Agricultural prices in Pakistan: a multimarket analysis.
Mohammad, Faiz ; Tahir, Sayyid
This paper attempts to analyse the effects of changes in
agricultural prices on different segments of the society. Taking the
cases of two major crops; namely wheat and rice, and of agricultural
inputs in general, it works out the 'own-price effects' and
'cross-price effects' of price changes on producers,
consumers, and the government in Pakistan. (1) In this way the paper
provides a broad (multimarket) framework which could be used to evaluate
the government's agricultural price policy. (2)
The paper is divided into three sections. Section I discusses the
methodological framework. The empirical analysis is provided in Section
II. Section III deals with some tentative conclusions inferable from
this study.
Assumptions (3)
The following assumptions have been made about the agricultural
marketing arrangements in the country to keep the analysis within
manageable limits.
(1) Procurement prices of wheat, cotton, and rice are in general
less than those prevailing in the domestic (open) and international
(2) The government releases its wheat stock to the open market
through mills at prices slightly higher than the procurement price but
bears most of the handling charges. Rice and cotton are procured mainly
for export purposes. Their local consumption is not subsidised. If the
total stocks are not exhausted in a year, they become part of the buffer stock.
(3) Most of the agricultural inputs are subsidised either directly
or indirectly. (4)
(4) Farmers keep a portion of their production for domestic
consumption and sell the rest to the open market or the government. The
proportion retained by them for domestic consumption remains unchanged
despite changes in procurement prices and input subsidies. Consequently,
an increase in procurement price or input subsidy leads to an increase
in marketable surplus and vice versa.
(5) Prices of inputs are administratively controlled.
(6) Since most of the inputs are not good substitutes, cross-price
effects of changes in their prices are ignored. The effects of inputs,
which are complementary, are reflected in changes in cropped area and
yield and hence in the supply of a commodity.
(7) Open markets are perfectly competitive. Accordingly, any change
in supply and demand will fully reflect itself in the equilibrium price.
Official prices are however, changed by administrative decisions. [This
is basically a simplifying assumption. With some modifications the
element of imperfections in the market can be accommodated in this
The paper uses traditional supply-and-demand-curves to calculate
the gains and losses to different economic agents in the society in
terms of consumer's surplus or producer's surplus. Wherever
possible, direct estimates of revenue changes have also been worked out.
A brief description of the methods used is given below. (5)
1. Effect of an Increase in Procurement Price ([DELTA] PP) on
Own Price Effect." Using supply-of-marketable-surplus curve
(SS) in Figure 1, we note that OPE of [DELTA] PP is equal to area 2 + 3.
This area can be measured as:
[DELTA] PS = [Q.sub.1] PP + 1/2 [DELTA] PP [DELTA] Q ... ... ...
... (1)
where [DELTA] Q = [e.sup.s] [DELTA]PP/PP : [Q.sub.1]
(by definition of the elasticity of supply with respect to output
price [e.sup.sub.i])
Cross-price Effects." These effects are in the form of changes
in the production of other commodities when the PP of a given commodity
changes. They can be worked out by keeping the price of other
commodities constant and shifting their supply curves to the left or
right, depending on the nature of inter-crops relationships. They can be
expressed as: (6)
[DELTA] [PS.sub.j] = 1/2 [e.sup.j] [[Q.sup.2.sub.j2] -
[Q.sup.2.sub.j1]] [PP.sub.j]/[Q.sub.j1] ... ... ... ... (2)
where [Q.sub.j2] is determined by using the formula for
'cross-price elasticity of supply for the ith and jth commodities;
and [e.sup.s.sub.j] the own price elasticity of supply of jth commodity.
2. Effect of an Increase in Procurement Price Accompanied by an
Increase in Consumer Price on the Consumer
Own-price Effect: Increase in the government's issue price
([P.sub.g]) is most certainly passed on to the consumer by mill-owners
and other marketing channels through which the government's stocks
are brought into the market. This means an increase in the average price
faced by the consumer. As a result, other things being equal, consumer
surplus (CS) would decline by area 2 + 3 in Figure 2. This change in CS
can be measured as
[DELTA] [CS.sub.i] = [DELTA] [PC.sub.i] [Q.sub.i2] + 1/2 [DELTA]
[PC.sub.i] [DELTA] [Q.sub.i] ... ... ... ... (3)
(by definition of the elasticity of demand, [e.sup.d.sub.i])
Cross-price Effects: These effects are in the form of changes in
quantitative demand for and prices of other commodities as a result of
the increased price of the ith commodity.
In Figure 3, a rightward shift in the demand curve for the jth
(substitute) good indicates both loss and gain to the consumer. The net
gain can be measured with the help of Expression 4.
[DELTA] [CS.sub.j] = 1/2[e.sup.d.sub.j] [[Q.sup.2.sub.j2] -
[Q.sup.2.sub.ji]] [PC.sub.j]/[Q.sub.j1] ... ... ... ... (4)
where [DELTA] [Q.sub.j] = ([Q.sub.j2] - [Q.sub.j1]) =
[e.sup.d.sub.ji] [DELTA] [PC.sub.i]/[PC.sub.i][Q.sub.j1]
(by definition of [e.sup.d.sub.ji]) and [PC.sub.j] is the price
paid by the consumer for good.
3. Effect on Government Revenue
As a result of an increased PP and [P.sub.g], the government
revenue may change for the following reasons:
(a) Owing to an increased availability of marketable surplus the
need to import a commodity such as wheat may become less than before.
Reduction in imports of wheat would reduce the amount of subsidy p and
to the consumer, as the import price (pw) of wheat has been generally
more than its procurement prices. An increased issue price would also
reduce consumption and, therefore, the subsidy paid to the consumer.
(b) If an announcement to increase PP is accompanied by an increase
in Pg then the government will gain through the enhanced value of its
existing stock as new PP can be effective only in the next crop season.
(c) An increase in [P.sub.g] may, however, increase the
government's budgetary allocation for wage indexation as it is
likely to increase the cost of living.
(d) An increase in [PC.sub.j], by increasing the demand for
substitutes, may result in less availability of those goods for export
purposes. If exports are profitable, then this would reduce government
revenue from its exports.
(e) An increase in PP of exportable items such as rice and cotton,
could reduce the profit from their exports (or increase the losses if
the government is already making losses from their exports).
Only some of the less obvious measures to capture the above-stated
changes in the government revenue are elaborated below.
1. Change in government subsidy for a commodity part of which is
imported and which is offered to the consumer on subsidised rates
(a) [DELTA][S.sub.1] = ([Q.sub.g] + [Q.sub.g]) [DELTA]PP -
([P.sub.w] - PP) [DELTA][Q.sub.g] ... ... ... (5)
(b) After increase in Pg the net change in subsidy would be
[DELTA] [S.sub.2] = [[DELTA][S.sub.1] - [DELTA] CS] - [([P.sub.w] -
[[??].sub.g]) [DELTA] QC + 1/2 ([P.sub.g]) [DELTA] [Q.sub.C] ... (6)
where [DELTA] [Q.sub.c] = [e.sup.d.sub.i] [Q.sub.c] (by definition
of [e.sup.d.sub.i] with respect to [P.sub.g]);
[DELTA] CS is to be obtained using expression (3); [Q.sub.g] is the
amount of commodity procured by the government; and [P.sub.g] is the
increased [P.sub.g].
2. Change in the value of government stocks ([DELTA] VS)
[DELTA] VS = [DELTA][P.sub.g][S.sub.t] ... ... ... ... (7)
where [DELTA] [P.sub.g] = change in issue price and
'[S.sub.t]' is the stock of a commodity held by the
3. Increase in the cost of indexation will be worked out by first
calculating the effect of an increase in the issue price on the cost of
living index, and then applying the same rate of indexation as applied
by the government in the 1987-88 budget.
Other effects on government revenue were calculated by using simple
arithmetic. In most cases, first the effect of a change in PP or Pg is
worked out on the quantity of a given commodity, and then the relevant
conversion factor (price, tax rate or exchange rate) is used to get the
figures in rupee terms.
Calculations relating to different types of effects of price
changes described above have been done for only two commodities; namely
wheat and rice. This was done primarily to keep the paper within
manageable limits but also because these two commodities have
experienced most frequent changes in their 'procurement and issue
prices' (Government of Pakistan 1987-88).
Increased Subsidies on Agricultural Input(s)
Changing subsidies on inputs is another policy which the government
may use to increase efficiency and income. In Pakistan this has been
used in combination with changes in procurement prices. In this paper we
try to evaluate this policy option as an alternative to changes in
procurement prices.
1. Effect on Producer: The effect on producer's income of an
increase in input subsidies comes from a rightward shift in the supply
curves of different goods where procurement prices (not the open market
prices) remain unchanged. The effect of a shift in the supply curve can
be estimated by using 'own-price elasticity of supply with respect
to input prices'. The net effect on farmer's income from an
individual crop could be estimated through expression (8') (7)
(Assuming area 'bcef' in Figure 4 offsets the area
'PfeP' the net increase in the producer's surplus from
ith good)
[Ps.sub.i] = Area 'abcd' ... ... ... ... (8)
= 1/2[e.sup.s.sub.i][[Q.sup.2.sub.g2] - [Q.sup.2.sub.g1]]
PP/[Q.sub.g1] ... ... ... ... (8')
where [Q.sub.g2] is to be found using elasticity of supply with
respect to input prices, ([e.sup.s.sub.ik])
2. Effect on Consumer: An increase in input subsidies through
increased supplies of different commodities could result in decreased
consumer prices. The benefits to the consumer can be worked out by using
Equation (3) where [Q.sub.i] is known and [PC.sub.i] is obtained using
the 'own-price elasticity of demand' formula.
3. Effect on Government Revenue: An obvious effect of increased
input-subsidies would be to inflate the government bill on production
subsidies. However, an increase in production is likely to decrease
consumption subsidies as the government might have Io import less to
meet domestic foodgrain requirements. Similarly, the government could
benefit from an increased supply of exportables and from the tax revenue
or additional exports made possible by enhanced domestic production.
Equation (9) elaborates the effect on the profit earned by government
from an increased supply of exports. (8)
[DELTA][PI] = [n.summation over (i=1)]([EP.sub.i] - [F.sub.i])
[DELTA] [ES.sub.i] ... ... ... ... (9)
[DELTA][PI] = Change in profit from major agricultural export
[E.sub.pi] = Export price of the ith good;
[F.sub.i] = FOB price of the ith good;
[DELTA][PI] [ES.sub.i] = (Increase in exportable surplus of the ith
good) = [B.sub.i] [DELTA] [Q.sub.i]; and
[DELTA][Q.sub.i] = is obtained by using 'elasticity of supply
with respect to input prices' and [B.sub.i] is the ratio of export
to marketable surplus of ith commodity.
Using different combinations of changes in prices of wheat and rice
based on actual trends in prices between 1986-87 and 1987-88, and taking
data on quantities for 1986-8") as base values, estimates of
changes in benefits of various groups in the society are presented in
Table 1. Column 7 of this table provides estimates based on changes in
output subsidies. Data on elasticities of supply used in calculating
this table were taken from Tweeten (1987). Figures on demand
elasticities were however assumed in the light of different studies
carried out for Pakistan Alderman (1988). Fortunately in those cases
where estimates were to capture the area along a given curve (supply or
demand) results were not sensitive to figures on elasticities. This was
so because the major change in the revenue curve came from exogenous changes in prices rather in quantities. However, estimates relating to
'cross-price effects' are significantly influenced by changes
in the values of elasticities. This is quite contrary to the findings of
an earlier study on the subject for Pakistan. (9)
The salient features of estimates in Table 1 are discussed below.
1. Holding other things constant, the benefits to the producer of
an increase in procurement price (PP) of wheat accompanied by an equal
percentage increase in 'issue price' ([P.sub.g]) and
'consumer price' (PC) are more than the loss to the consumer
from this price policy. In the case of wheat, this happens because its
cross-price elasticities of supply with most other commodities have been
observed to be positive (Thobani 1979). Accordingly an increase in its
PP enhances the farmer's ability to grow more of the other
commodities. However, it is interesting to observe from column 1 that if
'cross-price effects' were ignored then the consumer's
loss (of Rs 473 million) would become more than the producer's
gains (of Rs 456 million). This shows that the implications of changes
in prices cannot be evaluated on the basis of 'own-price
effects' alone.
2. Besides the producer, the government could also have benefited
from those changes in wheat prices. With [P.sub.g] equal Rs 62.5 tonne (Columns 1 and 2)the value of its stock could have gone up by Rs 158
million in 1987-88. Similarly, the subsidy to the consumer would have
gone down by Rs 76 million. On the other hand, its cost of indexation
would have increased by Rs 13 million.
3. Unlike the above-stated hypothetical situation, the actual
increase in PC of wheat between 1987-88 and 1988-89 was Rs 437 per tonne
and that in PG was equal to Rs 377 per tonne. The effect of those
changes on the consumer was enormous; a loss of Rs 2522 million in
consumer's surplus, whereas those on the producer were still the
same as in Column 1. The real beneficiary of this price increase was the
government (Rs 2243 million). In this way, ignoring the distributional
aspect the overall effect on society of this policy was still positive
(=Rs 308 million). In addition, some beneficial effects on the balance
of payments was also expected owing to the saving of foreign exchange to
the tune of Rs 1113 million (Column 3).
4. In the case of rice it is interesting to note that the increase
in its PP accompanied by an equal percentage increase in Pg and PC
benefits the farmer without necessarily hurting the consumer. The loss
of the consumer's surplus from rice is more than offset by gains
from enhanced consumption of other commodities. (10)
5. In our calculations when PP of rice is increased without taking
into account the increase in the export price of rice, then the
government becomes a loser. However, if the actual rise in export prices
of rice (= Rs 914 per tonne between 1986-87 and 1987-88) is taken into
account the government gains from this policy, to the extent of Rs 1048
million. (Column 5).
6. As a result of a simultaneous increase in PP, PC and Pg of wheat
and rice, most of the conclusions stated above are reinforced. This can
be seen from estimates in Column 6, where 'cross-price
effects' on the producer have been ignored for being unclear in
their direction. Accordingly if we take the most simple cases of price
changes from Columns 1 and 4, (and put them in Column 6) we observe the
producer to be gaining much more than the loss to the consumer (Rs 1322
million as opposed to Rs 565 million). On the other hand, even if one
ignores the increase in export prices of rice in 1987-88, the government
would still benefit to the tune of Rs 111 million as a result of a
simultaneous increase in PP and Pg of wheat and rice. The favourable
effect of Rs 643 on the balance of payments might have been the
additional benefit of those policies.
7. Column 7 presents estimates based on a 5.5 percent increase in
subsidies in all major agricultural inputs. This increase in the rate of
subsidies is equal to the weighted average increase in procurement
prices of wheat and rice in 1987-88 analysed in Columns 1 to 6.
Comparing the two policy options, one finds the benefits of an increase
in input subsidies (IS policy) on the producer and the consumer to be
much more than those of a similar increase in PP and PC (PP policy).
From IS policy the producer benefits to the tune of Rs 3861 million (as
compared to Rs 1372 million from PP policy). On the other hand, the
consumer is a net gainer to the extent of Rs 9601 million from the IS
policy whereas it is a net loser of Rs 565 million from PP policy. The
major loser from the IS policy is the government. It has to forego Rs
4397 million if it adopts the IS policy. On the other hand, it could
gain Rs 643 million from the PP policy even by a very conservative
In terms of absolute gains to the society the IS policy therefore
appears superior to the PP policy. (11)
Besides emphasising the importance of using a multimarket framework
to evaluate pricing policy options, the paper has two main conclusions
to offer.
First, although the increase in PP accompanied by an equal
percentage increase in Pg and PC for wheat and rice (individually and
collectively)benefits the producer and the government more than the loss
to the consumer, it could become a desirable policy option for the
society only if income redistribution from the latter to the former
groups is considered very desirable. Otherwise in spite of efficiency
gains this may not be socially desirable policy option.
Second the IS policy, as opposed to the PP policy, appears to be
more beneficial to the society only if one ignores its effects on the
government revenue. However, a country like Pakistan with serious
financial constraints is more likely to favour the PP policy for two
(a) Contrary to the 1S policy, an increase in procurement prices,
besides benefiting the producer raises revenue for the government by
enhancing the value of its stocks and by allowing more foreign exchange
earnings. This, in a way, has established a vested interest of the
government in this policy action; and
(b) The IS policy, as opposed to PP policy, affects the government
budget directly and on this account has to compete with other heads of
expenditure in terms of its social valuation. Due to difficult financial
conditions in Pakistan in the last few years it seems that not only the
social marginal values of the competing public activities have gone up
but also public revenue in general has become more valuable than the
money going to other segments of the society. In this situation, the
argument in favour of the IS policy as opposed to PP policy on the basis
of their current monetary benefits may not carry much weight.
However the fact that a small increase in input subsidies could
provide substantial welfare gains should not be underestimated if one is
exploring avenues to promote agricultural development.
Comments on "Agricultural Prices in Pakistan: A Multimarket
This work on the implications of agricultural prices follows Brown,
and Cheong and D. Silva's work on Pakistan (Brown 1980). This
preceeding work has calculated producer's gain, consumer's
gain, and the government's gain, given the agrarian price structure
over the last two decades. This analysis has been disaggregated to crop
level. Faiz and Tahir have repeated this exercise. So the most important
general implications of this analysis are already well known.
1. An increase in domestic crop prices for wheat and rice will
result in:
a. Producer's gain;
b. Consumer's loss;
c. Government's gain through revenue; and
d. Manufacturing's loss through need to raise money wages.
Price increases for other crops also lead to manufacturing's loss
due to higher input prices and reduced competitiveness. If Faiz and
Tahir are doing a general equilibrium analysis they need to take this
point into account.
2. An increase in input subsidies for various crops will result in:
a. Producer's gain;
b. Consumer's gain;
c. Government's internal budget deficit. But government's
gain from an increase in export revenue; and
d. Manufacturing's gain through low real wages. Again Faiz and
Tahir need to take this into account.
So price policy leads to an increase in productive efficiency in
agriculture. However it's distribution effect can be negative with
consumer's loss outweighing producer's gain.
Input subsidy policy leads to an increase in output and
profitability in agriculture. It can also increase productive efficiency
if the increase in output is greater than the subsidy. And the
distribution effect of input subsidies is also positive.
However the state can make a loss if it's internal deficit is
greater than it's export gains.
There is a need for positive effects in both productivity and
distribution. And government's gain is also desirable. This means
that neither price policy, nor input subsidy policy is desirable on
it's own. Both policies have to be combined together in some mix.
This is an important corollary to remember these days when the
IMF's structural adjustment programme is being applied in Pakistan.
The structural adjustment programme has only one priority, which is
reduction in the government's budget deficit. Therefore it
recommends price policy and removal of input subsidies. Consumers suffer
while producers and the government gains. However state policy has to be
slightly more welfare oriented than the IMF's policy if it is to
Moazam Mahmood
Pakistan Institute of Development Economics, Islamabad
Brown, G. (1980). K. Cheong, and E. H. D'Silva, (1984).
Prices, Terms of Trade and the Role of the Government in Pakistan's
Agriculture. World Bank Staff Working Paper, No. 643.
Alderman, H. (1988). "Estimates of Consumer Price Response in
Pakistan using Market Price Data". Pakistan Development Review.
Vol. XXVII, No. 2. pp. 89-108.
Barker, R., and Y. Hayami (1976). "Price Support Versus Input
Subsidy for Food Self-sufficiency in Developing Countries".
American Journal of Agricultural Economics. November. pp. 617-628.
Braverman, A., et al. (1984). "An Economic Analysis of
Reducing Input Subsidies to the Livestock Sector in Cyprus". CPD Discussion Paper No. 1984-8. Washington D.C.: World Bank.
Braverman, A., et al. (1984). "Multi-Market Analysis of
Agricultural Pricing Policies in Korea". In D. Newbery and N. Stern
(eds.), The Theory of Taxation for Developing Countries.
Chaudhry, M. G. (1984). "Autarky in Food: Evidence and
Prospects". Pakistan Development Review. Vol. XXII, Nos. 2 & 3.
pp. 257-272.
Mohammad, Faiz, and Syed Tahir (1989). "Agricultural Markets
in Pakistan: A Multimarket Analysis". Pakistan Development Review.
Vol. XXVII, No. 4.
Pakistan, Government of (n.d.). System of Price Support and
Procurement of Selected Agricultural Commodities in Pakistan. Islamabad:
Ministry of Food and Agriculture, Agricultural Prices Commission
Pakistan, Government of (1987). Economic Survey 1987-88. Islamabad:
Finance Division, Economic Adviser's Wing.
Thobani, Mateen (1979). "The Effect of a Change in Wheat
Prices on Incomes". Pakistan Development Review. Vol. XVIII, No. 4.
pp. 283-312.
Tweeten, Luther (1987). Supply Response in Pakistan Agriculture.. A
System Approach. APCOM Series No. 58. Islamabad: Agricultural Prices
(1) 'Own price effects' (OPE) represent changes in the
supply of and demand for a commodity in response to the changes (made)
in its price. 'Cross-price effects' (CPE), on the other hand,
are similar changes in supply of and demand for other commodities than
the one whose price is changed.
(2) See Thobani (1979) for somewhat limited treatment of this
problem. See Braverman (1984) for justification of using a multimarket
framework for studying changes in agricultural prices.
(3) See Mohammad and Tahir (1989) for necessary details of these
(4) This is a debatable assumption. However, we use it to simplify
our analysis.
(5) See Mohammad and Tahir (1989) for details.
(6) For proof see Mohammad and Tahir (1989).
(7) See Mohammad and Tahir (1989) for the proof.
(8) Calculation of other effects on government revenue requires
simple arithmetic and is therefore not explained here. The interested
reader may see Mohammad and Tahir (1989).
(9) See Thobarti (1979).
(10) This conclusion holds only under certain assumptions. See
Mohammad and Tahir (1989)
(11) This supports Barker and Hayami (1976) and Chaudhry (1984).
However we have something to add to it for which please see Section III.
* The authors are respectively, Associate Professor and Professor
of Economics at International Institute of Islamic Economics, Islamabad.
Table 1
Gains (+) and Losses (-) of Changes in Prices and Input Subsidies for
Different Economic Groups in Pakistan, 1987-88
Effects of Alternative Policy Changes
(Rs Million)
Affected Groups The Case of Wheat Prices
(Price Changes by Rs per tonne)
[DELTA] PP = 00.0 [DELTA] PP = 62.5
[DELTA] PC = 00.0 [DELTA] PC = 437
[DELTA] PG = 62.5 [DELTA] PG = 62.5
(1) (2)
Producer (Total) +587 +587
Own Price Effects +456 +456
Cross Price Effects +131 +131
Consumer (Total) -275 -2522
Own Price Effects -473 -3249
Cross Price Effects +198 +727
Government (Total) +218 +218
Subsidies +76 +76
Value of Stocks -13 -13
Cost of Indexation +158 +158
Others -3 -3
Foreign Exchange Earnings
(Total) +445 +445
Effects of Alternative Policy Changes
(Rs Million)
Affected Groups The Case of Wheat The Case of Rice
Prices Prices
(Price Changes by Rs per tonne)
[DELTA] PP = 62.5 [DELTA] PP = 00.0
[DELTA] PC = 437 [DELTA] PC = 00.0
[DELTA] PG = 377 [DELTA] PG = 389
(3) (4)
Producer (Total) +587 +881
Own Price Effects +456 916
Cross Price Effects +131 -35
Consumer (Total) -2522 +144
Own Price Effects -3249 -515
Cross Price Effects +727 +659
Government (Total) +2243 -148
Subsidies +1396 -38
Value of Stocks -88 -25
Cost of Indexation +954 +363
Others -19 -448
Foreign Exchange Earnings
(Total) +1113 +75
Effects of Alternative Policy Changes
(Rs Million)
Affected Groups The Case of Rice Simultaneous
Prices Changes in
Wheat and
Rice Prices
[DELTA] PP = 389 [DELTA] PPW = 62.5
[DELTA] PC = 325 [DELTA] PPY = 389
[DELTA] PG = 389 with Similar
and Changes in
[DELTA] EP = 914 PC and Pg
(5) (6)
Producer (Total) 881 +1372
Own Price Effects 916 +1372
Cross Price Effects -35 IG
Consumer (Total) 118 -565
Own Price Effects -43 -988
Cross Price Effects +540 +423
Government (Total) +1048 +111
Subsidies -38 +76
Value of Stocks -25 +521
Cost of Indexation +363 -38
Others +748 -448
Foreign Exchange Earnings
(Total) +108 +643
Effects of
Alternative Policy
(Rs Million)
Affected Groups Increase in
Subsidies on
Inputs @
Producer (Total) +3861
Own Price Effects NA
Cross Price Effects NA
Consumer (Total) 9601
Own Price Effects NA
Cross Price Effects NA
Government (Total) -4398
Subsidies -4712
Value of Stocks --
Cost of Indexation +132
Others +182
Foreign Exchange Earnings
(Total) +1761
(1) Estimates are based on data from Government of
Pakistan(1987) and Tweeten (1987).
(2) Figures on quantities and prices used here are
presented in Table Al.
(3) Figures reported in this table are based on 'own price elasticity
of demand for output (e [e.sup.d.sub.i]) = 0.2 and cross price
elasticity ([e.sup.d.sub.ij]) = ranging from 0.075 to 0.15 as well as
elasticity of demand for inputs ([e.sup.d.sub.k]), being equal to
0.25. For other values of elasticities see Mohammad and Tahir (1989).
(4) In the cases of changes in prices of wheat and rice, changes in
the consumer's and producer's positions on account of consumption
and production of cotton and sugar-cane were also brought into the
calculation. In this way 'cross price effects' are based on changes in
supply and demand condition for three out of four commodities at one
(5) The category of 'others' in government revenue includes changes in
'tax revenue' and 'profit from exports'.
NA: Not applicable.
IG: Ignored for being unclear in direction.
Table A1
Prices and Quantities for Various Commodities used in
Estimating Results in Table 1
1986-87 1987-88
A. Wheat
1. Govt. Proc. Prices (Rs/Tonne) 2000.00 2062.5
2. Issue Price to Mills (Rs/Tonne) 1702.09 2080.00
3. Ration Shop Issue Price (Rs/Tonne) 1799.09 *
4. Free Market Retail Price (Rs/Tonne) 2380.00 2527.07
5. Import Price (Rs/Tonne) 3132.00 --
6. AV. Consumer Price (Rs/Tonne) 2090.00 2527.07
7. Total Production (Rs/Tonne) -- --
8. Marketable Surplus (000 Tonnes) 7214 7238
9. Govt. Proc. (000 Tonnes) 5039 3975
10. Imports (000 Tonnes) 378 351
11. Wheat Stocks (000 Tonnes) 2530 1480
12. Release to the Market (000 Tonnes) 3733 4869
13. Consumption (000 Tonnes) 7592.00 7598.00
B. Rice
1. AV. Procurement Price of Paddy (Rs/Tonne) 1692.5 1937.5
2. AV. Procurement Price of Rice (Rs/Tonne) 3043.75 3433.0
3. Consumer Price of Rice (Rs/Tonne) 4374.0 4699.2
4. AV. Export Price of Rice (Rs/Tonne) 4156.5 5070.93
5. AV. Cost of Exporting Rice (Rs/Tonne) 3867.5 4256.75
6. Marketable Surplus of Rice (000 Tonnes) 2266.0 2130.0
7. Rice Consumption (000 Tonnes) 1322.9 1353.0
8. Rice Exports (000 Tonnes) 1240.4 1306.6
9. Govt. Stocks (000 Tonnes) 932.0 NA
10. Total Output of Paddy (000 Tonnes) 3486 3271
C. Cotton
1. Proc. Price (Rs/Tonne)
(a) AC - 134 NT 11920 12000
(b) Desi 10660 10700
(c) Others (AV) 12896 13000
2. Export Price (Rs/Tonne)
(a) American 11944.0 NA
(b) Desi 20276 NA
3. AV. Cost of Exporting Rice (Rs/Tonne) 12728 12788
4. Total Output (000 Tonnes) 1309.0 1513.0
5. Domestic Consumption (000 Tonnes) 754 872.0
6. Exports (000 Tonnes) 640.72 NA
7. Existing Stock (000 Tonnes) NA NA
D. Fertilizers
1. Consumption (000 NT) 1784 NA
2. Domestic Production (000 NT) 1212 NA
3. Imports (000 NT) 522 NA
4. Average Sale Price (Rs NT) 2560 NA
5. Import Price
E. Pesticides
1. Total use (000 Tonnes) 15815 NA
2. Average Sale Price (Rs Tonne) 102.38 NA
F. Canal Water
1. Current Supply (Million Hectare) 12.12 NA
2. AV. Water Rate Charged (Rs Hectare) 64.94 NA
G. Commodities
1. Total Consumption in Agriculture
(KWL Million) 3471
2. AV. Price (Rs/KWL) 20.94
1. Total Consumption in Agriculture
(000 Tonnes) 240.3
2. AV. Price (Rs/Tonne) 3406.5
1. Total Tubewells 242160
2. AV. Price (Rs per Item) 40000
Agricultural Credit
1. Total from Institutional Sources
(Rs Million) 15158.9
2. AV. Mark-up Charged on Agricultural
Credit (%) 11.0
Source: Government of Pakistan (1987)
Notes : (1) The figures indicated as 'averages' are
estimated by using suitable heights
* Discontinued in March 1987