Does female education affect fertility behaviour in Pakistan?
Sathar, Zeba Ayesha
The study explores the relationship between female education and
fertility in Pakistan and is based on data from the Pakistan Fertility
Survey 1975. Only slight differentials were identified between women
with no education and those who had primary or less schooling. However,
women with more than primary education had notably lower fertility. Also
the role of the intermediate variables such as proportions married,
length of breast-feeding and contraceptive use had significant
associations with female education.
Studies on the association between female education and fertility
probably claim one of the largest shares in the body of the existing
literature on the "correlates" of fertility. Several good
reviews are now available on this topic which enable a stock-taking of
the numerous studies to see whether there is any conclusive evidence that education does in fact have an association with fertility [7;10].
The reviews have found that in most cases a negative association
was established between measures of education and fertility. However,
there were cases where no association was found or where it was
non-linear or, contrary to the expectation, non-negative [7]. Also,
questions were raised about the very basis of the studies conducted in
this area: for instance, the 'conceptualization' of education
in most studies was left unclear and therefore any interpretation of the
empirical results was inconclusive and difficult [10]. It was also found
that the level of development of a society probably has a bearing on the
relationship observed, as have the nature of the educational system and
its distribution [26]. Cross-national studies which found an association
between education and fertility were thought to contain the effects of
ethnicity, religion and economic differences where insufficient controls
for these factors were not introduced. These considerations seemed to
encourage the idea that the association between education and fertility
ought to be studied across a population which was relatively homogeneous
with respect to ethnicity, nationality, religion, etc., to eliminate
some of the major sources of spurious correlation. This study is an
attempt to explore whether female education has any impact on fertility
and related behaviour in Pakistan.
A review of the relevant literature specifically on Pakistan found
no association between literacy and fertility when the 1961 Census
district-level data were used [9]. However, two smaller city-based
sample studies found more significant negative associations between the
two variables [1; 28]. An elaborate study based on the National Impact
Survey 1969, which used a simultaneous-equation model, found that
wife's education affected completed family size negatively in rural
areas but did not seem to be relevant in urban areas [13]. This study
included both measures of income and husband's education each of
which has differing effects in rural and urban areas and may be
reflective of interaction between residence and these socioeconomic
variables. In a later study based on PFS data, the number of children
ever born was found to be affected by both respondent's and
husband's educational level but emerged as a significant predictor
only in cases in which the man or woman had secondary or higher
education [6].
The Educational System in Pakistan
The educational system is a legacy of the British system, though
after nearly 40 years of independence it has been altered by the
infusion of many Islamic and Pakistani cultural ideas and influenced by
changes in national education policy. Most educational institutions are
publicly financed, though the higher education is more heavily
subsidized than primary schooling [16]. Despite Government citations of
priority to be attached to the achievement of universal primary
schooling, intrasectoral funds have been allocated in such a way as to
create a "top-heavy" educational system.
On the whole, expenditure on education in Pakistan has been quite
low, even meagre in comparison with the corresponding expenditure in
other Asian countries [27]. Due to high fertility there is a large
geometric increase in the numbers constituting the school-age population
and this implies that educational facilities have to be constantly
stepped up rather than kept constant just to keep proportions of
educational attainment the same. The percentage of GNP apportioned to
education has in fact not risen very much and though the absolute
numbers of teachers, schools and students have increased since 1950,
there was still a 75-percent illiteracy in Pakistan in 1972 [15].
About three-fourths of the population resides in the rural areas,
whereas most schools and almost all colleges and universities are
situated in the major towns and cities. Thus, illiteracy is very
prevalent in the rural areas and 85.7 percent of the population aged ten
or more was illiterate there: the corresponding percentage of the
illiterate in urban areas was 58.5 [15]. Apart from the problem of
shortage of schools and teachers in the rural areas, there is the more
neglected problem of what is taught in most schools. The curriculum is
not revised regularly, and learning by rote is encouraged. The
irrelevance of the curriculum to the lives of most rural children is
thought to be a strong reason for the high drop-out rate in primary
The most important aspect of the educational system, from our point
of view, is the strikingly low educational achievement amongst Pakistani
females. The literacy rate amongst females aged ten and over was 11.6
percent; in rural areas this rate was a meagre 4.7 percent while in the
urban areas it was 30.9 percent in 1972 [15]. (1) The rude fact is that
hardly any girls at all attend school in the rural areas: some reasons
for this are that in an Islamic society it is much preferred that
females and males be segregated, especially after puberty. Segregation
is a mechanism adopted to ensure sexual chastity and purity--a state
very closely tied up with the concept of "honour" amongst
Muslim families. This is not to say that all females beyond the age of
puberty observe purdah but that a certain modesty in dress and a strong
encouragement of segregation do prevail in the society. This, coupled
with the facts that girls are expected to marry early and very few women
(around 10 percent) participate in the labour force, is usually thought
to be responsible for the lower demand for the schooling of girls in
Pakistan. However, the society is undergoing social and economic changes
and the attitude of parents towards the schooling of their daughters is
likely to change as has already happened in urban areas. This change is
reflected in the larger differences in female literacy across urban and
rural areas at the 1981 Census. According to that census, urban female
literacy went up to 37.3 percent as compared to 7.3 percent for rural
areas. The reader must be cautioned that the census figures have not yet
been fully tested for comparability with earlier censuses.
To sum up, Pakistan seems to have an educational system which
disfavours the chances of females, particularly those residing in rural
areas, being schooled. The fault for this lies in both the low demand
for education amongst this group and the low expenditure allocated to
the sector.
Conceptualization of Education
One major issue which also emerged from reviews of the literature
on education and fertility is that much of the analysis and
interpretation of the empirical results depended on the discipline of
the researcher. For instance, years of schooling are assumed by
economists to have indirect effects on a couple's family size
through (a) the effect of total earnings a couple has at its disposal
and (b) the effect on the opportunity cost of the time required to raise
children. If children are time-intensive, the second of these effects is
predicted to act to reduce a couple's fertility desires whereas the
first would imply that fertility would rise with earnings as long as
children remain, in the economic sense, normal goods. Thus, with this
orientation both a positive and a negative association between education
and fertility can be rationalized.
Sociologists would interpret a positive and a negative association
quite differently. For example, in a Turkish study a positive
relationship between husband's education and fertility and a
negative one between wife's education and fertility were
interpreted accordingly: since there were so few educated women there,
they represented a very special cultural and socio-economic elite whose
sex-role definitions were likely to be different from those of the rest
of the population. Consequently, larger fertility differentials were
identified. On the other hand, in the case of husbands, well-educated
Turkish men were not expected to depart as much from their conventional
sex-roles, and their fertility was less likely Co be different [20].
We are influenced by the latter approach and mean to adopt a
woman's level of education as a measure of her relative access to
socio-economic status in the society. Each additional level of
educational attainment is thought to represent greater access to a more
"modern" experience and a higher standard of living.
"Modern" is used to encompass characteristics like a more
positive attitude towards controlling family size, better spousal
communication, and improved prospects of marrying a more educated man,
of having a more equal relationship and of having alternative vocations,
such as work and study, rather than being wholly confined to motherhood.
Living standard is expected to be positively associated with educational
level because higher education is found to assure better access to jobs,
especially the white-collar ones [18]. For educated women it probably
does not represent their own potential or actual income as much as it
reflects the income of their husbands or parents. We acknowledge the
difficulty of isolating the true "independent" effect of
education on fertility and concede that we are unable to do so because
of data constraints. We will in the paper always refer to the effect of
education not as that of the content of learning on fertility but as one
which is representative of all the features which lead to its
acquisition in Pakistan. (2)
Thus the points to be investigated are (a) whether any
differentials by education do exist in Pakistan, (b) whether educated
women show any motivation to want to have fewer children, (c) whether
they have better access to methods of fertility control, and (d) whether
there are any natural constraints which give rise to fertility
differentials across the education groups.
The Pakistan Fertility Survey of 1975 was utilized for most of the
research findings included in this paper. Details of the survey are
available in the First Country Report, which included a national sample
of 4952 ever-married women [17]. The three groupings made of educational
levels consist of women (i)with no education, (ii) with primary or less
education, and (iii) with more than primary education. They comprised
86.7 percent, 7.7 percent, and 5.6 percent, respectively, of the sample
of ever-married women. The group with more than primary schooling in
particular and even the group with primary or less education may be more
subject to sampling errors because of their smaller numbers of
Table 1 presents the age-specific fertility rates and the
age-specific marital fertility rates for women with no education, those
with primary or lower education, and those with more than primary
schooling, for the period five years before the survey. It appears that
the differentials are more marked in the TFR whereas marital fertility
rates are not as different across the three groups. This is attributable
to the fact that major differences in fertility across the groups are
caused by variation in the nuptiality behaviour.
Though there seems to be a slightly negative association between
educational level and fertility, the effect is more apparent only for
those women who achieve higher than primary schooling. These latter
women have three children less than women without any schooling. Those
women who have university schooling may have still lower levels of
fertility but their very small sample size does not permit calculation
of fertility rates for them separately.
The marital fertility rates seen in Table 1 are difficult to
interpret because of differences in age at marriage across the three
groups. The duration-specific fertility rates seen in Table 2 permit a
comparison of fertility within marriage when duration of marriage is
allowed for. Once more it is the group of women with more than primary
education which has the lowest marital fertility; the other two groups
have more similar levels of marital fertility. It is noteworthy that in
the first five years of marriage the most educated group has a much
higher level of fertility, reflecting to some extent the more rapid pace
of childbearing of those who marry later [22]. After twenty years of
marriage, women with no education have 6.1 children whereas those with
primary or less education and those with more than primary schooling
have 5.9 and 5.4 children, respectively.
Thus far the discussion has concerned differentials in recent
fertility. We look now in Table 3 at cumulative fertility, which is
measured by the number of children ever born to women belonging to a
certain cohort up to the time of the survey, and the differentials by
the level of mother's education. A clear inverse relationship is
found between mean parities for all women by educational level, with
only a handful of exceptions.
For ever-married women, mean parities show a mixed picture: for the
age group 20-24, mean parity of the most educated group is somewhat
higher than for the intermediary group and once again for the age group
30-34, mean parity is higher for the intermediary group than that for
the uneducated group. The overall means, however, point to an inverse
relationship. Apart from considering age as a control it is essential to
assess whether age-at-marriage differentials may be causing differences
in fertility across educational groups. Another important confounding
factor may well be residence. As pointed out in the introduction, about
three-fourths of the population in Pakistan, despite recent rapid
urbanization, lives in rural areas and the chance of acquiring education
is much lower in rural areas. Table 4 presents the mean of children ever
born, unadjusted and then adjusted in turn for age, age at marriage and
residence. (Adjustment was made using Multiple Classification Analysis
where the number of children ever born was the dependent variable and
age, age at marriage and residence were introduced as independent
factors in turn.) Allowing for age and age at marriage reduces the
educational differentials for the mean number of children ever born
whereas the addition of residence to these controlling variables
actually enhances the differentials. This is thought to be due to the
stronger negative effect of education on rural fertility and the higher
marital fertility in urban areas.
Thus far fertility rates have been compared on the basis of live
births per woman or by children ever born. In many respects it is
important also to look at measures of how many children women can expect
to lose through infant and child mortality as it can be argued that the
number of surviving children is crucial in terms of a family's
fertility desires. Infant mortality is very high (140 deaths per 1000
live births) despite falls in mortality. It has often been argued that
such high levels of infant mortality are conducive to high fertility as
parents, by having a large family, seek to ensure that at least a
certain number of their children will survive till adulthood [19]. The
argument presumes volitional behaviour which, though intuitively
acceptable, is hard to establish in a largely natural fertility regime
like Pakistan's. Such considerations are likely to motivate
educated parents to have fewer births to ensure that their children have
a greater likelihood to survive. Table 5 shows that educated mothers do
in fact experience much lower levels of infant and child mortality.
Interestingly enough, the sex differential in infant mortality is
reversed in the case of educated women, with female children of educated
mothers having a better chance of surviving till the ages of 1 and 5.
Most parents in traditional societies favour having large families
and concurrently with high infant mortality an even larger number needs
to be borne to ensure that the desired number survives. If the impact of
infant mortality is experienced more acutely by uneducated mothers, it
should be one of several reasons why they desire a larger number of
children than are desired by educated women. Table 6 shows figures
representing fertility desires amongst educated and uneducated women. It
is clear that as far as answers to questions about preferences for
family size are representative of actual desires, educated women seemed
to want smaller families. This holds true even when age or the number of
living children is controlled. Thus there is evidence that educated
women in Pakistan reported consistently lower fertility preferences.
The Intermediate Fertility Variables
Any actual effects of education on fertility are transmitted
through a set of variables referred to as intermediate variables.
Although the influence of these variables on fertility is direct, it is
not necessarily in the same direction: some may influence fertility in a
positive way, while others inhibit it. A large amount of fertility
variation is found to exist across societies and within sub-groups
constituting them. Some of the variation can be explained by the degree
of fertility control used but some differences are attributable to
differing levels of natural fertility in the societies in question [11].
This variation in 'natural fertility' lies in differences in
the intermediate variables which collectively determine the levels of
fertility in a society.
The framework of intermediate variables outlined by Davis and Blake
[8] is followed broadly to discuss some of the factors which may explain
the impact of education on behaviour which leads to these differences in
fertility. Age at marriage and effective entry into a sexual union have
already been mentioned as factors responsible for a large proportion of
the differences in fertility by education. Permanent celibacy is almost
non-existent amongst Pakistani women and regardless of educational
attainment most women marry by the age of 35. This characteristic may
change with more profound changes in economic circumstances; as females
become more independent financially and suitable marriage partners
become more difficult to find, educated women may excercise the decision
not to marry. Table 7 presents the proportions of females ever married
by educational level along with the singulate mean age at marriage for
these groups.
The differences in singulate mean age at marriage and proportions
marrying at earlier ages are indeed striking. The positive relationship
between educational level and age at marriage is not entirely due to
postponement of marriage owing to school attendance because even the
event of having completed primary education leads to a rise in the mean
age at marriage. Much of the effect of schooling on later age at
marriage is thought to be indirect [12]. Such similar considerations as
changes in attitudes and values and economic reasons which lead to
higher age at marriage amongst educated women may be operating through
residence: urban women were found to be marrying a year and a half later
than rural women [2]. Entry into union is later for educated women but
in actual fact the reported date of marriage may be the official
ceremony (nikah) which may transpire earlier than cohabitation (rukhsati). It is more likely that when age at marriage is higher, as in
the case of educated women, the gap between the two occasions will be
smaller than in the case of women who marry very early, especially
before puberty.
Within a union, exposure is determined by levels of involuntary or
voluntary infertility. Several post-partum practices are thought to lead
to quite long spacing between births of children. For instance, both the
practice of post-partum abstinence of at least 40 days prescribed in
Islam and the frequent absence of the wife to deliver children in her
maternal home can lead to large gaps before normal level of intercourse
is resumed after a birth. Although no direct evidence is available for
such behaviour in Pakistan, there is evidence from other traditional
societies which indicates that rural and uneducated women are more
likely to adhere to longer post-partum periods of abstinence than
educated, urban women [5]. Similar patterns could apply in Pakistan and
consequently lead to longer spacing between births in rural areas and
amongst uneducated women. The evidence supporting this is positive [22].
Longer spacing would, of course, act to inhibit fertility levels of
uneducated women.
Spousal migration is another source of involuntary abstinence; male
migration from rural to urban areas is a very common phenomenon in
Pakistan. Often men and their families are separated for a full year or
more. External migration, especially to the Middle East, has become very
common recently. Once again mostly males alone (regardless of marital
status) migrate. Over prolonged periods, this is bound to have some
reducing effect on fertility but we need data on length of stay before
we may be able to make any accurate assessment of this effect. However,
it is worth mentioning that spousal separation is likely to affect
uneducated and rural women more than educated urban women, as most
educated persons who migrate usually do so with their families to the
Western countries. Thus, the lowering of their fertility would be
inconsequential to the fertility levels of Pakistan as a whole.
Coital frequency is a factor which strongly affects fecundability but is very hard to measure. Direct questions on this subject have never
been asked in Pakistan; however, we may speculate that those living in
extended households do have very little privacy and this may inhibit
coital frequency. But overcrowding in nuclear households and the likely
presence of older children in the same room may also be an inhibiting
factor. There is, of course, no reason to believe that except under
different constraints of sleeping space, educated couples will have
lower or higher coital frequency than uneducated ones. An attempt to
estimate fecundability indirectly seemed to indicate that the group with
more than primary schooling has much higher fecundability [22]. But this
finding may well have been influenced by the effects of possible earlier
cohabitation after marriage amongst educated women.
There are a number of factors associated with sterility, which is
of three kinds: adolescent, primary and secondary. The first affects
girls who marry at very early ages and is temporary; educated women are
less likely to be affected by it as they marry much later. Primary
sterility usually affects a small proportion in each population who can
never bear any children. Secondary sterility is the decline of fecundity in the later period of childbearing as women approach menopause. The
only evidence of adolescent sterility is the lower proportion of women
who conceive within one year of marriage among those who marry before
the age of 15. The prevalence of primary sterility is estimated by
proportions childless after age 35: it was found that 3.9 percent of
those with no education, 4.3 percent of those with primary or less
schooling, and 6.4 percent with more than primary schooling had no
births. This seemed to suggest a positive association between sterility
and level of education, but owing to the small numbers on which the last
percentage is based, this finding is subject to sampling errors. Among
women above age 35, the corresponding women who answered negatively to
the question whether or not she and her husband could have another birth
if they wanted amounted to 12 percent, 6 percent and 5 percent. These
data point to the more expected negative association between level of
education and sterility, at least as it was perceived by the women
Most women become totally sterile by the age of 50 but the average
age at menopause has been found to vary across societies [11]. It is
especially difficult to estimate the average age at menopause because
older couples are thought to practise abstinence in the presence of
married children, especially grandchildren, in the same household.
Moreover, voluntary and involuntary causes of the onset of secondary
sterility are hard to discern. About 32 percent of women above 35, with
negligible differences across educational groups, who were not
practising any form of contraception, reported no births in the last 5
Another important source of infecundity is caused by post-partum
amenorrhoea which directly determines the length of birth intervals.
Breast-feeding is found to be strongly positively correlated with the
amenorrhoeic period after the birth of a child. It was found that most
women in Pakistan breast-feed all of their children but the average
length of lactation varies by age and socio-economic characteristics of
the mother. Reported lengths of lactation are hard to interpret because
women who report long periods of breast-feeding may have in fact begun
to rely partially at least on other feeds such as powdered milk.
Artificial feeding has been encouraged in urban areas by widespread
advertisement, and it may be more likely that urban and educated women
may be combining and/or substituting breastfeeding with other feeds
which may be more popular owing to the advice of doctors, clinics, etc.
Since the amenorrhoeic effect of lactation probably operates through the
intensity of suckling, introduction of supplementary feeding may reduce
this effect. Variations in lactational behaviour then become a major
explanatory variable of differences in potential fertility across
educational groups.
Some problems of measuring the length of lactation are discussed
elsewhere [14; 24]; the main aspect of lactation in which we are
interested is its relationship with infecundability. Here we have used
Bongaarts's formula to estimate lactational infecundability.
i = [e.sup.0.56126] + 0.1396 x - 0.001872 [x.sup.2]
where x is the median length of lactation [4]. It was found that
the average period of infecundability was 17.6 months for women without
schooling and 13.0 months for those with primary or less schooling. The
equivalent figure could not be computed directly for women who had more
than primary schooling because of their small numbers, but it is
expected to be shorter than 13 months. Thus, it seems evident that
length of breast-feeding, which strongly reflects differences in social
and personal behaviour, is associated with educational level. However,
unlike marriage behaviour, the association of educational level and
breast-feeding leads to fertility-increasing effects through reduced
periods of lactational infecundability.
As mentioned earlier, levels of fertility are also determined by
the degree of deliberate attempts to control fertility as well as levels
of natural fertility. The level of reported contraceptive use in
Pakistan is generally found to be very low: only 10 percent of currently
married women report ever using any method while about 7 percent report
current use [25]. A strong, direct relationship was identified between
contraceptive use and women's educational level. While 5.9 percent
of women who have no education report current use, the corresponding
figures for those women with primary or less education and for those
with more than primary education are 12.9 percent and 29.1 percent,
respectively. Also, educated women are found to be more knowledgeable
about contraceptive methods than uneducated women owing to their greater
exposure to mass media and the spread effect of information through
friends, relatives, etc.
Another source of variation of fertility would be the differences
in adoption of abortion as a way of dealing with unwanted pregnancies.
It is interesting to report that although questions were asked about
both spontaneous and induced abortions, not a single woman in the PFS
reported an induced abortion. Strong taboos in a religious society like
Pakistan may be preventing a woman from admitting having an abortion to
a stranger but undoubtedly some must take place if for no other reason
than the medical ones. Abortions are legally permissible on medical
grounds, although there is a strong social pressure against it. It may
be possible that induced abortions are being reported as spontaneous,
especially in rural areas where self-inducement methods are more
widespread as compared to clinic abortions which would have been more
clearly discernible as induced abortions. But this is hard to confirm.
If the incidence of abortion is expected to be correlated with
socio-economic status and, consequently, with education, the lack of
data on this topic then undoubtedly presents a gap in the explanation of
differential fertility.
The average number of wasted pregnancies per woman was higher
amongst educated women than among uneducated women. This is surprising
as we would expect better health conditions amongst educated women who
should consequently experience a lower foetal loss rate. Also, it would
be expected that educated women have a smaller number of pregnancies on
average than uneducated women and the only possible explanation of
higher levels of pregnancy wastage amongst educated mothers would be
more marked omissions in reporting of foetal loss by uneducated women.
Finally, we utilize the Bongaarts framework developed to analyse
the effect of the major intermediate variables on fertility and to
assess their impact on differentials in fertility by education [3]. The
four variables selected by Bongaarts, on the basis of the sensitivity of
fertility to variation within them, are proportions married amongst
females, contraceptive use, prevalence of induced abortions and duration
of post-partum infecundability. They are each measured by an index which
takes on a value between zero and one; when the particular intermediate
variable has no inhibiting effect its index acquires a value of one and
if inhibition is complete it acquires a value of zero.
Table 8 presents Bongaarts's indices, wherever calculable for
different levels of educational attainment. The index for abortion could
not be computed owing to no reported incidence of abortion as discussed
Since the model is multiplicative, the overall effect of
respondent's education on Ci and Cc is to cause little difference
in marital fertility between women with no education and those with less
than primary education. Undoubtedly differences may have been larger in
the case of women with more than primary education, but Ci could not be
computed for that group and we arbitrarily use a figure of .670 (as Ci
for women of this group is bound to exceed that for women of the
"primary or less schooling" group by at least as much as the
Ci for the latter women exceeds that for uneducated women) and it points
to the much stronger impact of Ci and Cc on this most educated group.
Once Cm is introduced into the model, estimated differentials are
slightly greater between the uneducated and "primary or less
schooling" groups but are greater still for the "more than
primary schooling" group.
It therefore appears that there are some significant associations
between educational level of women and their attitudes and behaviour
related to fertility. Educated women marry later, desire fewer children
'bear fewer births', lose less children through death at
earlier ages, breast-feed for shorter durations, and use contraception
more than uneducated women. The sometimes conflicting effects of the
intermediate variables, associated with particular levels of education
on fertility, explain to some extent why every additional level of
education may not be associated with a reduction in fertility. For
instance, education in Pakistan is associated with shorter lengths of
post-partum amenorrhoea and consequently earlier resumption of menses,
which lead to shorter birth intervals and higher marital fertility. Less
frequent spousal separation and higher fecundability (though just
speculated as being associated with educated women) would also have
fertility-increasing effects. On the other hand, later ages at marriage,
lower proportions married and higher contraceptive use are associated
positively with increased education and have a fertility-reducing
An interesting finding was that women in urban areas had higher
marital fertility than women in rural areas with equivalent levels of
education. It was found that in contrast to most other countries the
impact of education was greater in rural areas than in urban areas [7].
Marital fertility has already been established to be higher in urban
areas [6; 21] and is thought to be due to the breakdown in traditionally
long periods of breast-feeding and abstinence that prevail in rural
areas. But another factor at work may be the differences in the
educational structure in urban and rural areas. Thus the smaller chances
of acquiring any education for rural females compared to those for the
urban ones may imply that a different relative socio-economic status
would be related with the same educational level in the two areas. This
idea is highly credible, as even a minimal level of education amongst
rural females would reflect a higher socio-economic status and stronger
motivation of parents to send their daughters to school than prevail in
urban areas where there are more schools and the overall motivation to
educate children of both sexes is generally greater.
Therefore, in conclusion we are inclined to think that female
education does in fact bear an association with fertility, owing to the
fact that it is strongly interwoven with other social and economic
measures such as class, income, modernization, residence, etc. However,
the effects of education thus far in Pakistan are seen more clearly in
differences in measures of the intermediate variables, rather than in
actual fertility differentials. This lack of differentials is thought to
be largely due to very few women in the sample with more than primary
education, the level which seems to be critical for changes in fertility
behaviour. The proportion of females that reaches this level of
education continues to be very small owing to the lack of a rapid enough
increase in enrolment rates. Thus the Government ought to bear in mind
that only very concerted efforts at raising overall educational levels
of females, at least beyond primary schooling, will bring about changes
in national levels of fertility. At least until now the achievements in
educating women in Pakistan have not contributed significantly to
lowering fertility in the country.
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[9.] Duza, B. "Differential Fertility in Pakistan". In W.
Robinson (ed.), Studies in the Demography of Pakistan. Karachi: Pakistan
Institute of Development Economics. 1967.
[10.] Graff, H. "Literacy, Education, and Fertility, Past and
Present: A Critical Review". Population and Development Review.
Vol. 5, No. 1. 1979.
[11.] Henry, L. "Some Data on Natural Fertility".
Eugenics Quarterly. Vol. 8, No. 2. 1961.
[12.] Karim, M. "Female Nuptiality and Fertility in
Pakistan". Unpublished Ph.D. Thesis, Cornel University. 1980.
[13.] Khan, M. Ali, and I. Sirageldin. "Education, Income and
Fertility in Pakistan" Economic Development and Cultural Change.
Vol. 27, No. 3. 1979.
[14.] Lesthaege, R., and H. Page. "The Post-partum
Non-susceptible Period: Development and Application of Model
Schedules". Population Studies. Vol. 34, No. 1. 1980.
[15.] Mahmood, N. "Literacy and Educational Attainment
Levels". Pakistan Development Review. Vol. XVII, No. 3. Autumn
[16.] Pakistan. Planning Commission. Working Papers for the Fifth
Five Year Plan (1977-83) Parts I and II. Islamabad. October 1976.
[17.] Pakistan Population Planning Council. World Fertility Survey:
Pakistan Fertility Survey. Islamabad. 1976.
[18.] Pasha, H., K. Hyer and R. Arshad. "Education and
Employment in Pakistan". In Employment Planning and Basic Needs in
Pakistan, Report of a National Conference held at Islamabad, May 1978.
[19.] Preston, S. (ed.), The Effects of Infant and Child Mortality
on Fertility. New York: Academic Press. 1978.
[20.] Research Triangle Institute. "Turkish Fertility: A
Review of Social and Economic Correlates". Research Triangle Park,
N. Carolina. 1972.
[21.] Sathar, Z. "Rural-Urban Fertility Differentials:
1975". Pakistan Development Review. Vol. XVIII, No. 3. Autumn 1979.
[22.] Sathar, Z. "Birth Spacing in Pakistan". Paper
presented in the WFS Workshop in East-West Center, Honolulu (Hawaii).
[23.] Sathar, Z. "Education and Fertility in Pakistan".
Unpublished Ph.D. thesis, University of London. 1982.
[24.] Shah, I. "Socio-Economic Differentials in
Breastfeeding". In Iqbal Alam and Betzy Dineson (eds.), Fertility
in Pakistan: A Review of Findings from the Pakistan Fertility Survey.
Voorburg, Netherlands: International Statistical Institute. 1984.
[25.] Shah, N., and M. Shah. "From Non-use to Use: Prospects
of Contraceptive Adoption in Pakistan". In Iqbal Alam and Betzy
Dineson (eds.), Fertility in Pakistan: A Review of Findings from the
Pakistan Fertility Survey. Voorburg, Netherlands: International
Statistical Institute. 1984.
[26.] Timur, S. "Demographic Correlates of Women's
Education". IUSSP Conference, IPC proceedings Vol. III. Mexico.
[27.] World Bank. "Pakistan: Population Planning and Social
Services". Washington, D.C. 1978. (Report No. 2018)
[28.] Zaidi, A. "Fertility in Relation to the Educational
Status of Husbands and Wives in Lahore". Lahore: University of
Punjab. 1962.
(1) The corresponding rates for males were 30.2 percent for all
Pakistan and 22.6 percent and 49.9 percent for the rural and urban areas
(2) The association of husband's level of education and
fertility was also studied, using PFS data, but it was found to be of
far less magnitude than wife's education and was therefore left out
of the discussion.
ZEBA AYESHA SATHAR, The author is Research Demographer at the
Pakistan Institute of Development Economics, Islamabad (Pakistan).
Table 1
Fertility Rates by Educational Level of Women
(0-4 Years before the Survey)
Mother's Marital Fertility Rates
age at
the time Primary More than
of giving No or lower primary
birth education education education
15-19 .311 .316 .384
20-24 .339 .373 .382
25-29 .327 .350 .322
30-34 .266 .218 .205
35-39 .186 .182 .020
40-44 .065 .064 .024
45-49 .011 .011 .000
Fertility 7.53 7.52 6.69
n * 4208 374 272
Mother's Age-specific Fertility Rates
age at
the time No Primary More than
of giving education or lower primary
birth education education
15-19 .174 .112 .031
20-24 .292 .286 .188
25-29 .314 .330 .240
30-34 .259 .208 .185
35-39 .184 .477 .020
40-44 .065 .060 .024
45-49 .011 .000 .000
Fertility 6.46 5.86 3.44
n * 4208 374 272
* Unweighted number of women
Table 2
Duration-specific Fertility Rates by Educational Level
(For period 0-4 years preceding the Survey)
Duration : Years No Primary or More than
since marriage Education less Primary
0-4 .293 .331 .390
5-9 .348 .349 .295
10-14 .314 .317 .207
15-19 .259 .178 .184
20-24 .178 .165 .037
25-29 .070 .081 .032
30-34 .010 .000 .000
Total 7.36 7.11 5.73
n 4203 385 270
No. of Children after
20 years of marriage 6.1 5.9 5.4
Table 3
Mean Parities for Ever-married and All Women * by Age and Education
Age Groups
15-19 20-24 25-29 30-34
No Schooling
Women 1.59 1.97 3.45 5.00
(554) (722) (794) (731)
All women .27 1.65 3.22 4.84
Primary or Less Education
Women 0.54 1.48 3.23 5.19
(57) (71) (68) (58)
All women .14 1.02 2.88 5.05
More than Primary Education
Women .32 1.58 2.32 3.93
(17) (50) (52) (31)
All women .02 .60 1.68 3.21
Age Groups
35-39 40-44 45-49 Total
No Schooling
Women 6.15 7.02 6.93 4.28
(566) (582) (175) (4424)
All women 6.03 6.95 6.96
Primary or Less Education
Women 5.24 6.79 5.43 3.36
(33) (29) (17) (333)
All women 5.11 5.56 5.20
More than Primary Education
Women 4.49 4.85 6.18 2.83
(25) (9) (12) (196)
All women 3.97 4.85 6.18
* Inflated by proportions married.
Figures in brackets represent the number of cases.
Table 4
Mean Number of Children ever born by Mother's Educational Level,
adjusted for Age, Age at Marriage, and Residence
Mean number of children ever born
Mother's Adjusted for age at Adjusted for
Education Unadjusted for age marriage residence
No education 4.28 4.22 4.18 4.19
Primary or less 3.36 3.92 4.12 4.05
More than primary 2.83 3.30 3.88 3.72
Table 5
Infant and Child Mortality by Mother's Education
Mortality No education Some education
Infant mortality ([sub.1]
[q.sub.0]) (1)
All children .146 .120
Males .135 .126
Females .157 .115
Child mortality ([sub.1]
[q.sub.0]) (2)
All children .205 .148
Males .206 .148
Females .205 .147
(1) Rate based on the period of 0-4 years before the survey.
(2) Rate based on the period of 5-9 years before the survey.
Table 6
Mean Number of Children desired, by Mother's Age,
Number of Living Children and Educational Level
A. By Mother's Age
Mean Number of Children desired
when Mother's Age (in years) is
15-19 20-24 25-29 30-34
education 4.2 4.2 4.3 4.3
Primary or
less 3.5 3.4 3.7 4.0
More than
primary 3.3 3.1 3.4 3.4
B. By Number of Living Children
Mean Number of Children desired when
the Number of Living Children is
Education 0 1 2 3
education 4.0 3.9 4.0 4.1
Primary or
less 3.4 3.3 3.5 3.8
More than
primary 3.3 3.2 2.9 3.0
A. By Mother's Age
Mean Number of Children desired
when Mother's Age (in years) is
35-39 40-44 45-49 Total
education 4.5 4.5 4.4 4.3
Primary or
less 3.9 3.7 4.0 3.7
More than
primary 3.2 3.8 3.6 3.3
B. By Number of Living Children
Mean Number of Children desired when
the Number of Living Children is
Education 4 5 6 7+
education 4.4 4.5 4.5 4.8
Primary or
less 3.9 3.8 3.9 4.2
More than
primary 3.4 3.5 3.4 3.4
Table 7
Proportions of Females ever married by Educational Level (1975)
Primary More than
No or less primary
Age Groups education education education
10-14 .017 .000 .000
15-19 .448 .261 .060
20-24 .840 .694 .381
25-29 .933 .891 .724
30-34 .969 .974 .815
35-39 .981 .975 .884
40-44 .990 .966 1.000
45-49 .995 .958 1.000
Singulate Mean
Age at Marriage 19.2 21.4 25.7
Table 8
Bongaarts's Indices by Mother's Educational Level
Mother's Education
Indices No schooling Primary or less More than primary
Cc .946 .882 .734
Ci .603 .635 .670
Cc x Ci .570 .560 .491
Cm .872 .847 .695
Cc x Ci x Cm .497 .474 .324
(1) A value of .670 for Ci for the "more than primary schooling" group
was utilized.
Note: Cm = Index of proportions married; Cc = index of contraceptive
use; Ci = Index of post-partum infecundability; and Ca = Index of
induced abortion.