Domestic terms of trade and public policy for agriculture in Pakistan.
Qureshi, Sarfraz K.
Despite the crucial importance of information on intersectoral
terms of trade in the formulation of a host of public policies, the
official statistical system in Pakistan is yet to generate a statistical
series of the terms of trade for the agricultural sector on a regular
basis. A number of views expressed on Pakistan's agriculture appear
to be based either on results of studies that are now outdated, or on a
complete neglect of the existing data that could be processed to
calculate the terms-of-trade indices. This paper attempts to provide
information on the movement of terms of trade for the agricultural
sector for the period from 1951-52 to 1983-84. The impact of changes in
terms of trade on farm output, distribution of income and efficient use
of resources is also traced.
A number of studies have been conducted in Pakistan about movements
in the terms of trade for the agricultural sector [2; 3; 7 ; 9; 10].
Since there axe considerable methodological differences, it would be
useful to have a brief look at each study. The studies referred to above
belong to two distinct types : (a) those which examine the movements in
intersectoral terms of trade by computing implicit price indices from
the national accounts data; and (b) those which evolve a set of weights
for the different items traded between the agricultural and
non-agricultural sectors. The study by Cheong and D'Silva [2] is of
the first type while all the remaining studies belong to the second
Studies of the first type are not very demanding where basic data
are concerned. Published national accounts data and/or published indices
of wholesale prices for agricultural and industrial goods are used to
determine the trends in the terms of trade. Cheong and D'Silva have
computed the terms-of-trade indices by using the estimates of GDP at
factor costs in current prices originating in the agricultural and
manufacturing sectors and their corresponding estimates at constant
prices. (1) The terms-of-trade indices estimated from GDP deflators
suffer from serious limitations. The weights attached to different
commodities are on the basis of production and not on the basis of the
marketed quantities, i.e. the intersectoral sales and purchases.
Furthermore, the commodities included in the analysis are not the ones
actually traded between the agricultural and non-agricultural sectors
but are inclusive of many commodities which are in fact not traded
between the two sectors. On these grounds, the findings regarding the
terms of trade may be biased and may not reflect the real trends in
relative prices.
Studies belonging to the second type attempt to rectify the
limitations inherent in the study by Cheong and D'Silva. The
pattern of trade is identified to include most of the major products and
weights are estimated on the basis of the best available information
regarding the sales and purchases of a sector for which terms of trade
are computed. The studies by Lewis and Hussain [10], Lewis [9], and
Gotsch and Brown [3] are identical in respect of the selection of
commodities, the choice of weights and the use of prices. The study by
Kazi [7] uses the same concept of prices but differs not only in the way
the weights are assigned to different commodities but also in the
coverage of commodities in the intersectoral trade.
The commodity coverage of the indices of the prices paid, as
computed by Lewis, was spread over three functional groups of
consumption goods, intermediate and related goods, and investment and
related goods. The numbers of the items in the groups identified above
were 14, 7 and 6, respectively. Since no information on intersectoral
trade was available, lewis estimated the value of intersectoral
transactions through an indirect method. He derived the value of
intersectoral transactions by estimating the availability of different
commodities. These were then apportioned between the two sectors on the
basis of different assumptions about the absorption of different
commodities in the two sectors. The net availability was defined as
domestic supply plus imports minus exports. The absorption of
consumption goods in the agricultural and non-agricultural sectors was
determined by different assumptions about the consumption patterns of
agricultural and non-agricultural populations. The alternative
assumptions were equal per capita expenditure and 10 percent, 25 percent
and 40 percent less expenditure on non-agricultural consumption goods in
the rural areas than in the urban areas. A smaller share was allocated
to the agricultural sector for the intermediate and investment goods because the bulk of such goods was assumed to be absorbed in the urban
industrial sector and in public projects.
The weights computed by Lewis were based on estimated production,
skies and purchases for the year 1959-60. All terms-of-trade indices are
thus representative of the trends of the relative prices of the bundles
of goods transacted in 1959-60. Lewis computed the terms-of-trade
indices on the basis of a number of alternative weighting schemes and
found that the results were robust and the basic trends wore insensitive to substantial variations in the weights. (2)
Kazi [7] finds three problems with Lewis's method of analysis.
Firstly, she argues that Lewis's weighting scheme was based on
arbitrary assumptions about the absorption of goods in different
sectors. Secondly, she objects to the inclusion of some investment and
investment-related goods on the ground that they are unlikely items for
purchase by agriculture. Thirdly, she points out that Lewis ignores such
items purchased by agriculture from the non-agricultural sector as are
not produced by the large-scale industrial sector. Expenditures on gas
and electricity are cited by her in this context.
Before we examine the contribution made by Kazi, it must be pointed
out that she has correctly identified the problems with Lewis's
analysis but has not dealt with these problems very adequately. Using
data on consumer expenditure from the Household Income and Expenditure
Survey and the National Accounts data on the value of production of some
agricultural and non-agricultural intermediate goods, Kazi estimates the
weights for different items for 1969-70. Like Lewis, she uses index
numbers of wholesale prices as price indicators.
Derivation of weights on the basis of consumer expenditure creates
a bias, as has been shown in the case of India by Kahlon and Tyagi [6].
Such data are based on retail prices. The weights derived on the basis
of final consumption estimates tend to over-estimate the share of those
commodities in whose case the difference between the retail and
wholesale prices is large.
Kazi also faults when she ignores items of capital formation which
were included, though in a crude manner, by Lewis in his computations.
Since investment goods are becoming increasingly important in the
modernization of agriculture, this omission is a serious one. The
coverage of commodities for final use by agriculture was also narrower
in Kazi's study. We are interested in the computation of terms of
trade of agriculture with a view to getting an idea of the changing
domestic incentives for the sector, and to analysing the impact that
such incentives have on agricultural economy. Inclusion of a large
number of items for final consumption, intermediate use and capital
formation in the indices of the prices paid indices is an absolute
necessity. Since Lewis has an edge in this regard and his method of
analysis was found to be robust to a wide variation in weights, in the
next section we use the weights constructed by him for 1959-60, so as to
be able to trace the movements in relative prices for the agricultural
sector for the period from 1951-52 to 1983-84.
The terms of trade for agriculture relative to those for the
industrial sector are an indicator of the profitability of agriculture
and of the purchasing power of agricultural income. The intersectoral
terms of trade are determined jointly by (a) changes in the supply of
and demand for goods and services entering in the intersectoral trade,
(b) changes in a whole array of macro policies in areas of taxation,
trade and monetary economics, and (c) commodity-specific incentive price
policies. In this section, we present information on trends in the
domestic terms of trade and give a brief account of the factors that may
have influenced the rural-urban terms of trade.
There are many different concepts of the terms of trade. Table 1
presents information on three types of the terms of trade. (3) All
numbers are three-year moving averages that attempt to smooth the series
from yearly fluctuations. Net barter terms of trade are measured in two
alternative ways. For the prices paid by agriculture, estimated
purchases are used in both the alternatives. For the prices received by
agriculture, alternative weights are based on marketings and gross
output of different agricultural goods. The use of different weights
changes the magnitude of movements but does not alter the general
pattern of the movements in the terms of trade.
Five distinct periods in the movements in net barter terms of trade
can be distinguished. (4) The first period from the year 1951-53 to the
years 1954-57 was that of deterioration in the terms of trade when these
terms declined by about 9 percent. The partition of the Indo-Pak
sub-continent in 1947 had disrupted the pattern of trade of agricultural
and manufactured goods. The areas that constituted Pakistan had a
surplus in agricultural goods and had been exchanging these goods for
manufactured goods from areas that became India. A relative glut of
agricultural goods and scarcity of manufactured goods explain to a large
extent the downward movement of terms of trade for the agricultural
sector in this period. The trade policy adopted in Pakistan to deal with
the foreign-exchange crisis was an additional important factor in the
movement of terms of trade against agriculture.
The second period from 1954-57 to 1965-68 was one of rising
relative prices for the agricultural sector as the terms of trade showed
an improvement of about 29 percent over this period. The spurt in the
agricultural output and a relative slow-down of the industrial output
were responsible for an improvement in the terms of trade. The
introduction of subsidies on some selected farm inputs and the fixation of support prices for a few major crops in the early 1960s were
responsible for effecting an improvement in the barter terms of trade.
Increases in wheat and rice outputs as a result of the Green
Revolution, and the mounting bill for the treasury on account of subsidy
for farm inputs, had convinced the government of the need to moderate
the price increases for the crops and to reduce the level of subsidies
on farm inputs. The slight downward trend in the net barter terms of
trade noticed for the 1965-68-1968-71 period is a consequence of the
government's efforts to force agriculture to share its productivity
gains with the rest of the society.
The devaluation of the rupee in 1972 and increases in the rate of
subsidies on farm inputs in the early 1970s had given an upward trend to
the indices of the terms of trade. The improvement in the terms of
trade, of about 10 percent between 1968-71 and 1975-78, was mostly due
to the changes in the rate of foreign exchange and to an adjustment of
sectoral prices of agricultural inputs and output in response to the
changes in world prices. A deliberate policy of the removal of subsidies
on farm inputs accompanied by an increase in the support prices for
major crops has been in force since the late 1970s. The downward trend
in the terms of trade since 1979 is partly a result of this deliberate
policy choice. The examples given above from economic history illustrate
the crucial role played by both macro economic policies and sectoral
policy initiatives in the determination of trends in the terms of trade.
Estimates of terms of trade at a more disaggregated level point to
considerable differences in the pattern of price changes between
consumption goods, intermediate goods and investment goods. (5) The
prices of investment goods have risen and, for most years, the terms of
trade are adverse relative to 1959-60. The trends in terms of trade for
intermediate goods and consumption goods are parallel to the overall
sectoral terms of trade. The improvement in the terms of trade is higher
for intermediate goods than for consumption goods. The prices of food
crops relative to those of cash crops show considerable variation
through time. Relative food prices were low till 1965-68, rose
thereafter and then again fell to a low level in 1976-79. A sharp rise
in the relative profitability of the production of one type of crop
relative to another may have been responsible for this variation.
The trends in single factoral terms of trade are more or less
parallel to the trends noted for the net barter terms of trade. The only
difference is that the rise in single factoral terms was much sharper in
the period from 1963-66 to 1972-75.
The net barter terms of trade of the agricultural sector and of the
food crop producers indicate incentives for agriculture and the food
sub-sector respectively. The barter terms of trade indicate that one
group's benefits are the other group's losses and the extent
of the loss/benefit is measured by the deviation from the unit level.
The income terms of trade measure the purchasing power of a sector. In
the case of the income terms of trade, the deviation from the unit level
of a sector does not necessarily imply a worsening of the purchasing
power of the rival sector.
The income terms of trade are defined as the ratio of the value of
sales by a sector to its average import price. Since no data series
exists for the marketed surplus, we have measured the income terms of
trade as a product of the net barter terms of trade and an index of
agricultural output. The income terms of trade remained depressed till
1957-60 but showed an increasing trend afterwards. In fact, these terms
registered a decline for the period from 1951-52 to 1955-56. The
explanation of the trends observed in the income terms of trade lies in
the movements of its two components, the net barter terms of trade and
the physical agricultural output. An increase in output with no change
in relative prices increases the income terms of trade, while a movement
of the internal terms of trade adverse to agriculture, ceteris paribus,
reduces the income terms of trade. The agricultural sector was squeezed
by the declining internal terms of trade during the 1950s. For later
years, the purchasing power of agriculture shows an increasing trend.
This is mainly due to the productivity gains of agriculture. In fact,
increases in the physical agricultural output more than offset the
impact of declining barter terms of trade on the income terms of trade
for the years identified above when barter terms showed some decline.
Active price intervention showing variation in form and intensity
generates many critical policy issues. Some of these issues are: the
impact and role of price incentives on farm production, the efficiency
of resource use, and the distribution of income.
Price Incentives and Aggregate Farm Output
High prices, in theory, not only have implications for an efficient
use of resources but can also shift the production function upwards by
price-induced technological and institutional innovations and
infrastructural investment in rural areas. In order to examine the
impact of the terms of trade on farm output, a linear relation between
the index of agricultural output, net barter terms of trade lagged by a
year and the supply shifter variables was estimated. The equation
estimated for the 1951-52-1983-84 period is as follows :
[Q.sub.t] = -13.72 + .75 [Q.sub.t.1] + .28[P.sub.t-1] + 0.07 [Z.sub.t]
+ 1.12 T
(-0.63) (6.05)** (1.55)* (2.80)*
[[bar.R].sup.2] = .92
where Q, P, Z and T are, respectively, an index of agricultural
output, terms of trade, percentage of the net sown area irrigated, and
time trend. Figures in the parenthesis are t-values of regression
coefficients and (**) and (*) indicate coefficients significant at the
one-percent and 10-percent levels respectively.
The terms of trade have a positive effect on output. By the
conventional criterion of significance, the price coefficient is
marginally significant. The estimated short-run price elasticity of .18
and the long-run price elasticity of .72, calculated at mean values, are
within the range found for other developing countries. (6)
The first shifter variable, the proportion of the net sown area
irrigated, captures the impact of price-induced technical change on farm
output. The spurt in the installation of private tubewells, which began
around 1959-60, has been attributed by some analysts to the
profitability of additional water [12]. The profitability of water was,
in turn, linked to the pricing policy regarding both output and inputs
of the agricultural sector. Some analysts have demonstrated a link
between farm prices and public investment in agriculture [1]. Higher
prices for agricultural produce increase the financial rate of return on
agricultural projects and justify increased allocations for the
agricultural sector. The significant positive coefficient of the
irrigation variable shows the importance of price-induced innovations.
The coefficient of the time-trend variable measures the impact of
autonomous technical change on farm output. Without minimizing the role
of price-induced innovations, it can be argued that basic scientific
knowledge is weakly related to prices and has its own growth momentum.
Its beneficial impact on farm output is evident from the significance of
the coefficient of the time-trend variable in the estimated equation.
Trade Policy and Resource Use
The implication with respect to allocation efficiency from the
society's point of view can be spelled out after we know the extent
of correspondence of private signals transmitted to farmers with the
short- and long-run social benefits and costs, as measured by world
border prices.
Gotsch and Brown [3] have documented the pervasive impact of trade
interventions in the distortions of incentives for agricultural
producers in Pakistan. The nominal and effective protection coefficients
for major crops show that domestic prices of most crops are lower than
the world prices. For most of the industrial goods, the domestic prices
are higher than the world prices. In this sense, Pakistani policy-makers
have undervalued agricultural production. The disaggregated analysis by
crops and by different time periods shows that incentives vary with
crops and, for different crops, over time. The food crops were
subsidized while export crops were taxed. Sugar-cane, wheat and maize were provided considerable protection up to about the early 1970s.
Considerations of self-sufficiency in food seem to have determined this
policy option. There has also been a distinct break in the pattern of
incentives since about 1972-73. The devaluation of the rupee in May 1972
increased the border prices. Abrupt and wide fluctuations in world
commodity prices during the 1970s and the 1980s have imparted
instability to the values of protection coefficients. Despite the
instability observed, a distinct movement of the protection coefficients
of most crops towards the value of one has been evident during the last
few years.
The evidence on the presence or absence of distortions arising from
trade policy is only the starting point in the evaluation of efficiency
implications. The measurement of the cost of distortions in terms of
economic welfare is the next logical step. Research on this is totally
lacking in Pakistan. For this, the estimation of demand and supply
curves as a basic input in the measurement of consumer and producer
surpluses is the first requirement. The question of whether and how much
agricultural incomes and employment would have increased if world prices
had been adequately reflected in domestic incentives deserves a high
priority for research.
Impact on Distribution of Income
The relationship between agricultural pricing policies and
distribution is complex and has neither been modelled adequately nor
subjected to a detailed empirical enquiry. Some attention has been given
to the relative sectoral distribution issue and distribution of personal
incomes while no or very little attention has been paid to the impact of
pricing policies on the regional distribution of income.
Agricultural prices determine the income of the farmers and affect
the living standards of the people engaged in farming and other
professions, as agricultural commodities form an important part of wage
goods. A controversy rages among economists whether the transfer of
income takes place between sectors or between high-income agricultural
producers and low-income urban and rural consumers. Tyagi [16] has
argued that in India high farm prices have transferred income from urban
areas to rural areas and that all groups in rural areas have benefited
from those prices. Ashok Mitra [11] believes that a transfer has taken
place from low-income urban and rural consumers to high-income
agricultural producers. The limited evidence that we present for
Pakistan provides some support to the contention that the pricing policy
has primarily resulted in an intersectoral transfer of income.
The notion that high farm prices benefit large farmers and hurt the
landless labour and small farmers is based on two assumptions: (1)
labourers depend on the market for purchases of wage goods, and (2)
incomes of the wage labourers and small farmers are independent of
produce prices. The evidence we present below indicates that these
assumptions do not hold in their pure form.
Table 2 shows the sources from which rural households obtain wheat
flour. The reliance on the market for supplies of wheat and wheat flour
shows considerable variation between provinces and, within each
province, between farm and non-farm households. Own farming and wages in
kind are the dominant sources of wheat flour for farm households and for
all households. Even in the case of nonfarm households, these two
sources are important. High farm prices imply an automatic increase in
income for the component accounted for by wages in kind and own farming.
The assumption that income and farm prices are independent is clearly
violated. The fact that of the total amount of flour obtained through
market by all rural households 25 percent is obtained in the Punjab, 24
percent in Sind and 48 percent in the NWFP shows that the dependence on
the market is not high.
The data on trends in rural real wages further cast doubt on the
hypothesis that landless labourers may lose as a result of high farm
prices. Guisinger and Hicks [4] and Irfan and Ahmed [5] have provided a
series of rural wages for selected years between 1952 and 1973 and for
each- year between 1973 and 1984. There was a pronounced upward trend in
real wages between 1952 and 1973. As a matter of fact, the real wages
for casual workers in 1973 were higher by about 60 percent over those in
1952, the benchmark year. The series constructed by Irfan and Ahmad
showed declines in the real wages between 1974 and 1976, an upward level
for the years from 1976 to 1981, and a slight downward trend since 1981.
The close correspondence between real wages and net barter terms of
trade for agriculture again shows the salutary effect of high prices on
the rural income of the landless labour in the agricultural sector. The
conclusion that we reach then is that the interests of large farmers,
small farmers and the landless wage labour in rural areas are more or
less identical as far as farm prices are concerned. It must, however, be
noted that the similarity in the interests of these groups obtains in
the long run after the price incentives have had their impact on the
income of the poor through increased job opportunities. In the short
run, high food prices impose a burden on poor consumers. A role for
targeted food subsidies for the benefit of the poor is obvious.
The incidence of high farm prices on urban income distribution has
also aroused a controversy. Some believe that high food prices hurt
mainly the low-income urban consumers. Brown [1] has shown that in the
case of Pakistan urban wage levels have responded fairly quickly to the
cost of wage goods. If Brown is correct, high food prices may have more
impact on urban profits than on real incomes of the wage earners. In any
case, the analysis of high food prices needs to take account of the
national food subsidy schemes that have a dual pricing system and funnel
the bulk of rationed food to urban areas. Naqvi and Cornelisse [13] in
their study of wheat marketing have shown that the rationing system as
it has operated has discriminated against the rural areas, especially
the rural NWFP, Sind and Baluchistan. They have further shown that
wheat-market actors (millers, ration shop-keepers and the Food
Department officials--all belonging to high- or middle-income classes)
appropriate for themselves a part of the benefits intended for the rural
and urban poor. The difference between the domestic producer prices and
consumer prices and the public expenditure on the administration of the
rationing system require huge budgetary subsidies. The Financing of
these subsidies is generally regressive. The intervention by the
government in the public distribution of wheat may have been beneficial
to the middle- and upper-income consumers in the urban areas.
The impact of input pricing on income distribution and agricultural
development has not been discussed so far. The case built for the
introduction of subsidies on modern inputs (fertilizer, pesticides,
water) in the early 1960s was to familiarize farmers with the new
innovations and to encourage them to use these inputs on a large scale.
There is a growing literature in Pakistan which shows that input
subsidies may have outlived their original justification. Gotsch and
Brown [3] and Cheong et al. [2] have pointed out that subsidies on water
may encourage a wasteful use of the scarce water supply. Subsidies on
machines tend to displace labour and provide wrong signals to farmers
for the use of capital-intensive technology. Since access to inputs is
largely determined by the size of holding, it is not surprising that
farm subsidies benefit mostly the large and progressive farmers in
Pakistan. Since large farmers are not necessarily efficient users of
modern inputs, a policy that diverts inputs to small farmers would
maintain or increase the output. Research on the identification of
institutional interventions that ensures larger supplies of modern
inputs to smaller farmers command high priority. However, what must be
stressed here is the need for a reduction of farm subsidies with a view
to encouraging farm production and improving income distribution in the
farm sector. Subsidized input prices at this stage are providing an
element of rent to large farmers. Small farmers are already paying high
market-clearing prices for the subsidized inputs which are in short
We can be very brief in conclusion. Basic data on prices, sales and
marketings of the goods and services entering in the intersectoral trade
need an improvement. Notwithstanding the weaknesses in the basic data,
the preceding analysis sheds light on various policy-relevant issues and
has several interesting implications. These are briefly summarized
1. The barter terms of trade of the agricultural sector have shown
an upward trend over the entire period from 1951-52 to 1983-84. However,
this trend conceals in it periods of considerable decline, considerable
increase and large fluctuations in the net barter terms of trade. There
was a declining trend in the 1950s, a sharp upward trend during most of
the 1960s, large fluctuations in the 1970s and a declining trend since
2. The efficacy of price instruments as a source of agricultural
development was noted. The aggregate farm output was positively related
with the net barter terms of trade, irrigation ratio and the time trend.
Notwithstanding the importance of a positive price policy for
agriculture, a case can be made for an active technology policy and an
expanded programme of public investment benefiting the agricultural
sector. The long-run viability and productivity of the Indus Basin
implies vast public investments in agriculture. It should be noted that
it is easier to extract surplus out of increased production than out of
stagnant output. Increasing farm output requires a provision of gross
resources in the form of irrigation, research, credit and other modern
inputs. Starving agriculture of resources too soon may mean a large
amount of forgone farm output.
3. A public investment programme of the type needed requires
increased resource mobilization from the agriculture sector. The extent
of improvement in the purchasing power of agriculture since 1953-56 is
large. Farmers' ability to pay taxes and their capacity to pay for
modern inputs have improved considerably. This fact should be clearly
noted in the debates on reducing farm subsidies or increasing tax burden
on agriculture. The agricultural sector in Pakistan has been taxed
mainly by trade policy. Direct taxes have been too low to be a major
force. The farm subsidies on inputs have shown considerable increases
mainly due to the explosive increase in the quantity of the inputs used.
Very little support can be marshalled for input subsidies from the
vantage point of efficiency and agricultural development. Taxation of
the agricultural sector through trade policy is inefficient. There is a
strong case for increased taxation of the agricultural sector through
direct taxes on land and/or agricultural income and reduced levels or
withdrawal of input subsidies.
4. The impact of agricultural price policies on both the output and
input sides of income distribution has an interesting and useful policy
implication. That high farm prices benefit large producers is obvious.
We have also found some support for the view that high farm prices
benefit small farmers and the landless labour. Farmers' capacity to
hire labour is a function of the farm prices. Benefits from subsidized
inputs tend to accrue, in a large measure, to large producers. Reducing
input subsidies would not hurt the small farmer but could release public
resources for financing investments for the benefits of small farmers.
In this sense, remunerative farm prices and low or no subsidies on farm
inputs should increase the efficiency of resource use and the welfare
position of the small farmer and the rural poor.
5. Incentives to producers could be given through attractive
produce prices, subsidized prices for inputs, technological innovations
and investment in complementary sectors. Detailed specific research on
the relative benefits and costs of providing incentives through these
policies is required. The theoretical and empirical aspects of
determination of support prices for different crops that provide just
the right amount of incentives and maintain appropriate price relatives
for different crops should be given a high priority in the research
agenda. Incentives, measured by the rural-urban terms of trade, are the
outcome of a host of interacting sectoral and macro policies. It is
important to ensure that the commodity-specific price policies and the
macro-economic policies are a consistent policy set in their impact on
farm incentives.
Comments on "Domestic Terms of Trade and Public Policy for
Agriculture in Pakistan"
I am grateful to the organizers of the seminar for inviting me to
be an official discussant of the paper: "Domestic Terms of Trade
and Public Policy for Agriculture in Pakistan." The subject of the
paper is quite important and interesting while the findings of the paper
are likely to generate considerable heat. Because of the short time
available to me, I shall try to be rather brief.
The author in his review of the previous studies on "the
subject has highlighted the methodological problems/limitations of these
studies and has classified the previous studies on the subject into two
groups: (a) Studies on intersectoral terms of trade based on implicit
price deflators estimated from the national accounts data [1], and (b)
studies based on wholesale prices and a set of weights for different
items traded between the agriculture and the non-agricultural sectors
[2; 3; 4; 5].
The author has alleged that the terms of trade worked out from the
national accounts data through the estimation of implicit deflators
suffer from serious limitations as the weightage assumed by different
commodities in this case is their production and not their marketable
surplus. He rightly argues for the use of weights based on marketable
In practical situation, however, there may be some genuine
difficulties in this regard, since data on marketable surplus are often
not available. Nevertheless, these data constraints may not seriously
jeopardise the results as marketable surplus is likely to move in
sympathy with the production. Unless the production patterns have
changed radically, whereby commodities, whose marketable surplus is
radically different than the original ones are being grown, the results
may not be much different. Moreover, in analysing the movements in the
term of trade over a given period of time this may not affect the
pattern of movements since the same approach would have been followed
throughout. The criticism of using weights based on production rather
than the marketable surplus, levelled against the Ist group of studies
also applies to the second group of studies as they have also used
weights based on production rather than marketable surplus. This also
applies in the study under review.
The study under review has followed the methodology used by Lewis
and Hussain [3] in working out the movements in relative prices for the
agricultural sector. It has also used the same weight scheme as used by
Lewis and Hussain in their study.
Using 3-year moving averages, the author has worked out (a) net
barter terms of trade (b) income terms of trade and (c) single factoral
terms of trade, for the period from 1951 to 1984.
The use of the same weights as used by Lewis and Hussain in their
study during the 1960s may not be appropriate since the economy has
experienced substantial changes during the intervening years. Empirical
estimation by the author also suffers from the arbitrary assumption of
weights as it has been estimated by assuming per capita expenditure in
rural areas on different commodities is 25 percent less than the per
capita expenditure on the same goods in the urban areas. It may be
pointed out that Dr Kazi [3] has also faulted Lewis and Hussain for the
use of arbitrary weights in their study. In view of Dr Kazi's
criticism of the weight scheme of Lewis and Hussain, the author owes to
his readers an explanation for using the same approach.
The empirical results of the study under review indicate that the
prices of investment good have experience faster growth for most of the
years as compared to the prices received by the agricultural sector.
Therefore, net barter terms of trade for the agricultural sector
vis-a-vis investment goods have deteriorated since 1959-60. This finding
would have serious repercussions for capital formation in the
agricultural sector. The author also notes a downward trend in the terms
of trade since 1979 which is attributed to a deliberate policy choice by
the Government, as the Government policy has been designed to reduce
inputs subsidies and increase procurement prices for the major crops.
The deterioration in the terms of trade, the author argues, has resulted
because the increase in input prices was not accompanied by a sufficient
increase in output prices to offset the increase in input prices.
However, the deterioration in the net barter terms of trade for
agriculture may also be partly due to the fact that the falling trend in
the prices of agricultural commodities such as wheat, rice, sugar, and
cotton in the international markets as determining the domestic
support/procurement prices is, inter alia, constrained by the
international prices.
The analysis is highly aggregate in which different sub-sector of
agriculture sector, viz. food crops, cash crops, livestock, forestry,
and fisheries, have been lumped together.
Since these sub-sectors are subject to diverse pressures the
aggregation by cancelling them must have dampened the movements in the
price indices. The aggregate analyses would have a limited use for
policy planning.
The results of the analysis may be sensitive to the use of various
prices. For quite some time the government has been intervening in the
agricultural product markets through the announcement of
support/procurement prices. If the analysis were disaggregated enough,
i.e. if the agriculture sector was subdivided into its component
sub-sectors (crops, foodgrains and cash crops, livestock, forestry,
etc.), the results could have been confirmed through the use of
procurement/support prices as the reporting of wholesale prices of
primary commodities suffers from serious conceptual and practical
In order to examine the impact of the terms of trade of agriculture
on farm output a linear equation has been estimated. The variables
included in the equation are lagged index of agricultural output, lagged
terms of trade of agriculture, percentage of the net sown area irrigated
and time trend while the index of agricultural output is used as the
dependent variable.
From the positive but marginally significant coefficient for the
terms of trade variable the author pleads for designing a favourable
price package for the agricultural sector if the government's
objective is to increase agricultural output.
The equation estimated to explain the impact of terms of trade on
aggregate output suffers from too much of aggregation to be helpful in
policy planning. Since price policy to be effectively implemented has to
be by and large commodity specific, a disaggregated analysis might have
been helpful in this regard. Even more serious than the aggregated
nature of the analysis is the kind of relationship being envisaged and
attempted through estimation of the complex relationships underlying the
phenomenon by a single equation. The use of prices or terms of trade as
one of the independent variables along with other such variables as are
also thought to be influenced by the prices included in the function is
highly questionable.
From the analysis, the author concludes that improvements in term
of trade are extremely important for agricultural development and call
this as a pro-requisite for sustained agricultural development. The
importance of favourable terms of trade for agricultural development is
well recognized in the literature on the subject. But there are definite
limits on the achievement of the pricing policy also. The pricing policy
cannot and should not be taken as a panacea for all the ills afflicting the agricultural sector. Judiciously formulated and effectively
implemented agricultural pricing policy, if accompanied by other
technological developments and research efforts should be helpful in
expanding the production frontiers in agriculture. However, in the
absence of such efforts mere pricing policy is not likely to deliver the
goods. The case of oilseeds in Pakistan can be cited to support this
contention. What is needed herein is a genuine research and
institutional infrastructure to provide innovations and pricing policy
should play the supporting role. The institutional system of research
and technological developments must be geared to providing a continuous
stream of technological breakthroughs.
The author's argument that higher prices can lead to efficient
use of resources and shift the production function upward is confusing Higher output prices are likely to encourage movements along a given
production function by increasing the marginal returns to the input use,
while there is little likelihood of a shift in the production function
in the short run. However, higher output prices may encourage
investments in research which could result in high payoff innovations
leading to outward shifts in the production function in the long run.
The study has also proposed an imposition of income tax on
agricultural incomes. However, the proposal is not backed by the likely
estimates of costs and returns which would accrue from the scheme. This
proposal has been mooted time and again even in the press but not much
serious attention has been given to the likely implications for
implementing the scheme.
Dr Abdul Salam
Chief, Farm Production Economics Division, Agricultural Prices
Commission, Islamabad
[1.] Cheong, Kee Cheok and Emmanuel H. D'Silva. "Prices,
Terms of Trade and the Role of Government in Pakistan's
Agriculture". (World Bank Staff Working Paper No. 643)
[2.] Gotsch, Carl and Gilbert Brown. Prices, Taxes and Subsidies in
Pakistan Agriculture, 1960-76. (World Bank Staff Working Paper No. 387)
[3.] Kazi, Shahnaz. "Intersectoral Terms of Trade for the
Pakistan Economy: 1970-71-1981-82". (Unpublished Research Paper)
[4.] Lewis, Stephen R. Jr. "Recent Movements in
Agricultural's Terms of Trade in Pakistan". Pakistan
Development Review, Vol. X, No. 3, Autumn 1970.
[5.] Lewis, Stephen R. Jr. and Mushtaq Hussain. Relative Price
Changes and Industrialization in Pakistan, 1951-64. Monograph No. 16,
Pakistan Institute of Development Economics, June, 1967.
[1.] Brown, Gilbert T. "Agricultural Pricing Policies in
Developing Countries". In Theodore W. Shultz (ed.), Distortions of
Agricultural Incentives. Bloomington: Indiana University Press. 1978.
[2.] Cheong, Kee Cheek, and Emmanuel H. D'Silva. Prices, Terms
of Trade and the Role of Government in Pakistan's Agriculture.
Washington, D.C.: World Bank. 1984. (World Bank Staff Working Paper No.
[3.] Gotsch, Carl, and Gilbert Brown. Prices, Taxes and Subsidies
in Pakistan Agriculture, 1960-76. Washington, D.C.: World Bank. April
1980. (World Bank Staff Working Paper No. 387)
[4.] Guisinger, Stephen, and Norman L. Hicks. "Long Term
Trends in Income Distribution in Pakistan". World Development.
November-December, 1978.
[5.] Irfan, M., and Meekal Ahmad. "Real Wages in Pakistan:
Structure and Trends, 1970-84". (Paper Presented at the Second
Annual General Meeting of the Pakistan Society of Development
Economists, 1985.)
[6.] Kahlon, A. S., and D. S. Tyagi. Agricultural Prices Policy in
India. New Delhi: Allied Publishers Private Limited. 1983.
[7.] Kazi, Shahnaz. "Intersectoral Terms of Trade for the
Pakistan Economy: 1970-71-1981-82". 1985. (Unpublished Research
[8.] Lewis, Stephen R., Jr. "Effects of Trade Policy on
Domestic Relative Prices: Pakistan, 1951-64". American Economic
Review. March 1968.
[9.] Lewis, Stephen R., Jr. "Recent Movements in
Agriculture's Terms of Trade in Pakistan". Pakistan
Development Review. Vol. X, No. 3. Autumn 1970.
[10.] Lewis, Stephen R., Jr., and Mushtaq Hussain. Relative Price
Changes and Industrialization in Pakistan, 1931-64. Karachi (but not in
Islamabad): Pakistan Institute of Development Economics. June 1967.
(Monograph No. 16)
[11.] Mitra, Ashok. Terms of Trade and Class Relations: An Essay in
Political Economy. London: Frank Cass and Company Ltd. 1977.
[12.] Mohammad, Ghulam. "Private Tubewell Development and
Cropping Patterns in West Pakistan". Pakistan Development Review.
Vol. V, No. 1. Spring 1965.
[13.] Naqvi, Syed Nawab Haider, and Peter A. Cornelisse. The
Anatomy of the Wheat Market in Pakistan. Islamabad: Pakistan Institute
of Development Economics. Rotterdom.' Erasmus University. October,
[14.] Pakistan. Ministry of Agriculture. Survey Report on
Utilization of Agricultural Commodities in Pakistan. Islamabad. (Various
[15.] Qureshi, S. K., and A. N. Siddiqui. "Terms of Trade and
the Agricultural Price Policy". Islamabad: Pakistan Institute of
Development Economics. 1984. (Studies in Agriculture Pricing and
Agricultural Taxation, Working Paper No. 3)
[16.] Tyagi, D. S. "Review of Agriculture: Farm Prices and
Class Bias in India". Economic and Political Weekly. September,
(17.] Wizarat, Shahida, "Technical Change in Pakistan's
Agriculture: 1953-54 to 1977-78". Islamabad: Pakistan Institute of
Development Economics. 1981. (Research Report Series No. 120)
(1) The net barter terms of trade of the agriculture sector are
computed by dividing the GDP deflator for the agricultural sector by the
GDP deflator for the manufacturing sector.
(2) The robustness found by Lewis for his method of analysis also
obtains for the extended period of analysis to 1983-84. For details, the
reader is referred to a study by Qureshi and Siddiqui, [15]. For a ready
reference on this point, in the case of two alternative weighting
schemes, the reader may see Table 1. It would be extremely useful to
extend the analysis using a recent year's pattern of intersectoral
sales and purchases as weights for the terms of trade. Unavailability of
basic data is the main factor explaining our decision not to pursue the
ideal course but to stick to Lewis's weights. The assumption that
rural per capita expenditure on most commodities is 25 percent less than
the urban per capita expenditure is supported by the evidence for 1979
from the Household Income and Expenditure Survey. However, the important
point to remember is that a wide variation in the weighting scheme does
not change the pattern of movement of terms of trade for the
agricultural sector.
(3) This table is extracted from an earlier study by Qureshi and
Siddiqui [15]. The reader is referred to that study for details
regarding the method of analysis.
(4) For a detailed analysis, see [3; 8; 9; 10].
(5) It may be useful to note that the terms of trade for an entire
sector, for selected groups of commodities, and intra-sectoral
transactions address different analytical and policy issues. Each
concept of the terms of trade assigns weights to the items traded. As
such, the aggregation problem highlighted by the official discussant is
not encountered in the analysis.
(6) For a theoretical justification of the estimation of short- and
long-run price elasticities from the above relationship and the
assumptions underlying the estimation of supply response using a
Nerlovian distributed lag model, see Gotsch and Brown [3].
SARFRAZ K. QURESHI, Dr Qureshi is Chief of Research at the Pakistan
Institute of Development Economics, Islamabad. The author is grateful to
Messrs Ahmad Naeem Siddiqui and Sohail J. Malik, Staff Economists at the
Institute, and Prof. P. A. Cornelisse of Erasmus University, Rotterdam,
for their generous comments on an earlier draft of the paper. The author
is especially grateful to Dr Abdul Salam, the official discussant, for
his critical comments. An attempt has been made to sharpen the argument
in the light of the discussant's comments.
Table 1
Terms of Trade for Agriculture
Three-year Moving Average: 1951-52 - 1983-84
Net Barter Terms of Trade
Alternative Alternative
1 2
1 2 3
1951-54 99.34 96.64
1952-55 91.60 91.59
1953-56 90.12 87.97
1954-57 94.16 91.17
1955-58 98.56 95.14
1956-59 100.64 98.16
1957-60 100.88 99.37
1958-61 103.44 103.11
1959-62 106.11 105.71
1960-63 107.99 106.80
1961-64 106.91 105.37
1962-65 105.93 106.98
1963-66 104.55 108.43
1964-67 104.46 113.60
1965-68 101.69 113.78
1966-69 99.37 113.02
1967-70 96.61 109.33
1968-71 97.74 108.56
1969-72 99.42 110.38
1970-73 102.38 112.26
1971-74 108.67 118.56
1972-75 109.72 121.17
1973-76 106.98 118.04
1974-77 108.84 114.77
1975-78 109.23 119.54
1976-79 111.69 119.12
1977-80 105.57 115.84
1978-81 95.87 103.98
1979-82 91.45 99.82
1980-83 92.36 99.41
1981-84 95.42 102.59
Income Factoral
Terms Terms of
Years of Trade Trade
1 4 5
1951-54 83.60 109.21
1952-55 81.86 102.07
1953-56 79.42 96.55
1954-57 82.78 95.83
1955-58 87.34 96.83
1956-59 92.25 97.18
1957-60 94.74 98.56
1958-61 102.44 99.39
1959-62 111.73 101.02
1960-63 116.60 102.20
1961-64 120.49 104.04
1962-65 126.40 107.58
1963-66 133.74 108.60
1964-67 146.01 115.47
1965-68 158.98 121.63
1966-69 172.41 128.09
1967-70 186.16 138.25
1968-71 191.44 141.84
1969-72 199.79 146.46
1970-73 204.05 147.03
1971-74 224.50 156.33
1972-75 230.84 156.79
1973-76 228.86 151.58
1974-77 225.23 145.85
1975-78 243.90 153.95
1976-79 257.38 150.96
1977-80 255.86 145.01
1978-81 244.03 131.87
1979-82 247.60 136.56
1980-83 256.81 134.69
1981-84 277.65 136.99
Ratio of Prices Received
Relative to Prices Paid by
the Agricultural Sector for
Consumption Intermediate Investment
Years Goods Goods Goods
1 6 7 8
1951-54 100.30 99.75 90.85
1952-55 90.78 95.62 92.93
1953-56 89.70 92.73 94.65
1954-57 96.08 92.12 92.74
1955-58 101.75 93.83 93.90
1956-59 104.63 97.29 95.45
1957-60 103.29 99.46 98.61
1958-61 105.23 102.21 104.06
1959-62 106.98 105.13 106.24
1960-63 109.66 106.66 105.39
1961-64 108.82 104.41 100.79
1962-65 109.14 104.34 98.00
1963-66 107.94 103.76 96.49
1964-67 107.51 105.71 96.11
1965-68 105.12 103.44 90.57
1966-69 103.99 100.50 85.11
1967-70 103.13 96.26 78.63
1968-71 106.26 95.85 76.54
1969-72 109.05 96.07 77.67
1970-73 112.10 99.30 80.34
1971-74 117.52 109.52 83.81
1972-75 117.96 119.59 77.48
1973-76 114.46 120.55 72.22
1974-77 108.92 124.77 68.71
1975-78 111.54 134.26 76.33
1976-79 113.65 140.11 75.56
1977-80 111.99 123.84 71.86
1978-81 108.20 100.01 63.86
1979-82 107.09 86.30 62.36
1980-83 107.60 84.22 66.07
1981-84 108.23 88.29 72.06
Prices of Index of
Food Crops Agricultural
Relative to Output
Years Cash Crops (Base year;
1 9 10
1951-54 87.16 87.00
1952-55 94.88 89.67
1953-56 87.02 90.33
1954-57 84.62 90.67
1955-58 87.41 91.67
1956-59 92.22 94.00
1957-60 96.01 95.33
1958-61 98.43 99.33
1959-62 96.98 105.67
1960-63 93.44 109.33
1961-64 95.41 114.33
1962-65 96.44 118.00
1963-66 97.11 123.33
1964-67 106.33 128.33
1965-68 124.69 139.67
1966-69 137.00 153.33
1967-70 136.25 170.33
1968-71 126.31 176.00
1969-72 123.56 181.00
1970-73 120.73 181.67
1971-74 121.16 189.00
1972-75 127.64 190.33
1973-76 129.42 194.00
1974-77 126.06 196.33
1975-78 123.45 203.66
1976-79 118.90 210.33
1977-80 121.94 222.33
1978-81 117.53 235.66
1979-82 121.44 248.00
1980-83 83.15 258.38
1981-84 119.07 270.33
Notes: 1. Weights for prices received by the agricultural
sector are the marketings and gross value of output of each
of the commodities for Alternative 1 and Alternative 2
respectively. Weights for prices paid by the sector are
estimated purchases of non-agricultural commodities by the
agricultural sector. The absorption of consumption is
determined on the assumption that per capita consumption
in agriculture is 25 percent less than that in the
non-agricultural sector. For the years from 1951-54 to
1961-64, data been taken from Lewis and Mushtaq [10] the
series were with the use of the Lewis-Mushtaq. For the
remaining years, updated methodology.
2. Income terms of trade were obtained by multiplying net
barter terms of trade (Alternative 1) with an index of
agricultural output. The index of agricultural output is
published by the Federal Bureau of Statistics in its
Monthly Statistical Bulletins.
3. Single Factoral terms of trade were obtained by
multiplying net barter terms of trade (Alternative 1) by
the Factor Productivity Index. The productivity index is
taken from Wizarat [17] was calculated the labour index,.
An aggregate input index by weighting livestock index and
land index. The productivity index is obtained by dividing
the weighted input index by the index of the value added
in agriculture.
4. Weights for the prices received and the prices paid are
the same as given in Note (1) above for net barter terms
of trade (Alternative 1).
5. Weights for agricultural prices are the marketings of
each of the commodities. Food crops consist of Rice,
Wheat, Maize, Barley, Sorghum, Pulses, Potatoes and
Onions whereas cash crops consist of Oilseeds, Cotton,
Sugar-cane and Tobacco.
Table 2
Percentages of Wheat Flour Obtained by Rural Households
by Type of Household, Source and Province
Percentage of Wheat
Flour Obtained from
Province Type of Household Own Wages Open
Farming in Market
Kind Wheat
Punjab All Households 55 12 18
Farm Households 82 2 6
Non-Farm Households 20 26 34
Sind All Households 73 2 6
Farm Households 89 -- 4
Non-Farm Households 7 9 16
NWFP All Households 42 11 1
Farm Households 50 9 --
Non-Farm Households 31 13 1
Percentage of
Wheat Flour
Obtained from
Province Type of Household Ration Open
Flour Market
Punjab All Households 8 7
Farm Households 6 4
Non-Farm Households 10 10
Sind All Households 1 18
Farm Households 1 7
Non-Farm Households -- 68
NWFP All Households -- 47
Farm Households -- 41
Non-Farm Households -- 54
Source: The Survey of Wheat Markets jointly conducted in 1982 by the
Pakistan Institute of Development Economics, Islamabad, and the
Centre for Development Planning, Erasmus University, Rotterdam.