Gender and the influence of peer alcohol consumption on adolescent sexual activity.
Waddell, Glen R.
Given the nature of coital relations, there is little reason to
doubt that opposite-gender peers matter in some broad sense. Whether and
how the alcohol consumption of these peers matters, however, is an
important empirical question on which the literature has heretofore been
silent. By considering this potential contributor to adolescent sexual
activity, I move the literature toward a better understanding of the
importance of peer effects, generally, and inform policy makers in an
area where the benefits to mitigating negative influences are
potentially large.
While teenage childbearing and sexually transmitted diseases are
among the most obvious risks associated with adolescent sexual activity,
there is growing evidence of other negative outcomes arising
systematically with adolescent sexual activity. For example, adolescent
sexual activity has been linked to increased risk of depression, and
social and psychological turmoil (e.g., Hallfors et al. 2005: Joyner and
Udry 2000; Rector et al. 2002), which is likely to propagate in other
longer-run outcomes. Identifying the potential peer effects in this area
is clearly integral to our understanding of adolescent health and
In more recent work, Rees and Sabia (2009) also show that younger
age at first intercourse decreases the probability that females graduate
high school and, while there is little evidence that the number of
sexual partners adversely affects human-capital acquisition in boys,
Sabia and Rees (2009) show that promiscuity in female adolescents is
negatively related to educational attainment. Beyond their role in
explaining adolescent health, then, understanding how peer effects may
promote sexual activity in youth is integral to understanding
educational production, and to the analysis of education-related policy
(e.g., zero tolerance policies, single-sex schooling). Again, in this
area, the benefits to identifying and subsequently mitigating any
negative peer effects are potentially large.
The focus of this analysis considers the relationship between
alcohol and sexual activity from a different perspective than has been
considered in the literature thus far, and the resulting empirical
considerations are therefore somewhat different. For example, while
there are examples in the related literature that show that alcohol
consumption and sexual intercourse correlate positively in adolescents,
establishing any mechanism through which alcohol might encourage such
behavior has been somewhat challenging. One obvious difficulty in
establishing a causal role for alcohol arises with the potential that
one's consumption of alcohol and one's sexual activity both
vary with some common attribute that is unobserved by the econometrician (e.g., low risk aversion, high discount rates). Yet, without
establishing the existence and nature of any causal relationships,
policy analysis on important education and health outcomes might be
considered incomplete and the policy prescriptions imprecise.
Here, I specifically focus on the potential influence of the
alcohol consumption of opposite-gender peers. Compared to the existing
literature, this is both a broader perspective on what might constitute
the relevant alcohol-related influences on adolescent sexual activity
and, unlike previous literature, a cleaner empirical environment. In
particular, I am not asking whether one's own alcohol consumption
increases one's own propensity to engage in sexual intercourse but,
rather, whether this propensity increases with the drinking behavior of
one's opposite-gender peers. Given the difficulty posed in finding
credible identification strategies to bring to bear on the question of
whether one's own alcohol consumption increases one's own
propensity to engage in sexual intercourse, the arguable exogeneity of
the key variable of interest here partially mitigates the challenges
that have plagued previous studies and may speak back into the broader
question of causality running from alcohol use to sexual activity,
albeit indirectly and from a slightly different perspective.
In the end, I show that the alcohol consumption of opposite-gender
peers matters to one's sexual activity but that this relationship
is strongly gender dependent. In particular, in both pooled and
within-school identification strategies I find that the sexual activity
of adolescent females systematically varies with the alcohol consumption
of their male peers, and that no such pattern exists for adolescent
males. In sensitivity analyses, I report that this relationship is
distinctly different from any influence of same-gender-peer alcohol
consumption. In fact, comparable measures of female peer drinking
contribute very little to explaining female sexual activity. More
general antisocial male behaviors also fail to explain sexual behavior in female adolescents, suggesting all the more that the alcohol
consumption may be causing increases in female sexual activity.
While I will keep from making claims of having identified an
estimate of the causal relationship, the evidence I present is
compelling and the causal story remains a viable candidate for
explaining the empirical regularities in the data. In the following
section, I briefly consult the most relevant literature in order to
provide some context for interpreting the analysis and, in Section III,
I describe the data to be used--the "In-Home" component of the
National Longitudinal Study of Adolescent Health (i.e., Add Health). (1)
In Section IV, I present the empirical strategy more formally and
discuss the challenges to identification that commonly arise in the
peer-effects literature, followed by a presentation of the empirical
results in Section V. In Section V, I also report the results of several
sensitivity analyses which collectively speak to the robustness of the
baseline specifications, with some additional discussion provided in
Section VI. A concluding discussion appears in Section VII.
While a large literature exists outside of attempts to determine
the role for alcohol in sexual activity, the recent literature has
focused more on the unpacking of this relationship, and with somewhat
mixed results. For example, adopting an instrumental-variables approach
(i.e., instrument for drinking with state-level variation in
alcohol-related policy and expenditures), Rees, Argys, and Averett
(2001) offer some evidence of causation running from alcohol use to
sexual intercourse in the male Add Health sample, but include that
"the positive correlation between substance use and risky sexual
behavior can, more often than not, be attributed to the influence of
unobservables." Likewise, controlling for the potential
endogeneity, Sen (2002) offers evidence that own alcohol use is causally
predictive of an increased likelihood of sexual intercourse in
adolescents in the 1997 National Longitudinal Study of Youth (NLSY97).
While these arguments for a causal role are suggestive, certainly,
Rashad and Kaestner (2004) call each into question on methodological
grounds, and argue against the identification strategies in both the
studies of Rees, Argys, and Averett (2001) and Sen (2002), ultimately
concluding that "in spite of recent attempts to estimate the causal
relationship between substance use and sexual behavior, the causal
relationship [...] remains unknown." (2)
With such a view maintained, related literatures and much public
policy--where it is already quite common to operate under the assumption
that a causal role does exist--might be seen as somewhat ahead of our
current understanding of the relationship. For example, Chesson,
Harrison, and Kassler (2000) exploit variation in alcohol taxes and
legal drinking ages to investigate risky sexual activity, with the
operating presumption being that a more restrictive alcohol policy
reduces alcohol consumption, which in turn decreases risky sexual
activity. More recently, Carpenter (2005) has also suggested a causal
role for alcohol in adolescent sexual activity as he documents a
systematic relationship between state-level "zero tolerance"
drunk driving laws and reductions in gonorrhea rates in treated
populations of youth. Of course, for these and other empirical
strategies (e.g., Dee 2001; Lacruz, Lacruz, and Moreno 2009; Sen 2003),
the mechanism by which drinking and sexual behavior evolves is less
important than whether there is an empirical relationship at all,
conditional on covariates.
I see the current investigation as informing this underlying
relationship in important ways that both sheds light on a potential
mechanism through which these relationships unfold and may justify new
empirical strategies that exploit the information contained in
opposite-gender peer behaviors. For example, it may be a somewhat myopic view to consider that variation in alcohol-related policy influences
one's sexual outcomes through the policy's influence on
one's own drinking behavior. In a relatively clean empirical
setting, I demonstrate that there is explanatory power specifically in
opposite-gender alcohol use, and that the underlying mechanism may be
operating in the interaction of gender-specific relationships between
sexual relations and alcohol consumption.
For our purpose, the National Longitudinal Study of Adolescent
Health is a particularly fitting collection of information on adolescent
behaviors as it is designed to investigate adolescent health and risk
behaviors. The "Add Health" project is widely considered to be
the largest and most comprehensive survey of adolescents ever
undertaken, with a stratified sample of 80 high schools collectively
representative of the U.S. school system with respect to region of
country, urbanicity, school size, school type, and ethnicity. For each
of these schools, "feeder" schools (52 in total) were selected
on the basis of student contributions to the chosen high school. An
in-school questionnaire was administered to almost all students in
sampled schools between September 1994 and April 1995, and a random
sample was selected from each of these schools for more detailed
interviews, conducted in the respondents' homes between April and
December 1995. It is this detailed "In-Home Survey" that I
adopt. A total of 20,745 adolescents were interviewed for the Wave I
In-Home Survey. Of these, however, 376 have no school identities and an
additional 504 have uninterpretable grade levels. As these attributes
are crucial to identification, they are removed from the analysis.
Of the 19,865 respondents with school and grade-level information,
several did not answer key questions, such as "Over the past 12
months, on how many days did you drink five or more drinks in a
row?" or "... on how many days have you gotten drunk or
'very, very high' on alcohol?" The sample adopted
constitutes roughly 94% of the usable data. (3) Summary statistics by
gender are shown in Table 1. As I am relying on self-reported
participation in potentially sensitive areas of disclosure, I note that
for sensitive topics (e.g., sexual behavior and alcohol use) survey
respondents listened to prerecorded questions through earphones and
entered their answers directly on laptops in order to maintain
confidentiality and to minimize the potential for interviewer or
parental influence. Also lending a certain confidence is that rates of
risky behaviors reported in Add Health are consistent with those
measured in other sources (see Mocan and Tekin 2005, 2006; Tekin and
Markowitz 2008).
I follow the existing literature in running specifications
separately by gender. (4) In particular, I model the individual's
sexual behavior in a form such as,
(1) Sex = [[beta].sub.1] + [[beta].sub.1]OwnDrink + [[beta].sub.2]
PeerDrink + [gamma] X + [epsilon]
where Sex = 1] will capture that the individual reports having had
sexual intercourse within 12 months of the interview date. Specifically,
the available survey question queries sexual relationships by following
the query "Have you ever had sexual intercourse'?" with
the qualifier, "When I say sexual intercourse, I mean when a male
inserts his penis into a female's vagina." As such, there is
arguably little if any uncertainty in how Sex is to be (or was)
In Equation (1), the individual's own drinking behavior will
be captured by OwnDrink, while PeerDrink will capture the drinking
behavior of the individual's opposite-gender peers. OwnDrink is
included as it will remain important to hold constant one's own
drinking behavior as I draw out of the data how sexual activity varies
with PeerDrink. However, note that interpreting this relationship is
challenging given the suspected endogeneity plaguing [[beta].sub.1].
(Given this expected endogeneity, 1 perform sensitivity tests on the
variable of interest, [[beta].sub.2], by the inclusion of OwnDrink, and
find [[beta].sub.2] is very stable across specifications that include or
do not include OwnDrink.) In Equation (1), X will capture individual and
other aggregate characteristics that have been used in previous analysis
or are otherwise expected to explain variation in sexual activity and
[epsilon] is the error term, which includes age fixed effects. (In
specifications that use variation across schools, grade-level fixed
effects will also be included.) Throughout the analysis, standard errors
are corrected for clustering at the school level.
A. Defining OwnDrink
Within the Add Health data set are several alternatives to how one
might measure drinking behaviors--both OwnDrink and PeerDrink. With
little defensible reason for choosing one over another, I report results
across five specifications that adopt alternative measures. Roughly half
of all respondents report to have never had a drink of beer, wine, or
liquor. Among the participants, however, the adopted drinking measures
span an intensity of alcohol attachment in an appealing way. Reporting
results across such a range will also provide some information about the
influence of various drinking intensities. These measures are defined in
Table 2, with summary breakdowns provided by gender. (5)
B. Defining Peer Groups and PeerDrink
Within the peer effects literature, broadly defined, one must
commonly address several empirical challenges to identification. First,
if own and peer outcomes are determined simultaneously, it is difficult
to distinguish the effect that peers have on the individual from the
effect the individual has on the peers--the "reflection
problem" of Manski (1993). Second, if individuals self-select into
peer groups, it is impossible to determine whether some observed outcome
of interest is caused by the peers or just the reason the individual
joined the peer group to begin with (Hoxby 2002). Third, the existence
of common shocks can confound estimated peer effects, because separating
the peer effect from other shared treatment effects can be difficult
(Lyle 2007).
While formally defining the peer group is central to considering
the potential challenges to interpreting the estimated peer effect,
recall that I am considering the influence of a peer attribute (i.e.,
alcohol use) on a different behavior (i.e., sexual activity) and not,
for example, the effect of peer sexual behavior on one's own sexual
behavior or the effect of peer alcohol consumption on one's own
alcohol consumption. Furthermore, not only are the left- and
right-hand-side behaviors different in this case, but the peer group to
which I am allowing i to respond is not an aggregation of the behavior
of other j [not equal to] i individuals in the model, but of
opposite-gender individuals who themselves do not otherwise contribute
to the model. In short, given gender-specific reference groups and
specifications run separately by gender, there is no error term through
which the path from i's sexual behavior can transmit back to peer
drinking. As such, reflection is less a concern in this context than in
many peer-effect studies. (6)
While the Add Health survey design provides measures of each
individual's friendships (i.e., the reporting of up to five
same-gender friends and five opposite-gender friends), adopting this set
of friends as the individual's peers introduces some empirical
concerns. Even ignoring the potential measurement error (e.g.,
one's friends may exceed five in number, one's friends need
not fall within the Add Health survey), that friends are chosen is
problematic from a self-selection standpoint. For example, were the
attributes or behaviors of one's declared friends (e.g., their
drinking patterns) to correlate with one's behavior (e.g., being
sexually active), it would be difficult to distinguish between the
attributes of these friends having some influence over outcomes as
opposed to the friends having been chosen for their attributes.
Moreover, adopting chosen friends as a peer group potentially worsens
the common shocks problem, as small groups of friends may well
experience other shared treatment effects that are unobserved by the
econometrician. While a growing body of work adopts the existence of
friends in the Add Health data as an opportunity to analyze the
influence of friends on outcomes, these relationships should be
considered in light of the potential roles played by reflection,
self-selection, and common shocks. (7)
I define individual i's opposite-gender peer group as all
opposite-gender students in the sample who are in the same grade and
school as i. Specifically, in female (male) samples, I allow the sexual
activity of individual i to vary with the drinking behavior of the
average male (female) student in the same grade at the same school. (8)
Given these definitions, Equation (2) can be thought of as implying the
estimation of sexual activity as a function of FemalePeerDrinke or
MalePeerDrinke, with each being measured at the cohort level (i.e., Add
Health respondents of opposite gender within the same grade and school
as i) and independent of i. This independence helps with the
interpretation of [[beta].sub.2] (unlike [[beta].sub.1], which remains
plagued by more serious endogeneity concerns).
As suggested above, self selection and common shocks would be of
greater concern if I were to identify the peer effect off of variation
peer groups that are defined by friendship nominations. (9) To the
contrary, selection is not a concern in the current environment if one
is willing to assume that any observed effect of drinking peers on
one's sexual activity is not because of sexually active students
(or their parents) selecting systematically into alcohol-rich
environments. To overcome any potential self-selection, however, I
control for a full set of individual characteristics as well as grade
and age fixed effects. In subsequent models, I then restrict the
identification further--to within-school variation--relying only on
idiosyncratic shocks to the proportion of opposite-gender peers who
consume alcohol (to various degrees) across grade cohorts within
C. Control Variables
In specifications that include only age and grade-level fixed
effects, female adolescents can be up to 25% more likely to be sexually
active where their male classmates are consuming alcohol. While I am
focusing on the possible effect of opposite-gender peers, it will be
important to capture individual and school characteristics that have
been used in previous analysis or may otherwise be expected to explain
variation in sexual activity. Included in [X.sub.ic] are race (i.e.,
black, Asian, Hispanic, other), parent education (i.e., indicator
variables for less than high school, high school, some college,
bachelor, graduate/professional), academic performance (i.e.,
grade-point average across the four more recent classes in English,
mathematics, history or social studies, and science), and county-level
measures of the proportion urban, the proportion rural, and the
unemployment rate. In order to control for the cohort environment or
possible social norms related to sexual activity, I also include
measures of the religious participation of same-gender peers (i.e., the
proportion of same-gender peers that attend religious services) and of
their general views regarding sexual intercourse (i.e., the proportion
of same-gender peers who include sex as part of their "ideal
romantic relationship"). (10)
Here, I first consider some baseline specifications separately for
each gender across the five alternative measures of drinking behavior.
Even though the within-school design (which I subsequently present in
Section B) arguably offers a cleaner source of identification, I begin
by reporting the results of both pooled and then present the
fixed-effect specifications. As part of a sensitivity analysis,
presented in Section C, I build a case for considering that the alcohol
consumption of opposite-gender peers matters to sexual activity by also
considering the drinking behavior of same-gender peers, and the possible
responses to other antisocial peer behaviors. For brevity, however, I
also address these as part of a separate discussion of sensitivity
A. Baseline Specifications
Results of linear-probability models of the form in Equation (1)
are reported separately for male and female respondents in Table 3.
(Results are robust to modeling assumptions that reflect the discrete
nature of the dependent variable.)
OwnDrink. Across all specifications, the expected relationship
between one's own drinking and a higher incidence of sexual
intercourse is evident. From column 1 of panel A (in Table 3), boys
reporting to have consumed alcohol within 12 months of the interview
date have a predicted likelihood of reporting to have had sexual
intercourse of .418, compared to a likelihood of .219 for those who have
not consumed alcohol. Column 2 implies a larger difference in the
predicted probabilities of being sexually active-.493 for drinkers
versus .236 for nondrinkers--likely explained by the more intense
alcohol consumption (i.e., having drunk "until very, very
high"). Column 3 again suggests a slight increase in this
separation, where more regular drinking patterns are captured in an
indicator for having drunk "until very, very high" monthly
within the last year. These results are similar in the female
population, with the simple measure of drinking (from column 1 of panel
B) implying a 22 percentage point increase in the probability of
engaging in sexual intercourse (over 21%) and small increases in this
difference when the additional information in the specifications of
columns 2 and 3 is taken into account.
In the last two columns, I employ the fourth and fifth alternative
measures of drinking behavior. In both cases, OwnDrink is entered with a
quadratic term, allowing for movement in the data that is missed with
more blunt associations. This fits the data well in both male and female
samples, where Sex is quadratic in OwnDrink, with sexual activity
becoming marginally less likely at higher-intensity drinking. (11)
While these relationships are to be considered with some caution,
because of the potential simultaneity of alcohol consumption and sexual
activity, these results point to the potential for the intensity of
consumption to be considered in explaining the link. This is seen in two
dimensions, both across alternative measures of alcohol consumption
(i.e., intensity increasing from column to column within each table) and
in the continuous measures of consumption (i.e., in columns 4 and 5).
PeerDrink. At this point, I wish to discuss the key relationship of
interest, the influence of opposite-gender PeerDrink on sexual activity.
Immediately evident, however, is that the sexual activity of male
adolescents does not vary with the alcohol consumption of their female
peers (i.e., FemalePeerDrink in panel A of Table 3). In the male sample,
point estimates are small and inconsistent in sign across all measured
drinking intensities of female peers. There is little statistical
justification to consider such a relationship economically meaningful
and I conclude that female drinking behaviors are not contributing to
male sexual activity, or that they contribute only through the effect of
a male's own drinking behavior. (12)
That said, there is a very different story suggested by the
empirical regularity revealed by the analysis in the female sample of
respondents, in panel B of Table 3. First, note that point estimates
across alternative measures of MalePeerDrink are uniformly positive,
consistent with the drinking of male peers increasing the likelihood
that female adolescents report having engaged in sexual intercourse.
However, estimates relying on the less-intense alcohol measures (e.g.,
columns 1-3), standard confidence intervals include zero. As the
variation in MalePeerDrink is contributed to by multiple peers, this may
suggest that in a blunt pass at capturing alcohol consumption, the
influence of any drinking peer(s) is mitigated by that of any
nondrinking peer(s). Alternatively, this may simply reflect that there
are no substantive behavioral responses to such casual drinking (e.g., a
peer drank alcohol, even once, within the last year).
Turning to measures that better discriminate the alcohol-related
behavior of peers reveals a very different story. In fact, adopting
continuous measures of peers' drinking intensities--"Days in
week drinks until very, very high" and "'Days in week had
five or more drinks"--reveals a strong and statistically
significant influence of MalePeerDrink on female sexual activity. From
the estimates of column 4, across the innerquartile range of
MalePeerDrink (i.e...05 days weekly to .35 days weekly), female sexual
activity increases 6.8%, from a predicted probability of .307 to a
predicted probability of .328. Similar patterns are also evident in
column 5, where drinking patterns are much less subjectively revealed,
which suggests that the underlying pattern is robust to the subjectivity
afforded to respondents in their consideration of what constitutes
"very, very high" on alcohol. The similarity is also
consistent with there being little systematic difference between the
frequency of perceived drunkenness (i.e., days being "very, very
high" in a typical week) and the frequency of consuming "five
or more" alcoholic drinks in a typical week. Overall, the data are
clearly revealing a sensitivity in female adolescent sexuality to the
drinking intensity of their male peers. (13)
In no case do I find that interacting PeerDrink and OwnDrink is
significant. Although point estimates of this relationship are positive,
there is no meaningful complementarity evident between one's own
drinking and the drinking behavior of peers in driving one's
proclivity toward sexual activity.
Other Covariates. Before continuing to the comparable model with
school-fixed effects, I report briefly on some of the movement in Sex
explained by other covariates, many of which have been preciously
documented. For example, sexual intercourse occurs less in environments
that are less religious (as measured by attendance). Academic
performance is also predictive of less sexual activity, with the
difference between a 2.0 GPA and a 4.0 GPA associated with almost a 30%
decline in the probability of having intercourse for males. Among
previously established results, I also find a higher incidence of sexual
intercourse occurring for black and Hispanic/Latino adolescents, in
higher grade levels, and for students with parents who report lower
levels of education.
B. Controlling for School-level Unobserved Heterogeneity
Recall the earlier discussion of the estimated relationship between
[OwnDrink.sub.i] and one's own sexual activity, where one might be
concerned that the estimated coefficient is biased (upward) because of
the omission of unobserved individual heterogeneity that systematically
drives both [OwnDrink.sub.i] and [Sexi.sub.c]. This is the standard
challenge to existing analysis of the effect of one's own drinking
behavior on one's own sexual activity. However, as
[MalePeerDrink.sub.c] is arguably exogenous to the female [Sexi.sub.c]
being modeled--or likewise [FemalePeerDrin.sub.k], to male
[Sexi.sub.c]--a similar objection should not be raised. That said, one
should not rule out that the estimated coefficients on
[MalePeerDrink.sub.c] in pooled samples can reflect a different source
of unobserved heterogeneity.
In particular, the type of unobserved heterogeneity that would
defeat the pooled-sample estimates is that which would cause males in
particular grades within particular schools to drink while also causing
females in those same grades and schools to engage in sexual intercourse
(and that was not already absorbed by the female's own drinking
patterns, being held constant by [OwnDrink.sub.i]). While this already
implies a fairly particular source of variation, not to mention that age
fixed effects are also included, one can speak to any concern that such
a bias exists by re-estimating the models while absorbing school-level
unobserved heterogeneity into the error structure. In Table 4, school
fixed effects are included, which will control both for unobserved
characteristics that might be shared by adolescents within schools and
for any influence of the school itself on the behavior of these youth
(e.g., the "contextual effects" of Manski 1993). Using
school-level fixed effects should eliminate a majority of group
unobservables (e.g., Hanushek et al. 2003; Hoxby 2000), and if families
choose schools based on time-invariant school characteristics,
controlling for school fixed effects controls for the main source of
selection into schools. As identification is achieved off of the
variation in [PeerDrink.sub.c] , across grades within schools, I drop
the grade-level fixed effects and capture level differences in sexual
activity with the age fixed effects.
As a very strong test of the robustness of the patterns already
identified, the baseline results from pooled samples are indeed robust
to the inclusion of school-level fixed effects, which eliminates a key
source of omitted variation in the above specifications as an
explanation for the empirical regularity observed. Furthermore,
within-school considerations now suggest that female Sex systematically
varies with even the blunt measures of MalePeerDrink in columns 1-3.
Were the prior results driven by the type of unobserved heterogeneity
described above or by some nonrandom sorting, one would expect an
attenuation of the coefficient estimates with such controls added to the
model. Clearly, then, females within individual schools with
alcohol-consuming opposite-gender peers reveal a higher proclivity
toward sexual activity. Likewise, accounting for unobserved
schoolspecific heterogeneity does not change that there is no
explanatory power in FemalePeerDrink in explaining male sexual activity.
In terms of effect size, estimates in column 2 imply that a ten
percentage-point increase in the proportion of male peers who have drunk
until very high increases the propensity for girls to be sexually active
by 3.6% of a standard deviation. Column 3 implies that a similar
increase in the proportion of male peers who drink monthly increases the
propensity for girls to be sexually active by 3.6% of a standard
deviation. Using the more intensive drinking estimates in column 5, the
comparable measure is 1.3% of a standard deviation. (14) As an
alternative intuition, consider that adding one additional "regular
drinker" for every 20 male peers results in a 2% increase in the
propensity for female students to be sexually active.
Approximately 40% of women aged 15-19 years were sexually active in
the first year of the Add Health survey (1995). In the same year, the
number of pregnancies among sexually active adolescent girls was 211.8
per 1,000. The estimates I derive above therefore imply that a ten
percentage-point increase in the proportion of male peers who do so
monthly, increases the U.S. pregnancy rate among adolescent females from
83.6 to 84.9 per 1,000. Adding one additional "regular
drinker" for every 20 male peers implies an increase in the number
of pregnancies per 1,000 women of this age by 1.7 per 1,000.
C. Sensitivity Analysis
At this point, it pays to consider that the above analysis may not
have estimated the magnitude of any causal role for male alcohol
consumption in explaining female sexual activity. Yet, it is a fairly
peculiar story required in order to explain the patterns in the data
without employing that MalePeerDrink may well cause female Sex. Even so,
some scope remains for considering confounding factors insofar as
attributes of the female subjects' environments are jointly
determining Sex and MalePeerDrink. For example, if data do not allow one
to fully control for local attributes, one could observe the behavior of
student i "changing" with that of i's opposite-gender
peers even in the absence of a true peer effect, simply because some
unobserved local attributes are systematically driving both. (15) Below,
I discuss a series of additional robustness tests, which I then follow
with some concluding remarks.
As a matter of brevity, I report only the key variables of
interest, noting that there are no significant differences in the
estimated influence of control variables from the baseline equations. In
no specification on the male sample do significant patterns emerge.
Thus, I also refrain from reporting additional results from the sample
of male adolescents.
Does Female Peer Drinking Have a Similar Effect? Even though the
causal estimate may escape the above analysis, one might propose that
the effect of MalePeerDrink on female Sex would only be interpretable as
causal to the extent that the drinking of same-gender peers did not
similarly contribute to female sexual activity. To find that female
peers have similar "influence" on female sex, for example,
would cast doubt on any attempt to unpack the alcohol-leading-to-sex
relationship further. As a sensitivity test, then, I include just such a
measure, which allows one to rule out that the opposite-gender result is
simply a proxy for the broader peer environment the individual is found
in. Table 5 includes this measure for both pooled and within-school
specifications, with the strong suggestion that there is something quite
unique in the nature of MalePeerDrink's influence on female sexual
activity. In short, the comparable FemalePeerDrink does not contribute
to explaining female sexual activity in either pooled samples or in
models that exploit only within-school variation. In particular, across
all measures of drinking behavior, point estimates are inconsistent in
sign and, in the preferred identification of panel B, do not fall
outside of standard confidence intervals.
In a different context, Clark and Loheac (2007) look across cohorts
and find that in alcohol consumption, both boys and girls follow the
behavior of boys from older cohorts, and that female cohorts do not
influence younger cohorts of either boys or girls. While speaking to a
different question, girls' sexual activity being responsive to male
behaviors and not to female behaviors is arguably consistent with the
asymmetry of Clark and Loheac (2007), and may be the subject of future
Do Other Antisocial Male Peer Behaviors Have Similar Effect? To
rule out that the inclusion of male drinking is merely a proxy for a
male peer "type" rather than for actual variation that relates
to their alcohol-induced behaviors (e.g., lowered inhibitions), I
analyze an alternative measure of peers' antisocial behaviors for
additional evidence that the documented relationship is actually
something alcohol related. In particular, I consider the reported
tobacco use of opposite-gender peers as a potential falsification exercise. In so doing, I find that point estimates are generally
positive but not different from zero. Ultimately, there is no ability to
claim that there is a significant influence of male peer tobacco use on
female sexual activity. Clearly, the estimated influence of
MalePeerDrink in earlier models is not merely separating out certain
peer "types" in the way that any antisocial measure of peer
behavior would. In other words, female interaction with general
antisocial behavior in their male peers is not driving the pattern
uncovered. These results are reported in Table 6.
The Effect of MalePeerDrink on Exogenous Characteristics. In Table
7, I present tests of randomness with respect to covariates, conditional
on school and age fixed effects. To test the randomness assumption, I
(separately) regress exogenous student characteristics (OwnDrink,
male-cohort size, race, parent education, urban and rural, unemployment,
and the measures of possible social norms related to sexual activity) on
the MalePeerDrink variable including school and age fixed effects and
controlling for own alcohol consumption. Conditional randomness, or the
absence of self selection, is consistent with zero correlation between
this variable and the covariates.
These tests imply that the effect of MalePeerDrink on these
attributes are both economically and statistically insignificant, with
the single exception being the "sexual openness" of other
females in one's peer group, which has a sign that is consistent
with the relationship we would anticipate, given the results above.
Collectively, these results provide evidence that the results presented
above are not because of nonrandom selection into or out of school-grade
cohorts. (16)
Before concluding, there are several outstanding issues that can be
briefly addressed, each being less about the robustness of the above
result and more about the extent to which one can learn about other
patterns. Specifically, I will consider whether there are discernible grade-level effects in the data, whether peers of different ages matter
to sexual activity, and whether the nature of the sexual experience is
different in alcohol-rich environments.
First, one might consider the extent to which the pattern
identified is generally held across grade levels. Doing so, I have no
strong prior as to where the measured influence of peers should be
larger. On one hand, it would seem reasonable to anticipate that if
younger students are more impressionable (even though, in levels, they
are less likely to participate) they may be more strongly influenced by
drinking peers and thus appear more responsive at the margin. Yet, the
young may be farther from the margin of engaging in sexual relationships
and therefore less responsive to any encouraging influence. In ancillary
analysis, I interacted MalePeerDrink with the respondent's grade
level while controlling for a linear relationship in grade level itself.
The point estimates suggest that the influence of male peers attenuates
with grade level. However, estimates are imprecise and one could
reasonably conclude that there are no significant differences in the
marginal influence of PeerDrink across grade levels.
Second, I note that there is some suggestive evidence that females
are more sexually active where the drinking of male peers in lower
grades is higher. However, this pattern is only evident in across-school
specifications, and there is no indication that such patterns exist
within schools. Acknowledging that power is somewhat limited as the
sample size falls off (i.e., first and last grades within schools have
no younger or older cohorts), I conclude that there are no significant
across-grade effects. Re-running similar specifications on male samples
also reveals no patterns in either pooled or within-school
Third, it is reasonable to consider that any sexual intercourse
facilitated in any way by alcohol may also be a different type of
experience. That is, the nature of sexual relations may also change in
the presence of alcohol. I find no evidence that there is a decrease in
the use of contraception where male peers consume alcohol. I also find
no direct evidence that females are significantly more likely to be
forced to have sexual intercourse where male peers consume alcohol. (17)
That is, while point estimates are positive (and can be large), any
increase in forced sex associated with MalePeerDrink is not
statistically significant. As I am focussing here on the influence of
opposite-gender peers, this lack of evidence could be seen as a contrast
(or a limit) to existing results in the literature that suggest that the
nature of sex might change with alcohol (e.g., Grossman and Markowitz
2005; Markowitz, Kaestner, and Grossman 2005). Indirectly, there is at
least a suggestion that the nature of sexual relations changes with
alcohol, as male adolescents who themselves drink alcohol are more
likely to report having forced someone to have sexual intercourse. Yet,
such specifications reintroduce a more severe endogeneity concern and
the causal implications of such a pattern are not clear. This may prove
to be a fruitful area for future research.
With detrimental outcomes being associated with promiscuity, there
remains need for us to better understand the underlying determinants of
risky adolescent behaviors. Through this analysis, I have aimed at
better understanding the potential role of peers' alcohol use in
determining the propensity for adolescent youth to engage in sexual
intercourse. This is a broader perspective on what constitutes the
relevant alcohol-related causes of adolescent sexual activity than has
been considered in the existing literature.
In particular, this analysis has exploited the bilateral nature of
sexual intercourse--that intercourse involves both a male and female
participant--and has provided evidence that would be consistent with the
alcohol consumption of male peers having some influence on the sexual
activity of females. The analysis also points to this relationship being
strongly gender dependent, as there is no evidence of female peer
drinking influencing male sexual activity. This stark asymmetry is
interesting in light of the patterns demonstrated in the studies of Rees
and Sabia (2009) and Sabia and Rees (2009), where sexual promiscuity is
shown to impinge on female human-capital acquisition.
This relationship is most evident in within-school specifications
and is robust to several additional considerations. For example, the
systematic patterns in female sex and male peer drinking are shown to be
distinctly different from any influence that same-gender peers may have
on sexual activity. In fact, female peer drinking is found to contribute
very little to explaining female sexual activity. This suggests that the
pattern is not being driven by broader cohort-level effects, but
specifically through relationships that cross genders. The apparent
influence of alcohol-consuming male peers is also not seen in general
antisocial peer behaviors, which themselves fail to explain female
sexual activity. Further research into the mechanisms by which these and
other behaviors are transmitted across gender lines seems warranted.
With respect to physiology, human consumption of alcohol initially
serves as a stimulant, then induces feelings of relaxation and reduced
anxiety, and can impair judgment, lower inhibitions, and induce mild
euphoria. In considering the influence of alcohol on sexual relations,
it is also worth noting that men have a higher ability to both dilute and metabolize alcohol. If anything, this supports the prior that
volume-constant alcohol consumption by males will have less influence on
female sexual activity-working against the documented patterns. To the
extent one anticipates that alcohol acts on sexual relations through
reduced inhibitions, then, the empirical results can be interpreted as
suggesting that male inhibitions may initially be a greater impediment to adolescent sexual activity than female inhibitions, ceteris paribus.
With the motivations for sexual activity being different across
gender, the Add Health survey offers some opportunity to consider these
motives as explanatory to this influence. In ancillary analysis, there
are some indications that the mechanism at play is working in spite of
certain priors respondents have about the underlying margins of
importance. For example, in within-school empirical strategies, girls
who "agree" or "strongly agree" with the statements,
"If you had sexual intercourse, your partner would lose respect for
you," "..., afterward, you would feel guilty," or
"..., it would upset your mother/father," are less inclined to
be sexually active, on average, and are influenced less at the margin by
the presence of alcohol-consuming male peers. While not accounting for
the potential that these stated positions may be influenced by sexual
activity itself, this is suggestive of the influence of
alcohol-consuming male peers working quite systematically on female
youth-more on those who imply lower costs to sexual activity and less on
those who are inclined to associate costs with sexual activity. (18)
The data also suggest that the more agreeable girls are to the
statements, "If you had sexual intercourse, it would give you a
great deal of pleasure," or "..., it would relax you,"
the more inclined they are toward being sexually active and are more
strongly influenced they are by alcohol-consuming male peers, at the
margin. Although the empirical regularities suggest that the factors and
interactions related to sexual activity are complex, that adolescents
are following these patterns is somewhat encouraging. For example, if
anticipated pleasure is driving female behavior to this extent, policy
that encourages female adolescents to delay the pleasure they expect
from sexual activity is a reasonable prescription. If the anticipated
costs (e.g., upsetting one's mother or father) are mitigating the
influence of male peers, systematically increasing such costs may lower
adolescent female sexual activity.
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(1.) The Add Health project is a program designed by J. Richard
Udry, Peter S. Bearman, and Kathleen Mullan Harris, and funded by a
grant P01HD31921 from the National Institute of Child Health and Human
Development. with cooperative funding from 17 other agencies. Special
acknowledgment is due Ronald R. Rindfuss and Barbara Entwisle for
assistance in the original design. Persons interested in obtaining data
files from the National Longitudinal Study of Adolescent Health should
contact Add Health, Carolina Population Center, 123 W. Franklin Street,
Chapel Hill, NC 27516-2524
(2.) Using bivariate probit and individual fixed effects within the
NLSY97 sample, Markowitz, Kaestner, and Grossman (2005) also find no
causal role for alcohol use in determining whether a teenager has sex,
but do find some evidence that alcohol use lowers the use of
contraception among sexually active teens. Grossman and Markowitz (2005)
have also suggested that while alcohol use does not increase the
likelihood of having sex or of having multiple partners, it can be
associated with unprotected sex among sexually active teens in a causal
way. Similarly, one might consider the existing research associating
alcohol with other outcomes or with risky behaviors more generally
(e.g., Bray 2005; Clark and Loheac 2007; Heckman, Pinto, and Wang 2008;
Krauth 2005; Renna 2007).
(3.) While Add Health does not directly inquire about the sexual
orientation of survey respondents, the intersection of two survey
questions may overlap with such an orientation-the questions being
"Have you ever had a romantic attraction to a female?" and
"Have you ever had a romantic attraction to a male?" Although
results are not sensitive to their inclusion, I drop from the analysis
73 males (136 females) who respond "No" ("Yes") to
the first question and "Yes" ("No") to the second
question. See Waddell (2010) for suggestive evidence that these
individuals are less responsive to opposite-gender alcohol consumption.
This sample size also reflects that I dropped all (nine) 11-year-old
respondents, none of which had reported any alcohol consumption or
having had sexual intercourse. Sample weights are available to correct
for design effects and the unequal probability of an individual's
selection. All results reported are robust to estimating with sample
(4.) Separating reference groups by sex is also common when
considering peer effects in single behaviors (e.g., Clark and Loheac
2007; Kling, Ludwig, and Katz 2005; Kooreman 2007; Soetevent and
Kooreman 2006).
(5.) On one end of the spectrum of intensity are those who
responded with (1) "1 or 2 days" or more when asked.
"During the past 12 months, on how many days did you drink
alcohol?" This may be closest to what most would consider admitting
to "dabbling" with alcohol consumption. From there, the
progression is not prescribed. That said, a reasonable range of
categorizations might be, (2) the respondent replied with at least
"I or 2 days" when asked, "Over the past 12 months, on
how many days have you gotten drunk or 'very, very high' on
alcohol?" (3) the respondent replied with either "once a month
or less'" or "2-3 days a month" to the same
question, (4) the average number of days in a week that the individual
reports being drunk, and 15) the average number of days in a week that
the individual consumes "five or more drinks in a row." This
fifth alternative is particularly attractive as it does not depend on
the respondent's own determination of drunkenness. which may
introduce a source of variation that could result in imprecision or
bias. These measures account for alternatives I report below as
OwnDrink. In both continuous measures of drinking behavior, the
responses come in the following form: "every day or almost every
day," "3-5 days a week," "1 or 2 days a week,"
"2 or 3 days a month," "once a month or less (3-12 times
in the past 12 months)," or "1 or 2 days in the past 12
months." As such, I define OwnDrink in these cases as the implied
average number of days in 1 week.
(6.) These points aside, in terms of reflection some will argue
that individual i's sexual activity is not likely to influence the
drinking of opposite-gender classmates, or that if there was a potential
feedback loop where a student's sexual activity causes
opposite-gender peers to drink, the anticipated reverse-causality story
would likely bias down the estimated peer effect.
(7.) See the study of Evans, Oates, and Schwab (1992) for
additional discussion. For a clever use of the friendship information
see the study of Babcock (2008), where broad cohort
"connectedness" is linked to educational outcomes.
(8.) As opposite-gender peers are of particular interest to the
analysis, the sample size also reflects that 1 have dropped all
respondents who have no same-grade, sameschool contemporaries of the
opposite gender within the In-Home Survey.
(9.) As it turns out, common shocks will also have to be very
particular if they are to explain away the empirical regularities
developed below.
(10.) In-Home survey participants answer a series of questions that
has them consider the component parts of their ideal romantic
relationship "were they to have one in the next year." To the
extent such views are generally held within schools, including such
indicators in the model will work against attributing to peer drinking
what may be spuriously explained by simple variation in social norms.
Made evident in the summary statistics of Table 1 are the significant
gender differences in responses to this question. In particular, 35% of
girls are inclined to include "'We would have sex" among
the things that would happen in the perfect relationship, while 54% of
boys include the same. While the estimates are slightly more
conservative with the inclusion of these controls, the qualitative
results are not sensitive to their inclusion--nor to their own responses
to these questions. Point estimates are somewhat higher with the
exclusion of this variable.
(11.) The inflection points fall within the sample data (i.e.,
roughly 3 days per week) although such drinking intensities are rare
within the sample of respondents.
(12.) It is not uncommon to find asymmetries in peer effects by
gender. For example, Carrell and Hoekstra (2010) consider the effects of
having troubled peers on test scores and behavior, and find that their
results are driven primarily by troubled boys in the cohort. They also
find that these effects are largest on other boys in the classroom,
(13.) In neither column 4 nor column 5. do I find any extra
explanatory power in including a quadratic in MalePeerDrink. I therefore
exclude the quadratic from the model.
(14.) These estimates are in keeping with the estimated effect
sizes of Lavy and Schlosser (2007), who consider the gender balance
among peer groups in determining test scores, and somewhat larger than
those of Hoxby (2000).
(15.) A second possibility exists, although I suspect does not much
matter to our particular context. It is possible that i and i's
opposite-gender peers decide to attend the same school-grade because
they like the same local attribute, which in turn influence their
behaviors in the way required, or because they both like to be near
individuals with similar characteristics. In these cases, the supposed
effect of peers would instead be the result of sorting according to these attributes.
(16.) Bifulco, Fletcher, and Ross (2011) use Add Health data to
consider the role of cohort racial composition, where across-cohort
variation in peer composition is also shown to not explain predetermined student attributes.
(17.) Specifically, females were asked, "Were you ever
physically forced to have sexual intercourse against your will?"
while males were asked, "'Did you ever physically force
someone to have sexual intercourse against her will'?"
(18.) See Waddell (2010) for additional detail.
GLEN R. WADDELL, I thank Peter Arcidiacono, Scott Carrell, Angela
Dills, Jason Fletcher. Hilary Hoynes, Jason Lindo, Doug Miller, Inas
Rashad-Kelly, Daniel Rees, Larry Singell, Joe Stone, and seminar
participants at UC-Davis and the 2nd Annual Meeting on the Economics of
Risky Behaviors for beneficial comments. Any errors remain my
Waddell: Associate Professor, Department of Economics, University
of Oregon, Eugene. OR 97403-1285; Research Fellow, IZA.
Schaumhurg-Lippe-Str. 5-9, D-53113 Bonn. Germany. Phone 1-541-346-1259,
Fax 1-541-346-1243, E-mail
[email protected]
doi: 10.1111/j.1465-7295.2011.00374.x
Summary Statistics
Male Female
Mean SD Mean SD
Sex in the last year, Grade 7 0.08 0.27 0.06 0.23
Sex in the last year, Grade 8 0.16 0.37 0.15 0.35
Sex in the last year, Grade 9 0.24 0.43 0.26 0.44
Sex in the last year, Grade 10 0.34 0.47 0.35 0.48
Sex in the last year, Grade 11 0.45 0.50 0.45 0.50
Sex in the last year, Grade 12 0.51 0.50 0.55 0.50
Age (at interview) 15.73 1.71 15.56 1.72
White 0.51 0.50 0.51 0.50
Black 0.21 0.41 0.23 0.42
Asian/Pacific 0.08 0.27 0.07 0.25
Hispanic/Latino 0.17 0.38 0.16 0.37
Other Non-White 0.01 0.10 0.01 0.10
GPA in four core classes 2.47 0.99 2.76 0.92
Parent education: Less than high 0.13 0.34 0.14 0.35
Parent education: High school 0.25 0.43 0.25 0.44
Parent education: Some college 0.26 0.44 0.25 0.43
Parent education: College 0.12 0.33 0.12 0.32
Parent education: Graduate/ 0.08 0.26 0.08 0.27
Religious attendance: Weekly 0.37 0.48 0.41 0.49
Religious attendance: Monthly 0.20 0.40 0.20 0.40
Religious attendance: Some 0.17 0.38 0.18 0.39
Sex included in ideal relationship 0.54 0.50 0.35 0.48
Proportion urban (county) 0.65 0.39 0.65 0.39
Proportion rural (county) 0.24 0.27 0.24 0.27
Unemployment rate (county) 0.07 0.02 0.07 0.02
Grade 7 0.13 0.33 0.13 0.34
Grade 8 0.13 0.34 0.13 0.34
Grade 9 0.18 0.38 0.18 0.38
Grade 10 0.20 0.40 0.19 0.39
Grade 11 0.20 0.40 0.19 0.39
Grade 12 0.16 0.37 0.17 0.38
Number in cohort (school-grade) 97.13 149.3 91.25 142.9
Number in female cohort 47.92 72.04 44.89 68.87
Number in male cohort 49.21 77.47 46.36 74.26
Observations 9,032 9,346
Measures of Alcohol Use
Mean SD Min Max
Male (n= 9,032)
Over the past 12 months:
Did drink alcohol 0.48 0.50 0 1
Did drink alcohol until very, very high 0.30 0.46 0 1
Did drink alcohol until very, very high 0.12 0.33 0 1
Number of days each week drank alcohol 0.24 0.84 0 6
until very, very high
Number of days each week had five or 0.29 0.92 0 6
more alcoholic drinks
Female (n= 9,346)
Over the past 12 months:
Did drink alcohol 0.47 0.50 0 1
Did drink alcohol until very, very high 0.27 0.44 0 1
Did drink alcohol until very, very high 0.08 0.26 0 1
Number of days each week drank alcohol 0.12 0.54 0 6
until very, very high
Number of days each week had five or 0.15 0.63 0 6
more alcoholic drinks
Sexual Activity and the Drinking Behavior of Opposite-Gender
(1) (2) (3)
Did Drink Did Drink Did Drink
Alcohol in until Very High
Last Year Very High Monthly
Panel A: Male sample (n= 9,032)
FemalePeerDrink 0.012 -0.023 -0.046
(0.038) (0.037) (0.071)
OwnDrink 0.199 *** 0.257 *** 0.270 ***
(0.010) (0.011) (0.015)
OwnDrink (2)
Panel B: Female sample (n= 9,346)
FemalePeerDrink 0.004 0.004 0.107 *
(0.031) (0.036) (0.057)
OwnDrink 0.235 *** 0.274 *** 0.275 ***
(0.012) (0.013) (0.019)
OwnDrink (2)
(4) (5)
Days in Week Days in Week
Drinks until Drinks Five or
Very High More Drinks
Panel A: Male sample (n= 9,032)
FemalePeerDrink -0.010 -0.005
(0.034) (0.036)
OwnDrink 0.279 *** 0.229 ***
(0.017) (0.017)
OwnDrink (2) -0.044 *** -0.033 ***
(0.004) (0.003)
Panel B: Female sample (n= 9,346)
FemalePeerDrink 0.066 *** 0.048 **
(0.024) (0.021)
OwnDrink 0.346 *** 0.289 ***
(0.022) (0.026)
OwnDrink (2) -0.060 *** -0.046 ***
(0.005) (0.005)
Notes: The dependent variable is equal to one if the respondent
reports having had sexual intercourse during the interview month
or in the 12 months prior, and equal to zero otherwise. Reported
are estimated coefficients from linear-probability models.
All specifications also include county-level measures of the
proportion urban, proportion rural, and the unemployment rate,
and individual-level indicators for race/ethnicity (i.e., Black,
Asian, Hispanic, other non-White), parent education (i.e., less
than high school, high school, some college, bachelor,
graduate/professional), and the proportion of same-gender peers
that attend religious services and who include sex as part of
their "ideal romantic relationship." Standard errors (in
parentheses) are corrected for clustering at the school level.
* p<.1, ** p<.05, *** p<.01.
Within-School Variation in Sexual Activity and the Drinking
Behavior of Opposite-Gender Peers
(1) (2) (3)
Did Drink Did Drink Drinks until
Alcohol in until Very High
Last Year Very High Monthly
Panel A: Male sample (n= 9,032)
FemalePeerDrink 0.007 0.008 -0.007
(0.041) (0.046) (0.073)
OwnDrink 0.203 *** 0.261 *** 0.268 ***
(0.010) (0.011) (0.015)
OwnDrink (2)
Panel B: Female sample (n= 9,346)
MalePeerDrink 0.073 0.103 ** 0.156 **
(0.045) (0.047) (0.061)
OwnDrink 0.240 *** 0.281 *** 0.280 ***
(0.012) (0.013) (0.019)
OwnDrink (2)
(4) (5)
Days in Week Days in Week
Drinks until Drinks Five or
Very High More Drinks
Panel A: Male sample (n= 9,032)
FemalePeerDrink -0.036 -0.034
(0.037) (0.036)
OwnDrink 0.280 *** 0.233 ***
(0.017) (0.017)
OwnDrink (2) -0.044 *** -0.033 ***
(0.004) (0.003)
Panel B: Female sample (n= 9,346)
MalePeerDrink 0.055 ** 0.056 **
(0.024) (0.022)
OwnDrink 0.356 *** 0.300 ***
(0.022) (0.027)
OwnDrink (2) -0.062 *** -0.048 ***
(0.005) (0.005)
Notes: The dependent variable is equal to one if the respondent
reports having had sexual intercourse during the interview month
or in the 12 months prior, and equal to zero otherwise. Reported
are estimated coefficients from linear-probability models.
All specifications include school and age fixed effects and
county-level measures of the proportion urban, proportion rural,
and the unemployment rate, and individual-level indicators for
race/ethnicity (i.e., Black, Asian, Hispanic, other non-White),
parent education (i.e., less than high school, high school, some
college, bachelor, graduate/professional), and the proportion of
same-gender peers that attend religious services and who include
sex as part of their "ideal romantic relationship." Standard
errors (in parentheses) are corrected for clustering at the
school level.
** p < .05, *** p < .01.
Does Female Peer Drinking Have a Similar Effect on Female
Sexual Activity?
(1) (2) (3)
Did Drink Did Drink Drink until
Alcohol in until Very High
Last Year Very High Monthly
Panel A: Pooled sample (n= 9,346)
MalePeerDrink 0.020 0.035 0.107 *
(0.032) (0.040) (0.058)
FemalePeerDrink -0.065 -0.104 ** -0.001
(0.042) (0.046) (0.080)
Panel B: School fixed effects (n= 9,346)
MalePeerDrink 0.078 * 0.110 ** 0.154 **
(0.046) (0.047) (0.061)
FemalePeerDrink -0.029 -0.049 0.075
(0.041) (0.049) (0.077)
(4) (5)
Days in Week Days in Week
Drinks until Drinks Five or
Very High More Drinks
Panel A: Pooled sample (n= 9,346)
MalePeerDrink 0.066 *** 0.048 **
(0.024) (0.021)
FemalePeerDrink -0.001 -0.013
(0.036) (0.029)
Panel B: School fixed effects (n= 9,346)
MalePeerDrink 0.055 ** 0.056 **
(0.024) (0.022)
FemalePeerDrink 0.001 -0.027
(0.037) (0.030)
Notes: The dependent variable is equal to one if the respondent
reports having had sexual intercourse during the interview month
or in the 12 months prior, and equal to zero otherwise. Reported
are estimated coefficients from linear-probability models.
All specifications controls for own drinking, as in previous
tables. All specifications also include school and age fixed
effects and county-level measures of the proportion urban,
proportion rural, and the unemployment rate, and individual-level
indicators for race/ethnicity (i.e., Black, Asian, Hispanic,
other non-White), parent education (i.e., less than high school,
high school, some college, bachelor, graduate/professional), and
the proportion of same-gender peers that attend religious
services and who include sex as part of their "ideal romantic
relationship." Standard errors (in parentheses) are corrected for
clustering at the school level.
* p<.1, ** p<.05, *** p<.01.
Is Female Sexual Activity Responsive to Other
Antisocial Behaviors Exhibited by Male Peers?
(1) (2)
Pooled Within
MalePeerSmoke 0.048 0.057
(0.041) (0.048)
OwnSmoke 0.238 *** 0.237 ***
(0.011) (0.011)
Observations 9,346 9,346
Notes: The dependent variable is equal to one if the respondent
reports having had sexual intercourse during the interview month
or in the 12 months prior, and equal to zero otherwise. Reported
are estimated coefficients from linear probability models.
In column 1, the reported specification replicates that of Table
3, panel B, column 3 with MalePeerDrink and OwnDrink replaced
with MalePeerSmoke and OwnSmoke. In column 2, the reported
specification replicates that of Table 4, panel B, column 3 with
MalePeerDrink and OwnDrink replaced with MalePeerSmoke and
OwnSmoke. Standard errors (in parentheses) are corrected for
clustering at the school level.
* p<.1, ** p<.05, *** p<.01.
The Effect of Male Peer Drinking on Exogenous Characteristics
(1) (2) (3) (4)
Male Parent
OwnDrink Cohort Size Black College
MalePeerDrink 0.052 -4.977 0.031 0.069
(0.044) (4.962) (0.052) (0.058)
Observations 9,346 9,346 9,346 9,346
(5) (6) (7)
Urban Rural Rate
MalePeerDrink 0.009 -0.007 -0.001
(0.014) (0.010) (0.001)
Observations 9,346 9,346 9,346
(8) (9) (10)
Among Female Peers
Sex in Ideal Religious Religion
Relationship Weekly Monthly
MalePeerDrink 0.241 *** -0.031 -0.072
(0.062) (0.057) (0.049)
Observations 9,346 9,346 9,346
Notes: Each estimate represents a different regression. All
specifications include school and age fixed effects and control
for own alcohol consumption. Standard errors (in parentheses) are
corrected for clustering at the school level.
*** P < .01.