A primer on cardinal versus ordinal tournaments.
Tsoulouhas, Theofanis
The tournament literature has considered primarily two relative
performance evaluation schemes that are consistent with what we observe
in practice. The rationale behind each of these incentive schemes is
that relative performance evaluation is useful when agent performance is
subject to common shocks, in which case individual performance is not a
sufficient statistic for individual effort. That is, the performance of
other agents can enhance the inference of the effort exerted by an
individual agent. One important difference between these schemes is that
under rank-order or "ordinal" tournaments the prizes are
prespecified and agents compete for rank. By contrast, under two-part
piece rate or "cardinal" tournaments, the total prize is fixed
and agents compete for a share of the pie. (1) Each agent receives a
base payment and a bonus depending on the difference of his performance
from the average performance of his peers. (2) Average performance
provides an informative signal about the value of common shocks
inflicted on agents.
Ordinal tournaments are prevalent in contests where rank is more
important than individual performance (for instance, sports contests
where contestants compete for medals or fixed prizes), or when
individual performance data are not readily available (for instance,
promotion contests where the individual contribution of contestants
cannot easily be separated from that of their co-workers or
subordinates). By contrast, cardinal tournaments are popular in several
occupations or industries where cardinal performance data are readily
available (e.g., salesmen contracts, physician contracts with HMOs, and
agricultural contracts). (3) Both ordinal and cardinal tournaments are
relatively simple to design, even though they are only proxies of
theoretically optimal schemes. (4)
Prior literature has contrasted the efficiency properties of either
ordinal or cardinal tournaments against those of piece rates. Under
piece rates, each agent is evaluated according to his absolute
performance, thus, agents receive a base payment and a bonus which is
based, typically linearly, on their individual output. (5) Piece rates
are sometimes expressed as "fixed performance standards''
when an agent's performance is evaluated against a fixed standard
instead of the average output obtained. Lazear and Rosen (1981), Green
and Stokey (1983), and Nalebuff and Stiglitz (1983) have shown that
ordinal tournaments are superior to piece rates when agent activities
are subject to common shocks that affect performance. (6) More recently,
Marinakis and Tsoulouhas (2012, 2013) investigated and verified this
result for cardinal tournaments. Relative performance evaluation via
tournaments constitutes a Pareto superior move. By removing common
uncertainty from the responsibility of agents, and by charging a premium
for this insurance, the principal increases his profit without hurting
the agents. Moreover, by providing this type of insurance, tournaments
enable the principal to implement higher power incentives than under
piece rates.
What is still an open question in the literature above is a
comparison of ordinal to cardinal tournaments. The consensus among
tournament theorists is that even though ordinal tournaments are
informationally wasteful (as in Holmstrom 1982) by ignoring the
agents' cardinal performance data if available, they are, however,
more general because they are less restrictive on the functional form of
the contract (i.e., they are step functions with a linear or non-linear
trend). Part of the appeal is that the founders of tournament theory
focused on ordinal tournaments. Nevertheless, a significant part of the
current tournament literature has analyzed cardinal tournaments instead.
This paper fills in this gap in theory by developing a framework
that can be used to analyze both cardinal and ordinal tournaments, as
well as piece rates, and in doing so it provides a primer on tournaments
and piece rates. The analysis aims at obtaining a Pareto ranking of
cardinal versus ordinal tournaments. To the best of our knowledge, this
is the first paper to attempt this on a theoretical level. The analysis
shows that, contrary to common belief, cardinal tournaments are superior
to ordinal tournaments. The rationale is that, by utilizing all the
available information more efficiently, cardinal tournaments allow the
principal to implement higher power incentives, which makes them
superior even though they restrict the form of the contract more than
ordinal tournaments.
If we believe that markets select for better contracts, the
evolution of contracts for the production of broiler chickens in the
United States supports our theoretical results. Initially, in the 1950s
and 1960s, chicken growers were rewarded with a kind of piece rate based
on the feed conversion (i.e., feed to output) ratio they achieved.
Gradually, this contract was replaced by a rank order tournament
(Knoeber and Thurman 1995). In the 1980s, the form of the contract
changed again to a scheme in which payments were determined by the
difference of a grower's feed conversion from the average of all
other growers. This contract resembles the standard cardinal tournament.
Even though cardinal tournaments are shown to be superior to
ordinal tournaments, it is not a priori dear whether the principal
should provide full or partial insurance against common shocks.
Insulating agents fully may lead them to exert less effort than if the
principal only provides partial insurance. There is a trade-off; the
principal may potentially increase his profit by charging for the
insurance against common shocks, but too much insurance can be
detrimental to efforts. Based on this intuition, Tsoulouhas (2010a)
generalized cardinal tournaments by examining a form of cardinal
tournaments in which the weights on absolute and group average
performance are not necessarily equal. Under these "hybrid"
tournaments, the total prize is not necessarily fixed. In addition, one
can analyze standard cardinal tournaments by setting the weights equal,
and analyze piece rates by setting the weight on group average
performance to zero. The analysis in Tsoulouhas (2010a) showed that
hybrid cardinal tournaments are Pareto superior to standard cardinal
tournaments. In particular, providing partial insurance against common
uncertainty via a hybrid tournament is always better for the principal
than providing full insurance against common uncertainty via a standard
tournament or than providing no insurance at all against common
uncertainty via piece rates. The principal can induce the agents to
exert more effort by subjecting them to some common uncertainty. Agents,
then, work harder in order to insure themselves against bad realizations
of the common shocks.
Thus, overall and by combining the hybrid tournament case in
Tsoulouhas (2010a), our analysis leads to the conclusion that hybrid
cardinal tournaments are Pareto superior to standard cardinal
tournaments, which are Pareto superior to ordinal tournaments, which are
Pareto superior to piece rates, if there is enough common uncertainty.
(9) In all, our analysis provides a theoretical justification for using
cardinal instead of ordinal tournaments when cardinal performance data
are readily available and agent performance is subject to common shocks.
A risk-neutral principal signs a contract with n homogeneous
agents. (10) Each agent i produces output according to the production
function [x.sub.i] = a + [e.sub.i] + [eta] + [[epsilon].sub.i], where a
is the agent's known ability, [e.sub.i] is the agent's effort,
[eta] is a common shock inflicted on all agents, and [[epsilon].sub.i]
is an idiosyncratic shock. We assume that both production shocks [eta]
and [[epsilon].sub.i], follow independent normal distributions with zero
means. Agents exert effort first then the production shocks are
realized. The effort of each agent and the realizations of the
production shocks are privately observed by each agent, but the output
obtained is publicly observed. (11) The price of output is normalized to
1 so that the output produced by the agents is revenue to the principal.
Agent preferences are represented by a CARA utility function
n([w.sub.i], [e.sub.i]) = -exp(-r[w.sub.i] + 1/2 r/a [e.sup.2.sub.i),
where r is the agent's coefficient of absolute risk aversion and w,
is the compensation he receives from the principal. This utility
function has been widely used in the literature (for instance, see Meyer
and Vickers 1997). (12) We also assume that the production shocks have
finite variances var ([eta]) = [[sigma].sup.2.sub.[eta]] and var
([[epsilon].sub.i]) = [[sigma].sup.2.sub.[epsilon]], [for all] i. One of
the advantages of this model is that it leads to closed form solutions
and its basic results conform with those obtained by Lazear and Rosen
(1981) who relied on first-order Taylor approximations of utility
functions. (13)
The principal compensates agents for their effort based on their
outputs by using a piece rate scheme [w.sub.i] = b + [beta][x.sub.i], or
a two-part piece rate or "cardinal" tournament [w.sub.i] = b +
[beta] ([x.sub.i] - [bar.x]), or a rank-order or "ordinal"
tournament with pre-specified prizes [w.sub.n] > [w.sub.n-1] >
[w.sub.n-2] > ... > [w.sub.1]. Lazear and Rosen (1981) focused on
ordinal tournaments. Both cardinal and ordinal tournaments compensate
agents based on a relative performance evaluation. The piece rate scheme
(or absolute performance evaluation) provides a benchmark for the
analysis. Tsoulouhas (2010a) has shown that "hybrid" cardinal
tournaments of the form [w.sub.i] = b + [beta][x.sub.i] - [gamma][bar.x]
are dominant over standard cardinal tournaments of the form [w.sub.i] =
b + [beta] [[x.sub.i] - [bar.x]). Moreover, the piece rate scheme is a
special case of the hybrid cardinal tournament by setting [gamma] = 0,
and the standard cardinal tournament is a special case for [beta] =
[gamma]. However, in the limit, that is, for a sufficiently large number
of workers, [beta] = [gamma]. (14)
We begin by briefly analyzing the benchmark case of piece rates
followed by the case of standard cardinal tournaments. This part of the
analysis follows directly from Marinakis and Tsoulouhas (2013) (note
that Marinakis and Tsoulouhas 2012 also analyzed the corresponding case
of risk-neutral agents). The case of ordinal tournaments is analyzed
afterwards, and it is the novel part of the analysis.
The piece rate scheme (R) is the payment scheme in which the
compensation to each agent is determined by absolute performance
evaluation and the compensation to the ith agent takes the form
[w.sub.i] = [b.sub.R] + [[beta].sub.R][x.sub.i], where ([b.sub.R],
[[beta].sub.R]) are the contractual parameters to be determined by the
principal through backward induction. First, the principal calculates
each agent's expected utility:
where the expression in square brackets is the certainty equivalent
compensation of the agent which admits a mean-variance representation.
The principal then calculates the effort level that maximizes Condition
(1). First-order conditions yield the following incentive compatibility
condition for the agent
(2) [e.sub.iR] = a[[beta].sub.R],
so that effort depends on inherent ability and on the magnitude of
the piece rate. Given that the principal is endowed with the bargaining
power, the principal selects the value of the base payment, [b.sub.R],
that satisfies the agent's individual rationality constraint with
equality so that he receives no rents but still accepts the contract.
For ease of exposition, we normalize the agent's reservation
utility to -1, (15) hence, given Condition (1) the agent's
individual rationality constraint implies
(3) E[U.sub.R] = -1 [??] [b.sub.R] = r ([[sigma].sup.2.sub.[eta]] +
[[sigma].sup.2.sub.[epsilon]]) - a/2 [[beta].sup.2.sub.R] -
Thus, by choosing the piece rate [[beta].sub.R], the principal can
precisely determine the agent's effort because the agent will
optimally set his effort according to Condition (2). In addition, by
setting [b.sub.R] in accordance with Condition (3) the principal can
induce agent participation at least cost.
Given Conditions (2) and (3), the principal maximizes his expected
total profit
Maximizing Condition (4) with respect to [[beta].sub.R]. and then
using Condition (3) yields:
Condition (5) indicates that the higher the total (i.e., common and
idiosyncratic) uncertainty, the lower the power of incentives and
effort, because uncertainty hampers the strength of the relationship
between effort and output.
Given Condition (5), the principal's expected profit under the
piece rate scheme is
(6) ET[[PI].sub.R] = n [a + 1/2 [a.sup.2]/a + r
([[sigma].sup.2.sub.[eta]] + [[sigma].sup.2.sub.[epsilon]]].
The cardinal tournament (T) is the payment scheme in which the
compensation to each agent is determined by relative performance
evaluation. Specifically the payment scheme is
[w.sub.i] = [b.sub.T] + [[beta].sub.T] ([x.sub.i] - [bar.x]) =
[b.sub.T] + [[beta].sub.T] (n - 1/n [x.sub.i] - 1/n [summation over
(j[not equal to]i)] [x.sub.j]]),
where [bar.x] is the average output obtained by all agents, and
([b.sub.T], [[beta].sub.T]) are the contractual parameters to be
determined by the principal. (17) Note that under tournament the total
wage bill is proportional to the base payment [b.sub.T], in particular,
[summation][w.sub.i] = n[b.sub.T], which reflects a balanced budget for
the performance part of pay. Thus, in contrast to the piece rate scheme,
the principal's total payment to the agents and, hence, the
expected payment per agent are independent of output. The agent's
expected utility is
The effort level that maximizes Condition (7) satisfies
(8) [e.sub.iT] = n - 1/n a[[beta].sub.T].
Further, the individual rationality constraint implies
(9) E[U.sub.T] = -1 [??] [b.sub.T] = 1/2 n - 1/n (n - 1/n a +
r[[sigma].sup.2.sub.[epsilon]]) [[beta].sup.2.sub.T].
Then, given Conditions (8) and (9), the principal maximizes
expected total profit
(10) ET[[PI].sub.T] = n [a + n - 1/n a[[beta].sub.T] - 1/2 n - 1/n
x (n - 1/n a + r[[sigma].sup.2.sub.[epsilon]]) [[beta].sup.2.sub.T]].
Maximizing Conditions (10) with respect to [[beta].sub.T] and then
using Condition (9) yields:
(11) [b.sub.T] = 1/2 [a.sup.2]/a + n/n-1
r[[sigma].sup.2.sub.[epsilon]], [[beta].sub.T] = a/n-1/n a +
Thus, [b.sub.T] > [b.sub.R] and [[beta].sub.T] >
[[beta].sub.R]. The intuition behind the former condition is that the
expected bonus under tournaments is zero, whereas under piece rates it
is positive; hence, the base payment increases under tournaments to
ensure agent participation. The rationale behind the latter inequality
is that the removal of common uncertainty from the responsibility of the
agents allows the principal to implement higher power incentives under
tournaments. Note that, unlike Condition (5), Condition (11) indicates
that common uncertainty does not affect incentives under tournaments.
Given Condition (11), the principal's expected profit under
tournament is
(12) ET[[PI].sub.T] = n [a + 1/2 [a.sup.2]/a + n/n-1
Comparing expected profit under piece rates and tournaments yields
the following proposition.
PROPOSITION 1. (Marinakis and Tsoulouhas 2013) Under the modeling
assumptions, with an arbitrarily large number of agents, cardinal
tournaments are Pareto superior to piece rates if
[[sigma].sup.2.sub.[eta]] > 1/n-1 [[sigma].sup.2.sub.[epsilon]].
Proposition 1 is stating that tournaments are superior provided
that the variance of the common shock is larger than only a fraction of
the variance of the idiosyncratic shock, where the fraction decreases
when the number of agents increases. A large number of agents
strengthens the dominance of tournaments over piece rates because
idiosyncratic shocks cancel out, which enables the principal to offer
better insurance by filtering away common shocks from the responsibility
of the agents through the average output obtained by them. Therefore,
piece rate schemes are superior when the variance of the common shock is
sufficiently small or the number of agents is sufficiently small.
This result is a reversal of what happens with risk-neutral agents
(see Marinakis and Tsoulouhas 2012). The intuition is that the principal
cannot charge risk-neutral agents a risk-premium for removing common
uncertainty from their responsibility, and the contract induces the
agents to exert the same effort [e.sub.i] = a they would exert under
piece rates. (18) This result extends the Lazear and Rosen (1981)
finding, that both piece rates and ordinal tournaments are equally
efficient with risk-neutral agents, to cardinal tournaments.
The ordinal tournament (O) is another payment scheme in which the
compensation to each agent is determined by relative performance
evaluation. This scheme rewards agents with pre-specified prizes
[w.sub.n] > [w.sub.n-1] > [w.sub.n-2] > ... > [w.sub.1]. Let
P([w.sub.l]) denote the probability that agent i wins reward [w.sub.l].
Under an ordinal tournament the agent's expected utility is:
The effort level that maximizes Condition (13) satisfies
In order to determine the optimal effort, first, we need to
determine the probabilities of winning. The probability that an agent i
beats another agent), given realizations [[epsilon].sub.i] and [eta], is
the probability that his output [x.sub.i] = a + [e.sub.i] + [eta] +
[[epsilon].sub.i] is larger than the output of the other agent [x.sub.j]
= a + [e.sub.j] + [eta] + [[epsilon].sub.j], that is,
p ([x.sub.i] [greater than or equal to] [x.sub.j]) = P
([[epsilon].sub.j] [less than or equal to] [[epsilon].sub.i] + [e.sub.i]
- [e.sub.j]) = G ([[epsilon].sub.i] + [e.sub.i] - [e.sub.j]),
where G(*) is the distribution function of the idiosyncratic shock.
Thus, the probability that i beats every other agent j, given
realizations [[epsilon].sub.i] and [eta], is
hence, the prior probability that agent i wins the highest reward
The probability that i beats every other agent j except one agent
n. that is, the probability that n beats i who beats the rest of the
agents, given realizations [[epsilon].sub.i], [[epsilon].sub.n], and
[eta], is
Thus, the prior probability that agent i wins the second highest
reward is
Therefore, the prior probability of i winning any reward [w.sub.l]
One possible simplification of the analysis is a clever shortcut
provided by Lazear and Rosen (1981). (19) Specifically,
P ([x.sub.i] [greater than or equal to] [x.sub.j]) = P ([e.sub.i] +
[[epsilon].sub.i] [greater than or equal to] [e.sub.j] +
[[epsilon].sub.j]) = P ([[epsilon].sub.j] - [[epsilon].sub.i] [less than
or equal to] [e.sub.i] - [e.sub.j]).
Next, define the random variable [xi] [equivalent to]
[[epsilon].sub.j] - [[epsilon].sub.i], with cumulative distribution
function F and density f, E([xi]) = 0 and E ([[xi].sup.2]) =
2[[sigma].sup.2.sub.[epsilon]] (because [[epsilon].sub.j] and
[[epsilon].sub.i] are i.i.d.). Thus,
(15) P([x.sub.i] [greater than or equal to] [x.sub.j]) =
F([e.sub.i] - [e.sub.j]).
Hence, the prior probability that agent i wins the highest reward
The prior probability that agent i wins the second highest reward
Lastly, the prior probability of i winning any reward [w.sub.l] is
Even though the Lazear and Rosen "shortcut" can simplify
the analysis, it can easily be seen that determining the optimal effort
in Condition (14) with an arbitrarily large (albeit finite) number of
agents leads to a pretty messy analysis pretty quickly. Thus, the reader
should have been convinced by now that there is a good reason why
authors typically consider only two agents in the analysis of ordinal
tournaments. This is exactly what we are doing next. At the end of this
analysis, we show that the results generalize to an arbitrarily large
number of agents.
Let P denote the prior probability that agent i wins. Hence,
E([w.sub.i]) = P[w.sub.2] + (1 - P)[w.sub.1]. In the Nash equilibrium,
that is, taking the effort of the other agent as given, Condition (14)
[e.sub.iO] = a([w.sub.2] - [w.sub.1]) [partial
derivative]P/[partial derivative][e.sup.i] x [1 + r(E([w.sub.i]) -
[[w.sub.2] + [w.sub.1]] /2)] ,
Because agents are homogeneous, they exert the same effort
[e.sub.i] = [e.sub.j] in equilibrium and, therefore, P = 1/2 so that
E([w.sub.i]) = ([w.sub.2] + [w.sub.1])/2. Hence,
(16) [e.sub.iO] = a([w.sub.2] - [w.sub.1])
[[integra].sup.+[infinity].sub.-[infinity]] [(g
([[epsilon].sub.i])).sup.2] d[[epsilon].sub.i],
implying that effort increases in ability and in the prize spread
[w.sub.2] - [w.sub.1]. Further intuition can be obtained through the
Lazear and Rosen shortcut. By using Condition (15), Condition (16) can
be rewritten as
(17) [e.sub.iO] = a([w.sub.2] - [w.sub.1]) f(0).
As [[epsilon].sub.i] ~ N (0, [[sigma].sup.2.sub.[epsilon]]), it
follows that f(0) = f([e.sub.i] - [e.sub.j] = 0) =
1/2[[sigma].sub.[epsilon]] [square root of [pi]] (note a typing error on
p. 847 in Lazear and Rosen 1981). Thus,
(18) [e.sub.iO] = a ([w.sub.2] -
[w.sub.1])/2[[sigma].sub.[epsilon]] [square root of [pi]],
implying that, similar to cardinal tournaments, the larger the
variance of idiosyncratic uncertainty the lower the effort because the
more outcomes depend on luck the less effort the agent will exert. (20)
Given Condition (13), the individual rationality constraint implies
(19) [??] [w.sup.2.sub.1] (-A) + [w.sub.1] [2[w.sub.2]A + 1/2) +
[1/2 [w.sub.2] - [w.sup.2.sub.2]A) = 0,
where A [equivalent to] a[(f(0)).sup.2]/2 + r/2 1/4. Condition (19)
is a quadratic in [w.sub.1] with two distinct solutions
[w.sub.1O] = -1/2 - 2[w.sub.2]A [+ or -] [square root of (1/4 +
To provide maximum incentives and, hence, maximize the
principal's profit, the optimal [w.sub.1] is the smallest root vv,
so that the prize spread [w.sub.2] - [w.sub.1] is maximized. Thus,
(20) [w.sub.1O] = - -1/2 - 2[w.sub.2]A + [square root of (1/4 +
Then, given Conditions (17) and (20), the principal maximizes
expected total profit
with respect to [w.sub.2]. Thus, the optimal [w.sub.2] satisfies
(22) [w.sub.2O] = [a.sup.2] [(f(0)).sup.2] + af(0)/2a (f(0)).sup.2]
+ r/2 = 1/2 [a.sup.2] + 2a[[sigma].sub.[epsilon]] [square root of
[pi]]/a + [pi]r[[sigma].sup.2.sub.[epsilon]].
Condition (20) then implies
It is easy to verify that the prize spread is positive, which
ascertains the logical consistently of the solution process:
(24) [w.sub.2O] - [w.sub.1O] = 2a[[sigma].sub.[epsilon]] [square
root of [pi]]/a + [pi]r[[sigma].sup.2.sub.[epsilon]] > 0.
Conditions (21), (22), and (23), given f(0) =
1/2[[sigma].sub.[epsilon]][square root of [pi]], imply that the
principal's expected total profit under ordinal tournaments is
By contrast, Condition (12) implies that the corresponding profit
under cardinal tournaments is
(26) ET[[PI].sub.T] = 2a + [a.sup.2]/a
Comparing expected profit under the two schemes yields the
following proposition.
PROPOSITION 2. Under the modeling assumptions, with two agents,
cardinal tournaments are Pareto superior to ordinal tournaments
regardless of common or idiosyncratic uncertainty.
Proof. Given Conditions (25) and (26), note that
ET[[PI].sub.T] > ET[[PI].sub.O] [??] [pi] > 2.
The latter statement is a correct statement, which completes the
The result in Proposition 2 is pretty strong because it holds
regardless of the magnitude of common or idiosyncratic uncertainty. To
the best of our knowledge, this theoretical result has never been
obtained in the literature which, if using cardinal tournaments, has
been reciting the Holmstrom (1982) premise that ordinal tournaments are
informationally inefficient by ignoring the agents' cardinal
performance, and if using ordinal tournaments, has implicitly been
assuming that cardinal performance data are relatively costly to obtain
or ordinal tournaments should be optimal because they do not constrain
the form of the contract. Our claim is that the real reason why cardinal
tournaments are optimal is that they provide higher power incentives. To
see this, note that Conditions (8) and (11) imply optimal effort
[e.sub.iT] = [a.sup.2]/a + 2r[[sigma].sup.2.sup.[epsilon]],
while Conditions (18) and (24) imply
[e.sub.iO] = [a.sup.2]/a + [pi]r[[sigma].sup.2.sub.[epsilon]],
that is, given that [pi] > 2, it follows that [e.sub.iT] >
[e.sub.iO] or agents exert less effort under ordinal tournaments than
under cardinal tournaments. The intuition behind the finding that
cardinal tournaments provide higher-power incentives can be traced to
the payment specifications under cardinal and ordinal tournaments.
Figure 1 pictorially captures the intuition through a simple graph of
[w.sub.i] against [x.sub.i], for an arbitrarily given output [x.sub.j]
of another agent. As you can see in the graph, high performance is
rewarded more under cardinal tournaments. (21)
Some comparative statics are in order. Given Conditions (25) and
(26) it follows that
[partial derivative] (ET[[PI].sup.T] - ET[[PI].sub.O])/[partial
derivative]a > 0,
that is, the more able agents inherently are, the more the
principal benefits by relying on cardinal tournaments which provide the
agents with higher power incentives. However, note that the value of the
corresponding derivatives with respect to the risk-aversion rate r and
the variance of idiosyncratic uncertainty [[sigma].sup.2.sub.[epsilon]]
depend on the values of the parameters (i.e., they may be positive or
Next, Condition (6) for piece rates implies
(27) ET[[PI].sub.R] = 2a + [a.sup.2]/a + r
([[sigma].sup.2.sub.[eta]] + [[sigma].sub.2.sup.[epsilon]].
Comparing expected profit under ordinal tournaments and piece rates
then yields the following proposition.
PROPOSITION 3. Under the modeling assumptions, with two agents,
ordinal tournaments are Pareto superior to piece rates if
[[sigma].sup.2.sub.[eta]] > ([pi] - 1) [sigma].sup.2.sub.[epsilon]].
Proof. Given Conditions (25) and (27), the proof is straightforward
by noting that ET[PI].sub.O] > ET[[PI].sub.R] [??]
[[sigma].sup.2.sub.[eta]] > ([pi] - 1) [[sigma].sup.2.sub.[epsilon]].
Proposition 3 states that ordinal tournaments are superior to piece
rates if common uncertainty is approximately at least twice as large as
idiosyncratic. By contrast, as Proposition 1 indicates for n = 2,
cardinal tournaments are superior to piece rates whenever common
uncertainty is larger than idiosyncratic regardless of magnitude. Thus,
common uncertainty must be relatively much more substantial for ordinal
tournaments to dominate absolute performance evaluation via piece rates.
Even though the results above consider two agents, we conjecture
that they hold more generally. To see this, observe that expected profit
per agent under ordinal tournaments, E[[PI].sub.O] = E([x.sub.i]) -
E([w.sub.i]), should be independent of the number of agents n, given the
assumptions of agent homogeneity, prespecified prizes and a number of
rewards that always equals the number of agents. (22) Agent homogeneity
implies that effort is the same for each agent. However, effort should
be independent of the number of agents. This is so because with
homogeneous agents exposed to the same common shock and exerting the
same effort, the agent ranking will be determined by sheer luck. Each
agent always expects half the agents to beat him and half the agents to
lose to him due to luck. Therefore, expected reward E([w.sub.i]) should
always be the same, and so should effort and expected output
E([x.sub.i]) be.
By contrast, under cardinal tournaments, agent homogeneity still
implies that agents exert the same effort, but this effort increases
with the number of agents, see Condition (8). This is so because
performance relative to the sample average output [bar.x] matters, and
according to the law of large numbers the sample average converges
closer to the expected output with more agents. Given Conditions (25)
and (12), it follows that
However, the latter statement is a correct statement because it
holds for n = 2, while [lim.sub.n[right arrow][infinity]] n/n-1 = 1.
(23) Thus, we conjecture that cardinal tournaments are Pareto superior
to ordinal tournaments even for an arbitrarily large number of agents,
regardless of common or idiosyncratic uncertainty. The following
proposition states and proves that our conjecture is correct and the
result does generalize indeed.
PROPOSITION 4. Under the modeling assumptions, with an arbitrarily
large number of agents, cardinal tournaments are Pareto superior to
ordinal tournaments regardless of common or idiosyncratic uncertainty.
Proof. We prove the proposition by following the method of
mathematical induction. Proposition 2 states that cardinal tournaments
are Pareto superior to ordinal tournaments, regardless of common or
idiosyncratic uncertainty, for n = 2, which is the minimum required n
for relative performance evaluation to have bite. Suppose now that
cardinal tournaments are Pareto superior to ordinal tournaments,
regardless of common or idiosyncratic uncertainty, for an arbitrary but
finite n > 2. Then, we need to prove that cardinal tournaments are
Pareto superior to ordinal tournaments, regardless of common or
idiosyncratic uncertainty, for n + 1.
Starting from n agents, if we add one more agent, expected profit
under cardinal tournaments will change by
By contrast, expected profit under ordinal tournaments will change
E([x.sub.i]) - E([w.sub.i]) = a + [e.sub.iO] - E([w.sub.iT]).
First note that starting from n agents receiving prespecified
prizes, when one more agent is added, every other agent expects the new
agent to win over him with probability 1/2 and to lose to him with
probability 1/2 due only to the realization of the idiosyncratic shock
e;, given that agents are homogeneous so that ability a is the same for
all agents, and given that the common shock [eta] is the same. Thus,
E([w.sub.i]) for n + 1 agents is identical to the expected reward per
agent with n agents (even though one more reward will be added). In
other words, each agent views himself as the average agent, and the
average agent always expects half of the agents to beat him and half of
the agents to lose to him, therefore there is no need for his incentive
pay to adjust. Given that E([w.sub.i]) stays the same, [e.sub.iO] is
identical to effort per agent with n agents and equal to
[a.sup.2]/a+[pi]r[[sigma].sup.2.sub.[epsilon]]. How ever, as cardinal
tournaments are assumed to be Pareto superior to ordinal tournaments,
regardless of common or idiosyncratic uncertainty, for an arbitrary but
finite n > 2, it follows that
But then, given that n+1/n < n/n-1, [for all] n, it follows that
Hence, when moving from n to n + 1 agents, expected profit will
increase more under cardinal than under ordinal tournaments.
Similarly, the result in Proposition 3 also generalizes to an
arbitrarily large number of agents, that is, ordinal tournaments are
always Pareto superior to piece rates provided that common uncertainty
is relatively large. This is stated in the following proposition.
PROPOSITION 5. Under the modeling assumptions, with an arbitrarily
large number of agents, ordinal tournaments are Pareto superior to piece
rates if [[sigma].sup.2.sub.[eta]] > ([pi] - 1)
Proof. Given Proposition 4, the proof is straightforward.
Prior literature has contrasted the efficiency properties of either
ordinal or cardinal tournaments against those of piece rates; however, a
comparison of ordinal to cardinal tournaments on a theoretical level is,
to the best of our knowledge, still missing. This paper fills in this
gap in theory by developing a framework that can be used to analyze both
cardinal and ordinal tournaments, as well as piece rates, and in doing
so it provides a primer on tournaments and piece rates. The analysis
aims at obtaining a Pareto ranking of cardinal versus ordinal
Overall, and by combining the hybrid tournament case in Tsoulouhas
(2010a), our analysis indicates that hybrid cardinal tournaments are
Pareto superior to standard cardinal tournaments, which are Pareto
superior to ordinal tournaments, which are Pareto superior to piece
rates, if there is enough common uncertainty. The rationale is that the
principal can induce the agents to exert more effort by subjecting them
to some common uncertainty through hybrid cardinal tournaments. Agents,
then, work harder in order to insure themselves against bad realizations
of the common shocks. Further, by utilizing all the available
information more efficiently, hybrid and standard cardinal tournaments
allow the principal to implement higher power incentives than ordinal
tournaments, which makes them superior even though they restrict the
form of the contract more than ordinal tournaments. Thus, our analysis
provides a theoretical justification for using cardinal instead of
ordinal tournaments when cardinal performance data are available and
agent performance is subject to common shocks.
doi: 10.1111/ecin.12168
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(1.) Note that this paper assumes that, under ordinal tournaments,
all agents receive prespecified rewards and, under cardinal tournaments,
the total prespecified reward depends on the number of agents. Size
effects are analyzed by Eggert and Kolmar (2006), Lee (2007) and Fu and
Lu (2009). Eggert and Kolmar examined contests where either the total
rent depends on the number of individuals and agents engage in
rent-seeking, or the total prize depends on the time invested in
productive activities as well as on the number of agents. Lee extends
the analysis to the case in which the unit cost of effort decreases with
the number of agents. Fu and Lu show that in contests with pre-contest
investment, the relationship between the number of contestants and
equilibrium investment is non-monotonic.
(2.) The base payment ensures agent participation and the bonus
provides incentives to perform. An agent receives a bonus if his
performance is above that of his peers, and a penalty otherwise.
(3.) Obviously, the main result of this paper about the superiority
of cardinal tournaments would not hold if individual output could only
be observed at a relatively high cost. The existing tournament
literature that focuses on ordinal tournaments builds on the implicit or
explicit assumption that cardinal performance data are either not
available or costly to obtain.
(4.) To some extent, the complexity of the theoretically optimal
contract is due to the fact that contracts accommodate all possible
events. Holmstrom and Milgrom (1987), however, have argued that schemes
that adjust compensation to account for rare events may not provide
correct incentives in ordinary high probability circumstances.
Nevertheless, the optimal contract can be a simple linear scheme under
specific assumptions (see Holmstrom 1979).
(5.) See Lazear (1986) and Gibbons (1987) on piece rates alone.
(6.) Also see Bull, Schotter, and Weigelt (1987), van Dijk,
Sonnemans, and van Winden (2001), and Vandegrift, Yavas, and Brown
(7.) See Knoeber (1989). Knoeber and Thurman (1994, 995),
Tsoulouhas (1999), Tsoulouhas and Vukina (1999, 2001), Levy and Vukina
(2004), Wu and Roe (2005, 2006), Tsoulouhas and Marinakis (2007),
Tsoulouhas (2010a, 2010b, 2012), Marinakis and Tsoulouhas (2012, 2013),
and Knoeber and Tsoulouhas (2013). The experimental analysis in
Carpenter, Matthews and Schirm (2010) lies between piece rates and
cardinal tournaments in that participants receive a fixed bonus for
winning the tournament in addition to a piece rate reward.
(8.) This interesting insight was offered to us by Charles Knoeber.
(9.) Since so far it has not been clear in the literature if
ordinal or if cardinal tournaments are theoretically superior, a few
authors have empirically investigated the question. Zheng and Vukina
(2007) use historical data from broiler production and provide
simulation results that are consistent with our theoretical findings.
Further evidence is provided by Agranov and Tergiman (2013) who show
that hybrid cardinal tournaments are superior to ordinal tournaments or
to piece rates, from the principal's perspective, in a controlled
laboratory experiment.
(10.) Agent heterogeneity has been examined in a number of recent
papers. Konrad and Kovenock (2010) examine discriminating contests with
stochastic contestant abilities. Tsoulouhas, Knoeber, and Agrawal (2007)
consider CEO contests that are open to heterogeneous outsider
contestants. Tsoulouhas and Marinakis (2007) analyze ex post agent
heterogeneity. Instead, Riis (2010) allows for agents who are
heterogeneous ex ante. Tsoulouhas (2012) shows that ex post sorting
through relative performance evaluation reduces the scope for screening
agents ex ante via a menu of offers when agents are not very
heterogeneous and the principal utilizes a cardinal tournament. This is
so because the principal becomes better informed ex post about agent
types, via the realization of common uncertainty, and can effectively
penalize or reward the agents ex post. Also see Tsoulouhas (2010b) and
the symposium papers introduced therein, and Knoeber and Tsoulouhas
(11.) Thus, in this model there is one-sided moral hazard. The
optimality of tournaments under two-sided moral hazard has been analyzed
by Carmichael (1983) and Tsoulouhas (1999).
(12.) This is so because E [exp (-r[w.sub.i] + 1/2 r/a
[e.sup.2.sub.i])] = exp [[mu] + [[sigma].sup.2]/2], when -r[w.sub.i] +
1/2 r/a [e.sup.2.sub.i] ~ N ([mu], [[sigma].sup.2]), which allows us to
obtain a closed form solution for the expected utility.
(13.) By contrast, Tsoulouhas (1999) and Tsoulouhas and Vukina
(1999) considered first-order Taylor approximations of the optimal
nonlinear contract in order to approximate it by a linear tournament.
(14.) For hybrid tournaments, [MATHEMATICAL EXPRESSION NOT
(15.) Note that the analysis is directly applicable to any
(negative) normalization other than -1.
(16.) Note that a negative [b.sub.R] is feasible because agents are
not liquidity constrained. Tsoulouhas and Vukina (1999) and Marinakis
and Tsoulouhas (2012, 2013) examine the optimality of piece rates and
tournaments under bankruptcy, limited liability, or liquidity
constraints for the agents or the principal.
(17.) Note that [w.sub.i] = [b.sub.T] + [[beta].sub.T] ([x.sub.i] -
[bar.x]) = [b.sub.T] + [[beta].sub.T] n-1/n ([x.sub.i] - 1/n-1]
[summation over (j[not equal to]i] [x.sub.j]). Thus, one can define
[B.sub.T] = [[beta].sub.T] n- 1/n, so that [w.sub.i] = [b.sub.T] +
[[beta].sub.T] ([x.sub.i] - 1/n-1] [summation over (j[not equal to]i]
[x.sub.j]). In other words, [w.sub.i] = [b.sub.T] + [[beta].sub.T]
([x.sub.i] - [bar.x]) has the same properties as [w.sub.i] = [b.sub.T] +
[[beta].sub.T] ([x.sub.i] - 1/n-1] [summation over (j[not equal to]i]
[x.sub.j]) The latter is essentially Shleifer's "yardstick
competition" form.
(18.) With piece rates, in particular, the optimum is the
"selling the enterprise to the agent" solution, that is, a
piece rate of 1 so that, in light of moral hazard, the agent assumes all
the risk.
(19.) By contrast, Chan (1996) and Tsoulouhas, Knoeber and Agrawal
(2007) used probability of success functions similar to those above.
(20.) Even if one used Condition (17) directly, an increase in the
variance [[sigma].sup.2.sub.[epsilon]] is a mean-preserving spread for
distribution f resulting in a lower value f(0) and a lower effort.
(21.) Note that whereas [b.sub.T] > [w.sub.1O], the relationship
between [b.sub.T] and [w.sub.2O] depends on the coefficient of risk
aversion and the variance of the indiosyncratic shock. The graph depicts
the case when [w.sub.2O] > [b.sub.T], which occurs when the
coefficient of risk-aversion and the standard deviation of the
indiosyncratic shock are relatively small. If [b.sub.T] > [w.sub.2O],
instead, then cardinal tournaments provide stronger incentives over a
wider range of output. Also note that only [w.sub.2O] and [b.sub.T] are
always positive.
(22.) The result would not hold if any of these assumptions were
dropped (see Eggert and Kolmar 2006, Lee 2007, and Fu and Lu 2009 for
such size effects, as well as the cardinal tournament case in this
(23.) In other words, the sequence defined by n/n-1 is strictly
monotonically decreasing.
THEOFANIS TSOULOUHAS, The paper has benefited from several useful
conversations with Charles Knoeber. I am also thankful to two anonymous
referees for very thoughtful comments. An earlier version of the paper
was titled "A Primer on Tournaments." Tsoulouhas: Ernest &
Julio Gallo Management Program, School of Social Sciences, Humanities
& Arts, University of California, Merced, CA 95343. Phone (209)
228-4640, Fax (209) 228-4007, E-mail
[email protected]