Project appraisal in Pakistan: a review.
Sahibzada, Shamim A. ; Mahmood, Mir Annice
The less developed countries face real problems in allocating their
scarce resources to multifarious needs such as the development of
adequate physical and social infrastructure and for investment in the
primary and secondary sectors. Thus, the role of the government in the
developmental process in these countries should be to control investment
in the public and private sectors with a view to maximizing both
national income and social welfare. For this, it is imperative that only
such projects are selected as contribute most to the achievement of
these objectives. This necessitates sound planning.
Plans, whether they be national, regional, sectoral, or local, must
have a set of projects associated with them. These projects will result
from the identification, definition and analysis of the problems and
needs confronting a society and, if implemented effectively, they will
contribute to the fulfilment of the development objectives.
If proper project planning should follow an integrated planning and
management cycle, then appraisal becomes critically important. Project
appraisal is defined as the examination of a project from the technical,
commercial, economic, financial, institutional, managerial, and
sociological points of view. However, in this paper, our emphasis is
limited to an economic appraisal of projects with particular reference
to the appraisal methodologies and techniques being followed. Our main
objective is to find out (1)whether our development-oriented agencies
undertake any economic appraisal of projects, and (2) if they do so, do
they follow any specific methodology. We feel that such a study is
necessary because, at the moment, no published information in the form
of appraisal guidelines exists in the country, and this lack of
guidelines leads to an adoption of arbitrary approaches to benefit-cost
analysis of projects in the public and private sectors. The paper, which
is not intended to serve as a guideline in the selection/rejection of
investment proposals for development, does present in published form
information on whether or not project appraisal methodologies and
techniques are being followed in Pakistan.
The paper comprises four sections. The first section defines
project appraisal and mentions various non-discounting and discounting
techniques. The second section looks briefly at the three project
appraisal methodologies being used internationally, viz the Little and
Mirrlees approach (also called the OECD approach) [12; 13], the UNIDO
approach [5; 23; 24], and the Lyn Squire and Van der Tak(S-T)/ World
Bank approach [20]. The third section examines the practice of appraisal
methodologies being followed in Pakistan as evident from the appraisal
reports of various institutions engaged in developmental work. The
fourth and concluding section presents the shortcomings of these
appraisal reports and also offers some recommendations.
Project appraisal can be defined as a comprehensive and systematic
assessment of the viability of a project from different aspects. It aims
at serving as a guide to the decision-maker in the selection/rejection
of projects from among competing alternatives for investment proposals.
The various aspects of a project which a decision-maker must consider
include technical, commercial, financial, institutional and economic
An analysis of the economic aspect, or economic appraisal, assesses
the desirability of an investment proposal in terms of its effects on
the economy as a whole. Economic appraisal requires identification,
quantification, and valuation of the correct costs and benefits of
projects. Shadow prices are used to evaluate all inputs and outputs and
externalities are taken into account. Application of the technique of
cost-benefit analysis helps to determine project profitability. Various
criteria such as the Internal Rate of Return (IRR), the Net Present
Value (NPV), the Benefit/Cost Ratio (1) and the Bruno Ratio [3; 4] can
be used to estimate the profitability of a project. These are also
called the discounted cash flow analysis techniques. None of these is
perfect and none of them is in any way a substitute for value judgement,
but their application does improve the decision-making process.
The discounted cash flow techniques of project appraisal mentioned
in the previous section are to be used to determine whether a project
represents a good use of resources, under both conventional the
"new" benefit-cost analysis methods. In the conventional
analysis, the emphasis is on judging the viability of a project from the
point of view of its contribution to national income. Implicit in it is
the assumption that the growth objective is the primary concern of a
government at the national level, but no consideration of the inter--and
intra-temporal distribution of income is taken into account. In the
"new" analytical methods, which were evolved in the '60s
and '70s, two innovative features involving, firstly, the
estimation of shadow prices for planning purposes and, secondly, the
incorporation of distributional considerations into the analysis were
introduced. The three main methodologies mentioned above will be
discussed briefly to acquaint the reader with their salient features.
The Little-Mirrlees (L-M) Methodology
The essence of the Little-Mirrlees/OECD approach to project
appraisal is the choice of the numeraire and the use of world/border
prices as
a measure of value. The numeraire is defined to be "uncommitted
government income measured in terms of foreign exchange" [12, p.
72]. In other words, it is "net present investment benefits in the
hands of the government measured in domestic currency at border
prices" [8, p. 4 of 11, Annex A]. All project inputs and outputs in
this method are evaluated at border prices including the non-traded
inputs such as electricity, construction, local transport and labour
that can not be imported. To value the non-traded inputs in border
prices, an iterative approach of breaking these down into their traded
and non-traded components is adopted. The traded items are to be valued
at border prices, while the remaining non-traded ones are to be further
broken down and revalued by the same process. This process of iteration continues until one is left with tradables and unskilled labour. In view
of data constraints, rough and ready approximations to world prices in
the form of conversion factors are made. These conversion factors take
care of domestic market distortions. The accounting rate of interest,
which is the fall in the value of investment over time, is used as a
discount rate.
The UNIDO Methodology
This method of project appraisal first appeared in a United Nations
publication [5]. It can be distinguished from the DM Methodology in the
following three ways.
(i) It defines the numeraire as "the present aggregate
consumption benefits in the hands of the average person in the private
sector at border prices measured in domestic currency" [8, p. 4 of
Annex A].
(ii) It incorporates into the project evaluation process, in
quantitative form, the income distribution impacts of projects for the
first time. The UNIDO method uses the consumption rate of interest,
which is the fall in the value of consumption over time, as the discount
rate whereas the L-M method uses an accounting rate of interest. Another
contrasting feature of this method is its recognition that non-optimal
conditions will continue to exist in trade. Therefore, domestic
consumers' the willingness to pay will be the relevant measure of
value. The L-M method, on the other hand, assumes that trade policies
will be more liberal in future and therefore border prices will
represent real opportunity costs.
In the UNIDO method, the central planning office is not very
authoritarian as compared to the planning authority in the L-M method,
which is powerful enough to influence policy decisions.
Another UN publication [23] redefines the UNIDO numeraire as
'critical consumption' rather than 'average
consumption' and makes the methodology more practicable in its
application. It decomposes project appraisal into five stages. Stage 1
deals with commercial/financial profitability of a project where the
analysis uses market prices. At Stage 2, when efficiency in the use of
resources is the main objective, appraisal is carried out using shadow
prices. At Stage 3, adjustment is made for any impact on savings and
investment made by the project through the use of shadow price for
investment. Stage 4 incorporates income distributional aspects into the
analysis. Stage 5 makes adjustment for merit goods to which the
government attaches great value, for example, basic-needs requirements,
which are then shadow priced higher than luxury goods.
The Lyn Squire and Van der Tak (S-T)/World Bank Methodology
The third methodology of appraisal, which draws heavily on the
L-M/OECD methodology [12; 13], is that developed by Lyn Squire and
Herman G. Van der Tak [20] for the World Bank. It is a synthesis of the
L-M and UNIDO methods and has two distinctive features. One, it bases
the economic evaluation on a consistent shadow pricing system, and, two,
it incorporates distributional considerations into the analysis.
The analysis here is carried out at two levels: (i) at the economy
level, where projects are chosen on the ground of an optimal allocation
of resources, and (ii) at the society level, where the effects of
projects on both inter--and intra-temporal distributions of income carry
more weight in selecting projects for implementation.
At the social level, the distributional issues encompass two
dimensions: inter-temporal distribution and intra-temporal distribution.
Inter-temporal distribution is distribution of income between present
and future generations, i.e. between consumption and investment. Here a
savings premium can be used when the level of national investment/saving
is below what is required to secure the desired level of growth.
Intra-temporal distribution is distribution of consumption (income)
between members of the present generation, i.e. between the rich and the
poor. Here consumption weights can be used to manipulate the
distribution of income.
The main focus of the S-T approach is on the scarcity of foreign
exchange faced by many developing countries. If the availability of
foreign exchange allows rapid economic growth and vice versa, then this
approach recommends the use of foreign-exchange premium for project
evaluation. This is in addition to the use of a shadow price of foreign
exchange which aims at correcting the distortions introduced by the
protective policies being followed in foreign trade.
A version of this methodology is found to have been adopted for
economic appraisal of projects in Pakistan by the Project Appraisal
Section of the Government of Pakistan's Planning and Development
Division. We examine the application of this methodology in the
following section.
Project Appraisal Section of the Planning and Development Division
All projects needing the approval of Central Development Working
Party (CDWP) and Executive Committee of the National Economic Council
(ECNEC) have to be appraised by the Project Appraisal Section of the
Planning and Development Division, Government of Pakistan. Although no
set guidelines exist for project evaluation, the section does undertake
some economic and social cost-benefit analysis of projects. (2) Here the
appraisal is carried out in the following manner: see [16]. The first
step is to derive a cash flow based on an annual statement of costs and
benefits of the project. The next step involves the subtraction of
transfer payments, e.g. duties, subsidies from the cash flow, etc.
Inputs and outputs are divided into traded and non-traded items. Traded
goods (at c.i.f, values if imported, and at f.o.b. prices if exported)
are converted into domestic currency using the official exchange rate.
Non-traded goods are usually valued at their market prices exclusive of
any transfer payments. All non-traded inputs, except power and fuel, are
valued at market prices and multiplied by a standard conversion factor
(SCF) which is defined as the ratio of official exchange rate to the
shadow exchange rate. Alternatively, it is the reciprocal of 1+ foreign
exchange premium. The purpose of applying SCF is to convert all
non-traded inputs and outputs into their border price equivalents. A
ten-percent premium on the foreign exchange component of all projects is
used, allowing for scarcity of foreign exchange in the country. In the
absence of shadow prices, the cost of utilities such as gas,
electricity, and other fuels is taken to be double that of the market
After this exercise the three measures of discounted cash flow
(IRR, NPW, B/C Ratio) are employed to arrive at the viability or
otherwise of the project. The cut-off rate for industries is 20 percent
in the public sector and 15 percent in the private sector. However, for
the remaining sectors, it is 12 percent. (3) Another part of the basic
tests of viability is sensitivity analysis which is also undertaken and
is applied to the calculations to a limited extent.
Relating the section's working to the S-T methodology, it can
be seen that its first stage, which deals with efficiency analysis, is
adapted to the Pakistani situation. In other words, an efficient
allocation of resources is given preference in the selection of
projects. Growth, an inter-temporal income distribution issue of social
analysis at the second stage, is being followed in a simple form. A
ten-percent premium is placed on foreign exchange generation in order to
reflect its scarcity.
Those aspects of social analysis which relate to intra-temporal
distribution of income are not being incorporated into the analysis of
projects in Pakistan. The reasons are obvious. There is a shortage of
trained staff for the application of this methodology and the absence of
social parameters and prices. However, four attempts have been made to
calculate shadow prices [7; 11;21;25] but the official response to the
acceptability or otherwise of these estimates is not known to us. It is
a fact that a deteriorating intra-temporal distribution of income over
time is a major concern in many developing countries including Pakistan.
The introduction of equity considerations into project selection can be
considered an important complement to other policy measures. Thus, to
undertake a comprehensive social analysis of projects the need for
social pricing is felt more than ever. But, it is also a fact that the
calculation of the social parameters is a difficult task. This is
because of the poor data base and the complexity associated with the
estimation of these parameters.
Recently it has also become important to calculate another ratio,
the domestic resource cost/Bruno ratio for appraising the
import-substituting/export-promoting projects [3; 4].
Two versions are in vogue in the literature to calculate the ratio
[23; 13]. The first can be shown as follows:
Modified Bruno Ratio = Present worth of domestic currency cost of
realising foreign exchange saving / Present worth of net dollar saving
[??] SER
The ratio is compared with the shadow exchange rate (SER) and the
decision is to go for those projects which have a ratio less than the
The second version of the Bruno ratio can be described as follows:
Modified Bruno Ratio = Present worth of domestic currency cost of
realising foreign exchange saving / Present worth of net foreign
exchange saving expressed in domestic currency [??] 1
In this case, a ratio less than 1 is desirable as a viability
The Bruno Ratio being worked out by the Project Appraisal Section
is nearer the first version. Its working can be shown as follows. Inputs
and outputs are grouped into traded and non-traded items and then
evaluated at their relevant shadow prices. Two streams, viz. the net
foreign exchange benefit stream and the domestic currency cost stream,
are thus prepared and discounted at the appropriate rate of discount. It
is demonstrated below:
Modified Bruno Ratio = Present worth of domestic currency cost of
realising foreign exchange saving/ Present worth of net foreign exchange
saving in local currency x Official Exchange Rate
The purpose of calculating the Bruno ratio is to find out the
domestic resource cost of earning/saving a unit of foreign exchange
through a project. A comparison of this ratio with the official exchange
rate and the shadow exchange rate is required in order to determine
whether the cost is high or low in relation to both the exchange rates.
This latter step appears to have been left out in the appraisal reports
of the section.
Lately, the Planning and Development Division has asked for
calculation of the effective protection rate as a viability measure.
This rate, in its unmodified form, does not take into account
distortions in the domestic factor market. If modified, it is no
different than the modified Bruno Ratio [13]. Also, it has been shown
that the modified Bruno method/Domestic Resource Cost and the effective
rate of protection give the same results if optimal trade policies are
followed [17]. However, in cases in which non-optimal trade policies are
expected to continue during the life of the project, the modified Bruno
Ratio/Domestic Resource Cost is the only suitable criterion which can be
used as a viability measure [2]. Given the non-optimality of our trade
policies, the recommendation of the effective rate of protection as a
viability measure in project selection will not refine the
decision-making process.
Development Financial Institutions (DFIs)
Our analysis has been restricted to the more prominent of the
financial institutions which include the Agricultural Development Bank of Pakistan (ADBP), Pakistan Industrial Credit and Investment
Corporation (PICIC), Industrial Development Bank of Pakistan (IDBP),
National Development Finance Corporation (NDFC), Regional Development
Finance Corporation (RDFC), etc. The discussion in this section is based
on the examination of various project appraisal reports of the DFIs
which were supplemented by interviews with the concerned officials [1;9;
14; 18 and 19].
After a perusal of the reports of these institutions, several
common features emerge. The most important one is that all the
institutions place great emphasis on the technical, commercial, and
financial viability of projects. Financial appraisal is undertaken in a
fairly detailed manner which includes calculation of the Internal
Financial Rates of Return as well as financial ratios such as
debt-equity, debt-service coverage, return on equity, return on
capitalization, etc.
Partial economic analysis is carried out by using the
sponsors' supplied border prices for imported machinery and shadow
prices for unskilled and semi-skilled labour. Also, in the absence of
appropriate shadow prices, utilities such as gas and power are valued at
market prices which are then doubled to reflect the relative scarcity of
these items. Isolated attempts at calculating the Bruno ratio are also
undertaken. Apart from this, general statements are made to justify
projects from the economic point of view, e.g. an increase in employment
opportunities, the prospects of foreign exchange earnings, import
substitution, etc. Thus, in general, a very crude method of economic
analysis is undertaken, which bears no resemblance to the
'new' project appraisal methodologies mentioned in an earlier
After an examination of the project appraisal reports of financial
institutions it was observed that all of them undertake financial
appraisal as a measure of project viability in addition to technical and
managerial/commercial feasibility. No doubt financial appraisal is done
very comprehensively and thoroughly, but financial institutions, being
development-oriented, do not give due importance to the economic effects
of the investments undertaken through their lending activities. This may
be due to the fact that the staff of these institutions is not trained
in the use of the latest methodologies in project appraisal and, also,
some of them like the NDFC and RDFC, are recent additions to the family
of development banking institutions in the country. Another reason could
be that these institutions do not have available to them any set of
guidelines for the appraisal of projects. In any country, these
guidelines have to be prepared by the central planning authority.
Another important related factor is the absence of national parameters
and shadow prices without which meaningful economic and social analyses
cannot be undertaken.
The Project Appraisal Section of the Planning and Development.
Division, Government of Pakistan, however, has introudced some
methodological approaches in the ex ante evaluation of projects. The
traditional CBA has been modified and, after the use of the UNIDO
approach in its crudest form over the last few years, a shift has now
been made to a new approach developed by Lyn Squire and Van der Tak for
the World Bank [20].
Several recommendations can be made on the basis of the preceding
Firstly, there is an overwhelming need for printed
guidelines/manuals which can be used by the appraising agencies for
selecting projects. The objective of the guidelines/manuals should be to
provide a practical basis for the economic appraisal of projects funded
by both the public and private sectors. These guidelines/manuals should
be comprehensive and easy to follow so that time is not wasted.
Secondly, if any meaningful economic analysis is to be based on
these guidelines/manuals, shadow prices of inputs and outputs have to be
used. In Pakistan, national parameters and shadow prices such as
discount rates, shadow exchange rates, shadow wage rates, etc., are
based on arbitrary assumptions. Also, it is a fact that the use of
realistic prices of inputs and outputs affects the economic viability of
projects. It is important, therefore, that border prices be used for
tradable items and market prices, adjusted for distortions for
non-tradable items. In Pakistan the prices used by the sponsors of
projects for tradable items are not reliable as the source is not quoted
in their appraisal reports [15]. It can be suggested that economic
export and import parity prices be used in evaluating tradable inputs
and outputs. Economists in the Planning and Development Division can
compute the more critical shadow prices and all development agencies can
then be asked to employ these in their project analyses.
Thirdly, though the government is concerned with distributional
aspects in the project selection process, the data requirements of a
complete social analysis are immense, which, given the current data base
and the absence of shadow prices and conversion factors required for
such an analysis, make it necessary to restrict project appraisal to a
complete efficiency analysis only. However, the efficiency analysis
should be supplemented by a qualitative social analysis till such time
as social parameters can be estimated and a comprehensive social
cost-benefit analysis undertaken.
Fourthly, for the economic analysis of all projects, whether in the
public sector or in the private sector, which require the approval of
CDWP/ECNEC for the former type and CIPC/DFI/ECC (4) for the latter, the
criteria of profitability should be restricted to three measures. These
include the Internal Economic Rate of Return (IERR), the Net Present
Worth and the modified Bruno Ratio. However, the effective rate of
protection should not be used as a viability measure in the selection of
projects. The use of the modified Bruno method serves the purpose
Sensitivity analysis, which is a prerequisite for a careful
economic analysis, is a powerful tool in project appraisal and is of
great assistance to the decision-maker in pinpointing potential areas of
trouble and enabling him to reduce certain forms of uncertainty.
Therefore, it is recommended that sensitivity analysis should be carried
out for all major public and private sector projects.
Finally, as mentioned earlier, the Project Appraisal Section is
following a partial Squire and Van der Tak approach in scrutinizing
projects. However, we feel, that, given the shortage of data, the
appropriate methodology to follow would be the stage-by-stage UNIDO
approach to cost-benefit analysis. An application of this approach to
Pakistani projects is made by John Weiss [25].
Although the final outcome would be the same whether the Lyn Squire
L-M approach is adopted or the UNIDO stage-by-stage approach is
followed, but the advantage of the latter is that projects can be
appraised at different stages, keeping in view the prevailing government
objectives and the data situation [23]. If the government objective is
to maximize national income only, then the analysis up to the second
stage of the UNIDO approach is to be followed. However, if the
objectives change and the data base is improved, the subsequent stages
can be undertaken. This approach would therefore be more appropriate
because owing to the shortage of trained staff and immense demand on
their scarce time, justification can be found for following this
Comments on "Project Appraisal in Pakistan: A Review"
The project appraisal methodologies are mainly (one might even say,
exclusively) the work of international financial institutions active in
project appraisal, with some academic input. Their objective is that the
benefits from project investment, in both the public and private
sectors, should be maximized for society--not just for the entrepreneur.
But the methodologies for economic appraisal have not been used: at
least not effectively. The paper argues that not only is there no set of
appraisal guidelines for the financial institutions in Pakistan but even
the Planning and Development Division does not undertake economic
appraisal with noticeable rigour. They concentrate instead on
determining financial viability (to the exclusion of economic
viability), and it would be implied that, as a result, low-priority
projects have been chosen which obviously involve a sacrifice of public
All this, of course, cannot be literally true. Financial
institutions do engage in some economic appraisal; and if the Planning
and Development Division were really so strong on financial appraisal,
the public sector industry would have shown quite different results.
Further, the authors have shown which projects have been wrongly chosen
or which ('neglected') projects should have been taken up for
investment if the right kind of analysis had been applied.
The paper raises a very important point in drawing attention to the
need for ongoing and ex post evaluations, which are practically
non-existent. The experience of the Experts Advisory Cell, set up under
the Ministry of Production for monitoring public sector projects, is an
extremely important initiative in this connection and one expects that
its experience would yield many important guidelines for ongoing
Three essential questions to be asked are: Why are the techniques
for economic appraisal not used? What are the consequences of this
failure? What is the remedy?
In so far as the reasons for failure are concerned, we have to
distinguish clearly between the global perspective at the macro level
from the analysis of individual (usually repetitive) projects. Project
evaluation at the macro level does require very careful analysis of the
economic and social conditions which provide the setting in which
projects operate. Evaluation of individual projects (whether public or
private) follows clear guidelines set by the National Economic Council
and spelt out through such instruments as the Five Year Plan, the Annual
Plan, the industrial policy statement, etc. The guidelines are further
sharpened by the import policy and the credit control system operated by
the National Credit Consultative Council and the State Bank of Pakistan.
These instruments of public policy delimit the areas within which
industrial investment is to proceed and also lay down the incentives
aimed at channelizing investment into the desirable but less
remunerative areas. Economic analysis is thus undertaken by the Planning
and Development Division and major organs of the state, to lay down the
directions, size and content of investment to be undertaken.
Take the example of restricted industry: some projects cannot be
sanctioned even if viable financially. Coca Cola is a very remunerative
project. Its financial returns are high. It is often referred to as a
gold mine. But no financial institution would sanction a Coca Cola
project. It is obvious that economic analysis carried out at a certain
level threw up such strong negative indicators that further investment
in this lucrative industry has been ruled out. Similarly, projects which
lead to heavy dependence on imports (expensive in the social and
economic sense, not in the commercial sense) e.g. polypropelene
manufactures, are not freely sanctioned. Again, the location of a sugar
mill at Bannu or a forest complex at Dir, which were not feasible
financially, were justified on socio-economic considerations.
But it must also be stated that economic analysis, which supports
the establishment of a sugar mill in Bannu or a forest complex at Dir,
would entail a set of measures seeking to improve their financial
viability (e.g. building infrastructure, promoting cultivation of
sugar-cane) or at least absorbing their losses. Both require
considerable financial outlay which of necessity must be channelized through the national or provincial exchequer in order to overcome
negative features of the Financial viability. Experience seems to
suggest that either economic analysis undertaken to push investment
towards the less devloped areas is soft and, therefore, ineffective in
outlining with sufficient emphasis the action plan for the government in
order to build infrastructure, provide subsidies, and undertake support
actions to make the project financially independent, or the government
does not give timely and effective response, so that the projects drift
into the morass of cost over-runs, low utilization of plant and
machinery, rising inventories and progressively higher losses. One would
like to feel that in all these eases it is weak economic analysis (and
not inaction of government) which has wrecked so many investment
decisions, made with much promise. But can we be sure?
The real difficulty lies in the choice between competing
permissible projects. If two projects are viable, Financial institutions
choose the one with a higher return. But economic analysis could show
that the one with lower financial returns is more desirable socially
when it stimulates growth in a backward area. In comparing a flour mill
in Peshawar as against a flour mill in D.I. Khan, Peshawar will always
win-unless a hard-headed director, with a feeling for the backwardness
of D.I. Khan, can get the option of higher financial gain altered.
Financial institutions do need economic analysis to rationalize such
What have been the consequences of this failure? It must be
conceded that many illogical and 'contra-economic' projects
have been financed. Dispersal of textile industry to areas which could
not be supported is well known. So is the sorry spectacle of
'sick' industry, groaning under the heavy burden of debts, not
being allowed to go into liquidation for the fear of the unknown, while
being denied adequate and timely injection of capital. The measures
adopted for their financial restructuring have been slow and, in many
cases, inadequate. But can it be claimed that the approaches to economic
appraisal of projects have been developed to the point where they could
guide decisions on sick industry?
Why have financial institutions continued for decades to ignore
economic analysis and to concentrate exclusively on financial analysis?
Perhaps there is a simple answer: each one of them has a balance sheet
to publish at the end of the year. There is no provision on either side
of the balance sheet for showing the contribution made by it to the
national economy. It only records the money spent, the assets created
and the profit earned. Looming over it all, large and real, is the fear
of loss. The financial institutions would be induced to pay more
attention to economic analysis if the logic of the analysis is
recognized directly and unhesitatingly by the government.
Muzaffar Mahmood Qureshi
Chief Executive, Regional Development Finance Corporation,
[1.] Agricultural Development Bank of Pakistan. Project Appraisal
Reports, Islamabad. (Various Reports)
[2.] Balassa, B., Daniel M. Schydlowsky. "Domestic Resource
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[3.] Bruno, Michael. "The Optimal Selection of
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[4.] Bruno, Michael. "Domestic Resource Costs and Effective
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[5.] Dasgupta, P.S., S. A. Marglin, and A. K. Sen. Guidelines for
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[8.] Hansen, J. R. A Guide to the Guidelines: The UNIDO Method.
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[9.] Industrial Development Bank of Pakistan. Annual Report
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[10.] Irwin, George. "Modern Cost-Benefit Methods. An
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[11.] Khan, Muhammd Zubair. "Estimation of Shadow Prices for
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[12.] Little, I. M. D., and J. A. Mirrlees. Manual of Industrial
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[13.] Little, I. M. D., and J. A. Mirrlees. Project Appraisal and
Planning for Developing Countries. London: Heinemann Educational Books.
[14.] National Development Finance Corporation. "Project
Appraisal Reports". (Unpublished). Karachi. (Various Reports)
[15.] Pakistan. Planning and Development Division. Project
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[16.] Pakistan. Planning and Development Division. Project
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[17.] Pearson, Scott R. "Net Social Profitability, Domestic
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[18.] Pakistan Industrial Credit and Investment Corporation.
"Project Appraisal Reports". (Unpublished) Karachi. (Various
[19.] Regional Development Finance Corporation. "Project
Appraisal Reports". (Unpublished). Islamabad. (Various Reports)
[20.) Squire, Lyn, and Herman G. Van der Tak. Economic Analysis of
Projects. Baltimore: The Johns Hopkins University Press. 1975.
[21.] Squire, L., I. M. D. Little and M. Durdag. "Shadow
Pricing and Macroeconomic Analysis: Some Illustrations from
Pakistan". Pakistan Development Review. Vol. XVIII, No. 2. Summer
[22.] Squire, Lyn, I. M. D. Little and M. Durdag. "Application
of Shadow Pricing to Country Economic Analysis with an Illustration from
Pakistan". Washington, D.C. (U.S.A): World Bank. n.d. (World Bank
Staff Working Paper No. 330)
[23.] UNIDO. Guide to Practical Project Appraisal: Social
Cost-Benefit Analysis in Developing Countries. New York: United Nations.
[24.] UNIDO. Practical Appraisal of Industrial Projects:
Application of Social Cost-Benefit Analysis in Pakistan. New York:
United Nations. 1980.
[25.] Weiss, John. "Project Selection and Equity Objective:
The Use of Social Analysis". Pakistan Development Review. Vol.
XVIII, No. 2. Summer 1979.
(1) These criteria are discussed in any standard book on
benefit-cost analysis. However, for a description of their practical
application, see Gittinger [6] and Irwin [10].
(2) At the provincial level, however, the appraisal of projects is
carried on in an ad hoc fashion, based on 'guestimates' and a
few technical considerations. However, foreign-funded projects are
appraised using discounted cash flow analysis.
(3) Source: Project Appraisal Section, Planning and Development
Division, Government of Pakistan.
(4) CIPC is Central Investment Promotion Committee; DFI is
Development Financial Institutions; ECC is Economic Co-ordination
Committee of the Cabinet.
* The authors are, respectively, Chief, Training Programme, and
Research Economist at the Pakistan Institute of Development Economics,