Inflation in Pakistan: empirical evidence on the monetarist and structuralist hypotheses.
Bilquees, Faiz
In the light of the debate between the monetarists and the
structuralists regarding the explanation of inflation in the LDCs this
paper tests the monetarist and structuralist hypotheses to determine the
possible factors affecting the inflationary process in Pakistan. After
examining the two hypotheses the study concludes that in addition to
monetary factors, the structural factors peculiar to the economy of
Pakistan also have to be considered for a better understanding of this
Empirical evidence on the monetarist hypothesis shows that
generally the monetarist model provides a fairly reasonable explanation
of the inflationary process in the LDCs. However, a number of studies,
especially those pertaining to the post-1970 international economic
crisis show that for a systematic analysis of the inflationary process
in the LDCs the tests of the monetarist hypothesis needs to be
supplemented by a careful consideration of the structural factors
affecting the LDCs. (1) The survey of literature on inflation in
Pakistan shows clearly that the monetarist model has not been adequately
tested for Pakistan (2) while the structuralist hypothesis has been
completely ignored. The objective of this study is to undertake a
simultaneous study of the monetarist and structuralist hypotheses for
Pakistan to determine whether the inflationary process in Pakistan is
adequately explained by the monetarist hypothesis as postulated by the
proponents of the monetarist school or the analysis needs to be further
supplemented by a study of the structural factors also as in the case of
most of the LDCs.
This paper is divided into seven sections as follows: Section II
discusses the monetarist model and gives the specification of the model.
Section III describes the structuralist approach and the specification
of the structuralist model. Section IV briefly describes the data
sources and their limitations. The results of the two models are
analysed in Sections V and VI, and finally Section VII concludes the
Most of the studies relating to the explanation of the inflationary
process in LDCs have adopted the (Harberger 1963) model for Chilean
inflation. The Harberger model is essentially an extension of the basic
quantity theory framework which relates the rate of inflation
([P.sub.t]) .to the rate of growth of money supply ([M.sub.t]), the rate
of growth of real income (Y) and the cost of holding cash ([A.sub.t]).
The estimated equation in its simplest form is:
where dots on the variables indicate percentage changes.
To facilitate the interpretation of the regression results it is
useful to show how this model is related to the quantity theory of
money. Equation (1) is derived from the conventional demand for money
function of the form:
[M.sup.d] = [P.sub.y] (1+[alpha]) [A.sup.-b] ... ... ... ...
or in terms of real balances, by the homogeneity assumption:
The monetarist model is predicated upon the existence of a stable
demand function for real money balances. Their level is postulated to be
a function of the level of real income. In addition, the monetarist
model postulates that money supply is exogenous and can be controlled by
the monetary authority, and the demand for money, by assumption, tends
to equate the supply of money. Therefore, the fundamental symmetry
between the demand for money function and the Harberger equation of
inflation relates to the central assumption of an exogenous money
Expressing Equation (2) in logarithmic form:
ln M = (1 + [alpha]) ln Y - b ln A + ln P ... ... ... (4)
Solving Equation (4) for log P and taking first differences:
[DELTA]lnP = [DELTA]lnM - (1+[alpha]) [DELTA]lnY + blnA ... ...
... (5)
The absence of a term in front of M in Equation (6) implies that
the demand for real balances depends on real variables i.e., there is no
money illusion and that adjustment is instantaneous. This simple
transformation of the liquidity preference function (Equation 6) permits
us to express the price level as a function of the quantity of money,
the level of real income and the expected cost of holding cash.
The expected signs of the different variables for Equation (6) are
as follows:
(a) The rate of inflation is postulated to be positively related to
the rate of growth of money supply;
(b) It is postulated to be negatively related to the growth of real
income; and
(c) The expected rate of inflation is postulated to be positively
related to inflation.
In the traditional liquidity preference formulation the interest
rate measured the cost of holding cash for a period, i.e. a yield from
alternative use of funds that is foregone when cash is held. In the LDCs
where interest rates on bank loans are subject to legal control and
generally kept substantially below the rate of inflation, the rates
actually paid by the borrowers are typically negative in real terms. The
cost of holding cash in the LDCs would be better measured, therefore, by
the deterioration in the purchasing power of money--the rate of
inflation. In Harberger (1963)and almost all subsequent studies, the
rate of change in the expected cost of holding cash is proxied by the
difference between the rate of inflation in the past year and the rate
of inflation in the year before that ([P.sub.t-1] - [P.sub.t- 2]).
This specification of price expectations is rather arbitrary and
simplistic. It ignores the more refined methods of calculating
inflationary expectations (adaptive expectations and extrapolative
models). In the present study, the adaptive expectations model was used
to estimate the expectations variable by accounting for the trend growth
underlying the inflation rate (Appendix I). However, because the
coefficient turns out to be almost one, the expectations may have been
Specification of the Monetarist Model
The simple version of the price inflation model which does not
include the expectations variable is estimated by Equation (7) as:
where [[??].sub.t] is the rate of inflation in the current period;
[[??].sub.t] and [[??].sub.t-1] represent the percentage changes in the
money supply in the current and preceding period, [[??].sub.t] is the
percentage change in real GNP in the current period, and [u.sub.t] is
the random error term with constant variance.
The inclusion of the lagged money supply variable ([[??].sub.t-1])
is justified on the grounds that the empirical evidence on the
monetarist hypothesis shows that for all the LDCs the effects of
increase in money supply on the rate of inflation do not occur
instantaneously. (3)
In the second version we introduce the inflationary expectations
([??].sup.e.sub.t]) amongst the independent variables as a measure of
[[??].sub.t] in Equation (6) as:
where [[??].sup.e.sub.t] is the expected change in the inflation
rate, the rest of the variables are the same as defined above.
We continue to assume [u.sub.t] to be a stationary random process
with a constant variance function. It is assumed to be independent of
[[??].sub.t] and [[??].sub.t] but not necessarily independent of
[[??].sup.e.sub.t]. In fact, it will usually not be independent of
[[??].sup.e.sub.t] since [[??].sup.e.sub.t] itself is a weighted average
of the past u's. We assume, for simplicity, that the time
dependence of the u's can be adequately represented by the first
order auto-regressive scheme, we write:
[u.sub.t] = [[rho].sup.u.sub.t-1] + [e.sub.t] (8a)
where:/e/< 1, and [e.sub.t] is white noise.
The structural form (8) is modified to accomodate the
auto-regressive process (8a) to yield a restricted transformed equation
of the form :
An alternative possibility is that the structural form has a
misspecified dynamic structure, (in which case auto-correlation arises
because of omitted variables), and that the true relationship is a
general linear one having all the explanatory variables of the
restricted transformed equation but having no non-linear restrictions
among coefficients, i.e. the correct relationship is given by the
unrestricted transformed equation of the form:
Equations (8) and (10) can be estimated directly by the OLS.
However, a direct estimate of Equation (9) is not possible since there
is a non-linear restriction between the parameters. It requires an
iterative technique to resolve this restriction. Between Equations (9)
and (10) we can test the validity of the restrictions which is in effect
a test of the correctness of the dynamic specification in Equation (8).
The GIVE package enables us to estimate the three equations
simultaneously. The test of [rho] in Equation (9) is given by:
(a) The t-test for the significance level of the coefficient of
(b) The [X.sup.2]-test for the significance of [rho]; and
(c) The [X.sup.2]-test for the validity of the auto-regressive
The test of the significance of the additional parameters in
Equation (10) is given by the F-test.
The null hypotheses tested are:
(i) [rho]=0;
(ii) The auto-regressive restrictions are valid; and
(iii) The coefficients of additional parameters are zero.
It is hypothesized that:
(a) If (i) is not rejected in which case (ii) is not relevant, and
(iii) is not rejected, then Equation (8) is the appropriate estimated
(b) If (i) is rejected and (ii) is not rejected then Equation (9)
is appropriate; and
(c) If (i), (ii) and (iii) are all rejected then Equation (10) is
the appropriate estimated form.
The structuralist theory of inflation in the LDCs emerged as an
alternative to the orthodox monetary theory in Latin America in the
1950s after the failure of a number of stabilization programme based on
the monetarist approach. The structuralists argued that the aggregate
solutions put forward by the monetarists provided temporary relief but
accentuated the inflationary pressures in the long run. The basic
premise of the structuralist hypothesis is that the inflationary process
in the LDCs cannot be adequately explained by reference to the level of
aggregate demand. They argue that fragmentation between supplies and
demand in and between different sectors of the economy is the root cause
of inflation in these economies.
The structuralists make a distinction between the causes of
inflationary pressures and cumulative inflationary pressures on the one
hand and the propogating elements on the other. The causes of
inflationary pressures, i.e., the basic structural limitations are taken
to be: (a) the inelastic food supply in the face of rapidly expanding
demand--the agriculture sector bottleneck; (b) the inelasticity and
instability of the purchasing power of exports--the foreign exchange
bottleneck; and (c) the inelasticity of the tax revenues due to
structural deficiencies in the tax system the financial constraint.
According to the structuralists these primary causes of inflation
need a propagation mechanism for inflation actually to develop. The
propagation mechanism is described as the response of the monetary
authorities to the struggle between two major economic groups, i.e.,
between wage earners and profit earners to maintain their shares in
total income; and between private and public sectors to increase their
shares of real resources in the face of ensuing inflation. Thus,
contrary to the monetarists, the structuralists assign a secondary role
to the monetary factors in the inflationary process of LDCs. We examine
below some of the possible indicators of the three major structural
Indicators of Agricultural Supply Bottlenecks
The agricultural supply bottleneck defined as excess demand in
agriculture is quantified by two separate indices. The first involves a
relative price measure defined as the annual rate of change of food
prices minus the annual rate of change in the cost of living. It is
justified on the premise that the theory predicts that a continuous
increase in food prices exerts a strong influence on the movement of the
overall price index. A second, more direct measure of excess demand, is
the difference between the rate of growth of demand for agricultural
production minus the rate of growth of agricultural production. In
measuring the rate of growth of demand for agricultural production, the
elasticity of demand with respect to population growth is assumed to be
one, while the income elasticity of demand is approximated at 0.6.
Indicators of Foreign Exchange Constraints
Four most commonly used indicators of foreign exchange constraint
are the terms of trade index; the import ratio; unit value index of
imports and the instability of export earnings. The terms of trade index
does not involve any serious problem of reverse causation but it remains
unchanged in response to any policy measures like import controls,
duties or devaluation provoked by inflation because both import and
export prices remain unchanged in foreign currency.
Import ratios as a measure of the foreign exchange constraint is
postulated to bear a negative relation to the rate of inflation. If a
country experienced a long-term decline in import capacity it could
respond by reducing its import ratio over time which exerts an
inflationary pressure on prices. Hence, it would be expected that the
greater the decline in the import ratio, ceteris-paribus, the larger the
rate of inflation. However, if the effects of inflation on the balance
of payments could be dampened by import controls rather than by
devaluation, the import ratio may fall. On the other hand, at least in
the short run, the high rate of inflation may raise the import ratio and
low rates of inflation may lower the import ratio.
The unit value index of import prices in domestic currency as an
indicator of the foreign exchange constraint is equivalent to an excess
demand for imports, which is likely to be reflected in the increase in
the unit values of imports in the domestic market. Persistent excess
demand, suggested by the worsening of the constraint over time, in turn,
implies a sustained upward movement in the import price index.
Instability of export earnings is postulated to be positively
related to inflation. However, since there are several theoretical
mechanisms underlying this hypothesis and since response to external
shocks would tend to vary from country to country, a close relationship
between inflation and export variability becomes doubtful.
Indicators of Fiscal Constraint
The fiscal constraint is usually represented by the budget deficit
which is defined as:
(a) Central government total revenues minus total expenditures; and
(b) Public sector deficit as a percentage of GNP.
Also, it is generally argued that in LDCs the instability of
revenues is positively related to government budget deficits. Studies by
Aghevli and Khan (1978) and Mikesell (1969) which show a positive
association between inflation and the budget deficit have defined it as
deficit financing by means of credit creation through the banking
Specification of the Structuralist Model
Having reviewed the various indicators of structural bottlenecks
and keeping in view the structure of the economy of Pakistan, the model
based on the structuralist hypothesis is estimated by Equation (11) as:
where [[??].sub.t] the dependent variable is the rate of inflation;
EXPRESSION NOT REPRODUCIBLE IN ASCII] are the percentage deviations of
output in the commodity-producing sectors from potential output in the
current, and previous periods; [[??]] is the percentage change in
ASCII] is the percentage change in the unit value index of imports!
change in credit to the government sector, [P.sup.e.sub.t] is the
expectations variable.
The expected signs of these variables are:
The deviation from trend in the output in the commodity-producing
postulated to be negatively related to the inflation rate implying that
a decline in output below the trend would lead to higher inflation. The
IN ASCII]) is postulated to be positively related to inflation. The unit
ASCII]) is postulated to be positively related to inflation The credit
ASCII]) as a measure of deficit financing is expected to have a positive
sign. However, in the case of Pakistan as it pertains to budgetary
support and commodity financing, the sign of the variable cannot be
determined with certainty. The expectations variable ([P.sup.e.sub.t])
is expected to be positively related to the inflation rate.
This section considers the type of data that will be used in the
estimation of the closed economy models and their deficiencies. Almost
all the data are taken from various government publications published in
the post-1973 period. This is so because prior to 1971 data on national
income accounts and monetary assets (both domestic and international),
which were published jointly for both East and West Pakistan, have been
The data for the national income accounts is taken from the
Pakistan Economic Survey. As in the case of many other less developed
countries, there are shortcomings in the national accounts estimates. A
major limitation of these data is the fact that in the absence of direct
estimates a trend growth is assumed to make estimations for certain
sectors. We use the GNP deflator to represent the rate of inflation
rather than the consumer or wholesale price index. The choice of this
variable has been discussed in detail elsewhere. (4) Data on money
supply for the period prior to 1971 are taken from Kemal et al. (1980)
which corresponds closely to the State Bank of Pakistan's arbitrary
decision to divide the monetary assets between East and West Pakistan on
a 30:70 basis.
The data for all the variables included in the structuralist model
are taken from Government of Pakistan (Various Issues).
The data pertain to the period 1959-60 to 1981-82 Therefore, it may
be influenced by various factors affecting the economy especially in the
Seventies, e.g. devaluation of the currency, international price
increases, sharp changes in economic policies and continuing political
instability and uncertainty in the domestic economy.
The regression results are reported with t-ratios of the estimated
coefficients in parantheses, [R.sup.2] measuring the goodness of fit;
test statistics against first order autocorrelation ([rho]), the
[X.sup.2]-test for the significance of [rho] and the validity of
autoregressive restrictions, and the F-test for the tests of additional
variables are reported along with the relevant equations. The main
criteria for selecting the reported estimates are that the relevant
coefficients have the expected signs; estimated coefficients are
statistically significant and there is a satisfactory over all level of
explanation (high [R.sup.2]).
The results of the closed economy monetarist model are reported in
Tables 1 and 2. The model is estimated over the period 1962-63 to
1981-82, i.e. there were 20 observations available after employing all
the transformations.
The results of the simple quantity theory model reported in Table 1
show that:
(a) The adjustment of price level to changes in the money supply
spreads over three years, (5) with the introduction of every lag the
size and significance of the previous coefficient is slightly reduced.
However, overall the lags are significant, at least, at the 5 percent
level. Also, the value of the sum of money supply coefficients is not
significantly different from unity.
(b) The negative coefficient of current money supply ([[??].sub.t])
may possibly be due to the presence of multicollinearity between current
and lagged money supply variables. There is some evidence (6) that
increasing multi-collinearity produces various changes in the value of
parameters depending on the importance of each explanatory variable;
'importance' being measured usually by the simple correlation
coefficient of the dependent variable and each of the explanatory
variables. (7)
(c) The income variable has the correct sign but in neither case is
the variable significantly different from zero on the basis of a t-test
at the 5 percent level,
The insignificant coefficient of real income can be explained in
terms of the relatively slow growth of output compared to the very slow
growth of money supply particularly over the ten year period 1971-72 to
1981-82. The negative, but insignificant, coefficient of [Y.sub.t] may
also be interpreted a priori as evidence of the structural hypothesis
that the supply-side constraint, namely a decline in output below the
trend would lead to higher inflation. This hypothesis will be tested
later in the study.
The results obtained from the model, including the expectations
variable, are reported in Table 2. The number of observations is the
same as in the first model. On the basis of statistical criteria set out
in Section II above, we see that Equation I in Table 2 is the
appropriate estimated equation.
Equation I shows that the four arguments of the monetarist model,
namely money supply current and lagged, real income and inflationary
expectations explain about 65 percent of the observed variation in the
rate of inflation in Pakistan. (8)
The coefficient of current money supply continues to bear the
incorrect sign and remains insignificant. However, the coefficient of
lagged money supply is significant at the 2.5 percent level of
significance and the sum of the coefficients of [[??].sub.t] and
[[??].sub.t-1] is greater than zero. (9) The coefficient of real income
continues to be insignificant and the size of the coefficient is also
reduced drastically.
The most important explanatory variable in this equation is that of
inflationary expectations. The magnitude of the coefficient is very
large and it is highly significant at the 0.1 percent level. The low
coefficient for money supply and the highly significant and large
coefficient of the expectations variable has important implications. In
the absence of the expectations variable the impact of increased money
supply on the rate of inflation extends over three years and the size
and significance of lagged coefficients increases (Table 1). However, in
Table 2 we see that the adjustment of money supply is picked up by the
expectations variable; i.e. the value of the sum of money supply
coefficients divided by one minus the coefficient of expectations is not
different from one. Thus, with the expectations of higher inflation the
adjustment period of increased money supply is curtailed and inflation
increases at a faster rate than increases in money supply. This outcome
has an important implication: the rate of inflation is strongly affected
by the expectations of higher inflation implies that in addition to
money supply there are other non-monetary influences also which have
exerted a stronger influence on the rate of inflation. This implies that
a simultaneous consideration of the structural factors may be important
in explaining the inflationary process in Pakistan. Such a consideration
is also implied by the negative, although insignificant coefficient, of
[[??].sub.t] which may be interpreted, a priori, as evidence of the
structural hypothesis that the supply-side constraints (namely slow
growth in output due to structural rigidities may prevent output from
exercising a dampening influence on domestic prices) would lead to
higher inflation.
The results of the structuralist model are reported in Table 3.
Overall, the results show that price expectations ([[??].sup.sub.t]),
ASCII]) and the trends in the commodity producing sector ([MATHEMATICAL
explanatory variables. The relative food price index ([[??]])
bears the incorrect sign in the presence of [MATHEMATICAL EXPRESSION NOT
REPRODUCIBLE IN ASCII] and remains insignificant throughout. The credit
to the government sector variable ([MATHEMATICAL EXPRESSION NOT
REPRODUCIBLE IN ASCII]) bears a positive sign but remains insignificant.
The most striking outcome of the results reported in Table 3 is the
crucial role played by the import price variables (used as a proxy of
the foreign exchange constraint). [MATHEMATICAL EXPRESSION NOT
ASCII] emerge as the dominant element in the inflationary process, they
are highly significant in all sets of the equations exhibiting a
significance level ranging between 0.1 and 2.5 percent. (10) The
enhanced by the fact that its inclusion increases the overall
explanatory power of the model by more than 20 percent and it is
significant at the 0.1 percent level.
ASCII] in Equations III and IV has important implications: in Equation
III it reduces the size and significance of the coefficient of
significant at the 5 percent level, implying that imports in the
previous period helped to alleviate the supply-side constraints to some
extent. Furthermore, in Equation IV while [MATHEMATICAL EXPRESSION NOT
REPRODUCIBLE IN ASCII] becomes insignificant in the presence of
[[??].sup.e.sub.t] the sharp decline in the size and significance of the
coefficient of [[??].sup.e.sub.t] which becomes insignificant in the
that the availability of imports from the previous period would also
tend to dampen the expectations of higher inflation by alleviating the
domestic shortages of output.
ASCII] variable it seems quite plausible to argue that the significance
of this variable is captured by the import price variables. This is
explained as follows: a larger proportion of government expenditure on
commodity financing, mainly through imports, prevents the positive
becoming significant as increased availability through imports prevents
sharp rises in prices. However, the import price variables themselves
are highly significant throughout.
The insignificant coefficient of the relative food price index
([[??]]) is not surprising. Since controls on the retail prices,
especially of the food basket, have always been widespread in Pakistan
the true impact of the food price increases is not reflected.
ASCII] is highly significant in the absence of the expectations variable
However, with the introduction of [[??].sup.e.sub.t] in Equation II, it
becomes insignificant at the 5 percent level, [[??].sup.e.sub.t] is
significant at the 2.5 percent level and the explanatory power of the
model is increased considerably. It implies that a decline in output in
the current period gives rise to the expectations of higher inflation.
ASCII] variable reflects the pattern of growth experienced by the
economy of Pakistan. Over time, the share of the commodity-producing
sectors, especially in the agricultural sector, has tended to decline
while that of the services sector has increased. The decline in the
productive sectors leading to higher inflation is the outcome of two
factors: first the agricultural sector which provided the bulk of food
and raw materials was strongly affected by the neglect in earlier years
and adverse climatic conditions throughout the period under
consideration. Second, the manufacturing sector which was largely geared
to the production of consumer goods was affected both by domestic
factors like labour unrest and nationalization, and sharp increases in
the prices of raw materials and other essential inputs, and the
recession in the world markets.
ASCII] variable point to an important flaw in the use of total GNP as a
measure of economic growth. The use of total GNP as an indicator of
economic growth without due consideration to the composition of output
between different sectors of the economy covers up the basic structural
deficiencies underlying the economic system. In Pakistan, during the
Sixties the growth rate of the commodity-producing sectors exceeded the
growth rate of the services sector only during the Third Five Year Plan
period (1965-70). For the period 1970-71 to 1981-82 the growth rate in
the commodity-producing sectors exceeded the growth rate in the services
sector only for two fiscal years (1975-76 and 1979-80). From 1970-71 to
1976-77 the commodity-producing sector registered an annual average
growth rate of only 2.6 percent, which being less than the population
growth rate of 3.7 percent implied a decline in the per capita availability of domestic final output during the Seventies. Furthermore,
the faster growth of the services sector exacerbated the imbalances in
the economy that resulted from an increasing demand unsupported by final
output. The increasing demand, therefore, had to be met by higher
imports and consequently by a rising price level due to sharp
acceleration in the world prices of the LDC imports in general. The
pattern of growth in the commodity-producing sectors generated
expectations of higher inflation as is evident from the high inverse correlation between [MATHEMATICAL EXPRESSION NOT REPRODUCIBLE IN ASCII]
and [[??].sup.e.sub.t]. (11)
To summarize, the results of the structuralist model bring out
quite clearly that the economy has been affected by various structural
constraints. The slow growth in output has been overcome by increased
imports which have largely been facilitated through the increased flow
of foreign exchange in the form of remittances from workers abroad. The
results also suggest that a considerable part of the credit to the
government sector may have been used for commodity-financing operations
to supplement domestic output by purchases mainly of agricultural
products from the domestic market in times of good harvest and through
imports to prevent serious shortages.
In this paper we have tested two alternative hypotheses of
inflation--the monetarist hypothesis and the structuralist hypothesis,
to study the inflationary process in Pakistan. The results of the study
provide strong support to the 'relevancy' of the debate
between the monetarists and the structuralists to the understanding of
the problems of inflation in LDCs. Contrary to the monetarist assertion
that inflation everywhere is a monetary phenomenon and can be controlled
by controlling the money supply, the results of the monetarist model for
Pakistan strongly suggest the need for a simultaneous consideration of
the structural factors to identify more clearly the possible
determinants of the inflationary process in Pakistan. The results of the
structuralist model reflect quite closely the experience of the economy
over time with respect to these constraints. The shortages in the
commodity-producing sectors and higher import prices have a profound
impact on the rate of inflation and the decline in output generates
expectations of higher inflation.
The outcome of this study does not establish the superiority of one
hypothesis over the other, rather it provides a much broader perspective
of the complexities of the inflationary process in Pakistan. It also
points towards some of the drawbacks of the domestic economic policies
as well as the effects of external factors influencing the economy which
were beyond the control of the government.
Appendix 1
In the present study, the expectations series is estimated formally
by the adaptive expectations model as a weighted sum of past (actual)
inflation rates. The adaptive expectations model can be written as
[[??].sup.e.sub.t] = [[??].sup.e.sub.t-1] + [gamma] ([[??].sub.t-1]
- [[??].sup.e.sub.t-1] (1)
where [[??].sup.e.sub.t] represents the annual inflation rate
expected to take place during the year t, and formed during the
preceding years, [[??].sub.t] represents the actual inflation rate
during the year t, and [gamma] is the adjustment coefficient.
The adaptive expectations model can be converted into a distributed
lag model by successive substitution as:
[[??].sup.e.sub.t] = [gamma] [[??][[??].sub.t-1] +
[gamma](1-[gamma]) [[??].sub.t-2] + [gamma][(1-[gamma].sup.2]
[[??].sub.t-3] + ... ... (2)
[[??].sup.e.sub.t] = [gamma] [n.summation over (i = 0)]
[(1-[gamma]).sup.i-1] [[??].sub.t-1] (3) (3)
In the distributed lag model given by Equation (2) the inflation
rate is expressed as a weighted sum of past (actual) inflation rates. To
obtain the estimates of the expected inflation rates we need to estimate
these weights which are actually the function of the adjustment
coefficient 7. Following (Nugent and Glezakos 1979) these weights are
computed by using the quadratic-loss function of the form. (1)
L = [n.summation over (t=1)] [[[??].sub.t] - [[??].sup.e.sub.t]] =
[n.summation over (t=1)] [[[??].sub.t] - [gamma] [n.summation over
(i=0)] [(1-[gamma]).sup.i] [[??].sub.t-1]].sup.2] (4)
In finding the value of [gamma] that minimizes the quadratic-loss
function the number of terms in Equation (2) are restricted to two to
economize on the degrees of freedom. (2) Initially the parameter space was searched from 0 to 1, with intervals of 0.001 and the function
minimized at 1. To obtain the precise value of [gamma] the parameter
space was extended to 2 with the interval of 0.001 between 1 and 2. The
function minimized at 1.245. The high value of [gamma] = 1,245 implied
that there was a specification bias in the model which failed to account
for the underlying growth. To overcome this specification bias and
capture the effect of growth trend we follow Friedman's (1957)
specification used in the estimation of permanent income. He uses the
equation of the form:
[YP.sub.t] = [beta][Y.sub.t] + (1-[beta] (1 + c) [YP.sub.t-1] ...
... ... (5)
where [beta] is the adjustment coefficient and c is the trend rate
of growth. Following this specification we take:
[[??].sup.e.sub.t] = [beta][[??].sub.t-1] + (1 - [beta]) (1 + c)
[[??].sup.e.sub.t-1] ... ... ... (6)
Using back substitution we get:
[[??].sup.e.sub.t] = [beta][[??].sub.t-1] + [beta][(1 - [beta]) (1
+ c)] [[??].sub.t-2] + [beta][(1 - [beta]) (1 + c)].sup.2]
[[??].sub.t-3] ... (7)
[[??].sup.e.sub.t] = [beta] [[infinity][summation] over (n=1)] [[(1
- [beta])(1 + c)].sup.n-1] [[??].sub.t-n] ... ... ... (8)
and then generate the [beta] coefficient by using Equation (4)
which becomes:
L = [n.summation over (t=1)] [[[??].sub.t] - [[??].sup.e.sub.t]] =
[n.summation over (t=1)] [[[[??].sub.t] - [beta] [[infinity] summation
over (n=1) [[(1-[beta]) (1 + c)].sup.n-1] [P.sub.t-n]].sup.2] (9)
In finding the value of [beta] that minimizes the quadratic-loss
function the number of terms in Equation (7) is again ,restricted to two
to economize on the degrees of freedom. Repeating the search procedure
adopted for [gamma] we obtain the value of [beta] that minimises L in
Equation (9) equal to 1.012, which though still slightly greater than
unity is significantly lower than the value of [gamma] in the Equation
(4). The low value of [beta] = 1,012 may be taken to imply that
expectations are static after accounting for the underlying trend growth
rate. However for the sake of precision we generate the time series of
the values for the expected rate of inflation by substituting the
optimally chosen value of [beta] from Equation (9) into Equation (7).
Appendix 2
Equation II
(a) Structural Form
Constant IN ASCII] [[??]] [[??]m.sub.t]
65.140 -16.700 0.007 0.139 ***
(1.955) (0.921) (0.054) (3.040)
Constant [[??]g.sub.t] .sub.t] [R.sup.2]
65.140 0.025 0.447 ** 0.745
(1.955) (692.000) (2.558)
(b) Restricted Transformed Equation
Constant IN ASCII] [[??]] [[??]m.sub.t]
40.561 -5.089 -0.103 0.154 ****
(0.394) (0.367) (0.865) (4.346)
[[??].sup.e [chi square]
Constant [[??]g.sub.t] .sub.t] (1)
40.561 0.043 0.536 *** 2.831
(0.394) (1.214) (4.248)
[chi square]
Constant (4) [rho]
40.561 6.463 -0.499
(0.394) (1.801)
(c) Unrestricted Transformed Equation
Constant IN ASCII] [[??]] [[??]m.sub.t]
71.986 -11.120 -0.121 0.109 *
(1.310) (0.326) (0.829) (2.039)
[[??].sup.e REPRODUCIBLE
Constant [[??]g.sub.t] .sub.t] IN ASCII]
71.986 0.035 -0.864 11.361
(1.310) (0.929) (0.568) (0.677)
Constant [[??]] [[??]m.sub.t] [[??]g.sub.t]
71.986 -0.041 0.148 0.015
(1.310) (0.253) (1.729) (0.326)
Constant .sub.t] [R.sup.2] F (6,8)
71.986 0.008 0.844 1.152
(1.310) (0.035)
Equation IV
(a) Structural Form
Constant IN ASCII] [[??]m.sub.t] [[??]m.sub.t]
69.866 -17.759 0.105 *** 0.132 ***
(1.337) (1.279) (2.794) (2.741)
Constant .sub.t] [R.sup.2]
69.866 0.239 0.829
(1.337) (1.532)
(b) Restricted Transformed Equations
Constant IN ASCII] [[??]m.sub.t] [[??]m.sub.t-1]
60.771 15.482 0.096 * 0.136 *
(1.646) (1.454) (2.364) (2.430)
[[??].sup.e [chi square]
Constant .sub.t] (1)
60.771 0.261 0.365
(1.646) (1.428)
[chi square]
Constant (3) [rho]
60.771 5.521 -0.174
(1.646) (0.483)
(c) Unrestricted Transformed Equation
Constant IN ASCII] [[??]m.sub.t] [[??]m.sub.t-1]
56.789 -25.521 * 0.032 0.187 ***
(1.722) (2.041) (0.612) (3.286)
[[??].sup.e REPRODUCIBLE
Constant .sub.t] IN ASCII] [[??]m.sub.t-1]
56.789 0.624 13.493 0.118
(1.722) (0.522) (1.245) (1.384)
Constant .sub.t] [R.sup.2] F (4,10)
56.789 -0.637 0.877 0.908
(1.722) (0.324)
(1) According to Nugent and Glezakos (1979) the rationale for using
the quadratic loss function is that in economic theory in the face of
uncertainty a reasonable criteria to use in forecasting future values is
one that minimizes the expected losses for forecast errors.
(2) Toyoda (1972) has shown empirically that current price
expectations are formed on the basis of most recent actual price
(3) The trend rate c are taken from estimating inflation trend
equation: [[??].sub.t] = [[partial derivative].sub.1] + [[partial
derivative].sub.2t] + [u.sub.t]
Aghevli, B. B., and M. S. Khan (1978). "Government Deficit and
Inflationary Process in Developing Countries". IMF Staff Papers.
Vol. 25, No. 3.
Farrar, D. E., and R. R. Glauber (1967). "Multicollinearity in
Regression Analysis: The Problem Revisited". Review of Economics
and Statistics. Vol. XLIX, No. 1.
Firoze, Faiz B. (1986). "The Origins of Inflation in Pakistan
1959-82: An Evaluation of Alternative Hypothesis". Unpublished
Ph.D. Thesis. Manchester: University of Manchester.
Fox, K. A. (1968). Intermediate Economic Statistics. New York:
Friedman, M. (1957). A Theory of Consumption Function. National
Bureau of Economic Research. Princeton, N.J.: Princeton University Press. (General Series LXIII)
Harberger, A. C. (1963). "The Dynamics of Inflation in
Chile". In Cad Christ (ed.), Measurement in Economic Studies in
Mathematical Economics. Stanford: Stanford University Press.
Kemal, A. R., F. Bilquees and A. H. Khan (1980). Estimates of Money
Supply in Pakistan: 1959-60 to 1978-79. Islamabad: Pakistan Institute of
Development Economics. (Statistical Papers Series, No. 1)
Mikesell, R. (1969). "Inflation in Latin-America". In C.
Nisbet (ed.), Latin-America-Problems in Economic Development. New York:
The Free Press. pp. 43-89.
Nugent, J. B., and Glezakos (1979). "A Model of Inflation and
Expectations in Latin America". Journal of Development Economics.
Vol. 6, No. 3.
Pakistan, Government of (Various Issues). Pakistan Economic Survey.
Islamabad: Economic Adviser's Wing, Ministry of Finance.
Toyoda, T. (1972). "Price Expectations and the Short-run and
Long-run Phillips Curves in Japan, 1956-68". Review of Economic and
Statistics. Vol. LIV, No. 3.
(1) See Faiz B. Firoze (1986, Chapter 3, Section 3.2.2).
(2) See Faiz B. Firoze (1986, Chapter 4, Section 4.5).
(3) See Faiz B. Firoze (1986, Chapter 3, Section 3.2.2).
(4) See Faiz B. Firoze (1986, Chapter 4, Section 4.2).
(5) The coefficient of [M.sub.t-4] was found to be insignificant.
(6) See Fox (1968), p. 259-265: see also Farrar and Glauber (1967).
(7) The correlation matrix shows that the correlation between the
dependent variable and money supply variables increases with the
increase in lag period. It is only 0.117 for [[??].sub.t] and rises to
0.478 for [[??].sub.t-1], 0.608 [[??].sub.t-2] and 0.628 for
[[??].sub.t-3] for regressions reported in Table 1.
(8) Using simply the lagged inflation rate [[??].sub.t-1] as the
proxy for expected rate of inflation yielded an [R.sup.2] of 0.632 when
the expected rate of inflation is estimated by the adaptive expectations
model without taking into account the trend growth rate [R.sup.2] is
(9) When [[??].sub.t-2] is introduced to test for the
misspecification due to omitted variables it leads to misspecificatinn
of the model,
(10) In addition to the import price variable other variables like
export instability index, quantum of imports, ratio of imports to GDP,
real international reserves and ratio of reserves to imports (the last
two variables have also been suggested by the referee) were also tested
alternatively but none was found to be significant. Keeping in view the
structuralist thesis that due to different underlying economic
structures of LDCs a number of different variables may represent the
given constraint for different individual countries, it is seen that in
the test for structuralist hypothesis for Pakistan import price index is
found to be the most satisfactory indicator of foreign exchange
(11) The correlation matrix shows that the coefficient of
correlation between [[??].sup.e.sub.t] and [MATHEMATICAL EXPRESSION NOT
REPRODUCIBLE IN ASCII] is (0.602) significant at 1 percent level.
FAIZ BILQUEES, The author is Research Economist at the Pakistan
Institute of Development Economics, Islamabad. This paper is a part of
the Ph.D. dissertation submitted to the University of Manchester. The
author gratefully acknowledges very helpful comments by the two
anonymous refrees.
Table 1
Results of the Monetarist Model Excluding Expectations
Constant [[??].sub.t] [[??].sub.t-1] [[??].sub.t-2]
5.657 -0.031 0.427 **
(0.153) -2.248
2.397 -0.060 0.321 * 0.419 ***
(0.351) (1.976) (2.773)
-1.745 -0.025 0.267 * 0.309 **
(0.179) (1.967) -2.395
Constant [[??].sub.t-a] [[??].sub.t] [R.sup.2]
5.657 -0.498 0.268
2.397 -0.522 0.527
-1.745 0.317 *** -0.745 0.674
(2.513) (0.681)
Constant F D. W.
5.657 0.790 1.680
2.397 1.944 1.641
-1.745 2.788 1.804
Notes: * Denote significance at 5-percent level.
** Denote significance at 2.5-percent level.
*** Denote significance at 1-percent level.
Table 2
Results of the Monetarist Model Including Expectations
Constant [[??].sub.t] [[??].sub.t-1] [[??].sub.t]
Structural Form
2.922 -0.095 0.324 ** -0.185
(0.932) (0.683) (2.396) (0.465)
Restricted Transformed Equation
2.897 -0.129 0.268 * -0.186
(0.871) (1.099) (2.096) (0.511)
Unrestricted Transformed Equation
5.926 -0.192 0.241 -0.34
(0.899) (1.021) (1.480) (0.900)
Constant e.sub.t] [[??].sub.t-1] [[??].sub.t]
Structural Form
2.922 0.634 ***
(0.932) (4.212)
Restricted Transformed Equation
2.897 0.629 ***
(0.871) (3.711)
Unrestricted Transformed Equation
5.926 1.110 0.138 -0.300
(0.899) (1.842) (1.021) (0.619)
Constant e.sub.t] [R.sup.2] F
Structural Form
2.922 0.647
Restricted Transformed Equation
Unrestricted Transformed Equation
5.926 -0.152 0.716 0.800
(0.899) (0.521)
[chi square] [chi square]
Constant (3) (1) [rho]
Structural Form
Restricted Transformed Equation
2.897 5.222 0.022 0.039
(0.871) (0.106)
Unrestricted Transformed Equation
Notes: * Denote significance at 5-percent level.
** Denote significance at 2.5-percent level.
*** Denote significance at 1-percent level.
Table 3
Results of the Structuralist Model
Constant IN ASCII] [[??]] IN ASCII]
I. 167.221 -43.461 ** 0.009 0.140 **
(2.559) (2.479) (0.056) (2.593)
II. 65.140 -16.700 0.007 0.139 ****
(1.955) (0.921) (0.054) (3.040)
III. 102.308 -26.261 * -0.105 0.081 *
(2.160) (2.072) (0.919) (2.0l5)
IV. 69.866 -17.759 0.105 ***
(1.337) (2.279) -2.794
I. 167.221 0.069
(2.559) (1.578)
II. 65.140 0.025
(1.955) (0.692)
III. 102.308 0.172 **** 0.042
(2.160) (4.118) (1.367)
IV. 69.866 0.132 ***
(1.337) (2.741)
Constant e.sub.t] [R.sup.2]
I. 167.221 0.618
II. 65.140 0.447 ** 0.745
(1.955) (2.558)
III. 102.308 0.834
IV. 69.866 0.239 0.829
(1.337) (1.532)
excluded because it was always found to be insignificant at
5-percent level. Complete regression for Equations II and IV
are reported in Appendix II.
* Denote significance at 5-percent level.
** Denote significance at 2.5-percent level.
*** Denote significance at 1-percent level.
**** Denote significance at 0.5-percent level.