Trends and differentials in knowledge, ever use, current use, and future intended use of contraceptives in rural Bangladesh: evidence from three surveys.
Amin, Ruhul ; Mariam, A.G. ; Faruqee, Rashid 等
The study examines the trends and differentials in knowledge, ever
use, current use, and future intended use of contraceptives in rural
Bangladesh. Using data from three national-level surveys between 1968
and 1977, the study finds that there had been an increase in
contraceptive knowledge, ever use, current use, and future intended use
over the years. Although estimated logit regression models indicated
that more educated women and women having higher parity were
significantly more likely to adopt or to intend to adopt contraceptives
in the future, other socio-economic indicators such as regional
development or non-agricultural occupations did not lead to higher
contraceptive use or future intended use of contraceptives. Somewhat
similar levels of differences in ever, current, and future intended use
of contraceptives among socio-economic groups persisted over the years.
Implications of these findings are discussed in the paper.
Evidence indicates that the pace of diffusion of fertility control
can be accelerated in high-fertility societies by introducing advanced
contraceptives and family-planning programmes, (1) On the other hand,
despite a record of more than a decade of national-level family-planning
programmes, there appears to be little perceptible progress in the
acceptance of fertility-control measures in some high-fertility
societies. Freedman (1979) suggested that this low level of
family-planning response is due to official failure in setting up proper
administrative, communication, and transportation networks necessary to
successfully implement such programmes. Others have alternatively
suggested that cultural barriers and low levels of development have
operated as obstacles to family-planning progress in these societies.
There is ample evidence suggesting that awareness of and access to
contraceptives can greatly shorten the time span for the acceptance of
fertility regulation independent of a nation's level of
socio-economic development. (3) Entwisle, Hermalin, and Kamnuansilpa
(1984) as well as Knodel, Havanon, and Pramualratana (1984) have also
observed that availability of contraceptives accelerates
family-limitation practices by removing socio-economic barriers to the
use of family-planning services and by meeting contraceptive needs.
However, the initial experience of certain countries with fertility
regulation appears to suggest a lack of demand for fertility control
even as modern contraceptives were made available nation-wide.
The analysis presented in this paper attempts to assess this
apparent discrepancy by focusing upon socio-economic differences and
impact of family-planning programmes on knowledge, use, and future
intended use of contraceptives in a society with a low level of
development. Analysis of socio-economic differences and their
consequences should enable us to increase our understanding of the
processes leading both to an increased contraceptive use and to the
factors accelerating such use. The data for this study are drawn from
three major surveys conducted between 1968 and 1977 in Bangladesh.
During this period, there has also been a gradual expansion in
family-planning programmes in Bangladesh without a corresponding
significant socio-economic development. (4)
This paper has two major objectives. Firstly, it sets forth some
hypotheses about differences in knowledge, use, and future intended use
of family-planning methods in rural Bangladesh, and secondly, it
examines some of these hypotheses in the context of socio-economic
trends and differences. The study employs legit analysis in estimating
net effects of socio-economic and demographic factors. (5)
Family-planning programmes and family-limitation practices are a
relatively recent phenomenon in Bangladesh. (6) Although a nation-wide
family-planning programme had been in existence for about a decade by
the mid-1970s, no significant impact of such programmes on fertility or
fertility control appeared to be evident. (7) This general lag in
programme impact on fertility or fertility control may be expected in
view of the recency of family-planning programmes and the persistence of
a high-fertility culture in which women with larger families contracept
more than those with smaller families, thus masking the effect of
contraceptive use on fertility. (8) Nevertheless, the increasing
population pressure and expanding family-planning programmes were
expected to lead to gradual increases in fertility regulation and
contraceptive use. Such gradual increases may result more from increased
awareness of and access to modern contraceptives brought about by
family-planning programmes than by socio-economic changes, although such
changes are likely to facilitate use and future intended use of
contraceptives. We hypothesize that knowledge and use of contraceptives
might be higher among those who were more exposed to "modern
influences". We also hypothesize that contraceptive use might
result from demographic pressure measured in terms of number of
surviving children. The following analysis will test these hypotheses by
examining data from rural Bangladesh for the period between 1968 and
The data for the current analysis came from three sample surveys:
Impact of Family Planning Survey (IFPS) of 1968, World Fertility Survey
(WFS) for Bangladesh (1975), and Rural Fertility and Poverty Survey of
1977 (RFPS), conducted by the Bangladesh Institute of Development
Studies (BIDS). The IFPS was a nationally representative retrospective survey akin to the WFS in content and quality. However, RFPS data were
collected from four major regions in Bangladesh. Although not nationally
representative, the RFPS data also contained information on fertility
and family planning comparable to the other two surveys. In this paper,
we shall only utilize data on "currently married" women from
the IFPS (N = 2,522), WFS (N = 4,117), and RFPS (N = 1,247). Since the
RFPS data were from rural areas, they are compared with corresponding
data from rural samples in the IFPS and WFS.
Trends and differentials in knowledge, use, and future intended use
of contraceptives are relevant for the assessment of the impact and
prospects of familyplanning programmes. The focus on their determinants
will, therefore, be central to the current analysis. In the initial
analysis, we focused upon contraceptive use, knowledge of
family-planning methods, ideal family size, and intent for future
contraceptive use by cross-tabulating them with various independent
variables associated with fertility regulation in less developed
countries. Subsequently, we assessed the net contribution of each of the
independent variables in the explanation of ever, current, and future
intended uses of contraceptives by logit regression. (9) Comparable KAP
and other socio-demographic data were collected by the three surveys, as
the following sample items indicate:
Ideal Family Size
IFPS--In your opinion, what is the appropriate desired number of
children for your whole life?
WFS--In your opinion, what is the appropriate number of children
for a family like yours?
RFPS--What are the appropriate number of children you would like to
Future Contraceptive Intent.
IFPS--Would you consider using some method to limit the number of
children or to postpone a pregnancy in the future?
WFS--Would you or your husband consider using some method to limit
number of children in the future?
RFPS--Do you have any possibility of using family planning methods
in the future?
Knowledge and Use of Methods.
IFPS (a) Have you heard about any method of contraception?
(b) Did you ever use any method?
(c) What method did you use?
(d) Are you currently using any method?
WFS (a) Do you know or have you heard about any methods of
(b) What are the methods you know?
(c) Did you ever use any method?
(d) What methods?
(a) Have you ever heard about family planning methods?
(b) What methods?
(c) Did you ever use contraceptives?
(d) What contraceptives did you use?
(e) Are you currently using any family-planning methods?
The independent variables included in the multivariate analysis can
be classified into two broad categories: (1) demographic variables and
(2) social variables. The demographic variables include age of
respondents (24+ = 1 ; 24 or less = 0), age at marriage (13+ = 1; 13 or
less = 0), and parity (3+ = 1; 3 or less = 0). These variables may
reflect differential levels of "demographic pressure" as well
as differentiate the target groups for family-planning programme.
The social variables include husband's years of education (1
year or more = 1 ; none = 0), mother's years of education (1 year
or more = 1 ; none = 0), occupation (non-agriculture = 1; agriculture =
0), and the region (Dhaka and Chittagong = 1; Rajshahi and Khulna = 0).
Level of development of Dhaka and Chittagong region is higher than those
of Rajshahi and Khulna.
In Table 1, we present some descriptive statistics for
currently-married women from our three sample surveys. Although the
three sets of data are considerably different in sample size, the sample
distribution by the categories of some selected variables are somewhat
similar for all the three surveys. This result enhances our confidence
in the quality of all the data sets and their comparability.
Figure 1 and Table 2 depict the diffusion pattern of knowledge,
current and ever uses, and future intended use of contraceptives by
parity and age of respondents in rural Bangladesh for the years 1968
through 1977. In all the three surveys, data on the knowledge of
family-planning methods were indicated by the respondents with or
without being prompted by the interviewers. Figure 1 and Table 2 clearly
show a steady increase in knowledge and practice of family planning over
the years. Table 2 shows that knowledge of contraceptives among the
respondents increased substantially from about 63 percent in 1968 to
about 94 percent in 1977. Although current contraceptive use also
increased from 3.6 percent in 1968 to 10.5 percent in 1977, the actual
practice of family-planning methods was less than the increased level of
contraceptive knowledge. Similarly lagging family-planning response was
evident in the Contraceptive Prevalence Survey which reported only 13
percent to be current users of contraceptives while 94.8 percent
indicated having knowledge of contraceptives (Walliullah, 1981). Figure
1 further shows that a relatively higher rate of contraceptive use was
found among those between age 25 and 34 as well as among those having
higher number of children.
Table 2 also shows the percent distribution of contraceptive use,
future contraceptive intent, knowledge of family-planning methods, and
average family size by various social and demographic factors. The
purpose of this analysis is to see the effects of selected social and
demographic variables on the variation of these dependent variables. The
data in the table show that in all the three periods--1968, 1975, and
1977--ever, current, and future intended uses and knowledge of
contraceptives tended to be positively and moderately related to
respondents' educational levels, non-agricultural occupation, and
number of living children. The same was also true of educational levels
of respondents' husbands. No consistent relationship was, however,
found between these factors and ideal family size, although overall
ideal family size had declined somewhat by the terminal year of 1977,
reflecting a change in family size preference that prevailed across
socio-demographic groups. Similarly, no major socio-demographic
differences in the rate of change in ever, current, and future intended
uses of contraceptives seemed to have emerged between 1968 and 1977.
Also, no major differences in knowledge of family-planning methods and
ideal family size are observed in Table 2.
While so far our analysis focuses on the relationship between a
dependent variable and an independent variable, such bivariate relationships do not reveal the net effect of a variable because of
possible confounding effects of other social and demographic variables.
To overcome this problem in analysis, we employed multivariate analysis.
The statistical technique deemed appropriate for this analysis was legit
regression, using the dependent variables expressed as the logarithmic function of odds.
Table 3 shows the net results of our mutlivariate anlaysis of the
dependent variables by legit regression technique. It may be noted that
when the dependent variable is skewed, as in the present case of
contraceptive use, the assumptions underlying ordinary least-square
estimation and the specification of a linear functional form are less
appropriate. (10) In this analysis, ever, current, and future intended
uses of contraceptives are the selected dependent variables. Knowledge
of contraceptive methods and ideal family size have been excluded from
this analysis because of their small variation by social and demographic
factors. The models applied are good fit for Table 3.1 (11) More
parsimonious models could be developed for the table by dropping or
adding some variables. However, in order to maintain comparability of
results and to reflect upon the important variables of the study, we
have maintained the same model for the three surveys.
The results in Table 3 show that the most important variables
associated with ever, current, and future intended uses of
contraceptives were parity and educational level of the respondents.
Thus, in 1968, 1975, and 1977, those who had a higher number of living
children or higher educational attainment were more likely to seek
fertility limitation measures. However, the effect of living children
seemed to have decreased over the years as was evident in its net
declining coefficient in the terminal year of 1977. This declining
coefficient of living children suggested more increases in contraceptive
use and future contraceptive intent among younger or lower-parity
mothers. On the other hand, non-agricultural occupation tended to show
no significant effect or showed slight positive effect on contraceptive
use, while developed regions of Dhaka and Chittagong showed inconsistent
effects. Similarly, age, age at marriage, and husband's education
tended to show either inconsistent or insignificant relationship with
ever, current, and future intended uses of contraceptives.
In the foregoing analysis, we have examined the response of
Bangladeshi women to the demographic pressure and to the family-planning
programme inputs during the period between 1968 and 1977. The findings
clearly indicate that there had been a steady increase in knowledge,
use, and future intended use of contraceptives between the years 1968
and 1977. However, the absolute increase in the use of family-planning
methods was less than the increase in the level of knowledge. While the
increased level of knowledge and a moderate increase in the practice of
family-planning methods indicated the success of the expanding
family-planning programme in reaching larger audiences, lag in actual
practice compared with knowledge showed that mere awareness about
family-planning method was insufficient for inducing its practice. The
average ideal family size desire continued to be moderately high
(ranging from 4.4 to 3.3) in Bangladesh, although over the years there
had been a gradual shift toward smaller ideal family size. This,
perhaps, reflected the beginning of the decline of a high-fertility
culture because of vigorous campaigns for family planning. The increase
in contraceptive use was, however, higher than that of future intent to
use. This suggests that the expanding family-planning programmes were
meeting more of the residual demand for fertility regulation than
creating any new demand.
Analysis of contraceptive use and future contraceptive intent by
parity for the periods 1968, 1975, and 1977 further indicated that the
latter factor was important in inducing contraceptive use and future
contraceptive intent. Over the years, the increase in contraceptive use
and future contraceptive intent were found to be more marked among
lower-parity mothers, indicating a trend towards a desire for small
family size rather than responding to mere pressure from high parity in
the choice of family size. The higher contraceptive use among
high-fertility mothers indicates some success of the family-planning
programme in converting population-pressure-induced latent demand into
an overt one.
Examination of the effects of the various socio-economic factors,
considered as proxies for modern influences, revealed mixed results.
Contraceptive use and intent to use tended to be positively related to
respondent's educational level, but weakly to non-agricultural
occupations. Analysis of trend over time appeared to suggest no major
socio-economic differences in the rate of change in contraceptive use,
future contraceptive intent, or ideal family size desire. Similarly, no
consistent pattern in the relationship of dependent variables with age
at marriage or region was observed.
The detailed multivariate analysis by logit regression technique
shows that the most important factors positively affecting
family-planning acceptance and future family-planning intention were
living children and respondent's educational level. However, the
effect of living children had declined in magnitude over the years.
While, over the years, the current use and intended future use had
increased, the positive effect of living children indicated that
demographic pressure had influenced this increase. On the other hand,
some indicators of modern influences, such as developed region,
non-agricultural occupation, or elevated age at marriage, showed
inconsistent or insignificant relationships with contraceptive use.
This, together with the relatively small coefficients of parity and
education, suggests that none of these variables accounted for any major
increase in family-planning demand.
The foregoing analysis shows that since there were no major
socio-economic changes in Bangladesh, the recent moderate rise in
contraceptive adoption was probably the result of expansion of
family-planning programmes. To the extent this was true, exposure to
information, education, and communication campaigns for family planning
promoted contraceptive adoption. However, the rise in contraceptive
adoption was not large enough to constitute any significant family
limitation response. There are a number of cultural and social factors
in Bangladesh, such as low status of women, son preference, and female
seclusion, that were likely to be responsible for such lack of
significant response. Inadequate contraceptive supply and services may
also have been another reason for this slacking response.
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Bangladesh: Facts and Fancies". Population Studies. Vol. 29. pp.
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Teachman, J., D. J. Bogue, J. Londono and D. Hogan (1979). The
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University of Chicago Community and Family Study Centre.
Tsui, A. O., and D. J. Bogue. (1978). "Declining World
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Walliullah, S. (1981). Country Paper: Bangladesh. Asian Regional
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Zaidi, S. A. H. (1970). The Village Culture in Transition: A Study
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(1) See, for example, Knodel and Debavalya (1978), Tsui and Bogue
(1978), Teachman, Bogue, Londono, and Hogan (1979), and Mauldin and
Berelson (1978).
(2) See Demeney (1975), Coale (1973), and Kirk (1972).
(3) See, in particular, Tsui and Bogue (1978), Freedman and
Berelson (1976), Ravenholt and Chao (1974), and Knodel (1977).
(4) See Arthur and MeNicoll (1978) and Demeney (1975) for a
detailed discussion in this area.
(5) With our dichotomous dependent variable, the constant-variance
assumption of the general linear model is violated and
ordinary-least-square estimates are rendered inefficient. Likewise,
because dichotomous variables can be non-normal in their distribution,
the assumption of a normal error-term and the usual test of significance
for least-square techniques are inappropriate. Logit regression
technique deals with all these problems. See Goodman (1972).
(6) See Arthur and McNicoll (1978) and Zaidi (1970). These
investigators found that contraception or family planning was unknown in
Bangladesh prior to the introduction of national family-planning
(7) See Amin, Madam, and Faruqee (1985), Amin and Faruqee (1980),
Sirageldin, Norris, and Ahmad (1975a), and Sirageldin, Hossain, and Cain
(1975b). Them studies did not find any evidence of fertility transition
in Bangladesh.
(8) If both users and non-users of contraceptives are equally
fertile, contraceptive users will end up with smaller families than
those of non-users. But it is often difficult to demonstrate this
proposition empirically using data from developing countries because of
implicit temporal ordering not typically measured in sample surveys of
fertility behaviour. In the event of confusion about when contraception
began and how consistently it was used, a positive correlation between
current or ever use of contraceptives and fertility may be obtained.
This occurs because the decision to use contraceptives is based in part
on the number of living children at the time of use. Thus, not only the
association between contraceptive use and fertility is in the wrong
direction, but also the flow of causality is in, both directions
(between fertility and contraception) rather than in one direction (from
contraception to fertility). (e) Are you using any method now?
(9) See Footnote 5.
(10) See Hankushek and Jackson (1977).
(11) By testing goodness of fit, we test whether our hypothesized
model, in which we estimated the expected frequencies under the
assumption that the dependent variables are related to the independent
variables, actually fits the observed data reasonably well. In other
words, we estimated the expected cell frequencies for our model and
compared them with the observed frequencies by using [L.sup.2] =
2[summation]fij ln (fij / Fij), where Fij's are expected cell
frequencies and firs are observed cell frequencies. The smaller the
[L.sup.2] is relative to the degree of freedom, the less the expected
frequencies depart from the observed cell entries and hence should be
accepted as an adequate representation of the relationships among the
variables, i.e. The model is a good fit. For more elaborate description,
see Knoke and Burke (1980). The algorithm employed in Table 3 is that of
Duncan (1978).
* Dr Amin and Dr Madam are Research Scientists at the Morgan State
University, Baltimore (Md, U.S.A.), while Dr Faruqee is Senior Economist
at the World Bank, Washington, D.C., U.S.A.
Table 1
Descriptive Statistics for Currently-Married Women from the Three
Samples: Impact of Family Planning Survey (IFPS) in 1968, World
Fertility Survey (WFS) in 1975, and Rural Fertility and Poverty
Survey (RFPS) in 1977
Percent of Husbands having One or More
Years of Schooling 49.0% 42.7% 43.6%
Percent of Mothers having One or More
Years of Schooling 23.5 22.3 20.0
Percent of Husbands doing
Non-Agricultural Jobs 38.4 43.6 36.2
Mean Number of Children Ever Born 4.07 4.80 4.12
Average Age of First Marriage 13.3 12.3 13.8
Average Age of Respondents 27.8 28.7 30.9
Average Proportion (a) of Children Dead 0.23 0.24 0.23
(a) Average of the proportion of children died after birth for
the age-groups: 15-19, 20-24, 25-29, 30-34, 40-44, and 45-49.
Table 2
Family Planning Knowledge, Ever and Current Uses of Contraceptives,
Intention to Use Contraceptives, and Ideal Family Size by Various
Characteristics of Rural Bangladesh Women, 1968-1977
Variables Year Ever Currently Intend
Used Using to Use
All: 1968 6.0% 3.6% 13.3%
1975 13.4 6.8 15.9
1977 19.3 10.5 17.7
Years of
0 1968 4.1 2.7 10.6
1975 10.9 5.6 14.8
1977 16.0 8.6 18.7
>1 1968 7.8 4.6 16.2
1975 16.8 8.3 17.4
1977 23.6 12.9 16.5
Years of
0 1968 4.8 3.4 10.4
1975 11.0 5.4 15.2
1977 16.1 8.4 17.0
>1 1968 9.6 4.4 22.8
1975 21.8 11.7 18.4
1977 31.8 18.8 20.6
Age at
[less than or equal 1968 5.3 3.1 12.2
to] 13 years 1975 13.9 6.6 14.8
1977 18.1 8.6 15.3
> 13 years 1968 7.9 5.3 16.0
1975 11.8 5.7 14.2
1977 22.1 13.1 22.1
Agricultural 1968 5.0 3.1 12.4
1975 13.3 7.0 15.3
1977 19.7 10.1 14.6
Non- 1968 7.5 4.5 14.8
agricultural 1975 13.3 6.3 16.9
1977 20.0 11.6 22.0
Mother's Age
12-24 1968 0.0 0.0 0.2
1975 9.3 4.6 15.6
1977 15.2 7.0 24.7
24+ 1968 8.1 5.3 12.1
1975 16.1 7.5 13.9
1977 24.3 14.0 15.1
Number of
0-3 1968 3.4 1.7 12.6
1975 9.7 4.6 13.9
1977 17.1 8.3 19.9
>3 1968 9.7 6.4 14.3
1975 18.6 8.9 15.8
1977 23.1 13.2 13.4
Dhaka and 1968 6.6 4.3 15.4
Chittagong 1975 10.1 5.0 14.0
1977 18.8 10.8 20.7
Khulna and 1968 5.4 3.1 11.5
Rajshahi 1975 15.9 8.1 17.3
1977 19.9 10.2 14.4
Variables Year Know F.P. Ideal N **
Method * Family Size
All: 1968 62.6% 4.4 (Means) 2522
1975 78.4 4.0 4117
1977 94.5 3.3 1247
Years of
0 1968 54.9 4.5 1446
1975 73.3 4.0 2361
1977 93.9 3.3 703
>1 1968 71.7 4.4 1076
1975 85.3 3.9 1756
1977 95.3 3.3 543
Years of
0 1968 57.0 4.5 1930
1975 73.5 3.8 3190
1977 93.7 3.3 998
>1 1968 80.7 4.3 496
1975 96.4 4.0 926
1977 97.7 3.2 249
Age at
[less than or equal 1968 61.8 4.5 1914
to] 13 years 1975 76.2 4.2 2445
1977 94.2 3.3 606
> 13 years 1968 65.0 4.3 608
1975 81.5 3.9 1672
1977 96.1 3.3 641
Agricultural 1968 60.6 4.5 1194
1975 76.2 4.1 2322
1977 93.2 3.3 764
Non- 1968 65.7 4.3 744
agricultural 1975 81.5 3.9 1795
1977 96.7 3.3 433
Mother's Age
12-24 1968 0.6 4.2 1647
1975 77.3 3.7 1781
1977 95.2 3.1 420
24+ 1968 65.1 4.7 875
1975 78.9 4.3 2336
1977 94.5 3.5 827
Number of
0-3 1968 59.0 4.3 1488
1975 76.3 3.8 2532
1977 96.2 3.1 469
>3 1968 67.9 4.5 1034
1975 81.9 4.3 1585
1977 94.1 3.4 778
Dhaka and 1968 62.6 4.4 1178
Chittagong 1975 82.3 4.3 1756
1977 99.8 3.3 655
Khulna and 1968 62.6 4.4 1344
Rajshahi 1975 75.5 3.9 2361
1977 90.0 3.3 590
Sources: Impact Survey (1968).
Bangladesh (World) Fertility Survey (1975).
Rural Poverty and Fertility Survey (1977).
* Knowledge of at least one method based on prompted or unprompted
** Observations with missing data on any of the variables in the
table are excluded from the analysis.
Table 3
Logit of fiver, Current, and Future Intended Uses of Contraceptives
as a Function of Demographic and Social Variables
in Rural Bangladesh: 1968, 1975, and 1977 (a)
Types of Contraceptive Use
and Coef-
Independent Variables ficient [chi square]
Ever Use
Constant -3.247
Husband's Years of
Education 0.293 3.2
Respondent's Years of
Education 0.783 22.0 *
Occupation 0.351 5.0 *
Age at Marriage 0.484 9.2 *
Region -0.434 7.8 *
Respondent's Age 0.226 1.4
Fourth or Higher Parity 0.707 16.0 *
(Fit of model) [chi square] = 62.8
df = 120
Current Use
Constant -3.477
Husband's Years of
Education 0.166 0.8
Respondent's Years of
Education 0.546 8.3 *
Occupation 0.430 5.7 *
Age at Marriage 0.711 15.2 *
Region -0.45 11.1 *
Respondent's Age 0.115 0.3
Fourth or Higher Parity 0.817 17.4 *
(Fit of model) [chi square] = 68.4
df = 120
Future Intended Use
Constant -1.922
Husband's Years of
Education 0.152 1.4
Respondent's Years of
Education 0.795 36.3 *
Occupation 0.192 2.4
Age at Marriage 0.456 12.5 *
Region -0.446 13.6 *
Respondent's Age -0.33 5.0 *
Fourth or Higher Parity 0.391 7.0 *
(Fit of model) [chi square] = 65.6
df = 120
Types of Contraceptive Use
and Coef-
Independent Variables ficient [chi square]
Ever Use
Constant -2.823
Husband's Years of
Education 0.199 4.2 *
Respondent's Years of
Education 0.813 57.0 *
Occupation 0.113 1.4
Age at Marriage -0.073 0.6
Region 0.473 25.8 *
Respondent's Age 0.318 7.5 *
Fourth or Higher Parity 0.623 31.8 *
(Fit of model) [chi square] = 102.4
df = 120
Current Use
Constant -3.226
Husband's Years of
Education -0.034 3.2
Respondent's Years of
Education 1.029 22.0 *
Occupation 0.084 5.0 *
Age at Marriage 0.081 9.2 *
Region 0.449 7.7 *
Respondent's Age -0.057 1.4
Fourth or Higher Parity 0.661 16.0 *
(Fit of model) [chi square] = 110.3
df = 120
Future Intended Use
Constant -1.939
Husband's Years of
Education 0.003 0.0
Respondent's Years of
Education 0.297 7.5 *
Occupation 0.256 8.0 *
Age at Marriage 0.078 0.7
Region 0.284 10.2 *
Respondent's Age -0.402 13.4 *
Fourth or Higher Parity 0.445 16.5 *
(Fit of model) [chi square] = 179.5
df = 120
Types of Contraceptive Use
and Coef-
Independent Variables ficient [chi square]
Ever Use
Constant -1.638
Husband's Years of
Education 0.134 0.7
Respondent's Years of
Education 0.884 26.4 *
Occupation 0.194 0.4
Age at Marriage 0.183 1.6
Region 0.131 0.7
Respondent's Age -0.065 0.1
Fourth or Higher Parity 0.502 8.2 *
(Fit of model) [chi square] = 65.2
df = 120
Current Use
Constant -2.137
Husband's Years of
Education -0.038 0.1
Respondent's Years of
Education 0.948 25.0 *
Occupation 0.046 0.1
Age at Marriage 0.252 2.3
Region 0.078 0.2
Respondent's Age -1.1 0.2
Fourth or Higher Parity 0.456 5.3 *
(Fit of model) [chi square] = 51.3
df = 120
Future Intended Use
Constant -0.733
Husband's Years of
Education -0.16 1.0
Respondent's Years of
Education 0.347 3.6
Occupation 0.298 3.5
Age at Marriage 0.146 0.9
Region -0.257 2.4
Respondent's Age -0.436 5.9 *
Fourth or Higher Parity -0.284 7.9 *
(Fit of model) [chi square] = 59.3
df = 120
Sources: Impact Survey (1968); Bangladesh World Fertility Survey
(1975); Rural Poverty and Fertility Survey (1977).
(a) The effects shown in the table are net of the effects of all
other demographic and social variables.
* p < .05