Evaluating the operational performance of manufacturing enterprises: an evaluation framework and application to Pakistani industry.
Shaikh, Abdul Hafeez
This study has two ojectives; (i) to develop a framework for
evaluating the operational performance of manufacturing enterprises, (1)
and (ii) to evaluate the trend in the performance of Pakistan's
vegetable ghee industry for the 1970-1980 period, with special focus on
its relative performance under private and public ownerships. Section II
is devoted to the vegetable ghee industry itself--its technology,
development, pricing and distribution policies. In Section III a
framework for performance evaluation is developed. In Section IV we
evaluate in a series of steps--the performance of Pakistan's
vegetable ghee industry. The final section is devoted to concluding
Vegetable ghee is manufactured by hardening vegetable oils through
a process of hydrogenation. The main inputs are oil, labour, packing
material (tin plate), and chemicals. Oil is by far the most important
input and accounts for about 80-85 percent of intermediate inputs.
The ghee industry was nationalized in September 1973 when 23 units
were taken over and handed to the provincial governments which were
charged with the responsibility of running them. In June 1976, the
Federal Government created the Ghee Corporation of Pakistan (GCP) under
the Ministry of Industries, which was made responsible for the overall
management and control of the nationalized ghee industry.
Prior to nationalization, the price of the output (ghee) was set by
the government in consultation with the Pakistan Vanaspati Manufacturers
Association, (PVMA), the umbrella organization of all the owners. The
price of imported oil, which was purchased by the PVMA and provided to
individual firms, was also affected by the government's tariff
policies. The rate of tariff fluctuated in response to changes in
international price in order to maintain stable prices for the domestic
producers. Thus, when devaluation pushed up the prices of imported oil
in 1972, the government responded by lowering import duties
After nationalization, the Trading Corporation of Pakistan (TCP)
imports the oil (soyabean and palm) and provides it to the units through
the GCP at the "issue price"--often subsidized by the
government. The price of output is also fixed by the Federal Government
and is the same for all the firms.
The ghee industry is particularly suitable for our purpose because,
firstly, the technology of ghee production is simple. Owing to the
simple nature of the technology the problems related to aggregation,
quality change and output mix, which plague empirical studies of complex
and multi-output firms, are minimized. Secondly, the large size of the
sample--by the standards of industry studies--enhances the reliability
of the results. Thirdly, since the ghee industry was nationalized in
1973-74 prior to which it operated under private ownership, it is
possible to compare the performances of the same firms under private and
public ownerships.
1. Choice of Criteria
This subsection is concerned with the question of the choice of
appropriate criteria for evaluating the performance of a productive
entity from the society's point of view. In other words, what
should the public enterprises maximize? The simple answer, of course, is
'Social Welfare'. For the purpose of this study, the measure
of social welfare is the surplus generated by the firm due to its
productive activities. This measure of operational performance--benefits
minus variable costs--we will call publicly relevant profits or simply
public profits. (2)
Public profits as a measure of enterprise performance suffer from
two major limitations. Firstly, public enterprises often pursue
non-commercial objectives whose benefits accrue to society but are not
reflected in the size of the measured surplus. The costs, however, are
in some instances dependent upon the nature of the public enterprise,
e.g. Regional Development Bank. The non-commercial objective may far
outweigh the commercial objectives. In such an instance public profits,
unless measured in shadow prices, are incapable of reflecting the
enterprise's contribution to society. Fortunately for us, the firms
in the ghee industry were established on purely commercial
considerations by private entrepreneurs and have not been burdended with
non-commercial objectives after nationalization. Secondly, it should be
recognized that public profits are a measure of static operational
efficiency. They are a single-period indicator and their maximization
may be in conflict with considerations of dynamic efficiency. As an
example, managers may spend less than optimal amounts on current
expenditures with future benefits, e.g. repairs and maintenance. This
problem, though insurmountable, can be minimized by developing
performance evaluation systems that are based upon "composite
indicators" that include, in addition to public profits, other
non-duplicative indicators for dynamic efficiency.
2. Managerial Performance
In the preceding subsection we agreed upon the choice of a
criterion for the operational efficiency of public enterprises: the
value of the surplus or profits measured in the publicly relevant sense.
The question we want to ask now is the following: Given the choice of an
indicator, how do we measure the performance of a firm's
management? Or to be more specific, if public profit is the agreed
criterion and a firm generates public profits equal to one million how
do we decide the level of the management's efficiency? Is the
management good, bad, fair or what?
In general, this question cannot be answered without a benchmark or
a yardstick of performance. The core of the performance evaluation
exercise lies in finding out how well the firm (management) is doing
relative to their potential, given all the constraints faced by the
management. There are two approaches to measuring managerial
The first approach would be to compare the actual level of the
surplus, [[pi].sub.t], generated by firm i, in period t, with the
maximum possible level of profits, [[pi].sup.*.sub.t], given prices and
endowment of fixed factors (see Table 1). This represents a measure of
absolute efficiency. (3) The second approach, really the second best
approach, would be to avoid the problem of measuring the level of
[[pi].sup.*.sub.t], the maximum level of profits, and to focus, instead,
on the trend in managerial performance. Again, changes in public
profits, d[pi], depend upon changes in managerial performance and
changes in the vector of exogenous factors related to prices, endowments
of fixed factors and the environment. In this approach actual
performance [[pi].sub.t], in time period t, is compared directly with
the actual performance, [[pi].sub.t]+l in time period t+l. To isolate
the trend in managerial performance, adjustments are made for changes in
the factors affecting the size of the surplus, but beyond the control of
the management (factors 1,2, and 3 in Table 1).
It is the second approach adopted by us in the study because,
firstly, it avoids the tricky problem of measuring some maximum level of
public profits, and, secondly, because we are interested primarily in
finding out the relative efficiency for the two time periods under
private and public ownerships.
The objective of this section is to estimate the trend in
managerial performance and to compare relative performances in the
periods of private and public ownerships. Private accounting profits are
the starting point. Then a series of adjustments are made for
non-efficiency-related factors affecting the observed performance to
isolate the underlying trend in efficiency.
1. Private Accounting Profits
The information provided in the annual accounts of the firms
constitutes the starting point of our analysis. Figure 1 and Table 2
summarize the results for the small and large samples of observations on
the basis of private accounting profits--the relevant indicator of
enterprise performance from the private shareholder's point of
view. (4) According to private accounting profits: (i) the average level
of performance for the public period as a whole is five times as high as
the average level of performance for the period under private ownership,
the main reason for this result being the very high performance in the
year 1977-78, and (ii) there is no discernible trend with wide
fluctuations from year to year.
Is performance under public ownership really five times better, and
has managerial efficiency really fluctuated so widely over time? The
answer is an emphatic No.
Firstly, private accounting profits are concerned only with the
returns to the equity holders, while performance evaluation from the
society's vantage point is concerned with the total returns to both
equity and non-equity holders. Thus some categories, treated as cost by
private shareholders, e.g. taxes, are really a distribution of the
surplus from the society's point of view. Secondly, private
documents are non-neutral recorders of enterprise performance.
Accounting practice and conventions (e.g. treatment of depreciation,
assets written off), unrelated to movements in efficiency, can therefore
cause changes in the level of private profits.
The next step was thus to calculate publicly relevant, or simply
public, profits as a measure of the economic surplus or quasi rents
generated by the firm.
2. Public Profits in Current Prices
In order to calculate public profits, detailed financial
accounts--profit and loss statement, balance sheets, fixed assets schedule--and the accompanying notes were collected from each enterprise
for every year. National income accounting principles were combined with
economic concepts to generate an Internally consistent set of data for
each firm. It is important to emphasize that a double-flow entry method
was used to map each accounting category In the financial statement into
a corresponding economic category. In this way the integrity of the
original documents was maintained while creating a complete social
accounting system. (5)
The next step In calculating public profits was to generate the
production and distribution flows for each company for every year as
shown in Table 3. The top half of the table describes the generation of
surplus by the enterprise's activities while the bottom half of the
table provides information on the distribution of that surplus. The
first point to notice is the distinction between operating and
non-operating income of the enterprise. The Return to Operating Assets,
Ro, is the net contribution of the enterprise to society due to its own
productive activities. Non-operating income, Rn, on the other hand, is
not generated by the firm's own productive activities. It
represents, rather, a claim of the enterprise on the surplus generated
by some other productive entity. Take the case of interest arbitrage. If
a public enterprise receives a loan at six percent and deposits it in an
account paying eight percent, its total returns (inclusive of operating
and non-operating returns) go up. Notice, however, that the act of
arbitrage by the enterprise--even though it affects its financial
position--In no way represents a net change in the resource availability
to society. It is thus Ro which is the relevant concept in a study of
the productive efficiency of a public enterprise.
The final point in calculating public profits is to recognize that
working capital held by the management is also a factor of production
which enhances the capacity for generating surplus by the enterprise. It
also has a real opportunity cost to society which must be deducted from
the return to operating assets, Ro, to arrive at the quasi rent
generated by the firm. Public profits then are (Ro-r * Wk), where Wk is
the stock of working capital and r is the relevant rate of interest.
The stock of working capital for the year was calculated as the
average of the enterprise's beginning and end of the year stocks of
financial working capital and inventories. The information is readily
available in the asset side of the balance sheet and the accompanying
notes. Financial working capital included cash, demand deposits,
accounts receivables, prepayments, etc., while inventories included all
outputs and inputs inventories plus stores, spares, etc. The interest
rate used was the average for short-term (six month to one year)
deposits. (6)
The results of the performance evaluation on the basis of public
profits in current prices are summarized in Table 4, while Figure 2
display the trend for this indicator.
What is the effect of this conversion from private to public
profits on the trend and relative performances under private and public
ownerships? (1) The level of average performance under public ownership
as a whole is four times as high as the level of average performance
under private ownership. (2) Much of the erratic fluctuations in the
trend are explained away by this adjustment. The trend is continuously
upwards with a higher rate of growth after nationalization.
Why is it that Private profits fluctuate widely from year to year
while public profits do not? The reason will become clear by looking at
Table 5 which reconciles the difference between private and public
The main source of discrepancy is the treatment of indirect taxes,
which constitute a private cost but are a transfer from the
society's point of view. Once indirect taxes are adjusted, the
trends in accounting and public profits become roughly similar. (7)
3. Public Profits in Constant Prices
Public profits in current prices change in response to not only
changes in efficiency but also changes in prices--in addition to other
non-efficiency-related factors. To the extent that prices are
exogenously determined and are beyond the control of the management,
their effect on enterprise's performance should be adjusted to
understand the real changes in efficiency. (8) The next step was the
calculation of public profits in constant prices.
Using 1975-76 as the base year, firm-specific price indices were
calculated for output and different categories of inputs. These price
indices were used to deflate the corresponding categories in current
prices to arrive at the values of output, inputs and public profits in
constant prices. The chosen procedure of price indexing was Divisia with
constantly changing weights. The Divisia index has the desirable
properties of an index and constitutes an improvement upon the Paasche
and Laspeyre's
indices. The discrete approximation of the Divisia index is:
Ln ([P.sub.t]/[P.sub.t-1]) = [summation over (j)][s.sub.j] Ln
where [s.sub.j] = 1/2 ([s.sub.jt] + [s.sub.jt-1]), and [s.sub.jt] =
[P.sub.j][q.sub.j]/ [[summation over (j)][p.sub.j][q.sub.j] in period t.
In our case the outputs were grouped under 'Ghee' and
'Others'. Ghee price index was used for 'Ghee' and
soap price index for 'Others'.
Off is the single most important intermediate input and accounts
for approximately seventy to eighty percent of all intermediate inputs.
The other groups of intermediate inputs were packaging material and
'others'. The oil price index was a weighted average of the
'issue price'--the price at which firms receive imported
oil--and the price of cotton seed oil. The packaging material price
index was calculated from the monthly statistical bulletins of the
Government of Pakistan. For 'Others' the general price index
was used.
The number of employees was used as the basis for calculating
employee computation in constant prices after 1975. Before 1975 an
industry-wide index was used for deflating the wage bill. (9) The
general price index was used for deflating the rental expenses. (10)
The consequence of making adjustment for changes in prices are as
(1) The average level of public profits (in constant prices) for
the period under public ownership is twice that of the average level
under private ownership (see Table 6). Performance under the
private-ownership period--though still inferior to public
ownership--shows an improvement once prices are adjusted. This result is
suggestive of relatively unfavourable prices during the period under
private ownership.
(2) A closer look at Figure 3 reveals three phases, first, growth
from a very low base under the first phase of public ownership, then
stagnation in the first phase of public ownership and then a spectacular
growth after 1977, the period under the Ghee Corporation.
4. Public Profitability in Constant Prices
Public profits, in constant prices, can change (increase) not only
due to a change (increase) in technical efficiency, but also due to
changes in the endowment of fixed factors. According to the criterion of
public profit at constant prices, performance has been superior under
public ownership, and has improved over time. It can be argued that in
an industry like ghee where demand is increasing and capacity is being
increased--passively--in response, profits will rise simply because of
an expansion of volume. In this situation, how should the management of
a firm be evaluated?
The answer may depend upon the nature of the institutional
arrangements and the particular focus of the study. If investment
decisions are within the powers of the management, then, clearly, the
act of responding to increased demand by expanding scale in itself
represents one form of efficiency, for which the management should be
applauded. If, however, changes in capital stock are outside the domain
of the management decision-making, as they usually are in public
enterprises, then the management should be evaluated on the basis of how
much surplus is generated, given the size of (or changes in) the stock
of the fixed factor.
It can be argued, however, that even when investment decisions are
within the control of the management, there are two measures of
managerial performance, a broad (dynamic) one inclusive of the
Investment Division, and the other, a narrow (static) one that focuses
on operational performance in the short run, given the stock of the
temporarily fixed factor.
It is obvious from the trend in public profits at constant prices
that the industry, under public ownership, has responded to increased
demand consistently, but there is no way of deciding how the industry
would have responded under private ownership. A fairer comparison would,
therefore, be to focus on the narrower definition of efficiency--static
operational efficiency--or public profits, adjusted for changes in the
capital stock. (11) This indicator we will call public profitability at
constant prices. (12)
Having made adjustments for changes in prices and scale, we are now
in a position to evaluate changes in managerial efficiency. Table 7 and
Figure 4 summarize the main results of the public profitability
The main conclusions related to our primary hypothesis remain
unchanged. They may be re-stated: (i) the average level of public
profitability is at least twice as high for the period under public
ownership (1974-80) as it is for the period under private ownership
(1970-73) and (ii) the trend in public profitability reveals three
phases--high growth rate from a very low base under private ownership,
stagnation under the provincial governments (1974-76), and a period of
steady improvement under the Ghee Corporation (1977-80). (13)
We have attempted a careful and detailed analysis of the
operational performance of Pakistan's vegetable ghee industry
during the ten-year period 1970-80. Our particular focus has been on the
trend in performance and relative efficiency under the two ownership
It was found that in terms of the growth rate of public
profitability in constant prices the period of our study could be
divided into three phases, each coinciding with a different external
control structure: high rate of growth from a very low base under
private ownership, stagnation under the provincial governments and
impressive growth from a relatively high base under the Ghee
Corporation. In terms of the average level of public profitability in
constant prices, the performance in the period under the public
ownership was significantly better than the performance in the period
under private ownership.
True managerial performance under private ownership was probably
better than that suggested by our results for several reasons. Firstly,
there was uncertainty in the supply of inputs during some years of the
private period. Secondly, deliberate under-reporting of operational
performance for purposes of tax evasion. Thirdly, it can be argued that
some of the increased production is a passive response to the shifting
demand. How the private sector would have responded in the absence of
nationalization is something that cannot be tested.
In spite of the qualifications, the results can be used to argue
against the inevitability of lower efficiency under public ownership.
The results also highlight the fact that it is not ownership per se but
rather the nature of the technology, prevalent institutional
arrangements and specific policies adopted by the government which
affect performance. This fact is dramatically brought out by the
contrast in the performances during the two phases of public ownership.
Both the level and the rate of growth in public profitability in
constant prices are significantly higher for the period under the Ghee
Corporation than for the period under the provincial governments.
Comments * on "Evaluating the Operational Performance of
Manufacturing Enterprises: An Evaluation Framework and Application to
Pakistani Industry"
Of crucial importance to public policy is the question of how firms
operating under different forms of ownership can be ranked in terms of
productive efficiency. To answer this question it is necessary to
investigate whether differences in enterprise efficiency vary
systematically with the type of ownership. By looking into these
questions, this study has made a valuable contribution to the literature
about the effects of ownership on economic performance of manufacturing
enterprises in Pakistan. The results do not show any evidence of
inferior performance of the ghee industry during government ownership.
As such, they are contrary to the predictions of the property-rights
literature, which stem from the notion that since efficiency is
essential for the survival of private firms, private ownership is
inherently more efficient than public ownership.
However, because of weaknesses in the methodology, the results of
the study have to be interpreted with caution. One source of weakness is
the difficulty with which the effects of property fights can be
effectively isolated from the influence of regulated markets. If this is
not done, the efficiency differentials would reflect a combination of
the effects of property rights and market structure. Profits will not
tell you what they are supposed to, as they will be a function of the
market structure as well. On pages 5-7 of the paper it has been
mentioned that while the ghee industry did not face a free market during
the period under consideration, the form and degree of market regulation
varied over time. It is, therefore, not very clear how much of the
efficiency differentials could be attributable to the form of ownership
and how much to differences in market regulation.
My second comment relates to the choice of the criterion for
measuring operational performance of enterprises. The use of financial
criteria derived from balance-sheets, profit and loss statements, etc.,
cannot yield meaningful results, in particular when making a comparison
of performance across enterprises. This is because balance-sheet
structures offer a wide scope for discretionary behaviour on the part of
the management and change sharply over time, depending on the behaviour
of the financial markets. Balance-sheets may also be deliberately
distorted by private management to report lower profits for purposes of
tax evasion. This produces a lot of diversity among firms with regard to
their financial structures and makes the exercise of
relative-performance evaluation quite unmeaningful unless these factors
are fully taken into account. As an example, consider two firms A and B
which may be showing identical profits but operating from different
financial positions. Thus, firm A's performance may be based on
weak foundations because of, say, low reserve strength. Consequently, if
this is not taken into account, performance evaluation on the basis of
profits alone will involve an upward bias in the case of firm B. Besides
reserve strength, there are a large number of factors which are of
crucial importance from the viewpoint of the short-term or long-term
health of an enterprise.
While making a comparison of performance of different firms, one
has also to take into account the practice of
'window-dressing' with the help of which managements can hide
the real state of affairs. This involves, for example, writing back past
provisions to profit-and-loss account to the profit statement to
disguise an adverse turn in operations, under-provision for doubtful
debts, liabilities or repairs, etc.
Similarly, the arbitrariness of depreciation charge is a disturbing
element in inter-firm comparisons. Firms follow different accounting
standards in respect of depreciation. As a result, the profits of two
firms may be substantially different despite similar underlying
profitability and the same total depreciation charge over the
asset's life.
There is some confusion about the use of the terms profits,
profitability and efficiency, which convey entirely different meanings
but which have been used by the author identically (e.g. page 17).
Profitability is generally understood as a ratio (profits to assets,
equity, etc.) while profit is an absolute figure. If we adjust an
absolute figure (public profits) by an absolute figure (adjusted public
profits) we get another absolute figure (adjusted public profits) and
not a ratio (profitability). Thus, it is not clear what the figures in
Table 7 are. On the same page, to explain what measure of capital stock
has been used for adjustment of public profits we are referred (footnote 12, page 37) to an appendix which does not exist.
There is also a need to explain in greater detail a number of other
things which have been discussed in the paper. For example, the sampling
procedure that determines the 'small' and the 'full'
samples is not very clear from the footnote on page 19. Why the small
sample is more relevant for private-public comparison is also not
explained. If the results of the small sample alone are relevant for
performance comparisons then on what grounds can the results based on
this sample (consisting of 7 firms only) be generalized for the Ghee
Industry as a whole unless these firms are fairly representative of the
Dr Khwaja Sarmad
Senior Research Economist, Pakistan Institute of Development
Economics, Islamabad
* These comments are on an earlier version of the paper which was
presented at the Second Annual General Meeting of the PSDE.
[1.] Ahmed, Bashir, Meekal Ahmed and Abdul Majeed Naeem.
"Trends in Real Wages in Selected Industries of Punjab:
1972-81". Pakistan Journal of Development Studies. 1981.
[2.] Caves, D.W., and L.R. Christensen. "The Relative
Efficiency of Public and Private Firms in a Competitive Environment: The
Case of Canadian Railroads". Journal of Political Economy, 1980.
Vol. 88. Chicago. pp. 958-76.
[3.] Cowing and Stevenson. Productivity Measurement in Regulated
Industries. Academic Press. 1981. pp. 405.
[4.] Davies, D.G. "The Efficiency of Public versus Private
Firms: The Case of Australia's Two Airlines". Journal of Law
and Economics. Vol. 14. 1971. pp. 149-166.
[5.] Davies, D.G. "Property Rights and Efficiency in a
Regulated Environment: A Reply". Economic Record. Vol. 56. June
1980. pp. 186-189.
[6.] Finsinger, J., and I. Vogelsand. "Performance Indices for
Public Enterprises". In Leroy Jones. et al. (ed.), Public
Enterprise in Less Developed Countries. New York: Cambridge University
Press. 1982.
[7.] Jones. Leroy P. "Towards a Performance Evaluation
Methodology for Public Enterprises". Paper presented at United
Nations-sponsored Conference on Economic Performance of Public
Enterprise, Islamabad, Pakistan, November 1981.
[8.] Jones, Leroy P., and E.S. Mason. "The Role of Economic
Factors in Determining the Size and Structure of the Public Enterprise
Sector in Mixed Economy LDC's". In L.P. Jones, (ed.), Public
Enterprise in Less Developed Countries. New York: Cambridge University
Press. (Forthcoming)
[9.] Jones, L.P., and Ingo Vogelsang. The Effects of Markets on
Public Enterprise Conduct and Vice Versa. International Center for
Public Enterprises. (1983). Monograph Ljubljana: Series No. 7.
[10.] Nove, Alce. "Micro Economic Applications". Chapter
5 in the Soviet Economy.
[11.] Sen, A.K. "Profit Maximization and the Public
Sector". Lecture delivered to Trivandrum University.
[12.] Shaikh, Abdul Hafeez. "Efficiency in Production under
Private and Public Ownership: Techniques of Measurement and Evidence
from Pakistan". Ph.D. Dissertation, Boston University, Boston,
Mass. January 1985.
(1) Public or private enterprise's performance, but from the
national economic point of view.
(2) For a critique of private accounting profits and other popular
indicators such as labour productivity and capacity utilization as
indicators of public enterprise performance, see A.K. Sen [11], Leroy P.
Jones [7] and Aloe Nove [10].
(3) This is the so-called frontier approach to the measurement of
efficiency. For a survey of related issues see the May 1981 issue of the
Journal of Econometrics.
(4) The small sample includes the same seven firms for the entire
ten-year period and is more relevant for private-public comparisons. The
large sample includes all 154 observations over the ten-year period, the
same eighteen firms in the last seven years.
(5) This accounting framework was first proposed for public
enterprises in Leroy P. Jones and Sakong Il, "A Social Accounting
System for Public Enterprises", Korea Development Institute Working
Paper 7604 (1976). It is the basis for more elaborate and Computerised
Performance Information Systems developed by Professor Jones for the
public enterprises of Korea, Pakistan and Venezuela.
(6) For greater details see Jones cited above and Abdul Hafeez
Shaikh's thesis [12].
(7) Although much of the divergence between accounting and public
profits, at the industry level of aggregation, vanishes after the
adjustment for indirect taxes, there are still important differences
between accounting and public profits, especially at the level of the
individual firm.
(8) The situation is somewhat more complicated if the public
enterprise is a monopoly with the power to set prices. For a discussion
of the issues involved see J. Finsinger and Ingo Vogelsang [6] and
Pankaj Tandon. "The incentive effects of the Jones performance
evaluation system on price-setting managers" (mimeo) Boston
University, 1983.
(9) See [1].
(10) For further details on constant pricing procedures, see Abdul
Hafeez Shaikh [12].
(11) We have used a 'gross' measure of capital stock. For
a discussion on the relative merits of the capital stock and the rated
capacity of the firms as indicators of scale, see [12].
(12) Public profitability may overestimate or underestimate true
changes in efficiency if the following conditions are not met:
unconstrained demand for the individual firms, constant returns to
scale, and additions in the denominator--capital stock--of firms making
losses--negative numerator--in two successive periods. For a fuller
development of these arguments and a synthesis between public
profitability and economic efficiency see Shaikh, [12]. Shaikh has also
argued that in the case of the Pakistan's ghee industry for the
sample period of the study, the conditions listed above are not
(13) The results are based upon averages. However, for statistical
testing of hypothesis on relative efficiency see [12].
ABDUL HAFEEZ SHAIKH, The author is Senior Research Economist at the
Applied Economics Research Centre, University of Karachi. The
author's greatest intellectual debt is to Professor Leroy P. Jones,
Director, Public Enterprise Program, Boston University. He is also
thankful to Professors Oldric Kyn and Ingo Vogeisang for detailed
comments, to Haroon Jamal and Lida Kyn for computational help and to
Mohammad Shafique for secretarial assistance. Financial assistance for
research related to this paper was provided by the Applied Economics
Research Centre, the Ford Foundation and the International Development
Research Center, Canada. The errors that remain are, of course, the
author's own responsibility.
Table 1
Classification of Factors affecting Public Profits in
Current Prices
1. Endowment of fixed factors e.g. Quantity of Capital; Quality
of Capital
2. Prices of outputs and inputs
3. Other factors exogenous to e.g. Insufficient Demand,
the management Disruption of Input Supplies;
Power Failures; Non-Commercial
4. Managerial performance
Table 2
Private Accounting Profits
1970-73 1974-76 1977-80 1974-80
Small sample average profits * 0.50 1.06 3.52 2.46
Full sample profits -0.43 -0.24 2.05 1.07
* In millions of current rupees.
Table 3
Production and Distribution Flows
Q Value of Output *
-I.I. Value of Intermediate Inputs
=V.A. Gross Value Added
-W Employee Compensation
-R Rental Expenses
=Ro Return to Operating Assets
+Rn Return to Non-Operating Assets
=Rt Total Returns to the Enterprise
-N Interest Payments
-T Direct and Indirect Taxes **
-O Other Distributions
=E Total Return to Equity Holders
-Ed Depreciation and Amortization
-Eb Distribution Earnings (Dividends)
-Er Retained Earnings
* All entries are in current market prices.
** If indirect taxes are deducted from output, then the
value added and returns are at factor
Table 4
Public Profits in Current Prices
1970-73 1974-76 1977-80 1974-80
Small samples average profits * 8.87 21.36 51.22 38.42
Full samples average profits 7.45 15.29 39.45 29.10
* In millions of current rupees.
Table 5
Reconciliation of Public and Private Profits
Name 1971 1972 1973 1974 1975
Public Profit * 628 751 790 1049 1198
+ Work Cap. 61 59 79 106 195
- Net 0th. Inc. 17 3 -64 6 7
- Interest 68 87 113 103 227
- Depreciation 68 80 80 56 79
- Ind. tax 504 556 627 707 1099
- Direct tax 56 46 110 141 89
- Other Dist. 19 18 25 9 23
= Prvt. Profit -8 27 -149 144 -118
Name 1976 1977 1978 1979 1980
Public Profit * 2342 3072 3395 3851 5464
+ Work Cap. 262 277 296 319 344
- Net 0th. Inc. 28 21 26 17 31
- Interest 270 244 228 229 299
- Depreciation 70 64 62 68 76
- Ind. tax 2222 2577 2828 3208 5206
- Direct tax 146 231 297 314 172
- Other Dist. 22 31 41 54 63
= Prvt. Profit -98 221 262 315 21
* In tens of thousands of rupees
Table 6 Public Profits in Constant Prices
1970-73 1974-76 1977-78 1974-80
Small sample profits * 21.57 31.46 46.47 40.03
Full sample profits 19.00 23.57 36.35 30.87
* In millions of constant 1975-76 rupees.
Table 7
Public Profitability at Constant Prices
1970-73 197476 1977-78 1974-80
Small sample average 0.48 0.77 1.13 0.98
Full sample average 0.40 0.75 1.15 0.98