Rural-urban differences and the stability of consumption behaviour: an inter-temporal analysis of the household income and expenditure survey data for the period 1963-64 to 1984-85.
Malik, Sohail J. ; Abbas, Kalbe ; Ghani, Ejaz 等
Several studies have been undertaken in the past to analyse
consumption behaviour in Pakistan. These studies have ranged from the
fairly simple single equation estimations to complex, extended linear
expenditure systems and analyses based on the Almost Ideal Demand
System. These included the studies by Aziz-ur-Rehman (1963); Bussink
(1970); Ranis (1961); Khan (1970); All (1981, 1986); Malik (1982);
Siddiqui (1982); Mukhtar (1985); Cheema and Malik (1985); Ahmad et al
(1986); and Alderman (1987). Most of these studies are based on the
Household Income and Expenditure Survey data. These Surveys provide the
single most important source of data on consumption behaviour in
Pakistan. However, the analysis in the studies mentioned above are
generally confined to single years only.
The present study is an attempt to econometrically establish the
existence, or otherwise, of rural-urban differences in consumption
behaviour in each year for the years in which these survey data are
available in published form) Tests are also conducted on appropriately
deflated data to establish the existence or otherwise of differences in
yearly functions. The former hypothesis has obvious implications for the
possibility of estimating overall, or Pakistan-level functions, while
the latter has obvious implications for estimating marginal propensities
or elasticities based on time-series data.
Behaviour based upon the consumer's tastes and preferences
define a pattern. This pattern can be empirically ascertained from a set
of Engel curve parameters for major commodity groups. We present
estimates of Engel curve parameters for six major commodity groups which
together accounted for over 88 percent of the average family budget in
Pakistan in 1984-85. The relative importance of the different commodity
groups in the average rural and urban family budgets can be seen in
Table 1.
The study extends, with some basic modifications, work by Ali
(1981) for Pakistan. (2) The study by Ali (1981) was based on a
methodology developed by Lee and Phillips (1971) to test for differences
in the consumption patterns of farm and non-farm households in the
United States.
The results from this study will, hopefully, enable us to obtain
some insights into changes in consumption behaviour as development takes
place and incomes rise. Apart from the obvious testing of Engels law, we
will be able to establish differences, if any, in urban-rural
consumption behaviour for different commodity groups and see how these
have changed over time. It may be mentioned that this is the first time
to our knowledge that results based on the 1984-85 survey are being
This study is divided into four sections. Following this
introduction, the second section is devoted to a description of the data
and methodology. The third section contains the results. The major
conclusions are described in the last section.
The Household Income and Expenditure Survey reports present grouped
data on the average expenditure on different commodity groups by
different income categories of rural and urban households. The
inadequacies of these data have been extensively discussed elsewhere
(see, for example, Kemal 1981). We consider six commodity groups, i.e.
Total Food and Drinks, Clothing and Footwear, House Rent and Housing,
Fuel and Lighting, Furniture and Fixture, and Miscellaneous expenditure.
Depending upon the number of income categories, the number of
observations varies from year to year. Details of the number of
observations in each of the survey years are presented in Table 2.
In order to avoid the problem of aggregation and because budget
data in these surveys are readily available in that form, consumption is
considered in terms of expenditures rather than quantities.
Most previous studies have taken household income and family size
as the two most important determinants of family consumption behaviour.
The inclusion of the family size variable helps to isolate differences
in consumption patterns arising out of rural-urban family size
differentials. Moreover, the inclusion of this variable facilitates
computation of estimates of economies of scale in consumption see [Ali,
(1981) and Siddiqui (1982)]. However, we found the family size variable
to be strongly correlated with household income in all years giving rise
to severe multi-collinearity problems. In order to avoid this problem we
have divided through by family size and conducted our analyses on a per
capita basis.
For simplicity and brevity we present here the results based upon a
simple linear formulation:
[C.sub.ij] = [a.sub.oi] + [b.sub.i] [Y.sub.j] ... ... ... (1)
i = 1, 2 ............... 6 commodity groups;
j = 1, 2 ............... income categories;
C = per capita consumption expenditure; and
Y = per capita income.
In order to test rural-urban differences it is generally assumed
that some measure of permanent income ([Y.sub.p]) would be better than
mere reported income. This arises from the fact that the two groups of
households would generally differ in the variability of their incomes
with rural household income being more variable on account of
fluctuations in agricultural incomes. It becomes important, therefore,
to remove the effects of the transitory components of income to get a
real measure of the rural-urban differences in tastes and preferences
(All 1981). Houthakker and Taylor (1970) have suggested the use of total
expenditure as a proxy for permanent income. However, as pointed out by
Ali (1981), this can lead to biased and inconsistent estimates of the
Engel curve parameters because the dependent and explanatory variables
are jointly determined
Following Leviatan (1961) and Ali (1981) we use a two-stage
approach to overcome this problem. In the first stage, predicted values
of total expenditure (E) are obtained from the following:
[E.sub.j] = a + b [Y.sub.j] + [u.sub.j] ... ... ... (2)
In the second stage, the predicted values [[??].sub.j] are then
used as a proxy for [Y.sub.j] in Equation (1) to get estimates of the
marginal propensities to spend on different commodity groups.
As already stated the data are available in grouped form. In order
to avoid the problem of heteroscedasticity we use the generalised least
squares approach with the number of observations in each income cell as
the weights.
The standard dummy variable approach is used to test for
rural-urban differences in each year for each commodity group. Three
hypothesis are considered:
1. The rural-urban functions have the same slope but different
2. The rural-urban functions have the same intercept but different
slopes; and
3. The rural-urban functions have different intercepts and slopes.
F tests are computed in each case. These F values take the form:
F = ([RSS.sub.R] - [RSS.sub.u])/m / [RSS.sub.u]/N-k
where m is the number of additional parameters in the unrestricted
form and (N-k) the degrees of freedom in the unrestricted form. In each
case, the null hypothesis is that the functions are similar.
In cases where the null hypothesis is accepted the observations for
the rural and urban sectors are pooled and estimates for the overall
function are estimated. However, in cases where the null hypothesis is
rejected, separate estimates are obtained for the rural and urban
In order to test for differences over time the data are
appropriately deflated using the Consumer Price Indices for different
groups available in the Pakistan Economic Survey (1986). Dummies are
then specified for different years and the same three hypothesis
regarding dissimilarity of functions (postulated for the rural-urban
tests) are tested for yearly differences.
Tests statistics based upon the null hypothesis that rural-urban
functions are the same (hypothesis 3) are presented in Table 3. Test
statistics relating to the first two hypothesis are not presented here
due to space constraints.
A perusal of Table 3 reveals that, except for 1963-64, the
rural-urban functions are similar in all years for two of the largest
commodity groups considered, i.e., Food and Drinks and Clothing and
Footwear. The functions are dissimilar for all years in the case of
House Rent and Housing. In the case of Fuel and Lighting the functions
were dissimilar for the initial years up to 1971-72. They are however,
similar for the years 1979 and 1984-85. Growing electrification and a
change away from traditional means of fuel and lighting in the rural
areas might explain this phenomenon. In the case of furniture and
fixtures the functions are similar in the initial years up to 1971-72.
In the case of Miscellaneous expenses the functions are dissimilar in
all years except the first two, i.e. 1963-64 and 1966-67.
Based on the results of the tests reported in Table 3, we present
estimates of the marginal propensities to spend in each year for each
commodity group in Table 4. Engel's law is confirmed through the
decline in the marginal spending on Food and Drinks from nearly 0.35 in
1966-67 to 0.28 in 1984-85. Moreover, it has remained more or less
constant for Clothing and Footwear and Fuel and Lighting.
Table 4 presents overall estimates where it was possible to pool
the rural-urban data on the basis of the test results in Table 3.
As is well-known, the [R.sup.2] ceases to be an effective measure
of the goodness of fit when Generalized Least Squares are used.
Therefore, in choosing between alternative forms, the Box-Cox test
(1964) is generally used. An alternative goodness of fit statistic
involves estimating the squared correlation coefficients between the
observed values of the variables and their predicted values obtained by
using the weighted least squares estimates of the parameters. These
goodness of fit statistics were computed. A perusal of these statistics
reveals that the linear formulation used explains quite adequately the
variation in the dependent variables.
The test statistics for the similarity of the yearly functions are
presented in Table 5. A perusal of this table reveals that the null
hypothesis of similarity is convincingly rejected in each case. The
functions are dissimilar and hence any attempts to get time-series
estimates of the marginal propensities from this data set are likely to
yield spurious results.
This study presents for the first time, and in one place, an
analysis of the entire data generated by the Household Income and
Expenditure Surveys from 1963-64 to 1984-85. Using appropriate
econometric techniques tests are conducted to determine the possibility
of pooling rural and urban data to get overall estimates for different
commodity groups in different years.
The results verify Engel's law of a decline in marginal food
expenditures as income rises, and a constancy in marginal expenditures
on clothing, footwear and fuel and lighting.
Tests for the similarity of yearly functions reveal that it would
not be possible to pool the data for different years. All three
hypothesis for the similarity of the yearly functions are rejected in
each case. Any attempts to obtain time-series estimates are, therefore,
likely to yield spurious results.
Comments on "Rural-Urban Differences and the Stability of
Consumption Behaviour: An Inter-temporal Analysis of the Household
Income and Expenditure Survey Data for the Period 1963-64 to
I appreciate the authors' efforts to improve upon the earlier
work in this subject. They have effectively estimated marginal
propensities to spend on six broad consumption categories by using
superior econometric techniques. They have identified rural-urban
differences and pointed to differences over time. The Engel's
curves are estimated on Household Income and Expenditure Survey data
from per capita consumption expenditures. The paper makes a significant
contribution to the literature. However, I have reservations on two
1. Defining [Y.sub.p]:
Since the authors were working with grouped data (averages) further
smoothing of the expenditure variable to arrive at the permanent income
surrogate was something that was overdone; they may have lost some
information to achieve better regression results.
2. For determining yearly differences in one equation, the number
of dummy variables needed would be several times the original two
variables i.e. intercept dummy and the [Y.sub.p].
I make the following minor suggestions for further improvements:
1. To help the reader it would have been better if the full
regression results rather than just F-Statistics and marginal
propensities are given in the article.
2. The model can be improved by constraining it with the budget
constraint. The left-out expenditure will need to be accounted in
another consumption category or saving.
3. Yearly differences based on Table 4 show a somewhat haphazard variation especially for some of the less important commodity groups.
This needs rationalization. Most probable situation is that data (HIES and Deflators) is too weak to show clearly the trends which are more
useful for policymaking. This may require further
elaboration/manipulation of data. On the whole, the effort is
commendable, and there is little room for improvement. It would be very
interesting to see the results of the larger version of the paper.
Mohammad Khan Niazi
Planning and Development Division, Islamabad
Abroad, Ehtisham, H. M. Leung and Nicholas Stem (1986). "The
Demand for Wheat under Non-Linear Pricing in Pakistan". London:
London School of Economics.
Alderman, Harold 0987). "Estimates of Consumer Price Response
in Pakistan: using Market Prices as Data". Washington:
International Food Policy Research Institute. (Unpublished)
All, M. Shaukat (1981). "Rural-Urban Consumption Patterns in
Pakistan". Pakistan Economic and Social Review, Vol. XX, No. 2.
All, M. Shaukat (1986). "Household Consumption and Saving
Behaviour in Pakistan: An Application of the Extended Linear Expenditure
System". Pakistan Development Review. Vol. XXIV, No. 1.
Aziz-ur-Rehman, A. N. M. (1963). "Expenditure Elasticities in
Rural West Pakistan". Pakistan Development Review. Vol. III, No. 2.
Box, G.E.P. and D. R. Cox. (1964). "An Analysis of
Transformation". Journal of the Royal Statistical Society. Series
Bussink, W. C. E. (1970). "A Complete Set of Consumption
Coefficients for West Pakistan". Pakistan Development Review. Vol.
X, No. 2.
Cheema, Aftab Ahmad, and Muhammad Hussain Malik (1985).
"Changes in Consumption Patterns and Employment under Alternative
Income Distribution in Pakistan". Pakistan Development Review. Vol.
XXIV, No. 1.
Houthakkar, H. S., and L. D. Taylor (1970). Consumer Demand in the
United States, 1920-1970. (2nd Ed.). Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard
University Press.
Kemal, A.R. (1981). "Income Distribution in Pakistan: A
Review". Islamabad: Pakistan Institute of Development Economics.
(Research Report Series, No. 123)
Khan, M. I. (1970). "Demand for Food in Pakistan in
1975". Pakistan Development Review. Vol. X, No. 3.
Lee, Feng-Yao, and Keith E. Phillips (1971). "Differences in
Consumption Patterns of Farm and Non-farm Households in the United
States". American Journal of Agricultural Economics. Vol. 53.
Liviatan, Nissan (1961). "Errors in Variables and Engel Curve
Analysis". Econometrica. Vol. 29.
Malik, Shahnawaz (1982) "Analysis of Consumption Patterns in
Pakistan". Pakistan Economic and Social Review. Vol. XX, No. 2.
Mukhtar, Hamid (1985). "Essays in Consumer Behaviour: Evidence
from Pakistan Data". Ph.D. Thesis, Boston University. (Unpublished)
Pakistan, Government of (Various Issues). Household Income and
Expenditure Survey. Islamabad: Federal Bureau of Statistics.
Pakistan, Government of (1986). Pakistan Economic Survey 1986-87.
Islamabad: Ministry of Finance. Economic Adviser's Wing.
Ranis, G. (1961). "Consumer Expenditure and Consumption
Function". Karachi: Pakistan Institute of Development Economics.
(Monograph No. 6)
Siddiqui, Rehana (1982). "An Analysis of Consumption Pattern
in Pakistan". Pakistan Development Review. Vol. XXI, No. 4.
(1) These data are available for the years 1963-64, 1966-67,
1968-69, 1969-70, 1971-72, 1979 and 1984-85.
(2) The study by Ali (1981) was confined to a single year.
Moreover, although he applied a Two-Stage Least Squares approach, he
used the Ordinary Least Squares technique for estimation. We feel that
given the grouped nature of the data he should have used weighted least
squares to take care of heteroscedasticity. This is the approach we
Research Economist and Staff Economists respectively at the Pakistan
Institute of Development Economics, Islamabad. The paper presents
partial results from a larger ongoing study by the principal author. The
authors would like to thank Dr Sarfraz K. Qureshi, Joint Director, PIDE for clarifying several conceptual issues. The assistance of Mr Mohammad
Mushtaq and Miss Fizza Gillani, Staff Economists at PIDE and Mr M. Afsar
Khan, P.S. to Joint Director, PIDE, is greatly acknowledged.
Table 1
Share of Different Commodity Groups in Total Expenditure-1984-85
Commodity Groups Rural Urban Overall
Total Food and Drinks 51.35 43.88 48.61
Clothing and Footwear 7.89 6.82 7.50
House Rent and Housing 7.90 16.92 11.21
Fuel and Lighting 6.03 4.95 5.63
Furniture and Fixtures 2.12 1.91 2.04
Miscellaneous 14.66 11.33 13.44
Total 89.95 85.81 88.43
Source: Household Income and Expenditure Survey (Various Issues).
Table 2
Number of Observations in Different Years in the Household Income
and Expenditure Surveys
Years/Sector Rural Urban Combined
1984-85 12 12 24
1979 12 12 24
1971-72 13 13 26
1970-71 12 13 25
1969-70 12 13 25
1968-69 12 13 25
1966-67 13 13 26
1963-64 11 11 22
Total 97 100 197
Source: Government of Pakistan. Household Income and Expenditure
Surveys (Various Issues).
Note: The observations are based on the income group categories in
the various Household Income and Expenditure Surveys.
Table 3
Test Statistics Given that the Rural-urban Functions are the
Same, i.e. have the Same Intercept and Slope Parameters
Commodity Group
Years Total Food Clothing and House Rent Fuel and
and Drinks Footwear and Housing Lighting
1984-85 0.02 0.56 188.23 * 2.24
1979 1.76 0.89 302.58 * 0.23
1971-72 1.87 0.02 9.20 * 40.78 *
1970-71 1.93 1.46 12.53 * 39.94 *
1969-70 2.47 2.46 4.12 * 30.07 *
1968-69 2.88 0.09 33.53 * 31.64 *
1966-67 0.01 0.14 10.22 * 9.52 *
1963-64 8.22 * 29.44 * 72.05 * 50.08 *
Commodity Group
Years Furniture & Degrees of
Fixtures Miscellaneous Freedom
198485 17.14 * 200.97 * (2.20)
1979 5.17 ** 10.14 * (2.20)
1971-72 2.53 7.42 * (2.22)
1970-71 0.13 3.81 ** (2.21)
1969-70 2.79 6.82 * (2.21)
1968-69 1.08 11.24 * (2.21)
1966-67 0.97 0.46 (2.22)
1963-64 2.01 0.03 (2.18)
Notes: * Denotes significant at the 1 percent level.
** Denotes significant at the '5 percent level.
The Statistics in this table are values of approximately F random
variables, with degrees of freedom shown in the last columns for
each year, given that the respective rural/urban functions are the
Table 4
Estimates of the Marginal Propensity to Spend by Commodity Groups in
each Year
Commodity Groups
Total Food Clothing and House Rent
Years and Drinks Footwear and Housing
198485 Overall 0.282 0.065 --
Urban -- -- 0.217
Rural -- -- 0.073
1979 Overall 0.284 0.064 --
Urban -- -- 0.226
Rural -- -- 0.056
1971-72 Overall 0.287 0.066 --
Urban -- -- 0.174-
Rural -- -- 0.105
1970-71 Overall 0.274 0.085 --
Urban -- -- 0.202
Rural -- -- 0.083
1969-70 Overall 0.258 0.068 --
Urban -- -- 0.193
Rural -- -- 0.074
1968-69 Overall 0.315 0.072 --
Urban -- -- 0.189
Rural -- -- 0.019
1966-67 Overall 0.347 0.067 --
Urban -- -- 0.198
Rural -- -- 0.013
1963-64 Overall -- -- --
Urban 0.378 0.114 0.167
Rural 0.366 0.071 0.080
Commodity Groups
Fuel and Furniture
Years Lighting and Fixture Miscellaneous
198485 Overall 0.025 -- --
Urban -- 0.030 0.364
Rural -- 0.028 0.293
1979 Overall 0.024 -- --
Urban -- 0.029 0.376
Rural -- 0.027 0.433
1971-72 Overall -- 0.018
Urban 0.022 -- 0.440
Rural 0.018 -- 0.312
1970-71 Overall -- 0.011 --
Urban 0.024 -- 0.413
Rural 0.009 -- 0.344
1969-70 Overall -- 0.010 --
Urban 0.022 -- 0.420
Rural 0.009 -- 0.351
1968-69 Overall -- 0.014 --
Urban 0.023 -- 0.395
Rural 0.010 -- 0.283
1966-67 Overall -- 0.016 0.340
Urban 0.022 -- --
Rural 0.013 -- --
1963-64 Overall -- 0.013 0.360
Urban 0.032 -- --
Rural 0.014 -- --
Note: All estimates are significant at the 1 percent level.
Table 5
Test Statistics for the Similarity of Yearly Functions
Commodity Groups [F.sub.1] [F.sub.2] [F.sub.3]
Total Food and Drinks 4.94 * 8.89 * 6.17 *
Clothing and Footwear 48.96 * 105.00 * 59.95 *
House Rent and Housing 2.69 * 3.19 * 2.86 *
Fuel and Lighting 88.86 * 40.51 * 64.67 *
Furniture and Fixture 24.84 * 45.13 * 27.2 *
Miscellaneous 6.74 * 14.30 * 9.2 *
Notes: * Denotes significant at the 1 percent level.
The statistics in the column under [F.sub.1] and values of
approximately F random variable with degrees of freedom 7,188 given
that the eight yearly functions have different intercept but
same slopes.
The statistics in the column under [F.sub.2] are values of
approximately F random variable with degrees of freedom 7,188 given
that the eight yearly functions have same intercept but different
The statistics in the column under [F.sub.3] are values of
approximately F random variable with degrees of freedom 14,181 given
that the eight year of functions are the same.