A laboratory study of duopoly price competition with patient buyers.
Cason, Timothy N. ; Mago, Shakun D.
Two extreme forms of pricing behavior--sometimes called the
Bertrand Paradox and the Diamond Paradox--emerge from a single
distinguishing assumption. Bertrand (1883) assumes that a buyer knows ex
ante the prices of all sellers, and notes that with homogeneous goods a
single competitive price emerges even among a small number of sellers
because at any slightly higher price at least one seller can increase
his profit by engaging in undercutting. In Diamond's (1971) model,
on the other hand, a buyer first chooses a seller and then receives the
price quote ex post. Even with infinitesimal search cost, in equilibrium
a buyer searches only one seller and all sellers charge the monopoly
price. The only difference between the two formulations is whether
sellers price ex ante or ex post. (1) Intuitively however, there is no
strong rationale for preferring either assumption for when price
information is acquired. This is especially so since the "law of
one price" is known to fail, and persistent price dispersion is
widely observed even in essentially homogenous goods markets (e.g.,
Baye, Morgan, and Scholten 2004; Brynjolfsson and Smith 2000; Sorensen
Most of the theoretical literature that models price dispersion has
employed costly buyer search (e.g., Salop and Stiglitz 1977, 1982; Stahl
1989, 1996; Stigler 1961) or costly seller advertising (Butters 1977;
Robert and Stahl 1993) to generate dispersed prices. (2) Gale (1988), on
the other hand, models price dispersion in a rather stark form, using
only two sellers and one buyer. This can provide a modeling foundation
for some types of multilateral bargaining such as in concentrated
intermediate goods markets. Sellers are uncertain whether the buyer is
receiving price offers from both (ex ante pricing) or one (ex post
pricing) of them at any given time. If the buyer's sample contains
both offers with a positive but not certain probability [gamma], a
unique dispersed price equilibrium exists that shifts systematically
with [gamma]. Extending this static model to multiround pricing with
time discounting, Gale examines the impact of greater buyer
patience--modeled as a higher discount factor--on the equilibrium price level and price dispersion. This is intended to approximate market
conditions with many buyers where trade continues over time, as can
occur also in durable goods settings. As buyers become more patient,
sellers must compete not only with the other seller but also with their
own future price offers; consequently, the equilibrium price
distribution becomes concentrated at lower prices.
This article presents the first laboratory experiment that studies
the interaction of buyer patience and search with multiround pricing by
competing sellers. Specifically, we focus on prices posted by competing
sellers in a noisy search environment where buyers can wait for more
price offers. This enables us to explore how the timing of buyer's
purchase decisions influences sellers' pricing strategy, which is
not captured by the stationary equilibrium of the theoretical model. The
experiment includes both a static treatment, where agents have only one
opportunity to trade each period, and a dynamic treatment where trading
opportunities may continue for future rounds of price offers with a
positive and known probability, 3. One interpretation of these
single-round trading and multiple-round trading treatments is that the
former refers to a disposable goods and the latter to a durable goods
environment. The model's predictions that prices decrease if the
buyer is more patient or is more likely to receive both price offers are
intuitive, but the available evidence from previous durable goods and
bargaining experiments provides only weak support for theory.
Furthermore, implications of multiple price offers from competing
sellers have never been studied previously in experiments with durable
goods and multiple-round trading, which have focused on single seller
environments. As discussed in the next section, results from
multiple-round monopoly or bilateral bargaining experiments often fail
even to support many of the comparative statics predictions.
Our results, by contrast, provide support for the Gale (1988)
model's comparative statics predictions. In particular, prices
decrease as the likelihood of the buyer observing multiple prices
([gamma]) increases and as the buyer's patience level ([delta])
increases. The former result is consistent with costly buyer search
experiments where prices decrease as the sample size of seller price
offers increases (Cason and Friedman 2003). The decrease in prices as a
result of buyer patience is in the spirit of Coase conjecture, because
the inability of sellers to commit to price over time leads them to
compete with themselves across rounds. Prices do not reach the extreme
levels predicted for the highest [gamma] and [delta] treatment, however,
indicating that the buyers in the experiment do not take full advantage
of their market power. Average transaction prices are also lower than
predicted when only one round of offers is possible, and higher than
predicted in the multiple-round game. Furthermore, contrary to the
stationary equilibrium, buyers sometimes reject profitable price offers.
Our experiment contributes to a line of research exploring
buyers' strategic behavior (e.g., Normann, Ruffle, and Snyder
2007). Posted offer experiments overwhelmingly focus on seller pricing
behavior, often controlling for potential influences of human buyers by
replacing them with computer algorithms. These robot buyers are
pre-programmed to search according to an equilibrium reservation price strategy; by contrast, human buyers' expectations and behavior
respond to observed nonequilibrium prices. In this study, we explore the
counteracting role of this (human) buyer strategic behavior, which has
explicit equilibrium implications for sellers' pricing. Our results
are consistent with previous studies which have concluded that the
presence of human buyers has a disciplining effect on sellers'
pricing behavior (Cason and Friedman 2003; Davis and Williams 1991; Mago
2010; Ruffle 2000).
It is well established that in a single-round buyer--seller
interaction, adding uncertainty regarding the sample size of price
offers available to the buyer affects seller pricing (Burdett and Judd
1983). When buyer--seller interaction can potentially extend to multiple
rounds, however, the buyer's ability to reject initial price offers
also becomes important (Gale 1988). In equilibrium, sellers offer prices
that are attractive to buyers in the first round, so that they will not
have any incentive to defer purchase to later offer rounds. In practice,
however, buyers may nevertheless reject profitable initial price offers
in anticipation of lower future prices. Sellers may anticipate the
strategic benefits of buyers' ability to wait, and post lower
initial prices to avoid demand withholding and induce buyers to purchase
early. (3) Yet another possibility is that multiround pricing allows
sellers to extract greater surplus from impatient or risk averse buyers
(similar to the "buy it now" option available on eBay),
lowering prices later for more price-sensitive buyers. Such pricing
strategies arise in equilibrium in durable goods monopoly environments
when the seller is perfectly informed about demand (Bagnoli, Salant, and
Swierzbinski 1989). Our experiment explores how buyers time their
purchases and sellers choose their prices to systematically influence
the dynamics of transaction prices. These within-period dynamics are not
captured by the stationary equilibrium of the theoretical model since in
equilibrium all transactions occur in the first round. To the best of
our knowledge, our experiment is the first to consider such temporal pricing predictions with competing sellers.
The remainder of this article is organized as follows: Section II
describes how both the static and dynamic versions of the model relate
to some of the existing literature. Section III presents the model
details and our testable hypotheses. Section IV describes the
experimental design and procedures. Section V presents the results and
Section VI concludes.
Gale's static model can be viewed as a simplified version of
Burdett and Judd's (1983) noisy search model. In both models, the
equilibrium price distribution is truly dispersed, that is, it has a
positive density over a non-trivial range of prices for most parameter values of the likelihood of the buyer observing multiple prices, but for
extreme values the distribution degenerates into a unified competitive
or a unified monopoly price. Cason and Friedman (2003) test Burdett and
Judd's model in a laboratory experiment, and similar to our study,
observe that seller prices are decreasing in the probability that buyers
observe more than one price offer. The main difference between the two
studies lies in the mechanism that generates demand uncertainty. In
Cason and Friedman, the driving force behind price dispersion is costly
buyer search whereas in our setup, search is not costly but there is an
exogenous likelihood that the buyer observes multiple prices.
Most of the theoretical and experimental work on buyer search
features single-round pricing. Another new feature of the present
experiment is the dynamic aspect of multiple rounds of price offers in a
noisy search environment. Our dynamic treatment draws on the literature
on durable goods monopoly and sequential bargaining where the focus is
on the implications of (potential) repeated purchase opportunities on
market outcomes. Central to the durable goods framework is the Coase
conjecture--if goods are durable, then in equilibrium the monopolist
seller's initial price offer falls as the discount factor rises and
it converges to marginal cost as the discount factor approaches unity
(Coase 1972; Gul, Sonnenschein, and Wilson 1986; Stokey 1981). (4)
Laboratory studies that have examined equilibrium predictions of these
models (e.g., Cason and Sharma 2001; Rapoport, Erev, and Zwick 1995;
Reynolds 2000) provide generally weak support for the Coase conjecture.
With the exception of Cason and Sharma (2001), these studies find that
initial price offers are higher for higher discount factors. In this
study, we find that initial price offers decrease as discount factor
increases. This indicates that the threat of demand withholding (which
increases the likelihood that other seller's price is observed)
further magnifies seller competition to induce lower prices. Thus, our
results provide empirical evidence consistent with the spirit of the
Coase conjecture in a competing seller environment.
We can also draw parallels between our study and the ultimatum game with proposer competition. For example, Abbink et al. (2000) consider a
"competitive ultimatum game": three proposers take turns to
make an offer to split a surplus with a single responder. If the
responder accepts the first offer, the game ends. Otherwise, the second
proposer makes an offer; and in the third stage, the game resembles the
standard ultimatum game. They find that competition pushes the first and
second proposers to offer, on average, more than half the available
surplus. Gneezy, Haruvy, and Roth (2003) argue that proposer competition
not only strengthens the bargaining position of the responder, but it
also dilutes the notion of altruism and equity. (5) The intuitive analog
for our setup is that seller competition yields lower prices, especially
if competition can extend over multiple rounds.
Our study is also related to bilateral bargaining models with
complete and incomplete information. In his seminal article, Rubinstein
(1982) assumes that time is divided into discrete periods and bargainers
alternate in making offers and counteroffers. The incentive to agree to
early offers arises from the opportunity cost of delay, such that the
value of potential agreement shrinks according to a discount factor. In
equilibrium, bargaining is resolved immediately with no delay at all.
This result is similar to the equilibrium prediction in the present
model that all transactions occur in the first round. Experimental
studies in the Rubinstein complete information bargaining environment
indicate that agents do respond to changes in bargaining power, such as
those due to changes in the discount factor, but that their response is
incomplete and splits of the bargaining surplus are biased toward equal
earnings (Roth 1995). This has been attributed to concerns about
fairness of bargaining outcomes (e.g., Goeree and Holt 2000). The
present experiment features prices that bias exchange surplus toward
equality, which could be due to similar preference considerations.
Bargaining models that incorporate incomplete information, on the
other hand, formalize the notion that bargaining is a process of
communication, and that communicating private information credibly via a
sequence of offers and counteroffers can result in a delay in reaching
the agreement (Kennan and Wilson 1993). In our experiment, buyers may
have individual reservation prices--price offers above this threshold
are rejected--but this information is privately known and heterogeneous
across buyers. This could arise, for example, from private information
about buyers' risk preferences or from social
("fairness") preferences. The delay in accepting an offer
(demand withholding) can therefore be interpreted as buyers'
communicating their private information to the sellers. Similarly,
sellers' private information regarding their social and risk
preferences may also impact market outcomes. These concerns are, of
course, outside the theoretical model which is based on the assumption
of monetary payoff maximization.
Consider a homogenous goods market where two identical sellers
compete to supply an indivisible unit of the good to a single buyer. The
buyer's maximum willingness to pay for the good is normalized to r
= 1, while sellers' marginal cost of production is normalized to
zero. Both sellers simultaneously announce the price they offer for the
good [p.sub.i] [member of] [0, 1] i = 1, 2 and the buyer receives a
random sample of the sellers' posted prices. The sample contains
both prices with probability [gamma] > 0 and one randomly selected
price with probability 1 - [gamma]. When only one price is displayed,
the probability that a particular seller's price offer is displayed
to the buyer is one-half. The sellers are uncertain whether the buyer is
receiving offers from one or both of them in any given round. If the
buyer sees one price, she can either accept the offer or refuse to
trade. Similarly, if the buyer sees both prices, she can either accept
one of the two offers or refuse to trade. The payoff of the successful
seller is the traded price p, the buyer's payoff is 1 - p, and the
other seller receives a payoff of zero.
The concept of equilibrium we employ is that of subgame perfect
Nash equilibrium. Gale (1988) shows that there exists a unique mixed
strategy Nash equilibrium given by the price distribution F(*), which is
also symmetric, that is [F.sub.1] = [F.sub.2].
Theorem 1 (Gale 1988). There exists a unique symmetric mixed
strategy equilibrium in which each seller chooses a price randomly from
the distribution
F(p) = 1 - (0.5)((1 - p)/p)((1 - [gamma])/[gamma])
where the lower bound of the distribution is given by [p.sub.1] =
(1 - [gamma])/(1 + [gamma]) and the maximum price is the buyer's
reservation price r = 1.
Note that as [gamma] [right arrow] 1, that is, as the probability
that the buyer sees both prices increases, the equilibrium price
distribution converges to the perfectly competitive price of {0}.
Likewise, as [gamma] [right arrow] 0, that is, as the probability that
the buyer sees only one price increases, the equilibrium price
distribution converges to the monopoly price of {1}. (6)
This simple game is somewhat unrealistic because of its one-shot
nature. For instance, if the buyer sees the price of only one seller,
she does not get an opportunity to visit the other seller. Furthermore,
if the buyer refuses the seller's offer(s), the entire surplus is
lost and no opportunity exists for additional price offers. To address
this, Gale also considers a dynamic version where time is divided into
discrete rounds (t = 1, 2, 3 ...). At t = 1, both sellers set their
prices. As before, with probability [gamma] > 0 buyer sees prices
posted by both sellers and with probability 1 - [gamma] buyer sees only
one randomly selected price. If the buyer accepts a price offer, the
game ends. But if the buyer refuses the offer(s), then with a
continuation probability 0 [less than or equal to] [delta] < 1
sellers have another opportunity to post prices. That is, for any round
t > 1 the game proceeds to round t + 1 with probability [delta]. In
the next round, both sellers again set their prices while the buyer sees
one or both price offer(s). The game proceeds in this manner until the
buyer accepts an offer. The likelihood of the buyer seeing one or both
prices in round t is stochastically independent from the same likelihood
in round t + 1. There is no additional source of discounting future
payoffs. In each round, sellers only know their own posted price, their
individual pricing history, and whether or not trade has occurred. A
seller does not learn the pricing history of the other seller.
Similarly, the buyer can only recall the previously observed prices and
does not observe the sellers' complete pricing history.
As is common in the literature, we can interpret the above model to
be one in which payoffs of all players shrinks according to a commonly
known discount factor, [delta], and the game proceeds to the next round
with probability one. This interpretation of the continuation
probability as the discount factor implies that if a buyer accepts an
offer p at time round t then her payoff is [[delta].sup.2](1 - p), the
payoff of the successful seller is [[delta].sup.t] p while the other
seller receives zero. As before, if the buyer does not accept any price
offer, all agents receive zero. Gale (1988) proves the following result.
Theorem 2 (Gale 1988). There exists a unique symmetric mixed
strategy stationary equilibrium in which buyer makes the purchase in
round 1 and sellers set price according to the following distribution
F(p) = 1 - (0.5)((1 - [gamma])/[gamma])((1 - [delta]v - p)/p)
where the lower bound of the price distribution is given by
[p.sub.1] = ((1 - [gamma])(1 - [delta]v))/(1 + [gamma]) and the upper
bound of the price distribution is given by (1 - [delta]v). The
buyer's equilibrium payoff is denoted by v and is given by v = (1 -
k)/(1 - [delta]k) where k = (1 - [gamma])[0.5 + (0.5)((1 -
[gamma])/2[gamma]) ln((1 + [gamma])/(1 - [gamma]))].
The equilibrium price distribution in the dynamic version of the
game (Theorem 2) is similar to the equilibrium price distribution in the
one-shot version (Theorem 1), with the exception that the maximum
reservation price is (1 - [delta]v) in the case of time discounting
rather than 1. The analysis concerning the limiting case of [gamma], the
probability of observing both price offers, is also similar to the
one-shot version. More specifically, for a given value of [delta], the
buyer's payoff, v, is monotonically increasing in [gamma]. Thus, as
[gamma] [right arrow] 1, the equilibrium price distribution converges to
the competitive price of {0},
Conversely, as [gamma] [right arrow] 0, the equilibrium price
distribution converges to the monopoly price of {1} and the buyer's
payoff decreases to zero.
Another important comparative static result concerns [delta], the
discount factor or the continuation probability. For any fixed value of
[gamma] (or equivalently, for any fixed value of k),
This implies that irrespective of the probability of observing both
prices, as the continuation probability increases, the equilibrium price
distribution converges to the competitive price of {0} and buyer's
payoff converges to the maximum possible surplus of 1. In other words,
when the buyer can wait indefinitely for a better offer, sellers lose
their bargaining power and competitive forces drive the equilibrium
price to zero. Thus, the interplay of buyer's patience and its
impact on sellers' strategy leads to a more competitive pricing
structure. Note that although this result is similar to Coase conjecture
in spirit, where buyer patience also leads to competitive prices even
under a monopoly market structure, the underlying cause differs in the
two settings. Specifically, to obtain competitive equilibrium prices as
[delta] [right arrow] 1, the Coase conjecture requires that at least
some buyers place a very low valuation on the good.
Finally, note that the buyer's threat to wait is not credible,
and in the subgame perfect equilibrium she buys in the first round.
Thus, buyer's bargaining position cannot be solely attributed to
the discount factor or her patience level. As Gale (1988, 736) notes,
"the role of the patient buyer is simply to rob the sellers of the
minimal degree of uncertainty about prices that is necessary to prevent
them from engaging in cutthroat competition." (7) As mentioned at
the end of the introduction, however, the complete information
environment that leads to the first-round purchases may not hold with
human traders who have private information about their own risk and
social preferences. Moreover, first-round purchases may not occur in
nonstationary equilibria, which are intractable in this environment.
These considerations provide further motivation for gathering empirical
evidence through this experiment.
Table 1 summarizes the parameter values used in the experiment and
the theoretical predictions for the stationary equilibrium in the
various treatments. Figure 1 illustrates the equilibrium price
distribution for the chosen parameters. We shall compare our laboratory
market outcomes to the quantitative predictions shown in the table, but
based on the previous experimental results we do not expect strong,
quantitative predictions to hold very precisely. Therefore our analysis
will focus on the comparative statics predictions summarized by the
following hypotheses.
Hypothesis 1: An increase in the probability of observing prices of
both sellers, [gamma] results in lower prices.
Hypothesis 2: An increase in the continuation probability, [delta]
results in lower prices.
Each market comprises two sellers and one buyer. We employ the
standard posted offer institution to focus on price competition. The
experiment employs a 2 x 2 design with two treatment
variables--probability of the buyer observing price offers from both
sellers ([gamma]) and continuation probability (3). We vary the
continuation probability within sessions and the probability of
observing multiple prices across sessions. Table 2 presents the
experimental design. In sessions referred to as "High-Low,"
sellers face a high continuation probability ([delta] = 0.9) in the
first 30 periods, and a low continuation probability ([delta] = 0) in
the next 30 periods. To control for order effects, this order is
reversed in the four "Low-High" sessions. The probability of
buyer observing both offers is varied at two levels: [gamma] = 0.67 and
[gamma] = 0.33. Our design identifies the effect of a change in [gamma]
through across-session comparisons and the effect of a change in [delta]
through within-session comparisons. As is common in the literature on
duopoly experiments, to limit repeated game effects and to reduce the
incentives for collusive behavior, we randomly re-match subjects into
new markets each period.
Note that [delta] = 0 represents the static game where agents have
only one opportunity to trade. The treatment with [delta] = 0.9, on the
other hand, represents the dynamic game where it is not necessary to
trade immediately. Our choice of [delta] = 0.9 was motivated by two
considerations. First, it has been widely employed in prior literature
on buyer-seller negotiations and sequential bargaining (e.g., Cason and
Sharma 2001; Rapoport, Erev, and Zwick 1995; Srivastava 2001). Second,
it provides a benchmark for an extreme case of buyer patience. (5) For a
given [gamma], the expected range of posted prices does not overlap when
[delta] = 0 compared to when [delta] = 0.9 (Figure 1).
B. Experimental Procedures
We report results from eight experimental sessions conducted at the
Vernon Smith Experimental Economics Laboratory at Purdue University. The
experiment was programmed and conducted with the software z-Tree
(Fischbacher 2007). A total of 96 subjects participated in the
experiment, all of whom were recruited by E-mail from the undergraduate
student population. No subject participated in more than one session,
although some had participated in other economics experiments that were
unrelated to this research. Upon arrival, subjects were seated randomly
at visually isolated computers. Each received a set of written
instructions and record sheets (included in the Supporting Information).
Instructions were read aloud at the beginning of the experimental
session, and new instructions pertaining to the second treatment were
read at the beginning of the second sequence. As these instructions were
read aloud, we assume that the information they contain was common
knowledge. Throughout the session, no communication between subjects was
permitted and all choices and information were transmitted via the
computers. At the end of the session, subjects were paid in cash by
converting their total profits from experimental dollars into U.S.
dollars at a privately known fixed rate. This conversion rate differed
for buyers and sellers. Sessions lasted about 105 min and subject
payments averaged about $25 each.
The 12 subjects in each session were divided into 4 markets, with 2
sellers and 1 buyer in each market. The subjects were randomly assigned
the role of either a buyer or a seller and their role remained unchanged
for the entire session. The random matching process involved both types
of agents; that is, in each period there was a new random allocation of
buyers and sellers to each market. Both sellers had the same homogenous
good whose cost of production was normalized to zero. The buyer demanded
at most one unit, and received a resale value of 100 experimental
dollars if they purchased this unit. In all treatments, sellers were not
allowed to post a price above this commonly known reservation price. To
bring the laboratory environment closer to its field counterpart and to
the theoretical model with continuous prices, we allow for a fine grid
of prices (i.e., prices up to 2 decimal points).
Each session proceeded through a sequence of 60 trading periods. In
the [delta] = 0.9 treatment a period could last multiple rounds and was
terminated if either (a)buyer accepts a price offer or (b)period was
terminated randomly using a die roll. To implement our continuation
probability, at the end of every round if the buyer refused to purchase
at the offered price(s), the computer threw a "virtual"
10-sided die. If the outcome of the die roll was a 10, then the period
ended immediately; otherwise the period continued to an additional round
of seller price offers within the same period.
In every round both sellers post a price. With a pre-determined
probability known to all subjects ([gamma] = 0.33 and [gamma] = 0.67),
the buyer sees either one or both price offers. Each seller's price
is equally likely to be displayed to the buyer. The buyer then makes the
"accept" or "reject" purchase decision. To be
consistent with the theory, at the end of each trading round, sellers
receive individual feedback on their market--their own price, their
profit, and whether buyer accepted any price offer. They do not learn
the price of the other seller. Similarly, buyer's information is
limited to the observed price offers and their profit from the
transaction. At the end of each period, however, agents learn prices
offered by both sellers in all rounds of the current period and also
which price(s) the buyer observed in each round. Subjects are then
randomly re-matched for the next period.
We divide the results into four subsections. Section V.A presents a
summary of the transaction prices. Section V.B reports the tests of the
comparative static predictions and compares prices to the equilibrium
distribution. Sections V.C and V.D examine the buyer purchase behavior
and seller pricing behavior, respectively.
A. Overview
We have a panel data set of price and purchase decisions made by 96
subjects across 60 periods for 8 independent sessions. Table 3 reports
the median and mean transaction prices for each session. In all
sessions, aggregate price behavior exhibits the predicted pattern and
appears to conform to the model's comparative statics predictions.
Overall, prices tend to be lower than predicted when buyers and sellers
have only one opportunity to make a transaction ([delta] = 0) and higher
than predicted when a period may last multiple rounds ([delta] = 0.9).
The fact that prices move in accordance to the directional prediction of
the model is also illustrated in Figures 2-5. These figures present the
time series of median transaction prices in each session for different
[gamma] and [delta] combinations.
The fact that prices are not as extreme as predicted by the theory
indicates that neither the buyers nor the sellers took full advantage of
their market power. There seems to be no hysteresis effect arising from
the conditions of the previous treatment/sequence ordering, but the time
trend for these prices is fairly substantial. (9) With the exception of
the [delta] = 0, [gamma] = 0.33 treatment, prices tend to decline over
time as is commonly observed in other posted offer experiments. We are
interested in testing equilibrium predictions, so in the formal
hypothesis tests below we exclude the first 15 periods of each treatment
run, since in these periods subjects are learning about the market and
the incentives they face. We therefore employ 30 out of 60 total periods
for these tests: periods 16-30 (Sequence 1) and periods 46-60 (Sequence
B. Comparative Statics and Equilibrium Comparison
RESULT 1. Median and mean transaction prices decrease as the
probability of observing both prices increases (support for Hypothesis
Support: Table 3 reports the summary statistics for each session.
When [delta] = 0, shown in the left half of the table, the highest
session mean transaction price when [gamma] = 0.67 (19.66) is lower than
the lowest session mean transaction price when [gamma] = 0.33 (26.73).
Consequently, a conservative nonparametric Mann-Whitney test (n = m = 4)
based on one observation from each of these eight statistically
independent sessions rejects the null hypothesis that probability of
observing multiple price offers does not affect seller pricing behavior
(p = .02). A similar conclusion holds for the median (instead of mean)
transaction price.
When [delta] = 0.9, shown in the right half of Table 3, there is a
slight overlap in the distributions of the transaction prices, but
independent across-session comparisons using the Mann-Whitney test still
reject the null hypothesis of no treatment effect in favor of the
alternative hypothesis that an increase in the probability of observing
prices of both sellers results in lower prices at the 5% significance
In addition to these simple unconditional nonparametric tests, we
can make statistical inferences using panel data econometric methods
that model the correlation of observations (and errors) due to the
repeated measures drawn from the same set of subjects. These
multivariate random effects regression models include clustering on
sessions, order dummies to capture the sequence ordering effects, and
1/period to capture the time trend. Thus, for a given continuation
probability [delta], the subject level random effect regression equation is
(1) [p.sub.i,t] = [alpha] + [[beta].sub.1] D + [[beta].sub.4](1/t)
+ [lambda]s + [[epsilon].sub.i,t]
where [p.sub.i,t] is subject i's price in period t, D = 1 if
probability of seeing multiple prices is higher ([gamma] = 0.67), s is a
sequence order dummy, and [[epsilon].sub.i,t] is the composite error
The detailed regression results are omitted to save space and
because they provide conclusions analogous to the nonparametric results:
the null hypothesis that prices are the same across different [gamma]
treatments is rejected at any conventional level of significance. Prices
are lower when the probability of buyer seeing multiple price offers is
higher, both for [delta] = 0 (t-statistic = -2.91, p < .01) and for
[delta] = 0.9 (t-statistic = -2.62, p < .01).
RESULT 2. Median and mean transaction prices decrease as the
continuation probability increases (support for Hypothesis 2).
Support: Our design varied the continuation probability within
sessions. Since subjects made decisions under both [delta] = 0 and
[delta] = 0.9 treatments in each session, with the treatment order
varied, we can construct statistically independent pairwise differences
for each session to conduct conservative nonparametric sign tests and
signed rank tests. For example, in Session 1, the mean price when
[delta] = 0 is 18.21 and when [delta] = 0.9 is 9.25 (Table 1), and so
the difference of 8.96 is one of the four pairwise differences when
[gamma] = 0.67. As all four pairwise differences are positive for both
values of [gamma], sign tests reject the null hypothesis of no
continuation probability treatment effect (one-tailed p value = .03).
Pooling observations in the two [gamma] treatments increases the sample
size to eight, which is sufficient to conduct a nonparametric
Wilcoxon-signed rank test. The eight positive differences for each price
summary statistic leads to a test statistic value of 2.52, which is
significant at the 1% level. Finally, random effects regression models
similar to those described above also support the conclusion that prices
are lower when the period can last multiple rounds, both for [gamma] =
0.67 (t-statistic = -6.51, p < .01) and for [gamma] = 0.33
(t-statistic = -2.70, p < .01).
RESULT 3. Prices are lower than predicted when traders have only
one opportunity to make a transaction ([delta] = 0), and higher than
predicted when a period may last multiple rounds ([delta] = 0.9).
Support: The model predicts price dispersion as the outcome of a
mixed strategy equilibrium. To compare prices to this equilibrium, we
construct an empirical price distribution using aggregate data (across
sessions, within a treatment) for the late 15 periods. Figures 6 and 7
illustrate the theoretical and the empirical cumulative price
distributions for both levels of continuation probability. In both
cases, the changes in the distribution are in the directions predicted
by the theoretical model. However, when [delta] = 0 (Figure 6), the
equilibrium price distribution first order stochastically dominates the
empirical distribution, with mean prices of 18.66 versus 23.1 in the
[gamma] = 0.67 treatment and 44.23 versus 56.8 in the [gamma] = 0.33
treatment. The lower bound of the empirical distribution is also far
below that predicted by the model. Conversely, observed transaction
prices tend to be higher than predicted when the continuation
probability is high, as shown in Figure 7, with mean prices of 11.25
versus 2.9 in the [gamma] = 0.67 treatment and 20.33 versus 11.6 in the
[gamma] = 0.33 treatment.
The result that prices in either [delta] treatment do not reach the
extreme levels predicted suggests that both buyers and sellers in the
experiment do not take full advantage of their market power. One
limiting factor may be fairness considerations. In the [delta] = 0
treatment, if the seller foresees that the buyer is willing to reject an
"unfair" offer even if this demand withholding means a payoff
of zero, then the seller may decrease price in order to ensure a sale.
This is analogous to proposers' fear of rejection in ultimatum bargaining experiments, which can cause offers to deviate from
equilibrium predictions (Camerer 2003, ch. 2). On the other hand, in the
[delta] = 0.9 treatment if the buyer is more likely to accept a more
egalitarian split of surplus immediately, as also suggested by previous
ultimatum bargaining experiments, then it is plausible for the seller to
make a sale at a higher price despite competition. This also avoids the
unfair outcome of a highly asymmetric distribution of exchange surplus.
Deviations from the equilibrium predictions could also be due to
violations of the model's assumption of risk neutrality. If
subjects are risk averse, as is often observed in experiments, prices
may deviate from the risk neutral prediction, but the direction of this
deviation could depend on how such risk attitudes are modeled. It is
well documented that risk averse buyers tend to be less price sensitive
in search environments; that is, they settle for higher prices and are
willing to accept some prices rejected by risk neutral buyers in the
same situation (Schotter and Braunstein 1981). Risk averse sellers, by
contrast, might engage in price cutting to increase the likelihood of a
sale compared to risk neutral sellers. Modeling the interaction of risk
averse buyers and sellers for this market setting is a complex and open
problem, and it is unclear which of these effects dominates
Finally, our result that seller competition may not always lead to
extreme prices predicted by the theory is consistent with previous
literature, both experimental and theoretical. For instance, Bayer
(2010) investigates the impact of competition on markets for non-durable
goods and finds that increased seller competition reduces prices, but by
far less than predicted. Abrams, Sefton, and Yavas (2000) study a posted
offer market with costly buyer search and find that prices are closer to
the midpoint than to either the Bertrand or the Diamond extreme. In a
durable goods model, Sobel (1984) shows that high prices with periodical discounts can be sustained as an equilibrium pricing strategy even in
the presence of competing sellers.
C. Buyer Purchase Behavior
When a period lasts only one round ([delta] = 0), demand
withholding is not a rational strategy for any buyer. (11) Accordingly,
we find only seven instances of demand withholding across 480 buyer
purchase decisions (1.5%) when buyers observe prices of both sellers
with probability [gamma] = 0.67. However, when the buyer is less likely
to see both price offers (i.e., [gamma] = 0.33), no-trade occurs
significantly more often, about 7.3% of the time. (12)
The more interesting case is when a period may last for multiple
rounds ([delta] = 0.9). In equilibrium, a buyer cannot credibly threaten
to wait and should purchase in round 1. Off-equilibrium, however, a
buyer who has the option to defer purchase until later may wait for
better price offers even though the current offer(s) yield positive
payoff. Figure 8 shows that in the [delta] = 0.9 sessions, on average,
more than 30% of the transactions occur in later rounds, with little
difference across the two y treatments. However, despite deferring
purchase to later rounds, nearly all exchanges eventually do occur in
the [delta] = 0.9 treatment. No-trade occurs 5% of the time in [gamma] =
0.33 treatment and 3.54% of the time in [gamma] = 0.67 treatment,
leading to overall efficiency that is similar to the [delta] = 0
To explore buyer purchase behavior more systematically, we use
panel data econometric models with subject level error clustering. Table
4 reports the marginal effects of probit models for purchase decisions
in Round 1 by all buyers. The likelihood of purchasing in Round 1 is
higher when a buyer observes both price offers or when the (minimum)
observed price is lower. Accounting for past experience (Column 2)
indicates that buyers who made their purchase early in the previous
period are more likely to accept price offers in Round 1; and the
likelihood of making a Round 1 purchase in the current period is
decreasing in difference between the (minimum) observed price this
period and the transaction price paid in the previous period. The
previous period price may be considered as the "reference
price" and the buyers' unwillingness to pay a higher
price--withholding demand--could be due to fairness considerations. (13)
Consistent with Figure 8, we find that the probability of purchasing in
Round 1 does not depend on the probability of observing one or both
prices ([gamma]). (14)
Most of these results also hold when focusing exclusively on buyers
who exhibit demand withholding. We define a buyer to be a
"withholding" buyer if she refuses Round 1 price offers at
least 33% of the time--that is, at least 5 times in the final 15
periods. (15) Table 4 reports a sole exception: these buyers are less
likely to purchase in Round 1 in the treatment with a higher likelihood
of receiving two price offers ([gamma] = 0.67). In spite of these modest
differences in purchase behavior, we find no difference in the purchase
prices paid and the profits earned by withholding buyers compared to
those who more frequently accept the initial price offers (purchase
price: p = .26; profit: p = .9).
Recall that in equilibrium, the buyer's threat to defer
purchase is not credible, and price offers made in Round 1 are always
accepted. The predictive power of theory, however, is based on a number
of strong assumptions that may not hold in practice. For instance,
buyers in the experiment may hold imprecise beliefs because they face an
endogenous price distribution that is both unknown and unstable.
Evaluating buyer behavior is complicated further by the obvious seller
deviations from equilibrium documented above. An assessment of the
optimality of buyer purchase behavior should therefore account for the
actual price draws the buyer can receive. As more than 85% of the
transactions occurred in the first two rounds (Figure 8), we restrict
our analysis to actual price draws a buyer could have received in Rounds
1 and 2. We assess the optimality of buyer's purchase strategy by
employing the following rule: rejecting the initial price offer is
regarded as optimal if the expected benefit from delay (expected
decrease in price from deferring purchase to Round 2) exceeds the cost
of delay (expected profit from accepting price offer in Round 1 x (1 -
[delta])). To model buyers' price expectations and account for
evolution of prices over time, we assume that they have adaptive
expectations and approximate the expected price in Rounds 1 and 2 on an
historical three-period moving average.
Next, we compare actual purchase decision in Round 1 to the
(approximately) optimal rule. When buyers purchase decision is not
optimal, it is useful to divide their mistakes into two types of errors:
Type 1 error (Buyers did not reject the initial offer when they should
have; i.e., expected decrease in price in Round 2 is more than the cost
of delay) and Type 2 error (Buyers rejected the initial offer when they
should have purchased in Round 1; i.e., expected decrease in price in
Round 2 is less than the cost of delay). Tables 5 and 6 present the
optimal purchase comparisons for decisions made in Round 1 of each
period. For both [gamma] treatments, more than 70% of the purchase
decisions are optimal. Errors that occur more commonly take the form of
Type 1 error rather than Type 2 error. This bias toward accepting the
initial offers too quickly may stem from risk aversion among buyers.
D. Seller Pricing Behavior
When agents have only one opportunity to trade ([delta] = 0),
buyers do not have the strategic incentive to withhold demand.
Therefore, analysis of the prices posted by sellers closely mirrors the
transaction prices analysis documented in Section V.B. In particular,
random effects regression results show that sellers respond predictably
to an increase in the likelihood of the buyer receiving multiple price
offers--by lowering their price offers (t-statistic = -2.79, p <
The more interesting case is when additional purchase opportunities
may be available to the buyer ([delta] = 0.9). To begin with, it is
important to understand the impact that potential demand withholding has
on the initial price offers made by the sellers, as this likely
determines the buyer purchase decision as well as the path of subsequent
offers. Comparing across the two [delta] treatments, regression results
show that initial price offers made by the sellers are lower when the
probability of continuation is higher, both for [gamma] = 0.33
(t-statistic = -2.48, one-tailed p value < .01) and for [gamma] =
0.67 (t-statistic = -1.76, one-tailed p value = .04). This suggests that
sellers account for buyers' strategic ability to withhold demand
and accordingly post lower initial prices to induce them to purchase
early. Despite these lower prices however, demand withholding is
observed more than 30% of the time across all 30 periods, as documented
in the previous subsection. This raises the natural question: How do
seller price offers vary across different rounds in a period? And how do
sellers in this multiround pricing game respond to a rejection by the
buyer? Recall that the stationary equilibrium provides no predictions
about seller pricing behavior over multiple rounds as all transactions
should occur in the first round.
Tables 7 and 8 present the mean and median posted prices in each of
the first three trading rounds for [delta] = 0.67 and [delta] = 0.33,
respectively. The columns of the table correspond to the round in which
the buyer made the purchase, and the rows summarize the seller price
offers in a given round. For instance, Column 3 of Table 7 indicates
that when the transaction occurs in Round 2, the median prices posted by
the sellers in Rounds 1 and 2 are 18 and 13.74, respectively. These
prices illustrate the general tendency for price offers to fall as the
period progresses over multiple rounds. Random effect regressions that
include clustering on sessions, time trend, and order fixed effects
provide statistical support for this observation (for 1/round:
t-statistic = 3.7 and p < .01). Also note that the average price
offer in Round 1 increases for periods in which the transaction occurs
in a later round, indicating that buyers are rejecting higher offers and
are accepting lower offers in Round 1. In general, these patterns of
posted prices suggest that some sellers used the multiple rounds of
price offers to extract greater surplus from impatient or risk averse
buyers. However, random effect regressions analyzing individual seller
profit (not shown) show that these attempts at discrimination are
largely unsuccessful.
Figures 9 and 10 summarize all individual price offers for sessions
with positive probability of continuation. The solid diamonds represent
posted prices that result in a transaction and the open diamonds
represent unaccepted price offers. The perfectly horizontal lines
display the theoretical price predictions, with the equilibrium maximum
price the higher solid line and the equilibrium minimum price the lower
solid line. The figures also show the median transaction price for each
period. For both [gamma] = 0.33 and [gamma] = 0.67, the distribution of
accepted and unsold price offers seems to oversample higher prices,
often beyond the equilibrium range. The unaccepted price offers tend to
be higher than the accepted price offers, of course, but the proportion
of unsold offers declines over time as posted (and transaction) prices
decrease and buyers make their purchase in Round 1.
Theoretical research has shown that equilibria in oligopoly pricing
games are sensitive to subtle information conditions, the timing of
moves, and the patience of buyers and sellers. Gale (1988) provides a
simple and elegant model that captures the interplay between
buyers' patience to wait for additional price offers and
sellers' beliefs about how many offers the buyers observe in
different rounds. These factors determine how closely the unique mixed
strategy pricing equilibrium approximates competitive (Bertrand) or
monopoly (Diamond) levels. This approach is insightful because it
provides a modeling foundation for the multilateral bargaining process
that can occur in concentrated intermediate goods markets common in
industrial procurement, contracting services, and many other markets.
The multiple rounds of price offers in Gale's model also can be
interpreted as durable goods oligopoly competition. The model provides
an equilibrium explanation for persistent price dispersion observed in
relatively homogenous product markets, which could arise in part from
strategic buyer behavior. Even in restrictive posted offer settings,
where buyers are limited to accepting or rejecting prices offers, buyers
may forego myopically profitable purchases with the intent of forcing
sellers to lower prices in the future. Accounting for this strategic
behavior could be important for antitrust policy, which should consider
how concentrated industry structure on the selling side may be
counterbalanced by the presence of a small number of strategic buyers.
This article examines the implications of buyer patience and its
interaction with their noisy search for price offers. We use highly
controlled laboratory markets that manipulate the expected number of
price offers shown to buyers and their likelihood of receiving future
offers. Consistent with the model's comparative static predictions,
price offers decrease when buyers are more likely to receive multiple
price offers and when they become more patient. This support for theory
is considerably stronger than in related durable goods monopoly and
bilateral bargaining experiments with incomplete information, where data
are frequently inconsistent with even the main comparative statics.
However, our data do not support the equilibrium point predictions of
the model: the model overpredicts the ability of buyers to obtain low,
near-competitive prices when they can wait for new price offers (i.e.,
the treatments with [delta] = 0.9), as well as the ability of sellers to
charge close to the monopoly price when only one round of offers is
possible (i.e., the treatments with [delta] = 0). This could be due in
part to social preferences that bias prices toward the middle of the
feasible price range, because such prices provide buyers and sellers
with similar exchange surplus, as observed in bilateral bargaining
experiments with complete information (Goeree and Holt 2000; Roth 1995).
Risk aversion could also cause prices to deviate from the risk neutral
equilibrium. Nevertheless, considering that the equilibrium model is
based on fully rational, risk neutral, and self-regarding agents, while
human buyers and sellers in the lab are boundedly rational and surely
have more complicated motivations, overall the qualitative support for
the theoretical predictions is still impressive.
doi: 10.1111/j.1465-7295.2011.00429.x
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* We thank University of Richmond for providing subject payments to
conduct this experiment, and two anonymous referees and audiences at ESA
and SEA conferences for valuable feedback. Justin Krieg and Jingjing
Zhang provided excellent research assistance.
Cason: Department of Economics, Krannert School of Management,
Purdue University, West Lafayette, IN 47907. Phone 765-494-1737, Fax
765-494-9658, E-mail
[email protected]
Mago: Department of Economics, Robins School of Business,
University of Richmond, Richmond, VA 23173. Phone 804-287-6631, Fax
804-289-8878, E-mail
[email protected]
(1.) The fact that equilibrium outcome may change dramatically for
apparently small changes in the extensive form of the games is well
known (e.g. Fudenberg, Levine, and Tirole 1985).
(2.) For example, Stahl (1989) assumes that if some buyers have
zero search costs while others have positive search cost, then there is
a unique symmetric Nash equilibrium price distribution that ranges from
competitive pricing to monopoly pricing.
(3.) Engle-Warnick and Ruffle (2005) report that these forces
emerge when even a monopolist seller is confronted with a small number
of buyers. They refer to potential buyer withholding as the "buyer
withholding hypothesis" and seller's response to the implicit
threat as the "cautious monopolist hypothesis."
(4.) This equilibrium result is sensitive to the underlying
assumptions. Ausubel and Deneckere (1989) establish the existence of
multiple equilibria when time horizon is infinite. Bagnoli, Salant, and
Swierzbinski (1989) show that when the seller has complete information
about the valuations for a finite number of buyers, she can price
discriminate over time.
(5.) Also see Guth, Marchand, and Rulliere (1997) and Grosskopf
(2003) for responder competition in ultimatum games.
(6.) Abrams, Sefton, and Yavas (2000) and Gale (1988) refer to
these boundary cases as the Bertrand paradox ([gamma] = 1) and the
Diamond paradox ([gamma] = 0).
(7.) Rapoport, Erev, and Zwick (1995) study a multiperiod
bargaining negotiation between a buyer and a single seller where
buyer's valuation is not commonly known. They also find that in the
equilibrium, the seller's bargaining power is eroded if buyer has
the option to pass and is patient.
(8.) Patience is an attribute that is inherent to each individual
subject and cannot be exogenously imposed. We use the term "buyer
patience" for [delta] = 0.9 treatment following similar usage by
Gale (1988).
(9.) This time trend is clearly inconsistent with the mixed
strategy equilibrium prediction of i.i.d price draws each period. Prices
exhibit too much intertemporal and cross-sectional correlation, which is
documented in related (static pricing) environments in Cason and
Friedman (2003) and Cason, Friedman, and Wagener (2005), so we do not
pursue it further here.
(10.) Also consistent with the fairness hypothesis, we document
later that buyers are more likely to refuse an initial price offer that
is higher than the transaction price in the previous period.
(11.) Rejection of a price offer that would provide the buyer a
positive payoff is termed "demand withholding." Brown-Kruse
(1991) and Reynolds (2000) report examples of demand withholding in
contestable and posted offer markets, respectively.
(12.) Conservative nonparametric Mann-Whitney test rejects the null
hypothesis that the rate of demand withholding is the same across the
two y treatments (p = .03). Panel data probit models that control for
time trend and order fixed effects also support this conclusion (p =
(13.) Winer (1986) defines "reference price" as the
buyers' perceived current price or their anticipated price. Lattin
and Bucklin (1989) state that it reflects the buyers' expectation
as shaped by past pricing activity. Although the definition of reference
price varies (stimulus based or memory based), the effect of reference
price on buyer's brand choice decisions is well documented in the
marketing literature.
(14.) In an unreported alternative specification, we added an
interaction term between the y treatment indicator and the indicator for
when both prices are observed, in an attempt to identify which treatment
is responsible for the significant impact of the buyer observing both
prices. This interaction term was never even close to significant.
Including the interaction term does not substantially change the other
parameter estimates, but it does increase some of the standard errors
and consequently some coefficients become significant at the 5% or 10%
level rather than the 1% or 5% level in the reported specification.
(15.) According to this definition, 34.4% of the buyers can be
classified as "withholding."
Additional Supporting Information may be found in the online
version of this article:
APPENDIX S1. Experiment Instructions.
FIGURE S1. Seller's Decision Screen (Price Offers).
FIGURE S2. Buyer's Decision Screen When Two Prices Are
FIGURE S3. Buyer's Decision Screen When One Price Is Observed.
FIGURE S4. "Virtual" Dice Roll to Determine whether
Period Ends Before All Buyers Purchased.
FIGURE S5. Example Seller Outcome Screen.
Summary of Parameter Values and Theoretical Predictions
Probability of observing both price offers [gamma] = 0.67 (high)
and [gamma] = 0.33 (low)
Continuation probability [delta] = 0.9 (high) and [delta] = 0 (low)
One buyer and two sellers in each market
Buyer's value = 100 and seller's cost = 0
Transaction Price Posted Price
Parameters Mean Median Mean Median
[gamma] = 0.67 [delta] = 0 23.09 28.19 39.93 33
[gamma] = 0.67 [delta] = 0.9 2.91 3.56 5.04 4.17
[gamma] = 0.33 [delta] = 0 56.82 58.22 69.6 67
[gamma] = 0.33 [delta] = 0.9 11.63 11.92 14.24 13.71
Experimental Expected Range of
Parameters Posted Price
[gamma] = 0.67 [19.8, 100]
[gamma] = 0.67 [2.5, 12.6]
[gamma] = 0.33 [50.4, 100]
[gamma] = 0.33 [10.3, 20.5]
Experimental Design
Probability Continuation Probability ([delta])
of Observing
Both Price [delta] = 0, [delta] = 0.9,
Offers ([gamma]) [delta] = 0.9 [delta] = 0
(Low-High) (High-Low)
[gamma] = 0.67 Two sessions of 12 Two sessions of 12
subjects subjects
(Sessions #1 and 2) (Sessions #3 and 4)
[gamma] = 0.33 Two sessions of 12 Two sessions of 12
subjects subjects
(Sessions #5 and 6) (Sessions #7 and 8)
Median and Mean Transaction Price in the Final 15 Periods of Each
Treatment Condition
Probability of Session # Continuation Continuation
Observing Probability (a) Probability
Both Price [delta] = 0 [delta] = 0.9
Offers ([gamma])
Median Mean Median Mean
[gamma] = 0.67 1 16.04# 18.21# 7.90 9.25
2 15.48# 18.33# 9.26 11.64
3 15.46 19.66 10.15# 10.13#
4 17.59 18.43 14.25# 13.96#
Aggregate observed 16.14 18.66 10.39 11.25
Equilibrium 28.19 23.10 3.56 2.90
[gamma]\ = 0.33 5 50.57# 52.87# 31.72 31.71
6 24.46# 26:73# 16.04 16.51
7 29.33 30.29 19.81# 19.64#
8 67.17 67.01 13.65# 13.45#
Aggregate observed 42.88 44.23 20.30 20.33
Equilibrium 58.22 56.80 11.92 11.60
(a) Shaded are indicates the treatment in the first 30 periods.
Note: Shaded are indicates the treatment in the first 30 periods
indicated with #.
Probit Models of Buyer's Purchase Decision in Round 1
(Marginal Effects Displayed)
Dependent Variable: Buyer All Buyers
Purchases in Round 1
Model 1 Model 2
[gamma] = 0.67 -0.15 0.004
(indicator variable) (0.08 (0.06)
Both price offers are observed 0.11 ** 0.08 *
(indicator variable) (0.03 (0.03)
Minimum price that is observed -0.02 ** 0.00
(0.003) (0.004)
Round of purchase in the previous period -0.06 *
Minimum price this period--purchase price -0.03 **
previous period
1/period 2.58 -0.23
(2.13) (1.43)
Observations 480 472
Log-likelihood -190.24 -145.26
Dependent Variable: Buyer Withholding Buyers
Purchases in Round 1
Model 1 Model 2
[gamma] = 0.67 -0.24 * -0.01
(indicator variable) (0.12) (0.12)
Both price offers are observed 0.16 ** 0.16 *
(indicator variable) (0.06) (0.07)
Minimum price that is observed -0.03 ** -0.003
(0.01) (0.13)
Round of purchase in the previous period 0.01
Minimum price this period--purchase price -0.04 **
previous period
1/period 5.59 -0.87
(5.84) (5.34)
Observations 165 160
Log-likelihood -78.35 -67.07
Notes: Clustered standard errors are robust to unspecified correlation
within subjects and are shown in parentheses. Models include
significant treatment sequencing effects (not shown).
* Significantly different from zero at 5% level; ** significantly
different from zero at 1% level (all two-tailed tests).
Comparison of Buyer Purchase Choices in
Round 1 to Optimal Rule in [gamma] = 0.67 and
[delta] = 0.9 Treatment: 307/416 = 73.8% of
Purchase Decisions Are Optimal
Delay Not Delay Is
Optimal Optimal
Purchase in Round 1 210 64
(39.8% Type 1
Delay purchase 45 97
Type 2 error)
Comparison of Buyer Purchase Choices in
Round 1 to Optimal Rule in [gamma] = 0.33 and
[delta] = 0.9 Treatment: 308/428 = 72% of
Purchase Decisions Are Optimal
Delay Not Delay Is
Optimal Optimal
Purchase in Round 1 229 44
(35.7% Type 1
Delay purchase 76 79
Type 2 error)
Prices Across Rounds in [gamma] = 0.67 and [delta] = 0.9
Transaction 1 2
Mean Median Mean Median
Price in 16.59 10 26.50 18
Round 1 (17.14) (21.61)
Price in 19.52 13.74
Round 2 (17.81)
Price in
Round 3
Number of 356 100
Transaction 3
Mean Median
Price in 27.92 20
Round 1 (20.01)
Price in 19.52 15
Round 2 (12.83)
Price in 14.53 13.13
Round 3 (8.55)
Number of 16
Notes: The first number is the mean posted price and the
second number is the median posted price. Standard deviation
is in parentheses.
Prices Across Rounds in y = 0.33 and 8 = 0.9
Transaction 1 2
Mean Median Mean Median
Price in 24.72 21 30.1 23
Round 1 (13.09) (19.62)
Price in 22.68 19.98
Round 2 (14.47)
Price in
Round 3
Number of 330 98
Transaction 3
Mean Median
Price in 32.51 22
Round 1 (23.47)
Price in 26.66 20
Round 2 (17.75)
Price in 19.26 18.25
Round 3 (9.05)
Number of 32
Notes: The first number is the mean posted price and the
second number is the median posted price. Standard deviation is
in parentheses.