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  • 标题:On the heterogeneous employment effects of offshoring: identifying productivity and downsizing channels.
  • 作者:Moser, Christoph ; Urban, Dieter ; Di Mauro, Beatrice Weder
  • 期刊名称:Economic Inquiry
  • 印刷版ISSN:0095-2583
  • 出版年度:2015
  • 期号:January
  • 语种:English
  • 出版社:Western Economic Association International
  • 摘要:For the most part of the last two decades Germany suffered from a hangover of the reunification boom, an overvalued exchange rate, high unemployment, and low growth--so The Economist famously named it the "Sick Man of Europe." At the same time, German companies were relocating production, restructuring, and offshoring. The general public associated such offshoring activities--not only in Germany--with plant closures which made the headlines and confirmed the perception that offshoring was a job killer.1 What usually does not make the news is that such downsizing effects of offshoring may be counterbalanced by productivity effects in the restructuring firm. Depending on their relative size, employment changes are likely to be heterogeneous across offshoring firms. Moreover, possible indirect employment effects on local suppliers and competitors further complicate the picture.
  • 关键词:Economic growth;Employment;Outsourcing

On the heterogeneous employment effects of offshoring: identifying productivity and downsizing channels.

Moser, Christoph ; Urban, Dieter ; Di Mauro, Beatrice Weder 等


For the most part of the last two decades Germany suffered from a hangover of the reunification boom, an overvalued exchange rate, high unemployment, and low growth--so The Economist famously named it the "Sick Man of Europe." At the same time, German companies were relocating production, restructuring, and offshoring. The general public associated such offshoring activities--not only in Germany--with plant closures which made the headlines and confirmed the perception that offshoring was a job killer.1 What usually does not make the news is that such downsizing effects of offshoring may be counterbalanced by productivity effects in the restructuring firm. Depending on their relative size, employment changes are likely to be heterogeneous across offshoring firms. Moreover, possible indirect employment effects on local suppliers and competitors further complicate the picture.

The theoretical literature has distinguished two main channels through which offshoring can impact domestic employment (Kohler and Wrona 2011) (2): a positive productivity effect from cost savings and gains in competitiveness which allows firms to increase market shares as well as employment and a negative downsizing effect from the relocation of production processes abroad. In addition to these direct effects there may be indirect ones on those firms that do not offshore. In particular, offshoring firms might substitute domestic suppliers for foreign ones (supplier-substitution effect) and increase their market share at the cost of less competitive, domestic competitors (business-stealing effect). (3)

This article proposes a way to estimate these different channels through which offshoring may affect employment, using a representative sample of German establishments, covering the years 1998 to 2004 and 16 sectors. We identify heterogeneous employment changes by different behaviors of offshoring firms, learn about different adjustment scenarios for employment, and estimate an overall effect, which accounts for indirect effects on nonoffshoring firms. Our measure of offshoring is the increase in an establishment's (4) intermediate inputs from abroad. This is the result of either (1) relocating parts of production to foreign affiliates (vertical foreign direct investment [FDI]) or (2) purchasing these inputs from foreign suppliers (international outsourcing). (5) Offshoring is measured at the plant level through a (qualitative) increase of a plant's share of foreign intermediate inputs in total inputs.

The use of a plant-level measure of offshoring has advantages over using industry-level measures. Even within narrowly defined sectors, there is considerable heterogeneity in trade flows and the use of imported intermediate inputs that cannot be captured by industry-level measures. Thus, industry measures might suffer from an aggregation bias, whereas firm-level information can serve to identify direct and indirect effects of offshoring on employment.

We employ a difference-in-differences matching estimator, a nonparametric estimator that differs from a standard difference-in-differences estimator in the weighting function. Based on the propensity scores, the matching estimator gives those observations of the control group a bigger weight in the regression that are according to pretreatment characteristics similarly likely to receive treatment as a treated observation. There are several applications of difference-in-differences matching estimators in international trade, but to the best of our knowledge this is the first paper on offshoring that discusses how interactions between the control and treatment group can affect the estimated average treatment effects and violate the stable unit treatment value assumption (SUTVA).

This article adds to the offshoring literature by looking at different adjustment scenarios that can occur with offshoring decisions. Thereby, we identify different channels of offshoring on employment by varying the treatment and control groups. An innovation is the construction of three additional types of treatment variables at the plant level that allow us to identify downsizing and productivity effects of offshoring on employment: (1) offshoring as defined above that does not coincide with any simultaneous restructuring, that is, a partial shut-down, sell-off, or spin-off (offshoring-without-restructuring), (2) offshoring with such a simultaneous restructuring event (offshoring-with-restructuring), and (3) offshoring -without- restructuring-and-without-supplier-substitution, which is equivalent to offshoring-without-restructuring, but excludes those firms from the treatment group with a simultaneous reduction in outsourcing to German suppliers. While the difference between the first two measures allows us to isolate the negative downsizing effect on employment, the third treatment variable identifies the productivity channel, since there is neither a direct employment effect from downsizing in a German plant, nor are German suppliers negatively affected. Still, there may be a cost advantage, rendering such a plant more competitive than its domestic competitors.

To anticipate our main findings: Our baseline results for the overall sample (including the restructuring and nonrestructuring offshoring plants) show that the net employment growth of offshoring plants is between 2 and 4.5 percentage points higher than nonoffshoring plants. This positive employment effect indicates that the productivity effect dominates the downsizing effect for a representative sample of German plants. But we also find strong and negative employment effects for those roughly 10% of offshoring plants that experience at the same time a discrete organizational change, that is, that restructure (downsizing effect). This simultaneous restructuring is consistent with the view (but does not prove it) that these establishments relocate parts of their production abroad. Hence, there is indeed evidence for heterogeneous employment effects of offshoring in Germany. All our main results are robust to a number of sensitivity analyses, among others, to a careful investigation of whether self-selection into offshoring could confound these treatment effects.

We also find indirect evidence for a productivity effect, since offshoring firms enjoy increases in sales growth, the export share, and--to a certain extent--average labor productivity. This is consistent with, but does not prove the existence of the business-stealing effect. Furthermore, given the increase in the foreign share of intermediate inputs, first evidence that offshoring firms' overall input share (foreign and domestic intermediate inputs relative to sales) remains constant leaves the door for an important supplier-substitution effect open. There might be an unobservable negative effect of offshoring on domestic suppliers' employment if they are substituted by foreign ones. (6) In a final step, we show that the sector-specific average treatment effects do not depend on the offshoring intensity in the same sector. Based on this evidence, it is unlikely that spillover effects between offshoring and nonoffshoring firms drive the overall results.

The article is organized as follows. Section II discusses the related literature and measurement of offshoring. Section III presents the empirical methodology, the dataset, and the identification strategy for the different channels of offshoring. Section IV shows the main results of the average treatment effect on the treated (ATT) of offshoring and some important extensions, and Section V concludes.


There is a large and growing empirical literature on the labor market effects of offshoring. The early literature on offshoring has employed dependent and independent variables at the industry level. Feenstra and Hanson (1996, 1999) in two seminal papers measure offshoring as an increase of the share of imported intermediate inputs in the total purchase of nonenergy materials of an industry. (7)

Some recent empirical studies by, for instance, Geishecker (2006, 2008), Geishecker and Gorg (2008), Munch and Skaksen (2009), and Senses (2010) exploit plant- or worker-specific dependent variables, but the offshoring variable remains industry-specific. (8) This approach has the major advantage to control for microlevel heterogeneity and allows for interesting further analysis. But we also know that there is considerable variation in the usage of imported inputs even within narrowly defined industries. Hence, a microlevel measure of offshoring seems indispensable for our main objective to identify different channels through which offshoring affects employment.

We propose a proxy for offshoring at the plant level by measuring the qualitative increase in the share of imports in intermediate goods of an establishment from any sector. Hence, our measure is closest in spirit to the broad definition in Feenstra and Hanson (1996, 1999), but more precise in practice by capturing firm heterogeneity. Thereby, we add to a small but growing literature that accounts for the heterogeneity in the use of imported intermediate inputs. Some recent studies have even offered continuous microlevel measures of offshoring. Biscourp and Kramarz (2007), Lo Turco and Maggioni (2012), and Defevre and Toubal (2013) use measures in spirit of the broad and narrow definition of international outsourcing, respectively. Hummels et al. (2014) use the most detailed offshoring measure to date, but their study does not focus on employment. (9) Hummels et al. (2014) analyze the effects of offshoring and exports on wages for Danish manufacturing firms with more than 50 employees. For a continuous firm-level offshoring measure, they find that offshoring (but not exporting) contributes to wage inequality between low- and high-skilled workers. (10) Balsvik and Birkeland (2012) also rely on a continuous offshoring measure at the firm-level to investigate wage effects.

Biscourp and Kramarz (2007) provide an important early account of the impact of offshoring on employment in France (11) and Lo Turco and Maggioni (2012) investigate these effects in Italy. Both studies are most closely related to our article due to their firm-level measure of offshoring similar to Feenstra and Flanson (1996, 1999) and their focus on employment. Lo Turco and Maggioni (2012) estimate a dynamic panel model using a System GMM estimator and find a negative employment effect for traditional Italian manufacturing sectors, if imported intermediate inputs come from low-income countries.

We are not the first to study the effects of globalization on employment in Germany, but most studies have so far relied on industry-level measures of offshoring (see, for instance, Geishecker 2006,2008) or have focused on the consequences of foreign direct investment using firm-level data. Becker and Muendler (2008) find that German multinationals expanding their workforce abroad experience fewer worker separations at home and Becker and Muendler (2010) show that international wage differentials play a role for domestic employment, with domestic and foreign employment being substitutes within German multinationals. Becker, Ekholnt, and Muendler (2013) shed light on another dimension by documenting an important shift of multinational enterprises' (MNEs) domestic employment toward nonroutine and interactive tasks. Wagner (2011) employs an interesting treatment variable, namely "relocation abroad," and investigates the employment effects using a matching approach and data from the German federal statistical office on German manufacturing firms. Wagner (2011) finds small negative, but statistically not robust employment effects. We complement these studies with a more direct focus on offshoring. Most estimates could be driven by horizontal and/or vertical FDI and (except for Wagner 2011) do not encompass international outsourcing.

Finally, our article is related to two studies that deal with general equilibrium effects. Ferracci, Jolivet, and van den Berg (forthcoming) provide an important contribution on how to test for a potential violation of the SUTVA due to spillover effects between the treatment and control group. Their study on training programs for unemployed individuals in France finds evidence in favor of such spillover effects. In particular, Ferracci, Jolivet, and van den Berg (forthcoming) show that the average treatment effect depends on the fraction of treated in the same labor market. Sethupathy (2013) models and tests for one of the two general equilibrium effects of offshoring considered in our study. He measures vertical FDI as the share of intra-firm affiliate sales from Mexico to total sales of U.S. MNEs and uses an exchange rate and legislative shock in Mexico for identification of employment and firm performance measures. The results most relevant to our paper: Sethupathy (2013) finds no evidence for the business-stealing effect or any significant employment effects.

A comprehensive literature review of the effects of offshoring and FDI on wages, employment, and firm performance is beyond the scope of this article.12 Crino (2009), Feenstra (2010), Gorg (2011), Olsen (2006), and Pfluger et al. (2013) and provide excellent surveys.


A. Theoretical Channels of Offshoring on Employment

Offshoring can affect employment of offshoring and nonoffshoring firms through different channels. We illustrate these channels in Figure 1, with the treatment (control) group below (above) the dotted line. The decision to offshore is motivated by expected cost advantages. Recent economic theory suggests that productivity gains due to offshoring can lead to higher profits and/or higher wages, but do not necessarily lead to job creation (Grossman and Rossi-Hansberg 2008; Kohler and Wrona 2011). If productivity gains indeed result in positive employment effects, we will call this a direct productivity effect (A). (13)

An offshoring firm may substitute either in-house production or domestic intermediate input demand with foreign one. (14) The downsizing effect of offshoring (B) results in a loss of domestic employment at the offshoring plant, if own production is replaced by foreign intermediate inputs. We do not expect any direct, negative employment effects for offshoring firms, if its own production is not relocated abroad. It is a priori unclear whether the productivity or downsizing effect dominates for offshoring firms.


If offshoring firms substitute domestic for foreign suppliers (without increasing their usage of overall intermediate inputs), we do not expect a direct employment effect at the offshoring firm. But offshoring firms are still expected to save costs analogously to a productivity gain from offshoring. More importantly, this type of relocation abroad can lead to an employment loss among domestic suppliers, which are part of the control group of plants that do not offshore. We will call this potential spillover effect the supplier-substitution effect (C). Similarly, offshoring firms might profit from increased competitiveness, allowing them to gain market share at home and/or abroad. If these gains in market share are at the cost of domestic competitors that do not offshore, their employment can be adversely affected. Sethupathy (2013) models a similar mechanism calling it business stealing effect (D). It is important to note that the last two channels imply general equilibrium effects of offshoring on employment of firms that do not offshore. Imbens and Wooldridge (2009) write that such general equilibrium effects may, or may not, be a serious problem in practice. We discuss this issue in the following section.

B. Empirical Methodology: Matching Estimator

To identify the different channels through which offshoring has an influence on the employment of the offshoring plant, we employ a difference-in-differences matching technique. The basic idea of a matching estimator is to compare outcomes of establishments that offshore with those nonoffshoring establishments, whose pretreatment characteristics xi0 indicate a very similar likelihood to offshore (but which has not realized it in the end). For a given plant, it is exactly those similar plants that receive a bigger weight in the regressions in order to mitigate any potential selection bias. In the case of difference-in-differences matching, we compare before (f') and after (t) treatment values of the outcome variable [Y.sub.t'] - [Y.sub.t] = [DELTA]Y between the treatment and control groups and thereby control for any time-invariant factors.

Matching estimators depend on three crucial assumptions: the conditional independence assumption (CIA), the common support assumption, and the stable unit treatment value assumption (SUTVA). We discuss each of these assumptions in turn.

The CIA states that conditional on observable pretreatment characteristics assignment to treatment is random and the selection bias disappears. This is an important, but standard assumption in matching. We follow Ferracci, Jolivet, and van den Berg (forthcoming) and modify this assumption in the following way. We condition not only on plant-characteristics, but also on a vector of aggregate measures [M.sub.st] that captures the offshoring intensity by computing the proportion of treated observations in sector s at the time t.

It is important to note that the CIA is not testable, but we provide some corroborating proof that there is no evidence of violation of this important assumption. Beyond the usual balancing tests (discussed in Appendix B and reported in Tables B3-B5), we provide a placebo test as proposed by Heckman and Hotz (1989). We condition on the same set of variables as in the baseline specification and estimate the average treatment effect for the main outcome variable prior to the true treatment, when by definition no treatment effect can have materialized yet. Hence, any significant differences before treatment would likely signal a violation of the CIA due to self-selection effects (but Table B6 does not indicate so).

The second important assumption, the common support assumption, basically insures that there exist both treated and control observations with a positive probability of being treated. This assumption can be easily enforced in the matching estimates.

Finally, the SUTVA precludes that the outcome of observation i is affected by the treatment status of other observations j. This assumption is at odds with general equilibrium effects such as the supplier-substitution and business-stealing effect, since employment of firms that do not offshore might be affected by offshoring firms. We follow Ferracci, Jolivet, and van den Berg (forthcoming) by allowing that the outcome of an individual plant, Y, depends on its own treatment status, D, and the proportion of offshoring firms in the same industry: [Y.sub.p] = [Y.sub.p] ([D.sub.p], [M.sub.s(p)]). Note that we index plants p with i and j, if they are treated and untreated. There are three underlying assumptions. We assume that any supplier-substitution and business-stealing effects have the greatest impact in the same sector as the offshoring firm. This rests on the conjecture that any losses in contracts for domestic suppliers due to offshoring stem from changes within industry sourcing (narrow definition of international outsourcing). Furthermore, we expect that competition occurs primarily within the same sector. Finally, we do not allow for spillover effects across industries.

We are concerned about a potential violation of SUTVA for two reasons in this study. First, since both mentioned general equilibrium effects tend to depress employment in the control group, any positive average treatment effect could result from a positive effect of offshoring on offshoring firms or a negative effect on the control group or a mixture of both. Hence, it is crucial for the interpretation of the results, whether such general equilibrium effects of offshoring are important in Germany. Second, from an economic policy perspective, it is interesting to know whether such spillover effects are substantial or not, in order to identify potential winners and losers from trade liberalization.

C. Dataset

This article builds on the IAB Establishment Panel from the Institute for Employment Research (IAB). This panel started in 1993 and included roughly 16,000 establishments nationwide in 2005 (see for instance Koelling 2000). (15) The IAB panel is drawn from a stratified sample of the establishments included in the employment statistics register with the stratum defined over 16 industries, 10 categories of establishment size, and 16 German states (Lander). Large establishments are oversampled, but the sampling within each cell is random. Survey data are collected by professional interviewers of Infratest Sozialforschung on account of the IAB. Participation of firms is voluntary but the response rate of more than 80% for repeatedly interviewed establishments is high. Our sample covers the period 1998 to 2004 and is centered around the three business years 1998, 2000, and 2002, where the establishments were asked about their use of imported intermediate goods in their production.16 17 More precisely, we exploit information on, whether plants have predominantly, partly or not at all received intermediate inputs, that is, all raw materials and supplies purchased from other businesses or institutions from abroad. Our dataset includes manufacturing and nonmanufacturing plants. Table B2 provides some summary statistics.

D. Implementation of Matching Estimator

Conditioning on all pretreatment plant characteristics x,0 is not practical because of the curse of dimensionality. However. Rosenbaum and Rubin (1983) have shown that conditioning on [x.sub.i0] can be replaced by conditioning on the propensity score, that is, the probability that an establishment is treated. We estimate the propensity score with a logit model and allow the likelihood of offshoring to depend on plant characteristics and the offshoring intensity in the sector that a given firm is operating, P([D.sub.i1] = 1) = P([x.sub.i0], [M.sub.s1]) [equivalent to] [p.sub.i]. (17)

The choice of our selection variables is motivated by the existing empirical and theoretical literature on offshoring. These variables should influence both the participation decision and the outcome variable, but need to be unaffected by the treatment itself or its anticipation. For this reason, we include only time invariant or lagged variables:

* [Employment.sub.p,t-1] : Total employment at plant p in time t - 1 (in logarithm) serves as a proxy for the size of the plant.

* [Wage_empl.sub.p,t-1] : Wage per employee at plant p in time t - 1 (in logarithm) captures an important fixed cost of the plant. We explicitly control also for the share of high-skilled workers, which might be one reason for higher average wages.

* [Technology.sub.p,t-1] : Dummy variable taking the value of one if the plant p uses state-of-the-art technology or above-average technology in comparison to peer-group in time t - 1. The technology variable allows investigating, whether those firms that exhibit a superior technology within an industry tend to incur more offshoring or not.

* [High_skilled.sub.p,t-1] : Share of high-skilled employees as percentage of total employees at plant p in time t - 1. Intra-firm imports from Eastern Europe to German firms depend inter alia positively on the size of the parent firm and its R&D intensity (Marin 2006). Yeaple (2005) shows that firms pursuing international activities tend to pay higher wages, have more skilled workers, and employ more advanced technologies.

* Foreign: Dummy variable taking the value of one if a foreign owner holds majority of plant p. This variable can be expected to be positively correlated with multinationals. Helpman, Melitz, and Yeaple (2004) present evidence in favor of a higher productivity of multinationals relative to nonmultinational exporters. (18)

* Offshoring [intensity.sub.s,t] : Number of offshoring plants relative to total plants in the industry s, where plant p operates at time t.

Finally, we control for industry-specific ([D.sub.B]), regional-specific ([D.sub.R]), and time-specific effects ([D.sub.T]). The error term o is assumed to be independent of the explanatory variables and is assumed to follow a logistic distribution.

Note that we have also experimented with lagged outcome variables as an additional determinant of offshoring in the logit model with little success, that is, none of them turns out significantly in any specification and the predictive power does not increase. Hence, we prefer to continue with the more parsimonious specification.

In the population, the selection variables are balanced between the treatment and matched-control group conditional on the true propensity score (Rosenbaum and Rubin 1983). This property of matching ensures that differences in outcome do not rely on differences in characteristics between treatment and matched control group other than the treatment itself. (19) We employ a number of standard balancing tests to exclude systematic differences in characteristics in the sample, as discussed in Appendix B.

There are numerous matching estimators that basically differ in their way of measuring similarity of the propensity scores, the set of neighbors included in the matched control group, and the weights each of them obtain, respectively. (20) We use a difference-in-differences kernel matching estimator, where the ATT is calculated in the following way (Heckman, Ichimura, and Todd 1997):


whereby the nonparametric function g(x) uses a kernel-matching algorithm given by (21)

g([p.sub.i], [p.sub.j]) = K (([p.sub.j] - [p.sub.i]) /h) / [summation over (j[member of]A(i))] K (([p.sub.j] - [p.sub.i]) / h(

with the Epanechnikov Kernel function K(x), the set of control group observations A(i) = {j|[absolute value of [p.sub.i] - [p.sub.j]] < h}, and the bandwidth parameter h. This estimator includes a rather large number of control group observations in the calculation of the ATT, but matched control group members with propensity scores more distant to a treated observation receive a smaller weight and the treatment and control group only includes plants with common support ([CS.sub.p]).

In this article, we are mainly interested in the employment effects of offshoring. Accordingly, our outcome variable of main interest is the change in log total employment at the plant-level from before (t') to after treatment (t), whereby [DELTA][y.sub.it+s] and [DELTA][y.sub.jt + s] denote these changes till time t + s', s [greater than or equal to] 0, following the offshoring event for offshoring plant i and nonoffshoring plant j. We will consider different time horizons, with t = 1 being equivalent to the first year, in which the offshoring activity has been completed. For instance, if an establishment reports a higher share of imported intermediate inputs in the year 2000 as compared to 1998, the offshoring event must have taken place during the 1999-2000 period and we measure the outcome variable as the change between at the end of 1998 (t') and 2000 (t = 1). Since changes triggered by the offshoring event might not materialize immediately, estimations for t + 1 and t + 2 will be reported as well. We will discuss further outcome variables in the relevant section.

E. Identification of Heterogeneous Offshoring Effects

Our empirical strategy rests on the estimation of different treatment effects of offshoring. In particular, we estimate the ATT employing various treatment and control groups. Our principal definition for the treatment status of plant p (D) is as follows: [Offshoring.sub.pt] takes the value of one, if the plant increases its share of imported intermediate goods (materials and services) in overall intermediate inputs, and zero otherwise. We are able to measure this increase qualitatively, that is, a plant increases its intermediate goods from abroad from "not at all" to "partly" or from "partly" to "predominantly" in the business years 1999-2000 and 2001-2002, respectively. (22) Our plant-level offshoring definition is similar to the definition of international outsourcing by Feenstra and Hanson (1996, 1999).

While measuring offshoring at the plant-level offers a number of advantages, some caveats apply to our measure of offshoring. The main concern is that this measure might suffer from a measurement error. We can only crudely measure any changes in offshoring. Even worse, for a given qualitative level of imported intermediate inputs there might be certain input fluctuations over time which are unobserved to the econometrician. Finally, respondents to this survey might struggle to adequately assess the use of foreign intermediate inputs. Plant-level measures of offshoring relying on customs-based trade data like in Biscourp and Kramarz (2007) and Hummels et al. (2014) are clearly more precise.

To isolate the downsizing and productivity effects of offshoring on employment, we separate the offshoring variable into cases which coincide with restructuring, that is, plants that have had a major restructuring by shutting down, selling-off, or spinning-off parts of the plant (offshoring-with-restructuring) and cases which do not coincide with restructuring (offshoring-without-restructuring). We expect all channels (A - B + C + D) to be at work for the former group, but all except for the downsizing channel B for the latter group (A + C + D). We implicitly assume that any restructuring that coincides with offshoring is due to offshoring. (23) Offshorers with restructuring as compared to those without restructuring tend to be bigger and employ a less sophisticated technology relative to their industry competitors. Note that the share of restructures among offshorers (w) is about 10% and that these two additional treatment definitions are exhaustive and mutually exclusive. Hence, the two ATTs for these offshoring subgroups--weighted by their share of treated observations--gives the overall ATT of the baseline, that is, w(A-B+C + D) + (l - w)(A + C + D). Furthermore, the difference between these two groups allows us to isolate the negative downsizing channel (B).

Finally, we also consider a treatment variable, where (by construction) no domestic suppliers are expected to suffer from the offshoring activity of other firms. We build on the treatment variable offshoring-without-restructuring, but confine it to those offshoring events, where there has been no simultaneous decrease in the sourcing activity in Germany. The lAB-panel once more reports this domestic intermediate inputs qualitatively. The last treatment definition gives us an idea about the existence of the productivity channel (A + D), even though the business-stealing effect might depress the control group. In all main specifications, nontreatment is defined as those plants that do not increase their foreign intermediate input share during the same time period. (24)

Table 1 summarizes all theoretical ATTs that we expect for the various combinations of treatment and control group. We will provide some sensitivity analyses to these treatment and control group definitions below.


A. Main Results

We start by looking at the baseline results, which encompass all four channels.25 Our preferred specification based on a kernel-matching estimator (with bandwidth h of 0.01) is presented in column 1 of Table 2. (26) We find a positive and significant employment effect of offshoring for all three time horizons considered. The point coefficients vary between 2 and 4.5, implying that offshoring firms enjoy an employment growth that is up to 4.5 percentage points higher than nonoffshoring firms. Columns 2 and 3 of Table 2 show that this main result is not sensitive to the exact matching algorithm, with the former varying the kernel estimator's bandwidth (to 0.001) and the latter allowing for a different matching algorithm (nearest neighbor matching). Furthermore, we restrict the control group in columns 4 and 5 for a given treated observation either to the same industry or same region. The idea behind the last two specifications is that the relevant market concept might be the respective industry or the local labor market. All results are very similar to the baseline results.

Table 3 displays the main results of our study with column 1 presenting the baseline results from Table 2 for comparability. In column 2, we are shutting down one of the four channels of offshoring, namely the downsizing channel (B). We exclude all those observations where offshoring coincides with a restructuring event, leaving us with the channels A + C + D.27 As we would expect from theory, the positive point coefficients increase and lie between 3.3% and 6.6%. On the other hand, column 3 now exactly considers the treatment subgroup excluded in column 2 as our treatment variable. Those offshoring firms that simultaneously restructure their plant constitute about 10% of all offshoring firms and most likely make the headlines in the daily news. For this subgroup in principle all four channels could be still at work, but we know that the downsizing channel plays a more important role here. The results indeed indicate strong and negative point coefficients, with two of the estimates being significant at least at the 5% confidence level. The differing results between columns 2 and 3 are consistent with heterogeneous employment effects of offshoring. Note also that these two columns appropriately weighted give us the baseline ATT of column I. that is, w(A - B+C + D)+ (1 - w)(A+ C + D) = [ATT.sub.base]. This is indeed the case: For t + 1, we get 0.0424, which is very close to the estimate of 0.0419 in column 1.

Column 4 presents the clearest case in favor of the existence of the downsizing channel B, by employing the mutually exclusive subgroup of other offshoring firms as the control group. Hence, within offshoring firms those that also restructure are doing much worse in terms of employment growth with their growth rates being between 15 and 31 percentage points lower. These estimates are statistically significant at the 1% level for all three time periods. It seems reasonable to believe that this subgroup of offshoring firms that simultaneously close down or sell parts of their plant are relocating production abroad. Wagner (2011) to the best of our knowledge is the only other offshoring study that offers a measure for relocation abroad. His results point into the same direction, but the estimated negative effects are less pronounced (up to 4.5% over 4 years). (28)

A final unreported result seems worth mentioning. If we keep the same treatment group as in column 4, but employ restructuring firms that do not offshore as a control group instead, we will get positive albeit not significant point coefficients between 4% and 7%. This might be cautiously interpreted in the following way: Offshoring firms tend to save more jobs within a group of firms that have to adjust discretely.

The last column of Table 3 aims at the identification of the productivity channel of offshoring. Thereby, we chose a treatment group, where we know that (by construction) the substitution-supplier effect is very unlikely to exist. (29) We exploit some additional information in the IAB-panel on the national sourcing behavior of German plants, which is once more available qualitatively. Our treatment variable of interest is now offshoring-without-restructuring that does not coincide with a reduction in domestic outsourcing. Note that this important subgroup of the treatment group off shoring-without-restructuring in column 2 makes up for about two thirds of these observations. Most importantly, we expect only the channels A + D to operate in this subgroup. There are two important takeaways from column 5. First, the estimates indeed show positive employment effects consistent with the productivity effect, even though we should be aware that it is not possible to isolate A from D in this exercise. Second, the only difference in channels at work between columns 2 and 5 is channel C. Since point coefficients are very similar for these two types of treatment, it is rather unlikely that the business-stealing effect (C) plays an important role.

In Table 4, we report a number of different outcome variables that measure firm performance. (30) We start by looking at two different measures for the overall (domestic and foreign) use of intermediate inputs. Column 1 shows that offshoring firms increase the value of intermediate inputs relative nonoffshoring firms, but column 2 indicates that this is not the case, once intermediate inputs are scaled by total sales. Two remarks are important here. First, since we know that offshoring firms increase their share of foreign intermediate inputs (in total intermediate inputs) and the scaled overall intermediate inputs stay constant, this leaves the door open for a negative effect on domestic suppliers (supplier-substitution effect). Second, we do not want to interpret this result as causal, because the foreign and domestic intermediate input mix is likely jointly determined.

Columns 3, 4, and 5 of Table 4 report the results for sales (in logarithm), exports (in percent as a share of total sales), and productivity (as measured by average labor productivity). In particular, the first two outcome variables are statistically robust and positive indicating that offshoring firms tend to increase their total and foreign turnover. If offshoring firms increased the market share at the cost of their competitors, this would be consistent with a business-stealing effect.

While we cannot directly test for the supplier-substitution and business-stealing effect, Figure 2 speaks to these effects' importance (or lack thereof). We follow the empirical strategy of Ferracci et al. (forthcoming) who conjecture that a nonconstant average treatment effect along (in our case) the offshoring intensity is evidence in favor of the violation of SUTVA and consequently substantial spillover effects. It is important to bear in mind that both types of general equilibrium effects in our study would tend to depress the control group due to losses in supplier contracts or market share.

We are able to compute the offshoring intensity and industry-specific average treatment effects on the treated for 14 out of 16 sectors and two periods in time. Figure 2 plots these 28 shares of treated observations within the same sector and time against the ATTs for the employment effects of t, t + 1, and t + 2. If spillover effects were important in our study, we would expect a non-negligible positive correlation. This does not seem to be the case. According to Figure 2 there is no clear pattern--if anything a slight negative correlation--between the sector-specific ATTs and the sector's proportion of offshoring plants. We conclude from this empirical exercise that there might well be some firms within the control group that suffer from other firms' offshoring activity, but this effect is clearly not pervasive.


B. Further Results

We now provide a number of sensitivity analyses to ensure that our results are not driven by the way the treatment or control group is defined, by lagged employment growth, where firms lie within the productivity distribution, or by the sourcing country-group or industry.

The first two robustness checks are mainly concerned about whether measurement error of offshoring might impact our results. In Table Al, we exclude those plants that increase from "partly" to "predominantly" from our sample and confine our treatment variable offshoring to those events, where plants increase the foreign intermediate inputs from "none" to "partly." It is noteworthy that most offshorers belong to this group and that it seems reasonable to assume that plants are well aware, whether they start to use any foreign intermediate inputs or not. Furthermore, we eliminate in Table A2 those plants from the control group that have a positive (but not increasing) share of foreign intermediate inputs. The main motivation for this exercise is that firms that claim to partly use foreign inputs might still profit from the persistence of past increases or might have variations in their use that are unobservable to the econometrician. Reassuringly, the results of these two tables are very similar to our main findings in Table 3.

Table A3 reports the empirical results from another robustness check, where the estimation of the propensity score additionally incorporates the lagged employment growth rate as another potential determinant of offshoring. Even though the sample is reduced markedly, two results appear to be robust. First, in all but one case changes in employment are not a significant explanatory variable in the logit model.31 More importantly, all estimated treatment effects are in the same ballpark.

As a number of theoretical models stress that only the most productive firms can cover the fixed costs associated with offshoring, we provide another sensitivity test along this dimension in Table A4. Instead of simply including a productivity measure into the estimation of the propensity score, we use a stricter test: Based on the average labor productivity, we group all plants into a specific decile within the productivity distribution prior to offshoring and then allow any match between a treated plant and its control group members only within the same productivity decile. We note in passing that the strict pecking order suggested by theory does not hold in the data. While a larger fraction of offshoring firms is in the higher deciles, treated firms can be found (and their share never falls below 7%) in each decile. Our main results once more follow a similar pattern in Table A4, but the short-run employment effects for the baseline are smaller and not significantly different from zero due to a (for all time horizons) more pronounced downsizing channel.

Finally, Table A5 deals with the sourcing origin and the offshoring sector. While the first column replicates the baseline results for comparability, columns 2 and 3 distinguish between offshoring originating either from European Monetary Union (EMU) or non-EMU countries.32 Even though our measure of offshoring is due to the aggregation of countries much cruder than Lo Turco and Maggioni (2012) and Geishecker (2006), our results are in line with these papers. Offshoring to EMU-countries tends to be more benign for domestic employment than offshoring to lower-income countries. Columns 4 and 5 split the main sample into manufacturing and nonmanufacturing plants. Since most empirical studies on offshoring are confined to manufacturing firms, it is interesting to see that the evidence of a positive productivity effect on employment extends beyond the boundaries of the manufacturing sector.


From a policy perspective, the findings in this article suggest that offshoring might have contributed to generating and safeguarding employment during the "adjustment period" of the German economy after the mid-1990s. In particular, we find that there is consider able heterogeneity across firms. While there is large and significant negative relative employment growth due to downsizing in a small group of firms, productivity increases dominate and the overall effect on employment is positive.

Moreover, the indirect effects from offshoring on nonoffshoring firms (business stealing and supplier substitution) appear to be small and insignificant. Thus offshoring firms created more employment on average than nonoffshoring firms and there was no significant negative indirect effect on employment in local suppliers or domestic competitors. The later finding is relevant not only from a policy perspective, but also methodologically since spillovers from the treatment to the control group constitute a potential violation of the SUTVA. This suggests that it is important to identify all direct and indirect channels through which offshoring may affect employment.


CIA: Conditional Independence Assumption

EMU: European Monetary Union

FDI: Foreign Direct Investment

MNE: Multinational Enterprise

SUTVA: Stable Unit Treatment Value Assumption

doi: 10.1111/ecin.12124

Online Early publication July 24, 2014

Identification of the Different Channels of Offshoring on
Employment (Kernel Matching)-Robustness Treatment Definition

                                     Gradual        Discrete
                    Baseline       Downsizing      Downsizing
Time                   (1)             (2)             (3)

t                   0.0274 **      0.0382 ***        -0.0717
                    (0.0097)        (0.0109)        (0.0492)
t + 1              0.0452 ***      0.0708 ***      -0.1872 ***
                    (0.0124)        (0.0136)        (0.0661)
t + 2              0.0475 ***      0.0682 ***      -0.1715 **
                    (0.0153)        (0.0143)        (0.0772)

                   Relocation     Productivity
                     Abroad          Effect
Time                   (4)             (5)

t                  -0.1207 **      0.0419 ***
                    (0.0577)        (0.0115)
t + 1              -0.2778 ***     0.0780 ***
                    (0.0743)        (0.0144)
t + 2              -0.2551 ***      0.0785 **
                    (0.0801)        (0.0169)

                   w(A - B +
                     C + D)
Theoretical         + (1 - w)
ATT                (A + C + D)      A + C + D     A - B + C + D

Treatment group    Offshoring      Offshoring-     Offshoring-
                                    without-          with-
                                  restructuring   restructuring

No. of                1,038            940             98

Control group     Nonoffshoring   Nonoffshoring   Nonoffshoring

No. of controls       7,201           7.201           7,193

Total                 8,239           8,141           7,291

ATT                    -B             A + D

Treatment group    Offshoring-     Offshoring-
                      with-         without-
                  restructuring   restructuring

No. of                 98              690

Control group      Offshoring-    Nonoffshoring

No. of controls        938            7,201

Total                 1,036           7,288

Notes: Standard errors in parentheses. For the matched
sample standard errors are generated via bootstrapping (200
replications). Number of observations refer to time t. The
treatment-variable Offshoring in this table is defined as a
(qualitative) increase of a plant's share of foreign
intermediate inputs in total inputs from "none" to "partly"
either in the years 1999-2000 or 2001-2002 for a certain
plant. Note that those plants that increase from "partly" to
"predominantly" are excluded from the sample.
Offshoring-with-restructuring (Offshoring-without-restructuring)
comprises those plants that offshoring and (do not)
restructure their plant at the same time, that is, (no)
parts of the plant are closed down, sold-off, or spun-off.
Column 5 employs Offshoring-without-restructuring-and-
without-supplier-substitution as treatment covering all
those Offshoring-without-restructuring events, where there
was no reduction in sourcing to domestic suppliers at the
same time. The control group nonoffshoring is defined as
those plants that do not offshore during the same time

*** Significant at 1%; ** significant at 5%; * significant
at 10%.

Identification of the Different Channels of Offshoring on
Employment (Kernel Matching)-Robustness Control Group

                                   Gradual        Discrete
                  Baseline       Downsizing      Downsizing
Time                 (1)             (2)             (3)

t                 0.0245 **      0.0388 ***      -0.1142 **
                  (0.0111)        (0.0117)        (0.0490)

t + 1            0.0535 ***      0.0788 ***      -0.2116 ***
                  (0.0156)        (0.0148)        (0.0633)

1 + 2            0.0579 ***      0.0772 ***      -0.1715 **
                  (0.0162)        (0.0177)        (0.0772)

                 Relocation     Productivity
                   Abroad          Effect
Time                 (4)             (5)

t                -0.1415 ***     0.0410 ***
                  (0.0532)        (0.0125)

t + 1            -0.2882 ***     0.0827 ***
                  (0.0655)        (0.0157)

1 + 2            -0.2812 ***     0.0807 ***
                  (0.0758)        (0.0196)

                 w (A - B +
                   C + D)
Theoretical       + (1 - w)
ATT              (A + C + D)      A + C + D     A - B + C + D

Treatment        Offshoring      Offshoring-     Offshoring-
  group                           without-          with-
                                restructuring   restructuring

No. of              1,265           1,143            122

Control         Nonoffshoring   Nonoffshoring   Nonoffshoring

No. of              4,859           4.859           4,853

Total               6,124           6,002           4,975

Notes: Standard errors in parentheses. For the matched
sample standard errors are generated via bootstrapping (200
replications). Number of observations refer to time t. The
treatment-variable Offshoring is defined as a (qualitative)
increase of a plant's share of foreign intermediate inputs
in total inputs either in the years 1999-2000 or 2001-2002
for a certain plant. Offshoring-with-restructuring
(Offshoring-without-restructuring) comprises those plants
that offshoring and (do not) restructure their plant at the
same time, that is, (no) parts of the plant are closed down,
sold-off, or spun-off. Column 5 employs Offshoring-without-
restructuring-and-without-supplier-substitution as treatment
covering all those offshoring-without-restructuring events,
where there was no reduction in sourcing to domestic
suppliers at the same time. The control group nonoffshoring
is defined as those plants that do not offshore during the
same time period. Note that in this table all those plants
with a positive, but constant level of foreign intermediate
inputs (either partly or predominantly) are excluded from
the control group.

*** Significant at 1%; ** significant at 5%;
* significant at 10%.

Identification of the Different Channels of Offshoring on
Employment (Kernel Matching)--Robustness Selection
on Lagged Outcome

                                  Gradual        Discrete
                 Baseline       Downsizing      Downsizing
Time                (1)             (2)             (3)

t                 0.0176        0.0305 ***        -0.0909
                 (0.0118)        (0.0113)        (0.0561)
t + 1            0.0342 **      0.0593 ***      -0.1749 ***
                 (0.0143)        (0.0138)        (0.0660)
t + 2            0.0374 **      0.0584 ***      -0.1737 **
                 (0.0176)        (0.0157)        (0.0718)

                Relocation     Productivity
                  Abroad          Effect
Time                (4)             (5)

t               -0.1509 **       0.0319 **
                 (0.0682)        (0.0135)
t + 1           -0.2898 ***     0.0651 ***
                 (0.0757)        (0.0182)
t + 2           -0.2877 ***     0.0601 ***
                 (0.1057)        (0.0204)

                w (A - B +
                  C + D)
Theoretical      + (l - w)                        A - B +
ATT             (A + C + D)      A + C + D         C + D

Treatment       Offshoring      Offshoring-     Offshoring-
  group                          without-          with-
                               restructuring   restructuring

No. of              983             884             99

Control        Nonoffshoring   Nonoffshoring   Nonoffshoring

No. of             5,601           5.601           5,470
Total              6,584           6,585           5,569

ATT                 -B             A + D

Treatment       Offshoring-      Foreign-
  group            with-         supplier
               restructuring     switching

No. of              99              587

Control         Offshoring-    Nonoffshoring
  group          without-

No. of              876            5,601
Total               975            6.188

Notes: Standard errors in parentheses. For the matched
sample standard errors are generated via bootstrapping (200
replications). Number of observations refer to time t. The
treatment-variable Offshoring is defined as a (qualitative)
increase of a plant's share of foreign intermediate inputs
in total inputs either in the years 1999-2000 or 2001-2002
for a certain plant. Offshoring-with-restructuring
(Offshoring-without-restructuring) comprises those plants
that offshoring and (do not) restructure their plant at the
same time, that is, (no) parts of the plant are closed down,
sold-off, or spun-off. Column 5 employs Offshoring-without-
restructuring-and-without-supplier-substitution as treatment
covering all those offshoring-without-restructuring events,
where there was no reduction in sourcing to domestic
suppliers at the same time. The control group nonoffshoring
is defined as those plants that do not offshore during the
same time period. Note that in this table the underlying
estimation of the propensity score additionally incorporates
the lagged employment growth rate as another potential
determinant of offshoring.

*** Significant at 1%; ** significant at 5%; * significant
at 10%.

Identification of the Different Channels of Offshoring on
Employment (Kernel Matching)--Matching Within Productivity Deciles

                                      Gradual        Discrete
                     Baseline       Downsizing      Downsizing
Time                   (1)              (2)             (3)

t                     0.0069         0.0252 **      -0.2039 **
                     (0.0129)        (0.0106)        (0.0918)
t + 1                0.0279 *       0.0581 ***      -0.3366 ***
                     (0.0129)        (0.0140)        (0.1055)
t + 2               0.0355 **       0.0626 ***      -0.4036 ***
                     (0.0174)        (0.0156)        (0.1369)

                    Relocation     Productivity
                      Abroad          Effect
Time                   (4)              (5)

t                   -0.1317 **       0.0232 **
                     (0.0617)        (0.0118)
t + 1              -0.3576 ***      0.0587 ***
                     (0.0909)        (0.0163)
t + 2              -0.4642 ***       0.0668 **
                     (0.1506)        (0.0187)

                   w (A - B +
Theoretical          C + D) +
ATT                  (1 - w)         A + C + D     A - B + C + D
                   (A + C + D)

Treatment           Offshoring      Offshoring-     Offshoring-
  group                              without-          with-
                                   restructuring   restructuring

No. of                1,195            1,078            117

Control           Nonoffshoring    Nonoffshoring   Nonoffshoring
No. of                6,795            5,859           6,586
Total                 7,990            6.883           6,703

ATT                     -B             A + D

Treatment          Offshoring-      Offshoring-
  group               with-          without-
                  restructuring    restructuring

No. of                 117              958

Control            Offshoring-     Nonoffshoring
  group              without-

No. of                 988             6,550

Total                 1,105            7,508

Notes: Standard errors in parentheses. For the matched
sample standard errors are generated via bootstrapping (200
replications). Number of observations refer to time t. The
treatment-variable offshoring is defined as a (qualitative)
increase of a plant's share of foreign intermediate inputs
in total inputs either in the years 1999-2000 or 2001-2002
for a certain plant. Offshoring-with-restructuring
(Offshoring-without-restructuring) comprises those plants
that offshoring and (do not) restructure their plant at the
same time, that is, (no) parts of the plant are closed down,
sold-off, or spun-off. Column 5 employs Offshoring-without-
restructuring-and-without-supplier-substitution as treatment
covering all those offshoring-without-restructuring events,
where there was no reduction in sourcing to domestic
suppliers at the same time. The control group nonoffshoring
is defined as those plants that do not offshore during the
same time period. Note that we restrict in this table the
potential members of the control group to those who share
the same productivity decile with a given treatment

*** Significant at 1%; ** significant at 5%; * significant
at 10%.

Overall Effect of Offshoring on Employment-Further Results

                        EMU-       Non-EMU
         Baseline    Offshoring   Offshoring
Time       (1)          (2)          (3)

t       0.0220 **      0.0144       0.0117
         (0.0103)     (0.0124)     (0.0193)
t + 1   0.0419 ***   0.0492 ***     0.0061
         (0.0129)     (0.0153)     (0.0236)
r + 2   0.0447 ***   0.0653 ***    -0.0022
         (0.0151)     (0.0182)     (0.0296)

        Manufacturing   Nonmanufacturing
Time         (4)              (5)

t         0.0232 *           0.0174
          (0.0139)          (0.0156)
t + 1     0.0377 **         0.0398 *
          (0.0166)          (0.0206)
r + 2     0.0333 *         0.0509 **
          (0.0194)          (0.0205)

Notes: Standard errors in parentheses are generated via
bootstrapping (500 replications). Column 1 shows the
baseline results from Table 2 for comparability. Columns 2
and 3 report results, when offshoring is confined to EMU or
non-EMU countries, respectively. Columns 4 and 5 show the
results for manufacturing and nonmanufacturing plants. The
treatment-variable Offshoring is defined as an increase in
the share of imported intermediate inputs in overall
intermediate inputs either in the years 1999-2000 or 2001-2002
for a certain plant. Nontreatment is defined as those
plants that do not increase their vertical integration
during the same time period.

*** Significant at 1%; ** significant at 5%;
* significant at 10%.


We employ a number of different balancing tests to exclude systematic differences in characteristics in the sample. First, we calculate the standardized difference between treatment and matched-control group of all selection variables at a time (see, e.g., Rosenbaum and Rubin 1985; Smith and Todd 2005b). Rosenbaum and Rubin (1985) consider the standardized difference large if it exceeds 20%. Second, we perform a mean-difference t test with standard deviations differing in treatment and matched-control group. Third, we follow Smith and Todd (2005b) who propose a regression-based test. For each selection variable [x.sub.it] that is used in the propensity score, the following regression is estimated


for the years f = 1998 and 2000. Smith and Todd (2005b) argue that a joint significance test over the [gamma]-coefficients

would indicate that the balancing condition is not satisfied. Hence, we expect an insignificant Wald-test. Fourth, we perform the Hotelling test on quintiles that tests balancing within each quintile over all variables jointly. Tables B4 and B5 display the results for the Hotelling test as well as the distribution over the live quintiles considered, showing once more no significant imbalance. Finally, we follow Imbens (2004) and Smith and Todd (2005a), who suggests a way to indirectly test for the CIA using a test of Heckman and Hotz (1989).

We estimate the average treatment effect on the treated for an outcome variable before treatment takes place. If this effect is zero, it renders the CIA more plausible. Contrary to that, if it is not zero, this test indicates that there are systematic differences in outcomes between treatment and matched control group even before treatment, suggesting that the ATT is not caused by treatment alone. All these balancing tests are reported in Tables B3-B6 and indicate a good balancing between the treatment and control group.
Logit Estimates of Propensity Score

                                   Gradual        Discrete
                  Baseline       Downsizing      Downsizing
                     (1)             (2)             (3)

Employment        0.129 ***       0.087 ***       0.457 ***
(t - 1)            (0.228)         (0.024)         (0.064)

Wage/employee     0.228 ***       0.205 ***       0.702 ***
(t - 1)            (0.073)         (0.076)         (0.270)

Technology        0.220 ***       0.296 ***       -0.516 **
(t-1)              (0.071)         (0.075)         (0.202)

High-skilled      0.361 ***       0.268 **        1.067 **
(t-1)              (0.130)         (0.135)         (0.423)

Foreign          Q 4 J 1 ***      0.045 ***         0.161
ownership          (0.120)         (0.126)         (0.297)

Offshoring        0.071 **         0.057 *        0.175 **
intensity          (0.028)         (0.030)         (0.078)
in industry

Industry             Yes             Yes             Yes

Regional             Yes             Yes             Yes

Times dummies        Yes             Yes             Yes

Treatment        Offshoring      Offshoring-     Offshoring-
group                             without-          with-
                                restructuring   restructuring

Control         Nonoffshoring   Nonoffshoring   Nonoffshoring

Pseudo              0.06            0.06            0.15

Observations        8,466           8,344           7,323

                 Relocation      Productivity
                   Abroad           Effect
                     (4)             (5)

Employment        0.501 ***       0.105 ***
(t - 1)            (0.079)         (0.028)

Wage/employee       0.076          0.208 **
(t - 1)            (0.307)         (0.090)

Technology       -0.765 ***       0.260 ***
(t-1)              (0.225)         (0.089)

High-skilled        1.033           0.196
(t-1)              (0.478)         (0.162)

Foreign            -0.281           0.220
ownership          (0.321)         (0.157)

Offshoring         0.158 *          0.055
intensity          (0.091)         (0.036)
in industry

Industry             Yes             Yes

Regional             Yes             Yes

Times dummies        Yes             Yes

Treatment        Offshoring-     Offshoring-
group               with-          without-
                restructuring   restructuring

Control          Offshoring-    Nonoffshoring
group             without-

Pseudo              0.16             0.05

Observations        1,265           7,951

Notes: Standard errors in parenthesis. Definition of
variables included in the matching: Employment: log of
number of total employees per plant, Wage per employee: log
of average wage per employee, Technology: Dummy = 1 if plant
has above average or state-of-the-art technology,
High-skilled: share of high-skilled workers of total
employment, Foreign ownership: Dummy = 1 if a foreign owner
holds the majority of the plant; Offshoring intensity in
industry: Number of offshoring plants relative to total
plants in a given industry at time t. Industry and regional
dummies are employed but not reported. The
treatment-variable Offshoring is defined as an increase in
the share of imported intermediate inputs in overall
intermediate inputs either in the years 1999-2000 or
2001-2002 for a certain plant. Nontreatment is defined as
those plants that do not increase their vertical integration
during the same time period. Offshoring-with-restructuring
imposes the following additional restriction on the
offshoring definition above: the plant is restructured
during the offshoring event, that is, parts of the plant are
closed down, sold-off, or spun-off.

*** Significant at 1%; ** significant at 5%; * significant
at 10%.

Summary Statistics

                        Offshoring Plants    Nonoffshoring Plants

                        Mean     Std. Dev.    Mean     Std. Dev.

Employment             3.7507      1.7280    3.1600      1.6884
Wage per employee      7.3817      0.5661    7.2091      0.5870
Technology             0.7296      0.4443    0.6760      0.4680
High-skilled           0.3837      0.2792    0.3769      0.2965
Foreign ownership      0.0996      0.2996    0.0415      0.1995
Sales                  15.3133     2.1337    14.4096     2.0797
Exports                11.2265    21.2526    5.3577     15.4371
Intermediate inputs    54.8162    22.1118    49.4416    23.7047
Share of offshoring
  firms                17.2888     5.0728    14.5299     5.9645
Number of
  observations           1265                  7201

Notes: Employment: log of number of employees per plant,
Wage per employee: log of average wage per employee,
Technology: Dummy = 1 if plant has above average or state-
of-the art technology, High-skilled: share of high-skilled
workers of total employment, Foreign ownership: Dummy = 1 if
a foreign owner holds the majority of the plant, Sales: log
of total turnover of the plant, Exports: ratio of turnover
aboard to total turnover at the plant, Intermediate inputs:
ratio of intermediate inputs to output, Share of offshoring
firms: proportion of offshoring firms (in percent) in
industry j at time t.

Balancing Tests from Kernel Matching

                      Mean         Mean
                    Treatment    Control    Percent
Covariate             Group       Group      Bias

Employment            3.7338      3.7180      0.9
Wage per employee     7.3771      7.3789     -0.3
Technology            0.7389      0.7338      1.1
High-skilled          0.3802      0.3822     -0.7
Foreign ownership     0.0969      0.0880      3.5
  firms (in %)        17.395      17.414     -0.3

                       Mean-        Based Tests
                    Difference          Wald
                    t-Statistic      Statistic
Covariate            (p-Value)       (p-Value)

Employment          0.21 (0.83)     0.73 (0.57)
Wage per employee   -0.08 (0.94)    1.11 (0.35)
Technology          0.27 (0.79)     0.93 (0.45)
High-skilled        -0.17(0.87)     1.21 (0.30)
Foreign ownership   0.71 (0.48)     1.51 (0.20)
  firms (in %)      -0.09 (0.93)    7.25 (0.00)

Notes: Definition of variables included in the matching:
Employment: log of number of employees per plant, Wage per
employee: log of average wage per employee, Technology:
Dummy = 1 if plant has above average or state-of-the art
technology, High-skilled: share of high-skilled workers of
total employment, Foreign ownership: Dummy = 1 if a foreign
owner holds the majority of the plant. Offshoring firms (in
%): proportion of offshoring firms (in percent) in industry
j at time t. Balancing of industry, regional and time
dummies is not reported. All dummies have a percent bias
below 3. Mean-difference is mean difference test with
standard deviations differing between treatment and control
group. Regression based Wald test statistic follows Smith
and Todd (2005b).

Hotelling's T-Squared Tests by Propensity
Score Quintile

           T-Squared     E-Test
Quintile   Statistics   Statistics   p-Value

First        30.330       0.899       0.633
Second       31.345       0.901       0.632
Third        44.675       1.275       0.132
Fourth       32.091       0.895       0.645
Fifth        35.715       0.997       0.475

Frequency Distribution of Treated and Nontreated
Plants by Propensity Score Quintile

Quintile   Offshoring   Nonoffshoring
             Plants        Plants

 First         75           1,381
 Second       124           1,331
 Third        208           1.248
 Fourth       288           1.167
 Fifth        389           1.066

Heckman and Hotz (1989): Evidence for Self-Selection into
Offshoring? Growth Differences in Employment, Sales,
Exports, and Productivity (t = -1 to t = 0)

             Employment    Sales     Exports    Productivity

Time            (1)         (2)        (3)          (4)
Kernel        -0.0084      0.0086     0.5565       0.0190
  matching    (0.0128)    (0.0176)   (0.5674)     (0.0173)

Notes: Standard errors in parentheses. For the matched
sample standard errors are generated via bootstrapping (500
replications). The treatment-variable Offshoring is defined
as an increase in the share of imported intermediate inputs
in overall intermediate inputs between in the years
1999-2000 or 2001-2002 for a certain plant. Nontreatment is
defined as those plants that do not increase their vertical
integration during the same time period.

*** Significant at 1%; ** significant at 5%; * significant
at 10%.


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(1.) Geishecker, Riedl, and Frijters (2012) show that offshoring is indeed associated with job loss fears for a representative longitudinal survey of private households in Germany.

(2.) Other recent theoretical contributions on offshoring include Kohler (2004), Grossman and Rossi-Hansberg (2008), Keuschnigg and Ribi (2009), Mitra and Rajan (2010), and Egger, Kreickemeier, and Wrona (2013).

(3.) This term was coined by Sethupathy (2013).

(4.) We will use firm, plant, and establishment interchangeably in this article, except for if we refer to a specific study. Our empirical results will mainly rely on German plant-level data.

(5.) Thus, we use the same definition as Helpman (2006).

(6.) Unfortunately, this effect cannot be traced in existing data, because domestic suppliers of offshoring firms cannot be tracked in the data.

(7.) Feenstra and Hanson (1996, 1999) distinguish between two forms of international outsourcing. While the broad measure considers any imported intermediate inputs, the narrow measure confines to imported intermediate inputs from the same two-digit industry.

(8.) The literature on the employment and wage effects of offshoring based on industry-level offshoring measures includes Feenstra and Hanson (1996,1999), Slaughter (2001), Hijzen, Gorg, and Hine (2005), Hsieh and Woo (2005), Egger and Egger (2003, 2005), Egger, Pfaffermayr, and Weber (2007), Hijzen (2007), Geishecker and Gorg (2008), Munch and Skaksen (2009), Crino (2010), Senses (2010), Ebenstein et al. (forthcoming), and Baumgarten, Geishecker, and Gorg (2013).

(9.) Due to very detailed trade data, they are able to compute not only a continuous firm-level measure (broad and narrow definition), but also time-varying instruments at the firm level. These instruments exploit the firm's trade structure and the world supply (minus Denmark) of a sourcing country's specific product in time.

(10.) Klein, Moser, and Urban (2013) find in contrast to this study that exports are not a rising tide that lifts all boats, but that export activity in Germany is associated with within and between skill group wage inequality.

(11.) Kramarz (2008) shows that French firms facing strong unions substitute owns production for imports after the introduction of the Single Market Program of the European Union.

(12.) There are a number of studies on labor market outcomes or firm performance with firm-level measures of (mostly the extensive margin of) FDI, including Head and Ries (2002), Barba Navaretti, Castellani, and Disdier (2009) Desai, Foley, and Hines (2009), Buch and Lipponer (2010), Debaere, Lee, and Lee (2006), Harrison and McMillan (2011), Hijzen, Jean, and Mayer (2011).

(13.) For this reason, several empirical studies documenting an impact of offshoring on average labor productivity or total factor productivity may or may not imply such positive employment effects (see for instance Gorg, Hanley, and Strobl 2008; Hijzen, Inui, and Todo 2010; Jabbour 2010).

(14.) Our data does not allow us to differentiate between buying intermediate goods through arms-length trade or from an own plant abroad. Hence, we can capture offshoring as defined for instance by Helpman (2006). At the same time, it should not matter for the employment effects, who owns the production factors abroad, but where the international sourcing comes from.

(15.) The IAB-Establishment Panel data is confidential but not exclusive. They are available for noncommercial research by visiting the Research Data Centre (FDZ) of the Federal Employment Agency at the Institute of Employment Research in Nuremberg, Germany. For further information, we refer to http://fdz.iab.de/en.

(16.) For simplification we refer here to the business years the data is covering. These questions were asked in the survey years 1999, 2001, and 2003.

(17.) Heckman, Ichimura, and Todd (1998) compare the efficiency of conditioning kernel matching estimators on p([x.sub.10]) rather than on xi0 and do not find any one of them dominating, but conjecture that the small sample efficiency of conditioning on the propensity score is superior.

(18.) We have also experimented with the level of exports, but this variable did not enter significantly due to the high correlation with our size measure.

(19.) In the sample, a lack of balancing may be due to a misspecification of the estimated propensity score or due to a mismatch of propensity scores of treatment and matched control observations or due to an unfortunate draw of the sample (Rosenbaum and Rubin 1985).

(20.) For a survey on alternative matching algorithms, see Caliendo and Kopeinig (2008).

(21.) See, e.g., Heckman, Ichimura, and Todd (1997).

(22.) We pool the two time periods for which we are able to define offshoring in order to profit from efficiency gains. Pooling tests confirm that this empirical strategy is valid. Furthermore, an increase from "partly" to "predominantly" as compared to an increase from "not at all" to "partly" does not yield significantly different effects on the outcome variables. Hence, the results reported below will be based on the pooled sample.

(23.) It seems reasonable that firms take such important organizational decisions like offshoring and restructuring not independent of each other in a given time period, but this does not need to be the case.

(24.) A particular case occurs if a complete plant of a multiplant company is closed and substituted for foreign intermediate inputs. We still measure offshoring correctly, since the other plants of the company will increase their foreign input share and reduce their domestic one. We do not capture though the employment loss from the closed plant--just as we will not be able to track employment losses in German supply industry if domestic supply contracts are replaced by foreign intermediate inputs (channel C in Figure 1). However, this is not the purpose of this article, since we are interested in identifying the employment effects on plants that increase their share in foreign intermediate inputs (offshoring). For this purpose, it is important that the employment loss from the closed plant does not appear in the control group, which is not the case in our data.

(25.) We use psmatch2 provided by Leuven and Sianesi (2003) for most of our matching estimations.

(26.) Abadie and Imbens (2008) conjecture that bootstrapping yields valid inference for kernel, but not nearest neighbor estimators. Hence, our standard errors for kernel matching estimators will be based on bootstrapping and our standard errors for nearest neighbor matching estimators are analytically derived in Abadie and Imbens (2006) and calculated using the STATA-modul NNMATCH from Abadie et al. (2004).

(27.) Note that to the extent that some restructuring events might be independent of the simultaneous offshoring activity in a given period, the results in columns 2, 3, and 4 of Table 3 are biased away from zero, with the baseline result in column 1 and the identification of the productivity effect in column 5 being unaffected.

(28.) While both studies cover a similar time period in Ger many, Wagner (2011) focuses on manufacturing firms with at least 100 employees and his relocation measure also includes horizontal FDI. While it is hard to say where the differences exactly come from, the firms in his sample might--on average--adjust their employment more smoothly.

(29.) In an earlier version of the article, we offer an alternative strategy to identify the productivity effect. We look at the employment effects of firms that switch between European Monetary Union (EMU) and non-EMU suppliers, whereby the overall foreign input usage does not increase. Similar to our preferred specification, we cannot disentangle A from D, but find positive and significant employment effects consistent with the existence of the productivity channel.

(30.) It is not possible for us to consolidate plants at the firm level, but in another unreported robustness check we have restricted the sample to single plants, that is, independent firms with largely similar results as in Table 3.

(31.) The only exception is column 4. Within the group of offshoring firms, those firms with lower employment growth prior to the offshoring decision are more likely to restructure at the same time.

(32.) During the sample period, the European Monetary Union consisted (beyond Germany) of Austria, Belgium, Finland, France, Ireland, Italy, Luxembourg, Netherlands, Portugal, and Spain. Greece joined the EMU at the beginning of 2001.


* The authors would like to thank Steffi Bansbach, Daniel Baumgarten, Martin Biewen, Irene Brambilla, Matilde Bombardini, Joseph Francois, Marfa Garcia-Vega, Pierre-Olivier Gourinchas, Jorn Kleinert, Marc Melitz, Niklas Potrafke, Michael Siegenthaler, Steffen Sirries, Jeffrey Wooldridge, and Maurizio Zanardi for helpful comments. We are grateful to the IAB for their hospitality and, especially Jorg Heining, Peter Jakobebbinghaus, Dana Muller, and Alex Schmucker for support with the IAB establishment panel as well as David Liechti for excellent research assistance. For helpful suggestions and comments we thank participants of the annual meeting of the Austrian Economic Association in Vienna, the European Economic Association in Milano, the Verein fuer Socialpolitik in Graz, the Third IAB-BA-User Conference in Nuremberg, the KOF Brown Bag Seminar in Zurich, the Fifth Macroeconomics Research Meeting in Tuebingen, the Volkswirtschaftliche Workshop at the University of Tuebingen, the IO and Finance seminar at the LMU Munich, the Second BBQ-Conference at ETH Zurich, the Otago Workshop on International Trade, the EIIE conference in Ljubljana, the XI Conference on International Economics in Barcelona, the European Trade Study Group in Warsaw, the 8th ELSNIT conference in Paris, Swiss Society of Economics and Statistics in Neuchatel, and the faculty seminar at the Universite de Bruxelles and the University of Bayreuth. Obviously, all remaining errors are our own. Moser and Weder di Mauro dedicate this article to the memory of their friend and coauthor, Dieter Urban.

([dagger]) This is a completely revised paper that formerly circulated under the title "Offshoring, Firm Performance and Establishment-level Employment--Identifying Productivity and Downsizing Effects."

Moser: Senior Researcher, ETH Zurich, KOF Swiss Economic Institute and CESifo, Zurich 8092, Switzerland. Phone 0041-44-632-8311, Fax 0041-44-632-1218,

E-mail [email protected]

Urban: Deceased.

Weder Di Mauro: Professor, University of Mainz and CEPR, Mainz 55128, Germany. Phone 0049-6131-39-20126, Fax 0049-6131-39-25053, E-mail Beatrice. Weder@ uni-mainz.de
Interpretation of Different ATTs

Treatment Group               Control Group    Theoretical ATT

  Offshoring                  Nonoffshoring   w (A - B + C + D)
                                                  + (l - w)
                                                 (A + C + D)
Identifying downsizing
  Gradual downsizing:         Nonoffshoring       A + C + D
  Discrete downsizing:        Nonoffshoring     A - B + C + D
  Relocation abroad:          Offshoring-            -B
    Offshoring-with-          without-
      restructuring           restructuring
Identifying productivity
  Productivity                Nonoffshoring         A + D
   effect: Offshoring-

Notes: A, B, C, and D refer to Figure 1. w is the share of
restructurers among offshorers. The treatment-variable
Offshoring is defined as an increase in the share of
imported intermediate inputs in overall intermediate inputs
either in the years 1999-2000 or 2001-2002 for a certain
plant. Offshoring-with-restructuring (Offshoring-without-
restructuring) comprises those plants that offshoring and
(do not) restructure their plant at the same time, that is,
(no) parts of the plant are closed down, sold-off, or spun-
off. The variable Offshoring-without-restructuring-and-
without-supplier-substitution covers all those Offshoring-
without-restructuring events, where there was no reduction
in sourcing to domestic suppliers at the same time. The
control group nonoffshoring is defined as those plants that
do not offshore during the same time period.

Overall Effect of Offshoring on Employment

        Baseline    Alternative    Nearest      Matching     Matching
        (Kernel      (Kernel       Neighbor     Within        Within
       Matching)     Matching)     Matching     Industry     Regions
Time      (1)           (2)          (3)          (4)          (5)

t      0.0220 **     0.0221 **     0.0196 *    0.0282 **    0.0223 **
        (0.0103)     (0.0106)      (0.0107)     (0.0125)     (0.0110)

t+1    0.0419 ***   0.0419 ***    0.0410 ***   0.0450 ***   0.0440 ***
        (0.0129)     (0.0136)      (0.0137)     (0.0161)     (0.0138)

t+2    0.0447 ***   0.0447 ***    0.0415 ***   0.0550 ***   0.0451 ***
        (0.0151)     (0.0148)      (0.0157)     (0.0188)     (0.0154)

Notes: Standard errors in parentheses. For the baseline
sample (1) and the alternative kernel matching estimation
with a smaller bandwidth of 0.001 (2) standard errors are
generated via bootstrapping (500 replications). Column 3
shows the nearest-neighbor matching with 10 neighbors and
caliper = 0.05. For the matched sample heteroskedasticity-
consistent standard errors are generated with NNMatch from
Abadie et al. (2004). (4) Kernel matching, whereby matches
are only allowed between plants within the same industry (16
industries) and the average treatment effect on the treated
is equivalent to the average ATT's over the 16 industries.
(5) Kernel matching, whereby matches are only allowed
between plants within the same region (17 regions) and the
average treatment effect on the treated is equivalent to the
average ATT's over the 17 regions. The treatment-variable
Offshoring is defined as an increase in the share of
imported intermediate inputs in overall intermediate inputs
either in the years 1999-2000 or 2001-2002 for a certain
plant. Nontreatment is defined as those plants that do not
increase their vertical integration during the same time

*** Significant at 1%; **significant at 5%; *significant at

Identification of the Different Channels of Offshoring on
Employment (Kernel Matching)

                                      Gradual          Discrete
                   Baseline         Downsizing        Downsizing
Time                  (1)               (2)              (3)

t                  0.0220 **        0.0332 ***         -0.0792
                   (0.0103)          (0.0100)          (0.0495)
t + 1             0.0419 ***        0.0661 ***       -0.1792 ***
                   (0.0129)          (0.0124)          (0.0632)
t + 2             0.0447 ***        0.0656 ***        -0.1595 **
                   (0.0151)          (0.0150)          (0.0718)

                  Relocation       Productivity
                    Abroad            Effect
Time                  (4)               (5)

t                 -0.1475 ***       0.0373 ***
                   (0.0559)          (0.0107)
t + 1             -0.2930 ***       0.0721 ***
                   (0.0704)          (0.0149)
t + 2             -0.3070 ***       0.0696 ***
                   (0.0957)          (0.0182)

                   w (A - B
                   + C + D)
Theoretical       + (1 - w)
ATT               (A + C + D)        A + C + D         A-B+C+D

Treatment         Offshoring        Offshoring-      Offshoring-
group                                without-           with-
                                   restructuring    restructuring

Domestic              Yes               Yes              Yes

No. of               1,265             1.143             122

Control          Nonoffshoring     Nonoffshoring    Nonoffshoring

No. of               7,201             7,201            7.201

Total                8,466             8,344            7,323

ATT                   -B               A + D

Treatment         Offshoring-       Offshoring-
group                with-           without-
                 restructuring     restructuring

Domestic              No                No

No. of                122               750

Control           Offshoring-      Nonoffshoring
group              without-

No. of               1,143             7.201

Total                1,265             7,951

Notes: Standard errors in parentheses. For the matched
sample standard errors are generated via bootstrapping (500
replications). Number of observations refer to time t.
Observations that have to be dropped due to a lack of common
support never exceed ten observations. The baseline
treatment-variable Offshoring is defined as a (qualitative)
increase of a plant's share of foreign intermediate inputs
in total inputs either in the years 1999-2000 or 2001-2002
for a certain plant. In columns 2 and 3, Offshoring-with-
restructuring (Offshoring-without-restructuring) comprises
those plants that offshoring and (do not) restructure their
plant at the same time, that is, (no) parts of the plant are
closed down, sold-off, or spun-off. Column 5 employs
substitution as treatment covering all those offshoring-
without-restructuring events, where there was no reduction
in sourcing to domestic suppliers at the same time. The
control group nonoffshoring is defined as those plants that
do not offshore during the same time period.

*** Significant at 1%; ** significant at 5%;
* significant at 10%.

Indirect Evidence on Supplier Substitution and
Productivity Channel

       Intermediate   Intermediate
       Input Value    Input/Sales      Sales
Time       (1)            (2)           (3)

t       0.0717 ***       0.2594      0.0511 ***
         (0.0234)       (0.6189)      (0.0141)
t + 1   0.0491 **       -0.5830      0.0599 ***
         (0.0238)       (0.7160)      (0.0175)
t + 2   0.0668 **       -0.7587      0.0729 ***
         (0.0308)       (0.7811)      (0.0200)

         Exports      Productivity
Time       (4)            (5)

t       0.9608 ***     0.0368 ***
         (0.3550)       (0.0135)
t + 1   1.2009 ***      0.0304 *
         (0.4367)       (0.0168)
t + 2   1.3356 **        0.0233
         (0.5528)       (0.0190)

Notes: Standard errors in parentheses. For the matched
sample standard errors are generated via bootstrapping (500
replications). The treatment-variable Offshoring is defined
as an increase in the share of imported intermediate inputs
in overall intermediate inputs either in the years 1999-2000
or 2001-2002 for a certain plant. Nontreatment is defined as
those plants that do not increase their vertical integration
during the same time period.

*** Significant at 1%; **significant at 5%; *significant at