
conditional on Ix. Higher ex ante heterogeneity may operate also
indirectly through public policy, and it may increase (if it is
associated with smaller p) or decrease (under higher p) social mobility.
In this section we turn to the empirical evidence on the
predictions of the model. Specifically, we present evidence on the
relationship between political variables that our model indicates as
important determinants of social mobility and observed measures of
mobility across countries or within a country over time. We stress that
this evidence needs to be interpreted only as suggestive and
descriptive. The number of countries for which we have data is limited,
and the available data are not sufficiently informative to identify
causal relationships. Nevertheless, the evidence is generally consistent
with the predictions of our model and in particular, it supports a
positive cross-country and within-country correlation between proxies
for p and estimates of [beta].
We consider first an interesting case study which represents a
salient example of a political shock as described in Equation (27). Over
the past few decades, the United Kingdom has experienced a tremendous
decline in social mobility. In particular, Blanden, Gregg and Macmillan
(2007) document a 50% decline in social mobility between the 1958 and
the 1970 cohorts. Such decline has generated widespread concern among
the public and prompted the government in 2009 to issue a White Book
that addresses the causes and implications of the decline in mobility.
Blanden, Gregg and, Macmillan (2007) argue that the main cause of the
decline is represented by changes in educational attainment of different
income groups.
Their evidence is consistent with our model. However, our model
goes further and indicates that educational policies are likely to be an
endogenous outcome. According to our framework, the ultimate determinant
of the decline in social mobility should be a change in societal preferences for redistribution. Indeed, this prediction is consistent
with the sharp change in political preferences which led Margaret
Thatcher to become Prime Minister in 1979. The Thatcher revolution was
caused by a clear move toward the fight by the UK electorate, as
indicated by the fact that public expenditure for education fell, the
power of the unions declined, regressive value added taxes (VAT)
increased, and more progressive corporate and income taxes declined.
Turning to cross-country evidence, credible estimates of [beta] are
available only for a limited number of countries. We use estimates from
Corak's (2006) meta-analysis conducted for nine OECD countries and
complement these with three more observations. In the Appendix we
discuss more in detail the construction of our dataset and the sources.
In Figure 2, the vertical axis shows estimates of [beta] for a
cross section of advanced democratic OECD countries. Consistent with
what has long been documented in the existing literature on mobility,
the United Kingdom, the United States, and France are the least mobile,
while Northern European countries appear the most mobile. Canada is the
most mobile Anglo-Saxon country, and Sweden is the least mobile among
the Nordic countries. The existing literature has mostly focused on the
left panel of the Figure (e.g., Corak 2006), which shows a positive
bivariate association between [beta] and the private return to
schooling. The right panel, which is more novel, depicts a negative
association between [beta] and public expenditure on education. The
Figure shows that the correlation between social mobility and public
expenditures for education is at least as strong as the correlation
between the private internal return to education and mobility. (16) When
we divide public expenditure in education per student as a percentage of
per capita GDP at the primary, secondary and tertiary levels, we find
that all are negatively correlated with [beta]. Notably and consistent
with our model, the correlation is stronger at the primary level, where
public expenditures are arguably more redistributive. (17)
To obtain a direct measure of political preferences (the parameter
p in the model), we use data from the World Value Surveys (WVS). (18) We
focus on the differential in political participation between low income
voters and middle and upper income voters. The income classification
follows the WVS and is standardized by country. As Table 1 shows, on
average, around 33% of the population is classified as "poor"
(low income). Variation across countries is not large. (19) Political
participation can be measured with a variety of variables. In Figure 3
we measure political participation with membership in political parties.
The vertical axis in the figure measures inequality in party
affiliation, defined as the fraction of middle and upper income voters
who are members of political parties divided by the fraction of low
income voters who are members of political parties. A lower value for
this index denotes a relatively more politically active class of low
income families and hence a lower p. Note that we are not interested in
the political participation of the poor per se, but in their
participation relative to that one of other income groups in the same
country. Our measure of relative participation therefore holds constant
other country-specific factors that may affect political participation.
The correlations in Figure 3 are consistent with the model. The
bivariate correlations of the political inequality index with public
spending and intergenerational elasticity are, respectively, -0.49 and
0.79. (20) When we use an alternative measure of the gap in political
participation that compares participation by high income voters to
participation by low income voters (thus excluding middle income
voters), the correlation is even stronger.
The existing literature has argued that one of the most important
empirical determinants of social mobility is the rate of return to human
capital (see e.g., Solon 1999 and 2004; Corak 2006). When we regress [beta] on estimates of the return to schooling, we find that the return
to schooling explains only 8% of the cross-country variation. Notably,
and consistent with our model, our measure of inequality between rich
and poor families in political affiliation explains 42% of the variation
in social mobility. (21) We have repeated this exercise with four other
measures of political participation: participation in labor unions,
interest in politics, signing petitions, and participating in lawful demonstrations. We find that the patterns are similar to those
presented, with the bivariate correlations ranging from 0.43 to 0.63.
(Results available upon request.)
In Figure 4, we investigate the relationship between the degree of
heterogeneity in a society, public education, and social mobility. Our
model predicts that higher ex ante heterogeneity (higher
Var(ln[h.sub.i])) should be associated with more public spending and
therefore higher social mobility if p is low. If p is high, more
heterogeneity should be associated with higher talent ([h.sub.p]) for
the decisive family, and less progressivity. Our empirical proxy for
heterogeneity is an index of ethnolinguistic fragmentation measured in
1961. (22) The upper left panel shows that more diverse countries are
associated with less public spending on education. Our model explains
this positive correlation only if p is relatively high, which as
discussed above is consistent with recent theoretical and empirical
literature. The bottom panel shows that the predicted link between
heterogeneity and mobility is also supported by the data. The bivariate
correlation is 0.26. Excluding the very heterogeneous and mobile Canada,
the correlation increases to 0.67.
Another prediction of the model has to do with the strength of
cultural transmission [[rho].sub.1]. As a proxy, we use an index of weak
family ties. (23) Weaker family ties proxy for a lower [[rho].sub.1] in
our model. In Figure 4, weaker family ties are associated with more
public provision of education and more mobility. This lends support to
the view that strong family ties and strong social policies are
We conclude with a final piece of evidence. Becker and Tomes'
(1979) original contribution aimed at explaining within a unified
economic model the degree of cross-sectional inequality, and its
relation with intergenerational inequality. We proxy for cross-sectional
inequality in earnings, Var([y.sub.i,t]), with the Gini coefficient for
gross earnings. The variance in talent or skills,
Var([[theta].sub.i,t]), is proxied by the Gini coefficient for factor
income. (24) In our sample the bivariate association between
cross-sectional gross earnings inequality and intergenerational
inequality is around 0.72. Within the context of our model, market
variability, [[sigma].sup.2.sub.u], explains the lack of perfect
correlation. Higher variability increases cross-sectional inequality to
a degree that ultimately raises social mobility. (25)
Proposition 1 implies that the ratio of gross earnings over factor
inequality should decline when the progressivity of the educational
system increases ([mu] decreases). Figure 5 shows a strong association
between the ratio of the Gini coefficients and public expenditure in
education. It also shows the direct relationship between the deeper
determinant p and the ratio of inequalities Var
([y.sub.i.t])/Var([[theta].sub.i,t]) that can rationalize this
association. In particular, our model predicts that in societies where
the poor participate more in political parties, redistributive public
education takes place and therefore the ratio of income over talent
inequality decreases. The right panel of the figure is consistent with
this prediction.
Intergenerational mobility emerges from "nature,"
"nurture," and endogenous public policies. While the previous
literature has derived social mobility as a function of the optimizing
behavior of utility-maximizing families, in this paper we generalize the
structural log-linear social mobility model and endogenize the political
process that aggregates conflicting preferences for intergenerational
Our model provides a structural interpretation of the widely
studied GBS reduced-form coefficient [beta]. This is important because
it allows a better understanding of the deeper economic determinants of
intergenerational mobility and the role of public policy. We show that
public policies generate a trade-off between insurance and incentives.
Our model adds to this knowledge by pointing out that even if insurance
is relatively costless to provide, a less than perfectly mobile society
is possible because of political economy constraints in a world of
heterogeneous interests. In other words, two societies may have the same
set of dynastic fundamentals such as parental altruism, level of GDP,
asset markets, ethnic fragmentation, and cultural traits, but different
political institutions, in which case social mobility outcomes will
We conclude with some empirical evidence that lends support to our
claim that politico-economic variables are likely to be important
determinants of cross-country differences in social mobility.
ELF: Ethnolinguistic Fractionalization
GBS: Galton-Becker-Solon
GDP: Gross Domestic Product
VAT: Value Added Tax
WVS: World Value Surveys
doi: 10.1111/j.1465-7295.2010.00320.x
Derivation of Income and Talent Transmission Equations
First, forward the production function for output, Equation (2),
one period and solve for [[THETA].sub.i,t+1]:
Substitute Equation (A1) into the production function for talent,
Equation (6), and solve for investment:
If we insert this equation into the budget constraint, [C.sub.i,t]
= [Y.sub.i,t] - [I.sub.i,t], we see that the budget is concave for
[[mu].sub.t+1][less than or equal to] 1, strictly when [[mu].sub.t+1]
< 1. Since the utility function (4) is strictly concave, the solution
to the problem is unique and interior and is characterized by the
first-order condition:
Substituting [C.sub.i,t] back in the budget constraint, we take the
solution for children's income:
Taking logs and letting [[mu].sub.t+1] = [mu] in Equation (A4)
yields the income transition Equation (7) in the text, for the
coefficients defined in Equations (8)-(I3). From Equation (A2) and the
budget constraint we can also take the solution for investment and
(A5) [I.sub.i,t] = ([[mu].sub.t+1]/[[mu].sub.t+1] +
(A6) [C.sub.i,t] = ([gamma]/[[mu].sub.t+1] + [gamma]) [Y.sub.i,t]
To derive the intergenerational transmission equation for talent,
we first substitute the production function (2) into the solution (A4).
This yields a relationship between sons' income and fathers'
Next, substitute Equation (A7) into Equation (Al) to obtain the
solution for talent:
Taking logs and setting [[mu].sub.t+1] = [[mu].sub.t] = [mu] gives
the transmission equation for talent:
(A9) [[theta].sub.i,t+1] = [[lambda].sub.0,i] +
[[lambda].sub.1][[theta].sub.i,t] + [[lambda].sub.2][v.sub.i,t+1] +
(A10) [[lambda].sub.0,i] = [[lambda].sub.0] + [[lambda].sub.i]
(A11) [[lambda].sub.0] = ln ([mu]/[mu] + [gamma]) + [alpha] ln [mu]
(A12) [[lambda].sub.i] = ln[h.sub.i]
(A13) [[lambda].sub.1] = [mu]
(A14) [[lambda].sub.2] = 1
(Al5) [[lambda].sub.3] = [mu]
The talent transmission equation differs from the income
transmission equation due to the coefficients [[lambda].sub.2] and
[[lambda].sub.i] (as opposed to the coefficients [[delta].sub.2] and
[[delta].sub.i] in the text). These coefficients measure the effects of
cultural and genetic endowment on talent and output, respectively. For
the case of talent, these effects do not depend on [mu], since public
policies are imposed on final output.
Expected Income and Talent
First we show that given a stationary [mu], income and talent are
stationary processes. Subtracting [[rho].sub.1][y.sub.i,t] from both
sides of the income transmission equation (7), using the definition for
[v.sub.i,t+1] in (3), and substituting in the resulting expression the
fact that [[rho].sub.1]([[delta].sub.2][v.sub.i,t] - [y.sub.i,t]) =
-[[rho].sub.1] ([[delta].sub.0,i] + [[delta].sub.1] [y.sub.i,t-1] +
[[delta].sub.3][u.sub.i,t]), we can express the income process in
Equation (7) as the sum of an ARMA(2,1 ) process plus an independent
white noise:
The process is stationary if the roots of the characteristic
equation, 1 - ([[delta].sub.1] + [[rho].sub.1])x -
(-[[delta].sub.1][[rho].sub.1])[x.sup.2] = 0, lie outside the unit
circle. The two roots are given by [[phi].sub.1] = -1/[[rho].sub.1] and
[[phi].sub.2] = -1/[[delta].sub.1] = 1/[mu]. Therefore, the log income
process is stationary for every family i, if [rho] < 1 and [mu] <
1. A similar reasoning applies for the talent process.
The unconditional expectation of log income for family i in
Equation (14) in the text is easy to compute by setting E([y.sub.i,t+1]
) = E([y.sub.i,t]) = E([y.sub.i,t-1]) in Equation (A16) or (7). All
comparative statics for this expectation follow from inspection. From
the talent transmission equation (A9), we take the unconditional
expectation of log talent for family i:
(Al7) E([[theta].sub.i,t+1]|[h.sub.1]) = [[rho].sub.0] +
ln([h.sub.i][mu]/[mu]+[gamma])+[alpha] ln [mu]/1 - [mu]
From the income transmission equation (7) we can compute the
conditional expectation of income:
(Al8) [E.sub.t]([y.sub.i,t+1]|[h.sub.i]) =
E([y.sub.i,t+1]|[h.sub.i]) + [mu]([y.sub.i,t] -
E([y.sub.i,t+1]|[h.sub.i])) +[mu][[rho].sub.1]([v.sub.i,t] -
where the state of the system includes {[y.sub.i,t],
[[theta].sub.i,t], [v.sub.i,t], [u.sub.i,t]}, and
E([y.sub.i,t+1][h.sub.i]) is the unconditional expectation given in
Equation (14). Similarly for talent we have:
(A19) [E.sub.t]([[theta].sub.i,t+1]|[h.sub.i]) =
E([[theta].sub.i,t+1]|[h.sub.i]) + [mu]([[theta].sub.i,t] -
E([[theta].sub.i,t+1]|[h.sub.i])) + [[rho].sub.1]([v.sub.i,t] -
Variance of Income and Talent
To derive the unconditional, stationary variance Var
([y.sub.i,t+1]|[h.sub.i]) for dynasty i, we impose stationarity in
Equation (7) and recall that [u.sub.i,t+1] is independent from
[v.sub.i,t+1] and [y.sub.i,t]:
(A20) (1 - [[mu].sup.2])Var([y.sub.i,t+1]|[h.sub.i]) =
+2[[mu].sup.2]Cov([y.sub.i,t], [v.sub.i,t+1]|[h.sub.i])
To compute the covariance term, we use the stationarity of the
process, the properties of [[epsilon].sub.i,t+1] and the properties of
the covariance to take:
(A21) Cov([y.sub.i,t], [v.sub.i,t+1]|[h.sub.i]) =
[[rho].sub.1][mu][[sigma].sup.2.sub.v]/(1 - [[rho].sub.1][mu])(1 -
Substituting Equation (A21) into Equation (A20), using the
definitions of the variances for [v.sub.i,t+1] and [u.sub.i,t+1] and
rearranging we obtain the expression given in the text, Equation (16).
The same reasoning yields the variance of talent for family i:
(A22) Var([[theta].sub.i,t+1]|[h.sub.i]) = 1/1 - [[mu].sup.2] 1 +
[[rho].sub.1][mu]/1 - [[rho].sub.1][mu][[sigma].sup.2.sub.v]/1 -
[[rho].sup.2.sub.1] + [[mu].sup.2]/1 - [[mu].sup.2]
which is also increasing in [mu]. Taking the ratio of income's
over talent's variance we obtain:
(A23) Var([y.sub.i,t]|[h.sub.i])/Var([[theta].sub.i,t]/[h.sub.i] =
[kappa] + [[sigma].sup.2.sub.u]/[kappa]/[[mu].sup.2] +
where we define:
[kappa]([mu], [[rho].sub.1]) = 1 + [[rho].sub.1][mu]/1 -
[[rho].sub.1][mu] [[sigma].sup.2.sub.v]/1 - [[rho].sup.2.sub.1]
Because [mu] < 1, the denominator exceeds the numerator in
Equation (A23), and the ratio is smaller than unity as claimed in
Proposition 1. Next we prove the claim in Proposition 1 that this ratio
is increasing in [mu]. The derivative of the ratio with respect to [mu]
is proportional to:
(A24) [[sigma].sup.2.sub.u] [[[kappa].sub.1](1 - 1/[[mu].sup.2]) +
2 [kappa]/[[mu].sup.3]] + 2 [[kappa].sup.2]/[[mu].sup.3]
where [[kappa].sub.1] is the derivative of K with respect to It. If
the first term in Equation (A24) is positive, then our claim is proven.
After some algebra, the sufficient condition reads as:
(A25) g([mu], [[rho].sub.1]) = [mu]([[mu].sup.2] - 1 -
[mu][[rho].sup.2.sub.1]) > - 1
Because the function g has minimum at -1, ([[rho].sub.1] = 1 and
[mu] = 1), the sufficient condition holds and the claim is proven.
Finally, we consider the inequality in the cross section of
families. From Equation (16) it is obvious that Var([y.sub.i,t+1])
increases in [mu]. For talent we have:
(A26) Var([[theta].sub.i,t+1]) = Var([[theta].sub.i,t+1]|[h.sub.i])
+ 1/[(1 - [mu]).sup.2]Var(ln[h.sub.i])
where the first term in the right hand side of this equation is
given by Equation (A22), and the last term equals the variance of the
unconditional expectation of talent (the variance of Equation (Al7)). It
is straightforward to see that Var([[theta].sub.i,t+1]) also increases
in [mu]. From Equations (16) and (A26), consider the ratio of income
over talent inequality in the cross section of families:
(A27) Var([y.sub.i,t])/Var([[theta].sub.i,j]) = [kappa] +
[[sigma].sup.2.sub.u] + 1+[mu]/1-[mu]
Var(ln[h.sub.i])/[kappa]/[[mu].sup.2] + [[sigma].sup.2.sub.u] +
1/[[mu].sup.2] 1+[mu]/1-[mu] Var(ln [h.sub.i])
where [kappa] is defined above. To prove the claim in Proposition 1
that this ratio also increases in [mu], let us define [tau] =
1+[mu]/1-[mu], with [tau]' = 2[tau]/1-[[mu].sup.2]. Then after some
tedious but straightforward algebra, the partial derivative of Equation
(A27) with respect to ix is proportional to the following term:
The first two terms of this expression are positive, as shown in
Equations (A24) and (A25). The term 2[tau]Var(ln[h.sub.i])(2[kappa] +
[tau]Var(ln[h.sub.i]))/[[mu].sup.3] is also positive. Therefore, after
factoring out the term [[sigma].sup.2.sub.u]Var(ln[h.sub.i]), it
suffices to show that:
(A29) [tau]'(1 - 1/[[mu].sup.2]) + 2 [tau]/[[mu].sup.3] > 0
Plugging in the definitions of [tau] and [tau]' and using the
fact that [mu] < 1, we can verify the above inequality.
Intergenerational Correlation of Income and Talent
In this part, we consider the intergenerational correlation within
one dynasty i and treat [h.sub.i] as a time-invariant fixed effect.
Because the variance is stationary, the stationary intergenerational
correlation in income is equal to:
(A30) Corr([y.sub.i,t+1], [y.sub.i,t]|[h.sub.i]) = Cov([y.sub.i,t],
[y.sub.i,t]|[h.sub.i])/ Var([y.sub.i,t]|[h.sub.i]) =[mu] + [mu]
where we have used Equation (7) and the properties of
[u.sub.i,j+1]. To obtain the expression (19) in the text, we insert the
variance from Equation (16) and the covariance from Equation (A21) into
the correlation shown in Equation (A30). We can differentiate Equation
Because all terms are positive, the correlation is increasing in IX
and the claim in Proposition 1 is proven. A similar reasoning shows that
the stationary intergenerational correlation of talent is:
Differently from income, the intergenerational correlation of
talent has ambiguous comparative static in [mu]. A more progressive
policy decreases both the covariance and the variance of income and
talent. For income, the rate of decrease in the variance is smaller than
that of the covariance and the comparative static is unambiguous. But in
the case of talent, the covariance is not sufficiently decreasing
because talent is not directly affected by [mu]. We can show that the
intergenerational correlation in talent is increasing in [mu] provided
that [[sigma].sup.2.sub.u] is not too large relative to
Finally, we prove the claim in Proposition 1 that the ratio of
intergenerational correlations is smaller than one and increasing in
[mu]. First, consider the ratio:
The difference between the last term in the denominator and the
numerator is [[sigma].sup.2.sub.v] [[sigma].sup.2.sub.u](1 -
[[rho].sup.2.sub.1])(1 - [[rho].sub.1][mu])[[rho].sub.1][([mu] -
1).sup.2] This difference is positive because [[sigma].sup.2.sub.v] >
0, [[sigma].sup.2.sub.u] > 0 and [[rho].sub.1] < 1. As a result,
the expression in Equation (A33) is smaller than unity, strictly when
[mu] < 1, as claimed in Proposition 1. In addition, the ratio is
increasing in [mu]. To see this, rewrite the ratio as:
Denote by N the numerator and by D the denominator of this
expression. The ratio of correlations increases in IX if and only if the
derivate N'D - D'N is positive. Since the denominator exceeds
the numerator, D > N, it suffices to show that N' > D'
> 0. From Equation (A34) it is evident that both terms increase in
[mu]. From N- D = -[[sigma].sup.2.sub.v] [[sigma].sup.2.sub.u]
we take N'-D' = -[[sigma].sup.2.sub.v] [[sigma].sup.2.sub.u](1
- [[rho].sup.2.sub.1])[[rho].sub.1]([mu]-1)(2-[rho][mu]-[rho])/[(1 -
[[rho].sub.1][mu]).sup.2] 0, which proves the claim.
Proof of Proposition 2
Using the consumption function in Equation (21) and the conditional
expectation of income in Equation (15), we can express the indirect
utility function as:
where [Q.sub.i,t] = [y.sub.i,t] + [[rho].sub.1][v.sub.i,t] +
ln[h.sub.i] is family i's income potential at time t.
Differentiating W with respect to [[mu].sub.t+1] we take:
(A36) [partial derivative]W/[partial derivative][[mu].sub.t+1] =
[W.sub.1] + 1/[gamma][[W.sub.2] + [W.sub.3] + [W.sub.4] + [W.sub.5] +
In this expression, the term [W.sub.1] = 1/[[mu].sub.t+1] + [gamma]
< 0 captures the intertemporal trade-off, [W.sub.2] =
ln([[mu].sub.t+1]/[[mu].sub.t+1] + [gamma]) < 0 measures the
beneficial insurance effects of public policy, [W.sub.3] =
[gamma]/[[mu].sub.t+1] + [gamma] > 0 is the term associated with the
distortions in investment, [W.sub.4] = [alpha]/[[mu].sub.t+1] > 0 is
the direct output cost, [W.sub.5] = [[rho].sub.0](1 - [[rho].sub.1])
> 0 shows that insurance is less beneficial the higher is the
long-run level of the endowment [v.sub.i,t], and [Q.sub.i,t] is defined
above. Differentiating Equation (A36) with respect to [[mu].sub.t+1] we
(A37) [partial derivative][W.sup.2]/[partial
derivative][[mu].sup.2.sub.t+1][varies]1/[gamma] + [[mu].sub.t+1] -
A sufficient condition for single-peaked preferences is the strict
concavity of the indirect utility. This requires that
[[mu].sub.t+1][gamma]/[[mu].sub.t+1][gamma] < [alpha]. Since the left
hand side of this inequality is bounded above by 1, the first part of
the claim in Proposition 2 follows. For the second part of the
Proposition, set [partial derivative]W/[partial
derivative][[mu].sub.t+1] equal to zero, and use the implicit function
theorem and the concavity of W in an interior optimum:
(A38) [partial derivative][[mu].sub.t+1]/[partial
derivative][Q.sub.i,t][varies][partial derivative][W.sup.2]/[partial
derivative][[mu].sub.t+1][partial derivative][Q.sub.i,t] = 1/[gamma]
> 0
Proof of Proposition 3
If 0 < [[mu].sub.i,t+1] < 1 is the most preferred public
policy for a dynasty with parameter [Q.sub.i,t], then it necessarily
satisfies the first-order condition, [partial derivative]W/[partial
derivative][[mu].sub.t+1] = 0, where the derivative is given by Equation
(A36). In addition, if [alpha] > 1, then W is globally concave, and
hence any solution to the first order condition will be the unique
optimum. Since the implicit function theorem applies, the comparative
static [partial derivative][[mu].sub.t+1]/[partial derivative]Z has the
same sign as the cross partial [[partial
derivative]([[mu].sub.t+1])[partial derivative]z.
Since the most preferred policy [[mu].sub.t+1] of low [Q.sub.i,t]
families is lower, it follows that when the position of the decisive
agent p decreases, [[mu].sub.t+1] also decreases. For the parameter that
expresses the degree of parental altruism, after some algebra and using
the first-order condition at optimum, we have:
(A39) [[partial derivative].sup.2]([[mu].sub.t+1]/[partial
derivative] [[mu].sub.t+1][partial derivative][gamma] = 1/[gamma] < 0
We briefly discuss the remaining comparative statics. First, social
mobility is lower in societies with higher long-run income (higher
[[rho].sub.0]). At first glance, this may appear counterfactual, since
the conjecture is that in less developed economies, social mobility is
lower (Solon, 2002). However, this could be because less developed
economies have poorer tax collection technologies (high [alpha]) and
limited expansion of voting rights (high p).
Second, in the original Becket and Tomes (1979) model, altruistic parents invest more in the human capital of their children, which
strengthens the intergenerational transmission and lowers social
mobility. This result also holds in our model, but it takes place
through a different mechanism. (26) Because a lower [mu] distorts
fathers' investment decisions, a higher [mu] (less progressivity)
redistributes resources in favor of the future generation. Hence, more
altruistic fathers transfer more resources to the next generation by
choosing a higher [mu].
Third, if the decisive voter is temporarily well-endowed in family
ability ([v.sub.i,t] > [[rho].sub.0]), then cultural persistence
decreases the progressivity of the public policy. This result is
consistent with the hypothesis that stronger family ties offer insurance
and therefore "crowd out" the scope for social insurance.
Fourth, given the income potential [Q.sub.p,t], the parameters
[[sigma].sup.2.sub.v] and [[sigma].sup.2.sub.u] do not affect the
optimal [mu]. Because of the assumed log--log specification,
substitution and income effects cancel off, and consumption and
investment are constant fractions of output, independently of the
properties of the shocks. In a more general specification of
preferences, the scope for insurance will increase when endowment and
market luck become more variable. Nevertheless, the properties of the
two shocks can matter indirectly for [mu], through the evolution of the
income potential in the next period [Q.sub.p,t+1]. Therefore, the
persistence and volatility of the equilibrium [mu] are affected by
cultural, genetic, and market randomness.
Proof of Proposition 4
First, we examine a stationary state with [[mu].sub.t+1] =
[[mu].sub.t]. The population coefficient vector is defined as the
argument that minimizes the least squares problem in the population:
The well known formula for the population slope is given by:
[beta] = Cov([y.sub.i,t+1], [y.sub.i,t])/Var([y.sub.i,t]) =
Corr([y.sub.i,t+1], [y.sub.i,t]) =Cov([[delta].sub.0] +
[[mu].sub.t+1](ln[h.sub.i] + [y.sub.i,t] + [v.sub.i,t+1] +
[[mu].sub.i,t+1]), [y.sub.i,t])/ Var([y.sub.i,t])
which, from the imposed stationarity Var([y.sub.i,t+1]) =
Var([y.sub.i,t]) also equals the cross-sectional intergenerational
correlation, Corr([y.sub.i,t+1] [y.sub.i,t]). Recalling the properties
of [[mu].sub.i,t+1] and [[epsilon].sub.i,t+1], we have:
(A42) [beta] = [[mu].sub.t+1](1 + Cov([v.sub.i,t+1], [y.sub.i,t]) +
Cov(ln[h.sub.i], [y.sub.i,t])/Var([y.sub.i,t]))
The first covariance in the numerator is given by Equation (A21),
because the fixed effect [h.sub.i] is orthogonal to the
[[epsilon].sub.i,t+1] and hence the [v.sub.i,t+1] process. The
stationary covariance between the family-fixed effect and income is
given by:
(A43) Cov(ln [h.sub.i], [y.sub.i,t]) = [[mu].sub.t+1]/1 -
[[mu].sub.t+1]Var(ln [h.sub.i])
Putting all pieces together and setting [[mu].sub.t+1] =
[[mu].sub.t] = [mu], yields the expression for [beta] in Proposition 4.
Next, we show that [beta] is increasing in [mu]. Using the
variances in Equations (16)-(18) yields:
Consider the last term in the numerator and the denominator.
Because 1-[[rho].sub.1][mu]/1 - [mu] is increasing in [mu], this term
also increases in [mu]. So, adding the same, increasing in [mu], term
both in the numerator and the denominator, tends, holding constant all
other terms, to produce an increasing [beta], because the numerator is
smaller than the denominator. Furthermore, [beta] will increase more in
[mu] due to this last term, when Var(ln [h.sub.i]) is higher. Hence,
consider Var(ln [h.sub.i]) = O. In this case (A45) collapses to the
dynastic correlation in Equation (19). Previously in this Appendix, we
showed that this correlation is increasing in [mu], which completes the
proof of the claim that [beta] increases in [mu].
Differentiating Equation (A45) with respect to [[sigma].sub.u], we
can show that:
(A46) [partial derivative][beta]/[partial derivative]
[[sigma].sup.2.sub.u][varies]([[mu].sup.2] - 1)
(1+[mu])1-[[rho].sub.1][mu]/1 - [mu]Var(ln[h.sub.i])) [less than or
equal to] 0
as claimed in Proposition 4. Differentiating Equation (A45) with
respect to Var(ln [h.sub.i]), we obtain
(A47) [partial derivative][beta]/[partial derivative]Var (ln
[h.sub.i])[varies](1 - [[mu].sup.2]) ((1 -
[[rho].sub.1])[[sigma].sup.2.sub.v] + (1 - [[rho].sup.2.sub.1])(1 -
)[[sigma].sup.2.sub.u]) [greater than or equal to] 0
The comparative statics of [beta] with respect to [alpha], p,
[Q.sub.p,t], [[rho].sub.1] and [gamma] follow from Proposition 3 and the
result [partial derivative][beta]/[partial derivative][mu] > 0.
Finally, we have verified numerically that [mu] is non-monotonic in
[[rho].sub.1] and [[sigma].sup.2.sub.v] for various combinations of
Finally, for the second part of the Proposition we use the new
equilibrium [[mu].sub.t+1] in the AR(1) process for income in Equation
(7). Var([y.sub.i,t] is given by Equation (17) in the text for policy
[[mu].sub.t]. The formulas for Cov(ln[h.sub.i], [y.sub.i,t]) and
Cov([v.sub.i,t+1], [y.sub.i,t]) are taken by assuming that before the
structural break the economy is in a steady state with [[mu].sub.t], =
[[mu].sub.s], for all s < t + 1.
Social Mobility: Data for the intergenerational earnings elasticity
is taken from
personnel&subSelect=fellows Corak's (2006) meta-analysis. For
Australia we use estimates from Leigh (2007). For Japan we use estimates
from Lefranc, Ojima and Yoshida (2008). For Spain we use estimates from
d'Addio (2007).
Private Return to Education: Taken from http://www.olis.$FILE/ JT03238193.PDF Boarini and Strauss (2007), Table 3. Calculated as the simple average in
every country for the years available (males and females).
Total Government Spending and Social Welfare Spending: Government
spending denotes central government consumption and investment. Social
Welfare denotes consolidated government spending on social services as
percentage of GDP. This data is taken from
1169&tbn=albero&id_ folder= 177 Persson and Tabellini (2003).
The variables are averaged over the 1960-1998 period.
Public Education: Data taken from http://www.oecdwash.
org/PUBS/ELECTRONIC/epels.htm#edustat OECD's Online Education
Database. The series extracted are Public education expenditure as % of
GDP, Public education expenditure per student (% of p.c. GDP), at all
levels, and Public education expenditure per student (% of p.c.GDP), at
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Ethnolinguistic fractionalization (ELF): Taken from http:// Roeder (2001). The ELF index is defined
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responders that answered 1 or 2, and 0 otherwise); Belong to Political
Party (A068; already binary): Sign Petitions (E025; 1 if the responder
answered yes and 0 otherwise); Participation in Lawful Demonstration
(E027; 1 if the responder answered 1 or 2, 0 otherwise); Belong to Labor
Union (A067; already binary). The income classification follows the
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(1.) See the evidence in Section V. See also Alesina and Glaeser
(2004) for more on this point.
(2.) Pekkarinen, Uusitalo, and, Kerr (2008) show how the major
Finnish educational reform in the 1970s decreased the intergenerational
elasticity of income from 0.30 to 0.23. Their finding is consistent with
our interpretation of [[mu].sub.t].
(3.) We do not restrict [[THETA].sub.i,t] to be smaller than unity.
If in some period [[THETA].sub.i,t] [less than or equal to] 1 for all
families i, we can think the special case with [alpha] = 0 as a
growth-enhancing reform that benefits every family, with the least
talented families gaining relatively more.
(4.) We assume that fathers cannot borrow against their son's
future income. See Loury (1981); Becket and Tomes (1986) and Mulligan
(1997), for an analysis of the relationship between social mobility and
borrowing constraints. See also Benabou (1996, 2000).
(5.) Goldberger (1989) explains in detail the difference between
the additive production function (as in the Becker and Tomes model) and
the multiplicative production function. We also note that in our
specific Cobb-Douglas environment, the degree of parental altruism
([gamma]) does not enter into the intergenerational transmission
equation directly, that is, for given policy [mu] (see Solon 2004, for a
similar result).
(6.) In Equation (16) the variance is not indexed by i and as a
of income is common to all families i because [h.sub.i] enters
multiplicatively into the production of talent (6). The same comment
applies for the intergenerational correlation of incomes below. In a
more general version of our model, we could allow for heterogeneity in
the returns to investment (e.g., with a production function of the form:
specification the slope of the regression ([[delta].sub.1]) in Equation
(7) depends on i.
(7.) This result reflects the difference between the coefficients
[[delta].sub.2] and [[lambda].sub.2] (or [[delta].sub.i] and
[[lambda].sub.i]) in the two intergenerational transmission equations.
See Appendix for the details.
(8.) That is, the indirect utility W in Equation (20) depends only
on the current choice variable, [[mu].sub.t+1], and not on future public
policies, [[mu].sub.t+2],.... As a result, we do not have to consider
the policy-fixed point problem that arises when current policies depend
on expectations of future policies but also affect future policies
through the optimal consumption and investment choices and the resulting
intergenerational transmission of income and talent. Our setup resembles
the equilibrium in the models of Persson and Tabellini (1994); Benabou
(1996); and Fernandez and Rogerson (1998), with "one period-ahead
commitment to policy." Krusell, Quadrini, and Rios-Rull (1997) show
how to formulate and numerically solve for time-consistent
politico-economic equilibria in a general class of models. Hassler et
al. (2003) solve closed-form the Markov perfect equilibrium in a
nontrivial dynamic voting game under the assumption of risk neutrality.
(9.) As a result, income and talent become regime switching
stochastic processes, that is, with time varying coefficients. One
interesting and realistic case occurs if there is an adjustment cost
associated with an educational reform that aims to switch [mu]. In this
case, the process for output would be a threshold ARMA(2,1) process,
where the thresholds are defined by the distribution of [Q.sub.i,t] in
the cross section of families. For instance, suppose that the fixed
costs of expanding the public schooling infrastructure are too
prohibitive and therefore [mu] can take only two values: 0 <
[[mu].sub.l] < [[mu].sub.h] < 1. Assuming that in period t - 1,
[[mu].sub.t] = [[mu].sub.h] was the optimal grandfather's choice, a
majority of fathers support a switch of regime to [[mu].sub.t+1] =
[[mu].sub.h]/[[mu].sub.l] + [alpha]/[[mu].sub.l] - [[mu].sub.h] ln
[[mu].sub.h]/[[mu].sub.l] - [[rho].sub.0](1 - [[rho].sub.1]) is a
constant, [[phi].sub.t] denotes the probability distribution of income
potential in the cross section of dynasties as of the beginning of
period t and [Q.sub.l,t] is the lowest realized income potential. We
index the distribution by t to show the possible dependency on
[[mu].sub.t] and hence on calendar time. Under this setting, the
expectations, variances, and intergenerational correlations derived in
Section III hold within each educational regime.
(10.) Becket and Tomes (1979; abstract and page 1182) argue that
"Intergenerational mobility measures the effect of a family on
the well-being of its children."
(emphasis added). Another influential contribution is that of
Mulligan (1997, page 25), who in defining social mobility notes that
"The degree of intergenerational mobility is [...] an index of
the degree of 'equality of opportunity'. Equality of
opportunity is often seen as desirable because, with little correlation
between the incomes of parents and children, children from rich families
do not enjoy much of a 'head start' on children from poor
The same presumption may be implied by the introductory paragraph
in the study of Solon (1999).
(11.) Piketty (2000) and Corak (2006) make this point. In an
influential paper, Atkeson and Lucas (1992) have shown the optimality of
zero mobility. Recently, Phelan (2006) and Farhi and Werning (2007)
challenge this result based on the social discount rate exceeding the
private one.
(12.) We have not explicitly considered the growth-enhancing
effects of public education. However, if average ability [bar.h] is
sufficiently low, then in the steady state the stationary average income
in the cross section of the dynasties, [[integral].sub.H]
E([y.sub.i,t+1] |[h.sub.i])d[[PHI].sub.h] (h), is decreasing in [mu],
and the progressivity increases long-run income, which implicitly may be
capturing this realistic feature of public education.
(13.) Note that in both cases [beta] is expressed only as a
function of the deeper parameters of the model.
(14.) VAT taxes rose around 15%, and each of the corporate tax rate
and the top marginal income tax decreased by 17%. Public expenditure for
education as a percentage of gross domestic product (GDP) decreased by
25% between 1975 and 1985 and by 30% by the end of the 1980s.
(15.) In the following Figures we use Corak's most preferred
estimate, but we have verified the robustness of our results using the
median estimate found in the literature. The nine countries are Denmark,
Norway, Finland, Canada, Sweden, Germany, France, the United States, and
the United Kingdom. We also add Japan, Spain, and Australia. Some recent
papers have estimated the intergenerational income elasticity in Italy,
but: (a) the estimates are based on heroic assumptions needed to use
intergenerational income data of low quality; (b) the estimates are
especially high and (c) even using a more conservative value, Italy is
most of the times a major outlier of which we cannot be really
confident. The only variable that seems to explain satisfactorily
Italy's low degree of mobility is the strength of family ties (high
(16.) Conditioning on both determinants, the latter turns out to be
much more strongly associated with mobility than the former (correlation
of -0.43 vs. 0.15).
(17.) In contrast, the correlation of [beta] with total government
spending is -0.05, and the correlation of [beta] with spending on social
expenditures is -0.11. The weakness of these correlations illustrates
that it is educational expenditure, rather than other forms of
government spending (e.g., unemployment insurance, assistance to poor
families, welfare benefits, etc.), that may matter for social mobility.
(18.) In a previous version of the paper we used voter turnout in
elections and union density as additional proxies for p. For all cases
we find correlations between p, [mu], and [beta] that are consistent
with our model.
(19.) Sweden and Germany are the two outliers.
(20.) This finding is robust to the exclusion of outliers.
(21.) One of the few studies that attribute cross-country
differences in mobility to public policies is Corak and Heitz (1999).
The authors conjecture that Canada's progressivity can explain its
higher mobility relative to the United States.
(22.) The index is defined as one minus the probability that two
random persons in some country belong to the same ethnic, linguistic or
racial group.
(23.) The index is due to Alesina and Giuliano (2007). We thank the
authors for providing us with their data.
(24.) These statistics come from Milanovic (2000).
(25.) Bjorklund and Jaintti (1997) hypothesize that common causes
may explain United States's higher intergenerational and
cross-sectional inequality relative to Sweden's. Recently, Hassler,
Rodriguez Mora, and Zeira (2007) argue that inequality and mobility may
be positively correlated if labor market institutions differ
significantly across countries or negatively correlated if educational
subsidies drive the cross-country variation.
(26.) In our model, altruistic fathers invest more in their
children's human capital, holding constant [mu]. However, because
of the log-linear specification, altruism does not enter directly in the
intergenerational transmission equation. See Solon (2004) for a similar
* We would like to thank Alberto Alesina, Giacomo Calzolari, Ed
Glaeser, John Hassler, Larry Katz, Mattia Nardotto, Sevi Rodriguez-Mora,
and seminar participants at C6-Capri, ESSLE-CEPR 2008, Edinburgh
University, Harvard and Sorbonne for useful discussions. We also thank
two anonymous referees for their helpful suggestions.
Ichino: Professor of Economics, University of Bologna, Department
of Economics, Bologna, Italy. Phone (+39) 051-20-98-878 E-mail
[email protected]
Karabarbounis: Assistant Professor of Economics and Neubauer Family
Faculty Fellow, University of Chicago, Booth School of Business,
Chicago, IL. Phone (+01) 773-834-8327 E-mail loukas.karabarbounis@
Moretti: Professor of Economics, University of California-Berkeley,
Department of Economics, Berkeley, CA. Phone (+01) 510-642-6649 E-mail
Classification in Poor, Middle, and Rich Per
Country: WVS Data
Poor (%) Middle (%) Rich (%)
Australia 29 34 37
Canada 31 36 33
Denmark 31 41 28
Finland 33 33 34
France 33 37 30
Germany 39 33 28
Japan 32 36 32
Norway 35 40 25
Spain 30 44 26
Sweden 26 44 31
The United Kingdom 35 35 30
The United States 35 36 29
Average 33 37 30
Notes: Percentages are rounded to sum to 100. The
numbers refer to the full sample from the Four Wave WVS
Data. Actual percentages used in the empirical results may
differ slightly depending on the political variable used.