Migration and fertility in Pakistan.
Kiani, M. Framurz K.
The phenomena of migration and fertility has not drawn much
attention in Pakistan. A few studies based on census data, the National
Impact Survey 1968-69 and the Population Growth Survey 1968-71 showed
higher crude birth rates for rural areas than for urban areas. However,
recent studies showed higher urban fertility in Pakistan.
In view of the increasing rate of rural migration to the urban
areas it is important to understand the contribution of migration to
population growth. The main objective of the present study is to explore
differentials in fertility between migrants and non-migrants along with
the socio-economic and proximate determinants and to investigate whether
these show statistically significant variation in fertility between
migrants and non-migrants.
The primary source of data for this study is the Population Labour
Force and Migration Survey (PLM) 1979-80. Migration and fertility
questionnaires were merged to determine the migration status of husband
and wife to relate it to the fertility of women. A total of 335 female
migrants in urban areas and 480 in rural areas were identified.
Some basic characteristics of migrant women, covered by the survey,
showed that in the sample population migrant females were younger in age
with higher age at marriage and shorter duration of marriage. Migrant
females were relatively better educated while their husbands have even
better education than non-migrants. The differentials by mean children
ever born suggest that urban migrant females have lower mean children
ever born compared to non-migrants.
However, in the rural areas the differentials were not substantial.
This shows that non-migrant females are more fertile while migrant
females tend to retard fertility and prefer a smaller family size.
Migrant females showed a slight increase in age at marriage compared to
non-migrants both in urban and rural areas. The younger cohorts of
females aged less than 25 were married at an early age compared with
older cohorts above age 35. Since the fertility module comprises only of
ever married females, therefore, younger females show less increase in
age at marriage. The duration of marriage also showed that females who
had been married less than 20 years have fewer children ever born in the
urban areas as compared to females who had been married longer than 20
years. The rural females have not shown substantial differences in
fertility due to duration of marriage. The lower levels of fertility in
urban female migrants is due to the disruptions caused by migration. In
rural areas short distance migration and less educated females may be
attributed for lesser effect of disruptions on fertility.
In terms of education, migrant females with 1-8 years of schooling
showed substantially less mean children ever born compared to
non-migrants both in urban and rural areas. Less children ever born for
migrants may be due to their changes in aspirations or the sense of
self-efficiency on the basis of which couples decide to migrate. Thus,
education affects the attitude and contributes to lower fertility.
Husband's economic status being a more meaningful factor when
related to the wife's economic status, showed that migrants in each
occupation were having less mean children ever born than non-migrants
both in urban and rural areas. Migrants engaged both in white and blue
collar occupations demonstrate substantially smaller family size than
non-migrants. The lower level of fertility among white and blue collar
occupations may be due to more educated people engaged in these
occupations and these have greater aspirations for goal achievements and
thus represent more mobile segments of the population.
The proximate determinants included in the study were duration of
breastfeeding, attained and desired family size, knowledge of family
planning and contraceptive use.
Duration of breast-feeding showed that urban migrant females who
breast-fed more than 24 months demonstrate higher proportions in the 25
and above age groups. In the rural areas migrant females who also
breast-fed for more than 24 months show similar patterns as the urban
migrant females. The differentials in fertility suggest that migrant
females both in urban and rural areas who tend to prolong the duration
of breast-feeding includes either selective females or that the
migration process itself affects their attitude or behaviour to prolong
their durations of breast-feeding. The attained and desired family size
vary between migrants and non-migrants. The younger migrants in both
urban and rural areas showed desire for smaller family size than
non-migrants. Knowledge of family planning methods among migrant females
is greater than non-migrants. This suggests that migrant females were
more exposed to family planning methods and were better informed. The
use of contraceptive methods was also analysed. Even though the number
of migrant users of contraceptive methods were very small both in urban
and rural areas, the overall use of contraceptive methods was higher for
To assess whether any variable has influenced migrant fertility
more strongly, multiple classification analysis was performed in two
parts for urban and rural areas separately. The results in part 1 of the
analysis showed that education, migration status and province of
destination emerged as major determinants of fertility in urban areas
while province of destination, migration status and partners occupations
showed significant effect on fertility for rural areas. The above
determinants showed a negative impact on fertility both in urban and
rural areas while province of destination, migration status and partners
occupations showed significant effect on fertility for rural areas.
In part two of the analysis, the relative role of some determinants
of fertility have been examined for migrants and non-migrants
separately. Length of breastfeeding showed a significant negative
association with children ever born. This shows that migrant females
with two or more years of breast-feeding had lowest fertility even
though the number of cases were very small. The other determinants did
not show any significant association with fertility for migrants.
However, differences across categories showed considerable variation.
The overall analysis suggests that urban migrants who were younger,
better educated, and come from distant areas have more of an effect on
fertility in urban areas, but rural migrants have a lesser impact on
In conclusion, the above findings do indicate that migrants show a
greater desire for controlling fertility than non-migrants. Since this
study is based on a relatively small sample, the conclusions may be
interpreted with care.
M. FRAMURZ K. KIANI, The author is Research Demographer at the
Pakistan Institute of Development Economics, Islamabad. This is an
abridged version of the paper presented in the Fourth Annual General
Meeting of the PSDE.