Trade, geography and the skill premium in U.S. manufacturing.
Francis, John ; Zheng, Yuqing
The discernible increase in wage inequality in developed countries
over the past several decades has been a topic of considerable interest
in both the international trade and labor economics literatures. A
number of studies have identified at least some role for international
trade in these increasing wage disparities. (1) Recent contributions to
the New Economic Geography literature by Head and Mayer (2006), Hanson
(2005), Mion (2004), and Redding and Venables (2004) have emphasized the
influence of the geography of trade on wages, suggesting that countries
(or regions) with access to larger markets have higher wages. In this
paper, we unite these two strands of the literature by developing a
model that examines whether the wage increases attributed to access to
larger markets are non-neutral.
Redding and Venables (2004), henceforth RV, develop a structural
model of trade relating access to larger markets to per capita incomes.
They estimate a generalized gravity equation using world trade data to
construct empirical proxies for market and supplier access. These are
trade cost weighted measures of export demand and import supply,
respectively, that take into account the geographical distribution of
trade flows. Market access measures the size of the market that can be
reached by firms positioned in a given country. Supplier access measures
the ease at which firms in a given country can acquire intermediate
inputs. RV show that per capita incomes are increasing in both of these
measures. Their model, however, does not differentiate between labor
types and therefore does not address the issue of whether market access
has different influences on skilled workers and unskilled workers. There
is a good reason to believe that the wage increases attributed to market
and supplier access would be non-neutral across both skill groups and
industries. First, a number of recent theoretical contributions
demonstrate a positive relationship between market size and the skill
premium. Epifani and Gancia (2006, 2008) show that in the context of a
new trade model scale itself is skilled biased under very reasonable
assumptions, and they provide supporting empirical evidence. In
addition, the New Economic Geography models of Epifani (2005) and Amiti
(2005), which explicitly account for factor endowment differences
between countries, suggest that the forward and backward linkages
provided by agglomeration exacerbate the Stolper-Samuelson Effect,
leading to relative wages that overshoot the values that would be
observed in the absence of such linkages. Second, Redding and Schott
(2003) provide empirical evidence, suggesting that in countries with
higher values of market and supplier access individuals have greater
incentive to invest in skills, leading to a higher return to education
and a larger skill premium. And third, as Feenstra and Hanson (1999),
henceforth FH, demonstrate, if production is fragmented, changes in the
parameters of the production function over time can shift the
composition of activities that are performed abroad in a given industry,
leading to non-neutral effects on productivity and factor prices.
Countries and industries with better access to overseas production
activities, that is, larger levels of supplier access, would be more
likely to observe such changes.
In this paper, we augment the methodology in RV to examine the
relationship between market and supplier access and the skill premium in
U.S. manufacturing industries. Our analysis differs from RV in two
principal ways. First, we develop a model that relates market and
supplier access to value added prices rather than to wages. This is the
natural generalization to a model with more than one internationally
immobile factor of production. Second, we use industries as our unit of
analysis rather than countries. An industry-level analysis allows us to
gauge the effects of market and supplier access on industry value added
prices which we can then decompose into mandated factor price
Our empirics apply a three-stage estimation procedure. In the first
stage, we use a generalized gravity specification to generate proxies
for changes in market and supplier access for a cross section of U.S.
manufacturing industries between 1984 and 1996. In the second and third
stages, we employ the FH mandated wage method to account for the role
that these changes have on relative factor returns. We find that changes
in market and supplier access have positively impacted value added
prices leading to an increase in the skill premium. Growth in these
measures can account for around 5% of the increase in the skill premium
over the sample period.
The paper is organized as follows. Section II presents a model
relating market and supplier access to value added prices. Section III
develops our empirical framework. Section IV discusses our empirical
results. Section V concludes.
Consider a world that has many industries indexed by i and many
countries indexed by j. Final products are differentiated and are
produced using internationally immobile primary inputs (e.g., skilled
labor, unskilled labor, capital) and intermediates, some of which are
imported, in a monopolistically competitive environment. All consumers
are assumed to have identical homothetic preferences over aggregates of
the varieties available in each industry. Each industry's aggregate
takes the constant elasticity of substitution (CES) form
where [n.sub.ik] is the number of industry i varieties produced in
country k, [x.sub.ikj] is country j's demand for a single industry
i variety produced in country k, and [sigma] > 1 is the elasticity of
substitution between varieties. (2) Because there is a CES between
varieties and all consumers have identical preferences, the output and
price of each variety will be identical in equilibrium. Let [p.sub.ik]
be the price of an industry i variety produced in country k. The price
of an industry i variety produced in country k and consumed in country j
is [p.sub.ik][T.sub.ikj], where [T.sub.ikj] > 1 is the iceberg trade
cost of shipping the good from country k to country j; in order for one
unit of the good to arrive at its destination more than one unit must be
shipped as part of the good melts away in transport. This results in the
following price index over industry i varieties in country j
(2) [G.sub.i]j = [[summation over
(k)][n.sub.ik][([p.sub.ik][T.sub.ikj]).sup.1-[sigma]]].sup.1/(1 -
In most models of trade, expenditure is considered to be endogenous and depends on the structure of preferences, technology, and endowments
in each country. Following RV, we take expenditure to be exogenous to
facilitate our empirics. Given the CES aggregate in each industry,
country j demand for individual industry i varieties produced in country
k is
(3) [x.sub.ikj] = [p.sub.ik.sup.-[sigma]][E.sub.ij]
where [E.sub.ij] is country j expenditure on industry i products.
Equation (3) gives the quantity of bilateral trade for a particular
variety. It will be more useful to express bilateral exports as values
rather than quantities. The value of industry i exports from country k
to country j satisfy
(4) [n.sub.ik][p.sub.ik][x.sub.ikj] =
We can simplify this expression by first defining the market
capacity of industry i in country j as
(5) [m.sub.ij] = [E.sub.ij] [G.sub.ij.sup.[sigma]-1].
Market capacity identifies the position of the demand curve facing
an industry i firm in country j. Second, define the supply capacity of
industry i in country k as
(6) [s.sub.ik] = [n.sub.ik][p.sub.ik.sup.1-[sigma]].
Supply capacity captures the number of firms and their
competitiveness as measured by prices. Combining Equations (4)-(6) gives
(7) [n.sub.ik][p.sub.ik][x.sub.ikj] =
Equation (7) states that the value of bilateral exports from
country k to country j in a given industry is a function of the supply
capacity of the exporting country, trade costs, and the market capacity
of the importing country. This relationship is similar to a gravity
equation in that trade flows depend on three empirically viable factors.
[F.sub.i]rst, they depend on exporting country effects (supply capacity)
which can be empirically captured by an exporter dummy variable. Second,
they depend on importing country effects (market capacity) which can be
empirically captured by an importing country dummy variable. And third,
they depend on trade costs which can be captured using standard gravity
model variables, for example, bilateral distances, border effects.
Production of industry i varieties in country j requires the use of
a composite input of primary factors and intermediates. Let [Z.sub.ij]
be a vector of primary inputs, that is, skilled labor, unskilled labor,
capital, and let [F.sub.i]([Z.sub.ij]) be a linearly homogeneous,
industry-specific production function. Production of industry i
varieties in country j follows
(8) f + [m.sub.xij] =
where f, m >0, [x.sub.ij] is output and 0 < [alpha] < 1.
The right-hand side of Equation (8) is a Cobb-Douglas composite input of
primary inputs and intermediates where [alpha] is the intermediate
expenditure share. We assume that the composite input is purchased in a
perfectly competitive factor market. Equation (8) states that production
requires a fixed (f) and a marginal (m) input of the composite.
Note that by assumption there are no interindustry input linkages
in production. Both FH and Hijzen (2007) identify two potential types of
outsourcing: narrow outsourcing occurs within industries and
differential outsourcing occurs between industries. Both studies find
little effect of differential outsourcing on the skill premium and
significant effects of narrow outsourcing. Our assumption of no
interindustry linkages is more in line with narrow outsourcing.
Furthermore, it has been shown in the New Economic Geography literature
that interindustry linkages have little effect on the model's
outcome as long as intraindustry linkages are stronger than
interindustry linkages. (3) It is also important to note that the
[F.sub.i](x) in Equation (8) can be interpreted as value added as
[Q.sub.ij] represents intermediate goods in production. (4) As a result,
the unit cost associated with [F.sub.i](x) is the value added price in
industry i and country j.
Equation (8) implies that the total cost function for an industry i
firm in country j is
(9) [TC.sub.ij] = [c.sub.ij.sup.1-[alpha]][G.sup.[alpha].sub.ij](f
+ [mx.sub.ij])
where [c.sub.ij] is the country j unit cost function associated
with the production composite [F.sub.i](x). Note that this unit cost
function depends on the prices of the primary factors [Z.sub.ij]; this
dependence is omitted from the notation for simplicity. Because
competition is monopolistically competitive, firms will maximize profits
by setting prices ([sigma] - 1)/[sigma] over marginal cost. After
choosing units of measurement such that m = ([sigma] - 1)/[sigma] the
price of an industry i variety produced in country j is
(10) [p.sub.ij] = [c.sub.ij.sup.1-[alpha]][G.sub.ij.sup.[alpha]]
New firms will enter the market until profits equal zero. Setting
price equal to average cost and solving for the firm's output shows
that each firm will have the same fixed scale of production
(11) [bar.x] = f [sigma]
We can now characterize market clearing for industry i varieties in
each country. Using Equations (3) and (11), the total demand for all
sector i varieties in country j satisfies
(12) [c.sub.ij.sup.(1-[alpha])[sigma]][G.sub.ij.sup.[alpha][sigma]]
f [sigma] = [summation over (k)][E.sub.ik]
Equation (12) has become known in the New Economic Geography
literature as the wage equation as so named by Fujita, Krugman, and
Venables (1999). However, in this more general model it is more a
relationship of value added prices than of wages. Equation (12) can be
simplified with two additional definitions. The market access of
industry i in country j is defined as the distance weighted sum of the
market capacities of all countries
(13) M [A.sub.ij] = [summation over
A larger value for market access reflects larger demand for country
j's industry i output. Market access, then, can be considered a
measure of the size of the market for country j firms. Similarly,
supplier access is defined as the distance weighted sum of the supply
capacities of all countries
(14) S [A.sub.ij] = [summation over
= [summation over (k)] [G.sub.ik.sup.[sigma]-1]
A larger value for supplier access reflects greater supply of
industry i inputs from the rest of the world. (5) Combining Equations
(12)-(14) and rearranging allow the wage equation to be written as:
(15) [c.sub.ij] = [(f [sigma]).sup.[sigma]/[alpha]-1]
Equation (15) states that industries with higher values of market
and supplier access have higher value added prices. For our empirical
work it is more useful to express the wage equation in log differences
over time. Assuming that the elasticity of substitution and the
expenditure share on intermediates is constant over time,
differentiating Equation (15) with respect to time yields
(16) [DELTA] ln [c.sub.ij] = [[beta].sub.1] [DELTA] ln S[A.sub.ij]
+ [[beta].sub.2][DELTA] ln M[A.sub.ij]
where [[beta].sub.1] = [alpha]/(1 - [alpha])(1 - [sigma]) and
[[beta].sub.2] = 1/[sigma](1 [alpha]) are positive constants. This
equation suggests that industries with higher growth in market and
supplier access have higher growth in value added prices. If changes in
market and supplier access affect value added prices then the
Stolper-Samuelson Theorem, working through the [F.sub.i](x), predicts
that factor prices will also be affected. This equation is the basis for
the second and third stages of the empirical estimation in the
In order to gauge the effects that growth in market and supplier
access have on factor returns we must relate Equation (16) to primary
factor prices. FH propose a two-step estimator to accomplish this goal.
Once a set of structural variables that are purported to affect value
added prices is identified, their procedure allows one to obtain
estimates of the factor price adjustments mandated by changes in each
structural variable over time. Equation (16) motivates the inclusion of
market and supplier access as structural variables in such an
The following outlines our application of the FH procedure. The
unit cost function associated with the composite of primary factors,
that is, the value added price, is
(17) [c.sub.i] = [summation over (z)] [a.sub.iz][w.sub.iz]
where [a.sub.izj] is the unit factor z requirement in industry i,
and [w.sub.izj] is the wage paid to factor z in industry i. Note that
the country j (subscript) has been removed because our application of
the second and third stages uses only U.S. data. Changes in prices over
time reflect not only changes in factor prices but also changes in
productivity. Furthermore, factors are mobile across industries over
time so factor prices will equate across industries. The empirical
implementation of Equation (17) expressed in log differences is
(18) [DELTA] ln [c.sub.ij] = -[TFP.sub.i] + [summation over (z)]
[V.sub.iz][bar.[DELTA] ln [w.sub.z]] + [[epsilon].sub.i]
where [[epsilon].sub.i] is an i.i.d, error term, [V.sub.iz] is the
factor z cost share in industry i, [TFP.sub.i] is the total factor
productivity in industry i, and the overbar represents an economy-wide
average. This equation relates the changes in value added prices to the
changes in economy-wide factor prices. Equation (18) suggests that
changes in value added prices are affected not only by the changes in
factor prices but also by productivity growth. (6) FH examine the error
term in this equation more closely and show that the proper
specification of Equation (18) is
(19) [DELTA] ln [c.sub.ij] = [ETFP.sub.ij] = [summation over
(z)][V.sub.iz][bar.[DELTA] ln [w.sub.z]]
where total factor productivity has been replaced with effective
total factor productivity ([ETFP.sub.i]) and moved to the left-hand side of the estimating equation. (7) Note that Equation (19) is an identity.
Hence, estimation of Equation (19) has no meaningful empirical
application. To address this problem FH suggest a two-step procedure.
The assumption that changes in value added prices and productivity over
time are driven by a set of structural variables, [H.sub.i], gives a
first step regression
(20) [DELTA] ln [c.sub.ij] = [ETFP.sub.ij] = [[beta].sub.0] +
[[beta].sub.1][H.sub.i] + [[mu].sub.i]
where [[mu].sub.i] is an i.i.d, error term. The estimated
coefficients from Equation (20) determine the predicted contribution of
each structural variable to growth in value added price plus ETFP. If
improvements in productivity as a result of the changes in the
structural variables are perfectly passed through to prices the
coefficient [[beta].sub.1] in Equation (20) should not be significantly
different from zero. A positive coefficient suggests that changes in the
[H.sub.ij] have a further impact on prices over and above their impact
on total factor productivity. Hence, the estimation of Equation (20) is
a test of whether the structural variables have a non-neutral effect on
prices and productivity.
In the second step, the predicted values from stage 1 are regressed
on factor cost shares to determine the factor price changes mandated by
the price changes attributed to each structural variable. Let
[[??].sub.1] be the estimated coefficient from the estimation of
Equation (20). The second step is
(21) [[??].sub.1][H.sub.ij] = [[gamma].sub.zj][summation over
(z)][V.sub.zj] + [[zeta].sub.ij]
where [[zeta].sub.i] is an i.i.d, error term. The estimated
coefficients from Equation (21) give the mandated factor price
adjustments resulting from the price and productivity changes attributed
to each structural variable.
A. Three-Stage Estimation Procedure
To test whether growth in market and supplier access have
non-neutral effects on factor prices we apply a three-stage estimation.
In stage 1, following RV, we estimate a generalized gravity equation to
generate proxies for market and supplier access at two points in time.
Our second and third stages then apply the FH two-step procedure. In
stage 2, changes in value added prices plus ETFP are regressed on
changes in market and supplier access. In stage 3, the predicted values
from stage 2 are regressed on factor cost shares to determine how
changes in market and supplier access have contributed to changes in
factor returns over the sample period.
The first stage of the estimation is to obtain empirical estimates
consistent with Equation (7). We perform this estimation using data from
two different time periods, which allows us to construct empirical
proxies for market and supplier access at two points in time. Time
subscripts are omitted for simplicity. The empirical implementation of
Equation (7) is
where [X.sub.ijk] is the value of country j's industry i
exports to country k, [rep.sub.j] is an exporting country fixed effect,
[part.sub.k] is an importing country fixed effect, [distj.sub.k] is the
distance between the capital cities of country j and country k,
[bordj.sub.k] is a dummy variable indicating whether country j and
country k share a common border, [colony.sub.jk] is a dummy variable
indicating a colonial link between country j and country k,
[legal.sub.jk] is a dummy variable indicating whether country j and
country k share a common legal system, and [v.sub.ijk] is a stochastic error term. Note that Equation (22) is very similar to a gravity
specification where importer and exporter gross domestic product (GDP)
are replaced with importer and exporter dummy variables. Equation (22)
differs from RV in that all coefficients vary across industries. We
follow Bergstrand (1989), and estimate a separate regression for each
The coefficients resulting from the estimation of Equation (22)
provide empirical proxies for market and supplier access
where "hats" represent estimated coefficients. The first
terms in brackets in both Equations (23) and (24) are the domestic
portions of market and supplier access and include an internal measure
of trade costs ([T.sub.ijj]). We follow RV using [dist.sub.ijj] = 0.67
[(area/[pi])].sup.1/2] to proxy internal distances. This gives the
average distance between two points within a country assuming that the
country is circular. We then proxy internal trade costs as:
Note that relative to external distances the coefficient on
internal distance is halved. This is meant to capture that internal
trade costs are lower than external trade costs.
The second and third stages of the estimation procedure take the
log changes of market and supplier access from stage 1 and apply them to
the estimation of Equations (20) and (21). The second stage estimating
equation is then
(26) [DELTA] ln [c.sub.i] + [ETFP.sub.i] = [[beta].sub.0] +
[[beta].sub.1][DELTA] ln [[??].sub.i] + [[beta].sub.2][DELTA] ln
[[??].sub.i] + [[beta].sub.2][[LAMBDA].sub.i] + [[mu].sub.i]
where [[LAMBDA].sub.i] is a vector of additional controls. In RV,
market and supplier access are highly collinear with a correlation
coefficient between the two proxies of 0.88. For this reason they
estimate two separate regressions, one for market access and one for
supplier access. While this seems reasonable at the aggregate level of
analysis it is not apparent that the same collinearity would exist at a
more disaggregated level. However, our data show that the log changes in
our proxies for market and supplier access are still significantly
collinear. (8) For this reason we follow their methodology and estimate
two separate stage 2 regressions.
In the third stage, we regress the implied price changes attributed
to each structural variable on factor cost shares
(27) [[??].sub.1][[??].sub.i] = [[gamma].sub.z][summation over
(z)][V.sub.iz] + [[zeta].sub.i]
(28) [[??].sub.2][[??].sub.i] = [[theta].sub.z][summation over
(z)][V.sub.iz] + [[xi].sub.i]
The estimated coefficients from Equations (27) and (28) give the
mandated factor price responses to the price and productivity changes
attributed to growth in market and supplier access.
B. Data and Estimation Issues
Our data span from 1984 to 1996. For the stage 1 gravity equation
we use trade data for 103 countries from the NBER World Trade Flows
Database which gives bilateral exports for each country by 4-digit
Standard International Trade Classification (SITC), Revision 2. Table 1
shows a list of the countries included in our analysis. We chose 1984 as
our initial period because the trade data is more complete from 1984
onward which gives a larger number of usable observations. Recent
empirical works by Helpman, Melitz, and Rubinstein (2008), Manova
(2006), and Melitz and Cunat (2007) suggest that trade flows are
volatile over time. To account for this we smooth trade flows by
averaging over 3-year intervals. Our initial time period averages trade
flows over the period from 1984 to 1986, and our later time period
averages trade flows over the period from 1994 to 1996. All of our trade
data were deflated using the U.S. GDP deflator.
We use data on bilateral distances, border classifications, and
colonial links from the CEPII distance file. (9) The common legal system
variable comes from Helpman et al. (2008). (10) For the second- and
third-stage regressions we use averaged data for the same years listed
earlier from the NBER Industry Productivity Database, (11) which has
data on factor payments and prices by 4-digit 1987 SIC categories. These
data terminate in 1996, which is why we chose this as the final year in
our sample. The production data were deflated using the appropriate
deflators provided with the data. If an appropriate deflator was not
available we used the U.S. GDP deflator. It is important to note that FH
do not deflate their production data. Hence, their estimation predicts
changes in nominal factor prices while our estimation predicts changes
in real factor prices. The trade and production data use different
industry coding systems. In order to match up the first-stage estimation
with the latter two stages we follow Melitz and Cunat (2007) and concord
the trade data to 1987 export SIC codes. (12) We then concord the NBER
Productivity Data to match the export SICs and perform all of our
analysis at this level of disaggregation. After dropping industries for
which there was either missing or incomplete data, we have a sample of
1,876,621 trade flows for 387 export SIC sectors for each of the two
time periods.
In our control variables we include other factors that may have
contributed to increases in value added price plus ETFP. We include the
log change in the R&D intensity to account for technological change.
These data are available from the National Science Foundation. (13)
Union coverage may also affect productivity and prices. (14) To capture
these potential effects we also include data on union coverage densities
by industry from Hirsch and MacPherson (2003). These data are available
by the CIC codes used in the Current Population Survey. These, as well
as our other control variables, were concorded to the export-based SIC
codes using the value of shipments in the NBER Productivity Database as
Following FH and Hijzen (2007) we also include a set of
interactions to capture the heterogeneity of changes in the structural
variables across industries. The elasticity of substitution, [sigma],
may differ across industries. As this can be interpreted as an inverse indicator of market power, we interact all variables with the
industry's four-firm concentration ratio to allow the effects of
each variable to affect prices and productivity in highly concentrated
industries differently than in less concentrated industries. These data
are from the 1987 Census of Manufactures at the U.S. Census Bureau; 1987
is roughly the midpoint of our data. Following Hijzen (2007) we also
include interactions of all variables with a measure of factor intensity
to capture that changes in each variable may affect unskilled labor
intensive industries differently than skilled labor intensive
industries. We define factor intensity as the ratio of the average share
of unskilled workers to that of skilled workers over the two time
periods in the sample. This is readily calculated using the NBER data.
Table 2 shows summary statistics for the variables used in the second-
and third-stage regressions.
Recent contributions to the literature on estimation of the gravity
equation have shown that ignoring the problem of zero trade observations
can result in severely biased estimates. As our data are relatively
disaggregated we have a large proportion of zero observations making
this problem of special concern. (15) To deal with this problem we
present three sets of results for our first-stage estimation. First, we
estimate in logs by ordinary least squares (OLS) using the log of 0.1
plus the trade flow as our dependent variable; second we estimate using
Poisson pseudo maximum likelihood (PPML) as suggested by Santos-Silva
and Tenreyro (2007); and finally we estimate the Eaton and Tamura (1994)
Tobit model (henceforth ET Tobit).
There are a number of observations in the trade data for which
there is zero trade for one of the two time periods and positive trade
for the other. In order for our estimates from the 1984-1986 period to
be comparable to the estimates from the 1994-1996 period we must have
the same number of observations and the same vector of regressors within
each industry. Including observations for which there are zero trade
flows in one period but not the other would mean including a different
set of importer and exporter dummies across time rendering market and
supplier access proxies incomparable over time. We include only those
observations that are either positive or zero in both time periods.
As the second-stage regressions involve generated regressors,
standard OLS errors are invalid. To correct this problem we bootstrap the standard errors using 1,000 bootstrap replications. (16,17) The
third-stage regressions contain generated regressands, and, again, OLS
errors are invalid. FH suggest a procedure to correct the standard
errors in this situation. However, Dumont et al. (2005) suggest that
this correction is negatively biased and propose an unbiased correction.
We present results using both corrections.
We estimated the first-stage gravity equation for each of the 387
industries in both time periods by each of the three estimation
techniques described earlier. All were estimated with robust standard
errors. Table 3 reports the average coefficients across all industries
weighted by each industry's share of world trade. In parentheses
below each average coefficient is a pair indicating respectively the
proportion of the coefficients in all 387 regressions that were positive
and statistically significant at the 10% level and the proportion of the
coefficients that were negative and statistically significant at the 10%
level. Table 3 also shows the average predicted log change in market and
supplier access for each specification; standard deviations are shown in
parentheses below each average. These are weighted by the value of
shipments in each industry from the NBER Productivity Database. The
final row shows the correlation between growth in market access and
growth in supplier access for each specification.
The results of the first-stage estimates are largely as expected.
Nearly all of the distance coefficients are negative and statistically
significant. The border, colonial tie, and common legal system
coefficients are primarily positive and statistically significant.
However, the magnitude of the coefficients and their trends over time
vary from specification to specification. The estimates of the distance
coefficient are significantly smaller in absolute value in the PPML
specification compared to either the OLS or ET-Tobit models. This is
consistent with the findings by Santos-Silva and Tenreyro (2007) using
aggregate trade data. The OLS and ET-Tobit estimates suggest that the
average distance coefficient is getting more negative over time. This is
consistent with the evidence in the study by Berthelon and Freund
(2008). The average border coefficient is at least slightly increasing
over time in all three specifications. However, the magnitude of the
estimates is considerably smaller with the ET-Tobit model. The average
colonial link coefficient is decreasing over time in all three
specifications, suggesting that colonial ties are becoming less
important for trade. However, the average PPML estimate is considerably
smaller compared to the other two specifications. The average legal
system coefficient is decreasing over time using the PPML and ET-Tobit
results while the OLS results predict the opposite. In addition, the
PPML coefficients are significantly smaller than the other two
specifications. Finally, all three specifications predict an increase in
the average constant term over time. The evidence by Buch, Kleinert, and
Toubal (2004) suggests that this is indicative of distance becoming more
important over time. All three specifications predict significant growth
in both market and supplier access over time with somewhat higher growth
in supplier access compared to market access.
The tables that follow present the second- and third-stage
estimates using the proxies of market and supplier access from all three
sets of first-stage regressions. The results are similar across
specifications so we will confine our discussion to those generated
using the first-stage ET-Tobit estimates (columns (5) and (6) in each
table). Tables 4 and 5 show the results from our second-stage
regressions. Table 4 presents the results of the stage 2 estimation
involving market access while Table 5 presents the results involving
supplier access. In each of these tables we present two sets of results.
The odd numbered columns show the second-stage results omitting control
variables, whereas the even numbered columns include all controls.
In Table 4, the coefficient on market access is positive and
significant at the 5% level or better in both regressions. The
interaction between the log change in market access and the four-firm
concentration ratio is positive in column (5) and negative in column
(6). However, the magnitude of the estimates is very small and neither
shows statistical significance. These results suggest that there is very
little evidence that market access affects prices and productivity in
highly concentrated industries differently than in unconcentrated
industries. The interaction between the log change in market access and
factor intensity is negative and statistically significant at the 5%
level or better in both specifications. These results suggest that
growth in market access has a more profound effect on prices and
productivity in skilled labor intensive industries relative to unskilled
labor intensive industries. The coefficients on growth in R&D
intensity are positive and significant at the 1% level. And there is
some evidence that these effects are smaller in concentrated industries,
but very little evidence that growth in R&D intensity affects value
added prices and productivity differently based on factor intensity.
Finally, the union coverage density coefficients are, in general,
In Table 5, the coefficient on supplier access is positive and
significant at the 1% level in both regressions. The interaction between
the log change in supplier access and the four-firm concentration ratio
is again very small and in general insignificant. These results suggest
that, as with market access, there is little evidence that supplier
access affects prices and productivity in highly concentrated industries
differently than in unconcentrated industries. The interaction between
the log change in supplier access and factor intensity is negative and
statistically significant at the 1% level in both specifications. These
results provide strong evidence that growth in supplier access has a
more profound effect on prices and productivity in skilled labor
intensive industries relative to unskilled labor intensive industries.
The coefficients on growth in R&D intensity are positive and
significant at the 5% level. And there is evidence that these effects
are smaller in concentrated industries given that the interactions
between growth in R&D intensity and the four-firm concentration
ratio are negative and significant at the 10% level. There is very
little evidence that growth in R&D intensity affects value added
prices and productivity differently based on factor intensity as the
interactions of growth in R&D intensity with factor intensity are
insignificant. Finally, the union coverage density coefficients are, in
general, insignificant with the exception of their interaction with the
four-firm concentration ratio, which are negative and significant at the
1% level.
The results in Tables 4 and 5 suggest that growth in access to
larger markets, whether it be in product markets or input markets, has
non-neutral effects on value added prices and productivity. This is
largely consistent with the model presented in Section II. This would
then suggest that, via the Stolper-Samuelson Effect, changes in market
and supplier access should have effects on the skill premium. Although
our estimation is somewhat different from RV, it is evident that our
coefficients on market and supplier access are significantly smaller in
magnitude compared to their study. One possible explanation for this is
that RV use cross-country data on wages which, in general, have greater
variation than cross-industry wage data from a single country, resulting
in larger estimates. Furthermore, it is likely that market and supplier
access have less variation across industries than across countries as in
the work by RV. The final stage of the estimation takes the changes in
value added prices and ETFP attributed to growth in market and supplier
access and decomposes them into their mandated factor price changes to
give an estimate of how access to larger markets has affected the skill
premium over the sample period.
Tables 6 and 7 show the results from the stage 3 regressions. Table
6 shows the stage 3 results using the predicted values from the market
access regressions summarized in Table 4, and Table 7 shows the stage 3
results using the predicted values from the supplier access regressions
summarized in Table 5. Each column in Tables 6 and 7 use the results
from the corresponding columns in Tables 4 and 5. Errors shown in
parentheses use the Dumont et al. (2005) correction, and errors in
brackets use the FH correction. All regressions are weighted by the
average value of shipments in each industry between the two time
periods. The difference in the coefficients on the skilled and unskilled
factor cost shares represents the percentage increase in the wage gap
caused by each structural variable. The final two rows show the
predicted change in the skill premium and the percentage of the actual
change in the skill premium over the sample period explained by each
structural variable.
First consider the stage 3 market access regressions in Table 6.
Both regressions suggest that the changes in prices plus ETFP resulting
from growth in market access mandates an increase in the skilled wage at
the 5% level or better. Both specifications suggest that growth in
market access has increased the skill premium. The estimates suggest
that growth in market access can explain up to 5.25% of the growth in
the skill premium over the sample period. Next consider the supplier
access results in Table 7. Both specifications suggest that the changes
in prices plus ETFP resulting from growth in supplier access mandate an
increase in the skilled wage and a decrease in the unskilled wage at the
10% level of significance or better. Both specifications predict that
growth in supplier access has increased capital returns at the 5% level
of significance. These results are then somewhat stronger than the
market access results in that there are no mandated factor price
adjustments that are statistically insignificant. Both specifications
then suggest that growth in supplier access has increased the skill
premium. The estimates suggest that growth in market access can explain
up to 5.28% of the growth in the skill premium over the sample period.
Recent contributions to the literature in trade and geography have
demonstrated that access to larger markets has a positive effect on
wages. However, very little work has been performed to examine whether
these increases are neutral across skill groups. In this paper, we
develop a model that relates industry-level growth in access to larger
markets to industry-level growth in value added prices and then
empirically test whether increased access to larger markets has
non-neutral effects on prices and productivity and, therefore, has an
impact on the skill premium. Following RV, we develop a theoretical
model suggesting that both market access, a measure of the size of the
market facing a firm located in a given country, and supplier access, a
measure of the ease of acquiring inputs for a firm located in a given
country, are positively correlated with value added prices. We then
combine this with empirical mandated wage approach to determine whether
changes in these measures mandate a statistically significant change in
the skill premium over the period from 1984 to 1996.
Our results suggest that growth in both market and supplier access
has positive and primarily statistically significant effects on prices
plus ETFP over the sample period. We find evidence that these effects
are more pronounced in skilled labor intensive industries; however, we
find little evidence that market concentration influences these effects.
Because market and supplier access growth is collinear we performed two
separate sets of mandated wage estimates. We find that growth in market
access mandates an increase in the skilled wage across all of our
econometric specifications and a decrease in the unskilled wage across
most of our specifications. We find that growth in supplier access
mandates an increase in the skilled wage and a decrease in the unskilled
wage across all of our econometric specifications. The mandated increase
in the skill premium resulting from growth in market and supplier
accesses is up to 5.25% and 5.28% respectively of the actual change in
the skill premium over the sample period. It is important to note that
as growth in market and supplier access is highly collinear it is
difficult to separate the impact of each on inequality. Hence, it would
be inappropriate to conclude that growth in market and supplier access
each explain around 5% of the change in the skill premium over the
sample period. However, our results do suggest that growth in access to
larger markets, whether those be in final goods or input markets, does
have a significant impact on the skill premium.
Our results highlight that geography not only shapes aggregate
national incomes but also has consequences for the distribution of
income. While better access to larger markets is positively correlated
with overall incomes as shown by RV we demonstrate that access to larger
markets is also positively correlated with income inequality. However,
the increase in inequality attributed to access to larger markets is
rather small relative to the overall increase in income inequality and
is not much different than many estimates of trade's overall effect
on inequality. While geography plays some role in shaping inequality it
is by no means a primary role.
CES: Constant Elasticity of Substitution
ETFP: Effective Total Factor Productivity
GDP: Gross Domestic Product
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(1.) See Baldwin and Cain (2000), Baldwin and Hilton (1984),
Feenstra and Hanson (1999), Haskel and Slaughter (2001), Hijzen (2007),
Learner (1998), and Sachs and Shatz (1994).
(2.) It is possible that [sigma] may vary across industries. We
address this possibility in the empirics in the following.
(3.) See Fujita et al. (1999) and Krugman and Venables (1996).
(4.) See Sims (1969).
(5.) Note that both market and supplier access have domestic
components as country j is included in the sums in Equations (14) and
(6.) This specification has been at the heart of a number of
empirical studies linking trade and wage inequality. For example, see
Baldwin and Cain (2000), Baldwin and Hilton (1984), Feenstra and Hanson
(1999), Haskel and Slaughter (2001), Hijzen (2007), Learner (1998), and
Sachs and Shatz (1994).
(7.) Effective total factor productivity is defined as
[ETFP.sub.ij] = [summation over (z)][V.sub.iz][bar.[DELTA] ln
[w.sub.zj]] - [DELTA] ln [c.sub.ij], where the over-bar signifies the
economy wide average. For more on this see FH.
(8.) The correlation between the log changes in market and supplier
access differs depending on our first-stage specification but is as high
as 0.813. To further explore collinearity we ran auxiliary regressions
of the log change in market access on the other explanatory variables
which generated [R.sup.2] significantly larger than that of our
second-stage regression containing both variables indicating that
collinearity is present.
(9.) These data is available at
(10.) These data are available at www.economics.harvard.
(11.) Bartlesman, Becker, and Gray (2000).
(12.) The export SIC codes differ from the standard SIC codes
because some SIC classifications cannot be observed at the border. See
Feenstra, Romalis, and Schott (2002) for a detailed discussion.
(13.) These data are available on the web from the NSF's
Industrial Research & Development Information System (IRIS), Specifically, we use the data from Table
H-2, Company R&D funds as a percent of net sales in
R&D-performing companies, by industry and size of company:
(14.) See Doucouliagos and Laroche (2003).
(15.) The proportion of zeros in our data varies by industry but
ranges from 75% to 91%. Overall 80% of our observations are zero. For a
discussion of the issue of zero trade flows in the gravity equation see
Helpman et al. (2008), Martin and Pham (2008), Martinez-Zaroso,
Nowak-Lehman, and Vollmer (2009), and Santos Silva and Tenreyro (2007,
(16.) RV, following Pagan (1984), use a more complex bootstrapping method. They resample trade flow observations from the first stage,
calculate market and supplier access based on the resample, and then
perform the second-stage regression. This is feasible because there is a
single first-stage regression. Our market and supplier access
calculations combine the results of 774 first-stage regressions making
this more complex procedure infeasible.
(17.) We used Stata to perform the second-stage regressions which
does not permit weights with the bootstrap option. We manually weighted
the data and then ran a bootstrap estimation on the manually weighted
* The authors would like to thank seminar participants at the
University of Arkansas, the 2007 Annual Meeting of the Southern Economic
Association and the Fall 2008 Meeting of the Midwest International
Economics Group for their valuable input. We would also like to thank
Otis Gilley for his insight in working through some nontrivial economic
Francis: Assistant Professor, Department of Economics &
Finance, College of Business, Louisiana Tech University, Ruston, LA
71272. Phone 318-257-2917, Fax 318-257-4253, E-mail
[email protected]
Zheng: Research Associate, Department of Applied Economics and
Management, Cornell University, Ithaca, NY 14853. Phone 607-592-9955,
Fax 607-254-4335, E-mail
[email protected]
doi: 10.1111/j.1465-7295.2010.00351.x
List of Countries Used in the First-Stage Gravity Estimation
Burkina Faso
Central African Rep.
China HK SAR
Costa Rica
Cote D'Ivoire
Dem. Rep. Congo
Dominican Rep
El Salvador
Guinea Bissau
Korea Rep.
The Netherlands
New Zealand
Saudi Arabia
Sierra Leone
South Africa
Sri Lanka
Trinidad and Tobago
The United Kingdom
The United States
Notes: Germany was not yet reunified in the 1984-1986 time period.
For comparison to the later time period we aggregated
the 1984-1986 trade flows for East and West Germany.
Summary Statistics for Stages 2 and 3
Variable Mean Deviation
[DELTA]log real unskilled wage -0.0037 --
[DELTA]log real skilled wage 0.1050 --
[DELTA]log value added prices + ETFP 0.1432 0.0681
[DELTA]log R&D intensity -0.0118 0.2753
[DELTA]log union coverage density -0.2614 0.2288
Four-firm concentration ratio 40.2249 22.4791
Factor intensity 1.8830 1.2135
Average skilled labor share 0.0694 0.0470
Average unskilled labor share 0.0933 0.0494
Average capital share 0.2836 0.1368
Note: All averages are weighted by the average value of
shipments between the two time periods in each industry.
Summary of First-Stage Estimations
1984-1986 1994-1996
In distance -1.2517 -1.4152
(0.0, 99.2) (0.0, 99.5)
Border 0.6406 0.6767
(78.6, 0.0) (76.2, 0.0)
Colony 1.5497 1.5434
(95.1, 0.0) (95.6, 0.0)
Legal system 0.4228 0.4569
(84.8, 0.3) (85.0, 0.0)
Constant 16.2424 18.2943
(99.2,0.3) (99.2, 0.3)
Observations 5,969 5,969
Number of industries 387 387
[DELTA] ln market access 0.9589 (0.5107)
[DELTA] ln supplier access 1.2032 (0.6040)
Corr [DELTA] In MA--A ln SA 0.6069
1984-1986 1994-1996
In distance -0.8492 -0.8414
(0.0, 97.9) (1.0, 96.9)
Border 0.6503 0.6644
(87.6, 0.5) (91.7, 0.3)
Colony 0.1018 -0.1081
(39.5, 1.8) (20.2, 8.5)
Legal system 0.2484 0.1753
(61.2, 3.1) (58.4, 2.8)
Constant 14.0658 14.9695
(98.2, 0.0) (98.4, 0.0)
Observations 5,969 5,969
Number of industries 387 387
[DELTA] ln market access 0.7652 (0.8711)
[DELTA] ln supplier access 0.9963 (1.7233)
Corr [DELTA] In MA--A ln SA 0.5384
ET-Tobil EX-Tobil
1984-1986 1994-1996
In distance -1.3874 -1.4020
(0.0, 100.0) (0.0, 100.0)
Border 0.2357 0.2779
(53.7, 0.5) (64.1, 0.5)
Colony 1.2203 1.0221
(97.4, 0.0) (97.9, 0.0)
Legal system 0.5371 0.4959
(94.6, 0.0) (94.1, 0.0)
Constant 19.2486 20.3960
(100.0, 0.0) (100.0, 0.0)
Observations 5,969 5,969
Number of industries 387 387
[DELTA] ln market access 0.8699 (1.1412)
[DELTA] ln supplier access 1.0967 (1.1850)
Corr [DELTA] In MA--A ln SA 0.9049
Notes: Dependent variable is equal to the value of bilateral
exports. All regressions include fixed exporter and importer
effects. The coefficients reported in each cell are mean
coefficients weighted by each industry's share of world trade. In
parentheses below each average coefficient are respectively the
proportions of industries for which the coefficient was positive
and significant and negative and significant at the 10% level.
ET-Tobit coefficients are elasticities. The average log changes
in market and supplier access are weighted by each industry's
share in the value of shipments in the NBER Productivity
Stage 2 Estimation for Market Access
Independent Variable (1) (2)
[DELTA] ln MA 0.0640 *** 0.0716 ***
(0.0207) (0.0234)
[DELTA] ln MA x four-firm 0.0006 ** 0.0005
(0.0002) (0.0003)
[DELTA] ln MA x F-Int. -0.0285 *** -0.0309 ***
(0.0064) (0.0075)
[DELTA] ln R&D 0.1505 ***
[DELTA] ln R&D x four-firm -0.0016 *
[DELTA] ln R&D x F-Int. -0.0226
[DELTA] ln Cov Den 0.0546
[DELTA] ln Cov Den x four-firm -0.0010
[DELTA] ln Cov Den x F-Int. -0.0111
Constant 0.1107 *** 0.1114 ***
(0.0192) (0.0197)
First stage OLS OLS
Observations 387 387
[R.sup.2] 0.3476 0.4121
Independent Variable (3) (4)
[DELTA] ln MA 0.0583 *** 0.0571 **
(0.0196) (0.0232)
[DELTA] ln MA x four-firm 0.0000 -0.0002
(0.0004) (0.0005)
[DELTA] ln MA x F-Int. -0.0196 *** -0.0155 *
(0.0063) (0.0080)
[DELTA] ln R&D 0.1335 **
[DELTA] ln R&D x four-firm -0.0021 **
[DELTA] ln R&D x F-Int. -0.0050
[DELTA] ln Cov Den 0.0340
[DELTA] ln Cov Den x four-firm -0.0015
[DELTA] ln Cov Den x F-Int. 0.0260
Constant 0.1231 *** 0.1338 ***
(0.0118) (0.0149)
First stage PPML PPML
Observations 387 387
[R.sup.2] 0.2629 0.3261
Independent Variable (5) (6)
[DELTA] ln MA 0.0371 *** 0.0389 **
(0.0157) (0.0169)
[DELTA] ln MA x four-firm 0.0000 -0.0002
(0.0002) (0.0003)
[DELTA] ln MA x F-Int. -0.0192 *** -0.0139 **
(0.0064) (0.0070)
[DELTA] ln R&D 0.1426 ***
[DELTA] ln R&D x four-firm -0.0018 *
[DELTA] ln R&D x F-Int. -0.0114
[DELTA] ln Cov Den 0.0650
[DELTA] ln Cov Den x four-firm -0.0022 *
[DELTA] ln Cov Den x F-Int. 0.0329
Constant 0.1394 *** 0.1525 ***
(0.0107) (0.0142)
First stage ET-Tobit ET-Tobit
Observations 387 387
[R.sup.2] 0.1547 0.2454
Notes: Dependent variable is equal to the log change in value
added price plus effective total factor productivity. All
regressions performed by ordinary least squares. Bootstrapped
standard errors (1,000 replications) are shown in parentheses.
All regressions are weighted by the average value of shipments in
each industry over the two time periods.
The symbols *, **, *** represent significance at the 1%, 5%, and
10% levels respectively.
Stage 2 Estimation for Supplier Access
Independent Variable (1) (2)
[DELTA] In SA 0.0525 *** 0.0689 ***
(0.0192) (0.0251)
[DELTA] In SA x four-firm 0.0002 -0.0001
(0.0003) (0.0005)
A In SA x F-Int -0.0209 *** -0.0211 ***
(0.0061) (0.0071)
[DELTA] In R&D 0.1475 ***
[DELTA] In R&D x four-firm -0.0019 *
[DELTA] In R&D x F-Int. -0.0143
[DELTA] In Cov Den 0.0974
4 In Cov Den x four-firm -0.0025 *
[DELTA] In Cov Den x F-Int. 0.0045
Constant 0.1171 *** 0.1210 ***
(0.0216) (0.0207)
First stage OLS OLS
Observations 387 387
[R.sup.2] 0.2905 0.3715
Independent Variable (3) (4)
[DELTA] In SA 0.0442 ** 0.0430 *
(0.0243) (0.0222)
[DELTA] In SA x four-firm 0.0003 0.0001
(0.0003) (0.0002)
A In SA x F-Int -0.0210 *** -0.0171 ***
(0.0065) (0.0067)
[DELTA] In R&D 0.1216 ***
[DELTA] In R&D x four-firm -0.0017 **
[DELTA] In R&D x F-Int. -0.0054
[DELTA] In Cov Den 0.0505
4 In Cov Den x four-firm -0.0017 *
[DELTA] In Cov Den x F-Int. 0.0228
Constant 0.1285 *** 0.1385 ***
(0.0122) (0.0140)
First stage PPML PPML
Observations 387 387
[R.sup.2] 0.2398 0.2992
Independent Variable (5) (6)
[DELTA] In SA 0.0341 *** 0.0448 ***
(0.0111) (0.0162)
[DELTA] In SA x four-firm 0.0002 -0.0002
(0.0002) (0.0003)
A In SA x F-Int -0.0176 *** -0.0152 ***
(0.0048) (0.0057)
[DELTA] In R&D 0.1225 **
[DELTA] In R&D x four-firm -0.0016 *
[DELTA] In R&D x F-Int. -0.0057
[DELTA] In Cov Den 0.0942
4 In Cov Den x four-firm -0.0029 ***
[DELTA] In Cov Den x F-Int. 0.0258
Constant 0.1362 *** 0.1450 ***
(0.0120) (0.0129)
First stage ET-Tobit ET-Tobit
Observations 387 387
[R.sup.2] 0.2132 0.3074
Note: See Table 4 notes.
Stage 3 Estimation for Market Access
(1) (2) (3)
Skilled labor share 0.4896 *** 0.5510 *** 0.3816 ***
(0.1215) (0.1470) (0.1164)
[0.1184] [0.1446] [0.1140]
Unskilled labor share -0.3603 *** -0.3778 *** -0.2072 **
(0.0822) (0.1038) (0.0859)
[0.07901 [0.10131 [0.0836]
Capital share 0.0847 *** 0.0857 *** 0.0623 **
(0.0227) (0.0261) (0.0261)
[0.0208] [0.0245] [0.0250]
Constant 0.0081 0.0042 -0.0047
(0.0126) (0.0115) (0.0058)
[0.0122] [0.0110] [0.0051]
First stage OLS OLS PPML
Observations 387 387 387
[R.sup.2] 0.5766 0.6422 0.5888
Predicted change in skill 0.8499 0.9289 0.5151
Proportion explained 7.82% 8.54% 5.42%
(4) (5) (6)
Skilled labor share 0.3216 ** 0.3549 *** 0.2898 **
(0.1426) (0.1194) (0.1350)
[0.1402] [0.1183] [0.1339]
Unskilled labor share -0.1517 -0.2153 *** -0.1349
(0.1039) (0.0808) (0.0835)
[0.1015] [0.0796] [0.0822]
Capital share 0.0536 ** 0.0130 0.0094
(0.0274) (0.0104) (0.0094)
[0.0260] [0.0089] [0.0074]
Constant -0.0048 -0.0045 -0.0053
(0.0061) (0.0053) (0.0051)
[0.0052] [0.0049] [0.0047]
First stage PPML ET-Tobit ET-Tobit
Observations 387 387 387
[R.sup.2] 0.4264 0.4591 0.3996
Predicted change in skill 0.4733 0.5703 0.4247
Proportion explained 4.35% 5.25% 3.91%
Notes: Dependent variable is equal to the predicted change in
prices plus effective total factor productivity caused by
changes in market access. Standard errors in parentheses are
adjusted by the methodology in the study by Dumont et al.
(2005). Standard errors in brackets are adjusted by the
methodology by Feenstra and Hanson (1999). All regressions are
weighted by the average value of shipments in each industry over
the two time periods.
The symbols *, **, *** represent significance at the 1%, 5%, and
10% levels respectively.
Stage 3 Estimation for Supplier Access
(1) (2) (3)
Skilled labor share 0.4881 *** 0.5526 *** 0.3265 ***
(0.1285) (0.1561) (0.1257)
[0.1247] [0.1527] [0.1216]
Unskilled labor share -0.2813 *** -0.2398 ** -0.2048 **
(0.0931) (0.1136) (0.0804)
[0.0894] [0.1103] [0.0757]
Capital share 0.0568 *** 0.0516 ** 0.0606 **
(0.0216) (0.0230) (0.0289)
[0.0190] [0.0204] [0.0269]
Constant 0.0023 -0.0044 -0.0060
(0.0145) (0.0143) (0.0065)
[0.0140] [0.0138] [0.0053]
Stage 1 estimation OLS OLS PPML
Observations 387 387 387
[R.sup.2] 0.5805 0.5546 0.4019
Predicted change in skill 0.7694 0.7924 0.5314
Proportion explained 7.08% 7.29% 4.89%
(4) (5) (6)
Skilled labor share 0.2870 * 0.3576 *** 0.3761 ***
(0.1670) (0.1050) (0.1424)
[0.1625] [0.1035] [0.1409]
Unskilled labor share -0.1527 * -0.2169 *** -0.1477 *
(0.0864) (0.0753) (0.0809)
[0.0801] [0.0738] [0.0790]
Capital share 0.0508 * 0.0418 ** 0.0357 **
(0.0300) (0.0171) (0.0174)
[0.0272] [0.0161] [0.0161]
Constant -0.0058 -0.0094 -0.0137
(0.0080) (0.0067) (0.0087)
[0.0066] [0.0064] [0.0084]
Stage 1 estimation PPML ET-Tobit ET-Tobit
Observations 387 387 387
[R.sup.2] 0.3869 0.4317 0.3871
Predicted change in skill 0.4398 0.5744 0.5238
Proportion explained 4.04% 5.28% 4.82%
Note: See Table 6 notes.