Patterns and determinants of adoption of high yielding varieties: farm-level evidence from Bangladesh.
Alauddin, Mohammad ; Tisdell, Clem
Observations using Bangladeshi survey data tend to support
Ahmed's (1981) and Asaduzzaman's (1979) hypothesis postulating
an inverse relationship between farm size and intensity of adoption but
not Jones' (1984)U-shaped relationship. However, since farm size
alone is an inadequate predictor of HYV adoption, bivariate and
multivariate techniques including discriminant analysis are used to
identify influences on HYV adoption of such variables as subsistence pressure, tenancy, labour scarcity, education, availability of
irrigation. Irrigation emerges as the key determinant of HYV adoption.
The bulk of literature on agricultural development in the last two
decades is concerned with confirming or denying that the gains from the
introduction of the 'Green Revolution' technologies have been
unevenly distributed among various groups e.g., large and small
producers, producing and non-producing consumers, owner and tenant
cultivators. (1) Much of the argument about the existence of
differential gains seems to have resulted from the evidence of
differential rates of adoption and diffusion of the new agricultural
technology. Hayami and Ruttan (1984 pp. 48-49) after reviewing evidence
from a number of Asian countries concluded that "... the available
evidence indicates that neither farm size nor tenure has been a serious
constraint on the MV (modern variety) adoption.... On the average, small
farmers adopted the MV technology even more rapidly than large
farmers". Where evidence to the contrary has been found, it seemed
to be "an exception rather than a norm".
A number of recent studies have addressed the question of adoption
and diffusion of new agricultural technology in Bangladeshi agriculture.
Asaduzzaman (1979); Ahmed (1981); Rahman (1981); Rahman (1983) and Jones
(1984) have used farm-level data from different areas of Bangladesh to
study the adoption of the HYV (high yielding variety) technology and the
factors underlying any emerging pattern. Rahman (1981) using data from
Mymensingh and Comilla examined the adoption of HYVs in general in that
he did not distinguish between the seasons. (Asaduzzaman 1979) collected
data in Rangpur and Noakhali and examined adoption of HYVs in the aman
season. The Asaduzzaman (1979) study found that (on operational basis)
while higher percentage of larger farmers adopted HYVs, the smaller
farmers among the adopters allocated higher percentage of farm area to
HYV cultivation. Ahmed (1981) distinguished between two seasons aman and
boro and using data from Sylhet, Noakhali and Bogra found (on an
ownership basis) that a higher percentage of larger farmers adopted HYVs
while the percent area allocated to HYVs among the adopters was
negatively associated with farm size. On both counts, owner farmers had
higher adoption rates compared to tenant farmers. One of the important
factors that determined adoption rate as reported by Ahmed was the
extent of irrigation. The village with a higher percentage of area under
irrigation was found to be adopting HYVs at a higher rate. Rahman (1983)
used data from Dhaka district and emphasized the role of supply-side
factors in determining the adoption of HYVs. These included, among other
things, the supply of irrigation water and agricultural credit.
Furthermore, Rahman (1983) reported an adoption pattern by farm size
similar to the one by Ahmed (1981).
Jones (1984), on the other hand, using village level data from the
Dhaka district of Bangladesh found some evidence to the contrary.
Disaggregating by ownership pattern and season, Jones found a U-shaped
adoption pattern. In Jones, study the smallest farmers had the largest
proportion of (owner-cultivated) land under HYVs followed by the larger
farmers while the medium farmers had the smallest proportion of such
land devoted to the new technology. To quote Jones (1984, p. 203),
"... smaller farmers then are not the slower adopters of HYVs than
larger farmers. Rather it is the smallest farmers, ... who are the
highest and fastest adopters of the new technology." Jones,
however, notes that the U-shaped relationship is a dynamic one and
showed some changes between 1978 and 1980 in that large farmers appeared
to be as high adopters as the small farmers if not higher (Jones 1984,
Table 10.4). On the question of adoption-share-tenancy relationship,
Jones' findings indicate "... that the sharecropping system is
a serious impediment to agricultural development in that both a smaller
proportion of share cropped land is cultivated with HYVs and that yields
on sharecropped land are significantly lower than those on owner
cultivated land" (Jones 1984, p. 209).
While the studies of Bangladesh agriculture referred to above are
substantial, they suffer from methodological limitations. While Rahman
(1981) and Rahman (1983) provide adequate circumstantial evidence of the
various factors underlying differential adoption, they do not carry out
further statistical testing to examine the statistical significance of
the strength of the causality relationships. Rahman (1981) suffers from
further limitation in that HYV adoption is not disaggregated by season.
Among other things, the risk factor seems to differ between rainfed and
irrigated crops (Ahmed 1981). Jones' study while disaggregating HYV
adoption by seasons, does not analyse the factors underlying the
observed adoption pattern. Moreover, no further statistical tests are
undertaken to provide any adequate explanation of the process of
adoption of the HYV technology. Both (Asaduzzaman 1979) and (Ahmed 1981)
subject their data to further statistical analysis in order to provide a
more in-depth analysis of the adoption process. However, the Asaduzzaman
study is concerned only with the rainfed crops and, therefore, leaves no
scope for comparison between seasons. The extent to which irrigation,
perhaps the most critical factor in the expansion of HYV area helps
explain differential adoption rates cannot be ascertained. Ahmed's
study is methodologically superior to Asaduzzaman's in this
respect. However, (Ahmed 1981) suffers from the limitation that the
statistical analysis is carried out in terms of pooled data even though
village dummies are employed to account for regional differences. In our
view, the process of adoption would have been better highlighted if data
were analysed separately for each village. This would have provided a
better analytical and comparative basis of within and between village
adoption processes.
Apart from the methodological issues discussed above, some of the
studies [e.g., Ahmed (1981); Asaduzzaman (1979); Rahman (1981)] employ
information which dates back to the early or mid-1970s, while others use
data relating to 1978 and 1980 [e.g., Jones (1984); Rahman (1983)]. Some
changes have taken place in Bangladesh agriculture since these studies
have been completed. For instance, one of the key elements of growth in
Bangladeshi food production in the post-Green Revolution period is the
increased intensity of cropping. In the last few years this seems to
have stabilized just over the 150 percent mark for Bangladesh (Alauddin
and Tisdell 1987). In view of this and other changes, new studies
employing more recent data are warranted.
Against this background, the objective of this paper is to examine
the adoption of HYV technology in Bangladesh employing farm-level data
from two Bangladeshi villages. We proceed first of all with a
description of the survey areas and survey method. Observed pattern of
adoption for a single year (1985-86) is then presented. This is followed
by an analysis of the factors underlying the observed pattern of
adoption. Both bivariate and multivariate analysis is carried out
employing parametric and non-parametric analysis. Among the parametric
techniques, apart from regression analysis, we use logit and
discriminant analysis. The non-parametric techniques include chi-square
and F tests. Separate analyses are carried out for each village and then
compared to see if there is any difference in the observed pattern and
underlying factors.
Various factors may affect farmers' decision to adopt an
innovation. These include, among others, farm size, tenurial status,
membership of farmers' organization, level of education, access to
critical inputs like irrigation and credit, and subsistence pressure.
Other factors like objective and subjective riskiness of the innovation
and farmers' perception of the profitability and expected increase
in income also affect the adoption decision. This section has two
objectives. First, it provides various indicators of adoption. Secondly,
it presents a brief description of the theoretical and conceptual
framework and sets forth the hypotheses that are to be empirically
investigated later in the paper.
Indicators of HYV Adoption
Following Ahmed (1981) and Lipton (1978), we consider four
indicators: of adoption as follows:
(a) Crude adoption rate: It is defined as the ratio of the number
of farmers cultivating HYVs to the total
number of farmers.
(b) Intensity of adoption: Defined as the percentage of farm area
under HYV.
(c) Index of participation. Defined as the product of the crude
adoption rate and intensity of adoption.
(d) Propensity to adopt: Defined as the likelihood of a farmer
adopting the HYV innovation.
Nature and Direction of Causality, Adoption and Other Variables: A
priori Reasoning
Agricultural production in Bangladesh is organized around small
family farms with fragmented plots. Socio-economic factors apart, an
average Bangladeshi peasant confronts extreme natural constraints
imposed by topographic and climatic conditions. Cultivation practices
are still basically traditional even though the introduction of new
agricultural technology has made steady progress in the last two
decades. Average family size is well above five indicating a highly
unfavourable land-man ratio given that the average size of holding is
small. In such a scenario, survival and food consumption seem to be the
only major concern of an average Bangladeshi peasant household.
The analysis of peasant behaviour toward adoption of innovation can
be facilitated by referring to the Chayanovian [see Thorner et al.
(1966)] and safety-first models. (3) In the former model, requirement
for absolute subsistence (total consumption need) which increases with
the growth in family size is the critical determinant of a peasant
family's economic activity. A peasant household in such a model is
assumed to respond to growing absolute subsistence by, among other
things, a greater acquisition of the means of production, primarily
land, either by its purchase or by extension of margin. In the
safety-first models, a farm household is assumed to ensure survival for
itself and, therefore, it wants to avoid the risk of his income or
return falling below certain minimum (subsistence) level [Roy (1952),
Shahabuddin et al. (1986); Tisdell (1962)]. How the absolute and
relative subsistence requirements and other variables are likely to
influence the attitude of an average Bangladeshi peasant toward adoption
of HYV innovation, is taken up in the remainder of this section.
Absolute and Relative Subsistence Pressure and Adoption
While absolute subsistence pressure implies total consumption needs
for subsistence, relative subsistence requirements are determined
relative to the productive capacity of the peasant household. The two
variables will have two different types of influence on the
farmer's adoption behaviour.
In respect of crude adoption absolute subsistence is likely to have
a positive impact on adoption. However, there may be considerable
uncertainty about the outcome of adopting the innovation. Under the
circumstances, relative subsistence pressure may assume decisive
significance. If the farm household is not endowed with enough
productive resources in relation to its absolute subsistence, it may not
survive a possible disaster. Thus relative subsistence may have a
dampening impact on the crude adoption rate.
With the Bangladesh situation militating strongly against
increasing the extensive margin of cultivation, the only effective means
of raising farm production is through the use of productivity-improving
technology. As the required minimum subsistence income increases, as it
does with the increase in family size, the intensity of adoption is
likely to increase since the subsistence constraint cannot otherwise be
met. It is, therefore, implied by the Chayanovian and safety-first
models that intensity of adoption is likely to be positively associated
with both variants of subsistence pressure.
Farm Size and HYV Adoption
A large body of empirical evidence [e.g., Dasgupta (1977), Bhati
(1976); Palmer (1976, 1977); Ahmed (1981); Asaduzzaman (1979)] indicate
that a higher percentage of larger farmers adopt HYVs compared to
smaller farmers. In other words, crude adoption rates seem to be
positively associated with farm size. A number of explanations have
generally been put forward for such an observed variation in crude
adoption rates across farm size. In this respect both demand and
supply-side forces may be at work. The households with higher absolute
subsistence pressure and lower relative subsistence pressure, as argued
above, are likely to experience a stronger demand push for HYV adoption.
Larger family size and lower relative subsistence pressure are usually
characteristic of larger farm households.
The supply-side factors are also favourable to large farm
households. Land of comparable quality is the best index of wealth and
is the foundation of rural economic structure. Larger farmers by virtue
of their command over a larger slice of land enjoy greater
socio-economic power. They are generally identified with the rural
ruling elite and are closely identified with the ruling elite at the
national level. They also have better access to sources of critical
inputs like institutional credit [Alam (1981); Chaudhury and Ghafur
(1981); Feder and O'Mara (1981)]. Only one supply-side factor seems
to be relatively less abundant or scarce for the larger farmers compared
to their smaller counterparts, namely labour, particularly family
These factors have important implications for riskiness "and
profitability of an innovation for different classes of farmers. The
favourable supply-side factors make the HYV technology relatively less
risky for the larger farmers compared to the smaller farmers. As Herdt
and Dehn (1978, p.192) put it, "several things may contribute to
the observed reluctance or inability of operations of the small farm to
accept the same HYV which are clearly profitable on large farms. Among
those, the risk involved in using an unknown technology may be a primary
factor". This follows from fundamentally different risk bearing
capacity of large farmers from that of the small farmers. Higher degree
of risk attached to HYV cultivation for smaller farmers is partly
because of imperfect distribution of the sources of knowledge of the new
technology. As Ahmed (1981, p.13) reports, "while bulk of the
smaller farmers in Bangladesh rely on indigenous sources of information
on the new technology, a higher proportion of larger farmers has better
access to government agricultural extension agencies". Furthermore,
smaller farmers confront market uncertainty resulting from fluctuations
in input and output prices. The working capital requirements associated
with the new technology are substantially higher. Moreover, smaller
farmers may get a lower price for their produce compared to the larger
farmers due to the former's lack of storage facilities and
inability to hold on to their produce until prices are favourable. These
have relevance to the relative profitability for different crops and
cropping patterns even though it may be more important for the larger
Despite a higher degree of risk and uncertainty surrounding their
HYV adoption, once adoption takes place, the smaller farmer may be said
to have overcome a psychological barrier. In such a situation, the
smaller farmers are likely to apply as much effort as possible in the
cultivation of HYVs for two reasons: First, they have to make the most
of the overhead costs incurred in connection with the collection of
information and procurement of critical inputs. Secondly, because they
are likely to be better endowed with labour resources, and as the
opportunity cost of family labour may not be very high due to incidence
of unemployment and underemployment, they are more likely to apply
family labour more liberally than those farmers who rely primarily on
hired labour. Possibly also smaller farmers are likely to apply more
labour to reduce risk. The degree of intensity of adoption may also
differ between farmer classes for a further reason. Given supply
constraints of various inputs, larger farmers are more likely to
concentrate on the riskier crop, growing it on a portion rather than on
the entire land area and thereby diversifying their crop portfolio and
hence risk. The smaller farmers on the other hand, have very little
scope of diversification because of their limited control of land and
other resources. Therefore, once adoption takes place and is found to be
successful, on the smaller farmers' land, a higher percentage of
their land is likely to be allocated to the cultivation of HYVs.
Tenancy and Adoption
The preceding arguments regarding the likely adoption behaviour of
the smaller farmers also apply to that of the tenant farmers who
generally own smaller amounts of cultivable land. However, the
sharecroppers also confront tenurial insecurity implying tenant eviction almost at will by the owner of the sharecropped land. All these are
likely to lead to a lower crude adoption rate among the tenants. (4) As
for the intensity of adoption, it is argued that a tenant farmer may be
able to diversify risk of crop failure. However, it is equally true that
a tenant farmer with the same level of output will have less for
subsistence than an owner farmer ceteris paribus. Furthermore, where the
tenant has to bear the entire or a substantial percentage of the costs
of cultivation, as is usually the case, diversification if risk of crop
failure may have little significance. On the other hand, because of his
vulnerable economic position (absolute subsistence pressure), a
sharecropper may even be more desperate than an owner farmer to adopt
HYV. Therefore, the net effect is difficult to predict a priori.
Relative Labour Scarcity and Adoption
Empirical studies [e.g., BPC (Undated); Alauddin and Mujeri (1985)]
clearly demonstrate that HYVs require more labour per hectare than the
traditional varieties. While labour requirements for HYVs are generally
higher, they are much more so in the case of irrigated HYVs. The
relative abundance/scarcity of family labour (in relation to land) is
likely to affect the farmer's decision to adopt as well as the
intensity of adoption. When the farmer is better endowed with labour
resource and this labour resource has a low opportunity cost either
because of limited opportunities to work outside his land or because the
disutility from work is low (low utility from leisure), as may be the
case with the smaller farmers, he is more inclined to demonstrate higher
intensity of adoption. On the other hand, where relative labour scarcity
of family labour exists and the opportunity cost is high, there is
likely to be less incentive to innovate. Higher intensity of adoption is
unlikely as this will involve employing hired labour in higher amounts
thereby reducing profitability of adopting the new technique.
Furthermore, small farms are typically family based while large
farms are wage based (Sen 1975). The opportunity cost of labour for
small farms using family labour being virtually nil, the application of
labour is likely to continue until its marginal product reaches zero or
near zero. On the other hand, on larger farms dependent on hired labour,
there is likely to be a tendency to equate its marginal product with the
wage rate. This has implications for adoption of innovations.
Education and Adoption
Education is sometimes regarded as a very important factor in
agricultural development. Empirical studies [see, for example, Griliches
(1964); Schultz (1964); Chaudhri (1979)] demonstrate substantial
positive contribution of education in agricultural development.
Education can be said to have an innovative, allocative, and efficiency
impact as well as a favourable externality (Chaudhri 1979).
The innovative influences lie in the abilities of the educated
persons to (i) derive new information; (ii) evaluate costs and benefits;
and (iii) establish rapport and therefore access to newly available
The allocative effect consists in the ability to select an
efficient crop portfolio, new inputs and cultural practices. The
efficiency effect implies improvement in the quality of labour (Diwan 1971).
Favourable externality arises from the fact that education lowers
communication costs (Tisdell 1982). It might also be argued that greater
education in the community results in more ideas and inventiveness.
These yield benefits not all of which can be appropriated by the
originator. In the case of agricultural innovations, farmers in close
Contact with an educated farmer can benefit from consultation regarding
resource allocation and related issues. One must, however, recognize the
importance of the type and "quantity" of education. In many
countries education is seen as a stepping stone for rural-urban as well
as international migration.
To sum up, let us present in Table 1 the hypotheses that are being
tested. Also set out are the definitions of the relevant variables.
The data for this paper are derived from sample surveys in two
Bangladeshi villages. The collected data relate mainly to the crop year
1985-86. Employing a direct questionnaire method, we collected data at
the farm level with the aid of research investigators. The field work
was conducted during the August-October period in 1986. The survey
villages of Ekdala in the North-western district of (greater) Rajshahi
and South Rampur in the Eastern district of Comilla were selected
purposively. We chose them for three reasons: (a) their long tradition
with HYV technology; (b) relatively easy access by road or train from
the respective district headquarters and the capital city of the
country; and (c)their geographic separation and location in different
ecological zones.
Geophysically South Rampur belongs to a more frequently flooded and
fertile areas of the eastern region of Bangladesh. The village
experiences an average rainfall of well over 200 centimetres and is
located in the high rainfall zone (BBS 1985). South Rampur is flooded
more or less every year and is a flood-prone village in the
Surma-Kusiyara flood plain. Ekdala, on the other hand, belongs to the
low rainfall area and experiences an average annual rainfall of 120-150
centimetres (BBS 1985). The village is in the dry zone and can be
considered drought-prone located in the lower Mohananda and higher part
of the Ganges flood plains (BBS 1985). Apart from differences in
geophysical characteristics, the two villages differ significantly from
one another in terms of (a) pattern of land ownership and distribution;
(b) intensity of irrigation; (c) cropping pattern and intensity of
cropping and (d) incidence of landlessness [Alam (1984); Saha (1978)].
The year 1985-86 was a fairly normal one for both the villages. It
is also worth mentioning that both South Rampur and Ekdala may be
geophysically considered to be somewhat typical of many villages in
their respective ecological zones. Technologically, however, both the
villages are fairly progressive compared to many villages in Bangladesh.
In all, 58 landowning farm households were interviewed in each of
the two villages. The samples constituted about 35 percent and 43
percent of the total landowning households in Ekdala and South Rampur
respectively. Following the latest agricultural census classification
(BBS 1986; see also BBS 1981) three farm categories for Ekdala were
defined as: small farms (up to 1 hectare), medium farms (1-3 hectares)
and large farms (3 hectares and above). The number of Ekdala farmers
interviewed in each category were 40, 11 and 7 respectively which
corresponded to the proportion of each category in the total population
of landowners in the village. In South Rampur a slightly different
classification was employed as there were rarely any large farmers
according to the above classification (cf. Asaduzzaman 1979). For South
Rampur the three form categories were defined as: (1)small (up to 1
hectare); (2) medium (1-2 hectares); and (3) large (2 hectares and
above). The number of South Rampur farmers interviewed in small, medium
and large farm categories were 35, 15 and 8 respectively.
Broad Pattern
Table 2 provides a broad picture of the extent of HYV adoption in
the two study villages. Significant difference can be noticed in regard
to the adoption of rabi (dry) season cereals. Whereas all the rabi
season rice crop is under HYV in South Rampur, only less than half of
the net cropped area is allocated to rabi HYV cereals in Ekdala. If
wheat is excluded, only 28 percent of the net cropped area is under HYV
boro rice. However, there is little or no difference in the intensity of
adoption during the kharif (wet) season. In both the villages, 40
percent of the net cropped area is planted with aman HYV rice. When the
gross area cropped with all HYVs is expressed as a percentage of the net
cropped area, the contrasting pattern comes into sharper focus. The
percentage for South Rampur is more than 60 percent higher than that of
Ekdala. Also there is an inter-village difference in the relative share
of rabi and kharif HYV areas in (gross) HYV area. For Ekdala, there is
no significant difference between the relative shares of rabi and kharif
HYV areas. However, for South Rampur, the relative share of boro HYV
area is 2.5 times that of aman HYV area.
Information on crude adoption rate, intensity of adoption and index
of participation in Ekdala and South Rampur are set out in Table 3. As
rice is the dominant crop in Ekdala and it is the only crop in South
Rampur, data on the adoption of HYV rice disaggregated by season and by
farm size are presented. Several points emerge from a closer examination
of the information contained in Table 3.
(1) The crude adoption rate for HYV boro is lower among smaller
farmers of Ekdala. It is the highest for the medium farmers followed
closely by the large farmers. For aman HYV, it is systematically higher
for larger farmers. In South Rampur crude adoption rate for aman HYV
increases with the farm size. All the non-adopters are from the small
farm category.
(2) For Ekdala, the intensity of adoption of boro HYV is lower for
larger farmers. However, there does not seem to be any systematic
relationship for aman HYVs in either village.
(3) The index of participation follows a similar pattern as that of
intensity for boro HYV in Ekdala. But in both areas for aman HYV, it
tends to rise with farm size although not systematically.
Intensity of adoption and Farm-size: A Simple Analysis
The objective of this section is to show how the intensity of
adoption of HYVs is related to the overall size of farm holdings in our
samples. We use farm size as the dependent variable. Ahmed (1981) and
Asaduzzaman (1979) contend that the intensity of adoption of HYVs tends
to decline with farm size. However, Jones (1984) claims that the
intensity of adoption of HYVs tends to fall at first with increase in
farm size and then rise so that the relationship is U-shaped. Our
results for Ekdala and South Rampur support the hypothesis of Ahmed and
Asaduzzaman in cases where the intensity of adoption varies with the
farm size. Our observations are, however, incompatible with Jones'
hypothesis. In particular, there is no evidence whatsoever that the
intensity of adoption of HYVs rises after a particular farm size is
At this stage one might wonder if the differences between Jones
(1984) and the present study in respect of the relationship between the
farm size and the intensity of adoption may be attributed to differences
in the definition of "'small" and "large"
farms. In particular, questions might arise whether Jones considers
those farms that are in a condition of "immiserisation" while
our observations have excluded them so that our "small" is
Jones' "medium". A comparison of the classifications
shows that despite some differences, there is no fundamental difference
in the classifications. Consider Jones (1984) classification of farm
size (in hectares): 0-43.39, 0.40-0.79, 0.80-1.19, 1.20-1.59 and above
1.60. The first two groups constitute Jones' small which though not
identical is similar to ours (0-1.0 hectares, see the preceding
section). The third and the fourth groups taken together make up
Jones' medium which contrasts with ours (1-2 hectares for South
Rampur and 1-3 hectares for Ekdala). Despite some differences in
classification, the groups in the two studies do overlap and the present
study does not exclude the farms which are in condition of
"immiserisation". For instance, our Ekdala sample of adoption
farms include five observations of below 0.25 hectare and five others
between 0.25 and 0.33 hectare. This can also be seen from Figure 1.
There are similar observations form the South Rampur sample.
Consider our results for the intensity of adoption in South Rampur
and Ekdala for rabi season (INTNRHYV) and then for the kharif season.
(INTNKHYV). In South Rampur, every household adopts HYV on all its land
in the rabi season. So
INTNRHYV (South Rampur) = 100 ... ... (1)
This case is not consistent with any of the hypotheses mentioned
above. However, in Ekdala, the intensity of rabi HYV adoption does vary
according to the farm size and broadly appears to decline with the farm
size as can be seen from Figure 1.
To estimate the relationship between the intensity of adoption of
HYV and the farm size (OPERA) in Ekdala in the rabi season, we fitted a
linear and a semi-log function by least squares to the scatter of
observations. The results for the linear and semi-log functions are
INTNRHYV (Ekdala) = 65.29--11.448OPERA ([R.sup.2]=0.3390, t=4.70)
... (2)
InINTNRHYV (Ekdala) = 45.64--0.186OPERA ([R.sup.2]=0.5011, t=6.57)
... (3)
While neither of these functions have strong explanatory power, the
t-values for the coefficients are highly significant. The semi-log
function gives a better fit than the linear one and indicates that the
intensity of adoption decreases at a decreasing rate with increase in
the size of the operational holding.
For the kharif season, a much weaker negative relationship seems to
exist between the intensity of kharif HYV adoption (INTNKHYV) in both
Ekdala and South Rampur. For the linear functions, the least squares
fits were respectively:
INTNKHYV (Ekdala) = 57.005--4.5526OPERA ([R.sub.2]=0.0631, t=1.64)
... (4)
INTNKHYV (South Rampur) = 43.904-2.1180OPERA ([R.sub.2] =0.0146,
t=0.86) (5)
It can be concluded that in those cases where the intensity of
adoption of HYV varies with the farm-size, our empirical evidence tends
to support the hypothesis of Ahmed (1981) and Asaduzzaman (1979) but not
that of Jones (1984). However, it is also clear that the farm size alone
has low explanatory power. Clearly additional factors to farm-size need
to be taken into account to model the situation accurately. The
remainder of our analysis is designed to take these additional factors
into consideration.
Results of Bivariate Analysis
In order to see the strength of the association between the various
measures of adoption on the one hand, and the relevant determinants on
the other, we have applied a bivariate analysis the results of which are
set out in Table 4. The test statistic employed is chi-square (Yates
corrected). The direction of association (positive or negative) is based
on 2x2 contingency tables. For South Rampur, the following picture
emerges. As expected, the crude adoption rate is negatively associated
with the relative subsistence pressure. It seems to be positively
associated with education but not significant at the 5 percent level.
Adoption is negatively associated with labour supply which is contrary
to expectations. This is possibly because of the smallness of the size
of holdings. The farmers with abundant supply of labour may have to look
for work outside the farm. Furthermore, adoption may not take place
because of the resource constraints as well as the higher riskiness
during the kharif season. As for the intensity of adoption, only
absolute subsistence has any statistically significant (positive)
association with it. The association with other variables is not
statistically significant. As expected, the index of participation is
positively associated with the level of education, the size of holding
and the negatively associated relative subsistence pressure. It seems to
be negatively associated with labour supply for much the same reason
mentioned above. Other variables like tenancy, the size of family labour
and the absolute subsistence pressure do not seem to have any
statistically strong association with the index of participation.
For Ekdala, the crude adoption rate of boro HYV is positively
associated with irrigation. Aman HYV crude adoption rate is positively
associated with the size of operational holding and the irrigated area.
The intensity of boro HYV adoption is positively associated with
irrigation, negatively associated with the size of holding and the
relative subsistence pressure. As for the index of participation, it is
positively associated with both farm size and irrigated area. All these
findings are consistent with a priori expectations. The crude adoption
rate of aman HYV is positively associated with the farm size and
irrigation. Significant positive association exists between the
intensity of adoption, percent area irrigated and the educational score.
The index of participation is negatively associated with the relative
subsistence pressure and positively associated with irrigation,
education and the size of holding.
So far the hypotheses regarding the effects of various factors have
been tested using the bivariate technique of analysis. Because of this,
the pure effects of different variables are difficult to ascertain and
are likely to contain the effects of other factors as well. For
instance, as argued earlier, subsistence pressure may be a critical
factor in determining the observed pattern of adoption whenever farm
households are classified according to certain criterion. Furthermore,
in a 2x2 contingency table (with one degree of freedom) the requirement
of any cell with no fewer than 5 expected frequencies could not always
be satisfied. As Leabo (1972, p.535)suggests, ".... even though the
expected frequencies are below the requirement, the usefulness of the
test may not be destroyed. The results do become inexact though and may
cast doubt on the decision". To investigate the empirical
relationships involving various indicators of adoption and other
variables, we turn to multivariate analysis in the remainder of this
Intensity of Adoption: Multivariate Analysis
In order to investigate empirically possible determinants of the
intensity of HYV adoption, we employ least squares regression analysis.
The estimated regression equations are set out in Table 5. A number of
regression equations were estimated but the 'best' ones are
reported. These are based on the criteria which the BMDP P9R programme
employs to select the 'best' one from all possible subsets of
regression (see Dixon 1983). Among all the possible determinants of the
intensity of boro HYV adoption in Ekdala, farm size (both operational
and owned), education and percentage area under irrigation seem to be
the most important ones. All the coefficients have expected signs and
are highly significant. The coefficient of the irrigation variable seems
to be the most important followed by farm size and education. Both in
terms of explanatory power and statistical significance as indicated by
adjusted [R.sup.2] and the F-ratio, the overall fit can be considered
We estimated a similar equatior, for intensity of adoption of aman
HYV adoption in Ekdala. The overall fit is not good in terms of
explanatory power even though the F-ratio is significant at the I
percent level. All the coefficients are of expected sign and possess
statistical significance at the 5 percent level. The tenancy variable
seems to have a negative impact on the intensity of adoption.
Furthermore, the percentage area irrigated has also a significantly
positive impact on the intensity of aman HYV adoption even though it is
primarily a rainfed crop. This is probably because Ekdala being located
in the dry zone suffers considerably from uncertainty and inadequacy of
precipitation. Under such circumstances, farmers may need to provide
supplementary irrigation for aman HYV cultivation. Those without access
to irrigation are unlikely to cultivate aman HYV and even if they do,
the intensity is unlikely to increase. This is because, as gathered from
field observations, in the event of an inadequate and untimely rainfall
aman HYV yields can fall below those of the traditional varieties.
For South Rampur the determinants of the intensity of aman HYV are
different from the ones in Ekdala. Only the subsistence pressure and
labour supply enters the best possible subset of regression. While the
coefficient of the former variable has the expected sign, that of the
latter does not. The explanatory power of the equation is poor even
though the overall F-ratio is highly significant.
Propensity of HYV Adoption: Logit Analysis
We now use a logit analysis to explain the probability of a farmer
adopting HYV. The dependent variable is dichotomous in that it assumes a
(1,0) value, 1 for adoption and 0 for non-adoption. We do not describe
the method in detail here but it can be found in Goldfeld and Quandt
(1972); Theft (1971) and Kmenta (1971). (5) We have used the BMDP PLR programme (Dixon 1983) to estimate propensity functions. The results,
disaggregated by season and by region are set out in Table 6.
Initially we included all the variables considered relevant on a
priori grounds. As expected, the propensity to adopt boro HYV is
positively associated with the size of holding. However, the
coefficients of all other variables lack statistical significance.
Another set of regression estimates were made using the size of
irrigated area and other variables. The coefficient of irrigation has
the expected sign and is highly significant. The propensity to adopt
boro HYV is also positively associated with the supply of family labour.
During the aman season, irrigation and the size of holding seem to
significantly influence the decision to adopt HYV in Ekdala. We tried
with all other variables but none appeared to be significant when
included as explanatory variables in the same equation.
For South Rampur, the likelihood of aman HYV adoption is influenced
by the relative subsistence pressure. Neither farm size, nor tenancy nor
education have any significant association with the propensity to adopt.
Thus, the variables that influence the decision to adopt HYVs in one
village are not necessarily the same as those in another. For Ekdala
farm size, irrigated area and the relative abundance or the scarcity of
labour emerge as important determinants of the propensity of HYV
adoption while the relative subsistence pressure seems to be the
relevant variable for South Rampur.
Adoption of HYVs: Discriminant Analysis
A prediction study with a nominal rather than a continuous
criterion variable calls for a statistical technique known as
discriminant function analysis. There are two types of discriminant
function analysis: one for dichotomous variables and the other for
polychotomous variables. In the present paper the analysis of the
propensity to adopt involves the use of a two-group (e.g., adopter,
non-adopter) discriminant function analysis. We do not describe the
method in detail here. Based on the discussion of the method in Huck et
al. (1974) and Tintner (1965), (6) we estimate a linear (standardized)
discriminant function [see Dixon, (1983)] using variables to
discriminate between the adopters and the non-adopters.
As with logit analysis, we initially included all the relevant
variables in the function. Subsequently, however, variables were
selected by the BMDP 7M programme on the basis of the statistical
significance of the discriminating variable. The results are set out in
Table 7 and indicate that for the boro HYV in Ekdala, irrigation has the
highest discriminatory power followed by the size of holding (operated
or owned). Irrigation also emerges as the only variable with significant
discriminatory power for the aman HYV adoption. It must be noted that
the coefficient of farm size does not have the expected sign. A similar
result is reported by Asaduzzaman (1979). In South Rampur, (relative)
subsistence is the only discriminatory variable between the adopters and
the non-adopters. However, the minimum [D.sub.2] values are low and
indicate lower discriminatory power even though the significance of the
F-values implies a significant distinction between the adopters and the
non-adopters in either village.
The above analysis has identified factors that affect farm-level
adoption of HYV technology in Bangladesh. Employing bivariate and
multivariate techniques of analysis and utilizing primary data from two
different villages, it has been found that the degree of access to
irrigation emerges as the key determinant of the HYV adoption both
within and between the villages. All the indicators of adoption, crude
adoption rate, the intensity of adoption, the index of participation and
the propensity to adopt are significantly influenced by irrigation
variable. Other important determinants are farm size, labour scarcity
and relative subsistence pressure.
Significant differences between villages exist in the adoption of
technology during the dry season. There is 100 percent crude adoption
rate HYVs as well as 100 percent intensity of adoption by every farm in
South Rampur during the dry season which contrasts with the picture at
Ekdala. However, little difference exists in both the measures of
adoption of HYVs during the rainy season. It needs to be pointed out
that in Ekdala primarily those farmers who have access to irrigation
adopt HYVs in the rainy season so that in case of inadequate and
uncertain rainfall supplementary irrigation can be arranged. Significant
differences between villages exist in the adoption of technology during
the dry season. In South Rampur, since everyone irrigates, the
significance of irrigation does not show up from statistical analysis.
Less than 100 percent crude adoption rate and a little more than 40
percent intensity of adoption of rainy season HYVs in South Rampur is
due to the fact that the present HYVs are insufficiently
flood-resistant. The adoption of HYVs under flood-prone conditions is a
more risky proposition than under assured source of irrigation during
the dry season. Nor are they very drought-resistant, as is evident from
their adoption in the drought-prone village of Ekdala. In case of a
severe flood or a drought, the yields of these varieties may fall below
those of the traditional varieties. Under the present circumstances, it
is unlikely that for the rainy season, area under HYV area will increase
much further.
Using simple analysis and recent data, we found some empirical
support for the hypothesis of Ahmed (1981)" and Asaduzzaman (1979)
that the intensity of adoption of HYV tends to fall with farm size but
our observations were incompatible with the hypothesis of Jones (1984).
It was also apparent that farm size alone is an inadequate explanatory
variable of the intensity of HYV adoption, even though it has some
explanatory power. Additional determining factors such as those
highlighted in this paper also need to be taken into account. The
problem of correlation between variables, however, exists. Access to
irrigation is more probable for example as farm size increases and
variables such as the education level tend to be positively correlated with the farm size.
The results indicate a tendency for crude rates of adoption to rise
with the farm-size but for the intensity of adoption to fall with the
farm size. While the intensity of adoption did not fall in all cases
with the farm size (consider South Rampur for the rabi season), there
was no evidence of its rising with the farm size even for large-sized
farms. Note also that the relationship between the intensity of adoption
of HYVs and the farm size is not too invariant between districts and
seasons. We should also be aware of the possibility that it may alter,
over time, for example, as the diffusion of new HYVs take place. Such
variations need to be captured by the dynamic analysis and are not
apparent from the static cross-sectional analysis used here and as used
by many other economists. Nevertheless, our analysis does throw some
light on the patterns and the determinants of adoption of HYVs in
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* The authors are respectively, Research Scholar, Department of
Economics, University of Newcastle, (on leave from Rajshahi University
of Bangladesh) and Professor of Economics, University of Newcastle,
Australia. Subject to usual caveat they wish to thank an anonymous
referee and the editor for useful comments on an earlier draft of the
paper. Acknowledgements are also due to Cathy Thirkettle for
computational and statistical assistance, and Mohammad Helaluddin,
Humayun Kabir and Tarun Sarkar for providing valuable field assistance.
(1) The studies include, among others, those by [Alauddin and
Tisdell (1986); Frankel (1971); Griffin (1979); Hayami and Herdt (1977);
Hayami and Kikuchi (1981); Hayami and Ruttan (1984, 1985); Lipton
(1978); Pearse (1980) and Prahladachar (1983)]. For a stimulating debate
in the Pakistani context [see Chaudhry (1982, 1983) and Khan (1983).
(2) See also Asaduzzaman (1979 p.24).
(3) These are not the only possible models. Kautsky (1899); Banaji
(1976), for example, sees innovation in agriculture as a flow on from
the penetration of industry to country towns. Farmers' cash needs
increase so as to purchase farm capital produced by such industry and
other dynamic changes occur which make farmers more dependent on the
market. In this way they may be subjected to increased risks and the
uncertainty elements in the decision-making becomes more important.
Neoclassical economists such as Marshall (1890) and Hicks (1946)give
little attention to uncertainty in their decision-making models unlike
the safety-first models.
(5) This method has been widely used in the biological sciences.
See, for example, Finney (1971).
(6) For a more advanced treatment see Kendall (1980, pp. 145-169).
Table 1
Hypotheses and Relevant Variables
Influence on Adoption on a priori Grounds
Factors Crude Rate Intensity Index of Propensity
of Adoption of Adoption Participation to Adopt
Farm size Positive Negative Positive Positive
Tenancy Positive Positive Positive Positive
Pressure Positive Negative Unknown Positive
Pressure Negative Positive Unknown Negative
Worker Positive Positive Positive Positive
Labour Scarcity/ Positive Negative Unknown Positive
Land Abundance
Education Positive Positive Positive Positive
Irrigation Positive Positive Positive Positive
Definition of Variables
Farm Size : Amount of owned or operated land (OWNAREA or
Subsistence : Absolute subsistence pressure (ABSUB) is measured
Pressure in terms of number of consuming units of male adult
equivalents. Adults are defined as persons of 10
years and over. Female adults and children have
been converted into male adult equivalents using
conversion factors of 0.90 and 0.50 respectively
(cf. Asaduzzaman, 1979) Relative subsistence
pressure is defined as the ratio of absolute
subsistence pressure to farm size (ABSUB/OWNAREA
Agricultural : Number of adult male family members available for
Worker agricultural work excluding full-time students
Labour Scarcity : Defined as the ratio of agricultural workers to
size of owned land (LABSUP = AGWORKER/OWNAREA).
Education : An educational score for each farm household has
been defined. On the basis of information on the
level of education for each adult member of the
household. For each level we have assigned an
arbitrary score as follows: Above secondary =
1.00; above primary and up to secondary = 0.50;
primary = 0.25. The aggregate of these scores is
the educational score of the household (EDU).
A zero score implies that all its adult members
are illiterate.
Tenancy : Operated land as a percentage of own land
Irrigated Area : Amount of irrigated land including rented in
(IRRI). Percentage area irrigated implies
irrigated land as a percentage of operated
area (PCIRRI).
Table 2
Broad Pattern of HYV Adoption in Two Bangladeshi Pillages:
Ekdala (Rajshahi), and South Rampur (Comilla), 1985-86
Own Area Sharecropped Total
a. Land under HYV Cultivation by
Rabi HYV (hectare) 27.815 3.811 31.626
Percentage of Net Cropped Area 46.171 48.167 46.403
Kharif HYV (hectare) 24.082 2.920 27.002
Percentage of Net Cropped Area 39.974 36.060 39.619
All HYVs (gross hectare) 51.897 6.731 58.628
Percentage of Net Cropped Area 86.146 85.073 86.022
b. Percentage of Land under HYVs:
Some Further Indicators
Rabi HYV Kharif HYV All HYV
HYV Area as Percentage of
Seasonal Cereal Area 100.000 52.048 66.623
Percentage of All HYV Area 53.944 46.056 100.000
South Rampur
Own Land Sharecropped Total
a. Land under HYV Cultivation by
Rabi HYV (hectare) 47.398 4.569 51.927
Percentage of Net Cropped Area 99.745 96.903 99.914
Kharif HYV (hectare) 19.506 1.457 20.963
Percentage of Net Cropped Area 41.049 30.090 40.133
All HYVs (gross hectare) 66.904 6.026 72.890
Percentage of Net Cropped Area 140.794 127.805 139.545
b. Percentage of Land under HYVs:
Some Further Indicators
South Rampur
Rabi HYV Kharif HYV All HYV
HYV Area as Percentage of
Seasonal Cereal Area 100.00 40.573 70.334
Percentage of All HYV Area 71.240 28.760 100.000
Table 3
Various Indicators of HYV Adoption by Farm Size: Ekdala (Rajshahi)
and South Rampur (Comilla), 1985-86
Indicators of Adoption
Boro HYV Rice
Farm Size Number of Crude Rate Intensity of Index of
Farmers of Adoption Adoption Participation
Small 29 72.50 51.27 37.17
Medium 10 90.91 34.00 30.91
Large 6 85.71 22.10 18.94
All Farms 45 77.59 34.24 25.10
South Rampr
Small 35 100.00 100.00 100.00
Medium 15 100.00 100.00 100.00
Large 8 100.00 100.00 100.00
All Farms 58 100.00 100.00 100.00
Indicators of Adoption
Aman HYV Rice
Farm Size Number of Crude Rate Intensity of Index of
Farmers of Adoption Adoption Participation
Small 27 67.50 45.91 30.99
Medium 9 81.80 53.56 43.73
Large 7 100.00 40.69 40.69
All Farms 43 74.14 45.12 33.43
South Rampr
Small 29 82.86 40.63 33.42
Medium 15 100.00 41.64 41.64
Large 8 100.00 37.93 37.93
All Farms 58 89.67 40.13 35.98
Table 4
Association of Various Indicators of HYV Adoption with Different
Factors: Results of Bivariate Analysis
Indicators of Adoption
Crude Adoption Rate
Factors Chi-square P-value Relation
a. Ekdala (boro HYV Rice)
Own Area 1.392 0.2381 ***
Operated Area 2.489 0.1147 ***
Irrigation 5.535 0.0186 Positive
Agricultural Worker 0.586 0.4441 ***
Education 0.316 0.5740 ***
Labour Scarcity 0.000 1.0000 ***
Relative Subsistence (a) 1.454 0.2279 ***
Relative Subsistence (b) 0.239 0.6249 ***
Tenancy 0.000 1.0000 ***
Absolute Subsistence 0.000 0.9909 ***
b. Ekdala (aman HYV Rice)
Own Area 2.379 0.1230 ***
Operated Area 3.886 0.0487 Positive
Irrigation 11.154 0.0008 Positive
Agricultural Worker 0.000 1.0000 ***
Education 2.716 0.0993 ***
Labour Scarcity 0.835 0.3608 ***
Relative Subsistence (a) 1.518 0.2180 ***
Relative Subsistence (b) 2.706 0.0999 ***
Tenancy 0.349 0.5589 ***
Absolute Subsistence 0.043 0.8363 ***
South Rampur (aman HYV Rice)
Own Area 1.072 0.3004 ***
Operated Area 1.072 0.3004 ***
Agricultural Worker 0.913 0.3393 ***
Labour Scarcity 4.274 0.0387 Negative
Absolute Subsistence 0.027 0.8694 ***
Relative Subsistence (a) 9.686 0.0019 Negative
Relative Subsistence (b) 8.912 0.0028 Negative
Tenancy 0.372 0.5418 ***
Education 3.604 0.0576 ***
Indicators of Adoption
Intensity of Adoption
Factors Chi-square P-value Relation
a. Ekdala (boro HYV Rice)
Own Area 5.957 0.0147 Negative
Operated Area 7.750 0.0054 Negative
Irrigation 24.851 0.0000 Positive
Agricultural Worker 0.000 1.0000 ***
Education 0.000 1.0000 ***
Labour Scarcity 3.695 0.0546 ***
Relative Subsistence (a) 6.297 0.0121 Positive
Relative Subsistence (b) 6.591 0.0102 Positive
Tenancy 0.000 1.0000 ***
Absolute Subsistence 0.551 0.4578 ***
b. Ekdala (aman HYV Rice)
Own Area 0.013 0.9104 ***
Operated Area 0.448 0.5033 ***
Irrigation 18.258 0.0000 Positive
Agricultural Worker 7.778 0.0053 Positive
Education 0.688 0.4069 ***
Labour Scarcity 2.751 0.0972 ***
Relative Subsistence (a) 0.900 0.3428 ***
Relative Subsistence (b) 0.995 0.3186 ***
Tenancy 0.038 0.8448 ***
Absolute Subsistence 0.000 1.0000 ***
South Rampur (aman HYV Rice)
Own Area 0.084 0.7716 ***
Operated Area 0.795 0.3727 ***
Agricultural Worker 1.540 0.2146 ***
Labour Scarcity 0.392 0.5315 ***
Absolute Subsistence 5.416 0.0200 Negative
Relative Subsistence (a) 1.005 0.3160 ***
Relative Subsistence (b) 1.554 0.2126 ***
Tenancy 0.012 0.9139 ***
Education 1.899 0.1682 ***
Indicators of Adoption
Index of Participation
Factors Chi-square P-value Relation
a. Ekdala (boro HYV Rice)
Own Area 6.817 0.0090 Positive
Operated Area 3.125 0.0771 ***
Irrigation 13.363 0.0003 Positive
Agricultural Worker 0.384 0.5356 ***
Education 1.548 0.2135 ***
Labour Scarcity 0.001 0.9757 ***
Relative Subsistence (a) 0.000 1.0000 ***
Relative Subsistence (b) 0.596 0.4401 ***
Tenancy 1.949 0.1627 ***
Absolute Subsistence 2.423 0.1196 ***
b. Ekdala (aman HYV Rice)
Own Area 15.430 0.0001 Positive
Operated Area 6.369 0.0116 Positive
Irrigation 15.058 0.0001 Positive
Agricultural Worker 1.891 0.1691 ***
Education 6.461 0.0110 Positive
Labour Scarcity 0.158 0.6912 ***
Relative Subsistence (a) 0.828 0.3628 ***
Relative Subsistence (b) 6.836 0.0089 Negative
Tenancy 3.277 0.0703 ***
Absolute Subsistence 3.706 0.0542 ***
South Rampur (aman HYV Rice)
Own Area 19.718 0.0000 Positive
Operated Area 14.681 0.0001 Positive
Agricultural Worker 1.131 0.2876 ***
Labour Scarcity 7.154 0.0075 Negative
Absolute Subsistence 1.466 0.2260 ***
Relative Subsistence (a) 19.023 0.0000 Negative
Relative Subsistence (b) 15.907 0.0001 Negative
Tenancy 3.466 0.0626 ***
Education 13.061 0.0003 Negative
*** not significant at 5 percent level, a absolute subsistence/operated
area, b absolute subsistence/own area. The nature of relationship e.g.,
negative or positive is based on 2x2 contigency tables. Chi-square
values are Yates corrected.
Table 5
Intensity of HYV Adoption: Results of Multiple Linear
Regression Analysis
Crop Estimated Equation [R.sup.2]
Aman HYV 44.9681-8.5623OPERA+9.6374EDU+1.3557LABSUP- 0.3309
(2.27) ** (2.3) ** (1.71) **
(2.13) ** (1.89) **
Aman HYV 47.8197-7.71870WNAREA+9.5446EDU+ 0.3367
(2.34) ** (2.16) **
(2.19) ** (2.68) *** (1.68) **
Boro HYV 8.6920-7.74640PERA+3.1384EDU+0.8357PCIRRI 0.8427
(4.54) *** (1.56) * (11.74) ***
Boro HYV 5.6751-7.76320WNAREA+3.5012EDU+ 0.8457
(4.67) *** (1.73) **
(12.65) ***
South Rampur
Aman HYV 60.0483-3.4972ABSUB-0.4666LABSUP 0.1883
(3.52) *** (1.52) *
Crop Estimated Equation F-ratio
Aman HYV 44.9681-8.5623OPERA+9.6374EDU+1.3557LABSUP- 5.15 ***
(2.27) ** (2.3) ** (1.71) **
(2.13) ** (1.89) **
Aman HYV 47.8197-7.71870WNAREA+9.5446EDU+ 5.26 ***
(2.34) ** (2.16) **
(2.19) ** (2.68) *** (1.68) **
Boro HYV 8.6920-7.74640PERA+3.1384EDU+0.8357PCIRRI 79.59 ***
(4.54) *** (1.56) * (11.74) ***
Boro HYV 5.6751-7.76320WNAREA+3.5012EDU+ 81.40 ***
(4.67) *** (1.73) **
(12.65) ***
South Rampur
Aman HYV 60.0483-3.4972ABSUB-0.4666LABSUP 6.92 ***
(3.52) *** (1.52) *
Estimated Equation D. F.
Aman HYV 44.9681-8.5623OPERA+9.6374EDU+1.3557LABSUP- 5.37
(2.27) ** (2.3) ** (1.71) **
(2.13) ** (1.89) **
Aman HYV 47.8197-7.71870WNAREA+9.5446EDU+ 537
(2.34) ** (2.16) **
(2.19) ** (2.68) *** (1.68) **
Boro HYV 8.6920-7.74640PERA+3.1384EDU+0.8357PCIRRI 3.41
(4.54) *** (1.56) * (11.74) ***
Boro HYV 5.6751-7.76320WNAREA+3.5012EDU+ 3.41
(4.67) *** (1.73) **
(12.65) ***
South Rampur
Aman HYV 60.0483-3.4972ABSUB-0.4666LABSUP 2.49
(3.52) *** (1.52) *
Notes * Significant at 10-percent level.
** Significant at 5-percent level.
*** Significant at 1-percent level.
Table 6
Propensity of HYV Adoption, Ekdala and South Rampur, 1985-86:
Results of Logit Analysis
Goodness of Fit
Innovation Estimated Equation Chi-square P-value D.F.
Boro HYV 0.009321+1.7384OPERA- 51.834 0.441 51
(1.882) **
(0.4038) (1.041)
Boro HYV -3.1538+21.5260IRRI+ 20.694 1.000 55
(3.174) ***
(1.52) *
Aman HYV -0.7761+8.7704IRRI 42.883 0.901 56
(3.025) ***
Aman HYV -0.0294+1.4013OPERA 57.197 0.430 56
(2.091) **
South Rampur
Aman HYV 4.1676-0.0992SUBSISTI 20.773 1.000 56
(2.537) ***
Aman HYV 4.1074-0.08874SUBSIST 21.921 1.000 56
(2.481) ***
Table 7
Propensity of HYV Adoption: Results of Discriminant Analysis
Standardised Degrees of
Innovation Discriminant Function F-ratio Freedom
Boro HYV -0.7299+4.4894IRR1+0.0263ABSUB+ 2.865 651
Boro HYV -0.2799+4.32211RRI-1.21330PERA 8.121 255
Boro HYV -0.2429+4.2228IRR1- 10.280 255
Aman HYV -0.7266+3.00611RR1-0.1056ABSUB- 2.150 651
South Rampur
Aman HYV 2.9707+0.3153ABSUB-0.05970PERA- 7.400 651
Aman HYV 5.6082-0.1542SUBSISTI 46.062 156
Standardised [D.sup.2]
Innovation Discriminant Function (minimum)
Boro HYV -0.7299+4.4894IRR1+0.0263ABSUB+ 0.60
Boro HYV -0.2799+4.32211RRI-1.21330PERA 0.10
Boro HYV -0.2429+4.2228IRR1- 0.10
Aman HYV -0.7266+3.00611RR1-0.1056ABSUB- 0.40
South Rampur
Aman HYV 2.9707+0.3153ABSUB-0.05970PERA- 1.80
Aman HYV 5.6082-0.1542SUBSISTI 0.10
Aman HYV
Value of Function
Standardised at Group Means
Innovation Discriminant Function adopter non-adopter
Boro HYV -0.7299+4.4894IRR1+0.0263ABSUB+ 0.9356 -0.9355
Boro HYV -0.2799+4.32211RRI-1.21330PERA 0.8198 -0.8198
Boro HYV -0.2429+4.2228IRR1- 1.0377 -1.0377
Aman HYV -0.7266+3.00611RR1-0.1056ABSUB- 0.6369 -0.6372
South Rampur
Aman HYV 2.9707+0.3153ABSUB-0.05970PERA- 4.5314 -4-5314
Aman HYV 5.6082-0.1542SUBSISTI 4.2814 4.2819