What determines family structure?
Blau, David M. ; van der Klaauw, Wilbert
The most prevalent type of family structure in which children in
the United States are raised today is the traditional one, in which both
biological parents are present in the home and married. But in the past
30-40 years, it has become increasingly common for children to
experience alternative family structures, such as living with the mother
with no father present, the mother and a stepfather, and cohabiting
parents. Children who grow up in a family with married biological
parents have better education, employment, marriage, childbearing, and
psychological outcomes on average than their counterparts who spend
substantial parts of childhood living in alternative family structures.
(1) These differences are generally quite large and dwarf the effects of
income and maternal employment. The evidence suggests that at least part
of the association between family structure and child outcomes is
causal. There is much still to be learned about the consequences of
growing up in alternative family structures, but there is a consensus
that family structure matters for child development.
In contrast, there is much less known about the determinants of
family structure. The proximate determinants of family structure are
well-studied demographic behaviors: union formation and dissolution,
transition from cohabitation to marriage, and fertility, both in and
outside of unions. But the implications of adult demographic behaviors
for the family structure experiences of children depend crucially on
interactions among these behaviors. For example, the impact on a child
of being born out of wedlock is likely to depend on whether the mother
and biological father subsequently marry or cohabit, and if so, how soon
after the birth of the child. The impact on a child of the dissolution
of a union may depend on whether the man in the union was the
child's biological father or a stepfather and on the duration of
the union.
Economic theories of family formation and dissolution suggest a
number of observable factors that affect the demographic behaviors that
determine family structure. (2) These include the wage rates available
to men and women; the tax and transfer incentives to cohabit, marry, and
bear children; the legal environment governing divorce and child support
provided by absent parents; and the state of the marriage market. Many
studies have examined the effects of these factors on the family
structure experiences of children, but most have taken a narrow
approach. For example, a typical study examines the impact of changes
over time in one or two determinants of family structure, without
considering the implications of simultaneous changes in other factors.
Most studies examine only one or two of the key demographic behaviors
that determine the family structure experienced by children. For
example, one study might focus only on entry to cohabitation and
marriage, whereas another study examines childbearing while single, and
a third study analyzes marital dissolution.
In this article, we propose a new approach to analyze the
determinants of the family structure experiences of children. Our
approach has four distinguishing features. First, we jointly model union
formation, union dissolution, and childbearing decisions. Previous
analyses have integrated some of these behaviors in a single model, but
none has integrated the full range of behaviors needed for a thorough
analysis of family structure. A major feature of change in recent years
has been de-linking of marriage and childbearing decisions. Hence, it is
crucial to recognize, as emphasized by Ellwood and Jencks (2004), that
marriage and childbearing are in fact distinct decisions and that
treating "single parenthood" as one decision rather than the
consequence of related but distinct union and childbearing decisions
misses key elements of changes in behavior. Furthermore, Bumpass and Lu
(2000) point out that a substantial part of the increase in single
parenthood in the last three decades can be accounted for by a rise in
the presence of children with cohabiting parents, but child outcomes are
worse in cohabitation than marriage, other things equal. (3) Thus, for
the purpose of analyzing family structure, it is important to allow for
a three-way classification of unions.
Second, we analyze the major hypothesized driving forces behind
family structure changes jointly, including changes in public assistance
policy, divorce law, tax law, and wage rates. By considering the main
driving forces jointly rather than focusing on one or two in isolation
from others, as in much of the literature, we provide a more robust
accounting of the factors driving family structure changes.
Third, the analysis is dynamic and distinguishes between the
short-run timing effects and the long-run "avoidance" effects
of key driving forces. In some cases, the major changes have been in the
timing of childbearing and marriage, whereas for others, the most
important aspect of change has been more radical, namely avoiding
marriage or childbearing altogether (Ellwood and Jencks 2004). Most
empirical analyses do not come to grips with this issue: they are either
explicitly focused on outcomes at certain ages (e.g., marriage by age 24
or nonmarital childbearing by age 19) or they look at marital and
childbearing transitions over short periods. Exceptions to this
generalization include studies by Keane and Wolpin (2010), Seitz (2009),
Swann (2005), Tartari (2006), and van der Klaauw (1996). These studies
structurally estimate dynamic economic models of marriage and employment
(and in some cases fertility and welfare participation). With the
exception of Tartari, these studies do not focus on family structure
from the perspective of children, so they do not model cohabitation or
the identity of male partners, which are important features of our
Fourth, and perhaps most important, we model the behavior of the
adults who make union and childbearing decisions, but we derive from the
model the consequences of these decisions for the family structure
experienced by children. Thus, we model choices that determine the
identity of men who are in the mother's household from the
perspective of children: step or biological father. This approach is
unique in the literature on family structure changes. This is important
because there is considerable evidence that living with the biological
father is associated with better child outcomes compared to living with
a stepfather, other things equal (e.g., Hofferth 2006; McLanahan and
Sandefur 1994).
We use data from the 1979 cohort of the National Longitudinal Survey of Youth (NLSY79) to analyze the fertility, union formation,
union dissolution, type of union (cohabiting vs. married), and father
identity (biological vs. step) choices of women born from 1957 to 1964.
We follow these women from the 1970s, as they enter adolescence, through
2004, when they are in their 40s. We analyze the effects of
state-year-specific policy and labor market variables over a
three-decade period, allowing the effects of these variables to differ
for whites, blacks, and Hispanics, in recognition of the important
differences in levels and trends for these groups. We exploit both
cross-state and within-state variation over time to identify the effects
of these contextual variables, and we examine the sensitivity of the
results to the source of variation. A limitation of using a narrow range
of birth cohorts is that we do not have independent variation in age and
calendar time. For example, welfare reform occurred in the 1990s, when
the NLSY79 cohort was well past the teenage years, so our approach
cannot provide a credible estimate of the impact of welfare reform on
the behavior of teenagers. But the richness and long duration of the
NLSY79 data provide information that is not available from other
The econometric model we specify can be interpreted as an
approximation to the decision rules implied by a dynamic economic model
that fully specifies preferences, the budget constraint, and the
expectation formation process. Although computationally less demanding,
the nonstructural approach used here does not provide a precise
interpretation of the parameters: they are combinations of parameters
describing preferences, budget constraints, and expectations. In our
analysis, we do not condition on other potentially jointly chosen
determinants of family structure, such as education, employment, child
support, and welfare enrollment, that may be endogenous. Structural
estimation of a fully specified economic model of family structure that
would also include these additional determinants as choice variables is
an important task for future research. (4)
The results indicate that the wage rates available to men and women
have substantial effects on family structure for children of black and
Hispanic mothers but not for whites. A higher female wage rate increases
the proportion of childhood spent living with no father and reduces time
spent living with the married biological father. A higher male wage rate
decreases the proportion of childhood spent living with no father. For
Hispanics, this is accompanied by an increase in time spent with the
married biological father. For blacks, there is an increase in
cohabitation but not in marriage, and time spent in cohabitation
increases by about the same proportion for the biological and
stepfathers. These effects are all consistent with standard economic
models of the family. Changes in tax rates also affected family
structure, while welfare benefits, welfare reform, and unilateral divorce laws are estimated to have had small effects. We use
longitudinal data on a narrow range of birth cohorts, so it is difficult
to make credible inferences from our estimates about the causes of
cohort trends in family structure. Nevertheless, we use our model to
simulate the effects of observed changes in the contextual variables
from the 1970s to the 2000s compared to the counterfactual of no change
in these variables since the 1970s. The results indicate that the
observed changes in policy and labor market variables over this period
should have caused an increase in the proportion of childhood lived with
the biological father and a decline in time spent with no father.
Because the observed trends in family structure were in the opposite
direction, we conclude that trends in wages and the policy variables
cannot explain the trend away from traditional family structure.
We provide background and a brief review of previous findings in
Section II. Section III specifies the model and econometric approach.
Section IV describes the data. Section V presents the main results.
Alternative specifications are discussed in Section VI, and Section VII
concludes the study.
The changes in family structure that are of interest here have been
the result of a decline in marriage, increases in divorce and
cohabitation, and an increase in childbearing outside of marriage. These
changes are well known and have been discussed extensively by Bumpass
and Lu (2000), Bumpass, Sweet, and Cherlin (1991), Cberlin (1999),
Fields and Casper (2001), Martin et al. (2002), and Stevenson and
Wolfers (2007), among others. Here, we discuss their consequences for
the family structure experiences of children and briefly summarize previous findings on the causes of the changes.
Kreider (2008) summarizes recent family structure patterns of
children using data from the Survey of Income and Program Participation.
In 2004, 58% of children under the age of 18 were living with their
married biological parents. Another 3% were living with their cohabiting
biological parents. Eight percent of children were living with one
biological parent and one step or adoptive parent (in 80% of these
cases, the biological parent was the mother). Twenty-six percent were
living with one parent only (in 88% of these cases, the parent was the
mother). Finally, 4% were living with neither parent. For most of the
twentieth century up to 1970, the percentage of children living in a
two-parent family remained stable at 83%-85%. Between 1970 and 1990, the
percentage in two-parent families fell from 85% to 73% and the
percentage in one parent families rose from 13% to 25%, with little
further change since 1990. Family structure patterns and their changes
vary substantially by race and, to a lesser extent, by ethnicity. In
2004, 67% of non-Hispanic white children lived with both biological
parents compared with 31% of non-Hispanic black children and 61% of
Hispanic children. (5)
Economic theories of the determinants of union formation, union
dissolution, and childbearing behavior emphasize the role of the wage
rates available to men and women; the tax treatment of marriage and
children; the generosity and terms of public assistance to low-income
families with children; and the legal environment governing divorce. (6)
We briefly discuss findings from the literature on each of these
A. Wage Rates
Becker's (1981) theory of marriage implies that the difference
in potential wage rates between men and women affects the gains from
specialization within marriage. The higher a woman's wage rate, the
greater is the opportunity cost of staying home and raising children.
The higher a potential husband's wage rate relative to the
woman's wage rate, the greater is the incentive to marry in order
to realize gains from specialization within marriage. A number of
studies have found a negative effect of male wages and a positive effect
of female wages on the prevalence of female headship. However, trends in
wages do not contribute much to explaining the trend in single headship
during the 1970-1990s. (7) The effect of wage rates on fertility has
also been studied; see Francesconi (2002) and references cited therein.
B. Taxes
It has been argued by Hotz and Scholz (2003) that expansion of the
earned income tax credit (EITC) in the 1980s and 1990s caused an
increase in the marriage tax penalty. However, there is little empirical
evidence that the EITC has influenced marriage decisions. (8)
C. Welfare
Moffitt (1998) reviewed the large literature on the effect of
welfare benefits on family behavior and concluded that there is evidence
of a positive association between welfare benefits and female headship.
However, the magnitude and precision of the estimated effect are rather
sensitive to specification. Furthermore, the trend in real welfare
benefits in the 1980s and 1990s was downward, which should have led to a
decline in female headship rather than the increase that was observed.
Some recent studies, such as those by Rosenzweig (1999), Foster and
Hoffman (2001), and Hoffman and Foster (2000), have found more
consistent evidence of a positive association between welfare benefits
and female headship among disadvantaged young women, for whom welfare is
likely to be a relevant option. Blau, Kahn, and Waldfogel (2000) find no
evidence that welfare benefits affect the likelihood that a young woman
is a single mother. Light and Omori (2006) find that an increase in
welfare benefits causes a reduction in transitions into marriage and an
increase in transitions to cohabitation. They also report that an
increase in the welfare benefit increases divorce for black women but
not for other groups.
A recent literature examines the impact of welfare reform in the
late 1980s to the mid1990s on family structure. The majority of studies
find that welfare reform caused an increase in marriage and a decrease
in divorce. (9) However, social experiments undertaken as part of
welfare reform show no consistent impact on union formation in the
welfare population (Harknett and Gennetian 2003), and there is evidence
from the studies by Bitler et al. (2004) and Kaestner et al. (2003) that
welfare reform actually caused a decrease in marriage. Fitzgerald and
Ribar (2004) find no significant impact of welfare reform on female
D. Divorce Laws
Many studies have analyzed the impact of enactment of unilateral
divorce laws on the divorce rate and related outcomes. Peters (1986)
finds no impact, but Friedberg (1998), Gruber (2004), and others find a
positive association between unilateral divorce law and the frequency of
divorce. Wolfers (2006) reconciles these differences by showing that
there is a positive short-run impact of enactment of unilateral divorce
but apparently no long-run impact. This finding suggests the importance
of dynamic considerations. Alesina and Giuliano (2005) find evidence
that unilateral divorce reduces out of wedlock fertility, with no impact
on marital fertility. They interpret this as indicating that when it is
easier to escape marriage, women who plan to have a child are more
willing to have the child within marriage.
Our goal is to understand the family structure experiences of
children who reside with their biological mother, (10) The family
structures of interest are living with the biological mother and (1) the
married biological father, (2) the cohabiting biological father, (3) a
married stepfather, (4) a cohabiting stepfather, and (5) no man. We
assume that women become at risk of entering a union and conceiving a
child at age 12. A "union" refers to a coresidential romantic
relationship, which may be a marriage or a cohabitation. We use a
discrete-time framework in which the unit of time is a month. In a given
month (t), woman i's situation is characterized by the following
state variables: (a) a set of fixed characteristics [X.sub.i] such as
her race, ethnicity, and year of birth; (b) the outcomes of previous
childbearing and union formation and dissolution decisions, [Y.sub.it],
such as the number of children born and their ages, current marital and
cohabitation status, and marital and cohabitation history; and (c) a set
of policy, labor market, and other aggregate variables [Z.sub.ijt], some
of which may be choice specific (j is the indicator for choices, defined
below). We do not model schooling and employment decisions, and, as
noted in the introduction, we do not condition on education and
employment status. We also do not model migration behavior, but we do
condition on the woman's state of residence.
Each period, a woman faces a set of child-beating and union
options, from which she can choose one. We assume that at most one
alternative can be selected from the choice set in a given month. The
set of alternatives available to a woman in a given period depends on
her previous choices. For example, if she is currently married, then the
option of entering a marriage or cohabitation is not available. If she
is currently pregnant, then conceiving a child is not an option. (11) We
assume that if she is in a cohabitation, then the only man she can marry
in the current month is her partner. We also assume that if she is
currently in a union, the only man with whom she can conceive a child is
her current spouse or partner. Let A ([Y.sub.it]) denote the set of
alternatives available to a woman in period t, given her current state
[Y.sub.it]. The alternatives are specified below. The value to a woman
of choosing alternative j is specified as
where [[mu].sub.i] is a permanent unobserved woman-specific effect,
[[beta].sub.5j] is an alternative-specific factor loading, and
[[epsilon].sub.ijt] is an iid shock. The inclusion of [[mu].sub.i]
captures persistence in unobserved factors, such as preferences, partner
characteristics, and the state of the marriage market. The interaction
between [X.sub.i] and [Z.sub.it] allows policy and labor variables
effects to differ by race/ethnicity.
We do not specify an explicit theory of choice behavior, but
Equation (1) is consistent with choice-theoretic approaches proposed by
Becker (1981) and others. It is useful to think of (1) as an
approximation to the value function associated with a given alternative.
(12) But the parameters do not have explicit choice-theoretic
interpretations, as they capture both the response to current incentives
and expectations about the future evolution of the key driving forces.
If the policy and labor market contextual variables of interest are
exogenous, the parameters can be interpreted as causal effects.
If woman i chooses the alternative with the highest value in month
t, and if [[epsilon].sub.ijt] follows the Type I extreme value
distribution, then conditional on [mu] the probability that she makes
choice j, [P.sub.ijt], has the multinomial logit form:
where [V.sub.ijt] = [V.sup.*.sub.ijt] - [[epsilon].sub.ijt]. The
conditional likelihood function contribution for woman i is formed as
the product, over the months for which she is observed, of probabilities
for her observed choices, conditional on [mu]. The unconditional likelihood contribution is the integral of the conditional likelihood
over the distribution of [mu]. The latter is treated as a discrete
random factor with a two-point distribution. The model is thus a
discrete-time multistate competing risks model of childbearing, union
formation and dissolution, and "father identity." The model
does not suffer from the usual Independence of Irrelevant Alternatives property of the multinomial logit model because the [[beta].sub.5j]
parameters allow the disturbances to be correlated, although in a
restricted manner (eight parameters determine the covariances among the
disturbances). (13) The model is estimated by maximum likelihood. The
full set of alternatives, not all of which are available in a given
month, is
0. Do nothing
1. Conceive a child with the current man
2. Conceive a child with a new man
3. End the current union and become single
4. Enter a cohabiting union with the current man
5. Enter a cohabiting union with a new man
6. Marry the current man
7. Marry a new man
A new man is defined as a man who is not the father of any of a
woman's children and with whom she has never lived. The current man
is her partner or spouse if she is currently in a union. If she is not
in a union, the current man is the father of her most recent child
conceived since the end of her last union, if any, or since she began
conceiving children if she has never been in a union. If she is not in a
union and has not given birth to any children since the end of the
previous union (or ever, if she has never been in a union), then there
is no current man and alternatives 1, 3, 4, and 6 are not available. If
she is currently in a union or pregnant, then as indicated above, we
assume that only the current man is relevant: she can conceive a child
or enter a union only with the current man, so alternatives 2, 5, and 7
are not available.
Distinguishing between a new man and the current man is important
because the choice between the two determines which of a woman's
children will reside with, or be at risk of residing with, the
biological father and which with a stepfather. This important
distinction has rarely been made in analyses of family formation
behavior (see Graefe and Lichter 1999 for an exception). We impose one
key assumption in order to make it feasible to model the choice between
a new man and the current man. If a woman ends a union with the current
man or if she has a child with a new man, then she is not at risk of
conceiving a child or entering a union again with the former current
man. With this assumption, there is at most one current man.
The model is quite rich and flexible. It allows for observed and
unobserved heterogeneity, state dependence, duration dependence, and
other forms of history dependence. The effects of policy and labor
market conditions are allowed to vary by race and ethnicity. Geographic
and time effects are included in order to allow for unobserved
heterogeneity across states and over time. In practice, the
specification is restricted in various ways described below, in order to
avoid an excessive number of parameters. But even after imposing
restrictions, the model allows substantial flexibility in the effects of
contextual variables on the family structure experiences of children.
These effects are derived from simulations of the model, as described
A. The National Longitudinal Survey of Youth, 1979 Cohort (NLSY79)
The NLSY79 began in 1979 with a sample of young men and women who
were born between 1957 and 1964. They were interviewed annually from
1979 to 1994 and biennially since 1994. We use prospective data on
female respondents through the 2004 interview, along with retrospective reports from the first interview about pre-1979 marriage and fertility
behavior. We use the representative cross-sectional sample and the
supplementary over-samples of blacks and Hispanics. Here, we briefly
describe measurement of the key variables; more details are available in
Blau and van der Klaauw (2008).
In 1979, when the sample women were between the ages of 14 and 22,
the survey collected information on the beginning and ending dates (to
the nearest month) of up to two marriages. In subsequent waves,
information has been collected on up to three changes in marital status since the previous interview. We treat the date of separation as the
date of the end of a marriage, because the issue of interest is the
presence of a man in the mother's household. However, there are
many temporary separations that are followed by reuniting. Modeling the
process that determines whether a couple reunites after a separation
would make an already rich analysis excessively complicated. Thus, we
ignore temporary separations if the duration of the separation was less
than or equal to 2 years. Cases in which a temporary separation lasted
more than 2 years are censored at the date of separation and no
information beyond the separation date is used in the analysis. (14)
The survey has collected information on cohabitation in several
different ways, including snapshots of cohabitations in progress at each
interview date; the starting date of cohabitations that were in progress
at the interview date, beginning with the 1990 interview; the starting
date of cohabitations that turned into marriages that were in progress
at the interview date, also beginning with the 1990 interview; and both
the beginning and ending date of cohabitations that did not turn into
marriages, beginning with the 2002 interview. Cohabitations that began
and ended before the 1979 interview or that began and ended between
interviews before 1990 are missed. (15) We combined information from the
various reports to form as complete a cohabitation history as possible.
The cohabitation and marriage histories were combined to form a complete
union history. We performed extensive consistency checks on the union
history and examined and corrected many anomalous cases by hand (the
resulting code is available on request). Cases in which exact starting
or ending dates of unions are uncertain are retained, and the likelihood
function is modified to integrate over all feasible dates. See Appendix
A for details. However, we dropped 401 cases with either unresolvable
inconsistencies in the timing of unions or patterns that violate the
assumptions of the model. (16)
The month and year of birth is reported for each child, and
beginning in 1984, women were asked the month in which each pregnancy
began. We use this information to identify the month of conception. If
the month of conception is missing, we assume the conception occurred 9
months prior to the birth.
Beginning with the 1984 interview, the mother is asked for each of
her coresident biological children whether the child's biological
father is present in the household. Thus, when a woman lives with a man
before or during the conception and birth, identifying fathers is
straightforward. The more difficult cases are those in which a woman who
has given birth to a child since the end of her previous union (or since
she began bearing children, if she has never been in a union) conceives
and bears another child while single. In such cases, we need to
determine whether the father of the new child was the same man who
fathered her previous child, but we can do this only if she subsequently
enters a union (and is interviewed while the union is still in
progress). If she never enters a union following the birth of a child,
we cannot determine whether the father of that child was the current man
or a new man. Of the 1,086 cases in which a child was conceived and born
to a single woman who had given birth to a child since the end of her
previous union, we are able to identify whether the father is the
current man or a new man in 35% of the cases. Rather than discard the
remaining cases, we modify the likelihood function to account for both
the possibilities, weighted by the probability (from Equation [2]) that
the father was the current man or a new man. This modification is
described in Appendix A. (17) This approach will produce consistent
parameter estimates if the data are missing at random conditional on the
observables and the permanent unobserved factor ([mu]).
At each interview date, we can determine from the household roster
whether a given child is present in the mother's household.
Modeling whether a child lives with the biological mother would be
interesting but is beyond the scope of this article. The processes that
determine this are thus treated as exogenous censoring processes, and
the number of children present in the mother's household is
adjusted when a child moves in or out. Cases in which a child is away at
school or living part-time with the mother are treated as if the child
is living with the mother. The death of a child is treated as a
censoring event, and children's records are censored at age 18.
After dropping cases with incomplete data or unresolved inconsistencies, we are left with a sample of 4,476 women of 4,926
eligible for inclusion. (18) Descriptive statistics on the analysis
sample are displayed in Table 1, separately for whites, blacks, and
Hispanics. The first panel summarizes demographic outcomes as of the
last interview. The sample women were aged about 40 on average as of
their last interview. (19) white women had given birth to an average of
1.71 children and 21% had not given birth to any children. Black and
Hispanic women had about 0.2-0.3 more births on average than whites.
Eighty-nine percent of white women had ever been married compared with
62% of black women and 82% of Hispanic women. White women were also
somewhat more likely to have ever cohabited.
The lower panel of Table 1 summarizes the incidence of the family
structure outcomes experienced by the 8,027 children born to the sample
women as of their last interview. The children were aged 13-14 on
average at the time of the last observation (after truncating at age 18;
without truncating, they were 14-16). Thirty-one percent of children of
white mothers had ever lived without a father figure present compared
with 76% of the children of black mothers and 45% of the children of
Hispanic mothers. Most children of white and Hispanic mothers lived with
both biological parents at some point in their childhood (94% and 85%,
respectively) compared with 52% of the children of black mothers.
Children of black mothers were more likely to live with a stepfather
and/or a cohabiting father compared with children of white and Hispanic
mothers, but these differences are smaller.
A concern with using a long panel for a study of family structure
is that attrition and immigration could make the sample increasingly
unrepresentative over time. Most studies on family structure use a time
series of cross sections and do not face this problem, although they
cannot study individual-level dynamics with such data. To examine this
issue, we compared summary statistics for the NLSY79 cohort in the
NLSY79 data and the March Current Population Survey (CPS), for 2 years,
1995 and 2004. 1995 was the first CPS survey year in which cohabitation
was well measured, and 2004 was the last year of data in our NLSY
sample. The results (available in the working paper version, Blau and
van der Klaauw 2009) indicate close agreement on family structure
between the two data sources. With a few exceptions, the NLSY79 sample
has not been compromised by attrition for whites and blacks but is
increasingly unrepresentative of Hispanics. (20)
B. Contextual Data
The geo-coded version of the NLSY79 provides the state of residence
at each survey date, at the time of the woman's birth, and when she
was age 14. We collected data from a variety of sources on welfare
benefits, welfare reform, divorce laws, tax rates, and labor market
conditions and merged them with the NLSY79 data by state and year. Here,
we briefly describe the key measures; Appendix B provides details and
describes how state of residence was assigned for nonsurvey years.
The real (year 2000 dollars) Aid to Families with Dependent
Children (AFDC) or Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF) plus
Food Stamp benefit for a family of four (single mother with three
children under 18) with no other income is used as a measure of the
welfare benefit. The average welfare benefit declined in real terms over
much of the sample period, with a couple of episodes of relative
stability. The month and year of implementation of major welfare waivers
and the TANF program for each state are used to characterize welfare
reform. The welfare reform variable indicates the presence of any major
change in welfare rules authorized by a waiver or TANF. (21)
The month and year of enactment of unilateral divorce laws were
taken from Gruber (2004), which is an update of Friedberg's (1998)
data. Unilateral divorce means that mutual consent for a divorce is not
required. Most such laws were enacted in the 1970s, but there were
occasional later cases in which states passed a unilateral divorce law.
The TAXSIM program provided by the National Bureau of Economic
Research (NBER) was used to compute the average tax rate for alternative
filing statuses and numbers of children. The program accounts for all
major features of the tax code, including the EITC and (beginning in
1977) state taxes. Rather than conditioning on the woman's observed
income, we specify an arbitrary real income level that is used for all
women in all years. This ensures that the only variation in the tax rate
used in the model is due to tax code variation over time and across
states. In the results reported here, we used the real equivalent of the
year 2000 poverty line for a family of three. We estimated an
alternative specification using the real equivalent of year 2000 median
family income and found similar results. The average tax rate is a
better characterization than the marginal tax rate for the implications
of alternative discrete marriage and childbearing choices.
The tax rate is treated as a choice-specific variable that depends
on the marital status and number of children associated with each
alternative a woman faces. For example, the alternatives available to a
married woman with one child are to remain in this state, conceive a
second child, or end the union and become single. The tax rate is
different for each alternative: married filing jointly with one child,
married filing jointly with two children, and head of household with one
child, respectively. Marital status and number of children are outcomes
of the choice processes and therefore endogenous if there is serially
correlated unobserved heterogeneity. Conditioning on the permanent
woman-specific effect ([[mu].sub.i]) and integrating it out of the
likelihood function accounts for this source of endogeneity if the
heterogeneity is permanent. Thus, in our analysis, the tax rate varies
over time, across states, and by fertility and marital status. (22)
There was rapid growth in the tax subsidy to children for low-income
women beginning in the 1980s. Much of this growth is a result of large
expansions of the EITC, which provides benefits almost exclusively to
low-income families with children (and is refundable, hence the
possibility of a negative average tax rate).
The female wage rate is measured by the mean real full-time average
hourly earnings of women aged 16-47. The state-year-specific mean wage
rate is constructed separately for whites, blacks, and Hispanics using
data from the CPS by dividing weekly earnings in the survey week by
hours of work per week. The age group 16-47 spans the
(employment-eligible) age range of the NLSY sample in the years for
which we have data. In order to avoid introducing composition effects
into the wage trends, we regression-adjust wages for education and age.
The wage measures used here are standardized to a constant level of
education (high school graduate) and age (26-30). The male wage rate is
constructed in the same way, for a sample of men aged 18-49. Note that
the wage rate is not choice specific: it is not conditioned on marital
status or fertility. It is also not conditioned on the education or
other human capital characteristics of the women in our sample. (23) The
male-female wage gap narrowed for all three groups through the
mid-1990s, especially for Hispanics, but has been constant more
recently. In absolute terms, only for white and Hispanic women are mean
real wages higher in 2004 than in the 1970s.
A. Specification
The parameter estimates and standard errors on the policy and labor
market variables are reported in Table A1. (24) The parameter estimates
are not particularly informative, so we do not discuss them. (25) The
specification reported here includes the six contextual variables
described above, each interacted with indicators for black and Hispanic,
thus allowing the effects to differ freely by race/ethnicity. The
specification also includes dummies for nine census regions and the 22
largest states, a quadratic in calendar time, dummies for 5-year (or in
some cases 10-year) periods, and dummies for several individual years in
the mid-1990s, around the time of welfare reform. The model is nonlinear and has a large number of parameters. Given the small numbers of women
from the less-populated states, as well as the low frequency with which
some alternatives were chosen in some of the calendar years, it was not
feasible to incorporate full sets of state fixed effects and calendar
year fixed effects, leading us to group some of them together instead.
The geographic and time controls are included in order to avoid
attributing the effects of unobserved differences across states and over
time to the contextual variables of interest. However, the geographic
controls also absorb the true effects of permanent cross-state
differences in the contextual variables, as well as other permanent
differences across states, thus leaving only variation over time around
state-specific averages to identify the effects of the contextual
variables (Keane and Wolpin 2002). Below, we discuss the sensitivity of
the results to specifications with alternative sets of geographic
B. Model Fit
We use the parameter estimates to simulate the life history of each
woman in the sample. The simulations condition only on the woman's
race/ethnicity, age, and the state of residence in each year in which
she is observed. A woman is assigned a heterogeneity type (a value of
[mu]) based on a draw from the estimated heterogeneity distribution.
Each woman starts out single and with no children at age 12. The
estimates are used to compute the probability of each of the three
events in the choice set in this case (enter a cohabitation, enter a
marriage, and conceive a child), given her type ([mu]), race/ethnicity,
and state of residence at age 12. A random number generator determines
which, if any, event occurs. If the event is conceiving a child, a
pregnancy duration is randomly assigned by drawing from the observed
distribution of pregnancy durations in the sample. The [Y.sub.it]
variables are updated according to which event, if any, occurred, and
the process is repeated for the next month. If pregnant, the birth
occurs at the assigned duration. The simulation continues through the
last month in which the woman is observed in the data. (26) This
procedure is repeated 100 times for each woman. To generate standard
errors for the simulations, we took 200 random draws from the joint
distribution of the parameter estimates and repeated the entire
simulation procedure for each draw. We report the mean and standard
deviation of the resulting simulations.
In the baseline simulation, the contextual variables take on their
observed values. Table A3 in the Appendix compares simulation results
for selected variables characterizing choice behavior to the observed
values in the data. (27) The model reproduces most aspects of the data
reasonably well, but underpredicts the proportion of childhood living
without any man present. Table A4 illustrates the fit of the model to
transitions of children among the five family structure categories of
interest. This is a demanding measure of fit, because these transition
rates are not directly estimated but rather are derived from the
underlying transition probabilities of women among states. The upper
panel compares simulated and actual transition probabilities averaged
over all ages from 0 through 17. The model fits the transition
probabilities very well in some cases, such as transitions involving a
man entering the household (Rows 1-4) and breakup of cohabitations and
marriages with stepfathers (Rows 7 and 10). The simulations
underestimate the rate of dissolution of marriage to the biological
father (Row 9) and overestimate the rate at which cohabitations are
converted to marriages (Rows 6 and 8) and the rate at which
cohabitations with the biological father break up (Row 5). The fit
averaged over ages 0-5 shown in the lower part of the table is similar
to the fit averaged over all ages.
C. Counterfactual Simulations
To illustrate the effects of wage rates and the welfare benefit, we
compare two scenarios (separately for each variable): one in which the
variable is held constant for all women and all periods at its overall
sample mean and another in which it is held constant at the mean plus
one standard deviation. For the tax rate, we compare one scenario in
which the tax rate for each combination of marital status and number of
children is held constant at its sample mean to three alternative
counterfactuals: one in which the tax gain from marriage is eliminated;
a second in which the tax gain from having children conditional on
marriage is eliminated; and a third in which the tax gain from having
children conditional on being unmarried is eliminated (see the notes to
Table 2 for details). For welfare reform and unilateral divorce, the two
scenarios hold the variable constant at zero and at one. The values of
the contextual variables used in the simulations are shown in Table 2.
Table 3 shows simulated effects of the contextual variables on the
proportion of childhood spent in the five family structures of interest.
The results show that an increase in the average female wage rate causes
an increase in the proportion of childhood spent living with no father.
The effect is very small for children of white mothers but is large for
children of black and Hispanic mothers. The implied wage elasticities of
the proportion of childhood spent with no father are 1.36 for children
of black mothers and 3.64 for children of Hispanic mothers. (28) Another
way to illustrate the magnitude of these effects is to note that the
mean real wage rate of black women fell by more than one standard
deviation, from over $10 to $8.50, from the mid-1970s to the early
1990s. The results in Table 3 imply that this decline would have reduced
the proportion of childhood spent with no father by more than 0.06, from
a baseline of 0.33. Most of this decrease in the proportion of childhood
spent living with no man would be associated with an increase in time
spent with the married biological father.
The effects of an increase in the male wage rate are almost all
opposite in sign to the effects of an increase in the female wage rate.
This is consistent with the prediction of Becker's model of
specialization in marriage. The simulated effects are small for children
of white and black mothers. For children of Hispanic mothers, an
increase in the male wage causes a decline in time spent with no father
and with a married stepfather, accompanied by an increase in time spent
living with the married biological father. The decline of 0.037 in the
proportion of childhood spent with no father is quite large relative to
the baseline of 0.122 for children of Hispanic mothers.
These hypothetical exogenous changes in average market wage rates
affect behavior presumably because the wage offers available to
individuals in our sample are drawn from the corresponding market wage
distributions. The estimates can be interpreted as reduced form effects,
showing how changes in average market wages affect family structure
without identifying the underlying mechanisms of the effects. Thus, we
cannot identify how an increase in the mean wage offer affects the
distribution of wage offers by skill or ability nor the effect of wage
offers on employment decisions. The advantage of the approach is that it
is feasible to estimate the net impact of wages on all the demographic
behaviors that determine family structure without modeling additional
choice variables such as employment.
An increase in the welfare benefit is estimated to cause a decrease
in the proportion of childhood spent living with the married biological
father for all three groups, but the estimates are not significantly
different from zero. The negative effect is consistent with the
predictions of economic models of the family such as Neal (2004) and
Willis (1999). The decrease is accompanied by an increase in time spent
living with no man (except for blacks) and cohabiting men, but the
proportion of childhood spent living with a married stepfather also
The simulated effects of the tax gains to marriage are quite small
and precisely estimated, in the sense that we can reject large effects
with considerable confidence. The simulated effects of the tax gain from
having children conditional on being married are also quite small in
most cases, but a few of the effects are a bit larger. It is surprising
that the tax gain from children conditional on marriage is estimated to
cause a decrease in the proportion of childhood spent living with a
married father, by about 0.025 for all three groups, accompanied by an
increase in time spent living with no father. This is a puzzling finding
and is robust across the alternative specifications we have estimated.
The simulated effects of the tax gain from children conditional on being
unmarried are also counterintuitive, resulting in an increase in time
spent with the married biological father and a decline in time spent
with no father present. (29)
The last two panels in Table 3 show the simulated effects of
welfare reform and unilateral divorce. The simulations reveal some
moderately large effects in a few cases, but none is significantly
different from zero. Welfare reform is estimated to cause an increase of
0.049 in the proportion of childhood lived with the married biological
father for children of black mothers. Unilateral divorce also causes a
rather large increase in the proportion of childhood living with the
married biological father for children of black and Hispanic mothers.
The lack of precision of these estimates is probably due to the fact
that most of the changes in unilateral divorce laws were in the early
1970s, so these changes affected few individuals in our sample during
the prime childbearing years. Welfare reform occurred in a fairly narrow
time span from the late 1980s through 1997 when the NLSY79 cohort was in
their 30s, past prime childbearing ages.
Family structure changes are thought to have different effects on
children in different stages of childhood (e.g., Hill, Yeung, and Duncan
2001; Moore et al. 2001). We examined whether the effects shown in Table
3 were concentrated in particular phases of childhood: early (0-4),
middle (5-11), and late (12-17). These are hypothesized by developmental
psychologists to be distinct stages in the developmental life course.
The results (not shown) do not indicate any systematic tendency for the
effects of the contextual variables on family structure to be
concentrated in particular stages of childhood. In a few cases, the
effects are stronger at younger ages (e.g., welfare reform for blacks),
whereas in a few other cases, the effects are stronger at older ages
(e.g., tax gain to having children for whites). In the great majority of
cases, the effects are quite similar across the age groups.
The outcomes shown in Table 3 are measures of the "stock"
of time spent in alternative family structures. It is of considerable
interest to investigate the underlying determinants of these stocks,
which include both a child's family structure at birth and
"flows" of men in and out of a child's household.
Consider the effect of a one standard deviation increase in the female
wage rate, which was estimated to cause increases of 0.060 and 0.057 in
the proportion of childhood living with no father for children of black
and Hispanic mothers, respectively. The simulated increase in the
probability that the mother was single at the birth of the child is
0.038 (SE 0.035) for blacks and 0.056 (SE 0.031) for Hispanics,
accounting for a substantial part of the increase in the proportion of
childhood living with no father (not shown). The simulated wage increase
causes an increase of 0.02-0.03 in the annualized transition rate out of
marriage for children of black mothers, thus contributing to the
increase in time spent with no father. Cohabitations break up at a more
rapid rate as well.
Another interesting finding in Table 3 is the negative effect of a
higher male wage rate for children of Hispanic mothers on the proportion
of childhood living with no father (-0.037) and the corresponding
positive effect on time spent living with the married biological father
(0.059). The simulated effect of an increase in the male wage rate on
the probability that the mother was single at the birth of the child is
-0.046 (SE 0.023) for children of Hispanic mothers, which can account
for all the -0.037 change in the proportion of childhood spent with no
father. Changes in transition rates contribute little in this case.
D. Simulated Effects of Observed Changes in Contextual Variables
We now use the estimates to address a different question: how did
the observed trends in the contextual variables affect family structure
compared to a counterfactual scenario in which the contextual variables
remained constant at their state-and-race/ethnicity-specific 1970-1974
means, the values that prevailed when the NLSY79 cohort of women was
entering adolescence? The first panel of Table 4 shows the simulated
impact of exposure to the observed values of the contextual variables
compared to the counterfactual in which they all remained at their early
1970s levels. For children of white mothers, the simulations imply that
changes in the contextual variables would have caused an increase in the
proportion of childhood spent with the married biological father of 6.1
percentage points and decreases of 2.3 percentage points in time with a
married stepfather and 3.2 percentage points in time spent with no
father. These are moderately large effects, given the simulated baseline
proportions of 87% with a married biological father, 5% with a married
stepfather, and 7% with no father (see Table A2). The simulated effects
for the children of black mothers are similar in sign and magnitude but
are not as precisely estimated. The effects for Hispanics are
substantially smaller. These results imply that if the contextual
variables had remained at their early values during the past 30 years,
the increase in the proportion of time children lived without their
biological father (or without any father) would have been even larger
than the observed increases.
The remaining panels of Table 4 show the effects of changing one
variable at a time. An important source of the total effects for whites
and blacks is the change in the average tax rate, which declined
substantially for families with children beginning in the mid-1980s.
This was reinforced by a declining female wage rate for blacks. For
whites, the decline in the welfare benefit also contributed to the
observed changes. For Hispanics, female and male wage trends that caused
both less time spent in marriage and with the biological father were
offset by the effects of trends in tax rates and welfare benefits.
Because female and male wage rates tend to move in the same direction
and have opposite effects on most behaviors, the large effects of both
male and female wages for blacks and Hispanics shown in Table 3 tend to
cancel each other out. The effects of welfare reform and unilateral
divorce are negligible for all three groups, not surprising given the
small estimates in Table 3.
E. Explaining Trends
The final issue considered here is whether the model can explain
the large changes in family structure in recent decades in the United
States. There are no consistent time series available from the 1970s
onward on children living in cohabiting arrangements and on biological
versus stepfathers, so the only trend we can analyze is the proportion
of children living with the mother only. We compare results from two
counterfactual simulations in order to determine how much of the
observed trend in the proportion of children living with no father from
the early 1970s through the early 2000s can be explained by our model.
In one case, we hold all the contextual variables constant at their
1970-1974 state-race/ethnicity-specific means, and in the other case, we
hold them all constant at the corresponding 2000-2004 values. Comparing
the two simulations gives an estimate of the effect of the observed
changes in contextual variables on the proportion of childhood spent
living with no father, which can be compared to the actual trend.
Table 5 uses CPS data to show that the proportion of children
living with no father increased from 0.095 to 0.191 for whites from
1970-1974 to 2000-2004 and from 0.388 to 0.572 for blacks. For
Hispanics, the time series begins in 1980, and there was a small
increase from 0.253 to 0.278 from 1980-1984 to 2000-2004. The table
shows that our simulations cannot explain any of the observed change for
whites and only a very small proportion for blacks. The simulations
over-predict the magnitude of the increase for Hispanics, but it is not
clear how much weight to put on this, given that the composition of the
Hispanic population is changing over time, while the NLSY79 Hispanic
sample is representative only as of 1979. Another series available on a
consistent basis is the fraction of those children living with no father
whose mother has never been married. Table 5 shows that this increased
from 0.086 to 0.417 since the early 1970s, a change of 0.331. The
observed changes in the contextual variables predict an increase of
0.037, only about one tenth of the observed change. Thus, as in much
previous research, our estimates indicate that the economic and policy
variables we considered contributed little to the observed changes in
family structure, despite their explanatory power in the panel. There
has been considerable speculation about the role of changes in attitudes
toward cohabitation, out-of-wedlock childbearing, and single motherhood
in explaining the trend away from traditional family structure (see,
e.g., Akerlof, Yellin, and Katz, 1996; Ellwood and Jencks, 2004).
Changes in attitudes may well be an important part of the explanation,
but they are obviously difficult to measure and are probably themselves
affected by evolving trends in family structure. Measuring and
disentangling these factors is a difficult challenge.
The results discussed above are based on a specification with a
rich set of controls for fixed geographic effects: 22 state dummies and
9 census division dummies. As discussed above, this specification has
the advantage of controlling for unobserved differences across states
and census divisions that could be correlated with the contextual
variables. The source of identification is variation in state-specific
trends in the contextual variables around the state-specific means. In
order to determine whether the results are sensitive to the source of
identification, we re-estimated the model with two alternative
specifications: one that drops the state fixed effects and another that
drops the nine division dummies as well. Table 6 shows the simulated
effects of the contextual variables on the proportion of childhood spent
living with no father, for alternative model specifications. Column 1
reproduces the results for the main specification, from the last column
of Table 3. (30) Columns 2 and 3 report results from the new
specifications. Most of the simulated effects are very similar,
suggesting that responses to permanent differences across states are
similar to responses to variation over time around means within states.
There are a few notable differences, however: the effect of the welfare
benefit for blacks changes from 0.005 to 0.031; the effect of welfare
reform for blacks changes from -0.022 to -0.001; and the effect of
unilateral divorce changes from -0.049 to 0.009 for blacks and from
-0.061 to -0.026 for Hispanics.
Another important feature of the specification is the absence of
controls for the characteristics of women, other than race/ethnicity.
The effects that we attribute to the contextual variables could be due
in part to differences across states in characteristics of women, which
are not included in the specification. To investigate this possibility,
we estimated three alternative specifications of the model, adding
controls for the woman's own family structure at age 14, her
completed years of schooling, and her cognitive achievement, as measured
by the Armed Forces Qualification Test (AFQT) score. (31) Columns 4-6 in
Table 6 show the results for these specifications. Controlling for the
woman's family structure at age 14 has very little impact on the
simulated effects (compare Columns 1 and 4). Adding completed years of
schooling has little impact as well (compare Columns 4 and 5), with a
couple of exceptions. But adding the AFQT score in Column 6 changes the
results substantially, yielding much smaller effects of several of the
contextual variables. This is somewhat surprising, but it turns out that
the AFQT score is positively correlated with all the contextual
variables, with a correlation as high as 0.27 with the male wage rate.
And the correlation between education and both the male wage and the
average tax rate is 0.10. This is presumably due to cross-state
correlations between AFQT, education, and state-specific time variation
in the contextual variables. Thus, the effects that we attribute to the
contextual variables may be due in part to education and cognitive
ability. However, both education and cognitive ability are malleable,
and the contextual variables may affect family structure in part via
effects on education and cognitive ability of mothers. This is an
interesting possibility to examine in future research.
The evidence presented here indicates that family structure
experiences of the children of women born from 1957 to 1964 were
affected by male and female wage rates and tax rates. Welfare benefits,
welfare reform, and unilateral divorce are estimated to have little
impact on family structure. The results show that both the magnitudes of
the effects and the channels through which they operate are often quite
different for whites, blacks, and Hispanics. The methods used to produce
this evidence are rather new, and the consistency between our findings
and those of previous studies, for the outcomes that can be compared, is
encouraging. But we readily acknowledge several limitations that suggest
caution in drawing any strong conclusions based on the results.
First, our results apply to a narrow range of birth cohorts, and it
is difficult to see how to generalize them in the absence of comparable
data for other cohorts. Second, a limitation of the NLSY79 data is that
we have little information on children who do not live with the
biological mother. Thus, while our model is rich, it omits this
potentially important channel through which the contextual variables
could affect family structure. Third, we do not model the processes that
determine other potentially important aspects of family structure, such
as the presence in the household of stepsiblings and grandparents.
Temporary separations are ignored as well. And a potentially important
channel through which several of the contextual variables may operate is
the labor market, suggesting the need to model employment choices. All
these channels are worth exploring in future work.
An important motivation for our analysis was the challenge posed by
Ellwood and Jencks (2004) to develop new approaches to analyze the
determinants of family structure change. We believe that our analysis
has been successful in responding to several of their suggestions for
new directions in this field. But the results of our analysis imply that
trends in the contextual variables considered here cannot account for
the trend away from traditional family structure in the last 30 years.
Explaining this trend remains an important challenge. Another challenge
that we are pursuing in ongoing research is to develop a theoretical
model that can provide an explanation and interpretation of the main
results, including the large differences across racial and ethnic
AFDC: Aid to Families with Dependent Children
AFQT: Armed Forces Qualification Test
CPS: Current Population Survey
EITC: Earned Income Tax Credit
NBER: National Bureau of Economic Research
NLSY79:1979 Cohort of the National Longitudinal Survey of Youth
PCED: Personal Consumption Expenditure Deflator
TANF: Temporary Assistance for Needy Families
doi: 10.1111/j.1465-7295.2010.00334.x
Here, we describe how the likelihood function was modified to deal
with missing data, uncertain dates of events, and uncertain sequences of
events. To do this, it is convenient to rewrite the likelihood function
in terms of spells of time spent in a given state. States are defined by
[Y.sub.it]. For example, when a woman first is at risk of experiencing
demographic events at age 12, she is single, not pregnant, and there is
no current man. This defines a particular state. If a woman is married
and not pregnant, this defines a second state. There are a total of
eight states. A woman who is in a particular state remains in that state
until she experiences one of the events in her set of alternatives. See
Blau and van der Klaauw (2008) for a full description of the state
Consider a spell in state s that began in month t and ended in
month n with the occurrence of event j, one of the relevant alternatives
available in state s. Use the convention that the month in which the
transition occurred is the last month in which state s was occupied and
the following month is the first month in which the new state
[s.sup.*](s,j) is occupied. Note that the state [s.sup.*] occupied in
the subsequent spell depends on both the event j that occurred to end
the spell and the state s previously occupied. Modifying the notation in
the text by dropping the individual subscript (i) and adding a state
subscript (s), the probability that event j occurs in month t of a spell
in state s is
and the probability that no event occurs in month t is
[P.sub.0st] = exp{[V.sub.0st]}/ [summation over (k[member
of]A([Y.sub.t]))] exp{([V.sub.kst]).
If the spell began in period [t.sup.*] and ended in period n, the
likelihood function contribution for the spell is (conditional on [mu]):
If the spell is censored at month n, the last term is dropped and
the upper limit of the product is n.
Consider a woman who experiences a total of M spells. The mth spell
begins in calendar month t(m) and ends in calendar month n(m). The state
occupied in spell In is s(m), and the event causing the mth spell to end
is j(m). For simplicity, assume that none of the spells is censored
except the last. The likelihood contribution for the M spells observed
for a given woman, conditional on [mu], is
We now describe how the likelihood function is modified to deal
with uncertain dates and sequences of events.
(1) The month in which an event occurred is unknown. Suppose the
month in which event j occurred during spell m in state s is not
observed. We know only that the event occurred between month r and month
q. In the standard case in which the month (n) in which the event
occurred is known, the likelihood contribution for the pair of spells m
and m + 1 is part of the product in Equation (A1). Assuming for
simplicity that spell m + 1 is the last one and is censored at date n(m
+ 1), this part of the likelihood contribution is given by
L(m, m + 1, [mu]) = [L.sub.j(m)s(m)](t(m), n(m), [mu]) x
[L.sub.s]*(m+l)](n(m) 4- l, n(m + 1), [mu])
where [s.sup.*] is the state occupied in spell m + 1. If we know
only that the event occurred between month r and month q, then the
likelihood contribution for the pair of spells is
(2) The sequence in which events occurred is uncertain. To
illustrate this case, suppose the exact month in which a cohabitation
began is unknown, but it is known to have begun between months r and q.
And suppose a child was conceived in month o, where r < o < q.
Then, we do not know whether the child was conceived before the
cohabitation began or after. In this case, there are two events and
three spells to consider: spell m (single, not pregnant), spell m + 1
(either cohabiting and not pregnant or single and pregnant), and spell m
+ 2 (cohabiting and pregnant). Let j denote the event of entering a
cohabitation and let k represent the event of conception. Let s denote
the state occupied in spell m, and [s.sup.*](j(m), s) the state occupied
in spell m + 1 if the event that terminates spell m is j(m), and
[s.sup.**](j(m + 1), [s.sup.*]) the state occupied in spell m + 2 if the
event that terminates spell m + 1 is j(m + 1). Suppose for illustration
that spell m + 2 is the last spell, and as before let n(m + 2) denote
the censoring date for spell m + 2. Then, the likelihood contribution
for the three spells is
The first line accounts for the probability that the cohabitation
began before the conception occurred (a < o). The second line
accounts for the probability that the cohabitation began after the
conception occurred (a > o). Note that only one event can occur in a
given month.
(3) A single woman who has given birth to at least one child
outside of a union since the end of her previous union (or since age 12
if she has never been in a union) conceives a child, but we cannot
determine from the data whether it is with the current man (father of
the most recent child) or a new man. In this case, we know that in a
given month either Event 1 or 2 occurred, but we do not know which.
Suppose the conception occurred in month q of spell z. The likelihood
contribution for the woman in this case is
where n(z - 1) = q - 1 and the conditioning on j = 1 and j = 2
indicates that the entire subsequent demographic history may depend on
which event occurred.
Coefficient and Standard Error Estimates on Contextual Variables
Current Man New Man Become Single
Welfare benefit -0.015 (0.027) 0.025 (0.048) 0.069 (0.045)
Black (a) -0.035 (0.030) 0.000 (0.043) 0.022 (0.042)
Hispanic (a) 0.013 (0.024) 0.027 (0.052) 0.022 (0.041)
Unilateral 0.107 (0.104) -0.122 (0.248) 0.190 (0.272)
Black (a) -0.078 (0.082) -0.041 (0.140) -0.261# (0.115)
Hispanic (a) 0.100 (0.111) 0.149 (0.229) -0.543# (0.181)
Welfare reform 0.090 (0.093) 0.409 (0.345) 0.002 (0.134)
Black (a) -0.261# (0.125) -0.605# (0.332) 0.094 (0.148)
Hispanic (a) -0.016 (0.115) -0.136 (0.399) 0.051 (0.154)
Male wage -0.136# (0.051) 0.044 (0.103) 0.032 (0.086)
Black (a) 0.200# (0.061) 0.022 (0.101) -0.074 (0.100)
Hispanic (a) 0.187# (0.054) -0.136 (0.119) -0.160 (0.107)
Female wage 0.127# (0.065) -0.060 (0.153) 0.045 (0.108)
Black (a) -0.200# (0.086) 0.020 (0.165) 0.126 (0.139)
Hispanic (a) -0.188# (0.095) 0.278 (0.199) 0.181 (0.163)
Tax rate -0.322 (0.492) 0.664 (1.115) 2.846# (0.884)
Black (a) 1.238# (0.735) -2.000 (1.225) -2.952# (1.491)
Hispanic (a) -0.337 (0.864) -1.482 (1.678) -1.183 (1.500)
Enter Cohabitation
Current Man New Man
Welfare benefit 0.039 (0.173) 0.112# (0.050)
Black (a) 0.258# (0.131) -0.046 (0.052)
Hispanic (a) 0.163 (0.139) 0.007 (0.047)
Unilateral -0.036 (0.822) 0.089 (0.258)
Black (a) -0.033 (0.431) -0.221 (0.137)
Hispanic (a) -0.043 (0.640) 0.035 (0.193)
Welfare reform 0.392 (0.622) -0.100 (0.171)
Black (a) 0.079 (0.587) -0.056 (0.177)
Hispanic (a) -0.004 (0.724) 0.261 (0.212)
Male wage 0.287 (0.281) 0.029 (0.089)
Black (a) 0.033 (0.290) 0.008 (0.104)
Hispanic (a) -0.050 (0.308) 0.100 (0.116)
Female wage -0.459 (0.374) -0.112 (0.115)
Black (a) -0.146 (0.449) -0.037 (0.149)
Hispanic (a) 0.044 (0.474) -0.029 (0.193)
Tax rate 0.000 (0.000) 0.000 (0.000)
Black (a) 0.000 (0.000) 0.000 (0.000)
Hispanic (a) 0.000 (0.000) 0.000 (0.000)
Current Man New Man
Welfare benefit 0.032 (0.045) -0.069 (0.041)
Black (a) 0.043 (0.045) 0.086# (0.047)
Hispanic (a) -0.048 (0.044) 0.090# (0.040)
Unilateral 0.135 (0.271) -0.046 (0.274)
Black (a) -0.010 (0.133) 0.299# (0.140)
Hispanic (a) 0.457# (0.235) -0.030 (0.210)
Welfare reform 0.242 (0.168) 0.036 (0.205)
Black (a) 0.111 (0.188) -0.251 (0.205)
Hispanic (a) 0.092 (0.219) 0.291 (0.238)
Male wage -0.050 (0.091) 0.079 (0.080)
Black (a) -0.110 (0.106) -0.078 (0.104)
Hispanic (a) 0.218# (0.107) -0.016 (0.090)
Female wage -0.008 (0.110) 0.002 (0.101)
Black (a) 0.064 (0.143) -0.091 (0.150)
Hispanic (a) 0.073 (0.183) -0.091 (0.150)
Tax rate -0.641 (1.036) 1.134 (1.241)
Black (a) 2.189 (1.401) 0.028 (1.513)
Hispanic (a) 1.490 (1.791) 1.583 (1.694)
Note: Welfare benefit is in units of 100 dollars/mo. Standard errors
are in parentheses. Coefficient estimates that are significantly
different from zero at the 10% level are in bold.
(a) Variable is multiplied.
Note: Coefficient estimates that are significantly different from
zero at the 10% level are indicated with #.
Coefficient and Standard Error Estimates on Individual Variables
Current Man New Man Become Single
Intercept -5.186 (0.854) -14.616 (1.272) -5.489 (1.205)
Numfath 0.000 (0.000) 0.000 (0.000) -0.158 (0.037)
Num cohab 0.000 (0.000) 0.165 (0.171) 0.357 (0.100)
Prev marr 0.000 (0.000) 0.292 (0.226) 0.000 (0.000)
Prev cohab 0.000 (0.000) 0.380 (0.276) 0.000 (0.000)
Age youngest 1.508 (0.138) 0.000 (0.000) 0.816 (0.163)
[(Age -1.491 (0.107) 0.000 (0.000) -0.200 (0.068)
Age oldest -0.789 (0.403) 0.190 (0.287) 0.000 (0.000)
[(Age 0.178 (0.192) -0.326 (0.141) 0.000 (0.000)
Age mother 0.891 (0.346) 4.391 (0.624) -1.276 (0.264)
[(Age -0.193 (0.051) -0.728 (0.104) 0.085 (0.035)
Dur cohab 0.000 (0.000) 0.000 (0.000) 2.041 (0.405)
[(Dur 0.000 (0.000) 0.000 (0.000) -1.348 (0.281)
Dur single 0.000 (0.000) 0.964 (0.278) 0.000 (0.000)
[(Dur 0.000 (0.000) -0.243 (0.087) 0.000 (0.000)
Black 0.425 (0.425) 0.793 (0.735) 0.045 (0.484)
Hispanic -0.144 (0.696) -0.900 (1.342) 0.416 (0.972)
Prev marr (a) 0.000 (0.000) 0.179 (0.239) 0.000 (0.000)
Factor load 0.384 (0.343) 1.857 (0.166) -0.687 (0.153)
Prob weight 0.303 (0.102)
Enter Cohabitation
Current Man New Man
Intercept -10.700 (3.817) -19.049 (1.345)
Numfath 0.000 (0.000) 0.000 (0.000)
Num cohab 0.000 (0.000) -0.048 (0.095)
Prev marr 0.000 (0.000) 0.567 (0.159)
Prev cohab 0.000 (0.000) 0.875 (0.171)
Age youngest -3.638 (0.648) 0.000 (0.000)
[(Age 1.050 (0.264) 0.000 (0.000)
Age oldest -1.145 (0.510) -0.768 (0.150)
[(Age 0.321 (0.181) 0.239 (0.062)
Age mother 0.087 (0.559) 4.772 (0.525)
[(Age 0.069 (0.079) -0.691 (0.074)
Dur cohab 0.000 (0.000) 0.000 (0.000)
[(Dur 0.000 (0.000) 0.000 (0.000)
Dur single 0.000 (0.000) 0.677 (0.168)
[(Dur 0.000 (0.000) -0.207 (0.047)
Black -2.028 (1.758) -0.044 (0.602)
Hispanic -1.669 (2.409) -1.617 (1.203)
Prev marr (a) 0.000 (0.000) 0.196 (0.179)
Factor load 0.690 (0.550) 0.914 (0.150)
Prob weight
Current Man New Man
Intercept -5.740 (1.248) -19.530 (1.135)
Numfath 0.000 (0.000) 0.000 (0.000)
Num cohab 0.000 (0.000) -0.231 (0.140)
Prev marr 0.000 (0.000) -0.357 (0.205)
Prev cohab 0.000 (0.000) -0.378 (0.259)
Age youngest -0.307 (0.215) 0.000 (0.000)
[(Age 0.080 (0.092) 0.000 (0.000)
Age oldest -2.711 (0.422) -1.416 (0.235)
[(Age 0.687 (0.173) 0.386 (0.076)
Age mother 0.084 (0.380) 7.398 (0.513)
[(Age 0.036 (0.056) -0.973 (0.074)
Dur cohab 0.000 (0.000) 0.000 (0.000)
[(Dur 0.000 (0.000) 0.000 (0.000)
Dur single 0.000 (0.000) 1.441 (0.210)
[(Dur 0.000 (0.000) -0.425 (0.056)
Black -0.933 (0.602) 0.132 (0.601)
Hispanic -3.988 (1.308) 0.537 (1.211)
Prev marr (a) 0.000 (0.000) -0.276 (0.215)
Factor load 1.287 (0.552) 1.995 (0.120)
Prob weight
Notes: Numfath = number of the mother's children fathered by the
current man; Num cohab = number of previous cohabitations; Prev
marr = married in previous spell (currently single); Prev
cohab = cohabited in previous spell (currently single); Age
youngest = age of youngest child in mo/100; Age oldest = age of
oldest child in mos/100; Age mother = age of mother in mo/100; Dur
cohab = duration of current cohabitation in mo/100; Dur
single = duration of current single spell in mo/100; Factor
load = coefficient on the random effect; Prob weight = logit of
estimated probability weight (log[pw/(1-pw)]). Coefficient
estimates on state dummies, division dummies, period dummies, year
dummies, and time trends are not shown.
(a) Variable is multiplied.
Comparison of Baseline Simulation Outcomes with Actual Outcomes
Actual Simulated
Number of children born 1.71 2.04
No children 0.21 0.21
Ever cohabited 0.43 0.32
Ever married 0.89 0.87
Marital status at first birth
Single 0.11 0.05
Cohabiting 0.03 0.03
Married 0.85 0.92
Age at first birth 25.2 24.1
Mother was single at 0.16 0.11
Mother was single at birth 0.08 0.03
Ever lived with no father 0.31 0.19
Proportion of childhood lived
No father 0.12 0.07
Married biological father 0.77 0.87
Cohabiting biological father 0.01 0.00
Married stepfather 0.06 0.05
Cohabiting stepfather 0.02 0.01
Ever experienced the
following event, conditional
on being at risk
Biological father enters 0.27 0.08
Biological father leaves 0.25 0.16
Stepfather enters household 0.53 0.59
Stepfather leaves household 0.38 0.21
Actual Simulated
Number of children born 1.89 2.42
No children 0.18 0.21
Ever cohabited 0.36 0.32
Ever married 0.62 0.74
Marital status at first birth
Single 0.66 0.52
Cohabiting 0.04 0.04
Married 0.29 0.45
Age at first birth 21.8 21.7
Mother was single at 0.64 0.53
Mother was single at birth 0.59 0.44
Ever lived with no father 0.76 0.61
Proportion of childhood lived
No father 0.55 0.33
Married biological father 0.33 0.48
Cohabiting biological father 0.02 0.01
Married stepfather 0.07 0.16
Cohabiting stepfather 0.03 0.02
Ever experienced the
following event, conditional
on being at risk
Biological father enters 0.18 0.12
Biological father leaves 0.45 0.31
Stepfather enters household 0.36 0.60
Stepfather leaves household 0.52 0.33
Actual Simulated
Number of children born 1.99 2.13
No children 0.17 0.26
Ever cohabited 0.39 0.24
Ever married 0.82 0.78
Marital status at first birth
Single 0.26 0.13
Cohabiting 0.06 0.04
Married 0.68 0.83
Age at first birth 23.3 22.7
Mother was single at 0.27 0.18
Mother was single at birth 0.20 0.10
Ever lived with no father 0.45 0.28
Proportion of childhood lived
No father 0.22 0.12
Married biological father 0.65 0.79
Cohabiting biological father 0.03 0.01
Married stepfather 0.07 0.07
Cohabiting stepfather 0.03 0.01
Ever experienced the
following event, conditional
on being at risk
Biological father enters 0.24 0.11
Biological father leaves 0.31 0.21
Stepfather enters household 0.51 0.61
Stepfather leaves household 0.39 0.25
Notes: All entries are means. Actual observations are weighted by the
inverse of the number of distinct event histories per woman.
Comparison of Baseline-Simulated Monthly Child Transition
Probabilities (*100) among Different Family Structures with Actual
Actual Simulated
All ages
No father to
1. Cohabiting biological father 0.04 0.02
2. Cohabiting stepfather 0.60 0.59
3. Married biological father 0.07 0.04
4. Married stepfather 0.36 0.39
Cohabiting biological father to
5. No father 0.75 1.12
6. Married biological father 1.64 1.98
Cohabiting stepfather to
7. No father 1.06 1.09
8. Married stepfather 2.84 6.33
Married biological father to
9. No father 0.19 0.11
Cohabiting biological father to
10. No father 0.35 0.16
Ages 0-5
No father to
11. Cohabiting biological father 0.12 0.06
12. Cohabiting stepfather 0.64 0.67
13. Married biological father 0.20 0.11
14. Married stepfather 0.38 0.49
Cohabiting biological father to
15. No father 0.81 1.20
16. Married biological father 1.80 2.30
Cohabiting stepfather to
17. No father 1.45 0.97
18. Married stepfather 3.49 7.88
Married biological father to
19. No father 0.42 0.14
Cohabiting biological father to
20. No father 0.21 0.19
Actual Simulated
All ages
No father to
1. Cohabiting biological father 0.05 0.04
2. Cohabiting stepfather 0.21 0.34
3. Married biological father 0.06 0.05
4. Married stepfather 0.13 0.37
Cohabiting biological father to
5. No father 1.18 1.24
6. Married biological father 1.71 3.17
Cohabiting stepfather to
7. No father 1.23 1.11
8. Married stepfather 2.39 6.40
Married biological father to
9. No father 0.74 0.23
Cohabiting biological father to
10. No father 0.24 0.27
Ages 0-5
No father to
11. Cohabiting biological father 0.11 0.08
12. Cohabiting stepfather 0.19 0.32
13. Married biological father 0.14 0.11
14. Married stepfather 0.11 0.41
Cohabiting biological father to
15. No father 1.16 1.27
16. Married biological father 1.68 3.63
Cohabiting stepfather to
17. No father 1.09 1.06
18. Married stepfather 2.26 7.42
Married biological father to
19. No father 1.08 0.28
Cohabiting biological father to
20. No father 0.27 0.36
Actual Simulated
All ages
No father to
1. Cohabiting biological father 0.08 0.04
2. Cohabiting stepfather 0.48 0.54
3. Married biological father 0.05 0.04
4. Married stepfather 0.26 0.39
Cohabiting biological father to
5. No father 0.79 1.13
6. Married biological father 1.24 2.05
Cohabiting stepfather to
7. No father 0.90 1.04
8. Married stepfather 1.96 4.72
Married biological father to
9. No father 0.40 0.14
Cohabiting biological father to
10. No father 0.23 0.18
Ages 0-5
No father to
11. Cohabiting biological father 0.18 0.10
12. Cohabiting stepfather 0.44 0.56
13. Married biological father 0.20 0.10
14. Married stepfather 0.24 0.43
Cohabiting biological father to
15. No father 1.01 1.20
16. Married biological father 1.39 2.43
Cohabiting stepfather to
17. No father 0.81 0.97
18. Married stepfather 1.83 5.69
Married biological father to
19. No father 0.57 0.17
Cohabiting biological father to
20. No father 0.25 0.22
A. Wage Rates
The mean hourly wage rate was computed for men and women aged 16-47
by year, state, and race/ethnicity from the Merged Outgoing Rotation
Group files of the CPS for 1979-2004 and from the May CPS files for
1970-1978. The wage rate is computed by dividing weekly earnings by
hours of work per week. Cases were included in the computation only if
weekly earnings were at least $150 (in year 2000 dollars), hours of work
were at least 30, and the resulting hourly wage rate was between $2.00
and $200.00. Weekly wages were topcoded at $999 from 1970 to 1988,
$1,923 from 1989 to 1997, and $2,884 from 1998 on. Wages were deflated using the Personal Consumption Expenditure Deflator (PCED, base year
2000) and weighted by the sampling weight provided in the CPS files.
Before 1977, some states are not separately identified, so for those
years, the mean wage for the group of states (by sex, year, and
race/ethnicity) is assigned to each state in the group.
Weekly earnings are given in categorical form before 1973 in the
May CPS files. The midpoint of each category is used in this case, with
$600 assigned for the highest category in 1972 (when the lower limit is
$500), and $300 assigned in 1970-1971 (when the lower limit of the
highest category is $200). In the 1973-1978 May CPS files, the
continuous weekly earnings variable is missing for some cases, but the
categorical version of earnings is also on the file for those years. If
the categorical variable is not missing, it is used to compute the wage
when the continuous measure is missing (the categories are the same in
1973-1978 as in 1972). Hispanic ethnicity is not identified in the May
CPS in 1970-1972. The real 1973 means by state were used for 1970-1972
for Hispanics.
The wage rate is regressed on education dummies (four groups), age
dummies (six groups), and state of residence, separately by year, sex,
and race/ethnicity. A wage rate is predicted for each employed
individual, holding education constant at high school graduate and age
constant at 26-30. Wages are then averaged within
state-year-sex-race/ethnicity cells. In order to smooth out spurious fluctuations due to small sample size in some cells, we use a 3-year
moving average of wage rates, within state-sex-race/ethnicity groups.
Cells with fewer than 30 cases (after averaging) are omitted. This
resulted in the loss of 5.4% of the potential NLSY person-month
observations, with the loss disproportionately larger for blacks and
B. Welfare Benefit
Data for the AFDC/TANF cash benefit for a family of four with no
income are from Robert Moffitt's welfare benefits file for the
years 1970-1998 (http://www.econ.jhu.edu/ People/Moffitt/datasets.html).
Data for 1999-2004 are from the 2004 Green Book
(http://www.gpoaccess.gov/wmprints/ green/index.html), the Congressional
Research Service (2005), and the Urban Institute's Assessing the
New Federalism Web site (http://www.urban.org/center/anf/index.cfm). In
some recent years, data are only available for a family of three. The
benefit for a family of four was estimated by applying the
state-specific ratio of benefits for households of size three and four,
which are both available for 1996-1998 and 2003-2004. The Food Stamp
guarantee for a family of four is from Moffitt's database for
1970-1998, updated with data from the Web site of the Food and Nutrition
C. Welfare Reform
The timing of implementation of welfare waivers and TANF are from
the Web site of the Office of the Assistant Secretary for Planning and
Evaluation, Department of Health and Human Services.
D. Divorce Law
The year of enactment of unilateral divorce is from Gruber (2004),
Table 1.
E. Tax Rates
Tax rates are computed using the NBER's TAXSIM program. Tax
rates were computed for two income levels: the poverty line for a family
of three (one adult and two related children) in 2000 ($13,874) and for
median family income in 2000 ($50,372), both adjusted for inflation in
other years. All income was assumed to be from earnings. Child care
expenditure for a poor family was assumed to be 23% of income and for a
median-income family 6% of income (Johnson 2005). All children were
assumed to be under 17 for purposes of the child tax credit. Taxes were
computed for alternative numbers of children (0-9) and filing statuses
(single, head of household, and married filing jointly). State taxes are
included from 1977 to 2004 but are not included for 1970 to 1976. In
married families, 60% of earnings were allocated to the husband and 40%
to the wife.
F. Assigning State of Residence before the First-Survey and
Between-Survey Years
Respondents were asked to report their state of residence at age 14
and at birth, but the dates of moves are not recorded. We assign state
of residence for years before the first-survey year (1979) based on
which reporting year (year of birth, year in which the respondent turned
age 14, and 1979) is closest in time to a given calendar year. The state
of residence is reported in each interview from 1979 to 1994. The state
reported is assumed to apply for the entire calendar year. In 1996 and
1998, state of residence is ascertained at the survey date, but the
dates of moves are not recorded. We assign the 1995 and 1997 state of
residence according to which interview month in the adjacent survey year
is closest in time to 1995 or 1997. In 2000, 2002, and 2004, the dates
of moves between interviews were recorded, so we assign state of
residence for the between-survey years according to where the respondent
lived longest during the between-survey years. The survey-date state of
residence is assigned to the entire calendar year for that survey year.
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(1.) See, for example, Aughinbaugh, Pierret, and Rothstein (2005),
Chase-Lansdale, Cherlin, and Kiernan (1995), Gennetian (2005), Ginther
and Pollak (2004), Hetherington and Stanley-Hagan (1999), Hofferth
(2006), Lang and Zagorsky (2001), McLanaban and Sandefur (1994), and
Sigle-Rushton, Hobcroft, and Kiernan (2005).
(2.) See Akerlof, Yellin, and Katz (1996), Becket (1981), Neal
(2004), and Willis (1999). Other theories emphasize less easily observed
factors: see Ellwood and Jencks (2004).
(3.) See DeLeire and Kalil (2002), Hofferth (2006), and Thomson et
al. (1994).
(4.) This nonstructural approach is in the tradition of the
"heterogeneity versus state dependence" literature (Heckman,
1981), in which the cause of state dependence and other sources of
dynamics are not explicitly modeled, but a rich dynamic specification
can be estimated. Our specification, described below, includes measures
of union duration, duration single, ages of the oldest and youngest
children, the cumulative number of cohabitations, and other variables
determined by previous choices.
(5.) Non-Hispanic will be implicit henceforth when referring to
whites and blacks.
(6.) Many studies have examined the impact of abortion legalization and the availability of oral contraceptives on demographic behavior. We
do not locus on these factors because both the legalization of abortion
and the diffusion of easy access to oral contraceptives were completed
by the early 1970s, before the women in our sample began childbearing
and union formation. Other studies have analyzed the effects of marriage markets (i.e., the sex ratio) and the legal environment governing
enforcement of child support obligations. In an earlier version of the
article, we reported estimates of a specification that included measures
of the sex ratio and child support enforcement. The effects of these
variables were generally small and insignificantly different from zero.
We dropped them from the model in order to focus on the contextual
variables that appear to be more important.
(7.) See, for example, Blau, Kahn, and Waldfogel (2000), Fitzgerald
and Ribar (2004), Bitler et al. (2004), and Moffitt (2001). Other
features of the labor market in addition to wages may affect demographic
behavior as well. We investigated the effects of the unemployment rate,
but dropped it from the model after finding no evidence of any effects
on the behaviors of interest.
(8.) See Dickert-Conlin and Houser (1998) and Ellwood (2000). There
is no evidence on whether the EITC has influenced fertility. Other
features of the tax code that affect marriage and childbearing
incentives have also been analyzed, with results generally suggesting
small effects in the expected direction (see Alm and Whittington 2003).
(9.) See Acs and Nelson (2004), Bitler et al. (2006), and Gennetian
and Miller (2004).
(10.) The NLSY has little information on children who do not live
with the biological mother. Also, we do not distinguish among living
arrangements by the presence of grandparents or other nonparental adults
because the model would have to be much more complex in order to do so.
See Bitler et al. (2006) and DeLeire and Kalil (2002) for analyses of
the presence of grandparents.
(11.) We consider only conceptions that lead to a live birth.
Conception is treated as a choice, but the birth is treated as a
censoring event that ends the current pregnancy. Thus, the duration of
pregnancy and the decision to terminate a pregnancy are not treated as
choices. Twin births are treated as an exogenous random event.
(12.) It is not a reduced form, as it contains variables
([Y.sub.it]) determined by past choices.
(13.) As discussed in the next section, the richness of the NLSY79
data allows us to construct event histories that begin at age 12 for
most women, so there is no initial condition problem. The only exception
is for cohabitations that began and ended before the first interview,
which were not recorded. The average age at the first interview was 17
and the maximum age was 22, so it is unlikely that many cohabitations
were missed. Marriages, divorces, and births that occurred before the
first interview were recorded at the first interview.
(14.) There is one exception to this rule: if a woman never had any
children prior to the end of a temporary separation that exceeded 2
years, her record is not censored, because there are no children
affected by the separation. Nineteen percent of the approximately 1,700
separations were temporary. The median duration of a temporary
separation was 17 months, and 60% were shorter than 2 years.
(15.) Sixty percent of observed cohabitations that did not turn
into marriages had a beginning date that was not known to the nearest
month, and 95% had an ending date that was not known to the nearest
month. Forty percent of cohabitations that turned into marriages had a
beginning date that was not known to the nearest month. Bumpass and Lu
(2000) use retrospective data and report that almost 50% of women in the
NLSY79 cohort had ever cohabited by the time they were in their 30s. Our
estimate from the NLSY79 is 40%, so clearly we are undercounting
cohabitations. The cohabitations most likely to be missed in the NLSY79
are short, and children are unlikely to be born during a short
cohabitation. So missed cohabitations are less important for purposes of
studying family structure experienced by children than for studying the
incidence of cohabitation.
(16.) These include 114 cases in which a woman dissolved a union
with a man and subsequently reentered a union with the man, 68 cases in
which a woman had a child with one man, then had a child with a second
man, and finally had another child with the first man, and 65 cases in
which two or more demographic events occurred in the same month. Many of
these cases may be a result of errors in identifying men. We were able
to correct such errors in some cases but not in these cases.
(17.) In some cases, the sequence in which events occurred is
uncertain, as a result of lack of exact information on start or end
dates of unions. For example, if a cohabitation begins between
interviews and a child was born between the same interviews, we cannot
always determine whether the man moved in before or after the child was
born. We modified the likelihood function to account for the alternative
feasible sequences in which the events occurred. This is also described
in Appendix A. Missing information on the identity of men and
uncertainty about the sequence of events occurred for 12% of children of
white mothers, 48% of children of black mothers, and 25% of children of
Hispanic mothers. This pattern reflects the high incidence of births
while single among black women and cohabitations among Hispanic women.
We compared sample means of the variables reported below in Table 1 for
the full sample, weighting by the inverse of the number of sequences,
with corresponding statistics on the subsample with no missing
information. The two samples are very similar for whites, with the
largest difference in means of binary variables equal to 0.03. For
Hispanics, the largest difference is 0.06, and most are equal to 0.01 or
0.02. For blacks, the largest difference is 0.09, with most of the
differences in the range of 0.05-0.06.
(18.) The omitted cases include the 401 cases mentioned above with
inconsistent marriage and cohabitation histories and another 32 cases
with problematic data on children and fathers. Another 17 cases are lost
as a result of missing or inadequate data on contextual variables.
(19.) Women who attrited from the sample are included in the
analysis, with attrition treated as an exogenous censoring event. The
last interview was in 2004 for 72% of women. Women who were interviewed
in 2004 were between the ages of 39 and 47.
(20.) See MaCurdy et al. (1998) for an extensive analysis of
attrition in the NLSY79.
(21.) TANF was implemented by all states, while not all states
requested a welfare waiver. TANF incorporated many of the rule changes
implemented by various states as part of their waivers, including time
limits and welfare-to-work (workfare and learnfare) programs. TANF was
implemented by states between 1996 and 1998.
(22.) Other explanatory variables such as the male wage rate could
also be treated as choice-specific attributes. We do not adopt this
approach because it requires additional assumptions about income sharing
in cohabitation.
(23.) Conditioning the predicted wage on the woman's education
would generate more variation in wages but could result in endogeneity
of the wage if education is jointly determined with demographic
behaviors. This approach is not feasible for male wages, because we do
not observe education for potential mates.
(24.) In addition to the contextual variables, the specification
includes black and Hispanic indicators, a quadratic in the woman's
age, the number of children fathered by the current man, the cumulative
number of cohabitations, whether a single woman was in a cohabitation or
a marriage in her previous spell, quadratics in the ages of her youngest
and oldest children, and quadratics in the duration of cohabitation and
single spells. See Table A2 for the parameter estimates on these
variables. In the interests of empirical tractability, we imposed a
substantial number of exclusion restrictions in cases in which a given
variable consistently had small and statistically insignificant effects.
In alternative specifications, we found that the mother's date of
birth, number of marriages, total number of children, duration of
marriage, and duration of pregnancy could be excluded with little impact
on the predictions of the model. The estimates of the factor loadings
and probability weight shown in Table A2 are jointly highly significant
and imply a plausible correlation structure among the disturbance. For
example, the disturbance in the union dissolution alternative (Choice 3)
is negatively correlated with the other disturbances, indicating that
unobserved factors that increase the likelihood of ending a union are
negatively correlated with unobserved factors that increase the
propensity to enter a union and bear children. The correlation between
the disturbances in the conceive-a-child-with-a-new-man and
marry-a-new-man alternatives is 0.46.
(25.) Of the 126 parameter estimates reported in Table A1, 19 are
significantly different from zero at the 10% level. This is more than
would be expected if the contextual variables had no impact, but it does
suggest some weakness in the model. In addition to these 126 parameters,
there are many others on state, region, and time variables, many of
which are highly significant. When the state and region variables are
omitted, more of the 126 parameters of interest are significantly
different from zero. Simulations based on the latter specification are
discussed below.
(26.) The simulated data for children are truncated at age 18. As
in the data, some children are not observed for their entire childhood
in the simulations, because they have not reached age 18 in the last
period in which the mother is observed. In the simulations, there are no
deaths, no twin births, and no cases in which children move in or out of
the mother's household.
(27.) Tables A3 and A4 use the actual parameter values rather than
drawing from the parameter distribution, so no standard deviations are
(28.) From Table 2, a one standard deviation increase in the wage
rate is a 13.4% change. The baseline-simulated proportion of childhood
spent living with no father is 0.33 for blacks and 0.12 for Hispanics
(see Table A3). The simulated change of 0.060 for blacks in Table 3 is
an 18.2% increase over the baseline value, yielding an elasticity of
1.36 = 18.2/13.4. For Hispanics, the corresponding elasticity estimate
is 3.64 = 47.5/13.4.
(29.) The simulation of the effects of the tax gain from an
additional child within marriage holds constant the tax gain from an
additional child outside of marriage and vice versa. Further examination
of these effects would require an analysis of income and substitution effects (both within and across periods) of the tax gain on labor supply
and earnings. Note that in a household bargaining model with divorce and
child support transfers, the impact of an EITC-type tax credit, which is
especially beneficial to single mothers, on divorce has an ambiguous
sign (Francesconi et al., 2009).
(30.) The entries in Column 1 of Table 6 differ slightly from the
corresponding entries in Table 3 because the results in Table 6 use the
actual point estimates of the parameters rather than 200 draws from the
parameter distribution as in Table 3.
(31.) Education and AFQT are treated as exogenous, and we do not
attach any specific interpretation to their effects.
* Financial support from NICHD grant HD45587 is gratefully
acknowledged. Thanks to Karin Gleiter for expert programming. We
appreciate helpful comments and suggestions from Audrey Light, Bruce Weinberg, and seminar and conference participants at the 2007 Population
Association of America meetings, Brown University, Yale University, Ohio
State University, the University of Virginia, the University of
Washington, UQAM, and the Brookings Institution. The authors alone are
responsible for the contents. The views expressed are those of the
authors and do not necessarily reflect those of the Federal Reserve Bank
of New York.
Blau: Department of Economics, Ohio State University, Columbus, OH
43210-1172. Phone 614-292-2009, Fax 614-292-3906, E-mail
[email protected]
van der Klaauw: Microeconomic and Regional Studies Function,
Federal Reserve Bank of New York, New York, NY 10045. Phone
212-720-5916, Fax 212720-1844, E-mail
[email protected]
Descriptive Statistics on Women and Children
as of the Last Interview
White Black Hispanic
Demographic outcomes
of women
Number of 1.71 1.89 1.99
children born
No children 0.21 0.18 0.17
Ever married 0.89 0.62 0.82
Ever cohabited 0.43 0.36 0.39
Age at last 40.5 39.9 39.6
Number of 2,292 1,338 846
Family structure
outcomes of
Ever lived with 0.31 0.76 0.45
no father
Ever lived with 0.95 0.61 0.87
married father
Biological 0.92 0.47 0.79
Step 0.14 0.20 0.17
Ever lived with 0.14 0.27 0.23
Biological 0.04 0.10 0.09
Step 0.11 0.18 0.16
Ever lived with 0.94 0.52 0.85
biological father
Ever lived with 0.18 0.28 0.24
Age of child at 12.9 14.0 13.3
last observation
Number of 3,864 2,496 1,667
Notes: The last interview was in 2004 for 72% of
women. The child outcomes are censored at age 18. Observations
are weighted by the inverse of the number of event
histories per woman. As described in the text, a woman may
have multiple event histories if there is ambiguity about the
timing or sequence in which demographic events occurred.
In these cases, an event history is generated for each of the
feasible timing or sequencing alternatives. See the text and
Appendix A for further discussion.
Summary Statistics for Contextual Variables
A. Means and standard deviations
Mean SD
Monthly welfare benefit for a 1,013 265
family of four with no income
Unilateral divorce law in 0.552
Welfare reform in effect 0.210
Male hourly wage rate 12.12 1.80
Female hourly wage rate 9.70 1.30
B. Mean tax rate by marital status and number of children
Number of children 0 1 2 3 4
Married 0.170 0.061 0.030 0.028 0.027
Single 0.228 0.077 0.035 0.031 0.030
Number of children 5 6 7 8 9
Married 0.027 0.026 0.026 0.025 0.025
Single 0.028 0.028 0.027 0.027 0.026
Notes: Unit of observation is a state-year-race/ethnicity cell.
Observations are weighted by the cell sample size in the NLSY sample.
Dollar amounts are in year 2000 dollars, using the PCED. The
simulations reported in Table 3 use the means reported here as the
baseline. The welfare benefit and wage counterfactual simulations add
one standard deviation to the mean. The counterfactual for the
"eliminate the gain to marriage" simulation replaces the tax rates
for singles with the tax rates for married couples. The
counterfactual for the "eliminate the gain to having children if
married" simulation replaces the tax rates for married couples with
children with the tax rate for married couples without children (0.
t70). The counterfactual for the "eliminate the gain to having
children if single" simulation replaces the tax rates for single
women with children with the tax rate for single women without
children (0.228). The unilateral divorce and welfare reform
simulations compare values of zero to one.
Simulated Effects of Changes in Contextual Variables on the
Proportion of Childhood Spent in Alternative Family Structures
Change in Proportion of Childhood
Lived with the Biological Mother and
Married Cohabiting
Biological Father Biological Father
Female wage rate
White 0.001 (.016) -0.001 (0.002)
Black -0.049 (0.032) -0.005 (0.003)#
Hispanic -0.077 (0.043)# -0.002 (0.003)
Male wage rate
White -0.019 (0.018) 0.001 (0.002)
Black -0.011 (0.035) 0.017 (0.012)
Hispanic 0.059 (0.025)# -0.002 (0.003)
Welfare benefit
White -0.021 (0.015) 0.000 (0.001)
Black -0.004 (0.038) 0.002 (0.004)
Hispanic -0.037 (0.025) 0.002 (0.003)
Tax gain from
White -0.001 (0.002) 0.000 (0.001)
Black -0.009 (0.006) 0.000 (0.001)
Hispanic -0.007 (0.006) 0.001 (0.001)
Tax gain from a
child if married
White -0.025 (0.008)# -0.000 (0.001)
Black -0.025 (0.026) 0.002 (0.002)
Hispanic -0.026 (0.021) 0.001 (0.003)
Tax gain from a
child if single
White 0.058 (0.020)# 0.000 (0.001)
Black 0.011 (0.036) -0.005 (0.005)
Hispanic 0.041 (0.039) -0.003 (0.005)
Welfare reform
White -0.003 (0.020) -0.001 (0.002)
Black 0.049 (0.060) -0.001 (0.005)
Hispanic 0.008 (0.037) -0.002 (0.004)
Unilateral divorce
White -0.004 (0.030) -0.001 (0.004)
Black 0.066 (0.068) -0.002 (0.007)
Hispanic 0.102 (0.065) -0.007 (0.009)
Change in Proportion of Childhood Lived with the
Biological Mother and
Married Cohabiting
Stepfather Stepfather No Father
Female wage rate
White -0.002 (0.006) -0.001 (0.001) 0.002 (.009)
Black -0.003 (0.008) -0.003 (0.003) 0.060 (0.030)#
Hispanic 0.020 (0.010)# 0.001 (0.004) 0.057 (0.033)#
Male wage rate
White 0.008 (0.007) 0.002 (0.002) 0.008 (0.010)
Black -0.003 (0.012) 0.011 (0.008) -0.014 (0.028)
Hispanic -0.016 (0.009)# -0.003 (0.003) -0.037 (0.014)#
Welfare benefit
White 0.010 (0.006) 0.002 (0.002) 0.009 (0.009)
Black 0.007 (0.012) 0.002 (0.004) -0.008 (0.032)
Hispanic 0.016 (0.008)# 0.005 (0.004) 0.014 (0.016)
Tax gain from
White 0.001 (0.001) 0.000 (0.001) 0.000 (0.001)
Black 0.003 (0.002) 0.000 (0.001) 0.006 (0.004)
Hispanic 0.002 (0.002) 0.000 (0.001) 0.004 (0.003)
Tax gain from a
child if married
White 0.007 (0.003)# 0.001 (0.001) 0.017 (0.005)#
Black -0.003 (0.011) 0.003 (0.003) 0.022 (0.024)
Hispanic 0.001 (0.007) 0.002 (0.003) 0.021 (0.013)
Tax gain from a
child if single
White -0.017 (0.007)# -0.002 (0.002) -0.038 (0.013)#
Black 0.013 (0.015) -0.005 (0.006) -0.014 (0.032)
Hispanic -0.001 (0.010) -0.005 (0.006) -0.032 (0.026)
Welfare reform
White 0.004 (0.010) -0.001 (0.002) 0.001 (0.011)
Black -0.021 (0.019) -0.004 (0.004) -0.023 (0.046)
Hispanic 0.010 (0.014) -0.001 (0.004) -0.013 (0.021)
Unilateral divorce
White 0.002 (0.011) 0.000 (0.003) 0.004 (0.017)
Black -0.010 (0.021) -0.005 (0.007) -0.049 (0.054)
Hispanic -0.022 (0.018) -0.009 (0.009) -0.064 (0.044)
Notes: The five family structures are mutually exclusive and
exhaustive, so the entries in each row sum to zero. Standard errors
are in parentheses, computed as described in the text. Entries in
bold are significantly different from zero at the 10% level. The wage
rate and welfare benefit simulations show the effect of a one
standard deviation increase, relative to the mean. The tax gain
simulations show the effect of the observed mean tax rates relative
to the counterfactual of the tax rate for singles set equal to the
tax rate for married households (tax gain to marriage), the tax rate
for married families with children set equal to the tax rate for
married families with no children (tax gain from a child if married),
and the tax rate for single mothers with children set equal to the
tax rate for single mothers with no children (tax gain from a child
if single). The welfare reform and unilateral divorce simulations
show the effect of setting the variable equal to one, relative to
setting it equal to zero. See Table 2 for the data values used in the
simulations. Childhood is defined as birth up to but not including
age 18.
Note: Significantly different from zero at the 10% level are
indicated with #.
Simulated Effects of Observed Changes in Contextual Variables
Proportion of Childhood Lived with
the Biological Mother and
Married Cohabiting
Biological Father Biological Father
White 0.061# (0.026) -0.002 (0.002)
Black 0.050 (0.040) -0.009 (0.006)
Hispanic 0.001 (0.037) -0.010 (0.009)
Female wage rate
White -0.001 (0.004) 0.000 (0.001)
Black 0.023 (0.009)# 0.002 (0.001)#
Hispanic -0.021 (0.011)# -0.001 (0.002)
Male wage rate
White 0.019 (0.018) -0.001 (0.002)
Black -0.017 (0.017) -0.009 (0.005)#
Hispanic -0.035 (0.015)# 0.001 (0.002)
Welfare benefit
White 0.017 (0.012) -0.000 (0.001)
Black 0.005 (0.025) -0.002 (0.004)
Hispanic 0.020 (0.013) -0.002 (0.002)
Tax rate
White 0.021 (0.009)# -0.000 (0.001)
Black 0.031 (0.028) -0.002 (0.003)
Hispanic 0.041 (0.027) -0.005 (0.005)
Welfare reform
White 0.001 (0.003) -0.001 (0.001)
Black -0.002 (0.005) -0.001 (0.001)
Hispanic 0.001 (0.004) -0.001 (0.001)
White -0.000 (0.005) -0.000 (0.001)
Black 0.007 (0.007) -0.000 (0.001)
Hispanic 0.008 (0.006) -0.001 (0.001)
Proportion of Childhood Lived with the Biological
Mother and
Married Cohabiting
Stepfather Stepfather No Father
White -0.023 (0.010)# -0.006 (0.004) -0.032 (0.016)#
Black 0.000 (0.010) -0.010 (0.006)# -0.038 (0.034)
Hispanic -0.001 (0.011) -0.005 (0.006) 0.014 (0.022)
Female wage rate
White 0.001 (0.001) 0.000 (0.001) 0.001 (0.003)
Black 0.004 (0.005) 0.002 (0.001) -0.029 (0.011)#
Hispanic 0.008 (0.004)# 0.000 (0.001) 0.014 (0.006)#
Male wage rate
White -0.008 (0.006) -0.002 (0.002) -0.006 (0.010)
Black 0.008 (0.007) -0.006 (0.004) 0.022 (0.018)
Hispanic 0.003 (0.005) 0.002 (0.002) 0.030 (0.012)#
Welfare benefit
White -0.008 (0.004)# -0.002 (0.001) -0.007 (0.007)
Black -0.007 (0.007) -0.002 (0.003) 0.004 (0.022)
Hispanic -0.007 (0.004) -0.003 (0.002) -0.009 (0.009)
Tax rate
White -0.007 (0.003)# -0.001 (0.001) -0.013 (0.005)#
Black -0.004 (0.006) -0.003 (0.002) -0.023 (0.022)
Hispanic -0.009 (0.006) -0.003 (0.003) -0.024 (0.016)
Welfare reform
White -0.001 (0.002) 0.000 (0.001) 0.000 (0.002)
Black 0.000 (0.003) -0.001 (0.001) 0.003 (0.005)
Hispanic 0.002 (0.002) -0.000 (0.001) -0.002 (0.004)
White 0.000 (0.002) -0.000 (0.001) 0.001 (0.003)
Black -0.001 (0.002) -0.001 (0.001) -0.004 (0.007)
Hispanic -0.002 (0.002) -0.001 (0.001) -0.005 (0.004)
Notes: The five family structures are mutually exclusive and
exhaustive, so the entries in each row sum to zero. Standard errors
are in parentheses, computed as described in the text. Entries in
bold are significantly different from zero at the 10% level. The
simulations compare the baseline, in which all contextual variables
take on their observed values, to a counterfactual in which a given
contextual variable is held constant at its state-specific 1970-1974
mean value. For the tax rate, the 1977-1981 means are used, because
state taxes were not included in the 1970-1974 data. In all cases,
the state fixed effects, division fixed effects, time trends, and
period effects take on their actual values.
Note: Significantly different from zero at the 10% level are
indicated with #.
Comparison of Actual and Simulated Trends in Living Arrangements of
Actual Trend
2000-2004 1970-1974 Difference Simulation
Children living
with mother only,
as a proportion
of children
living with
mother only and
White 0.191 0.095 0.096 -0.028
Black 0.572 0.388 0.184 0.013
Hispanic 0.278 0.253 0.025 0.036
Children living 0.417 0.086 0.331 0.037
with mother only:
proportion of
mothers never
Source: Actual trends: http://www.census.gov/population/www/docdemo/
hh-fam.html# ht, Tables CH1-CH5.
Note: For Hispanics, the data series begins in 1980, so the
simulation uses 1980-1984 instead of 1970-1974.
Simulated Effects of Contextual Variables on the Proportion of
Childhood Spent with No Father for Alternative Specifications
No State or
No State Division
Baseline Fixed Effects Fixed Effects
Female wage rate
White 0.003 0.001 0.002
Black 0.059 0.045 0.048
Hispanic 0.052 0.058 0.058
Male wage rate
White 0.007 0.006 0.004
Black -0.013 -0.016 -0.017
Hispanic -0.035 -0.042 -0.042
Welfare benefit
White -0.007 0.004 0.005
Black 0.005 0.031 0.025
Hispanic -0.011 0.006 -0.003
Tax gain from
White 0.001 0.000 0.002
Black 0.007 0.005 0.006
Hispanic 0.004 0.003 0.005
Tax gain from a
child if married
White 0.015 0.016 0.016
Black 0.023 0.022 0.023
Hispanic 0.021 0.021 0.021
Tax gain from a
child if single
White -0.035 -0.036 -0.035
Black -0.016 -0.013 -0.011
Hispanic -0.030 -0.031 -0.031
Welfare reform
White 0.000 -0.002 -0.001
Black -0.022 -0.001 -0.001
Hispanic -0.014 -0.016 -0.012
Unilateral divorce
White 0.005 0.016 0.017
Black -0.049 0.009 0.007
Hispanic -0.061 -0.026 -0.025
1 + Mother's
Family Structure 4 + Mother's 5 + Mother's
at Age 14 Education AFQT Score
Female wage rate
White 0.003 0.006 0.025
Black 0.062 0.063 0.014
Hispanic 0.049 0.067 0.022
Male wage rate
White 0.007 0.000 -0.012
Black -0.014 -0.020 0.013
Hispanic -0.035 -0.056 -0.025
Welfare benefit
White -0.007 0.001 0.005
Black 0.005 0.014 0.009
Hispanic -0.015 0.000 0.008
Tax gain from
White 0.000 0.001 -0.001
Black 0.006 0.001 0.002
Hispanic -0.001 0.002 0.001
Tax gain from a
child if married
White 0.015 0.005 -0.001
Black 0.024 0.032 0.023
Hispanic 0.018 0.015 0.006
Tax gain from a
child if single
White -0.032 -0.014 -0.001
Black -0.021 -0.040 -0.029
Hispanic -0.032 -0.036 -0.012
Welfare reform
White -0.001 -0.021 -0.021
Black -0.015 -0.004 -0.008
Hispanic -0.010 -0.027 -0.019
Unilateral divorce
White 0.004 0.006 0.002
Black -0.045 -0.021 -0.017
Hispanic -0.040 -0.034 -0.005
Notes: See the notes to Table 3 for a description of the simulations.
The baseline simulations shown in the first column are from the same
specification as those reported in the last column of Table 3.
However, the simulated values differ slightly from the corresponding
entries in Table 3 because the results reported here use the actual
parameter estimates rather than 200 draws from the parameter
distribution, as in Table 3. All specifications are the same as the
baseline except for the difference noted in the column headers.