Delayed marriages in Pakistan.
Sathar, Zeba A. ; Kiani, M. Framurz K.
Delayed marriages played a very important role in slowing down
population growth during the European Demographic Transition. Similarly,
some developing countries have recently undergone even more rapid
changes in marriage patterns, leading to declining levels of fertility.
Curtailing marriage or entry into sexual unions is one of the
"positive" checks posited by Malthusian theory and is worthy
of some renewed attention because of the lack of decline in marital fertility in Pakistan.
Several researchers have identified changes in nuptiality behaviour
in Pakistan, in terms of a rise in both the average age at marriage [8;
11; 12] and changes in cohort nuptiality [7]. One researcher observed a
slight decline in fertility and attributed it to a rise in the age at
marriage in the late Seventies [1], but his observation was found to be
an artefact of data and was, therefore, refuted [18]. Thus, nuptiality
behaviour has been noted to have changed in Pakistan since the Fifties
with no notable accompanying changes in marital fertility. This
paper's primary objective is to explore the impact of
modernization, particularly of expansion of education and modern sector
employment, urbanization and migration, on proportions never married in
various age groups.
The primary source of data for this study is the Migration module
of the Population, Labour Force and Migration (PLM) Survey of 1979.
Supplementary data have also been taken from Pakistan's population
censuses of 1961, 1972 and 1981. The main advantage of PLM data is that
they provide household characteristics for every member of the more than
10,000 households sampled in Pakistan. The households were chosen on a
nationally based sample and, unlike the Census, the PLM Survey contains
more details about personal characteristics which can be cross-tabulated
and give the analysis greater flexibility than is possible from
published census tables.
Whereas previous studies based on the PLM Survey have mainly
utilized data from samples of ever-married females, we in this study are
using household data. This avoids the selection bias which occurs when
using a sample of ever-married females and allows us to identify
characteristics of never-married men and women. However, the PLM Survey
data may contain biases owing to misreporting of ages which may affect
the accuracy of the estimates derived in the paper. In the absence of a
thorough evaluation of the quality of PLM Survey data, the similarity of
the age--sex distributions in the PLM Survey with the corresponding
distributions in the 1981 census and the Pakistan Fertility Survey is
somewhat reassuring [19].
Although marriage still remains universal, there seems to have
been, as is evident from Table 1, a noticeable and substantial increase
in proportions never married between 1961 and 1972 and subsequently till
1981. The increase in proportions never married is more pronounced for
young females aged 15-29 years than for males in the same age-group. The
figures for 1972 and 1981 are not very different, indicating that
increases in the proportions never married occurred more in the Sixties.
The singulate mean age at marriage for females was computed to be 18.1
years in 1961, 19.8 years in 1972 and 20.7 years in 1981.1 Marital
postponement for males in the period from 1961 to 1981 was much less
pronounced. In the age groups above age 30, the proportions never
married were lower in 1981 than in 1961, for both males and females.
This may be due to the fact that previously persons who passed the
"preferred" age of marriage had less chances of getting
married, but with the changes in attitude due to impact of gradual
modernization there seems to be a tolerance of late marriage. Thus, with
the pattern of later marriages, celibacy levels actually seem to be
It is assumed that whatever the roots of changes in marriage
behaviour, they are more likely to occur in metropolitan cities than in
smaller cities and towns and least likely to occur in the
tradition-bound rural sector. Urban areas have, for this reason, been
subdivided into Lahore, Karachi and other urban areas, to study the
gradation of changes in nuptiality behaviour. Table 2 shows that the
increases in proportion never married, both for males and for females
are more pronounced in Lahore and Karachi.
Overall increases in the proportions never married are not so
marked in the case of Pakistani males. This may be attributed to the
fact that as far back as 1961 male age at marriage was already
considerably higher than female age at marriage (23.6 years) and rose to
25 years in 1981. Furthermore, although early marriage is as desirable
for sons as for girls, boys, unlike girls, are required to be
economically active before they get married--a precondition that has not
changed much over time. The slighter changes in proportions married for
males over the 1961-81 period, as compared with those for females, have
led to a narrowing of the historically large age difference at marriage
between the two sexes in Pakistan.
The difference has declined much more in metropolitan cities and to
a somewhat lesser extent in other urban and rural areas. This suggests
that there is a greater trend for selecting marriage partners closer in
age than was the case previously. The possible cause of this may be that
girls are more likely now to be able to postpone marrying, or that they
can attempt to resist unwanted marriage proposals because of lesser
social pressures and greater chances of schooling and employment
opportunities. In metropolitan areas, this change is likely to be more
pronounced, as there may be increased chances of marriage outside the
kin group or biradari. Although, by and large, marriages are still
arranged by parents (which reflects the family influence on nuptiality
behaviour), the evidence from other studies suggests that some degree of
personal involvement in mate choice has begun to occur, particularly in
urban areas [3]. Another important factor which indicates a change in
marriage behaviour is the decline in celibacy during the 1961-81 period.
Although increases in proportion never married usually lead to higher
levels of celibacy, both males and females demonstrated, during the
1961-81 period, a decline in proportions who never married at older
Geographic Patterns of Proportion Never Married
Pakistan consists of four provinces, viz. Punjab, Sind, NWFP and
Baluchistan, which account for roughly 58 percent, 21 percent, 17
percent and 4 percent of the country's total population,
respectively. Patterns of marriage behaviour are expected to vary in
these four units because of differences in cultural patterns, levels of
development, and urbanization, and are likely to vary substantially from
one province to another. Urban-rural variations in nuptiality within
each province are thus also of interest.
Table 3 supports the above expectations, showing variation in the
proportions never married in four provinces by both urban and rural
areas. Once more, proportions never married of males reflect relatively
slight differences in all the provinces by urban-rural residence.
Punjab, being the most developed province, contains the bulk of the
proportion never married in the 15-19 age group, both in urban and in
rural areas. Thus Punjabis, as compared with other ethnic groups, seem
to be leading the delayed-marriage pattern.
The provincial differential in Proportions never married is much
greater for females than for males (Table 3). Punjab has the highest
proportions of never married females, followed by the NWFP and Sind, in
both urban and rural areas. Earlier studies have shown that female
nuptiatity patterns appear to have shown the most marked change in Sind
[8], while another study using the 1979 PLM Survey data also showed that
after the Punjab, Sind showed the greatest changes in nuptiality
patterns [12, p. 20]. Whereas the present study is mainly based on
household characteristics of the sample, the previous studies were based
on samples of ever-married females and it is interesting, therefore,
that our study showed greatest delays in marriage in the Punjab,
followed by the NWFP, not by Sind. The 1981 Census also supports the
differentials derived from the PLM Survey. A similar exercise done on
the 1972 Census supports the above findings in which the NWFP, as
compared with other provinces, reflects higher proportions never
A comparison of the male and female singulate mean ages at marriage
suggests that urban Punjab has the least differences in average ages at
marriage between men and women (4.6 years), while in other provinces
this difference is more than 5 years. In rural areas of the Punjab, once
more, the age difference is the smallest, while in Sind this difference
is the greatest.
The positive association between female education and age at
marriage both across and within countries experiencing transition has
been strongly supported [4; 6]. Even little schooling has been found to
have the effect of delaying marriages well beyond the number of years
spent in school and is thought to represent changes in attitudes and
values leading to marital postponement. In this section we measure the
impact of acquisition of education on postponement of marriage,
particularly in the younger age groups, in a largely illiterate society
like Pakistan. We also investigate the effect of interaction between
education and rural-urban residence on postponement of marriage.
Table 4 demonstrates a clear pattern of higher proportions never
married by each level of education for both males and females in urban
and rural areas. Tile extent of postponement in marriage is more
pronounced among younger educated females in urban areas than among
rural females. Although the numbers of persons sampled with 9 or more
years of schooling are on the low side in rural areas, there is a
distinct relationship between acquisition of education and marriage
postponement there as well.
Male nuptiality behaviour also varied by educational levels, though
to a lesser extent. Similar differences have been reported by earlier
studies for both males and females in Pakistan [10; 12; 13; 20].
Undoubtedly, the impact of each successive level of education is much
greater on females than on males. In fact, for men the acquisition of a
few years of schooling (1-8 years) has practically no impact on their
singulate mean age at marriage.
Another point of interest is that differences in SMAM between men
and women of equal educational attainment are greater for the uneducated
(5.6 years in urban and 5 years in rural areas) than for the most
educated (3.6 years in urban and 1.5 years in rural areas). Those with
only 1-8 years of schooling fall in between. Thus there seems to be an
inverse association between the difference in SMAM of the two genders by
educational level. Since there are more educated men than women in
Pakistan, women are more likely to marry men belonging to higher
educational group than their own, but, generally speaking, the pattern
found seems to be that more educated persons are likely to marry spouses
closer in age to themselves. The rather large difference between ages at
marriage of men and women may be declining over time as a result of the
increasing preference for partners closer in age.
Since most educational facilities are concentrated in large urban
centres, it is expected that the impact of education would be compounded
by urban residence to create even greater postponements in marriage.
However, such a compounding effect is not found (Table 5) and, in many
instances, women of equivalent levels of education showed greater
postponement of marriage in "other urban areas" than in
Karachi and Lahore. For men, the effect of the same level of education
manifested itself in generally greater proportions never married in
Karachi than in other urban areas. In the case of women, the singulate
mean ages at marriage were highest in Karachi for all educational levels
except for the category of 1-8 years schooling. This finding is curious,
since a much earlier study found highest ages at marriage in Lahore and
had attributed it to the city's being a cultural and educational
centre [17]. In the case of men, however, Lahore does have generally the
highest SMAM across educational groups. We will further explore the
independent effects of metropolitan residence and successive levels of
education in a later section.
When males and females are classified by their activity and marital
status, we can discern the likelihood of a person's being never
married as a function of whether the person is employed, unemployed,
involved in housekeeping or attending some educational institution. In
Table 6 we have grouped together some categories of activities which
contained only very few people (such as disabled persons, those living
on rent, etc.) and used the categories of (a) employed, (b) unemployed
and doing nothing or living on rent and (c) student, for males; for
females the employed and unemployed form one category, while
housekeeping and students are the two other major categories.
The findings in this area are most interesting: while in the case
of females, particularly in the urban areas, employment is associated
with delayed marriage, for employed men, proportions never married are
much lower than for other categories up to ages 30-34. Those young men
and women who are still involved in educational activity are most likely
to be never married. Thus, the impact of current involvement in some
educational activity (and at ages beyond 19 this would be synonymous
with fairly high levels of education), not surprisingly, is to delay
marriages of men and women considerably.
But the impact of pre-nuptial employment in terms of delay in
marriage (as seen by the SMAM) is greater than that of educational
activity amongst women. The SMAM for females who are employed in urban
areas (25.4) is six years higher than that of women involved in
housekeeping (20.3). Differences are less pronounced in rural areas. Men
who are employed marry, on average, about 3.7 years earlier than those
who continue with higher education in urban areas. It is also
interesting to note that unemployed men have a higher age at marriage
than those already employed. Although it is difficult to deduce cause
from effect, it is widely acceptable that men are considered
"marriagable", in the Pakistani context, only when they are
employed. It is quite possible that if a man wants to be married he is
under greater pressure to accept any job, while those men who are not in
a hurry to be married can further "afford" to remain
unemployed and wait for an adequate job.
Since female labour force participation rates are extremely low in
Pakistan, and are even lower in urban (5.2 percent) as compared with
rural areas 16 percent [18], it is quite significant that the small
minority who do work delay their marriages considerably. It has been
well established elsewhere that there is a positive association between
economic activity, socio-economic status and delay in marriages [5]. It
is quite likely that a large proportion of females who work may be quite
well educated [2] and belong to families where they take on work out of
choice rather than out of necessity. But, in many cases, never married
women who work may be supporting families and siblings and may have to
delay marriage, as the family cannot afford to forgo their contribution
to household income.
From the fertility module of the PLM Survey, which comprised only
ever-married females, it was found that women in professional and
clerical occupations married, on average, at 19.6 years, i.e.
three-and-a-half years later than those women who worked as
agricultural, skilled and unskilled workers (at 16.1 years). Thus, there
may be significant differentials in the impact of employment on delays
in marriage, depending on whether women take up high-status or
low-status occupations. However, at the moment, the numbers of women
employed in the modern sector are extremely small.
The impact of internal migration on marriage delays has also been
analysed. The likely impact of internal and external migration on
marriage behaviour should be to delay marriages, particularly if
male-selective migration causes a shortage of suitable men. However,
only very negligible differences between proportions never married of
migrants and non-migrants were found and are consequently not presented
More detailed and specifically collected data are a prerequisite for analysing the impact over time of migration on delayed marriages. As
such, the PLM Survey sample was unable to capture many migrants, and
cases in which an out-migrant was the likely head of household were
excluded. Thus, a more purposively designed questionnaire and sample
than those of the PLM Survey could bring out the very likely impact of
migration on nuptiality.
The preceding discussion is mainly a description of patterns of
marriage differentials in Pakistan (as measured by proportions never
married in various 5-year age groups) by geographic areas, education,
migration and activity status. We now turn to discuss whether
differentials caused by the above-mentioned characteristics portray independent and significant effects on marriage behaviour. Since changes
in marriage behaviour are mainly occurring amongst the younger females
aged under 30, we will only consider differentials in the proportions
married in these age groups.
Proportions married, the exact converse of proportions never
married, by each category of the variables, is the dependent variable in
the multiple classification analysis. Thus far we have been discussing
some important differentials leading to delayed marriage within certain
subgroups, but we now proceed to control the effect of all the other
variables and single years of age in each five-year category to see if
any statistically significant differentials persist.
Table 7, which pertains to females, clearly shows that educational
attainment is the most important factor which is statistically
significant in five out of six cases. Large differences in proportions
married persist in urban and, to a less extent, also in rural areas by
each level of education. Employment is important in the urban areas but
not at all in the rural population. This confirms that it is pre-nuptial
employment in the modern sector which seems to be associated with
deferment of marriage. In rural areas, women work mainly on family farms
and this has no significant impact on marriage postponement. Residence
in the cities of Lahore and Karachi, particularly in the former, is
associated with later marriages, even after the impact of education and
employment differences in the urban sector has been controlled. Also,
provincial differentials were found to be significant for the two
younger age groups in both urban and rural areas. This fact presumably reflects genuine difference in the tempo of first marriages across
provinces and reflects that by ages 25-29 the proportions who remain
never married are not significantly different. Finally, migrant status,
at least as classified in this study, is only significant in the 20-24
age group in urban areas.
This study mainly underscores the importance attached to education,
particularly of females, as an important policy tool for bringing about
significant delays in marriage and subsequently in lowering fertility.
Pre-nuptial employment of women, particularly in the modern sector,
though of small magnitude, is of critical importance in changing
attitudes not only towards marriage but, subsequently, towards
child-bearing and contraception also.
Education for women and their involvement in paid jobs is also
likely to lead to enhancement of women's status and to help in
bringing about profound changes in their stereotyped role as wives and
mothers. Apart from making efforts for expanding educational and
employment opportunities for women, the Government can adopt measures to
encourage a higher age at marriage in Pakistan. Such measures would
reduce the period of exposure to child-bearing for many women who
currently marry much earlier. Also, since a delay in marriage allows
some degree of maturity, which is a prerequisite for conscious efforts
at birth-spacing and birth control within marriage, it would be
supportive of population programme activities.
Efforts such as those made in China (where the average age at
marriage has been raised from 18 years for women and 20 years for men in
1959 to 20 years and 22 years by the Eighties [21], are not feasible in
Pakistan as the former has a more totalitarian system. However, there is
the example of a Muslim country like Tunisia where government-sponsored
efforts have raised the age at marriage. Neighbouring Sri Lanka also
presents an alternative approach, where no conscious policy has been
followed to raise age at marriage, but where women's educational
and labour force participation rates are notably high and changes in
nuptiality have brought about a sharp decline in fertility.
Comments on "Delayed Marriages in Pakistan"
This study has been skilfully designed and executed both
quantitatively and qualitatively. Almost all the data used in this study
have been taken from the Population, Labour Force and Migration (PLM)
Survey of Pakistan. As a rule, the authors should have devoted some
space to the evaluation of the quality of PLM Survey data in this paper.
Since the data utilized for the quantitative measurement belong to
the variables of current age and marital status of either sex in the
sample population, it is highly likely that they suffer from both age
misstatement and reporting errors which tend to vary differently across
the regions and are thus bound to affect the derived measures
The sample figures and not the weighted figures of PLM Survey data
have been utilized for studying the age pattern of nuptiality, both over
time and at a given point in time. Only in one case have the census data
been utilized to support the trend in nuptiality. Because of the small
number of observations in age groups, especially in the terminal age
groups, the levels of singulate mean age at marriage calculated from
these observations do not seem to portray the true picture of nuptiality
in Pakistan. This phenomenon seems to be prevalent at all levels of the
data including the two sexes, rural-urban categories, provincial-level
categories, the city-level categories, etc. Moreover, the same
phenomenon seems to be prevalent across the two main regions of the
country, for all the educational categories by sexes, socio-economic
activities by sexes and migration status by sexes. The main drawback of
Hajnal technique for deriving the singulate mean age at marriage is that
the results are mostly affected by the variation of data given in the
terminal age groups. In this study, the starting age group for both
males and females has been taken to be the 15-19-year age group. It is a
fact that age at marriage in Pakistan is low for females but that for
males lies somewhere near the end of the 15-19-year age group. The
result is a very high proportion of single males in the 15-19 age group,
which prevails in all the regions of the country as well as in all the
socio-economic groups of the society. Because of a very high proportion
of single males in this age group, the singulate mean age at marriage
derived from the relevant age structure shows an upward bias. Under such
circumstances, the starting age group for males should be the 20-24 age
group whereas for females it should remain the 15-19 age group.
The quantitative outcome of the present study seems to be in
complete agreement with the usual phenomenon of nuptiality pattern
observed in other societies as well. However, it is necessary to make
desirable changes in the quantitative part of the study so that the
results from both parts of the study tend to agree completely. There is
no denying the fact that the authors have written a paper which is the
first of its kind in Pakistan and is also the best in that its approach
is unique in the field of social research. The authors deserve
congratulations on their remarkable achievement.
M.N. I. Farooqui
National Institute of Population Studies, Islamabad
[1.] Alam, Iqbal. "Fertility Levels and Trends". In Iqbal
Alam and Betzy Dinesen (eds.), Fertility in Pakistan: A Review of
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[2.] Azhar, Mohammad. "Differentials in Cumulative Fertility
by Education of Mothers". Islamabad: Pakistan Institute of
Development Economics. 1980. (Research Report Series, No. 112)
[3.] Cheung, Paul et al. "Cultural Variations in the
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[4.] Cochrane, Susan H. Education and Fertility: What Do We Really
Know? The Johns Hopkins University Press. 1979.
[5.] Dixon, R.B. "Explaining Cross Cultural Variations in Age
of Marriage and Proportions Never Marrying". Population Studies.
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[6.] Dixon, R. B. "The Social and Demographic Determinants of
Marital Postponement and Celibacy: A Comparative Study". Ph.D.
Dissertations, University of California, Berkeley (USA). 1970.
[7.] Farid, Samir M. "Recent Transitions in Cohort
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[8.] Karim, S. Mehtab. "Differentials in Age at First
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[9.] Karim, S. Mehtab. "socio-Economic and Cultural Aspects of
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[10.] Kiani, Mohammad Framurz, K. "Patterns of Female
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[11.] Korson, J. Henry, and M. A. Sabzwari. "Age and Social
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Study". Journal of Comparative Studies. Vol. 13, No. 2. 1984.
[12.] Mahmood, N., and S. Mubashir Ali. "Nuptiality Patterns
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Economics. 1983. (Studies in Population, Labour Force and Migration
Project Report No. 2)
[13.] Mahmood, N., and Zubeda Khan. "Literacy Transition and
Female Nuptiality: Implications for Fertility". Pakistan
Development Review. Vol. XXIII, Nos. 3&4. Autumn-Winter 1985.
[14.] Pakistan. Population Census Organization. "Population
Census of Pakistan 1961: Age-Sex and Marital Status". Census
Bulletin. No. 3. Karachi. 1963.
[15.] Pakistan. Population Census Organization. Statistical Report
of Punjab, Population Census of Pakistan 1972. Islamabad. n.d.
[16.] Pakistan. Population Census Organization. 1981 Census Report
of Pakistan. Islamabad. 1984.
[17.] Sadiq, Naseem M. "Estimation of Nuptiality and Its
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[18.] Sathar, Zeba A., and Mohammad Irfan. "Reproductive
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Nos. 2&3. Summer-Autumn 1984.
[19.] Sathar, Zeba A., S. Mubashir Ali and G. M. Zahid.
"Socio-economic Characteristics of the Population in
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1984. (Studies in Population, Labour Force and Migration Survey Project
Report No. 8)
[20.] Smith, Peter C. "Tradition and Transition in South,
South-East and West Asian Nuptiality". Paper prepared for
Population Association of America, East-West Population Institute,
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[21.] Wei, Jin. "Dynamics of Nuptiality in a Chinese
Community: A Study in Suburban Beijing". M. Phil. Thesis, Cairo
Demographic Centre, Cairo. 1982. (Unpublished)
(1) Hajnal's Singulate Mean Age at Marriage (SMAM) utilizes
percent Never Married, using a single decrement procedure, the implied
average number of years of never married life for a hypothetical cohort.
It yields mean ages which typically differ from the means obtained from
retrospective survey responses, which reflect the age compositions of
the populations at risk. In a situation in which age at marriage is
increasing, the SMAM will be greater than means based on direct
* The authors are, respectively, Senior Research Demographer and
Research Demographer at the Pakistan Institute of Development Economics,
Islamabad. They gratefully acknowledge useful suggestions made on an
earlier version of the paper by Dr Sultan S. Hashmi and Mr M. N. I.
Farooqui. They are also grateful to Mr Niaz Hussain for computing assistance and to Mr Naseer and Mr Shamsi for typing the paper.
Table 1
Proportions Never Married by Sex and Current
Age for 1961, 1972 and 1981 Censuses
Current Age Groups
Sex Year 15-19 20-24 25-29 30-34
1961 46.6 12.0 5.1 3.0
1972 65.6 21.3 7.2 3.6
1981 68.9 24.4 7.9 3.7
1961 83.6 52.9 27.9 14.1
1972 92.6 67.8 36.0 17.4
1981 92.5 64.0 32.8 15.8
Current Age Groups Singulate
Census Mean Age at
Sex Year 35-39 40-44 45-49 Marriage
1961 2.7 2.0 1.9 18.1
1972 2.1 1.5 0.9 19.8
1981 1.8 1.7 1.1 20.7
1961 8.8 6.4 5.2 23.6
1972 0.9 0.6 4.3 24.9
1981 8.1 6.3 3.9 25.0
Sources: For 1961, [14].
For 1972, [15].
For 1981, [16].
Note: SMAM calculated assuming 100 percent
proportions never married before age 15.
Table 2
Proportions Never Married of Females and Males by Current Age for
Lahore, Karachi, other Urban and Rural Areas from the 1961
and 1981 Censuses
Current Age Groups
Year 15-19 20-24 25-29 30-34 35-39
1961 63.0 17.9 4.7 2.4 1.9
1981 84.7 38.2 11.0 3.7 1.6
Difference 21.7 20.3 6.3 1.3 -0.3
1961 50.4 13.9 5.0 2.8 2.5
1981 81.1 36.7 13.1 5.3 1.9
Difference 30.7 22.8 8.1 2.5 -0.6
Other Urban
1961 51.0 14.7 6.4 3.6 3.2
1981 74.9 30.7 9.9 4.2 1.8
Difference 23.9 16.0 3.5 0.6 1.4
1961 44.5 10.9 4.9 2.9 2.6
1981 67.1 23.2 7.8 3.7 1.7
Difference 22.6 12.3 2.9 0.8 -0.9
1961 92.9 63.8 29.8 13.2 7.5
1981 97.2 75.8 37.2 13.3 5.4
Difference 4.3 12.0 7.4 0.1 -2.1
1961 92.1 62.1 35.6 17.4 11.2
1981 96.7 75.6 39.1 15.7 7.0
Difference 4.6 13.5 3.5 1.7 -4.2
Other Urban
1961 85.3 55.5 27.6 13.2 9.1
1981 94.0 66.9 31.6 13.1 6.1
Difference 8.7 11.4 4.0 0.1 -3.0
1961 82.1 50.4 27.1 14.2 8.7
1981 91.2 61.5 29.9 13.9 6.2
Difference 9.1 11.1 2.8 -0.3 -2.5
Current Age Groups Singulate
Area/ Mean Age at
Year 40-44 45-49 Marriage
1961 1.1 0.9 19.4
1981 1.4 0.9 21.6
Difference 0.3 0 2.2
1961 1.4 1.3 18.5
1981 1.7 1.1 21.5
Difference 0.3 -0.2 3.0
Other Urban
1961 3.2 2.6 18.4
1981 1.7 1.1 20.8
Difference -1.5 -1.5 2.4
1961 2.0 1.9 17.9
1981 1.6 0.9 19.8
Difference -0.4 -1.0 1.9
1961 5.2 3.8 24.9
1981 3.6 2.4 26.1
Difference -1.6 -1.4 1.2
1961 6.5 4.4 25.5
1981 4.5 2.8 26.4
Difference -2.0 -1.6 0.9
Other Urban
1961 6.7 5.9 23.8
1981 4.4 2.7 25.2
Difference -2.3 -3.2 1.4
1961 6.4 5.1 23.5
1981 4.5 2.4 24.8
Difference -1.9 -2.7 1.3
Sources: For 1961, [14].
For 1981, [161.
Notes: 1. SMAM has been calculated assuming 100 percent
proportion never married before age 15.
2. Proportions never married for Lahore and Karachi
1981 have been taken from District Census Reports.
Table 3
Male and Female Proportions Never Married by Province and Current Age
for Urban and Rural Areas
Current Age Groups
Area 15-19 20-24 25-29 30-34 35-39
Punjab 82.6 38.3 8.3 2.4 1.3
(691) (522) (108) (337) (311)
Sind 80.2 34.4 9.1 2.8 1.5
(449) (358) (27) (213) (198)
NWFP 80.3 35.1 14.4 9.9 8.7
(127) (97) (13) (71) (46)
Baluchistan 74.6 26.2 5.2 7.0 3.6
(59) (76) (3) (43) (28)
Punjab 74.4 22.0 6.4 2.1 2.2
(1075) (914) (762) (708) (603)
Sind 44.7 12.8 4.1 2.1 0
(235) (281) (244) (192) (145)
NWFP 62.7 23.3 7.8 3.5 3.9
(233) (189) (179) (142) (127)
Baluchistan 98.1 11.1 4.9 0 0
(52) (63) (61) (45) (45)
Punjab 9.5 75.1 38.9 12.9 6.1
(734) (551) (378) (326) (330)
Sind 97.2 73.8 37.0 14.3 5.1
(468) (413) (289) (230) (216)
NWFP 97.4 77.6 47.1 14.3 10.3
(151) (116) (40) (63) (58)
Baluchistan 97.3 75.8 23.6 10.6 12.5
(75) (62) (13) (47) (40)
Punjab 94.7 62.2 30.3 11.1 6.7
(1180) (813) (690) (637) (623)
Sind 87.6 61.0 33.9 9.2 8.7
(291) (254) (292) (228) (173)
NWFP 94.2 69.9 27.6 10.6 6.0
(223) (153) (123) (123) (83)
Baluchistan 92.6 62.0 28.8 12.2 2.7
(81) (50) (66) (49) (37)
Current Age Groups Singulate
Mean Age at
Area 40-44 45-49 Marriage
Punjab 2.5 1.6 21.5
(277) (258)
Sind 0.6 0.0 21.3
(177) (145)
NWFP 6.4 3.3 21.6
(47) (61)
Baluchistan 5.6 0 19.7
(36) (19)
Punjab 0.4 0.6 20.2
(570) (525)
Sind 0.8 0 17.8
(123) (124)
NWFP 4.0 2.1 19.8
(124) (94)
Baluchistan 0 0 17.6
(28) (22)
Punjab 4.0 1.9 26.2
(274) (266)
Sind 5.5 1.1 26.4
(182) (184)
NWFP 3.3 2.9 27.1
(61) (34)
Baluchistan 2.9 5.1 25.1
(34) (39)
Punjab 2.7 2.3 24.9
(548) (526)
Sind 4.7 2.8 24.8
(149) (141)
NWFP 1.1 1.0 25.2
(95) (100)
Baluchistan 2.4 0 24.4
(42) (37)
Source: Population Labour Force and
Migration Survey 1979-80.
Note. Figures in parentheses represent the number of
cases upon which percentages are based.
Table 4 Male and Female Proportions Never Married by Years
of Schooling, Current Age for Urban and Rural Residence
Current Age Groups
Schooling 15-19 20-24 25-29 30-34
No Schooling 67.3 19.3 4.8 2.8
(563) (522) (564) (458)
1-8 Years of 89.1 34.5 10.9 3.5
Schooling (376) (246) (137) (115)
9+ Years of 93.8 67.0 22.9 7.7
Schooling (387) (285) (153) (91)
No Schooling 64.8 17.9 5.6 2.0
(1362) (1292) (1148) (1028)
1-8 Years of 82.5 28.6 10.6 6.1
Schooling (206) (126) (85) (49)
9+ Years of 88.9 72.4 23.1 0.0
Schooling (27) (29) (13) (10)
No Schooling 95.6 62.1 34.3 13.5
(344) (311) (248) (245)
1-8 Years of 98.6 68.5 31.4 10.6
Schooling (512) (302) (210) (189)
9+ Years of 98.6 86.2 44.7 15.5
Schooling (572) (529) (349) (232)
No Schooling 92.5 61.9 31.3 11.2
(902) (700) (720) (680)
1-8 Years of 93.7 59.5 27.5 8.7
Schooling (560) (353) (298) (252)
9+ Years of 95.5 71.9 35.3 12.4
Schooling (313) (217) (153) (105)
Current Age Groups Singulate
Residence/ Mean Age at
Schooling 35-44 45+ Marriage
No Schooling 1.8 1.4 19.5
(846) (1593)
1-8 Years of 1.1 0.6 21.8
Schooling (185) (167)
9+ Years of 9.0 6.5 23.6
Schooling (89) (46)
No Schooling 1.4 0.7 19.8
(1692) (2947)
1-8 Years of 1.6 0 21.1
Schooling (63) (40)
9+ Years of 0.2 0 24.2
Schooling (10) (14)
No Schooling 6.9 2.5 25.1
(481) (1166)
1-8 Years of 6.1 1.5 25.5
Schooling (310) (538)
9+ Years of 3.5 1.2 27.2
Schooling (404) (402)
No Schooling 5.5 1.7 24.8
(1215) (2968)
1-8 Years of 3.6 1.1 24.4
Schooling (417) (539)
9+ Years of 4.2 1.3 25.7
Schooling (118) (77)
Source: Population Labour Force and Migration Survey 1979-80.
Notes: (1.) Figures in parentheses represent total number
of cases upon which percentages are based.
Table 5
Female and Male Proportions Never Married by Years of Schooling
by Current Age for Lahore, Karachi and other Urban Areas
Current/Age Groups
Urban Area/
Schooling 15-19 20-24 25-29 30-34
No Education 81.0 9.1 11.1 0
(42) (44) (54) (38)
1-8 Years of 87.3 53.1 0 0
Schooling (63) (32) (14) (14)
9+ Years of 94.1 70.0 26.7 0
Schooling (51) (30) (15) (13)
No Education 73.0 21.1 6.5 3.6
(100) (90) (92) (83)
1-8 Years of 89.9 42.0 25.9 0
Schooling (89) (50) (27) (23)
9+ Years of 95.5 58.7 18.0 10.3
Schooling (111) (80) (50) (29)
Other Urban
No Education 64.4 20.1 3.6 3.0
(421) (388) (418) (337)
1-8 Years of 89.3 28.6 8.3 5.1
Schooling (224) (164) (96) (78)
9+ Years of 92.9 70.3 25.0 8.2
Schooling (225) (175) (88) (49)
No Education 100 70.0 31.6 13.8
(26) (30) (19) (29)
1-8 Years of 100 69.4 42.1 15.8
Schooling (839) (36) (19) (19)
9+ Years of 100 98.9 61.8 15.4
Schooling (61) (57) (34) (26)
No Education 100 64.1 41.9 5.7
(56) (64) (43) (35)
1-8 Years of 99.1 80.1 40.4 6.9
Schooling (109) (63) (52) (29)
9+ Years of 100 87.3 47.7 24.6
Schooling (119) (134) (86) (61)
Other Urban
No Education 94.3 60.4 32s8 14.9
(262) (217) (186) (181)
1-8 Years of 98.3 64.5 26.6 10.6
Schooling (364) (203) (139) (141)
9+ Years of 97.7 84.6 41.0 11.7
Schooling (392) (338) (229) (145)
Current/Age Groups Singulate
Urban Area/ Mean Age at
Schooling 35-44 45+ Marriage
No Education 0 0 18.8
(84) (38)
1-8 Years of 0 0 18.6
Schooling (23) (9)
9+ Years of 0 0 22.5
Schooling (9) (2)
No Education 0.6 0 19.9
(171) (69)
1-8 Years of 0 0 20.4
Schooling (48) (14)
9+ Years of 7.7 0 22.8
Schooling (26) (5)
Other Urban
No Education 2.4 1.4 19.4
(591) (293)
1-8 Years of 1.7 0 21.2
Schooling (114) (45)
9+ Years of 11.1 14.3 22.1
Schooling (54) (14)
No Education 2.1 0 24.3
(48) (76)
1-8 Years of 6.9 0 25.4
Schooling (29) (16)
9+ Years of 5.4 3.8 28.1
Schooling (37) (26)
No Education 6.4 4.0 25.2
(109) (50)
1-8 Years of 4.8 0 25.6
Schooling (62) (30)
9+ Years of 4.4 0 27.4
Schooling (90) (41)
Other Urban
No Education 7.7 1.9 25.5
(324) (159)
1-8 Years of 6.4 3.7 24.6
Schooling (219) (107)
9+ Years of 2.9 0 26.3
Schooling (277) (78)
Source: Population Labour Force and Migration Survey 1979-80.
Notes: (1.) Figures in parentheses represent total number
of cases upon which percentages are based.
(2.) 45+ includes 45-85 age groups.
Table 6
Proportions, Never Married of Females and Males by Activity
Status and Current Age for Urban and Rural Residence
Current Age Groups
Activity Status 15-19 20-24 25-29 30-34
Employed + 87.1 78.0 35.6 18.2
Unemployed (31) (59) (45) (33)
Housekeeping + 73.4 28.8 7.1 2.8
Others (919) (93) (803) (631)
Students 99.7 98.4 66.7 --
(376) (64) (6)
Employed + 78.8 32.0 11.4 0
Unemployed (52) (25) (35) (34)
Housekeeping + 66.1 19.5 5.9 2.3
Others (1494) (1417) (1211) (1051)
Students 97.9 80.0 -- --
(47) (5)
Employed 96.9 69.5 36.8 12.1
(652) (886) (769) (638)
Unemployed + 100 81.2 25.0 26.7
Others (28) (11) (8) (15)
Students 99.2 95.1 1000.0 50.0
(664) (183) (11) (2)
Employed 91.9 60.8 29.8 10.5
(1277) (1149) (1137) (1010)
Unemployed + 96.1 77.4 55.5 19.2
Others (102) (62) (27) (26)
Students 97.2 89.5 72.7 0
(395) (57) (11) (1)
Current Age Groups Singulate
Residence/ Mean Age at
Activity Status 35-44 45+ Marriage
Employed + 18.7 2.5 26.4
Unemployed (48) (75)
Housekeeping + 1.5 1.4 20.3
Others (1072) (1718)
Students -- -- 24.7
Employed + 0 3.1 20.3
Unemployed (63) (65)
Housekeeping + 20.0 0.7 20.5
Others (5) (2923)
Students -- 0
Employed 5.2 1.5 25.7
(1172) -1731
Unemployed + 29.4 4.2 27.4
Others (17) (357)
Students 0 -- 29.4
Employed 4.8 1.3 24.6
(1716) (2993)
Unemployed + 14.7 2.8 27.7
Others (34) (596)
Students 33.3 100 21.9
(6) (2)
Source: Population Labour Force and Migration Survey 1979-80.
Notes: (1.) Figures in parentheses represent total number
of cases upon which percentages are based.
Table 7
Female Proportions Ever Married Adjusted by Multiple Classification
Analysis for Educational Level, Activity, Migration Status, Residence
and Province with Age (in Single Years) as a Covariate
Ages Mean Employed Housekeeping Student
15-19 13.7 6.4 15.1 10.8
20-24 58.4 29.5 * 62.2 * 21.1 *
25-29 88.9 65.5 * 90.6 * 52.0 *
15-19 25.9 18.3 26.3 21.8
20-24 74.1 72.0 74.3 51.6
25-29 92.9 86.5 93.1 --
Education (Years of Schooling)
Ages 0 1-4 5-8 9-10 11-12
15-19 23.2 * 9.8 * 8.9 * 7.0 * 1.0 *
20-24 71.4 * 56.2 * 52.3 * 4.0 * 34.6 *
25-29 92.7 * 83.9 * 87.5 * 81.5 * 70.8 *
15-19 27.0 24.8 19.8 11.4 (0.00)
20-24 76.7 * 82.8 * 53.0 * 10.4 * 33.7 *
25-29 93.6 * 99.5 * 78.3 * 40.3 * 100.0 *
Ages Lahore Karachi Urban
15-19 15.5 * 3.7 * 16.9 *
20-24 63.5 54.1 57.4
25-29 84.5 * 84.2 * 90.9 *
20-24 Not Applicable
Ages Punjab Sind NWFP Baluchistan
15-19 7.4 * 23.4 * 8.1 * 18.7 *
20-24 48.8 * 66.1 * 58.1 * 63.9 *
25-29 86.8 92.7 84.3 88.7
15-19 17.7 * 51.7 * 29.5 * 47.2 *
20-24 68.4 * 86.5 * 69.0 89.2 *
25-29 91.8 96.1 91.2 95.2
Ages Migrant Non-Migrant [R.sup.2]
15-19 14.9 13.6 0.194
20-24 68.9 57.0 0.268
25-29 95.1 88.4 0.144
15-19 18.9 26.3 0.243
20-24 76.2 74.0 0.119
25-29 95.7 92.7 0.047
(1.) Age is statistically significant in all the categories.
(2.) () based on less than 10 cases.
(3.) * Indicates that the variable is statistically significant
at less than .05 level in that category.