Determinants of the declining share of agricultural labour force to total labour force in Pakistan.
Sheikh, Khalid Hameed ; Iqbal, Zafar
The agricultural labour force in Pakistan has been increasing
rapidly due to population growth as well as a declining mortality rate.
However, the share of the agricultural labour force to total labour
force has been decreasing. The objective of this paper is to search for
the factors responsible for this decline. The period covered is from
1959-60 to 1986-87.
The development process is characterised as one which brings about
a fundamental change in the structure of an economy. In this process,
labour is shifted from low productivity areas, such as agriculture, to
high productivity areas, such as the manufacturing, construction and
transport sectors. The share of value added of agriculture in Gross
Domestic Product (GDP) has declined from 46 percent in 195960 to 25
percent in 1986-87. Hence, the key determinant of declining share of
agricultural labour force to total labour force (RALF) appears to be
some measure of economic development.
Another important factor considered is the population density which
may affect RALF. In Pakistan, the number of workers involved in
agriculture is increasing over time but with a fixed supply of land-land
per worker is decreasing. As a result, the rural to urban spatial
dispersal of population is taking place and hence, there is a decline in
The real wage in the agricultural sector is increasing at a higher
rate compared with the increase in the real wage in the manufacturing
sector. As a result, demand for labour in the agricultural sector
declines and these labour force then shift to nonagricultural
occupations in search of jobs to fulfil their basic needs of life.
There appears to be a lack of consensus regarding the impact of
mechanization on agriculture. [Bose and Clark (1969); Ahmed (1972) and
Khan (1975)] suggest that tractor mechanization leads to a reduction in
the demand for agricultural labour. On the other hand, [Inukai, (1984);
Gotsch (1973); Chandhry (1980) and Wizarat (1982)] have argued that
technological change has been of the labour-augmenting type in Pakistan.
Thus, we also examine the impact of technological change on RALF
Five equations are specified to examine the trends of the ratio of
agricultural labour force (RALF)to total labour force.
RALF = [[alpha].sub.0] + [[alpha].sub.1] RAG + [[alpha].sub.2] PHP + [[alpha].sub.3] KA + e ... ... (1)
RALF = [[gamma].sub.0] + [[gamma].sub.1] PHP + [[gamma].sub.2] KA +
v ... (2)
RALF = [[beta].sub.0] + [[beta].sub.1] RAG + [[beta].sub.2] KA + u
... (3)
RALF = [[lambda].sub.0] + [[lambda].sub.1] RAG + [[lambda].sub.2]
RAM + [[lambda].sub.3] KA + g ... ... (4)
RALF = [[theta].sub.0] + [[theta].sub.1] RAM + [[theta].sub.2] KA +
w ... ... (5)
RAG = Share of value added of agriculture to GDP;
PHP = Population density;
RAM = Ratio of real wage in agriculture to real wage in
manufacturing; and
KA = Capital stock in agriculture.
A priori, we expect a positive relationship between RAG and RALF.
As mentioned earlier, the share of value added of agriculture in GDP is
declining continuously therefore the labour force in this sector is
shifting from low productivity areas to high productivity areas hence
RALF is falling. As regards the use of capital in agriculture (KA) we
can not say anything about the sign of the coefficient with confidence
because of the disagreement that prevails in this respect. Finally, for
the ratio of real wage in agriculture to real wage in manufacturing
(RAM), we expect a negative sign to conform with the theory of demand
for labour, which is a decreasing function of the wage rate.
The data used in this paper have been obtained from Government of
Pakistan (1987) and are at constant prices of 1959-60. The data for real
wages in agriculture and manufacturing are obtained from Naqvi, et al.
(1983). Since capital stock series in agriculture is not available from
any published source, we constructed the series by using the method
given in Burney (1986).
RALF = 0.24 + 0.45 RAG - 0.044 PHP + 0.000013 KA ... (1)
(1.75) (1.90) ** (0.68) (4.25) *
[[bar.R].sup.2] = 0.83 F = 44.45 D. W. = 1.55
A look at the result is sufficient to see that RAG possesses
positive sign and is statistically significant. This finding is in
accordance with our a priori expectations. Population density, PHP,
though failed to reach the traditional level of significance, possesses
a negative sign which is in accordance with our a priori expectations.
The increasing population pressure on land encourages the agricultural
labour force to move to urban areas and therefore, RALF declines. The
variable KA also possesses a positive sign and is highly statistically
significant. This confirms the finding of Chaudhry (1980); Inukai
(1984); Gotsch (1973)and Wizarat (1982)that technological progress in
Pakistan has been labour augmenting in agricultural sector.
When RAG is dropped from Equation (1) the results are reported in
Equation (2).
RALF = 0.47 + 0.61 PHP + 0.000015 KA ... (2)
(7.78) (7.77) * (3.98) *
[[bar.R].sup.2] = 0.76 F = 41.11 D. W. = 1.40
It may be seen that the coefficient of PHP is highly statistically
significant with the negative sign. We also estimate Equation (1) by
dropping PHP variable and the results are reported in Equation (3).
RALF = 0.16 + 0.61 RAG + 0.000013 KA ... (3)
(3.72) (10.26) * (4.40) *
[[bar.R].sup.2] = 0.85 F = 76.57 D. W. = 1.62
The coefficient of RAG turns out to be highly statistically
significant with a positive sign which substantiates our results
obtained in Equations (1) and (3), respectively. Another important
variable, the ratio of real wage in agriculture to real wage in
manufacturing, RAM, possesses a negative sign but is statistically
insignificant which is due to a high correlation between RAG and RAM
creating the problem of multicollinearity in Equation (4).
RALF = 0.16 + 0.60 RAG - 0.0022 RAM + 0.000013 KA ... (4)
(3.00) (5.77) * (0.086) (4.08) *
[[bar.R].sup.2] = 0.85 F = 48.88 D. W. = 1.61
This problem has been solved by dropping RAG and the results are
reported in Equation 5.
RALF = 0.40 - 0.13 RAM + 0.000016 KA ... (5)
(0.17) (6.76) * (5.32) *
[[bar.R].sup.2] = 0.76 F = 43.25 D. W. = 1.06
The negative sign for the ratio of real wage in agriculture to the
real wage in manufacturing suggests, that, if the real wage in
agriculture rises at a faster rate than the real wage in manufacturing,
the share of the agricultural labour force will decline in the total
labour force. This finding is in accordance with the inverse
relationship between the demand for labour and changes in the wage rate.
The use of capital in agriculture, KA, in all the five equations remains
positive and statistically significant thereby confirming that
technological change in Pakistan has been labour augmenting rather than
labour displacing.
The contention of this paper has been to undertake an econometric analysis of the determinants of the declining ratio of agricultural
labour force to total labour force (RALF) in Pakistan using a
time-series data for the period 1959-60 to 1986-87. The estimated
results of the above analysis showed that population density (PHP) and
the ratio of real wage in agriculture to real wage in manufacturing
(RAM) have a negative and significant impact on (RALF). It is also found
that the share of agriculture in GDP (RAG) representing economic
development is an important explanatory variable in explaining the
declining trend in RALF. The major and interesting finding of this paper
is that the use of capital in agriculture (KA) representing
technological progress has been labour augmenting rather than labour
displacing in Pakistan's agriculture.
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Michigan State University, USA.
Bose, S. R., and E. H. Clark (1969). "Some Basic
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Pakistan Development Review. Vol. IX, No. 3.
Burney, Nadeem A. (1986). "Sources of Pakistan's Economic
Growth". Pakistan Development Review. Vol. XXV, No. 4.
Chaudhry, M. Ghaffar (1980). "The Green Revolution and Income
Inequality: Some Empirical Evidence from Rural Pakistan 1960-75".
(Unpublished Ph.D. Thesis) University of Wisconsin, USA.
Gotsch, Carl H. (1973). "Tractor Mechanization and Rural
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Pakistan, Government of (1987). The Pakistan Economic Survey,
1986-87. Islamabad: Economic Advisor's Wing, Ministry of Finance.
Inukai, I. (1984). "Farm Mechanization Output Labour Input: A
Case Study of Thailand". International Labour Review. Vol. 101, No.
Khan, M. J. (1975). "Economics of Farm Mechanization and Water
Development Policies in Pakistan: A Case Study". Ph.D. Thesis,
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Naqvi, Syed Nawab Haider, et al. (1983). The P.I.D.E.
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* Statistically significant at 99 percent level of confidence.
** Statistically significant at 95 percent level of confidence.
* The authors are Research Demographer and Staff Economist,
respectively at the Pakistan Institute of Development Economics,
Islamabad. They are grateful to Dr Ashfaque H. Khan for his useful
comments on the revised draft of this paper. This is a condensed version
of the paper presented at the Fifth Annual General Meeting.