Consumption and employment effects of income redistribution in Pakistan.
Cheema, Aftab Ahmad ; Malik, Muhammad Hussain
The argument that growth and equality are two opposite objectives
and the conviction that if the former is preferred in the short run, the
latter will automatically follow in the long run, though very popular in
the past, have become somewhat controversial in recent years. Available
evidence from the developing countries does not seem to support the
'trickle down' theory. It is being increasingly felt that the
solution to the problem of poverty does not lie in mere maximization of
the GNP. Economists have now started stressing the need for 'direct
attack on poverty' [6, pp. 42-44] and for specific policies with
growth implications for different groups in the Society [2, p. xiii].
Redistribution of income among different groups is therefore emerging as
an important policy objective in many developing countries, including
The objective of this study is to find effects of the different
income policies that increase the relative income share of the poor on
the composition and level of consumption demand and the level of
employment in Pakistan.
The traditional economic theory assumes that savings and investment
are made primarily by the rich, and if income is transferred, from the
rich to the poor, the latter would consume most of it because of their
higher marginal propensity to consume and this would adversely affect
the future growth of the economy. But this is only one side of the
picture--the negative side. Income redistribution has another important
effect--the demand effect. It is argued that a redistribution of income
in favour of the poor may increase the growth potential of the economy
by stimulating the demand for domestically produced and often relatively
labour-intensive goods. The final and the net effect of a redistribution
policy will, of course, depend on the relative strengths of the saving
effect and the demand effect.
There have been a number of studies including those by Cline [3],
Lopes [9], FAO [4], Soligo [12], and Cheema [1], in which the authors
have examined the demand and employment effects of income
redistribution. The studies by Soligo and Cheema, based respectively on
the data pertaining to 1963-64 and 1971-72, were for Pakistan. The
present study is an attempt to analyse this problem in the light of the
latest available data, which relate to 1979.
The model used in this analysis is based on the following four
assumptions: (i) consumption expenditure on any good is primarily
determined by the level of a family's disposable income; (ii)
relative prices of different commodities do not change significantly,
and for the purpose of this analysis we treat them as fixed; (iii)
people do not reduce their work efforts as a result of income transfers;
and (iv) there exists enough under-utilized capital stock, and there are
no supply constraints.
In order to see the consumption effects of inter-group income
transfers, we divided total consumption expenditure into seven groups,
viz. food and drinks, clothing and footwear, personal effects, house
rent and housing, furniture and fixtures, fuel and lighting, and
miscellaneous commodities. The expenditure on food and drinks was
divided into twelve Sub-groups. The following two consumption functions,
one linear and the other log-linear, were specified for each category.
[X.sub.ij] = [a.sub.i] + [b.sub.i] [Y.sub.j] + [u.sub.ij] ... ...
... ... (1)
ln [X.sub.ij] = [[alpha].sub.i] + [[beta].sub.i] ln [Y.sub.j]
[e.sub.ij] ... ... ... ... (2)
[X.sub.ij] = Average expenditure on commodity i by the households
in the/th income group;
[Y.sub.j] = Average income of the households in the jth income
[u.sub.ij] = Random disturbance term for linear consumption
function; and
[e.sub.ij] = Random disturbance term for log-linear consumption
Since actual data were in terms of group averages and the numbers
of households in different income groups were not the same, estimation
of the consumption functions with the ordinary least-squares (OLS)
method was not expected to yield efficient estimates of the coefficients
because of the problem of heteroscedasticity.
We, therefore, used the GLS method to estimate the above functions
(1). The following other relationships were used to compute the
consumption effects. For illustrative purposes we give here the
log-linear version only.
[[summation].sub.j] [N.sub.j] [X.sub.ij] = [[summation].sub.j]
[N.sub.j] exp. ([[alpha].sub.i] + [[beta].sub.i] ln [Y.sub.j]) ... ...
[[summation].sub.i] [N.sub.j] [X.sub.ij] = [[summation].sub.i]
[N.sub.j] exp. ([[alpha].sub.i] + [[beta].sub.i] ln [Y.sub.j]) ... ...
[[summation].sub.i] [[summation].sub.j] [N.sub.j] [X.sub.ij] =
[[summation].sub.i] [[summation].sub.j] [N.sub.j] exp. ([[alpha].sub.i]
+ [[beta].sub.i] ln [Y.sub.j]) ... ... (5)
Equation (3) expresses aggregate expenditure on commodity i by all
groups, equation (4) denotes aggregate expenditure on all goods by the
jth group, and equation (5) presents total expenditure on all
commodities by all groups.
To compute consumption expenditures corresponding to a new income
distribution we changed the income [Y.sub.j] to [Y.sup.*sub.j]. The
latter denoting the new income level. They [Y.sup.*s.sub.j] were
calculated corresponding to the following policy alternatives:
1. Transfer of income from the richest 10 percent to the poorest 10
percent households.
2. Transfer of income from the richest 20 percent to the poorest 20
percent households.
3. Transfer of income from the richest 20 percent to the poorest 30
percent households.
4. Transfer of income from the richest 30 percent to the poorest 20
percent households.
The rates of income transfers for all these policy alternatives
were simulated between 1 percent and 5 percent. There are different ways
by which the income distribution can be changed. We do not want to go
into the discussion of the actual transfer mechanism, as it is a
separate issue by itself. Once we estimated the consumption functions,
we computed the values for equations (3), (4), and (5) by using the
estimated values of the parameters and the known values of
[Y.sup.*s.sub.j]. Changes in consumption expenditures were then
determined on the basis of the differences between the expenditure
levels corresponding to the initial and the new income levels.
Changes in the composition of consumption demand also have
implications for labour utilization. If the demand increases for
commodities which are produced with relatively labour intensive
technology, then it is expected that some of the unemployed labour force
will be absorbed in the relevant sector. Using the average labour-output
ratios for different commodity groups, we found the number of persons
required for output corresponding to the new level of consumption
The data used in this study were taken from the Household Income
and Expenditure Survey, 1979 [13]. The basic sampling unit in the Survey
was a "household" which was defined as "a single person
living alone or a group of persons who normally live and eat
together". The concept of income used in this study is that of
"disposable income", i.e. the income left after the payment of
all personal taxes. The proportions of sample households in the Survey
for urban and rural areas did not correspond to the actual proportions.
The distributions of households, incomes, and expenditures for the
entire country as given in the Survey are not correct as they have been
computed without assigning appropriate weights to the urban and rural
values. We recalculated these distributions using weighted averages of
the urban and rural values of the relevant variables, the weights being
the proportions of households in the two areas.
As mentioned earlier, the data given in the Survey were for twelve
income groups, and these groups were not of equal sizes. Another
adjustment that we made in the data was to change the initial
classification into deciles which made it easier to analyse the effects
of income transfers from the richest x percent households to the poorest
y percent households. The first and the tenth deciles were subdivided
into two parts to find the average incomes and average expenditures of
the poorest 5 percent and the richest 5 percent households. The
transformations were done with linear interpolation.
A redistribution of income from the rich to the poor can affect
both the level and the composition of the aggregate demand. Whether the
total demand and/or demand for certain commodities will increase,
decrease, or remain constant after income redistribution depends
primarily on the differences in the marginal propensities to consume
(MPCs) of the rich and the poor, and the income elasticities of the
demand for various commodities, which in turn depend on the shapes of
the underlying consumption functions.
We estimated both linear and log-linear versions of the consumption
functions as given in equations (1) and (2) for different commodities. A
test based on the sum of squared residuals was applied to compare the
results of linear and log-linear consumption functions. (2) On the whole
the results for log-linear functions were better and are reported in
Table 1. For the 17 commodities included in this study, income
elasticity was found to be positive, but less than one, in 13 cases.
Only four commodity groups--meat, fish, and poultry; personal effects;
house rent and housing; and miscellaneous goods--had elasticities
greater than one.
The results of the consumption effects of income redistribution
corresponding to different policies show that income transfers from the
rich to the poor will change the composition as well as the level of
consumption demand. The results of this analysis show that income
redistribution in favour of the poor would increase the expenditures on
basic consumption items like wheat, rice, other cereals, pulses, fruits
and vegetables, edible oils, milk, tea and coffee, sugar, clothing and
footwear, fuel and lighting, etc., while the expenditures on meat, fish
and poultry, personal effects, furniture and fixtures, house rent and
housing, and miscellaneous commodities would decrease. The results show
that if one percent of the incomes of the richest 10 percent households
is transferred to the poorest 10 percent households, the total
expenditures on wheat and wheat flour, pulses, and fuel and lighting
will increase by 0.19 percent, but would decrease by 0.31 percent on
personal effects, by 0.08 percent on meat, fish, and poultry, and by
0.12 percent on miscellaneous commodities. If the rate of income
transfer is 5 percent, then expenditure on wheat and wheat flour, and
pulses will increase by 0.84 percent and 0.85 percent respectively, and
would decrease by 1.5 percent on personal effects, and by 0.55 percent
on miscellaneous commodities. The results of other income policies are
all very similar with only a little difference in the numerical
magnitudes. In all cases we see that income transfers from the rich to
the poor leads to an increase in the demand for basic necessities (i.e.
income-inelastic goods) and a decrease in the demand for luxuries (i.e.
income-elastic goods).
Percentage changes in aggregate consumption expenditure with
respect to various policies, positive in all cases, are given in Table
2. The increase in aggregate consumption ranges from 0.046 percent for
income transfer at a rate of one percent from the richest 10 percent to
the poorest 10 percent households, to 0.316 percent for income transfer
at a rate of 5 percent from the richest 30 percent to the poorest 20
percent households. The numerical magnitudes of the changes in
consumption are small in all cases, mainly because of the following
reasons. Firstly, income policies in the present context affect a
maximum of only 30 percent households at either end of the income scale.
Secondly, the level of total income is kept constant throughout the
analysis. Increased consumption by one group is thus at the cost of
consumption of the other. Thirdly, the rates of income transfer for all
policies are very low. Greater percentage changes could be obtained only
by substantial income transfers.
Besides looking at the overall effects of various income
redistribution policies on demand composition another effect of such
policies that we investigated was that of intergroup income transfers on
the consumption levels of households in different income brackets. The
results of this exercise corresponding to all the income policies are
given in Table 3. In the first part of Table 3, we see that while a
one-percent income transfer from the richest 10 percent households to
the poorest 10 percent households decreases the consumption of the
former by less than one percent, it increases the consumption of the
poorest 5 percent households by 8.85 percent. The results are more
dramatic if the rate of income transfer is taken as 5 percent. In that
case, the consumption level of the poorest 5 percent households
increases by as much as 42.97 percent and of the next 5 percent by 32.24
percent corresponding to a reduced consumption by the richest 10 percent
households by less than 5 percent. In the next part we see that when
income is transferred from the richest 20 percent to the poorest 20
percent households, the consumption level of the poorest 10 percent
households increases by a percentage somewhat smaller (31.25) than that
in the previous case. But here the beneficiaries also include 11-20
percent of the poor households whose consumption goes up by 19.46
percent (corresponding to a 5 percent income transfer). Similar changes
in the consumption levels of households in different income groups are
given for other policies when income is transferred from the richest 20
percent to the poorest 30 percent households, or from the richest 30
percent to the poorest 20 percent households. It is quite clear from
Table 3 that in all cases the positive effects of income transfers for
the poor are much stronger than the negative effects for the rich. If
the marginal consumption of the poor is given a greater weight, income
transfers become even more justified on social grounds.
The next question that arises is how to determine whether a
particular policy is better than the alternative policy or not. For
example, is it better to transfer income from the richest 20 percent to
the poorest 20 percent households than to transfer income from the
richest 20 percent to the poorest 30 percent households? To answar this
question we used the following "equal weight social utility
function" suggested by Chenery [2], and computed its values for all
the cases discussed above.
U = 1/N [[N.sub.1] log([C.sub.1]/[N.sub.1]) + [N.sub.2]
log([C.sub.2]/[N.sub.2]) + - - - + [N.sub.n] log([C.sub.n]/[N.sub.n])]
where [C.sub.n], [N.sub.n], and N denote, respectively, total
consumption expenditure of the households in the nth income group, the
number of households in the nth income group, and the total number of
households. The results showed that the value of this function was
highest when income was transferred from the richest 30 percent to the
poorest 20 percent households, in which case the function attained
successively higher values as the rate of income transfer was increased
from 1 percent to 5 percent.
Redistribution of income in favour of the poor can be justified not
only on social but also on economic grounds. There exists ample evidence
that the poor in many developing countries, including Pakistan, are
under-nourished. Results in Table 3 show that consumption levels of the
poorest households can be significantly increased without much adverse
effects on the rich. Increased present consumption may not necessarily
be at the cost of future production as assumed in many growth models, in
which accumulation of physical capital occupies a pivotal position but
the role of other factors, like human capital and improvements in the
quality of labour, is often ignored or grossly understated. The relation
between consumption and productivity is now well recognized in economic
literature. It is argued that in developing countries an increase in
private consumption may have positive effect on productivity. "...
a rise in consumption may improve labour quality and efficiency and
hence allow better use to be made of the existing labour resources. The
consumption of health-improving good should improve the abilities to
work and increase the intensity of work" [10, p. 269]. The argument
has also been supported by empirical evidence. In their study about the
effects of various determinants of labour quality, Galenson and Pyatt
[5] have found that of all the variables included in their model, level
of nutrition, as measured by the daily calories available per head, has
the greatest impact on the growth of output.
As stated earlier, the net increase in the aggregate private
consumption in all the cases is very small. This implies that the
corresponding reduction in personal savings will also be very small.
Assuming that there is no significant change in business and government
savings, income transfers from the rich to the poor will lead to some
reduction in the aggregate national savings, and eventually to a
reduction in the future economic growth. There are now the following
effects of income transfers from the rich to the poor--the nagative
savings effect and the positive effects on demand, employment and
productivity. The net result will, of course, depend on the numerical
magnitudes of these effects. In the extreme case, in which the demand,
employment and productivity effects are negligible, the results of this
study show that the economic cost in terms of reduced saving will still
be very low.
The demand for labour is primarily determined by the demand for
output. Since income redistribution affects both the level and the
composition of demand, and different goods are produced with different
factor intensities, it also affects, though indirectly, the level of
To compute employment effects of different income-transfer policies
we used labour-value added ratios rather than labour-output ratios to
capture, to some extent, indirect labour requirements. The labour-value
added ratios are reported in Appendix Table.
The employment effects of different income-transfer policies are
presented in Table 4. These effects are positive and substantial for all
policies. When income is transferred from the richest 10 percent to the
poorest 10 percent households at a rate of 1 percent, the jobs
additionally generated number 19,313. The level of additional employment
varies directly with the rate of income transfer, and at the 5 percent
rate it amounts to 85,691 new jobs. Employment generation is greater in
the case of income transfer from the richest 20 percent to the poorest
20 percent households than in the case of income transfer from the
richest 10 percent to the poorest 10 percent households. Maximum new
employment is created when income is transferred from the richest 30
percent to the poorest 20 percent households at a rate of 5 percent in
which case it leads to 119,736 new jobs.
To summarise, we did not have complete information about the labour
contents of different commodities. The results based on the labour-value
added ratios as given in Appendix Table show only the minimum increase
in the level of employment. Actual direct and indirect increases in
employment are expected to be higher than are indicated by the values
given in Table 4. On the whole, the employment effect appears to be
quite significant.
In this study we have analysed the effects of alternative income
distributions on the consumption and employment levels in Pakistan.
Starting with the initial distribution of total disposable income we
have studied the implications of four different policies of income
transfer from the richest x percent to the poorest y percent households.
Our results show that any income transfers favourable to the poor will
have positive effects on consumption, social welfare, and employment.
Our analysis shows that redistribution of income from the rich to
the poor households will raise the consumption demand for basic
necessities like, wheat, pulses, edible oils, clothing and footwear,
etc. (categories which were found to be relatively income-inelastic),
while the demand for personal effects; meat, fish, and poultry;
furniture and fixtures; and miscellaneous commodities (categories found
to be relatively income-elastic) would decrease. Increased expenditure
by the poor after income redistribution would outweigh the decreased
expenditure by the rich, and thus the overall effect on aggregate
consumption for all income policies would be positive.
The results also show that the consumption levels of the poor
households can be significantly increased with income redistribution,
without much adverse effects on the rich. A policy that redistributes
income from the richest 10 percent to the poorest 10 percent households
at a rate of 5 percent is expected to raise the consumption level of the
latter group by more than 30 percent at the cost of consumption by the
former group by less than 5 percent. Income transfers of this kind,
besides having welfare implications, may also be expected to have
positive productivity effects.
The employment effects have also been found to be positive and
quite significant for all cases. The results show that within the
framework of this study the employment effects would be highest for the
income policy which transfers income from the richest 30 percent to the
poorest 20 percent households. In that case the level of employment
would go up by 119,736 jobs to meet the increased demand after income
redistribution at a rate of 5 percent. This is quite a high number for a
developing country like Pakistan, where there exist massive unemployment
and underemployment.
The results of this study, though somewhat tentative, show that
income redistribution in favour of the poor may be a sound economic
measure not only to raise the consumption levels of the poorest groups
in the society but also to increase the level of employment and possibly
the level of productivity.
Comments on "Consumption and Employment Effects of Income
Redistribution in Pakistan"
I would first like to thank the organizers of this conference for
having asked me to discuss this most interesting paper.
I had a feeling on reading the introduction that it could have been
somewhat more helpful, at least to me, if it had provided a more
adequate review of the literature. It appears to me that this omission may have been avoided at no great inconvenience. I may point out that in
his survey article of 1975 on income distribution, W. R. Cline had cited
no less than sixteen studies on simulations of income redistribution
effects. In the eight years that have elapsed since that survey was
published, if I am not mistaken, the literature on the subject has grown
several fold.
I would next like to raise what, I suspect, most experts would
consider to be a minor issue about the rationale of the kind of
redistribution exercise contemplated in the paper under discussion. This
exercise proposes to examine the diverse effects of a transfer of money,
i.e. generalized purchasing power, from the purses of the rich to the
pockets of the poor. If one were to review the numerous instruments
actually employed by governments in LDCs to redistribute income, the
utility of simulation exercises like the present one may be somewhat
diminished. For these instruments of redistribution consist mainly not
of transfers of cash, but of the transfers of real goods and services,
which may consist of roads, bridges, electricity, medicine, food, and
the services of doctors, nurses, teachers, and numerous experts. It will
perhaps be agreed that whenever such instruments of redistribution are
employed, the task of determining their impact on consumption is
rendered largely superfluous. At least this may be considered to be the
case for the recipients of the transfers. Of course, this is not to deny
that the validity of the present exercise stands, whenever the transfers
are mediated through cash. Here I may perhaps suggest that it may not be
an altogether trivial exercise to determine the proportions in which
income redistribution takes the two forms in the LDCs.
My next comments risk being regarded as singularly unprofessional
since they refer to some of the assumptions employed by the authors.
While offering these comments, I am not unaware that it is all too easy
to find fault with assumptions.
(i) To begin with, the assumption about the constancy of the
relative prices in the context of direct cash transfers is relatively
harmless, especially if the transfers are not unpardonably generous.
However, I may point out that such a procedure may invite embarrassment
if the redistribution is effected through lowering of the prices of
goods abundantly consumed by the poor. In such a case, it appears to me
that the consumption function to be estimated would perhaps fare better
if it incorporated some variables representing relative prices.
(ii) Continuing on the subject of assumptions, it appears to me
that in terms of the simplest model of household decision-making, a
direct transfer of cash will lead to a diminution of effort if,
considering reasonable human beings, leisure is considered a normal
good. The intuitive value of such a prediction would be manifest if we
considered the cases of such consumers as a poor student who works part
time, or a widow who takes on domestic work, or an indigent retiree who
writes letters for a fee. An extreme example of this effect has been
obvious in the oil-rich countries where income transfers have reduced
the labour force. In view of the above remarks, it appears to me that
the assumption of unchanged effort on the part of welfare recipients may
not be so innocent as to merit being left unmolested.
(iii) Further, consider the assumption of unchanged efforts and
investment with regard to the rich, who under the scheme of
redistribution are likely to be forced into charity. I am told that when
philanthropy is demanded of the rich in this country, they usually
become more zealous in their efforts. But in most cases, the increased
efforts are directed at tax evasion and capital flight. And I am again
told that the rich complete both these activities without any undue
harassment from either the law or their own conscience.
I now come to my last but one observation. Messrs. Cheema and Malik in examining the first-round impact of income distribution have shown
that this increases demand for labour-intensive goods. This good news
may, however, be followed by the bad news of a reversal of this effect
if we incorporate, as Soligo (1973), did the labour requirements of the
not-too-commodious shelters of the rich. Cline (1975), in his survey,
has warned that this exercise commits the sin of double-counting. I must
admit that on my reading of the paper, I have missed any signs of this
Finally, I would like to draw attention to a consequence of income
redistribution which has not been mentioned in the literature, i.e. the
partial literature that has come to my notice. Income redistributions,
where they are substantial, are likely to raise the reservation price of
labour. If such a consequence materializes, this, apart from tending to
lower labour supply, may have the added effect of raising labour cost
with its attendant inducements for substitution of capital for labour.
The last tendency may very well be impertinent enough to undo the good
work that income redistribution is often shown to achieve by increasing
the demand for labour-intensive goods. However, any assessment of the
relative strengths of these often opposite effects must await the
completion of empirical investigations. And these, as is so often the
case, are not always completed while the question is still relevant.
I am sure that in the discussion that is likely to follow, some
distingushed members of this audience will make up for my lack of
expertise and relevance.
M. Shahid Alam
Applied Economic Research Centre, University of Karachi, Karachi
Appendix Table
Labour-Value Added Ratios for Different Commodities
Commodity Average Daily
Added Per
Year in Thousand
Wheat and Wheat Flour .2075
Rice and Rice Flour .2075
Other Cereals .2075
Pulses .2075
Milk and Milk Products .0681
Edible Oils .0119
Meat, Fish, and Poultry .2075
Fruits and Vegetables .2075
Gur, Sugar, Honey, and Sugar Preparations .0209
Tea and Coffee .0360
Tobacco apd Chewing Products .0083
Other Food Items .0176
Clothing and Footwear .0663
Personal Effects .0751
House Rent and Housing .0391
Furniture and Fixtures .0752
Fuel and Lighting .0887
Miscellaneous .0391
Note: The ratios for wheat and wheat flour; rice and rice flour;
other cereals; pulses; meat, fish, and poultry; and fruits and
vegetables are based on figures for employment and the value
added in the agriculture sector for the year 1978-79,
taken from Pakistan Economic Survey [ 141. Ratios for the
service sector are used for house rent and housing, and
miscellaneous items. These ratios are also for the year 1978-79
and are based on data contained in the Pakistan Economic Survey
1141. For remaining commodities, the ratios are computed by
taking relevant categories from the Census of Manufacturing
Industries 1975-76 [15].
[1.] Cheema, Aftab A. "An Analysis of Income Inequality and
some Macroeconomic Implications of Income Redistribution: A Case Study
of Pakistan". Unpublished Ph.D. Dissertation, University of
Cincinnati, Ohio (USA) 1983.
[2.] Chenery, Hollis B., et al. Redistribution with Growth. London:
Oxford University Press 1974.
[3.] Cline, William R. Potential Effects of Income Redistribution
on Economic Growth--Latin American Cases. New York: Praeger Publishers.
[4.] Food and Agriculture Organization. "The Impact on Demand
of Changes in Income Distribution: A Case Study of Eleven Latin American
Countries". Monthly Bulletin of Agricultural Economics and
Statistics. Vol. 21. March 1972.
[5.] Galenson, Walter, and Graham Pyatt. The Quality of Labour and
Economic Development in Certain Countries. Geneva: ILO. 1964.
[6.] Haq, Mahbub ul. The Poverty Curtain. New York: Columbia
University Press. 1976.
[7.] Kennedy, Peter. A Guide to Econometrics. Cambridge, Mass.: The
MIT Press. 1979.
[8.] Koutsoyiannis, A. Theory of Econometrics (2nd ed.). London:
McMillan. 1977.
[9.] Lopes, F. L. "Inequality Planning in the Developing
Economy". Unpublished Ph.D. Dissertation, Harvard University, 1972.
[10.] Meier, Gerald M. Leading Issues in Development Economics. New
York: Oxford University Press. 1964.
[11.] Rao, P., and R. Miller. Applied Econometrics. Belmont,
California: Wadsworth. 1971.
[12.] Soligo, Ronald. Factor Intensity of Consumption Patterns,
Income Distribution and Employment Growth in Pakistan. Houston, Texas:
Rice University. 1973. (Programme of Development Studies, Paper No. 44)
[13.] Pakistan. Federal Bureau of Statistics. Household Income and
Expenditure Survey 1979. Karachi. 1983.
[14.] Pakistan. Finance Division. Economic Adviser's Wing.
Pakistan Economic Survey 1980-81. Islamabad. 1981.
[15.] Pakistan. Ministry of Planning and Development. Statistical
Division. Census of Manufacturing Industries 1975-76. Karachi. n.d.
[16.] Pashardes, Panos. "Income Distribution, the Structure of
Consumer Expenditure and Development Policy". Journal of
Development Studies. Vol. 16. January 1980. pp. 224-245.
[17.] Paukert, F., et al. "Redistribution of Income, Patterns
of Consumption and Employment--A case of Philippines". In Karen R.
Polenske and Jiri V. Skolka (eds.) Advances in Input--output Analysis.
Cambridge, Mass.: Ballinger Publishing Company. 1976.
(1) See Rao and Miller [11, pp. 118-121], Pashardes [6, p. 231],
and Koutsoyiannis [8, pp. 285-290].
(2) The test is discussed in Rao and Miller [ 11, pp 107-111 ]. The
sum of squared residuals of linear and log-linear equations are not
directly comparable and the residuals of linear equations are
transformed to remove the problem of the measurement unit.
HUSSAIN MALIK, Research Economists, Pakistan Institute of
Development Economics, Islamabad (Pakistan).
Table 1
Parameter Estimates of Log-Linear Consumption Functions
Term Elasticity
Commodity ([alpha]) ([beta]) [R.sup.2]
Wheat and Wheat Flour 1.548 0.441 0.999
(7.034) (13.392)
Rice and Rice Flour -2.446 0.799 0.998
(-6.194) (13.524)
Other Cereals -3.467 0.776 0.988
(-5.316) (7.949)
Pulses -0.390 0.482 0.999
(-2.159) (17.820)
Milk and Milk Products -0.946 0.829 0.999
(-2.407) (14.079)
Edible Oils -0.674 0.617 0.999
(-4.287) (26.202)
Meat, Fish, and Poultry -3.943 1.116 0.999
(-16.494) (31.195)
Fruits and Vegetables -1.569 0.777 0.999
(-15.179) (50.305)
Gur, Sugar, Honey, and Sugar -1.231 0.724 0.999
Preparations (-3.385) (32.946)
Tea and Coffee -2.556 0.739 0.998
(-6.916) (13.365)
Tobacco and Chewing Products -2.726 0.859 0.999
(-13.800) (29.038)
Other Food and Items -2.902 0.931 0.999
(-11.221) (24.039)
Clothing and Footwear -0.736 0.767 0.999
(-0.736) (56.703)
Personal Effects -8.018 1.359 0.988
(-39.453) (14.305)
House Rent and Housing -2.829 1.054 0.998
(-8.749) (21.772)
Furniture and Fixtures -5.389 1.147 0.997
(-13.978) (19.874)
Fuel and Lighting 0.190 0.546 0.999
(2.325) (44.615)
Miscellaneous -2.678 1.150 0.999
(-21.103) (60.54)
Note: Values in parentheses are t-ratios of the coefficients under
which they appear.
Table 2
Percentage Change in Aggregate Consumption Expenditure
Rate of Income Transfer
1.0 1.5 2.0
Income Transfer Percent Percent Percent
From the Richest 10% to the
Poorest 10% Households 0.046 0.069 0.093
From the Richest 20% to the
Poorest 20% Households 0.060 0.089 0.116
From the Richest 20% to the
Poorest 30% Households 0.056 0.080 0.106
From the Richest 30% to the
Poorest 20% Households 0.077 0.110 0.142
Rate of Income Transfer
2.5 3.0 5.0
Income Transfer Percent Percent Percent
From the Richest 10% to the
Poorest 10% Households 0.115 0.137 0.212
From the Richest 20% to the
Poorest 20% Households 0.114 0.170 0.269
From the Richest 20% to the
Poorest 30% Households 0.132 0.158 0.251
From the Richest 30% to the
Poorest 20% Households 0.175 0.205 0.316
Table 3
Percentage Changes in Total Consumption Expenditures of Different
Income Groups After Income Transfer from the Rich to the Poor
Rate of Income Transfer
Income Transfer Households
Policy (Quintiles) 1.0% 1.5% 2.0%
Transfer of Poorest 5% 8.83 13.19 17.52
Income from the 6-10% 6.57 9.84 13.07
Richest 10% to
the Poorest 10% 91-95% -0.88 -1.33 -1.77
Households Richest 5% -0.92 -1.39 -1.86
Transfer of Poorest 5% 6.37 6.87 12.68
Income from the 6-10% 4.74 7.10 9.46
Richest 20% to 11-20% 3.93 5.89 7.84
the Poorest 20%
Households 81-90% -0.87 -1.30 -1.74
91-95% -0.88 -1.33 -1.77
Richest 5% -0.92 -1.39 -1.86
Transfer of Poorest 5% 4.26 6.38 8.50
Income from the 6-10% 3.09 4.73 6.32
Richest 20% to 11-20% 2.63 3.93 5.27
the Poorest 30% 21-30% 2.21 3.38 4.42
81-90% -0.87 -1.30 -1.74
91-95% -0.88 -1.33 -1.77
Richest 5% -0.92 -1.39 =1.86
Transfer of Poorest 5% 8.12 12.13 16.11
Income from the 6-10% 6.04 9.03 12.01
Richest 30% to 11-20% 5.01 7.49 9.98
the Poorest 20%
Households 71-80% -1.86 -1.29 -1.72
81-90% -0.87 -1.30 -1.74
91-95% -0.88 -1.33 -1.77
Richest 5% -0.92 -1.39 -1.86
Rate of Income Transfer
Income Transfer Households
Policy (Quintiles) 2.5% 3.0% 5.0%
Transfer of Poorest 5% 21.82 26.11 42.97
Income from the 6-10% 16.30 19.52 32.24
Richest 10% to
the Poorest 10% 91-95% -2.21 -2.65 -4.43
Households Richest 5% -2.32 -2.78 -4.65
Transfer of Poorest 5% 15.82 18.84 31.25
Income from the 6-10% 11.79 14.13 23.38
Richest 20% to 11-20% 9.80 11.74 19.46
the Poorest 20%
Households 81-90% -2.17 -2.6 -4.34
91-95% -2.21 -2.65 -4.43
Richest 5% -2.32 -2.78 -4.65
Transfer of Poorest 5% 10.59 12.70 21.00
Income from the 6-10% 7.88 9.46 15.67
Richest 20% to 11-20% 6.55 7.84 13.02
the Poorest 30% 21-30% 5.51 6.61 10.98
81-90% -2.17 -2.6 -4.34
91-95% -2.21 -2.65 -4.43
Richest 5% -2.32 -2.78 -4.65
Transfer of Poorest 5% 20.07 24.01 39.54
Income from the 6-10% 14.98 17.93 29.65
Richest 30% to 11-20% 12.46 14.91 24.70
the Poorest 20%
Households 71-80% -2.15 -2.58 -4.31
81-90% -2.17 -2.60 -4.34
91-95% -2.21 -2.65 -4.43
Richest 5% -2.32 -2.78 -4.65
Table 4
Additional Jobs Created Under Different Income Transfer Policies
Rate of Income Transfer
1.0 1.5 2.0
Income Transfer Percent Percent Percent
From the Richest 10% to the
Poorest 10% Households 19,313 28,587 37,665
From the Richest 20% to the
Poorest 20% Households 22,215 33,083 44,326
From the Richest 20% to the
Poorest 30% Households 20,754 30,893 40,995
From the Richest 30% to the
Poorest 20% Households 27,576 40,680 52,768
Rate of Income Transfer
2.5 3.0 5.0
Income Transfer Percent Percent Percent
From the Richest 10% to the
Poorest 10% Households 46,301 54,804 85,691
From the Richest 20% to the
Poorest 20% Households 54,827 65,135 103,605
From the Richest 20% to the
Poorest 30% Households 50,688 60,650 97,670
From the Richest 30% to the
Poorest 20% Households 65,180 76,604 119,736