Agricultural policy issues in Pakistan.
Khan, Mahmood Hasan
Agriculture, in many ways, remains the most dominant activity in
Pakistan. It provides a way of life to almost three-quarters of the
country's population: over 55 percent of the labour force works directly in agriculture and about 30 percent of the Gross Domestic
Product and over 35 percent of the export earnings were contributed by
agriculture in 1983. That three-quarters of the population engaged in
agriculture cannot produce adequate supply of food and fibre at
reasonable prices for the one quarter working in other sectors indicates
a low level of productivity in crop and livestock production.
Agricultural growth in the past 35 years or so has been uneven in terms
of both rates and commodity balances. Also, the benefits from growth
have varied significantly across regions and between farm groups.
Markets and public policy have not always provided the right economic
incentives and environment for sustained and equitable growth.
There is considerable potential for increasing agricultural
production in Pakistan, notably through an efficient use of available
resources and technology. In the short to medium term, increased inputs,
especially fertilizer, combined with better timing of water and simple
improvement in farm practices such as weeding and increased plant
densities, can substantially increase crop output. In the long run,
however, major efforts to strengthen the institutional framework for
incentives will have to be part of a strategy to transform the
agricultural sector. Sustained and equitable structural change in
agriculture would require significant readjustments in the land tenure and land revenue, as well as improvements in agricultural research,
extension, water management, and the marketing system.
As shown by the aggregate growth rates tabulated below, the
performance of agriculture has not been spectacular or stable in the
last 35 years.
Annual Growth Rate
Period (Percent)
1950-1955 16
1955-1960 1.8
1960-1965 3.4
1965-1970 4.1
1970-1975 1.9
1975-1980 3.0
1981-1982 3.3
1982-1983 4.8
These growth rates show that the Fifties were a period of
near-stagnation, followed by the robust growth period of the Sixties
with visible slow-down in the early Seventies and some recovery in the
late Seventies. The first two years of the Eighties have each shown a
healthy growth rate of about 4 percent.
The highly aggregate growth rates in the agricultural sector do
not, of course, reveal several important aspects of growth and
distribution. Firstly, not all sub-sectors of agriculture have
experienced sustained growth, which is amply demonstrated by serious
commodity imbalances within one crop year and over time. Secondly, not
all growth in output, even in those activities in which it has been
experienced in any significant way, has come about because of increased
efficiency or at lower cost. Thirdly, growth experience, even in the
Sixties, was highly uneven between various regions even within one
province, particularly between regions with and without irrigation. Of
course, provinces with limited irrigation facilities and infrastructure
have been similarly handicapped. Finally, farm groups have also been
affected unequally, depending upon their access to land and other
related income-earning opportunities within agriculture. All these
generalizations cannot be demonstrated with precision mainly because of
data problems, but they are supported by a substantial body of evidence
from the primary (farm-level) and secondary (aggregate) data.
While the need for urgent national efforts to improve living
standards has been endorsed by successive governments, public policy on
agriculture has undergone several significant changes. The balance
between private and public domains in agriculture has shifted according
to the political predilections of the ruling party or group. These
changes have, in turn, affected production, employment and income
distribution. An overview of these changes would be useful for
understanding the policy issues of today.
The Fifties can best be described as a period of benign neglect.
Agricultural surpluses of food and fibre of the late Forties and early
Fifties disappeared by the mid-Fifties. Public policy did little to
create incentives for increased efficiency in agriculture.
Following the Martial Law in 1958, several policy changes were
introduced. Adjustments were made in the land tenure system, and tenancy
reforms were introduced. However, the major thrust of the
"pragmatic" strategy of development was on input subsidies and
support prices. Significant surface- and ground-water development,
increasing use of fertilizer and use of the high-yielding varieties in
the late Sixties also made an impressive impact on the yield levels of
most of the major crops. It should also be noted that little or no
consideration was given in this policy to issues of uneven distribution
of growth by regions and unequal distribution of income among farm
This period was followed by about six years of an
"interventionist" public policy, which emphasized the central
role of the State in the production and distribution systems. Changes
were introduced in the land tenure system, followed by public control of
the bulk of marketing and even processing of major agricultural
commodities and distribution of inputs. Agricultural production was
depressed in the early to mid-Seventies for several reasons, of which
uncertain climate for new investment and unfavourable weather were
probably the most significant.
After the imposition of Martial Law in mid-1977, the new government
initiated a policy which has reduced direct State control of several
activities. More recently, the government has adopted an agricultural
strategy which relies less on subsidies and more on support prices for
agricultural commodities. Also, it is designed to divert funds from
subsidies to quick-yielding investments and support services to improve
the effective use of resources in the agricultural sector. It is in some
ways a policy similar to the pragmatic strategy followed in the Sixties
with some sensitivity to small farmers, employment and income
There are many and complex issues in agriculture. For analytical
convenience, they can be devided into:
(i) Agricultural Inputs;
(ii) Agricultural Services; and
(iii) Institutions and Policy Instruments.
Agricultural Inputs
Production and distribution of several agricultural inputs are of
critical importance to expansion of agricultural production. It is
equally important to consider their quality, delivery and cost. We will
here consider only fertilizers, tractors and water. Inputs like quality
seed and pesticides are, of course, also important for rapid
agricultural growth.
Generally, chemical fertilizers in Pakistan are used on a limited
number of crops and mainly in the irrigated areas. To encourage the use
of fertilizers in adequate quantity and with proper nutrient
combination, price subsidy has been used. This subsidy has been absorbed
by the difference between the fixed price paid by farmers and the cost
of domestic and imported fertilizer.
Rapid increases in the cost of production at home and in foreign
markets in the late 1970s increased the burden of fertilizer subsidy
quite significantly. The present government has implemented two
important policy changes. First, it has handed over the distribution of
fertilizers to the private sector, to be sold by either dealers or
cooperatives. Second, it increased sharply the sale prices of most
fertilizers in February 1980. There is little evidence that the price
increase has in fact adversely affected the crop output. It is possible
that the higher cost of fertilizer induced greater care and efficiency
and, with favourable weather, offset the reduction in the quantities
applied. The short-term supply situation looks satisfactory, although
this may be entirely due to the reduced use of fertilizer itself. For
the long term, Pakistan has the raw material, including energy, to
increase domestic production substantially for nitrogenous and
phosphatic fertilizers at internationally competitive prices for both
domestic use and possible exports.
A proper balancing of nutrients in the soil not only requires the
use of chemical fertilizer but also of farmyard manure and green
manuring. While chemical fertilizers have received much attention, there
has been no systematic policy to encourage the use of manure and the
practice of green manuring at the farm level.
The impact of mechanical inputs on growth and agrarian structure
has been a subject of considerable controversy in Pakistan. This applies
particularly to the use of tractors whose number has increased rapidly
since the mid-Sixties. In general, the case for tractors is premised on
the argument that they make agriculture efficient by their positive
effects on (a) cropping intensity, (b) yield level, and (c) land
preparation and post-harvest operations.
On the other hand, there are doubts about some of these positive
effects, particularly on the yield level and multiple cropping. More
importantly, it has been contended that tractorization in Pakistan has
resulted in (a) labour displacement and tenant eviction, and (b)
expansion of holdings which are already large. Implied in these
arguments is the notion that rich peasants and landlords are
increasingly encroaching on lands which were available for cultivation
to poor peasants and share-croppers. While there is no conclusive
evidence on net displacement of labour due to tractors, the position of
share-croppers on the landlord estates has weakened as less of their
time and power of their animals are required for land preparation and
post-harvest operations. The traditional strength of the share-cropper,
represented by his family labour and animal power, has been undermined
as the landlord is now even less willing to share the benefits of new
technology associated with fertilizer-water-seeds-tractors.
The process of tractorization, dominated by large tractors (over 35
HP), owed its inception to pressure from large landowners. It has in
turn led to concentration of tractor ownership on the one hand and
pressure for expansion of area under large holdings, both of landlords
and of rich peasants, on the other. The tractor market, dependent on
imports, has been closely regulated by the federal government. Public
policy has so far consistently favoured the import and use of large
tractors. In fact, a ban on the import of tractors of less than 33 HP
was lifted only in mid-1982. The government has also provided handsome
incentives for the purchase of tractors through (a) reduced import
duties and taxes, and (b) A.D.B.P. loans at low rates of interest. The
tax-credit subsidies have remained high even with rapidly increasing
demand for tractors by large landowners. The price structure of imported
tractors in Pakistan compares favourably with what American farmers pay
in the domestic market.
Irrigation Water
Water is one of the most important inputs constraining
Pakistan's agriculture. The barani (rain-fed) areas provide good
evidence that an inadequate and unstable supply of water can impede the
development of efficient agriculture. In the irrigated areas,
surface-water development has been both impressive and costly. Poor
designing and drainage of irrigation canals in the Indus basin have
created the menace of waterlogging and salinity, which are also
aggravated by poor soil conditions and improper water management at the
farm level.
There are at least three policy aspects of the surface water
system. Firstly, there is the problem of maintaining and rehabilitating
the canals because of inadequate funding and neglect by the provincial
Irrigation Departments. Related to this is the problem of inadequate and
unstable supply of water to users, which is mainly because of a lack of
co-ordination between the provincial Irrigation and Agriculture
Departments. The federal government has recently asked the provincial
governments to establish interdepartmental committees to minimize this
problem. The second serious problem is of water losses in the meandering
watercourses that link canals to the farmers' fields. Considering
these losses, a joint Pakistan--USAID On-Farm Water Management (OFWM)
pilot project was launched in 1977 on selected watercourses in the
Punjab, Sind and the NWFP. It included cleaning, straightening and
partial lining of watercourses, and installation of pukka nukkas
(concrete distribution inlets). The provincial governments have
established technical departments to facilitate this work, and they have
recently enacted Water Users Association Ordinances. It is hoped that
these Associations will facilitate improvement and maintenance of
watercourses within a co-operative framework.
It has been shown, at least in the OFWM pilot project, that a
considerable saving of water and labour can be achieved at reasonable
cost if the water users maintain the improved watercourses. In fact, the
provincial governments, with help from the World Bank, have now a
nationwide project under way to cover most of the watercourses in the
next five to ten years.
Finally, the problem of waterlogging and salinity, serious as it
has been in some areas, is still increasing. The reclamation efforts
have been costly and not entirely satisfactory. Following the
recommendation of the RAP document, prepared by the WAPDA with help from
the UNDP/World Bank, the government has announced its intent to
restructure the Salinity Control and Reclamation Projects (SCARPs),
although the new structure has not been indicated so far.
One important policy change, as least in the sweet-water areas, is
that the public-sector tubewells will be sold to the private sector. For
such a sale, a credit scheme has been prepared. Public sector will now
be involved only in siting wells and laying electric networks. Subsidy
on diesel tubewells will continue in areas where electricity cannot be
provided easily or cheaply.
Agricultural Services
There are several public-sector services which are needed to
improve the production and distribution of agricultural inputs and
commodities. Among these, credit, marketing, education, research and
extension are analysed here.
Credit is the bridge leading from subsistence to cash economy and,
eventually, to investible surplus. Despite the substantial growth of
institutionalized credit in recent years, much of it is still beyond the
reach of many cultivators. Share-croppers are, of course, almost
entirely excluded, as landlords have the only asset that counts as
collateral for loans. Small owners have to go to relatives and
money-lenders. Competition for credit from government sources favours
large landowners, whose needs are not as pressing as those of small
Nationalized commercial banks, Agricultural Development Bank of
Pakistan (ADBP), and Co-operative Banks are now the three major sources
of institutionalized credit. The Co-operative Banks have, in fact, been
involved in a programme of interest-free loans of up to Rs. 6,000 to
owners of 12.5 acres or less. The small-farmer credit scheme has,
however, created the problem of false land registration and petty
corruption. While the supervised and in-kind credit appears
cost-effective and efficient in inducing the use of fertilizer by the
small farmer, there are doubts if rapid expansion of credit can be
mobilized and delivered to the target group.
Also, recovery of the expanded credit may not be easy as the more
recent experience has been on a much smaller volume of credit. Lending
through co-operatives, guaranteed by the provincial governments, may
also lead to the fiscal burden of the government. Commercial banks and
the ADBP are still mainly catering for the long-term credit needs of
large farmers, particularly in financing their purchases of tractors
etc. The basic policy issue, therefore, still relates to the timely
delivery of credit in amounts most needed by small farmers to make them
productive, thus increasing their capacity to repay the loans.
Storage and Marketing
The need for adequate storage of certain agricultural products has
been felt for a long time. Proper storage at the farm and national
levels can stabilize prices and the supply of major food and cash crops
for domestic consumption and exports. Recently, there has been an
increased emphasis on expanding the national storage facilities, both
within the public sector and through co-operatives. However, it has also
been argued that, at least for wheat, a private storage-programme should
be encouraged by the support price mechanism. It has been suggested that
the procurement price of wheat should be increased gradually in the
post-harvest season. This will induce the wheat farmers to improve their
own storage facility and also to save the public sector the enormous
costs involved in building these facilities.
Private markets for agricultural goods are quite fragmented and
many are still unregulated. In the domestic markets the government
participates in varying degrees, and export trade of some agricultural
commodities is entirely in the hands of the public sector. In the last
3-4 years, there has been a definite shift towards a free-market system.
In this, the government has emphasized the need for co-operatives and
public corporations to compete with the private trading-agents. While
the government has expressed a desire to facilitate the private sector
in export trade with planning and guidance provided by the public
sector, no definite programme has been announced. However, the private
sector has been assigned almost total control of marketing inputs like
fertilizers and pesticides. Similarly, the processing of major crops has
been returned to the private sector, from which it was taken away in the
The federal government has increased its involvement in
transporting certain agricultural goods and inputs through the National
Logistics Cell to facilitate the movement of goods to markets which the
private sector alone cannot at present provide.
Education, Research and Extension
Improved organization of existing knowledge about improved farming
methods is urgently needed to increase the farmers' capacity for
higher levels of production and incomes. This will depend largely on
educational facilities and adaptive research for better diagnostic and
technical support system for farmers. These aspects of agricultural
education, research and extension have been very weak in Pakistan.
Agricultural education has expanded quite rapidly, but the standard of
education has probably fallen considerably. Educational institutions at
present are not suitably integrated with research and extension
Agricultural research in Pakistan has faced several problems. For
one thing, the institutional system of research is complex and
fragmented between the federal and provincial governments. There has
been no national review-procedure to evaluate the research work, and
there is considerable duplication of effort. Many gaps in technology
remain even in the area of major crops on which most of the research has
focused. Little emphasis has been placed on adaptive research for major
crops, livestock and farm management. Inadequate funding, weak
institutional framework and lack of appropriate work-environment and
incentives for researchers have also contributed to a poor
research-performance in the country.
The federal government has, by and large, accepted the
recommendations of the World Bank on reorganizing the Pakistan
Agricultural Research Council (PARC) and establishing a co-ordinated
research network around the country. This will also include adaptive
research in fields in which little and fragmented knowledge exists. It
also emphasizes the need to collect and process agricultural economics data, which are at present grossly inadequate in quantity and quality.
The problem of co-ordination between various research facilities within
each province and between provinces is still a serious issue.
A little but correct knowledge can be a wonderful thing. To improve
the management of land and water, an effective extension service,
integrated with a vigorous educational and research system, is
essential. The extension service is unable to provide technical service
and assistance to. farmers on a regular basis for several reasons.
Important among these is the small number of agents, who are too thinly
distributed and who have inadequate mobility, training and motivation.
The Training and Visit (T & V) system of extension has now been
accepted as an effective method of providing the necessary help to
farmers about improved practices. With the help of the World Bank, and
as a part of crop-maximization programmes, the T&V bas been launched
in Sind and the Punjab on a limited basis. The project hopes to cover
about 20-25 percent of the farmers by 1983-84. One of the major
constraints in expanding an effective extension service in Pakistan is
still the lack of funds to recruit, train and supervise extension
agents. No less important perhaps is the problem of delivering it
equally effectively to small and large farmers, as the information agent
follows the size of holding or economic (and political) influence of the
prospective demander of his service.
Policy Instruments
Sustained and equitable growth in the agricultural sector would
require use of several policy instruments. It seems appropriate to
consider at least three of them here.
Land Reforms
The structure of private arrangement on and about land, including
production and marketing activities, and public institutions, including
the fiscal instruments of the State, determine the direction and growth
of agriculture.
Most regions in Pakistan have a highly differentiated structure of
land tenure, in which the small cultivator asymmetrically co-exists with
the large landowner, the share-cropper co-exists with his landlord, and
so on. Participation in the market-place, as in the public-sector
activities, is closely associated with one's position in this
hierarchy of interests on land. It is therefore necessary to examine the
problem of incentives, including price support and subsidies, by first
recognizing the mass of producers who at present do not participate in
the market, as their marketable surplus is small or is acquired by
others as rent.
The land reforms of 1959 and 1972 have not radically altered the
high concentration of landownership in most areas, although they have
given to the tenants increased security of tenure on land. The small
plots cultivated by share-croppers, as in many areas of Sind and in some
areas of the Punjab, suffer from the imposition of high ground-rent by
landlords, who are, by and large, absentee landowners. The small
landowners are also under the pressure of large landowners, who have
enjoyed a visibly high place in the development programmes of the
government and exert most influence on markets and public-sector
activities. Small and marginal landowners also face a serious problem of
land fragmentation, and the consolidation schemes have not been quite
satisfactory. The increasing fragmentation due to rapid population
growth and the Muslim laws of inheritance not only poses a serious
threat to the owners but also represents a considerable economic waste
for the society.
Without a radical readjustment in the land-tenure system, the
target groups of small farmers (owner-cultivators and the landless) will
have to rely on the institutional support available within the present
social system. It is important here to point out that since there is
evidence in Pakistan that small farmers have higher yield-levels and
intensities of land and labour than large farmers, a policy that
supports or encourages the growth of large farms would not necessarily
be prudent. Its adverse consequences for employment and income
distribution are likely to polarize the society beyond repair.
Agricultural Taxation
Indirect taxes on agriculture have been the major means of
transferring a part of the agricultural surplus to the State. One of the
most controversial forms of indirect taxation was the export duties on
cotton and rice, which the government has recently abolished. With
increased support prices for major agricultural commodities, it has
reduced the implied indirect tax as well.
The only direct tax on agriculture is the land tax (called land
revenue), which is charge on the basis of on outdated valuation of net
assets (or net income) of the landowners. The rate does not vary with
the size of landholding, and it has no relationship with agricultural
income. The tax structure is, therefore, rigid and unresponsive to
changes in agricultural production and income. As it yields fixed
amounts of revenue each year, it has fallen considerably as a proportion
of the value of agricultural production and of other revenues.
The previous government introduced in the mid-Seventies some
changes in the land-tax system by raising the rates paid by the
landowners of 12.5 acres or more and exempting from payment the owners
of smaller holdings. It then enacted a law in early 1977, abolishing the
land revenue and replacing it with an income tax system similar to the
one used for non-agricultural incomes. The present government, however,
suspended the new agricultural income tax law and reverted to the land
tax with ad hoc increases in the rate of payment until the Rabi season
of 1982-83.
The introduction of ushr as tax on agricultural ouput from the Rabi
season of 1982-83 has further clouded the issue of direct taxation in
agriculture. Land revenue will still remain as a tax on the agricultural
land of those who as non-Muslims (or even as Muslims) would not be
liable to pay ushr. It is still early to say if ushr, even as a tax on
income, would necessarily transfer a substantial portion of private
incomes to the State. Ushr is clearly a fixed proportion of gross
produce (less expenses), irrespective of the level of production or
income. Also, it is not clear if any part of the ushr revenue would be
available for developmental purposes in rural areas.
In the absence of a progressive direct tax on agriculture,
investible surplus remains in the hands of those whose incomes have
increased because of their preferred position in the market-place and in
public-sector activities. Because of the limited and fixed amount of the
revenue generated by land tax, the government has resorted to several
types of explicit and implicit indirect taxes on agriculture which have
had few visible, if any, positive effects on efficiency and equity. A
better use of land, and transfer, to the State, of a part of the private
surplus which public subsidies help to create, since there has been a
definite shift away from indirect taxes for revenue and equity should
now get a proper place on the policy agenda.
Support Prices and Subsidies
State intervention in the pricing of agricultural products has been
based on at least two arguments. First, it is argued that it can provide
the necessary incentives to farmers to use yield-increasing inputs.
Secondly, it is argued that it can stabilize agricultural incomes and
perhaps keep them in line with the changes in nonagricultural incomes.
It is obviously important that current price signals are given to
farmers to avoid less than optimal substitution between crops and to
encourage maximum growth of crop output. Similarly, input prices should
create incentives without imposing a serious financial burden on the
In the last 2-3 years, the government has moved in the direction of
substantial increases in support prices of major crops, and it has
abolished export duties on most agricultural commodities. At the same
time, subsidies on fertilizer, pesticides and water rates have been
reduced substantially. Following the recommendations of the RAP
document, an Agricultural Prices Commission has been "established
to recommend the extent and timing of appropriate adjustments in the
pricing of agricultural inputs and outputs.
One of the critical issues in the pricing of inputs has been the
charge on canal water. There is evidence that expenditures on
maintaining and rehabilitating the irrigation system are falling short
of the needed resources. The government is now contemplating transfer of
these expenditures from the recurring to the development components of
provincial budgets. There is now clear recognition that water should be
priced at much higher rates than the ones that are being paid in order
to economize the use of water and to recover a substantial portion of
the costs of maintaining and rehabilitating the canal system. Water
rates have been increased recently, although the political realities
have not allowed the government to increase them by as much as may have
been warranted.
Comments on "Agricultural Policy Issues in Pakistan"
In his presentation, Dr. Khan has moved away considerably from the
views that he presented in the paper which is being circulated. This
leads me slightly unprepared. However, not much damage has been done. I
shall restrict my comments to the original paper which has been
circulated. From time to time I shall refer to some of the points raised
by Dr. Khan in his oral presentation. I shall keep my discussion very
brief. I found that Prof. Khan's presentation was not only moderate
in tone compared to what he is writing elsewhere but unfortunately in
scope as well. Although he touches a very wide range of issues in
agricultural economics, he merely catalogues them. He did not get into
enough detail particularly for the discussant to catch hold of a point
and focus attention on that. There are issues ranging from fertilizer
subsidy to ushr, and that is a very broad range. There is very little
that one can disagree with if you just catalogue facts within each of
these broad headings. What I do take some exceptions to is that Prof.
Khan has used some words which can mean different things to different
people. There is a free-flowing use of terms, such as equity, fairness,
bipolar policy, asymmetrical land relations, etc. These things have
different meanings for different people. Unless one clarifies such
terms, I am afraid, such concepts merely remain high-sounding words.
After cataloguing the issues, Prof. Khan does not get into the meat of
the problem for, as he explained, reasons of data problems. What I will
try to do now is to present very briefly what in my view are some of the
important issues and how I would have liked to have these issues
Broadly speaking, three major policy concerns in agriculture relate
to (i) growth in agricultural output, (ii) employment generation and
(iii) redistribution. The instruments to achieve growth in agricultural
output are subsidies on fertilizers and seeds, extension services, etc.
Since these constitute a package of inputs, these should be provided to
the farmer at a subsidised rate. Where the employment issue is
concerned, the specific policies of the government--for example, that
concerning mechanization--need to be analysed for their impact on the
employment prospects. Is mechanization good or bad? Does it lead to
higher output or not? These issues are debatable. Evidence on such
issues needs to be systematically gathered. It would be interesting to
know whether it affects employment in agriculture in a way that it
becomes an undesirable policy objective. Third is the question of
redistribution. As for redistribution, drastic measures such as drastic
land reforms or second best tools such as land revenue and subsidies may
be employed as instrument of redistribution. So these then are the three
important policy issues and some of the instruments used to achieve the
policy objectives. Now obviously, the three are closely interlinked. One
cannot expect to have a policy which yields increases in output without
affecting employment in any way. Similarly, one cannot expect to have a
policy which results in increased output without seriously affecting the
pattern of land holding. Thus a sensible approach to any one of these
issues would have to take into consideration the other two issues as
well. I give you an example. At the heart of the debate on
mechanization, the major point is that tractors lead to increased
output. Those who favour mechanization argue that perhaps not so much in
terms of increased yields as in terms of enhanced cropping intensity,
tractors do contribute to raising agricultural productivity, and,
therefore, a policy which subsidizes tractors or at least subsidizes
credit for purchasing tractors is a good policy. As opposed to that view
there is now a growing body of evidence which suggests that if you use
tractors, you displace workers at least in the short run and also you
change the pattern of holding so that the large farmers have greater
incentive to cultivate most of the land themselves and in that way
displace the tenants. So, you have got to weigh the output gain, if
there is any, of mechanization through tractors against the cost of
increasing unemployment and against the cost of increasing the size of
farm in the agriculture sector; but then the problems are compounded
further when we consider yet another aspect of mechanization. For
example, we go with the most recent major change in agriculture, what
agronomists call the thresher revolution which has completely changed
the rural scene particularly at harvesting time. We know that threshers
are good for agriculture. They do increase yields because they avoid
crop losses at a crucial time but at the same time we are also aware
that they do tend to displace labour but they tend to displace labour at
a time when there is a peak of agricultural activities so that there are
plenty of alternative employment opportunities for the displaced labour.
That is not a very serious problem. However, threshers run with
tractors. They are attached to tractors, so that you cannot discuss the
mechanization policy which concerns tractors without at the same time
affecting machinery which is seen to increase productivity without at
the same time considering implications for the other items of
agricultural machinery.
What I am really trying to say is that in a discussion of policy
issues such things ought to be brought into forefront along with a
summary of the existing literature and there is a growing body of
literature in these areas. Secondly, there is a question of land
reforms. Land reforms policy has also been discussed extensively in the
South Asian context in general, and also in Pakistani context, and it
has been, for example, in a recent book Land to the Tiller by Ronald
Herring who was associated with the PIDE for a year several years ago.
He presents a very interesting but a well-known thesis that land is not
the only factor which is controlled by landlords with respect to the
relations between the landlord and the peasant; it is also access to
government service, so that one should not talk about just land as the
only factor which should be affected through a redistributive policy.
All the other inputs which are affected because of land concentration
would also have to be taken into account, so that the policy of land
reforms which ignores reform of credit institutions as well as the
restructuring of extension services would be of little value. And,
again, there is a growing body of literature which presents evidence on
one side or the other. One would have expected a discussion of that body
of literature and the summing up of the position so that the planners
can have a specialist's view of the matter and would be guided in
making their policies. Finally, major policy decisions have been taken
by the present government in its Sixth Five-Year Plan. We have a special
development plan for Baluchistan in which agricultural development plays
a very important role. I would have liked to see some discussion on that
aspect and how the issues which have been raised in discussions
throughout are related to the specific policies which the government has
adopted vis-a-vis the Baluchistan agriculture development plan. There is
very little discussion of that either. And then, finally, Prof. Khan
does refer to, and has referred not just once but three or four times
to, the fact that there are regional inequalities regarding access to
inputs and the pattern of agricultural development and growth, and yet
he says very little about what a policy measure ought to be to change
the existing trends or to remove original disparities. One would have
liked to have seen some more discussion of this issue as well.
Ijas Nabi
Assistant Professor, Department of Economics, Quaid-1-Azam
University, Islamabad
MAHMOOD HASAN KHAN, Professor, Department of Economics, Simon
Fraser University (Canada).