Design and construction of mourning dove research pens.
Millspaugh, Joshua J.
Abstract: To assist with mourning dove (Zenaida macroura) research,
we designed and built 69 outdoor cages. The cages were flexible in
meeting our data collection protocols, and the biological needs of
captive wild mourning doves. The basic outside dimensions of the cage
were 244 cm high, 183 cm wide, and 183 cm deep with the cage floor 61 cm
off the ground, and covered with a corrugated steel roof. The number of
different length boards and tools were kept to a minimum to simplify
construction. The cages were constructed in 5 weeks with 3 full-time
employees (40 hr/week), with incidental assistance from 3 other people.
Cost of materials in 2001 for each cage was [less than or equal to]
$220, including the cost of wood, roofing, wire, and hardware. With
minor modifications, the cage design permits research opportunities for
a wide range of other avian species to gain knowledge about research
techniques and associated ecosystem processes.
Key Words: cage design, Missouri, mourning doves, Zenaida macroura
Mourning doves (Zenaida macroura) are the most studied and heavily
hunted migratory upland game bird in North America (Baskett et al. 1993,
Mirarchi and Baskett 1994, Tomlinson et al. 1994). Despite extensive and
voluminous information, few data exist concerning fundamental management
and research questions. For example, why are mourning doves experiencing
long-term population trend declines in the Eastern, Central, and Western
Management Units as measured by the National Call-Count Survey (Dolton
et al. 2001)? Answers to this daunting wildlife management question will
involve a series of research projects using a variety of research
techniques; e.g., trapping and marking individual birds with leg bands,
patagial wing tags, and/or radio transmitters.
Until recently, few biologists have considered the potential
negative effects of wildlife research techniques, and the impacts those
effects may have on the resulting data and related management decisions.
One of the most problematic issues affecting mourning dove research is
determining the effects of attaching and carrying radio transmitters
(Schulz and Sheriff 1995). Using relatively small stainless steel cages
(24 x 18 x 18 cm) and 200 wild mourning doves kept in captivity,
subcutaneously implanted radio transmitters with external antennas were
shown to be a preferred attachment alternative to intra-abdominal
implants with external antennas (Schulz et al. 1998). Using slightly
larger stainless steel cages (24 x 40 x 18 cm) and 195 wild captive
mourning doves, subcutaneous radio transmitter implants with external
antennas were shown to be a superior to glue attachment based on
retention time, and superior to harnesses based on pathological effects
(Schulz et al. 2001). Although the size of the cages used in these
previous studies were considered within acceptable research guidelines
(Mirarchi 1993, Gaunt and Oring 1997), the cages were not large enough
to allow the birds to fly; thus, further evaluations must be conducted
in larger outdoor pens that simultaneously allow the individual birds to
fly while still conducting experiments with relatively large sample
sizes of birds. Size, shape, and the number of the outdoor cages are
dependent upon the needs of the birds, experimental data collection
protocols, cost of materials, and ease of construction. Although several
depictions of cages used for mourning dove research have been published
(Hanson and Kossack 1963, Mirarchi 1993), they do not provide details on
construction or materials. Our objective, therefore, was to design and
construct [greater than or equal to] 60 outdoor cages for mourning dove
research that would accommodate data collection protocols, would be
easily produced, and provide flexibility in meeting the biological needs
of captive wild mourni ng doves. Other avian researchers may find this
design useful because it allows flexibility in the type of experiments
to be conducted (e.g., studying transmitter effects, understanding
patterns in stress hormones, and disease/toxicity testing), and can be
used with other avian species with minor modifications.
Cage Design and Construction
To economize labor and simplify construction, we divided the cage
construction process into the following steps: cutting lumber, framing
cages, cutting wire, attaching wire, attaching roofing, and
building/attaching doors. We used pressure-treated chromated copper
arsenate (CCA) lumber which resists termites and fungal decay to ensure
that the cages would last for several years. When handling the CCA
lumber, we followed recommended personal safety guidelines (Material
Safety Data Sheet: Product Type, Wolmanized[R] Treated Wood and Lumber,
June 19, 2000; 4 pp). We also kept the number of different length boards
to a minimum to reduce the amount of cutting (Table 1). We used 3 x 5 cm
welded wire (183 cm wide in 30 m rolls), and 244 x 91 cm galvanized metal roof sheathing. A minimum of hand and power tools were needed to
complete pen construction; e.g., wire cutter, electric chop-saw,
reciprocating power saw, battery-powered electric drills, and a
pneumatic stapler. The basic outside dimensions of the cage were 244 cm
high, 183 cm wide, and 183 cm deep with the cage floor 61 cm off the
ground, and covered with corrugated steel; the basic size allowed us to
use commercially available materials with little waste. Each cage had
two doors; one smaller bottom door for daily feeding and watering, and a
larger upper door for cage cleaning (Figure 1). Approximately 28 CCA 4 x
9 x 244 cm boards were needed per pen with an estimated 2001 cost of
[less than or equal to] $220, including the cost metal roofing and wire;
shorter pieces of wood (e.g., corner braces) were made from scrap
materials (Table 1).
To speed construction, we precut all wood prior to cage assembly
(Table 1). Using 6 cm #8 galvanized wood screws, we screwed together two
4 x 9 x 244 cm boards lengthwise to form the cage legs. Next, we framed
the basic structure by assembling the two sides of the cage by attaching
a 173 cm board across the top of two legs, and another 61 cm from the
bottom. We stood the two sides upright, and attached 4 additional 173 cm
boards at the top and 61 cm from the bottom to complete the basic square
cage frame. To increase the rigidity of the cage, we attached comer
braces with 450 cut ends to the inside corners at the top and bottom of
the cage. Perpendicular to the cage floor side rails, we attached two
173 cm pieces to provide a stable substrate for the wire cage floor. We
attached two additional 173 cm pieces across the top of the cage to
provide a surface for roof attachment. Next, we attached 173 cm boards
to the outside of the cage frame to provide a flat surface for attaching
the welded wire.
The cage floor was built using 2 layers of 3 x 5 cm welded wire
separated by the 4 x 9 cm floor braces; the two wire mesh layers reduced
the likelihood of predation. First, we tipped the cages over on their
sides so we could attach the bottom layer of wire using the pneumatic
staple gun. Next, we flipped the cages upright and attached the top
layer of wire to the cage floor. After attaching the double cage floor,
we attached the pre-cut wire cage to the three sides without doors. We
attached the large wire panels by first stapling the center of panel to
cage, and then moved towards the edges; this reduced sagging of the
wire. We next attached the corrugated metal roofing using galvanized
self-tapping roofing screws. The metal roofing was attached to provide
approximately 30 cm of overhang on the front and back of the cage, and
to fit flush on both sides.
The last step in constructing the cages was to build and attach the
doors; much of the material for the doors was obtained from left over
scraps. The CCA scrap 4 x 9 cm boards were cut longitudinally (or
ripped) on a table saw so that the entire door was made from 4 x 4 cm
wood. The smaller bottom door was 61 x 61 cm, and constructed of 2
pieces of wood 61 cm (top and bottom of door) and 2 pieces 53 cm (sides
of door; Figure 1). The larger upper door was constructed of 2 pieces of
61 cm (top and bottom of door) and 2 pieces 112 cm (sides of door;
Figure 1). After the upper and lower doors were framed, we attached 30
cm corner braces cut with 450 angles on the ends; this provided a
stronger door frame and more surface area for attached the wire on the
door. Next, we attached pre-cut panels of wire to the doors with the
pneumatic stapler. The last step was to attach the doors to the cage
with hinges and locking hasps. Once completed, we provided poultry
watering jugs and food trays in each cage and used scrap w ood placed
through the upper cage corners to provide aerial roosting (Figure 1).
Results and Discussion
We built 69 cages in 5 weeks with 3 full-time employees (40
hr/week) and incidental assistance from 3 other people. By creating a
simple design that took advantage of commercially available material in
standard sizes, we were able to use a minimum of supplies with little
waste. Sixty of the cages were placed in 10 rows of 6 cages to provide a
facility for experimental research using captive wild mourning doves; 9
other cages were constructed to provide space for stock-piling birds for
future research. Our experience indicates the cages provide ample room
for individual birds to conduct normal activities (e.g., flying,
roosting, feeding), while simultaneously confining the birds in a small
enough space to ensure easy capture and collection of necessary data.
The cages also provided a setting where newly captured wild mourning
doves can be kept with other doves to acclimate to captivity.
Although these cages were designed and used for mourning dove
research, the 60 cage facility can provide research opportunities for
other species. For example, we used our cages without any modification
for pilot experiments dealing with Northern bobwhites (Colinus
virginianus), Northern cardinals (Cardinalis cardinalis), and Eastern
cottontail rabbits (Sylvilagus floridanus). This adaptability is
important because there are numerous future opportunities to conduct
experimental research on a whole suite of captive wild birds to gain
knowledge about research techniques and their asssociated ecosystem
Table 1
Construction materials and cost of supplies needed to make one mourning
dove cage
Material Number Length of Price of
of Pieces Each Peice (1) All Pieces
CCA Wood (4 x 9 x 244 cm
@ $2.45 apiece)
8 244 $19.60
12 173 $29.40
6 163 $14.70
2 81 $2.45
1 183 $2.45
8 30 (scrap wood)
Wire (3 x 5 cm mesh; 183 x
3048 cm rolls @ $1.60/30 cm
1006 $52.80
Metal Roofing (91 x 244
cm @ $10.00/sheet)
2 244 $20.00
Galvanized screws and staples $30.00
for pneumatic stapler
Hinges, hasps, and $45.00
Total Cost $216.40
(1) Lengths measured in cm.
We thank those individuals who helped with construction of the pens
during hot and humid weather; B. Crampton, T. Hinkleman, S. Kistner, C.
Rittenhouse, and B. Washburn. Funding for this study was provided by
2001 Webless Migratory Game Bird Research Program (United States Fish
and Wildlife Service and the United States Geological Survey-Biological
Resources Division), the University of Missouri (Department of Fisheries
and Wildlife Sciences), and the Missouri Department of Conservation
Research Center (Federal Aid in Wildlife Restoration Project W-13-R).
Literature Cited
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