Construction and evaluation of a semi-portable radiotelemetry tower system at Prairie Fork Conservation Area, Missouri.
Mong, Tony W.
Abstract: Triangulation techniques are often used to estimate the
location of radio-marked animals, but many hand-held and mobile antennae
systems have relatively low accuracy. Use of fixed-station
radiotelemetry towers can increase location range and accuracy, yet the
inability to move towers ultimately limits their effectiveness in the
field. We designed and tested a unique semi-portable telemetry tower
system at Prairie Fork Conservation Area in mid-Missouri during the fall
and winter of 2000 and 2001. Each tower mast telescopes to a height of
9.1 meters, rotates 360 degrees, and can be easily moved by two people
between permanent concrete base sites with complete set up taking
approximately 20 to 30 minutes. Construction materials for each tower,
not including antennae and cables, was $248 with the base materials
adding an additional $18. After construction, we assessed error of the
tower system and a three-element hand held Yagi antennae for comparison.
Accuracy was assessed by placing 8 beacon transmitt ers of two different
sizes (turtle and deer) at known coordinates throughout the study site.
We compared known azimuths to the estimated azimuths to assess accuracy.
Mean error for the tower system (e = 2.5[degrees], SD = 2.0, n = 122)
was significantly lower (P < 0.001) than for the handheld antenna (e
= 10.9[degrees] SD = 6.6, n = 121); no difference in mean error was
noted between deer and turtle transmitters (P = 0.623). The convenience,
efficiency, and accuracy of the tower system provides a unique option
for radiotelemetry data collection while reducing costs by limiting the
amount of equipment needed to adequately cover a study area with a
traditional tower system.
Key words: Missouri, portable mast, radiotelemetry, radio tracking,
telemetry, telemetry error, tower, tower construction, transmitter
Radiotelemetry is commonly used to assess space use patterns and
survival of wild vertebrates (Millspaugh and Marzluff 2001a). In fact,
roughly one-third of all papers published in The Journal of Wildlife
Management over the past 20 years were telemetry-based (Millspaugh and
Marzluff 2001b). Triangulation and homing (i.e., direct observation) are
two common techniques for estimating the location of radio-collared
animals. Direct observation of radio-collared animals is generally
considered a more accurate method of determining animal locations but
may influence animal behavior (Kemohan et al. 2001). Furthermore, many
free-ranging animals are relatively inaccessible, secretive, and
sensitive to human influence, and thus are not good candidates for
homing. Triangulation on the other hand is often more practical and
efficient when monitoring large numbers of animals and animals that
range over great distances.
Triangulation involves recording two or more azimuths from known
locations to the radio-transmitter on the animal (White and Garrott
1990). Using azimuths recorded from known locations and trigonometric
relationships, the location of a radio-tagged animal may be estimated
with an associated measure of error (Heezen and Tester 1967, Leuth
1981). Azimuths may be obtained from either large, fixed receiving
stations (i.e., towers) or smaller, mobile devices (e.g., hand-held
antennas, vehicle mounted antennas). Often, azimuths obtained from
towers are more accurate (Slade et al. 1965, Anderson and DeMoor 1971,
Merson et al. 1982), varying by as little as [+ or -] 2 degrees. Use of
fixed-station radiotelemetry towers can also increase location range,
yet the inability to move towers ultimately limits their effectiveness
in the field.
The goal of this study was to design and construct a semi-portable
telemetry tower system at Prairie Fork Conservation Area (PFCA) that was
easy to set up and maintained a high level of accuracy. After
construction in the fall/winter of 2000, we tested the accuracy of the
system in the fall/winter of 2001 and compared tower accuracy with a
hand-held 3-element Yagi antenna.
Study Area
PFCA is a publicly owned tract of land of approximately 288
hectares located in Callaway County, Missouri, Township 48, Range 7
West. The site lies within the oak-hickory forest/prairie transition
zone at the southern border of what was once the Grand Prairie, now the
largely agricultural northern half of Missouri. Approximately 70% of the
site is open, previously tilled prairie. Over 350,000 people live within
an 80-km radius of PFCA, with the major metropolitan area of St. Louis
being less than 130 km away. Agriculture is the primary land use within
a 40-km radius of PFCA, with an increase recently in the breakup of
larger farms into smaller acreages owned by absentee landowners.
The topography of PFCA is gentle, with a total elevational gradient
of approximately 37 m; no steeply incised banks or cliffs are present.
There is one permanent stream running through the property with several
intermittent streams throughout the site. Twenty small ponds are
scattered over the area, most of them having been created to hold water
for livestock use.
Tower & Base Placement and Design
Tower base placement was determined using a modification of
White's (1985) recommendations for a square, flat study site and by
taking into account topographical variation and interference from power
lines. First, White's (1985) ideal geometric tower placement was
overlaid on a map of PFCA. Next, site coordinates were moved to the
nearest high point away from power-lines (White and Garrott 1990),
resulting in a configuration with the best possible use of the site
topography and geometric design.
A semi-portable tower design was created by modifying the towers
and materials reported by Banks et al. (1975), Medina and Smith (1986),
and Merson et al. (1982) (Figure 1). Each tower was constructed using a
stacked, horizontally-oriented RA-4A 5-element Yagi array (Telonics,
Inc., Mesa, AZ, USA) attached to a 9.1 m telescoping mast (Channel
Master, Smithville, NC, Model #1830) (Figure 1). A compass rosette attached to the tower base and a pointer attached to the telescoping
mast were used to estimate direction to the nearest degree (Figure 2).
Dual coaxial RW-5 cables were routed inside the hollow mast to a TAC-5
null precision combiner box (Telonics, Inc., Mesa, AZ, USA). Tower masts
were guyed with nylon rope (Figure 1); to prevent interference, no steel
cables were used. Also, no guys were attached to the mast within 3
meters of the antenna array. Eight guy wires were affixed to the mast; 4
were attached to the mast at 3 meters and 4 at 6 meters (Figure 1). Guy
wires were anchored to four steel posts bur ied horizontally 1/2 meter
deep and 4.3 meters from the base center in the four cardinal
directions. A length of steel rope that exited the ground was attached
to each post to allow for the connection of the tower guy wires. This
design has withstood wind speeds up to 80 km/hr. With 2 people, complete
tower setup at a pre-constructed base site takes approximately 20-30
minutes. The towers rotate 360 degrees and are easily moved by two
people between permanent concrete bases.
Sixteen concrete bases, 0.6 m x 0.6 m x 10 cm, were established
throughout PFCA (Figure 2). Each base was reinforced with steel rebar,
and all bases were given at least two days to set before use. Three
lengths of 0.9525 cm all-thread rod were set vertically into each base
with 10.5 cm exposed above the concrete. This exposed rod was then used
to attach a two-piece steel thrust bearing (J & L Technologies,
Columbia, MO, USA) and a two-piece wooden compass rosette (Figure 2).
Complete construction of one base, including the buried steel posts,
took approximately 2 hours. The base stations were established low to
the ground, permitting mowing and prescribed burning with no negative
effects on the bases. Coordinates of the base stations were determined
with a global positioning system (GPS) unit corrected with Differential
Code OPS (DGPS) to an accuracy of [+ or -] 1 meter. A pre-drilled wooden
block was placed over the exposed rod at each unused base to protect the
rods from damage that might occur from tires or fee t unexpectedly
finding the base. Construction materials for each tower, not including
antennae and cables, was $248 with the base materials adding an
additional $18 (Table 1).
Error Assessment
Bearing accuracy was evaluated for the tower system in fall 2001; a
hand-held antenna error assessment was conducted concurrently for
comparison. Data were collected from all 16 permanent receiving
stations. A folding 3-element hand-held Yagi (AF Antronics, Inc.,
Urbana, IL, USA) held 1.8 meters high was used during the hand-held
assessment. Only the null signal (Banks et al. 1975) was used to
determine directionality for the towers while the loudest signal method
(Springer 1979) was used with the hand-held antenna. ATS (Advanced
Telemetry Systems, Isanti, Minnesota) radio receivers (Model #R2000)
with headphones were used by the three field personnel.
Transmitter test locations were determined by placing a 400m x 400m
grid over the study site (White and Garrott 1990) to include diverse
topographic and vegetation conditions. Transmitters were attached to
wooden stakes at heights of 0.66 meters for deer-size transmitters and
0.33 meters for turtle-size transmitters. Four deer (Lotek Engineering
Inc., Newmarket, Ontario, Canada) and four turtle (Advanced Telemetry
Systems, Isanti, Minnesota) transmitters (164-165 MHz) were placed at
the nearest 4(x = 0.703 kin, Range = 0.2 - 1.7 km, SE = 0.047 km) of 18
grid locations to the base location being tested for bearing accuracy.
Azimuths were randomly taken from the receiving station being evaluated
to each of the 4 beacon locations to avoid observer bias (Lee et al.
1985); the sequence was repeated five times for each of the 8
transmitters. A second observer recorded azimuths so a previous reading
would not influence the investigator. Thus, there were five bearing
estimates for each of the eight transmitters from each of the 16 tower
Analytical Methods
Deviate observations resulting from signal bounce and other factors
may significantly affect error assessments (Garrott et al. 1986).
Without the use of a technique that is relatively insensitive to gross
outliers (Lenth 1981), these aberrant bearings must be identified and
removed from bias and precision calculations (Lee et al. 1985).
Consequently, prior to data analysis, we identified outliers from the
data set based on frequency distributions. To estimate azimuth accuracy,
we used the replicated measurements of error from each base station to
calculate a mean error (e) and a standard deviation (SD). Error (e) was
defined as the difference between the true azimuth ([theta]), determined
using a hand held GPS unit, and the estimated azimuth ([theta]) of the
transmitter for each azimuth i and replicate j as:
[e.sub.ij] = [[theta].sub.i] - [[theta].sub.ij] (1)
Mean error, an estimate of bias, was obtained by summing all errors
for all stations including replicates from individual stations, and then
dividing this number by the product of the number of locations and the
number of replicates (Lee et al. 1985) as
e = [summation over (n/i=1)][summation over (r/j=1)] [e.sub.ij]/nr
where n is the number of reference transmitter locations and r is
the number of azimuth replicates. Finally, for a measure of the
repeatability or amount of variation of estimated bearings, we estimated
standard deviation as (Lee et al. 1985, White and Garrott 1990):
SD = [[[summation over (n/i=1)][summation over (r/j=1)]
[([e.sub.ij]-e).sup.1/2]/(nr-1)].sup.1/2] (3)
To determine if there was a difference in the mean error between
the tower and hand-held antenna we used one-way ANOVA (Zar 1996). We
tested for differences in mean error and precision using transmitter
type (deer or turtle), observers, and wind speed as factors in a one-way
ANOVA model. Last, we used a backward selection procedure in a
generalized linear model (McCullagh and Nelder 1989) to determine which
of these factors were most correlated with mean error. All analyses were
considered significant at P < 0.05.
Based on a frequency distribution of tower error estimates, we
noted that most tower azimuths (94.1%) were within 0 and 10 degrees of
the true azimuth (Figure 3). Consequently, for our tower assessment, we
defined absolute errors of [greater than or equal to]10 degrees as
signal bounce and eliminated them from further consideration (Slade et
al. 1965, Lee et al. 1985, Zimmerman and Powell 1995). There was no
clear cut off point for handheld outliers, however, and to facilitate a
valid comparison, we eliminated the same percentage (5.9%) of outliers
from the handheld data set (Figure 4).
Mean error for the tower system (e = 2.5[degrees], SD = 2.0, n =
122) was significantly lower (P = 0.0001) than for the hand-held antenna
(e 10.8[degrees], SD = 6.6, n = 121). We noted no difference in mean
error between deer (x = 7.35, SD = 8.49, n = 126) and turtle
transmitters (x = 8.11, SD = 9.41, n = 128) for the tower system (P =
0.623). Mild observer bias was noted for the tower (x 3.00, SD = 2.31, n
= 48 observer 1; x = 2.52, SD 2.36, n = 23 observer 2; x = 2.08, SD =
1.42, n = 51 observer 3) (P = 0.077) but not hand-held (x 13.26, SD =
12.47, n =48 observer 1; x 11.88, SD = 10.01, n = 24 observer 2; x =
12.53, SD = 7.81, n = 56 observer 3) (P = 0.103). We observed no effect
of wind speed on error (n = 47, 0-8 km/hr; n = 39, 0-16 km/br; n = 23,
8-24 km/br; n = 15, 16-32 km/hr)(x 2.06, SD = 1.01, n = 122); however,
data were not collected when wind speeds exceeded 32 km/hr. Last, the
backward selection procedure selected observer (P = 0.023) as the most
influential factor in the generalized linear mod el; other factors were
not significant.
The semi-portable radiotelemetry tower system at PFCA was more
accurate than traditional hand-held antennae for triangulation under the
situations we evaluated. We believe the accuracy observed for the tower
arrays at PFCA would adequately meet many research needs on similar
sites. Hand-held systems will continue to be useful in studies where
homing is necessary (e.g., behavioral studies) and feasible, and when
strong winds preclude use of a tower system.
We offer the following suggestions to those interested in
developing a semi-portable tower system. 1. All observers using towers
should be trained to avoid observer bias. This should involve repeated
practice and continued evaluation of their accuracy during the course of
normal research activities. 2. In planning future tower sites, we
recommend that areas under and near power lines and buildings be avoided
because these structures cause signal bounce and difficulties in
distinguishing a null signal. 3. Great care should be taken when
collecting bearing estimates with the tower system when wind speeds
exceed 16 km/br, and no estimates should be recorded when winds exceed
24 km/hr as the null signal can be difficult if not impossible to
The convenience, efficiency, and accuracy of the tower system
provides future investigators with a unique way to collect telemetry
data. The ability to move towers easily allows the best use of a limited
number of antennas, enables investigators a greater choice of tower
locations, and reduces costs by limiting the amount of equipment needed
to adequately cover a study area.
Table 1
Materials and cost for tower and base construction of a semi-portable
radiotelemetry tower built at Prarie Fork Consevation Area, Missouri
Materials Cost
RA-NX-5 Precision Direction Finding Antenna $406 each
Arrays (Telonics, Inc., Mesa, AZ, USA)
9.1 meter telescoping mast model #1830 $50 each
(Channel Master, Smithville, NC, USA)
Rotating steel thrust bearings $170 each
(J&L Technologies, Columbia, MO, USA)
Null combiner box $285 each
(Telonics, Inc., Mesa, AZ, USA)
Cable and adapters, 1 tower $131 each
(Telonics, Inc., Mesa, AZ, USA)
27.2 kg sacks of concrete, 2 per base $6.00 each
Various bolts, nuts, washers, wood, nylon, $40 each
rope, steel cable, steel posts, etc.
Total Material Costs per tower $1,070 each
Total Material Costs per base $18 each
Total Cost One Working Tower System $1,088 each
We thank all of those individuals who helped with the construction
and implementation of the tower design and assessment; C. Rittenhouse,
J. Sumners, B. Washbum, and B. Woeck. Funding for this study was
provided by the Prairie Fork Conservation Fund administered by the
Missouri Department of Conservation and The School of Natural Resources,
University of Missouri.
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