Is economics a house divided? Analysis of citation networks.
Onder, Ali Sina ; Tervio, Marko
We ask whether the academic discipline of economics is divided into
clusters of universities where authors tend to cite authors from the
same cluster more than could be expected under idiosyncratic differences
in citation patterns. We use citation data between top economics
journals from 1990 to 2010 to construct the citation matrix between
authors' home institutions. We compare all possible partitions of
top universities into two equal-sized clusters. We find a significant
division between top universities in this citation network, and it is
consistent with what is commonly thought as the divide between
"freshwater" and "saltwater" schools.
The likelihood of citing a paper by an author from another
university in the same cluster is about 16% higher than the likelihood
of citing a paper by an author from the other cluster. We assess the
statistical significance of this division using simulations. In each
simulated citation network, the likelihood of citation propensities is
independent across university pairs, while average citation propensities
and the distribution of pairwise deviations from average propensities at
each university match their empirical counterparts. The division is
statistically extremely significant and is robust to considering
different extents of "top universities" and time periods.
However, there are significant differences across fields of economics,
with macroeconomics and econometrics exhibiting the strongest division,
whereas finance and international economics exhibit rather weak
A. Data Sources
We use the citation data of articles published in 102 economics
journals between 1990 and 2010, where the set of top journals was taken
from the classification by Combes and Linnemer (2010). (1) The data were
obtained from Thomson Scientific's Web of Science, which is an
online database pooling journal articles' data from major databases
including Science Citation Index Expanded (SCI-EXPANDED), Social
Sciences Citation Index (SSCI), and Arts and Humanities Citation Index
(A&HCI). Notes, editorials, proceedings, reviews, and discussions
were not included. The resulting data cover 97,526 unique articles with
34,431 unique contact authors and 1,187 unique affiliations associated
with these contact authors.
Our data set contains information on articles cited in the
reference sections of these articles. Data on cited articles consist of
year of publication, name of the journal, and name of the contact
author. (2)
B. Construction of the Citation Matrix
We use articles published between 1990 and 2010 and articles cited
by them to construct a citation matrix between institutions. Data on
contact authors of citing articles also contain their affiliation at the
time of publication. However, author affiliations for cited articles are
not directly observed. Hence, we construct a career path for each author
from 1977 to 2010 by using affiliation information of citing articles.
For this task, we also use data on articles published between 1977 and
1989, in order to enlarge the set of cited articles that can be matched
with an author affiliation. If an author did not publish in our sample
journals in a year, then we use his or her next known affiliation; if no
affiliation is observed between the cited year and 2010, then we use the
last previously observed affiliation. Using this procedure, we are able
to identify 36,189 unique authors of a total of 1,662,212 cited articles
in the reference sections of 91,635 unique articles written by 32,572
unique authors. Authors of a total of 753,230 cited articles could not
be matched with an affiliation. The observed affiliations form a total
of 1,187 citing and 1,192 cited institutions.
We measure citations in units, so that every article conveys one
unit of citations, regardless of how many documents it cites. For
example, if an article by an author from MIT cites 20 articles and 4 of
them by Harvard authors, then this counts as 4/20 = 0.2 units of
citations from MIT to Harvard. (3) Cited publications whose author
cannot be matched with an affiliation are treated as authored at an
institution called "unknown."
Citation data are gathered in the aggregate citation matrix, which
gives the sum of unit citations from all articles. The element at row i
and column j is the sum of unit citations by authors from institution i
to articles by authors from institution j. To analyze subsets of
institutions, we just keep the relevant submatrix of the aggregate
citation matrix; when analyzing subsets of journals and publication
years, we restrict the underlying summation to subsets of articles.
Figure 1 shows the distribution of articles in our data by
publication year. Steady increase in the annual number of articles
reflects an increase in the number of journals as well as increase in
articles per journal-year. Of the 102 journals in the set, 79 were in
existence in 1990 and 96 in 2000. The average number of articles
published in a journal per year increased from 50 in 1990 to 54 in 2000
and to 73 in 2010. Figure 1 also shows the distribution of unit
citations that are used in the construction of our citation matrix by
publication year. The number of "cites out" and "cites
in" in a given year refers to the amount of unit citation for which
an author affiliation could be identified, respectively, for citations
made and citations received.
Our goal is to find out whether institutions can be divided into
"clusters" within which authors cite each other more than
could be expected under idiosyncratic citation patterns. The existence
of discrete clusters is, of course, an abstraction; the point of this
exercise is to uncover a dimension of differentiation in the citation
patterns of institutions. Self-citations are a serious confounding
factor, because citations within an institution are necessarily also
within-cluster citations. Over 10% of the cites in our data are
institutional self-cites. (4) We ignore all self-citations, effectively
replacing the diagonal elements of the citation matrix with zeroes.
To measure clustering, we use a slightly modified version of
2-modularity of Girvan and Newman (2002). (5) For a given partition of
institutions to clusters, Q measures the difference between the actual
and the expected proportion of cites between clusters, where the
expectation is calculated under independently distributed citation
patterns. The strongest division in the network is that which maximizes
modularity. Our additional normalization takes into account the impact
of removing self-citations on expected citation patterns. Without this
correction, the expectation benchmark would always predict a significant
amount of self-citations. With the correction, expected self-citations
are set to zero. Intuitively, the expected citation patterns are
calculated under the hypothesis that authors at all institutions
distribute their outbound nonself cites at a probability that depends
only on target institution, not on sender institution. Analyzing
proportions instead of cite counts also serves as a normalization that
gives each institution equal weight in defining the strength of
deviations from expectation, regardless of its share of all citations.
Denote the aggregate citation matrix for the set of n institutions
by M. The normalized citation matrix T has typical elements
(1) [T.sub.ij] = [M.sub.ij]/[summation over (h[not equal
and we set [T.sub.ii] = 0. Row i measures citations as proportions
of outbound nonself cites from institution i. We define its expectation
as the average fraction of nonself citations by departments other than i
going to department j: 2 *
(2) [E.sub.ij] = [1/(n-2)] [summation over (h[not equal
to]i)][T.sub.hj] for h [not equal to] j
and [E.sub.ii] = 0, for i=1, ..., n. Finally, the citation
information that is used in the analysis is contained in the matrix of
deviations from expected citation patterns [OMEGA] = T - E.
Table 1 shows the unit citations between the top 20 academic
institutions, that is, the matrix M. The background colors represent a
heat map of the pairwise deviations from expected citation patterns,
that is, the elements of [OMEGA]. If a row department cites a column
department more (less) than expected, then the corresponding element is
red (blue), while darkness captures the magnitude of the deviation.
Consider, for example, the element at first column and second row, 4.6.
It is the sum of unit citations made by articles with a contact author
at the University of Rochester to articles where the contact author is
affiliated with the University of Minnesota. It could mean, for example,
that there were 46 articles by Rochester authors that cited Minnesota
authors and that 10% of the citations in each of those articles referred
to articles by Minnesota authors, giving a total of 4.6 unit citations.
Moreover, the relatively dark shade of this cell reveals that 4.6 is
clearly above the expected number of unit citations from Rochester to
Minnesota, where the expectation is based on the total amount of
(nonself) unit citations made and received by these two institutions in
our data.
We consider all partitions of the set of n institutions into two
equal-sized clusters. (6) Formally, consider any partition of the set of
n institutions into subset A and its complement. We measure the strength
of the division as
(3) Q(A|[OMEGA]) = [e'.sub.A][[OMEGA]e.sub.A] +
(l-[e.sub.A])' [OMEGA](l-[e.sub.A]),
where [e.sub.A] is the membership vector for subset A, equal to
unity for members and zero for nonmembers, and l is a vector of ones.
This measure gives the sum of total deviations from the expected
proportion of normalized citations for within-cluster pairs of
institutions. (Deviations add up to zero, so the amount of deviations
for between-cluster pairs of institutions is necessarily just the
negative of Q and can be omitted.)
We define the strongest division to be the partition of A to two
clusters of n/2 institutions that maximizes (3). (7) Thus, for a set of
n institutions, with n even, there are [MATHEMATICAL EXPRESSION NOT
REPRODUCIBLE IN ASCII] distinct ways of dividing them to two equal-sized
clusters. We use brute force to select the strongest of all possible
There are authors from 1,192 institutions in the data. To analyze
their possible division, we restrict the analysis to a subset of top
institutions. We define the "top" by the ranking of
institutions by influence in the network of citations using eigenvalue
centrality; for details, see Pinski and Narin (1976). (8) Self-citations
are removed before calculating influence. Table 2 lists the influence
measure for the top 50 institutions by influence. Our main specification
considers the division between the top 20 academic institutions.
Selected summary statistics of the citation matrix are also reported in
Table 2. Self-cites, which are excluded in the analysis, are reported
separately. Cites to articles whose contact author could not be matched
with an institution are listed as "cites to unknown." All
cites are measured in units-per-citing-article, so the sum of outgoing
cites, self-cites, and cites to unknown adds up to the total number of
articles published by contact authors from each institution.
A. Clustering Results
The strongest division is depicted in the last columns of Table 2
for n = 12, 16, 20, 24. We call the cluster that includes Harvard
"the saltwater cluster" and the other "the freshwater
cluster." Most departments always show up in the same cluster.
Chicago, Northwestern, Penn, and Rochester are always in the freshwater
cluster; MIT, Stanford, Princeton, Berkeley, and Columbia are always in
the saltwater cluster. The only institutions whose cluster membership
varies by specification are Yale and Michigan. The division is the same
as was found in hiring/placement data in Tervio (2011). (9)
The magnitude of the division can be illustrated by considering the
relative propensities to cite within and between clusters. Among the top
20 academic institutions, the average number of unit citations between a
pair of institutions in different clusters is 11.76, while the average
for institution pairs in the same cluster is 13.67, that is, 16.2%
higher. Among the top 16 academic institutions, the average number of
unit citations between a pair of institutions in different clusters is
14.91, while the average for institution pairs in the same cluster is
17.32, that is, 16.1% higher.
We also applied two alternative clustering algorithms, the Louvain
method (using the Pajek software package) and MapEquation (see Rosvall
and Bergstrom 2011 for details). For n = 24, both methods yield the same
division as our analysis, when restricted to yield two clusters of equal
size. Without this restriction, the Louvain method moves Michigan and
UCSD to the freshwater cluster, while MapEquation finds that the
division to equal-sized clusters is in fact optimal. For n = 20, Pajek
finds the same clusters as we do, whereas MapEquation finds no division
at all (i.e., just one cluster). Both algorithms find one cluster
optimal for n = 16 and n = 12.
B. Strength of Attachment
The relative strength of attachment to the saltwater and freshwater
clusters can be measured for any institution that hosts authors that
publish in our sample of journal articles. More precisely, redefine
[OMEGA] to include all departments and not just the top n. We define the
"salt content" of department i as
(4) [S.sub.i] = {([e'.sub.i][OMEGA][e.sub.S])/[(l -
[e.sub.i])'[e.sub.s]]} -{([e'.sub.i][OMEGA][e.sub.F])/[(l -
where [e.sub.i] is the ith unit vector and [e.sub.s] and [e.sub.F]
are the membership vectors of saltwater and freshwater clusters. The
divisors account for the removal of self-cites; top institutions are
themselves members of a cluster and have one less potential citation
partner in their own cluster. Finally, "relative salt" is
obtained by subtracting the mean salt content of all departments (.385).
Table 2 lists the "relative salt" measure for the 50 most
influential institutions. It measures the average deviation from the
expected share of outgoing citations to saltwater members in excess of
the share going to members of the freshwater cluster. True to name, the
saltiest of saltwater schools appear to be Berkeley and MIT, while
Minnesota and Rochester are the freshest of the fresh. Chicago appears
surprisingly "neutral" along with Stanford, Yale, and
Columbia. Note that self-citations were removed from the analysis and
Chicago is by far the most heavily cited freshwater department, so a
disproportionate share of its citations to the freshwater cluster is
ignored in the analysis. Outside academia, the Federal Reserve Bank
appears quite "fresh," while World Bank and IMF are somewhat
The joint pattern of attachment to clusters and influence in the
citation network is depicted in Figure 2. The rough pyramid shape of the
scatter plot shows that more influential institutions appear to be less
"partisan" in terms of the salt/fresh division.
Given the large number of possible partitions, it would often be
possible to find partitions where the division appears strong even for a
random pattern of deviations. It could also be that the anecdotal
evidence of a division in economics is based on people attributing
meaning to essentially random variation. To test the statistical
significance of the division, we have to take into account that the
partition has been selected from the set of possible partitions
precisely in order to maximize the strength of the apparent division.
Our concern is not that we would find spurious clustering due to random
variation at the level of citations or publications but rather we might
confound a random collection of strong links between departments with
We measure the statistical significance of the division by
comparing the strength of the strongest division found in the actual
sample to its bootstrapped distribution. The bootstrap distribution is
obtained by generating random permutations of the deviation matrix
[OMEGA] and measuring the strength of the strongest division found for
each permutation. In these permutations, we randomly reorder the
off-diagonal elements of [OMEGA], separately for each column, treating
all possible permutations as equally likely. These simulated deviation
matrices describe a world where the average share of incoming citations
is held fixed for each university, but deviations from average nonself
citation patterns are idiosyncratic. In the simulation, the distribution
of pairwise deviations [[OMEGA].sub.ij] is the same as in actual data,
but a tendency to cite a particular institution more does not imply a
tendency to cite another particular institution more.
The strongest partition under the random benchmark always appears
"statistically significant" to a naive test that treats the
strongest partition as given. We conducted 10,000 simulations for each n
= 12,16,20 and 2,000 for n = 24. In all of these simulations, there is
only one instance where it is possible to find a division as strong as
we find in the actual data, for n = 16. Therefore, we conclude that the
division is statistically very significant. This simulation also helps
illustrate the 16% magnitude of the "excess" within-cluster
citations by showing how far it is in the tail. In these simulations,
the strongest partition results in a magnitude this large in 0.3% of the
cases, the 95th percentile of the excess is 8.5%, and the 99th
percentile is 13.1%.
A. Time Periods
We repeat the cluster analysis for a subset of citation years,
using a rolling 10-year window starting from 1990-1999 and ending in
2001-2010, with the set of departments fixed at the top 16 academic
departments as calculated for the whole time period. The clusters in the
strongest division are exactly the same throughout the period, but there
appears to be a secular trend toward a weaker division. The excess
percentage of cites for within-cluster pairs (over between-cluster
pairs) declines from 18.9% to 13.7% between the first and the last
window. After running 10,000 simulations for each window, we find that
the division is always statistically very significant, but with p value
increasing from 0 to .0009 over time.
The time series results are summarized in Figure 3, which plots the
strength of attachment to saltwater cluster (as defined in that period)
against the last year of the 10-year time window. A noticeable
development is the increasing "saltiness" of Chicago. Toward
the end of the period, Chicago has a higher relative propensity to cite
authors at saltwater schools than the average of all institutions.
Despite this, Chicago shows up in the freshwater cluster in every time
period, because it is so heavily cited by other freshwater departments.
Even though Chicago appears "more salty" than some of the
saltwater departments, an alternative partition where it switches places
with a weakly attached saltwater department would result in more
cross-cluster citing and make the division weaker.
B. Fields
We analyze the citations between the subset of four most
influential field journals for nine fields, with journal fields defined
by Combes and Linnemer (2010). Unfortunately, we do not have the JEL
codes by article, so we do not include articles in general interest
journals. The definition of "most influential" journals is
based on the same influence measure as for institutions in the previous
section, calculated from the matrix of unit citations between all 102
journals in our data. See Table A1 in the Appendix for summary
statistics by journal. We also list our influence measures for these
journals so as to provide an alternative ranking based on the citation
patterns between them.
Table 3 shows the strongest division in each field. The analysis is
in each case conducted for the 16 most influential academic departments
in the citation network of that field. We define the p value as the
fraction of simulations where the strongest division to two clusters is
as strong as or stronger than the one found in actual data. With all
journals included, this p value is .0001. Among the fields,
macroeconomics and econometrics have the strongest division, at p =
.000. Micro theory (.025), public economics (.027), and
growth/development (.058) also exhibit a clear division, while the
remaining fields show only weak evidence for a division. (10) In terms
of the excess likelihood of citing same-cluster authors, the highest
"biases" are found in econometrics (40.8%) and macroeconomics
(32.6%), while for a moderately clustered field like micro theory, this
"bias" is only 13.8%. To illustrate the size of these bias
measures, we also list the 95th percentile of the same measure in the
simulations under the random benchmark; they vary between 8% and 16% by
Table 4 shows the variation in the cluster membership of top
departments across fields and highlights the differences from the
saltwater-freshwater division found in the overall sample (as seen in
Table 2). Clearly, there is significant variation in the memberships
across fields, even if we only considered those where the division is
statistically significant. Some groups of departments like
Berkeley-Harvard-MIT and Chicago-Northwestern-Rochester are quite
consistently found together, whereas Stanford, Yale, Columbia, and
Michigan appear very inconsistent in their affiliations. The seemingly
random affiliation of the latter departments is consistent with the fact
that they are only weakly attached to their cluster in the main analysis
(i.e., they have "relative salt" close to zero, see Figure 2).
As our clustering method forces all departments to belong to one cluster
or another, it is not surprising that weakly attached departments swing
about rather randomly between clusters. The real outlier among the
fields is econometrics, where the division is significant and yet looks
very different from that found in the full sample (e.g., it is the only
field where MIT is not on the same side with Harvard). The division in
macroeconomics is almost identical to the overall division. This raises
the question whether the overall division is driven by the division in
macro. For this reason, we construct a sample that combines the field
data but leaves out macro. The second to last column of Table 4 shows
that the resulting division is almost identical to the overall division.
Moreover, we analyze top five general interest journals and find a
division very similar to the overall division. Divisions that we find in
both cases (top five general interest and all fields excluding macro)
have high statistical significance (p value is .003 for both).
Stanford economist Robert E. Hall first came up with the
freshwater/saltwater term in the 1970s, based on the then workplaces of
a group of leading macroeconomists with a distinctive style of research:
Robert E. Lucas at Chicago, Thomas Sargent at Minnesota, and Robert
Barro at Rochester. (11) More recently, Gregory Mankiw (2006) has argued
that the freshwater/saltwater division had become an issue of the past
already by the 1990s, because "... science progresses retirement by
retirement. As the older generation of protagonists has retired or
neared retirement, it has been replaced by a younger generation of
macroeconomists who have adopted a culture of greater civility" (p.
38). We do not have a measure of civility, but, in terms of the citation
flows between economics departments, the saltwater/freshwater division
is clearly not yet a matter of the past.
The network of citations in economics in articles published during
the 1990s and 2000s exhibits a division where authors are significantly
less likely to cite articles by authors at universities across the
divide. The division adheres to the common notions of
"freshwater" and "saltwater" schools. We find a 16%
excess likelihood of citing same-cluster authors, which is statistically
very significant, but, in terms of magnitude, very far from having two
isolated schools of thought. When restricting the citations to top field
journals, the strongest divisions are found in macroeconomics and
econometrics. Citation data cannot reveal whether the divisions are
based on methodological or ideological differences, but it seems clear
that a purely geographical explanation would not work. Some of the
divisions may be explained by a tendency to cite former colleagues and
mentors, as the same division has earlier been found (Tervid 2011) in
the network of PhD placements. Hiring networks and specialization could
conceivably explain divisions in a field like econometrics where it
would be harder to argue for ideological reasons behind the clustering.
A&HCI: Arts and Humanities Citation Index
SCI-EXPANDED: Science Citation Index Expanded
SSCI: Social Sciences Citation Index
doi: 10.1111/ecin.12164
Online Early publication November 9, 2014
Summary Statistics and Influence by Journal, 1990-2010
Rank Journal Title Articles Cites In Cites Out
1 Econometrica 995 3,071.69 297.64
2 American Economic Review 3,222 2,751.80 959.97
3 Journal of Political Economy 857 1,895.59 305.10
4 Quarterly Journal of 783 1,476.68 258.37
5 Review of Economic Studies 778 1,036.27 348.94
6 Journal of Finance 1,373 1,245.49 538.25
7 Journal of Economic Theory 1,764 981.51 671.10
8 Journal of Financial 1,018 867.63 426.41
9 Journal of Econometrics 1,721 781.87 586.13
10 Journal of Monetary 1,130 748.34 462.90
11 Rand Journal of Economics 766 536.83 323.02
12 Review of Economics and 1,195 646.46 458.65
13 Journal of Public Economics 1,500 598.69 536.08
14 Journal of Economic 753 418.99 161.28
15 Review of Financial Studies 762 340.58 400.31
16 International Economic 964 431.28 448.29
17 Economic Journal 1,449 608.13 526.92
18 Journal of Economic 75 440.67 17.58
19 Games and Economic Behavior 1,291 270.67 494.48
20 Journal of the American 2,231 321.31 80.22
Statistical Association
21 Economics Letters 4,261 389.55 1,926.21
22 European Economic Review 1,504 417.39 572.00
23 Journal of Labor Economics 555 2,386.83 222.88
24 Journal of International 989 400.76 375.90
25 Journal of Business & 786 291.34 323.55
Economic Statistics
26 Journal of Business 481 241.70 238.15
27 Journal of Human Resources 609 261.85 182.79
28 Econometric Theory 789 128.46 253.62
29 Journal of Law & Economics 449 193.87 123.18
30 Journal of Money Credit and 956 262.49 406.03
31 Journal of Mathematical 888 154.60 267.44
32 Journal of Economic Dynamics 1,485 223.62 596.44
& Control
33 Journal of Financial and 648 171.71 360.01
Quantitative Analysis
34 Economic Inquiry 951 180.50 306.32
35 American Political Science 598 134.05 39.34
36 Public Choice 1,535 141.09 373.79
37 Journal of Economic Behavior 1,512 156.23 535.27
& Organization
38 Journal of Development 1,059 197.26 356.39
39 Industrial and Labor 605 126.36 148.42
Relations Review
40 Journal of Applied 688 149.65 305.67
41 Journal of Law, Economics, & 412 96.07 125.92
42 Brookings Papers on Economic 193 78.60 45.50
43 International Journal of 593 99.02 164.08
Game Theory
44 Journal of Urban Economics 935 180.10 282.70
45 Journal of Accounting and 475 76.78 97.14
46 Journal of Industrial 495 151.06 205.38
47 Canadian Journal of 1,109 157.26 463.04
48 Economica 631 134.75 270.08
49 Social Choice and Welfare 849 78.83 246.92
50 Journal of Banking and 1,849 112.01 732.80
51 Journal of Environmental 844 273.22 254.19
Economics and Management
52 Journal of Risk and 451 94.33 132.35
53 Oxford Economic Papers 691 140.15 266.95
54 National Tax Journal 732 93.68 139.45
55 Scandinavian Journal of 641 118.45 266.88
56 International Journal of 953 120.04 429.75
Industrial Organization
57 Journal of Economic History 435 63.50 52.33
58 Review of Economic Dynamics 351 59.82 170.70
59 Journal of Health Economics 853 119.46 188.51
60 Oxford Bulletin of Economics 652 135.50 265.42
and Statistics
61 American Journal of 2,140 195.83 421.21
Agricultural Economics
62 Journal of Economics and 394 66.08 178.08
Management Strategy
63 Journal of International 962 104.85 412.23
Money and Finance
64 Regional Science and Urban 645 89.16 229.29
65 Journal of Economic Growth 126 62.77 54.32
66 Economic Theory 1,303 42.13 547.12
67 Econometric Reviews 117 51.00 49.96
68 Review of Income and Wealth 434 41.43 95.62
69 World Development 1,655 84.01 183.20
70 Land Economics 628 131.39 161.31
71 Applied Economics 3,195 79.76 1,079.06
72 Journal of Comparative 593 41.07 155.98
73 Explorations in Economic 325 27.86 58.49
74 Economics of Education 661 35.76 165.33
75 Economic Development and 536 59.15 121.14
Cultural Change
76 Journal of Financial 235 29.57 122.93
77 Mathematical Finance 273 37.21 47.15
78 Macroeconomic Dynamics 347 29.21 172.18
79 Labour Economics 432 39.73 188.20
80 Journal of Population 525 34.71 188.07
81 Journal of Risk and 513 42.88 139.60
82 Journal of the European 323 19.28 134.57
Economic Association
83 International Tax and Public 379 40.66 157.94
84 Journal of Regulatory 456 30.34 143.91
85 World Economy 830 26.36 128.73
86 Journal of Real Estate 547 25,53 158.90
Finance and Economics
87 Energy Journal 402 29.66 78.14
88 Environmental and Resource 726 57.81 246.94
89 Journal of Productivity 375 32.13 100.89
90 Water Resources Research 4,928 29.26 52.15
91 Journal of Economic 604 19.94 109.03
92 Health Economics 868 30.69 175.07
93 Economic History Review 259 11.08 15.64
94 Experimental Economics 138 12.29 66.63
95 Resource and Energy 302 23.76 103.10
96 Ecological Economics 1,429 31.96 193.34
97 Southern Economic Journal 1,164 11.00 350.01
98 Insurance: Mathematics and 900 14.48 77.02
99 Journal of Economic 119 8.56 32.42
100 Industrial and Corporate 188 6.01 26.17
101 Journal of Common Market 294 5.89 13.68
102 Economy and Society 246 1.10 2.96
Total 28,155.80 28,155.80
Cites to
Rank Self-Cites Other Influence Top Field
1 150.66 541.71 11.137
2 244.78 1,748.25 9.668
3 63.24 481.66 7.635
4 50.08 471.55 5.923
5 46.79 379.27 4.734
6 255.60 576.15 4.708 Finance
7 209.00 875.90 4.503 Theory
8 163.89 427.71 3.712 Finance
9 153.10 956.77 2.770 Econometrics
10 103.98 555.12 2.606 Macro/money
11 66.45 376.53 1.904 IO
12 38.82 689.53 1.846
13 124.04 833.89 1.764 Public
14 16.32 516.40 1.621
15 49.37 312.32 1.607 Finance
16 31.67 482.04 1.592
17 51.66 824.42 1.591
18 1.10 53.32 1.529
19 94.43 674.09 1.349 Theory
20 232.33 1,631.45 1.289 Econometrics
21 157.95 2,001.84 1.210
22 44.11 801.89 1.147
23 33.30 294.82 1.089 Labor
24 90.94 517.17 1.063 International
25 33.50 414.95 0.998 Econometrics
26 18.98 220.87 0.946
27 32.70 380.51 0.915 Labor
28 57.48 455.91 0.778 Econometrics
29 19.26 289.56 0.756
30 46.13 487.84 0.751 Macro/money
31 65.13 530.44 0.733 Theory
32 62.11 790.46 0.717 Macro/money
33 27.26 259.73 0.685 Finance
34 13.15 587.53 0.588
35 44.58 419.08 0.567 Public
36 132.74 961.47 0.535 Public
37 57.43 869.31 0.519 Theory
38 47.37 621.24 0.493 Growth/development
39 40.73 393.85 0.480 Labor
40 17.05 363.28 0.466
41 17.47 261.60 0.452
42 2.79 136.71 0.438 Macro/money
43 44.83 330.09 0.429
44 104.14 534.16 0.420
45 67.28 299.58 0.416
46 22.68 260.94 0.400 IO
47 35.67 586.29 0.398
48 13.23 342.69 0.358
49 66.52 508.56 0.342
50 125.43 959.77 0.339
51 83.08 497.73 0.325
52 40.57 265.08 0.318
53 18.05 398.01 0.313
54 59.95 468.60 0.309 Public
55 16.34 347.79 0.304
56 40.86 475.40 0.302 IO
57 21.63 328.04 0.286
58 8.14 170.16 0.283
59 63.63 566.86 0.267
60 18.32 359.26 0.267
61 244.94 1,295.85 0.260
62 11.40 202.52 0.241 IO
63 51.59 490.19 0.227 International
64 34.90 363.81 0.208
65 5.41 66.27 0.202 Growth/development
66 9.71 701.17 0.191
67 3.13 62.91 0.190
68 16.79 293.59 0.150
69 65.26 1,132.54 0.150 Growth/development
70 39.99 409.70 0.146
71 109.70 1,932.24 0.139
72 31.60 388.42 0.136
73 9.29 248.22 0.123
74 40.50 430.18 0.112
75 15.44 369.43 0.111 Growth/development
76 5.71 106.36 0.110
77 15.46 183.39 0.108
78 4.43 165.40 0.102
79 7.44 236.36 0.092 Labor
80 15.70 316.23 0.091
81 55.45 306.95 0.090
82 1.94 174.49 0.088
83 12.40 205.66 0.083
84 23.63 275.46 0.069
85 25.56 518.71 0.068 International
86 35.79 336.31 0.067
87 21.43 263.43 0.065
88 26.31 439.75 0.062
89 22.58 246.53 0.055
90 885.94 3,556.91 0.054
91 24.27 392.70 0.052
92 47.98 590.95 0.044
93 13.45 191.90 0.042
94 2.78 68.59 0.033
95 4.50 185.40 0.028
96 68.89 990.77 0.028
97 2.13 705.86 0.026
98 124.96 586.02 0.022
99 3.20 74.38 0.019
100 5.52 130.31 0.013
101 9.78 171.55 0.009 International
102 5.59 106.45 0.001
6,222.29 53,080.91 100
Influence and Division by Field, 1990-2010
Macroeconomics/Monetary Economics
Rank Institution Influence Cluster
1 Federal Reserve 6.748
2 Chicago 5.404 F
3 Harvard 5.001 S
4 Princeton 4.409 S
5 MIT 4.280 S
6 Northwestern 3.215 F
7 Stanford 3.184 S
8 Columbia 3.165 S
9 Rochester 2.898 F
10 Pennsylvania 2.895 F
11 Carnegie Mellon 2.298 F
12 NYU 2.249 F
13 Berkeley 1.961 S
14 Yale 1.797 S
15 Minnesota 1.705 F
16 UCLA 1.221 F
17 Michigan 1.206 S
18 UCSD 1.200
19 IMF 1.104
20 Virginia 1.035
Significance of division: p = .000
Microeconomic Theory
Rank Institution Influence Cluster
1 Northwestern 5.6225 F
2 Stanford 4.9160 S
3 Harvard 4.5609 S
4 MIT 3.0671 S
5 Chicago 2.6729 F
6 Pennsylvania 2.6345 F
7 Berkeley 2.6283 S
8 Hebrew 2.3405 S
9 Princeton 2.2235 S
10 Yale 1.9789 F
11 Rochester 1.6796 F
12 Caltech 1.6352 F
13 Columbia 1.2958 F
14 UCSD 1.2892 S
15 Minnesota 1.2812 F
16 NYU 1.2608 S
17 Carnegie Mellon 1.2550
18 UCLA 1.2513
19 Tel Aviv 1.2202
20 LSE 1.1743
Significance of division: p = .025
Industrial Organization
Rank Institution Influence Cluster
1 Stanford 5.5790 F
2 Harvard 5.5658 S
3 MIT 5.0191 S
4 Berkeley 3.8157 S
5 Northwestern 3.8119 F
6 Chicago 3.4647 S
7 Princeton 3.0156 F
8 Yale 2.7202 S
9 Pennsylvania 1.7994 S
10 Michigan 1.6604 F
11 LSE 1.6439 S
12 UCLA 1.4305 S
13 Columbia 1.3893 F
14 Oxford 1.3638 F
15 NYU 1.3060 F
16 Wisconsin 1.1362 F
17 UBC 1.0537
18 Carnegie Mellon 1.0098
19 Boston 0.8990
20 Toulouse 0.8909
Significance of division: p = .156
Rank Institution Influence Cluster
1 Harvard 4.0812 S
2 Yale 4.0494 F
3 Chicago 3.2981 F
4 Stanford 3.0671 S
5 Wisconsin 2.7577 S
6 UCSD 2.5052 F
7 Berkeley 2.4271 S
8 MIT 2.4249 F
9 Princeton 2.0573 F
10 Minnesota 1.8980 S
11 LSE 1.7210 F
12 Australian National University 1.4065 F
13 UCLA 1.3731 S
14 Northwestern 1.2735 F
15 Carnegie Mellon 1.2575 S
16 Washington 1.1755 S
17 Rochester 1.1570
18 North Carolina State University 1.1018
19 Pennsylvania 1.0981
20 Federal Reserve 1.0876
Significance of division: p = .000
Labor Economies
Rank Institution Influence Cluster
1 Chicago 6.0248 F
2 Harvard 5.7762 S
3 MIT 3.9138 S
4 Princeton 3.7586 S
5 Michigan 2.8488 F
6 Cornell 2.6335 S
7 Northwestern 2.2136 F
8 Stanford 2.1601 F
9 Columbia 2.0402 S
10 Berkeley 1.9212 S
11 Wisconsin 1.7542 F
12 Pennsylvania 1.6850 S
13 Illinois 1.3616 F
14 Yale 1.3361 F
15 UCLA 1.3359 F
16 Michigan State 1.1199 S
17 Rand 1.0766
18 LSE 1.0264
19 Federal Reserve 0.9765
20 Rochester 0.9166
Significance of division: p = .112
Growth and Development
Rank Institution Influence Cluster
1 World Bank 6.6918
2 Harvard 5.2555 S
3 MIT 3.2398 S
4 Chicago 2.8572 F
5 Princeton 2.8380 F
6 Stanford 2.2975 F
7 Berkeley 2.1822 F
8 Pennsylvania 2.1374 F
9 Yale 1.8715 F
10 Oxford 1.7516 S
11 IMF 1.6168
12 Columbia 1.6053 F
13 UCLA 1.4137 S
14 LSE 1.2300 S
15 Sussex 1.1414 S
16 NYU 1.0910 S
17 Cornell 1.0385 S
18 Michigan 1.0201 F
19 Maryland 1.0175
20 Northwestern 0.9900
Significance of division: p = .058
Rank Institution Influence Cluster
1 Chicago 7.8673 S
2 Harvard 5.1636 S
3 MIT 4.1508 S
4 Pennsylvania 3.7895 F
5 NYU 3.6090 F
6 Stanford 3.4444 S
7 Rochester 3.1435 F
8 UCLA 3.0611 F
9 Northwestern 2.8458 S
10 Princeton 2.2709 S
11 Columbia 2.0991 F
12 Michigan 1.9926 F
13 Berkeley 1.9176 S
14 Yale 1.6008 S
15 Federal Reserve 1.5739
16 Cornell 1.4666 F
17 Duke 1.4440 F
18 Illinois 1.4170
19 use 1.3899
20 Ohio State 1.2346
Significance of division: p = .191
Public Economies
Rank Institution Influence Cluster
1 Harvard 6.1096 S
2 Stanford 3.6090 F
3 Chicago 3.1788 S
4 Princeton 3.0292 F
5 MIT 2.9096 S
6 Michigan 2.6438 S
7 Northwestern 1.8147 F
8 Rochester 1.7341 F
9 Yale 1.7076 F
10 Berkeley 1.6974 S
11 Carnegie Mellon 1.6327 F
12 Pennsylvania 1.6069 S
13 Wisconsin 1.5837 S
14 UCLA 1.5698 F
15 UCSD 1.5403 F
16 LSE 1.3275 S
17 Maryland 1.2446
18 Columbia 1.1431
19 Federal Reserve 1.1407
20 Caltech 1.1369
Significance of division: p = .027
International Economies
Rank Institution Influence Cluster
1 Harvard 4.7528 S
2 MIT 4.1995 S
3 Columbia 3.6099 S
4 Princeton 3.5515 S
5 Chicago 3.2578 F
6 Berkeley 3.1833 F
7 Federal Reserve 3.1302
8 IMF 2.9166
9 Stanford 2.4534 F
10 World Bank 2.2068
11 Pennsylvania 2.0556 F
12 Northwestern 1.8857 S
13 Yale 1.8760 S
14 NYU 1.6134 F
15 Michigan 1.5766 S
16 UCLA 1.4886 S
17 UCSD 1.4779 F
18 Rochester 1.3049 F
19 UBC 1.0187 F
20 Tel Aviv 1.0149
Significance of division: p = .184
Note: Cluster column denotes members of the strongest division
between freshwater (F) and saltwater (S) clusters for 16 most
influential academic departments by field.
Amir, R., and M. Knauff. "Ranking Economics Departments
Worldwide on the Basis of PhD Placement." Review of Economics and
Statistics, 90(1), 2008, 185-90.
Combes, P.-P., and L. Linnemer: "Inferring Missing Citations:
A Quantitative Multi-Criteria Ranking of All Journals in
Economics." GREQAM Working Paper Series No. 28, 2010.
Davis, R, and G. F. Papanek. "Faculty Ratings of Major
Economics Departments by Citations." American Economic Review,
74(1), 1984, 225-30.
Girvan, M., and M. E. J. Newman. "Community Structure in
Social and Biological Networks." Proceedings of the National
Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 99(12), 2002,
Liebowitz, S. J., and J. P. Palmer. "Assessing the Relative
Impacts of Economics Journals." Journal of Economic Literature,
22(1), 1984, 77-88.
Mankiw, N. G. "The Macroeconomist as Scientist and
Engineer." Journal of Economic Perspectives, 20(4), 2006, 29-46.
Newman, M. E. J. "Analysis of Weighted Networks."
Physical Review E, 70, 2004, 056131.
Pinski, G., and F. Narin. "Citation Influence for Journal
Aggregates of Scientific Publications: Theory, with Application to the
Literature of Physics." Information Processing and Management,
12(5), 1976, 297-312.
Rosvall, M., and C. T. Bergstrom. "Multilevel Compression of
Random Walks on Networks Reveals Hierarchical Organization in Large
Integrated Systems." PLoS One, 6(4), 2011, e18209.
Tervio, M. "Divisions within Academia: Evidence from Hiring
and Placement." Review of Economics and Statistics, 93(3), 2011,
* We thank Carl Bergstrom, Ted Bergstrom, John Conley, Mario
Crucini, Tuomas Pekkarinen, Martin Rosvall, Laurent Simula, Yves Zenou,
and three anonymous referees for helpful comments.
Onder: Department of Economics, University of Bayreuth, 95447
Bayreuth, Germany. Phone 0049 921 556085, Fax 0049 921 556081, E-mail
Tervio: Department of Economics, School of Business, Aalto
University, 00076 Aalto, Finland. Phone 358 40 353 8342, E-mail
[email protected]
(1.) For the list of journals and their summary statistics, see
Table A1 in the Appendix.
(2.) For cited articles with multiple authors, only the affiliation
of the contact author is available.
(3.) It would be ideal to also divide citations for multiauthor
documents proportionally between the authors, but observing only on the
contact author affiliation precludes this.
(4.) Note that we cannot distinguish between authors citing
themselves and authors citing their peers at the same institution,
because we only have data on contact author affiliation.
(5.) Newman (2004) shows that this method, although originally
defined for binary networks, is also suitable for weighted networks.
(6.) We will consider the possibility of an arbitrary number of
unevenly sized clusters when we apply two alternative clustering methods
in the next section.
(7.) There could, in principle, be several maximizers, but this
never occurs in our data.
(8.) Davis and Papanek (1984) provide an early study of department
rankings based on citation counts. For rankings of academic journals
using network influence, see Liebowitz and Palmer (1984) and Amir and Knauff (2008) and Tervid (2011) apply this
method to data on PhD placement/faculty hiring data.
(9.) In Tervio (2011), the "top" was defined by PhD
placement instead of citations, but using the exact same set of top 16
U.S. departments as there results in exactly the same clusters here.
(10.) Table A2 in the Appendix provides more detail on the
influence and cluster membership of the top departments in each field.
Unit Citations from Row to Column Department for the Top 20
Academic Departments, 1990-2010
Minnesota Rochester Penn NYU Mellon
Minnesota 44.4 5.3 8.9 5.7 5.3
Rochester 4.6 44.2 7.9 5.4 5.6
Penn 9.6 13.4 90.2 12.7 9.4
NYU 7.9 15.2 18.5 72.7 8.1
Carnegie Mellon 2.6 3.6 5.8 4.1 26.2
Northwestern 8.3 15.3 20.7 10.5 9.7
UCLA 6.9 8.7 13.6 9.1 5.8
Cornell 6.4 6.4 9.4 7.0 4.8
Wisconsin 5.3 7.2 13.0 7.4 6.7
Chicago 6.2 12.7 18.2 11.1 9.3
Michigan 4.7 11.0 14.4 7.7 3.7
UCSD 2.3 6.4 6.3 3.3 3.3
Yale 5.6 5.6 11.5 5.7 4.3
Stanford 7.1 12.2 16.8 9.1 10.2
Columbia 4.8 10.0 13.9 9.3 6.7
LSE 3.9 6.8 9.6 7.7 4.2
Harvard 8.2 17.2 24.4 15.5 9.2
Princeton 4.4 8.8 9.2 6.1 5.4
MIT 5.4 10.6 17.8 7.4 5.0
UC Berkeley 6.4 7.0 16.0 9.7 6.5
Northwestern UCLA Cornell Wisconsin Chicago
Minnesota 9.9 6.4 4.3 5.6 15.1
Rochester 11.7 4.8 2.5 2.7 16.7
Penn 22.2 10.4 6.7 10.5 40.5
NYU 20.6 12.3 6.7 8.4 34.8
Carnegie Mellon 5.9 3.8 4.1 2.5 12.2
Northwestern 105.1 11.3 7.0 10.4 36.5
UCLA 15.2 64.4 5.0 6.7 28.1
Cornell 11.0 7.8 64.9 8.2 18.8
Wisconsin 14.3 8.3 6.0 67.8 21.0
Chicago 24.3 14.0 7.9 9.8 135.8
Michigan 12.8 8.6 5.6 9.0 25.5
UCSD 8.5 4.3 2.0 4.8 11.4
Yale 12.9 7.5 3.5 6.2 18.0
Stanford 24.9 12.9 6.3 7.1 32.0
Columbia 14.8 8.2 4.5 7.0 29.2
LSE 10.7 4.6 3.9 6.3 18.0
Harvard 25.5 17.2 8.8 10.2 55.2
Princeton 15.3 5.3 5.7 7.1 22.9
MIT 16.2 9.7 6.3 7.5 35.8
UC Berkeley 17.7 9.8 5.9 7.5 27.1
Michigan UCSD Yale Stanford Columbia LSE
Minnesota 3.4 2.8 6.0 11.2 4.9 2.8
Rochester 6.1 4.1 8.3 11.0 3.6 3.0
Penn 9.8 4.8 15.0 23.3 14.1 5.9
NYU 8.1 7.4 11.5 22.3 16.0 7.3
Carnegie Mellon 3.7 1.7 5.9 11.3 3.9 1.5
Northwestern 9.6 8.3 14.4 29.8 10.6 7.1
UCLA 7.4 5.6 10.1 21.9 9.5 3.5
Cornell 8.5 5.8 10.6 14.9 6.4 5.8
Wisconsin 9.7 7.3 9.9 16.7 7.7 5.5
Chicago 11.7 8.9 18.5 26.1 10.7 5.8
Michigan 64.5 6.6 10.5 18.6 8.6 4.5
UCSD 4.9 40.6 8.2 9.9 3.3 3.0
Yale 6.5 5.2 80.0 17.4 8.4 7.0
Stanford 11.3 8.2 17.4 123.3 13.8 5.8
Columbia 8.9 5.8 13.5 24.1 67.1 5.0
LSE 4.9 7.1 11.4 15.0 6.3 65.4
Harvard 18.3 9.9 24.0 38.4 19.8 10.9
Princeton 6.6 6.6 13.6 21.8 9.9 7.4
MIT 11.1 8.4 16.3 25.9 12.1 8.4
UC Berkeley 10.8 7.1 18.1 34.7 11.7 5.3
Harvard Princeton MIT UC Berkeley
Minnesota 14.0 6.9 11.4 7.1
Rochester 12.8 6.9 8.7 4.6
Penn 36.0 19.9 26.2 13.7
NYU 32.5 19.5 24.0 13.4
Carnegie Mellon 10.0 5.1 7.3 4.2
Northwestern 32.0 20.7 29.5 15.2
UCLA 27.6 13.5 19.3 13.2
Cornell 18.8 13.3 15.4 11.6
Wisconsin 21.4 15.2 18.0 17.3
Chicago 46.8 22.7 35.0 15.3
Michigan 34.0 16.4 11.8 11:4
UCSD 13.9 10.1 9.9 7.5
Yale 22.6 13.6 16.8 10.9
Stanford 41.8 19.9 31.6 24.5
Columbia 36.3 22.0 24.5 13.3
LSE 24.3 16.8 23.5 10.8
Harvard 224.6 35.3 59.6 30.0
Princeton 30.3 69.0 27.0 11.5
MIT 50.5 27.6 127.8 18.5
UC Berkeley 45.1 24.0 36.4 120.1
Notes: Shading depicts deviations from expected citations patterns
in the absence of clustering (excluding self-citations). Solid
cells depict citations above and striped cells below expected
intensity. Darker shades depict stronger deviations. Institutions
are ordered by the strength of their connection to the saltwater
cluster. Table available in color in the online version of this
Summary Statistics and Main Results for Top 50 Institutions, 1990-2010
Cites to
Institution Cites In Cites Out Self-Cites Unknown
1 Harvard 2,482.93 888.20 224.62 601.18
2 Chicago 2,042.52 582.97 135.78 349.25
3 MIT 1,941.23 570.79 127.81 360.39
4 Stanford 1,652.42 609.57 123.34 414.09
5 Princeton 1.512.75 434.00 68.98 230.03
6 Northwestern 1,303.40 570.31 105.09 259.60
7 Berkeley 1,248.10 662.44 120.08 454.49
8 Pennsylvania 1,126.74 588.49 90.16 295.35
9 Yale 1.072.01 393.06 80.00 251.94
10 Federal Reserve 1,093.26 1,053.16 234.83 393.01
11 Columbia 867.85 492.04 67.13 269.83
12 Rochester 852.98 268.14 44.17 126.69
13 Michigan 805.30 481.96 64.46 277.58
14 NYU 821.24 566.06 72.70 232.24
15 UCLA 730.26 426.52 64.43 256.05
16 Wisconsin 732.28 522.95 67.82 318.22
17 LSE 753.41 450.93 65.38 240.68
18 UCSD 694.68 256.96 40.56 127.47
19 Carnegie Mellon 567.71 200.28 26.16 123.56
20 Minnesota 545.43 303.93 44.38 216.68
21 Cornell 562.31 434.20 64.89 310.91
22 World Bank 545.06 469.50 120.39 346.12
23 Illinois 489.97 464.64 63.36 308.01
24 Duke 417.44 385.02 47.53 212.45
25 Maryland 477.03 417.22 57.42 252.35
26 UBC 496.13 370.38 48.97 203.64
27 Hebrew 395.34 201.61 43.34 144.05
28 Oxford 437.86 329.36 46.90 181.75
29 Tel Aviv 365.07 215.30 31.53 103.17
30 Boston U 322.11 239.46 24.87 113.67
31 Toronto 338.08 345.74 35.95 175.31
32 UC Davis 335.19 319.12 46.27 218.62
33 Ohio State 332.69 339.89 35.45 186.66
34 Texas-Austin 339.10 382.01 37.85 224.14
35 USC 294.50 254.58 25.37 139.05
36 Washington 304.01 230.31 24.12 129.58
37 Virginia 298.93 195.71 19.38 108.90
38 Penn State 300.33 304.04 30.63 170.33
39 IMF 304.92 353.73 45.87 143.39
40 Michigan State 301.68 294.24 35.04 175.72
41 Caltech 238.43 129.08 22.22 71.71
42 Indiana 280.42 244.60 23.71 135.69
43 Iowa 245.24 178.83 16.01 89.16
44 ANU 267.16 205.56 25.26 133.18
45 UNC 236.50 291.13 31.72 180.15
46 Brown 226.44 205.73 23.66 99.61
47 Florida 242.49 196.30 21.05 117.65
48 UCL 234.70 213.26 22.93 82.82
49 Arizona 239.10 217.00 34.02 155.98
50 Cambridge 246.18 190.01 28.51 113.48
Others (1,142 21,747.74 35,768.34 3,128.56 19,970.10
All 54,708.65 54,708.65 6,130.65 30,795.70
Unique Relative
Institution Authors Influence Salt
1 Harvard 583 5.126 0.651
2 Chicago 368 4.292 -0.221
3 MIT 295 4.005 1.042
4 Stanford 441 3.516 0.126
5 Princeton 224 3030 0.851
6 Northwestern 321 2.752 -1.147
7 Berkeley 480 2.501 1.352
8 Pennsylvania 343 2.340 -1.555
9 Yale 277 2.225 0.059
10 Federal Reserve 677 1.965 -1.508
11 Columbia 338 1.729 0.196
12 Rochester 169 1.703 -1.982
13 Michigan 366 1.613 -0.538
14 NYU 293 1.547 -1.419
15 UCLA 284 1.527 -0.986
16 Wisconsin 352 1.393 -0.481
17 LSE 305 1.283 0.625
18 UCSD 135 1.246 -0.239
19 Carnegie Mellon 165 1.150 -1.347
20 Minnesota 249 1.084 -2.107
21 Cornell 337 1.059 -0.586
22 World Bank 407 0.963 0.932
23 Illinois 326 0.940 -1.048
24 Duke 263 0.854 -1.271
25 Maryland 251 0.832 -0.020
26 UBC 217 0.826 0.414
27 Hebrew 135 0.782 -0.084
28 Oxford 268 0.731 1.548
29 Tel Aviv 108 0.705 -0.775
30 Boston U 149 0.642 0.147
31 Toronto 223 0.637 -0.619
32 UC Davis 214 0.609 -0.039
33 Ohio State 230 0.603 -1.035
34 Texas-Austin 276 0.576 -1.168
35 USC 164 0.571 -1.175
36 Washington 174 0.562 -0.789
37 Virginia 144 0.543 -0.530
38 Penn State 209 0.542 -1.565
39 IMF 291 0.512 0.760
40 Michigan State 201 0.508 0.009
41 Caltech 73 0.501 -1.439
42 Indiana 173 0.480 -1.157
43 Iowa 129 0.478 -2.399
44 ANU 151 0.442 0.125
45 UNC 245 0.436 -1.195
46 Brown 91 0.428 -0.626
47 Florida 155 0.424 -1.417
48 UCL 114 0.421 0.683
49 Arizona 192 0.412 -0.977
50 Cambridge 173 0.406 1.265
Others (1,142 29,934 35.546 0.020
All 42,682 100 0.000
Strongest Division for
Institution Top 24 Top 20 Top 16 Top 12
1 Harvard S S S S
2 Chicago F F F F
4 Stanford S S S S
5 Princeton S S S S
6 Northwestern F F F F
7 Berkeley S S S S
8 Pennsylvania F F F F
9 Yale S S S F
10 Federal Reserve
11 Columbia S S S S
12 Rochester F F F F
13 Michigan S S F F
14 NYU F F F
16 Wisconsin F F F
17 LSE S S S
19 Carnegie Mellon F F
20 Minnesota F F
21 Cornell F F
22 World Bank
23 Illinois F
24 Duke F
25 Maryland S
26 UBC S
27 Hebrew
28 Oxford
29 Tel Aviv
30 Boston U
31 Toronto
32 UC Davis
33 Ohio State
34 Texas-Austin
35 USC
36 Washington
37 Virginia
38 Penn State
39 IMF
40 Michigan State
41 Caltech
42 Indiana
43 Iowa
44 ANU
45 UNC
46 Brown
47 Florida
48 UCL
49 Arizona
50 Cambridge
Others (1,142
Notes: Articles from all sample journals from 1990 to 2010.
Nonacademic institutions in italics.
Influence's in the network of citations is calculated after
dropping self-citations by institutions from the data.
"Relative salt" measures the propensity to cite members of
saltwater cluster relative to freshwater cluster (with clusters
defined for top 20).
Division by Field, 1990-2010
Modified Q Within-Cluster Bias
Field p Value Actual [P.sub.95] Actual [P.sub.95]
Macro/monetary .000 1.350 0.877 32.6 11.5
Micro theory .025 0.870 0.837 13.8 10.8
Industrial .156 0.716 0.769 11.2 12.8
Econometrics .000 1.480 1.032 40.8 14.0
Labor .112 0.774 0.811 17.3 7.8
Growth/ .058 1.139 1.149 24.0 13.7
Finance .191 0.455 0.499 2.8 10.2
Public .027 1.063 1.026 31.7 15.9
International .184 1.161 1.263 18.8 13.1
All 102 journals .000 0.642 0.400 16.1 8.5
Field Citations Articles
Macro/monetary 82,995 3,764
Micro theory 90,430 5,455
Industrial 51,305 2,608
Econometrics 104,810 5,527
Labor 44,372 2,201
Growth/ 61,463 3,376
Finance 104,398 3,801
Public 76,361 4,365
International 62,415 3,075
All 102 journals 1,662,212 91,635
Cluster Membership of Top Departments by Field, 1990-2010
Macro/ Micro
Money Econometrics Theory Public
Harvard S S S S
Chicago F F F S
Stanford S S S F
Princeton S F S F
Northwestern F F F F
Berkeley S S S S
Pennsylvania F F S
Yale S F F F
Columbia S F
Rochester F F F
Michigan S S
Wisconsin S S
Carnegie Mellon F S F
Minnesota F S F
p = .000 p = .000 p = .025 p = .027
Growth/ Industrial
Development Labor Organization International
Harvard S S S S
Chicago F F S F
Stanford F F F F
Princeton F S F S
Northwestern F F S
Berkeley F S S F
Pennsylvania F S S F
Yale F F S S
Columbia F S F S
Rochester F
Michigan F F F S
Wisconsin F F
Carnegie Mellon
Cornell S S
p = .058 p= .112 p = .156 p = .184
Finance General Macro Overall
Harvard S S S S
Chicago S S F F
Stanford S S S S
Princeton S S S S
Northwestern S F F F
Berkeley S S S S
Pennsylvania F F F F
Yale S F F S
Columbia F S S S
Rochester F F F F
Michigan F F S F
Wisconsin F F F
Carnegie Mellon F F
Minnesota F
Cornell F F
p = .191 p = .003 p = .003 p = .000
Notes: We list top 20 departments from the overall ranking and find
the division among top 16 departments in each field (see Table A2
for field rankings). S is defined as the cluster with Harvard in
Each field is made of citations going out from top four field
journals (see Table A1 for journal rankings).
There are departments that are ranked top 16 in some fields,
although they are not placed in top 20 in the overall ranking.
These are left out of this table. Cluster membership is in bold if
it is the same as in the full data for top 20 departments.
p Values (last row) give the statistical significance of the
General: citations going out from top five general interest
journals (Econometrica, AER, JPE, QJE, REStud).
All without macro: top four journals from all fields put together
excluding macro/money journals. This group consists of 32 journals
in total.