Short-run money demand and supply relations in Pakistan.
Cornelisse, Peter A. ; Martens, Jan
Financial variables are known to be highly volatile. Values of many
financial variables change swiftly as well as frequently. For
policy-makers it pays then to know which shifts can be considered to be
part of a normal pattern--which do not have to raise concern--and which
other shifts may therefore be regarded as abnormal and which may need to
be examined more closely, possibly in preparation of appropriate policy
The present article presents results of statistical tests of money
demand and supply relations using monthly instead of the usual annual
data. The tests provide among others an indication of the variables
contributing to the explanation of monthly variations in money supply
and demand and of the time lags involved in the transmission of the
impact. The relations also describe the seasonal pattern in money use.
The presentation is organized as follows. In the next section a
selection of monthly money-demand relations is presented and discussed.
Thereafter, in Section 3, follow money-supply relations. Having these
sets of equations available the obvious next step is to test the ability
of the monetary approach in explaining monthly price variations. The
results are given in Section 4. Finally, Section 5 summarizes the
The demand for money has intrigued many economists. This has led to
a wide diversity in approach of empirical studies in this area. First,
these studies reflect different theoretical foundations in the general
choice of the explanatory variables, where, in practice, there often
appears to exist considerable further room for choice of the precise
specification of these variables. The variety is further enlarged by
differences in functional form, assumptions regarding adaptation
behaviour and the treatment of other technical problems. (1) And,
finally, certain economic properties of groups of countries, such as the
prevalence of rationing and fixed interest rates in financial markets of
many developing countries, (2) have led to still wider diversity in the
shape of money-demand relations.
What the great majority of tests reported in the literature has in
common, however, is the use of annual data. In a sense this is
surprising in view of the possibly volatile, nature of money demand
which may be largely overlooked when using observations on money stocks
which are one year apart. On the other hand, tests of functions for
periods of less than one year are handicapped by the scarcity or even
unavailability of monthly or quarterly data.
An effort has been made in this section to overcome this problem
and to derive a monthly money-demand equation for Pakistan. (3) As the
exercise concentrates on the short-term nature of the equations tested,
a conventional specification has been used which does no justice to the
great variety in form and content of money-demand equations prevailing
in the literature. Specifically, the explanatory variables used in the
equations below are real gross national product, the rate of interest
and expected inflation. The first variable is introduced as a
determinant of money demand for transaction purposes, whereas the other
variables represent costs of holding money. The rate of interest is a
proxy for the revenue forgone by holding money rather than lending it
out and the expected rate of inflation indicates the expected loss of
value of money balances as compared with real assets. Even though they
are conventional, a brief discussion of each of these explanatory
variables is in order.
Most empirical tests of real money demand apply real income as the
scale variable, an approach which has also been adopted in this section
where data relating to GNP at 1980-81 market prices have been taken from
Government of Pakistan (Various Issues). Of course the major problem is
that data on national product refer nearly always, as in the present
case, to one-year periods, whereas the test at hand requires data
relating to periods of one month. In the absence of direct information
an approximative procedure has been followed here to derive monthly
data. The procedure consists of two steps. In the first step annual
income is divided over the twelve months. It would of course be too
crude to assign equal values to all months within each year of
observation, because the resulting stepwise growth path would
concentrate all growth in the first month of each year. Instead a
smoothing process has been used assigning mean monthly values to the
sixth month of the years of observation and calculating the values of
other months by interpolation. In the second step dummy variables are
added, one for each of the twelve months, to allow for monthly
variation. The value assigned to such a variable in the exercise is the
GNP value for the month it represents and zero for other months. Thus,
the coefficient found for a dummy variable in the regression analysis provides an indication of the relative deviation of GNP in the
corresponding month from the absolute value assigned to it in step one.
A few words must also be devoted to the rare of interest as an
explanatory variable, if only to acknowledge its often-mentioned
limitations in developing economies with constrained financial markets.
In Pakistan these limitations also used to apply, but a new complication
arose in 1980 when the concept of interest was gradually abolished with
a view to the Islamization of the economy. Although other remunerations
for the use of capital are allowed, a single indicator of the price of
money is hard to come by. In the tests the call money rate reported in
IMF's International Financial Statistics has been used. But this
rate has remained constant at 6.25 percent since the end of 1985. All
this means in effect that the limitations regarding the use of the
interest rate in a money-demand equation hold a fortiori in Pakistan.
These objections notwithstanding, the rate of interest has been
introduced in the equations tested here simply in order to verify the
validity of the considerations mentioned.
The third major regressor, the expected rate of inflation, is often
considered to be of particular importance in money-demand relations for
developing countries, because of the limited availability of financial
instruments. Under these conditions investment in real assets may be the
principal alternative to holding money balances such that the inflation
rate may be a significant proxy for the costs of holding money. The
difficulty lies of course in the quantification of this variable. The
traditional assumption of expectations regarding inflation being formed
by recently experienced inflation (4) will also be adopted here, where
an attempt is made to determine which time lag translates experiences
into expectations better than others.
Several functional forms have been tested, but, for simplicity,
only the results obtained with linear equations have been presented here
as they appeared to be as good as those obtained with other forms.
Further, demand for MI as well as M2 has been tested. As results for M2
appeared to be slightly superior to those for MI only the former have
been reported. Finally, in analyses using monthly data the question of
the speed of adaptation gains special importance, so, in accordance with
the partial adaptation hypothesis, tests have also been performed
including the lagged endogenous variable. The adaptation function used
here is
RM2 = RM2 (-t) + z (RMD2 - RM2 (-t)) = z RMD2 +
(1 - z) RM2 (-t) (1)
The basic equation describing real demand for money in this paper
is RMD2 = [a.sub.o] + [a.sub.1] RY + [a.sub.2] R + [a.sub.3] EPI +
[a.sub.4i] [summation] [D.sub.i] (2)
Substituting it into (1) we get:
RM2 = [za.sub.o] + [za.sub.1] RY + [za.sub.2] R + [za.sub.3] EPI +
[za.sub.4i] [summation] [D.sub.i] + (1-z) RM2 (-t), (3)
where RM2 = real balances of M2; RMD2 = demand for real M2; z =
adaptation coefficient; RY = real monthly GNP; R = call money rate; EPI
= expected price increase (expressed in percentage changes per year);
[D.sub.i] = dummy variable for months (i = 1 to 12).
The OLS estimates for variants of Equations (2) and (3) are
presented in Table 1. Note first of all that the coefficients not only
have the expected sign, but are also (highly) significant. Surprisingly,
this also applies to the regression coefficients of the rate of
interest, both for the period up to 1985--when the rate still varied -
and for the entire period including the period after 1985--when the rate
remained constant. Further, the regression coefficients are fairly
stable, except for the coefficient of the rate of interest which
increases considerably when the period of observation is extended beyond
For the period 1975-1989 results of one regression based on annual
data are included so as to allow a comparison with the outcomes for the
same period, but using monthly data. It can be seen that the coefficient
of RY is indeed lower by a factor 12 in the former regression, otherwise
the coefficients do not show remarkable differences. However, while
serial correlation is disturbingly high in the monthly equations, it is
acceptable in the yearly equation. This lends support to the partial
adaptation assumption suggesting that adaptation in money demand
balances is not instantaneous, but takes less than a year. Indeed,
introduction of the lagged endogenous variable improves the DW statistic
considerably (see the third and last rows in Table 3). The one-month lag
appears to perform better than lags of greater length. Yet, the
coefficients of RMD2(-1) suggest a relative adaptation of actual real
money balances to desired balances one month later of only about 15
The coefficients for the dummy variables have been derived in an
iterative process in which those variables with insignificant
coefficients were successively dropped. Comparison of the remaining
coefficients with those of real income suggests that the latter's
monthly variation is rather moderate in size. Further, judging by the
coefficients of determination, the contribution of the dummy variables
to the explanation of variation in money demand seems to be small, but
then it should also be considered that the other variables leave only
little variation unexplained. The improvement in the DW statistic after
introduction of the dummy variables is negligible or worse.
Nevertheless, a significant pattern of monthly variations in real money
demand is clearly discernible with peaks around the middle and the end
of the calendar year in rhythm with the harvest periods.
As indicated above, expectations as to price increases are assumed
to be formed by past experience. In the present analysis there is an
opportunity to test with more than the usual precision which period in
the past appears to be most suitable. Thus, experiments have been made
with actual price increments for different periods to test which
duration and which lag would yield the best results as measured by the t
ratio of variable EPI. According to this criterion inflation experiences
during a period of 21 months starting 8 months back give the most
accurate indication of expectations about inflation. This finding
suggests a rather slow process of adaptation to alterations in inflation
Finally, it is worth noting that the income (point) elasticities of
money demand derived from the four equations relating to the period
1975-1989 and reported in the lower half of Table 1 are between 1.05 and
1.20 when measured at the midpoint of the period observed. This is a
remarkably narrow range considering the differences in the equations
from which the elasticities have been derived. According to all
equations the elasticity tends to decline slowly over time: probably it
is just under unity at the present time.
Empirical tests of money-supply relations are not as common as
those of money-demand relations. Just like tests of money demand, they
are usually based on annual data, even though the data needed for
analyses of monthly variations of money-supply relations are often
directly available. This opportunity will be used in the present
The explanatory variable used here is high-powered money or base
money. It can, of course, be argued that this does not portray the way
monetary expansion is managed in Pakistan where the National Credit
Consultative Council indicates for each year the room for increase in
credit. Remarkably, a large part of the Council's members consists
of representatives of organizations which have an interest in credit
expansion. Even then, if rules of prudent monetary management are
observed, there are limits to actual money creation which are precisely
related to base money.
In some of the tests partial adaptation has been assumed to apply,
while in others high-powered money has been divided in its (asset-side)
components. Data have been taken from IMF (Various Issues). The basic
equation tested thus becomes:
NMS2 = [wb.sub.1] MB + (1 - w) NMS2 ( - t) ... ... ... (4)
where NMS2 = supply of nominal 342; w = adaptation coefficient; MB
= money base, where MB is decomposed into FMB = foreign component of
base money (net foreign reserves) and DMB = domestic component and where
DMB is further divided into GMB = public component of base money
(outstanding central bank loans to the public sector) and OMB =
remaining part of domestic money base.
Although the regression results are primarily concerned with
monthly variations, the outcome of one regression using annual data has
been included also in this table to allow a direct comparison. (See
Table 2). Again we see that the coefficients in the equation using
annual data do not differ much from those in the corresponding equation
on the basis of monthly figures, except for the DW statistic. And,
again, when using monthly data, introduction of the endogenous variable
lagged one month appears to strongly reduce serial correlation
suggesting that the partial adaptation hypothesis also applies on the
side of money supply.
The results tabulated above show further that base money is indeed
a highly significant explanatory variable for nominal money supply in
Pakistan. Further, when applying F-tests to relations applying separate
components of base money as regressors, the coefficients of each of the
components appear to differ significantly. Thus, a Rs one million
increase in base money tends to translate into different increases of
M2, depending on the base-money component where the original increase
occurs. (5) It is also important to note the significant difference
between the outcome of regressions for different sub-periods as
indicated in the lower end of the table. Especially the effect of an
increase in OMB appears to differ markedly between the first and the
second half of the period observed. This shows that, in prediction and
policy studies, it pays to examine the duration of the most recent
period over which the money-supply relation is structurally stable and
to be aware of the possibility that a behavioural change, probably due
to a policy shift, affects the validity of patterns observed in the
Tests of price equations for one or more countries based on
versions of monetarist theories or on blends of monetarist and other
approaches are available in fairly large numbers. Such tests have also
been made for Pakistan. (6) Generally speaking, good results are
obtained in regressions where the dependent variable is the absolute
price level. Attempts at explaining variations in relative price changes
tend to yield much weaker results, however.
The results reported in the literature are all based on annual
data. Although they are rarely mentioned, there are good reasons for
this choice, even if data should be available for shorter periods.
Short-term price shocks and seasonal price variations seem to be
sensitive primarily to real, rather than monetary factors. This can be
expected to apply also to Pakistan. The monthly variation in real money
demand as found in Section 2 of this paper is mostly of a seasonal
nature, reflecting seasonal patterns of economic activity, and is met by
similar variation in money supply. Nevertheless, since the necessary
data are readily available from the exercise presented in Section 2, a
series of tests of short-term monetarist price equations--using the
consumer price index as the variable to be explained--has been carried
out for Pakistan in order to verify the above argument. A small
selection of the results is presented in Table 3.
First of all it must be emphasized that the coefficients presented
in Table 3 relate to loglinear functions. Contrary to the experience
with monthly money-demand and money-supply relations described above
where the fit appeared to be insensitive to the type of function
selected, monthly monetary price relations revealed great sensitivity as
to functional form. But this was to be expected as monetarist price
equations are typically of the multiplicative type, such that linear
expressions are inappropriate.
With a view to the introductory remarks made above regarding the
performance to be expected of monthly monetary price relations, the fit
of the equations explaining the absolute level of monthly prices is
remarkably good. Further, the coefficients of the explanatory variables
all have the expected sign, and the only insignificant coefficient is
that of real income and that only in the first equation. Also note that
our findings contrast with those of Jones and Khilji (1988) in the sense
that the consumer price index is affected positively by growth in money
On the other hand, the results for the equations explaining monthly
price changes are very poor without exception. At first sight it may
seem strange that an approach successfully explaining variations in
absolute magnitudes can fail in explaining variations in differences
between these magnitudes. But the explanation is a simple one: an error
of only one percent in the former test translates into an error of about
hundred percent in the latter where the values of the variable to be
explained are smaller by a factor hundred. This handicap also applies in
comparisons of statistical explanations of annual price levels and price
changes. But it is particularly large for explanations using monthly
observations, as monthly price changes are only a fraction of yearly
price changes.
The tests reported in this paper show that money demand and supply
equations based on monthly data perform well and yield regression
coefficients which, after correction for the different lengths of
period, are close to corresponding coefficients based on annual data.
For example, it can be derived from equations for both data sets that
the income elasticity of demand for money is just over unity during the
largest part of the period 1975-1989 and slowly declining. Further, both
annual and monthly data indicate significant differences between the
effects of the three main components of base money on money supply.
The use of monthly data suggests that the partial adaptation
hypothesis does indeed apply and that the (partial) adaptation to the
desired level takes about one month for money demand as well as for
money supply. The monetarist equations explaining absolute levels of
monthly prices perform very well. Predictably, the results obtained when
applying the same approach to changes in monthly price levels are very
Comments on "Short-run Money Demand and Supply Relations in
Professor Cornelisse and Martens in their article "Short-run
Money Demand and Supply Relations in Pakistan" have touched upon a
topic which continues to be a favorite of the economists.
The distinguishing feature of this paper is the use of data on
monthly basis. Economists who have on occasion, as myself, dealt with
the data of the developing countries have always wished to get their
hands ideally on data on monthly basis or at least on quarterly basis.
But this wish has usually foundered on the rock of the availability of
data published only on annual basis. There are now two ways about the
fact that abundance of data points make for a richer and more insightful
analysis. In this respect this article is a step in the right direction.
Ideally, the data should be allowed to speak for itself, it is
especially true for econometric analysis where one of the main purpose
is to allow the data to articulate the structure underlying the
variables being discussed. Any scheme, however sophisticated, of
generating observations artifically would inevitably introduce an
element of non-randomness in the information being gleaned from the
data. And we know that how crucial, at least in theory, the assumption
of randomness is for the validity of statistical tests on the data; it
is the peg on which we hang most of the econometric analysis. The above
comment should in no way be interpreted as a detraction of the present
paper. The point that I am trying to underscore is that the sort of
nuance that one may like to read in the empirical results of their paper
should be taken with a pinch of salt. In case of this particular
exercise the interpolation scheme employed by the authors should not be
unacceptable since apparently it has not done any violence to the a
priori theoretical results.
The choice of explanatory variables for the money demand function
in this paper is fairly standard, that is, real income, interest rate
and expected inflation. I feel that for economies such as Pakistan
monetization should also be included as one of the explanatory
variables. Inclusion of the monetization variable would have required
the authors to quantify it in order to make it operational. And then to
find a way of overcoming the econometric problem of multicolinearity
which is usually encountered in cases like this between real income and
the monetization variable. Since the authors decided not to include a
variable for monetization, therefore, I would suggest that the authors
should have specifically mentioned the possibility of an upward bias in
the magnitude of the coefficient of the real income variable. This
coefficient could be picking up part of the effect of monetization.
In the case of the rate of interest the paper does not make it
clear whether it is real or nominal. From the theoretical point of view
it should be real. It is heartening to observe that despite numerous
distortions present in the financial system of Pakistan the interest
rate variable has the correct sign and is statistically significant.
Professors Cornelisse and Martens have decided to use the broader
definition of money. The implication of this is that the components of
money demand are treated as homogenous. Considering currency, demand
deposits and time deposits as perfect substitutes in Pakistan is a
fairly strong assumption. Analysis of money demand at a disaggregated basis, I believe, can result in greater insights. For example,
individuals who hold time deposits are relatively financially
sophisticated and may not look only at domestic rates of returns. This
proposition can best be tested by the inclusion of a suitable foreign
rate of interest as one of the explanatory variables for time deposits
alone. Lumping time deposits and currency together may mute the impact
of the foreign rate of interest.
A minor point that I would like to mention is that in this paper
Durbin-Watson has been used as measure for serial correlation in the
presence of lagged dependent variables. The correct test in a situation
like this is Durbin's 'h' test. On the whole, the paper
is a useful contribution to the understanding of money demand behaviour
in Pakistan and is a commendable research effort.
Syed Saqib Rizavi
Planning Division, Islamabad.
Ahmad, Ather Maqsood, and Mohammad Rafiq (1987) Monetary
Anticipations and the Demand for Money: An Application for the South
Asian Region. The Pakistan Development Review 26 : 4 529-537.
Ali, M. Shaukat (1986) Causality between Money Supply and Price
Level: Evidence in Theory and Practice. The Kashmir Economic Review 3:1
Hasan, M. Aynul (1987) A Rational Expectations Macro Econometric
Model of Pakistan's Monetary Policy since the 1970s. The Pakistan
Development Review 26 : 4 513-523.
International Monetary Fund (Various Issues) International
Financial Statistics.
Jones, Jonathan D., and Nasir M. Khilji (1988) Money Growth,
Inflation and Causality (Empirical Evidence for Pakistan, 1973-1985).
The Pakistan Development Review 27 : 1 45-58.
Khan, A. H. (1980) The Demand for Money in Pakistan: Some Further
Results. The Pakistan Development Review 19 : 1 25-50.
Mangla, I. U. (1979) An Annual Money Demand Function for Pakistan:
Some Further Results. The Pakistan Development Review 18 : 1 21-33.
Naqvi, Syed Nawab Haider and Ather Maqsood Ahmed (1986) P.I.D.E.
Macro-econometric Model of Pakistan's Economy. Islamabad: Pakistan
Institute of Development Economics.
Pakistan, Government of (Various Issues) Economic Survey.
Islamabad: Economic Adviser's Wing, Finance Division.
Thomas, R. Leighton (1985) Introductory Econometrics: Theory and
Applications. London: Longman.
Wong, Chorng-huey (1977) Demand for Money in Developing Countries.
Journal of Monetary Economics. 3 : 59-86.
(1) For a convenient summary of different specifications of
money-demand relations and their interpretation, [see R. L Thomas
(1985), Chapter 10].
(2) The effect of credit restraint on demand for money is examined
specifically in C Wong (1977).
(3) Other demand-for-money equations for Pakistan derived earlier
apply annual data, see Ahmad and Rafiq (1987); Khan (1980) and Mangla
(1979). Hasan (1987) uses quarterly data, but after correction for
seasonal fluctuations.
(4) As a measure of inflation has been used the percentage increase
in the consumer price index as given in IMF (Various Issues).
(5) Tests of relations for supply of nominal M1 (not presented
here) lead to a similar conclusion.
(6) See, for example [M. S. Ali (1986) and S. N. H. Naqvi and A. M.
Ahmed (1986), Chapter 2].
* P. A. Cornelisse is Professor of Public Sector Economics at
Erasmus University, Rotterdam. During the preparation of this article J.
Martens was also attached to this university.
Table l
Monthly Money-demand Equations (Linear), 1975-1989
Period Const. RY R EPI RM2(-1)
1975 : 1 - 46.1 3.96 -4.17 -1.71
1985 : 12 (3.86) (48.8) (5.36) (11.4)
54.6 4.08 -4.93 -1.73
(5.54) (59.1) (7.59) (14.2)
13.1 0.05 -1.07 -0.28 0.84
(2.35) (3.63) (2.76) (2.90) (20.2)
1975-1989 138.9 0.33 -11.15 -2.61
(Years) (3.33) (16.1) (4.56) (5.52)
1975 : 1 - 55.9 4.32 -7.35 -1.67
1989 : 6 (3.47) (42.9) (7.43) (8.32)
66.9 4.30 -7.98 -1.74
(4.59) (47.2) (8.90) (9.64)
19.3 0.53 -1.64 -0.27 0.86
(3.15) (4.06) (3.96) (3.05) (30.5)
Period Dummies
1975 : 1 -
1985 : 12
6 : .084; 8 to 11 : -.132 to -.191
(2.31) (3.58 to 5.47)
1, 5, 6, 11, 12 : 006 to .015; 7 : -.008
(3.41 to 8.95) (4.51)
1975 : 1 -
1989 : 6
6 ; .071; 8 to 11 : -.129 to -.181
(1.59) (2.92 to 4.04)
1, 5 6, 12 : .004 to .013; 4, 7, 9 : -.003 to -.008
(2.71 to 8.41) (1.98 to 5.01)
Period [bar.R.sup.2] DW
1975 : 1 - .980 .66
1985 : 12
.987 .71
.996 2.05
1975-1989 .993 2.21
1975 : 1 - .983 .49
1989 : 6
.986 .47
.998 2.15
Notes: Absolute t-ratios are in parentheses.
[[bar.R.sup.2] = is the coefficient of determination
adjusted for degrees of freedom.
DW = is the Durbin-Watson statistic.
Months are indicated by numbers starting with January = 1.
Table 2
Monthly Money-supply Relations (Linear), 1975-1989
1975-1989 1.95
(Years) (6.62)
1975 : 1- 2.55
1989 : 6 (259.3)
1.95 2.58
(16.9) (243.0)
1975 : 1 - 2.16
1982 : 3 (17.0)
1982 : 4 - 2.13
1989 : 6 (12.2)
Period GMB OMB NMS(-1)
1975-1989 2.72 1.78
(Years) (37.7) (7.56)
1975 : 1-
1989 : 6
2.71 2.09
(112.9) (25.4)
0.26 0.20 0.91
(3.43) (3.01) (33.2)
1975 : 1 - 2.58 2.38
1982 : 3 (120.3) (23.4)
1982 : 4 - 2.88 1.49
1989 : 6 (56.2) (8.04)
Table 2
Monthly Money-supply Relations (Linear), 1975-1989
Period [[bar.R].sup.2] DW
1975-1989 .995 1.80
1975 : 1- .990 .22
1989 : 6
.991 .27
.993 35
.999 1.83
1975 : 1 - .992 44
1982 : 3
1982 : 4 - .974 .43
1989 : 6
Notes: See Table 1.
Table 3
Monthly Monetarist Price Equations (Loglinear), 1975-1989
Period Const. M2 R Y
Absolute Prices
1975 : 4 -0.47 0.56 -0.05
1989 : 6 (1.52) (8.20) (0.31)
0.32 0.14 -0.18
(2.19) (3.95) (2.49)
Price Changes
1975 : 5 0.006 0.006 -0.13
1989 : 6 (1.82) (0.10) (0.20)
0.006 0.001 -0.09
(1.68) (0.02) (0.14)
Period R EPI P(-1)
Absolute Prices
1975 : 4 0.01 0.01
1989 : 6 (7.67) (9.87)
0.002 0.001 0.88
(1.51) (3.20) (25.6)
Price Changes
1975 : 5 -0.0 -0.0
1989 : 6 (0.25) (0.48)
-0.0 -0.001 0.024
(0.23) (0.93) (0.31)
Period Dummies [[bar.R.sup.2] DW
Absolute Prices
1975 : 4 0.990 0.63
1989 : 6
0.998 2.07
Price Changes
1975 : 5 0.022 1.91
1989 : 6
0.024 1.96